[New LWP 3314851] [New LWP 3270585] [New LWP 3271913] [New LWP 3271922] [New LWP 3270978] [New LWP 3308282] [New LWP 3270981] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". Core was generated by `/home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/soffice.bin -env:UserInstallation=file:/'. Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. #0 0x00007f55f3c47ce1 in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f55d9cf0700 (LWP 3314851))] Thread 7 (Thread 0x7f55e3ee3700 (LWP 3270981)): #0 0x00007f55f3d0adef in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f55f402185d in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=pPipe@entry=0x55babfe7e7f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:381 s = pAcceptedPipe = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" flags = #2 0x00007f55e3f7d201 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (Connection=..., this=0x7f55e3ee1400) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 pipe = {m_handle = 0x55babfe7e7f0} pConn = rtl::Reference to 0x55babfe99e10 status = #3 io_acceptor::PipeAcceptor::accept() (this=0x55babfe830d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:157 pipe = {m_handle = 0x55babfe7e7f0} pConn = rtl::Reference to 0x55babfe99e10 status = #4 0x00007f55e3f85f00 in (anonymous namespace)::OAcceptor::accept(rtl::OUString const&) (this=0x55babfcdf5e0, sConnectionDescription="pipe,name=pytestf0a99928-3002-11ed-9a94-98f2b32c495c") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acceptor.cxx:198 guard = {m_pFlag = 0x55babfcdf658} r = empty uno::Reference #5 0x00007f55e3fe56fe in desktop::Acceptor::run() (this=this@entry=0x55babfcdfe10) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:107 rConnection = empty uno::Reference rBridge = uno::Reference to (class binaryurp::Bridge *) 0x55babfe7e468 g = {_M_device = 0x55babfcdfe48, _M_owns = false} aDescription = "pipe,name=pytestf0a99928-3002-11ed-9a94-98f2b32c495c,uniqueValue=94260571930688" rInstanceProvider = uno::Reference to (class desktop::AccInstanceProvider *) 0x55babfe79018 #6 0x00007f55e3fe608a in desktop::offacc_workerfunc(void*) (acc=0x55babfcdfe10) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/offacc/acceptor.cxx:45 #7 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55babfce5020) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55babfce5020 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #8 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #9 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f55d82d0700 (LWP 3308282)): #0 0x00007f55f38a9ad8 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f55f3ffff9c in osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, TimeValue const*) (Condition=0x55bac3b64b70, pTimeout=pTimeout@entry=0x7f55d82ce710) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/conditn.cxx:203 ret = tp = {tv_sec = 1662702606, tv_usec = 995838} to = {tv_sec = 1662702608, tv_nsec = 995838000} pCond = 0x55bac3b64b70 nRet = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #2 0x00007f55f32864bc in osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const*) (pTimeout=0x7f55d82ce710, this=0x7f55d82ce580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:123 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55bac3b64b70}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac500f2f0} #3 osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const&) (timeout=..., this=0x7f55d82ce580) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:127 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55bac3b64b70}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac500f2f0} #4 cppu_threadpool::ThreadPool::waitInPool(rtl::Reference const&) (this=0x55babfe9b900, pThread=rtl::Reference to 0x55bac500f2f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/threadpool.cxx:123 waitingThread = {condition = {condition = 0x55bac3b64b70}, thread = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac500f2f0} #5 0x00007f55f327722d in cppu_threadpool::ORequestThread::run() (this=0x55bac500f2f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/thread.cxx:185 #6 0x00007f55f327897f in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55bac500f300) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55bac500f300 #7 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55bac3746f90) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55bac3746f90 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #8 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #9 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f55e47f9700 (LWP 3270978)): #0 0x00007f55f3d0adef in accept () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f55f402185d in osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe) (pPipe=0x55babfcd4590) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:381 s = pAcceptedPipe = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslPipeImpl* osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe)" flags = #2 0x00007f55f3e6cc53 in osl::Pipe::accept(osl::StreamPipe&) (Connection=..., this=0x55babfcd32c0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:155 aStreamPipe = { = {m_handle = 0x0}, } nError = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute()" #3 desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute() (this=0x55babfcd3290) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/officeipcthread.cxx:1132 aStreamPipe = { = {m_handle = 0x0}, } nError = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute()" #4 0x00007f55f25a664b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55babfcd3290) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55babfcd3290}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007f55f25a6d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55babfcd32a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55babfcd32a0 #6 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55babfcd37f0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55babfcd37f0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #7 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #8 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f55e27de700 (LWP 3271922)): #0 0x00007f55f3d0b034 in recv () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f55f4020b2d in osl_receivePipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=pPipe@entry=0x55babfe83020, pBuffer=pBuffer@entry=0x55bac5b89108, BytesToRead=BytesToRead@entry=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:439 nRet = 0 #2 0x00007f55f40210da in osl_readPipe(oslPipe, void*, sal_Int32) (pPipe=0x55babfe83020, pBuffer=0x55bac5b89108, n=n@entry=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/pipe.cxx:509 RetVal = BytesRead = 0 BytesToRead = 8 #3 0x00007f55e3f7ca44 in osl::StreamPipe::read(void*, int) const (n=8, pBuffer=, this=0x55babfe80040) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/pipe.hxx:200 n = #4 io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection::read(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence&, sal_Int32) (this=0x55babfe80010, aReadBytes=uno::Sequence of length 8 = {...}, nBytesToRead=8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/io/source/acceptor/acc_pipe.cxx:83 n = #5 0x00007f55e3f2615f in binaryurp::(anonymous namespace)::read(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, sal_uInt32, bool) (connection=uno::Reference to (class io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x55babfe80038, size=size@entry=8, eofOk=eofOk@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:70 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "com::sun::star::uno::Sequence binaryurp::{anonymous}::read(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference&, sal_uInt32, bool)" buf = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} n = #6 0x00007f55e3f295cd in binaryurp::Reader::execute() (this=0x55babfe9a0a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:105 s = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} count = block = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x55babfe7e440, state_ = @0x55babfe9a0e8, buffer_ = empty uno::Sequence, data_ = 0x55bac57520f0 "\220", end_ = 0x55bac57520f0 "\220"} header = {bridge_ = rtl::Reference to 0x55babfe7e440, state_ = @0x55babfe9a0e8, buffer_ = uno::Sequence of length 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'}, data_ = 0x55bac5b89110 "\f", , end_ = 0x55bac5b89110 "\f", } size = con = uno::Reference to (class io_acceptor::(anonymous namespace)::PipeConnection *) 0x55babfe80038 #7 0x00007f55f25a664b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55babfe9a0a0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55babfe9a0a0}, m_bDismissed = false} #8 0x00007f55f25a6d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55babfe9a0b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55babfe9a0b0 #9 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55babfe99310) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55babfe99310 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #10 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f55e4ffa700 (LWP 3271913)): #0 0x00007f55f38a97b2 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f55f4000a0b in osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, TimeValue const*) (Condition=0x55babfe99d40, pTimeout=pTimeout@entry=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/conditn.cxx:228 pCond = 0x55babfe99d40 nRet = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "oslConditionResult osl_waitCondition(oslCondition, const TimeValue*)" #2 0x00007f55e3f31688 in osl::Condition::wait(TimeValue const*) (pTimeout=0x0, this=0x55babfe99c90) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/conditn.hxx:123 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x55babfe9ca00}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55babee8cda0}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #3 binaryurp::Writer::execute() (this=0x55babfe99ab0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/writer.cxx:151 item = {tid = {_pSequence = 0x55babfe9ca00}, oid = "", type = {_pTypeDescr = 0x0}, member = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55babee8cda0}, currentContext = {m_pUnoI = 0x0}, returnValue = {data_ = }, arguments = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, request = false, setter = false, exception = false, setCurrentContextMode = false} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void binaryurp::Writer::execute()" #4 0x00007f55f25a664b in salhelper::Thread::run() (this=0x55babfe99ab0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/salhelper/source/thread.cxx:39 g = {m_func = {__this = 0x55babfe99ab0}, m_bDismissed = false} #5 0x00007f55f25a6d25 in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55babfe99ac0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55babfe99ac0 #6 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55babfe810b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55babfe810b0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #7 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #8 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f55e5b20e00 (LWP 3270585)): #0 0x00007f55f38a9df8 in pthread_cond_clockwait () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00007f55ee9731a8 in std::condition_variable::__wait_until_impl > >(std::unique_lock&, std::chrono::time_point > > const&) (this=this@entry=0x55babee84848, __lock=..., __atime=...) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_mutex.h:123 __ts = {tv_sec = 10844670, tv_nsec = 206147455} #2 0x00007f55ee970ff9 in std::condition_variable::wait_until > >(std::unique_lock&, std::chrono::time_point > > const&) (__atime=..., __lock=..., this=0x55babee84848) at /usr/include/c++/10/condition_variable:117 nTimeoutMS = pMutex = 0x55babee847e0 g = {_M_device = 0x55babee84820, _M_owns = true} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #3 std::condition_variable::wait_until >, SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool):: > (__p=..., __atime=..., __lock=..., this=0x55babee84848) at /usr/include/c++/10/condition_variable:158 nTimeoutMS = pMutex = 0x55babee847e0 g = {_M_device = 0x55babee84820, _M_owns = true} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #4 std::condition_variable::wait_for, SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool):: > (__p=..., __rtime=, __lock=..., this=0x55babee84848) at /usr/include/c++/10/condition_variable:185 nTimeoutMS = pMutex = 0x55babee847e0 g = {_M_device = 0x55babee84820, _M_owns = true} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #5 SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55babee82720, bWait=bWait@entry=true, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=bHandleAllCurrentEvents@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:505 nTimeoutMS = pMutex = 0x55babee847e0 g = {_M_device = 0x55babee84820, _M_owns = true} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool SvpSalInstance::ImplYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false bMustSleep = nTimeoutMicroS = aReleaser = {mnReleased = 1} #6 0x00007f55ee971185 in SvpSalInstance::DoYield(bool, bool) (this=0x55babee82720, bWait=, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/headless/svpinst.cxx:525 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual bool SvpSalInstance::DoYield(bool, bool)" bWasEvent = false pMutex = 0x55babee847e0 #7 0x00007f55ee6a898c in ImplYield(bool, bool) (i_bWait=i_bWait@entry=true, i_bAllEvents=i_bAllEvents@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:475 pSVData = 0x7f55ef299f00 ::get()::instance> bProcessedEvent = #8 0x00007f55ee6a8f3c in Application::Yield() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:559 bAbort = false #9 0x00007f55ee6a9174 in Application::Execute() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:453 pSVData = 0x7f55ef299f00 ::get()::instance> nExitCode = 0 #10 0x00007f55f3e27838 in desktop::Desktop::Main() (this=0x7fffd8a27040) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:1604 pDisplay = layer = {m_aEnvTypeName = "gcc3", m_xPreviousContext = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::DesktopEnvironmentContext *) 0x55babee811e8} eStatus = rCmdLineArgs = @0x7f55f3fa2ea0: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task2501"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_eventtesting = false, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestf0a99928-3002-11ed-9a94-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} inst_fin = xContext = uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55babee96cd0 xRestartManager = uno::Reference to (class comphelper::OOfficeRestartManager *) 0x55babfcd7bd8 xDesktop = uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55babfd57288 bMustLockProfile = aTitle = "LibreOfficeDev [d156e891db34e88991a6c18fd3cff6feddfc61c8]" bAbort = aEvent = { = {Source = empty uno::Reference}, EventName = "OnStartApp", ViewController = empty uno::Reference, Supplement = uno::Any(void)} bCrashed = false bExistsRecoveryData = false bExistsSessionData = false pidfileName = "" aAppearanceCfg = { = { = {_vptr.ConfigurationBroadcaster = 0x7f55f00df830 , mpList = std::unique_ptr >> = {get() = 0x0}, m_nBroadcastBlocked = 0, m_nBlockedHint = ConfigurationHints::NONE}, sSubTree = "Office.Common/View", m_xHierarchyAccess = uno::Reference to (class configmgr::RootAccess *) 0x55babfde1c38, xChangeLstnr = empty uno::Reference, m_nMode = ConfigItemMode::NONE, m_bIsModified = false, m_bEnableInternalNotification = false, m_nInValueChange = 0}, nDragMode = DragMode::SystemDep, nSnapMode = SnapType::NONE, nMiddleMouse = MouseMiddleButtonAction::PasteSelection, nAAMinPixelHeight = 8, bFontAntialiasing = true, bMenuMouseFollow = true, static bInitialized = true} aOptions = { = { = {_vptr.ConfigurationBroadcaster = 0x7f55f00df7a8 , mpList = std::unique_ptr >> = {get() = 0x0}, m_nBroadcastBlocked = 0, m_nBlockedHint = ConfigurationHints::NONE}, = {_vptr.ConfigurationListener = 0x7f55f00df7d8 }, }, static sm_pSingleImplConfig = 0x55babfe702c0, static sm_nAccessibilityRefCount = 3} #11 0x00007f55ee6c1e4b in ImplSVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:203 pSVData = 0x7f55ef299f00 ::get()::instance> nReturn = 1 bWasInitVCL = bInit = true nRet = 0 #12 0x00007f55ee6c2002 in SVMain() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:235 #13 0x00007f55f3e72766 in soffice_main() () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/sofficemain.cxx:94 aDesktop = { = { = {_vptr.ILibreOfficeKitNotifier = 0x7f55f3f96350 }, m_pCallbackData = 0x0, m_pCallback = 0x0}, m_rSplashScreen = empty uno::Reference, m_bCleanedExtensionCache = false, m_bServicesRegistered = true, m_aBootstrapError = desktop::Desktop::BE_OK, m_aBootstrapErrorMessage = "", m_aBootstrapStatus = desktop::Desktop::BS_OK, m_xLockfile = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_firstRunTimer = { = {_vptr.Task = 0x7f55ef1e6f78 , mpSchedulerData = 0x0, mpDebugName = 0x7f55f3f1fb68 "desktop::Desktop m_firstRunTimer", mePriority = TaskPriority::DEFAULT, mbActive = false, mbStatic = false}, maInvokeHandler = {function_ = 0x7f55f3e1c96c , instance_ = 0x7fffd8a27040, file_ = 0x7f55f3f1fbb8 "/home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx", line_ = 432, target_ = 0x7f55f3f1fb90 "Desktop::LinkStubAsyncInitFirstRun"}, mnTimeout = 3000, mbAuto = false}, m_aUpdateThread = {_M_id = {_M_thread = 0}}} rCmdLineArgs = @0x7f55f3fa2ea0: {m_cwdUrl = std::optional = {[contained value] = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/control/task2501"}, m_minimized = false, m_invisible = false, m_norestore = true, m_headless = true, m_eventtesting = false, m_quickstart = false, m_noquickstart = true, m_terminateafterinit = false, m_nologo = true, m_nolockcheck = false, m_nodefault = false, m_help = false, m_writer = false, m_calc = false, m_draw = false, m_impress = false, m_global = false, m_math = false, m_web = false, m_base = false, m_helpwriter = false, m_helpcalc = false, m_helpdraw = false, m_helpbasic = false, m_helpmath = false, m_helpimpress = false, m_helpbase = false, m_version = false, m_splashpipe = false, m_textcat = false, m_scriptcat = false, m_safemode = false, m_unknown = "", m_bEmpty = false, m_bDocumentArgs = false, m_accept = std::__debug::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"pipe,name=pytestf0a99928-3002-11ed-9a94-98f2b32c495c;urp"}, m_unaccept = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_openlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_viewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_startlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forceopenlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_forcenewlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printtolist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_printername = "", m_conversionlist = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_conversionparams = "", m_conversionout = "", m_convertimages = "", m_infilter = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_language = "", m_pidfile = ""} aUnknown = "" #14 0x000055babd2598ee in sal_main () at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:51 ret = #15 0x000055babd25993b in main (argc=, argv=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/main.c:49 ret = Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f55d9cf0700 (LWP 3314851)): #0 0x00007f55f3c47ce1 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f55f3c31537 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007f55f4030ced in (anonymous namespace)::callSystemHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=signal@entry=6, info=info@entry=0x7f55d9ce00f0, context=, context@entry=0x7f55d9cdffc0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:332 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x0, sa_sigaction = 0x0}, sa_mask = {__val = {0 }}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x7f55d9cdffc0} i = #3 0x00007f55f4030df2 in (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=6, info=0x7f55d9ce00f0, context=0x7f55d9cdffc0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:428 act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x0, sa_sigaction = 0x0}, sa_mask = {__val = {0 }}, sa_flags = 0, sa_restorer = 0x0} Info = {Signal = osl_Signal_AccessViolation, UserSignal = 6, UserData = 0x0} #4 0x00007f55f3c47d60 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #5 0x00007f55f3c47ce1 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #6 0x00007f55f3c31537 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x00007f55ee60640c in SalAbort(rtl::OUString const&, bool) (rErrorText="", bDumpCore=bDumpCore@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/salplug.cxx:403 #8 0x00007f55ee6a4c70 in Application::Abort(rtl::OUString const&) (rErrorText="") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svapp.cxx:275 #9 0x00007f55f3e1b632 in desktop::Desktop::Exception(ExceptionCategory) (this=0x7f55d9ce07e0, nCategory=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/desktop/source/app/app.cxx:1181 bInException = true nOldMode = rArgs = bRestart = false bAllowRecoveryAndSessionManagement = #10 0x00007f55ee6bbc1e in VCLExceptionSignal_impl(void*, oslSignalInfo*) (pInfo=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/vcl/source/app/svmain.cxx:173 nOldMode = SystemWindowFlags::DIALOG pSVData = 0x7f55ef299f00 ::get()::instance> aLock = {m_isAcquired = true, m_isChecked = true, m_rSolarMutex = @0x55babee847e0} bIn = true nVCLException = #11 0x00007f55f3fc189d in callSignalHandler(oslSignalInfo*) (pInfo=pInfo@entry=0x7f55d9ce0870) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/all/signalshared.cxx:48 pHandler = 0x55babfcdee20 Action = #12 0x00007f55f4030d8c in (anonymous namespace)::signalHandlerFunction(int, siginfo_t*, void*) (signal=6, info=0x7f55d9ce0a70, context=0x7f55d9ce0940) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/signal.cxx:425 Info = {Signal = osl_Signal_AccessViolation, UserSignal = 6, UserData = 0x0} #13 0x00007f55f3c47d60 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #14 0x00007f55f3c47ce1 in raise () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #15 0x00007f55f3c31537 in abort () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #16 0x00007f55f3c3140f in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #17 0x00007f55f3c40662 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #18 0x00007f55ef664088 in SvMemoryStream::PutData(void const*, unsigned long) (this=0x55bac380d7e0, pData=0x55bac6c653b8, nCount=0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx:1640 nMaxCount = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual std::size_t SvMemoryStream::PutData(const void*, std::size_t)" #19 0x00007f55ef66205d in SvStream::WriteBytes(void const*, unsigned long) (this=0x55bac380d7e0, pData=0x55bac6c653b8, nCount=32000) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx:1208 #20 0x00007f55ef406c22 in OTempFileService::writeBytes(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&) (this=0x55bac66d8950, aData=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/unotools/source/ucbhelper/xtempfile.cxx:199 aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55bac66d89e0, _M_owns = true} nWritten = #21 0x00007f55f34b1161 in comphelper::OStorageHelper::CopyInputToOutput(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (xInput=uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc18, xOutput=uno::Reference to (class OTempFileService *) 0x55bac66d8990) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/comphelper/source/misc/storagehelper.cxx:215 nRead = 32000 aSequence = uno::Sequence of length 32000 = {-1 '\377', -40 '\330', -1 '\377', -32 '\340', 0 '\000', 16 '\020', 74 'J', 70 'F', 73 'I', 70 'F', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 44 ',', 1 '\001', 44 ',', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', -1 '\377', -37 '\333', 0 '\000', 67 'C', 0 '\000', 9 '\t', 6 '\006', 7 '\a', 8 '\b', 7 '\a', 6 '\006', 9 '\t', 8 '\b', 7 '\a', 8 '\b', 10 '\n', 10 '\n', 9 '\t', 11 '\v', 13 '\r', 22 '\026', 15 '\017', 13 '\r', 12 '\f', 12 '\f', 13 '\r', 27 '\033', 20 '\024', 21 '\025', 16 '\020', 22 '\026', 32 ' ', 29 '\035', 34 '"', 34 '"', 32 ' ', 29 '\035', 31 '\037', 31 '\037', 36 '$', 40 '(', 52 '4', 44 ',', 36 '$', 38 '&', 49 '1', 39 '\'', 31 '\037', 31 '\037', 45 '-', 61 '=', 45 '-', 49 '1', 53 '5', 55 '7', 58 ':', 58 ':', 58 ':', 35 '#', 43 '+', 63 '?', 68 'D', 63 '?', 56 '8', 67 'C', 52 '4', 57 '9', 58 ':', 55 '7', -1 '\377', -37 '\333', 0 '\000', 67 'C', 1 '\001', 10 '\n', 10 '\n', 10 '\n', 13 '\r', 12 '\f', 13 '\r', 26 '\032', 15 '\017', 15 '\017', 26 '\032', 55 '7', 37 '%', 31 '\037', 37 '%', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', 55 '7', -1 '\377', -62 '\302', 0 '\000', 17 '\021', 8 '\b', 2 '\002', 0 '\000', 2 '\002', 0 '\000', 3 '\003', 1 '\001', 17 '\021', 0 '\000', 2 '\002', 17 '\021', 1 '\001', 3 '\003', 17 '\021', 1 '\001', -1 '\377', -60 '\304', 0 '\000', 24 '\030', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 1 '\001', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 1 '\001', 0 '\000'...} xInputTunnel = empty uno::Reference pByteReader = pByteWriter = #22 0x00007f55ef3f9469 in utl::UcbLockBytes::setInputStream(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55bac3b3e7c0, rxInputStream=uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc18, bSetXSeekable=bSetXSeekable@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/unotools/source/ucbhelper/ucblockbytes.cxx:1022 xContext = uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55babee96cd0 rxTempOut = uno::Reference to (class OTempFileService *) 0x55bac66d8990 aGuard = {pT = 0x55bac3b3e7f0} bRet = false #23 0x00007f55ef3f9c4f in utl::UcbLockBytes::CreateInputLockBytes(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (xInputStream=uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc18) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/unotools/source/ucbhelper/ucblockbytes.cxx:1272 xLockBytes = {pObj = 0x55bac3b3e7c0} #24 0x00007f55ef4019ae in utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (xStream=uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc18) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/unotools/source/ucbhelper/ucbstreamhelper.cxx:166 pStream = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} xLockBytes = {pObj = 0x0} #25 0x00007f55ef401cf1 in utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (xStream=uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc20) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/unotools/source/ucbhelper/ucbstreamhelper.cxx:191 pStream = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} #26 0x00007f55f0b7b3e5 in SvXMLGraphicHelper::ImplReadGraphic(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) (this=this@entry=0x55bac4cd4a00, rPictureStorageName="Pictures", rPictureStreamName="painted-white.jpg") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xml/xmlgrhlp.cxx:507 rGraphicFilter = @0x7f55ef29a880: {aFilterPath = "/home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../program", pConfig = 0x55bac3c25650, mxErrorEx = std::optional = {[contained value] = {m_value = 0}}, bUseConfig = true} pStream = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} aGraphic = {mxImpGraphic = std::shared_ptr (use count -372209336, weak count -193545) = {get() = 0x55bac4cd4ac8}} aReturnGraphic = {mxImpGraphic = std::shared_ptr (use count 1, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac50d2750}} aStream = {xStorage = uno::Reference to (class OStorage *) 0x55bac55e8178, xStream = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac372cc20} #27 0x00007f55f0b7d42d in SvXMLGraphicHelper::loadGraphic(rtl::OUString const&) (this=, rURL=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xml/xmlgrhlp.cxx:593 aGraphicObject = {maGraphic = {mxImpGraphic = std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}}, maAttr = {mfGamma = 4.6569319628523866e-310, mnLeftCrop = 0, mnTopCrop = 0, mnRightCrop = 140007139005411, mnBottomCrop = 26, mnMirrFlags = (BmpMirrorFlags::Vertical | unknown: 0x18), meDrawMode = GraphicDrawMode::Standard, mnRotate10 = {m_value = 26}, mnContPercent = 0, mnLumPercent = 0, mnRPercent = 0, mnGPercent = -6790, mnBPercent = -3075, mcAlpha = 85 'U', mbInvert = 127}, maUserData = , mxSimpleCache = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x7f55f3fe6e06 }} aGuard = {_M_device = 0x55bac4cd4a30, _M_owns = true} xGraphic = empty uno::Reference aURLOnly = "Pictures/painted-white.jpg" aUserData = "" aIterator = { >, true>> = {_M_cur = 0x0}, } aPictureStorageName = "Pictures" aPictureStreamName = "painted-white.jpg" #28 0x00007f55eb02d42d in SvXMLImport::loadGraphicByURL(rtl::OUString const&) (this=this@entry=0x55bac3954390, rURL="Pictures/painted-white.jpg") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx:1295 xGraphic = empty uno::Reference #29 0x00007f55eb23b320 in XMLImageStyle::importXML(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Any&, rtl::OUString&, SvXMLImport&) (xAttrList=, rValue=uno::Any(void), rStrName="Painted White", rImport=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/xmloff/source/style/ImageStyle.cxx:104 aStrValue = "Pictures/painted-white.jpg" aIter = @0x7f55d9ce93b0: {mrList = @0x55bac5128b60, mnIdx = 1} __for_range = __for_begin = {mrList = @0x55bac5128b60, mnIdx = 1} bHasHRef = false bHasName = true aDisplayName = "" xGraphic = empty uno::Reference #30 0x00007f55f0b89a3d in (anonymous namespace)::SvxXMLTableImportContext::importBitmap(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Any&, rtl::OUString&) (this=this@entry=0x55bac328b710, xAttrList=uno::Reference to (class sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *) 0x55bac5128b88, rAny=uno::Any(void), rName="Painted White") at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xml/xmlxtimp.cxx:274 aGraphicAny = uno::Any(void) #31 0x00007f55f0b8e6f6 in (anonymous namespace)::SvxXMLTableImportContext::createFastChildContext(sal_Int32, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (this=0x55bac328b710, nElement=, rAttrList=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xml/xmlxtimp.cxx:170 xFastList = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac5128b60 aAny = uno::Any(void) aName = "Painted White" aTmpAttrList = std::__debug::vector of length 5, capacity 8 = {{first = 328957, second = "Painted White"}, {first = 459709, second = "Pictures/painted-white.jpg"}, {first = 460700, second = "simple"}, {first = 460402, second = "embed"}, {first = 458892, second = "onLoad"}} __func__ = "createFastChildContext" #32 0x00007f55eb0351e9 in SvXMLImport::startFastElement(int, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (this=0x55bac3954390, Element=328419, Attribs=uno::Reference to (class sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *) 0x55bac57e1dd8) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx:792 pHandler = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac328b710 tmp = uno::Reference to (class comphelper::AttributeList *) 0x55bac55c7cd8 pRewindMap = std::optional [no contained value] xContext = empty rtl::Reference bRootContext = false __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void SvXMLImport::startFastElement(sal_Int32, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference&)" #33 0x00007f55dc4eee3d in (anonymous namespace)::Entity::startElement((anonymous namespace)::Event const*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac4de0ba0, pEvent=pEvent@entry=0x55bac4de0d18) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:470 xAttr = uno::Reference to (class sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *) 0x55bac57e1dd8 xContext = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8 nElementToken = @0x55bac4de0d1c: 328419 aNamespace = "" aElementName = "" pParentContext = 0x55bac39543b8 #34 0x00007f55dc4f1aad in sax_fastparser::FastSaxParserImpl::callbackStartElement(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, int, unsigned char const**, int, unsigned char const**) (this=0x55bac4fe81b0, localName=0x55bac587f0db "fill-image", prefix=, URI=0x55bac587f045 "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0", numNamespaces=, namespaces=, numAttributes=5, attributes=0x55bac2e53e80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:1304 rEntity = @0x55bac4de0ba0: {<(anonymous namespace)::ParserData> = {mxDocumentHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mxTokenHandler = rtl::Reference to 0x55babee27870, mxErrorHandler = empty uno::Reference, mxNamespaceHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler *) 0x55bac564cf78}, static mnEventListSize = , mnProducedEventsSize = 0, mxProducedEvents = std::optional [no contained value], maPendingEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maUsedEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maEventProtector = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, static mnEventLowWater = , static mnEventHighWater = , maConsumeResume = {condition = 0x55bac349b990}, maProduceResume = {condition = 0x55bac5b6d770}, maSharedEvent = {maType = 1717986918, mnElementToken = 328419, msNamespace = "", msElementName = "", mxAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac57e1db0, mxDeclAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac66aefa0, msChars = ""}, mbEnableThreads = false, maStructSource = {aInputStream = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, sEncoding = "", sPublicId = "", sSystemId = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob"}, mpParser = 0x55bac3c65200, maConverter = {m_in = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, m_bStarted = true, m_sEncoding = "", m_pText2Unicode = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_pUnicode2Text = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}}, maSavedException = uno::Any(void), maSavedExceptionMutex = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, maNamespaceStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{msName = "", mnToken = -1}, {msName = "", mnToken = -1}}, maContextStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{mxContext = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mnElementToken = 1966330, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}, {mxContext = empty uno::Reference, mnElementToken = 328419, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}}, maNamespaceCount = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {6, 6}, maNamespaceDefines = std::__debug::vector of length 64, capacity 64 = {{maPrefix = "xml", mnToken = 1507328, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"}, {maPrefix = "office", mnToken = 65536, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "draw", mnToken = 327680, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "xlink", mnToken = 458752, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}, {maPrefix = "svg", mnToken = 5308416, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "ooo", mnToken = 1966080, maNamespaceURL = "http://openoffice.org/2004/office"}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}}} rEvent = @0x55bac4de0d18: {maType = 1717986918, mnElementToken = 328419, msNamespace = "", msElementName = "", mxAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac57e1db0, mxDeclAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac66aefa0, msChars = ""} bIsAttributesEmpty = sNamespace = "" nNamespaceToken = -1 #35 0x00007f55dc4f1f0c in (anonymous namespace)::call_callbackStartElement(void*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*, int, xmlChar const**, int, int, xmlChar const**) (userData=, localName=, prefix=, URI=, numNamespaces=, namespaces=, numAttributes=5, attributes=0x55bac2e53e80) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:333 pFastParser = #36 0x00007f55eb735745 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2 #37 0x00007f55eb73dc3e in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2 #38 0x00007f55eb73f4d8 in xmlParseChunk () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2 #39 0x00007f55dc4ed54a in sax_fastparser::FastSaxParserImpl::parse() (this=this@entry=0x55bac4fe81b0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:1099 bContinue = seqOut = uno::Sequence of length 4558 = {60 '<', 63 '?', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 32 ' ', 118 'v', 101 'e', 114 'r', 115 's', 105 'i', 111 'o', 110 'n', 61 '=', 34 '"', 49 '1', 46 '.', 48 '0', 34 '"', 32 ' ', 101 'e', 110 'n', 99 'c', 111 'o', 100 'd', 105 'i', 110 'n', 103 'g', 61 '=', 34 '"', 85 'U', 84 'T', 70 'F', 45 '-', 56 '8', 34 '"', 63 '?', 62 '>', 60 '<', 111 'o', 111 'o', 111 'o', 58 ':', 98 'b', 105 'i', 116 't', 109 'm', 97 'a', 112 'p', 45 '-', 116 't', 97 'a', 98 'b', 108 'l', 101 'e', 32 ' ', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 110 'n', 115 's', 58 ':', 111 'o', 102 'f', 102 'f', 105 'i', 99 'c', 101 'e', 61 '=', 34 '"', 117 'u', 114 'r', 110 'n', 58 ':', 111 'o', 97 'a', 115 's', 105 'i', 115 's', 58 ':', 110 'n', 97 'a', 109 'm', 101 'e', 115 's', 58 ':', 116 't', 99 'c', 58 ':', 111 'o', 112 'p', 101 'e', 110 'n', 100 'd', 111 'o', 99 'c', 117 'u', 109 'm', 101 'e', 110 'n', 116 't', 58 ':', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 110 'n', 115 's', 58 ':', 111 'o', 102 'f', 102 'f', 105 'i', 99 'c', 101 'e', 58 ':', 49 '1', 46 '.', 48 '0', 34 '"', 32 ' ', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 110 'n', 115 's', 58 ':', 100 'd', 114 'r', 97 'a', 119 'w', 61 '=', 34 '"', 117 'u', 114 'r', 110 'n', 58 ':', 111 'o', 97 'a', 115 's', 105 'i', 115 's', 58 ':', 110 'n', 97 'a', 109 'm', 101 'e', 115 's', 58 ':', 116 't', 99 'c', 58 ':', 111 'o', 112 'p', 101 'e', 110 'n', 100 'd', 111 'o', 99 'c', 117 'u', 109 'm', 101 'e', 110 'n', 116 't', 58 ':', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 110 'n', 115 's', 58 ':', 100 'd', 114 'r', 97 'a', 119 'w', 105 'i', 110 'n', 103 'g', 58 ':', 49 '1', 46 '.', 48 '0', 34 '"', 32 ' ', 120 'x', 109 'm', 108 'l', 110 'n', 115 's', 58 ':', 120 'x', 108 'l', 105 'i', 110 'n', 107 'k', 61 '=', 34 '"', 104 'h', 116 't', 116 't', 112 'p'...} rEntity = @0x55bac4de0ba0: {<(anonymous namespace)::ParserData> = {mxDocumentHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mxTokenHandler = rtl::Reference to 0x55babee27870, mxErrorHandler = empty uno::Reference, mxNamespaceHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler *) 0x55bac564cf78}, static mnEventListSize = , mnProducedEventsSize = 0, mxProducedEvents = std::optional [no contained value], maPendingEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maUsedEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maEventProtector = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, static mnEventLowWater = , static mnEventHighWater = , maConsumeResume = {condition = 0x55bac349b990}, maProduceResume = {condition = 0x55bac5b6d770}, maSharedEvent = {maType = 1717986918, mnElementToken = 328419, msNamespace = "", msElementName = "", mxAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac57e1db0, mxDeclAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac66aefa0, msChars = ""}, mbEnableThreads = false, maStructSource = {aInputStream = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, sEncoding = "", sPublicId = "", sSystemId = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob"}, mpParser = 0x55bac3c65200, maConverter = {m_in = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, m_bStarted = true, m_sEncoding = "", m_pText2Unicode = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_pUnicode2Text = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}}, maSavedException = uno::Any(void), maSavedExceptionMutex = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, maNamespaceStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{msName = "", mnToken = -1}, {msName = "", mnToken = -1}}, maContextStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{mxContext = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mnElementToken = 1966330, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}, {mxContext = empty uno::Reference, mnElementToken = 328419, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}}, maNamespaceCount = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {6, 6}, maNamespaceDefines = std::__debug::vector of length 64, capacity 64 = {{maPrefix = "xml", mnToken = 1507328, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"}, {maPrefix = "office", mnToken = 65536, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "draw", mnToken = 327680, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "xlink", mnToken = 458752, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}, {maPrefix = "svg", mnToken = 5308416, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "ooo", mnToken = 1966080, maNamespaceURL = "http://openoffice.org/2004/office"}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}}} callbacks = {internalSubset = 0x0, isStandalone = 0x0, hasInternalSubset = 0x0, hasExternalSubset = 0x0, resolveEntity = 0x0, getEntity = 0x7f55dc4eb62d <(anonymous namespace)::call_callbackGetEntity(void*, xmlChar const*)>, entityDecl = 0x0, notationDecl = 0x0, attributeDecl = 0x0, elementDecl = 0x0, unparsedEntityDecl = 0x0, setDocumentLocator = 0x0, startDocument = 0x0, endDocument = 0x0, startElement = 0x0, endElement = 0x0, reference = 0x0, characters = 0x7f55dc4eafa2 <(anonymous namespace)::call_callbackCharacters(void*, xmlChar const*, int)>, ignorableWhitespace = 0x0, processingInstruction = 0x7f55dc4ed3e6 <(anonymous namespace)::call_callbackProcessingInstruction(void*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*)>, comment = 0x0, warning = 0x0, error = 0x0, fatalError = 0x0, getParameterEntity = 0x0, cdataBlock = 0x0, externalSubset = 0x0, initialized = 3740122799, _private = 0x0, startElementNs = 0x7f55dc4f1efa <(anonymous namespace)::call_callbackStartElement(void*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*, int, xmlChar const**, int, int, xmlChar const**)>, endElementNs = 0x7f55dc4ed1d9 <(anonymous namespace)::call_callbackEndElement(void*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*, xmlChar const*)>, serror = 0x0} nRead = #40 0x00007f55dc4f0652 in sax_fastparser::FastSaxParserImpl::parseStream(com::sun::star::xml::sax::InputSource const&) (this=0x55bac4fe81b0, rStructSource=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:904 guard = {_M_device = 0x55bac4fe8228, _M_owns = true} rEntity = @0x55bac4de0ba0: {<(anonymous namespace)::ParserData> = {mxDocumentHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mxTokenHandler = rtl::Reference to 0x55babee27870, mxErrorHandler = empty uno::Reference, mxNamespaceHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler *) 0x55bac564cf78}, static mnEventListSize = , mnProducedEventsSize = 0, mxProducedEvents = std::optional [no contained value], maPendingEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maUsedEvents = std::queue wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements, maEventProtector = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, static mnEventLowWater = , static mnEventHighWater = , maConsumeResume = {condition = 0x55bac349b990}, maProduceResume = {condition = 0x55bac5b6d770}, maSharedEvent = {maType = 1717986918, mnElementToken = 328419, msNamespace = "", msElementName = "", mxAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac57e1db0, mxDeclAttributes = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac66aefa0, msChars = ""}, mbEnableThreads = false, maStructSource = {aInputStream = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, sEncoding = "", sPublicId = "", sSystemId = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob"}, mpParser = 0x55bac3c65200, maConverter = {m_in = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, m_bStarted = true, m_sEncoding = "", m_pText2Unicode = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_pUnicode2Text = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}}, maSavedException = uno::Any(void), maSavedExceptionMutex = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, maNamespaceStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{msName = "", mnToken = -1}, {msName = "", mnToken = -1}}, maContextStack = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{mxContext = uno::Reference to (class SvxXMLXTableImport *) 0x55bac39543b8, mnElementToken = 1966330, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}, {mxContext = empty uno::Reference, mnElementToken = 328419, moNamespace = std::optional [no contained value], moElementName = std::optional [no contained value]}}, maNamespaceCount = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {6, 6}, maNamespaceDefines = std::__debug::vector of length 64, capacity 64 = {{maPrefix = "xml", mnToken = 1507328, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"}, {maPrefix = "office", mnToken = 65536, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "draw", mnToken = 327680, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "xlink", mnToken = 458752, maNamespaceURL = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}, {maPrefix = "svg", mnToken = 5308416, maNamespaceURL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"}, {maPrefix = "ooo", mnToken = 1966080, maNamespaceURL = "http://openoffice.org/2004/office"}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}, {maPrefix = "", mnToken = -1, maNamespaceURL = ""}}} aEnsureFree = {m_rParser = @0x55bac4fe81b0, m_rEntity = @0x55bac4de0ba0, m_xParser = empty rtl::Reference} #41 0x00007f55dc4f086b in sax_fastparser::FastSaxParser::parseStream(com::sun::star::xml::sax::InputSource const&) (this=, aInputSource=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:1483 #42 0x00007f55eb029166 in SvXMLImport::parseStream(com::sun::star::xml::sax::InputSource const&) (this=0x55bac3954390, aInputSource=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx:513 aDocumentHandlerGuard = {mxParser = uno::Reference to (class sax_fastparser::FastSaxParser *) 0x55bac3887030} #43 0x00007f55f0b8f274 in SvxXMLXTableImport::load(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, bool*) (rPath=, rReferer="", xStorage=empty uno::Reference, xTable=uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::SvxUnoXBitmapTable *) 0x55bac2f9b6e8, bOptLoadedFromStorage=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xml/xmlxtimp.cxx:399 aParserInput = {aInputStream = uno::Reference to (class OInputCompStream *) 0x55bac35a0f68, sEncoding = "", sPublicId = "", sSystemId = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob"} aNasty = {m_xBadness = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac312e1c0}} xImport = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac3954390 xContext = uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55babee96cd0 xGraphicStorageHandler = uno::Reference to (class SvXMLGraphicHelper *) 0x55bac4cd4a70 bRet = true xGraphicHelper = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac4cd4a00 aURLObj = {m_aAbsURIRef = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob", m_aScheme = {m_nBegin = 0, m_nLength = 4}, m_aUser = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aAuth = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aHost = {m_nBegin = 7, m_nLength = 0}, m_aPort = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aPath = {m_nBegin = 7, m_nLength = 68}, m_aQuery = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aFragment = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_eScheme = INetProtocol::File, m_eSmartScheme = INetProtocol::Http} bUseStorage = false #44 0x00007f55f0bc680b in XPropertyList::Load() (this=0x55bac5212750) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xoutdev/xtable.cxx:262 aPath = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette" aURL = {m_aAbsURIRef = "file:///home/buildslave/build/instdir/program/../share/palette/standard.sob", m_aScheme = {m_nBegin = 0, m_nLength = 4}, m_aUser = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aAuth = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aHost = {m_nBegin = 7, m_nLength = 0}, m_aPort = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aPath = {m_nBegin = 7, m_nLength = 68}, m_aQuery = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_aFragment = {m_nBegin = -1, m_nLength = 0}, m_eScheme = INetProtocol::File, m_eSmartScheme = INetProtocol::Http} bRet = aDirs = std::stack wrapping: std::__debug::deque with 0 elements nIndex = #45 0x00007f55f0bc6c57 in XPropertyList::Count() const (this=0x55bac5212750) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xoutdev/xtable.cxx:126 #46 0x00007f55f0b992e8 in NameOrIndex::CheckNamedItem(NameOrIndex const*, unsigned short, SfxItemPool const*, bool (*)(NameOrIndex const*, NameOrIndex const*), TranslateId, rtl::Reference const&) (pCheckItem=pCheckItem@entry=0x55bac3b02200, nWhich=nWhich@entry=1018, pPool1=0x55bac437ebb0, pCompareValueFunc=pCompareValueFunc@entry=0x7f55f0baca60 , pPrefixResId=0x7f55f0db32d5 "RID_SVXSTR_BMP21" 0x7f55f0db32e6 "Bitmap", pDefaults=rtl::Reference to 0x55bac5212750) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xoutdev/xattr.cxx:170 nCount = nIndex = nUserIndex = 1 aUser = "Bitmap " bForceNew = false aUniqueName = "" #47 0x00007f55f0bae9f3 in XFillBitmapItem::checkForUniqueItem(SdrModel*) const (this=this@entry=0x55bac3b02200, pModel=0x55bac6704310) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/xoutdev/xattrbmp.cxx:320 aListType = XPropertyListType::Bitmap aUniqueName = "왖喺\000뵸罕\000쐷喺\000\000\000\000\000鐰쑓喺\000䈐罕\000\a\000昀晦\n昀晦晦昁晦晦晦ﲰ罕\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000晦晦", '\000' , "\001\000晦晦晦晦晦晦\000\000晦晦\000\000\000\000絀썶喺\000絀썶喺\000\000\000\000\000ﳠ罕\000\000\000\000\000\000\000晦晦ş\000\000܀Ñ\000\000\000輐엷喺\000ꃐ쓋喺\000肠쎕喺\000ǣ\000Ř\000\000\000\000\000벸罕\000铠엳喺\000Ö\000\000\000\064\000\000\000\032\000\000\000\n\000\000\000Ċ\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\xfff6\xffff\xffff\xffff\000\000\000\000昁晦晦晦\000\000耀㿦\000\000耀㿦⽰애喺\000"... #48 0x00007f55f07441c7 in sdr::properties::AttributeProperties::ItemChange(unsigned short, SfxPoolItem const*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac3767c90, nWhich=nWhich@entry=1018, pNewItem=pNewItem@entry=0x55bac3b02200) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/sdr/properties/attributeproperties.cxx:300 pResultItem = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} rModel = #49 0x00007f55f0740adc in sdr::properties::TextProperties::ItemChange(unsigned short, SfxPoolItem const*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac3767c90, nWhich=, pNewItem=0x55bac3b02200) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/sdr/properties/textproperties.cxx:213 rObj = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': @0x55bac656e500: { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxListener = 0x7f55f0f7a170 , maBCs = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, maCallStacks = std::__debug::map with 0 elements}, = { = { = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x7f55f0f7a5e0 }, }, m_refCount = 1, m_pWeakConnectionPoint = 0x0, m_pReserved = 0x0}, mpFillGeometryDefiningShape = 0x0, mrSdrModelFromSdrObject = @0x55bac6704310, m_aOutRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 0, mnTop = 0, mnRight = -32767, mnBottom = -32767}, m_aAnchor = Point = {x = 0, y = 0}, m_pUserCall = 0x0, m_pPlusData = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, m_bVirtObj = false, m_bSnapRectDirty = true, m_bMovProt = false, m_bSizProt = false, m_bEmptyPresObj = false, m_bNotVisibleAsMaster = false, m_bClosedObj = true, m_bIsEdge = false, m_bIs3DObj = false, m_bIsUnoObj = false, mbLineIsOutsideGeometry = false, mbSupportTextIndentingOnLineWidthChange = true, mpImpl = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac4098530}, mpParentOfSdrObject = 0x0, m_nOrdNum = 0, m_pGrabBagItem = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, mnNavigationPosition = 4294967295, mnLayerID = {m_value = 0}, m_bNoPrint = false, mbVisible = true, m_bMarkProt = false, maBLIPSizeRectangle = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 0, mnTop = 0, mnRight = -32767, mnBottom = -32767}, mpProperties = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac3767c90}, mpViewContact = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, mpSvxShape = 0x0, maWeakUnoShape = { = {m_pImpl = 0x0}, }, mbDoNotInsertIntoPageAutomatically = false, msHyperlink = ""}, maSnapRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 0, mnTop = 0, mnRight = -32767, mnBottom = -32767}}, = {_vptr.ITextProvider = 0x7f55f0f7a620 }, maRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 0, mnTop = 0, mnRight = -32767, mnBottom = -32767}, maGeo = {nRotationAngle = {m_value = 0}, nShearAngle = {m_value = 0}, mfTanShearAngle = 0, mfSinRotationAngle = 0, mfCosRotationAngle = 1}, mpText = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}, maTextSize = Size = {width = 0, height = 0}, mpEditingOutliner = 0x0, meTextKind = SdrObjKind::Text, maTextEditOffset = Point = {x = 0, y = 0}, mbIsUnchainableClone = false, mpNextInChain = 0x0, mpPrevInChain = 0x0, mbTextFrame = true, mbNoShear = false, mbTextSizeDirty = false, mbInEditMode = false, mbDisableAutoWidthOnDragging = false, mbTextAnimationAllowed = true, mbInDownScale = false} nOldLineWidth = 0 nNewLineWidth = nDifference = bLineVisible = #50 0x00007f55f073b6ec in sdr::properties::CustomShapeProperties::ItemChange(unsigned short, SfxPoolItem const*) (this=0x55bac3767c90, nWhich=, pNewItem=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/sdr/properties/customshapeproperties.cxx:158 #51 0x00007f55f073e689 in sdr::properties::DefaultProperties::SetObjectItemSet(SfxItemSet const&) (this=0x55bac3767c90, rSet=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/sdr/properties/defaultproperties.cxx:185 pPoolItem = 0x55bac3b02200 aWhichIter = {m_rItemSet = SfxItemSet of pool 0x55bac437ebb0 with parent 0x0 and Which ranges: [(1, 153), (1000, 1244), (4008, 4064)] = {1 = 0x0, 2 = 0x0, 3 = 0x0, 4 = 0x0, 5 = 0x0, 6 = 0x0, 7 = 0x0, 8 = 0x0, 9 = 0x0, 10 = 0x0, 11 = 0x0, 12 = 0x0, 13 = 0x0, 14 = 0x0, 15 = 0x0, 16 = 0x0, 17 = 0x0, 18 = 0x0, 19 = 0x0, 20 = 0x0, 21 = 0x0, 22 = 0x0, 23 = 0x0, 24 = 0x0, 25 = 0x0, 26 = 0x0, 27 = 0x0, 28 = 0x0, 29 = 0x0, 30 = 0x0, 31 = 0x0, 32 = 0x0, 33 = 0x0, 34 = 0x0, 35 = 0x0, 36 = 0x0, 37 = 0x0, 38 = 0x0, 39 = 0x0, 40 = 0x0, 41 = 0x0, 42 = 0x0, 43 = 0x0, 44 = 0x0, 45 = 0x0, 46 = 0x0, 47 = 0x0, 48 = 0x0, 49 = 0x0, 50 = 0x0, 51 = 0x0, 52 = 0x0, 53 = 0x0, 54 = 0x0, 55 = 0x0, 56 = 0x0, 57 = 0x0, 58 = 0x0, 59 = 0x0, 60 = 0x0, 61 = 0x0, 62 = 0x0, 63 = 0x0, 64 = 0x0, 65 = 0x0, 66 = 0x0, 67 = 0x0, 68 = 0x0, 69 = 0x0, 70 = 0x0, 71 = 0x0, 72 = 0x0, 73 = 0x0, 74 = 0x0, 75 = 0x0, 76 = 0x0, 77 = 0x0, 78 = 0x0, 79 = 0x0, 80 = 0x0, 81 = 0x0, 82 = 0x0, 83 = 0x0, 84 = 0x0, 85 = 0x0, 86 = 0x0, 87 = 0x0, 88 = 0x0, 89 = 0x0, 90 = 0x0, 91 = 0x0, 92 = 0x0, 93 = 0x0, 94 = 0x0, 95 = 0x0, 96 = 0x0, 97 = 0x0, 98 = 0x0, 99 = 0x0, 100 = 0x0, 101 = 0x0, 102 = 0x0, 103 = 0x0, 104 = 0x0, 105 = 0x0, 106 = 0x0, 107 = 0x0, 108 = 0x0, 109 = 0x0, 110 = 0x0, 111 = 0x0, 112 = 0x0, 113 = 0x0, 114 = 0x0, 115 = 0x0, 116 = 0x0, 117 = 0x0, 118 = 0x0, 119 = 0x0, 120 = 0x0, 121 = 0x0, 122 = 0x0, 123 = 0x0, 124 = 0x0, 125 = 0x0, 126 = 0x0, 127 = 0x0, 128 = 0x0, 129 = 0x0, 130 = 0x0, 131 = 0x0, 132 = 0x0, 133 = 0x0, 134 = 0x0, 135 = 0x0, 136 = 0x0, 137 = 0x0, 138 = 0x0, 139 = 0x0, 140 = 0x0, 141 = 0x0, 142 = 0x0, 143 = 0x0, 144 = 0x0, 145 = 0x0, 146 = 0x0, 147 = 0x0, 148 = 0x0, 149 = 0x0, 150 = 0x0, 151 = 0x0, 152 = 0x0, 153 = 0x0, 1000 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8c60 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1000, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle::LineStyle_SOLID}, }, 1001 = 0x0, 1002 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8db0 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1002, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 15}, }, }, }, 1003 = { = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8e40 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1003, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, aColor = rgb(0, 0, 0), maThemeColor = {maThemeIndex = -1, mnLumMod = 10000, mnLumOff = 0}}, }, 1004 = 0x0, 1005 = 0x0, 1006 = 0x0, 1007 = 0x0, 1008 = 0x0, 1009 = 0x0, 1010 = 0x0, 1011 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa098 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1011, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint::LineJoint_MITER}, }, 1012 = 0x0, 1013 = 0x0, 1014 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa9240 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1014, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_BITMAP}, }, 1015 = { = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa9300 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1015, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, aColor = rgb(255, 255, 255), maThemeColor = {maThemeIndex = -1, mnLumMod = 10000, mnLumOff = 0}}, }, 1016 = 0x0, 1017 = 0x0, 1018 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faab88 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1018, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, maGraphicObject = {maGraphic = {mxImpGraphic = std::shared_ptr (use count 2, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac65d89c0}}, maAttr = {mfGamma = 1, mnLeftCrop = 0, mnTopCrop = 0, mnRightCrop = 0, mnBottomCrop = 0, mnMirrFlags = BmpMirrorFlags::NONE, meDrawMode = GraphicDrawMode::Standard, mnRotate10 = {m_value = 0}, mnContPercent = 0, mnLumPercent = 0, mnRPercent = 0, mnGPercent = 0, mnBPercent = 0, mcAlpha = 255 '\377', mbInvert = false}, maUserData = "", mxSimpleCache = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}}}, 1019 = 0x0, 1020 = 0x0, 1021 = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa458 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1021, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_bValue = true}, }, 1022 = 0x0, 1023 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa5b0 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1023, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 0}, }, }, }, 1024 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa640 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1024, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 0}, }, }, }, 1025 = 0x0, 1026 = 0x0, 1027 = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa6d0 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1027, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_bValue = true}, }, 1028 = 0x0, 1029 = 0x0, 1030 = 0x0, 1031 = 0x0, 1032 = 0x0, 1033 = 0x0, 1034 = 0x0, 1035 = 0x0, 1036 = 0x0, 1037 = 0x0, 1038 = 0x0, 1039 = 0x0, 1040 = 0x0, 1041 = 0x0, 1042 = 0x0, 1043 = 0x0, 1044 = 0x0, 1045 = 0x0, 1046 = 0x0...}, m_pCurrentWhichPair = 0x55bac654a0d4, m_nOffsetFromStartOfCurrentWhichPair = 18, m_nItemsOffset = 153} nWhich = 1018 aPostItemChangeList = std::__debug::vector of length 6, capacity 22 = {0x55bac5474ff0, 0x55bac66ee670, 0x55bac4c70980, 0x55bac3ae2140, 0x55bac47016b0, 0x55bac636f3d0} #52 0x00007f55f073c197 in sdr::properties::BaseProperties::SetMergedItemSet(SfxItemSet const&, bool) (this=0x55bac3767c90, rSet=SfxItemSet of pool 0x55bac437ebb0 with parent 0x0 and Which ranges: [(1, 153), (1000, 1244), (4008, 4064)] = {...}, bClearAllItems=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/sdr/properties/properties.cxx:68 #53 0x00007f55f08847ca in SdrObject::SetMergedItemSet(SfxItemSet const&, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55bac656e500, rSet=SfxItemSet of pool 0x55bac437ebb0 with parent 0x0 and Which ranges: [(1, 153), (1000, 1244), (4008, 4064)] = {...}, bClearAllItems=bClearAllItems@entry=false) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/svx/source/svdraw/svdobj.cxx:1999 #54 0x00007f55dd15fd2b in SvxMSDffManager::ImportShape(DffRecordHeader const&, SvStream&, SvxMSDffClientData&, tools::Rectangle&, tools::Rectangle const&, int, int*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac58eb5d0, rHd=..., rSt=..., rClientData=..., rClientRect=..., rGlobalChildRect=..., nCalledByGroup=0, pShapeId=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx:4516 ngtextFStrikethrough = 0 bIsFontwork = false aCustomShape2d = Python Exception 'NoneType' object is not iterable: warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `SalLayoutGlyphsCache::self()::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `SalLayoutGlyphsCache::self()::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `vcl::text::TextLayoutCache::Create(rtl::OUString const&)::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `vcl::text::TextLayoutCache::Create(rtl::OUString const&)::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `SalLayoutGlyphsCache::self()::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `SalLayoutGlyphsCache::self()::cache' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>' value warning: found `o3tl::sorted_vector, o3tl::find_unique, true>::insert(unsigned int&&)' instead Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception No type named com::sun::star::uno::Sequence.: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception No type named com::sun::star::uno::Sequence.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `com::sun::star::lang::XComponent' value warning: found `bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(_typelib_TypeDescription const*)' instead Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception 'gdb.Value' object has no attribute 'partition': Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception struct _typelib_TypeDescription: Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception : Python Exception 'NoneType' object is not iterable: { = , mrSdrObjCustomShape = @0x55bac34797d0, eSpType = mso_sptDiamond, nCoordLeft = 0, nCoordTop = 4, nCoordWidthG = 0, nCoordHeightG = 0, nCoordWidth = 0, nCoordHeight = -357795940, aLogicRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 94260659356368, mnTop = 94260630557016, mnRight = 0, mnBottom = -2507570299198104064}, fXScale = 0, fYScale = 1.9762625833649862e-323, fXRatio = 4.6570959052778181e-310, fYRatio = 6.9172502213570496e-310, bOOXMLShape = 4, nXRef = 32597, nYRef = -640764792, nColorData = 32597, seqEquations = uninitialized uno::Sequence, vNodesSharedPtr = std::__debug::vector of length 2859145804793, capacity -380312 = {, std::shared_ptr (use count -994099728, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x6666660100000905}, std::shared_ptr (use count -65536, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x55bac3745b20}, , , std::shared_ptr (use count 6815828, weak count 7536744) = {get() = 0x55bac5b2a690}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x3c00000000}, std::shared_ptr (use count -1075647328, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x7f55ef1ebcb8 }, , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x10c}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0xfffffffffffffff9}, , std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x3fe6800000000000}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -998911376, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x5599abaf06a415fc}, , std::shared_ptr (use count 1, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x55bac475d3f0}, , , std::shared_ptr (use count 6815828, weak count 7536740) = {get() = 0x55bac4baa900}, std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac50211e0}, std::shared_ptr (use count 1, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x6666666600000001}, , , , , std::shared_ptr (use count -1007705280, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x55bac4b78850}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -293516134, weak count 32596) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x55bac5140dc0}, , , std::shared_ptr (use count 7274578, weak count 6357100) = {get() = 0x55bac3888ff0}, , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, , , std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x7f55f40917f8 ::data>}, std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x7f55f40917f8 ::data>}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x6666666666660409}, , std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x7f55f40917f8 ::data>}, std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x7f55f40917f8 ::data>}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x6666666666660804}, , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x6666666600004852}, , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x6666666600000001}, std::shared_ptr (use count 33, weak count -1) = {get() = 0x55bac3515af0}, std::shared_ptr (use count 119, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x2}, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x666666666600006f}, , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x55bac609e270}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -1012672496, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x55bac609e390}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -293516134, weak count 32596) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x55bac5ff4ae0}, , , , , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (use count 6619219, weak count 6881393) = {get() = 0x55bac55bfb30}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x800000000}, std::shared_ptr (use count -1075912256, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x7f55ef1ebcb8 }, , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0xf4}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0xfffffffffffffff7}, , std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x3fe4a00000000000}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -997875200, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0xc8f1fd8c6681d182}, , std::shared_ptr (use count 1, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x55bac5f83b80}, , , std::shared_ptr (use count -1024103488, weak count 21945) = {get() = 0x55bac5b3cd50}, , std::shared_ptr (use count -293516134, weak count 32596) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x55bac5352800}, , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, std::shared_ptr (expired, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x6666666600000001}, std::shared_ptr (use count 289, weak count -1) = {get() = 0x55bac53260a0}, std::shared_ptr (use count 146, weak count 1717986917) = {get() = 0x1}, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , std::shared_ptr (use count 3665, weak count -1) = {get() = 0x55bac4abc000}, std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0}, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ...}, vEquationResults = std::__debug::vector of length -5891290441285, capacity 2859151146041 = {{bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 2.1219957909652723e-314}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035985662474017e+185}, {bReady = 232, fValue = 8.4879826579378679e-315}, {bReady = 58, fValue = 1.9034657817570891e+185}, {bReady = 224, fValue = 6.9172642196634602e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 6.9172642196658318e-310}, {bReady = true, fValue = -2.3534373682645498e-185}, {bReady = 176, fValue = 4.001931731314097e-322}, {bReady = 224, fValue = 4.6570937753600284e-310}, {bReady = 80, fValue = 6.9172679217661185e-310}, {bReady = true, fValue = 4.6570963163329257e-310}, {bReady = 200, fValue = 9.5333006556563678e+85}, {bReady = 236, fValue = 3.4041122998461887e-321}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 14, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 14, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 104, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 28, fValue = 6.9533231765967544e-310}, {bReady = 230, fValue = 1.9812032398233986e-321}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 78, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 78, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 78, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 78, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 88, fValue = 4.6570949364309461e-310}, {bReady = 77, fValue = 2.4209216646221081e-322}, {bReady = 224, fValue = 4.6570936601751447e-310}, {bReady = true, fValue = -2.3534373682645266e-185}, {bReady = 48, fValue = 2.4209216646221081e-322}, {bReady = 4, fValue = 4.4506272946038173e-308}, {bReady = 35, fValue = 1.8428648589878496e-321}, {bReady = 224, fValue = 4.7924367646600915e-322}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = true, fValue = 4.6570958835499968e-310}, {bReady = 208, fValue = 4.6570958835547398e-310}, {bReady = 2, fValue = 4.6570964223795711e-310}, {bReady = 18, fValue = 4.6570947348767671e-310}, {bReady = 96, fValue = 3.2114266979681025e-322}, {bReady = 96, fValue = 4.6570955155999429e-310}, {bReady = 16, fValue = 1.556853923280424e-245}, {bReady = 7, fValue = -2.3534373682645351e-185}, {bReady = 64, fValue = 2.4209216646221081e-322}, {bReady = 4, fValue = 4.4506272946038173e-308}, {bReady = 35, fValue = -2.3534373682644952e-185}, {bReady = 48, fValue = 5.5829417980060859e-322}, {bReady = 6, fValue = 1.3351196894724046e-306}, {bReady = 101, fValue = 7.565936959879679e-307}, {bReady = 114, fValue = 4.4505721232960906e-308}, {bReady = 115, fValue = 1.023608670253109e-306}, {bReady = 32, fValue = 1.7801935385520968e-306}, {bReady = 105, fValue = -2.353437365434875e-185}, {bReady = 153, fValue = 7.1639518646980749e-322}, {bReady = 2, fValue = 8.9011612215222952e-308}, {bReady = 48, fValue = 8.9007283282936721e-308}, {bReady = 59, fValue = 1.5020037933574813e-307}, {bReady = 50, fValue = 1.2794675484158117e-307}, {bReady = 97, fValue = 1.1126235073942228e-307}, {bReady = 57, fValue = 7.5659369536630035e-307}, {bReady = 57, fValue = 8.9011527328915358e-308}, {bReady = 101, fValue = 1.8696057366738924e+185}, {bReady = 43, fValue = 1.4278497164812025e-321}, {bReady = 111, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035980475658475e+185}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 144, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 53, fValue = 1.4278497164812025e-321}, {bReady = 116, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035980475658475e+185}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 16, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 209, fValue = 1.4278497164812025e-321}, {bReady = 101, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035980475658475e+185}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 4.6570947468764853e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 141, fValue = 1.4278497164812025e-321}, {bReady = 114, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035980475658475e+185}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 80, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = 169, fValue = 1.4278497164812025e-321}, {bReady = 101, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 1.9035980475658475e+185}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 4.6570947469049435e-310}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}, {bReady = false, fValue = 0}...}, seqSegments = uno::Sequence of length 32597 = {{Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 26112, Count = 26214}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 0}, {Command = 76, Count = 26214}, {Command = 26214, Count = 26214}, {Command = 6120, Count = -3063}, {Command = 32597, Count = 0}, {Command = 26112, Count = 26214}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 12346, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 26112, Count = 26214}, {Command = 15840, Count = -15169}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = -3472, Count = -5455}, {Command = 32597, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 26112}, {Command = 26214, Count = 26214}, {Command = -3424, Count = -5455}, {Command = 32597, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 0}, {Command = 26214, Count = 26214}, {Command = -26170, Count = -26215}, {Command = -26215, Count = -26215}, {Command = 176, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 3840}, {Command = 81, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 23008, Count = -15126}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = 25552, Count = -15562}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = 11088, Count = -14854}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = 20272, Count = -4311}, {Command = 32597, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 0}, {Command = 26214, Count = 26214}, {Command = 9656, Count = -14777}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = -8504, Count = -15276}, {Command = 21946, Count = 0}, {Command = 17052, Count = 5310}, {Command = -30369, Count = 20936}, {Command = -26132, Count = -26215}, {Command = -26215, Count = 1945}, {Command = 689, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 9, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -32768, Count = 16502}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 22, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 8192, Count = 16524}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 2, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 17, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -32768, Count = 16534}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 3, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 20, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -4096, Count = 16542}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 4, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 10, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 18432, Count = 16546}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 270, Count = 0}, {Command = 5, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 270, Count = 0}, {Command = 1, Count = 16}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 25600, Count = 16548}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 6, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 22, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -25600, Count = 16552}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 7, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 21, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -11264, Count = 16556}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 8, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 20, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -31232, Count = 16560}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 9, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 360, Count = 0}, {Command = 14, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = -4608, Count = 16561}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 10, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 21, Count = 0}, {Command = 8193, Count = -10078}, {Command = 32767, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 2560, Count = 16564}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 0, Count = 0}, {Command = 540, Count = 0}, {Command = 11, Count = 0}...}, seqCoordinates = uno::Sequence of length 32597 = {{First = {Value = , Type = -18992}, Second = {Value = , Type = 2080}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 31477}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -15248}, Second = {Value = , Type = 2409}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 27536}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16176}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 6906}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 162}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 162}, Second = {Value = , Type = -32712}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -28243}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -24864}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -19360}, Second = {Value = , Type = 3706}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -5552}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 31792}, Second = {Value = , Type = -18912}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -32712}, Second = {Value = , Type = 10204}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -8400}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -8400}, Second = {Value = , Type = -15352}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -18880}, Second = {Value = , Type = -8400}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 29}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -12640}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 104}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -756}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -24520}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = -18064}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -5552}, Second = {Value = , Type = -14139}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 1}, Second = {Value = , Type = -20519}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -17536}, Second = {Value = , Type = -8664}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -6743}, Second = {Value = , Type = -5200}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 320}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -20140}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 29}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 26304}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -8400}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 27536}, Second = {Value = , Type = -13912}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -6706}, Second = {Value = , Type = -19619}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -13912}, Second = {Value = , Type = -18772}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16468}, Second = {Value = , Type = -20945}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 24224}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 97}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 31792}, Second = {Value = , Type = 31792}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 31792}, Second = {Value = , Type = -32712}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -14352}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -11776}, Second = {Value = , Type = -11920}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 25931}, Second = {Value = , Type = 27536}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 32644}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -16468}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 27536}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 39}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16964}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 28968}, Second = {Value = , Type = 17256}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 26562}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = -11840}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 18864}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -15568}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 12773}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 27536}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 19232}, Second = {Value = , Type = -2752}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -15264}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 27856}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16657}, Second = {Value = , Type = -15280}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 21162}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 20}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 36}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -9307}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 1920}, Second = {Value = , Type = 15057}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -21536}, Second = {Value = , Type = -21632}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 20940}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 79}, Second = {Value = , Type = 110}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1025}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 21475}, Second = {Value = , Type = 8373}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -26080}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -31472}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 21263}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1024}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 76}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -24496}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1792}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 6136}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 1024}, Second = {Value = , Type = 76}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 2}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -15984}, Second = {Value = , Type = -15984}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 10698}, Second = {Value = , Type = 27536}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 19152}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29056}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 29168}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29328}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 6120}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -23823}, Second = {Value = , Type = 3504}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -15984}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 5984}, Second = {Value = , Type = -12655}}, {First = {Value = uno::Any(void), Type = 48}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16304}, Second = {Value = , Type = 13536}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -25984}, Second = {Value = , Type = 320}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -5200}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -12728}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16304}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -16304}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 14163}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -11904}, Second = {Value = , Type = -2048}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -20140}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 5531}, Second = {Value = , Type = -11488}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 3328}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -22896}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -16657}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -32712}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7966}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 1}, Second = {Value = , Type = 10706}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -31520}, Second = {Value = , Type = -27552}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 2212}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 10736}, Second = {Value = , Type = 19327}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -11056}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 19296}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -10160}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -11064}, Second = {Value = , Type = 20904}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -10160}, Second = {Value = , Type = 4944}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 9688}, Second = {Value = , Type = -16657}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -10112}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29512}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -10160}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -27842}, Second = {Value = , Type = 6912}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 25880}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7968}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -16657}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 11485}, Second = {Value = , Type = -10240}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -10488}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -26851}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7128}, Second = {Value = , Type = 19327}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 12624}, Second = {Value = uno::Any("boolean": 240 '\360'), Type = 17256}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -32712}, Second = {Value = , Type = -30367}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 27856}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -20448}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 6136}, Second = {Value = , Type = -27888}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 0}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = 1392}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 29232}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29232}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = 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, Type = -8560}, Second = {Value = , Type = 32321}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 7680}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -17455}, Second = {Value = , Type = -17856}}, {First = {Value = uno::Any("boolean": 132 '\204'), Type = -18264}, Second = {Value = , Type = -9120}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -11232}, Second = {Value = , Type = -11312}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -18427}, Second = {Value = , Type = -18619}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = -8104}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -2816}, Second = {Value = , Type = 4}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 6}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29352}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -26760}, Second = {Value = , Type = -31376}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 7680}, Second = {Value = , Type = 14502}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -8480}, Second = {Value = , Type = 29352}}, {First = {Value = , Type = -9120}, Second = {Value = , Type = 4}}, {First = {Value = , Type = 0}, Second = {Value = , Type = -11312}}, 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= -1065077693}, {Width = 1401626485, Height = 2027062584}, {Width = -1933039, Height = -2059403265}, {Width = -1206684206, Height = 1}, {Width = 12193003, Height = -352321536}, {Width = 47342, Height = -1065091072}, {Width = 2071989876, Height = 578093107}, {Width = 604277576, Height = 4557128}, {Width = 608471880, Height = 726164488}, {Width = 2630916, Height = 343212032}, {Width = 1222150472, Height = 1528349827}, {Width = -1991720099, Height = -1364727577}, {Width = -722731009, Height = -95909656}, {Width = 1213421055, Height = 1209592963}, {Width = -1991705719, Height = -1958189835}, {Width = 2630916, Height = -1991770112}, {Width = 822617156, Height = 1153918656}, {Width = 1572, Height = 611618120}, {Width = 178694, Height = -119013376}, {Width = 268435406, Height = -2076949578}, {Width = -1960872512, Height = -763021229}, {Width = -494857864, Height = 1073741823}, {Width = 326488709, Height = 440}, {Width = -1173558528, Height = 0}, {Width = 12119787, Height = -2080374784}, {Width = -2146470720, Height = 1962947451}, {Width = 1152847651, Height = -1989802460}, {Width = -1958215611, Height = 1678255172}, {Width = 621030216, Height = 40}, {Width = -1991764363, Height = -998029096}, {Width = -1017292008, Height = 612142408}, {Width = -1367807994, Height = -773062657}, {Width = -95949592, Height = 1213421055}, {Width = 1209592963, Height = -1991705719}, {Width = -1958189835, Height = 2630916}, {Width = -1991770112, Height = 822617156}, {Width = 608487360, Height = 4}, {Width = 1955416064, Height = 79299620}, {Width = -402653184, Height = -12709}, {Width = 876852751, Height = 527810692}, {Width = -2059906165, Height = -2129561390}, {Width = -30, Height = 1976730943}, {Width = 112659, Height = 216727552}, {Width = 186, Height = -1192301824}, {Width = 0, Height = 225755268}, {Width = 3373952, Height = 1149968757}, {Width = 1166607396, Height = 1149978624}, {Width = 1214515236, Height = 673514539}, {Width = 1962934272, Height = -662091754}, {Width = 415531848, Height = 1220762971}, {Width = 69500045, Height = -5377304}, {Width = -388764673, Height = -374959}, {Width = 1213420944, Height = 1209592963}, {Width = -1991705719, Height = -1958189835}, {Width = 2630916, Height = -1991770112}, {Width = 822617156, Height = 80169152}, {Width = 36, Height = -427210752}, {Width = 2234, Height = -842930176}, {Width = -1240465409, Height = -1065077693}, {Width = 1401626485, Height = 2027062584}, {Width = -1933039, Height = -2059403265}, {Width = -1206684206, Height = 1}, {Width = 12193003, Height = -352321536}, {Width = 47342, Height = -1065091072}, {Width = 2071989876, Height = 578093107}, {Width = 604277576, Height = 4557128}, {Width = 608471880, Height = 726164488}, {Width = 2630916, Height = 343212032}, {Width = 1222150472, Height = 1528349827}, {Width = -1991720099, Height = -1383733017}, {Width = -722731009, Height = -96028440}, {Width = 1213421055, Height = 1209592963}, {Width = -1991705719, Height = -1958189835}, {Width = 2630916, Height = -1991770112}, {Width = 822617156, Height = 1153918656}, {Width = 1572, Height = 611618120}, {Width = 178694, Height = 686292992}, {Width = 268435405, Height = -2076949578}, {Width = -1960872512, Height = -763021229}, {Width = -494857864, Height = 1073741823}, {Width = 326488709, Height = 440}, {Width = -1173558528, Height = 0}, {Width = 12119787, Height = -2080374784}, {Width = -2146470720, Height = 1962947451}, {Width = 1152847651, Height = -1989802460}, {Width = -1958215611, Height = 1678255172}, {Width = 621030216, Height = 40}, {Width = -1991764363, Height = -998029096}, {Width = -1017292008, Height = 612142408}, {Width = -1410668538, Height = -773062657}, {Width = -96068376, Height = -2092411905}, {Width = -1991765780, Height = 1955161851}, {Width = 2139098148, Height = 460652595}, {Width = 611618120, Height = 178700}, {Width = -1991770112, Height = -1001920289}, {Width = -1991704577, Height = -998029096}, {Width = 1220762384, Height = 203717773}, {Width = -5521176, Height = 1406790655}, {Width = 283935560, Height = -1980004024}, {Width = -2146687884, Height = 1962947455}, {Width = 1955416091, Height = 79301668}, {Width = 1207959552, Height = 250142601}, {Width = 1224736708, Height = -2092377975}, {Width = -1017442108, Height = 612142408}, {Width = -1415780340, Height = -638844929}, {Width = -2092412016, Height = -1991765780}, {Width = 1955154171, Height = 2139097124}, {Width = 460652595, Height = 611618120}, {Width = 571912, Height = -1991770112}, {Width = -1009522465, Height = -1991704577}, {Width = -998029096, Height = 1220762384}, {Width = 136608909, Height = -5535512}, {Width = 1406790655, Height = 283935560}, {Width = 1727760712, Height = 203715721}, {Width = 3374976, Height = -1924654219}, {Width = -1173609356, Height = 2}, {Width = -388003512, Height = -15463}, {Width = 1222150472, Height = 1527825539}, {Width = 2089633987, Height = -1142420444}, {Width = -335544405, Height = -2092411943}, {Width = -1991765780, Height = 611617275}, {Width = 863993868, Height = 1209758976}, {Width = 203715725, Height = 1210}, {Width = -544651264, Height = -3972888}, {Width = -662091521, Height = 281314120}, {Width = -1924611237, Height = -401857412}, {Width = -21609, Height = 1402001899}, {Width = 283935560, Height = 1224444232}, {Width = 136606857, Height = 3374976}, {Width = -1924654219, Height = -1173871500}, {Width = 8, Height = -388003512}, {Width = -15579, Height = 1222150472}, {Width = 1527825539, Height = 2089633987}, {Width = -1998059484, Height = -335544405}, {Width = -1991748647, Height = -141997829}, {Width = -952923832, Height = 2115}, {Width = 1137115136, Height = 12}, {Width = 1137141248, Height = -1962934000}, {Width = -1065011130, Height = -14349448}, {Width = -2059403265, Height = 1527346368}, {Width = 47299, Height = -202702848}, {Width = 276008264, Height = -1549080}, {Width = 998983935, Height = 208899400}, {Width = -1548568, Height = 327895295}, {Width = 742569743, Height = 1614938952}, {Width = -351779959, Height = -1991748654}, {Width = -141997829, Height = -952923832}, {Width = 2115, Height = 1137115136}, {Width = 12, Height = 944147200}, {Width = 192462981, Height = -219}, {Width = 1958774079, Height = -1195156727}, {Width = 0, Height = -1223691285}, {Width = -377100046, Height = -1958150145}, {Width = 1203179323, Height = 1191397420}, {Width = 138643808, Height = -1996177277}, {Width = 79563843, Height = -402653184}, {Width = -16883, Height = 1217449963}, {Width = -1223747701, Height = 55061570}, {Width = 1334534210, Height = -1064746744}, {Width = -1949816511, Height = 960760951}, {Width = -1023313978, Height = 149717832}, {Width = -838745815, Height = -1991706999}, {Width = -1109661481, Height = -2092367873}, {Width = 1438845124, Height = -326940589}, {Width = -74889208, Height = 255822664}, {Width = 1210871735, Height = -1956614397}, {Width = -1528297357, Height = 1224736700}, {Width = -292996213, Height = -401837269}, {Width = -4823, Height = -1992586424}, {Width = -1131550482, Height = -2092367873}, {Width = 1566247108, Height = 1096106435}, {Width = 1213420884, Height = 15264897}, {Width = -1991770112, Height = -175552261}, {Width = 76236900, Height = 10277}, {Width = -2071377920, Height = 55332}, {Width = 1723871488, Height = 170149063}, {Width = -1958215680, Height = 1955416127}, {Width = 1055394340, Height = 1728053223}, {Width = 170163331, Height = 255358976}, {Width = 1307772342, Height = -1065091069}, {Width = 10912783, Height = -1223753728}, {Width = 1208624220, Height = 1310655883}...}, bFilled = false, bStroked = false, bFlipH = 165, bFlipV = 223, nRotateAngle = {m_value = 4406}} aSet = SfxItemSet of pool 0x55bac437ebb0 with parent 0x0 and Which ranges: [(1, 153), (1000, 1244), (4008, 4064)] = {1 = 0x0, 2 = 0x0, 3 = 0x0, 4 = 0x0, 5 = 0x0, 6 = 0x0, 7 = 0x0, 8 = 0x0, 9 = 0x0, 10 = 0x0, 11 = 0x0, 12 = 0x0, 13 = 0x0, 14 = 0x0, 15 = 0x0, 16 = 0x0, 17 = 0x0, 18 = 0x0, 19 = 0x0, 20 = 0x0, 21 = 0x0, 22 = 0x0, 23 = 0x0, 24 = 0x0, 25 = 0x0, 26 = 0x0, 27 = 0x0, 28 = 0x0, 29 = 0x0, 30 = 0x0, 31 = 0x0, 32 = 0x0, 33 = 0x0, 34 = 0x0, 35 = 0x0, 36 = 0x0, 37 = 0x0, 38 = 0x0, 39 = 0x0, 40 = 0x0, 41 = 0x0, 42 = 0x0, 43 = 0x0, 44 = 0x0, 45 = 0x0, 46 = 0x0, 47 = 0x0, 48 = 0x0, 49 = 0x0, 50 = 0x0, 51 = 0x0, 52 = 0x0, 53 = 0x0, 54 = 0x0, 55 = 0x0, 56 = 0x0, 57 = 0x0, 58 = 0x0, 59 = 0x0, 60 = 0x0, 61 = 0x0, 62 = 0x0, 63 = 0x0, 64 = 0x0, 65 = 0x0, 66 = 0x0, 67 = 0x0, 68 = 0x0, 69 = 0x0, 70 = 0x0, 71 = 0x0, 72 = 0x0, 73 = 0x0, 74 = 0x0, 75 = 0x0, 76 = 0x0, 77 = 0x0, 78 = 0x0, 79 = 0x0, 80 = 0x0, 81 = 0x0, 82 = 0x0, 83 = 0x0, 84 = 0x0, 85 = 0x0, 86 = 0x0, 87 = 0x0, 88 = 0x0, 89 = 0x0, 90 = 0x0, 91 = 0x0, 92 = 0x0, 93 = 0x0, 94 = 0x0, 95 = 0x0, 96 = 0x0, 97 = 0x0, 98 = 0x0, 99 = 0x0, 100 = 0x0, 101 = 0x0, 102 = 0x0, 103 = 0x0, 104 = 0x0, 105 = 0x0, 106 = 0x0, 107 = 0x0, 108 = 0x0, 109 = 0x0, 110 = 0x0, 111 = 0x0, 112 = 0x0, 113 = 0x0, 114 = 0x0, 115 = 0x0, 116 = 0x0, 117 = 0x0, 118 = 0x0, 119 = 0x0, 120 = 0x0, 121 = 0x0, 122 = 0x0, 123 = 0x0, 124 = 0x0, 125 = 0x0, 126 = 0x0, 127 = 0x0, 128 = 0x0, 129 = 0x0, 130 = 0x0, 131 = 0x0, 132 = 0x0, 133 = 0x0, 134 = 0x0, 135 = 0x0, 136 = 0x0, 137 = 0x0, 138 = 0x0, 139 = 0x0, 140 = 0x0, 141 = 0x0, 142 = 0x0, 143 = 0x0, 144 = 0x0, 145 = 0x0, 146 = 0x0, 147 = 0x0, 148 = 0x0, 149 = 0x0, 150 = 0x0, 151 = 0x0, 152 = 0x0, 153 = 0x0, 1000 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8c60 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1000, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle::LineStyle_SOLID}, }, 1001 = 0x0, 1002 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8db0 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1002, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 15}, }, }, }, 1003 = { = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa8e40 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1003, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, aColor = rgb(0, 0, 0), maThemeColor = {maThemeIndex = -1, mnLumMod = 10000, mnLumOff = 0}}, }, 1004 = 0x0, 1005 = 0x0, 1006 = 0x0, 1007 = 0x0, 1008 = 0x0, 1009 = 0x0, 1010 = 0x0, 1011 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa098 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1011, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint::LineJoint_MITER}, }, 1012 = 0x0, 1013 = 0x0, 1014 = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa9240 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1014, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_BITMAP}, }, 1015 = { = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0fa9300 , m_nRefCount = 2, m_nWhich = 1015, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, aColor = rgb(255, 255, 255), maThemeColor = {maThemeIndex = -1, mnLumMod = 10000, mnLumOff = 0}}, }, 1016 = 0x0, 1017 = 0x0, 1018 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faab88 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1018, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_aValue = ""}, }, nPalIndex = -1}, maGraphicObject = {maGraphic = {mxImpGraphic = std::shared_ptr (use count 2, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac65d89c0}}, maAttr = {mfGamma = 1, mnLeftCrop = 0, mnTopCrop = 0, mnRightCrop = 0, mnBottomCrop = 0, mnMirrFlags = BmpMirrorFlags::NONE, meDrawMode = GraphicDrawMode::Standard, mnRotate10 = {m_value = 0}, mnContPercent = 0, mnLumPercent = 0, mnRPercent = 0, mnGPercent = 0, mnBPercent = 0, mcAlpha = 255 '\377', mbInvert = false}, maUserData = "", mxSimpleCache = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0}}}, 1019 = 0x0, 1020 = 0x0, 1021 = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa458 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1021, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_bValue = true}, }, 1022 = 0x0, 1023 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa5b0 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1023, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 0}, }, }, }, 1024 = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa640 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1024, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_nValue = 0}, }, }, }, 1025 = 0x0, 1026 = 0x0, 1027 = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x7f55f0faa6d0 , m_nRefCount = 1, m_nWhich = 1027, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, m_bValue = true}, }, 1028 = 0x0, 1029 = 0x0, 1030 = 0x0, 1031 = 0x0, 1032 = 0x0, 1033 = 0x0, 1034 = 0x0, 1035 = 0x0, 1036 = 0x0, 1037 = 0x0, 1038 = 0x0, 1039 = 0x0, 1040 = 0x0, 1041 = 0x0, 1042 = 0x0, 1043 = 0x0, 1044 = 0x0, 1045 = 0x0, 1046 = 0x0...} bIsConnector = false nObjectRotation = {m_value = } nSpFlags = (ShapeFlag::HaveAnchor | ShapeFlag::HaveShapeProperty) bGraphic = false aObjData = {rSpHd = @0x7f55d9ceb190, aBoundRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 3, mnTop = 162, mnRight = 3706, mnBottom = 830}, aChildAnchor = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 0, mnTop = 0, mnRight = -32767, mnBottom = -32767}, nShapeId = 1028, nSpFlags = (ShapeFlag::HaveAnchor | ShapeFlag::HaveShapeProperty), eShapeType = mso_sptTextBox, bShapeType = true, bClientAnchor = true, bClientData = false, bChildAnchor = false, bOpt = true, bOpt2 = true, bRotateTextWithShape = true, bPageAnchor = true, nCalledByGroup = 0} xRet = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac656e500 aTextRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 3, mnTop = 162, mnRight = 3706, mnBottom = 830} #55 0x00007f55dd164aa2 in SvxMSDffManager::ImportObj(SvStream&, SvxMSDffClientData&, tools::Rectangle&, tools::Rectangle const&, int, int*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac58eb5d0, rSt=..., rClientData=..., rClientRect=..., rGlobalChildRect=..., nCalledByGroup=0, pShapeId=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx:4092 pRet = empty rtl::Reference aObjHd = {nRecVer = 15 '\017', nRecInstance = 0, nImpVerInst = 15, nRecType = 61444, nRecLen = 4406, nFilePos = 7960} bOk = #56 0x00007f55dd164f44 in SvxMSDffManager::GetShape(unsigned long, rtl::Reference&, SvxMSDffImportData&) (this=0x55bac58eb5d0, nId=, rpShape=empty rtl::Reference, rData=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx:6381 pTmpRec = std::shared_ptr (use count 1, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac3bf0650} it = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': {_M_node = 0x55bac30c3850} nOldPosCtrl = 389939 nOldPosData = 2080 nFilePos = 7960 bSeeked = #57 0x00007f55dbf1ea45 in SwWW8ImplReader::Read_GrafLayer(long) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, nGrafAnchorCp=nGrafAnchorCp@entry=31) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf.cxx:2575 pPF = 0x55bac5e2c0d0 nStartFc = 31 pF0 = 0x55bac3be1afa rFS = aFSFA = {nSpId = 1028, nXaLeft = 3, nYaTop = 162, nXaRight = 3706, nYaBottom = 830, bHdr = 0, nbx = 2, nby = 2, nwr = 2, nwrk = 0, bRcaSimple = 0, bBelowText = 0, bAnchorLock = 0, nTxbx = 0} aRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 3, mnTop = 162, mnRight = 3706, mnBottom = 830} aData = Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pointer': { = {_vptr.SvxMSDffClientData = 0x7f55dd248428 }, m_Records = std::__debug::set with 0 elements, m_ObjToRecMap = std::__debug::map with 0 elements, aParentRect = {static RECT_EMPTY = -32767, mnLeft = 3, mnTop = 162, mnRight = 3706, mnBottom = 830}} pPersist = 0x55bac5c9c050 pObject = empty rtl::Reference bOk = bDone = pOurNewObject = empty rtl::Reference bReplaceable = aFlySet = Python Exception : { = SfxItemSet of pool 0x55bac5a2ea50 with parent 0x55bac36ca9f0 and Which ranges: [], static NITEMS = 93, m_aItems = {0x55bac4c63da4, 0x55bac36ca9f0, 0x0, 0x55ba00000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0xdd3352193afa1e00, 0x55bac36ca9f0, 0x1, 0x55bac2fcbd30, 0x7f55f3ae7c30 <__gnu_debug::_Safe_sequence_base::_M_get_mutex()+16>, 0x1, 0x7f55f3ae8191 <__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_can_compare(__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base const&) const+33>, 0x7f55d9ceb5f0, 0x7f55d9ceb620, 0x7f55d9ceb5f8, 0x7f55f3ae7f84 <__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_detach_single()+20>, 0x7f55d9ceb5f8, 0x7f55f3ae8038 <__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator_base::_M_detach()+88>, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0xc36ca901, 0x55bac437ebb0, 0x7f55f16827dc , 0x0, 0x55bac2fcbd30, 0x7f55d9ceb5f0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f55f3ac2805 <__cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info::__do_dyncast(long, __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info::__sub_kind, __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info const*, void const*, __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info const*, void const*, __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info::__dyncast_result&) const+261>, 0x7f55f18fc0a8 , 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x7f55d9ceb640, 0x7f55d9ceb640, 0x55bac36ca9f0, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x0, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x0, 0x7f55f18fc408 , 0x7f55f18fc0a8 , 0x7f55f3ac0556 <__dynamic_cast+102>, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x7f55d9ceb640, 0x0, 0xdd3352193afa1e00, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x55bac3b3df30, 0x0, 0x7f55f2d499c3 >::operator==(SfxPoolItem const&) const+17>, 0x55bac53e66c0, 0x1d, 0x55bac53e66c0, 0x7f55f16ae4e1 , 0x7f55d9ceb638, 0x1d00000000, 0x0, 0x55bac2d3f6d0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x55bac4b45c10, 0x55bac553ecb0, 0x55bac572d1d0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xdd3352193afa1e00, 0x7f55d9cebc90, 0x55bac5a3cea0, 0x0, 0x7f55ddc9fc8e , 0x0, 0x68, 0x55bac50e52c8, 0x7f55f16ae327 , 0x0, 0x6800000000, 0x0 , 0x7f55eaaafd0c , 0x0, 0x55bac44d9920}} eSurround = bContour = aSur = {> = { = { = {_vptr.SfxPoolItem = 0x0, m_nRefCount = 0, m_nWhich = 0, m_nKind = SfxItemKind::NONE}, }, m_nValue = com::sun::star::text::WrapTextMode::WrapTextMode_NONE}, m_bAnchorOnly = false, m_bContour = false, m_bOutside = false} pRecord = bLayoutInTableCell = nCount = aObjName = "Ề쎻喺\000Ề쎻喺\000晦晦晦晦©\000\000܀a\000\000\000ℰ罕\000\001\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000晦晦㙰쎅喺\000㙼쎅喺\000㙼쎅喺\000\001\000\000\000駗香香香香香香ྙ¡\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", '晦' , "駛香香香香香香香 \000\000ᜀġ\000\000\000n昀晦晦\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000晦晦", '\000' ... bDrawObj = bFrame = pRetFrameFormat = pDrawFrameFormat = #58 0x00007f55dbf5a038 in SwWW8ImplReader::ReadChar(long, long) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, nPosCp=31, nCpOfs=nCpOfs@entry=0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:3759 bNewParaEnd = false nRequestedPos = nWCharVal = 8 cInsert = 0 u'\000' bParaMark = false #59 0x00007f55dbf5ae2f in SwWW8ImplReader::ReadChars(int&, int, long, long) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, rPos=@0x7f55d9cebfac: 31, nNextAttr=, nTextEnd=nTextEnd@entry=39, nCpOfs=nCpOfs@entry=0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:3538 bStartLine = nEnd = 32 #60 0x00007f55dbf5bdbc in SwWW8ImplReader::ReadText(int, int, ManTypes) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, nStartCp=nStartCp@entry=0, nTextLen=39, nType=nType@entry=MAN_MAINTEXT) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:4081 bJoined = false bStartLine = false nCrCount = 11 nDistance = 0 nCpOfs = 0 nNext = 32 nDropLines = 0 '\000' pNewSwCharFormat = 0x0 pFormat = 0x0 bValidPos = l = 31 nMaxPossible = 2147483647 nTextEnd = 39 #61 0x00007f55dbf650ef in SwWW8ImplReader::CoreLoad(WW8Glossary const*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, pGloss=pGloss@entry=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:5292 pFibData = std::shared_ptr (use count 2, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac480d7f0} pSttbfAsoc = std::shared_ptr (use count 2, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55bac3b9f550} nPageDescOffset = eMode = RedlineFlags::ShowMask aLinkStrings = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 aStringIds = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 isHideRedlines = #62 0x00007f55dbf69a20 in SwWW8ImplReader::LoadThroughDecryption(WW8Glossary*) (this=this@entry=0x55bac5646b90, pGloss=pGloss@entry=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:5952 nErrRet = {m_value = 0} xTableStream = {pObj = 0x55bac4626460} xDataStream = {pObj = 0x55bac4d7e3d0} pTempMain = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} pTempTable = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} pTempData = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} aDecryptMain = { = {_vptr.SvStream = 0x7f55ef699af8 , m_xLockBytes = {pObj = 0x0}, m_nActPos = 0, m_pRWBuf = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac45cef60 'f' ...}, m_pBufPos = 0x55bac45cef60 'f' ..., m_nBufSize = 1024, m_nBufActualLen = 0, m_nBufActualPos = 0, m_nBufFree = 0, m_isIoRead = false, m_isIoWrite = false, m_isDirty = false, m_isSwap = false, m_isEof = false, m_nError = {m_value = 0}, m_nEndian = SvStreamEndian::LITTLE, m_nCompressMode = SvStreamCompressFlags::NONE, m_eLineDelimiter = LINEEND_LF, m_eStreamCharSet = 76, m_aCryptMaskKey = "", m_nCryptMask = 0 '\000', m_nVersion = 0, m_nBufFilePos = 0, m_eStreamMode = StreamMode::NONE, m_isWritable = false}, pInstanceData = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac3231cb0}, aFilename = "", bIsOpen = false} aDecryptTable = { = {_vptr.SvStream = 0x7f55ef699af8 , m_xLockBytes = {pObj = 0x0}, m_nActPos = 0, m_pRWBuf = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac51fa050 'f' ...}, m_pBufPos = 0x55bac51fa050 'f' ..., m_nBufSize = 1024, m_nBufActualLen = 0, m_nBufActualPos = 0, m_nBufFree = 0, m_isIoRead = false, m_isIoWrite = false, m_isDirty = false, m_isSwap = false, m_isEof = false, m_nError = {m_value = 0}, m_nEndian = SvStreamEndian::LITTLE, m_nCompressMode = SvStreamCompressFlags::NONE, m_eLineDelimiter = LINEEND_LF, m_eStreamCharSet = 76, m_aCryptMaskKey = "", m_nCryptMask = 0 '\000', m_nVersion = 0, m_nBufFilePos = 0, m_eStreamMode = StreamMode::NONE, m_isWritable = false}, pInstanceData = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac4a03b00}, aFilename = "", bIsOpen = false} aDecryptData = { = {_vptr.SvStream = 0x7f55ef699af8 , m_xLockBytes = {pObj = 0x0}, m_nActPos = 0, m_pRWBuf = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac3408a20 'f' ...}, m_pBufPos = 0x55bac3408a20 'f' ..., m_nBufSize = 1024, m_nBufActualLen = 0, m_nBufActualPos = 0, m_nBufFree = 0, m_isIoRead = false, m_isIoWrite = false, m_isDirty = false, m_isSwap = false, m_isEof = false, m_nError = {m_value = 0}, m_nEndian = SvStreamEndian::LITTLE, m_nCompressMode = SvStreamCompressFlags::NONE, m_eLineDelimiter = LINEEND_LF, m_eStreamCharSet = 76, m_aCryptMaskKey = "", m_nCryptMask = 0 '\000', m_nVersion = 0, m_nBufFilePos = 0, m_eStreamMode = StreamMode::NONE, m_isWritable = false}, pInstanceData = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac5588a10}, aFilename = "", bIsOpen = false} bDecrypt = eAlgo = #63 0x00007f55dbf69e1a in SwWW8ImplReader::LoadDoc(WW8Glossary*) (this=0x55bac5646b90, pGloss=pGloss@entry=0x0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx:6304 nErrRet = {m_value = 0} nMagic = 42476 #64 0x00007f55dbf6a2f1 in WW8Reader::Read(SwDoc&, rtl::OUString const&, SwPaM&, rtl::OUString const&) (this=, rDoc=..., rBaseURL="file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", rPaM=SwPaM = {...}) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_ptr.h:173 pRdr = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac5646b90} nOldBuffSize = 0 bNew = true refStrm = {pObj = 0x55bac583c190} pIn = 0x55bac583c190 nRet = {m_value = } nVersion = 8 '\b' sFltName = "CWW8" #65 0x00007f55de35ce91 in SwReader::Read(Reader const&) (this=0x55bac4b3a6e0, rOptions=...) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/filter/basflt/shellio.cxx:192 pUndoPam = std::optional [no contained value] pUndo = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x0} nSttContent = 0 pCNd = nEndContent = 0 aEndPos = SwNodeIndex (node 30) po = 0x55bac2dfb610 nError = {m_value = } aOLELink = {function_ = 0x7f55de557372 , instance_ = 0x55bac5c9c050, file_ = 0x7f55dec51ea0 "/home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sw/source/uibase/app/docshini.cxx", line_ = 410, target_ = 0x7f55dec51e78 "SwDocShell::LinkStubOle2ModifiedHdl"} pPam = 0x55bac5421760 pEnd = 0x55bac5421760 bReadPageDescs = false bDocUndo = false bSaveUndo = false eOld = RedlineFlags::ShowMask ePostReadRedlineFlags = aFlyFrameArr = {> = {> = {_vptr.SwVectorModifyBase = 0x7f55df06fd10 , mvVals = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0, mPolicy = SwVectorModifyBase::DestructorPolicy::KeepElements}, = {_vptr.SwFormatsBase = 0x7f55df06fd48 }, }, } bFormatsOnly = false #66 0x00007f55de5594ee in SwDocShell::ConvertFrom(SfxMedium&) (this=0x55bac5c9c050, rMedium=) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/unique_ptr.h:173 pRdr = std::unique_ptr = {get() = 0x55bac4b3a6e0} pRead = 0x55bac2dfb610 pStg = {pObj = 0x0} aWait = {mrDoc = @0x55bac5c9c050, mbLockUnlockDispatcher = true, mpLockedDispatchers = {m_vector = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0}} nErr = {m_value = } bOk = #67 0x00007f55f1e39c12 in SfxObjectShell::DoLoad(SfxMedium*) (this=0x55bac5c9c050, pMed=pMed@entry=0x55bac3aaa690) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sfx2/source/doc/objstor.cxx:759 bUsePdfium = bPdfiumImport = false aBlock = {pPersist = 0x55bac5c9c050, bWasEnabled = false} bOk = false pFilter = std::shared_ptr (use count 3, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55babff13090} pSet = pBaseItem = aBaseURL = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc" pSalvageItem = bOwnStorageFormat = bHasStorage = false #68 0x00007f55f1e920ac in SfxBaseModel::load(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&) (this=0x55bac5a50d00, seqArguments=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx:1937 aGuard = {m_aGuard = {> = {pT = 0x55babee847e0}, }} pMedium = 0x55bac3aaa690 nError = {m_value = } aFilterName = "MS Word 97" pFilterNameItem = pSalvageItem = 0x0 bSalvage = false xHandler = uno::Reference to (class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0xdeadbeef pPasswdItem = #69 0x00007f55f1fb882f in (anonymous namespace)::SfxFrameLoader_Impl::load(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (this=0x55bac3ac25b0, rArgs=, _rTargetFrame=uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef94d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/comphelper/namedvaluecollection.hxx:242 bInternalFilter = sServiceName = "com.sun.star.text.TextDocument" xLoadable = uno::Reference to (class SwXTextDocument *) 0x55bac5a50db8 xDoc = {pObj = 0x7f55f28d08a4 <(anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl::setPropertyValue(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)+1564>} sViewName = "\xe80뻨喺\000\003\000晦晦܀\xd9cf罕\000㑾罕\000\005\000\006\000䴠뻨喺\000昀晦晦晦\000\000\000\000\000\000\001", '\000' , "ⴼ\000\000\000ⴸ\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\b\000\000\000\000\000昀晦\000\000駲香香ޙQ\000\000\000枘罕\000\000\000\000\000៸罕\000៸罕\000ƀ뿞喺\000侀뿞喺\000堀싛喺\000餙香香香P\000\000ༀ¡\000\000\000\001\000?\000${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/config/javasettings_${_OS}_${_ARCH}.xml\000晦餓香香香香香\xd99"... aViewCreationArgs = Python Exception No type named std::__detail::_Hash_node, true>.: {maValues = std::__debug::unordered_map with 0 elements} nViewId = {m_value = } nViewNo = xController = uno::Reference to (class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface *) 0x55babf9719b0 xInit = uno::Reference to (class SwXTextDocument *) 0x55bac5a50db8 __func__ = "load" aGuard = {> = {pT = 0x55babee847e0}, } aDescriptor = Python Exception No type named std::__detail::_Hash_node, true>.: {maValues = std::__debug::unordered_map with 15 elements} xModel = uno::Reference to (class SwXTextDocument *) 0x55bac5a50d90 bExternalModel = sURL = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc" bIsFactoryURL = pEmptyURLFilter = std::shared_ptr (empty) = {get() = 0x0} bInitNewModel = false bIsDefault = bLoadSuccess = false #70 0x00007f55f2896f44 in framework::LoadEnv::impl_loadContent() (this=this@entry=0x7f55d9ced850) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/framework/source/loadenv/loadenv.cxx:1159 xTargetFrameProps = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef9520 bResult = aWriteLock = {pT = 0x7f55d9ced850} sTarget = "_blank" xTargetFrame = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef94d0 xTargetLock = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef94f8 bHidden = bMinimized = false bPreview = lDescriptor = uno::Sequence of length 11 = {{Name = "TypeName", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("string": "writer_MS_Word_97"), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "UCBContent", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("com.sun.star.ucb.XContent": { = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x55bac4cce608}, }), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "UpdateDocMode", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("short": 0), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "MacroExecutionMode", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("short": 0), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "InputStream", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("com.sun.star.io.XInputStream": { = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x55bac38dccd8}, }), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "InteractionHandler", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("com.sun.star.task.XInteractionHandler": { = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x55bac60bdd48}, }), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "Hidden", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("boolean": 1 '\001'), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "FilterName", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("string": "MS Word 97"), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "AuthenticationHandler", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("com.sun.star.task.XInteractionHandler": { = {_vptr.XInterface = 0x55bac60bdd48}, }), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "ReadOnly", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("boolean": 1 '\001'), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}, {Name = "URL", Handle = 0, Value = uno::Any("string": "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc"), State = com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE}} sURL = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc" xLoader = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::SfxFrameLoader_Impl *) 0x55bac3ac25b0 xAsyncLoader = empty uno::Reference xSyncLoader = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::SfxFrameLoader_Impl *) 0x55bac3ac25d8 #71 0x00007f55f2897348 in framework::LoadEnv::start() (this=this@entry=0x7f55d9ced850) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/framework/source/loadenv/loadenv.cxx:395 bStarted = #72 0x00007f55f289933e in framework::LoadEnv::startLoading(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, rtl::OUString const&, int, LoadEnvFeatures) (this=this@entry=0x7f55d9ced850, sURL="file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", lMediaDescriptor=uno::Sequence of length 2 = {...}, xBaseFrame=uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55babfd57298, sTarget="_blank", nSearchFlags=nSearchFlags@entry=0, eFeature=LoadEnvFeatures::NONE) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/framework/source/loadenv/loadenv.cxx:300 g = {pT = 0x7f55d9ced850} aRealURL = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc" xParser = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::URLTransformer *) 0x55bac63c6518 pIt = {, true>> = {_M_cur = 0x0}, } bUIMode = false #73 0x00007f55f289971d in framework::LoadEnv::loadComponentFromURL(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&) (xLoader=uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55babfd572a8, xContext=uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55babee96cd0, sURL="file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", sTarget="_blank", nSearchFlags=nSearchFlags@entry=0, lArgs=uno::Sequence of length 2 = {...}) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/framework/source/loadenv/loadenv.cxx:168 aEnv = Python Exception No type named std::__detail::_Hash_node, true>.: Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lazy_string': {m_mutex = {mutex = 0x55bac379c6d0}, m_xContext = uno::Reference to (class cppu::(anonymous namespace)::ComponentContext *) 0x55babee96cd0, m_xBaseFrame = uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55babfd57298, m_xTargetFrame = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef94d0, m_sTarget = "_blank", m_nSearchFlags = 0, m_lMediaDescriptor = { = {m_aMap = std::__debug::unordered_map with 11 elements}, static PROP_ABORTED = {{str = , more = {refCount = 1073741824, length = 7, buffer = u"Aborted"}}}, static PROP_ASTEMPLATE = , static PROP_COMPONENTDATA = , static PROP_DOCUMENTSERVICE = {{str = "DocumentService", more = {refCount = 1073741824, length = 15, buffer = u"DocumentService"}}}, static PROP_ENCRYPTIONDATA = , static PROP_FILENAME = , static PROP_FILTERNAME = , static PROP_FILTERPROVIDER = , static PROP_FILTEROPTIONS = , static PROP_FRAME = , static PROP_FRAMENAME = , static PROP_HIDDEN = , static PROP_INPUTSTREAM = , static PROP_INTERACTIONHANDLER = , static PROP_AUTHENTICATIONHANDLER = , static PROP_JUMPMARK = , static PROP_MACROEXECUTIONMODE = , static PROP_MEDIATYPE = , static PROP_MINIMIZED = , static PROP_NOAUTOSAVE = , static PROP_OPENNEWVIEW = , static PROP_OUTPUTSTREAM = , static PROP_PASSWORD = , static PROP_POSTDATA = , static PROP_PREVIEW = , static PROP_READONLY = , static PROP_REFERRER = , static PROP_REPLACEABLE = , static PROP_SALVAGEDFILE = , static PROP_STATUSINDICATOR = , static PROP_STREAM = , static PROP_STREAMFOROUTPUT = , static PROP_TEMPLATENAME = , static PROP_TITLE = , static PROP_TYPENAME = , static PROP_UCBCONTENT = , static PROP_UPDATEDOCMODE = , static PROP_URL = , static PROP_VERSION = , static PROP_DOCUMENTTITLE = , static PROP_MODEL = , static PROP_VIEWONLY = , static PROP_DOCUMENTBASEURL = , static PROP_SUGGESTEDSAVEASNAME = , static PROP_AUTOSAVEEVENT = }, m_aURL = {Complete = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", Main = "file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", Protocol = "file://", User = "", Password = "", Server = "", Port = 0, Path = "/srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/", Name = "tdf101826-2.doc", Arguments = "", Mark = ""}, m_eFeature = LoadEnvFeatures::NONE, m_eContentType = framework::LoadEnv::E_CAN_BE_LOADED, m_bCloseFrameOnError = true, m_bReactivateControllerOnError = false, m_xAsynchronousJob = empty uno::Reference, m_bLoaded = false, m_bFocusedAndToFront = false, m_aTargetLock = {m_mutex = { = {_M_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' , __align = 0}}, }, m_xActionLock = uno::Reference to (class (anonymous namespace)::XFrameImpl *) 0x55bac4ef94f8, m_bActionLocked = true}, m_pQuietInteraction = rtl::Reference to 0x55bac60bdd20} loadEnvFeatures = LoadEnvFeatures::NONE xComponent = empty uno::Reference aZone = { = { = {static s_nBufferSize = 0, static s_pBufferFullCallback = 0x0, static s_bRecording = {_M_base = {static _S_alignment = 1, _M_i = false}, static is_always_lock_free = true}, m_nPid = 1, m_sArgs = ""}, m_sName = 0x7f55f2b2a7d4 "loadComponentFromURL"}, m_nCreateTime = 0, m_nNesting = -1} #74 0x00007f55f28baef8 in framework::Desktop::loadComponentFromURL(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&) (this=0x55babfd57230, sURL="file:///srv/crashtestdata/files/bugtrackers/doc/tdf101826-2.doc", sTargetFrameName="_blank", nSearchFlags=0, lArguments=uno::Sequence of length 2 = {...}) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/framework/source/services/desktop.cxx:595 aTransaction = {m_pManager = 0x55babfd57320} xThis = uno::Reference to (class framework::Desktop *) 0x55babfd572a8 aDescriptor = Python Exception No type named std::__detail::_Hash_node, true>.: Python Exception 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lazy_string': { = {m_aMap = std::__debug::unordered_map with 2 elements}, static PROP_ABORTED = {{str = , more = {refCount = 1073741824, length = 7, buffer = u"Aborted"}}}, static PROP_ASTEMPLATE = , static PROP_COMPONENTDATA = , static PROP_DOCUMENTSERVICE = {{str = "DocumentService", more = {refCount = 1073741824, length = 15, buffer = u"DocumentService"}}}, static PROP_ENCRYPTIONDATA = , static PROP_FILENAME = , static PROP_FILTERNAME = , static PROP_FILTERPROVIDER = , static PROP_FILTEROPTIONS = , static PROP_FRAME = , static PROP_FRAMENAME = , static PROP_HIDDEN = , static PROP_INPUTSTREAM = , static PROP_INTERACTIONHANDLER = , static PROP_AUTHENTICATIONHANDLER = , static PROP_JUMPMARK = , static PROP_MACROEXECUTIONMODE = , static PROP_MEDIATYPE = , static PROP_MINIMIZED = , static PROP_NOAUTOSAVE = , static PROP_OPENNEWVIEW = , static PROP_OUTPUTSTREAM = , static PROP_PASSWORD = , static PROP_POSTDATA = , static PROP_PREVIEW = , static PROP_READONLY = , static PROP_REFERRER = , static PROP_REPLACEABLE = , static PROP_SALVAGEDFILE = , static PROP_STATUSINDICATOR = , static PROP_STREAM = , static PROP_STREAMFOROUTPUT = , static PROP_TEMPLATENAME = , static PROP_TITLE = , static PROP_TYPENAME = , static PROP_UCBCONTENT = , static PROP_UPDATEDOCMODE = , static PROP_URL = , static PROP_VERSION = , static PROP_DOCUMENTTITLE = , static PROP_MODEL = , static PROP_VIEWONLY = , static PROP_DOCUMENTBASEURL = , static PROP_SUGGESTEDSAVEASNAME = , static PROP_AUTOSAVEEVENT = } bOnMainThread = false #75 0x00007f55e581cbc3 in gcc3::callVirtualMethod(void*, unsigned int, void*, _typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, bool, unsigned long*, unsigned int, unsigned long*, double*) (pThis=0x55babfd572a8, nVtableIndex=3, pRegisterReturn=0x7f55d9cedcf0, pReturnTypeRef=0x55babefbf500, bSimpleReturn=false, pStack=0x7f55d9cedd00, nStack=0, pGPR=0x7f55d9cede90, pFPR=0x7f55d9cedec0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/callvirtualmethod.cxx:77 data = {pMethod = 140007118188338, pStack = 0x7f55d9cedd00, nStack = 0, pGPR = 0x7f55d9cede90, pFPR = 0x7f55d9cedec0, rax = 94260644257832, rdx = 140006703160448, xmm0 = 6.9172712412177502e-310, xmm1 = 4.6570948447386369e-310} pMethod = 140007121670712 #76 0x00007f55e581bbd1 in cpp_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy*, bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, sal_Int32, typelib_MethodParameter*, void*, void**, uno_Any**) (pThis=pThis@entry=0x55bac5f18be0, aVtableSlot=..., aVtableSlot@entry=..., pReturnTypeRef=, nParams=, pParams=, pUnoReturn=pUnoReturn@entry=0x55bac6098510, pUnoArgs=, ppUnoExc=) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx:233 pStack = 0x7f55d9cedd00 pStackStart = pGPR = {140006703160560, 94260570714792, 94260658183104, 94260658183128, 0, 140006703160416} nGPR = 6 pFPR = {1.4821969375237396e-323, 1.4821969375237396e-323, 6.9172502219418257e-310, 6.3659873748720795e-314, 1.9762625833649862e-323, 6.9172599206560343e-310, 4.657093848010603e-310, 0} nFPR = 0 pReturnTypeDescr = 0x55babefbf500 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void cpp_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy*, bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, sal_Int32, typelib_MethodParameter*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)" pCppReturn = 0x7f55d9cedcf0 bSimpleReturn = pAdjustedThisPtr = 0x55babfd572a8 pCppArgs = 0x7f55d9cedc80 pTempIndices = ppTempParamTypeDescr = nTempIndices = 1 #77 0x00007f55e581c306 in bridges::cpp_uno::shared::unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(uno_Interface*, typelib_TypeDescription const*, void*, void**, uno_Any**) (pUnoI=0x55bac5f18be0, pMemberDescr=0x55bac34cd3d0, pReturn=0x55bac6098510, pArgs=0x55bac441d420, ppException=0x7f55d9cee058) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx:413 aVtableSlot = {offset = , index = } pThis = 0x55bac5f18be0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void bridges::cpp_uno::shared::unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(uno_Interface*, const typelib_TypeDescription*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)" #78 0x00007f55e3f13918 in binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute_throw(binaryurp::BinaryAny*, std::__debug::vector >*) const (this=this@entry=0x55bac4316880, returnValue=returnValue@entry=0x7f55d9cee3d0, outArguments=outArguments@entry=0x7f55d9cee490) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/uno/dispatcher.hxx:72 retType = {_pTypeDescr = 0x55babefbf500} nSize = 8 retBuf = std::__debug::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000', 0 '\000'} pexc = 0x7f55d9cee070 outBufs = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 args = std::__debug::vector of length 4, capacity 4 = {0x55bac50c1bc0, 0x55bac50c1bd8, 0x55bac50c1bf0, 0x55bac50c1c08} exc = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute_throw(binaryurp::BinaryAny*, std::__debug::vector*) const" isExc = false #79 0x00007f55e3f148f3 in binaryurp::IncomingRequest::execute() const (this=this@entry=0x55bac4316880) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/incomingrequest.cxx:79 resetCc = true oldCc = {m_pUnoI = 0x0} ret = {data_ = _uno_Any(void)} outArgs = std::__debug::vector of length 0, capacity 0 isExc = #80 0x00007f55e3f265ae in binaryurp::(anonymous namespace)::request(void*) (pThreadSpecificData=pThreadSpecificData@entry=0x55bac4316880) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/binaryurp/source/reader.cxx:86 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void binaryurp::{anonymous}::request(void*)" #81 0x00007f55f3274b40 in cppu_threadpool::JobQueue::enter(void const*, bool) (this=0x55bac5ae6420, nDisposeId=, nDisposeId@entry=0x55bac5525200, bReturnWhenNoJob=bReturnWhenNoJob@entry=true) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/jobqueue.cxx:100 guard = {_M_device = @0x55bac3b9cf00} job = {pThreadSpecificData = 0x55bac4316880, doRequest = 0x7f55e3f26583 } pReturn = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* cppu_threadpool::JobQueue::enter(const void*, bool)" #82 0x00007f55f3277097 in cppu_threadpool::ORequestThread::run() (this=0x55bac5525200) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/cppu/source/threadpool/thread.cxx:165 #83 0x00007f55f327897f in osl::threadFunc(void*) (param=0x55bac5525210) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/include/osl/thread.hxx:189 pObj = 0x55bac5525210 #84 0x00007f55f403b353 in osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (pData=0x55bac4a7e2d0) at /home/buildslave/source/libo-core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx:265 terminate = false pImpl = 0x55bac4a7e2d0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* osl_thread_start_Impl(void*)" #85 0x00007f55f38a2ea7 in start_thread () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #86 0x00007f55f3d09def in clone () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6