[New LWP 669079] [New LWP 668461] [New LWP 669073] [New LWP 668580] [New LWP 668588] [New LWP 669075] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". Core was generated by `/home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/soffice.bin -env:UserInstallation=file:/'. Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. #0 0x00007fefe37f7ebc in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7fefcdabe6c0 (LWP 669079))] Thread 6 (Thread 0x7fefce2bf6c0 (LWP 669075)): #0 0x00007fefe38778e4 in recv () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe3b5d751 in osl_receivePipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=pPipe@entry=0x7fefc4000f00, pBuffer=pBuffer@entry=0x7fefc0007098, BytesToRead=BytesToRead@entry=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:453 socket = 13 nRet = #2 0x00007fefe3b5da36 in osl_readPipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=0x7fefc4000f00, pBuffer=0x7fefc0007098, n=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:527 RetVal = BytesRead = 0 BytesToRead = 8 #3 0x00007fefd41f08ff in osl::StreamPipe::read(void*, int) const (n=8, pBuffer=, this=0x7fefc4001550) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:200 n = #4 io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection::read(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence&, sal_Int32) (this=0x7fefc4001520, aReadBytes=uno::Sequence of length 8 = {...}, nBytesToRead=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:83 n = #5 0x00007fefd4188555 in binaryurp::(anonymous namespace)::read(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, sal_uInt32, bool) (connection=uno::Reference to (io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x7fefc4001548, size=size@entry=8, eofOk=eofOk@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:70 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "com::sun::star::uno::Sequence binaryurp::{anonymous}::read(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference&, sal_uInt32, bool)" buf = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} n = #6 0x00007fefd418a4f2 in binaryurp::Reader::execute() (this=0x7fefc4006a80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:105 s = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} count = block = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x7fefc4000fb0, state_ = @0x7fefc4006ac8, buffer_ = uno::Sequence of length 32744 = {86 'V', 74 'J', 26 '\032', -63 '\301', -118 '\212', 88 'X', -49 '\317', 84 'T', 89 'Y', 102 'f', 105 'i', 108 'l', 101 'e', 58 ':', 47 '/', 47 '/', 47 '/', 115 's', 114 'r', 118 'v', 47 '/', 99 'c', 114 'r', 97 'a', 115 's', 104 'h', 116 't', 101 'e', 115 's', 116 't', 100 'd', 97 'a', 116 't', 97 'a', 47 '/', 99 'c', 117 'u', 114 'r', 114 'r', 101 'e', 110 'n', 116 't', 47 '/', 115 's', 114 'r', 118 'v', 47 '/', 99 'c', 114 'r', 97 'a', 115 's', 104 'h', 116 't', 101 'e', 115 's', 116 't', 100 'd', 97 'a', 116 't', 97 'a', 47 '/', 102 'f', 105 'i', 108 'l', 101 'e', 115 's', 47 '/', 98 'b', 117 'u', 103 'g', 116 't', 114 'r', 97 'a', 99 'c', 107 'k', 101 'e', 114 'r', 115 's', 47 '/', 111 'o', 100 'd', 116 't', 47 '/', 116 't', 100 'd', 102 'f', 49 '1', 51 '3', 50 '2', 50 '2', 53 '5', 54 '6', 45 '-', 49 '1', 46 '.', 114 'r', 116 't', 102 'f', 6 '\006', 95 '_', 98 'b', 108 'l', 97 'a', 110 'n', 107 'k', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 3 '\003', 6 '\006', 72 'H', 105 'i', 100 'd', 100 'd', 101 'e', 110 'n', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 2 '\002', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 8 '\b', 82 'R', 101 'e', 97 'a', 100 'd', 79 'O', 110 'n', 108 'l', 121 'y', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 2 '\002', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 18 '\022', 65 'A', 98 'b', 111 'o', 114 'r', 116 't', 79 'O', 110 'n', 76 'L', 111 'o', 97 'a', 100 'd', 70 'F', 97 'a', 105 'i', 108 'l', 117 'u', 114 'r', 101 'e', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 2 '\002', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', -75 '\265', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 25 '\031', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'...}, data_ = 0x7fefc0008357 "", end_ = 0x7fefc0008357 ""} header = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x7fefc4000fb0, state_ = @0x7fefc4006ac8, buffer_ = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, data_ = 0x7fefc00070a0 " ", end_ = 0x7fefc00070a0 " "} size = con = uno::Reference to (io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x7fefc4001548 #7 0x00007fefe363d121 in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x7fefc4006a80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x7fefc4006a80}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007fefe363d3c7 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x7fefc4006a90) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x7fefc4006a90 #9 0x00007fefe3b6e41d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x7fefc4008f70) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:237 terminate = false pImpl = 0x7fefc4008f70 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007fefe37f61c4 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #11 0x00007fefe387685c in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (Thread 0x7fefcffff6c0 (LWP 668588)): #0 0x00007fefe387769f in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe3b5d27a in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=0x7fefc4001570) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:388 s = pAcceptedPipe = socket = 12 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" aGuard = {_M_device = 0x7fefc4001570, _M_owns = false} flags = #2 0x00007fefd41f0ad1 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (this=this@entry=0x7fefcfffd4f8, Connection=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 #3 0x00007fefd41f05b2 in io_acceptor::PipeAcceptor::accept() (this=0x7fefc4000d50) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:157 pipe = {m_handle = 0x7fefc4001570} pConn = rtl::Reference to 0x7fefc4009530 status = #4 0x00007fefd41f6510 in (anonymous namespace)::OAcceptor::accept(rtl::OUString const&) (this=0x562b84d22a40, sConnectionDescription="pipe,name=pytestd8833caa-ea0e-11ef-9e4d-98f2b32c495c") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acceptor.cxx:198 guard = {m_pFlag = 0x562b84d22ab8} r = empty uno::Reference #5 0x00007fefd4241a2d in desktop::Acceptor::run() (this=this@entry=0x562b84d23910) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:110 g = {_M_device = 0x562b84d23948, _M_owns = true} rConnection = empty uno::Reference aDescription = "pipe,name=pytestd8833caa-ea0e-11ef-9e4d-98f2b32c495c,uniqueValue=140667762251088" rInstanceProvider = uno::Reference to (desktop::AccInstanceProvider *) 0x7fefc4000d38 #6 0x00007fefd4241ed9 in desktop::offacc_workerfunc(void*) (acc=0x562b84d23910) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:46 #7 0x00007fefe3b6e41d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x562b84d28ed0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:237 terminate = false pImpl = 0x562b84d28ed0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #8 0x00007fefe37f61c4 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #9 0x00007fefe387685c in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (Thread 0x7fefd4a556c0 (LWP 668580)): #0 0x00007fefe387769f in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe3b5d27a in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=0x562b84c76130) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:388 s = pAcceptedPipe = socket = 9 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" aGuard = {_M_device = 0x562b84c76130, _M_owns = false} flags = #2 0x00007fefe39d3d37 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (this=this@entry=0x562b84d18040, Connection=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 #3 0x00007fefe39d383c in desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute() (this=0x562b84d18010) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/officeipcthread.cxx:1127 aStreamPipe = { = {m_handle = 0x0}, } nError = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute()" #4 0x00007fefe363d121 in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x562b84d18010) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x562b84d18010}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007fefe363d3c7 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x562b84d18020) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x562b84d18020 #6 0x00007fefe3b6e41d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x562b845ea6f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:237 terminate = false pImpl = 0x562b845ea6f0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #7 0x00007fefe37f61c4 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #8 0x00007fefe387685c in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 3 (Thread 0x7fefceac06c0 (LWP 669073)): #0 0x00007fefe37f2f16 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe37f55d8 in pthread_cond_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007fefe3b4bf25 in std::condition_variable::wait > (__p=..., __lock=..., this=0x7fefc4008560) at /usr/include/c++/12/condition_variable:102 g = {_M_device = 0x7fefc4008590, _M_owns = true} pCond = 0x7fefc4008560 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #3 osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, TimeValue const*) (Condition=, pTimeout=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/conditn.cxx:125 g = {_M_device = 0x7fefc4008590, _M_owns = true} pCond = 0x7fefc4008560 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #4 0x00007fefd418ec36 in osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const*) (pTimeout=0x0, this=0x7fefc40084b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:123 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x7fefc0001750}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x562b83d71d90}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #5 binaryurp::Writer::execute() (this=0x7fefc40082d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/writer.cxx:151 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x7fefc0001750}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x562b83d71d90}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #6 0x00007fefe363d121 in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x7fefc40082d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x7fefc40082d0}, m_bDismissed = false} #7 0x00007fefe363d3c7 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x7fefc40082e0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x7fefc40082e0 #8 0x00007fefe3b6e41d in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x7fefc4008ce0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:237 terminate = false pImpl = 0x7fefc4008ce0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #9 0x00007fefe37f61c4 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #10 0x00007fefe387685c in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fefdb387e00 (LWP 668461)): #0 0x00007fefe37f2f16 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe37f55d8 in pthread_cond_wait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007fefdde49441 in std::condition_variable::wait > (__p=..., __lock=..., this=0x562b83d5c630) at /usr/include/c++/12/condition_variable:102 g = {_M_device = 0x562b83d5c608, _M_owns = true} request = SvpRequest::NONE pInst = 0x562b83d5c3e0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(sal_uInt32)" #3 SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(unsigned int) (this=0x562b83d5c510, nLockCount=1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:346 g = {_M_device = 0x562b83d5c608, _M_owns = true} request = SvpRequest::NONE pInst = 0x562b83d5c3e0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void SvpSalYieldMutex::doAcquire(sal_uInt32)" #4 0x00007fefdd74546c in comphelper::SolarMutex::acquire(unsigned int) (this=, nLockCount=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/comphelper/solarmutex.hxx:86 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void comphelper::SolarMutex::acquire(sal_uInt32)" #5 0x00007fefddc2edb5 in SalInstance::AcquireYieldMutex(unsigned int) (this=, nCount=nCount@entry=1) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/salvtables.cxx:146 #6 0x00007fefddc78d5b in Application::AcquireSolarMutex(unsigned int) (nCount=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:523 pSVData = #7 0x00007fefddc7b2e7 in SolarMutexReleaser::~SolarMutexReleaser() (this=0x7fff8d7adce4, __in_chrg=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/vcl/svapp.hxx:1427 releaser = {mnReleased = 1} pSVData = 0x7fefde8d8880 ::get()::instance> nExitCode = 0 #8 Application::Execute() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:363 releaser = {mnReleased = 1} pSVData = 0x7fefde8d8880 ::get()::instance> nExitCode = 0 #9 0x00007fefe39a585e in desktop::Desktop::Main() (this=0x7fff8d7ae010) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:1679 pDisplay = startT = {__d = {__r = 1739453497811445180}} recordTime = {} layer = {m_aEnvTypeName = "gcc3", m_xPreviousContext = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::DesktopEnvironmentContext *) 0x562b83d5c8e8} eStatus = rCmdLineArgs = @0x7fefe3b038c0: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task7066"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestd8833caa-ea0e-11ef-9e4d-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_startListParams = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} inst_fin = xContext = xRestartManager = uno::Reference to (comphelper::OOfficeRestartManager *) 0x562b84d22788 xDesktop = uno::Reference to (framework::Desktop *) 0x562b8401caa8 bMustLockProfile = aTitle = "LibreOfficeDev [95609ed61346d4ad3f38f354963f7d809e8effa6]" bAbort = aEvent = { = {Source = empty uno::Reference}, EventName = "OnStartApp", ViewController = empty uno::Reference, Supplement = uno::Any(void)} bCrashed = false bExistsRecoveryData = false bExistsSessionData = false pidfileName = "" #10 0x00007fefddc86e69 in ImplSVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:230 pSVData = 0x7fefde8d8880 ::get()::instance> nReturn = 1 bWasInitVCL = bInit = true nRet = 0 #11 0x00007fefddc86ea9 in SVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:248 #12 0x00007fefe39d787c in soffice_main() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/sofficemain.cxx:122 aDesktop = { = { = {_vptr.ILibreOfficeKitNotifier = 0x7fefe3af5d58 }, m_pCallbackData = 0x0, m_pCallback = 0x0}, m_rSplashScreen = empty uno::Reference, m_bCleanedExtensionCache = false, m_bServicesRegistered = true, m_aBootstrapError = desktop::Desktop::BE_OK, m_aBootstrapErrorMessage = "", m_aBootstrapStatus = desktop::Desktop::BS_OK, m_xLockfile = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_firstRunTimer = { = {_vptr.Task = 0x7fefde7edbe8 , mpSchedulerData = 0x0, mpDebugName = 0x7fefe3a517a8 "desktop::Desktop m_firstRunTimer", mePriority = TaskPriority::DEFAULT, mbActive = false, mbStatic = false}, maInvokeHandler = {function_ = 0x7fefe39a0ba4 , instance_ = 0x7fff8d7ae010, source_ = 0x7fefe3a517f8 "/home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:450", target_ = 0x7fefe3a517d0 "Desktop::LinkStubAsyncInitFirstRun"}, mnTimeout = 3000, mbAuto = false}, m_aUpdateThread = {_M_id = {_M_thread = 0}}} rCmdLineArgs = @0x7fefe3b038c0: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task7066"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestd8833caa-ea0e-11ef-9e4d-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_startListParams = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} aUnknown = "" #13 0x0000562b81e49962 in sal_main () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:51 ret = #14 0x0000562b81e499af in main (argc=, argv=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:49 ret = Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fefcdabe6c0 (LWP 669079)): #0 0x00007fefe37f7ebc in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fefe37a8fb2 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007fefe3793472 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #3 0x00007fefe3b6796e in (anonymous namespace)::callSystemHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=signal@entry=6, info=info@entry=0x7fefcdab9130, context=context@entry=0x7fefcdab9000) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:330 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x0, sa_sigaction = 0x0}, sa_mask = {__val = {0, 0, 17218267902221132800, 13, 18446744073709549080, 0, 140668247513917, 140667550177984, 0, 0, 17218267902221132800, 140667924484848, 140667542946240, 140667543907120, 17218267902221132800, 94744911936048}}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x7fefcdab9000} i = #4 0x00007fefe3b67a87 in (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=6, info=0x7fefcdab9130, context=0x7fefcdab9000) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:426 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x7fefcdab8ff8, sa_sigaction = 0x7fefcdab8ff8}, sa_mask = {__val = {140667924484080, 140667924484088, 140667924484080, 140667924484040, 140668287388952, 140667924484040, 140668287389135, 140667924484032, 0, 140667924484032, 140668294753444, 140668288903888, 1451843812, 140668288874304, 140668288864808, 140667924484212}}, sa_flags = -474124086, sa_restorer = 0x7a} Info = {Signal = osl_Signal_AccessViolation, UserSignal = 6, UserData = 0x0} #5 0x00007fefe37a9050 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #6 0x00007fefe37f7ebc in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x00007fefe37a8fb2 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #8 0x00007fefe3793472 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #9 0x00007fefddc22e32 in SalAbort(rtl::OUString const&, bool) (rErrorText="", bDumpCore=bDumpCore@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/salplug.cxx:403 #10 0x00007fefddc78bf0 in Application::Abort(rtl::OUString const&) (rErrorText="") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:300 #11 0x00007fefe39a17ce in desktop::Desktop::Exception(ExceptionCategory) (this=, nCategory=ExceptionCategory::System) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:1237 bInException = true nOldMode = rArgs = bRestart = false bAllowRecoveryAndSessionManagement = #12 0x00007fefddc85a66 in VCLExceptionSignal_impl(void*, oslSignalInfo*) (pInfo=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:177 nOldMode = SystemWindowFlags::DIALOG pSVData = 0x7fefde8d8880 ::get()::instance> aLock = {m_isAcquired = true, m_isChecked = true, m_rSolarMutex = @0x562b83d5c510} bIn = true nVCLException = #13 0x00007fefe3b1e666 in callSignalHandler(oslSignalInfo*) (pInfo=pInfo@entry=0x7fefcdab9770) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/all/signalshared.cxx:47 