Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
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9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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19 : #ifndef _TOOLS_RESMGR_HXX
20 : #define _TOOLS_RESMGR_HXX
21 :
22 : #include "tools/toolsdllapi.h"
23 : #include <i18npool/lang.h>
24 : #include <tools/string.hxx>
25 : #include <tools/resid.hxx>
26 : #include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
27 :
28 : #include <vector>
29 :
30 : class SvStream;
31 : class InternalResMgr;
32 :
33 : /// Defines structure used to build resource
34 : struct RSHEADER_TYPE
35 : {
36 : private:
37 : sal_uInt32 nId; ///< Identifier of resource
38 : RESOURCE_TYPE nRT; ///< Resource type
39 : sal_uInt32 nGlobOff; ///< Global offset
40 : sal_uInt32 nLocalOff; ///< Local offset
41 :
42 : public:
43 : inline sal_uInt32 GetId(); ///< Identifier of resource
44 : inline RESOURCE_TYPE GetRT(); ///< Resource type
45 : inline sal_uInt32 GetGlobOff(); ///< Global offset
46 : inline sal_uInt32 GetLocalOff(); ///< Local offset
47 : };
48 :
49 : typedef rtl::OUString (*ResHookProc)( const rtl::OUString& rStr );
50 :
51 : // Initialization
52 : #define RC_NOTYPE 0x00
53 : // Global resource
54 : #define RC_GLOBAL 0x01
55 : #define RC_AUTORELEASE 0x02
56 : #define RC_NOTFOUND 0x04
57 : #define RC_FALLBACK_DOWN 0x08
58 : #define RC_FALLBACK_UP 0x10
59 :
60 : class Resource;
61 : class ResMgr;
62 :
63 : struct ImpRCStack
64 : {
65 : // pResource and pClassRes equal NULL: resource was not loaded
66 : RSHEADER_TYPE * pResource; ///< pointer to resource
67 : void * pClassRes; ///< pointer to class specified init data
68 : short Flags; ///< resource status
69 : void * aResHandle; ///< Resource-Identifier from InternalResMgr
70 : const Resource* pResObj; ///< pointer to Resource object
71 : sal_uInt32 nId; ///< ResId used for error message
72 : ResMgr* pResMgr; ///< ResMgr for Resource pResObj
73 :
74 : void Clear();
75 : void Init( ResMgr * pMgr, const Resource * pObj, sal_uInt32 nId );
76 : };
77 :
78 : class TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC ResMgr
79 : {
80 : private:
81 : InternalResMgr* pImpRes;
82 : std::vector< ImpRCStack > aStack; ///< resource context stack
83 : int nCurStack;
84 : ResMgr* pFallbackResMgr; ///< fallback ResMgr in case the Resource
85 : ///< was not contained in this ResMgr
86 : ResMgr* pOriginalResMgr; ///< the res mgr that fell back to this
87 : ///< stack level
88 :
89 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void incStack();
90 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void decStack();
91 :
92 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE const ImpRCStack * StackTop( sal_uInt32 nOff = 0 ) const
93 : {
94 : return (((int)nOff >= nCurStack) ? NULL : &aStack[nCurStack-nOff]);
95 : }
96 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void Init( const rtl::OUString& rFileName );
97 :
98 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE ResMgr( InternalResMgr * pImp );
99 :
100 : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
101 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static void RscError_Impl( const sal_Char* pMessage,
102 : ResMgr* pResMgr,
104 : sal_uInt32 nId,
105 : std::vector< ImpRCStack >& rResStack,
106 : int nDepth );
107 : #endif
108 :
109 : // called from within GetResource() if a resource could not be found
110 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE ResMgr* CreateFallbackResMgr( const ResId& rId,
111 : const Resource* pResource );
112 : // creates a 1k sized buffer set to zero for unfound resources
113 : // used in case RC_NOTFOUND
114 : static void* pEmptyBuffer;
115 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static void* getEmptyBuffer();
116 :
117 : // the next two methods are needed to prevent the string hook called
118 : // with the res mgr mutex locked
119 : // like GetString, but doesn't call the string hook
120 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static sal_uInt32 GetStringWithoutHook( UniString& rStr,
121 : const sal_uInt8* pStr );
122 : // like ReadString but doesn't call the string hook
123 : TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE UniString ReadStringWithoutHook();
124 :
125 : static ResMgr* ImplCreateResMgr( InternalResMgr* pImpl ) { return new ResMgr( pImpl ); }
126 :
127 : // no copying
128 : ResMgr(const ResMgr&);
129 : ResMgr& operator=(const ResMgr&);
130 :
131 : public:
132 : static void DestroyAllResMgr(); ///< Called upon app shutdown
133 :
134 : ~ResMgr();
135 :
136 : /// Language-dependent resource library
137 : static const sal_Char* GetLang( LanguageType& eLanguage, sal_uInt16 nPrio = 0 ); ///< @deprecated see "tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx"
138 : static ResMgr* SearchCreateResMgr( const sal_Char* pPrefixName,
139 : com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale );
140 : static ResMgr* CreateResMgr( const sal_Char* pPrefixName,
141 : com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLocale = com::sun::star::lang::Locale( rtl::OUString(),
142 : rtl::OUString(),
143 : rtl::OUString()));
144 :
145 : /// Test whether resource still exists
146 : void TestStack( const Resource * );
147 :
148 : /// Check whether resource is available
149 : sal_Bool IsAvailable( const ResId& rId,
150 : const Resource* = NULL) const;
151 :
152 : /// Search and load resource, given its ID
153 : sal_Bool GetResource( const ResId& rId, const Resource * = NULL );
154 : static void * GetResourceSkipHeader( const ResId& rResId, ResMgr ** ppResMgr );
155 : /// Free resource context
156 : void PopContext( const Resource* = NULL );
157 :
158 : /// Incremet resource pointer
159 : void* Increment( sal_uInt32 nSize );
160 :
161 : /// Size of an object within the resource
162 528 : static sal_uInt32 GetObjSize( RSHEADER_TYPE* pHT )
163 528 : { return( pHT->GetGlobOff() ); }
164 :
165 : /// Return a string and its length out of the resource
166 : static sal_uInt32 GetString( UniString& rStr, const sal_uInt8* pStr );
167 : /// Return a byte string and its length out of the resource
168 : static sal_uInt32 GetByteString( rtl::OString& rStr, const sal_uInt8* pStr );
169 :
170 : /// Return the size of a string in the resource
171 : static sal_uInt32 GetStringSize( sal_uInt32 nLen )
172 : { nLen++; return (nLen + nLen%2); }
173 : static sal_uInt32 GetStringSize( const sal_uInt8* pStr, sal_uInt32& nLen );
174 :
175 : /// Return a int64
176 : static sal_uInt64 GetUInt64( void* pDatum );
177 : /// Return a long
178 : static sal_Int32 GetLong( void * pLong );
179 : /// Return a short
180 : static sal_Int16 GetShort( void * pShort );
181 :
182 : /// Return a pointer to the resource
183 : void * GetClass();
184 :
185 : RSHEADER_TYPE * CreateBlock( const ResId & rId );
186 :
187 : sal_uInt32 GetRemainSize();
188 :
189 : const rtl::OUString& GetFileName() const;
190 :
191 : sal_Int16 ReadShort();
192 : sal_Int32 ReadLong();
193 : UniString ReadString();
194 : rtl::OString ReadByteString();
195 :
196 : /// Generate auto help ID for current resource stack
197 : rtl::OString GetAutoHelpId();
198 :
199 : static void SetReadStringHook( ResHookProc pProc );
200 : static ResHookProc GetReadStringHook();
201 : static void SetDefaultLocale( const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale );
202 : };
203 :
204 : inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetId()
205 : {
206 : return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nId );
207 : }
208 :
210 : {
211 : return (RESOURCE_TYPE)ResMgr::GetLong( &nRT );
212 : }
213 :
214 528 : inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetGlobOff()
215 : {
216 528 : return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nGlobOff );
217 : }
218 :
219 : inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetLocalOff()
220 : {
221 : return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nLocalOff );
222 : }
223 :
224 : #endif
225 :
226 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */