LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - editeng/source/editeng - impedit5.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit c8344322a7af75b84dd3ca8f78b05543a976dfd5 Lines: 259 407 63.6 %
Date: 2015-06-13 12:38:46 Functions: 22 37 59.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
      21             : #include <vcl/dialog.hxx>
      22             : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
      23             : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
      24             : #include <impedit.hxx>
      25             : #include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
      26             : #include <editdbg.hxx>
      27             : #include <svl/smplhint.hxx>
      28             : #include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
      29             : 
      30       34085 : void ImpEditEngine::SetStyleSheetPool( SfxStyleSheetPool* pSPool )
      31             : {
      32       34085 :     if ( pStylePool != pSPool )
      33             :     {
      34        5334 :         pStylePool = pSPool;
      35             :     }
      36       34085 : }
      37             : 
      38           0 : const SfxStyleSheet* ImpEditEngine::GetStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
      39             : {
      40           0 :     const ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
      41           0 :     return pNode ? pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetStyleSheet() : NULL;
      42             : }
      43             : 
      44       29997 : SfxStyleSheet* ImpEditEngine::GetStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara )
      45             : {
      46       29997 :     ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
      47       29997 :     return pNode ? pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetStyleSheet() : NULL;
      48             : }
      49             : 
      50           0 : void ImpEditEngine::SetStyleSheet( EditSelection aSel, SfxStyleSheet* pStyle )
      51             : {
      52           0 :     aSel.Adjust( aEditDoc );
      53             : 
      54           0 :     sal_Int32 nStartPara = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Min().GetNode() );
      55           0 :     sal_Int32 nEndPara = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Max().GetNode() );
      56             : 
      57           0 :     bool _bUpdate = GetUpdateMode();
      58           0 :     SetUpdateMode( false );
      59             : 
      60           0 :     for ( sal_Int32 n = nStartPara; n <= nEndPara; n++ )
      61           0 :         SetStyleSheet( n, pStyle );
      62             : 
      63           0 :     SetUpdateMode( _bUpdate, 0 );
      64           0 : }
      65             : 
      66       84287 : void ImpEditEngine::SetStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara, SfxStyleSheet* pStyle )
      67             : {
      68             :     DBG_ASSERT( GetStyleSheetPool() || !pStyle, "SetStyleSheet: No StyleSheetPool registered!" );
      69       84287 :     ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
      70       84287 :     SfxStyleSheet* pCurStyle = pNode->GetStyleSheet();
      71       84287 :     if ( pStyle != pCurStyle )
      72             :     {
      73       67065 :         if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() && aStatus.DoUndoAttribs() )
      74             :         {
      75        8431 :             OUString aPrevStyleName;
      76        8431 :             if ( pCurStyle )
      77        6353 :                 aPrevStyleName = pCurStyle->GetName();
      78             : 
      79       16862 :             OUString aNewStyleName;
      80        8431 :             if ( pStyle )
      81        8431 :                 aNewStyleName = pStyle->GetName();
      82             : 
      83             :             InsertUndo(
      84        8431 :                 new EditUndoSetStyleSheet(pEditEngine, aEditDoc.GetPos( pNode ),
      85        6353 :                         aPrevStyleName, pCurStyle ? pCurStyle->GetFamily() : SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA,
      86        8431 :                         aNewStyleName, pStyle ? pStyle->GetFamily() : SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA,
      87       31646 :                         pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems() ) );
      88             :         }
      89       67065 :         if ( pCurStyle )
      90        6756 :             EndListening( *pCurStyle, false );
      91       67065 :         pNode->SetStyleSheet( pStyle, aStatus.UseCharAttribs() );
      92       67065 :         if ( pStyle )
      93       67065 :             StartListening( *pStyle, false );
      94       67065 :         ParaAttribsChanged( pNode );
      95             :     }
      96       84287 :     FormatAndUpdate();
      97       84287 : }
      98             : 
      99           0 : void ImpEditEngine::UpdateParagraphsWithStyleSheet( SfxStyleSheet* pStyle )
     100             : {
     101           0 :     SvxFont aFontFromStyle;
     102           0 :     CreateFont( aFontFromStyle, pStyle->GetItemSet() );
     103             : 
     104           0 :     bool bUsed = false;
     105           0 :     for ( sal_Int32 nNode = 0; nNode < aEditDoc.Count(); nNode++ )
     106             :     {
     107           0 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode );
     108           0 :         if ( pNode->GetStyleSheet() == pStyle )
     109             :         {
     110           0 :             bUsed = true;
     111           0 :             if ( aStatus.UseCharAttribs() )
     112           0 :                 pNode->SetStyleSheet( pStyle, aFontFromStyle );
     113             :             else
     114           0 :                 pNode->SetStyleSheet( pStyle, false );
     115             : 
     116           0 :             ParaAttribsChanged( pNode );
     117             :         }
     118             :     }
     119           0 :     if ( bUsed )
     120             :     {
     121           0 :         GetEditEnginePtr()->StyleSheetChanged( pStyle );
     122           0 :         FormatAndUpdate();
     123           0 :     }
     124           0 : }
     125             : 
     126           0 : void ImpEditEngine::RemoveStyleFromParagraphs( SfxStyleSheet* pStyle )
     127             : {
     128           0 :     for ( sal_Int32 nNode = 0; nNode < aEditDoc.Count(); nNode++ )
     129             :     {
     130           0 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject(nNode);
     131           0 :         if ( pNode->GetStyleSheet() == pStyle )
     132             :         {
     133           0 :             pNode->SetStyleSheet( NULL );
     134           0 :             ParaAttribsChanged( pNode );
     135             :         }
     136             :     }
     137           0 :     FormatAndUpdate();
     138           0 : }
     139             : 
     140           0 : void ImpEditEngine::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint )
     141             : {
     142             :     // So that not a lot of unnecessary formatting is done when destructing:
     143           0 :     if ( !bDowning )
     144             :     {
     145             : 
     146           0 :         SfxStyleSheet* pStyle = NULL;
     147           0 :         sal_uLong nId = 0;
     148             : 
     149           0 :         const SfxStyleSheetHint* pStyleSheetHint = dynamic_cast<const SfxStyleSheetHint*>(&rHint);
     150           0 :         if ( pStyleSheetHint )
     151             :         {
     152             :             DBG_ASSERT( pStyleSheetHint->GetStyleSheet()->ISA( SfxStyleSheet ), "No SfxStyleSheet!" );
     153           0 :             pStyle = static_cast<SfxStyleSheet*>( pStyleSheetHint->GetStyleSheet() );
     154           0 :             nId = pStyleSheetHint->GetHint();
     155             :         }
     156           0 :         else if ( dynamic_cast<const SfxSimpleHint*>(&rHint) && rBC.ISA( SfxStyleSheet ) )
     157             :         {
     158           0 :             pStyle = static_cast<SfxStyleSheet*>(&rBC);
     159           0 :             nId = dynamic_cast<const SfxSimpleHint*>(&rHint)->GetId();
     160             :         }
     161             : 
     162           0 :         if ( pStyle )
     163             :         {
     164           0 :             if ( ( nId == SFX_HINT_DYING ) ||
     165           0 :                  ( nId == SfxStyleSheetHintId::INDESTRUCTION ) ||
     166             :                  ( nId == SfxStyleSheetHintId::ERASED ) )
     167             :             {
     168           0 :                 RemoveStyleFromParagraphs( pStyle );
     169             :             }
     170           0 :             else if ( ( nId == SFX_HINT_DATACHANGED ) ||
     171             :                       ( nId == SfxStyleSheetHintId::MODIFIED ) )
     172             :             {
     173           0 :                 UpdateParagraphsWithStyleSheet( pStyle );
     174             :             }
     175             :         }
     176             :     }
     177           0 : }
     178             : 
     179        5929 : EditUndoSetAttribs* ImpEditEngine::CreateAttribUndo( EditSelection aSel, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
     180             : {
     181             :     DBG_ASSERT( !aSel.DbgIsBuggy( aEditDoc ), "CreateAttribUndo: Incorrect selection ");
     182        5929 :     aSel.Adjust( aEditDoc );
     183             : 
     184        5929 :     ESelection aESel( CreateESel( aSel ) );
     185             : 
     186        5929 :     sal_Int32 nStartNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Min().GetNode() );
     187        5929 :     sal_Int32 nEndNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Max().GetNode() );
     188             : 
     189             :     DBG_ASSERT( nStartNode <= nEndNode, "CreateAttribUndo: Start > End ?!" );
     190             : 
     191        5929 :     EditUndoSetAttribs* pUndo = NULL;
     192        5929 :     if ( rSet.GetPool() != &aEditDoc.GetItemPool() )
     193             :     {
     194           0 :         SfxItemSet aTmpSet( GetEmptyItemSet() );
     195           0 :         aTmpSet.Put( rSet );
     196           0 :         pUndo = new EditUndoSetAttribs(pEditEngine, aESel, aTmpSet);
     197             :     }
     198             :     else
     199             :     {
     200        5929 :         pUndo = new EditUndoSetAttribs(pEditEngine, aESel, rSet);
     201             :     }
     202             : 
     203        5929 :     SfxItemPool* pPool = pUndo->GetNewAttribs().GetPool();
     204             : 
     205       12245 :     for ( sal_Int32 nPara = nStartNode; nPara <= nEndNode; nPara++ )
     206             :     {
     207        6316 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     208             :         DBG_ASSERT( aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara ), "Node not found: CreateAttribUndo" );
     209        6316 :         ContentAttribsInfo* pInf = new ContentAttribsInfo( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems() );
     210        6316 :         pUndo->AppendContentInfo(pInf);
     211             : 
     212       57139 :         for ( sal_Int32 nAttr = 0; nAttr < pNode->GetCharAttribs().Count(); nAttr++ )
     213             :         {
     214       50823 :             const EditCharAttrib& rAttr = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs()[nAttr];
     215       50823 :             if (rAttr.GetLen())
     216             :             {
     217       41049 :                 EditCharAttrib* pNew = MakeCharAttrib(*pPool, *rAttr.GetItem(), rAttr.GetStart(), rAttr.GetEnd());
     218       41049 :                 pInf->AppendCharAttrib(pNew);
     219             :             }
     220             :         }
     221             :     }
     222        5929 :     return pUndo;
     223             : }
     224             : 
     225           0 : void ImpEditEngine::UndoActionStart( sal_uInt16 nId, const ESelection& aSel )
     226             : {
     227           0 :     if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() )
     228             :     {
     229           0 :         GetUndoManager().EnterListAction( GetEditEnginePtr()->GetUndoComment( nId ), OUString(), nId );
     230             :         DBG_ASSERT( !pUndoMarkSelection, "UndoAction SelectionMarker?" );
     231           0 :         pUndoMarkSelection = new ESelection( aSel );
     232             :     }
     233           0 : }
     234             : 
     235      206011 : void ImpEditEngine::UndoActionStart( sal_uInt16 nId )
     236             : {
     237      206011 :     if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() )
     238             :     {
     239      178618 :         GetUndoManager().EnterListAction( GetEditEnginePtr()->GetUndoComment( nId ), OUString(), nId );
     240             :         DBG_ASSERT( !pUndoMarkSelection, "UndoAction SelectionMarker?" );
     241             :     }
     242      206011 : }
     243             : 
     244      206011 : void ImpEditEngine::UndoActionEnd( sal_uInt16 )
     245             : {
     246      206011 :     if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() )
     247             :     {
     248      178618 :         GetUndoManager().LeaveListAction();
     249      178618 :         delete pUndoMarkSelection;
     250      178618 :         pUndoMarkSelection = NULL;
     251             :     }
     252      206011 : }
     253             : 
     254       82255 : void ImpEditEngine::InsertUndo( EditUndo* pUndo, bool bTryMerge )
     255             : {
     256             :     DBG_ASSERT( !IsInUndo(), "InsertUndo in Undomodus!" );
     257       82255 :     if ( pUndoMarkSelection )
     258             :     {
     259           0 :         EditUndoMarkSelection* pU = new EditUndoMarkSelection(pEditEngine, *pUndoMarkSelection);
     260           0 :         GetUndoManager().AddUndoAction( pU, false );
     261           0 :         delete pUndoMarkSelection;
     262           0 :         pUndoMarkSelection = NULL;
     263             :     }
     264       82255 :     GetUndoManager().AddUndoAction( pUndo, bTryMerge );
     265             : 
     266       82255 :     mbLastTryMerge = bTryMerge;
     267       82255 : }
     268             : 
     269     2040294 : void ImpEditEngine::ResetUndoManager()
     270             : {
     271     2040294 :     if ( HasUndoManager() )
     272     1939513 :         GetUndoManager().Clear();
     273     2040294 : }
     274             : 
     275     2686807 : void ImpEditEngine::EnableUndo( bool bEnable )
     276             : {
     277             :     // When switching the mode Delete list:
     278     2686807 :     if ( bEnable != IsUndoEnabled() )
     279     1381541 :         ResetUndoManager();
     280             : 
     281     2686807 :     bUndoEnabled = bEnable;
     282     2686807 : }
     283             : 
     284           0 : bool ImpEditEngine::Undo( EditView* pView )
     285             : {
     286           0 :     if ( HasUndoManager() && GetUndoManager().GetUndoActionCount() )
     287             :     {
     288           0 :         SetActiveView( pView );
     289           0 :         GetUndoManager().Undo();
     290           0 :         return true;
     291             :     }
     292           0 :     return false;
     293             : }
     294             : 
     295           0 : bool ImpEditEngine::Redo( EditView* pView )
     296             : {
     297           0 :     if ( HasUndoManager() && GetUndoManager().GetRedoActionCount() )
     298             :     {
     299           0 :         SetActiveView( pView );
     300           0 :         GetUndoManager().Redo();
     301           0 :         return true;
     302             :     }
     303           0 :     return false;
     304             : }
     305             : 
     306        4463 : SfxItemSet ImpEditEngine::GetAttribs( EditSelection aSel, EditEngineAttribs nOnlyHardAttrib )
     307             : {
     308             : 
     309        4463 :     aSel.Adjust( aEditDoc );
     310             : 
     311        4463 :     SfxItemSet aCurSet( GetEmptyItemSet() );
     312             : 
     313        4463 :     sal_Int32 nStartNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Min().GetNode() );
     314        4463 :     sal_Int32 nEndNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Max().GetNode() );
     315             : 
     316             :     // iterate over the paragraphs ...
     317        9517 :     for ( sal_Int32 nNode = nStartNode; nNode <= nEndNode; nNode++ )
     318             :     {
     319        5054 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode );
     320             :         DBG_ASSERT( aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode ), "Node not found: GetAttrib" );
     321             : 
     322        5054 :         const sal_Int32 nStartPos = nNode==nStartNode ? aSel.Min().GetIndex() : 0;
     323        5054 :         const sal_Int32 nEndPos = nNode==nEndNode ? aSel.Max().GetIndex() : pNode->Len(); // Can also be == nStart!
     324             : 
     325             :         // Problem: Templates ....
     326             :         // =>  Other way:
     327             :         // 1) Hard character attributes, as usual ...
     328             :         // 2) Examine Style and paragraph attributes only when OFF ...
     329             : 
     330             :         // First the very hard formatting ...
     331        5054 :         EditDoc::FindAttribs( pNode, nStartPos, nEndPos, aCurSet );
     332             : 
     333        5054 :         if( nOnlyHardAttrib != EditEngineAttribs_OnlyHard )
     334             :         {
     335             :             // and then paragraph formatting and template...
     336      251524 :             for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = EE_ITEMS_START; nWhich <= EE_CHAR_END; nWhich++)
     337             :             {
     338      246687 :                 if ( aCurSet.GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::DEFAULT )
     339             :                 {
     340      205116 :                     if ( nOnlyHardAttrib == EditEngineAttribs_All )
     341             :                     {
     342      205116 :                         const SfxPoolItem& rItem = pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( nWhich );
     343      205116 :                         aCurSet.Put( rItem );
     344             :                     }
     345           0 :                     else if ( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::SET )
     346             :                     {
     347           0 :                         const SfxPoolItem& rItem = pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().Get( nWhich );
     348           0 :                         aCurSet.Put( rItem );
     349             :                     }
     350             :                 }
     351       41571 :                 else if ( aCurSet.GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::SET )
     352             :                 {
     353       40885 :                     const SfxPoolItem* pItem = NULL;
     354       40885 :                     if ( nOnlyHardAttrib == EditEngineAttribs_All )
     355             :                     {
     356       40885 :                         pItem = &pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( nWhich );
     357             :                     }
     358           0 :                     else if ( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::SET )
     359             :                     {
     360           0 :                         pItem = &pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().Get( nWhich );
     361             :                     }
     362             :                     // pItem can only be NULL when nOnlyHardAttrib...
     363       40885 :                     if ( !pItem || ( *pItem != aCurSet.Get( nWhich ) ) )
     364             :                     {
     365             :                         // Problem: When Paragraph style with for example font,
     366             :                         // but the Font is hard and completely different,
     367             :                         // wrong in selection  if invalidated....
     368             :                         // => better not invalidate, instead CHANGE!
     369             :                         // It would be better to fill each paragraph with
     370             :                         // a itemset and compare this in large.
     371       15419 :                         if ( nWhich <= EE_PARA_END )
     372          19 :                             aCurSet.InvalidateItem( nWhich );
     373             :                     }
     374             :                 }
     375             :             }
     376             :         }
     377             :     }
     378             : 
     379             :     // fill empty slots with defaults ...
     380        4463 :     if ( nOnlyHardAttrib == EditEngineAttribs_All )
     381             :     {
     382      220792 :         for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = EE_ITEMS_START; nWhich <= EE_CHAR_END; nWhich++ )
     383             :         {
     384      216546 :             if ( aCurSet.GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::DEFAULT )
     385             :             {
     386           0 :                 aCurSet.Put( aEditDoc.GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem( nWhich ) );
     387             :             }
     388             :         }
     389             :     }
     390        4463 :     return aCurSet;
     391             : }
     392             : 
     393             : 
     394       26701 : SfxItemSet ImpEditEngine::GetAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd, GetAttribsFlags nFlags ) const
     395             : {
     396             :     // Optimized function with less Puts(), which cause unnecessary cloning from default items.
     397             :     // If this works, change GetAttribs( EditSelection ) to use this for each paragraph and merge the results!
     398             : 
     399             : 
     400       26701 :     ContentNode* pNode = const_cast<ContentNode*>(aEditDoc.GetObject(nPara));
     401             :     DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "GetAttribs - unknown paragraph!" );
     402             :     DBG_ASSERT( nStart <= nEnd, "getAttribs: Start > End not supported!" );
     403             : 
     404       26701 :     SfxItemSet aAttribs( const_cast<ImpEditEngine*>(this)->GetEmptyItemSet() );
     405             : 
     406       26701 :     if ( pNode )
     407             :     {
     408       26701 :         if ( nEnd > pNode->Len() )
     409           0 :             nEnd = pNode->Len();
     410             : 
     411       26701 :         if ( nStart > nEnd )
     412           0 :             nStart = nEnd;
     413             : 
     414             :         // StyleSheet / Parattribs...
     415             : 
     416       26701 :         if ( pNode->GetStyleSheet() && ( nFlags & GetAttribsFlags::STYLESHEET ) )
     417        9484 :             aAttribs.Set(pNode->GetStyleSheet()->GetItemSet(), true);
     418             : 
     419       26701 :         if ( nFlags & GetAttribsFlags::PARAATTRIBS )
     420       24417 :             aAttribs.Put( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems() );
     421             : 
     422             :         // CharAttribs...
     423             : 
     424       26701 :         if ( nFlags & GetAttribsFlags::CHARATTRIBS )
     425             :         {
     426             :             // Make testing easier...
     427       26701 :             const SfxItemPool& rPool = GetEditDoc().GetItemPool();
     428       26701 :             pNode->GetCharAttribs().OptimizeRanges(const_cast<SfxItemPool&>(rPool));
     429             : 
     430       26701 :             const CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
     431      189682 :             for (size_t nAttr = 0; nAttr < rAttrs.size(); ++nAttr)
     432             :             {
     433      163623 :                 const EditCharAttrib& rAttr = rAttrs[nAttr];
     434             : 
     435      163623 :                 if ( nStart == nEnd )
     436             :                 {
     437      102364 :                     sal_Int32 nCursorPos = nStart;
     438      102364 :                     if ( ( rAttr.GetStart() <= nCursorPos ) && ( rAttr.GetEnd() >= nCursorPos ) )
     439             :                     {
     440             :                         // To be used the attribute has to start BEFORE the position, or it must be a
     441             :                         // new empty attr AT the position, or we are on position 0.
     442      102021 :                         if ( ( rAttr.GetStart() < nCursorPos ) || rAttr.IsEmpty() || !nCursorPos )
     443             :                         {
     444             :                             // maybe this attrib ends here and a new attrib with 0 Len may follow and be valid here,
     445             :                             // but that s no problem, the empty item will come later and win.
     446      102021 :                             aAttribs.Put( *rAttr.GetItem() );
     447             :                         }
     448             :                     }
     449             :                 }
     450             :                 else
     451             :                 {
     452             :                     // Check every attribute covering the area, partial or full.
     453       61259 :                     if ( ( rAttr.GetStart() < nEnd ) && ( rAttr.GetEnd() > nStart ) )
     454             :                     {
     455       52454 :                         if ( ( rAttr.GetStart() <= nStart ) && ( rAttr.GetEnd() >= nEnd ) )
     456             :                         {
     457             :                             // full coverage
     458       51168 :                             aAttribs.Put( *rAttr.GetItem() );
     459             :                         }
     460             :                         else
     461             :                         {
     462             :                             // OptimizeRagnge() assures that not the same attr can follow for full coverage
     463             :                             // only partial, check with current, when using para/styhe, otherwise invalid.
     464        2572 :                             if ( !( nFlags & (GetAttribsFlags::PARAATTRIBS|GetAttribsFlags::STYLESHEET) ) ||
     465        1286 :                                 ( *rAttr.GetItem() != aAttribs.Get( rAttr.Which() ) ) )
     466             :                             {
     467        1242 :                                 aAttribs.InvalidateItem( rAttr.Which() );
     468             :                             }
     469             :                         }
     470             :                     }
     471             :                 }
     472             : 
     473      163623 :                 if ( rAttr.GetStart() > nEnd )
     474             :                 {
     475         642 :                     break;
     476             :                 }
     477             :             }
     478             :         }
     479             :     }
     480             : 
     481       26701 :     return aAttribs;
     482             : }
     483             : 
     484             : 
     485       11345 : void ImpEditEngine::SetAttribs( EditSelection aSel, const SfxItemSet& rSet, sal_uInt8 nSpecial )
     486             : {
     487       11345 :     aSel.Adjust( aEditDoc );
     488             : 
     489             :     // When no selection => use the Attribute on the word.
     490             :     // ( the RTF-parser should actually never call the Method without a Range )
     491       11345 :     if ( ( nSpecial == ATTRSPECIAL_WHOLEWORD ) && !aSel.HasRange() )
     492         181 :         aSel = SelectWord( aSel, ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, false );
     493             : 
     494       11345 :     sal_Int32 nStartNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Min().GetNode() );
     495       11345 :     sal_Int32 nEndNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Max().GetNode() );
     496             : 
     497       11345 :     if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() && aStatus.DoUndoAttribs() )
     498             :     {
     499        4728 :         EditUndoSetAttribs* pUndo = CreateAttribUndo( aSel, rSet );
     500        4728 :         pUndo->SetSpecial( nSpecial );
     501        4728 :         InsertUndo( pUndo );
     502             :     }
     503             : 
     504       11345 :     bool bCheckLanguage = false;
     505       11345 :     if ( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() )
     506             :     {
     507        3234 :         bCheckLanguage = ( rSet.GetItemState( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE ) == SfxItemState::SET ) ||
     508        3234 :                          ( rSet.GetItemState( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK ) == SfxItemState::SET ) ||
     509        3234 :                          ( rSet.GetItemState( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CTL ) == SfxItemState::SET );
     510             :     }
     511             : 
     512             :     // iterate over the paragraphs ...
     513       23194 :     for ( sal_Int32 nNode = nStartNode; nNode <= nEndNode; nNode++ )
     514             :     {
     515       11849 :         bool bParaAttribFound = false;
     516       11849 :         bool bCharAttribFound = false;
     517             : 
     518             :         DBG_ASSERT( aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode ), "Node not founden: SetAttribs" );
     519             :         DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nNode ), "Portion not found: SetAttribs" );
     520             : 
     521       11849 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode );
     522       11849 :         ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions()[nNode];
     523             : 
     524       11849 :         const sal_Int32 nStartPos = nNode==nStartNode ? aSel.Min().GetIndex() : 0;
     525       11849 :         const sal_Int32 nEndPos = nNode==nEndNode ? aSel.Max().GetIndex() : pNode->Len(); // can also be == nStart!
     526             : 
     527             :         // Iterate over the Items...
     528      616148 :         for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = EE_ITEMS_START; nWhich <= EE_CHAR_END; nWhich++)
     529             :         {
     530      604299 :             if ( rSet.GetItemState( nWhich ) == SfxItemState::SET )
     531             :             {
     532       83852 :                 const SfxPoolItem& rItem = rSet.Get( nWhich );
     533       83852 :                 if ( nWhich <= EE_PARA_END )
     534             :                 {
     535        7229 :                     pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().Put( rItem );
     536        7229 :                     bParaAttribFound = true;
     537             :                 }
     538             :                 else
     539             :                 {
     540       76623 :                     aEditDoc.InsertAttrib( pNode, nStartPos, nEndPos, rItem );
     541       76623 :                     bCharAttribFound = true;
     542       76623 :                     if ( nSpecial == ATTRSPECIAL_EDGE )
     543             :                     {
     544           0 :                         CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttribs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
     545           0 :                         for (size_t i = 0, n = rAttribs.size(); i < n; ++i)
     546             :                         {
     547           0 :                             EditCharAttrib& rAttr = rAttribs[i];
     548           0 :                             if (rAttr.GetStart() > nEndPos)
     549           0 :                                 break;
     550             : 
     551           0 :                             if (rAttr.GetEnd() == nEndPos && rAttr.Which() == nWhich)
     552             :                             {
     553           0 :                                 rAttr.SetEdge(true);
     554           0 :                                 break;
     555             :                             }
     556             :                         }
     557             :                     }
     558             :                 }
     559             :             }
     560             :         }
     561             : 
     562       11849 :         if ( bParaAttribFound )
     563             :         {
     564        1397 :             ParaAttribsChanged( pPortion->GetNode() );
     565             :         }
     566       10452 :         else if ( bCharAttribFound )
     567             :         {
     568        8630 :             bFormatted = false;
     569        8630 :             if ( !pNode->Len() || ( nStartPos != nEndPos  ) )
     570             :             {
     571        8082 :                 pPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( nStartPos, nEndPos-nStartPos );
     572        8082 :                 if ( bCheckLanguage )
     573        1306 :                     pNode->GetWrongList()->SetInvalidRange(nStartPos, nEndPos);
     574             :             }
     575             :         }
     576             :     }
     577       11345 : }
     578             : 
     579         969 : void ImpEditEngine::RemoveCharAttribs( EditSelection aSel, bool bRemoveParaAttribs, sal_uInt16 nWhich )
     580             : {
     581         969 :     aSel.Adjust( aEditDoc );
     582             : 
     583         969 :     sal_Int32 nStartNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Min().GetNode() );
     584         969 :     sal_Int32 nEndNode = aEditDoc.GetPos( aSel.Max().GetNode() );
     585             : 
     586         969 :     const SfxItemSet* _pEmptyItemSet = bRemoveParaAttribs ? &GetEmptyItemSet() : 0;
     587             : 
     588         969 :     if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() && aStatus.DoUndoAttribs() )
     589             :     {
     590             :         // Possibly a special Undo, or itemset*
     591         969 :         EditUndoSetAttribs* pUndo = CreateAttribUndo( aSel, GetEmptyItemSet() );
     592         969 :         pUndo->SetRemoveAttribs( true );
     593         969 :         pUndo->SetRemoveParaAttribs( bRemoveParaAttribs );
     594         969 :         pUndo->SetRemoveWhich( nWhich );
     595         969 :         InsertUndo( pUndo );
     596             :     }
     597             : 
     598             :     // iterate over the paragraphs ...
     599        1938 :     for ( sal_Int32 nNode = nStartNode; nNode <= nEndNode; nNode++ )
     600             :     {
     601         969 :         ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode );
     602         969 :         ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions()[nNode];
     603             : 
     604             :         DBG_ASSERT( aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode ), "Node not found: SetAttribs" );
     605             :         DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nNode ), "Portion not found: SetAttribs" );
     606             : 
     607         969 :         const sal_Int32 nStartPos = nNode==nStartNode ? aSel.Min().GetIndex() : 0;
     608         969 :         const sal_Int32 nEndPos = nNode==nEndNode ? aSel.Max().GetIndex() : pNode->Len(); // can also be == nStart!
     609             : 
     610             :         // Optimize: If whole paragraph, then RemoveCharAttribs (nPara)?
     611         969 :         bool bChanged = aEditDoc.RemoveAttribs( pNode, nStartPos, nEndPos, nWhich );
     612         969 :         if ( bRemoveParaAttribs )
     613             :         {
     614         501 :             SetParaAttribs( nNode, *_pEmptyItemSet );   // Invalidated
     615             :         }
     616             :         else
     617             :         {
     618             :             // For 'Format-Standard' also the character attributes should
     619             :             // disappear, which were set as paragraph attributes by the
     620             :             // DrawingEngine. These could not have been set by the user anyway.
     621             : 
     622             :             // #106871# Not when nWhich
     623             :             // Would have been better to offer a separate method for format/standard...
     624         468 :             if ( !nWhich )
     625             :             {
     626         468 :                 SfxItemSet aAttribs( GetParaAttribs( nNode ) );
     627       15912 :                 for ( sal_uInt16 nW = EE_CHAR_START; nW <= EE_CHAR_END; nW++ )
     628       15444 :                     aAttribs.ClearItem( nW );
     629         468 :                 SetParaAttribs( nNode, aAttribs );
     630             :             }
     631             :         }
     632             : 
     633         969 :         if ( bChanged && !bRemoveParaAttribs )
     634             :         {
     635         235 :             bFormatted = false;
     636         235 :             pPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( nStartPos, nEndPos-nStartPos );
     637             :         }
     638             :     }
     639         969 : }
     640             : 
     641      144903 : void ImpEditEngine::RemoveCharAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich, bool bRemoveFeatures )
     642             : {
     643      144903 :     ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     644      144903 :     ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nPara );
     645             : 
     646             :     DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "Node not found: RemoveCharAttribs" );
     647             :     DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "Portion not found: RemoveCharAttribs" );
     648             : 
     649      144903 :     if ( !pNode )
     650      144903 :         return;
     651             : 
     652      144903 :     size_t nAttr = 0;
     653      144903 :     CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
     654      144903 :     EditCharAttrib* pAttr = GetAttrib(rAttrs, nAttr);
     655      300063 :     while ( pAttr )
     656             :     {
     657       12313 :         if ( ( !pAttr->IsFeature() || bRemoveFeatures ) &&
     658        5610 :              ( !nWhich || ( pAttr->GetItem()->Which() == nWhich ) ) )
     659             :         {
     660        2056 :             pNode->GetCharAttribs().Remove(nAttr);
     661        2056 :             nAttr--;
     662             :         }
     663       10257 :         nAttr++;
     664       10257 :         pAttr = GetAttrib(rAttrs, nAttr);
     665             :     }
     666             : 
     667             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
     668             :     CharAttribList::DbgCheckAttribs(pNode->GetCharAttribs());
     669             : #endif
     670             : 
     671      144903 :     pPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pNode->Len() );
     672             : }
     673             : 
     674     1061501 : void ImpEditEngine::SetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
     675             : {
     676     1061501 :     ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     677             : 
     678     1061501 :     if ( !pNode )
     679     1061501 :         return;
     680             : 
     681     1061501 :     if ( !( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems() == rSet ) )
     682             :     {
     683      546408 :         if ( IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo() && aStatus.DoUndoAttribs() )
     684             :         {
     685       36411 :             if ( rSet.GetPool() != &aEditDoc.GetItemPool() )
     686             :             {
     687           0 :                 SfxItemSet aTmpSet( GetEmptyItemSet() );
     688           0 :                 aTmpSet.Put( rSet );
     689           0 :                 InsertUndo(new EditUndoSetParaAttribs(pEditEngine, nPara, pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), aTmpSet));
     690             :             }
     691             :             else
     692             :             {
     693       36411 :                 InsertUndo(new EditUndoSetParaAttribs(pEditEngine, nPara, pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), rSet));
     694             :             }
     695             :         }
     696      546408 :         pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems().Set( rSet );
     697      546408 :         if ( aStatus.UseCharAttribs() )
     698      546408 :             pNode->CreateDefFont();
     699             : 
     700      546408 :         ParaAttribsChanged( pNode );
     701             :     }
     702             : }
     703             : 
     704      886400 : const SfxItemSet& ImpEditEngine::GetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
     705             : {
     706      886400 :     const ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     707             :     assert(pNode && "Node not found: GetParaAttribs");
     708      886400 :     return pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems();
     709             : }
     710             : 
     711       14405 : bool ImpEditEngine::HasParaAttrib( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
     712             : {
     713       14405 :     const ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     714             :     assert(pNode && "Node not found: HasParaAttrib");
     715       14405 :     return pNode->GetContentAttribs().HasItem( nWhich );
     716             : }
     717             : 
     718     1850955 : const SfxPoolItem& ImpEditEngine::GetParaAttrib( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
     719             : {
     720     1850955 :     const ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject(nPara);
     721             :     assert(pNode && "Node not found: GetParaAttrib");
     722     1850955 :     return pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem(nWhich);
     723             : }
     724             : 
     725        2053 : void ImpEditEngine::GetCharAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, std::vector<EECharAttrib>& rLst ) const
     726             : {
     727        2053 :     rLst.clear();
     728        2053 :     const ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nPara );
     729        2053 :     if ( pNode )
     730             :     {
     731        2053 :         rLst.reserve(pNode->GetCharAttribs().Count());
     732        2053 :         const CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
     733       16143 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < rAttrs.size(); ++i)
     734             :         {
     735       14090 :             const EditCharAttrib& rAttr = rAttrs[i];
     736             :             EECharAttrib aEEAttr;
     737       14090 :             aEEAttr.pAttr = rAttr.GetItem();
     738       14090 :             aEEAttr.nPara = nPara;
     739       14090 :             aEEAttr.nStart = rAttr.GetStart();
     740       14090 :             aEEAttr.nEnd = rAttr.GetEnd();
     741       14090 :             rLst.push_back(aEEAttr);
     742             :         }
     743             :     }
     744        2053 : }
     745             : 
     746           0 : void ImpEditEngine::ParaAttribsToCharAttribs( ContentNode* pNode )
     747             : {
     748           0 :     pNode->GetCharAttribs().DeleteEmptyAttribs( GetEditDoc().GetItemPool() );
     749           0 :     sal_Int32 nEndPos = pNode->Len();
     750           0 :     for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = EE_CHAR_START; nWhich <= EE_CHAR_END; nWhich++ )
     751             :     {
     752           0 :         if ( pNode->GetContentAttribs().HasItem( nWhich ) )
     753             :         {
     754           0 :             const SfxPoolItem& rItem = pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( nWhich );
     755             :             // Fill the gap:
     756           0 :             sal_Int32 nLastEnd = 0;
     757           0 :             const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindNextAttrib( nWhich, nLastEnd );
     758           0 :             while ( pAttr )
     759             :             {
     760           0 :                 nLastEnd = pAttr->GetEnd();
     761           0 :                 if ( pAttr->GetStart() > nLastEnd )
     762           0 :                     aEditDoc.InsertAttrib( pNode, nLastEnd, pAttr->GetStart(), rItem );
     763             :                 // #112831# Last Attr might go from 0xffff to 0x0000
     764           0 :                 pAttr = nLastEnd ? pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindNextAttrib( nWhich, nLastEnd ) : NULL;
     765             :             }
     766             : 
     767             :             // And the Rest:
     768           0 :             if ( nLastEnd < nEndPos )
     769           0 :                 aEditDoc.InsertAttrib( pNode, nLastEnd, nEndPos, rItem );
     770             :         }
     771             :     }
     772           0 :     bFormatted = false;
     773             :     // Portion does not need to be invalidated here, happens elsewhere.
     774           0 : }
     775             : 
     776       42102 : IdleFormattter::IdleFormattter()
     777             : {
     778       42102 :     pView = 0;
     779       42102 :     nRestarts = 0;
     780       42102 : }
     781             : 
     782       79542 : IdleFormattter::~IdleFormattter()
     783             : {
     784       39771 :     pView = 0;
     785       39771 : }
     786             : 
     787           0 : void IdleFormattter::DoIdleFormat( EditView* pV )
     788             : {
     789           0 :     pView = pV;
     790             : 
     791           0 :     if ( IsActive() )
     792           0 :         nRestarts++;
     793             : 
     794           0 :     if ( nRestarts > 4 )
     795           0 :         ForceTimeout();
     796             :     else
     797           0 :         Start();
     798           0 : }
     799             : 
     800        2943 : void IdleFormattter::ForceTimeout()
     801             : {
     802        2943 :     if ( IsActive() )
     803             :     {
     804           0 :         Stop();
     805           0 :         ((Link<Idle *, void>&)GetIdleHdl()).Call( this );
     806             :     }
     807        2943 : }
     808             : 
     809           0 : ImplIMEInfos::ImplIMEInfos( const EditPaM& rPos, const OUString& rOldTextAfterStartPos )
     810           0 :  : aOldTextAfterStartPos( rOldTextAfterStartPos )
     811             : {
     812           0 :     aPos = rPos;
     813           0 :     nLen = 0;
     814           0 :     bCursor = true;
     815           0 :     pAttribs = NULL;
     816           0 :     bWasCursorOverwrite = false;
     817           0 : }
     818             : 
     819           0 : ImplIMEInfos::~ImplIMEInfos()
     820             : {
     821           0 :     delete[] pAttribs;
     822           0 : }
     823             : 
     824           0 : void ImplIMEInfos::CopyAttribs( const sal_uInt16* pA, sal_uInt16 nL )
     825             : {
     826           0 :     nLen = nL;
     827           0 :     delete[] pAttribs;
     828           0 :     pAttribs = new sal_uInt16[ nL ];
     829           0 :     memcpy( pAttribs, pA, nL*sizeof(sal_uInt16) );
     830           0 : }
     831             : 
     832           0 : void ImplIMEInfos::DestroyAttribs()
     833             : {
     834           0 :     delete[] pAttribs;
     835           0 :     pAttribs = NULL;
     836           0 :     nLen = 0;
     837           0 : }
     838             : 
     839             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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