LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - solver/ - logfile.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 7 9 77.8 %
Date: 2012-08-25 Functions: 2 3 66.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 2 4 50.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2                 :            : /*************************************************************************
       3                 :            :  *
       4                 :            :  * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.
       5                 :            :  *
       6                 :            :  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
       7                 :            :  *
       8                 :            :  * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
       9                 :            :  *
      10                 :            :  * This file is part of
      11                 :            :  *
      12                 :            :  * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      13                 :            :  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
      14                 :            :  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      15                 :            :  *
      16                 :            :  * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      17                 :            :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      18                 :            :  * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
      19                 :            :  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
      20                 :            :  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
      21                 :            :  *
      22                 :            :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      23                 :            :  * version 3 along with  If not, see
      24                 :            :  * <>
      25                 :            :  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
      26                 :            :  *
      27                 :            :  ************************************************************************/
      28                 :            : #ifndef _RTL_LOGFILE_HXX_
      29                 :            : #define _RTL_LOGFILE_HXX_
      30                 :            : 
      31                 :            : #include <rtl/logfile.h>
      32                 :            : #include <rtl/string.hxx>
      33                 :            : 
      34                 :            : namespace rtl
      35                 :            : {
      36                 :            : /**
      37                 :            : @descr  The intended use for class Logfile is to write time stamp information
      38                 :            :         for profiling purposes.
      39                 :            : 
      40                 :            :         Profiling output should only be generated for a special product version of OpenOffice
      41                 :            :         which is compiled with a defined preprocessor symbol 'TIMELOG'.
      42                 :            :         Therefore we have provided a set of macros that uses the class Logfile only if
      43                 :            :         this symbol is defined.  If the macros are not sufficient, i.e. you need more
      44                 :            :         then three arguments for a printf style message, then you have to insert an
      45                 :            :         \#ifdef TIMELOG/\#endif brace yourself.
      46                 :            : 
      47                 :            :         Additionally the environment variable RTL_LOGFILE has to be defined in order to generate
      48                 :            :         logging information. If the variable is not empty, it creates a file with the name
      49                 :            :         $(RTL_LOGFILE)_$(PID).log, where $(PID) is the process id of the running process.
      50                 :            :         It can be used as a run time switch for enabling or disabling the logging.
      51                 :            :         Note that this variable is evaluated only once at the first attempt to write a message.
      52                 :            : 
      53                 :            :         The class LogFile collects runtime data within its constructor and destructor. It can be
      54                 :            :         used for timing whole functions.
      55                 :            :         If you want to write timing data without context you can use the RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE-macros
      56                 :            :         which are defined inside <rtl/logfile.h>.
      57                 :            : 
      58                 :            :         The class LogFile should not be used directly, instead use the RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT/
      59                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE-macros.
      60                 :            : 
      61                 :            :         Macro usage:
      62                 :            :         ------------
      63                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( instance, name );
      64                 :            :         This macro creates an instance of class LogFile with the name "instance" and writes the current time,
      65                 :            :         thread id and "name" to the log file.
      66                 :            : 
      67                 :            :         Example: RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "Timing for foo-method" );
      68                 :            : 
      69                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( instance, mesage );
      70                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACEn( instance, frmt, arg1, .., arg3 );
      71                 :            :         These macros can be used to log information in a "instance" context. The "instance" object
      72                 :            :         is used to log message informations. All macros with "frmt" uses printf notation to log timing infos.
      73                 :            : 
      74                 :            :         Example: RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( aLog, "Now we call an expensive function" );
      75                 :            :                  RTL_LOGFIlE_CONTEXT_TRACE1( aLog, "Config entries read: %u", (unsigned short)i );
      76                 :            : 
      77                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE( string );
      78                 :            :         RTL_LOGFILE_TRACEn( frmt, arg1, .., arg3 );
      79                 :            :         These macros can be used to log information outside a context. The macro directly calls
      80                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace to write the info to the log file. All macros with "frmt" uses printf
      81                 :            :         notation to log timing infos.
      82                 :            : 
      83                 :            :         Example: RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE( "Timing for loading a file" );
      84                 :            :                  RTL_LOGFILE_TRACE1( aLog, "Timing for loading file: %s", aFileName );
      85                 :            : 
      86                 :            :         The lines written to the log file consist of the following space separated elements:
      87                 :            :         1.  The time relative to the start of the global timer in milliseconds.  The times is
      88                 :            :             started typically for the first logged line.
      89                 :            :         2.  Thread id.  It's absolut value is probably of less interest than providing a way to
      90                 :            :             distinguish different threads.
      91                 :            :         3.  a.  An opening or closing curly brace indicating the start or end of a scope.
      92                 :            :                 4a. Function name or general scope identifier.
      93                 :            :             b.  A vertical line indicating an arbitrary message.
      94                 :            :                 4b optional function name or general scope identifier.
      95                 :            :                 5b A colon followed by a space and a free form message terminated by a newline.
      96                 :            : 
      97                 :            :         There is a second version of creating a context. RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR takes
      98                 :            :         two more arguments, the name of the project and the author's sign who is responsible
      99                 :            :         for the code in which the macro is used.
     100                 :            : */
     101                 :            :     class Logfile
     102                 :            :     {
     103                 :            :     public:
     104                 :            :         inline Logfile( const sal_Char *name );
     105                 :            :         /** @descr  Create a log file context where the message field consists of a project
     106                 :            :                 name, the author's shortcut, and the actual message.  These three strings
     107                 :            :                 are written in a format that is understood by script that later parses the
     108                 :            :                 log file and that so can extract the three strings.
     109                 :            :             @param  project Short name of the project, like sw for writer or sc for calc.
     110                 :            :             @param  author  The sign of the person responsible for the code.
     111                 :            :             @param  name    The actual message, typically a method name.
     112                 :            :         */
     113                 :            :         inline Logfile( const sal_Char *project, const sal_Char *author, const sal_Char *name );
     114                 :            :         inline ~Logfile();
     115                 :            :         inline const sal_Char *getName();
     116                 :            :     private:
     117                 :            :         ::rtl::OString m_sName;
     118                 :            :     };
     119                 :            : 
     120                 :      11699 :     inline Logfile::Logfile( const sal_Char *name )
     121                 :      11699 :         : m_sName( name )
     122                 :            :     {
     123         [ +  - ]:      11699 :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "{ %s\n", name );
     124                 :      11699 :     }
     125                 :            : 
     126                 :            :     inline Logfile::Logfile( const sal_Char *project, const sal_Char *author, const sal_Char *name )
     127                 :            :         : m_sName( project)
     128                 :            :     {
     129                 :            :         m_sName += " (";
     130                 :            :         m_sName += author;
     131                 :            :         m_sName += ") ";
     132                 :            :         m_sName += name;
     133                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "{ %s\n", m_sName.pData->buffer );
     134                 :            :     }
     135                 :            : 
     136                 :      11699 :     inline Logfile::~Logfile()
     137                 :            :     {
     138         [ +  - ]:      11699 :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "} %s\n", m_sName.pData->buffer );
     139                 :      11699 :     }
     140                 :            : 
     141                 :          0 :     inline const sal_Char * Logfile::getName()
     142                 :            :     {
     143                 :          0 :         return m_sName.getStr();
     144                 :            :     }
     145                 :            : }
     146                 :            : 
     147                 :            : #ifdef TIMELOG
     148                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( instance, name ) ::rtl::Logfile instance( name )
     149                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( instance, project, author, name ) ::rtl::Logfile instance(project, author, name )
     150                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( instance, message ) \
     151                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| %s : %s\n", \
     152                 :            :                            instance.getName(), \
     153                 :            :                            message )
     154                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE1( instance , frmt, arg1 ) \
     155                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| %s : ", \
     156                 :            :                            instance.getName() ); \
     157                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( frmt , arg1 ); \
     158                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( "\n" )
     159                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE2( instance , frmt, arg1 , arg2 ) \
     160                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| %s : ", \
     161                 :            :                            instance.getName() ); \
     162                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( frmt , arg1 , arg2 ); \
     163                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( "\n" )
     164                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE3( instance , frmt, arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) \
     165                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| %s : ", \
     166                 :            :                            instance.getName() ); \
     167                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( frmt , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ); \
     168                 :            :         rtl_logfile_trace( "\n" )
     169                 :            : 
     170                 :            : #else
     171                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( instance, name )  ((void)0)
     172                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( instance, project, author, name )  ((void)0)
     173                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( instance, message )  ((void)0)
     174                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE1( instance, frmt, arg1 ) ((void)0)
     175                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE2( instance, frmt, arg1, arg2 ) ((void)0)
     176                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE3( instance, frmt, arg1, arg2 , arg3 ) ((void)0)
     177                 :            : #endif
     178                 :            : 
     179                 :            : // Normal RTL_LOGFILE_* entries will not make it into release versions,
     180                 :            : // TIMELOG is disabled a few versions prior relase build.
     181                 :            : //
     182                 :            : // We need some logs also in these builds, eg. for making performance regression tests.
     183                 :            : //
     184                 :            : // POLICY: Don't use RTL_LOGFILE_PRODUCT_* for your personal logging information.
     185                 :            : //         Be aware that these logs make it into the product shipped to customers.
     186                 :            : //         If you have good reasons for doing this, please contact product management.
     187                 :            : 
     188                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_PRODUCT_TRACE( string )  \
     189                 :            :             rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| : %s\n", string )
     190                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_PRODUCT_TRACE1( frmt, arg1 ) \
     191                 :            :              rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| : " ); \
     192                 :            :              rtl_logfile_trace( frmt, arg1 ); \
     193                 :            :              rtl_logfile_trace( "\n" )
     194                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_PRODUCT_CONTEXT( instance, name ) \
     195                 :            :             ::rtl::Logfile instance( name )
     196                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_PRODUCT_CONTEXT_TRACE1( instance, frmt, arg1 ) \
     197                 :            :         rtl_logfile_longTrace( "| %s : ", \
     198                 :            :                            instance.getName() ); \
     199                 :            :              rtl_logfile_trace( frmt, arg1 ); \
     200                 :            :              rtl_logfile_trace( "\n" )
     201                 :            : #define RTL_LOGFILE_HASLOGFILE() \
     202                 :            :              rtl_logfile_hasLogFile()
     203                 :            : 
     204                 :            : 
     205                 :            : #endif
     206                 :            : 
     207                 :            : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10