pHandler = 0x562b84d1fa30 Action = #14 0x00007fefe3b67a2a in (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=6, info=0x7fefcdab9970, context=0x7fefcdab9840) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:423 Info = {Signal = osl_Signal_AccessViolation, UserSignal = 6, UserData = 0x0} #15 0x00007fefe37a9050 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #16 0x00007fefe37f7ebc in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #17 0x00007fefe37a8fb2 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #18 0x00007fefe3793472 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #19 0x00007fefe349ffa5 in std::__throw_bad_exception() () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 #20 0x00007fefaf5f928b in std::__debug::vector, std::allocator > >::operator[](unsigned long) const (this=0x7fefb7474ba8, __n=4294967295) at /usr/include/c++/12/debug/vector:450 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "std::__debug::vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::const_reference std::__debug::vector<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator[](size_type) const [with _Tp = tools::SvRef; _Allocator = std::a"... #21 0x00007fefaf5f929b in writerfilter::dmapper::RowData::getCellEnd(unsigned int) const (this=, i=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/TableData.hxx:242 #22 0x00007fefaf5f68cf in writerfilter::dmapper::TableManager::HandleSmallerRows() (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6e5ebb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/TableManager.cxx:412 xTextRange = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0xeef3936e4766a400 aProperties = std::__debug::vector of length -2930589390672, capacity -25596184162066064 = {{Name = , Handle = 521126749, Value = , State = 360120832}, {Name = , Handle = -1991720959, Value = , State = 521126656}, {Name = , Handle = 607947080, Value = , State = 1200310280}, {Name = , Handle = 0, Value = , State = 1208025798}, {Name = , Handle = -2137158328, Value = , State = 1208431432}, {Name = , Handle = 1075213567, Value = , State = 2303252853}, {Name = , Handle = 93014016, Value = , State = 363925488}, {Name = , Handle = -1065007104, Value = , State = 2206812160}, {Name = , Handle = 2130835587, Value = , State = 3487819776}, {Name = , Handle = 1662195085, Value = , State = 2303219028}, {Name = , Handle = 5123, Value = , State = 1096565085}, {Name = , Handle = -612022272, Value = , State = 1677726604}, {Name = , Handle = 328922117, Value = , State = 193}, {Name = , Handle = -146212215, Value = , State = 1435322368}, {Name = , Handle = 8378, Value = , State = 4203302129}, {Name = , Handle = 1241513969, Value = , State = 1284677}, {Name = , Handle = 149, Value = , State = 3493415184}, {Name = , Handle = 1096637408, Value = , State = 3133157632}, {Name = , Handle = 1275068418, Value = , State = 8864192}, {Name = , Handle = 35881999, Value = , State = 1728053247}, {Name = , Handle = -466532865, Value = , State = 613240527}, {Name = , Handle = 1291801229, Value = , State = 1418284039}, {Name = , Handle = 1289232717, Value = , State = 3893896260}, {Name = , Handle = 35972, Value = , State = 2370437120}, {Name = , Handle = 994836480, Value = , State = 364973896}, {Name = , Handle = 961019923, Value = , State = 1032669184}, {Name = , Handle = 1200441600, Value = , State = 4294845828}, {Name = , Handle = -471467, Value = , State = 201377636}, {Name = , Handle = 1418415104, Value = , State = 270814345}, {Name = , Handle = -1958215674, Value = , State = 3833956}, {Name = , Handle = -369605749, Value = , State = 4294182120}, {Name = , Handle = 1401637119, Value = , State = 3446925552}, {Name = , Handle = -13371, Value = , State = 3347663872}, {Name = , Handle = -47322844, Value = , State = 3204452405}, {Name = , Handle = 1547954176, Value = , State = 585629712}, {Name = , Handle = 271942677, Value = , State = 854132596}, {Name = , Handle = -1991768028, Value = , State = 8658703}, {Name = , Handle = -74889133, Value = , State = 3162761216}, {Name = , Handle = -74889133, Value = , State = 1224616264}, {Name = , Handle = -1136400384, Value = , State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = , Handle = -2092412075, Value = , State = 717}, {Name = , Handle = 93014016, Value = , State = 1912965960}, {Name = , Handle = 589, Value = , State = 2337013779}, {Name = , Handle = -1942813301, Value = , State = 55109921}, {Name = , Handle = 1289652552, Value = , State = 1217218560}, {Name = , Handle = 327930941, Value = , State = 775638222}, {Name = , Handle = -997912832, Value = , State = 1915587916}, {Name = , Handle = -461158136, Value = , State = 4018752568}, {Name = , Handle = -1991719543, Value = , State = 1715172800}, {Name = , Handle = 1096565085, Value = , State = 1434927570}, {Name = , Handle = -1924597680, Value = , State = 1221871119}, {Name = , Handle = -2045831174, Value = , State = 4202907648}, {Name = , Handle = 1074859813, Value = , State = 4286962313}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339133, Value = , State = 267729225}, {Name = , Handle = -12221169, Value = , State = 3229960389}, {Name = , Handle = 521142271, Value = , State = 93014016}, {Name = , Handle = -22681152, Value = , State = 4294966559}, {Name = , Handle = -46011905, Value = , State = 1223657804}, {Name = , Handle = 938018852, Value = , State = 3892318241}, {Name = , Handle = 818091405, Value = , State = 1213420884}, {Name = , Handle = 253240444, Value = , State = 28968996}, {Name = , Handle = 1207959554, Value = , State = 82823}, {Name = , Handle = -8483507, Value = , State = 3313699966}, {Name = , Handle = 961091677, Value = , State = 1535854592}, {Name = , Handle = 961149158, Value = , State = 2198849337}, {Name = , Handle = -147240506, Value = , State = 2216628137}, {Name = , Handle = 1156417865, Value = , State = 1207964560}, {Name = , Handle = -1958210524, Value = , State = 1887472456}, {Name = , Handle = -92027, Value = , State = 2169057478}, {Name = , Handle = -1052182903, Value = , State = 4294869321}, {Name = , Handle = 267305288, Value = , State = 1220950344}, {Name = , Handle = 405044363, Value = , State = 3594065293}, {Name = , Handle = 1056469, Value = , State = 270447669}, {Name = , Handle = -80939, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = -1991706545, Value = , State = 1724105285}, {Name = , Handle = 33823, Value = , State = 1149847552}, {Name = , Handle = 58500, Value = , State = 1143541520}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339226, Value = , State = 4289365224}, {Name = , Handle = 553115, Value = , State = 1863280176}, {Name = , Handle = 1578176321, Value = , State = 1281410179}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339282, Value = , State = 4284803583}, {Name = , Handle = -385875969, Value = , State = 3884533952}, {Name = , Handle = 539247727, Value = , State = 185667400}, {Name = , Handle = 10277, Value = , State = 1213420884}, {Name = , Handle = 673514635, Value = , State = 1780321096}, {Name = , Handle = 822088589, Value = , State = 29721344}, {Name = , Handle = 1090988303, Value = , State = 2303459328}, {Name = , Handle = -1070470519, Value = , State = 3934864384}, {Name = , Handle = 1220555067, Value = , State = 33063686}, {Name = , Handle = 93145088, Value = , State = 265452605}, {Name = , Handle = 1220555016, Value = , State = 4294671813}, {Name = , Handle = -766495347, Value = , State = 1224735613}, {Name = , Handle = 1214539812, Value = , State = 4152970240}, {Name = , Handle = -141997056, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 1213551681, Value = , State = 42274560}, {Name = , Handle = -125630397, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = -2045837312, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 1278469, Value = , State = 327288837}, {Name = , Handle = 763971584, Value = , State = 1278381}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339160, Value = , State = 763971584}, {Name = , Handle = 1927872512, Value = , State = 1540917759}, {Name = , Handle = -2092433408, Value = , State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = , Handle = -1991683007, Value = , State = 1208476291}, {Name = , Handle = -388003512, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 1724079169, Value = , State = 5105}, {Name = , Handle = 1036261, Value = , State = 2216628014}, {Name = , Handle = 0, Value = , State = 2216628014}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339282, Value = , State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = , Handle = 0, Value = , State = 4189398248}, {Name = , Handle = -390057534, Value = , State = 1665727369}, {Name = , Handle = 1665981175, Value = , State = 1133067145}, {Name = , Handle = 1248228544, Value = , State = 2303197253}, {Name = , Handle = -2147483648, Value = , State = 1031489}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339226, Value = , State = 2303218517}, {Name = , Handle = 133, Value = , State = 1347125312}, {Name = , Handle = -788576133, Value = , State = 3228307302}, {Name = , Handle = -1205845111, Value = , State = 2216628014}, {Name = , Handle = 1031489, Value = , State = 2364215551}, {Name = , Handle = 1398101057, Value = , State = 811033416}, {Name = , Handle = 1223183375, Value = , State = 13927439}, {Name = , Handle = 1971932424, Value = , State = 1278639630}, {Name = , Handle = 273386312, Value = , State = 2303520629}, {Name = , Handle = 1401636864, Value = , State = 1211124579}, {Name = , Handle = 961071137, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = -310030907, Value = , State = 138774857}, {Name = , Handle = -338624522, Value = , State = 521088372}, {Name = , Handle = 1209430832, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 142052168, Value = , State = 1290701128}, {Name = , Handle = 1133201416, Value = , State = 1566310392}, {Name = , Handle = 274958668, Value = , State = 359977605}, {Name = , Handle = -763017208, Value = , State = 91276937}, {Name = , Handle = 201377636, Value = , State = 2336755948}, {Name = , Handle = 1224734904, Value = , State = 3229960391}, {Name = , Handle = -379720055, Value = , State = 138906440}, {Name = , Handle = 158656313, Value = , State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE}, {Name = , Handle = 521126748, Value = , State = 59328722}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339282, Value = , State = 2976909}, {Name = , Handle = -410432274, Value = , State = 1096630620}, {Name = , Handle = -1065006849, Value = , State = 201377636}, {Name = , Handle = -951569527, Value = , State = 3791079508}, {Name = , Handle = -1052184311, Value = , State = 4294490581}, {Name = , Handle = 59328590, Value = , State = 1066092732}, {Name = , Handle = -1958150152, Value = , State = 3224445833}, {Name = , Handle = 8658703, Value = , State = 1677721600}, {Name = , Handle = 200, Value = , State = 1221822792}, {Name = , Handle = 181, Value = , State = 1962359112}, {Name = , Handle = 264275272, Value = , State = 2216628014}, {Name = , Handle = 1997011587, Value = , State = 136606857}, {Name = , Handle = 1955285066, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 17851533, Value = , State = 1096637376}, {Name = , Handle = 165, Value = , State = 1211528694}, {Name = , Handle = -315537921, Value = , State = 2216628163}, {Name = , Handle = -388658872, Value = , State = 3270035337}, {Name = , Handle = -477307, Value = , State = 132}, {Name = , Handle = -1991748611, Value = , State = 4114172176}, {Name = , Handle = -1047967489, Value = , State = 1527301251}, {Name = , Handle = 931743744, Value = , State = 2303459413}, {Name = , Handle = -1047967489, Value = , State = 1213551681}, {Name = , Handle = -1992163329, Value = , State = 4172674280}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339133, Value = , State = 264669512}, {Name = , Handle = 32670656, Value = , State = 2216628070}, {Name = , Handle = 822083584, Value = , State = 3968420142}, {Name = , Handle = 1566302857, Value = , State = 3828434395}, {Name = , Handle = -97957805, Value = , State = 1224734900}, {Name = , Handle = -1017291798, Value = , State = 2303219159}, {Name = , Handle = -410432294, Value = , State = 1056253}, {Name = , Handle = 76236900, Value = , State = 1171515615}, {Name = , Handle = -756547574, Value = , State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = , Handle = -1990994551, Value = , State = 3806944321}, {Name = , Handle = 264507701, Value = , State = 1033217}, {Name = , Handle = 1724079169, Value = , State = 4172408040}, {Name = , Handle = 1581342017, Value = , State = 3229960192}, {Name = , Handle = 814235648, Value = , State = 16742528}, {Name = , Handle = 29590344, Value = , State = 12}, {Name = , Handle = -1991682751, Value = , State = 4294488133}, {Name = , Handle = -1991443831, Value = , State = 1598119489}, {Name = , Handle = 33823, Value = , State = 3892898947}, {Name = , Handle = 1291942029, Value = , State = 317245185}, {Name = , Handle = 147096392, Value = , State = 2303211380}, {Name = , Handle = -276215808, Value = , State = 3767094496}, {Name = , Handle = -1017364000, Value = , State = 1212123976}, {Name = , Handle = 521138057, Value = , State = 628480901}, {Name = , Handle = 1220555008, Value = , State = 109660671}, {Name = , Handle = 1979090248, Value = , State = 833708}, {Name = , Handle = -1991683007, Value = , State = 2303587889}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339133, Value = , State = 1712712641}, {Name = , Handle = 29590344, Value = , State = 29590344}, {Name = , Handle = -159036160, Value = , State = 4001581312}, {Name = , Handle = -2078339073, Value = , State = 1224734894}, {Name = , Handle = -1991769664, Value = , State = 3277603165}, {Name = , Handle = 1015761152, Value = , State = 1962313032}, {Name = , Handle = -276215808, Value = , State = 4085860353}, {Name = , Handle = 1724079169, Value = , State = 265454920}, {Name = , Handle = 22, Value = , State = 3867757784}, {Name = , Handle = 1955154118, Value = , State = 1231844544}, {Name = , Handle = -1924480255, Value = , State = 2303311921}, {Name = , Handle = 1581342017, Value = , State = 1547787611}, {Name = , Handle = 12, Value = , State = 2303202931}, {Name = , Handle = -398899199, Value = , State = 1221018895}, {Name = , Handle = 0, Value = , State = 1275653251}...} xNewCellTextRange = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0x7fefcdaba120 xNewCellTextCursor = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0xfffffffffffff618 pCellPropMap = {pObj = 0x3ae9} pRowData = {pObj = 0x7fefb7474ba0} nRowWidth = 15027 nRow = 0 xTextAppendAndConvert = uno::Reference to (SwXTextFrame *) 0x7fefb71b08c8 pTableData = {pObj = 0x7fefb7185a40} nRows = 5 nMaxRowWidth = 15081 bIsDiffRowWidth = #23 0x00007fefaf5f6c6b in writerfilter::dmapper::TableManager::resolveCurrentTable() (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6e5ebb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/TableManager.cxx:443 pTableData = {pObj = 0x7fefaf47a56f ::deallocate(char*, unsigned long)+15>} nRows = #24 0x00007fefaf5f7177 in writerfilter::dmapper::TableManager::endLevel() (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6e5ebb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/TableManager.cxx:519 xCursor = empty uno::Reference pTableData = {pObj = 0xb6d72501} #25 0x00007fefaf50c074 in writerfilter::dmapper::DomainMapperTableManager::endLevel() (this=0x7fefb6e5ebb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/DomainMapperTableManager.cxx:501 oCurrentWidth = std::optional [no contained value] pProps = {pObj = 0x7fefb6e95370} oParagraph = std::optional = {[contained value] = {m_rStartParagraph = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0x7fefb6e8f8f8, m_rEndParagraph = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0x7fefb6e8f8f0, m_pPropertyMap = {pObj = 0x7fefb6e8faf0}, m_rPropertySet = uno::Reference to (com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0x7fefb6d82b78}} #26 0x00007fefaf5f65a2 in writerfilter::dmapper::TableManager::endParagraphGroup() (this=0x7fefb6e5ebb0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/TableManager.cxx:340 nTableDepthDifference = -1 pEmptyProps = {pObj = 0x0} #27 0x00007fefaf4d9aca in writerfilter::dmapper::DomainMapper::lcl_endParagraphGroup() (this=0x7fefb6d72540) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx:3903 #28 0x00007fefaf598861 in writerfilter::LoggedStream::endParagraphGroup() (this=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/dmapper/LoggedResources.cxx:108 #29 0x00007fefaf49c307 in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFDocumentImpl::parBreak() (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6e95310) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx:660 #30 0x00007fefaf4821be in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFDocumentImpl::dispatchSymbol(writerfilter::rtftok::RTFKeyword) (this=0x7fefb6e95310, nKeyword=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtfdispatchsymbol.cxx:107 aSkip = {m_rImport = @0x7fefb6e95318, m_bParsed = true, m_bReset = true} cCh = 0 '\000' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual writerfilter::rtftok::RTFError writerfilter::rtftok::RTFDocumentImpl::dispatchSymbol(writerfilter::rtftok::RTFKeyword)" #31 0x00007fefaf4ce9b2 in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFTokenizer::dispatchKeyword(rtl::OString const&, bool, int) (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6f1f490, rKeyword="par", bParam=bParam@entry=false, nParam=nParam@entry=0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtftokenizer.cxx:2196 __func__ = "dispatchKeyword" pSymbol = ret = #32 0x00007fefaf4cecb9 in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFTokenizer::resolveKeyword() (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6f1f490) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtftokenizer.cxx:2146 ch = 32 ' ' aBuf = "" bNeg = false bParam = false nParam = 0 aKeyword = "par" #33 0x00007fefaf4cefb2 in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFTokenizer::resolveParse() (this=0x7fefb6f1f490) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtftokenizer.cxx:2023 nCurrentPos = 347657 __func__ = "resolveParse" ch = 92 '\\' ret = b = 0 count = 2 nPercentSize = 0 nLastPos = 0 #34 0x00007fefaf496c2e in writerfilter::rtftok::RTFDocumentImpl::resolve(writerfilter::Stream&) (this=this@entry=0x7fefb6e95310, rMapper=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx:845 #35 0x00007fefaf609950 in (anonymous namespace)::RtfFilter::filter(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&) (this=0x7fefb6f297b0, rDescriptor=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/writerfilter/filter/RtfFilter.cxx:164 aMediaDesc = Python Exception : No type named std::__detail::_Hash_node, true>. { = {m_aMap = std::__debug::unordered_map with 13 elements}, static PROP_ABORTED = {pData = 0x7fefe261ca70