Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 : #ifndef _CUI_DLGFACT_HXX
20 : #define _CUI_DLGFACT_HXX
21 :
22 : #include <svx/svxdlg.hxx>
23 : #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameReplace.hpp>
24 :
25 : #include "tools/link.hxx"
26 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
27 :
28 : class SfxTabDialog;
29 : class SfxModalDialog;
30 : class Dialog;
31 : class SfxItemPool;
32 : class FmShowColsDialog;
33 : class SvxZoomDialog;
34 : class FmInputRecordNoDialog;
35 : class SvxJSearchOptionsDialog;
36 : class SvxNewDictionaryDialog;
37 : class SvxNameDialog;
38 :
39 : // #i68101#
40 : class SvxObjectNameDialog;
41 : class SvxObjectTitleDescDialog;
42 :
43 : class SvxMessDialog;
44 : class SvxMultiPathDialog;
45 : class SvxMultiFileDialog;
46 : class SvxHpLinkDlg;
47 : class FmSearchDialog;
48 : class Graphic;
49 : class GraphicFilterDialog;
50 : class SvxAreaTabDialog;
51 : class InsertObjectDialog_Impl;
52 : class SvPasteObjectDialog;
53 : class SvBaseLinksDlg;
54 : class SvxTransformTabDialog;
55 : class SvxCaptionTabDialog;
56 : class SvxThesaurusDialog;
57 : class SvxHyphenWordDialog;
58 :
59 : namespace svx{
60 : class HangulHanjaConversionDialog;
61 : }
62 : using namespace svx;
63 :
64 : #define DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(Class,DialogClass) \
65 : DialogClass* pDlg; \
66 : public: \
67 : Class( DialogClass* p) \
68 : : pDlg(p) \
69 : {} \
70 : virtual ~Class(); \
71 : virtual short Execute() ;
72 :
73 : #define IMPL_ABSTDLG_BASE(Class) \
74 : Class::~Class() \
75 : { \
76 : delete pDlg; \
77 : } \
78 : short Class::Execute() \
79 : { \
80 : return pDlg->Execute(); \
81 : }
82 :
83 : //for GalleryThemeProperties begin
84 : class VclAbstractDialog2_Impl : public VclAbstractDialog2
85 : {
86 : Dialog* m_pDlg;
87 : Link m_aEndDlgHdl;
88 : public:
89 0 : VclAbstractDialog2_Impl( Dialog* p ) : m_pDlg( p ) {} \
90 : virtual ~VclAbstractDialog2_Impl();
91 : virtual void StartExecuteModal( const Link& rEndDialogHdl );
92 : virtual long GetResult();
93 : private:
94 : DECL_LINK( EndDialogHdl, Dialog* );
95 : };
96 : //for GalleryThemeProperties end
97 :
98 : class CuiVclAbstractDialog_Impl : public VclAbstractDialog
99 : {
100 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(CuiVclAbstractDialog_Impl,Dialog)
101 : };
102 :
103 : //for ActualizeProgress begin
104 : class VclAbstractRefreshableDialog_Impl : public VclAbstractRefreshableDialog
105 : {
106 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(VclAbstractRefreshableDialog_Impl,Dialog)
107 : virtual void Update() ;
108 : virtual void Sync() ;
109 : };
110 : //for ActualizeProgress end
111 :
112 : class CuiAbstractSfxDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractDialog
113 : {
114 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(CuiAbstractSfxDialog_Impl,SfxModalDialog)
115 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
116 :
117 : //From class Window.
118 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr );
119 : virtual String GetText() const ;
120 : };
121 :
122 : class CuiAbstractTabDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractTabDialog
123 : {
124 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(CuiAbstractTabDialog_Impl,SfxTabDialog)
125 : virtual void SetCurPageId( sal_uInt16 nId );
126 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
127 : virtual const sal_uInt16* GetInputRanges( const SfxItemPool& pItem );
128 : virtual void SetInputSet( const SfxItemSet* pInSet );
129 : //From class Window.
130 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr );
131 : virtual String GetText() const;
132 : };
133 :
134 : //for SvxDistributeDialog begin
135 : class SvxDistributeDialog;
136 : class AbstractSvxDistributeDialog_Impl: public AbstractSvxDistributeDialog
137 : {
138 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxDistributeDialog_Impl,SvxDistributeDialog)
139 : public:
140 : virtual SvxDistributeHorizontal GetDistributeHor() const;
141 : virtual SvxDistributeVertical GetDistributeVer() const;
142 : };
143 : //for SvxDistributeDialog end
144 :
145 : // for HangulHanjaConversionDialog begin
146 : class AbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog_Impl: public AbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog
147 : {
148 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog_Impl,HangulHanjaConversionDialog)
149 : virtual void EndDialog(long nResult = 0);
150 : virtual void EnableRubySupport( sal_Bool _bVal );
151 : virtual void SetByCharacter( sal_Bool _bByCharacter ) ;
152 : virtual void SetConversionDirectionState( sal_Bool _bTryBothDirections, editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionDirection _ePrimaryConversionDirection );
153 : virtual void SetConversionFormat( editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionFormat _eType );
154 : virtual void SetOptionsChangedHdl( const Link& _rHdl );
155 : virtual void SetIgnoreHdl( const Link& _rHdl );
156 : virtual void SetIgnoreAllHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) ;
157 : virtual void SetChangeHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) ;
158 : virtual void SetChangeAllHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) ;
159 : virtual void SetClickByCharacterHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) ;
160 : virtual void SetConversionFormatChangedHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) ;
161 : virtual void SetFindHdl( const Link& _rHdl );
162 : virtual sal_Bool GetUseBothDirections( ) const;
163 : virtual editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionDirection GetDirection( editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionDirection _eDefaultDirection ) const;
164 : virtual void SetCurrentString(
165 : const String& _rNewString,
166 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& _rSuggestions,
167 : bool _bOriginatesFromDocument = true
168 : );
169 : virtual String GetCurrentString( ) const ;
170 : virtual editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionFormat GetConversionFormat( ) const ;
171 : virtual void FocusSuggestion( );
172 : virtual String GetCurrentSuggestion( ) const;
173 : };
174 :
175 : class AbstractThesaurusDialog_Impl : public AbstractThesaurusDialog
176 : {
177 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractThesaurusDialog_Impl,SvxThesaurusDialog)
178 : virtual String GetWord();
179 : virtual sal_uInt16 GetLanguage() const;
180 : virtual Window* GetWindow();
181 : };
182 :
183 :
184 : class AbstractHyphenWordDialog_Impl: public AbstractHyphenWordDialog
185 : {
186 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractHyphenWordDialog_Impl,SvxHyphenWordDialog)
187 : virtual void SelLeft();
188 : virtual void SelRight();
189 : virtual Window* GetWindow();
190 : };
191 :
192 : // for FmShowColsDialog begin
193 : class FmShowColsDialog;
194 : class AbstractFmShowColsDialog_Impl : public AbstractFmShowColsDialog
195 : {
196 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractFmShowColsDialog_Impl,FmShowColsDialog)
197 : virtual void SetColumns(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer>& xCols);
198 : };
199 : //for FmShowColsDialog end
200 :
201 :
202 : //for SvxZoomDialog begin
203 : class SvxZoomDialog;
204 : class AbstractSvxZoomDialog_Impl : public AbstractSvxZoomDialog
205 : {
206 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxZoomDialog_Impl,SvxZoomDialog)
207 : virtual void SetLimits( sal_uInt16 nMin, sal_uInt16 nMax );
208 : virtual void HideButton( sal_uInt16 nBtnId );
209 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const ;
210 :
211 : };
212 : //for SvxZoomDialog end
213 :
214 : //for SvxSpellDialog begin
215 : namespace svx{ class SpellDialog;}
216 : class AbstractSpellDialog_Impl : public AbstractSpellDialog
217 : {
218 : public:
219 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSpellDialog_Impl, svx::SpellDialog)
220 : virtual void SetLanguage( sal_uInt16 nLang );
221 : virtual sal_Bool Close();
222 : virtual void Invalidate();
223 : virtual Window* GetWindow();
224 : virtual SfxBindings& GetBindings();
225 : };
226 : //for SvxSpellDialog end
227 : //for SearchProgress begin
228 : class SearchProgress;
229 : class AbstractSearchProgress_Impl : public AbstractSearchProgress
230 : {
231 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSearchProgress_Impl,SearchProgress)
232 : virtual void Update() ;
233 : virtual void Sync() ;
234 : virtual void SetFileType( const String& rType ) ;
235 : virtual void SetDirectory( const INetURLObject& rURL ) ;
236 : virtual PLinkStub GetLinkStubCleanUpHdl() ;
237 :
238 : };
239 : //for SearchProgress end
240 :
241 : //for TakeProgress begin
242 : class TakeProgress;
243 : class AbstractTakeProgress_Impl : public AbstractTakeProgress
244 : {
245 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractTakeProgress_Impl,TakeProgress)
246 : virtual void Update() ;
247 : virtual void Sync() ;
248 : virtual void SetFile( const INetURLObject& rURL ) ;
249 : virtual PLinkStub GetLinkStubCleanUpHdl() ;
250 :
251 : };
252 : //for TakeProgress end
253 :
254 : //for TitleDialog begin
255 : class TitleDialog;
256 : class AbstractTitleDialog_Impl : public AbstractTitleDialog
257 : {
258 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractTitleDialog_Impl,TitleDialog)
259 : virtual String GetTitle() const ;
260 :
261 : };
262 : //for TitleDialog end
263 :
264 : //for SvxScriptSelectorDialog begin
265 : class SvxScriptSelectorDialog;
266 : class AbstractScriptSelectorDialog_Impl : public AbstractScriptSelectorDialog
267 : {
269 : AbstractScriptSelectorDialog_Impl, SvxScriptSelectorDialog)
270 :
271 : virtual String GetScriptURL() const;
272 :
273 : virtual void SetRunLabel();
274 : };
275 :
276 : //for GalleryIdDialog begin
277 : class GalleryIdDialog;
278 : class AbstractGalleryIdDialog_Impl : public AbstractGalleryIdDialog
279 : {
280 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractGalleryIdDialog_Impl,GalleryIdDialog)
281 : virtual sal_uLong GetId() const ;
282 :
283 : };
284 : //for GalleryIdDialog end
285 :
286 : //for URLDlg start
287 : class URLDlg;
288 : class AbstractURLDlg_Impl :public AbstractURLDlg
289 : {
290 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractURLDlg_Impl,URLDlg)
291 : virtual String GetURL() const;
292 : virtual String GetAltText() const;
293 : virtual String GetDesc() const;
294 : virtual String GetTarget() const;
295 : virtual String GetName() const;
296 : };
297 : //for URLDlg end
298 :
299 : //for SvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd begin
300 : class SvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd;
301 : class AbstractSvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd_Impl : public AbstractSvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd
302 : {
303 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd_Impl,SvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd)
304 : virtual void Hide( sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0 );
305 : virtual sal_Bool IsVisible() const ;
306 : virtual void Invalidate( sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0 );
307 : virtual void SetSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize );
308 : virtual Size GetSizePixel() const;
309 : virtual sal_Bool MoveTo ( Point aNewPos )const;
310 : virtual sal_Bool ConnectToDialog( sal_Bool bDoit = sal_True )const;
311 : virtual void RefreshTree ( String aStrURL ) ;
312 : virtual void SelectEntry ( String aStrMark );
313 : virtual sal_uInt16 SetError( sal_uInt16 nError) ;
314 :
315 : };
316 : //for SvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd end
317 :
318 : //for SvxSearchSimilarityDialog begin
319 : class SvxSearchSimilarityDialog;
320 : class AbstractSvxSearchSimilarityDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxSearchSimilarityDialog
321 : {
322 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxSearchSimilarityDialog_Impl,SvxSearchSimilarityDialog)
323 : virtual sal_uInt16 GetOther();
324 : virtual sal_uInt16 GetShorter();
325 : virtual sal_uInt16 GetLonger();
326 : virtual sal_Bool IsRelaxed();
327 : };
328 : //for SvxSearchSimilarityDialog end
329 :
330 : //for SvxJSearchOptionsDialog end
331 : class SvxJSearchOptionsDialog;
332 : class AbstractSvxJSearchOptionsDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxJSearchOptionsDialog
333 : {
334 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxJSearchOptionsDialog_Impl,SvxJSearchOptionsDialog)
335 : virtual sal_Int32 GetTransliterationFlags() const;
336 : };
337 : //for SvxJSearchOptionsDialog end
338 :
339 : class AbstractSvxTransformTabDialog_Impl : public AbstractSvxTransformTabDialog
340 : {
341 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxTransformTabDialog_Impl,SvxTransformTabDialog)
342 : virtual void SetValidateFramePosLink( const Link& rLink );
343 : virtual void SetCurPageId( sal_uInt16 nId );
344 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
345 : virtual const sal_uInt16* GetInputRanges( const SfxItemPool& pItem );
346 : virtual void SetInputSet( const SfxItemSet* pInSet );
347 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr );
348 : virtual String GetText() const;
349 : };
350 : class AbstractSvxCaptionDialog_Impl : public AbstractSvxCaptionDialog
351 : {
352 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxCaptionDialog_Impl,SvxCaptionTabDialog)
353 : virtual void SetValidateFramePosLink( const Link& rLink );
354 : virtual void SetCurPageId( sal_uInt16 nId );
355 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
356 : virtual const sal_uInt16* GetInputRanges( const SfxItemPool& pItem );
357 : virtual void SetInputSet( const SfxItemSet* pInSet );
358 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr );
359 : virtual String GetText() const;
360 : };
361 :
362 : //for FmInputRecordNoDialog end
363 : class FmInputRecordNoDialog;
364 : class AbstractFmInputRecordNoDialog_Impl :public AbstractFmInputRecordNoDialog
365 : {
366 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractFmInputRecordNoDialog_Impl,FmInputRecordNoDialog)
367 : virtual void SetValue(long nNew) ;
368 : virtual long GetValue() const ;
369 : };
370 : //for FmInputRecordNoDialog end
371 :
372 : //for SvxNewDictionaryDialog end
373 : class SvxNewDictionaryDialog;
374 : class AbstractSvxNewDictionaryDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxNewDictionaryDialog
375 : {
376 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxNewDictionaryDialog_Impl,SvxNewDictionaryDialog)
377 : virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XDictionary > GetNewDictionary();
378 : };
379 : //for SvxNewDictionaryDialog end
380 :
381 : //for SvxNameDialog end
382 : class SvxNameDialog;
383 : class AbstractSvxNameDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxNameDialog
384 : {
385 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxNameDialog_Impl,SvxNameDialog)
386 : virtual void GetName( String& rName ) ;
387 : virtual void SetCheckNameHdl( const Link& rLink, bool bCheckImmediately = false ) ;
388 : virtual void SetEditHelpId(const rtl::OString&) ;
389 : //from class Window
390 : virtual void SetHelpId( const rtl::OString& ) ;
391 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr ) ;
392 : private:
393 : Link aCheckNameHdl;
394 : DECL_LINK(CheckNameHdl, void *);
395 : };
396 : //for SvxNameDialog end
397 :
398 : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
399 : // #i68101#
400 :
401 : // predefines
402 : class SvxObjectNameDialog;
403 : class SvxObjectTitleDescDialog;
404 :
405 : class AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog
406 : {
407 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog_Impl, SvxObjectNameDialog)
408 : virtual void GetName(String& rName) ;
409 : virtual void SetCheckNameHdl(const Link& rLink, bool bCheckImmediately = false);
410 :
411 : private:
412 : Link aCheckNameHdl;
413 : DECL_LINK(CheckNameHdl, void *);
414 : };
415 :
416 : class AbstractSvxObjectTitleDescDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxObjectTitleDescDialog
417 : {
418 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxObjectTitleDescDialog_Impl, SvxObjectTitleDescDialog)
419 : virtual void GetTitle(String& rName);
420 : virtual void GetDescription(String& rName);
421 : };
422 :
423 : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
424 :
425 : //for SvxMessDialog end
426 : class SvxMessDialog;
427 : class AbstractSvxMessDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxMessDialog
428 : {
429 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxMessDialog_Impl,SvxMessDialog)
430 : virtual void SetButtonText( sal_uInt16 nBtnId, const String& rNewTxt );
431 : };
432 : //for SvxMessDialog end
433 :
434 : //for SvxMultiPathDialog end
435 : class SvxMultiPathDialog;
436 : class AbstractSvxMultiPathDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxMultiPathDialog
437 : {
438 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxMultiPathDialog_Impl,SvxMultiPathDialog)
439 : virtual String GetPath() const;
440 : virtual void SetPath( const String& rPath );
441 : virtual void EnableRadioButtonMode();
442 : virtual void SetTitle( const String& rNewTitle );
443 : };
444 : //for SvxMultiPathDialog end
445 :
446 : //for SvxMultiFileDialog begin
447 : class SvxMultiFileDialog;
448 : class AbstractSvxMultiFileDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxMultiFileDialog
449 : {
450 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxMultiFileDialog_Impl,SvxMultiFileDialog)
451 : virtual String GetFiles() const ;
452 : virtual void SetFiles( const String& rPath ) ;
453 : //from SvxMultiPathDialog
454 : virtual String GetPath() const;
455 : virtual void SetPath( const String& rPath );
456 : virtual void SetClassPathMode();
457 : virtual void EnableRadioButtonMode();
458 : virtual void SetTitle( const String& rNewTitle );
459 : //From Class Window
460 : virtual void SetHelpId( const rtl::OString& ) ;
461 :
462 : };
463 : //for SvxMultiFileDialog end
464 :
465 : //for SvxHpLinkDlg begin
466 : class SvxHpLinkDlg;
467 : class AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg_Impl :public AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg
468 : {
469 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg_Impl,SvxHpLinkDlg)
470 : virtual Window* GetWindow();
471 : virtual sal_Bool QueryClose();
472 : };
473 : //for SvxHpLinkDlg end
474 :
475 : //for FmSearchDialog begin
476 : class FmSearchDialog;
477 : class AbstractFmSearchDialog_Impl :public AbstractFmSearchDialog
478 : {
479 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractFmSearchDialog_Impl,FmSearchDialog)
480 : virtual void SetFoundHandler(const Link& lnk) ;
481 : virtual void SetCanceledNotFoundHdl(const Link& lnk);
482 : virtual void SetActiveField(const String& strField);
483 : };
484 : //for FmSearchDialog end
485 :
486 : //for GraphicFilterDialog begin
487 : class GraphicFilterDialog;
488 : class AbstractGraphicFilterDialog_Impl :public AbstractGraphicFilterDialog
489 : {
490 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractGraphicFilterDialog_Impl,GraphicFilterDialog)
491 : virtual Graphic GetFilteredGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, double fScaleX, double fScaleY );
492 : };
493 : //for GraphicFilterDialog end
494 :
495 : // add for SvxAreaTabDialog begin
496 : class SvxAreaTabDialog;
497 : class AbstractSvxAreaTabDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxAreaTabDialog
498 : {
499 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractSvxAreaTabDialog_Impl,SvxAreaTabDialog)
500 : virtual void SetCurPageId( sal_uInt16 nId );
501 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
502 : virtual const sal_uInt16* GetInputRanges( const SfxItemPool& pItem );
503 : virtual void SetInputSet( const SfxItemSet* pInSet );
504 : // From class Window.
505 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr );
506 : virtual String GetText() const;
507 : };
508 : // add for SvxAreaTabDialog end
509 :
510 : class AbstractInsertObjectDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractInsertObjectDialog
511 : {
512 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractInsertObjectDialog_Impl, InsertObjectDialog_Impl)
513 : virtual com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject > GetObject();
514 : virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream > GetIconIfIconified( ::rtl::OUString* pGraphicMediaType );
515 : virtual sal_Bool IsCreateNew();
516 : };
517 :
518 : class AbstractPasteDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractPasteDialog
519 : {
520 : public:
521 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractPasteDialog_Impl, SvPasteObjectDialog )
522 : virtual void Insert( SotFormatStringId nFormat, const String & rFormatName );
523 : virtual void SetObjName( const SvGlobalName & rClass, const String & rObjName );
524 : virtual sal_uLong GetFormat( const TransferableDataHelper& aHelper,
525 : const DataFlavorExVector* pFormats=0,
526 : const TransferableObjectDescriptor* pDesc=0 );
527 : };
528 :
529 : class AbstractLinksDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractLinksDialog
530 : {
531 : public:
532 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractLinksDialog_Impl, SvBaseLinksDlg )
533 : };
534 :
535 :
536 : //add for SvxPostItDialog begin
537 : class SvxPostItDialog;
538 : class AbstractSvxPostItDialog_Impl :public AbstractSvxPostItDialog
539 : {
540 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE( AbstractSvxPostItDialog_Impl, SvxPostItDialog )
541 : virtual void SetText( const XubString& rStr ); //From class Window
542 : virtual const SfxItemSet* GetOutputItemSet() const;
543 : virtual void SetPrevHdl( const Link& rLink ) ;
544 : virtual void SetNextHdl( const Link& rLink ) ;
545 : virtual void EnableTravel(sal_Bool bNext, sal_Bool bPrev) ;
546 : virtual String GetNote() ;
547 : virtual void SetNote(const String& rTxt) ;
548 : virtual void ShowLastAuthor(const String& rAuthor, const String& rDate) ;
549 : virtual void DontChangeAuthor() ;
550 : virtual void HideAuthor() ;
551 : virtual void SetReadonlyPostIt(sal_Bool bDisable) ;
552 : virtual sal_Bool IsOkEnabled() const ;
553 : virtual Window * GetWindow();
554 : private:
555 : Link aNextHdl;
556 : Link aPrevHdl;
557 : DECL_LINK(NextHdl, void *);
558 : DECL_LINK(PrevHdl, void *);
559 : };
560 : //add for SvxPostItDialog end
561 :
562 : //for PasswordToOpenModifyDialog begin
563 : class PasswordToOpenModifyDialog;
564 : class AbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog_Impl : public AbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog
565 : {
566 0 : DECL_ABSTDLG_BASE( AbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog_Impl, PasswordToOpenModifyDialog )
567 :
568 : virtual String GetPasswordToOpen() const;
569 : virtual String GetPasswordToModify() const;
570 : virtual bool IsRecommendToOpenReadonly() const;
571 : };
572 : //for PasswordToOpenModifyDialog end
573 :
574 :
575 : //------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 : //AbstractDialogFactory_Impl implementations
577 1 : class AbstractDialogFactory_Impl : public SvxAbstractDialogFactory
578 : {
579 : public:
580 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateVclDialog( Window* pParent, sal_uInt32 nResId );
581 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSfxDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxBindings& rBindings, sal_uInt32 nResId );
582 : virtual SfxAbstractDialog* CreateSfxDialog( sal_uInt32 nResId,
583 : Window* pParent,
584 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& xViewFrame,
585 : const SfxItemSet* pAttrSet=0 );
586 : virtual SfxAbstractDialog* CreateSfxDialog( Window* pParent,
587 : const SfxItemSet& rAttr,
588 : const SdrView* pView,
589 : sal_uInt32 nResId );
590 : virtual SfxAbstractDialog* CreateSfxDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SvxMeasureDialog & SvxConnectionDialog
591 : const SfxItemSet& rAttr,
592 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& _rxFrame,
593 : sal_uInt32 nResId
594 : );
595 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateFrameDialog( Window* pParent, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& rxFrame, sal_uInt32 nResId, const String& rParameter );
596 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateTabDialog( sal_uInt32 nResId,
597 : Window* pParent,
598 : const SfxItemSet* pAttrSet,
599 : SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame,
600 : bool bEditFmt=false,
601 : const String *pUserButtonText=0 );
602 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateTabDialog( sal_uInt32 nResId,
603 : Window* pParent,
604 : const SfxItemSet* pAttrSet,
605 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& xViewFrame,
606 : bool bEditFmt=false,
607 : const String *pUserButtonText=0 );
608 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateTextTabDialog( Window* pParent,
609 : const SfxItemSet* pAttrSet,
610 : SdrView* pView,
611 : SdrModel* pModel=0 ); //add for SvxTextTabDialog
612 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateTabItemDialog( Window* pParent,
613 : const SfxItemSet& rSet,
614 : sal_uInt32 nResId);
615 : virtual AbstractSvxCaptionDialog* CreateCaptionDialog( Window* pParent,
616 : const SdrView* pView,
617 : sal_uInt16 nAnchorTypes = 0 );
618 : virtual AbstractSvxDistributeDialog* CreateSvxDistributeDialog(Window* pParent,
619 : const SfxItemSet& rAttr,
620 : SvxDistributeHorizontal eHor = SvxDistributeHorizontalNone,
621 : SvxDistributeVertical eVer = SvxDistributeVerticalNone);
622 : virtual SfxAbstractInsertObjectDialog* CreateInsertObjectDialog( Window* pParent, const rtl::OUString& rCommmand,
623 : const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStor,
624 : const SvObjectServerList* pList = 0 );
625 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateEditObjectDialog( Window* pParent, const rtl::OUString& rCommmand,
626 : const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj );
627 : virtual SfxAbstractPasteDialog* CreatePasteDialog( Window* pParent );
628 : virtual SfxAbstractLinksDialog* CreateLinksDialog( Window* pParent, sfx2::LinkManager* pMgr, sal_Bool bHTML, sfx2::SvBaseLink* p=0 );
629 :
630 : virtual AbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog * CreateHangulHanjaConversionDialog( Window* _pParent, //add for HangulHanjaConversionDialog
631 : editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::ConversionDirection _ePrimaryDirection );
632 : virtual AbstractThesaurusDialog* CreateThesaurusDialog( Window*, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XThesaurus > xThesaurus,
633 : const String &rWord, sal_Int16 nLanguage );
634 :
635 : virtual AbstractHyphenWordDialog* CreateHyphenWordDialog( Window*,
636 : const String &rWord, LanguageType nLang,
637 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XHyphenator > &xHyphen,
638 : SvxSpellWrapper* pWrapper );
639 :
640 : virtual AbstractFmShowColsDialog * CreateFmShowColsDialog( Window* pParent ); //add for FmShowColsDialog
641 : virtual AbstractSvxZoomDialog * CreateSvxZoomDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SvxZoomDialog
642 : const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet);
643 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSvxBorderBackgroundDlg( Window* pParent, //add for SvxBorderBackgroundDlg
644 : const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet,
645 : sal_Bool bEnableSelector = sal_False) ;
646 : virtual AbstractSvxTransformTabDialog* CreateSvxTransformTabDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SvxTransformTabDialog
647 : const SfxItemSet* pAttr,
648 : const SdrView* pView,
649 : sal_uInt16 nAnchorTypes = 0) ;
650 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSchTransformTabDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SchTransformTabDialog
651 : const SfxItemSet* pAttr,
652 : const SdrView* pSdrView,
653 : sal_uInt32 nResId,
654 : bool bSizeTabPage = false
655 : );
656 : virtual AbstractSpellDialog * CreateSvxSpellDialog(
657 : Window* pParent,
658 : SfxBindings* pBindings,
659 : svx::SpellDialogChildWindow* pSpellChildWindow );
660 :
661 : virtual VclAbstractRefreshableDialog * CreateActualizeProgressDialog( Window* pParent, GalleryTheme* pThm );
662 : virtual AbstractSearchProgress * CreateSearchProgressDialog( Window* pParent,
663 : const INetURLObject& rStartURL);
664 : virtual AbstractTakeProgress * CreateTakeProgressDialog( Window* pParent );
665 : virtual AbstractTitleDialog * CreateTitleDialog( Window* pParent, //add for TitleDialog
666 : const String& rOldText);
667 : virtual AbstractGalleryIdDialog * CreateGalleryIdDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SvxZoomDialog
668 : GalleryTheme* pThm);
669 : virtual VclAbstractDialog2 * CreateGalleryThemePropertiesDialog( Window* pParent, //add for GalleryThemeProperties
670 : ExchangeData* pData,
671 : SfxItemSet* pItemSet);
672 : virtual AbstractURLDlg * CreateURLDialog( Window* pParent, //add for URLDlg
673 : const String& rURL, const String& rAltText, const String& rDescription,
674 : const String& rTarget, const String& rName,
675 : TargetList& rTargetList );
676 : virtual AbstractSvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd* CreateSvxHlinkDlgMarkWndDialog( SvxHyperlinkTabPageBase* pParent, sal_uInt32 nResId ); //add for SvxHlinkDlgMarkWnd
677 :
678 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSvxSearchAttributeDialog( Window* pParent,
679 : SearchAttrItemList& rLst,
680 : const sal_uInt16* pWhRanges);
681 : virtual AbstractSvxSearchSimilarityDialog * CreateSvxSearchSimilarityDialog( Window* pParent,
682 : sal_Bool bRelax,
683 : sal_uInt16 nOther,
684 : sal_uInt16 nShorter,
685 : sal_uInt16 nLonger); //add for SvxSearchSimilarityDialog
686 : virtual AbstractSvxJSearchOptionsDialog * CreateSvxJSearchOptionsDialog( Window* pParent,
687 : const SfxItemSet& rOptionsSet,
688 : sal_Int32 nInitialFlags);
689 : virtual AbstractFmInputRecordNoDialog * CreateFmInputRecordNoDialog( Window* pParent );
690 : virtual AbstractSvxNewDictionaryDialog* CreateSvxNewDictionaryDialog( Window* pParent,
691 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > &xSpl,
692 : sal_uInt32 nResId ); //add for SvxNewDictionaryDialog
693 : virtual VclAbstractDialog * CreateSvxEditDictionaryDialog( Window* pParent,
694 : const String& rName,
695 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1> &xSpl,
696 : sal_uInt32 nResId);//add for SvxEditDictionaryDialog
697 : virtual AbstractSvxNameDialog * CreateSvxNameDialog( Window* pParent,
698 : const String& rName, const String& rDesc );
699 : // #i68101#
700 : virtual AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog* CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(Window* pParent, const String& rName );
701 : virtual AbstractSvxObjectTitleDescDialog* CreateSvxObjectTitleDescDialog(Window* pParent, const String& rTitle, const String& rDescription);
702 :
703 : virtual AbstractSvxMessDialog * CreateSvxMessDialog( Window* pParent, sal_uInt32 nResId,
704 : const String& rText, const String& rDesc,
705 : Image* pImg = NULL ); //add for SvxMessDialog
706 : virtual AbstractSvxMultiPathDialog * CreateSvxMultiPathDialog( Window* pParent, sal_Bool bEmptyAllowed = sal_False ); //add for SvxMultiPathDialog
707 : virtual AbstractSvxMultiFileDialog * CreateSvxMultiFileDialog( Window* pParent, sal_Bool bEmptyAllowed = sal_False ); //add for SvxMultiFileDialog
708 : virtual AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg * CreateSvxHpLinkDlg (Window* pParent, //add for SvxHpLink
709 : SfxBindings* pBindings,
710 : sal_uInt32 nResId);
711 : virtual AbstractFmSearchDialog* CreateFmSearchDialog(Window* pParent, //add for FmSearchDialog
712 : const OUString& strInitialText,
713 : const ::std::vector< String >& _rContexts,
714 : sal_Int16 nInitialContext,
715 : const Link& lnkContextSupplier);
716 : virtual AbstractGraphicFilterDialog * CreateGraphicFilterEmboss (Window* pParent, //add for GraphicFilterEmboss
717 : const Graphic& rGraphic, RECT_POINT eLightSource,
718 : sal_uInt32 nResId);
719 : virtual AbstractGraphicFilterDialog * CreateGraphicFilterPosterSepia (Window* pParent, //add for GraphicFilterPoster & GraphicFilterSepia
720 : const Graphic& rGraphic, sal_uInt16 nCount,
721 : sal_uInt32 nResId);
722 : virtual AbstractGraphicFilterDialog * CreateGraphicFilterSmooth (Window* pParent, //add for GraphicFilterSolarize
723 : const Graphic& rGraphic, double nRadius,
724 : sal_uInt32 nResId);
725 : virtual AbstractGraphicFilterDialog * CreateGraphicFilterSolarize (Window* pParent, //add for GraphicFilterSmooth
726 : const Graphic& rGraphic, sal_uInt8 nGreyThreshold,
727 : sal_Bool bInvert, sal_uInt32 nResId);
728 : virtual AbstractGraphicFilterDialog * CreateGraphicFilterMosaic (Window* pParent, //add for GraphicFilterMosaic
729 : const Graphic& rGraphic, sal_uInt16 nTileWidth, sal_uInt16 nTileHeight,
730 : sal_Bool bEnhanceEdges, sal_uInt32 nResId);
731 : virtual AbstractSvxAreaTabDialog* CreateSvxAreaTabDialog( Window* pParent,//add for SvxAreaTabDialog
732 : const SfxItemSet* pAttr,
733 : SdrModel* pModel,
734 : const SdrView* pSdrView = NULL ); //add for SvxAreaTabDialog
735 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSvxLineTabDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pAttr, //add for SvxLineTabDialog
736 : SdrModel* pModel,
737 : const SdrObject* pObj = NULL,
738 : sal_Bool bHasObj = sal_True );
739 : virtual AbstractSvxPostItDialog* CreateSvxPostItDialog( Window* pParent, //add for SvxPostItDialog
740 : const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet,
741 : sal_Bool bPrevNext = sal_False, sal_Bool bRedline = sal_False );
742 :
743 : // For TabPage
744 : virtual CreateTabPage GetTabPageCreatorFunc( sal_uInt16 nId );
745 : virtual CreateSvxDistributePage GetSvxDistributePageCreatorFunc();
746 :
747 : virtual GetTabPageRanges GetTabPageRangesFunc( sal_uInt16 nId );
748 : virtual DialogGetRanges GetDialogGetRangesFunc( sal_uInt16 nId ); //add for SvxPostItDialog
749 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSvxScriptOrgDialog( Window* pParent, const String& rLanguage );
750 :
751 : virtual AbstractScriptSelectorDialog*
752 : CreateScriptSelectorDialog(
753 : Window* pParent,
754 : sal_Bool bShowSlots,
755 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& _rxFrame
756 : );
757 :
758 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateScriptErrorDialog(
759 : Window* pParent, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aException);
760 :
761 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateSvxMacroAssignDlg(
762 : Window* _pParent,
763 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& _rxDocumentFrame,
764 : const bool _bUnoDialogMode,
765 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameReplace >& _rxEvents,
766 : const sal_uInt16 _nInitiallySelectedEvent
767 : );
768 :
769 : virtual SfxAbstractTabDialog* CreateSvxFormatCellsDialog( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pAttr, SdrModel* pModel, const SdrObject* pObj = NULL );
770 :
771 : virtual SvxAbstractSplittTableDialog* CreateSvxSplittTableDialog( Window* pParent, bool bIsTableVertical, long nMaxVertical, long nMaxHorizontal );
772 :
773 : virtual SvxAbstractNewTableDialog* CreateSvxNewTableDialog( Window* pParent ) ;
774 :
775 : virtual VclAbstractDialog* CreateOptionsDialog(
776 : Window* pParent, const rtl::OUString& rExtensionId, const rtl::OUString& rApplicationContext );
777 :
778 : virtual SvxAbstractInsRowColDlg* CreateSvxInsRowColDlg( Window* pParent, bool bCol, const rtl::OString& sHelpId );
779 :
780 : virtual AbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog * CreatePasswordToOpenModifyDialog( Window * pParent, sal_uInt16 nMinPasswdLen, sal_uInt16 nMaxPasswdLen, bool bIsPasswordToModify );
781 : };
782 :
783 : #endif
784 :
785 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */