Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include "LifeTime.hxx"
21 : #include "macros.hxx"
22 : #include <osl/diagnose.h>
23 :
24 : #include <com/sun/star/util/XModifyListener.hpp>
25 : #include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseListener.hpp>
26 :
27 : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
28 :
29 : namespace apphelper
30 : {
31 : //--------------------------
32 :
33 41 : LifeTimeManager::LifeTimeManager( lang::XComponent* pComponent, sal_Bool bLongLastingCallsCancelable )
34 : : m_aListenerContainer( m_aAccessMutex )
35 : , m_pComponent(pComponent)
36 41 : , m_bLongLastingCallsCancelable(bLongLastingCallsCancelable)
37 : {
38 41 : impl_init();
39 41 : }
40 :
41 41 : void LifeTimeManager::impl_init()
42 : {
43 41 : m_bDisposed = sal_False;
44 41 : m_bInDispose = sal_False;
45 41 : m_nAccessCount = 0;
46 41 : m_nLongLastingCallCount = 0;
47 41 : m_aNoAccessCountCondition.set();
48 41 : m_aNoLongLastingCallCountCondition.set();
49 41 : }
50 :
51 41 : LifeTimeManager::~LifeTimeManager()
52 : {
53 41 : }
54 :
55 2856 : bool LifeTimeManager::impl_isDisposed( bool bAssert )
56 : {
57 2856 : if( m_bDisposed || m_bInDispose )
58 : {
59 : if( bAssert )
60 : {
61 : OSL_FAIL( "This component is already disposed " );
62 : (void)(bAssert);
63 : }
64 0 : return sal_True;
65 : }
66 2856 : return sal_False;
67 : }
68 0 : sal_Bool LifeTimeManager
69 : ::impl_canStartApiCall()
70 : {
71 0 : if( impl_isDisposed() )
72 0 : return sal_False; //behave passive if already disposed
73 :
74 : //mutex is acquired
75 0 : return sal_True;
76 : }
77 :
78 2528 : void LifeTimeManager
79 : ::impl_registerApiCall(sal_Bool bLongLastingCall)
80 : {
81 : //only allowed if not disposed
82 : //do not acquire the mutex here because it will be acquired already
83 2528 : m_nAccessCount++;
84 2528 : if(m_nAccessCount==1)
85 : //@todo? is it ok to wake some threads here while we have acquired the mutex?
86 2528 : m_aNoAccessCountCondition.reset();
87 :
88 2528 : if(bLongLastingCall)
89 0 : m_nLongLastingCallCount++;
90 2528 : if(m_nLongLastingCallCount==1)
91 0 : m_aNoLongLastingCallCountCondition.reset();
92 2528 : }
93 2528 : void LifeTimeManager
94 : ::impl_unregisterApiCall(sal_Bool bLongLastingCall)
95 : {
96 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
97 : //mutex may be released inbetween in special case of impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
98 :
99 : OSL_ENSURE( m_nAccessCount>0, "access count mismatch" );
100 2528 : m_nAccessCount--;
101 2528 : if(bLongLastingCall)
102 0 : m_nLongLastingCallCount--;
103 2528 : if( m_nLongLastingCallCount==0 )
104 : {
105 2528 : m_aNoLongLastingCallCountCondition.set();
106 : }
107 2528 : if( m_nAccessCount== 0)
108 : {
109 2528 : m_aNoAccessCountCondition.set();
110 2528 : impl_apiCallCountReachedNull();
111 :
112 : }
113 2528 : }
114 :
115 82 : sal_Bool LifeTimeManager
116 : ::dispose() throw(uno::RuntimeException)
117 : {
118 : //hold no mutex
119 : {
120 82 : osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
121 :
122 82 : if( m_bDisposed || m_bInDispose )
123 : {
124 : OSL_TRACE( "This component is already disposed " );
125 41 : return sal_False; //behave passive if already disposed
126 : }
127 :
128 41 : m_bInDispose = true;
129 : //adding any listener is not allowed anymore
130 : //new calls will not be accepted
131 : //still running calls have the freedom to finish their work without crash
132 : }
133 : //no mutex is acquired
134 :
135 : //--do the disposing of listeners after calling this method
136 : {
137 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xComponent =
138 41 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >(m_pComponent);;
139 41 : if(
140 : {
141 : // notify XCLoseListeners
142 41 : lang::EventObject aEvent( xComponent );
143 41 : m_aListenerContainer.disposeAndClear( aEvent );
144 41 : }
145 : }
146 :
147 : //no mutex is acquired
148 : {
149 41 : osl::ClearableGuard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
150 : OSL_ENSURE( !m_bDisposed, "dispose was called already" );
151 41 : m_bDisposed = sal_True;
152 41 : aGuard.clear();
153 : }
154 : //no mutex is acquired
155 :
156 : //wait until all still running calls have finished
157 : //the accessCount cannot grow anymore, because all calls will return after checking m_bDisposed
158 41 : m_aNoAccessCountCondition.wait();
159 :
160 : //we are the only ones working on our data now
161 :
162 41 : return sal_True;
163 : //--release all resources and references after calling this method successful
164 : }
165 :
166 : //-----------------------------------------------------------------
167 :
168 41 : CloseableLifeTimeManager::CloseableLifeTimeManager( ::com::sun::star::util::XCloseable* pCloseable
169 : , ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent* pComponent
170 : , sal_Bool bLongLastingCallsCancelable )
171 : : LifeTimeManager( pComponent, bLongLastingCallsCancelable )
172 41 : , m_pCloseable(pCloseable)
173 : {
174 41 : impl_init();
175 41 : }
176 :
177 41 : CloseableLifeTimeManager::~CloseableLifeTimeManager()
178 : {
179 41 : }
180 :
181 287 : bool CloseableLifeTimeManager::impl_isDisposedOrClosed( bool bAssert )
182 : {
183 287 : if( impl_isDisposed( bAssert ) )
184 0 : return sal_True;
185 :
186 287 : if( m_bClosed )
187 : {
188 : if( bAssert )
189 : {
190 : OSL_FAIL( "This object is already closed" );
191 : (void)(bAssert);//avoid warnings
192 : }
193 0 : return sal_True;
194 : }
195 287 : return sal_False;
196 : }
197 :
198 41 : sal_Bool CloseableLifeTimeManager
199 : ::g_close_startTryClose(sal_Bool bDeliverOwnership)
200 : throw ( uno::Exception )
201 : {
202 : //no mutex is allowed to be acquired
203 : {
204 41 : osl::ResettableGuard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
205 41 : if( impl_isDisposedOrClosed(false) )
206 0 : return sal_False;
207 :
208 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones; will be released inbetween
209 41 : if( !impl_canStartApiCall() )
210 0 : return sal_False;
211 : //mutex is acquired
212 :
213 : //not closed already -> we try to close again
214 41 : m_bInTryClose = sal_True;
215 41 : m_aEndTryClosingCondition.reset();
216 :
217 41 : impl_registerApiCall(sal_False);
218 : }
219 :
220 : //------------------------------------------------
221 : //no mutex is acquired
222 :
223 : //only remove listener calls will be worked on until end of tryclose
224 : //all other new calls will wait till end of try close // @todo? is that really ok
225 :
226 : //?? still running calls have the freedom to finish their work without crash
227 :
228 : try
229 : {
230 : uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > xCloseable =
231 41 : uno::Reference< util::XCloseable >(m_pCloseable);;
232 41 : if(
233 : {
234 : //--call queryClosing on all registered close listeners
235 : ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper* pIC = m_aListenerContainer.getContainer(
236 41 : ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener >*)0) );;
237 41 : if( pIC )
238 : {
239 41 : lang::EventObject aEvent( xCloseable );
240 41 : ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( *pIC );
241 123 : while( aIt.hasMoreElements() )
242 : {
243 41 : uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener > xCloseListener(, uno::UNO_QUERY );
244 41 : if(
245 41 : xCloseListener->queryClosing( aEvent, bDeliverOwnership );
246 82 : }
247 : }
248 41 : }
249 : }
250 0 : catch( const uno::Exception& )
251 : {
252 : //no mutex is acquired
253 0 : g_close_endTryClose(bDeliverOwnership, sal_False);
254 0 : throw;
255 : }
256 41 : return sal_True;
257 : }
258 :
259 0 : void CloseableLifeTimeManager
260 : ::g_close_endTryClose(sal_Bool bDeliverOwnership, sal_Bool /* bMyVeto */ )
261 : {
262 : //this method is called, if the try to close was not successfull
263 0 : osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
264 0 : impl_setOwnership( bDeliverOwnership, sal_False );
265 :
266 0 : m_bInTryClose = sal_False;
267 0 : m_aEndTryClosingCondition.set();
268 :
269 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
270 : //mutex may be released inbetween in special case of impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
271 0 : impl_unregisterApiCall(sal_False);
272 0 : }
273 :
274 41 : sal_Bool CloseableLifeTimeManager
275 : ::g_close_isNeedToCancelLongLastingCalls( sal_Bool bDeliverOwnership, util::CloseVetoException& ex )
276 : throw ( util::CloseVetoException )
277 : {
278 : //this method is called when no closelistener has had a veto during queryclosing
279 : //the method returns false, if nothing stands against closing anymore
280 : //it returns true, if some longlasting calls are running, which might be cancelled
281 : //it throws the given exception, if long calls are running but not cancelable
282 :
283 41 : osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
284 : //this count cannot grow after try of close has started, because we wait in all those methods for end of try closing
285 41 : if( !m_nLongLastingCallCount )
286 41 : return sal_False;
287 :
288 0 : if(m_bLongLastingCallsCancelable)
289 0 : return sal_True;
290 :
291 0 : impl_setOwnership( bDeliverOwnership, sal_True );
292 :
293 0 : m_bInTryClose = sal_False;
294 0 : m_aEndTryClosingCondition.set();
295 :
296 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
297 : //mutex may be released inbetween in special case of impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
298 0 : impl_unregisterApiCall(sal_False);
299 :
300 0 : throw ex;
301 : }
302 :
303 41 : void CloseableLifeTimeManager
304 : ::g_close_endTryClose_doClose()
305 : {
306 : //this method is called, if the try to close was successfull
307 41 : osl::ResettableGuard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
308 :
309 41 : m_bInTryClose = sal_False;
310 41 : m_aEndTryClosingCondition.set();
311 :
312 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
313 : //mutex may be released inbetween in special case of impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
314 41 : impl_unregisterApiCall(sal_False);
315 41 : impl_doClose();
316 41 : }
317 :
318 0 : void CloseableLifeTimeManager
319 : ::impl_setOwnership( sal_Bool bDeliverOwnership, sal_Bool bMyVeto )
320 : {
321 0 : m_bOwnership = bDeliverOwnership && bMyVeto;
322 0 : m_bOwnershipIsWellKnown = sal_True;
323 0 : }
324 2528 : sal_Bool CloseableLifeTimeManager
325 : ::impl_shouldCloseAtNextChance()
326 : {
327 2528 : return m_bOwnership;
328 : }
329 :
330 2528 : void CloseableLifeTimeManager
331 : ::impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
332 : {
333 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
334 : //mutex will be released inbetween in impl_doClose()
335 2528 : if( m_pCloseable && impl_shouldCloseAtNextChance() )
336 0 : impl_doClose();
337 2528 : }
338 :
339 41 : void CloseableLifeTimeManager
340 : ::impl_doClose()
341 : {
342 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones before calling impl_doClose()
343 :
344 41 : if(m_bClosed)
345 : return; //behave as passive as possible, if disposed or closed already
346 41 : if( m_bDisposed || m_bInDispose )
347 : return; //behave as passive as possible, if disposed or closed already
348 :
349 : //--------
350 41 : m_bClosed = sal_True;
351 :
352 41 : NegativeGuard< osl::Mutex > aNegativeGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
353 : //mutex is not acquired, mutex will be reacquired at the end of this method automatically
354 :
355 41 : uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > xCloseable=NULL;
356 : try
357 : {
358 41 : xCloseable = uno::Reference< util::XCloseable >(m_pCloseable);;
359 41 : if(
360 : {
361 : //--call notifyClosing on all registered close listeners
362 : ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper* pIC = m_aListenerContainer.getContainer(
363 41 : ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener >*)0) );;
364 41 : if( pIC )
365 : {
366 41 : lang::EventObject aEvent( xCloseable );
367 41 : ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( *pIC );
368 123 : while( aIt.hasMoreElements() )
369 : {
370 41 : uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener > xListener(, uno::UNO_QUERY );
371 41 : if( )
372 41 : xListener->notifyClosing( aEvent );
373 82 : }
374 : }
375 : }
376 : }
377 0 : catch( const uno::Exception& ex )
378 : {
380 : }
381 :
382 41 : if(
383 : {
384 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xComponent =
385 41 : uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >( xCloseable, uno::UNO_QUERY );
386 41 : if(
387 : {
388 : OSL_ENSURE( m_bClosed, "a not closed component will be disposed " );
389 41 : xComponent->dispose();
390 41 : }
391 41 : }
392 : //mutex will be reacquired in destructor of aNegativeGuard
393 : }
394 :
395 41 : sal_Bool CloseableLifeTimeManager
396 : ::g_addCloseListener( const uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener > & xListener )
397 : throw(uno::RuntimeException)
398 : {
399 41 : osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aAccessMutex );
400 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones; will be released inbetween
401 41 : if( !impl_canStartApiCall() )
402 0 : return sal_False;
403 : //mutex is acquired
404 :
405 41 : m_aListenerContainer.addInterface( ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< util::XCloseListener >*)0),xListener );
406 41 : m_bOwnership = sal_False;
407 41 : return sal_True;
408 : }
409 :
410 2569 : sal_Bool CloseableLifeTimeManager
411 : ::impl_canStartApiCall()
412 : {
413 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones before calling this method
414 : //the mutex will be released inbetween and reacquired
415 :
416 2569 : if( impl_isDisposed() )
417 0 : return sal_False; //behave passive if already disposed
418 2569 : if( m_bClosed )
419 0 : return sal_False; //behave passive if closing is already done
420 :
421 : //during try-close most calls need to wait for the decision
422 5138 : while( m_bInTryClose )
423 : {
424 : //if someone tries to close this object at the moment
425 : //we need to wait for his end because the result of the preceding call
426 : //is relevant for our behaviour here
427 :
428 0 : m_aAccessMutex.release();
429 0 : m_aEndTryClosingCondition.wait(); //@todo??? this may block??? try closing
430 0 : m_aAccessMutex.acquire();
431 0 : if( m_bDisposed || m_bInDispose || m_bClosed )
432 0 : return sal_False; //return if closed already
433 : }
434 : //mutex is acquired
435 2569 : return sal_True;
436 : }
437 :
438 : //--------------------------
439 :
440 2487 : sal_Bool LifeTimeGuard
441 : ::startApiCall(sal_Bool bLongLastingCall)
442 : {
443 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones; will be released inbetween
444 : //mutex is requiered due to constructor of LifeTimeGuard
445 :
446 : OSL_ENSURE( !m_bCallRegistered, "this method is only allowed ones" );
447 2487 : if(m_bCallRegistered)
448 0 : return sal_False;
449 :
450 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones; will be released inbetween
451 2487 : if( !m_rManager.impl_canStartApiCall() )
452 0 : return sal_False;
453 : //mutex is acquired
454 :
455 2487 : m_bCallRegistered = sal_True;
456 2487 : m_bLongLastingCallRegistered = bLongLastingCall;
457 2487 : m_rManager.impl_registerApiCall(bLongLastingCall);
458 2487 : return sal_True;
459 : }
460 :
461 4974 : LifeTimeGuard::~LifeTimeGuard()
462 : {
463 : try
464 : {
465 : //do acquire the mutex if it was cleared before
466 2487 : osl::MutexGuard g(m_rManager.m_aAccessMutex);
467 2487 : if(m_bCallRegistered)
468 : {
469 : //Mutex needs to be acquired exactly ones
470 : //mutex may be released inbetween in special case of impl_apiCallCountReachedNull()
471 2487 : m_rManager.impl_unregisterApiCall(m_bLongLastingCallRegistered);
472 2487 : }
473 : }
474 0 : catch( uno::Exception& ex )
475 : {
476 : //@todo ? allow a uno::RuntimeException from dispose to travel through??
477 0 :; //to avoid compilation warnings
478 : }
479 2487 : }
480 :
481 : }//end namespace apphelper
482 :
483 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */