Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 : #ifndef SW_NDTXT_HXX
20 : #define SW_NDTXT_HXX
21 :
22 : #include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>
23 :
24 : #include "swdllapi.h"
25 : #include <node.hxx>
26 : #include <hintids.hxx>
27 : #include <ndhints.hxx>
28 : #include <modeltoviewhelper.hxx>
29 : #include <SwNumberTreeTypes.hxx>
30 : #include <IDocumentContentOperations.hxx>
31 : #include <osl/diagnose.h>
32 :
33 : #include <sfx2/Metadatable.hxx>
34 :
35 : #include <vector>
36 : #include <set>
37 :
38 : class SfxHint;
39 : class SwNumRule;
40 : class SwNodeNum;
41 : class SwList;
42 : class SvxLRSpaceItem;
43 :
44 : namespace utl {
45 : class TransliterationWrapper;
46 : }
47 :
48 : class SwTxtFmtColl;
49 : class SwCntntFrm;
50 : class SwTxtFld; ///< For GetTxtFld().
51 : class SfxItemSet;
52 : class SwUndoTransliterate;
53 :
54 : struct SwSpellArgs; ///< for Spell(), splargs.hxx
55 : struct SwConversionArgs; ///< for Convert(), splargs.hxx
56 : class SwInterHyphInfo; ///< for Hyphenate(), splargs.hxx
57 : class SwWrongList; ///< For OnlineSpelling.
58 : class SwGrammarMarkUp;
59 : class OutputDevice;
60 : class SwScriptInfo;
61 : struct SwDocStat;
62 : struct SwParaIdleData_Impl;
63 :
64 : namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
65 : namespace uno {
66 : template < class > class Sequence;
67 : }
68 : namespace text { class XTextContent; }
69 : } } }
70 :
71 : typedef std::set< xub_StrLen > SwSoftPageBreakList;
72 :
73 : /// SwTxtNode is a paragraph in the document model.
74 : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTxtNode: public SwCntntNode, public ::sfx2::Metadatable
75 : {
76 :
77 : /// For creating the first TextNode.
78 : friend class SwDoc; ///< CTOR and AppendTxtNode()
79 : friend class SwNodes;
80 : friend class SwTxtFrm;
81 : friend class SwScriptInfo;
82 :
83 : /** May be 0. It is only then not 0 if it contains hard attributes.
84 : Therefore: never access directly! */
85 : SwpHints *m_pSwpHints;
86 :
87 : mutable SwNodeNum* mpNodeNum; ///< Numbering for this paragraph.
88 :
89 : XubString m_Text;
90 :
91 : SwParaIdleData_Impl* m_pParaIdleData_Impl;
92 :
93 : /** Some of the chars this para are hidden. Paragraph has to be reformatted
94 : on changing the view to print preview. */
95 : mutable bool m_bContainsHiddenChars : 1;
96 : /// The whole paragraph is hidden because of the hidden text attribute
97 : mutable bool m_bHiddenCharsHidePara : 1;
98 : /// The last two flags have to be recalculated if this flag is set:
99 : mutable bool m_bRecalcHiddenCharFlags : 1;
100 :
101 : mutable bool m_bLastOutlineState : 1;
102 : bool m_bNotifiable;
103 :
104 : /// sal_uInt8 nOutlineLevel; //#outline level, removed by zhaojianwei.
105 : bool mbEmptyListStyleSetDueToSetOutlineLevelAttr;
106 :
107 : /** boolean, indicating that a <SetAttr(..)> or <ResetAttr(..)> or
108 : <ResetAllAttr(..)> method is running.
109 : Needed to avoid duplicate handling of attribute change actions. */
110 : bool mbInSetOrResetAttr;
111 :
112 : /// pointer to the list, to whose the text node is added to
113 : SwList* mpList;
114 :
115 : ::std::auto_ptr< ::rtl::OUString > m_pNumStringCache;
116 :
117 : ::com::sun::star::uno::WeakReference<
118 : ::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent> m_wXParagraph;
119 :
120 : SW_DLLPRIVATE SwTxtNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, SwTxtFmtColl *pTxtColl,
121 : const SfxItemSet* pAutoAttr = 0 );
122 :
123 : /// Copies the attributes at nStart to pDest.
124 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void CopyAttr( SwTxtNode *pDest, const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nOldPos);
125 :
126 : SW_DLLPRIVATE SwTxtNode* _MakeNewTxtNode( const SwNodeIndex&, sal_Bool bNext = sal_True,
127 : sal_Bool bChgFollow = sal_True );
128 :
129 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void CutImpl(
130 : SwTxtNode * const pDest, const SwIndex & rDestStart,
131 : const SwIndex & rStart, /*const*/ xub_StrLen nLen,
132 : const bool bUpdate = true );
133 :
134 : /// Move all comprising hard attributes to the AttrSet of the paragraph.
135 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void MoveTxtAttr_To_AttrSet(); // Called by SplitNode.
136 :
137 : /// Create the specific AttrSet.
138 : SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual void NewAttrSet( SwAttrPool& );
139 :
140 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void Replace0xFF( XubString& rTxt, xub_StrLen& rTxtStt,
141 : xub_StrLen nEndPos, sal_Bool bExpandFlds ) const;
142 :
143 : /// Optimization: Asking for information about hidden characters at SwScriptInfo
144 : /// updates these flags.
145 1463 : inline bool IsCalcHiddenCharFlags() const
146 1463 : { return m_bRecalcHiddenCharFlags; }
147 1566 : inline void SetHiddenCharAttribute( bool bNewHiddenCharsHidePara, bool bNewContainsHiddenChars ) const
148 : {
149 1566 : m_bHiddenCharsHidePara = bNewHiddenCharsHidePara;
150 1566 : m_bContainsHiddenChars = bNewContainsHiddenChars;
151 1566 : m_bRecalcHiddenCharFlags = false;
152 1566 : }
153 :
154 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void CalcHiddenCharFlags() const;
155 :
156 : SW_DLLPRIVATE SwNumRule * _GetNumRule(sal_Bool bInParent = sal_True) const;
157 :
158 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetLanguageAndFont( const SwPaM &rPaM,
159 : LanguageType nLang, sal_uInt16 nLangWhichId,
160 : const Font *pFont, sal_uInt16 nFontWhichId );
161 :
162 :
163 : /// Start: Data collected during idle time
164 :
165 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetParaNumberOfWords( sal_uLong nTmpWords ) const;
166 : SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong GetParaNumberOfWords() const;
167 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetParaNumberOfAsianWords( sal_uLong nTmpAsianWords ) const;
168 : SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong GetParaNumberOfAsianWords() const;
169 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetParaNumberOfChars( sal_uLong nTmpChars ) const;
170 : SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong GetParaNumberOfChars() const;
171 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetParaNumberOfCharsExcludingSpaces( sal_uLong nTmpChars ) const;
172 : SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong GetParaNumberOfCharsExcludingSpaces() const;
173 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void InitSwParaStatistics( bool bNew );
174 :
175 : /** create number for this text node, if not already existing
176 :
177 : @return number of this node
178 : */
179 : SwNodeNum* CreateNum() const;
180 :
181 : inline void TryDeleteSwpHints();
182 :
183 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void impl_FmtToTxtAttr(const SfxItemSet& i_rAttrSet);
184 :
185 : public:
186 : bool IsWordCountDirty() const;
187 : bool IsWrongDirty() const;
188 : bool IsGrammarCheckDirty() const;
189 : bool IsSmartTagDirty() const; ///< SMARTTAGS
190 : bool IsAutoCompleteWordDirty() const;
191 : void SetWordCountDirty( bool bNew ) const;
192 : void SetWrongDirty( bool bNew ) const;
193 : void SetGrammarCheckDirty( bool bNew ) const;
194 : void SetSmartTagDirty( bool bNew ) const; ///< SMARTTAGS
195 : void SetAutoCompleteWordDirty( bool bNew ) const;
196 : void SetWrong( SwWrongList* pNew, bool bDelete = true );
197 : SwWrongList* GetWrong();
198 : const SwWrongList* GetWrong() const;
199 : void SetGrammarCheck( SwGrammarMarkUp* pNew, bool bDelete = true );
200 : SwGrammarMarkUp* GetGrammarCheck();
201 : /// SMARTTAGS
202 : void SetSmartTags( SwWrongList* pNew, bool bDelete = true );
203 : SwWrongList* GetSmartTags();
204 :
205 :
206 : /// End: Data collected during idle time
207 :
208 : protected:
209 : /// fuers Umhaengen der TxtFmtCollections (Outline-Nummerierung!!)
210 : virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
211 : virtual void SwClientNotify( const SwModify&, const SfxHint& );
212 :
213 : public:
214 : using SwCntntNode::GetAttr;
215 :
216 84725 : const String& GetTxt() const { return m_Text; }
217 :
218 : /// getters for SwpHints
219 : inline SwpHints &GetSwpHints();
220 : inline const SwpHints &GetSwpHints() const;
221 31740 : inline SwpHints *GetpSwpHints() { return m_pSwpHints; }
222 5593 : inline const SwpHints *GetpSwpHints() const { return m_pSwpHints; }
223 122220 : inline bool HasHints() const { return m_pSwpHints ? true : false; }
224 : inline SwpHints &GetOrCreateSwpHints();
225 :
226 : virtual ~SwTxtNode();
227 :
228 : virtual xub_StrLen Len() const;
229 :
230 : /// Is in itratr.
231 : void GetMinMaxSize( sal_uLong nIndex, sal_uLong& rMin, sal_uLong &rMax, sal_uLong &rAbs,
232 : OutputDevice* pOut = 0 ) const;
233 :
234 : /// overriding to handle change of certain paragraph attributes
235 : virtual sal_Bool SetAttr( const SfxPoolItem& );
236 : virtual sal_Bool SetAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet );
237 : virtual sal_Bool ResetAttr( sal_uInt16 nWhich1, sal_uInt16 nWhich2 = 0 );
238 : virtual sal_Bool ResetAttr( const std::vector<sal_uInt16>& rWhichArr );
239 : virtual sal_uInt16 ResetAllAttr();
240 :
241 : /// insert text content
242 : void InsertText( const XubString & rStr, const SwIndex & rIdx,
243 : const enum IDocumentContentOperations::InsertFlags nMode
244 : = IDocumentContentOperations::INS_DEFAULT );
245 :
246 : /** delete text content
247 : ATTENTION: must not be called with a range that overlaps the start of
248 : an attribute with both extent and dummy char
249 : */
250 : void EraseText ( const SwIndex &rIdx, const xub_StrLen nCount = STRING_LEN,
251 : const enum IDocumentContentOperations::InsertFlags nMode
252 : = IDocumentContentOperations::INS_DEFAULT );
253 :
254 : /** delete all attributes.
255 : If neither pSet nor nWhich is given, delete all attributes (except
256 : refmarks, toxmarks, meta) in range.
257 : @param rIdx start position
258 : @param nLen range in which attributes will be deleted
259 : @param pSet if not 0, delete only attributes contained in pSet
260 : @param nWhich if not 0, delete only attributes with matching which
261 : @param bInclRefToxMark
262 : refmarks, toxmarks, and metas will be ignored unless this is true
263 : ATTENTION: setting bInclRefToxMark is only allowed from UNDO!
264 : */
265 : void RstAttr( const SwIndex &rIdx, xub_StrLen nLen, sal_uInt16 nWhich = 0,
266 : const SfxItemSet* pSet = 0, sal_Bool bInclRefToxMark = sal_False );
267 : void GCAttr();
268 :
269 : // Delete text attribute (needs to be deregistered at Pool!)
270 : void DestroyAttr( SwTxtAttr* pAttr );
271 :
272 : // delete all attributes from SwpHintsArray.
273 : void ClearSwpHintsArr( bool bDelFields );
274 :
275 : /// Insert pAttr into hints array. @return true iff inserted successfully
276 : bool InsertHint( SwTxtAttr * const pAttr,
277 : const SetAttrMode nMode = nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DEFAULT );
278 : /// create new text attribute from rAttr and insert it
279 : /// @return inserted hint; 0 if not sure the hint is inserted
280 : SwTxtAttr* InsertItem( SfxPoolItem& rAttr,
281 : const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd,
282 : const SetAttrMode nMode = nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DEFAULT );
283 :
284 : /** Set these attributes at TextNode. If the whole range is comprised
285 : set them only in AutoAttrSet (SwCntntNode::SetAttr). */
286 : sal_Bool SetAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
287 : xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd,
288 : const SetAttrMode nMode = nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DEFAULT );
289 : /** Query the attributes of textnode over the range.
290 : Introduce 4th optional parameter <bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule>.
291 : If <bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule> == sal_True, the indent attributes of
292 : the corresponding list level of an applied list style is merged into
293 : the requested item set as a LR-SPACE item, if <bOnlyTxtAttr> == sal_False,
294 : corresponding node has not its own indent attributes and the
295 : position-and-space mode of the list level is SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT. */
296 : sal_Bool GetAttr( SfxItemSet& rSet, xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd,
297 : sal_Bool bOnlyTxtAttr = sal_False,
298 : sal_Bool bGetFromChrFmt = sal_True,
299 : const bool bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule = false ) const;
300 :
301 : /// Convey attributes of an AttrSet (AutoFmt) to SwpHintsArray.
302 : void FmtToTxtAttr( SwTxtNode* pNd );
303 :
304 : /// delete all attributes of type nWhich at nStart (opt. end nEnd)
305 : void DeleteAttributes( const sal_uInt16 nWhich,
306 : const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd = 0 );
307 : /// delete the attribute pTxtAttr
308 : void DeleteAttribute ( SwTxtAttr * const pTxtAttr );
309 :
310 : /** Actions on text and attributes.
311 : introduce optional parameter to control, if all attributes have to be copied. */
312 : void CopyText( SwTxtNode * const pDest,
313 : const SwIndex &rStart,
314 : const xub_StrLen nLen,
315 : const bool bForceCopyOfAllAttrs = false );
316 : void CopyText( SwTxtNode * const pDest,
317 : const SwIndex &rDestStart,
318 : const SwIndex &rStart,
319 : xub_StrLen nLen,
320 : const bool bForceCopyOfAllAttrs = false );
321 :
322 : void CutText(SwTxtNode * const pDest,
323 : const SwIndex & rStart, const xub_StrLen nLen);
324 : inline void CutText(SwTxtNode * const pDest, const SwIndex &rDestStart,
325 : const SwIndex & rStart, const xub_StrLen nLen);
326 :
327 : /// replace nDelLen characters at rStart with rText
328 : void ReplaceText( const SwIndex& rStart, const xub_StrLen nDelLen,
329 : const XubString& rText );
330 : void ReplaceTextOnly( xub_StrLen nPos, xub_StrLen nLen, const XubString& rText,
331 : const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<sal_Int32>& rOffsets );
332 :
333 : /// Virtual methods from CntntNode.
334 : virtual SwCntntFrm *MakeFrm( SwFrm* );
335 : virtual SwCntntNode *SplitCntntNode( const SwPosition & );
336 : virtual SwCntntNode *JoinNext();
337 : virtual SwCntntNode *JoinPrev();
338 :
339 : SwCntntNode *AppendNode( const SwPosition & );
340 :
341 : /// When appropriate set DontExpand-flag at INet or character styles respectively.
342 : bool DontExpandFmt( const SwIndex& rIdx, bool bFlag = true,
343 : bool bFmtToTxtAttributes = true );
344 :
345 : enum GetTxtAttrMode {
346 : DEFAULT, /// DEFAULT: (Start < nIndex <= End)
347 : EXPAND, /// EXPAND : (Start <= nIndex < End)
348 : PARENT, /// PARENT : (Start < nIndex < End)
349 : };
350 :
351 : /** get the innermost text attribute covering position nIndex.
352 : @param nWhich only attribute with this id is returned.
353 : @param eMode the predicate for matching (@see GetTxtAttrMode).
354 :
355 : ATTENTION: this function is not well-defined for those
356 : hints of which several may cover a single position, like
358 : */
359 : SwTxtAttr *GetTxtAttrAt(xub_StrLen const nIndex, RES_TXTATR const nWhich,
360 : enum GetTxtAttrMode const eMode = DEFAULT) const;
361 :
362 : /** get the innermost text attributes covering position nIndex.
363 : @param nWhich only attributes with this id are returned.
364 : @param eMode the predicate for matching (@see GetTxtAttrMode).
365 : */
366 : ::std::vector<SwTxtAttr *> GetTxtAttrsAt(xub_StrLen const nIndex,
367 : RES_TXTATR const nWhich,
368 : enum GetTxtAttrMode const eMode = DEFAULT) const;
369 :
370 : /** get the text attribute at position nIndex which owns
371 : the dummy character CH_TXTATR_* at that position, if one exists.
372 : @param nIndex the position in the text
373 : @param nWhich if different from RES_TXTATR_END, return only
374 : attribute with given which id
375 : @return the text attribute at nIndex of type nWhich, if it exists
376 : */
377 : SwTxtAttr *GetTxtAttrForCharAt( const xub_StrLen nIndex,
378 : const RES_TXTATR nWhich = RES_TXTATR_END ) const;
379 :
380 : XubString GetCurWord(xub_StrLen) const;
381 : sal_uInt16 Spell(SwSpellArgs*);
382 : sal_uInt16 Convert( SwConversionArgs & );
383 :
384 : inline SwTxtFmtColl *GetTxtColl() const;
385 : virtual SwFmtColl *ChgFmtColl( SwFmtColl* );
386 : void _ChgTxtCollUpdateNum( const SwTxtFmtColl* pOld,
387 : const SwTxtFmtColl* pNew );
388 :
389 : /** Copy collection with all auto formats to dest-node.
390 : The latter might be in an other document!
391 : (Method in ndcopy.cxx!!). */
392 : void CopyCollFmt( SwTxtNode& rDestNd );
393 :
394 : //const SwNodeNum* _GetNodeNum() const { return pNdNum; }
395 :
396 : //
398 : //
399 :
400 : /**
401 : Returns numbering rule of this text node.
402 :
403 : @param bInParent serach in parent attributes, too
404 :
405 : @return numbering rule of this text node or NULL if none is set
406 : */
407 : SwNumRule *GetNumRule(sal_Bool bInParent = sal_True) const;
408 :
409 181305 : inline const SwNodeNum* GetNum() const
410 : {
411 181305 : return mpNodeNum;
412 : }
413 :
414 : SwNumberTree::tNumberVector GetNumberVector() const;
415 :
416 : /**
417 : Returns if this text node is an outline.
418 :
419 : @retval true this text node is an outline
420 : @retval false else
421 : */
422 : bool IsOutline() const;
423 :
424 : bool IsOutlineStateChanged() const;
425 :
426 : void UpdateOutlineState();
427 :
428 : /** Returns if this text node may be numbered.
429 :
430 : A text node may be numbered if
431 : - it has no SwNodeNum
432 : - it has a SwNodeNum and it has a numbering rule and the according
433 : SwNumFmt defines a numbering type that is an enumeration.
434 :
435 : @retval sal_True this text node may be numbered
436 : @retval sal_False else
437 : */
438 : //sal_Bool MayBeNumbered() const;
439 :
440 : /**
441 : Notify this textnode that its numbering rule has changed.
442 : */
443 : void NumRuleChgd();
444 :
445 : /** Returns outline of numbering string
446 :
447 : Introduce parameter <_bInclPrefixAndSuffixStrings> in order to control,
448 : if the prefix and the suffix strings have to been included or not.
449 :
450 : @param _bInclPrefixAndSuffixStrings
451 : optional input parameter - boolean indicating, if the prefix and the
452 : suffix strings have to been included or not. default value = <true>
453 :
454 : @param _nRestrictToThisLevel
455 : optional input parameter - unsigned integer indicating the maximum outline
456 : level to which the output string must be restricted to. Default value is
458 : */
459 : XubString GetNumString( const bool _bInclPrefixAndSuffixStrings = true, const unsigned int _nRestrictToThisLevel = MAXLEVEL ) const;
460 :
461 : /**
462 : Returns the additional indents of this text node and its numbering.
463 :
464 : @param bTxtLeft ???
465 :
466 : @return additional indents
467 : */
468 : long GetLeftMarginWithNum( sal_Bool bTxtLeft = sal_False ) const;
469 :
470 : /**
471 : Returns the combined first line indent of this text node and
472 : its numbering.
473 :
474 : @param the first line indent of this text node taking the
475 : numbering into account (return parameter)
476 :
477 : @retval sal_True this node has SwNodeNum and has numbering rule
478 : @retval sal_False else
479 : */
480 : sal_Bool GetFirstLineOfsWithNum( short& rFirstOffset ) const;
481 :
482 : SwTwips GetAdditionalIndentForStartingNewList() const;
483 :
484 : void ClearLRSpaceItemDueToListLevelIndents( SvxLRSpaceItem& o_rLRSpaceItem ) const;
485 :
486 : /** return left margin for tab stop position calculation
487 :
488 : Needed for text formatting
489 : Method considers new list level attributes, which also can provide a left margin value
490 :
491 : @author OD
492 : */
493 : long GetLeftMarginForTabCalculation() const;
494 :
495 : /** Returns if this text node has a number.
496 :
497 : This text node has a number if it has a SwNodeNum and a
498 : numbering rule and the numbering format specified for the
499 : level of the SwNodeNum is of an enumeration type.
500 :
501 : @retval sal_True This text node has a number.
502 : @retval sal_False else
503 : */
504 : sal_Bool HasNumber() const;
505 :
506 : /** Returns if this text node has a bullet.
507 :
508 : This text node has a bullet if it has a SwNodeNum and a
509 : numbering rule and the numbering format specified for the
510 : level of the SwNodeNum is of a bullet type.
511 :
512 : @retval sal_True This text node has a bullet.
513 : @retval sal_False else
514 : */
515 : sal_Bool HasBullet() const;
516 :
517 : /** Returns is this text node is numbered.
518 :
519 : This node is numbered if it has a SwNodeNum and it has a
520 : numbering rule and has not a hidden SwNodeNum.
521 :
522 : ATTENTION: Returns sal_True even if the SwNumFmt has type
524 :
525 : @retval sal_True This node is numbered.
526 : @retval sal_False else
527 : */
528 : sal_Bool IsNumbered() const;
529 :
530 : /** Returns if this text node has a marked label.
531 :
532 : @retval true This text node has a marked label.
533 : @retval false else
534 : */
535 : bool HasMarkedLabel() const;
536 :
537 : /** Sets the list level of this text node.
538 :
539 : Side effect, when the text node is a list item:
540 : The text node's representation in the list tree (<SwNodeNum> instance)
541 : is updated.
542 :
543 : @param nLevel level to set
544 : */
545 : void SetAttrListLevel(int nLevel);
546 :
547 : bool HasAttrListLevel() const;
548 :
549 : int GetAttrListLevel() const;
550 :
551 : /** Returns the actual list level of this text node, when it is a list item
552 :
553 : @return the actual list level of this text node, if it is a list item,
554 : -1 otherwise
555 : */
556 : int GetActualListLevel() const;
557 :
558 : /**
559 : Returns outline level of this text node.
560 :
561 : If a text node has an outline number (i.e. it has an SwNodeNum
562 : and a outline numbering rule) the outline level is the level of
563 : this SwNodeNum.
564 :
565 : If a text node has no outline number and has a paragraph style
566 : attached the outline level is the outline level of the
567 : paragraph style.
568 :
569 : Otherwise the text node has no outline level (NO_NUMBERING).
570 :
571 : NOTE: The outline level of text nodes is subject to change. The
572 : plan is to have an SwTxtNode::nOutlineLevel member that is
573 : updated from a paragraph style upon appliance of that paragraph
574 : style.
575 :
576 : @return outline level or NO_NUMBERING if there is no outline level
577 : */
578 : int GetAttrOutlineLevel() const;//#OutlineLevel,added by zhaojianwei
579 :
580 : /**
581 : Sets the out line level *at* a text node.
582 :
583 : @param nLevel the level to be set
584 :
585 : If the text node has an outline number the level is set at the
586 : outline number.
587 :
588 : If the text node has no outline number but has a paragraph
589 : style applied the outline level is set at the paragraph style.
590 :
591 : NOTE: This is subject to change, see GetOutlineLevel.
592 : */
593 : void SetAttrOutlineLevel(int nLevel);//#OutlineLevel,added by zhaojianwei
594 :
595 : bool IsEmptyListStyleDueToSetOutlineLevelAttr();
596 : void SetEmptyListStyleDueToSetOutlineLevelAttr();
597 : void ResetEmptyListStyleDueToResetOutlineLevelAttr();
598 :
599 : /**
600 : Returns the width of leading tabs/blanks in this paragraph.
601 : This space will be converted into numbering indent if the paragraph
602 : is set to be numbered.
603 :
604 : @return the width of the leading whitespace
605 : */
606 : sal_uInt16 GetWidthOfLeadingTabs() const;
607 :
608 : /**
609 : Returns if the paragraph has a visible numbering or bullet.
610 : This includes all kinds of numbering/bullet/outlines.
611 : Note: This function returns false, if the numbering format is
612 : SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE or if the numbering/bullet has been deleted.
613 :
614 : @return sal_True if the paragraph has a visible numbering/bullet/outline
615 : */
616 : bool HasVisibleNumberingOrBullet() const;
617 :
618 : void SetListId( const String sListId );
619 : String GetListId() const;
620 :
621 : /** Determines, if the list level indent attributes can be applied to the
622 : paragraph.
623 :
624 : The list level indents can be applied to the paragraph under the one
625 : of following conditions:
626 : - the list style is directly applied to the paragraph and the paragraph
627 : has no own indent attributes.
628 : - the list style is applied to the paragraph through one of its paragraph
629 : styles, the paragraph has no own indent attributes and on the paragraph
630 : style hierarchy from the paragraph to the paragraph style with the
631 : list style no indent attributes are found.
632 :
633 : @author OD
634 :
635 : @return boolean
636 : */
637 : bool AreListLevelIndentsApplicable() const;
638 :
639 : /** Retrieves the list tab stop position, if the paragraph's list level defines
640 : one and this list tab stop has to merged into the tap stops of the paragraph
641 :
642 : @author OD
643 :
644 : @param nListTabStopPosition
645 : output parameter - containing the list tab stop position
646 :
647 : @return boolean - indicating, if a list tab stop position is provided
648 : */
649 : bool GetListTabStopPosition( long& nListTabStopPosition ) const;
650 :
651 : /** Retrieves the character following the list label, if the paragraph's
652 : list level defines one.
653 :
654 : @author OD
655 :
656 : @return XubString - the list tab stop position
657 : */
658 : XubString GetLabelFollowedBy() const;
659 :
660 : //
662 : //
663 :
664 : void fillSoftPageBreakList( SwSoftPageBreakList& rBreak ) const;
665 :
666 : sal_uInt16 GetLang( const xub_StrLen nBegin, const xub_StrLen nLen = 0,
667 : sal_uInt16 nScript = 0 ) const;
668 :
669 : /// in ndcopy.cxx
670 : sal_Bool IsSymbol( const xub_StrLen nBegin ) const; // In itratr.cxx.
671 : virtual SwCntntNode* MakeCopy( SwDoc*, const SwNodeIndex& ) const;
672 :
673 : /// Interactive hyphenation: we find TxtFrm and call its CalcHyph.
674 : sal_Bool Hyphenate( SwInterHyphInfo &rHyphInf );
675 : void DelSoftHyph( const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nEnd );
676 :
677 : /** add 4th optional parameter <bAddSpaceAfterListLabelStr> indicating,
678 : when <bWithNum = true> that a space is inserted after the string for
679 : the list label.
680 : add 5th optional parameter <bWithSpacesForLevel> indicating, if additional
681 : spaces are inserted in front of the expanded text string depending on
682 : the list level. */
683 : XubString GetExpandTxt( const xub_StrLen nIdx = 0,
684 : const xub_StrLen nLen = STRING_LEN,
685 : const bool bWithNum = false,
686 : const bool bAddSpaceAfterListLabelStr = false,
687 : const bool bWithSpacesForLevel = false ) const;
688 : sal_Bool GetExpandTxt( SwTxtNode& rDestNd, const SwIndex* pDestIdx = 0,
689 : xub_StrLen nIdx = 0, xub_StrLen nLen = STRING_LEN,
690 : sal_Bool bWithNum = sal_False, sal_Bool bWithFtn = sal_True,
691 : sal_Bool bReplaceTabsWithSpaces = sal_False ) const;
692 :
693 : XubString GetRedlineTxt( xub_StrLen nIdx = 0,
694 : xub_StrLen nLen = STRING_LEN,
695 : sal_Bool bExpandFlds = sal_False,
696 : sal_Bool bWithNum = sal_False ) const;
697 :
698 : /** @return actual count of initial chars for initial-function.
699 : If nWishLen == 0 that of first word. */
700 : sal_uInt16 GetDropLen( sal_uInt16 nWishLen) const;
701 :
702 : /// Passes back info needed on the dropcap dimensions
703 : bool GetDropSize(int& rFontHeight, int& rDropHeight, int& rDropDescent) const;
704 :
705 : /// Hidden Paragraph Field:
706 0 : inline bool CalcHiddenParaField()
707 0 : { return m_pSwpHints ? m_pSwpHints->CalcHiddenParaField() : false; }
708 : /// set CalcVisible flags
709 0 : inline void SetCalcHiddenParaField()
710 0 : { if (m_pSwpHints) m_pSwpHints->SetCalcHiddenParaField(); }
711 :
712 : /// is the paragraph visible?
713 12557 : inline bool HasHiddenParaField() const
714 12557 : { return m_pSwpHints ? m_pSwpHints->HasHiddenParaField() : false; }
715 :
716 :
717 : /// Hidden Paragraph Field:
718 :
719 14082 : inline bool HasHiddenCharAttribute( bool bWholePara ) const
720 : {
721 14082 : if ( m_bRecalcHiddenCharFlags )
722 897 : CalcHiddenCharFlags();
723 14082 : return bWholePara ? m_bHiddenCharsHidePara : m_bContainsHiddenChars;
724 : }
725 :
726 50357 : inline void SetCalcHiddenCharFlags() const
727 50357 : { m_bRecalcHiddenCharFlags = true; }
728 :
729 :
730 : /** @return if the node is hidden due to
731 : 1. HiddenParaField
732 : 2. HiddenCharAttribute
733 : 3. HiddenSection */
734 :
735 : bool IsHidden() const;
736 :
737 : TYPEINFO(); // fuer rtti
738 :
739 : /// override SwIndexReg
740 : virtual void Update( SwIndex const & rPos, const xub_StrLen nChangeLen,
741 : const bool bNegative = false, const bool bDelete = false );
742 :
743 : /// change text to Upper/Lower/Hiragana/Katagana/...
744 : void TransliterateText( utl::TransliterationWrapper& rTrans,
745 : xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd,
746 : SwUndoTransliterate* pUndo = 0 );
747 :
748 : /// count words in given range
749 : void CountWords( SwDocStat& rStat, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd ) const;
750 :
751 : /** Checks some global conditions like loading or destruction of document
752 : to economize notifications */
753 : bool IsNotificationEnabled() const;
754 :
755 : /// Checks a temporary notification blocker and the global conditons of IsNotificationEnabled()
756 : bool IsNotifiable() const;
757 :
758 : void SetListRestart( bool bRestart );
759 : bool IsListRestart() const;
760 :
761 : void SetAttrListRestartValue( SwNumberTree::tSwNumTreeNumber nNum );
762 : bool HasAttrListRestartValue() const;
763 : SwNumberTree::tSwNumTreeNumber GetAttrListRestartValue() const;
764 : SwNumberTree::tSwNumTreeNumber GetActualListStartValue() const;
765 :
766 : void SetCountedInList( bool bCounted );
767 : bool IsCountedInList() const;
768 :
769 : void AddToList();
770 : void RemoveFromList();
771 : bool IsInList() const;
772 :
773 : bool IsFirstOfNumRule() const;
774 :
775 : sal_uInt16 GetScalingOfSelectedText( xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd ) const;
776 :
777 : SW_DLLPRIVATE ::com::sun::star::uno::WeakReference<
778 1537 : ::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent> const& GetXParagraph() const
779 1537 : { return m_wXParagraph; }
780 1357 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetXParagraph(::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
781 : ::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent> const& xParagraph)
782 1357 : { m_wXParagraph = xParagraph; }
783 :
784 : /// sfx2::Metadatable
785 : virtual ::sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry& GetRegistry();
786 : virtual bool IsInClipboard() const;
787 : virtual bool IsInUndo() const;
788 : virtual bool IsInContent() const;
789 : virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
790 : ::com::sun::star::rdf::XMetadatable > MakeUnoObject();
791 :
792 : bool IsCollapse() const;
793 :
794 : virtual void dumpAsXml( xmlTextWriterPtr writer = NULL );
795 :
796 : sal_uInt32 GetRsid( xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd ) const;
797 : sal_uInt32 GetParRsid() const;
798 :
799 : bool CompareRsid( const SwTxtNode &rTxtNode, xub_StrLen nStt1, xub_StrLen nStt2,
800 : xub_StrLen nEnd1 = 0, xub_StrLen nEnd2 = 0 ) const;
801 : bool CompareParRsid( const SwTxtNode &rTxtNode ) const;
802 :
804 : };
805 :
806 : //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
807 :
808 0 : inline SwpHints & SwTxtNode::GetSwpHints()
809 : {
810 : OSL_ASSERT( m_pSwpHints );
811 0 : return *m_pSwpHints;
812 : }
813 0 : inline const SwpHints &SwTxtNode::GetSwpHints() const
814 : {
815 : OSL_ASSERT( m_pSwpHints );
816 0 : return *m_pSwpHints;
817 : }
818 :
819 22573 : inline SwpHints& SwTxtNode::GetOrCreateSwpHints()
820 : {
821 22573 : if ( !m_pSwpHints )
822 : {
823 2459 : m_pSwpHints = new SwpHints;
824 : }
825 22573 : return *m_pSwpHints;
826 : }
827 :
828 13901 : inline void SwTxtNode::TryDeleteSwpHints()
829 : {
830 13901 : if ( m_pSwpHints && m_pSwpHints->CanBeDeleted() )
831 : {
832 1334 : DELETEZ( m_pSwpHints );
833 : }
834 13901 : }
835 :
836 17444 : inline SwTxtFmtColl* SwTxtNode::GetTxtColl() const
837 : {
838 17444 : return static_cast<SwTxtFmtColl*>(const_cast<SwModify*>(GetRegisteredIn()));
839 : }
840 :
841 : /// Inline methods from Node.hxx
842 147848 : inline SwTxtNode *SwNode::GetTxtNode()
843 : {
844 147848 : return ND_TEXTNODE == nNodeType ? static_cast<SwTxtNode*>(this) : 0;
845 : }
846 :
847 51671 : inline const SwTxtNode *SwNode::GetTxtNode() const
848 : {
849 51671 : return ND_TEXTNODE == nNodeType ? static_cast<const SwTxtNode*>(this) : 0;
850 : }
851 :
852 : inline void
853 1 : SwTxtNode::CutText(SwTxtNode * const pDest, const SwIndex & rDestStart,
854 : const SwIndex & rStart, const xub_StrLen nLen)
855 : {
856 1 : CutImpl( pDest, rDestStart, rStart, nLen, true );
857 1 : }
858 :
859 : #endif
860 :
861 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */