[New LWP 1697621] [New LWP 1695090] [New LWP 1697615] [New LWP 1502413] [New LWP 1697622] [New LWP 1697627] [New LWP 1697632] [New LWP 1503639] [New LWP 1504791] [New LWP 1504796] [New LWP 1697118] [New LWP 1503644] [New LWP 1697639] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". Core was generated by `/home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/soffice.bin -env:UserInstallation=file:/'. Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. #0 0x00007f017dcface1 in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f015bc44700 (LWP 1697621))] Thread 13 (Thread 0x7f0163c54700 (LWP 1697639)): #0 0x00007f017ddbcde1 in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f017d955dd0 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #2 0x00007f0163c54700 in () #3 0x0000000000000000 in () Thread 12 (Thread 0x7f016dfde700 (LWP 1503644)): #0 0x00007f017ddbddef in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f017e0c7877 in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=pPipe@entry=0x55df355506c0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:381 s = pAcceptedPipe = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" flags = #2 0x00007f016e078201 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (Connection=..., this=0x7f016dfdc400) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 pipe = {m_handle = 0x55df355506c0} pConn = rtl::Reference to 0x55df35568eb0 status = #3 io_acceptor::PipeAcceptor::accept() (this=0x55df355501f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:157 pipe = {m_handle = 0x55df355506c0} pConn = rtl::Reference to 0x55df35568eb0 status = #4 0x00007f016e080f00 in (anonymous namespace)::OAcceptor::accept(rtl::OUString const&) (this=0x55df353aec40, sConnectionDescription="pipe,name=pytestfff6c120-08a3-11ed-8ae6-98f2b32c495c") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acceptor.cxx:198 guard = {m_pFlag = 0x55df353aecb8} r = empty uno::Reference #5 0x00007f016e0e06fe in desktop::Acceptor::run() (this=this@entry=0x55df353ad800) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:107 rConnection = empty uno::Reference rBridge = uno::Reference to (class binaryurp::Bridge *) 0x55df35550a68 g = {_M_device = 0x55df353ad838, _M_owns = false} aDescription = "pipe,name=pytestfff6c120-08a3-11ed-8ae6-98f2b32c495c,uniqueValue=94417159259456" rInstanceProvider = uno::Reference to (class desktop::AccInstanceProvider *) 0x55df35550988 #6 0x00007f016e0e108a in desktop::offacc_workerfunc(void*) (acc=0x55df353ad800) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:45 #7 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df353b0420) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df353b0420 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #8 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #9 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 11 (Thread 0x7f016b991700 (LWP 1697118)): #0 0x00007f017d95cad8 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017e0a5fc8 in osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, TimeValue const*) (Condition=0x55df39701e80, pTimeout=pTimeout@entry=0x7f016b98f710) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/conditn.cxx:203 ret = tp = {tv_sec = 1658374271, tv_usec = 731381} to = {tv_sec = 1658374273, tv_nsec = 731381000} pCond = 0x55df39701e80 nRet = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #2 0x00007f017d3424bc in osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const*) (pTimeout=0x7f016b98f710, this=0x7f016b98f580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:123 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55df39701e80}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55df36f20440} #3 osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const&) (timeout=..., this=0x7f016b98f580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:127 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55df39701e80}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55df36f20440} #4 cppu_threadpool::ThreadPool::waitInPool(rtl::Reference const&) (this=0x55df3556aa20, pThread=rtl::Reference to 0x55df36f20440) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/threadpool.cxx:123 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55df39701e80}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55df36f20440} #5 0x00007f017d33322d in cppu_threadpool::ORequestThread::run() (this=0x55df36f20440) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/thread.cxx:185 #6 0x00007f017d33497f in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df36f20450) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df36f20450 #7 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df383b8100) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df383b8100 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #8 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #9 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 10 (Thread 0x7f016c192700 (LWP 1504796)): #0 0x00007f017ddbe034 in recv () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f017e0c6b47 in osl_receivePipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=pPipe@entry=0x55df35542940, pBuffer=pBuffer@entry=0x55df38345278, BytesToRead=BytesToRead@entry=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:439 nRet = 0 #2 0x00007f017e0c70f4 in osl_readPipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=0x55df35542940, pBuffer=0x55df38345278, n=n@entry=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:509 RetVal = BytesRead = 0 BytesToRead = 8 #3 0x00007f016e077a44 in osl::StreamPipe::read(void*, int) const (n=8, pBuffer=, this=0x55df353d0540) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:200 n = #4 io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection::read(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence&, sal_Int32) (this=0x55df353d0510, aReadBytes=uno::Sequence of length 8 = {...}, nBytesToRead=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:83 n = #5 0x00007f016e02115f in binaryurp::(anonymous namespace)::read(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, sal_uInt32, bool) (connection=uno::Reference to (class io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x55df353d0538, size=size@entry=8, eofOk=eofOk@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:70 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "com::sun::star::uno::Sequence binaryurp::{anonymous}::read(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference&, sal_uInt32, bool)" buf = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} n = #6 0x00007f016e0245cd in binaryurp::Reader::execute() (this=0x55df355691c0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:105 s = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} count = block = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x55df35550a40, state_ = @0x55df35569208, buffer_ = uno::Sequence of length 21983 = {-32 '\340', 87 'W', 44 ',', 56 '8', -33 '\337', 85 'U', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 32 ' ', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', -128 '\200', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 37 '%', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 44 ',', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 46 '.', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 32 ' ', 0 '\000', 91 '[', 0 '\000', 36 '$', 0 '\000', 68 'D', 0 '\000', 69 'E', 0 '\000', 77 'M', 0 '\000', 93 ']', 0 '\000', 59 ';', 0 '\000', 91 '[', 0 '\000', 82 'R', 0 '\000', 69 'E', 0 '\000', 68 'D', 0 '\000', 93 ']', 0 '\000', 45 '-', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 44 ',', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 35 '#', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 46 '.', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 48 '0', 0 '\000', 32 ' ', 0 '\000', 91 '[', 0 '\000', 36 '$', 0 '\000', 68 'D', 0 '\000', 69 'E', 0 '\000', 77 'M', 0 '\000', 93 ']', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 102 'f', 102 'f', -52 '\314', 1 '\001', 97 'a', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', 102 'f', -80 '\260', 58 ':', -108 '\224', 56 '8', -33 '\337', 85 'U', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', -112 '\220', 60 '<', -108 '\224', 56 '8', -33 '\337', 85 'U', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', -112 '\220', 60 '<', -108 '\224', 56 '8', -33 '\337', 85 'U', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'...}, data_ = 0x55df35852340 " ", end_ = 0x55df35852340 " "} header = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x55df35550a40, state_ = @0x55df35569208, buffer_ = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, data_ = 0x55df38345280 , end_ = 0x55df38345280 } size = con = uno::Reference to (class io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x55df353d0538 #7 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df355691c0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df355691c0}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df355691d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df355691d0 #9 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df35569010) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df35569010 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 9 (Thread 0x7f016c993700 (LWP 1504791)): #0 0x00007f017d95c7b2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017e0a6a37 in osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, TimeValue const*) (Condition=0x55df355686e0, pTimeout=pTimeout@entry=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/conditn.cxx:228 pCond = 0x55df355686e0 nRet = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #2 0x00007f016e02c688 in osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const*) (pTimeout=0x0, this=0x55df35568630) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:123 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x55df3556bb60}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55df357c9280}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #3 binaryurp::Writer::execute() (this=0x55df35568450) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/writer.cxx:151 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x55df3556bb60}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55df357c9280}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #4 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df35568450) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df35568450}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df35568460) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df35568460 #6 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df35549bf0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df35549bf0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #7 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #8 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 8 (Thread 0x7f016e8f4700 (LWP 1503639)): #0 0x00007f017ddbddef in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f017e0c7877 in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=0x55df346b89a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:381 s = pAcceptedPipe = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" flags = #2 0x00007f017df1e875 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (Connection=..., this=0x55df346b6db0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 aStreamPipe = { = {m_handle = 0x0}, } nError = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute()" #3 desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute() (this=0x55df346b6d80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/officeipcthread.cxx:1132 aStreamPipe = { = {m_handle = 0x0}, } nError = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute()" #4 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df346b6d80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df346b6d80}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df346b6d90) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df346b6d90 #6 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df346b9b00) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df346b9b00 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #7 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #8 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 7 (Thread 0x7f016459b700 (LWP 1697632)): #0 0x00007f017d95fe2b in __lll_lock_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017d958843 in pthread_mutex_lock () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #2 0x00007f017d57dbef in __gthread_mutex_lock (__mutex=) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/gthr-default.h:749 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #3 std::mutex::lock() (this=) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_mutex.h:100 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #4 std::unique_lock::lock() (this=0x7f0164599780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:138 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #5 std::unique_lock::unique_lock(std::mutex&) (__m=, this=0x7f0164599780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:68 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #6 comphelper::ThreadPool::ThreadWorker::execute() (this=0x55df392a6270) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:74 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #7 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df392a6270) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df392a6270}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df392a6280) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df392a6280 #9 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df35546800) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df35546800 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f0164d9c700 (LWP 1697627)): #0 0x00007f017d95fe2b in __lll_lock_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017d958843 in pthread_mutex_lock () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #2 0x00007f017d57dbef in __gthread_mutex_lock (__mutex=) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/gthr-default.h:749 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #3 std::mutex::lock() (this=) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_mutex.h:100 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #4 std::unique_lock::lock() (this=0x7f0164d9a780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:138 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #5 std::unique_lock::unique_lock(std::mutex&) (__m=, this=0x7f0164d9a780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:68 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #6 comphelper::ThreadPool::ThreadWorker::execute() (this=0x55df3598b580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:74 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #7 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df3598b580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df3598b580}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df3598b590) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df3598b590 #9 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df39afa270) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df39afa270 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f016044d700 (LWP 1697622)): #0 0x00007f017d95fe2b in __lll_lock_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017d958843 in pthread_mutex_lock () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #2 0x00007f017d57dbef in __gthread_mutex_lock (__mutex=) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/gthr-default.h:749 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #3 std::mutex::lock() (this=) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_mutex.h:100 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #4 std::unique_lock::lock() (this=0x7f016044b780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:138 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #5 std::unique_lock::unique_lock(std::mutex&) (__m=, this=0x7f016044b780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:68 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #6 comphelper::ThreadPool::ThreadWorker::execute() (this=0x55df38dd09a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:74 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #7 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df38dd09a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df38dd09a0}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df38dd09b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df38dd09b0 #9 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df3589ed70) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df3589ed70 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f016fc1ae00 (LWP 1502413)): #0 0x00007f017d95c7b2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017db9890c in std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock&) () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 #2 0x00007f0178a430b5 in std::condition_variable::wait > (__p=..., __lock=..., this=0x55df3455f6b8) at /usr/include/c++/10/condition_variable:111 g = {_M_device = 0x55df3455f690, _M_owns = true} request = SvpRequest::NONE pInst = 0x55df3455d4d0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(sal_uInt32)" #3 SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(unsigned int) (this=0x55df3455f650, nLockCount=1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:358 g = {_M_device = 0x55df3455f690, _M_owns = true} request = SvpRequest::NONE pInst = 0x55df3455d4d0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(sal_uInt32)" #4 0x00007f01786f36b2 in comphelper::SolarMutex::acquire(unsigned int) (nLockCount=1, this=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/comphelper/solarmutex.hxx:86 #5 SalInstance::AcquireYieldMutex(unsigned int) (this=, nCount=nCount@entry=1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/salvtables.cxx:149 #6 0x00007f017877c64d in Application::AcquireSolarMutex(unsigned int) (nCount=, nCount@entry=1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:593 pSVData = #7 0x00007f0178a41828 in SolarMutexReleaser::~SolarMutexReleaser() (this=0x7ffd0fd44094, __in_chrg=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/vcl/svapp.hxx:1446 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #8 SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55df3455d4d0, bWait=bWait@entry=true, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=bHandleAllCurrentEvents@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:476 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #9 0x00007f0178a41aaf in SvpSalInstance::DoYield(bool, bool) (this=0x55df3455d4d0, bWait=, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:524 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual bool SvpSalInstance::DoYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false pMutex = 0x55df3455f650 #10 0x00007f017877ffd0 in ImplYield(bool, bool) (i_bWait=i_bWait@entry=true, i_bAllEvents=i_bAllEvents@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:474 pSVData = 0x7f017934e0c0 ::get()::instance> bProcessedEvent = #11 0x00007f0178780580 in Application::Yield() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:558 bAbort = false #12 0x00007f01787807b8 in Application::Execute() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:452 pSVData = 0x7f017934e0c0 ::get()::instance> nExitCode = 0 #13 0x00007f017ded9702 in desktop::Desktop::Main() (this=0x7ffd0fd44b30) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:1600 layer = {m_aEnvTypeName = "gcc3", m_xPreviousContext = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::DesktopEnvironmentContext *) 0x55df3455f728} eStatus = rCmdLineArgs = @0x7f017e049c80: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task531"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_eventtesting = false, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestfff6c120-08a3-11ed-8ae6-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} inst_fin = xContext = uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55df34571a40 xRestartManager = uno::Reference to (class comphelper::OOfficeRestartManager *) 0x55df353a6308 xDesktop = uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55df35428a08 bMustLockProfile = aTitle = "LibreOfficeDev [845393b9aa9057c5ace3c41ad5ac629b895d7f7f]" bAbort = aEvent = { = {Source = empty uno::Reference}, EventName = "OnStartApp", ViewController = empty uno::Reference, Supplement = uno::Any(void)} bCrashed = false bExistsRecoveryData = false bExistsSessionData = false pidfileName = "" aAppearanceCfg = { = { = {_vptr.ConfigurationBroadcaster = 0x7f017a1abbc0 , mpList = std::unique_ptr >> = {get() = 0x0}, m_nBroadcastBlocked = 0, m_nBlockedHint = ConfigurationHints::NONE}, sSubTree = "Office.Common/View", m_xHierarchyAccess = uno::Reference to (class configmgr::RootAccess *) 0x55df354afff8, xChangeLstnr = empty uno::Reference, m_nMode = ConfigItemMode::NONE, m_bIsModified = false, m_bEnableInternalNotification = false, m_nInValueChange = 0}, nDragMode = DragMode::SystemDep, nSnapMode = SnapType::NONE, nMiddleMouse = MouseMiddleButtonAction::PasteSelection, nAAMinPixelHeight = 8, bFontAntialiasing = true, bMenuMouseFollow = true, static bInitialized = true} aOptions = { = { = {_vptr.ConfigurationBroadcaster = 0x7f017a1abb38 , mpList = std::unique_ptr >> = {get() = 0x0}, m_nBroadcastBlocked = 0, m_nBlockedHint = ConfigurationHints::NONE}, = {_vptr.ConfigurationListener = 0x7f017a1abb68 }, }, static sm_pSingleImplConfig = 0x55df35513280, static sm_nAccessibilityRefCount = 12} #14 0x00007f0178799641 in ImplSVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:203 pSVData = 0x7f017934e0c0 ::get()::instance> nReturn = 1 bWasInitVCL = bInit = true nRet = 0 #15 0x00007f01787997f8 in SVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:235 #16 0x00007f017df24374 in soffice_main() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/sofficemain.cxx:94 aDesktop = { = { = {_vptr.ILibreOfficeKitNotifier = 0x7f017e03d4b0 }, m_pCallbackData = 0x0, m_pCallback = 0x0}, m_rSplashScreen = empty uno::Reference, m_bCleanedExtensionCache = false, m_bServicesRegistered = true, m_aBootstrapError = desktop::Desktop::BE_OK, m_aBootstrapErrorMessage = "", m_aBootstrapStatus = desktop::Desktop::BS_OK, m_xLockfile = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df353cd210}, m_firstRunTimer = { = {_vptr.Task = 0x7f017929b198 , mpSchedulerData = 0x0, mpDebugName = 0x7f017dfcb228 "desktop::Desktop m_firstRunTimer", mePriority = TaskPriority::DEFAULT, mbActive = false, mbStatic = false}, maInvokeHandler = {function_ = 0x7f017dece8ac , instance_ = 0x7ffd0fd44b30, file_ = 0x7f017dfcb278 "/home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx", line_ = 432, target_ = 0x7f017dfcb250 "Desktop::LinkStubAsyncInitFirstRun"}, mnTimeout = 3000, mbAuto = false}, m_aUpdateThread = {_M_id = {_M_thread = 0}}} rCmdLineArgs = @0x7f017e049c80: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task531"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_eventtesting = false, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestfff6c120-08a3-11ed-8ae6-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} aUnknown = "" #17 0x000055df32a4b8ee in sal_main () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:51 ret = #18 0x000055df32a4b93b in main (argc=, argv=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:49 ret = Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f015142f700 (LWP 1697615)): #0 0x00007f017d95fe2b in __lll_lock_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017d958843 in pthread_mutex_lock () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #2 0x00007f017d57dbef in __gthread_mutex_lock (__mutex=) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/gthr-default.h:749 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #3 std::mutex::lock() (this=) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_mutex.h:100 __e = aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #4 std::unique_lock::lock() (this=0x7f015142d780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:138 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #5 std::unique_lock::unique_lock(std::mutex&) (__m=, this=0x7f015142d780) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_lock.h:68 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #6 comphelper::ThreadPool::ThreadWorker::execute() (this=0x55df391fc190) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:74 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #7 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df391fc190) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df391fc190}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df391fc1a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df391fc1a0 #9 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df39a880c0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df39a880c0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f015f44b700 (LWP 1695090)): #0 0x00007f017d95c7b2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f017e0e1fa8 in osl_thread_create_Impl(oslWorkerFunction, void*, short) (pWorker=pWorker@entry=0x7f017c669d1b , pThreadData=pThreadData@entry=0x55df38dd7910, nFlags=nFlags@entry=20) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:342 pImpl = 0x55df356f8fc0 nRet = 0 #2 0x00007f017e0e2044 in osl_createSuspendedThread(oslWorkerFunction, void*) (pWorker=pWorker@entry=0x7f017c669d1b , pThreadData=pThreadData@entry=0x55df38dd7910) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:364 #3 0x00007f017c6697b3 in osl::Thread::create() (this=0x55df38dd7910) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:77 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df38dd7900}, m_bDismissed = false} #4 salhelper::Thread::launch() (this=0x55df38dd7900) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:27 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df38dd7900}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007f017d57c8e0 in comphelper::ThreadPool::pushTask(std::unique_ptr >) (this=this@entry=0x55df3566d5d0, pTask=std::unique_ptr = {...}) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:224 aGuard = {_M_device = @0x55df3566d5d0} #6 0x00007f01696238c0 in ScFormulaCell::InterpretFormulaGroupThreading(sc::FormulaLogger::GroupScope&, bool&, bool&, int, int) (this=this@entry=0x55df37467460, aScope=..., bDependencyComputed=@0x7f015f447d0a: true, bDependencyCheckFailed=@0x7f015f447d0b: false, nStartOffset=0, nEndOffset=29) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:4939 i = 5 aContextGetterGuard = {rPool = @0x7f016ae2fca0} aGuard = {mnFlagRestore = 0, mrDocument = @0x55df398f6ee0} aTag = std::shared_ptr (use count 8, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55df35b4f4f0} context = 0x55df380675e0 aInterpreters = std::__debug::vector of length 48, capacity 48 = {std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df371ac070}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df371abc20}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df371aa870}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df371ab380}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df371aaf30}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df37fa4530}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}} aStartPos = {nRow = 901051632, nCol = 21983, nTab = 0, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}} pNonThreadedFormatter = rThreadPool = @0x55df3566d5d0: {maMutex = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 2, __count = 0, __owner = 1695090, __nusers = 1, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000r\335\031\000\001", '\000' , __align = 2}}, }, maTasksChanged = {_M_cond = {__data = {{__wseq = 8465, __wseq32 = {__low = 8465, __high = 0}}, {__g1_start = 8371, __g1_start32 = {__low = 8371, __high = 0}}, __g_refs = {0, 0}, __g_size = {0, 0}, __g1_orig_size = 188, __wrefs = 0, __g_signals = {0, 0}}, __size = "\021!\000\000\000\000\000\000\263 ", '\000' , "\274", '\000' , __align = 8465}}, mbTerminate = false, mnMaxWorkers = 48, mnBusyWorkers = 1, maTasks = std::__debug::vector of length 4, capacity 64 = {std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df35999940}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df392588a0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df36f51f00}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df361ce080}}, maWorkers = std::__debug::vector of length 6, capacity 8 = {rtl::Reference to 0x55df391fc190, rtl::Reference to 0x55df392a29a0, rtl::Reference to 0x55df38dd09a0, rtl::Reference to 0x55df3598b580, rtl::Reference to 0x55df392a6270, rtl::Reference to 0x55df38dd7900}} nThreadCount = 48 aFGSet = {m_vector = std::__debug::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0x55df37298880, 0x55df38271660, 0x55df39412510, 0x55df394162c0, 0x55df3941a0b0, 0x55df3941e1f0, 0x55df39421fa0, 0x55df39871790}} rRecursionHelper = nColEnd = 7 aFGMap = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': std::__debug::map with 7 elements nColStart = 0 nSpanLen = bThreadingProhibited = false __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool ScFormulaCell::InterpretFormulaGroupThreading(sc::FormulaLogger::GroupScope&, bool&, bool&, SCROW, SCROW)" #7 0x00007f01696260c5 in ScFormulaCell::InterpretFormulaGroup(int, int) (this=this@entry=0x55df37467460, nStartOffset=, nStartOffset@entry=-1, nEndOffset=, nEndOffset@entry=-1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:4684 aScope = {mpImpl = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df397025a0}} rRecursionHelper = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': @0x55df36d6f760: {aRecursionFormulas = empty std::__debug::list, aInsertPos = , aLastIterationStart = , aRecursionInIterationStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, aFGList = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 4 = {0x55df38710760}, aInDependencyEvalMode = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 64 = {0}, nRecursionCount = 2, nIteration = 0, nDependencyComputationLevel = 0, bInRecursionReturn = false, bDoingRecursion = false, bInIterationReturn = false, bConverging = false, bGroupsIndependent = true, bAbortingDependencyComputation = false, aTemporaryGroupCells = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, pFGSet = 0x0} forceType = ForceCalculationNone nMaxOffset = 29 aRecursionCounter = {rRec = @0x55df36d6f760, bStackedInIteration = false, cell = 0x55df37467460} bDependencyComputed = true bDependencyCheckFailed = false #8 0x00007f01696265a4 in ScFormulaCell::Interpret(int, int) (this=this@entry=0x55df37467460, nStartOffset=nStartOffset@entry=-1, nEndOffset=nEndOffset@entry=-1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:1592 bPartOfCycleBefore = false bPartOfCycleAfter = rRecursionHelper = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': @0x55df36d6f760: {aRecursionFormulas = empty std::__debug::list, aInsertPos = , aLastIterationStart = , aRecursionInIterationStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, aFGList = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 4 = {0x55df38710760}, aInDependencyEvalMode = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 64 = {0}, nRecursionCount = 2, nIteration = 0, nDependencyComputationLevel = 0, bInRecursionReturn = false, bDoingRecursion = false, bInIterationReturn = false, bConverging = false, bGroupsIndependent = true, bAbortingDependencyComputation = false, aTemporaryGroupCells = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, pFGSet = 0x0} bGroupInterpreted = false forceType = ForceCalculationNone cellGroupMaker = {mCell = 0x55df37467460, mEnabled = false} pTopCell = bOldRunning = false __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool ScFormulaCell::Interpret(SCROW, SCROW)" #9 0x00007f016962864f in ScFormulaCell::MaybeInterpret() (this=0x55df37467460) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/inc/formulacell.hxx:465 #10 ScFormulaCell::IsEmpty() (this=0x55df37467460) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:2749 #11 0x00007f01691f7f13 in ScRefCellValue::hasEmptyValue() (this=this@entry=0x7f015f447fe0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/cellvalue.cxx:678 #12 0x00007f016989ce59 in ScInterpreter::Compare(ScQueryOp) (this=this@entry=0x55df39a05eb0, eOp=eOp@entry=SC_NOT_EQUAL) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx:916 aAdr = {nRow = 1, nCol = 0, nTab = 5, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}} aCell = {meType = CELLTYPE_FORMULA, {mfValue = 4.6648291651578032e-310, mpString = 0x55df37467460, mpEditText = 0x55df37467460, mpFormula = 0x55df37467460}} rCell = @0x7f015f448000: {mfValue = 0, maStr = {mpData = 0x0, mpDataIgnoreCase = 0x0}, mbValue = false, mbEmpty = false} i = 0 aComp = {maCells = {{mfValue = 0, maStr = {mpData = 0x0, mpDataIgnoreCase = 0x0}, mbValue = false, mbEmpty = false}, {mfValue = 0, maStr = {mpData = 0x7f017e1377f8 ::data>, mpDataIgnoreCase = 0x7f017e1377f8 ::data>}, mbValue = false, mbEmpty = false}}, meOp = SC_NOT_EQUAL, mbIgnoreCase = true} #13 0x00007f01698b1e9d in ScInterpreter::ScNotEqual() (this=this@entry=0x55df39a05eb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx:1197 #14 0x00007f016991f1d4 in ScInterpreter::Interpret() (this=this@entry=0x55df39a05eb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx:4059 bGotResult = nRetTypeExpr = SvNumFormatType::UNDEFINED nRetIndexExpr = 0 nErrorFunction = 0 nErrorFunctionCount = 0 aErrorFunctionStack = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 nStackBase = 0 aTokenMatrixMapIter = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': {_M_node = 0x55df39a05f78} eOp = ocNotEqual __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "formula::StackVar ScInterpreter::Interpret()" bForcedResultType = p = eType = #15 0x00007f016961d68f in ScFormulaCell::InterpretTail(ScInterpreterContext&, ScFormulaCell::ScInterpretTailParameter) (this=this@entry=0x55df38710760, rContext=..., eTailParam=eTailParam@entry=ScFormulaCell::SCITP_NORMAL) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:1945 pScopedInterpreter = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df39a05eb0} pInterpreter = 0x55df39a05eb0 nOldErrCode = FormulaError::NONE bContentChanged = aNewResult = {static MULTILINE_UNKNOWN = 0 '\000', static MULTILINE_FALSE = 1 '\001', static MULTILINE_TRUE = 2 '\002', static MAX_TOKENREF_COUNT = 61440, {mfValue = 4.6648308999527191e-310, mpToken = 0x55df395e3b20}, mbToken = false, mbEmpty = false, mbEmptyDisplayedAsString = false, mbValueCached = false, meMultiline = 2 '\002', mnError = 14735} bOldRunning = false bForceNumberFormat = aRecursionCounter = {rRec = @0x55df36d6f760, bStackedInIteration = false, cell = 0x55df38710760} #16 0x00007f0169626684 in ScFormulaCell::Interpret(int, int) (this=0x55df38710760, nStartOffset=nStartOffset@entry=-1, nEndOffset=nEndOffset@entry=-1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:1618 aCycleCheckGuard = {mrRecHelper = @0x55df36d6f760, mbShouldPop = true} aContextGetterGuard = {rPool = @0x7f016ae2fc40, nContextIdx = 0} bPartOfCycleBefore = bPartOfCycleAfter = false rRecursionHelper = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': @0x55df36d6f760: {aRecursionFormulas = empty std::__debug::list, aInsertPos = , aLastIterationStart = , aRecursionInIterationStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, aFGList = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 4 = {0x55df38710760}, aInDependencyEvalMode = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 64 = {0}, nRecursionCount = 2, nIteration = 0, nDependencyComputationLevel = 0, bInRecursionReturn = false, bDoingRecursion = false, bInIterationReturn = false, bConverging = false, bGroupsIndependent = true, bAbortingDependencyComputation = false, aTemporaryGroupCells = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, pFGSet = 0x0} bGroupInterpreted = false forceType = ForceCalculationNone cellGroupMaker = {mCell = 0x55df38710760, mEnabled = false} pTopCell = bOldRunning = false __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool ScFormulaCell::Interpret(SCROW, SCROW)" #17 0x00007f01692bebd3 in (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler::operator() (pCell=, this=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/column.cxx:2852 it = 0x55df38710760 itEnd = 0x6666666666666666 nRow = #18 sc::EachElem, __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, std::__debug::vector, std::random_access_iterator_tag>, mdds::detail::mtv::iterator_value_node, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>, unsigned long>, (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler>(mdds::detail::mtv::iterator_value_node, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>, unsigned long>&, (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler&) (rNode=..., rFuncElem=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/inc/mtvfunctions.hxx:130 it = 0x55df38710760 itEnd = 0x6666666666666666 nRow = #19 0x00007f01692c4abd in sc::ProcessElements1, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell>, (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler, sc::FuncElseNoOp >(mdds::mtv::soa::multi_type_vector, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>&, (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler&, sc::FuncElseNoOp&) (rStore=..., rFuncElem=..., rFuncElse=...) at /home/buildslave/build/workdir/UnpackedTarball/mdds/include/mdds/multi_type_vector/soa/./iterator.hpp:266 nTopRow = nDataSize = it = {, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>::iterator_trait>> = {m_cur_node = {type = 54, position = 0, size = 19, data = 0x55df3853e4f0, __private_data = {parent = 0x55df3969de40, block_index = 0}}, m_pos = {position_iterator = 0, size_iterator = 19, element_block_iterator = 0x55df3853e4f0}, m_end = {position_iterator = 547637714688252372, size_iterator = 568129091274801181, element_block_iterator = 0x700000000f4660b}}, } itEnd = {, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>::iterator_trait>> = {m_cur_node = {type = -1, position = 0, size = 0, data = 0x0, __private_data = {parent = 0x55df3969de40, block_index = 4}}, m_pos = {position_iterator = 547637714688252372, size_iterator = 568129091274801181, element_block_iterator = 0x700000000f4660b}, m_end = {position_iterator = 547637714688252372, size_iterator = 568129091274801181, element_block_iterator = 0x700000000f4660b}}, } #20 0x00007f01692c4bd1 in sc::ProcessFormula<(anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler>(sc::CellStoreType&, (anonymous namespace)::CalcAllHandler&) (rStore=, rFunc=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/inc/mtvcellfunc.hxx:23 aElse = {} #21 0x00007f01692c4c11 in ScColumn::CalcAll() (this=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/column.cxx:3297 aFunc = {} #22 0x00007f01696eca40 in ScTable::CalcAll() (this=0x55df3969d7e0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/table2.cxx:2180 i = 0 #23 0x00007f0169499398 in ScDocument::CalcAll() (this=0x55df398f6ee0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/document.cxx:4003 a = __for_range = std::__debug::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df389a3930}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df3969d7e0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df3898e6d0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df382c8c20}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df3826e530}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df37294350}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df35eeeaa0}, std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df38dddf70}} __for_begin = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df3969d7e0} __for_end = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x7999999999999da} aSwitch = {mrDoc = @0x55df398f6ee0, mbOldValue = true} #24 0x00007f0169ecfe88 in ScDocShell::DoHardRecalc() (this=0x55df3834d280) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh4.cxx:1527 start = {__d = {__r = 6516328145456343}} aGuard = {mrDoc = @0x55df398f6ee0} aWaitObj = {m_pWindow = 0x0} pSh = 0x0 nTabCount = end = {__d = {__r = 12}} #25 0x00007f016a1f755b in ScModelObj::calculateAll() (this=0x55df39402ff0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/ui/unoobj/docuno.cxx:2449 aZone = { = { = {static s_nBufferSize = 0, static s_pBufferFullCallback = 0x0, static s_bRecording = {_M_base = {static _S_alignment = 1, _M_i = false}, static is_always_lock_free = true}, m_nPid = 1, m_sArgs = ""}, m_sName = 0x7f016a98da1c "calculateAll"}, m_nCreateTime = 0, m_nNesting = -1} aGuard = {> = {pT = 0x55df3455f650}, } #26 0x00007f016f916ac7 in gcc3::callVirtualMethod(void*, unsigned int, void*, _typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, bool, unsigned long*, unsigned int, unsigned long*, double*) (pThis=0x55df394031e0, nVtableIndex=4, pRegisterReturn=0x0, pReturnTypeRef=0x55df34557b60, bSimpleReturn=true, pStack=0x7f015f448d20, nStack=0, pGPR=0x7f015f448e90, pFPR=0x7f015f448ec0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/callvirtualmethod.cxx:77 data = {pMethod = 139644052141716, pStack = 0x7f015f448d20, nStack = 0, pGPR = 0x7f015f448e90, pFPR = 0x7f015f448ec0, rax = 139644372391309, rdx = 0, xmm0 = 4.6648267895360295e-310, xmm1 = 6.8993238830925687e-310} pMethod = 139644064647320 #27 0x00007f016f915ad5 in cpp_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy*, bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, sal_Int32, typelib_MethodParameter*, void*, void**, uno_Any**) (pThis=pThis@entry=0x55df361f7c60, aVtableSlot=..., aVtableSlot@entry=..., pReturnTypeRef=, nParams=, pParams=, pUnoReturn=pUnoReturn@entry=0x0, pUnoArgs=, ppUnoExc=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx:233 pStack = 0x7f015f448d20 pStackStart = pGPR = {94417226576352, 139644372355879, 0, 139644143523571, 139643870023952, 94417162349360} nGPR = 1 pFPR = {1.4821969375237396e-323, 0, 6.8993238831064025e-310, 0, 6.8993238830925687e-310, 6.899337395829731e-310, 4.6648277224861173e-310, 0} nFPR = 0 pReturnTypeDescr = 0x55df34557b60 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void cpp_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy*, bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, sal_Int32, typelib_MethodParameter*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)" pCppReturn = 0x0 bSimpleReturn = pAdjustedThisPtr = 0x55df394031e0 pCppArgs = 0x7f015f448d10 pTempIndices = ppTempParamTypeDescr = nTempIndices = 0 #28 0x00007f016f91620a in bridges::cpp_uno::shared::unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(uno_Interface*, typelib_TypeDescription const*, void*, void**, uno_Any**) (pUnoI=0x55df361f7c60, pMemberDescr=0x55df3588e5e0, pReturn=0x0, pArgs=0x0, ppException=0x7f015f449058) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx:413 aVtableSlot = {offset = , index = } pThis = 0x55df361f7c60 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void bridges::cpp_uno::shared::unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(uno_Interface*, const typelib_TypeDescription*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)" #29 0x00007f016e00e918 in binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute_throw(binaryurp::BinaryAny*, std::__debug::vector >*) const (this=this@entry=0x55df361ea470, returnValue=returnValue@entry=0x7f015f4493d0, outArguments=outArguments@entry=0x7f015f449490) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/uno/dispatcher.hxx:72 retType = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55df34557b60} nSize = 0 retBuf = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 pexc = 0x7f015f449070 outBufs = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 args = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 exc = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute_throw(binaryurp::BinaryAny*, std::__debug::vector*) const" isExc = false #30 0x00007f016e00f8f3 in binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute() const (this=this@entry=0x55df361ea470) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/incomingrequest.cxx:79 resetCc = true oldCc = {m_pUnoI = 0x0} ret = {data_ = _uno_Any(void)} outArgs = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 isExc = #31 0x00007f016e0215ae in binaryurp::(anonymous namespace)::request(void*) (pThreadSpecificData=pThreadSpecificData@entry=0x55df361ea470) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:86 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void binaryurp::{anonymous}::request(void*)" #32 0x00007f017d330b40 in cppu_threadpool::JobQueue::enter(void const*, bool) (this=0x55df37cf64c0, nDisposeId=, nDisposeId@entry=0x55df35572ea0, bReturnWhenNoJob=bReturnWhenNoJob@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/jobqueue.cxx:100 guard = {_M_device = @0x55df35fa00b0} job = {pThreadSpecificData = 0x55df361ea470, doRequest = 0x7f016e021583 } pReturn = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* cppu_threadpool::JobQueue::enter(const void*, bool)" #33 0x00007f017d333097 in cppu_threadpool::ORequestThread::run() (this=0x55df35572ea0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/thread.cxx:165 #34 0x00007f017d33497f in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df35572eb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df35572eb0 #35 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df357205b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df357205b0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #36 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #37 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f015bc44700 (LWP 1697621)): #0 0x00007f017dcface1 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f017dce4537 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007f017e0d6d07 in (anonymous namespace)::callSystemHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=signal@entry=6, info=info@entry=0x7f015bc41170, context=, context@entry=0x7f015bc41040) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:332 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x0, sa_sigaction = 0x0}, sa_mask = {__val = {0 }}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x7f015bc41040} i = #3 0x00007f017e0d6e0c in (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=6, info=0x7f015bc41170, context=0x7f015bc41040) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:428 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x0, sa_sigaction = 0x0}, sa_mask = {__val = {511101108315, 0, 0, 0, 13972875722760119040, 300, 139643811272176, 94417171718736, 100, 94417190559728, 139643811272176, 101, 100, 94417190559728, 139644382753424, 0}}, sa_flags = 1785339240, sa_restorer = 0xd68} Info = {Signal = osl_Signal_AccessViolation, UserSignal = 6, UserData = 0x0} #4 0x00007f017dcfad60 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #5 0x00007f017dcface1 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #6 0x00007f017dce4537 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x00007f017dce440f in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #8 0x00007f017dcf3662 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #9 0x00007f0169416729 in ScDocument::GetFormatTable() const (this=this@entry=0x55df398f6ee0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/documen2.cxx:462 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "SvNumberFormatter* ScDocument::GetFormatTable() const" #10 0x00007f01693fe3fd in ScAttrArray_IterGetNumberFormat(sal_uInt32&, ScAttrArray const*&, SCROW&, ScAttrArray const*, SCROW, ScDocument const&, ScInterpreterContext const*) (nFormat=@0x7f015bc41b38: 0, rpArr=@0x7f015bc41b30: 0x0, nAttrEndRow=@0x7f015bc41b54: 0, pNewArr=0x55df360607f0, nRow=nRow@entry=30, rDoc=..., pContext=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/dociter.cxx:80 nRowStart = 30 nRowEnd = 30 pPattern = 0x55df38d9bf50 #11 0x00007f0169405a5d in ScValueIterator::GetThis(double&, FormulaError&) (this=this@entry=0x7f015bc41b20, rValue=@0x7f015bc41b00: 0, rErr=@0x7f015bc41af8: FormulaError::NONE) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/dociter.cxx:196 bNextColumn = pCol = 0x55df3826e960 nCurRow = 30 nLastRow = 32513 #12 0x00007f0169405d6a in ScValueIterator::GetNext(double&, FormulaError&) (this=, this@entry=0x7f015bc41b20, rValue=@0x7f015bc41b00: 0, rErr=@0x7f015bc41af8: FormulaError::NONE) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/dociter.cxx:297 #13 0x00007f01698f7d21 in ScInterpreter::GetNumberSequenceArray(unsigned char, std::__debug::vector >&, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55df371ac070, nParamCount=nParamCount@entry=1 '\001', rArray=std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 200 = {...}, bConvertTextInArray=bConvertTextInArray@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr3.cxx:3986 nCellCount = nErr = FormulaError::NONE fCellVal = 0 aValIter = {mrDoc = @0x55df398f6ee0, pContext = 0x0, pAttrArray = 0x0, nNumFormat = 0, nNumFmtIndex = 0, maStartPos = {nRow = 0, nCol = 0, nTab = 4, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}, maEndPos = {nRow = 199, nCol = 0, nTab = 4, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}, mnCol = 0, mnTab = 4, nAttrEndRow = 0, mnSubTotalFlags = SubtotalFlags::NONE, nNumFmtType = SvNumFormatType::UNDEFINED, bNumValid = false, bCalcAsShown = true, bTextAsZero = false, mpCells = 0x55df3826eb90, maCurPos = {first = {, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>::const_iterator_trait>> = {m_cur_node = {type = 10, position = 30, size = 1, data = 0x55df37469040, __private_data = {parent = 0x55df3826eb90, block_index = 1}}, m_pos = {position_iterator = 30, size_iterator = 1, element_block_iterator = 0x55df37469040}, m_end = {position_iterator = 7378697629483820646, size_iterator = 7378697629483820646, element_block_iterator = 0x6666666666666666}}, }, second = 0}} eStackType = aAdr = {nRow = 0, nCol = 0, nTab = 0, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}} aRange = {aStart = {nRow = 0, nCol = 0, nTab = 4, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}, aEnd = {nRow = 199, nCol = 0, nTab = 4, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}} bIgnoreErrVal = false nParam = 0 nRefInList = 0 #14 0x00007f01698fd407 in ScInterpreter::CalculateSmallLarge(bool) (this=this@entry=0x55df371ac070, bSmall=bSmall@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr3.cxx:3657 nCol = 1 nRow = 1 aArray = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {1} nRankArraySize = 1 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void ScInterpreter::CalculateSmallLarge(bool)" aRankArray = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {1} aSortArray = std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 200 = {1, 21} nSize = #15 0x00007f01698fe4e2 in ScInterpreter::ScSmall() (this=this@entry=0x55df371ac070) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr3.cxx:3717 #16 0x00007f01699201a9 in ScInterpreter::Interpret() (this=this@entry=0x55df371ac070) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx:4373 bGotResult = nRetTypeExpr = SvNumFormatType::NUMBER nRetIndexExpr = 0 nErrorFunction = 0 nErrorFunctionCount = 0 aErrorFunctionStack = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 nStackBase = 0 aTokenMatrixMapIter = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': {_M_node = 0x55df371ac138} eOp = ocSmall __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "formula::StackVar ScInterpreter::Interpret()" bForcedResultType = p = eType = #17 0x00007f016961d68f in ScFormulaCell::InterpretTail(ScInterpreterContext&, ScFormulaCell::ScInterpretTailParameter) (this=0x55df382b5180, rContext=..., eTailParam=eTailParam@entry=ScFormulaCell::SCITP_NORMAL) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:1945 pScopedInterpreter = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} pInterpreter = 0x55df371ac070 nOldErrCode = FormulaError::NONE bContentChanged = aNewResult = {static MULTILINE_UNKNOWN = 0 '\000', static MULTILINE_FALSE = 1 '\001', static MULTILINE_TRUE = 2 '\002', static MAX_TOKENREF_COUNT = 61440, {mfValue = 6.8993209805434597e-310, mpToken = 0x7f015bc421e8}, mbToken = false, mbEmpty = false, mbEmptyDisplayedAsString = false, mbValueCached = true, meMultiline = 3 '\003', mnError = 32185} bOldRunning = false bForceNumberFormat = aRecursionCounter = {rRec = @0x55df3987c920, bStackedInIteration = false, cell = 0x55df382b5180} #18 0x00007f016933017f in ScColumn::CalculateInThread(ScInterpreterContext&, int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned int) (this=, rContext=..., nRow=nRow@entry=0, nLen=nLen@entry=30, nOffset=nOffset@entry=0, nThisThread=nThisThread@entry=0, nThreadsTotal=48) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/column2.cxx:3217 rCell = i = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void ScColumn::CalculateInThread(ScInterpreterContext&, SCROW, size_t, size_t, unsigned int, unsigned int)" aPos = {first = {, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>::iterator_trait>> = {m_cur_node = {type = 54, position = 0, size = 30, data = 0x55df37298a00, __private_data = {parent = 0x55df372949b0, block_index = 0}}, m_pos = {position_iterator = 0, size_iterator = 30, element_block_iterator = 0x55df37298a00}, m_end = {position_iterator = 7378697629483820646, size_iterator = 7378697629483820646, element_block_iterator = 0x6666666666666666}}, }, second = 0} it = {, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<53, EditTextObject>, mdds::mtv::noncopyable_managed_element_block<54, ScFormulaCell> >, sc::CellStoreTrait>::iterator_trait>> = {m_cur_node = {type = 54, position = 0, size = 30, data = 0x55df37298a00, __private_data = {parent = 0x55df372949b0, block_index = 0}}, m_pos = {position_iterator = 0, size_iterator = 30, element_block_iterator = 0x55df37298a00}, m_end = {position_iterator = 7378697629483820646, size_iterator = 7378697629483820646, element_block_iterator = 0x6666666666666666}}, } nBlockLen = itCell = 0x55df382b5180 #19 0x00007f01696deae5 in ScTable::CalculateInColumnInThread(ScInterpreterContext&, short, short, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int) (this=this@entry=0x55df37294350, rContext=..., nColStart=, nColEnd=7, nRowStart=0, nRowEnd=, nThisThread=0, nThreadsTotal=48) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/table1.cxx:2629 nCurrCol = 0 nLen = 30 nOffset = 0 #20 0x00007f016946f012 in ScDocument::CalculateInColumnInThread(ScInterpreterContext&, ScRange const&, unsigned int, unsigned int) (this=, rContext=..., rCalcRange=..., nThisThread=0, nThreadsTotal=48) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/inc/address.hxx:281 pTab = 0x55df37294350 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void ScDocument::CalculateInColumnInThread(ScInterpreterContext&, const ScRange&, unsigned int, unsigned int)" #21 0x00007f016960bcb3 in ScFormulaCell::Executor::doWork() (this=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sc/source/core/data/formulacell.cxx:4878 aCalcRange = {aStart = {nRow = 0, nCol = 0, nTab = 5, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}, aEnd = {nRow = 29, nCol = 7, nTab = 5, static detailsOOOa1 = {eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, nRow = 0, nCol = 0}}} aInterpreters = Python Exception Cannot access memory at address 0x0: #22 0x00007f017d5795c9 in comphelper::ThreadTask::exec() (this=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/threadpool.cxx:319 #23 0x00007f017d57dc8f in comphelper::ThreadPool::ThreadWorker::execute() (this=0x55df392a29a0) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_ptr.h:173 pTag = std::shared_ptr (use count 8, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55df35b4f4f0} pTask = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55df36228490} aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55df3566d5d0, _M_owns = false} #24 0x00007f017c66964b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55df392a29a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55df392a29a0}, m_bDismissed = false} #25 0x00007f017c669d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55df392a29b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55df392a29b0 #26 0x00007f017e0e136d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55df35adcbd0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55df35adcbd0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #27 0x00007f017d955ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #28 0x00007f017ddbcdef in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6