LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/sw/inc - fesh.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 10 0.0 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 0 8 0.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : #ifndef _FESH_HXX
      20             : #define _FESH_HXX
      21             : 
      22             : #include <com/sun/star/text/RelOrientation.hpp>
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/XClassifiedObject.hpp>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp>
      25             : 
      26             : #include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
      27             : #include "swdllapi.h"
      28             : #include <editsh.hxx>
      29             : #include <flyenum.hxx>
      30             : 
      31             : #include <svx/svdtypes.hxx>
      32             : 
      33             : #include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
      34             : 
      35             : #include <vector>
      36             : 
      37             : namespace editeng { class SvxBorderLine; }
      38             : 
      39             : class SwFlyFrm;
      40             : class SwTabCols;
      41             : class SvxBrushItem;
      42             : class SvxFrameDirectionItem;
      43             : class SwTableAutoFmt;
      44             : class SwFrm;
      45             : class SwFmtFrmSize;
      46             : class SwFmtRowSplit;
      47             : class SdrObject;
      48             : class Color;
      49             : class Outliner;
      50             : class SotDataObject;
      51             : class SwFrmFmt;
      52             : struct SwSortOptions;
      53             : class SdrMarkList;
      54             : 
      55             : namespace svx
      56             : {
      57             :     class ISdrObjectFilter;
      58             : }
      59             : 
      60             : 
      61             : // return values for GetFrmType() und GetSelFrmType().
      62             : //! values can be combined via logival or
      63             : #define FRMTYPE_NONE            (sal_uInt16)     0
      64             : #define FRMTYPE_PAGE            (sal_uInt16)     1
      65             : #define FRMTYPE_HEADER          (sal_uInt16)     2
      66             : #define FRMTYPE_FOOTER          (sal_uInt16)     4
      67             : #define FRMTYPE_BODY            (sal_uInt16)     8
      68             : #define FRMTYPE_COLUMN          (sal_uInt16)    16
      69             : #define FRMTYPE_TABLE           (sal_uInt16)    32
      70             : #define FRMTYPE_FLY_FREE        (sal_uInt16)    64
      71             : #define FRMTYPE_FLY_ATCNT       (sal_uInt16)   128
      72             : #define FRMTYPE_FLY_INCNT       (sal_uInt16)   256
      73             : #define FRMTYPE_FOOTNOTE        (sal_uInt16)   512
      74             : #define FRMTYPE_FTNPAGE         (sal_uInt16)  1024
      75             : #define FRMTYPE_FLY_ANY         (sal_uInt16)  2048
      76             : #define FRMTYPE_DRAWOBJ         (sal_uInt16)  4096
      77             : #define FRMTYPE_COLSECT         (sal_uInt16)  8192
      78             : #define FRMTYPE_COLSECTOUTTAB   (sal_uInt16) 16384
      79             : 
      80             : //! values can be combined via logival or
      81             : #define GOTOOBJ_DRAW_CONTROL    (sal_uInt16)  1
      82             : #define GOTOOBJ_DRAW_SIMPLE     (sal_uInt16)  2
      83             : #define GOTOOBJ_DRAW_ANY        (sal_uInt16)  3
      84             : #define GOTOOBJ_FLY_FRM         (sal_uInt16)  4
      85             : #define GOTOOBJ_FLY_GRF         (sal_uInt16)  8
      86             : #define GOTOOBJ_FLY_OLE         (sal_uInt16) 16
      87             : #define GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY         (sal_uInt16) 28
      88             : #define GOTOOBJ_GOTO_ANY        (sal_uInt16) 31
      89             : 
      90             : //! values can be combined via logival or
      91             : #define FLYPROTECT_CONTENT      (sal_uInt16)  1
      92             : #define FLYPROTECT_SIZE         (sal_uInt16)  2
      93             : #define FLYPROTECT_POS          (sal_uInt16)  4
      94             : #define FLYPROTECT_PARENT       (sal_uInt16)  8     ///< Check only parents.
      95             : #define FLYPROTECT_FIXED        (sal_uInt16) 16     /**< Only protection that cannot be withdrawn
      96             :                                                     e.g. by OLE-server; also relevant for dialog. */
      97             : 
      98             : // For figuring out contents by position (D&D)
      99             : enum ObjCntType
     100             : {
     101             :     OBJCNT_NONE,
     102             :     OBJCNT_FLY,
     103             :     OBJCNT_GRF,
     104             :     OBJCNT_OLE,
     105             :     OBJCNT_SIMPLE,
     106             :     OBJCNT_CONTROL,
     107             :     OBJCNT_URLBUTTON,
     108             : 
     109             :     OBJCNT_GROUPOBJ,
     110             :     OBJCNT_DONTCARE     ///< Not determinable - different objects are selected.
     111             : };
     112             : 
     113             : //For GetAnyCurRect
     114             : enum CurRectType
     115             : {
     116             :     RECT_PAGE,                  ///< Rect of current page.
     117             :     RECT_PAGE_CALC,             ///< ... page will be formated if required.
     118             :     RECT_PAGE_PRT,              ///< Rect of current PrtArea of page.
     119             :     RECT_FRM,                   ///< Rect of current frame.
     120             :     RECT_FLY_EMBEDDED,          ///< Rect of current FlyFrm.
     121             :     RECT_FLY_PRT_EMBEDDED,      ///< Rect of PrtArea of FlyFrm
     122             :     RECT_SECTION,               ///< Rect of current section.
     123             :     RECT_OUTTABSECTION,         ///< Rect of current section but outside of table.
     124             :     RECT_SECTION_PRT,           ///< Rect of current PrtArea of section.
     125             :     RECT_OUTTABSECTION_PRT,     ///< Rect of current PrtArea of section but outside table.
     126             :     RECT_HEADERFOOTER,          ///< Rect of current header/footer
     127             :     RECT_HEADERFOOTER_PRT,      ///< Rect of PrtArea of current headers/footers
     128             : 
     129             :     RECT_PAGES_AREA             ///< Rect covering the pages area
     130             : };
     131             : 
     132             : struct SwGetCurColNumPara
     133             : {
     134             :     const SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt;
     135             :     const SwRect* pPrtRect, *pFrmRect;
     136           0 :     SwGetCurColNumPara() : pFrmFmt( 0 ), pPrtRect( 0 ), pFrmRect( 0 ) {}
     137             : };
     138             : 
     139             : #define SW_PASTESDR_INSERT      1
     140             : #define SW_PASTESDR_REPLACE     2
     141             : #define SW_PASTESDR_SETATTR     3
     142             : 
     143             : #define SW_ADD_SELECT   1
     144             : #define SW_ENTER_GROUP  2
     145             : #define SW_LEAVE_FRAME  4
     146             : 
     147             : #define SW_MOVE_UP      0
     148             : #define SW_MOVE_DOWN    1
     149             : #define SW_MOVE_LEFT    2
     150             : #define SW_MOVE_RIGHT   3
     151             : 
     152             : #define SW_TABCOL_NONE          0
     153             : #define SW_TABCOL_HORI          1
     154             : #define SW_TABCOL_VERT          2
     155             : #define SW_TABROW_HORI          3
     156             : #define SW_TABROW_VERT          4
     157             : 
     158             : #define SW_TABSEL_HORI          5
     159             : #define SW_TABSEL_HORI_RTL      6
     160             : #define SW_TABROWSEL_HORI       7
     161             : #define SW_TABROWSEL_HORI_RTL   8
     162             : #define SW_TABCOLSEL_HORI       9
     163             : #define SW_TABSEL_VERT          10
     164             : #define SW_TABROWSEL_VERT       11
     165             : #define SW_TABCOLSEL_VERT       12
     166             : 
     167             : class SdrDropMarkerOverlay;
     168             : 
     169             : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFEShell : public SwEditShell
     170             : {
     171             :     SdrDropMarkerOverlay *pChainFrom, *pChainTo;
     172             :     sal_Bool bCheckForOLEInCaption;
     173             : 
     174             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE SwFlyFrm *FindFlyFrm() const;
     175             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE SwFlyFrm *FindFlyFrm( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >&  ) const;
     176             : 
     177             :     /// Terminate actions for all shells and call ChangeLink.
     178             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE void EndAllActionAndCall();
     179             : 
     180             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE void ScrollTo( const Point &rPt );
     181             : 
     182             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE void ChangeOpaque( SdrLayerID nLayerId );
     183             : 
     184             :     /** Used for mouse operations on a table:
     185             :      @return a cell frame that is 'close' to rPt. */
     186             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE const SwFrm *GetBox( const Point &rPt, bool* pbRow = 0, bool* pbCol = 0 ) const;
     187             : 
     188             :     // 0 == not in any column.
     189             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt16 _GetCurColNum( const SwFrm *pFrm,
     190             :                           SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara ) const;
     191             : 
     192             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE void _GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrm *pBox ) const;
     193             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE void _GetTabRows( SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrm *pBox ) const;
     194             : 
     195             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool ImpEndCreate();
     196             : 
     197             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE ObjCntType GetObjCntType( const SdrObject& rObj ) const;
     198             : 
     199             :     /// Methods for copying of draw objects.
     200             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool CopyDrawSel( SwFEShell* pDestShell, const Point& rSttPt,
     201             :                                 const Point& rInsPt, sal_Bool bIsMove,
     202             :                                 sal_Bool bSelectInsert );
     203             : 
     204             :     /// Get list of marked SdrObjects;
     205             :     /// helper method for GetSelFrmType, IsSelContainsControl.
     206             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE const SdrMarkList* _GetMarkList() const;
     207             : 
     208             :     SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool CheckHeadline( bool bRepeat ) const;
     209             : 
     210             :     using SwEditShell::Copy;
     211             : 
     212             : public:
     213             : 
     214             :     using SwEditShell::Insert;
     215             : 
     216             :     TYPEINFO();
     217             :     SwFEShell( SwDoc& rDoc, Window *pWin, const SwViewOption *pOpt = 0 );
     218             :     SwFEShell( SwEditShell& rShell, Window *pWin );
     219             :     virtual ~SwFEShell();
     220             : 
     221             :     /// Copy and Paste methods for internal clipboard.
     222             :     sal_Bool Copy( SwDoc* pClpDoc, const String* pNewClpTxt = 0 );
     223             :     sal_Bool Paste( SwDoc* pClpDoc, sal_Bool bIncludingPageFrames = sal_False);
     224             : 
     225             :     /// Paste some pages into another doc - used in mailmerge.
     226             :     sal_Bool PastePages( SwFEShell& rToFill, sal_uInt16 nStartPage, sal_uInt16 nEndPage);
     227             : 
     228             :     /// Copy-Method for Drag&Drop
     229             :     sal_Bool Copy( SwFEShell*, const Point& rSttPt, const Point& rInsPt,
     230             :                 sal_Bool bIsMove = sal_False, sal_Bool bSelectInsert = sal_True );
     231             : 
     232             :     void SelectFlyFrm( SwFlyFrm& rFrm, sal_Bool bNew = sal_False );
     233             : 
     234             :     /// Is selected frame within another frame?
     235             :     const SwFrmFmt* IsFlyInFly();
     236             : 
     237             : 
     238             :     /** If an object as been given, exactly this object is selected
     239             :      (instead of searching over position). */
     240             :     sal_Bool SelectObj( const Point& rSelPt, sal_uInt8 nFlag = 0, SdrObject *pObj = 0 );
     241             :     void DelSelectedObj();
     242             : 
     243             :     /** Move selection upwards or downwards (Z-Order).
     244             :      TRUE = to top or bottom.
     245             :      FALSE = run past one other. */
     246             :     void SelectionToTop   ( sal_Bool bTop = sal_True );
     247             :     void SelectionToBottom( sal_Bool bBottom = sal_True );
     248             : 
     249             :     short GetLayerId() const;   ///< 1 Heaven, 0 Hell, -1 Ambiguous.
     250             :     void  SelectionToHeaven();  ///< Above document.
     251             :     void  SelectionToHell();    ///< Below document.
     252             : 
     253             :     /** The following two methods return enum SdrHdlKind.
     254             :      Declared as int in order to spare including SVDRAW.HXX. */
     255             :     bool IsObjSelectable( const Point& rPt );
     256             :     /// Same as IsObjSelectable(), but return the object as well.
     257             :     SdrObject* GetObjAt(const Point& rPt);
     258             :     int IsInsideSelectedObj( const Point& rPt );    ///< returns enum values
     259             :     /** Test if there is a draw object at that position and if it should be selected.
     260             :      The 'should' is aimed at Writer text fly frames which may be in front of
     261             :      the draw object. */
     262             :     sal_Bool ShouldObjectBeSelected(const Point& rPt);
     263             : 
     264             :     sal_Bool MoveAnchor( sal_uInt16 nDir );
     265             : 
     266             :     /** @return if Upper of frame at current position is section frame
     267             :      Currently only used by the rules. To be replaced by something more
     268             :      sophisticated one day. */
     269             :     bool IsDirectlyInSection() const;
     270             : 
     271             :     /** For return valies see above FrmType.
     272             :      pPt: Cursr or DocPos respectively; bStopAtFly: Stop at flys or continue over anchor.
     273             :      Although (0,TRUE) is kind of a standard, the parameters are not defaulted here
     274             :      in order to force more conscious use especially of bStopAtFly. */
     275             :     sal_uInt16 GetFrmType( const Point *pPt, sal_Bool bStopAtFly ) const;
     276             :     sal_uInt16 GetSelFrmType() const;               //Selektion (Drawing)
     277             : 
     278             :     /** check whether selected frame contains a control;
     279             :      * companion method to GetSelFrmType, used for preventing
     280             :      * drag&drop of controls into header */
     281             :     bool IsSelContainsControl() const;
     282             : 
     283             :     ObjCntType GetObjCntType( const Point &rPt, SdrObject *&rpObj ) const;
     284             :     ObjCntType GetObjCntTypeOfSelection( SdrObject** ppObj = 0 ) const;
     285             : 
     286             :     /// For adjustment of PosAttr when anchor changes.
     287             :     SwRect  GetObjRect() const;
     288             : 
     289             :     /// For moving flys with keyboard.
     290             :     SwRect  GetFlyRect() const;
     291             :     /** i#17567 - adjustments to allow negative vertical positions for fly frames anchored
     292             :               to paragraph or to character.
     293             :      i#18732 - adjustments for new option 'FollowTextFlow'
     294             :      i#22341 - adjustments for new vertical alignment at top of line */
     295             :     void CalcBoundRect( SwRect& _orRect,
     296             :                         const RndStdIds _nAnchorId,
     297             :                         const sal_Int16 _eHoriRelOrient = com::sun::star::text::RelOrientation::FRAME,
     298             :                         const sal_Int16 _eVertRelOrient = com::sun::star::text::RelOrientation::FRAME,
     299             :                         const SwPosition* _pToCharCntntPos = NULL,
     300             :                         const bool _bFollowTextFlow = false,
     301             :                         bool _bMirror = false,
     302             :                         Point* _opRef = NULL,
     303             :                         Size* _opPercent = NULL ) const;
     304             : 
     305             :     /// Set size of draw objects.
     306             :     void SetObjRect( const SwRect& rRect );
     307             : 
     308             :     long BeginDrag( const Point *pPt, sal_Bool bProp );
     309             :     long Drag     ( const Point *pPt, sal_Bool bProp );
     310             :     long EndDrag  ( const Point *pPt, sal_Bool bProp );
     311             :     void BreakDrag();
     312             : 
     313             :     /// Methods for status line.
     314             :     Point GetAnchorObjDiff() const;
     315             :     Point GetObjAbsPos()     const;
     316             :     Size  GetObjSize()       const;
     317             : 
     318             :     /// SS for envelopes: get all page-bound objects and set them to new page.
     319             :     void GetPageObjs( std::vector<SwFrmFmt*>& rFillArr );
     320             :     void SetPageObjsNewPage( std::vector<SwFrmFmt*>& rFillArr, int nOffset = 1 );
     321             : 
     322             :     /// Show current selection (frame / draw object as required).
     323             :     virtual void MakeSelVisible();
     324             : 
     325             :     /** @return FrmFmt of object that may be under Point.
     326             :      Object does not become selected! */
     327             :     const SwFrmFmt* GetFmtFromObj( const Point& rPt, SwRect** pRectToFill = 0 ) const;
     328             : 
     329             :     /// @return a format too, if the point is over the text of any fly.
     330             :     const SwFrmFmt* GetFmtFromAnyObj( const Point& rPt ) const;
     331             : 
     332             :     /** Which Protection is set at selected object?
     333             :      returns several flags in sal_uInt8 */
     334             :     sal_uInt8 IsSelObjProtected( sal_uInt16 /*FLYPROTECT_...*/ eType ) const;
     335             : 
     336             :     /** Deliver graphic in rName besides graphic name. If graphic is
     337             :      linked give name with path. rbLink is TRUE if graphic is linked. */
     338             :     const Graphic *GetGrfAtPos( const Point &rDocPos,
     339             :                                 String &rName, sal_Bool &rbLink ) const;
     340             : 
     341             :     const String GetObjTitle() const;
     342             :     void SetObjTitle( const String& rTitle );
     343             :     const String GetObjDescription() const;
     344             :     void SetObjDescription( const String& rDescription );
     345             : 
     346             : 
     347             :     sal_Bool IsFrmSelected() const;
     348             :     sal_Bool GetFlyFrmAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const;
     349             :     bool SetFlyFrmAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet );
     350             :     sal_Bool ResetFlyFrmAttr( sal_uInt16 nWhich, const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0 );
     351             :     const SwFrmFmt *NewFlyFrm( const SfxItemSet &rSet, sal_Bool bAnchValid = sal_False,
     352             :                          SwFrmFmt *pParent = 0 );
     353             :     void SetFlyPos( const Point &rAbsPos);
     354             :     Point FindAnchorPos( const Point &rAbsPos, sal_Bool bMoveIt = sal_False );
     355             : 
     356             :     /** Determines whether a frame or its environment is vertically formatted and right-to-left.
     357             :      also determines, if frame or its environmane is in mongolianlayout (vertical left-to-right)
     358             :      - add output parameter <bVertL2R> */
     359             :     sal_Bool IsFrmVertical(const sal_Bool bEnvironment, sal_Bool& bRightToLeft, sal_Bool& bVertL2R) const;
     360             : 
     361             :     SwFrmFmt* GetCurFrmFmt() const; ///< If frame then frame style, else 0.
     362             :     void SetFrmFmt( SwFrmFmt *pFmt, bool bKeepOrient = false, Point* pDocPos = 0 ); ///< If frame then set frame style.
     363           0 :     const SwFlyFrm *GetCurrFlyFrm() const { return FindFlyFrm(); }
     364             : 
     365             :     /// Find/delete fly containing the cursor.
     366             :     SwFrmFmt* WizzardGetFly();
     367             : 
     368             :     /// Independent selecting of flys.
     369           0 :     sal_Bool GotoNextFly( sal_uInt16 /*GOTOOBJ_...*/ eType = GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY )
     370           0 :                                 { return GotoObj( sal_True, eType ); }
     371           0 :     sal_Bool GotoPrevFly( sal_uInt16 /*GOTOOBJ_...*/ eType = GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY)
     372           0 :                                 { return GotoObj( sal_False, eType); }
     373             : 
     374             :    /// Iterate over flys  - for Basic-collections.
     375             :     sal_uInt16 GetFlyCount( FlyCntType eType = FLYCNTTYPE_ALL ) const;
     376             :     const SwFrmFmt* GetFlyNum(sal_uInt16 nIdx, FlyCntType eType = FLYCNTTYPE_ALL) const;
     377             : 
     378             :     /// If a fly is selected, it draws cursor into the first CntntFrm.
     379             :     const SwFrmFmt* SelFlyGrabCrsr();
     380             : 
     381             :     /// Get FlyFrameFormat; fuer UI Macro Anbindung an Flys
     382             :     const SwFrmFmt* GetFlyFrmFmt() const;
     383             :           SwFrmFmt* GetFlyFrmFmt();
     384             : 
     385             :     /** OLE. Server requires new size. Desired values are adjusted as frame attributes.
     386             :      If the values are not allowed, the formating clips and determines scaling.
     387             :      See CalcAndSetScale().
     388             :      The @return value is the applied size. */
     389             :     Size RequestObjectResize( const SwRect &rRect, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& );
     390             : 
     391             :     /// The layout has been changed, so the active object has to be moved after that
     392             :     virtual void MoveObjectIfActive( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef& xObj, const Point& rOffset );
     393             : 
     394             :     /** Client for OleObject has to be up-to-date regarding scaling.
     395             :      Implemented in WrtShell.
     396             :      If a pointer is passed on a size, this is the object's current core-size.
     397             :      Else the size is provided via GetCurFlyRect(). */
     398             :     virtual void CalcAndSetScale( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef& xObj,
     399             :                                   const SwRect *pFlyPrtRect = 0,
     400             :                                   const SwRect *pFlyFrmRect = 0,
     401             :                                   const bool bNoTxtFrmPrtAreaChanged = false ) = 0;
     402             : 
     403             :     /** Connect objects with ActivateWhenVisible at Paint.
     404             :      Called by notxtfrm::Paint, implemented in wrtsh. */
     405             :     virtual void ConnectObj( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef&,
     406             :                              const SwRect &rPrt,
     407             :                              const SwRect &rFrm ) = 0;
     408             : 
     409             :     /// Set visible range on object, if it is not yet visible.
     410             :     void MakeObjVisible( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& ) const;
     411             : 
     412             :     /// Check resize of OLE-Object.
     413           0 :     sal_Bool IsCheckForOLEInCaption() const         { return bCheckForOLEInCaption; }
     414           0 :     void SetCheckForOLEInCaption( sal_Bool bFlag )  { bCheckForOLEInCaption = bFlag; }
     415             : 
     416             :     /// Set name at selected FlyFrame.
     417             :     void SetFlyName( const String& rName );
     418             :     const String& GetFlyName() const;
     419             : 
     420             :     /// get reference to OLE object (if there is one) for selected FlyFrame
     421             :     const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject > GetOleRef() const;
     422             : 
     423             :     /// Created unique name for frame.
     424             :     String GetUniqueGrfName() const;
     425             :     String GetUniqueOLEName() const;
     426             :     String GetUniqueFrameName() const;
     427             : 
     428             :     /// Jump to named Fly (graphic/OLE).
     429             :     sal_Bool GotoFly( const String& rName, FlyCntType eType = FLYCNTTYPE_ALL,
     430             :                     sal_Bool bSelFrame = sal_True );
     431             : 
     432             :     /// Position is a graphic with URL?
     433             :     const SwFrmFmt* IsURLGrfAtPos( const Point& rPt, String* pURL = 0,
     434             :                                     String *pTargetFrameName = 0,
     435             :                                     String *pURLDescription = 0 ) const;
     436             : 
     437             :     /** For Chain always connect Fly specified by format with that hit by point.
     438             :      rRect contains rect of Fly (for its highlight). */
     439             :     int Chainable( SwRect &rRect, const SwFrmFmt &rSource, const Point &rPt ) const;
     440             :     int Chain( SwFrmFmt &rSource, const Point &rPt );
     441             :     int Chain( SwFrmFmt &rSource, const SwFrmFmt &rDest );
     442             :     void Unchain( SwFrmFmt &rFmt );
     443             :     void HideChainMarker();
     444             :     void SetChainMarker();
     445             : 
     446             :     Size GetGraphicDefaultSize() const;
     447             : 
     448             :     /// Temporary work around for bug.
     449             :     void CheckUnboundObjects();
     450             : 
     451             :     /// Attention: Ambiguities if multiple selections.
     452             :     sal_Bool GetObjAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const;
     453             :     sal_Bool SetObjAttr( const SfxItemSet &rSet );
     454             : 
     455             :     const SdrObject* GetBestObject( sal_Bool bNext, sal_uInt16 eType = GOTOOBJ_DRAW_ANY, sal_Bool bFlat = sal_True, const ::svx::ISdrObjectFilter* pFilter = NULL );
     456             :     sal_Bool GotoObj( sal_Bool bNext, sal_uInt16 /*GOTOOBJ_...*/ eType = GOTOOBJ_DRAW_ANY);
     457             : 
     458             :     /// Set DragMode (e.g. Rotae), but do nothing when frame is selected.
     459             :     void SetDragMode( sal_uInt16 eSdrDragMode );
     460             : 
     461             :     sal_uInt16 IsObjSelected() const;   ///< @return object count, but doesn't count the objects in groups.
     462             :     sal_Bool IsObjSelected( const SdrObject& rObj ) const;
     463             : 
     464             :     void EndTextEdit();             ///< Deletes object if required.
     465             : 
     466             :     /** Anchor type of selected object, -1 if ambiguous or in case of frame selection.
     467             :      Else FLY_AT_PAGE or FLY_AT_PARA resp. from frmatr.hxx. */
     468             :     short GetAnchorId() const;
     469             : 
     470             :     /** Process of creating draw objects. At the beginning object type is passed.
     471             :      At the end a Cmd can be passed. Here, SDRCREATE_RESTRAINTEND for end
     472             :      or SDRCREATE_NEXTPOINT for a polygon may be relevant.
     473             :      After RESTRAINTEND the object is created and selected.
     474             :      BreakCreate interrupts the process. In this case no object is selected. */
     475             :     sal_Bool BeginCreate( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, const Point &rPos );
     476             :     sal_Bool BeginCreate( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, sal_uInt32 eObjInventor, const Point &);
     477             :     void MoveCreate ( const Point &rPos );
     478             :     sal_Bool EndCreate  ( sal_uInt16 eSdrCreateCmd );
     479             :     void BreakCreate();
     480             :     sal_Bool IsDrawCreate() const;
     481             :     void CreateDefaultShape( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nSlotId);
     482             : 
     483             :     /// Functions for Rubberbox, ti select Draw-Objects
     484             :     sal_Bool BeginMark( const Point &rPos );
     485             :     void MoveMark ( const Point &rPos );
     486             :     sal_Bool EndMark  ();
     487             :     void BreakMark();
     488             : 
     489             :     /// Create and destroy group, don't when frame is selected.
     490             :     sal_Bool IsGroupSelected();     ///< Can be a mixed selection!
     491             :     void GroupSelection();          ///< Afterwards the group is selected.
     492             :     void UnGroupSelection();        /**< The individual objects are selected, but
     493             :                                     it is possible that there are groups included. */
     494             : 
     495             :     bool IsGroupAllowed() const;
     496             : 
     497             :     void MirrorSelection( sal_Bool bHorizontal );   ///< Vertical if FALSE.
     498             : 
     499             :     /** frmatr.hxx. Here no enum because of dependencies.
     500             :      bool value only for internal use! Anchor is newly set according
     501             :      to current document position. Anchor is not re-set. */
     502             :     void ChgAnchor( int eAnchorId, bool bSameOnly = false,
     503             :                                    bool bPosCorr = true );
     504             : 
     505             :     sal_Bool SetDrawingAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet );
     506             : 
     507             :     /** Get selected DrawObj as graphics (MetaFile/Bitmap).
     508             :      Return value indicates if it was converted. */
     509             :     sal_Bool GetDrawObjGraphic( sal_uLong nFmt, Graphic& rGrf ) const;
     510             : 
     511             :     void Paste( SvStream& rStm, sal_uInt16 nAction, const Point* pPt = 0 );
     512             :     sal_Bool Paste( const Graphic &rGrf );
     513             :     sal_Bool Paste( SotDataObject& rObj, const Point& rPt );
     514             : 
     515             :     sal_Bool IsAlignPossible() const;
     516             :     void SetCalcFieldValueHdl(Outliner* pOutliner);
     517             : 
     518             :     void Insert(const String& rGrfName,
     519             :                 const String& rFltName,
     520             :                 const Graphic* pGraphic = 0,
     521             :                 const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet = 0,
     522             :                 const SfxItemSet* pGrfAttrSet = 0,
     523             :                 SwFrmFmt* = 0 );
     524             : 
     525             :     /// Insertion of a drawing object which have to be already inserted in the DrawModel.
     526             :     void InsertDrawObj( SdrObject& rDrawObj,
     527             :                         const Point& rInsertPosition );
     528             : 
     529             :     sal_Bool ReplaceSdrObj( const String& rGrfName, const String& rFltName,
     530             :                         const Graphic* pGrf = 0 );
     531             : 
     532             :     // --> #i972#
     533             :     /** for starmath formulas anchored 'as char' it alignes it baseline to baseline
     534             :      changing the previous vertical orientation */
     535             :     void AlignFormulaToBaseline( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj, SwFlyFrm * pFly = 0 );
     536             : 
     537             :     /// aligns all formulas with anchor 'as char' to baseline
     538             :     void AlignAllFormulasToBaseline();
     539             : 
     540             : 
     541             : 
     542             :     /// Provide information about content situated closes to given Point.
     543             :     Point GetCntntPos( const Point& rPoint, sal_Bool bNext ) const;
     544             : 
     545             :     /// Convert document position into position relative to the current page.
     546             :     Point GetRelativePagePosition(const Point& rDocPos);
     547             : 
     548             :     /// Hide or show layout-selection and pass call to CrsrSh.
     549             :     void ShLooseFcs();
     550             :     void ShGetFcs( sal_Bool bUpdate = sal_True );
     551             : 
     552             :     /// PageDescriptor-interface
     553             :     void   ChgCurPageDesc( const SwPageDesc& );
     554             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurPageDesc( const sal_Bool bCalcFrm = sal_True ) const;
     555             :     sal_uInt16 GetMousePageDesc( const Point &rPt ) const;
     556             :     sal_uInt16 GetPageDescCnt() const;
     557             :     SwPageDesc* FindPageDescByName( const String& rName,
     558             :                                     sal_Bool bGetFromPool = sal_False,
     559             :                                     sal_uInt16* pPos = 0 );
     560             : 
     561             :     const SwPageDesc& GetPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i ) const;
     562             :     void  ChgPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i, const SwPageDesc& );
     563             :     /** if inside all selection only one PageDesc, @return this.
     564             :      Otherwise @return 0 pointer */
     565             :     const SwPageDesc* GetSelectedPageDescs() const;
     566             : 
     567             :     const SwRect& GetAnyCurRect( CurRectType eType,
     568             :                                  const Point* pPt = 0,
     569             :                                  const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& =
     570             :                                  ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >() ) const;
     571             : 
     572             : 
     573             :     /// Page number of the page containing Point, O if no page.
     574             :     sal_uInt16 GetPageNumber( const Point &rPoint ) const;
     575             :     sal_Bool GetPageNumber( long nYPos, sal_Bool bAtCrsrPos, sal_uInt16& rPhyNum, sal_uInt16& rVirtNum, String &rDisplay ) const;
     576             : 
     577             :     SwFlyFrmFmt* InsertObject( const svt::EmbeddedObjectRef&,
     578             :                 const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet = 0,
     579             :                 const SfxItemSet* pGrfAttrSet = 0,
     580             :                 SwFrmFmt* = 0 );
     581             :     sal_Bool    FinishOLEObj(); ///< Shutdown server.
     582             : 
     583             :     void GetTblAttr( SfxItemSet & ) const;
     584             :     void SetTblAttr( const SfxItemSet & );
     585             : 
     586             :     sal_Bool HasWholeTabSelection() const;
     587             : 
     588             :     /// Is content of a table cell or at least a table cell completely selected?
     589             :     sal_Bool HasBoxSelection() const;
     590             : 
     591             :     bool InsertRow( sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind );
     592             :     bool InsertCol( sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind );  // 0 == at the end.
     593             :     sal_Bool DeleteCol();
     594             :     sal_Bool DeleteRow();
     595             : 
     596             :     sal_Bool DeleteTblSel();        ///< Current selection, may be whole table.
     597             : 
     598             :     sal_uInt16 MergeTab();          /**< Merge selected parts of table.
     599             :                                       @return error via enum. */
     600             : 
     601             :     /// Split cell vertically or horizontally.
     602             :     sal_Bool SplitTab( sal_Bool nVert = sal_True, sal_uInt16 nCnt = 1, sal_Bool bSameHeight = sal_False );
     603             :     sal_Bool Sort(const SwSortOptions&);    //Sortieren.
     604             : 
     605             :     void SetRowHeight( const SwFmtFrmSize &rSz );
     606             : 
     607             :     /// Pointer must be detroyed by caller != 0.
     608             :     void GetRowHeight( SwFmtFrmSize *&rpSz ) const;
     609             : 
     610             :     void SetRowSplit( const SwFmtRowSplit &rSz );
     611             :     void GetRowSplit( SwFmtRowSplit *&rpSz ) const;
     612             : 
     613             :     void   SetBoxAlign( sal_uInt16 nOrient );
     614             :     sal_uInt16 GetBoxAlign() const;         ///< USHRT_MAX if ambiguous.
     615             : 
     616             :     /// Adjustment of Rowheights. Determine via bTstOnly if more than one row is selected.
     617             :     sal_Bool BalanceRowHeight( sal_Bool bTstOnly );
     618             : 
     619             :     void SetTabBorders( const SfxItemSet& rSet );
     620             :     void GetTabBorders(       SfxItemSet& rSet) const;
     621             :     void SetTabLineStyle(const Color* pColor, sal_Bool bSetLine = sal_False, const editeng::SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine = NULL);
     622             : 
     623             :     void SetTabBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew );
     624             :     void GetTabBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const;
     625             : 
     626             :     void SetBoxBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew );
     627             :     sal_Bool GetBoxBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous.
     628             : 
     629             :     void SetBoxDirection( const SvxFrameDirectionItem& rNew );
     630             :     sal_Bool GetBoxDirection( SvxFrameDirectionItem& rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous.
     631             : 
     632             :     void SetRowBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew );
     633             :     sal_Bool GetRowBackground( SvxBrushItem &rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous.
     634             : 
     635             :     sal_uInt8 WhichMouseTabCol( const Point &rPt ) const;
     636             :     void GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill ) const; ///< Info about columns and margins.
     637             :     void SetTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, sal_Bool bCurRowOnly = sal_True );
     638             :     void GetMouseTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt ) const;
     639             :     void SetMouseTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, sal_Bool bCurRowOnly,
     640             :                           const Point &rPt );
     641             : 
     642             :     /// pEnd will be used during MouseMove
     643             :     bool SelTblRowCol( const Point& rPt, const Point* pEnd = 0, bool bRowDrag = false );
     644             : 
     645             :     void GetTabRows( SwTabCols &rToFill ) const;
     646             :     void SetTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, sal_Bool bCurColOnly );
     647             :     void GetMouseTabRows( SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt ) const;
     648             :     void SetMouseTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, sal_Bool bCurColOnly, const Point &rPt );
     649             : 
     650             :     void ProtectCells();    /**< If a table selection exists it is destroyed in case
     651             :                              cursor is not allowed in readonly. */
     652             :     void UnProtectCells();  ///< Refers to table selection.
     653             :     void UnProtectTbls();   ///< Unprotect all tables in selection.
     654             :     sal_Bool HasTblAnyProtection( const String* pTblName = 0,
     655             :                                 sal_Bool* pFullTblProtection = 0 );
     656             :     sal_Bool CanUnProtectCells() const;
     657             : 
     658             :     sal_uInt16 GetRowsToRepeat() const;
     659             :     void SetRowsToRepeat( sal_uInt16 nNumOfRows );
     660             :     sal_uInt16 GetVirtPageNum( const sal_Bool bCalcFrm = sal_True );
     661             : 
     662             :     /** @return the number of table rows currently selected
     663             :     if the selection start at the top of the table. */
     664             :     sal_uInt16    GetRowSelectionFromTop() const;
     665             : 
     666           0 :     sal_Bool IsInRepeatedHeadline() const { return CheckHeadline( true ); }
     667           0 :     sal_Bool IsInHeadline() const { return CheckHeadline( false ); }
     668             : 
     669             :     /** Adjusts cell widths in such a way, that their content
     670             :      does not need to be wrapped (if possible).
     671             :      bBalance provides for adjustment of selected columns. */
     672             :     void AdjustCellWidth( sal_Bool bBalance = sal_False );
     673             : 
     674             :     /// Not allowed if only empty cells are selected.
     675             :     sal_Bool IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed( sal_Bool bBalance = sal_False ) const;
     676             : 
     677             :     /// Adjustment of cell-widths; determine via bTstOnly if more than one cell is selected.
     678             :     sal_Bool BalanceCellWidth( sal_Bool bTstOnly );
     679             : 
     680             :     /// AutoFormat for table/ table selection.
     681             :     sal_Bool SetTableAutoFmt( const SwTableAutoFmt& rNew );
     682             : 
     683             :     sal_Bool GetTableAutoFmt( SwTableAutoFmt& rGet );
     684             : 
     685             :     sal_Bool SetColRowWidthHeight( sal_uInt16 eType, sal_uInt16 nDiff = 283 );
     686             : 
     687             :     sal_Bool GetAutoSum( String& rFml ) const;
     688             : 
     689             :     /** Phy: real page count.
     690             :      Virt: consider offset that may have been set by user. */
     691             :     sal_uInt16  GetPhyPageNum();
     692             : 
     693             :     void SetNewPageOffset( sal_uInt16 nOffset );
     694             :     void SetPageOffset( sal_uInt16 nOffset );   ///< Changes last page offset.
     695             :     sal_uInt16 GetPageOffset() const;           ///< @return last page offset.
     696             : 
     697             :     void InsertLabel( const SwLabelType eType, const String &rTxt, const String& rSeparator,
     698             :                       const String& rNumberSeparator,
     699             :                       const sal_Bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId,
     700             :                       const String& rCharacterStyle,
     701             :                       const sal_Bool bCpyBrd = sal_True );
     702             : 
     703             :     /// The ruler needs some information too.
     704             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurColNum( SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara = 0 ) const; //0 == not in any column.
     705             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurMouseColNum( const Point &rPt,
     706             :                             SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara = 0 ) const;
     707             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurTabColNum() const;     //0 == not in any table.
     708             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurMouseTabColNum( const Point &rPt ) const;
     709             :     sal_uInt16 GetCurOutColNum( SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara = 0 ) const;  ///< Current outer column.
     710             : 
     711             :     sal_Bool IsTableRightToLeft() const;
     712             :     sal_Bool IsMouseTableRightToLeft( const Point &rPt ) const;
     713             :     sal_Bool IsTableVertical() const;
     714             : 
     715             :     sal_Bool IsLastCellInRow() const;
     716             : 
     717             :     /// Width of current range for column-dialog.
     718             :     long GetSectionWidth( SwFmt& rFmt ) const;
     719             : 
     720             :     void GetConnectableFrmFmts
     721             :     (SwFrmFmt & rFmt, const String & rReference, sal_Bool bSuccessors,
     722             :      ::std::vector< String > & aPrevPageVec,
     723             :      ::std::vector< String > & aThisPageVec,
     724             :      ::std::vector< String > & aNextPageVec,
     725             :      ::std::vector< String > & aRestVec);
     726             : 
     727             :     /** SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd
     728             : 
     729             :         method determines background color of the page the selected drawing
     730             :         object is on and returns this color.
     731             :         If no color is found, because no drawing object is selected or ...,
     732             :         color COL_BLACK (default color on constructing object of class Color)
     733             :         is returned.
     734             : 
     735             :         @author OD
     736             : 
     737             :         @returns an object of class Color
     738             :     */
     739             :     const Color GetShapeBackgrd() const;
     740             : 
     741             :     /** Is default horizontal text direction for selected drawing object right-to-left
     742             : 
     743             :         Because drawing objects only painted for each page only, the default
     744             :         horizontal text direction of a drawing object is given by the corresponding
     745             :         page property.
     746             : 
     747             :         @author OD
     748             : 
     749             :         @returns boolean, indicating, if the horizontal text direction of the
     750             :         page, the selected drawing object is on, is right-to-left.
     751             :     */
     752             :     bool IsShapeDefaultHoriTextDirR2L() const;
     753             : 
     754             :     void ParkCursorInTab();
     755             : 
     756             :     SwTxtNode * GetNumRuleNodeAtPos(const Point &rPot);
     757             :     sal_Bool IsNumLabel( const Point &rPt, int nMaxOffset = -1 );
     758             : 
     759             :     bool IsVerticalModeAtNdAndPos( const SwTxtNode& _rTxtNode,
     760             :                                    const Point& _rDocPos ) const;
     761             : 
     762             :     virtual void ToggleHeaderFooterEdit( );
     763             : };
     764             : 
     765             : #endif
     766             : 
     767             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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