Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #ifndef SC_COMPILER_HXX
21 : #define SC_COMPILER_HXX
22 :
23 : #include <string.h>
24 :
25 : #include <tools/mempool.hxx>
26 : #include "scdllapi.h"
27 : #include "global.hxx"
28 : #include "refdata.hxx"
29 : #include "formula/token.hxx"
30 : #include "formula/grammar.hxx"
31 : #include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
32 : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
33 : #include <com/sun/star/sheet/ExternalLinkInfo.hpp>
34 : #include <vector>
35 :
36 : #include <formula/FormulaCompiler.hxx>
37 :
38 : #include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
39 : #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
40 :
41 : //-----------------------------------------------
42 :
43 : // constants and data types also for external modules (ScInterpreter et al)
44 :
45 : #define MAXCODE 512 /* maximum number of tokens in formula */
46 : #define MAXSTRLEN 1024 /* maximum length of input string of one symbol */
47 : #define MAXJUMPCOUNT 32 /* maximum number of jumps (ocChose) */
48 :
49 : // flag values of CharTable
50 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_ILLEGAL 0x00000000
51 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR 0x00000001
52 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_BOOL 0x00000002
53 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_WORD 0x00000004
54 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_VALUE 0x00000008
55 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_STRING 0x00000010
56 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_DONTCARE 0x00000020
57 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_BOOL 0x00000040
58 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_WORD 0x00000080
59 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_WORD_SEP 0x00000100
60 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE 0x00000200
61 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_SEP 0x00000400
62 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_EXP 0x00000800
63 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_SIGN 0x00001000
64 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_VALUE_VALUE 0x00002000
65 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_STRING_SEP 0x00004000
66 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_NAME_SEP 0x00008000 // there can be only one! '\''
67 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_IDENT 0x00010000 // identifier (built-in function) or reference start
68 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_IDENT 0x00020000 // identifier or reference continuation
69 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_ODF_LBRACKET 0x00040000 // ODF '[' reference bracket
70 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_ODF_RBRACKET 0x00080000 // ODF ']' reference bracket
71 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_ODF_LABEL_OP 0x00100000 // ODF '!!' automatic intersection of labels
72 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_ODF_NAME_MARKER 0x00200000 // ODF '$$' marker that starts a defined (range) name
73 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_NAME 0x00400000 // start character of a defined name
74 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_NAME 0x00800000 // continuation character of a defined name
75 : #define SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_ERRCONST 0x01000000 // start character of an error constant ('#')
76 :
77 : #define SC_COMPILER_FILE_TAB_SEP '#' // 'Doc'#Tab
78 :
79 :
80 : class ScDocument;
81 : class ScMatrix;
82 : class ScRangeData;
83 : class ScExternalRefManager;
84 : class ScTokenArray;
85 :
86 : // constants and data types internal to compiler
87 :
88 : /*
89 : OpCode eOp; // OpCode
90 : formula::StackVar eType; // type of data
91 : sal_uInt16 nRefCnt; // reference count
92 : bool bRaw; // not cloned yet and trimmed to real size
93 : */
94 :
95 22341 : struct ScRawTokenBase
96 : {
97 : protected:
98 : OpCode eOp;
99 : formula::StackVar eType;
100 : mutable sal_uInt16 nRefCnt;
101 : bool bRaw;
102 : };
103 :
104 : struct ScDoubleRawToken: private ScRawTokenBase
105 : {
106 : public:
107 : union
108 : { // union only to assure alignment identical to ScRawToken
109 : double nValue;
110 : struct {
111 : sal_uInt8 cByte;
112 : bool bHasForceArray;
113 : } sbyte;
114 : };
115 870 : DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScDoubleRawToken );
116 : };
117 :
118 : struct ScRawToken: private ScRawTokenBase
119 : {
120 : friend class ScCompiler;
121 : // Friends that use a temporary ScRawToken on the stack (and therefor need
122 : // the private dtor) and know what they're doing..
123 : friend class ScTokenArray;
124 : static sal_uInt16 sbyteOffset();
125 : public:
126 : union {
127 : double nValue;
128 : struct {
129 : sal_uInt8 cByte;
130 : bool bHasForceArray;
131 : } sbyte;
132 : ScComplexRefData aRef;
133 : struct {
134 : sal_uInt16 nFileId;
135 : sal_Unicode cTabName[MAXSTRLEN+1];
136 : ScComplexRefData aRef;
137 : } extref;
138 : struct {
139 : sal_uInt16 nFileId;
140 : sal_Unicode cName[MAXSTRLEN+1];
141 : } extname;
142 : struct {
143 : bool bGlobal;
144 : sal_uInt16 nIndex;
145 : } name;
146 : ScMatrix* pMat;
147 : sal_uInt16 nError;
148 : sal_Unicode cStr[ MAXSTRLEN+1 ]; // string (up to 255 characters + 0)
149 : short nJump[MAXJUMPCOUNT+1]; // If/Chose token
150 : };
151 :
152 : //! other members not initialized
153 22341 : ScRawToken() { bRaw = true; }
154 : private:
155 22341 : ~ScRawToken() {} //! only delete via Delete()
156 : public:
158 22338 : formula::StackVar GetType() const { return (formula::StackVar) eType; }
159 8704 : OpCode GetOpCode() const { return (OpCode) eOp; }
160 67 : void NewOpCode( OpCode e ) { eOp = e; }
161 3291 : void IncRef() { nRefCnt++; }
162 3291 : void DecRef() { if( !--nRefCnt ) Delete(); }
163 : sal_uInt16 GetRef() const { return nRefCnt; }
164 : SC_DLLPUBLIC void Delete();
165 :
166 : // Use these methods only on tokens that are not part of a token array,
167 : // since the reference count is cleared!
168 : void SetOpCode( OpCode eCode );
169 : void SetString( const sal_Unicode* pStr );
170 : void SetSingleReference( const ScSingleRefData& rRef );
171 : void SetDoubleReference( const ScComplexRefData& rRef );
172 : void SetDouble( double fVal );
173 : void SetErrorConstant( sal_uInt16 nErr );
174 :
175 : // These methods are ok to use, reference count not cleared.
176 : void SetName(bool bGlobal, sal_uInt16 nIndex);
177 : void SetExternalSingleRef( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScSingleRefData& rRef );
178 : void SetExternalDoubleRef( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScComplexRefData& rRef );
179 : void SetExternalName( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rName );
180 : void SetMatrix( ScMatrix* p );
181 : void SetExternal(const sal_Unicode* pStr);
182 :
183 : /** If the token is a non-external reference, determine if the reference is
184 : valid. If the token is an external reference, return true. Else return
185 : false. Used only in ScCompiler::NextNewToken() to preserve non-existing
186 : sheet names in otherwise valid references.
187 : */
188 : bool IsValidReference() const;
189 :
190 : ScRawToken* Clone() const; // real copy!
191 : formula::FormulaToken* CreateToken() const; // create typified token
192 : void Load( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 nVer );
193 :
194 : static xub_StrLen GetStrLen( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); // as long as a "string" is an array
195 324 : static size_t GetStrLenBytes( xub_StrLen nLen )
196 324 : { return nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode); }
197 108 : static size_t GetStrLenBytes( const sal_Unicode* pStr )
198 108 : { return GetStrLenBytes( GetStrLen( pStr ) ); }
199 : };
200 :
201 3291 : inline void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(ScRawToken* p)
202 : {
203 3291 : p->IncRef();
204 3291 : }
205 :
206 3291 : inline void intrusive_ptr_release(ScRawToken* p)
207 : {
208 3291 : p->DecRef();
209 3291 : }
210 :
211 : typedef ::boost::intrusive_ptr<ScRawToken> ScRawTokenRef;
212 :
213 4143 : class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScCompiler : public formula::FormulaCompiler
214 : {
215 : public:
216 :
217 : enum EncodeUrlMode
218 : {
222 : };
223 :
224 : enum ExtendedErrorDetection
225 : {
226 : EXTENDED_ERROR_DETECTION_NONE = 0, // no error on unknown symbols, default (interpreter handles it)
227 : EXTENDED_ERROR_DETECTION_NAME_BREAK, // name error on unknown symbols and break, pCode incomplete
228 : EXTENDED_ERROR_DETECTION_NAME_NO_BREAK // name error on unknown symbols, don't break, continue
229 : };
230 :
231 : struct Convention
232 : {
233 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention meConv;
234 :
235 : Convention( formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConvP );
236 : virtual ~Convention();
237 :
238 : virtual void MakeRefStr( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
239 : const ScCompiler& rCompiler,
240 : const ScComplexRefData& rRef,
241 : bool bSingleRef ) const = 0;
242 : virtual ::com::sun::star::i18n::ParseResult
243 : parseAnyToken( const String& rFormula,
244 : xub_StrLen nSrcPos,
245 : const CharClass* pCharClass) const = 0;
246 :
247 : /**
248 : * Parse the symbol string and pick up the file name and the external
249 : * range name.
250 : *
251 : * @return true on successful parse, or false otherwise.
252 : */
253 : virtual bool parseExternalName( const String& rSymbol, String& rFile, String& rName,
254 : const ScDocument* pDoc,
255 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<
256 : const ::com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo > * pExternalLinks ) const = 0;
257 :
258 : virtual String makeExternalNameStr( const String& rFile, const String& rName ) const = 0;
259 :
260 : virtual void makeExternalRefStr( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, const ScCompiler& rCompiler,
261 : sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScSingleRefData& rRef,
262 : ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr ) const = 0;
263 :
264 : virtual void makeExternalRefStr( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, const ScCompiler& rCompiler,
265 : sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScComplexRefData& rRef,
266 : ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr ) const = 0;
267 :
268 : enum SpecialSymbolType
269 : {
270 : /**
271 : * Character between sheet name and address. In OOO A1 this is
272 : * '.', while XL A1 and XL R1C1 this is '!'.
273 : */
275 :
276 : /**
277 : * In OOO A1, a sheet name may be prefixed with '$' to indicate an
278 : * absolute sheet position.
279 : */
281 : };
282 : virtual sal_Unicode getSpecialSymbol( SpecialSymbolType eSymType ) const = 0;
283 :
284 : virtual sal_uLong getCharTableFlags( sal_Unicode c, sal_Unicode cLast ) const = 0;
285 :
286 : protected:
287 : const sal_uLong* mpCharTable;
288 : };
289 : friend struct Convention;
290 :
291 : private:
292 :
293 :
294 : static CharClass *pCharClassEnglish; // character classification for en_US locale
295 : static const Convention *pConventions[ formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_LAST ];
296 :
297 : static const Convention * const pConvOOO_A1;
298 : static const Convention * const pConvOOO_A1_ODF;
299 : static const Convention * const pConvXL_A1;
300 : static const Convention * const pConvXL_R1C1;
301 : static const Convention * const pConvXL_OOX;
302 :
303 : static struct AddInMap
304 : {
305 : const char* pODFF;
306 : const char* pEnglish;
307 : bool bMapDupToInternal; // when writing ODFF
308 : const char* pOriginal; // programmatical name
309 : const char* pUpper; // upper case programmatical name
310 : } maAddInMap[];
311 : static const AddInMap* GetAddInMap();
312 : static size_t GetAddInMapCount();
313 :
314 : ScDocument* pDoc;
315 : ScAddress aPos;
316 :
317 : // For CONV_XL_OOX, may be set via API by MOOXML filter.
318 : ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< const ::com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo > maExternalLinks;
319 :
320 : sal_Unicode cSymbol[MAXSTRLEN]; // current Symbol
321 : String aFormula; // formula source code
322 : xub_StrLen nSrcPos; // tokenizer position (source code)
323 : ScRawTokenRef pRawToken;
324 :
325 : const CharClass* pCharClass; // which character classification is used for parseAnyToken
326 : sal_uInt16 mnPredetectedReference; // reference when reading ODF, 0 (none), 1 (single) or 2 (double)
327 : SCsTAB nMaxTab; // last sheet in document
328 : sal_Int32 mnRangeOpPosInSymbol; // if and where a range operator is in symbol
329 : const Convention *pConv;
330 : EncodeUrlMode meEncodeUrlMode;
331 : ExtendedErrorDetection meExtendedErrorDetection;
332 : bool mbCloseBrackets; // whether to close open brackets automatically, default TRUE
333 : bool mbRewind; // whether symbol is to be rewound to some step during lexical analysis
334 :
335 : bool NextNewToken(bool bInArray = false);
336 :
337 : virtual void SetError(sal_uInt16 nError);
338 : xub_StrLen NextSymbol(bool bInArray);
339 : bool IsValue( const String& );
340 : bool IsOpCode( const String&, bool bInArray );
341 : bool IsOpCode2( const String& );
342 : bool IsString();
343 : bool IsReference( const String& );
344 : bool IsSingleReference( const String& );
345 : bool IsPredetectedReference( const String& );
346 : bool IsDoubleReference( const String& );
347 : bool IsMacro( const String& );
348 : bool IsNamedRange( const String& );
349 : bool IsExternalNamedRange( const String& rSymbol );
350 : bool IsDBRange( const String& );
351 : bool IsColRowName( const String& );
352 : bool IsBoolean( const String& );
353 : bool IsErrorConstant( const String& );
354 : void AutoCorrectParsedSymbol();
355 :
356 : void SetRelNameReference();
357 :
358 : /** Obtain range data for ocName token, global or sheet local.
359 :
360 : Prerequisite: rToken is a FormulaIndexToken so IsGlobal() and
361 : GetIndex() can be called on it. We don't check with RTTI.
362 : */
363 : ScRangeData* GetRangeData( const formula::FormulaToken& pToken ) const;
364 :
365 : static void InitCharClassEnglish();
366 :
367 : public:
368 : ScCompiler( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress&);
369 :
370 : ScCompiler( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress&,ScTokenArray& rArr);
371 :
372 : public:
373 : static void DeInit(); /// all
374 :
375 : // for ScAddress::Format()
376 : static void CheckTabQuotes( String& aTabName,
377 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
378 :
379 : /** Analyzes a string for a 'Doc'#Tab construct, or 'Do''c'#Tab etc..
380 :
381 : @returns the position of the unquoted # hash mark in 'Doc'#Tab, or
382 : STRING_NOTFOUND if none. */
383 : static xub_StrLen GetDocTabPos( const String& rString );
384 :
385 : static bool EnQuote( String& rStr );
386 : sal_Unicode GetNativeAddressSymbol( Convention::SpecialSymbolType eType ) const;
387 :
388 : // Check if it is a valid english function name
389 : bool IsEnglishSymbol( const String& rName );
390 :
391 : //! _either_ CompileForFAP _or_ AutoCorrection, _not_ both
392 : // #i101512# SetCompileForFAP is in formula::FormulaCompiler
393 0 : void SetAutoCorrection( bool bVal )
394 0 : { bAutoCorrect = bVal; bIgnoreErrors = bVal; }
395 0 : void SetCloseBrackets( bool bVal ) { mbCloseBrackets = bVal; }
396 : void SetRefConvention( const Convention *pConvP );
397 : void SetRefConvention( const formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv );
398 :
399 : /// Set symbol map if not empty.
400 : void SetFormulaLanguage( const OpCodeMapPtr & xMap );
401 :
402 : void SetGrammar( const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar );
403 :
404 : EncodeUrlMode GetEncodeUrlMode() const;
405 : private:
406 : /** Set grammar and reference convention from within SetFormulaLanguage()
407 : or SetGrammar().
408 :
409 : @param eNewGrammar
410 : The new grammar to be set and the associated reference convention.
411 :
412 : @param eOldGrammar
413 : The previous grammar that was active before SetFormulaLanguage().
414 : */
415 : void SetGrammarAndRefConvention(
416 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eNewGrammar,
417 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eOldGrammar );
418 : public:
419 :
420 : /// Set external link info for ScAddress::CONV_XL_OOX.
421 58 : inline void SetExternalLinks(
422 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<
423 : const ::com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo > & rLinks )
424 : {
425 58 : maExternalLinks = rLinks;
426 58 : }
427 :
428 : void CreateStringFromXMLTokenArray( String& rFormula, String& rFormulaNmsp );
429 : void CreateStringFromXMLTokenArray( rtl::OUString& rFormula, rtl::OUString& rFormulaNmsp );
430 :
431 14 : void SetExtendedErrorDetection( ExtendedErrorDetection eVal ) { meExtendedErrorDetection = eVal; }
432 :
433 0 : bool IsCorrected() { return bCorrected; }
434 0 : const String& GetCorrectedFormula() { return aCorrectedFormula; }
435 :
436 : // Use convention from this->aPos by default
437 : ScTokenArray* CompileString( const String& rFormula );
438 : ScTokenArray* CompileString( const String& rFormula, const String& rFormulaNmsp );
439 86 : const ScDocument* GetDoc() const { return pDoc; }
440 146 : const ScAddress& GetPos() const { return aPos; }
441 :
442 : void MoveRelWrap( SCCOL nMaxCol, SCROW nMaxRow );
443 : static void MoveRelWrap( ScTokenArray& rArr, ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
444 : SCCOL nMaxCol, SCROW nMaxRow );
445 :
446 : bool UpdateNameReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
447 : const ScRange&,
448 : SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz,
449 : bool& rChanged, bool bSharedFormula = false, bool bLocal = false);
450 :
451 : ScRangeData* UpdateReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
452 : const ScAddress& rOldPos, const ScRange&,
453 : SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz,
454 : bool& rChanged, bool& rRefSizeChanged );
455 :
456 : /// Only once for converted shared formulas,
457 : /// token array has to be compiled afterwards.
458 : void UpdateSharedFormulaReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
459 : const ScAddress& rOldPos, const ScRange&,
460 : SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz );
461 :
462 : ScRangeData* UpdateInsertTab(SCTAB nTable, bool bIsName, SCTAB nNewSheets = 1 );
463 : ScRangeData* UpdateDeleteTab(SCTAB nTable, bool bIsMove, bool bIsName, bool& bCompile, SCTAB nSheets = 1);
464 : ScRangeData* UpdateMoveTab(SCTAB nOldPos, SCTAB nNewPos, bool bIsName );
465 :
466 : bool HasModifiedRange();
467 :
468 : /** If the character is allowed as first character in sheet names or
469 : references, includes '$' and '?'. */
470 : static inline bool IsCharWordChar( String const & rStr,
471 : xub_StrLen nPos,
472 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO )
473 : {
474 : sal_Unicode c = rStr.GetChar( nPos );
475 : sal_Unicode cLast = nPos > 0 ? rStr.GetChar(nPos-1) : 0;
476 : if (c < 128)
477 : {
478 : return pConventions[eConv] ? (pConventions[eConv]->getCharTableFlags(c, cLast) & SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_WORD) == SC_COMPILER_C_CHAR_WORD :
479 : false; // no convention => assume invalid
480 : }
481 : else
482 : return ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( rStr, nPos );
483 : }
484 :
485 : /** If the character is allowed in sheet names, thus may be part of a
486 : reference, includes '$' and '?' and such. */
487 : static inline bool IsWordChar( String const & rStr,
488 : xub_StrLen nPos,
489 : const formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO )
490 : {
491 : sal_Unicode c = rStr.GetChar( nPos );
492 : sal_Unicode cLast = nPos > 0 ? rStr.GetChar(nPos-1) : 0;
493 : if (c < 128)
494 : {
495 : return pConventions[eConv] ? (pConventions[eConv]->getCharTableFlags(c, cLast) & SC_COMPILER_C_WORD) == SC_COMPILER_C_WORD :
496 : false; // convention not known => assume invalid
497 : }
498 : else
499 : return ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( rStr, nPos );
500 : }
501 :
502 : /** If the character is allowed as tested by nFlags (SC_COMPILER_C_...
503 : bits) for all known address conventions. If more than one bit is given
504 : in nFlags, all bits must match. If bTestLetterNumeric is false and
505 : char>=128, no LetterNumeric test is done and false is returned. */
506 156 : static inline bool IsCharFlagAllConventions( String const & rStr,
507 : xub_StrLen nPos,
508 : sal_uLong nFlags,
509 : bool bTestLetterNumeric = true )
510 : {
511 156 : sal_Unicode c = rStr.GetChar( nPos );
512 156 : sal_Unicode cLast = nPos > 0 ? rStr.GetChar( nPos-1 ) : 0;
513 156 : if (c < 128)
514 : {
515 1248 : for ( int nConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED;
516 : ++nConv < formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_LAST; )
517 : {
518 1716 : if (pConventions[nConv] &&
519 780 : ((pConventions[nConv]->getCharTableFlags(c, cLast) & nFlags) != nFlags))
520 0 : return false;
521 : // convention not known => assume valid
522 : }
523 156 : return true;
524 : }
525 0 : else if (bTestLetterNumeric)
526 0 : return ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( rStr, nPos );
527 : else
528 0 : return false;
529 : }
530 :
531 : private:
532 : // FormulaCompiler
533 : virtual String FindAddInFunction( const String& rUpperName, bool bLocalFirst ) const;
534 : virtual void fillFromAddInCollectionUpperName( NonConstOpCodeMapPtr xMap ) const;
535 : virtual void fillFromAddInCollectionEnglishName( NonConstOpCodeMapPtr xMap ) const;
536 : virtual void fillFromAddInMap( NonConstOpCodeMapPtr xMap, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar _eGrammar ) const;
537 : virtual void fillAddInToken(::std::vector< ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaOpCodeMapEntry >& _rVec,bool _bIsEnglish) const;
538 :
539 : virtual bool HandleExternalReference(const formula::FormulaToken& _aToken);
540 : virtual bool HandleRange();
541 : virtual bool HandleSingleRef();
542 : virtual bool HandleDbData();
543 :
544 : virtual formula::FormulaTokenRef ExtendRangeReference( formula::FormulaToken & rTok1, formula::FormulaToken & rTok2, bool bReuseDoubleRef );
545 : virtual void CreateStringFromExternal(rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, formula::FormulaToken* pTokenP);
546 : virtual void CreateStringFromSingleRef(rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,formula::FormulaToken* _pTokenP);
547 : virtual void CreateStringFromDoubleRef(rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,formula::FormulaToken* _pTokenP);
548 : virtual void CreateStringFromMatrix( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, formula::FormulaToken* _pTokenP);
549 : virtual void CreateStringFromIndex(rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,formula::FormulaToken* _pTokenP);
550 : virtual void LocalizeString( String& rName ); // modify rName - input: exact name
551 :
552 : /// Access the CharTable flags
553 10080 : inline sal_uLong GetCharTableFlags( sal_Unicode c, sal_Unicode cLast )
554 10080 : { return c < 128 ? pConv->getCharTableFlags(c, cLast) : 0; }
555 : };
556 :
557 : #endif
558 :
559 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */