LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/starmath/source - node.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 856 1573 54.4 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 96 156 61.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : 
      21             : #include "node.hxx"
      22             : #include "rect.hxx"
      23             : #include "symbol.hxx"
      24             : #include "smmod.hxx"
      25             : #include "document.hxx"
      26             : #include "view.hxx"
      27             : #include "mathtype.hxx"
      28             : #include "visitors.hxx"
      29             : 
      30             : #include <comphelper/string.hxx>
      31             : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
      32             : #include <tools/fract.hxx>
      33             : #include <rtl/math.hxx>
      34             : #include <tools/color.hxx>
      35             : #include <vcl/metric.hxx>
      36             : #include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
      37             : #include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
      38             : #include <sfx2/module.hxx>
      39             : 
      40             : #include <math.h>
      41             : #include <float.h>
      42             : 
      43             : 
      44             : #define APPEND(str,ascii) str.AppendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(ascii))
      45             : 
      46             : 
      47             : using ::rtl::OUString;
      48             : 
      49             : 
      50             : ////////////////////////////////////////
      51             : // SmTmpDevice
      52             : // Allows for font and color changes. The original settings will be restored
      53             : // in the destructor.
      54             : // It's main purpose is to allow for the "const" in the 'OutputDevice'
      55             : // argument in the 'Arrange' functions and restore changes made in the 'Draw'
      56             : // functions.
      57             : // Usually a MapMode of 1/100th mm will be used.
      58             : //
      59             : 
      60             : class SmTmpDevice
      61             : {
      62             :     OutputDevice  &rOutDev;
      63             : 
      64             :     // disallow use of copy-constructor and assignment-operator
      65             :     SmTmpDevice(const SmTmpDevice &rTmpDev);
      66             :     SmTmpDevice & operator = (const SmTmpDevice &rTmpDev);
      67             : 
      68             :     Color   Impl_GetColor( const Color& rColor );
      69             : 
      70             : public:
      71             :     SmTmpDevice(OutputDevice &rTheDev, bool bUseMap100th_mm);
      72        7771 :     ~SmTmpDevice()  { rOutDev.Pop(); }
      73             : 
      74             :     void SetFont(const Font &rNewFont);
      75             : 
      76             :     void SetLineColor( const Color& rColor )    { rOutDev.SetLineColor( Impl_GetColor(rColor) ); }
      77             :     void SetFillColor( const Color& rColor )    { rOutDev.SetFillColor( Impl_GetColor(rColor) ); }
      78             :     void SetTextColor( const Color& rColor )    { rOutDev.SetTextColor( Impl_GetColor(rColor) ); }
      79             : 
      80        4788 :     operator OutputDevice & () { return rOutDev; }
      81             : };
      82             : 
      83             : 
      84        7771 : SmTmpDevice::SmTmpDevice(OutputDevice &rTheDev, bool bUseMap100th_mm) :
      85        7771 :     rOutDev(rTheDev)
      86             : {
      87             :     rOutDev.Push( PUSH_FONT | PUSH_MAPMODE |
      88        7771 :                   PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR | PUSH_TEXTCOLOR );
      89        7771 :     if (bUseMap100th_mm  &&  MAP_100TH_MM != rOutDev.GetMapMode().GetMapUnit())
      90             :     {
      91             :         OSL_FAIL( "incorrect MapMode?" );
      92           0 :         rOutDev.SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );     //Immer fuer 100% fomatieren
      93             :     }
      94        7771 : }
      95             : 
      96             : 
      97        7771 : Color SmTmpDevice::Impl_GetColor( const Color& rColor )
      98             : {
      99        7771 :     ColorData nNewCol = rColor.GetColor();
     100        7771 :     if (COL_AUTO == nNewCol)
     101             :     {
     102        7735 :         if (OUTDEV_PRINTER == rOutDev.GetOutDevType())
     103          26 :             nNewCol = COL_BLACK;
     104             :         else
     105             :         {
     106        7709 :             Color aBgCol( rOutDev.GetBackground().GetColor() );
     107        7709 :             if (OUTDEV_WINDOW == rOutDev.GetOutDevType())
     108           0 :                 aBgCol = ((Window &) rOutDev).GetDisplayBackground().GetColor();
     109             : 
     110        7709 :             nNewCol = SM_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor;
     111             : 
     112        7709 :             Color aTmpColor( nNewCol );
     113        7709 :             if (aBgCol.IsDark() && aTmpColor.IsDark())
     114           0 :                 nNewCol = COL_WHITE;
     115        7709 :             else if (aBgCol.IsBright() && aTmpColor.IsBright())
     116           0 :                 nNewCol = COL_BLACK;
     117             :         }
     118             :     }
     119        7771 :     return Color( nNewCol );
     120             : }
     121             : 
     122             : 
     123        7771 : void SmTmpDevice::SetFont(const Font &rNewFont)
     124             : {
     125        7771 :     rOutDev.SetFont( rNewFont );
     126        7771 :     rOutDev.SetTextColor( Impl_GetColor( rNewFont.GetColor() ) );
     127        7771 : }
     128             : 
     129             : 
     130             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     131             : 
     132             : 
     133       11913 : SmNode::SmNode(SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken)
     134             : {
     135       11913 :     eType      = eNodeType;
     136       11913 :     eScaleMode = SCALE_NONE;
     137       11913 :     aNodeToken = rNodeToken;
     138       11913 :     nAccIndex  = -1;
     139       11913 :     SetSelected(false);
     140       11913 :     aParentNode = NULL;
     141       11913 : }
     142             : 
     143             : 
     144       11119 : SmNode::~SmNode()
     145             : {
     146       11119 : }
     147             : 
     148             : 
     149           0 : bool SmNode::IsVisible() const
     150             : {
     151           0 :     return false;
     152             : }
     153             : 
     154             : 
     155           0 : sal_uInt16 SmNode::GetNumSubNodes() const
     156             : {
     157           0 :     return 0;
     158             : }
     159             : 
     160             : 
     161           0 : SmNode * SmNode::GetSubNode(sal_uInt16 /*nIndex*/)
     162             : {
     163           0 :     return NULL;
     164             : }
     165             : 
     166             : 
     167        8595 : SmNode * SmNode::GetLeftMost()
     168             :     //  returns leftmost node of current subtree.
     169             :     //! (this assumes the one with index 0 is always the leftmost subnode
     170             :     //! for the current node).
     171             : {
     172        8595 :     SmNode *pNode = GetNumSubNodes() > 0 ?
     173        8595 :                         GetSubNode(0) : NULL;
     174             : 
     175        8595 :     return pNode ? pNode->GetLeftMost() : this;
     176             : }
     177             : 
     178             : 
     179           0 : void SmNode::SetPhantom(bool bIsPhantomP)
     180             : {
     181           0 :     if (! (Flags() & FLG_VISIBLE))
     182           0 :         bIsPhantom = bIsPhantomP;
     183             : 
     184             :     SmNode *pNode;
     185           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     186           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     187           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     188           0 :             pNode->SetPhantom(bIsPhantom);
     189           0 : }
     190             : 
     191             : 
     192           0 : void SmNode::SetColor(const Color& rColor)
     193             : {
     194           0 :     if (! (Flags() & FLG_COLOR))
     195           0 :         GetFont().SetColor(rColor);
     196             : 
     197             :     SmNode *pNode;
     198           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     199           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     200           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     201           0 :             pNode->SetColor(rColor);
     202           0 : }
     203             : 
     204             : 
     205           0 : void SmNode::SetAttribut(sal_uInt16 nAttrib)
     206             : {
     207           0 :     if (
     208           0 :         (nAttrib == ATTR_BOLD && !(Flags() & FLG_BOLD)) ||
     209           0 :         (nAttrib == ATTR_ITALIC && !(Flags() & FLG_ITALIC))
     210             :        )
     211             :     {
     212           0 :         nAttributes |= nAttrib;
     213             :     }
     214             : 
     215             :     SmNode *pNode;
     216           0 :     sal_uInt16 nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     217           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     218           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     219           0 :             pNode->SetAttribut(nAttrib);
     220           0 : }
     221             : 
     222             : 
     223           0 : void SmNode::ClearAttribut(sal_uInt16 nAttrib)
     224             : {
     225           0 :     if (
     226           0 :         (nAttrib == ATTR_BOLD && !(Flags() & FLG_BOLD)) ||
     227           0 :         (nAttrib == ATTR_ITALIC && !(Flags() & FLG_ITALIC))
     228             :        )
     229             :     {
     230           0 :         nAttributes &= ~nAttrib;
     231             :     }
     232             : 
     233             :     SmNode *pNode;
     234           0 :     sal_uInt16 nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     235           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     236           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     237           0 :             pNode->ClearAttribut(nAttrib);
     238           0 : }
     239             : 
     240             : 
     241          12 : void SmNode::SetFont(const SmFace &rFace)
     242             : {
     243          12 :     if (!(Flags() & FLG_FONT))
     244          12 :         GetFont() = rFace;
     245             : 
     246             :     SmNode *pNode;
     247          12 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     248          24 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     249          12 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     250           6 :             pNode->SetFont(rFace);
     251          12 : }
     252             : 
     253             : 
     254           0 : void SmNode::SetFontSize(const Fraction &rSize, sal_uInt16 nType)
     255             :     //! 'rSize' is in units of pts
     256             : {
     257           0 :     Size  aFntSize;
     258             : 
     259           0 :     if (!(Flags() & FLG_SIZE))
     260             :     {
     261             :         Fraction  aVal (SmPtsTo100th_mm(rSize.GetNumerator()),
     262           0 :                         rSize.GetDenominator());
     263           0 :         long      nHeight = (long)aVal;
     264             : 
     265           0 :         aFntSize = GetFont().GetSize();
     266           0 :         aFntSize.Width() = 0;
     267           0 :         switch(nType)
     268             :         {
     269             :             case FNTSIZ_ABSOLUT:
     270           0 :                 aFntSize.Height() = nHeight;
     271           0 :                 break;
     272             : 
     273             :             case FNTSIZ_PLUS:
     274           0 :                 aFntSize.Height() += nHeight;
     275           0 :                 break;
     276             : 
     277             :             case FNTSIZ_MINUS:
     278           0 :                 aFntSize.Height() -= nHeight;
     279           0 :                 break;
     280             : 
     281             :             case FNTSIZ_MULTIPLY:
     282           0 :                 aFntSize.Height()   = (long) (Fraction(aFntSize.Height()) * rSize);
     283           0 :                 break;
     284             : 
     285             :             case FNTSIZ_DIVIDE:
     286           0 :                 if (rSize != Fraction(0L))
     287           0 :                     aFntSize.Height()   = (long) (Fraction(aFntSize.Height()) / rSize);
     288           0 :                 break;
     289             :             default:
     290           0 :                 break;
     291             :         }
     292             : 
     293             :         // check the requested size against maximum value
     294           0 :         static int const    nMaxVal = SmPtsTo100th_mm(128);
     295           0 :         if (aFntSize.Height() > nMaxVal)
     296           0 :             aFntSize.Height() = nMaxVal;
     297             : 
     298           0 :         GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
     299             :     }
     300             : 
     301             :     SmNode *pNode;
     302           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     303           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     304           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     305           0 :             pNode->SetFontSize(rSize, nType);
     306           0 : }
     307             : 
     308             : 
     309        1737 : void SmNode::SetSize(const Fraction &rSize)
     310             : {
     311        1737 :     GetFont() *= rSize;
     312             : 
     313             :     SmNode *pNode;
     314        1737 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     315        2379 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     316         642 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     317         642 :             pNode->SetSize(rSize);
     318        1737 : }
     319             : 
     320             : 
     321        2436 : void SmNode::SetRectHorAlign(RectHorAlign eHorAlign, bool bApplyToSubTree )
     322             : {
     323        2436 :     if (!(Flags() & FLG_HORALIGN))
     324        2436 :         eRectHorAlign = eHorAlign;
     325             : 
     326        2436 :     if (bApplyToSubTree)
     327             :     {
     328             :         SmNode *pNode;
     329           6 :         sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     330           6 :         for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     331           0 :             if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     332           0 :                 pNode->SetRectHorAlign(eHorAlign);
     333             :     }
     334        2436 : }
     335             : 
     336             : 
     337        3902 : void SmNode::PrepareAttributes()
     338             : {
     339        3902 :     GetFont().SetWeight((Attributes() & ATTR_BOLD)   ? WEIGHT_BOLD   : WEIGHT_NORMAL);
     340        3902 :     GetFont().SetItalic((Attributes() & ATTR_ITALIC) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE);
     341        3902 : }
     342             : 
     343             : 
     344       11867 : void SmNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
     345             : {
     346             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     347             :     bIsDebug    = true;
     348             : #else
     349       11867 :     bIsDebug    = false;
     350             : #endif
     351       11867 :     bIsPhantom  = false;
     352       11867 :     nFlags      = 0;
     353       11867 :     nAttributes = 0;
     354             : 
     355       11867 :     switch (rFormat.GetHorAlign())
     356           0 :     {   case AlignLeft:     eRectHorAlign = RHA_LEFT;   break;
     357       11867 :         case AlignCenter:   eRectHorAlign = RHA_CENTER; break;
     358           0 :         case AlignRight:    eRectHorAlign = RHA_RIGHT;  break;
     359             :     }
     360             : 
     361       11867 :     GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_MATH);
     362             :     OSL_ENSURE( GetFont().GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE,
     363             :             "unexpected CharSet" );
     364       11867 :     GetFont().SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
     365       11867 :     GetFont().SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
     366             : 
     367             :     SmNode *pNode;
     368       11867 :     sal_uInt16      nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     369       24749 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     370       12882 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     371       10870 :             pNode->Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
     372       11867 : }
     373             : 
     374           0 : sal_uInt16 SmNode::FindIndex() const
     375             : {
     376           0 :     const SmStructureNode* pParent = GetParent();
     377           0 :     if (!pParent) { return 0; }
     378             : 
     379           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pParent->GetNumSubNodes(); ++i) {
     380           0 :         if (pParent->GetSubNode(i) == this) {
     381           0 :             return i;
     382             :         }
     383             :     }
     384             : 
     385             :     DBG_ASSERT(false, "Connection between parent and child is inconsistent.");
     386           0 :     return 0;
     387             : }
     388             : 
     389             : 
     390             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     391             : void  SmNode::ToggleDebug() const
     392             :     // toggle 'bIsDebug' in current subtree
     393             : {
     394             :     SmNode *pThis = (SmNode *) this;
     395             : 
     396             :     pThis->bIsDebug = bIsDebug ? false : true;
     397             : 
     398             :     SmNode *pNode;
     399             :     sal_uInt16      nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     400             :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
     401             :         if (NULL != (pNode = pThis->GetSubNode(i)))
     402             :             pNode->ToggleDebug();
     403             : }
     404             : #endif
     405             : 
     406             : 
     407       22213 : void SmNode::Move(const Point& rPosition)
     408             : {
     409       22213 :     if (rPosition.X() == 0  &&  rPosition.Y() == 0)
     410       22213 :         return;
     411             : 
     412       22213 :     SmRect::Move(rPosition);
     413             : 
     414             :     SmNode *pNode;
     415       22213 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     416       44816 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     417       22603 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     418       17953 :             pNode->Move(rPosition);
     419             : }
     420             : 
     421             : 
     422           0 : void SmNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
     423             : {
     424             :     SmNode *pNode;
     425           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     426           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     427           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     428           0 :             pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     429           0 : }
     430             : 
     431           0 : void SmNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
     432             : {
     433             :     SmNode *pNode;
     434           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     435           0 :     if (nSize > 1)
     436           0 :         rText.Append('{');
     437           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     438           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     439           0 :             pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
     440           0 :     if (nSize > 1)
     441             :     {
     442           0 :         rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
     443           0 :         APPEND(rText,"} ");
     444             :     }
     445           0 : }
     446             : 
     447             : 
     448           0 : void SmNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong /*nWidth*/)
     449             : {
     450           0 : }
     451             : 
     452             : 
     453           0 : void SmNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong /*nHeight*/)
     454             : {
     455           0 : }
     456             : 
     457             : 
     458           0 : const SmNode * SmNode::FindTokenAt(sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) const
     459             :     // returns (first) ** visible ** (sub)node with the tokens text at
     460             :     // position 'nRow', 'nCol'.
     461             :     //! (there should be exactly one such node if any)
     462             : {
     463           0 :     if (    IsVisible()
     464           0 :         &&  nRow == GetToken().nRow
     465           0 :         &&  nCol >= GetToken().nCol  &&  nCol < GetToken().nCol + GetToken().aText.getLength())
     466           0 :         return this;
     467             :     else
     468             :     {
     469           0 :         sal_uInt16  nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
     470           0 :         for (sal_uInt16  i = 0;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i++)
     471           0 :         {   const SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
     472             : 
     473           0 :             if (!pNode)
     474           0 :                 continue;
     475             : 
     476           0 :             const SmNode *pResult = pNode->FindTokenAt(nRow, nCol);
     477           0 :             if (pResult)
     478           0 :                 return pResult;
     479             :         }
     480             :     }
     481             : 
     482           0 :     return 0;
     483             : }
     484             : 
     485             : 
     486           0 : const SmNode * SmNode::FindRectClosestTo(const Point &rPoint) const
     487             : {
     488           0 :     long          nDist   = LONG_MAX;
     489           0 :     const SmNode *pResult = 0;
     490             : 
     491           0 :     if (IsVisible())
     492           0 :         pResult = this;
     493             :     else
     494             :     {
     495           0 :         sal_uInt16  nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
     496           0 :         for (sal_uInt16  i = 0;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i++)
     497           0 :         {   const SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
     498             : 
     499           0 :             if (!pNode)
     500           0 :                 continue;
     501             : 
     502             :             long  nTmp;
     503           0 :             const SmNode *pFound = pNode->FindRectClosestTo(rPoint);
     504           0 :             if (pFound  &&  (nTmp = pFound->OrientedDist(rPoint)) < nDist)
     505           0 :             {   nDist   = nTmp;
     506           0 :                 pResult = pFound;
     507             : 
     508             :                 // quit immediately if 'rPoint' is inside the *should not
     509             :                 // overlap with other rectangles* part.
     510             :                 // This (partly) serves for getting the attributes in eg
     511             :                 // "bar overstrike a".
     512             :                 // ('nDist < 0' is used as *quick shot* to avoid evaluation of
     513             :                 // the following expression, where the result is already determined)
     514           0 :                 if (nDist < 0  &&  pFound->IsInsideRect(rPoint))
     515           0 :                     break;
     516             :             }
     517             :         }
     518             :     }
     519             : 
     520           0 :     return pResult;
     521             : }
     522             : 
     523           0 : void SmNode::GetAccessibleText( OUStringBuffer &/*rText*/ ) const
     524             : {
     525             :     OSL_FAIL( "SmNode: GetAccessibleText not overloaded" );
     526           0 : }
     527             : 
     528           0 : const SmNode * SmNode::FindNodeWithAccessibleIndex(xub_StrLen nAccIdx) const
     529             : {
     530           0 :     const SmNode *pResult = 0;
     531             : 
     532           0 :     sal_Int32 nIdx = GetAccessibleIndex();
     533           0 :     OUStringBuffer aTxt;
     534           0 :     if (nIdx >= 0)
     535           0 :         GetAccessibleText( aTxt );  // get text if used in following 'if' statement
     536             : 
     537           0 :     if (nIdx >= 0
     538           0 :         &&  nIdx <= nAccIdx  &&  nAccIdx < nIdx + aTxt.getLength())
     539           0 :         pResult = this;
     540             :     else
     541             :     {
     542           0 :         sal_uInt16  nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
     543           0 :         for (sal_uInt16  i = 0;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i++)
     544             :         {
     545           0 :             const SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
     546           0 :             if (!pNode)
     547           0 :                 continue;
     548             : 
     549           0 :             pResult = pNode->FindNodeWithAccessibleIndex(nAccIdx);
     550           0 :             if (pResult)
     551           0 :                 return pResult;
     552             :         }
     553             :     }
     554             : 
     555           0 :     return pResult;
     556             : }
     557             : 
     558             : #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLE_DUMPASDOT
     559             : void SmNode::DumpAsDot(std::ostream &out, OUString* label, int number, int& id, int parent) const
     560             : {
     561             :     //If this is the root start the file
     562             :     if(number == -1){
     563             :         out<<"digraph {"<<std::endl;
     564             :         if(label){
     565             :             out<<"labelloc = \"t\";"<<std::endl;
     566             :             OUString eq(*label);
     567             :             //CreateTextFromNode(eq);
     568             :             eq = eq.replaceAll("\n", " ");
     569             :             eq = eq.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");
     570             :             eq = eq.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"");
     571             :             out<<"label= \"Equation: \\\"";
     572             :             out<< rtl::OUStringToOString(eq, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr();
     573             :             out<<"\\\"\";"<<std::endl;
     574             :         }
     575             :     }
     576             : 
     577             :     //Some how out<<(int)this; doesn't work... So we  do this nasty workaround...
     578             :     char strid[100];
     579             :     sprintf(strid, "%i", id);
     580             : 
     581             :     char strnr[100];
     582             :     sprintf(strnr, "%i", number);
     583             : 
     584             :     //Dump connection to this node
     585             :     if( parent != -1 ){
     586             :         char pid[100];
     587             :         sprintf(pid, "%i", parent);
     588             :         out<<"n"<<pid<<" -> n"<<strid<<" [label=\""<<strnr<<"\"];"<<std::endl;
     589             :     //If doesn't have parent and isn't a rootnode:
     590             :     } else if(number != -1) {
     591             :         out<<"orphaned -> n"<<strid<<" [label=\""<<strnr<<"\"];"<<std::endl;
     592             :     }
     593             : 
     594             :     //Dump this node
     595             :     out<<"n"<< strid<<" [label=\"";
     596             :     switch( GetType() ) {
     597             :         case NTABLE:           out<<"SmTableNode"; break;
     598             :         case NBRACE:           out<<"SmBraceNode"; break;
     599             :         case NBRACEBODY:       out<<"SmBracebodyNode"; break;
     600             :         case NOPER:            out<<"SmOperNode"; break;
     601             :         case NALIGN:           out<<"SmAlignNode"; break;
     602             :         case NATTRIBUT:        out<<"SmAttributNode"; break;
     603             :         case NFONT:            out<<"SmFontNode"; break;
     604             :         case NUNHOR:           out<<"SmUnHorNode"; break;
     605             :         case NBINHOR:          out<<"SmBinHorNode"; break;
     606             :         case NBINVER:          out<<"SmBinVerNode"; break;
     607             :         case NBINDIAGONAL:     out<<"SmBinDiagonalNode"; break;
     608             :         case NSUBSUP:          out<<"SmSubSupNode"; break;
     609             :         case NMATRIX:          out<<"SmMatrixNode"; break;
     610             :         case NPLACE:           out<<"SmPlaceNode"; break;
     611             :         case NTEXT:
     612             :             out<<"SmTextNode: ";
     613             :             out<< rtl::OUStringToOString(((SmTextNode*)this)->GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr();
     614             :             break;
     615             :         case NSPECIAL:             out<<"SmSpecialNode"; break;
     616             :         case NGLYPH_SPECIAL:   out<<"SmGlyphSpecialNode"; break;
     617             :         case NMATH:
     618             :             out<<"SmMathSymbolNode: ";
     619             :             out<< rtl::OUStringToOString(((SmMathSymbolNode*)this)->GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr();
     620             :             break;
     621             :         case NBLANK:           out<<"SmBlankNode"; break;
     622             :         case NERROR:           out<<"SmErrorNode"; break;
     623             :         case NLINE:            out<<"SmLineNode"; break;
     624             :         case NEXPRESSION:      out<<"SmExpressionNode"; break;
     625             :         case NPOLYLINE:        out<<"SmPolyLineNode"; break;
     626             :         case NROOT:            out<<"SmRootNode"; break;
     627             :         case NROOTSYMBOL:      out<<"SmRootSymbolNode"; break;
     628             :         case NRECTANGLE:       out<<"SmRectangleNode"; break;
     629             :         case NVERTICAL_BRACE:  out<<"SmVerticalBraceNode"; break;
     630             :         default:
     631             :             out<<"Unknown Node";
     632             :     }
     633             :     out<<"\"";
     634             :     if(IsSelected())
     635             :         out<<", style=dashed";
     636             :     out<<"];"<<std::endl;
     637             : 
     638             :     //Dump subnodes
     639             :     int myid = id;
     640             :     const SmNode *pNode;
     641             :     sal_uInt16 nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     642             :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize;  i++)
     643             :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     644             :             pNode->DumpAsDot(out, NULL, i, ++id, myid);
     645             : 
     646             :     //If this is the root end the file
     647             :     if( number == -1 )
     648             :         out<<"}"<<std::endl;
     649             : }
     650             : #endif /* DEBUG_ENABLE_DUMPASDOT */
     651             : 
     652           0 : long SmNode::GetFormulaBaseline() const
     653             : {
     654             :     OSL_FAIL( "This dummy implementation should not have been called." );
     655           0 :     return 0;
     656             : }
     657             : 
     658             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     659             : 
     660           0 : SmStructureNode::SmStructureNode( const SmStructureNode &rNode ) :
     661           0 :     SmNode( rNode.GetType(), rNode.GetToken() )
     662             : {
     663             :     sal_uLong i;
     664           0 :     for (i = 0;  i < aSubNodes.size();  i++)
     665           0 :         delete aSubNodes[i];
     666           0 :     aSubNodes.resize(0);
     667             : 
     668           0 :     sal_uLong nSize = rNode.aSubNodes.size();
     669           0 :     aSubNodes.resize( nSize );
     670           0 :     for (i = 0;  i < nSize;  ++i)
     671             :     {
     672           0 :         SmNode *pNode = rNode.aSubNodes[i];
     673           0 :         aSubNodes[i] = pNode ? new SmNode( *pNode ) : 0;
     674             :     }
     675           0 :     ClaimPaternity();
     676           0 : }
     677             : 
     678             : 
     679       12238 : SmStructureNode::~SmStructureNode()
     680             : {
     681             :     SmNode *pNode;
     682             : 
     683       18108 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < GetNumSubNodes();  i++)
     684       11989 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     685       10159 :             delete pNode;
     686        6119 : }
     687             : 
     688             : 
     689           0 : SmStructureNode & SmStructureNode::operator = ( const SmStructureNode &rNode )
     690             : {
     691           0 :     SmNode::operator = ( rNode );
     692             : 
     693             :     sal_uLong i;
     694           0 :     for (i = 0;  i < aSubNodes.size();  i++)
     695           0 :         delete aSubNodes[i];
     696           0 :     aSubNodes.resize(0);
     697             : 
     698           0 :     sal_uLong nSize = rNode.aSubNodes.size();
     699           0 :     aSubNodes.resize( nSize );
     700           0 :     for (i = 0;  i < nSize;  ++i)
     701             :     {
     702           0 :         SmNode *pNode = rNode.aSubNodes[i];
     703           0 :         aSubNodes[i] = pNode ? new SmNode( *pNode ) : 0;
     704             :     }
     705             : 
     706           0 :     ClaimPaternity();
     707             : 
     708           0 :     return *this;
     709             : }
     710             : 
     711             : 
     712        1777 : void SmStructureNode::SetSubNodes(SmNode *pFirst, SmNode *pSecond, SmNode *pThird)
     713             : {
     714        1777 :     size_t nSize = pThird ? 3 : (pSecond ? 2 : (pFirst ? 1 : 0));
     715        1777 :     aSubNodes.resize( nSize );
     716        1777 :     if (pFirst)
     717        1510 :         aSubNodes[0] = pFirst;
     718        1777 :     if (pSecond)
     719        1554 :         aSubNodes[1] = pSecond;
     720        1777 :     if (pThird)
     721        1163 :         aSubNodes[2] = pThird;
     722             : 
     723        1777 :     ClaimPaternity();
     724        1777 : }
     725             : 
     726             : 
     727        5016 : void SmStructureNode::SetSubNodes(const SmNodeArray &rNodeArray)
     728             : {
     729        5016 :     aSubNodes = rNodeArray;
     730        5016 :     ClaimPaternity();
     731        5016 : }
     732             : 
     733             : 
     734           0 : bool SmStructureNode::IsVisible() const
     735             : {
     736           0 :     return false;
     737             : }
     738             : 
     739             : 
     740       85145 : sal_uInt16 SmStructureNode::GetNumSubNodes() const
     741             : {
     742       85145 :     return (sal_uInt16) aSubNodes.size();
     743             : }
     744             : 
     745             : 
     746      154372 : SmNode * SmStructureNode::GetSubNode(sal_uInt16 nIndex)
     747             : {
     748      154372 :     return aSubNodes[nIndex];
     749             : }
     750             : 
     751             : 
     752           0 : void SmStructureNode::GetAccessibleText( OUStringBuffer &rText ) const
     753             : {
     754           0 :     sal_uInt16 nNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
     755           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nNodes;  ++i)
     756             :     {
     757           0 :         const SmNode *pNode = ((SmStructureNode *) this)->GetSubNode(i);
     758           0 :         if (pNode)
     759             :         {
     760           0 :             if (pNode->IsVisible())
     761           0 :                 ((SmStructureNode *) pNode)->nAccIndex = rText.getLength();
     762           0 :             pNode->GetAccessibleText( rText );
     763             :         }
     764             :     }
     765           0 : }
     766             : 
     767             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     768             : 
     769             : 
     770           0 : bool SmVisibleNode::IsVisible() const
     771             : {
     772           0 :     return true;
     773             : }
     774             : 
     775             : 
     776       21513 : sal_uInt16 SmVisibleNode::GetNumSubNodes() const
     777             : {
     778       21513 :     return 0;
     779             : }
     780             : 
     781             : 
     782           0 : SmNode * SmVisibleNode::GetSubNode(sal_uInt16 /*nIndex*/)
     783             : {
     784           0 :     return NULL;
     785             : }
     786             : 
     787             : 
     788             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     789             : 
     790           0 : void SmGraphicNode::GetAccessibleText( OUStringBuffer &rText ) const
     791             : {
     792           0 :     rText.append(GetToken().aText);
     793           0 : }
     794             : 
     795             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     796             : 
     797             : 
     798           0 : void SmExpressionNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
     799             : {
     800             :     SmNode *pNode;
     801           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     802           0 :     if (nSize > 1)
     803           0 :         rText.Append('{');
     804           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     805           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     806             :         {
     807           0 :             pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
     808             :             //Just a bit of foo to make unary +asd -asd +-asd -+asd look nice
     809           0 :             if (pNode->GetType() == NMATH)
     810           0 :                 if ((nSize != 2) || ((rText.GetChar(rText.Len()-1) != '+') &&
     811           0 :                     (rText.GetChar(rText.Len()-1) != '-')))
     812           0 :                     rText.Append(' ');
     813             :         }
     814             : 
     815           0 :     if (nSize > 1)
     816             :     {
     817           0 :         rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
     818           0 :         APPEND(rText,"} ");
     819             :     }
     820           0 : }
     821             : 
     822             : 
     823             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     824             : 
     825         507 : void SmTableNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
     826             :     // arranges all subnodes in one column
     827             : {
     828             :     SmNode *pNode;
     829         507 :     sal_uInt16  nSize   = GetNumSubNodes();
     830             : 
     831             :     // make distance depend on font size
     832         507 :     long  nDist = +(rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_VERTICAL)
     833         507 :                     * GetFont().GetSize().Height()) / 100L;
     834             : 
     835         507 :     if (nSize < 1)
     836         507 :         return;
     837             : 
     838             :     // arrange subnodes and get maximum width of them
     839         507 :     long  nMaxWidth = 0,
     840             :           nTmp;
     841             :     sal_uInt16 i;
     842        1074 :     for (i = 0; i < nSize;  i++)
     843         567 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     844         567 :         {   pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     845         567 :             if ((nTmp = pNode->GetItalicWidth()) > nMaxWidth)
     846         525 :                 nMaxWidth = nTmp;
     847             :         }
     848             : 
     849         507 :     Point  aPos;
     850         507 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(nMaxWidth, 1));
     851        1074 :     for (i = 0;  i < nSize;  i++)
     852         567 :     {   if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     853         567 :         {   const SmRect &rNodeRect = pNode->GetRect();
     854         567 :             const SmNode *pCoNode   = pNode->GetLeftMost();
     855         567 :             RectHorAlign  eHorAlign = pCoNode->GetRectHorAlign();
     856             : 
     857             :             aPos = rNodeRect.AlignTo(*this, RP_BOTTOM,
     858         567 :                         eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
     859         567 :             if (i)
     860          60 :                 aPos.Y() += nDist;
     861         567 :             pNode->MoveTo(aPos);
     862         567 :             ExtendBy(rNodeRect, nSize > 1 ? RCP_NONE : RCP_ARG);
     863             :         }
     864             :     }
     865             :     // #i972#
     866         507 :     if (HasBaseline())
     867         398 :         nFormulaBaseline = GetBaseline();
     868             :     else
     869             :     {
     870         109 :         SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, sal_True);
     871         109 :         aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
     872             : 
     873             :         SmRect aRect = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rtl::OUString("a"),
     874         109 :                                GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
     875         109 :         nFormulaBaseline = GetAlignM();
     876             :         // move from middle position by constant - distance
     877             :         // between middle and baseline for single letter
     878         109 :         nFormulaBaseline += aRect.GetBaseline() - aRect.GetAlignM();
     879             :     }
     880             : }
     881             : 
     882             : 
     883          90 : SmNode * SmTableNode::GetLeftMost()
     884             : {
     885          90 :     return this;
     886             : }
     887             : 
     888             : 
     889         286 : long SmTableNode::GetFormulaBaseline() const
     890             : {
     891         286 :     return nFormulaBaseline;
     892             : }
     893             : 
     894             : 
     895             : /**************************************************************************/
     896             : 
     897             : 
     898        3697 : void SmLineNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
     899             : {
     900        3697 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
     901             : 
     902             :     // Here we use the 'FNT_VARIABLE' font since it's ascent and descent in general fit better
     903             :     // to the rest of the formula compared to the 'FNT_MATH' font.
     904        3697 :     GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
     905        3697 :     Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
     906        3697 : }
     907             : 
     908             : 
     909             : /**************************************************************************/
     910             : 
     911             : 
     912        2883 : void SmLineNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
     913             :     // arranges all subnodes in one row with some extra space between
     914             : {
     915             :     SmNode *pNode;
     916        2883 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
     917             :     sal_uInt16 i;
     918        6655 :     for (i = 0; i < nSize;  i++)
     919        3772 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     920        3772 :             pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     921             : 
     922        2883 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
     923        2883 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
     924             : 
     925        2883 :     if (nSize < 1)
     926             :     {
     927             :         // provide an empty rectangle with alignment parameters for the "current"
     928             :         // font (in order to make "a^1 {}_2^3 a_4" work correct, that is, have the
     929             :         // same sub-/supscript positions.)
     930             :         //! be sure to use a character that has explicitly defined HiAttribut
     931             :         //! line in rect.cxx such as 'a' in order to make 'vec a' look same to
     932             :         //! 'vec {a}'.
     933             :         SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rtl::OUString("a"),
     934          21 :                             GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
     935             :         // make sure that the rectangle occupies (almost) no space
     936          21 :         SetWidth(1);
     937          21 :         SetItalicSpaces(0, 0);
     938        2883 :         return;
     939             :     }
     940             : 
     941             :     // make distance depend on font size
     942        2862 :     long nDist = (rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL) * GetFont().GetSize().Height()) / 100L;
     943        2862 :     if (!IsUseExtraSpaces())
     944           0 :         nDist = 0;
     945             : 
     946        2862 :     Point   aPos;
     947             :     // copy the first node into LineNode and extend by the others
     948        2862 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(0)))
     949        2862 :         SmRect::operator = (pNode->GetRect());
     950             : 
     951        3772 :     for (i = 1;  i < nSize;  i++)
     952         910 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i)))
     953             :         {
     954         910 :             aPos = pNode->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
     955             : 
     956             :             // add horizontal space to the left for each but the first sub node
     957         910 :             aPos.X() += nDist;
     958             : 
     959         910 :             pNode->MoveTo(aPos);
     960         910 :             ExtendBy( *pNode, RCP_XOR );
     961        2883 :         }
     962             : }
     963             : 
     964             : 
     965             : /**************************************************************************/
     966             : 
     967             : 
     968        2430 : void SmExpressionNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
     969             :     // as 'SmLineNode::Arrange' but keeps alignment of leftmost subnode
     970             : {
     971        2430 :     SmLineNode::Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     972             : 
     973             :     //  copy alignment of leftmost subnode if any
     974        2430 :     SmNode *pNode = GetLeftMost();
     975        2430 :     if (pNode)
     976        2430 :         SetRectHorAlign(pNode->GetRectHorAlign(), false);
     977        2430 : }
     978             : 
     979             : 
     980             : /**************************************************************************/
     981             : 
     982             : 
     983           6 : void SmUnHorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
     984             : {
     985           6 :     bool  bIsPostfix = GetToken().eType == TFACT;
     986             : 
     987           6 :     SmNode *pOper = GetSubNode(bIsPostfix ? 1 : 0),
     988           6 :            *pBody = GetSubNode(bIsPostfix ? 0 : 1);
     989             :     OSL_ENSURE(pOper, "Sm: NULL pointer");
     990             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
     991             : 
     992           6 :     pOper->SetSize(Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR), 100));
     993           6 :     pOper->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     994           6 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
     995             : 
     996             :     Point  aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*pBody, bIsPostfix ? RP_RIGHT : RP_LEFT,
     997           6 :                         RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
     998             :     // add a bit space between operator and argument
     999             :     // (worst case -{1 over 2} where - and over have almost no space inbetween)
    1000           6 :     long  nDelta = pOper->GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 20;
    1001           6 :     if (bIsPostfix)
    1002           0 :         aPos.X() += nDelta;
    1003             :     else
    1004           6 :         aPos.X() -= nDelta;
    1005           6 :     pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
    1006             : 
    1007           6 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    1008           6 :     long  nOldBot = GetBottom();
    1009             : 
    1010           6 :     ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_XOR);
    1011             : 
    1012             :     // workaround for Bug 50865: "a^2 a^+2" have different baselines
    1013             :     // for exponents (if size of exponent is large enough)
    1014           6 :     SetBottom(nOldBot);
    1015           6 : }
    1016             : 
    1017             : 
    1018             : /**************************************************************************/
    1019             : 
    1020             : 
    1021          36 : void SmRootNode::GetHeightVerOffset(const SmRect &rRect,
    1022             :                                     long &rHeight, long &rVerOffset) const
    1023             :     // calculate height and vertical offset of root sign suitable for 'rRect'
    1024             : {
    1025          36 :     rVerOffset = (rRect.GetBottom() - rRect.GetAlignB()) / 2;
    1026          36 :     rHeight    = rRect.GetHeight() - rVerOffset;
    1027             : 
    1028             :     OSL_ENSURE(rHeight    >= 0, "Sm : Ooops...");
    1029             :     OSL_ENSURE(rVerOffset >= 0, "Sm : Ooops...");
    1030          36 : }
    1031             : 
    1032             : 
    1033          12 : Point SmRootNode::GetExtraPos(const SmRect &rRootSymbol,
    1034             :                               const SmRect &rExtra) const
    1035             : {
    1036          12 :     const Size &rSymSize = rRootSymbol.GetSize();
    1037             : 
    1038          12 :     Point  aPos = rRootSymbol.GetTopLeft()
    1039          12 :             + Point((rSymSize.Width()  * 70) / 100,
    1040          36 :                     (rSymSize.Height() * 52) / 100);
    1041             : 
    1042             :     // from this calculate topleft edge of 'rExtra'
    1043          12 :     aPos.X() -= rExtra.GetWidth() + rExtra.GetItalicRightSpace();
    1044          12 :     aPos.Y() -= rExtra.GetHeight();
    1045             :     // if there's enough space move a bit less to the right
    1046             :     // examples: "nroot i a", "nroot j a"
    1047             :     // (it looks better if we don't use italic-spaces here)
    1048          12 :     long  nX = rRootSymbol.GetLeft() + (rSymSize.Width() * 30) / 100;
    1049          12 :     if (aPos.X() > nX)
    1050           0 :         aPos.X() = nX;
    1051             : 
    1052          12 :     return aPos;
    1053             : }
    1054             : 
    1055             : 
    1056          36 : void SmRootNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1057             : {
    1058             :     //! pExtra needs to have the smaller index than pRootSym in order to
    1059             :     //! not to get the root symbol but the pExtra when clicking on it in the
    1060             :     //! GraphicWindow. (That is because of the simplicity of the algorithm
    1061             :     //! that finds the node corresponding to a mouseclick in the window.)
    1062          36 :     SmNode *pExtra   = GetSubNode(0),
    1063          36 :            *pRootSym = GetSubNode(1),
    1064          36 :            *pBody    = GetSubNode(2);
    1065             :     OSL_ENSURE(pRootSym, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1066             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody,    "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1067             : 
    1068          36 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1069             : 
    1070             :     long  nHeight,
    1071             :           nVerOffset;
    1072          36 :     GetHeightVerOffset(*pBody, nHeight, nVerOffset);
    1073          36 :     nHeight += rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ROOT)
    1074          36 :                * GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 100L;
    1075             : 
    1076             :     // font specialist advised to change the width first
    1077          36 :     pRootSym->AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight);
    1078          36 :     pRootSym->AdaptToX(rDev, pBody->GetItalicWidth());
    1079             : 
    1080          36 :     pRootSym->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1081             : 
    1082          36 :     Point  aPos = pRootSym->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1083             :     //! overrride calulated vertical position
    1084          36 :     aPos.Y()  = pRootSym->GetTop() + pBody->GetBottom() - pRootSym->GetBottom();
    1085          36 :     aPos.Y() -= nVerOffset;
    1086          36 :     pRootSym->MoveTo(aPos);
    1087             : 
    1088          36 :     if (pExtra)
    1089          12 :     {   pExtra->SetSize(Fraction(rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX), 100));
    1090          12 :         pExtra->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1091             : 
    1092          12 :         aPos = GetExtraPos(*pRootSym, *pExtra);
    1093          12 :         pExtra->MoveTo(aPos);
    1094             :     }
    1095             : 
    1096          36 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    1097          36 :     ExtendBy(*pRootSym, RCP_THIS);
    1098          36 :     if (pExtra)
    1099          12 :         ExtendBy(*pExtra, RCP_THIS, true);
    1100          36 : }
    1101             : 
    1102             : 
    1103           0 : void SmRootNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    1104             : {
    1105           0 :     SmNode *pExtra = GetSubNode(0);
    1106           0 :     if (pExtra)
    1107             :     {
    1108           0 :         APPEND(rText,"nroot ");
    1109           0 :         pExtra->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1110             :     }
    1111             :     else
    1112           0 :         APPEND(rText,"sqrt ");
    1113           0 :     GetSubNode(2)->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1114           0 : }
    1115             : 
    1116             : 
    1117             : /**************************************************************************/
    1118             : 
    1119             : 
    1120         438 : void SmBinHorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1121             : {
    1122         438 :     SmNode *pLeft  = GetSubNode(0),
    1123         438 :            *pOper  = GetSubNode(1),
    1124         438 :            *pRight = GetSubNode(2);
    1125             :     OSL_ENSURE(pLeft  != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1126             :     OSL_ENSURE(pOper  != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1127             :     OSL_ENSURE(pRight != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1128             : 
    1129         438 :     pOper->SetSize(Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR), 100));
    1130             : 
    1131         438 :     pLeft ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1132         438 :     pOper ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1133         438 :     pRight->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1134             : 
    1135         438 :     const SmRect &rOpRect = pOper->GetRect();
    1136             : 
    1137         438 :     long nDist = (rOpRect.GetWidth() *
    1138         438 :                  rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL)) / 100L;
    1139             : 
    1140         438 :     SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
    1141             : 
    1142         438 :     Point aPos;
    1143         438 :     aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1144         438 :     aPos.X() += nDist;
    1145         438 :     pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
    1146         438 :     ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_XOR);
    1147             : 
    1148         438 :     aPos = pRight->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1149         438 :     aPos.X() += nDist;
    1150             : 
    1151         438 :     pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
    1152         438 :     ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_XOR);
    1153         438 : }
    1154             : 
    1155             : 
    1156             : /**************************************************************************/
    1157             : 
    1158             : 
    1159         169 : void SmBinVerNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1160             : {
    1161         169 :     SmNode *pNum   = GetSubNode(0),
    1162         169 :            *pLine  = GetSubNode(1),
    1163         169 :            *pDenom = GetSubNode(2);
    1164             :     OSL_ENSURE(pNum,   "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1165             :     OSL_ENSURE(pLine,  "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1166             :     OSL_ENSURE(pDenom, "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1167             : 
    1168         169 :     bool  bIsTextmode = rFormat.IsTextmode();
    1169         169 :     if (bIsTextmode)
    1170             :     {
    1171           0 :         Fraction  aFraction(rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX), 100);
    1172           0 :         pNum  ->SetSize(aFraction);
    1173           0 :         pLine ->SetSize(aFraction);
    1174           0 :         pDenom->SetSize(aFraction);
    1175             :     }
    1176             : 
    1177         169 :     pNum  ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1178         169 :     pDenom->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1179             : 
    1180         169 :     long  nFontHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height(),
    1181         169 :           nExtLen     = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_FRACTION) / 100L,
    1182         169 :           nThick      = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH) / 100L,
    1183         169 :           nWidth      = Max(pNum->GetItalicWidth(), pDenom->GetItalicWidth()),
    1184             :           nNumDist    = bIsTextmode ? 0 :
    1185         169 :                             nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NUMERATOR)   / 100L,
    1186             :           nDenomDist  = bIsTextmode ? 0 :
    1187         169 :                             nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_DENOMINATOR) / 100L;
    1188             : 
    1189             :     // font specialist advised to change the width first
    1190         169 :     pLine->AdaptToY(rDev, nThick);
    1191         169 :     pLine->AdaptToX(rDev, nWidth + 2 * nExtLen);
    1192         169 :     pLine->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1193             : 
    1194             :     // get horizontal alignment for numerator
    1195         169 :     const SmNode *pLM       = pNum->GetLeftMost();
    1196         169 :     RectHorAlign  eHorAlign = pLM->GetRectHorAlign();
    1197             : 
    1198             :     // move numerator to its position
    1199         169 :     Point  aPos = pNum->AlignTo(*pLine, RP_TOP, eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
    1200         169 :     aPos.Y() -= nNumDist;
    1201         169 :     pNum->MoveTo(aPos);
    1202             : 
    1203             :     // get horizontal alignment for denominator
    1204         169 :     pLM       = pDenom->GetLeftMost();
    1205         169 :     eHorAlign = pLM->GetRectHorAlign();
    1206             : 
    1207             :     // move denominator to its position
    1208         169 :     aPos = pDenom->AlignTo(*pLine, RP_BOTTOM, eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
    1209         169 :     aPos.Y() += nDenomDist;
    1210         169 :     pDenom->MoveTo(aPos);
    1211             : 
    1212         169 :     SmRect::operator = (*pNum);
    1213         169 :     ExtendBy(*pDenom, RCP_NONE).ExtendBy(*pLine, RCP_NONE, pLine->GetCenterY());
    1214         169 : }
    1215             : 
    1216           0 : void SmBinVerNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    1217             : {
    1218           0 :     SmNode *pNum   = GetSubNode(0),
    1219           0 :            *pDenom = GetSubNode(2);
    1220           0 :     pNum->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1221           0 :     APPEND(rText,"over ");
    1222           0 :     pDenom->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1223           0 : }
    1224             : 
    1225             : 
    1226          74 : SmNode * SmBinVerNode::GetLeftMost()
    1227             : {
    1228          74 :     return this;
    1229             : }
    1230             : 
    1231             : 
    1232             : /**************************************************************************/
    1233             : 
    1234             : 
    1235             : /// @return value of the determinant formed by the two points
    1236           0 : double Det(const Point &rHeading1, const Point &rHeading2)
    1237             : {
    1238           0 :     return rHeading1.X() * rHeading2.Y() - rHeading1.Y() * rHeading2.X();
    1239             : }
    1240             : 
    1241             : 
    1242             : /// Is true iff the point 'rPoint1' belongs to the straight line through 'rPoint2'
    1243             : /// and has the direction vector 'rHeading2'
    1244           0 : bool IsPointInLine(const Point &rPoint1,
    1245             :                    const Point &rPoint2, const Point &rHeading2)
    1246             : {
    1247             :     OSL_ENSURE(rHeading2 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
    1248             : 
    1249           0 :     bool bRes = false;
    1250           0 :     const double eps = 5.0 * DBL_EPSILON;
    1251             : 
    1252             :     double fLambda;
    1253           0 :     if (labs(rHeading2.X()) > labs(rHeading2.Y()))
    1254             :     {
    1255           0 :         fLambda = (rPoint1.X() - rPoint2.X()) / (double) rHeading2.X();
    1256           0 :         bRes = fabs(rPoint1.Y() - (rPoint2.Y() + fLambda * rHeading2.Y())) < eps;
    1257             :     }
    1258             :     else
    1259             :     {
    1260           0 :         fLambda = (rPoint1.Y() - rPoint2.Y()) / (double) rHeading2.Y();
    1261           0 :         bRes = fabs(rPoint1.X() - (rPoint2.X() + fLambda * rHeading2.X())) < eps;
    1262             :     }
    1263             : 
    1264           0 :     return bRes;
    1265             : }
    1266             : 
    1267             : 
    1268           0 : sal_uInt16 GetLineIntersectionPoint(Point &rResult,
    1269             :                                 const Point& rPoint1, const Point &rHeading1,
    1270             :                                 const Point& rPoint2, const Point &rHeading2)
    1271             : {
    1272             :     OSL_ENSURE(rHeading1 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
    1273             :     OSL_ENSURE(rHeading2 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
    1274             : 
    1275           0 :     sal_uInt16 nRes = 1;
    1276           0 :     const double eps = 5.0 * DBL_EPSILON;
    1277             : 
    1278             :     // are the direction vectors linearly dependent?
    1279           0 :     double  fDet = Det(rHeading1, rHeading2);
    1280           0 :     if (fabs(fDet) < eps)
    1281             :     {
    1282           0 :         nRes    = IsPointInLine(rPoint1, rPoint2, rHeading2) ? USHRT_MAX : 0;
    1283           0 :         rResult = nRes ? rPoint1 : Point();
    1284             :     }
    1285             :     else
    1286             :     {
    1287             :         // here we do not pay attention to the computational accurancy
    1288             :         // (that would be more complicated and is not really worth it in this case)
    1289           0 :         double fLambda = (    (rPoint1.Y() - rPoint2.Y()) * rHeading2.X()
    1290           0 :                             - (rPoint1.X() - rPoint2.X()) * rHeading2.Y())
    1291           0 :                          / fDet;
    1292           0 :         rResult = Point(rPoint1.X() + (long) (fLambda * rHeading1.X()),
    1293           0 :                         rPoint1.Y() + (long) (fLambda * rHeading1.Y()));
    1294             :     }
    1295             : 
    1296           0 :     return nRes;
    1297             : }
    1298             : 
    1299             : 
    1300             : 
    1301           0 : SmBinDiagonalNode::SmBinDiagonalNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
    1302           0 : :   SmStructureNode(NBINDIAGONAL, rNodeToken)
    1303             : {
    1304           0 :     bAscending = false;
    1305           0 :     SetNumSubNodes(3);
    1306           0 : }
    1307             : 
    1308             : 
    1309             : /// @return position and size of the diagonal line
    1310             : /// premise: SmRect of the node defines the limitation(!) consequently it has to be known upfront
    1311           0 : void SmBinDiagonalNode::GetOperPosSize(Point &rPos, Size &rSize,
    1312             :                         const Point &rDiagPoint, double fAngleDeg) const
    1313             : 
    1314             : {
    1315           0 :     const double  fPi   = 3.1415926535897932384626433;
    1316           0 :     double  fAngleRad   = fAngleDeg / 180.0 * fPi;
    1317           0 :     long    nRectLeft   = GetItalicLeft(),
    1318           0 :             nRectRight  = GetItalicRight(),
    1319           0 :             nRectTop    = GetTop(),
    1320           0 :             nRectBottom = GetBottom();
    1321           0 :     Point   aRightHdg     (100, 0),
    1322           0 :             aDownHdg      (0, 100),
    1323           0 :             aDiagHdg      ( (long)(100.0 * cos(fAngleRad)),
    1324           0 :                             (long)(-100.0 * sin(fAngleRad)) );
    1325             : 
    1326             :     long  nLeft, nRight, nTop, nBottom;     // margins of the rectangle for the diagonal
    1327           0 :     Point aPoint;
    1328           0 :     if (IsAscending())
    1329             :     {
    1330             :         // determine top right corner
    1331             :         GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1332             :             Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aRightHdg,
    1333           0 :             rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1334             :         // is there a point of intersection with the top border?
    1335           0 :         if (aPoint.X() <= nRectRight)
    1336             :         {
    1337           0 :             nRight = aPoint.X();
    1338           0 :             nTop   = nRectTop;
    1339             :         }
    1340             :         else
    1341             :         {
    1342             :             // there has to be a point of intersection with the right border!
    1343             :             GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1344             :                 Point(nRectRight, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
    1345           0 :                 rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1346             : 
    1347           0 :             nRight = nRectRight;
    1348           0 :             nTop   = aPoint.Y();
    1349             :         }
    1350             : 
    1351             :         // determine bottom left corner
    1352             :         GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1353             :             Point(nRectLeft, nRectBottom), aRightHdg,
    1354           0 :             rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1355             :         // is there a point of intersection with the bottom border?
    1356           0 :         if (aPoint.X() >= nRectLeft)
    1357             :         {
    1358           0 :             nLeft   = aPoint.X();
    1359           0 :             nBottom = nRectBottom;
    1360             :         }
    1361             :         else
    1362             :         {
    1363             :             // there has to be a point of intersection with the left border!
    1364             :             GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1365             :                 Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
    1366           0 :                 rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1367             : 
    1368           0 :             nLeft   = nRectLeft;
    1369           0 :             nBottom = aPoint.Y();
    1370             :         }
    1371             :     }
    1372             :     else
    1373             :     {
    1374             :         // determine top left corner
    1375             :         GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1376             :             Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aRightHdg,
    1377           0 :             rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1378             :         // is there a point of intersection with the top border?
    1379           0 :         if (aPoint.X() >= nRectLeft)
    1380             :         {
    1381           0 :             nLeft = aPoint.X();
    1382           0 :             nTop  = nRectTop;
    1383             :         }
    1384             :         else
    1385             :         {
    1386             :             // there has to be a point of intersection with the left border!
    1387             :             GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1388             :                 Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
    1389           0 :                 rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1390             : 
    1391           0 :             nLeft = nRectLeft;
    1392           0 :             nTop  = aPoint.Y();
    1393             :         }
    1394             : 
    1395             :         // determine bottom right corner
    1396             :         GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1397             :             Point(nRectLeft, nRectBottom), aRightHdg,
    1398           0 :             rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1399             :         // is there a point of intersection with the bottom border?
    1400           0 :         if (aPoint.X() <= nRectRight)
    1401             :         {
    1402           0 :             nRight  = aPoint.X();
    1403           0 :             nBottom = nRectBottom;
    1404             :         }
    1405             :         else
    1406             :         {
    1407             :             // there has to be a point of intersection with the right border!
    1408             :             GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
    1409             :                 Point(nRectRight, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
    1410           0 :                 rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
    1411             : 
    1412           0 :             nRight  = nRectRight;
    1413           0 :             nBottom = aPoint.Y();
    1414             :         }
    1415             :     }
    1416             : 
    1417           0 :     rSize = Size(nRight - nLeft + 1, nBottom - nTop + 1);
    1418           0 :     rPos.X() = nLeft;
    1419           0 :     rPos.Y() = nTop;
    1420           0 : }
    1421             : 
    1422             : 
    1423           0 : void SmBinDiagonalNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1424             : {
    1425             :     // Both arguments have to get into the SubNodes before the Operator so that clicking
    1426             :     // within the GraphicWindow sets the FormulaCursor correctly (cf. SmRootNode)
    1427           0 :     SmNode *pLeft  = GetSubNode(0),
    1428           0 :            *pRight = GetSubNode(1);
    1429             :     OSL_ENSURE(pLeft, "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1430             :     OSL_ENSURE(pRight, "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1431             : 
    1432             :     OSL_ENSURE(GetSubNode(2)->GetType() == NPOLYLINE, "Sm : wrong node type");
    1433           0 :     SmPolyLineNode *pOper = (SmPolyLineNode *) GetSubNode(2);
    1434             :     OSL_ENSURE(pOper, "Sm : NULL pointer");
    1435             : 
    1436             :     //! some routines being called extract some info from the OutputDevice's
    1437             :     //! font (eg the space to be used for borders OR the font name(!!)).
    1438             :     //! Thus the font should reflect the needs and has to be set!
    1439           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    1440           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    1441             : 
    1442           0 :     pLeft->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1443           0 :     pRight->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1444             : 
    1445             :     // determine implicitely the values (incl. the margin) of the diagonal line
    1446           0 :     pOper->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1447             : 
    1448           0 :     long nDelta = pOper->GetWidth() * 8 / 10;
    1449             : 
    1450             :     // determine TopLeft position from the right argument
    1451           0 :     Point aPos;
    1452           0 :     aPos.X() = pLeft->GetItalicRight() + nDelta + pRight->GetItalicLeftSpace();
    1453           0 :     if (IsAscending())
    1454           0 :         aPos.Y() = pLeft->GetBottom() + nDelta;
    1455             :     else
    1456           0 :         aPos.Y() = pLeft->GetTop() - nDelta - pRight->GetHeight();
    1457             : 
    1458           0 :     pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
    1459             : 
    1460             :     // determine new baseline
    1461           0 :     long nTmpBaseline = IsAscending() ? (pLeft->GetBottom() + pRight->GetTop()) / 2
    1462           0 :                         : (pLeft->GetTop() + pRight->GetBottom()) / 2;
    1463           0 :     Point  aLogCenter ((pLeft->GetItalicRight() + pRight->GetItalicLeft()) / 2,
    1464           0 :                        nTmpBaseline);
    1465             : 
    1466           0 :     SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
    1467           0 :     ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_NONE);
    1468             : 
    1469             : 
    1470             :     // determine position and size of diagonal line
    1471           0 :     Size  aTmpSize;
    1472           0 :     GetOperPosSize(aPos, aTmpSize, aLogCenter, IsAscending() ? 60.0 : -60.0);
    1473             : 
    1474             :     // font specialist advised to change the width first
    1475           0 :     pOper->AdaptToY(aTmpDev, aTmpSize.Height());
    1476           0 :     pOper->AdaptToX(aTmpDev, aTmpSize.Width());
    1477             :     // and make it active
    1478           0 :     pOper->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1479             : 
    1480           0 :     pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
    1481             : 
    1482           0 :     ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_NONE, nTmpBaseline);
    1483           0 : }
    1484             : 
    1485             : 
    1486             : /**************************************************************************/
    1487             : 
    1488             : 
    1489         393 : void SmSubSupNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1490             : {
    1491             :     OSL_ENSURE(GetNumSubNodes() == 1 + SUBSUP_NUM_ENTRIES,
    1492             :                "Sm: wrong number of subnodes");
    1493             : 
    1494         393 :     SmNode *pBody = GetBody();
    1495             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1496             : 
    1497         393 :     long  nOrigHeight = pBody->GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    1498             : 
    1499         393 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1500             : 
    1501         393 :     const SmRect &rBodyRect = pBody->GetRect();
    1502         393 :     SmRect::operator = (rBodyRect);
    1503             : 
    1504             :     // line that separates sub- and supscript rectangles
    1505         393 :     long  nDelimLine = SmFromTo(GetAlignB(), GetAlignT(), 0.4);
    1506             : 
    1507         393 :     Point  aPos;
    1508             :     long   nDelta, nDist;
    1509             : 
    1510             :     // iterate over all possible sub-/supscripts
    1511         393 :     SmRect  aTmpRect (rBodyRect);
    1512        2751 :     for (int i = 0;  i < SUBSUP_NUM_ENTRIES;  i++)
    1513        2358 :     {   SmSubSup  eSubSup = (SmSubSup) i;   // cast
    1514        2358 :         SmNode *pSubSup = GetSubSup(eSubSup);
    1515             : 
    1516        2358 :         if (!pSubSup)
    1517        1854 :             continue;
    1518             : 
    1519             :         // switch position of limits if we are in textmode
    1520         504 :         if (rFormat.IsTextmode()  &&  (GetToken().nGroup & TGLIMIT))
    1521           0 :             switch (eSubSup)
    1522           0 :             {   case CSUB:  eSubSup = RSUB;     break;
    1523           0 :                 case CSUP:  eSubSup = RSUP;     break;
    1524             :                 default:
    1525           0 :                     break;
    1526             :             }
    1527             : 
    1528             :         // prevent sub-/supscripts from diminishing in size
    1529             :         // (as would be in "a_{1_{2_{3_4}}}")
    1530         504 :         if (GetFont().GetSize().Height() > rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() / 3)
    1531             :         {
    1532             :             sal_uInt16 nIndex = (eSubSup == CSUB  ||  eSubSup == CSUP) ?
    1533         504 :                                     SIZ_LIMITS : SIZ_INDEX;
    1534         504 :             Fraction  aFraction ( rFormat.GetRelSize(nIndex), 100 );
    1535         504 :             pSubSup->SetSize(aFraction);
    1536             :         }
    1537             : 
    1538         504 :         pSubSup->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1539             : 
    1540         504 :         bool  bIsTextmode = rFormat.IsTextmode();
    1541         504 :         nDist = 0;
    1542             : 
    1543             :         //! be sure that CSUB, CSUP are handled before the other cases!
    1544         504 :         switch (eSubSup)
    1545             :         {   case RSUB :
    1546             :             case LSUB :
    1547          96 :                 if (!bIsTextmode)
    1548             :                     nDist = nOrigHeight
    1549          96 :                             * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUBSCRIPT) / 100L;
    1550          96 :                 aPos  = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(aTmpRect,
    1551             :                                 eSubSup == LSUB ? RP_LEFT : RP_RIGHT,
    1552         192 :                                 RHA_CENTER, RVA_BOTTOM);
    1553          96 :                 aPos.Y() += nDist;
    1554          96 :                 nDelta = nDelimLine - aPos.Y();
    1555          96 :                 if (nDelta > 0)
    1556          96 :                     aPos.Y() += nDelta;
    1557          96 :                 break;
    1558             :             case RSUP :
    1559             :             case LSUP :
    1560         246 :                 if (!bIsTextmode)
    1561             :                     nDist = nOrigHeight
    1562         246 :                             * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUPERSCRIPT) / 100L;
    1563         246 :                 aPos  = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(aTmpRect,
    1564             :                                 eSubSup == LSUP ? RP_LEFT : RP_RIGHT,
    1565         492 :                                 RHA_CENTER, RVA_TOP);
    1566         246 :                 aPos.Y() -= nDist;
    1567         246 :                 nDelta = aPos.Y() + pSubSup->GetHeight() - nDelimLine;
    1568         246 :                 if (nDelta > 0)
    1569           0 :                     aPos.Y() -= nDelta;
    1570         246 :                 break;
    1571             :             case CSUB :
    1572          87 :                 if (!bIsTextmode)
    1573             :                     nDist = nOrigHeight
    1574          87 :                             * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT) / 100L;
    1575          87 :                 aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(rBodyRect, RP_BOTTOM,
    1576          87 :                                 RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1577          87 :                 aPos.Y() += nDist;
    1578          87 :                 break;
    1579             :             case CSUP :
    1580          75 :                 if (!bIsTextmode)
    1581             :                     nDist = nOrigHeight
    1582          75 :                             * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT) / 100L;
    1583          75 :                 aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(rBodyRect, RP_TOP,
    1584          75 :                                 RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1585          75 :                 aPos.Y() -= nDist;
    1586          75 :                 break;
    1587             :             default :
    1588             :                 OSL_FAIL("Sm: unknown case");
    1589           0 :                 break;
    1590             :         }
    1591             : 
    1592         504 :         pSubSup->MoveTo(aPos);
    1593         504 :         ExtendBy(*pSubSup, RCP_THIS, true);
    1594             : 
    1595             :         // update rectangle to which  RSUB, RSUP, LSUB, LSUP
    1596             :         // will be aligned to
    1597         504 :         if (eSubSup == CSUB  ||  eSubSup == CSUP)
    1598         162 :             aTmpRect = *this;
    1599             :     }
    1600         393 : }
    1601             : 
    1602           0 : void SmSubSupNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    1603             : {
    1604             :     SmNode *pNode;
    1605           0 :     GetSubNode(0)->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1606             : 
    1607           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(LSUB+1)))
    1608             :     {
    1609           0 :         APPEND(rText,"lsub ");
    1610           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1611             :     }
    1612           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(LSUP+1)))
    1613             :     {
    1614           0 :         APPEND(rText,"lsup ");
    1615           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1616             :     }
    1617           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(CSUB+1)))
    1618             :     {
    1619           0 :         APPEND(rText,"csub ");
    1620           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1621             :     }
    1622           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(CSUP+1)))
    1623             :     {
    1624           0 :         APPEND(rText,"csup ");
    1625           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1626             :     }
    1627           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(RSUB+1)))
    1628             :     {
    1629           0 :         rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
    1630           0 :         rText.Append('_');
    1631           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1632             :     }
    1633           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(RSUP+1)))
    1634             :     {
    1635           0 :         rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
    1636           0 :         rText.Append('^');
    1637           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1638             :     }
    1639           0 : }
    1640             : 
    1641             : 
    1642             : /**************************************************************************/
    1643             : 
    1644           0 : void SmBraceNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    1645             : {
    1646           0 :     if (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT)
    1647           0 :         APPEND(rText,"left ");
    1648             :     {
    1649           0 :         String aStr;
    1650           0 :         GetSubNode(0)->CreateTextFromNode(aStr);
    1651           0 :         aStr = comphelper::string::strip(aStr, ' ');
    1652           0 :         aStr = comphelper::string::stripStart(aStr, '\\');
    1653           0 :         if (aStr.Len())
    1654             :         {
    1655           0 :             if (aStr.EqualsAscii("divides"))
    1656           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"lline");
    1657           0 :             else if (aStr.EqualsAscii("parallel"))
    1658           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"ldline");
    1659           0 :             else if (aStr.EqualsAscii("<"))
    1660           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"langle");
    1661             :             else
    1662           0 :                 rText.Append(aStr);
    1663           0 :             rText.Append(' ');
    1664             :         }
    1665             :         else
    1666           0 :             APPEND(rText,"none ");
    1667             :     }
    1668           0 :     GetSubNode(1)->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    1669           0 :     if (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT)
    1670           0 :         APPEND(rText,"right ");
    1671             :     {
    1672           0 :         String aStr;
    1673           0 :         GetSubNode(2)->CreateTextFromNode(aStr);
    1674           0 :         aStr = comphelper::string::strip(aStr, ' ');
    1675           0 :         aStr = comphelper::string::stripStart(aStr, '\\');
    1676           0 :         if (aStr.Len())
    1677             :         {
    1678           0 :             if (aStr.EqualsAscii("divides"))
    1679           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"rline");
    1680           0 :             else if (aStr.EqualsAscii("parallel"))
    1681           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"rdline");
    1682           0 :             else if (aStr.EqualsAscii(">"))
    1683           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"rangle");
    1684             :             else
    1685           0 :                 rText.Append(aStr);
    1686           0 :             rText.Append(' ');
    1687             :         }
    1688             :         else
    1689           0 :             APPEND(rText,"none ");
    1690             :     }
    1691           0 :     rText.Append(' ');
    1692             : 
    1693           0 : }
    1694             : 
    1695         270 : void SmBraceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1696             : {
    1697         270 :     SmNode *pLeft  = GetSubNode(0),
    1698         270 :            *pBody  = GetSubNode(1),
    1699         270 :            *pRight = GetSubNode(2);
    1700             :     OSL_ENSURE(pLeft,  "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1701             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody,  "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1702             :     OSL_ENSURE(pRight, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    1703             : 
    1704         270 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1705             : 
    1706         270 :     bool  bIsScaleNormal = rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets(),
    1707         270 :           bScale         = pBody->GetHeight() > 0  &&
    1708         270 :                            (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT  ||  bIsScaleNormal),
    1709         270 :           bIsABS         = GetToken().eType == TABS;
    1710             : 
    1711         270 :     long  nFaceHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    1712             : 
    1713             :     // determine oversize in %
    1714         270 :     sal_uInt16  nPerc = 0;
    1715         270 :     if (!bIsABS && bScale)
    1716             :     {   // in case of oversize braces...
    1717         246 :         sal_uInt16 nIndex = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT ?
    1718         246 :                             DIS_BRACKETSIZE : DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE;
    1719         246 :         nPerc = rFormat.GetDistance(nIndex);
    1720             :     }
    1721             : 
    1722             :     // determine the height for the braces
    1723             :     long  nBraceHeight;
    1724         270 :     if (bScale)
    1725             :     {
    1726         246 :         nBraceHeight = pBody->GetType() == NBRACEBODY ?
    1727             :                               ((SmBracebodyNode *) pBody)->GetBodyHeight()
    1728         246 :                             : pBody->GetHeight();
    1729         246 :         nBraceHeight += 2 * (nBraceHeight * nPerc / 100L);
    1730             :     }
    1731             :     else
    1732          24 :         nBraceHeight = nFaceHeight;
    1733             : 
    1734             :     // distance to the argument
    1735         270 :     nPerc = bIsABS ? 0 : rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE);
    1736         270 :     long  nDist = nFaceHeight * nPerc / 100L;
    1737             : 
    1738             :     // if wanted, scale the braces to the wanted size
    1739         270 :     if (bScale)
    1740             :     {
    1741         246 :         Size  aTmpSize (pLeft->GetFont().GetSize());
    1742             :         OSL_ENSURE(pRight->GetFont().GetSize() == aTmpSize,
    1743             :                     "Sm : different font sizes");
    1744         246 :         aTmpSize.Width() = Min((long) nBraceHeight * 60L / 100L,
    1745         246 :                             rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() * 3L / 2L);
    1746             :         // correction factor since change from StarMath to OpenSymbol font
    1747             :         // because of the different font width in the FontMetric
    1748         246 :         aTmpSize.Width() *= 182;
    1749         246 :         aTmpSize.Width() /= 267;
    1750             : 
    1751         246 :         sal_Unicode cChar = pLeft->GetToken().cMathChar;
    1752         246 :         if (cChar != MS_LINE  &&  cChar != MS_DLINE)
    1753         222 :             pLeft ->GetFont().SetSize(aTmpSize);
    1754             : 
    1755         246 :         cChar = pRight->GetToken().cMathChar;
    1756         246 :         if (cChar != MS_LINE  &&  cChar != MS_DLINE)
    1757         222 :             pRight->GetFont().SetSize(aTmpSize);
    1758             : 
    1759         246 :         pLeft ->AdaptToY(rDev, nBraceHeight);
    1760         246 :         pRight->AdaptToY(rDev, nBraceHeight);
    1761             :     }
    1762             : 
    1763         270 :     pLeft ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1764         270 :     pRight->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1765             : 
    1766             :     // required in order to make "\(a\) - (a) - left ( a right )" look alright
    1767         270 :     RectVerAlign  eVerAlign = bScale ? RVA_CENTERY : RVA_BASELINE;
    1768             : 
    1769         270 :     Point         aPos;
    1770         270 :     aPos = pLeft->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
    1771         270 :     aPos.X() -= nDist;
    1772         270 :     pLeft->MoveTo(aPos);
    1773             : 
    1774         270 :     aPos = pRight->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
    1775         270 :     aPos.X() += nDist;
    1776         270 :     pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
    1777             : 
    1778         270 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    1779         270 :     ExtendBy(*pLeft, RCP_THIS).ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_THIS);
    1780         270 : }
    1781             : 
    1782             : 
    1783             : /**************************************************************************/
    1784             : 
    1785             : 
    1786         270 : void SmBracebodyNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1787             : {
    1788         270 :     sal_uInt16  nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
    1789         270 :     if (nNumSubNodes == 0)
    1790         270 :         return;
    1791             : 
    1792             :     // arrange arguments
    1793             :     sal_uInt16 i;
    1794         528 :     for (i = 0;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i += 2)
    1795         282 :         GetSubNode(i)->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1796             : 
    1797             :     // build reference rectangle with necessary info for vertical alignment
    1798         246 :     SmRect  aRefRect (*GetSubNode(0));
    1799         528 :     for (i = 0;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i += 2)
    1800             :     {
    1801         282 :         SmRect aTmpRect (*GetSubNode(i));
    1802         282 :         Point  aPos = aTmpRect.AlignTo(aRefRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1803         282 :         aTmpRect.MoveTo(aPos);
    1804         282 :         aRefRect.ExtendBy(aTmpRect, RCP_XOR);
    1805             :     }
    1806             : 
    1807         246 :     nBodyHeight = aRefRect.GetHeight();
    1808             : 
    1809             :     // scale separators to required height and arrange them
    1810         246 :     bool bScale  = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT  ||  rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets();
    1811         246 :     long nHeight = bScale ? aRefRect.GetHeight() : GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    1812         246 :     sal_uInt16 nIndex  = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT ?
    1813         246 :                         DIS_BRACKETSIZE : DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE;
    1814         246 :     sal_uInt16 nPerc   = rFormat.GetDistance(nIndex);
    1815         246 :     if (bScale)
    1816         246 :         nHeight += 2 * (nHeight * nPerc / 100L);
    1817         282 :     for (i = 1;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i += 2)
    1818             :     {
    1819          36 :         SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
    1820          36 :         pNode->AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight);
    1821          36 :         pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1822             :     }
    1823             : 
    1824             :     // horizontal distance between argument and brackets or separators
    1825         246 :     long  nDist = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
    1826         246 :                   * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE) / 100L;
    1827             : 
    1828         246 :     SmNode *pLeft = GetSubNode(0);
    1829         246 :     SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
    1830         318 :     for (i = 1;  i < nNumSubNodes;  i++)
    1831             :     {
    1832          72 :         bool          bIsSeparator = i % 2 != 0;
    1833          72 :         RectVerAlign  eVerAlign    = bIsSeparator ? RVA_CENTERY : RVA_BASELINE;
    1834             : 
    1835          72 :         SmNode *pRight = GetSubNode(i);
    1836          72 :         Point  aPosX = pRight->AlignTo(*pLeft,   RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign),
    1837          72 :                aPosY = pRight->AlignTo(aRefRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
    1838          72 :         aPosX.X() += nDist;
    1839             : 
    1840          72 :         pRight->MoveTo(Point(aPosX.X(), aPosY.Y()));
    1841          72 :         ExtendBy(*pRight, bIsSeparator ? RCP_THIS : RCP_XOR);
    1842             : 
    1843          72 :         pLeft = pRight;
    1844             :     }
    1845             : }
    1846             : 
    1847             : 
    1848             : /**************************************************************************/
    1849             : 
    1850             : 
    1851          24 : void SmVerticalBraceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1852             : {
    1853          24 :     SmNode *pBody   = GetSubNode(0),
    1854          24 :            *pBrace  = GetSubNode(1),
    1855          24 :            *pScript = GetSubNode(2);
    1856             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody,   "Sm: NULL pointer!");
    1857             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBrace,  "Sm: NULL pointer!");
    1858             :     OSL_ENSURE(pScript, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
    1859             : 
    1860          24 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    1861          24 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    1862             : 
    1863          24 :     pBody->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1864             : 
    1865             :     // size is the same as for limits for this part
    1866          24 :     pScript->SetSize( Fraction( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS), 100 ) );
    1867             :     // braces are a bit taller than usually
    1868          24 :     pBrace ->SetSize( Fraction(3, 2) );
    1869             : 
    1870          24 :     long  nItalicWidth = pBody->GetItalicWidth();
    1871          24 :     if (nItalicWidth > 0)
    1872          24 :         pBrace->AdaptToX(aTmpDev, nItalicWidth);
    1873             : 
    1874          24 :     pBrace ->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1875          24 :     pScript->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
    1876             : 
    1877             :     // determine the relative position and the distances between each other
    1878             :     RectPos  eRectPos;
    1879          24 :     long nFontHeight = pBody->GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    1880          24 :     long nDistBody   = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE),
    1881          24 :          nDistScript = nFontHeight;
    1882          24 :     if (GetToken().eType == TOVERBRACE)
    1883             :     {
    1884          12 :         eRectPos = RP_TOP;
    1885          12 :         nDistBody    = - nDistBody;
    1886          12 :         nDistScript *= - rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT);
    1887             :     }
    1888             :     else // TUNDERBRACE
    1889             :     {
    1890          12 :         eRectPos = RP_BOTTOM;
    1891          12 :         nDistScript *= + rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT);
    1892             :     }
    1893          24 :     nDistBody   /= 100L;
    1894          24 :     nDistScript /= 100L;
    1895             : 
    1896          24 :     Point  aPos = pBrace->AlignTo(*pBody, eRectPos, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1897          24 :     aPos.Y() += nDistBody;
    1898          24 :     pBrace->MoveTo(aPos);
    1899             : 
    1900          24 :     aPos = pScript->AlignTo(*pBrace, eRectPos, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    1901          24 :     aPos.Y() += nDistScript;
    1902          24 :     pScript->MoveTo(aPos);
    1903             : 
    1904          24 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    1905          24 :     ExtendBy(*pBrace, RCP_THIS).ExtendBy(*pScript, RCP_THIS);
    1906          24 : }
    1907             : 
    1908             : 
    1909             : /**************************************************************************/
    1910             : 
    1911             : 
    1912          89 : SmNode * SmOperNode::GetSymbol()
    1913             : {
    1914          89 :     SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(0);
    1915             :     OSL_ENSURE(pNode, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
    1916             : 
    1917          89 :     if (pNode->GetType() == NSUBSUP)
    1918          89 :         pNode = ((SmSubSupNode *) pNode)->GetBody();
    1919             : 
    1920             :     OSL_ENSURE(pNode, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
    1921          89 :     return pNode;
    1922             : }
    1923             : 
    1924             : 
    1925          87 : long SmOperNode::CalcSymbolHeight(const SmNode &rSymbol,
    1926             :                                   const SmFormat &rFormat) const
    1927             :     // returns the font height to be used for operator-symbol
    1928             : {
    1929          87 :     long  nHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    1930             : 
    1931          87 :     SmTokenType  eTmpType = GetToken().eType;
    1932          87 :     if (eTmpType == TLIM  ||  eTmpType == TLIMINF  ||  eTmpType == TLIMSUP)
    1933          12 :         return nHeight;
    1934             : 
    1935          75 :     if (!rFormat.IsTextmode())
    1936             :     {
    1937             :         // set minimum size ()
    1938          75 :         nHeight += (nHeight * 20L) / 100L;
    1939             : 
    1940             :         nHeight += nHeight
    1941          75 :                    * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSIZE) / 100L;
    1942          75 :         nHeight = nHeight * 686L / 845L;
    1943             :     }
    1944             : 
    1945             :     // correct user-defined symbols to match height of sum from used font
    1946          75 :     if (rSymbol.GetToken().eType == TSPECIAL)
    1947           0 :         nHeight = nHeight * 845L / 686L;
    1948             : 
    1949          75 :     return nHeight;
    1950             : }
    1951             : 
    1952             : 
    1953          87 : void SmOperNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1954             : {
    1955          87 :     SmNode *pOper = GetSubNode(0);
    1956          87 :     SmNode *pBody = GetSubNode(1);
    1957             : 
    1958             :     OSL_ENSURE(pOper, "Sm: missing subnode");
    1959             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody, "Sm: missing subnode");
    1960             : 
    1961          87 :     SmNode *pSymbol = GetSymbol();
    1962             :     pSymbol->SetSize(Fraction(CalcSymbolHeight(*pSymbol, rFormat),
    1963          87 :                               pSymbol->GetFont().GetSize().Height()));
    1964             : 
    1965          87 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1966          87 :     pOper->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    1967             : 
    1968          87 :     long  nOrigHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height(),
    1969             :           nDist = nOrigHeight
    1970          87 :                   * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSPACE) / 100L;
    1971             : 
    1972          87 :     Point aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, /*RVA_CENTERY*/RVA_MID);
    1973          87 :     aPos.X() -= nDist;
    1974          87 :     pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
    1975             : 
    1976          87 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    1977          87 :     ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_THIS);
    1978          87 : }
    1979             : 
    1980             : 
    1981             : /**************************************************************************/
    1982             : 
    1983             : 
    1984           0 : void SmAlignNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    1985             :     // set alignment within the entire subtree (including current node)
    1986             : {
    1987             :     OSL_ENSURE(GetNumSubNodes() > 0, "Sm: missing subnode");
    1988             : 
    1989           0 :     SmNode  *pNode = GetSubNode(0);
    1990             : 
    1991           0 :     RectHorAlign  eHorAlign = RHA_CENTER;
    1992           0 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    1993             :     {
    1994           0 :         case TALIGNL:   eHorAlign = RHA_LEFT;   break;
    1995           0 :         case TALIGNC:   eHorAlign = RHA_CENTER; break;
    1996           0 :         case TALIGNR:   eHorAlign = RHA_RIGHT;  break;
    1997             :         default:
    1998           0 :             break;
    1999             :     }
    2000           0 :     SetRectHorAlign(eHorAlign);
    2001             : 
    2002           0 :     pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    2003             : 
    2004           0 :     SmRect::operator = (pNode->GetRect());
    2005           0 : }
    2006             : 
    2007             : 
    2008             : /**************************************************************************/
    2009             : 
    2010             : 
    2011         168 : void SmAttributNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2012             : {
    2013         168 :     SmNode *pAttr = GetSubNode(0),
    2014         168 :            *pBody = GetSubNode(1);
    2015             :     OSL_ENSURE(pBody, "Sm: body missing");
    2016             :     OSL_ENSURE(pAttr, "Sm: attribute missing");
    2017             : 
    2018         168 :     pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    2019             : 
    2020         168 :     if (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_WIDTH)
    2021          96 :         pAttr->AdaptToX(rDev, pBody->GetItalicWidth());
    2022         168 :     pAttr->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    2023             : 
    2024             :     // get relative position of attribute
    2025             :     RectVerAlign  eVerAlign;
    2026         168 :     long          nDist = 0;
    2027         168 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    2028             :     {   case TUNDERLINE :
    2029          12 :             eVerAlign = RVA_ATTRIBUT_LO;
    2030          12 :             break;
    2031             :         case TOVERSTRIKE :
    2032          12 :             eVerAlign = RVA_ATTRIBUT_MID;
    2033          12 :             break;
    2034             :         default :
    2035         144 :             eVerAlign = RVA_ATTRIBUT_HI;
    2036         144 :             if (pBody->GetType() == NATTRIBUT)
    2037           0 :                 nDist = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
    2038           0 :                         * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE) / 100L;
    2039             :     }
    2040         168 :     Point  aPos = pAttr->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_ATTRIBUT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
    2041         168 :     aPos.Y() -= nDist;
    2042         168 :     pAttr->MoveTo(aPos);
    2043             : 
    2044         168 :     SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
    2045         168 :     ExtendBy(*pAttr, RCP_THIS, true);
    2046         168 : }
    2047             : 
    2048             : 
    2049             : /**************************************************************************/
    2050             : 
    2051             : 
    2052             : 
    2053             : 
    2054           0 : void SmFontNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2055             : {
    2056           0 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    2057             :     {
    2058             :         case TBOLD:
    2059           0 :             APPEND(rText,"bold ");
    2060           0 :             break;
    2061             :         case TNBOLD:
    2062           0 :             APPEND(rText,"nbold ");
    2063           0 :             break;
    2064             :         case TITALIC:
    2065           0 :             APPEND(rText,"italic ");
    2066           0 :             break;
    2067             :         case TNITALIC:
    2068           0 :             APPEND(rText,"nitalic ");
    2069           0 :             break;
    2070             :         case TPHANTOM:
    2071           0 :             APPEND(rText,"phantom ");
    2072           0 :             break;
    2073             :         case TSIZE:
    2074             :             {
    2075           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"size ");
    2076           0 :                 switch (nSizeType)
    2077             :                 {
    2078             :                     case FNTSIZ_PLUS:
    2079           0 :                         rText.Append('+');
    2080           0 :                         break;
    2081             :                     case FNTSIZ_MINUS:
    2082           0 :                         rText.Append('-');
    2083           0 :                         break;
    2084             :                     case FNTSIZ_MULTIPLY:
    2085           0 :                         rText.Append('*');
    2086           0 :                         break;
    2087             :                     case FNTSIZ_DIVIDE:
    2088           0 :                         rText.Append('/');
    2089           0 :                         break;
    2090             :                     case FNTSIZ_ABSOLUT:
    2091             :                     default:
    2092           0 :                         break;
    2093             :                 }
    2094             :                 rText += String( ::rtl::math::doubleToUString(
    2095             :                             static_cast<double>(aFontSize),
    2096             :                             rtl_math_StringFormat_Automatic,
    2097           0 :                             rtl_math_DecimalPlaces_Max, '.', sal_True));
    2098           0 :                 rText.Append(' ');
    2099             :             }
    2100           0 :             break;
    2101             :         case TBLACK:
    2102           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color black ");
    2103           0 :             break;
    2104             :         case TWHITE:
    2105           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color white ");
    2106           0 :             break;
    2107             :         case TRED:
    2108           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color red ");
    2109           0 :             break;
    2110             :         case TGREEN:
    2111           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color green ");
    2112           0 :             break;
    2113             :         case TBLUE:
    2114           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color blue ");
    2115           0 :             break;
    2116             :         case TCYAN:
    2117           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color cyan ");
    2118           0 :             break;
    2119             :         case TMAGENTA:
    2120           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color magenta ");
    2121           0 :             break;
    2122             :         case TYELLOW:
    2123           0 :             APPEND(rText,"color yellow ");
    2124           0 :             break;
    2125             :         case TSANS:
    2126           0 :             APPEND(rText,"font sans ");
    2127           0 :             break;
    2128             :         case TSERIF:
    2129           0 :             APPEND(rText,"font serif ");
    2130           0 :             break;
    2131             :         case TFIXED:
    2132           0 :             APPEND(rText,"font fixed ");
    2133           0 :             break;
    2134             :         default:
    2135           0 :             break;
    2136             :     }
    2137           0 :     GetSubNode(1)->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    2138           0 : }
    2139             : 
    2140             : 
    2141          34 : void SmFontNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    2142             : {
    2143             :     //! prepare subnodes first
    2144          34 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    2145             : 
    2146          34 :     int  nFnt = -1;
    2147          34 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    2148             :     {
    2149           2 :         case TFIXED:    nFnt = FNT_FIXED;   break;
    2150           2 :         case TSANS:     nFnt = FNT_SANS;    break;
    2151           2 :         case TSERIF:    nFnt = FNT_SERIF;   break;
    2152             :         default:
    2153          28 :             break;
    2154             :     }
    2155          34 :     if (nFnt != -1)
    2156           6 :     {   GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont( sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nFnt) );
    2157           6 :         SetFont(GetFont());
    2158             :     }
    2159             : 
    2160             :     //! prevent overwrites of this font by 'Arrange' or 'SetFont' calls of
    2161             :     //! other font nodes (those with lower depth in the tree)
    2162          34 :     Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
    2163          34 : }
    2164             : 
    2165             : 
    2166           0 : void SmFontNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2167             : {
    2168           0 :     SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(1);
    2169             :     OSL_ENSURE(pNode, "Sm: missing subnode");
    2170             : 
    2171           0 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    2172             :     {   case TSIZE :
    2173           0 :             pNode->SetFontSize(aFontSize, nSizeType);
    2174           0 :             break;
    2175             :         case TSANS :
    2176             :         case TSERIF :
    2177             :         case TFIXED :
    2178           0 :             pNode->SetFont(GetFont());
    2179           0 :             break;
    2180           0 :         case TUNKNOWN : break;  // no assertion on "font <?> <?>"
    2181             : 
    2182           0 :         case TPHANTOM : SetPhantom(true);               break;
    2183           0 :         case TBOLD :    SetAttribut(ATTR_BOLD);         break;
    2184           0 :         case TITALIC :  SetAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC);       break;
    2185           0 :         case TNBOLD :   ClearAttribut(ATTR_BOLD);       break;
    2186           0 :         case TNITALIC : ClearAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC);     break;
    2187             : 
    2188           0 :         case TBLACK :   SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK));     break;
    2189           0 :         case TWHITE :   SetColor(Color(COL_WHITE));     break;
    2190           0 :         case TRED :     SetColor(Color(COL_RED));       break;
    2191           0 :         case TGREEN :   SetColor(Color(COL_GREEN));     break;
    2192           0 :         case TBLUE :    SetColor(Color(COL_BLUE));      break;
    2193           0 :         case TCYAN :    SetColor(Color(COL_CYAN));      break;
    2194           0 :         case TMAGENTA : SetColor(Color(COL_MAGENTA));   break;
    2195           0 :         case TYELLOW :  SetColor(Color(COL_YELLOW));    break;
    2196             : 
    2197             :         default:
    2198             :             OSL_FAIL("Sm: unknown case");
    2199             :     }
    2200             : 
    2201           0 :     pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    2202             : 
    2203           0 :     SmRect::operator = (pNode->GetRect());
    2204           0 : }
    2205             : 
    2206             : 
    2207           2 : void SmFontNode::SetSizeParameter(const Fraction& rValue, sal_uInt16 Type)
    2208             : {
    2209           2 :     nSizeType = Type;
    2210           2 :     aFontSize = rValue;
    2211           2 : }
    2212             : 
    2213             : 
    2214             : /**************************************************************************/
    2215             : 
    2216             : 
    2217           0 : SmPolyLineNode::SmPolyLineNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
    2218           0 : :   SmGraphicNode(NPOLYLINE, rNodeToken)
    2219             : {
    2220           0 :     aPoly.SetSize(2);
    2221           0 :     nWidth = 0;
    2222           0 : }
    2223             : 
    2224             : 
    2225           0 : void SmPolyLineNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong nNewWidth)
    2226             : {
    2227           0 :     aToSize.Width() = nNewWidth;
    2228           0 : }
    2229             : 
    2230             : 
    2231           0 : void SmPolyLineNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong nNewHeight)
    2232             : {
    2233           0 :     GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
    2234           0 :     aToSize.Height() = nNewHeight;
    2235           0 : }
    2236             : 
    2237             : 
    2238           0 : void SmPolyLineNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2239             : {
    2240             :     //! some routines being called extract some info from the OutputDevice's
    2241             :     //! font (eg the space to be used for borders OR the font name(!!)).
    2242             :     //! Thus the font should reflect the needs and has to be set!
    2243           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2244           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2245             : 
    2246           0 :     long  nBorderwidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
    2247             : 
    2248             :     // create polygon using both endpoints
    2249             :     OSL_ENSURE(aPoly.GetSize() == 2, "Sm : wrong number of points");
    2250           0 :     Point  aPointA, aPointB;
    2251           0 :     if (GetToken().eType == TWIDESLASH)
    2252             :     {
    2253           0 :         aPointA.X() = nBorderwidth;
    2254           0 :         aPointA.Y() = aToSize.Height() - nBorderwidth;
    2255           0 :         aPointB.X() = aToSize.Width() - nBorderwidth;
    2256           0 :         aPointB.Y() = nBorderwidth;
    2257             :     }
    2258             :     else
    2259             :     {
    2260             :         OSL_ENSURE(GetToken().eType == TWIDEBACKSLASH, "Sm : unexpected token");
    2261           0 :         aPointA.X() =
    2262           0 :         aPointA.Y() = nBorderwidth;
    2263           0 :         aPointB.X() = aToSize.Width() - nBorderwidth;
    2264           0 :         aPointB.Y() = aToSize.Height() - nBorderwidth;
    2265             :     }
    2266           0 :     aPoly.SetPoint(aPointA, 0);
    2267           0 :     aPoly.SetPoint(aPointB, 1);
    2268             : 
    2269           0 :     long  nThick       = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
    2270           0 :                             * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH) / 100L;
    2271           0 :     nWidth = nThick + 2 * nBorderwidth;
    2272             : 
    2273           0 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aToSize.Width(), aToSize.Height()));
    2274           0 : }
    2275             : 
    2276             : 
    2277             : /**************************************************************************/
    2278             : 
    2279          36 : void SmRootSymbolNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong nWidth)
    2280             : {
    2281          36 :     nBodyWidth = nWidth;
    2282          36 : }
    2283             : 
    2284             : 
    2285          36 : void SmRootSymbolNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, sal_uLong nHeight)
    2286             : {
    2287             :     // some additional length so that the horizontal
    2288             :     // bar will be positioned above the argument
    2289          36 :     SmMathSymbolNode::AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight + nHeight / 10L);
    2290          36 : }
    2291             : 
    2292             : 
    2293             : /**************************************************************************/
    2294             : 
    2295             : 
    2296         193 : void SmRectangleNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong nWidth)
    2297             : {
    2298         193 :     aToSize.Width() = nWidth;
    2299         193 : }
    2300             : 
    2301             : 
    2302         169 : void SmRectangleNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &/*rDev*/, sal_uLong nHeight)
    2303             : {
    2304         169 :     GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
    2305         169 :     aToSize.Height() = nHeight;
    2306         169 : }
    2307             : 
    2308             : 
    2309         193 : void SmRectangleNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &/*rFormat*/)
    2310             : {
    2311         193 :     long  nFontHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    2312         193 :     long  nWidth  = aToSize.Width(),
    2313         193 :           nHeight = aToSize.Height();
    2314         193 :     if (nHeight == 0)
    2315          24 :         nHeight = nFontHeight / 30;
    2316         193 :     if (nWidth == 0)
    2317           0 :         nWidth  = nFontHeight / 3;
    2318             : 
    2319         193 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2320         193 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2321             : 
    2322             :     // add some borderspace
    2323         193 :     sal_uLong  nTmpBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
    2324         193 :     nHeight += 2 * nTmpBorderWidth;
    2325             : 
    2326             :     //! use this method in order to have 'SmRect::HasAlignInfo() == true'
    2327             :     //! and thus having the attribut-fences updated in 'SmRect::ExtendBy'
    2328         193 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(nWidth, nHeight));
    2329         193 : }
    2330             : 
    2331             : 
    2332             : /**************************************************************************/
    2333             : 
    2334             : 
    2335        1939 : SmTextNode::SmTextNode( SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP ) :
    2336        1939 :     SmVisibleNode(eNodeType, rNodeToken)
    2337             : {
    2338        1939 :     nFontDesc = nFontDescP;
    2339        1939 : }
    2340             : 
    2341             : 
    2342        3172 : SmTextNode::SmTextNode( const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP ) :
    2343        3172 :     SmVisibleNode(NTEXT, rNodeToken)
    2344             : {
    2345        3172 :     nFontDesc = nFontDescP;
    2346        3172 : }
    2347             : 
    2348             : 
    2349        3157 : void SmTextNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    2350             : {
    2351        3157 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    2352             : 
    2353             :     // default setting for horizontal alignment of nodes with TTEXT
    2354             :     // content is as alignl (cannot be done in Arrange since it would
    2355             :     // override the settings made by an SmAlignNode before)
    2356        3157 :     if (TTEXT == GetToken().eType)
    2357           6 :         SetRectHorAlign( RHA_LEFT );
    2358             : 
    2359        3157 :     aText = GetToken().aText;
    2360        3157 :     GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(GetFontDesc());
    2361             : 
    2362        3157 :     if (IsItalic( GetFont() ))
    2363        2146 :         Attributes() |= ATTR_ITALIC;
    2364        3157 :     if (IsBold( GetFont() ))
    2365           0 :         Attributes() |= ATTR_BOLD;
    2366             : 
    2367             :     // special handling for ':' where it is a token on it's own and is likely
    2368             :     // to be used for mathematical notations. (E.g. a:b = 2:3)
    2369             :     // In that case it should not be displayed in italic.
    2370        3157 :     if (GetToken().aText.getLength() == 1 && GetToken().aText[0] == ':')
    2371           0 :         Attributes() &= ~ATTR_ITALIC;
    2372        3157 : };
    2373             : 
    2374             : 
    2375        2543 : void SmTextNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2376             : {
    2377        2543 :     PrepareAttributes();
    2378             : 
    2379        2543 :     sal_uInt16  nSizeDesc = GetFontDesc() == FNT_FUNCTION ?
    2380        2543 :                             SIZ_FUNCTION : SIZ_TEXT;
    2381        2543 :     GetFont() *= Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(nSizeDesc), 100);
    2382             : 
    2383        2543 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2384        2543 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2385             : 
    2386        2543 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, aText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    2387        2543 : }
    2388             : 
    2389           0 : void SmTextNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2390             : {
    2391           0 :     bool bQuoted=false;
    2392           0 :     if (GetToken().eType == TTEXT)
    2393             :     {
    2394           0 :         rText.Append('\"');
    2395           0 :         bQuoted=true;
    2396             :     }
    2397             :     else
    2398             :     {
    2399           0 :         SmParser aParseTest;
    2400           0 :         SmNode *pTable = aParseTest.Parse(GetToken().aText);
    2401           0 :         bQuoted=true;
    2402           0 :         if ( (pTable->GetType() == NTABLE) && (pTable->GetNumSubNodes() == 1) )
    2403             :         {
    2404           0 :             SmNode *pResult = pTable->GetSubNode(0);
    2405           0 :             if ( (pResult->GetType() == NLINE) &&
    2406           0 :                 (pResult->GetNumSubNodes() == 1) )
    2407             :             {
    2408           0 :                 pResult = pResult->GetSubNode(0);
    2409           0 :                 if ( (pResult->GetType() == NEXPRESSION) &&
    2410           0 :                     (pResult->GetNumSubNodes() == 1) )
    2411             :                 {
    2412           0 :                     pResult = pResult->GetSubNode(0);
    2413           0 :                     if (pResult->GetType() == NTEXT)
    2414           0 :                         bQuoted=false;
    2415             :                 }
    2416             :             }
    2417             :         }
    2418           0 :         delete pTable;
    2419             : 
    2420           0 :         if ((GetToken().eType == TIDENT) && (GetFontDesc() == FNT_FUNCTION))
    2421             :         {
    2422             :             //Search for existing functions and remove extraenous keyword
    2423           0 :             APPEND(rText,"func ");
    2424             :         }
    2425           0 :         else if (bQuoted)
    2426           0 :             APPEND(rText,"italic ");
    2427             : 
    2428           0 :         if (bQuoted)
    2429           0 :             rText.Append('\"');
    2430             : 
    2431             :     }
    2432             : 
    2433           0 :     rText.Append(GetToken().aText);
    2434             : 
    2435           0 :     if (bQuoted)
    2436           0 :         rText.Append('\"');
    2437           0 :     rText.Append(' ');
    2438           0 : }
    2439             : 
    2440             : 
    2441           0 : void SmTextNode::GetAccessibleText( OUStringBuffer &rText ) const
    2442             : {
    2443           0 :     rText.append(aText);
    2444           0 : }
    2445             : 
    2446          13 : void SmTextNode::AdjustFontDesc()
    2447             : {
    2448          13 :     if (GetToken().eType == TTEXT)
    2449           0 :         nFontDesc = FNT_TEXT;
    2450          13 :     else if(GetToken().eType == TFUNC)
    2451           0 :         nFontDesc = FNT_FUNCTION;
    2452             :     else {
    2453             :         SmTokenType nTok;
    2454          13 :         const SmTokenTableEntry *pEntry = SmParser::GetTokenTableEntry( aText );
    2455          13 :         if (pEntry && pEntry->nGroup == TGFUNCTION) {
    2456           0 :             nTok = pEntry->eType;
    2457           0 :             nFontDesc = FNT_FUNCTION;
    2458             :         } else {
    2459          13 :             sal_Unicode firstChar = aText[0];
    2460          13 :             if( ('0' <= firstChar && firstChar <= '9') || firstChar == '.' || firstChar == ',') {
    2461           6 :                 nFontDesc = FNT_NUMBER;
    2462           6 :                 nTok = TNUMBER;
    2463           7 :             } else if (aText.getLength() > 1) {
    2464           0 :                 nFontDesc = FNT_VARIABLE;
    2465           0 :                 nTok = TIDENT;
    2466             :             } else {
    2467           7 :                 nFontDesc = FNT_VARIABLE;
    2468           7 :                 nTok = TCHARACTER;
    2469             :             }
    2470             :         }
    2471          13 :         SmToken tok = GetToken();
    2472          13 :         tok.eType = nTok;
    2473          13 :         SetToken(tok);
    2474             :     }
    2475          13 : }
    2476             : 
    2477         685 : sal_Unicode SmTextNode::ConvertSymbolToUnicode(sal_Unicode nIn)
    2478             : {
    2479             :     //Find the best match in accepted unicode for our private area symbols
    2480             :     static const sal_Unicode aStarMathPrivateToUnicode[] =
    2481             :     {
    2482             :         0x2030, 0xF613, 0xF612, 0x002B, 0x003C, 0x003E, 0xE425, 0xE421, 0xE088, 0x2208,
    2483             :         0x0192, 0x2026, 0x2192, 0x221A, 0x221A, 0x221A, 0xE090, 0x005E, 0x02C7, 0x02D8,
    2484             :         0x00B4, 0x0060, 0x02DC, 0x00AF, 0x0362, 0xE099, 0xE09A, 0x20DB, 0xE09C, 0xE09D,
    2485             :         0x0028, 0x0029, 0x2220, 0x22AF, 0xE0A2, 0xE0A3, 0xE0A4, 0xE0A5, 0xE0A6, 0xE0A7,
    2486             :         0x002F, 0x005C, 0x274F, 0xE0AB, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0398, 0x039b, 0x039e, 0x03A0,
    2487             :         0x03a3, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a8, 0x03A9, 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03b3, 0x03b4, 0x03b5,
    2488             :         0x03b6, 0x03b7, 0x03b8, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03be, 0x03bf,
    2489             :         0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03c4, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, 0x03c8, 0x03c9, 0x03b5,
    2490             :         0x03d1, 0x03d6, 0xE0D2, 0x03db, 0x2118, 0x2202, 0x2129, 0xE0D7, 0xE0D8, 0x22A4,
    2491             :         0xE0DA, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2193
    2492             :     };
    2493         685 :     if ((nIn >= 0xE080) && (nIn <= 0xE0DD))
    2494           0 :         nIn = aStarMathPrivateToUnicode[nIn-0xE080];
    2495             : 
    2496             :     //For whatever unicode glyph that equation editor doesn't ship with that
    2497             :     //we have a possible match we can munge it to.
    2498         685 :     switch (nIn)
    2499             :     {
    2500             :         case 0x2223:
    2501           8 :             nIn = '|';
    2502           8 :             break;
    2503             :         default:
    2504         677 :             break;
    2505             :     }
    2506             : 
    2507         685 :     return nIn;
    2508             : }
    2509             : 
    2510             : /**************************************************************************/
    2511             : 
    2512           0 : void SmMatrixNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2513             : {
    2514           0 :     APPEND(rText,"matrix {");
    2515           0 :     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;  i < nNumRows; i++)
    2516             :     {
    2517           0 :         for (sal_uInt16 j = 0;  j < nNumCols; j++)
    2518             :         {
    2519           0 :             SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i * nNumCols + j);
    2520           0 :             pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    2521           0 :             if (j != nNumCols-1)
    2522           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"# ");
    2523             :         }
    2524           0 :         if (i != nNumRows-1)
    2525           0 :             APPEND(rText,"## ");
    2526             :     }
    2527           0 :     rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
    2528           0 :     APPEND(rText,"} ");
    2529           0 : }
    2530             : 
    2531             : 
    2532          12 : void SmMatrixNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2533             : {
    2534             :     SmNode *pNode;
    2535             :     sal_uInt16  i, j;
    2536             : 
    2537             :     // initialize array that is to hold the maximum widhts of all
    2538             :     // elements (subnodes) in that column.
    2539          12 :     long *pColWidth = new long[nNumCols];
    2540          36 :     for (j = 0;  j  < nNumCols;  j++)
    2541          24 :         pColWidth[j] = 0;
    2542             : 
    2543             :     // arrange subnodes and calculate the aboves arrays contents
    2544          12 :     sal_uInt16 nNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
    2545          60 :     for (i = 0;  i < nNodes;  i++)
    2546             :     {
    2547          48 :         sal_uInt16 nIdx = nNodes - 1 - i;
    2548          48 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(nIdx)))
    2549             :         {
    2550          48 :             pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
    2551          48 :             int  nCol = nIdx % nNumCols;
    2552          48 :             pColWidth[nCol] = Max(pColWidth[nCol], pNode->GetItalicWidth());
    2553             :         }
    2554             :     }
    2555             : 
    2556             :     // norm distance from which the following two are calcutated
    2557          12 :     const int  nNormDist = 3 * GetFont().GetSize().Height();
    2558             : 
    2559             :     // define horizontal and vertical minimal distances that seperate
    2560             :     // the elements
    2561          12 :     long  nHorDist = nNormDist * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXCOL) / 100L,
    2562          12 :           nVerDist = nNormDist * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXROW) / 100L;
    2563             : 
    2564             :     // build array that holds the leftmost position for each column
    2565          12 :     long *pColLeft = new long[nNumCols];
    2566          12 :     long  nX = 0;
    2567          36 :     for (j = 0;  j < nNumCols;  j++)
    2568          24 :     {   pColLeft[j] = nX;
    2569          24 :         nX += pColWidth[j] + nHorDist;
    2570             :     }
    2571             : 
    2572          12 :     Point   aPos, aDelta;
    2573          12 :     SmRect  aLineRect;
    2574          12 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
    2575          36 :     for (i = 0;  i < nNumRows;  i++)
    2576          24 :     {   aLineRect = SmRect();
    2577          72 :         for (j = 0;  j < nNumCols;  j++)
    2578          48 :         {   SmNode *pTmpNode = GetSubNode(i * nNumCols + j);
    2579             :             OSL_ENSURE(pTmpNode, "Sm: NULL pointer");
    2580             : 
    2581          48 :             const SmRect &rNodeRect = pTmpNode->GetRect();
    2582             : 
    2583             :             // align all baselines in that row if possible
    2584          48 :             aPos = rNodeRect.AlignTo(aLineRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    2585          48 :             aPos.X() += nHorDist;
    2586             : 
    2587             :             // get horizontal alignment
    2588          48 :             const SmNode *pCoNode   = pTmpNode->GetLeftMost();
    2589          48 :             RectHorAlign  eHorAlign = pCoNode->GetRectHorAlign();
    2590             : 
    2591             :             // caculate horizontal position of element depending on column
    2592             :             // and horizontal alignment
    2593          48 :             switch (eHorAlign)
    2594             :             {   case RHA_LEFT:
    2595           0 :                     aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j];
    2596           0 :                     break;
    2597             :                 case RHA_CENTER:
    2598          48 :                     aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j]
    2599          48 :                                + pColWidth[j] / 2
    2600          96 :                                - rNodeRect.GetItalicCenterX();
    2601          48 :                     break;
    2602             :                 case RHA_RIGHT:
    2603           0 :                     aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j]
    2604           0 :                                + pColWidth[j] - rNodeRect.GetItalicWidth();
    2605           0 :                     break;
    2606             :             }
    2607             : 
    2608          48 :             pTmpNode->MoveTo(aPos);
    2609          48 :             aLineRect.ExtendBy(rNodeRect, RCP_XOR);
    2610             :         }
    2611             : 
    2612          24 :         aPos = aLineRect.AlignTo(*this, RP_BOTTOM, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
    2613          24 :         aPos.Y() += nVerDist;
    2614             : 
    2615             :         // move 'aLineRect' and rectangles in that line to final position
    2616          24 :         aDelta.X() = 0;     // since horizontal alignment is already done
    2617          24 :         aDelta.Y() = aPos.Y() - aLineRect.GetTop();
    2618          24 :         aLineRect.Move(aDelta);
    2619          72 :         for (j = 0;  j < nNumCols;  j++)
    2620          48 :             if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(i * nNumCols + j)))
    2621          48 :                 pNode->Move(aDelta);
    2622             : 
    2623          24 :         ExtendBy(aLineRect, RCP_NONE);
    2624             :     }
    2625             : 
    2626          12 :     delete [] pColLeft;
    2627          12 :     delete [] pColWidth;
    2628          12 : }
    2629             : 
    2630             : 
    2631          16 : void SmMatrixNode::SetRowCol(sal_uInt16 nMatrixRows, sal_uInt16 nMatrixCols)
    2632             : {
    2633          16 :     nNumRows = nMatrixRows;
    2634          16 :     nNumCols = nMatrixCols;
    2635          16 : }
    2636             : 
    2637             : 
    2638          12 : SmNode * SmMatrixNode::GetLeftMost()
    2639             : {
    2640          12 :     return this;
    2641             : }
    2642             : 
    2643             : 
    2644             : /**************************************************************************/
    2645             : 
    2646             : 
    2647        1724 : SmMathSymbolNode::SmMathSymbolNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
    2648        1724 : :   SmSpecialNode(NMATH, rNodeToken, FNT_MATH)
    2649             : {
    2650        1724 :     sal_Unicode cChar = GetToken().cMathChar;
    2651        1724 :     if ((sal_Unicode) '\0' != cChar)
    2652        1716 :         SetText(rtl::OUString(cChar));
    2653        1724 : }
    2654             : 
    2655          96 : void SmMathSymbolNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &rDev, sal_uLong nWidth)
    2656             : {
    2657             :     // Since there is no function to do this, we try to approximate it:
    2658          96 :     Size  aFntSize (GetFont().GetSize());
    2659             : 
    2660             :     //! however the result is a bit better with 'nWidth' as initial font width
    2661          96 :     aFntSize.Width() = nWidth;
    2662          96 :     GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
    2663             : 
    2664          96 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2665          96 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2666             : 
    2667             :     // get denominator of error factor for width
    2668          96 :     long nTmpBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
    2669          96 :     long nDenom = SmRect(aTmpDev, NULL, GetText(), nTmpBorderWidth).GetItalicWidth();
    2670             : 
    2671             :     // scale fontwidth with this error factor
    2672          96 :     aFntSize.Width() *= nWidth;
    2673          96 :     aFntSize.Width() /= nDenom ? nDenom : 1;
    2674             : 
    2675          96 :     GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
    2676          96 : }
    2677             : 
    2678         564 : void SmMathSymbolNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, sal_uLong nHeight)
    2679             : {
    2680         564 :     GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
    2681         564 :     Size  aFntSize (GetFont().GetSize());
    2682             : 
    2683             :     // Since we only want to scale the heigth, we might have
    2684             :     // to determine the font width in order to keep it
    2685         564 :     if (aFntSize.Width() == 0)
    2686             :     {
    2687         120 :         OutputDevice &rDevNC = (OutputDevice &) rDev;
    2688         120 :         rDevNC.Push(PUSH_FONT | PUSH_MAPMODE);
    2689         120 :         rDevNC.SetFont(GetFont());
    2690         120 :         aFntSize.Width() = rDev.GetFontMetric().GetSize().Width();
    2691         120 :         rDevNC.Pop();
    2692             :     }
    2693             :     OSL_ENSURE(aFntSize.Width() != 0, "Sm: ");
    2694             : 
    2695             :     //! however the result is a bit better with 'nHeight' as initial
    2696             :     //! font height
    2697         564 :     aFntSize.Height() = nHeight;
    2698         564 :     GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
    2699             : 
    2700         564 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2701         564 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2702             : 
    2703             :     // get denominator of error factor for height
    2704         564 :     long nTmpBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
    2705         564 :     long nDenom = SmRect(aTmpDev, NULL, GetText(), nTmpBorderWidth).GetHeight();
    2706             : 
    2707             :     // scale fontwidth with this error factor
    2708         564 :     aFntSize.Height() *= nHeight;
    2709         564 :     aFntSize.Height() /= nDenom ? nDenom : 1;
    2710             : 
    2711         564 :     GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
    2712         564 : }
    2713             : 
    2714             : 
    2715        1763 : void SmMathSymbolNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    2716             : {
    2717        1763 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    2718             : 
    2719        1763 :     GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(GetFontDesc());
    2720             :     // use same font size as is used for variables
    2721        1763 :     GetFont().SetSize( rFormat.GetFont( FNT_VARIABLE ).GetSize() );
    2722             : 
    2723             :     OSL_ENSURE(GetFont().GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL  ||
    2724             :                GetFont().GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE,
    2725             :         "wrong charset for character from StarMath/OpenSymbol font");
    2726             : 
    2727        1763 :     Flags() |= FLG_FONT | FLG_ITALIC;
    2728        1763 : };
    2729             : 
    2730             : 
    2731        1329 : void SmMathSymbolNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2732             : {
    2733        1329 :     const OUString &rText = GetText();
    2734             : 
    2735        1329 :     if (rText.isEmpty() || rText[0] == '\0')
    2736           6 :     {   SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
    2737        1329 :         return;
    2738             :     }
    2739             : 
    2740        1323 :     PrepareAttributes();
    2741             : 
    2742        1323 :     GetFont() *= Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT), 100);
    2743             : 
    2744        1323 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2745        1323 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2746             : 
    2747        1323 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    2748             : }
    2749             : 
    2750           0 : void SmMathSymbolNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2751             : {
    2752           0 :     String sStr;
    2753           0 :     MathType::LookupChar(GetToken().cMathChar, sStr);
    2754           0 :     rText.Append(sStr);
    2755           0 : }
    2756             : 
    2757           0 : void SmRectangleNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2758             : {
    2759           0 :     switch (GetToken().eType)
    2760             :     {
    2761             :     case TUNDERLINE:
    2762           0 :         APPEND(rText,"underline ");
    2763           0 :         break;
    2764             :     case TOVERLINE:
    2765           0 :         APPEND(rText,"overline ");
    2766           0 :         break;
    2767             :     case TOVERSTRIKE:
    2768           0 :         APPEND(rText,"overstrike ");
    2769           0 :         break;
    2770             :     default:
    2771           0 :         break;
    2772             :     }
    2773           0 : }
    2774             : 
    2775           0 : void SmAttributNode::CreateTextFromNode(String &rText)
    2776             : {
    2777             :     SmNode *pNode;
    2778           0 :     sal_uInt16  nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
    2779             :     OSL_ENSURE(nSize == 2, "Node missing members");
    2780           0 :     rText.Append('{');
    2781           0 :     sal_Unicode nLast=0;
    2782           0 :     if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(0)))
    2783             :     {
    2784           0 :         String aStr;
    2785           0 :         pNode->CreateTextFromNode(aStr);
    2786           0 :         if (aStr.Len() > 1)
    2787           0 :             rText.Append(aStr);
    2788             :         else
    2789             :         {
    2790           0 :             nLast = aStr.GetChar(0);
    2791           0 :             switch (nLast)
    2792             :             {
    2793             :             case 0xAF: // MACRON
    2794           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"overline ");
    2795           0 :                 break;
    2796             :             case MS_DOT: // DOT ABOVE
    2797           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"dot ");
    2798           0 :                 break;
    2799             :             case 0x2dc: // SMALL TILDE
    2800           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"widetilde ");
    2801           0 :                 break;
    2802             :             case MS_DDOT: // DIAERESIS
    2803           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"ddot ");
    2804           0 :                 break;
    2805             :             case 0xE082:
    2806           0 :                 break;
    2807             :             case 0xE09B:
    2808             :             case MS_DDDOT: // COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE
    2809           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"dddot ");
    2810           0 :                 break;
    2811             :             case MS_ACUTE: // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
    2812           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"acute ");
    2813           0 :                 break;
    2814             :             case MS_GRAVE: // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
    2815           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"grave ");
    2816           0 :                 break;
    2817             :             case MS_CHECK: // COMBINING CARON
    2818           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"check ");
    2819           0 :                 break;
    2820             :             case MS_BREVE: // COMBINING BREVE
    2821           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"breve ");
    2822           0 :                 break;
    2823             :             case MS_CIRCLE: // COMBINING RING ABOVE
    2824           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"circle ");
    2825           0 :                 break;
    2826             :             case MS_VEC: // COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE
    2827           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"vec ");
    2828           0 :                 break;
    2829             :             case MS_TILDE: // COMBINING TILDE
    2830           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"tilde ");
    2831           0 :                 break;
    2832             :             case MS_HAT: // COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
    2833           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"hat ");
    2834           0 :                 break;
    2835             :             case MS_BAR: // COMBINING MACRON
    2836           0 :                 APPEND(rText,"bar ");
    2837           0 :                 break;
    2838             :             default:
    2839           0 :                 rText.Append(nLast);
    2840           0 :                 break;
    2841             :             }
    2842           0 :         }
    2843             :     }
    2844             : 
    2845           0 :     if (nSize == 2)
    2846           0 :         if (NULL != (pNode = GetSubNode(1)))
    2847           0 :             pNode->CreateTextFromNode(rText);
    2848             : 
    2849           0 :     rText = comphelper::string::stripEnd(rText, ' ');
    2850             : 
    2851           0 :     if (nLast == 0xE082)
    2852           0 :         APPEND(rText," overbrace {}");
    2853             : 
    2854           0 :     APPEND(rText,"} ");
    2855           0 : }
    2856             : 
    2857             : /**************************************************************************/
    2858             : 
    2859        1939 : static bool lcl_IsFromGreekSymbolSet( const String &rTokenText )
    2860             : {
    2861        1939 :     bool bRes = false;
    2862             : 
    2863             :     // valid symbol name needs to have a '%' at pos 0 and at least an additonal char
    2864        1939 :     if (rTokenText.Len() > 2 && rTokenText.GetBuffer()[0] == (sal_Unicode)'%')
    2865             :     {
    2866         130 :         String aName( rTokenText.Copy(1) );
    2867         130 :         SmSym *pSymbol = SM_MOD()->GetSymbolManager().GetSymbolByName( aName );
    2868         130 :         if (pSymbol && GetExportSymbolSetName(pSymbol->GetSymbolSetName()) == "Greek")
    2869         106 :             bRes = true;
    2870             :     }
    2871             : 
    2872        1939 :     return bRes;
    2873             : }
    2874             : 
    2875             : 
    2876        1809 : SmSpecialNode::SmSpecialNode(SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 _nFontDesc) :
    2877        1809 :     SmTextNode(eNodeType, rNodeToken, _nFontDesc)
    2878             : {
    2879        1809 :     bIsFromGreekSymbolSet = lcl_IsFromGreekSymbolSet( rNodeToken.aText );
    2880        1809 : }
    2881             : 
    2882             : 
    2883         130 : SmSpecialNode::SmSpecialNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken) :
    2884         130 :     SmTextNode(NSPECIAL, rNodeToken, FNT_MATH)  // default Font isn't always correct!
    2885             : {
    2886         130 :     bIsFromGreekSymbolSet = lcl_IsFromGreekSymbolSet( rNodeToken.aText );
    2887         130 : }
    2888             : 
    2889             : 
    2890         130 : void SmSpecialNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    2891             : {
    2892         130 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    2893             : 
    2894             :     const SmSym   *pSym;
    2895         130 :     SmModule  *pp = SM_MOD();
    2896             : 
    2897         130 :     OUString aName(GetToken().aText.copy(1));
    2898         130 :     if (NULL != (pSym = pp->GetSymbolManager().GetSymbolByName( aName )))
    2899             :     {
    2900         130 :         sal_UCS4 cChar = pSym->GetCharacter();
    2901         130 :         OUString aTmp( &cChar, 1 );
    2902         130 :         SetText( aTmp );
    2903         130 :         GetFont() = pSym->GetFace();
    2904             :     }
    2905             :     else
    2906             :     {
    2907           0 :         SetText( GetToken().aText );
    2908           0 :         GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
    2909             :     }
    2910             :     // use same font size as is used for variables
    2911         130 :     GetFont().SetSize( rFormat.GetFont( FNT_VARIABLE ).GetSize() );
    2912             : 
    2913             :     // Actually only WEIGHT_NORMAL and WEIGHT_BOLD should occur... However, the sms-file also
    2914             :     // contains e.g. 'WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT'. Consequently, compare here with '>' instead of '!='.
    2915             :     // (In the long term the necessity for 'PrepareAttribut' and thus also for this here should be dropped)
    2916             :     //
    2917             :     //! see also SmFontStyles::GetStyleName
    2918         130 :     if (IsItalic( GetFont() ))
    2919           0 :         SetAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC);
    2920         130 :     if (IsBold( GetFont() ))
    2921           0 :         SetAttribut(ATTR_BOLD);
    2922             : 
    2923         130 :     Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
    2924             : 
    2925         130 :     if (bIsFromGreekSymbolSet)
    2926             :     {
    2927             :         OSL_ENSURE( GetText().getLength() == 1, "a symbol should only consist of 1 char!" );
    2928         106 :         bool bItalic = false;
    2929         106 :         sal_Int16 nStyle = rFormat.GetGreekCharStyle();
    2930             :         OSL_ENSURE( nStyle >= 0 && nStyle <= 2, "unexpected value for GreekCharStyle" );
    2931         106 :         if (nStyle == 1)
    2932           0 :             bItalic = true;
    2933         106 :         else if (nStyle == 2)
    2934             :         {
    2935           0 :             const OUString& rTmp(GetText());
    2936           0 :             if (rTmp.isEmpty())
    2937             :             {
    2938           0 :                 const sal_Unicode cUppercaseAlpha = 0x0391;
    2939           0 :                 const sal_Unicode cUppercaseOmega = 0x03A9;
    2940           0 :                 sal_Unicode cChar = rTmp[0];
    2941             :                 // uppercase letters should be straight and lowercase letters italic
    2942           0 :                 bItalic = !(cUppercaseAlpha <= cChar && cChar <= cUppercaseOmega);
    2943             :             }
    2944             :         }
    2945             : 
    2946         106 :         if (bItalic)
    2947           0 :             Attributes() |= ATTR_ITALIC;
    2948             :         else
    2949         106 :             Attributes() &= ~ATTR_ITALIC;;
    2950         130 :     }
    2951         130 : };
    2952             : 
    2953             : 
    2954           0 : void SmSpecialNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2955             : {
    2956           0 :     PrepareAttributes();
    2957             : 
    2958           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2959           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2960             : 
    2961           0 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(), GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    2962           0 : }
    2963             : 
    2964             : /**************************************************************************/
    2965             : 
    2966             : 
    2967           0 : void SmGlyphSpecialNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2968             : {
    2969           0 :     PrepareAttributes();
    2970             : 
    2971           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2972           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2973             : 
    2974           0 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(),
    2975           0 :                                GetFont().GetBorderWidth()).AsGlyphRect());
    2976           0 : }
    2977             : 
    2978             : 
    2979             : /**************************************************************************/
    2980             : 
    2981             : 
    2982          36 : void SmPlaceNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    2983             : {
    2984          36 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    2985             : 
    2986          36 :     GetFont().SetColor(COL_GRAY);
    2987          36 :     Flags() |= FLG_COLOR | FLG_FONT | FLG_ITALIC;
    2988          36 : };
    2989             : 
    2990             : 
    2991          36 : void SmPlaceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    2992             : {
    2993          36 :     PrepareAttributes();
    2994             : 
    2995          36 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    2996          36 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    2997             : 
    2998          36 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(), GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    2999          36 : }
    3000             : 
    3001             : 
    3002             : /**************************************************************************/
    3003             : 
    3004             : 
    3005           0 : void SmErrorNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    3006             : {
    3007           0 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    3008             : 
    3009           0 :     GetFont().SetColor(COL_RED);
    3010           0 :     Flags() |= FLG_VISIBLE | FLG_BOLD | FLG_ITALIC
    3011           0 :                | FLG_COLOR | FLG_FONT | FLG_SIZE;
    3012           0 : }
    3013             : 
    3014             : 
    3015           0 : void SmErrorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    3016             : {
    3017           0 :     PrepareAttributes();
    3018             : 
    3019           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    3020           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    3021             : 
    3022           0 :     const OUString &rText = GetText();
    3023           0 :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    3024           0 : }
    3025             : 
    3026             : 
    3027             : /**************************************************************************/
    3028             : 
    3029             : 
    3030           4 : void SmBlankNode::IncreaseBy(const SmToken &rToken)
    3031             : {
    3032           4 :     switch(rToken.eType)
    3033             :     {
    3034           2 :         case TBLANK:    nNum += 4;  break;
    3035           2 :         case TSBLANK:   nNum += 1;  break;
    3036             :         default:
    3037           0 :             break;
    3038             :     }
    3039           4 : }
    3040             : 
    3041             : 
    3042           4 : void SmBlankNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
    3043             : {
    3044           4 :     SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
    3045             : 
    3046             :     // Here it need/should not be the StarMath font, so that for the character
    3047             :     // used in Arrange a normal (non-clipped) rectangle is generated
    3048           4 :     GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
    3049             : 
    3050           4 :     Flags() |= FLG_FONT | FLG_BOLD | FLG_ITALIC;
    3051           4 : }
    3052             : 
    3053             : 
    3054           0 : void SmBlankNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
    3055             : {
    3056           0 :     SmTmpDevice  aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev, true);
    3057           0 :     aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
    3058             : 
    3059             :     // make distance depend on the font heigth
    3060             :     // (so that it increases when scaling (e.g. size *2 {a ~ b})
    3061           0 :     long  nDist  = GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 10L,
    3062           0 :           nSpace = nNum * nDist;
    3063             : 
    3064             :     // get a SmRect with Baseline and all the bells and whistles
    3065             :     SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rtl::OUString(' '),
    3066           0 :                                GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
    3067             : 
    3068             :     // and resize it to the requested size
    3069           0 :     SetItalicSpaces(0, 0);
    3070           0 :     SetWidth(nSpace);
    3071           0 : }
    3072             : 
    3073             : /**************************************************************************/
    3074             : //Implementation of all accept methods for SmVisitor
    3075             : 
    3076           0 : void SmNode::Accept(SmVisitor*){
    3077             :     //This method is only implemented to avoid making SmNode abstract because an
    3078             :     //obscure copy constructor is used... I can't find it's implementation, and
    3079             :     //don't want to figure out how to fix it... If you want to, just delete this
    3080             :     //method, making SmNode abstract, and see where you can an problem with that.
    3081             :     OSL_FAIL("SmNode should not be visitable!");
    3082           0 : }
    3083             : 
    3084        2617 : void SmTableNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3085        2617 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3086        2617 : }
    3087             : 
    3088        1524 : void SmBraceNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3089        1524 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3090        1524 : }
    3091             : 
    3092        1520 : void SmBracebodyNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3093        1520 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3094        1520 : }
    3095             : 
    3096         488 : void SmOperNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3097         488 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3098         488 : }
    3099             : 
    3100          14 : void SmAlignNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3101          14 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3102          14 : }
    3103             : 
    3104         932 : void SmAttributNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3105         932 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3106         932 : }
    3107             : 
    3108          34 : void SmFontNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3109          34 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3110          34 : }
    3111             : 
    3112          88 : void SmUnHorNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3113          88 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3114          88 : }
    3115             : 
    3116        2475 : void SmBinHorNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3117        2475 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3118        2475 : }
    3119             : 
    3120         938 : void SmBinVerNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3121         938 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3122         938 : }
    3123             : 
    3124           0 : void SmBinDiagonalNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3125           0 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3126           0 : }
    3127             : 
    3128        2130 : void SmSubSupNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3129        2130 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3130        2130 : }
    3131             : 
    3132          68 : void SmMatrixNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3133          68 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3134          68 : }
    3135             : 
    3136         202 : void SmPlaceNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3137         202 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3138         202 : }
    3139             : 
    3140       14245 : void SmTextNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3141       14245 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3142       14245 : }
    3143             : 
    3144         130 : void SmSpecialNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3145         130 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3146         130 : }
    3147             : 
    3148           0 : void SmGlyphSpecialNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3149           0 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3150           0 : }
    3151             : 
    3152        7319 : void SmMathSymbolNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3153        7319 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3154        7319 : }
    3155             : 
    3156           4 : void SmBlankNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3157           4 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3158           4 : }
    3159             : 
    3160          12 : void SmErrorNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3161          12 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3162          12 : }
    3163             : 
    3164        2294 : void SmLineNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3165        2294 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3166        2294 : }
    3167             : 
    3168       13751 : void SmExpressionNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3169       13751 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3170       13751 : }
    3171             : 
    3172           0 : void SmPolyLineNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3173           0 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3174           0 : }
    3175             : 
    3176         196 : void SmRootNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3177         196 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3178         196 : }
    3179             : 
    3180         192 : void SmRootSymbolNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3181         192 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3182         192 : }
    3183             : 
    3184        1031 : void SmRectangleNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3185        1031 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3186        1031 : }
    3187             : 
    3188         132 : void SmVerticalBraceNode::Accept(SmVisitor* pVisitor) {
    3189         132 :     pVisitor->Visit(this);
    3190         144 : }
    3191             : 
    3192             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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