Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
21 :
22 : #include <svtools/editbrowsebox.hxx>
23 : #include "TableFieldDescription.hxx"
24 : #include "JoinExchange.hxx"
25 : #include "QEnumTypes.hxx"
26 : #include <com/sun/star/util/XNumberFormatter.hpp>
27 : #include <tools/string.hxx>
28 : #include <svtools/transfer.hxx>
29 :
30 : namespace connectivity
31 : {
32 : class OSQLParseNode;
33 : }
34 :
35 : namespace dbaui
36 : {
37 : #define BROW_FIELD_ROW 0
39 : #define BROW_TABLE_ROW 2
40 : #define BROW_ORDER_ROW 3
41 : #define BROW_VIS_ROW 4
42 : #define BROW_FUNCTION_ROW 5
43 : #define BROW_CRIT1_ROW 6
44 : #define BROW_CRIT2_ROW 7
45 : #define BROW_CRIT3_ROW 8
46 : #define BROW_CRIT4_ROW 9
47 : #define BROW_CRIT5_ROW 10
48 : #define BROW_CRIT6_ROW 11
49 : #define BROW_ROW_CNT 12
50 :
51 : //==================================================================
52 : class OQueryDesignView;
53 : class OSelectionBrowseBox : public ::svt::EditBrowseBox
54 : {
55 : friend class OQueryDesignView;
56 : ::std::vector<bool> m_bVisibleRow; // an Pos steht die RowId
57 : Timer m_timerInvalidate;
58 :
59 : long m_nSeekRow;
60 : BrowserMode m_nMode; // Merken des BrowseModes
61 : Edit* m_pTextCell;
62 : ::svt::CheckBoxControl* m_pVisibleCell;
63 : ::svt::ComboBoxControl* m_pFieldCell;
64 : ::svt::ListBoxControl* m_pFunctionCell;
65 : ::svt::ListBoxControl* m_pTableCell;
66 : ::svt::ListBoxControl* m_pOrderCell;
67 :
68 : OTableFieldDescRef m_pEmptyEntry; // default entry in the list may reference more than once
69 :
70 : sal_Int32 m_nMaxColumns; // maximale Anzahl der Spalten in einem Select-Statement
71 :
72 : String m_aFunctionStrings;
73 : sal_uInt16 m_nVisibleCount; // Anzahl der max sichtbaren Zeilen
74 : sal_uInt32 m_nLastSortColumn; // index of last (highest) sort column
75 : sal_Bool m_bOrderByUnRelated;
76 : sal_Bool m_bGroupByUnRelated;
77 : sal_Bool m_bStopTimer;
78 : sal_Bool m_bWasEditing;
79 : sal_Bool m_bDisableErrorBox;
80 : sal_Bool m_bInUndoMode;
81 :
82 : DECL_LINK(OnInvalidateTimer, void*);
83 : public: OSelectionBrowseBox( Window* pParent );
84 : ~OSelectionBrowseBox();
85 :
86 : void initialize();
87 : OTableFieldDescRef InsertField( const OJoinExchangeData& jxdSource, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPosition = BROWSER_INVALIDID, sal_Bool bVis=sal_True, sal_Bool bActivate=sal_True );
88 : OTableFieldDescRef InsertField( const OTableFieldDescRef& rInfo, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPosition = BROWSER_INVALIDID, sal_Bool bVis=sal_True, sal_Bool bActivate=sal_True );
89 : void InsertColumn( OTableFieldDescRef pEntry, sal_uInt16& _nColumnPosition );
90 : void RemoveColumn( sal_uInt16 _nColumnId );
91 : void DeleteFields( const String& rAliasName );
92 :
93 : bool HasFieldByAliasName(const ::rtl::OUString& rFieldName, OTableFieldDescRef& rInfo) const;
94 : // AddGroupBy:: F"ugt ein Feld mit Funktion == Grupierung. Falls das Feld schon vorhanden ist und ein Aggregate Funktion
95 : // benutzt, wird das Flag nicht gesetzt
96 : void AddGroupBy( const OTableFieldDescRef& rInfo,sal_uInt32 _nCurrentPos);
97 : void AddCondition( const OTableFieldDescRef& rInfo,
98 : const String& rValue,
99 : const sal_uInt16 nLevel,
100 : bool _bAddOrOnOneLine );
101 : void DuplicateConditionLevel( const sal_uInt16 nLevel);
102 : void AddOrder(const OTableFieldDescRef& rInfo, const EOrderDir eDir, sal_uInt32 _nCurrentPos);
103 : void ClearAll();
104 : OTableFieldDescRef AppendNewCol( sal_uInt16 nCnt=1 );
105 : sal_Bool Save();
106 : OQueryDesignView* getDesignView();
107 : OQueryDesignView* getDesignView() const;
108 : sal_uInt16 FieldsCount();
109 :
110 : void SetColWidth(sal_uInt16 nColId, long lNewWidth);
111 : // beachtet im Gegensatz zum SetColumnWidth der Basisklasse auch eine eventuell aktive Zelle in dieser Spalte
112 :
113 : String GetCellContents(sal_Int32 nCellIndex, sal_uInt16 nColId);
114 : void SetCellContents(sal_Int32 nCellIndex, sal_uInt16 nColId, const String& strNewText);
115 : // Zelleninhalt (als String formatiert) setzen/liefern
116 : sal_Int32 GetNoneVisibleRows() const;
117 : void SetNoneVisbleRow(long nRows);
118 : sal_Bool IsRowVisible(sal_uInt16 _nWhich) const;
119 : void SetRowVisible(sal_uInt16 _nWhich, sal_Bool _bVis);
120 :
121 : void SetReadOnly(sal_Bool bRO);
122 : // calculate an optimal size. Basically, this takes into account the number of visible rows.
123 : Size CalcOptimalSize( const Size& _rAvailable );
124 :
125 : // can the current content be cut
126 : sal_Bool isPasteAllowed();
127 : sal_Bool isCutAllowed();
128 : sal_Bool isCopyAllowed();
129 : void cut();
130 : void paste();
131 : void copy();
132 :
133 : virtual void GetFocus();
134 : virtual void DeactivateCell(sal_Bool bUpdate = sal_True);
135 0 : virtual void ColumnMoved( sal_uInt16 nColId ) { ColumnMoved(nColId,sal_True); }
136 : void ColumnMoved( sal_uInt16 nColId,sal_Bool _bCreateUndo);
137 :
138 : void Fill();
139 : void PreFill();
140 :
141 : /** Disables the generation of undo actions
142 : */
143 0 : inline void EnterUndoMode() { m_bInUndoMode = sal_True; }
144 : /** Enables the generation of undo actions
145 : */
146 0 : inline void LeaveUndoMode() { m_bInUndoMode = sal_False; }
147 :
148 : /** GetCellText returns the text at the given position
149 : @param _nRow
150 : the number of the row
151 : @param _nColId
152 : the ID of the column
153 : @return
154 : the text out of the cell
155 : */
156 : virtual String GetCellText(long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const;
157 :
158 : /** returns the description of the row.
159 : @param _nRow
160 : The row number.
161 : @return
162 : The header text of the specified row.
163 : */
164 : virtual ::rtl::OUString GetRowDescription( sal_Int32 _nRow ) const;
165 :
166 : /** return the name of the specified object.
167 : @param eObjType
168 : The type to ask for
169 : @param _nPosition
170 : The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar colum/row cell
171 : @return
172 : The name of the specified object.
173 : */
174 : virtual ::rtl::OUString GetAccessibleObjectName( ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType,sal_Int32 _nPosition = -1) const;
175 :
176 : // IAccessibleTableProvider
177 : /** Creates the accessible object of a data table cell.
178 : @param nRow The row index of the cell.
179 : @param nColumnId The column ID of the cell.
180 : @return The XAccessible interface of the specified cell. */
181 : virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessibleCell( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColumnId );
182 :
183 :
184 : protected:
185 : virtual sal_Bool SeekRow( long nRow );
186 :
187 : virtual void PaintStatusCell(OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect) const;
188 : virtual void PaintCell(OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
189 : sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
190 :
191 : virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const BrowserAcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
192 : virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const BrowserExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
193 : virtual void MouseButtonDown( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
194 : virtual void MouseButtonUp( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
195 : virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt );
196 : virtual void Command(const CommandEvent& rEvt);
197 : virtual void ArrangeControls(sal_uInt16& nX, sal_uInt16 nY);
198 :
199 : virtual ::svt::CellController* GetController(long nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol);
200 : virtual void InitController(::svt::CellControllerRef& rController, long nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol);
201 : virtual void CellModified();
202 : virtual sal_Bool SaveModified();
203 : virtual void Init();
204 : virtual sal_uInt32 GetTotalCellWidth(long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) const;
205 : virtual void ColumnResized( sal_uInt16 nColId );
206 :
207 : virtual sal_uInt32 GetTotalCellWidth(long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId);
208 :
209 : virtual sal_uInt16 GetDefaultColumnWidth(const String& rName) const;
210 : // if you want to have an own header ...
211 : virtual BrowserHeader* imp_CreateHeaderBar(BrowseBox* pParent);
212 :
213 : void stopTimer();
214 : void startTimer();
215 :
216 : private:
217 : OTableFieldDescRef FindFirstFreeCol(sal_uInt16& _rColumnPosition);
218 : // rCol enthaelt die Nummer (in pOTableFieldDescList) der ersten Spalte, die von sich sagt, dass sie leer ist
219 : // wenn es keine solche gibt, ist rCol undefiniert und der Rueckgabewert NULL
220 : void CheckFreeColumns(sal_uInt16& _rColumnPosition);
221 : // testet, ob es noch freie Spalten gibt, wenn nicht, wird ein neuer Packen angefuegt
222 : // rCol enthaelt die Nummer der ersten freien Spalte (in pOTableFieldDescList)
223 :
224 : void RemoveField( sal_uInt16 nId );
225 : Rectangle GetInvalidRect( sal_uInt16 nColId );
226 : long GetRealRow(long nRow) const;
227 : long GetBrowseRow(long nRowId) const;
228 : sal_Bool GetFunctionName(sal_uInt32 _nFunctionTokenId,String& rFkt);
229 : void appendUndoAction(const String& _rOldValue,const String& _rNewValue,sal_Int32 _nRow,sal_Bool& _bListAction);
230 : void appendUndoAction(const String& _rOldValue,const String& _rNewValue,sal_Int32 _nRow);
231 : OTableFields& getFields() const;
232 : void enableControl(const OTableFieldDescRef& _rEntry,Window* _pControl);
233 : void setTextCellContext(const OTableFieldDescRef& _rEntry,const String& _sText,const rtl::OString& _sHelpId);
234 : void invalidateUndoRedo();
235 : OTableFieldDescRef getEntry(OTableFields::size_type _nPos);
236 :
237 : void adjustSelectionMode( sal_Bool _bClickedOntoHeader, sal_Bool _bClickedOntoHandleCol );
238 :
239 : /** save the filed change in save modified
240 : @param _sFieldName
241 : The field name inserted by the user.
242 : @param _pEntry
243 : The entry which will contain the necessary entries.
244 : @param _bListAction
245 : Will be set to <TRUE/> when we are in a list action otherwise <FALSE/>
246 : @return
247 : <TRUE/> if an error occurred otherwise <FALSE/>
248 : */
249 : sal_Bool saveField(const String& _sFieldName,OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry,sal_Bool& _bListAction);
250 :
251 : /** sets the table window at the _pEntry
252 : @param _pEntry
253 : The entry where the window should be set.
254 : @param _sTableName
255 : The table name to search for.
256 : @return
257 : <TRUE/> if the table name was set otherwise <FALSE/>
258 : */
259 : sal_Bool fillEntryTable(OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry,const ::rtl::OUString& _sTableName);
260 :
261 : /** uses the parse node to fill all information into the field
262 : @param _pColumnRef
263 : The parse node used to fill the info into the field.
264 : @param _xMetaData
265 : Use to parse the node to a string.
266 : @param _pEntry
267 : The entry which will contain the necessary entries.
268 : @param _bListAction
269 : Will be set to <TRUE/> when we are in a list action otherwise <FALSE/>
270 : @return
271 : <TRUE/> if an error occurred otherwise <FALSE/>
272 : */
273 : sal_Bool fillColumnRef( const ::connectivity::OSQLParseNode* _pColumnRef,
274 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection >& _rxConnection,
275 : OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry,
276 : sal_Bool& _bListAction);
277 : sal_Bool fillColumnRef( const ::rtl::OUString& _sColumnName,
278 : const ::rtl::OUString& _sTableRange,
279 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData >& _xMetaData,
280 : OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry,
281 : sal_Bool& _bListAction);
282 :
283 :
284 : /** append an undo action for the table field
285 : @param _sOldAlias
286 : The old table alias.
287 : @param _sAlias
288 : The new alias name.
289 : @param _bListAction
290 : Will be set to <TRUE/> when we are in a list action otherwise <FALSE/>
291 : */
292 : void notifyTableFieldChanged(const String& _sOldAlias,const String& _sAlias,sal_Bool& _bListAction,sal_uInt16 _nColumnId);
293 :
294 : /** append an undo action for the function field
295 : @param _sOldFunctionName
296 : The old value.
297 : @param _sFunctionName
298 : The new function name.
299 : @param _bListAction
300 : Will be set to <TRUE/> when we are in a list action otherwise <FALSE/>
301 : */
302 : void notifyFunctionFieldChanged(const String& _sOldFunctionName,const String& _sFunctionName,sal_Bool& _bListAction,sal_uInt16 _nColumnId);
303 :
304 : /** clears the function fields of the submitted entry if it doesn't match the SQL standard and append an undo action.
305 : E.q. AGGREGATE functions are only valid when the field name isn't an asterix
306 : @param _sFieldName
307 : The field name.
308 : @param _pEntry
309 : The entry to be cleared
310 : @param _bListAction
311 : When <TRUE/> an list action will be created.
312 : */
313 : void clearEntryFunctionField(const String& _sFieldName,OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry,sal_Bool& _bListAction,sal_uInt16 _nColumnId);
314 :
315 : /** remove or insert the necessary function types
316 : @param _pEntry
317 : The currently edited entry.
318 : */
319 : void setFunctionCell(OTableFieldDescRef& _pEntry);
320 :
321 : private:
322 : using ::svt::EditBrowseBox::AcceptDrop;
323 : using ::svt::EditBrowseBox::ExecuteDrop;
324 : using ::svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonDown;
325 : using ::svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonUp;
326 : };
327 : }
329 :
330 :
331 :
332 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */