LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/solver/ - fshelper.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 25 25 100.0 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 27 40 67.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef _SAX_FS_HELPER_HXX_
      21             : #define _SAX_FS_HELPER_HXX_
      22             : 
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/XReference.hpp>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/io/XOutputStream.hpp>
      25             : #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastTokenHandler.hpp>
      26             : #include <stdarg.h>
      27             : #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
      28             : #include <sax/fastattribs.hxx>
      29             : 
      30             : #define FSNS(namespc, element) ((namespc << 16) | element)
      31             : // Backwards compatibility for code that used FSEND to terminate the vararg.
      32             : // As soon as no supported LO version has the varargs code, this can be removed entirely
      33             : // (otherwise backports might break silently if people didn't add FSEND).
      34             : // Ctor is there to get an error when trying to pass it to a vararg by accident.
      35         315 : struct FSEND_t { FSEND_t() {}; };
      36         315 : static const FSEND_t FSEND = FSEND_t();
      37             : const sal_Int32 FSEND_internal = -1; // same as XML_TOKEN_INVALID
      38             : 
      39             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, num ) arg1##num, arg2##num convert
      40             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG1( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 1 )
      41             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG2( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG1( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 2 )
      42             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG3( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG2( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 3 )
      43             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG4( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG3( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 4 )
      44             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG5( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG4( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 5 )
      45             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG6( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG5( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 6 )
      46             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG7( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG6( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 7 )
      47             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG8( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG7( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 8 )
      48             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG9( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG8( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 9 )
      49             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG10( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG9( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 10 )
      50             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG11( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG10( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 11 )
      51             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG12( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG11( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 12 )
      52             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG13( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG12( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 13 )
      53             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG14( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG13( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 14 )
      54             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG15( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG14( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 15 )
      55             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG16( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG15( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 16 )
      56             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG17( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG16( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 17 )
      57             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG18( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG17( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 18 )
      58             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG19( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG18( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 19 )
      59             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG20( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG19( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 20 )
      60             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG21( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG20( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 21 )
      61             : #define SAX_ARGS_ARG22( arg1, arg2, convert ) SAX_ARGS_ARG21( arg1, arg2, convert ), SAX_ARGS_ARG( arg1, arg2, convert, 22 )
      62             : 
      63             : namespace sax_fastparser {
      64             : 
      65             : enum MergeMarksEnum { MERGE_MARKS_APPEND = 0, MERGE_MARKS_PREPEND = 1, MERGE_MARKS_POSTPONE = 2 };
      66             : 
      67             : typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > XFastAttributeListRef;
      68             : 
      69             : class FastSaxSerializer;
      70             : 
      71             : class SAX_DLLPUBLIC FastSerializerHelper
      72             : {
      73             : public:
      74             : 
      75             :     FastSerializerHelper( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >& xOutputStream, bool bWriteHeader = true );
      76             : 
      77             :     ~FastSerializerHelper();
      78             : 
      79             :     /// Start an element. After the first argument there can be a number of (attribute, value) pairs.
      80         322 :     void startElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, FSEND_t)
      81         322 :         { startElementInternal( elementTokenId, FSEND_internal ); }
      82             :     /// overload
      83          53 :     void startElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const char* value, FSEND_t)
      84          53 :         { startElementInternal( elementTokenId, attribute, value, FSEND_internal ); }
      85             :     /// overload
      86             :     void startElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const OString& value, FSEND_t)
      87             :         { startElementInternal( elementTokenId, attribute, value.getStr(), FSEND_internal ); }
      88             :     /// Create a single element. After the first argument there can be a number of (attribute, value) pairs.
      89           5 :     void singleElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, FSEND_t)
      90           5 :         { singleElementInternal( elementTokenId, FSEND_internal ); }
      91             :     /// overload
      92          67 :     void singleElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const char* value, FSEND_t)
      93          67 :         { singleElementInternal( elementTokenId, attribute, value, FSEND_internal ); }
      94             :     /// overload
      95             :     void singleElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const OString& value, FSEND_t)
      96             :         { singleElementInternal( elementTokenId, attribute, value.getStr(), FSEND_internal ); }
      97             :     /// Start an element. After the first two arguments there can be a number of (attribute, value) pairs.
      98        1532 :     void startElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, FSEND_t)
      99        1532 :         { startElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), FSEND_internal ); }
     100             :     /// overload
     101         515 :     void startElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const char* value, FSEND_t)
     102         515 :         { startElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), attribute, value, FSEND_internal ); }
     103             :     /// overload
     104             :     void startElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const OString& value, FSEND_t)
     105             :         { startElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), attribute, value.getStr(), FSEND_internal ); }
     106             :     /// Create a single element. After the first two arguments there can be a number of (attribute, value) pairs.
     107         142 :     void singleElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, FSEND_t)
     108         142 :         { singleElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), FSEND_internal ); }
     109             :     /// overload
     110        1527 :     void singleElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const char* value, FSEND_t)
     111        1527 :         { singleElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), attribute, value, FSEND_internal ); }
     112             :     /// overload
     113             :     void singleElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, sal_Int32 attribute, const OString& value, FSEND_t)
     114             :         { singleElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), attribute, value.getStr(), FSEND_internal ); }
     115             :     void endElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId);
     116        2291 :     inline void endElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId)
     117        2291 :         { endElement( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId ) ); }
     118             : 
     119             :     void singleElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, XFastAttributeListRef xAttrList);
     120         655 :     inline void singleElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, XFastAttributeListRef xAttrList)
     121         655 :         { singleElement(FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), xAttrList); }
     122             : 
     123             :     void startElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, XFastAttributeListRef xAttrList);
     124          29 :     inline void startElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, XFastAttributeListRef xAttrList)
     125          29 :         { startElement( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId ), xAttrList ); }
     126             : 
     127             :     FastSerializerHelper* write(const char* value);
     128             :     FastSerializerHelper* write(const rtl::OUString& value);
     129             :     FastSerializerHelper* write(sal_Int32 value);
     130             :     FastSerializerHelper* write(sal_Int64 value);
     131             :     FastSerializerHelper* write(double value);
     132             : 
     133             :     FastSerializerHelper* writeEscaped(const char* value);
     134             :     FastSerializerHelper* writeEscaped(const rtl::OUString& value);
     135             : 
     136             :     FastSerializerHelper* writeId(sal_Int32 tokenId);
     137             : 
     138             :     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream > getOutputStream();
     139             : 
     140             :     FastAttributeList *createAttrList();
     141             : 
     142             :     void mark( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aOrder =
     143             :             ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >() );
     144             :     void mergeTopMarks( MergeMarksEnum eMergeType = MERGE_MARKS_APPEND );
     145             : 
     146             :     /*
     147             :       Now create all the overloads in a typesafe way (i.e. without varargs) by creating a number of overloads
     148             :       up to a certain reasonable limit (feel free to raise it). This would be a lot easier with C++11 vararg templates.
     149             :     */
     150             :     // now overloads for 2 and more pairs
     151             :     #define SAX_ARGS_FUNC_DECL( argsdecl, argsuse ) \
     152             :         void startElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, argsdecl, FSEND_t) \
     153             :             { startElementInternal( elementTokenId, argsuse, FSEND_internal ); } \
     154             :         void singleElement(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, argsdecl, FSEND_t) \
     155             :             { singleElementInternal( elementTokenId, argsuse, FSEND_internal ); } \
     156             :         void startElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, argsdecl, FSEND_t) \
     157             :             { startElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), argsuse, FSEND_internal ); } \
     158             :         void singleElementNS(sal_Int32 namespaceTokenId, sal_Int32 elementTokenId, argsdecl, FSEND_t) \
     159             :             { singleElementInternal( FSNS( namespaceTokenId, elementTokenId), argsuse, FSEND_internal ); }
     160             :     #define SAX_ARGS_FUNC_NUM( decl1, decl2, use1, use2, convert, num ) \
     161             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_DECL( SAX_ARGS_ARG##num( decl1, decl2, ), SAX_ARGS_ARG##num( use1, use2, convert ))
     162             :     #define SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( type, convert, num ) \
     163             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_NUM( sal_Int32 attribute, type value, attribute, value, convert, num )
     164             :     #define SAX_ARGS_FUNC( arg, convert ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 2 ) \
     165             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 3 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 4 ) \
     166             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 5 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 6 ) \
     167             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 7 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 8 ) \
     168             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 9 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 10 ) \
     169             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 11 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 12 ) \
     170             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 13 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 14 ) \
     171             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 15 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 16 ) \
     172             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 17 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 18 ) \
     173             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 19 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 20 ) \
     174             :         SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 21 ) SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST( arg, convert, 22 )
     175         625 :     SAX_ARGS_FUNC( const char*, )
     176             :     SAX_ARGS_FUNC( const OString&, .getStr() )
     177             :     #undef SAX_ARGS_FUNC_DECL
     178             :     #undef SAX_ARGS_FUNC_NUM
     179             :     #undef SAX_ARGS_FUNC_SUBST
     180             :     #undef SAX_ARGS_FUNC
     181             : 
     182             : private:
     183             :     void startElementInternal(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, ...);
     184             :     void singleElementInternal(sal_Int32 elementTokenId, ...);
     185             : 
     186             :     FastSaxSerializer* mpSerializer;
     187             :     com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::sax::XFastTokenHandler> mxTokenHandler;
     188             : 
     189             : };
     190             : 
     191             : typedef boost::shared_ptr< FastSerializerHelper > FSHelperPtr;
     192             : 
     193             : }
     194             : 
     195             : #endif // _SAX_FS_HELPER_HXX_
     196             : 
     197             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10