Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include <jobs/jobexecutor.hxx>
21 : #include <jobs/job.hxx>
22 : #include <jobs/joburl.hxx>
23 :
24 : #include <classes/converter.hxx>
25 : #include <threadhelp/transactionguard.hxx>
26 : #include <threadhelp/readguard.hxx>
27 : #include <threadhelp/writeguard.hxx>
28 : #include <general.h>
29 : #include <services.h>
30 :
31 : #include "helper/mischelper.hxx"
32 :
33 : #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
34 : #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
35 : #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainer.hpp>
36 : #include <com/sun/star/frame/ModuleManager.hpp>
37 :
38 : #include <unotools/configpaths.hxx>
39 : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
40 : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
41 :
42 : #include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
43 :
44 : namespace framework{
45 :
46 526 : DEFINE_XINTERFACE_6( JobExecutor ,
47 : OWeakObject ,
48 : DIRECT_INTERFACE(css::lang::XTypeProvider ),
49 : DIRECT_INTERFACE(css::lang::XServiceInfo ),
50 : DIRECT_INTERFACE(css::task::XJobExecutor ),
51 : DIRECT_INTERFACE(css::container::XContainerListener ),
52 : DIRECT_INTERFACE(css::document::XEventListener ),
53 : DERIVED_INTERFACE(css::lang::XEventListener,css::document::XEventListener)
54 : )
55 :
56 0 : DEFINE_XTYPEPROVIDER_6( JobExecutor ,
57 : css::lang::XTypeProvider ,
58 : css::lang::XServiceInfo ,
59 : css::task::XJobExecutor ,
60 : css::container::XContainerListener,
61 : css::document::XEventListener ,
62 : css::lang::XEventListener
63 : )
64 :
66 : ::cppu::OWeakObject ,
67 : "",
69 : )
70 :
71 18 : DEFINE_INIT_SERVICE( JobExecutor,
72 : {
73 : m_xModuleManager = css::frame::ModuleManager::create( comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR) );
74 :
75 : /*Attention
76 : I think we don't need any mutex or lock here ... because we are called by our own static method impl_createInstance()
77 : to create a new instance of this class by our own supported service factory.
78 : see macro DEFINE_XSERVICEINFO_MULTISERVICE and "impl_initService()" for further informations!
79 : */
80 : // read the list of all currently registered events inside configuration.
81 : // e.g. "/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs/Events/<event name>"
82 : // We need it later to check if an incoming event request can be executed successfully
83 : // or must be rejected. It's an optimization! Of course we must implement updating of this
84 : // list too ... Be listener at the configuration.
85 :
86 :;
87 : if (m_aConfig.getMode() == ConfigAccess::E_READONLY)
88 : {
89 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xRegistry(m_aConfig.cfg(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
90 : if (
91 : m_lEvents = Converter::convert_seqOUString2OUStringList(xRegistry->getElementNames());
92 :
93 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XContainer > xNotifier(m_aConfig.cfg(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
94 : if (
95 : {
96 : m_xConfigListener = new WeakContainerListener(this);
97 : xNotifier->addContainerListener(m_xConfigListener);
98 : }
99 :
100 : // don't close cfg here!
101 : // It will be done inside disposing ...
102 : }
103 : }
104 : )
105 :
106 : //________________________________
107 :
108 : /**
109 : @short standard ctor
110 : @descr It initialize this new instance.
111 :
112 : @param xSMGR
113 : reference to the uno service manager
114 : */
115 18 : JobExecutor::JobExecutor( /*IN*/ const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR )
116 18 : : ThreadHelpBase (&Application::GetSolarMutex() )
117 : , ::cppu::OWeakObject ( )
118 : , m_xSMGR (xSMGR )
119 : , m_xModuleManager ( )
120 36 : , m_aConfig (comphelper::getComponentContext(xSMGR), ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(JobData::EVENTCFG_ROOT) )
121 : {
122 : // Don't do any reference related code here! Do it inside special
123 : // impl_ method() ... see DEFINE_INIT_SERVICE() macro for further informations.
124 18 : }
125 :
126 6 : JobExecutor::~JobExecutor()
127 : {
128 2 : css::uno::Reference< css::container::XContainer > xNotifier(m_aConfig.cfg(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
129 2 : if (
130 2 : xNotifier->removeContainerListener(m_xConfigListener);
131 4 : }
132 :
133 : //________________________________
134 :
135 : /**
136 : @short implementation of XJobExecutor interface
137 : @descr We use the given event to locate any registered job inside our configuration
138 : and execute it. Further we control the lifetime of it and supress
139 : shutdown of the office till all jobs was finished.
140 :
141 : @param sEvent
142 : is used to locate registered jobs
143 : */
144 8 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::trigger( const ::rtl::OUString& sEvent ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
145 : {
146 : RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT(aLog, "fwk (as96863) JobExecutor::trigger()");
147 :
148 : /* SAFE { */
149 8 : ReadGuard aReadLock(m_aLock);
150 :
151 : // Optimization!
152 : // Check if the given event name exist inside configuration and reject wrong requests.
153 : // This optimization supress using of the cfg api for getting event and job descriptions ...
154 8 : if (m_lEvents.find(sEvent) == m_lEvents.end())
155 8 : return;
156 :
157 : // get list of all enabled jobs
158 : // The called static helper methods read it from the configuration and
159 : // filter disabled jobs using it's time stamp values.
160 0 : css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lJobs = JobData::getEnabledJobsForEvent(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR), sEvent);
161 :
162 0 : aReadLock.unlock();
163 : /* } SAFE */
164 :
165 : // step over all enabled jobs and execute it
166 0 : sal_Int32 c = lJobs.getLength();
167 0 : for (sal_Int32 j=0; j<c; ++j)
168 : {
169 : /* SAFE { */
170 0 : aReadLock.lock();
171 :
172 0 : JobData aCfg(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR));
173 0 : aCfg.setEvent(sEvent, lJobs[j]);
174 0 : aCfg.setEnvironment(JobData::E_EXECUTION);
175 :
176 : /*Attention!
177 : Jobs implements interfaces and dies by ref count!
178 : And freeing of such uno object is done by uno itself.
179 : So we have to use dynamic memory everytimes.
180 : */
181 0 : Job* pJob = new Job(m_xSMGR, css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >());
182 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > xJob(static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(pJob), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
183 0 : pJob->setJobData(aCfg);
184 :
185 0 : aReadLock.unlock();
186 : /* } SAFE */
187 :
188 0 : pJob->execute(css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue >());
189 0 : }
190 : }
191 :
192 : //________________________________
193 :
194 4809 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::notifyEvent( const css::document::EventObject& aEvent ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
195 : {
196 4809 : const char EVENT_ON_NEW[] = "OnNew"; // Doc UI event
197 4809 : const char EVENT_ON_LOAD[] = "OnLoad"; // Doc UI event
198 4809 : const char EVENT_ON_CREATE[] = "OnCreate"; // Doc API event
199 4809 : const char EVENT_ON_LOAD_FINISHED[] = "OnLoadFinished"; // Doc API event
200 4809 : ::rtl::OUString EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_OPENED("onDocumentOpened"); // Job UI event : OnNew or OnLoad
201 4809 : ::rtl::OUString EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_ADDED("onDocumentAdded"); // Job API event : OnCreate or OnLoadFinished
202 :
203 : /* SAFE { */
204 4809 : ReadGuard aReadLock(m_aLock);
205 :
206 4809 : ::comphelper::SequenceAsVector< JobData::TJob2DocEventBinding > lJobs;
207 :
208 : // Optimization!
209 : // Check if the given event name exist inside configuration and reject wrong requests.
210 : // This optimization supress using of the cfg api for getting event and job descriptions.
211 : // see using of m_lEvents.find() below ...
212 :
213 : // retrieve event context from event source
214 4809 : rtl::OUString aModuleIdentifier;
215 : try
216 : {
217 4809 : aModuleIdentifier = m_xModuleManager->identify( aEvent.Source );
218 : }
219 109 : catch( const css::uno::Exception& )
220 : {}
221 :
222 : // Special feature: If the events "OnNew" or "OnLoad" occures - we generate our own event "onDocumentOpened".
223 9617 : if (
224 4809 : (aEvent.EventName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(EVENT_ON_NEW))) ||
225 4808 : (aEvent.EventName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(EVENT_ON_LOAD)))
226 : )
227 : {
228 124 : if (m_lEvents.find(EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_OPENED) != m_lEvents.end())
229 124 : JobData::appendEnabledJobsForEvent(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR), EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_OPENED, lJobs);
230 : }
231 :
232 : // Special feature: If the events "OnCreate" or "OnLoadFinished" occures - we generate our own event "onDocumentAdded".
233 9457 : if (
234 4809 : (aEvent.EventName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(EVENT_ON_CREATE))) ||
236 : )
237 : {
238 501 : if (m_lEvents.find(EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_ADDED) != m_lEvents.end())
239 0 : JobData::appendEnabledJobsForEvent(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR), EVENT_ON_DOCUMENT_ADDED, lJobs);
240 : }
241 :
242 : // Add all jobs for "real" notified event too .-)
243 4809 : if (m_lEvents.find(aEvent.EventName) != m_lEvents.end())
244 0 : JobData::appendEnabledJobsForEvent(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR), aEvent.EventName, lJobs);
245 :
246 4809 : aReadLock.unlock();
247 : /* } SAFE */
248 :
249 : // step over all enabled jobs and execute it
250 4809 : ::comphelper::SequenceAsVector< JobData::TJob2DocEventBinding >::const_iterator pIt;
251 14799 : for ( pIt = lJobs.begin();
252 9866 : pIt != lJobs.end() ;
253 : ++pIt )
254 : {
255 : /* SAFE { */
256 124 : aReadLock.lock();
257 :
258 124 : const JobData::TJob2DocEventBinding& rBinding = *pIt;
259 :
260 124 : JobData aCfg(comphelper::getComponentContext(m_xSMGR));
261 124 : aCfg.setEvent(rBinding.m_sDocEvent, rBinding.m_sJobName);
262 124 : aCfg.setEnvironment(JobData::E_DOCUMENTEVENT);
263 :
264 124 : if (!aCfg.hasCorrectContext(aModuleIdentifier))
265 124 : continue;
266 :
267 : /*Attention!
268 : Jobs implements interfaces and dies by ref count!
269 : And freeing of such uno object is done by uno itself.
270 : So we have to use dynamic memory everytimes.
271 : */
272 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > xModel(aEvent.Source, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
273 0 : Job* pJob = new Job(m_xSMGR, xModel);
274 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > xJob(static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(pJob), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
275 0 : pJob->setJobData(aCfg);
276 :
277 0 : aReadLock.unlock();
278 : /* } SAFE */
279 :
280 0 : pJob->execute(css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue >());
281 4809 : }
282 4809 : }
283 :
284 : //________________________________
285 :
286 0 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::elementInserted( const css::container::ContainerEvent& aEvent ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
287 : {
288 0 : ::rtl::OUString sValue;
289 0 : if (aEvent.Accessor >>= sValue)
290 : {
291 0 : ::rtl::OUString sEvent = ::utl::extractFirstFromConfigurationPath(sValue);
292 0 : if (!sEvent.isEmpty())
293 : {
294 0 : OUStringList::iterator pEvent = m_lEvents.find(sEvent);
295 0 : if (pEvent == m_lEvents.end())
296 0 : m_lEvents.push_back(sEvent);
297 0 : }
298 0 : }
299 0 : }
300 :
301 0 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::elementRemoved ( const css::container::ContainerEvent& aEvent ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
302 : {
303 0 : ::rtl::OUString sValue;
304 0 : if (aEvent.Accessor >>= sValue)
305 : {
306 0 : ::rtl::OUString sEvent = ::utl::extractFirstFromConfigurationPath(sValue);
307 0 : if (!sEvent.isEmpty())
308 : {
309 0 : OUStringList::iterator pEvent = m_lEvents.find(sEvent);
310 0 : if (pEvent != m_lEvents.end())
311 0 : m_lEvents.erase(pEvent);
312 0 : }
313 0 : }
314 0 : }
315 :
316 0 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::elementReplaced( const css::container::ContainerEvent& ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
317 : {
318 : // I'm not interested on changed items :-)
319 0 : }
320 :
321 : //________________________________
322 :
323 : /** @short the used cfg changes notifier wish to be released in its reference.
324 :
325 : @descr We close our internal used configuration instance to
326 : free this reference.
327 :
328 : @attention For the special feature "bind global document event broadcaster to job execution"
329 : this job executor instance was registered from outside code as
330 : css.document.XEventListener. So it can be, that this disposing call comes from
331 : the global event broadcaster service. But we don't hold any reference to this service
332 : which can or must be released. Because this broadcaster itself is an one instance service
333 : too, we can ignore this request. On the other side we must relase our internal CFG
334 : reference ... SOLUTION => check the given event source and react only, if it's our internal
335 : hold configuration object!
336 : */
337 0 : void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::disposing( const css::lang::EventObject& aEvent ) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
338 : {
339 : /* SAFE { */
340 0 : ReadGuard aReadLock(m_aLock);
341 0 : css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > xCFG(m_aConfig.cfg(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
342 0 : if (
343 0 : (xCFG == aEvent.Source ) &&
344 0 : (m_aConfig.getMode() != ConfigAccess::E_CLOSED)
345 : )
346 : {
347 0 : m_aConfig.close();
348 : }
349 0 : aReadLock.unlock();
350 : /* } SAFE */
351 0 : }
352 :
353 : } // namespace framework
354 :
355 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */