Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #ifndef _SDTREELB_HXX
21 : #define _SDTREELB_HXX
22 :
23 : #include <svtools/transfer.hxx>
24 :
25 : #include "sdresid.hxx"
26 : #include "pres.hxx"
27 : #include "sddllapi.h"
28 : #include <tools/string.hxx>
29 : #include <svtools/treelistbox.hxx>
30 : #include <svl/urlbmk.hxx>
31 : #include <tools/ref.hxx>
32 : #include "sdxfer.hxx"
33 : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
34 : #include <boost/function.hpp>
35 :
36 : class SdDrawDocument;
37 : class SfxMedium;
38 : class SfxViewFrame;
39 : class SdNavigatorWin;
40 : class SdrObject;
41 : class SdrObjList;
42 : class SdPage;
43 : class SvTreeListEntry;
44 :
45 : namespace sd {
46 : class ViewShell;
47 :
48 : class DrawDocShell;
51 0 : SV_DECL_REF(DrawDocShell)
52 : #endif
53 : }
54 :
55 : /*************************************************************************
56 : |*
57 : |* Effekte-Tab-Dialog
58 : |*
59 : \************************************************************************/
60 :
61 : class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdPageObjsTLB : public SvTreeListBox
62 : {
63 : private:
64 :
65 : static sal_Bool SD_DLLPRIVATE bIsInDrag; // static, falls der Navigator im ExecuteDrag geloescht wird
66 :
67 : public:
68 :
69 : // nested class to implement the TransferableHelper
70 : class SdPageObjsTransferable : public SdTransferable
71 : {
72 : public:
73 : SdPageObjsTransferable(
74 : SdPageObjsTLB& rParent,
75 : const INetBookmark& rBookmark,
76 : ::sd::DrawDocShell& rDocShell,
77 : NavigatorDragType eDragType,
78 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rTreeListBoxData );
79 : ::sd::DrawDocShell& GetDocShell() const;
80 : NavigatorDragType GetDragType() const;
81 :
82 : static const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& getUnoTunnelId();
83 : static SdPageObjsTransferable* getImplementation( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& rxData ) throw();
84 : /** Return a temporary transferable data flavor that is used
85 : internally in the navigator for reordering entries. Its
86 : lifetime ends with the office application.
87 : */
88 : static sal_uInt32 GetListBoxDropFormatId (void);
89 :
90 : private:
91 : /** Temporary drop flavor id that is used internally in the
92 : navigator.
93 : */
94 : static sal_uInt32 mnListBoxDropFormatId;
95 :
96 : SdPageObjsTLB& mrParent;
97 : INetBookmark maBookmark;
98 : ::sd::DrawDocShell& mrDocShell;
99 : NavigatorDragType meDragType;
100 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any maTreeListBoxData;
101 : SD_DLLPRIVATE virtual ~SdPageObjsTransferable();
102 :
103 : SD_DLLPRIVATE virtual void AddSupportedFormats();
104 : SD_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Bool GetData( const ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor& rFlavor );
105 : SD_DLLPRIVATE virtual void DragFinished( sal_Int8 nDropAction );
106 :
107 : SD_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException );
108 : };
109 :
110 : friend class SdPageObjsTLB::SdPageObjsTransferable;
111 :
112 : /** Determine whether the specified page belongs to the current show
113 : which is either the standard show or a custom show.
114 : @param pPage
115 : Pointer to the page for which to check whether it belongs to the
116 : show.
117 : @return
118 : Returns <FALSE/> if there is no custom show or if the current
119 : show does not contain the specified page at least once.
120 : */
121 : bool PageBelongsToCurrentShow (const SdPage* pPage) const;
122 :
123 : protected:
124 :
125 : Window* mpParent;
126 : const SdDrawDocument* mpDoc;
127 : SdDrawDocument* mpBookmarkDoc;
128 : SfxMedium* mpMedium;
129 : SfxMedium* mpOwnMedium;
130 : Image maImgOle;
131 : Image maImgGraphic;
132 : sal_Bool mbLinkableSelected;
133 : sal_Bool mbDragEnabled;
134 : String maDocName;
135 : ::sd::DrawDocShellRef mxBookmarkDocShRef; // Zum Laden von Bookmarks
136 : ::sd::DrawDocShell* mpDropDocSh;
137 : SdNavigatorWin* mpDropNavWin;
138 : SfxViewFrame* mpFrame;
139 :
140 : // DragSourceHelper
141 : virtual void StartDrag( sal_Int8 nAction, const Point& rPosPixel );
142 :
143 : // DropTargetHelper
144 : virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
145 : virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
146 :
147 : virtual void RequestingChildren( SvTreeListEntry* pParent );
148 :
149 : void DoDrag();
150 : void OnDragFinished( sal_uInt8 nDropAction );
151 :
152 : /** Return the name of the object. When the object has no user supplied
153 : name and the bCreate flag is <TRUE/> then a name is created
154 : automatically. Additionally the mbShowAllShapes flag is taken into
155 : account when there is no user supplied name. When this flag is
156 : <FALSE/> then no name is created.
157 : @param pObject
158 : When this is NULL then an empty string is returned, regardless
159 : of the value of bCreate.
160 : @param bCreate
161 : This flag controls for objects without user supplied name
162 : whether a name is created. When a name is created then this
163 : name is not stored in the object.
164 : */
165 : String GetObjectName (
166 : const SdrObject* pObject,
167 : const bool bCreate = true) const;
168 : void CloseBookmarkDoc();
169 : DECL_STATIC_LINK(SdPageObjsTLB, ExecDragHdl, void*);
170 :
171 : /** Handle the reordering of entries in the navigator. This method
172 : reorders both the involved shapes in their page as well as the
173 : associated list box entries.
174 : */
175 : virtual sal_Bool NotifyMoving(
176 : SvTreeListEntry* pTarget,
177 : SvTreeListEntry* pEntry,
178 : SvTreeListEntry*& rpNewParent,
179 : sal_uLong& rNewChildPos);
180 :
181 : using Window::GetDropTarget;
182 : virtual SvTreeListEntry* GetDropTarget (const Point& rLocation);
183 :
184 : public:
185 :
186 : SdPageObjsTLB( Window* pParent, const SdResId& rSdResId );
187 : ~SdPageObjsTLB();
188 :
189 : virtual void SelectHdl();
190 : virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt );
191 :
192 0 : void SetViewFrame( SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame ) { mpFrame = pViewFrame; }
193 : SfxViewFrame* GetViewFrame() const { return mpFrame; }
194 :
195 : void Fill( const SdDrawDocument*, sal_Bool bAllPages, const String& rDocName );
196 : void Fill( const SdDrawDocument*, SfxMedium* pSfxMedium, const String& rDocName );
197 : void SetShowAllShapes (const bool bShowAllShapes, const bool bFill);
198 : bool GetShowAllShapes (void) const;
199 : sal_Bool IsEqualToDoc( const SdDrawDocument* pInDoc = NULL );
200 : sal_Bool HasSelectedChildren( const String& rName );
201 : sal_Bool SelectEntry( const String& rName );
202 : String GetSelectEntry();
203 :
204 : /*************************************************************************
205 : |*
206 : |* Selektierte Eintrage zurueckgeben
207 : |* nDepth == 0 -> Seiten
208 : |* nDepth == 1 -> Objekte
209 : |*
210 : \************************************************************************/
211 :
212 : std::vector<rtl::OUString> GetSelectEntryList (const sal_uInt16 nDepth) const;
213 :
214 : SdDrawDocument* GetBookmarkDoc(SfxMedium* pMedium = NULL);
215 : ::sd::DrawDocShell* GetDropDocSh() { return(mpDropDocSh); }
216 :
217 0 : sal_Bool IsLinkableSelected() const { return mbLinkableSelected; }
218 :
219 : static sal_Bool IsInDrag();
220 : using SvTreeListBox::ExecuteDrop;
221 :
222 : using SvTreeListBox::SelectEntry;
223 :
224 : /** Return the view shell that is linked to the given doc shell.
225 : Call this method when the there is a chance that the doc shell
226 : has been disconnected from the view shell (but not the other
227 : way round.)
228 : @return
229 : May return <NULL/> when the link between view shell and
230 : doc shell has been severed.
231 : */
232 : static ::sd::ViewShell* GetViewShellForDocShell (::sd::DrawDocShell &rDocShell);
233 :
234 : private:
235 : /** This flag controls whether all shapes are shown as children of pages
236 : and group shapes or only the named shapes.
237 : */
238 : bool mbShowAllShapes;
239 : /** This flag controls whether to show all pages.
240 : */
241 : bool mbShowAllPages;
242 :
243 : /** Return <TRUE/> when the current transferable may be dropped at the
244 : given list box entry.
245 : */
246 : bool IsDropAllowed (SvTreeListEntry* pEntry);
247 :
248 : /** This inner class is defined in sdtreelb.cxx and is basically a
249 : container for the icons used in the list box for the entries.
250 : */
251 : class IconProvider;
252 :
253 : /** Add one list box entry for the parent of the given shapes and one child entry for
254 : each of the given shapes.
255 : @param rList
256 : The container of shapes that are to be inserted.
257 : @param pShape
258 : The parent shape or NULL when the parent is a page.
259 : @param rsName
260 : The name to be displayed for the new parent node.
261 : @param bIsExcluded
262 : Some pages can be excluded (from the show?).
263 : @param pParentEntry
264 : The parent entry of the new parent entry.
265 : @param rIconProvider
266 : Icons used to visualize the different shape and page types.
267 : */
268 : void AddShapeList (
269 : const SdrObjList& rList,
270 : SdrObject* pShape,
271 : const ::rtl::OUString& rsName,
272 : const bool bIsExcluded,
273 : SvTreeListEntry* pParentEntry,
274 : const IconProvider& rIconProvider);
275 :
276 : /** Add the given object to a transferable object so that the object can
277 : be dragged and dropped without having a name.
278 : */
279 : void AddShapeToTransferable (
280 : SdTransferable& rTransferable,
281 : SdrObject& rObject) const;
282 : };
283 :
284 : #endif // _SDTREELB_HXX
285 :
286 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */