LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/rsc/inc - rscdb.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 15 21 71.4 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 12 15 80.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef _RSCDB_HXX
      21             : #define _RSCDB_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : #include <rscall.h>
      24             : #include <rsckey.hxx>
      25             : #include <rscconst.hxx>
      26             : #include <rscflag.hxx>
      27             : #include <rscrange.hxx>
      28             : #include <rscstr.hxx>
      29             : #include <rscarray.hxx>
      30             : #include <rscdef.hxx>
      31             : #include <tools/string.hxx>
      32             : 
      33             : #include <vector>
      34             : #include <map>
      35             : 
      36             : class RscError;
      37             : class RscTupel;
      38             : class RscCont;
      39             : class RscCmdLine;
      40             : 
      41         122 : struct WriteRcContext
      42             : {
      43             :     FILE *              fOutput;
      44             :     rtl::OString        aOutputRc;
      45             :     rtl::OString        aOutputSysList;
      46             :     RscCmdLine*         pCmdLine;
      47             : };
      48             : 
      49             : /****************** R s c T y p C o n ************************************/
      50             : // Liste die alle Basistypen enthaelt
      51             : typedef ::std::vector< RscTop* > RscBaseList;
      52             : 
      53             : // Tabelle fuer Systemabhaengige Resourcen
      54        1788 : struct RscSysEntry
      55             : {
      56             :     sal_uInt32      nKey;
      57             :     sal_uInt32      nRscTyp;
      58             :     rtl::OString    aFileName;
      59             :     sal_uInt32      nTyp;
      60             :     sal_uInt32      nRefId;
      61             : };
      62             : 
      63             : typedef ::std::vector< RscSysEntry* > RscSysList;
      64             : 
      65             : class RscTypCont
      66             : {
      67             :     CharSet             nSourceCharSet;
      68             :     sal_uInt32          nMachineId;         // Globaler Maschinentyp
      69             :     RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE   nByteOrder;         // Intel oder
      70             :     rtl::OString        aLanguage;          // output language
      71             :     std::vector< sal_uInt32 > aLangFallbacks;   // language fallback list (entry 0 is language itself)
      72             :     rtl::OString        aSearchPath;        // Suchen der Bitmap, Icon, Pointer
      73             :     rtl::OString        aSysSearchPath;     // aSearchPath plus language specific paths
      74             :     sal_uInt32          nUniqueId;          // eindeutiger Id fuer Systemresourcen
      75             :     sal_uLong           nFilePos;           // Position in der Datei ( MTF )
      76             :     sal_uInt32          nPMId;              // eindeutiger Id fuer PM-Rseourcefile
      77             :                                             // muss groesser als RSC_VERSIONCONTROL_ID sein
      78             :     RscTop  *           pRoot;              // Zeiger auf die Wurzel vom Typenbaum
      79             :     RSCINST             aVersion;           // Versionskontrollinstanz
      80             : 
      81             :     RscBaseList         aBaseLst;           // Liste der einfachen Resourceklasse
      82             :     RscSysList          aSysLst;            // Liste der Systemresourcen
      83             : 
      84             :     Atom                nWinBitVarId;       // Name der Winbitvariablen
      85             :     Atom                nBorderId;
      86             :     Atom                nHideId;
      87             :     Atom                nClipChildrenId;
      88             :     Atom                nSizeableId;
      89             :     Atom                nMoveableId;
      90             :     Atom                nMinimizeId;
      91             :     Atom                nMaximizeId;
      92             :     Atom                nCloseableId;
      93             :     Atom                nStdPopupId;
      94             :     Atom                nAppId;
      95             :     Atom                nTabstopId;
      96             :     Atom                nGroupId;
      97             :     Atom                nSysmodalId;
      98             :     Atom                nLeftId;
      99             :     Atom                nCenterId;
     100             :     Atom                nRightId;
     101             :     Atom                nTopId;
     102             :     Atom                nVCenterId;
     103             :     Atom                nBottomId;
     104             :     Atom                nHScrollId;
     105             :     Atom                nVScrollId;
     106             :     Atom                nSortId;
     107             :     Atom                nDefaultId;
     108             :     Atom                nSVLookId;
     109             :     Atom                nRepeatId;
     110             :     Atom                nDropDownId;
     111             :     Atom                nPassWordId;
     112             :     Atom                nReadOnlyId;
     113             :     Atom                nAutoSizeId;
     114             :     Atom                nSpinId;
     115             :     Atom                nTabControlId;
     116             :     Atom                nSimpleModeId;
     117             :     Atom                nDragId;
     118             :     Atom                nScrollId;
     119             :     Atom                nZoomableId;
     120             :     Atom                nHideWhenDeactivateId;
     121             :     Atom                nAutoHScrollId;
     122             :     Atom                nAutoVScrollId;
     123             :     Atom                nDDExtraWidthId;
     124             :     Atom                nWordBreakId;
     125             :     Atom                nLeftLabelId;
     126             :     Atom                nHasLinesId;
     127             :     Atom                nHasButtonsId;
     128             :     Atom                nRectStyleId;
     129             :     Atom                nLineSpacingId;
     130             :     Atom                nSmallStyleId;
     131             :     Atom                nEnableResizingId;
     132             :     Atom                nDockableId;
     133             :     Atom                nScaleId;
     134             :     Atom                nIgnoreTabId;
     135             :     Atom                nNoSplitDrawId;
     136             :     Atom                nTopImageId;
     137             :     Atom                nNoLabelId;
     138             :     Atom                nVertId;
     139             :     Atom                nSysWinId;
     140             : 
     141             :     void        Init();         // Initialisiert Klassen und Tabelle
     142             :     void        SETCONST( RscConst *, const char *, sal_uInt32 );
     143             :     void        SETCONST( RscConst *, Atom, sal_uInt32 );
     144             :     RscEnum *   InitLangType();
     145             :     RscEnum *   InitFieldUnitsType();
     146             :     RscEnum *   InitTimeFieldFormat();
     147             :     RscEnum *   InitColor();
     148             :     RscEnum *   InitMapUnit();
     149             :     RscEnum *   InitKey();
     150             :     RscEnum *   InitTriState();
     151             :     RscEnum *   InitMessButtons();
     152             :     RscEnum *   InitMessDefButton();
     153             :     RscTupel *  InitGeometry();
     154             :     RscArray *  InitLangGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
     155             :     RscArray *  InitSystemGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
     156             :     RscCont  *  InitStringList();
     157             :     RscArray *  InitLangStringList( RscCont * pStrLst );
     158             :     RscTupel *  InitStringTupel();
     159             :     RscTupel *  InitStringLongTupel();
     160             :     RscCont  *  InitStringTupelList( RscTupel * pStringTupel );
     161             :     RscCont  *  InitStringLongTupelList( RscTupel * pStringLongTupel );
     162             :     RscArray *  InitLangStringTupelList( RscCont * pStrTupelLst );
     163             :     RscArray *  InitLangStringLongTupelList( RscCont * pStrLongTupelLst );
     164             : 
     165             :     RscTop *    InitClassMgr();
     166             :     RscTop *    InitClassString( RscTop * pSuper );
     167             :     RscTop *    InitClassBitmap( RscTop * pSuper );
     168             :     RscTop *    InitClassColor( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pColor );
     169             :     RscTop *    InitClassImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop *pClassBitmap,
     170             :                                 RscTop * pClassColor );
     171             :     RscTop *    InitClassImageList( RscTop * pSuper,
     172             :                                     RscTop * pClassColor, RscCont * pStrLst );
     173             :     RscTop *    InitClassWindow( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit,
     174             :                                  RscArray * pLangGeo );
     175             :     RscTop *    InitClassSystemWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
     176             :     RscTop *    InitClassWorkWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
     177             :     RscTop *    InitClassModalDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
     178             :     RscTop *    InitClassModelessDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
     179             :     RscTop *    InitClassControl( RscTop * pSuper );
     180             :     RscTop *    InitClassCheckBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     181             :     RscTop *    InitClassPushButton( RscTop * pSuper );
     182             :     RscTop *    InitClassTriStateBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTriState );
     183             :     RscTop *    InitClassMenuButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClasMenu );
     184             :     RscTop *    InitClassImageButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage,
     185             :                                     RscEnum * pTriState );
     186             :     RscTop *    InitClassEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
     187             :     RscTop *    InitClassMultiLineEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
     188             :     RscTop *    InitClassScrollBar( RscTop * pSuper );
     189             :     RscTop *    InitClassListBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
     190             :     RscTop *    InitClassMultiListBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     191             :     RscTop *    InitClassComboBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
     192             :     RscTop *    InitClassFixedText( RscTop * pSuper );
     193             :     RscTop *    InitClassFixedBitmap( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap );
     194             :     RscTop *    InitClassFixedImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
     195             :     RscTop *    InitClassRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper );
     196             :     RscTop *    InitClassImageRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
     197             :     RscTop *    InitClassKeyCode( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pKey );
     198             :     RscTop *    InitClassAccelItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pKeyCode );
     199             :     RscTop *    InitClassAccel( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassAccelItem );
     200             :     RscTop *    InitClassMenuItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
     201             :                                    RscTop * pClassKeyCode );
     202             :     RscTop *    InitClassMenu( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pMenuItem );
     203             :     RscTop *    InitClassMessBox( RscTop * pSuper,
     204             :                                   RscEnum * pMessButtons,
     205             :                                   RscEnum * pMessDefButton );
     206             :     RscTop *    InitClassSplitter( RscTop * pSuper );
     207             :     RscTop *    InitClassSplitWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
     208             :     RscTop *    InitClassTime( RscTop * pSuper );
     209             :     RscTop *    InitClassDate( RscTop * pSuper );
     210             : 
     211             :     RscTop *    InitClassPatternFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
     212             :     RscTop *    InitClassNumericFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
     213             :     RscTop *    InitClassMetricFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
     214             :                                           RscEnum * pFieldUnits );
     215             :     RscTop *    InitClassCurrencyFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
     216             :     RscTop *    InitClassDateFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
     217             :     RscTop *    InitClassTimeFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime,
     218             :                                         RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat );
     219             : 
     220             :     RscTop *    InitClassSpinField( RscTop * pSuper );
     221             :     RscTop *    InitClassPatternField( RscTop * pSuper );
     222             :     RscTop *    InitClassNumericField( RscTop * pSuper );
     223             :     RscTop *    InitClassMetricField( RscTop * pSuper );
     224             :     RscTop *    InitClassCurrencyField( const char * pClassName, sal_uInt32 nRT,
     225             :                                         RscTop * pSuper );
     226             :     RscTop *    InitClassDateField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
     227             :     RscTop *    InitClassTimeField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime );
     228             :     RscTop *    InitClassPatternBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     229             :     RscTop *    InitClassNumericBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     230             :     RscTop *    InitClassMetricBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     231             :     RscTop *    InitClassCurrencyBox( const char * pClassName, sal_uInt32 nRT,
     232             :                                         RscTop * pSuper );
     233             :     RscTop *    InitClassDateBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     234             :     RscTop *    InitClassTimeBox( RscTop * pSuper );
     235             : 
     236             :     RscTop *    InitClassDockingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
     237             :                                         RscEnum * pMapUnit );
     238             :     RscTop *    InitClassToolBoxItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
     239             :                                       RscTop * pClassImage,
     240             :                                       RscEnum * pTriState );
     241             :     RscTop *    InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem,
     242             :                                   RscTop * pClassImageList );
     243             :     RscTop *    InitClassStatusBar( RscTop * pSuper );
     244             :     RscTop *    InitClassMoreButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit );
     245             :     RscTop *    InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
     246             :                                          RscEnum * pMapUnit );
     247             :     RscTop *    InitClassTabControlItem( RscTop * pSuper );
     248             :     RscTop *    InitClassTabControl(  RscTop * pSuper,
     249             :                                      RscTop * pClassTabControlItem );
     250             :     RscTop *    InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
     251             :                                              RscTop * pClassBitmap,
     252             :                                              RscTop * pClassImage,
     253             :                                              RscArray * pStrLst );
     254             :     RscTop *    InitClassSfxTemplateDialog(  RscTop * pSuper,
     255             :                                              RscTop * pStyleFamily );
     256             :     RscTop *    InitClassSfxSlotInfo( RscTop * pSuper );
     257             : 
     258             :     void        InsWinBit( RscTop * pClass, const rtl::OString& rName,
     259             :                            Atom nVal );
     260             :     void        WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong lKey );
     261             : 
     262             : public:
     263             :     RscBool             aBool;
     264             :     RscRange            aShort;
     265             :     RscRange            aUShort;
     266             :     RscLongRange        aLong;
     267             :     RscLongEnumRange    aEnumLong;
     268             :     RscIdRange          aIdUShort;
     269             :     RscIdRange          aIdNoZeroUShort;
     270             :     RscBreakRange       aNoZeroShort;
     271             :     RscRange            a1to12Short;
     272             :     RscRange            a0to23Short;
     273             :     RscRange            a1to31Short;
     274             :     RscRange            a0to59Short;
     275             :     RscRange            a0to99Short;
     276             :     RscRange            a0to9999Short;
     277             :     RscIdRange          aIdLong;
     278             :     RscString           aString;
     279             :     RscString           aStringLiteral;
     280             :     RscFlag             aWinBits;
     281             :     RscLangEnum         aLangType;
     282             :     RscLangArray        aLangString;
     283             :     RscLangArray        aLangShort;
     284             : 
     285             :     Atom                nAcceleratorType;
     286             : 
     287             :     RscError*           pEH;        // Fehlerhandler
     288             :     RscNameTable        aNmTb;      // Tabelle fuer Namen
     289             :     RscFileTab          aFileTab;   // Tabelle der Dateinamen
     290             :     sal_uInt32              nFlags;
     291             :     std::map<sal_uInt64, sal_uLong> aIdTranslator; //Ordnet Resourcetypen und Id's einen Id zu
     292             :                                        //(unter PM), oder eine Dateiposition (MTF)
     293             : 
     294             :     RscTypCont( RscError *, RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE, const rtl::OString& rSearchPath, sal_uInt32 nFlags );
     295             :     ~RscTypCont();
     296             : 
     297             :     Atom AddLanguage( const char* );
     298             : 
     299             :     sal_Bool            IsPreload() const
     300             :                     { return (nFlags & PRELOAD_FLAG) ? sal_True : sal_False; }
     301           0 :     sal_Bool            IsSmart() const
     302           0 :                     { return (nFlags & SMART_FLAG) ? sal_True : sal_False; }
     303             :     sal_Bool            IsSysResTest() const
     304             :                     { return (nFlags & NOSYSRESTEST_FLAG) ? sal_False : sal_True; }
     305       47608 :     sal_Bool            IsSrsDefault() const
     306       47608 :                     { return (nFlags & SRSDEFAULT_FLAG) ? sal_True : sal_False; }
     307             :     rtl::OString ChangeLanguage(const rtl::OString & rNewLang);
     308       41982 :     const std::vector< sal_uInt32 >& GetFallbacks() const
     309       41982 :     { return aLangFallbacks; }
     310             : 
     311        9428 :     RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE GetByteOrder() const { return nByteOrder; }
     312       35811 :     CharSet         GetSourceCharSet() const { return nSourceCharSet; }
     313          61 :     CharSet         SetSourceCharSet( CharSet aCharSet )
     314             :     {
     315          61 :         CharSet aOld = nSourceCharSet;
     316          61 :         nSourceCharSet = aCharSet;
     317          61 :         return aOld;
     318             :     }
     319             :     void            SetSearchPath( const rtl::OString& rStr) { aSearchPath = rStr; }
     320          61 :     rtl::OString    GetSearchPath() const { return aSearchPath; }
     321          61 :     void            SetSysSearchPath( const rtl::OString& rStr ) { aSysSearchPath = rStr; }
     322           0 :     void        InsertType( RscTop * pType )
     323             :                 {
     324           0 :                     aBaseLst.push_back( pType );
     325           0 :                 }
     326             :     RscTop  *   SearchType( Atom nTypId );
     327             :                 // loescht alle Resourceobjekte diese Datei
     328             :     void        Delete( sal_uLong lFileKey );
     329           0 :     RscTop  *   GetRoot()         { return( pRoot ); };
     330             :     sal_uInt32      PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pName, sal_uInt32 nConst,
     331             :                             sal_uInt32 nId, sal_Bool bFirst );
     332             :     void        ClearSysNames();
     333             :     ERRTYPE     WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext );
     334             :     void        WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileIndex,
     335             :                           sal_Bool bName = sal_True );
     336             :     ERRTYPE     WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey);
     337             :     ERRTYPE     WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey,
     338             :                           const rtl::OString& rHxxName );
     339             :     void        WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput );
     340             :     void        WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput );
     341             :     sal_uInt32      PutTranslatorKey( sal_uInt64 nKey );
     342        9489 :     void        IncFilePos( sal_uLong nOffset ){ nFilePos += nOffset; }
     343             : };
     344             : 
     345             : #endif
     346             : 
     347             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10