LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/xmloff/source/forms - layerimport.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 97 203 47.8 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 8 21 38.1 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include "layerimport.hxx"
      21             : #include "formenums.hxx"
      22             : #include "elementimport.hxx"
      23             : #include "officeforms.hxx"
      24             : #include "strings.hxx"
      25             : #include <xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx>
      26             : #include <xmloff/xmlstyle.hxx>
      27             : #include <xmloff/families.hxx>
      28             : #include <xmloff/xmlprmap.hxx>
      29             : #include <xmloff/prstylei.hxx>
      30             : #include <xmloff/xmlimp.hxx>
      31             : #include "XMLEventImportHelper.hxx"
      32             : #include <xmloff/xmlimppr.hxx>
      33             : #include <xmloff/xmlnumfi.hxx>
      34             : #include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormatsSupplier.hpp>
      35             : #include <com/sun/star/form/FormSubmitEncoding.hpp>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/form/FormSubmitMethod.hpp>
      37             : #include <com/sun/star/sdb/CommandType.hpp>
      38             : #include <com/sun/star/form/NavigationBarMode.hpp>
      39             : #include <com/sun/star/form/TabulatorCycle.hpp>
      40             : #include <com/sun/star/form/FormButtonType.hpp>
      41             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/ScrollBarOrientation.hpp>
      42             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/VisualEffect.hpp>
      43             : #include <com/sun/star/form/ListSourceType.hpp>
      44             : #include <tools/wintypes.hxx>       // for check states
      45             : #include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
      46             : #include <xmloff/controlpropertyhdl.hxx>
      47             : #include "controlpropertymap.hxx"
      48             : #include "formevents.hxx"
      49             : #include "formcellbinding.hxx"
      50             : #include "xmloff/xformsimport.hxx"
      51             : #include <xmloff/xmltoken.hxx>
      52             : #include "xmloff/xmlnmspe.hxx"
      53             : #include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
      54             : #include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
      55             : #include <algorithm>
      56             : 
      57             : SV_IMPL_REF( SvXMLStylesContext );
      58             : 
      59             : //.........................................................................
      60             : namespace xmloff
      61             : {
      62             : //.........................................................................
      63             : 
      64             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      65             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
      66             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
      67             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
      68             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
      69             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
      70             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      71             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
      72             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::form;
      73             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb;
      74             : 
      75             : //=====================================================================
      76             : //= OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl
      77             : //=====================================================================
      78             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
      79          82 : OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl(SvXMLImport& _rImporter)
      80             :     :m_rImporter(_rImporter)
      81          82 :     ,m_pAutoStyles(NULL)
      82             : {
      83             :     // build the attribute2property map
      84             :     // string properties which are exported as attributes
      85             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      86          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_NAME), PROPERTY_NAME);
      87             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      88          82 :             OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_GROUP_NAME), PROPERTY_GROUP_NAME);
      89             :         m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      90          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_IMAGE_DATA), PROPERTY_IMAGEURL);
      91             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      92          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_LABEL), PROPERTY_LABEL);
      93             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      94          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TARGET_LOCATION), PROPERTY_TARGETURL);
      95             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      96          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TITLE), PROPERTY_TITLE);
      97             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
      98          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TARGET_FRAME), PROPERTY_TARGETFRAME, "_blank");
      99             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
     100          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getDatabaseAttributeName(DA_DATA_FIELD), PROPERTY_DATAFIELD);
     101             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
     102          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faCommand), PROPERTY_COMMAND);
     103             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
     104          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faDatasource), PROPERTY_DATASOURCENAME);
     105             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
     106          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faFilter), PROPERTY_FILTER);
     107             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addStringProperty(
     108          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faOrder), PROPERTY_ORDER);
     109             : 
     110             :     // properties not added because they're already present in another form
     111             :     OSL_ENSURE(
     112             :         0 == ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TARGET_LOCATION)).compareToAscii(
     113             :             OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faAction)),
     114             :         "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl: invalid attribute names (1)!");
     115             :         // if this fails, we would have to add a translation from faAction->PROPERTY_TARGETURL
     116             :         // We did not because we already have one CCA_TARGET_LOCATION->PROPERTY_TARGETURL,
     117             :         // and CCA_TARGET_LOCATION and faAction should be represented by the same attribute
     118             : 
     119             :     OSL_ENSURE(
     120             :         0 == ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_NAME)).compareToAscii(
     121             :             OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faName)),
     122             :         "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl: invalid attribute names (2)!");
     123             :         // the same for faName, CCA_NAME and PROPERTY_NAME
     124             : 
     125             :     // boolean properties which are exported as attributes
     126             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     127          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_CURRENT_SELECTED), PROPERTY_STATE, sal_False);
     128             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     129          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_DISABLED), PROPERTY_ENABLED, sal_False, sal_True);
     130             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     131          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_DROPDOWN), PROPERTY_DROPDOWN, sal_False);
     132             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     133          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_PRINTABLE), PROPERTY_PRINTABLE, sal_True);
     134             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     135          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_READONLY), PROPERTY_READONLY, sal_False);
     136             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     137          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_SELECTED), PROPERTY_DEFAULT_STATE, sal_False);
     138             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     139          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TAB_STOP), PROPERTY_TABSTOP, sal_True);
     140             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     141          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getDatabaseAttributeName(DA_CONVERT_EMPTY), PROPERTY_EMPTY_IS_NULL, sal_False);
     142             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     143          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_VALIDATION), PROPERTY_STRICTFORMAT, sal_False);
     144             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     145          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_MULTI_LINE), PROPERTY_MULTILINE, sal_False);
     146             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     147          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_AUTOMATIC_COMPLETION), PROPERTY_AUTOCOMPLETE, sal_False);
     148             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     149          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_MULTIPLE), PROPERTY_MULTISELECTION, sal_False);
     150             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     151          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_DEFAULT_BUTTON), PROPERTY_DEFAULTBUTTON, sal_False);
     152             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     153          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_IS_TRISTATE), PROPERTY_TRISTATE, sal_False);
     154             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     155          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faAllowDeletes), PROPERTY_ALLOWDELETES, sal_True);
     156             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     157          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faAllowInserts), PROPERTY_ALLOWINSERTS, sal_True);
     158             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     159          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faAllowUpdates), PROPERTY_ALLOWUPDATES, sal_True);
     160             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     161          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faApplyFilter), PROPERTY_APPLYFILTER, sal_False);
     162             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     163          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faEscapeProcessing), PROPERTY_ESCAPEPROCESSING, sal_True);
     164             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     165          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faIgnoreResult), PROPERTY_IGNORERESULT, sal_False);
     166             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     167          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName( SCA_TOGGLE ), PROPERTY_TOGGLE, sal_False );
     168             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     169          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName( SCA_FOCUS_ON_CLICK ), PROPERTY_FOCUS_ON_CLICK, sal_True );
     170             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addBooleanProperty(
     171          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getDatabaseAttributeName( DA_INPUT_REQUIRED ), PROPERTY_INPUT_REQUIRED, sal_False );
     172             : 
     173             :     // the int16 attributes
     174             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addInt16Property(
     175          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_MAX_LENGTH), PROPERTY_MAXTEXTLENGTH, 0);
     176             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addInt16Property(
     177          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_SIZE), PROPERTY_LINECOUNT, 5);
     178             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addInt16Property(
     179          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_TAB_INDEX), PROPERTY_TABINDEX, 0);
     180             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addInt16Property(
     181          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getDatabaseAttributeName(DA_BOUND_COLUMN), PROPERTY_BOUNDCOLUMN, 0);
     182             : 
     183             :     // the int32 attributes
     184             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addInt32Property(
     185          82 :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName( SCA_PAGE_STEP_SIZE ), PROPERTY_BLOCK_INCREMENT, 10 );
     186             : 
     187             :     // the enum attributes
     188             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     189             :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName( CCA_VISUAL_EFFECT ), PROPERTY_VISUAL_EFFECT,
     190             :         VisualEffect::LOOK3D, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap( OEnumMapper::epVisualEffect ),
     191          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast< sal_Int16* >( NULL ) ) );
     192             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     193             :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName( CCA_ORIENTATION ), PROPERTY_ORIENTATION,
     194             :         ScrollBarOrientation::HORIZONTAL, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap( OEnumMapper::epOrientation ),
     195          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast< sal_Int32* >( NULL ) ) );
     196             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     197             :         OAttributeMetaData::getCommonControlAttributeName(CCA_BUTTON_TYPE), PROPERTY_BUTTONTYPE,
     198             :         FormButtonType_PUSH, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epButtonType),
     199          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<FormButtonType*>(NULL) ));
     200             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     201             :         OAttributeMetaData::getDatabaseAttributeName(DA_LIST_SOURCE_TYPE), PROPERTY_LISTSOURCETYPE,
     202             :         ListSourceType_VALUELIST, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epListSourceType),
     203          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<ListSourceType*>(NULL) ));
     204             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     205             :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_STATE), PROPERTY_DEFAULT_STATE, STATE_NOCHECK,
     206             :         OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epCheckState),
     207          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast< sal_Int16* >(NULL)));
     208             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     209             :         OAttributeMetaData::getSpecialAttributeName(SCA_CURRENT_STATE), PROPERTY_STATE, STATE_NOCHECK,
     210             :         OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epCheckState),
     211          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast< sal_Int16* >(NULL)));
     212             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     213             :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faEnctype), PROPERTY_SUBMIT_ENCODING,
     214             :         FormSubmitEncoding_URL, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epSubmitEncoding),
     215          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<FormSubmitEncoding*>(NULL) ));
     216             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     217             :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faMethod), PROPERTY_SUBMIT_METHOD,
     218             :         FormSubmitMethod_GET, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epSubmitMethod),
     219          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<FormSubmitMethod*>(NULL) ));
     220             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     221             :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faCommandType), PROPERTY_COMMAND_TYPE,
     222          82 :         CommandType::COMMAND, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epCommandType));
     223             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     224             :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faNavigationMode), PROPERTY_NAVIGATION,
     225             :         NavigationBarMode_NONE, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epNavigationType),
     226          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<NavigationBarMode*>(NULL) ));
     227             :     m_aAttributeMetaData.addEnumProperty(
     228             :         OAttributeMetaData::getFormAttributeName(faTabbingCycle), PROPERTY_CYCLE,
     229             :         TabulatorCycle_RECORDS, OEnumMapper::getEnumMap(OEnumMapper::epTabCyle),
     230          82 :         &::getCppuType( static_cast<TabulatorCycle*>(NULL) ));
     231             : 
     232             :     // 'initialize'
     233          82 :     m_aCurrentPageIds = m_aControlIds.end();
     234          82 : }
     235             : 
     236             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     237         246 : OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::~OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl()
     238             : {
     239             :     // outlined to allow forward declaration of OAttribute2Property in the header
     240             : 
     241          82 :     if (m_pAutoStyles)
     242          82 :         m_pAutoStyles->ReleaseRef();
     243         164 : }
     244             : 
     245             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     246          82 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::setAutoStyleContext(SvXMLStylesContext* _pNewContext)
     247             : {
     248             :     OSL_ENSURE(!m_pAutoStyles, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::setAutoStyleContext: not to be called twice!");
     249          82 :     m_pAutoStyles = _pNewContext;
     250          82 :     if (m_pAutoStyles)
     251          82 :         m_pAutoStyles->AddRef();
     252          82 : }
     253             : 
     254             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     255           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle(const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel, const ::rtl::OUString& _rControlNumerStyleName)
     256             : {
     257             :     OSL_ENSURE( && (!_rControlNumerStyleName.isEmpty()),
     258             :         "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: invalid arguments (this will crash)!");
     259             : 
     260             :     OSL_ENSURE(m_pAutoStyles, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: have no auto style context!");
     261           0 :     if (!m_pAutoStyles)
     262             :     {
     263           0 :         m_pAutoStyles = m_rImporter.GetShapeImport()->GetAutoStylesContext();
     264           0 :         if (m_pAutoStyles)
     265           0 :             m_pAutoStyles->AddRef();
     266             :     }
     267             : 
     268           0 :     if (m_pAutoStyles)
     269             :     {
     270           0 :         const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = m_pAutoStyles->FindStyleChildContext(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_DATA_STYLE, _rControlNumerStyleName);
     271           0 :         if (pStyle)
     272             :         {
     273           0 :             const SvXMLNumFormatContext* pDataStyle = static_cast<const SvXMLNumFormatContext*>(pStyle);
     274             : 
     275             :             // set this format at the control model
     276             :             try
     277             :             {
     278             :                 // the models number format supplier and formats
     279           0 :                 Reference< XNumberFormatsSupplier > xFormatsSupplier;
     280           0 :                 _rxControlModel->getPropertyValue(PROPERTY_FORMATSSUPPLIER) >>= xFormatsSupplier;
     281           0 :                 Reference< XNumberFormats > xFormats;
     282           0 :                 if (
     283           0 :                     xFormats = xFormatsSupplier->getNumberFormats();
     284             :                 OSL_ENSURE(, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: could not obtain the controls number formats!");
     285             : 
     286             :                 // obtain a key
     287           0 :                 if (
     288             :                 {
     289           0 :                     sal_Int32 nFormatKey = const_cast<SvXMLNumFormatContext*>(pDataStyle)->CreateAndInsert( xFormatsSupplier );
     290             :                     OSL_ENSURE(-1 != nFormatKey, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: could not obtain a format key!");
     291             : 
     292             :                     // set the format on the control model
     293           0 :                     _rxControlModel->setPropertyValue(PROPERTY_FORMATKEY, makeAny(nFormatKey));
     294           0 :                 }
     295             :             }
     296           0 :             catch(const Exception&)
     297             :             {
     298             :                 OSL_FAIL("OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: couldn't set the format!");
     299             :             }
     300             :         }
     301             :         else
     302             :             OSL_FAIL("OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::applyControlNumberStyle: did not find the style with the given name!");
     303             :     }
     304           0 : }
     305             : 
     306             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     307           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerCellValueBinding( const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel, const ::rtl::OUString& _rCellAddress )
     308             : {
     309             :     OSL_ENSURE( && !_rCellAddress.isEmpty(),
     310             :         "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerCellValueBinding: invalid arguments!" );
     311           0 :     m_aCellValueBindings.push_back( ModelStringPair( _rxControlModel, _rCellAddress ) );
     312           0 : }
     313             : 
     314             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     315           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerXFormsValueBinding(
     316             :     const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel,
     317             :     const ::rtl::OUString& _rBindingID )
     318             : {
     319             :     // TODO: is an empty binding name allowed?
     320             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "need  model" );
     321             : 
     322             :     m_aXFormsValueBindings.push_back(
     323           0 :         ModelStringPair( _rxControlModel, _rBindingID ) );
     324           0 : }
     325             : 
     326             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     327           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerXFormsListBinding(
     328             :     const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel,
     329             :     const ::rtl::OUString& _rBindingID )
     330             : {
     331             :     // TODO: is an empty binding name allowed?
     332             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "need  model" );
     333             : 
     334             :     m_aXFormsListBindings.push_back(
     335           0 :         ModelStringPair( _rxControlModel, _rBindingID ) );
     336           0 : }
     337             : 
     338             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     339           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerXFormsSubmission(
     340             :     const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel,
     341             :     const ::rtl::OUString& _rSubmissionID )
     342             : {
     343             :     // TODO: is an empty binding name allowed?
     344             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "need  model" );
     345             : 
     346             :     m_aXFormsSubmissions.push_back(
     347           0 :         ModelStringPair( _rxControlModel, _rSubmissionID ) );
     348           0 : }
     349             : 
     350             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     351           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerCellRangeListSource( const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControlModel, const ::rtl::OUString& _rCellRangeAddress )
     352             : {
     353             :     OSL_ENSURE( && !_rCellRangeAddress.isEmpty(),
     354             :         "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerCellRangeListSource: invalid arguments!" );
     355           0 :     m_aCellRangeListSources.push_back( ModelStringPair( _rxControlModel, _rCellRangeAddress ) );
     356           0 : }
     357             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     358           0 : const SvXMLStyleContext* OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::getStyleElement(const ::rtl::OUString& _rStyleName) const
     359             : {
     360             :     OSL_ENSURE( m_pAutoStyles, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::getStyleElement: have no auto style context!" );
     361             :         // did you use setAutoStyleContext?
     362             : 
     363             :     const SvXMLStyleContext* pControlStyle =
     364           0 :         m_pAutoStyles ? m_pAutoStyles->FindStyleChildContext( XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, _rStyleName ) : NULL;
     365             :     OSL_ENSURE( pControlStyle || !m_pAutoStyles,
     366             :                 ::rtl::OStringBuffer("OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::getStyleElement: did not find the style named \"").append(rtl::OUStringToOString(_rStyleName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US)).append("\"!").getStr() );
     367           0 :     return pControlStyle;
     368             : }
     369             : 
     370             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     371           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::enterEventContext()
     372             : {
     373             :     // install our own translation table. We need to disable the other tables because of name conflicts.
     374           0 :     m_rImporter.GetEventImport().PushTranslationTable();
     375           0 :     m_rImporter.GetEventImport().AddTranslationTable(g_pFormsEventTranslation);
     376           0 : }
     377             : 
     378             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     379           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::leaveEventContext()
     380             : {
     381             :     // install the original event tables.
     382           0 :     m_rImporter.GetEventImport().PopTranslationTable();
     383           0 : }
     384             : 
     385             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     386           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlId(const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControl, const ::rtl::OUString& _rId)
     387             : {
     388             :     OSL_ENSURE(m_aCurrentPageIds != m_aControlIds.end(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlId: no current page!");
     389             :     OSL_ENSURE(!_rId.isEmpty(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlId: invalid (empty) control id!");
     390             : 
     391             :     OSL_ENSURE(m_aCurrentPageIds->second.end() == m_aCurrentPageIds->second.find(_rId), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlId: control id already used!");
     392           0 :     m_aCurrentPageIds->second[_rId] = _rxControl;
     393           0 : }
     394             : 
     395             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     396           0 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlReferences(const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxControl, const ::rtl::OUString& _rReferringControls)
     397             : {
     398             :     OSL_ENSURE(!_rReferringControls.isEmpty(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlReferences: invalid (empty) control id list!");
     399             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::registerControlReferences: invalid (NULL) control!");
     400           0 :     m_aControlReferences.push_back( ModelStringPair( _rxControl, _rReferringControls ) );
     401           0 : }
     402             : 
     403             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     404          55 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::startPage(const Reference< XDrawPage >& _rxDrawPage)
     405             : {
     406          55 :     m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp.clear();
     407             : 
     408             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::startPage: NULL page!");
     409          55 :     m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp = m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp.query( _rxDrawPage );
     410             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::startPage: invalid draw page (no XFormsSupplier)!" );
     411          55 :     if ( ! )
     412          55 :         return;
     413             : 
     414             :     // add a new entry to our page map
     415          55 :     ::std::pair< MapDrawPage2MapIterator, bool > aPagePosition;
     416             :     aPagePosition =
     417          55 :         m_aControlIds.insert(MapDrawPage2Map::value_type(_rxDrawPage, MapString2PropertySet()));
     418             :     OSL_ENSURE(aPagePosition.second, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::startPage: already imported this page!");
     419          55 :     m_aCurrentPageIds = aPagePosition.first;
     420             : }
     421             : 
     422             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     423          55 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::endPage()
     424             : {
     425             :     OSL_ENSURE(, "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::endPage: sure you called startPage before?" );
     426             : 
     427             :     // do some knittings for the controls which are referring to each other
     428             :     try
     429             :     {
     430             :         static const sal_Unicode s_nSeparator = ',';
     431          55 :         ::rtl::OUString sReferring;
     432          55 :         ::rtl::OUString sCurrentReferring;
     433          55 :         ::rtl::OUString sSeparator(&s_nSeparator, 1);
     434          55 :         Reference< XPropertySet > xCurrentReferring;
     435             :         sal_Int32 nSeparator, nPrevSep;
     436          55 :         ::std::vector< ModelStringPair >::const_iterator aEnd = m_aControlReferences.end();
     437          55 :         for (   ::std::vector< ModelStringPair >::const_iterator aReferences = m_aControlReferences.begin();
     438             :                 aReferences != aEnd;
     439             :                 ++aReferences
     440             :             )
     441             :         {
     442             :             // the list of control ids is comma separated
     443             : 
     444             :             // in a list of n ids there are only n-1 separators ... have to catch this last id
     445             :             // -> normalize the list
     446           0 :             sReferring = aReferences->second;
     447           0 :             sReferring += sSeparator;
     448             : 
     449           0 :             nPrevSep = -1;
     450           0 :             while (-1 != (nSeparator = sReferring.indexOf(s_nSeparator, nPrevSep + 1)))
     451             :             {
     452           0 :                 sCurrentReferring = sReferring.copy(nPrevSep + 1, nSeparator - nPrevSep - 1);
     453           0 :                 xCurrentReferring = lookupControlId(sCurrentReferring);
     454           0 :                 if (
     455             :                     // if this condition fails, this is an error, but lookupControlId should have asserted this ...
     456           0 :                     xCurrentReferring->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_CONTROLLABEL, makeAny( aReferences->first ) );
     457             : 
     458           0 :                 nPrevSep = nSeparator;
     459             :             }
     460          55 :         }
     461             :     }
     462           0 :     catch(Exception&)
     463             :     {
     464             :         OSL_FAIL("OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::endPage: unable to knit the control references (caught an exception)!");
     465             :     }
     466             : 
     467             :     // now that we have all children of the forms collection, attach the events
     468          55 :     Reference< XIndexAccess > xIndexContainer;
     469          55 :     if ( && m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp->hasForms() )
     470           0 :         xIndexContainer = xIndexContainer.query( m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp->getForms() );
     471          55 :     if ( )
     472           0 :         ODefaultEventAttacherManager::setEvents( xIndexContainer );
     473             : 
     474             :     // clear the structures for the control references.
     475          55 :     m_aControlReferences.clear();
     476             : 
     477             :     // and no we have no current page anymore
     478          55 :     m_aCurrentPageIds = m_aControlIds.end();
     479          55 : }
     480             : 
     481             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     482           0 : Reference< XPropertySet > OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::lookupControlId(const ::rtl::OUString& _rControlId)
     483             : {
     484             :     OSL_ENSURE(m_aCurrentPageIds != m_aControlIds.end(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::lookupControlId: no current page!");
     485           0 :     Reference< XPropertySet > xReturn;
     486           0 :     if (m_aCurrentPageIds != m_aControlIds.end())
     487             :     {
     488           0 :         ConstMapString2PropertySetIterator aPos = m_aCurrentPageIds->second.find(_rControlId);
     489           0 :         if (m_aCurrentPageIds->second.end() != aPos)
     490           0 :             xReturn = aPos->second;
     491             :         else
     492             :             OSL_FAIL("OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::lookupControlId: invalid control id (did not find it)!");
     493             :     }
     494           0 :     return xReturn;
     495             : }
     496             : 
     497             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     498           2 : SvXMLImportContext* OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::createOfficeFormsContext(
     499             :     SvXMLImport& _rImport,
     500             :     sal_uInt16 _nPrefix,
     501             :     const rtl::OUString& _rLocalName)
     502             : {
     503           2 :     return new OFormsRootImport( _rImport, _nPrefix, _rLocalName );
     504             : }
     505             : 
     506             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     507           0 : SvXMLImportContext* OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::createContext(const sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const rtl::OUString& _rLocalName,
     508             :     const Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList >&)
     509             : {
     510           0 :     SvXMLImportContext* pContext = NULL;
     511           0 :     if ( 0 == _rLocalName.compareToAscii( "form" ) )
     512             :     {
     513           0 :         if ( )
     514           0 :             pContext = new OFormImport(*this, *this, _nPrefix, _rLocalName, m_xCurrentPageFormsSupp->getForms() );
     515             :     }
     516           0 :     else if (  ( _nPrefix == XML_NAMESPACE_XFORMS
     517           0 :             && ( xmloff::token::IsXMLToken( _rLocalName, xmloff::token::XML_MODEL ) ) )
     518             :             )
     519             :     {
     520           0 :         pContext = createXFormsModelContext( m_rImporter, _nPrefix, _rLocalName );
     521             :     }
     522             : 
     523           0 :     if ( !pContext )
     524             :     {
     525             :         OSL_FAIL( "unknown element" );
     526             :         pContext =
     527           0 :             new SvXMLImportContext(m_rImporter, _nPrefix, _rLocalName);
     528             :     }
     529             : 
     530           0 :     return pContext;
     531             : }
     532             : 
     533             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------
     534          82 : void OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::documentDone( )
     535             : {
     536          82 :     SvXMLImport& rImport = getGlobalContext();
     537          82 :     if ( ( rImport.getImportFlags() & IMPORT_CONTENT ) == 0 )
     538         123 :         return;
     539             : 
     540             :     // create (and bind) the spreadsheet cell bindings
     541          41 :     if  (   !m_aCellValueBindings.empty()
     542           0 :         &&  FormCellBindingHelper::isCellBindingAllowed( rImport.GetModel() )
     543             :         )
     544             :     {
     545           0 :         static ::rtl::OUString s_sIndex( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ":index" ) );
     546           0 :         ::std::vector< ModelStringPair >::const_iterator aEnd = m_aCellValueBindings.end();
     547           0 :         for (   ::std::vector< ModelStringPair >::const_iterator aCellBindings = m_aCellValueBindings.begin();
     548             :                 aCellBindings != aEnd;
     549             :                 ++aCellBindings
     550             :             )
     551             :         {
     552             :             try
     553             :             {
     554           0 :                 FormCellBindingHelper aHelper( aCellBindings->first, rImport.GetModel() );
     555             :                 OSL_ENSURE( aHelper.isCellBindingAllowed(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::documentDone: can't bind this control model!" );
     556           0 :                 if ( aHelper.isCellBindingAllowed() )
     557             :                 {
     558             :                     // There are special bindings for listboxes. See
     559             :                     // OListAndComboImport::doRegisterCellValueBinding for a comment on this HACK.
     560           0 :                     ::rtl::OUString sBoundCellAddress( aCellBindings->second );
     561           0 :                     sal_Int32 nIndicator = sBoundCellAddress.lastIndexOf( s_sIndex );
     562             : 
     563           0 :                     bool bUseIndexBinding = false;
     564           0 :                     if ( nIndicator != -1 )
     565             :                     {
     566           0 :                         sBoundCellAddress = sBoundCellAddress.copy( 0, nIndicator );
     567           0 :                         bUseIndexBinding = true;
     568             :                     }
     569             : 
     570           0 :                     aHelper.setBinding( aHelper.createCellBindingFromStringAddress( sBoundCellAddress, bUseIndexBinding ) );
     571           0 :                 }
     572             :             }
     573           0 :             catch( const Exception& )
     574             :             {
     575             :                 OSL_FAIL( "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::documentDone: caught an exception while binding to a cell!" );
     576             :             }
     577             :         }
     578           0 :         m_aCellValueBindings.clear();
     579             :     }
     580             : 
     581             :     // the same for the spreadsheet cell range list sources
     582          41 :     if  (   !m_aCellRangeListSources.empty()
     583           0 :         &&  FormCellBindingHelper::isListCellRangeAllowed( rImport.GetModel() )
     584             :         )
     585             :     {
     586           0 :         for (   ::std::vector< ModelStringPair >::const_iterator aRangeBindings = m_aCellRangeListSources.begin();
     587           0 :                 aRangeBindings != m_aCellRangeListSources.end();
     588             :                 ++aRangeBindings
     589             :             )
     590             :         {
     591             :             try
     592             :             {
     593           0 :                 FormCellBindingHelper aHelper( aRangeBindings->first, rImport.GetModel() );
     594             :                 OSL_ENSURE( aHelper.isListCellRangeAllowed(), "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::documentDone: can't bind this control model!" );
     595           0 :                 if ( aHelper.isListCellRangeAllowed() )
     596             :                 {
     597           0 :                     aHelper.setListSource( aHelper.createCellListSourceFromStringAddress( aRangeBindings->second ) );
     598           0 :                 }
     599             :             }
     600           0 :             catch( const Exception& )
     601             :             {
     602             :                 OSL_FAIL( "OFormLayerXMLImport_Impl::documentDone: caught an exception while binding to a cell range!" );
     603             :             }
     604             :         }
     605           0 :         m_aCellRangeListSources.clear();
     606             :     }
     607             : 
     608             :     // process XForms-bindings; call registerXFormsValueBinding for each
     609             :     std::for_each( m_aXFormsValueBindings.begin(),
     610             :                    m_aXFormsValueBindings.end(),
     611             :                    bind1st( ptr_fun( bindXFormsValueBinding ),
     612          41 :                             rImport.GetModel() ) );
     613             :     // same for list bindings
     614             :     std::for_each( m_aXFormsListBindings.begin(),
     615             :                    m_aXFormsListBindings.end(),
     616             :                    bind1st( ptr_fun( bindXFormsListBinding ),
     617          41 :                             rImport.GetModel() ) );
     618             :     // same for submissions
     619             :     std::for_each( m_aXFormsSubmissions.begin(),
     620             :                    m_aXFormsSubmissions.end(),
     621             :                    bind1st( ptr_fun( bindXFormsSubmission ),
     622          41 :                             rImport.GetModel() ) );
     623             : }
     624             : 
     625             : //.........................................................................
     626             : }   // namespace xmloff
     627             : //.........................................................................
     628             : 
     629             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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