Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : /*TODO
21 : - change "singleton" behaviour by using new helper ::comhelper::SingletonRef
22 : - rename method exist() to existHandlerForURL() or similar one
23 : - may its a good idea to replace struct ProtocolHandler by css::beans::NamedValue type?!
24 : */
25 :
26 : #include <classes/protocolhandlercache.hxx>
27 : #include <classes/converter.hxx>
28 : #include <threadhelp/readguard.hxx>
29 : #include <threadhelp/writeguard.hxx>
30 : #include <threadhelp/lockhelper.hxx>
31 :
32 : #include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
33 : #include <unotools/configpaths.hxx>
34 : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
35 :
36 : namespace framework{
37 :
38 : /**
39 : @short overloaded index operator of hash map to support pattern key search
40 : @descr All keys inside this hash map are URL pattern which points to an uno
41 : implementation name of a protocol handler service which is registered
42 : for this pattern. This operator makes it easy to find such registered
43 : handler by using a full qualified URL and compare it with all pattern
44 : keys.
45 :
46 : @param sURL
47 : the full qualified URL which should match to a registered pattern
48 :
49 : @return An iterator which points to the found item inside the hash or PatternHash::end()
50 : if no pattern match this given <var>sURL</var>.
51 : */
52 2360 : PatternHash::iterator PatternHash::findPatternKey( const ::rtl::OUString& sURL )
53 : {
54 2360 : PatternHash::iterator pItem = this->begin();
55 2360 : while( pItem!=this->end() )
56 : {
57 23600 : WildCard aPattern(pItem->first);
58 23600 : if (aPattern.Matches(sURL))
59 : break;
60 21240 : ++pItem;
61 23600 : }
62 2360 : return pItem;
63 : }
64 :
65 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
66 :
67 : /**
68 : @short initialize static member of class HandlerCache
69 : @descr We use a singleton pattern to implement this handler cache.
70 : That means it use two static member list to hold all neccessary informations
71 : and a ref count mechanism to create/destroy it on demand.
72 : */
73 : HandlerHash* HandlerCache::m_pHandler = NULL;
74 : PatternHash* HandlerCache::m_pPattern = NULL;
75 : sal_Int32 HandlerCache::m_nRefCount = 0 ;
76 : HandlerCFGAccess* HandlerCache::m_pConfig = NULL;
77 :
78 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
79 :
80 : /**
81 : @short ctor of the cache of all registered protoco handler
82 : @descr It tries to open the right configuration package automaticly
83 : and fill the internal structures. After that the cache can be
84 : used for read access on this data and perform some search
85 : operations on it.
86 : */
87 260 : HandlerCache::HandlerCache()
88 : {
89 : /* SAFE */{
90 260 : WriteGuard aGlobalLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() );
91 :
92 260 : if (m_nRefCount==0)
93 : {
94 19 : m_pHandler = new HandlerHash();
95 19 : m_pPattern = new PatternHash();
96 19 : m_pConfig = new HandlerCFGAccess(PACKAGENAME_PROTOCOLHANDLER);
97 19 : m_pConfig->read(&m_pHandler,&m_pPattern);
98 19 : m_pConfig->setCache(this);
99 : }
100 :
101 260 : ++m_nRefCount;
102 : /* SAFE */}
103 260 : }
104 :
105 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
106 :
107 : /**
108 : @short dtor of the cache
109 : @descr It frees all used memory. In further implementations (may if we support write access too)
110 : it's a good place to flush changes back to the configuration - but not needed yet.
111 : */
112 83 : HandlerCache::~HandlerCache()
113 : {
114 : /* SAFE */{
115 83 : WriteGuard aGlobalLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() );
116 :
117 83 : if( m_nRefCount==1)
118 : {
119 11 : m_pConfig->setCache(NULL);
120 11 : m_pHandler->free();
121 11 : m_pPattern->free();
122 :
123 11 : delete m_pConfig;
124 11 : delete m_pHandler;
125 11 : delete m_pPattern;
126 11 : m_pConfig = NULL;
127 11 : m_pHandler= NULL;
128 11 : m_pPattern= NULL;
129 : }
130 :
131 83 : --m_nRefCount;
132 : /* SAFE */}
133 83 : }
134 :
135 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
136 :
137 : /**
138 : @short dtor of the cache
139 : @descr It frees all used memory. In further implementations (may if we support write access too)
140 : it's a good place to flush changes back to the configuration - but not needed yet.
141 : */
142 2360 : sal_Bool HandlerCache::search( const ::rtl::OUString& sURL, ProtocolHandler* pReturn ) const
143 : {
144 2360 : sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
145 : /* SAFE */{
146 2360 : ReadGuard aReadLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() );
147 2360 : PatternHash::const_iterator pItem = m_pPattern->findPatternKey(sURL);
148 2360 : if (pItem!=m_pPattern->end())
149 : {
150 2360 : *pReturn = (*m_pHandler)[pItem->second];
151 2360 : bFound = sal_True;
152 2360 : }
153 : /* SAFE */}
154 2360 : return bFound;
155 : }
156 :
157 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
158 :
159 : /**
160 : @short search for a registered handler by using an URL struct
161 : @descr We combine neccessary parts of this struct to a valid URL string
162 : and call our other search method ...
163 : It's a helper for outside code.
164 : */
165 2360 : sal_Bool HandlerCache::search( const css::util::URL& aURL, ProtocolHandler* pReturn ) const
166 : {
167 2360 : return search( aURL.Complete, pReturn );
168 : }
169 :
170 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
171 0 : void HandlerCache::takeOver(HandlerHash* pHandler, PatternHash* pPattern)
172 : {
173 : // SAFE ->
174 0 : WriteGuard aWriteLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() );
175 :
176 0 : HandlerHash* pOldHandler = m_pHandler;
177 0 : PatternHash* pOldPattern = m_pPattern;
178 :
179 0 : m_pHandler = pHandler;
180 0 : m_pPattern = pPattern;
181 :
182 0 : pOldHandler->free();
183 0 : pOldPattern->free();
184 0 : delete pOldHandler;
185 0 : delete pOldPattern;
186 :
187 0 : aWriteLock.unlock();
188 : // <- SAFE
189 0 : }
190 :
191 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
192 :
193 : /**
194 : @short dtor of the config access class
195 : @descr It opens the configuration package automaticly by using base class mechanism.
196 : After that "read()" method of this class should be called to use it.
197 :
198 : @param sPackage
199 : specifies the package name of the configuration data which should be used
200 : */
201 19 : HandlerCFGAccess::HandlerCFGAccess( const ::rtl::OUString& sPackage )
202 19 : : ConfigItem( sPackage )
203 : {
204 19 : css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lListenPaths(1);
205 19 : lListenPaths[0] = SETNAME_HANDLER;
206 19 : EnableNotification(lListenPaths);
207 19 : }
208 :
209 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
210 :
211 : /**
212 : @short use base class mechanism to fill given structures
213 : @descr User use us as a wrapper between configuration api and his internal structures.
214 : He give us some pointer to his member and we fill it.
215 :
216 : @param pHandler
217 : pointer to a list of protocol handler infos
218 :
219 : @param pPattern
220 : reverse map of handler pattern to her uno names
221 : */
222 19 : void HandlerCFGAccess::read( HandlerHash** ppHandler ,
223 : PatternHash** ppPattern )
224 : {
225 : // list of all uno implementation names without encoding
226 19 : css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lNames = GetNodeNames( SETNAME_HANDLER, ::utl::CONFIG_NAME_LOCAL_PATH );
227 19 : sal_Int32 nSourceCount = lNames.getLength();
228 19 : sal_Int32 nTargetCount = nSourceCount;
229 : // list of all full qualified path names of configuration entries
230 19 : css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lFullNames ( nTargetCount );
231 :
232 : // expand names to full path names
233 19 : sal_Int32 nSource=0;
234 19 : sal_Int32 nTarget=0;
235 185 : for( nSource=0; nSource<nSourceCount; ++nSource )
236 : {
237 166 : ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sPath( SETNAME_HANDLER );
238 166 : sPath.append(CFG_PATH_SEPERATOR);
239 166 : sPath.append(lNames[nSource]);
240 166 : sPath.append(CFG_PATH_SEPERATOR);
241 166 : sPath.append(PROPERTY_PROTOCOLS);
242 :
243 166 : lFullNames[nTarget] = sPath.makeStringAndClear();
244 166 : ++nTarget;
245 166 : }
246 :
247 : // get values at all
248 19 : css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > lValues = GetProperties( lFullNames );
249 : LOG_ASSERT2( lFullNames.getLength()!=lValues.getLength(), "HandlerCFGAccess::read()", "Miss some configuration values of handler set!" )
250 :
251 : // fill structures
252 19 : nSource = 0;
253 185 : for( nTarget=0; nTarget<nTargetCount; ++nTarget )
254 : {
255 : // create it new for every loop to guarantee a real empty object!
256 166 : ProtocolHandler aHandler;
257 166 : aHandler.m_sUNOName = ::utl::extractFirstFromConfigurationPath(lNames[nSource]);
258 :
259 : // unpack all values of this handler
260 166 : css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lTemp;
261 166 : lValues[nTarget] >>= lTemp;
262 166 : aHandler.m_lProtocols = Converter::convert_seqOUString2OUStringList(lTemp);
263 :
264 : // register his pattern into the performance search hash
265 1053 : for (OUStringList::iterator pItem =aHandler.m_lProtocols.begin();
266 702 : pItem!=aHandler.m_lProtocols.end() ;
267 : ++pItem )
268 : {
269 185 : (**ppPattern)[*pItem] = lNames[nSource];
270 : }
271 :
272 : // ï¿œnsert the handler info into the normal handler cache
273 166 : (**ppHandler)[lNames[nSource]] = aHandler;
274 166 : ++nSource;
275 185 : }
276 19 : }
277 :
278 : //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
279 0 : void HandlerCFGAccess::Notify(const css::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& /*lPropertyNames*/)
280 : {
281 0 : HandlerHash* pHandler = new HandlerHash;
282 0 : PatternHash* pPattern = new PatternHash;
283 :
284 0 : read(&pHandler, &pPattern);
285 0 : if (m_pCache)
286 0 : m_pCache->takeOver(pHandler, pPattern);
287 : else
288 : {
289 0 : delete pHandler;
290 0 : delete pPattern;
291 : }
292 0 : }
293 :
294 0 : void HandlerCFGAccess::Commit()
295 : {
296 0 : }
297 :
298 : } // namespace framework
299 :
300 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */