LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/svx/source/sdr/contact - objectcontactofpageview.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 114 163 69.9 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 20 29 69.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/objectcontactofpageview.hxx>
      21             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontactofunocontrol.hxx>
      22             : #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
      23             : #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
      24             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/displayinfo.hxx>
      25             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontact.hxx>
      26             : #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
      27             : #include <svx/sdr/contact/viewcontact.hxx>
      28             : #include <svx/sdr/animation/objectanimator.hxx>
      29             : #include <svx/sdr/event/eventhandler.hxx>
      30             : #include <svx/sdrpagewindow.hxx>
      31             : #include <svx/sdrpaintwindow.hxx>
      32             : #include <drawinglayer/processor2d/vclprocessor2d.hxx>
      33             : #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
      34             : #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/transformprimitive2d.hxx>
      35             : #include <drawinglayer/processor2d/processorfromoutputdevice.hxx>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XSpriteCanvas.hpp>
      37             : #include <svx/unoapi.hxx>
      38             : 
      39             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      40             : 
      41             : using namespace com::sun::star;
      42             : 
      43             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      44             : 
      45             : namespace sdr
      46             : {
      47             :     namespace contact
      48             :     {
      49             :         // internal access to SdrPage of SdrPageView
      50        2448 :         SdrPage* ObjectContactOfPageView::GetSdrPage() const
      51             :         {
      52        2448 :             return GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetPage();
      53             :         }
      54             : 
      55         134 :         ObjectContactOfPageView::ObjectContactOfPageView(SdrPageWindow& rPageWindow)
      56             :         :   ObjectContact(),
      57         134 :             mrPageWindow(rPageWindow)
      58             :         {
      59             :             // init PreviewRenderer flag
      60         134 :             setPreviewRenderer(((SdrPaintView&)rPageWindow.GetPageView().GetView()).IsPreviewRenderer());
      61             : 
      62             :             // init timer
      63         134 :             SetTimeout(1);
      64         134 :             Stop();
      65         134 :         }
      66             : 
      67          27 :         ObjectContactOfPageView::~ObjectContactOfPageView()
      68             :         {
      69             :             // execute missing LazyInvalidates and stop timer
      70           9 :             Timeout();
      71          18 :         }
      72             : 
      73             :         // LazyInvalidate request. Take action.
      74          12 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::setLazyInvalidate(ViewObjectContact& /*rVOC*/)
      75             :         {
      76             :             // do NOT call parent, but remember that something is to do by
      77             :             // starting the LazyInvalidateTimer
      78          12 :             Start();
      79          12 :         }
      80             : 
      81             :         // call this to support evtl. preparations for repaint
      82         427 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::PrepareProcessDisplay()
      83             :         {
      84         427 :             if(IsActive())
      85             :             {
      86             :                 static bool bInvalidateDuringPaint(true);
      87             : 
      88           1 :                 if(bInvalidateDuringPaint)
      89             :                 {
      90             :                     // there are still non-triggered LazyInvalidate events, trigger these
      91           1 :                     Timeout();
      92             :                 }
      93             :             }
      94         427 :         }
      95             : 
      96             :         // From baseclass Timer, the timeout call triggered by te LazyInvalidate mechanism
      97          12 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::Timeout()
      98             :         {
      99             :             // stop the timer
     100          12 :             Stop();
     101             : 
     102             :             // invalidate all LazyInvalidate VOCs new situations
     103          12 :             const sal_uInt32 nVOCCount(getViewObjectContactCount());
     104             : 
     105         151 :             for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nVOCCount; a++)
     106             :             {
     107         139 :                 ViewObjectContact* pCandidate = getViewObjectContact(a);
     108         139 :                 pCandidate->triggerLazyInvalidate();
     109             :             }
     110          12 :         }
     111             : 
     112             :         // Process the whole displaying
     113         816 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::ProcessDisplay(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
     114             :         {
     115         816 :             const SdrPage* pStartPage = GetSdrPage();
     116             : 
     117         816 :             if(pStartPage && !rDisplayInfo.GetProcessLayers().IsEmpty())
     118             :             {
     119         816 :                 const ViewContact& rDrawPageVC = pStartPage->GetViewContact();
     120             : 
     121         816 :                 if(rDrawPageVC.GetObjectCount())
     122             :                 {
     123         816 :                     DoProcessDisplay(rDisplayInfo);
     124             :                 }
     125             :             }
     126             : 
     127             :             // after paint take care of the evtl. scheduled asynchronious commands.
     128             :             // Do this by resetting the timer contained there. Thus, after the paint
     129             :             // that timer will be triggered and the events will be executed.
     130         816 :             if(HasEventHandler())
     131             :             {
     132           0 :                 sdr::event::TimerEventHandler& rEventHandler = GetEventHandler();
     133             : 
     134           0 :                 if(!rEventHandler.IsEmpty())
     135             :                 {
     136           0 :                     rEventHandler.Restart();
     137             :                 }
     138             :             }
     139         816 :         }
     140             : 
     141             :         // Process the whole displaying. Only use given DsiplayInfo, do not access other
     142             :         // OutputDevices then the given ones.
     143         816 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::DoProcessDisplay(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
     144             :         {
     145             :             // visualize entered group when that feature is switched on and it's not
     146             :             // a print output. #i29129# No ghosted display for printing.
     147         816 :             sal_Bool bVisualizeEnteredGroup(DoVisualizeEnteredGroup() && !isOutputToPrinter());
     148             : 
     149             :             // Visualize entered groups: Set to ghosted as default
     150             :             // start. Do this only for the DrawPage, not for MasterPages
     151         816 :             if(bVisualizeEnteredGroup)
     152             :             {
     153         816 :                 rDisplayInfo.SetGhostedDrawMode();
     154             :             }
     155             : 
     156             :             // #114359# save old and set clip region
     157         816 :             OutputDevice* pOutDev = TryToGetOutputDevice();
     158             :             OSL_ENSURE(0 != pOutDev, "ObjectContactOfPageView without OutDev, someone has overloaded TryToGetOutputDevice wrong (!)");
     159         816 :             sal_Bool bClipRegionPushed(sal_False);
     160         816 :             const Region& rRedrawArea(rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea());
     161             : 
     162         816 :             if(!rRedrawArea.IsEmpty())
     163             :             {
     164         816 :                 bClipRegionPushed = sal_True;
     165         816 :                 pOutDev->Push(PUSH_CLIPREGION);
     166         816 :                 pOutDev->IntersectClipRegion(rRedrawArea);
     167             :             }
     168             : 
     169             :             // Get start node and process DrawPage contents
     170         816 :             const ViewObjectContact& rDrawPageVOContact = GetSdrPage()->GetViewContact().GetViewObjectContact(*this);
     171             : 
     172             :             // update current ViewInformation2D at the ObjectContact
     173         816 :             const double fCurrentTime(getPrimitiveAnimator().GetTime());
     174         816 :             OutputDevice& rTargetOutDev = GetPageWindow().GetPaintWindow().GetTargetOutputDevice();
     175         816 :             basegfx::B2DRange aViewRange;
     176             : 
     177             :             // create ViewRange
     178         816 :             if(isOutputToRecordingMetaFile())
     179             :             {
     180          10 :                 if(isOutputToPDFFile() || isOutputToPrinter())
     181             :                 {
     182             :                     // #i98402# if it's a PDF export, set the ClipRegion as ViewRange. This is
     183             :                     // mainly because SW does not use DrawingLayer Page-Oriented and if not doing this,
     184             :                     // all existing objects will be collected as primitives and processed.
     185             :                     // OD 2009-03-05 #i99876# perform the same also for SW on printing.
     186           0 :                     const Rectangle aLogicClipRectangle(rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().GetBoundRect());
     187             : 
     188             :                     aViewRange = basegfx::B2DRange(
     189           0 :                         aLogicClipRectangle.Left(), aLogicClipRectangle.Top(),
     190           0 :                         aLogicClipRectangle.Right(), aLogicClipRectangle.Bottom());
     191             :                 }
     192             :             }
     193             :             else
     194             :             {
     195             :                 // use visible pixels, but transform to world coordinates
     196         806 :                 const Size aOutputSizePixel(rTargetOutDev.GetOutputSizePixel());
     197         806 :                 aViewRange = basegfx::B2DRange(0.0, 0.0, aOutputSizePixel.getWidth(), aOutputSizePixel.getHeight());
     198             : 
     199             :                 // if a clip region is set, use it
     200         806 :                 if(!rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().IsEmpty())
     201             :                 {
     202             :                     // get logic clip range and create discrete one
     203         806 :                     const Rectangle aLogicClipRectangle(rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().GetBoundRect());
     204             :                     basegfx::B2DRange aLogicClipRange(
     205        1612 :                         aLogicClipRectangle.Left(), aLogicClipRectangle.Top(),
     206        2418 :                         aLogicClipRectangle.Right(), aLogicClipRectangle.Bottom());
     207         806 :                     basegfx::B2DRange aDiscreteClipRange(aLogicClipRange);
     208         806 :                     aDiscreteClipRange.transform(rTargetOutDev.GetViewTransformation());
     209             : 
     210             :                     // align the discrete one to discrete boundaries (pixel bounds). Also
     211             :                     // expand X and Y max by one due to Rectangle definition source
     212             :                     aDiscreteClipRange.expand(basegfx::B2DTuple(
     213             :                         floor(aDiscreteClipRange.getMinX()),
     214         806 :                         floor(aDiscreteClipRange.getMinY())));
     215             :                     aDiscreteClipRange.expand(basegfx::B2DTuple(
     216         806 :                         1.0 + ceil(aDiscreteClipRange.getMaxX()),
     217        1612 :                         1.0 + ceil(aDiscreteClipRange.getMaxY())));
     218             : 
     219             :                     // intersect current ViewRange with ClipRange
     220         806 :                     aViewRange.intersect(aDiscreteClipRange);
     221             :                 }
     222             : 
     223             :                 // transform to world coordinates
     224         806 :                 aViewRange.transform(rTargetOutDev.GetInverseViewTransformation());
     225             :             }
     226             : 
     227             :             // update local ViewInformation2D
     228             :             const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D aNewViewInformation2D(
     229             :                 basegfx::B2DHomMatrix(),
     230             :                 rTargetOutDev.GetViewTransformation(),
     231             :                 aViewRange,
     232             :                 GetXDrawPageForSdrPage(GetSdrPage()),
     233             :                 fCurrentTime,
     234         816 :                 uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>());
     235         816 :             updateViewInformation2D(aNewViewInformation2D);
     236             : 
     237             :             // get whole Primitive2DSequence; this will already make use of updated ViewInformation2D
     238             :             // and may use the MapMode from the Target OutDev in the DisplayInfo
     239         816 :             drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence xPrimitiveSequence(rDrawPageVOContact.getPrimitive2DSequenceHierarchy(rDisplayInfo));
     240             : 
     241             :             // if there is something to show, use a primitive processor to render it. There
     242             :             // is a choice between VCL and Canvas processors currently. The decision is made in
     243             :             // createBaseProcessor2DFromOutputDevice and takes into accout things like the
     244             :             // Target is a MetaFile, a VDev or something else. The Canvas renderer is triggered
     245             :             // currently using the shown boolean. Canvas is not yet the default.
     246         816 :             if(xPrimitiveSequence.hasElements())
     247             :             {
     248             :                 // prepare OutputDevice (historical stuff, maybe soon removed)
     249         100 :                 rDisplayInfo.ClearGhostedDrawMode(); // reset, else the VCL-paint with the processor will not do the right thing
     250         100 :                 pOutDev->SetLayoutMode(0); // reset, default is no BiDi/RTL
     251             : 
     252             :                 // create renderer
     253             :                 drawinglayer::processor2d::BaseProcessor2D* pProcessor2D =
     254             :                     drawinglayer::processor2d::createBaseProcessor2DFromOutputDevice(
     255         100 :                         rTargetOutDev, getViewInformation2D());
     256             : 
     257         100 :                 if(pProcessor2D)
     258             :                 {
     259         100 :                     pProcessor2D->process(xPrimitiveSequence);
     260         100 :                     delete pProcessor2D;
     261             :                 }
     262             :             }
     263             : 
     264             :             // #114359# restore old ClipReghion
     265         816 :             if(bClipRegionPushed)
     266             :             {
     267         816 :                 pOutDev->Pop();
     268             :             }
     269             : 
     270             :             // Visualize entered groups: Reset to original DrawMode
     271         816 :             if(bVisualizeEnteredGroup)
     272             :             {
     273         816 :                 rDisplayInfo.ClearGhostedDrawMode();
     274         816 :             }
     275         816 :         }
     276             : 
     277             :         // test if visualizing of entered groups is switched on at all
     278        1848 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::DoVisualizeEnteredGroup() const
     279             :         {
     280        1848 :             SdrView& rView = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView();
     281        1848 :             return rView.DoVisualizeEnteredGroup();
     282             :         }
     283             : 
     284             :         // get active group's (the entered group) ViewContact
     285         816 :         const ViewContact* ObjectContactOfPageView::getActiveViewContact() const
     286             :         {
     287         816 :             SdrObjList* pActiveGroupList = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetObjList();
     288             : 
     289         816 :             if(pActiveGroupList)
     290             :             {
     291         816 :                 if(pActiveGroupList->ISA(SdrPage))
     292             :                 {
     293             :                     // It's a Page itself
     294         816 :                     return &(((SdrPage*)pActiveGroupList)->GetViewContact());
     295             :                 }
     296           0 :                 else if(pActiveGroupList->GetOwnerObj())
     297             :                 {
     298             :                     // Group object
     299           0 :                     return &(pActiveGroupList->GetOwnerObj()->GetViewContact());
     300             :                 }
     301             :             }
     302           0 :             else if(GetSdrPage())
     303             :             {
     304             :                 // use page of associated SdrPageView
     305           0 :                 return &(GetSdrPage()->GetViewContact());
     306             :             }
     307             : 
     308           0 :             return 0;
     309             :         }
     310             : 
     311             :         // Invalidate given rectangle at the window/output which is represented by
     312             :         // this ObjectContact.
     313          18 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::InvalidatePartOfView(const basegfx::B2DRange& rRange) const
     314             :         {
     315             :             // invalidate at associated PageWindow
     316          18 :             GetPageWindow().InvalidatePageWindow(rRange);
     317          18 :         }
     318             : 
     319             :         // Get info if given Rectangle is visible in this view
     320           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsAreaVisible(const basegfx::B2DRange& rRange) const
     321             :         {
     322             :             // compare with the visible rectangle
     323           0 :             if(rRange.isEmpty())
     324             :             {
     325             :                 // no range -> not visible
     326           0 :                 return false;
     327             :             }
     328             :             else
     329             :             {
     330           0 :                 const OutputDevice& rTargetOutDev = GetPageWindow().GetPaintWindow().GetTargetOutputDevice();
     331           0 :                 const Size aOutputSizePixel(rTargetOutDev.GetOutputSizePixel());
     332           0 :                 basegfx::B2DRange aLogicViewRange(0.0, 0.0, aOutputSizePixel.getWidth(), aOutputSizePixel.getHeight());
     333             : 
     334           0 :                 aLogicViewRange.transform(rTargetOutDev.GetInverseViewTransformation());
     335             : 
     336           0 :                 if(!aLogicViewRange.isEmpty() && !aLogicViewRange.overlaps(rRange))
     337             :                 {
     338           0 :                     return false;
     339             :                 }
     340             :             }
     341             : 
     342             :             // call parent
     343           0 :             return ObjectContact::IsAreaVisible(rRange);
     344             :         }
     345             : 
     346             :         // Get info about the need to visualize GluePoints
     347         222 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::AreGluePointsVisible() const
     348             :         {
     349         222 :             return GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView().ImpIsGlueVisible();
     350             :         }
     351             : 
     352             :         // check if text animation is allowed.
     353         115 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsTextAnimationAllowed() const
     354             :         {
     355         115 :             SdrView& rView = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView();
     356         115 :             const SvtAccessibilityOptions& rOpt = rView.getAccessibilityOptions();
     357         115 :             return rOpt.GetIsAllowAnimatedText();
     358             :         }
     359             : 
     360             :         // check if graphic animation is allowed.
     361         115 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsGraphicAnimationAllowed() const
     362             :         {
     363         115 :             SdrView& rView = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView();
     364         115 :             const SvtAccessibilityOptions& rOpt = rView.getAccessibilityOptions();
     365         115 :             return rOpt.GetIsAllowAnimatedGraphics();
     366             :         }
     367             : 
     368             :         // check if asynchronious graphis loading is allowed. Default is sal_False.
     369           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsAsynchronGraphicsLoadingAllowed() const
     370             :         {
     371           0 :             SdrView& rView = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView();
     372           0 :             return rView.IsSwapAsynchron();
     373             :         }
     374             : 
     375             :         // check if buffering of MasterPages is allowed. Default is sal_False.
     376           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsMasterPageBufferingAllowed() const
     377             :         {
     378           0 :             SdrView& rView = GetPageWindow().GetPageView().GetView();
     379           0 :             return rView.IsMasterPagePaintCaching();
     380             :         }
     381             : 
     382             :         // print?
     383        2324 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isOutputToPrinter() const
     384             :         {
     385        2324 :             return (OUTDEV_PRINTER == mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetOutDevType());
     386             :         }
     387             : 
     388             :         // window?
     389           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isOutputToWindow() const
     390             :         {
     391           0 :             return (OUTDEV_WINDOW == mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetOutDevType());
     392             :         }
     393             : 
     394             :         // VirtualDevice?
     395           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isOutputToVirtualDevice() const
     396             :         {
     397           0 :             return (OUTDEV_VIRDEV == mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetOutDevType());
     398             :         }
     399             : 
     400             :         // recording MetaFile?
     401         816 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isOutputToRecordingMetaFile() const
     402             :         {
     403         816 :             GDIMetaFile* pMetaFile = mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetConnectMetaFile();
     404         816 :             return (pMetaFile && pMetaFile->IsRecord() && !pMetaFile->IsPause());
     405             :         }
     406             : 
     407             :         // pdf export?
     408          10 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isOutputToPDFFile() const
     409             :         {
     410          10 :             return (0 != mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetPDFWriter());
     411             :         }
     412             : 
     413             :         // gray display mode
     414           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isDrawModeGray() const
     415             :         {
     416           0 :             const sal_uInt32 nDrawMode(mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetDrawMode());
     418             :         }
     419             : 
     420             :         // gray display mode
     421           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isDrawModeBlackWhite() const
     422             :         {
     423           0 :             const sal_uInt32 nDrawMode(mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetDrawMode());
     425             :         }
     426             : 
     427             :         // high contrast display mode
     428           0 :         bool ObjectContactOfPageView::isDrawModeHighContrast() const
     429             :         {
     430           0 :             const sal_uInt32 nDrawMode(mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice().GetDrawMode());
     432             :         }
     433             : 
     434             :         // access to SdrPageView
     435         256 :         SdrPageView* ObjectContactOfPageView::TryToGetSdrPageView() const
     436             :         {
     437         256 :             return &(mrPageWindow.GetPageView());
     438             :         }
     439             : 
     440             : 
     441             :         // access to OutputDevice
     442         816 :         OutputDevice* ObjectContactOfPageView::TryToGetOutputDevice() const
     443             :         {
     444         816 :             SdrPreRenderDevice* pPreRenderDevice = mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetPreRenderDevice();
     445             : 
     446         816 :             if(pPreRenderDevice)
     447             :             {
     448           0 :                 return &(pPreRenderDevice->GetPreRenderDevice());
     449             :             }
     450             :             else
     451             :             {
     452         816 :                 return &(mrPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().GetOutputDevice());
     453             :             }
     454             :         }
     455             : 
     456             :         // set all UNO controls displayed in the view to design/alive mode
     457           0 :         void ObjectContactOfPageView::SetUNOControlsDesignMode( bool _bDesignMode ) const
     458             :         {
     459           0 :             const sal_uInt32 nCount(getViewObjectContactCount());
     460             : 
     461           0 :             for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nCount; a++)
     462             :             {
     463           0 :                 const ViewObjectContact* pVOC = getViewObjectContact(a);
     464           0 :                 const ViewObjectContactOfUnoControl* pUnoObjectVOC = dynamic_cast< const ViewObjectContactOfUnoControl* >(pVOC);
     465             : 
     466           0 :                 if(pUnoObjectVOC)
     467             :                 {
     468           0 :                     pUnoObjectVOC->setControlDesignMode(_bDesignMode);
     469             :                 }
     470             :             }
     471           0 :         }
     472             :     } // end of namespace contact
     473             : } // end of namespace sdr
     474             : 
     475             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10