Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
22 :
23 : #include <sal/types.h>
24 : #include <basebmp/drawmodes.hxx>
25 : #include <basebmp/basebmpdllapi.h>
26 :
27 : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
28 : #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
29 : #include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
30 : #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
31 : #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
32 : #include <vector>
33 :
34 : namespace basegfx
35 : {
36 : class B2IPoint;
37 : class B2DPoint;
38 : class B2IVector;
39 : class B2IBox;
40 : class B2DPolygon;
41 : class B2DPolyPolygon;
42 : }
43 :
44 : namespace basebmp
45 : {
46 :
47 : // Temporary. Use like the tools color object
48 : class Color;
49 : typedef boost::shared_ptr< class BitmapDevice > BitmapDeviceSharedPtr;
50 : typedef boost::shared_ptr< struct IBitmapDeviceDamageTracker > IBitmapDeviceDamageTrackerSharedPtr;
51 : typedef boost::shared_array< sal_uInt8 > RawMemorySharedArray;
52 : typedef boost::shared_ptr< const std::vector<Color> > PaletteMemorySharedVector;
53 :
54 : struct ImplBitmapDevice;
55 :
56 : /// Interface for getting damage tracking events
57 0 : struct IBitmapDeviceDamageTracker
58 : {
59 : /// gets called when said region is clobbered
60 : virtual void damaged(const basegfx::B2IBox& rDamageRect) const = 0;
61 :
62 : protected:
63 0 : ~IBitmapDeviceDamageTracker() {}
64 : };
65 :
66 : /** Definition of BitmapDevice interface
67 :
68 : Use the createBitmapDevice() function to create instances.
69 :
70 : Implementation note: the clip mask and bitmap parameter instances
71 : of BitmapDevice that are passed to individual BitmapDevice
72 : instances work best with 1 bit grey masks for the clip and a
73 : format matching that of the target BitmapDevice for the other
74 : parameters. The alpha mask passed to the drawMaskedColor() methods
75 : works best when given as an eight bit grey bitmap. Everything else
76 : is accepted, but potentially slow.
77 : */
78 : class BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC BitmapDevice : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<BitmapDevice>,
79 : private boost::noncopyable
80 : {
81 : public:
82 : /** Query size of device in pixel
83 : */
84 : basegfx::B2IVector getSize() const;
85 :
86 : /** Query whether buffer starts with 0th scanline
87 :
88 : @return true, if the buffer memory starts with the 0th
89 : scanline, and false if it starts with the last one. The latter
90 : is e.g. the typical scan line ordering for the Windows BMP
91 : format.
92 : */
93 : bool isTopDown() const;
94 :
95 : /** Query type of scanline memory format
96 : */
97 : sal_Int32 getScanlineFormat() const;
98 :
99 : /** Query byte offset to get from scanline n to scanline n+1
100 :
101 : @return the scanline stride in bytes. In the case of
102 : isTopDown()==false, this offset will be negative.
103 : */
104 : sal_Int32 getScanlineStride() const;
105 :
106 : /** Get pointer to frame buffer
107 :
108 : @return a shared ptr to the bitmap buffer memory. As this is a
109 : shared ptr, you can freely store and use the pointer, even
110 : after this object has been deleted.
111 : */
112 : RawMemorySharedArray getBuffer() const;
113 :
114 : /// Query current damage tracking object (if any)
115 : IBitmapDeviceDamageTrackerSharedPtr getDamageTracker() const;
116 :
117 : /** Set new damage tracking object
118 :
119 : @param rDamage
120 : Object implementing the IBitmapDeviceDamageTracker interface -
121 : everytime some area of the surface gets clobbered, that object
122 : gets notified.
123 : */
124 : void setDamageTracker( const IBitmapDeviceDamageTrackerSharedPtr& rDamage );
125 :
126 : /** Get pointer to palette
127 :
128 : The returned pointer is const on purpose, since the
129 : BitmapDevice might internally cache lookup information. Don't
130 : modify the returned data, unless you want to enter the realm
131 : of completely undefined behaviour.
132 :
133 : @return shared pointer to vector of Color entries.
134 : */
135 : PaletteMemorySharedVector getPalette() const;
136 :
137 : /** Clear whole device with given color
138 :
139 : This method works like a fill with the given color value,
140 : resulting in a bitmap uniformly colored in fillColor.
141 : */
142 : void clear( Color fillColor );
143 :
144 : /** Set given pixel to specified color
145 :
146 : @param rPt
147 : Pixel to set
148 :
149 : @param pixelColor
150 : Color value to set the pixel to
151 :
152 : @param drawMode
153 : Draw mode to use when changing the pixel value
154 : */
155 : void setPixel( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt,
156 : Color pixelColor,
157 : DrawMode drawMode );
158 :
159 : /** Set given pixel to specified color
160 :
161 : @param rPt
162 : Pixel to set
163 :
164 : @param pixelColor
165 : Color value to set the pixel to
166 :
167 : @param drawMode
168 : Draw mode to use when changing the pixel value
169 :
170 : @param rClip
171 : Clip mask to use. If the clip mask is 1 at the given pixel
172 : position, no change will take place.
173 : */
174 : void setPixel( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt,
175 : Color pixelColor,
176 : DrawMode drawMode,
177 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
178 :
179 : /** Get color value at given pixel
180 : */
181 : Color getPixel( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt );
182 :
183 : /** Get underlying pixel data value at given position
184 :
185 : This method returns the raw pixel data. In the case of
186 : paletted bitmaps, this is the palette index, not the final
187 : color value.
188 : */
189 : sal_uInt32 getPixelData( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt );
190 :
191 : /** Draw a line
192 :
193 : @param rPt1
194 : Start point of the line
195 :
196 : @param rPt2
197 : End point of the line. If the analytical line from rP1 to rPt2
198 : (with the actual pixel positions assumed to be the center of
199 : the pixel) is exactly in the middle between two pixel, this
200 : method always selects the pixel closer to rPt1.
201 :
202 : @param lineColor
203 : Color value to draw the line with
204 :
205 : @param drawMode
206 : Draw mode to use when changing the pixel value
207 : */
208 : void drawLine( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt1,
209 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt2,
210 : Color lineColor,
211 : DrawMode drawMode );
212 :
213 : /** Draw a line
214 :
215 : @param rPt1
216 : Start point of the line
217 :
218 : @param rPt2
219 : End point of the line. If the analytical line from rP1 to rPt2
220 : (with the actual pixel positions assumed to be the center of
221 : the pixel) is exactly in the middle between two pixel, this
222 : method always selects the pixel closer to rPt1.
223 :
224 : @param lineColor
225 : Color value to draw the line with
226 :
227 : @param drawMode
228 : Draw mode to use when changing the pixel value
229 :
230 : @param rClip
231 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
232 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
233 : */
234 : void drawLine( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt1,
235 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt2,
236 : Color lineColor,
237 : DrawMode drawMode,
238 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
239 :
240 : /** Draw a polygon
241 :
242 : @param rPoly
243 : Polygon to draw. Depending on the value returned by rPoly's
244 : isClosed() method, the resulting line polygon will be drawn
245 : closed or not.
246 :
247 : @param lineColor
248 : Color value to draw the polygon with
249 :
250 : @param drawMode
251 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
252 : */
253 : void drawPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly,
254 : Color lineColor,
255 : DrawMode drawMode );
256 :
257 : /** Draw a polygon
258 :
259 : @param rPoly
260 : Polygon to draw. Depending on the value returned by rPoly's
261 : isClosed() method, the resulting line polygon will be drawn
262 : closed or not.
263 :
264 : @param lineColor
265 : Color value to draw the polygon with
266 :
267 : @param drawMode
268 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
269 :
270 : @param rClip
271 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
272 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
273 : */
274 : void drawPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly,
275 : Color lineColor,
276 : DrawMode drawMode,
277 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
278 :
279 : /** Fill a poly-polygon
280 :
281 : @param rPoly
282 : Poly-polygon to fill. Regardless of the value returned by
283 : rPoly's isClosed() method, the resulting filled poly-polygon
284 : is always considered closed. As usual, when filling a shape,
285 : the rightmost and bottommost pixel are not filled, compared to
286 : the drawPolygon() method. For example, the rectangle
287 : (0,0),(1,1) will have four pixel set, when drawn via
288 : drawPolygon(), and only one pixel, when filled via
289 : fillPolyPolygon().
290 :
291 : @param fillColor
292 : Color value to fill the poly-polygon with
293 :
294 : @param drawMode
295 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
296 : */
297 : void fillPolyPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly,
298 : Color fillColor,
299 : DrawMode drawMode );
300 :
301 : /** Fill a poly-polygon
302 :
303 : @param rPoly
304 : Poly-polygon to fill. Regardless of the value returned by
305 : rPoly's isClosed() method, the resulting filled poly-polygon
306 : is always considered closed. As usual, when filling a shape,
307 : the rightmost and bottommost pixel are not filled, compared to
308 : the drawPolygon() method. For example, the rectangle
309 : (0,0),(1,1) will have four pixel set, when drawn via
310 : drawPolygon(), and only one pixel, when filled via
311 : fillPolyPolygon().
312 :
313 : @param fillColor
314 : Color value to fill the poly-polygon with
315 :
316 : @param drawMode
317 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
318 :
319 : @param rClip
320 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
321 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
322 : */
323 : void fillPolyPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly,
324 : Color fillColor,
325 : DrawMode drawMode,
326 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
327 :
328 : /** Draw another bitmap into this device
329 :
330 : @param rSrcBitmap
331 : Bitmap to render into this one. It is permitted that source
332 : and destination bitmap are the same.
333 :
334 : @param rSrcRect
335 : Rectangle within the source bitmap to take the pixel from.
336 :
337 : @param rDstRect
338 : Rectangle in the destination bitmap to put the pixel
339 : into. Source and destination rectangle are permitted to have
340 : differing sizes; this method will scale the source pixel
341 : accordingly. Please note that both source and destination
342 : rectangle are interpreted excluding the rightmost pixel column
343 : and the bottommost pixel row, this is much like polygon
344 : filling. As a result, filling a given rectangle with
345 : fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same rectangle as the
346 : destination rectangle of this method, will affect exactly the
347 : same set of pixel.
348 :
349 : @param drawMode
350 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
351 : */
352 : void drawBitmap( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
353 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
354 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
355 : DrawMode drawMode );
356 :
357 : /** Draw another bitmap into this device
358 :
359 : @param rSrcBitmap
360 : Bitmap to render into this one. It is permitted that source
361 : and destination bitmap are the same.
362 :
363 : @param rSrcRect
364 : Rectangle within the source bitmap to take the pixel from.
365 :
366 : @param rDstRect
367 : Rectangle in the destination bitmap to put the pixel
368 : into. Source and destination rectangle are permitted to have
369 : differing sizes; this method will scale the source pixel
370 : accordingly. Please note that both source and destination
371 : rectangle are interpreted excluding the rightmost pixel column
372 : and the bottommost pixel row, this is much like polygon
373 : filling. As a result, filling a given rectangle with
374 : fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same rectangle as the
375 : destination rectangle of this method, will affect exactly the
376 : same set of pixel.
377 :
378 : @param drawMode
379 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
380 :
381 : @param rClip
382 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
383 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
384 : */
385 : void drawBitmap( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
386 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
387 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
388 : DrawMode drawMode,
389 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
390 :
391 : /** Draw a color with an alpha-modulation bitmap into this device
392 :
393 : This method takes a fixed color value, and an alpha mask. For
394 : each pixel in the alpha mask, the given color value is blended
395 : with the corresponding alpha value against the content of this
396 : object.
397 :
398 : @param aSrcColor
399 : Color value to use for blending
400 :
401 : @param rAlphaMask
402 : Alpha mask to use for blending. It is permitted that alpha
403 : mask and this bitmap are the same object.
404 :
405 : @param rSrcRect
406 : Rectangle within the alpha mask to take the pixel from.
407 : Please note that the destination rectangle is interpreted
408 : excluding the rightmost pixel column and the bottommost pixel
409 : row, this is much like polygon filling. As a result, filling a
410 : given rectangle with fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same
411 : rectangle as the source rectangle of this method, will affect
412 : exactly the same set of pixel.
413 :
414 : @param rDstPoint
415 : Destination point, where to start placing the pixel from the
416 : source rectangle
417 : */
418 : void drawMaskedColor( Color aSrcColor,
419 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rAlphaMask,
420 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
421 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rDstPoint );
422 :
423 : /** Draw a color with an alpha-modulation bitmap into this device
424 :
425 : This method takes a fixed color value, and an alpha mask. For
426 : each pixel in the alpha mask, the given color value is blended
427 : with the corresponding alpha value against the content of this
428 : object.
429 :
430 : @param aSrcColor
431 : Color value to use for blending
432 :
433 : @param rAlphaMask
434 : Alpha mask to use for blending. It is permitted that alpha
435 : mask and this bitmap are the same object.
436 :
437 : @param rSrcRect
438 : Rectangle within the alpha mask to take the pixel from.
439 : Please note that the destination rectangle is interpreted
440 : excluding the rightmost pixel column and the bottommost pixel
441 : row, this is much like polygon filling. As a result, filling a
442 : given rectangle with fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same
443 : rectangle as the source rectangle of this method, will affect
444 : exactly the same set of pixel.
445 :
446 : @param rDstPoint
447 : Destination point, where to start placing the pixel from the
448 : source rectangle
449 :
450 : @param rClip
451 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
452 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
453 : */
454 : void drawMaskedColor( Color aSrcColor,
455 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rAlphaMask,
456 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
457 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rDstPoint,
458 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
459 :
460 : /** Draw another bitmap through a mask into this device
461 :
462 : This method renders a source bitmap into this device, much
463 : like the drawBitmap() method. The only difference is the
464 : additional mask parameter, which operates much like an
465 : additional clip mask: pixel with value zero in this mask
466 : result in destination pixel not being modified.
467 :
468 : @param rSrcBitmap
469 : Bitmap to render into this one. It is permitted that source
470 : and destination bitmap are the same.
471 :
472 : @param rMask
473 : Bitmap to use as a mask. Pixel with value != zero in this mask
474 : will result in destination pixel not being affected by the
475 : blit operation.
476 :
477 : @param rSrcRect
478 : Rectangle within the source bitmap to take the pixel from.
479 :
480 : @param rDstRect
481 : Rectangle in the destination bitmap to put the pixel
482 : into. Source and destination rectangle are permitted to have
483 : differing sizes; this method will scale the source pixel
484 : accordingly. Please note that both source and destination
485 : rectangle are interpreted excluding the rightmost pixel column
486 : and the bottommost pixel row, this is much like polygon
487 : filling. As a result, filling a given rectangle with
488 : fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same rectangle as the
489 : destination rectangle of this method, will affect exactly the
490 : same set of pixel.
491 :
492 : @param drawMode
493 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
494 : */
495 : void drawMaskedBitmap( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
496 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rMask,
497 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
498 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
499 : DrawMode drawMode );
500 :
501 : /** Draw another bitmap through a mask into this device
502 :
503 : This method renders a source bitmap into this device, much
504 : like the drawBitmap() method. The only difference is the
505 : additional mask parameter, which operates much like an
506 : additional clip mask: pixel with value != zero in this mask
507 : result in destination pixel not being modified.
508 :
509 : @param rSrcBitmap
510 : Bitmap to render into this one. It is permitted that source
511 : and destination bitmap are the same.
512 :
513 : @param rMask
514 : Bitmap to use as a mask. Pixel with value != zero in this mask
515 : will result in destination pixel not being affected by the
516 : blit operation.
517 :
518 : @param rSrcRect
519 : Rectangle within the source bitmap to take the pixel from.
520 :
521 : @param rDstRect
522 : Rectangle in the destination bitmap to put the pixel
523 : into. Source and destination rectangle are permitted to have
524 : differing sizes; this method will scale the source pixel
525 : accordingly. Please note that both source and destination
526 : rectangle are interpreted excluding the rightmost pixel column
527 : and the bottommost pixel row, this is much like polygon
528 : filling. As a result, filling a given rectangle with
529 : fillPolyPolygon(), and using the same rectangle as the
530 : destination rectangle of this method, will affect exactly the
531 : same set of pixel.
532 :
533 : @param drawMode
534 : Draw mode to use when changing pixel values
535 :
536 : @param rClip
537 : Clip mask to use. Pixel where the corresponding clip mask
538 : pixel is 1 will not be modified.
539 : */
540 : void drawMaskedBitmap( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
541 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rMask,
542 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
543 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
544 : DrawMode drawMode,
545 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip );
546 :
547 : protected:
548 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE BitmapDevice( const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
549 : sal_Int32 nScanlineFormat,
550 : sal_Int32 nScanlineStride,
551 : sal_uInt8* pFirstScanline,
552 : const RawMemorySharedArray& rMem,
553 : const PaletteMemorySharedVector& rPalette );
554 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual ~BitmapDevice();
555 :
556 : private:
557 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool isCompatibleBitmap( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& bmp ) const = 0;
558 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool isCompatibleClipMask( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& bmp ) const = 0;
559 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool isCompatibleAlphaMask( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& bmp ) const = 0;
560 :
561 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void clear_i( Color fillColor,
562 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds ) = 0;
563 :
564 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void setPixel_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt,
565 : Color lineColor,
566 : DrawMode drawMode ) = 0;
567 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void setPixel_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt,
568 : Color lineColor,
569 : DrawMode drawMode,
570 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
571 :
572 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual Color getPixel_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt ) = 0;
573 :
574 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_uInt32 getPixelData_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt ) = 0;
575 :
576 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawLine_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt1,
577 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt2,
578 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
579 : Color lineColor,
580 : DrawMode drawMode ) = 0;
581 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawLine_i( const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt1,
582 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rPt2,
583 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
584 : Color lineColor,
585 : DrawMode drawMode,
586 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
587 :
588 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawPolygon_i( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly,
589 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
590 : Color lineColor,
591 : DrawMode drawMode ) = 0;
592 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawPolygon_i( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly,
593 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
594 : Color lineColor,
595 : DrawMode drawMode,
596 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
597 :
598 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void fillPolyPolygon_i( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly,
599 : Color fillColor,
600 : DrawMode drawMode,
601 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds ) = 0;
602 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void fillPolyPolygon_i( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly,
603 : Color fillColor,
604 : DrawMode drawMode,
605 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rBounds,
606 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
607 :
608 : // must work with *this == rSrcBitmap!
609 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawBitmap_i( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
610 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
611 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
612 : DrawMode drawMode ) = 0;
613 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawBitmap_i( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
614 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
615 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
616 : DrawMode drawMode,
617 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
618 :
619 : // must work with *this == rSrcBitmap!
620 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawMaskedColor_i( Color rSrcColor,
621 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rAlphaMask,
622 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
623 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rDstPoint ) = 0;
624 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawMaskedColor_i( Color rSrcColor,
625 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rAlphaMask,
626 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
627 : const basegfx::B2IPoint& rDstPoint,
628 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
629 :
630 : // must work with *this == rSrcBitmap!
631 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawMaskedBitmap_i( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
632 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rMask,
633 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
634 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
635 : DrawMode drawMode ) = 0;
636 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void drawMaskedBitmap_i( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rSrcBitmap,
637 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rMask,
638 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSrcRect,
639 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rDstRect,
640 : DrawMode drawMode,
641 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rClip ) = 0;
642 :
643 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual IBitmapDeviceDamageTrackerSharedPtr getDamageTracker_i() const = 0;
644 : BASEBMP_DLLPRIVATE virtual void setDamageTracker_i( const IBitmapDeviceDamageTrackerSharedPtr& rDamage ) = 0;
645 :
646 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr getGenericRenderer() const;
647 :
648 : boost::scoped_ptr< ImplBitmapDevice > mpImpl;
649 : };
650 :
651 : /** Function to create a BitmapDevice for given scanline format
652 : */
653 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC createBitmapDevice( const basegfx::B2IVector& rSize,
654 : bool bTopDown,
655 : sal_Int32 nScanlineFormat );
656 :
657 : /** Function to create a BitmapDevice for given scanline format
658 : with the given palette
659 :
660 : Note: the provided palette must have sufficient size, to satisfy
661 : lookups for the whole range of pixel values from the specified
662 : format.
663 : */
664 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC createBitmapDevice( const basegfx::B2IVector& rSize,
665 : bool bTopDown,
666 : sal_Int32 nScanlineFormat,
667 : const PaletteMemorySharedVector& rPalette );
668 :
669 : /** Function to create a BitmapDevice for given scanline format
670 : from the given piece of raw memory and palette
671 :
672 : Note: the provided memory must have sufficient size, to store the
673 : image of the specified area and format.
674 : */
675 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC createBitmapDevice( const basegfx::B2IVector& rSize,
676 : bool bTopDown,
677 : sal_Int32 nScanlineFormat,
678 : const RawMemorySharedArray& rMem,
679 : const PaletteMemorySharedVector& rPalette );
680 :
681 :
682 : /** Function to retrieve a subsetted BitmapDevice to the same
683 : memory.
684 :
685 : This method creates a second bitmap device instance, which renders
686 : to the same memory as the original, but to a limited, rectangular
687 : area. Useful to implement rectangular clips (usually faster than
688 : setting up a 1bpp clip mask).
689 : */
690 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC subsetBitmapDevice( const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rProto,
691 : const basegfx::B2IBox& rSubset );
692 :
693 : /** Function to clone a BitmapDevice from a given prototype.
694 :
695 : All attributes (like scanline format and top-down state) are
696 : copied, only the size can be varied. Note that the prototype's
697 : bitmap content is <em>not</em> copied, only a palette (if any).
698 : */
699 : BitmapDeviceSharedPtr BASEBMP_DLLPUBLIC cloneBitmapDevice( const basegfx::B2IVector& rSize,
700 : const BitmapDeviceSharedPtr& rProto );
701 :
702 : }
703 :
705 :
706 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */