Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 : #ifndef _NUMRULE_HXX
20 : #define _NUMRULE_HXX
21 :
22 : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
23 : #include <tools/string.hxx>
24 : #include <editeng/svxenum.hxx>
25 : #include <editeng/numitem.hxx>
26 : #include "swdllapi.h"
27 : #include <swtypes.hxx>
28 : #include <calbck.hxx>
29 : #include <hints.hxx>
30 : #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
31 : #include <stringhash.hxx>
32 : #include <SwNumberTreeTypes.hxx>
33 : #include <vector>
34 :
35 : class SwTxtFmtColl;
36 : class IDocumentListsAccess;
37 : class SwNodeNum;
38 : class Font;
39 : class SvxBrushItem;
40 : class SvxNumRule;
41 : class SwCharFmt;
42 : class SwDoc;
43 : class SwFmtVertOrient;
44 : class SwTxtNode;
45 :
46 : const sal_Unicode cBulletChar = 0x2022; ///< Character for lists.
47 :
48 : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwNumFmt : public SvxNumberFormat, public SwClient
49 : {
50 : SwFmtVertOrient* pVertOrient;
51 :
52 : SW_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateNumNodes( SwDoc* pDoc );
53 : SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual void NotifyGraphicArrived();
54 :
55 : using SvxNumberFormat::operator ==;
56 : using SvxNumberFormat::operator !=;
57 :
58 : protected:
59 : virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew );
60 :
61 : public:
62 : SwNumFmt();
63 : SwNumFmt( const SwNumFmt& );
64 : SwNumFmt( const SvxNumberFormat&, SwDoc* pDoc);
65 :
66 : virtual ~SwNumFmt();
67 :
68 : SwNumFmt& operator=( const SwNumFmt& );
69 :
70 : sal_Bool operator==( const SwNumFmt& ) const;
71 4585 : sal_Bool operator!=( const SwNumFmt& r ) const { return !(*this == r); }
72 :
73 6244 : SwCharFmt* GetCharFmt() const { return (SwCharFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
74 : void SetCharFmt( SwCharFmt* );
75 :
76 : virtual void SetCharFmtName(const String& rSet);
77 : virtual const String& GetCharFmtName()const;
78 :
79 : virtual void SetGraphicBrush( const SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem, const Size* pSize = 0, const sal_Int16* pOrient = 0);
80 :
81 : virtual void SetVertOrient(sal_Int16 eSet);
82 : virtual sal_Int16 GetVertOrient() const;
83 : const SwFmtVertOrient* GetGraphicOrientation() const;
84 :
85 : sal_Bool IsEnumeration() const; // #i22362#
86 : sal_Bool IsItemize() const; // #i29560#
87 : };
88 :
89 : class SwPaM;
90 : enum SwNumRuleType { OUTLINE_RULE = 0, NUM_RULE = 1, RULE_END = 2 };
91 : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwNumRule
92 : {
93 :
94 : public:
95 : typedef std::vector< SwTxtNode* > tTxtNodeList;
96 : typedef std::vector< SwTxtFmtColl* > tParagraphStyleList;
97 :
98 : struct Extremities
99 : {
100 : sal_uInt16 nPrefixChars;
101 : sal_uInt16 nSuffixChars;
102 : };
103 :
104 : private:
105 : friend void _FinitCore();
106 :
107 : static SwNumFmt* aBaseFmts [ RULE_END ][ MAXLEVEL ];
108 : static sal_uInt16 aDefNumIndents[ MAXLEVEL ];
109 : /// default list level properties for position-and-space mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT
110 : static SwNumFmt* aLabelAlignmentBaseFmts [ RULE_END ][ MAXLEVEL ];
111 : static sal_uInt16 nRefCount;
112 : static char* pDefOutlineName;
113 :
114 : SwNumFmt* aFmts[ MAXLEVEL ];
115 :
116 : /** container for associated text nodes */
117 : tTxtNodeList maTxtNodeList;
118 :
119 : /** container for associated paragraph styles */
120 : tParagraphStyleList maParagraphStyleList;
121 :
122 : /** boost::unordered_map containing "name->rule" relation */
123 : boost::unordered_map<String, SwNumRule *, StringHash> * pNumRuleMap;
124 :
125 : String sName;
126 : SwNumRuleType eRuleType;
127 : sal_uInt16 nPoolFmtId; ///< Id-for NumRules created "automatically"
128 : sal_uInt16 nPoolHelpId; ///< HelpId for this Pool-style.
129 : sal_uInt8 nPoolHlpFileId; ///< FilePos at Doc on style helps.
130 : sal_Bool bAutoRuleFlag : 1;
131 : sal_Bool bInvalidRuleFlag : 1;
132 : sal_Bool bContinusNum : 1; ///< Continuous numbering without levels.
133 : sal_Bool bAbsSpaces : 1; ///< Levels represent absolute indents.
134 : sal_Bool bHidden : 1; ///< Is the numering rule to be hidden in the UI?
135 : bool mbCountPhantoms;
136 :
137 : const SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode meDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode;
138 : String msDefaultListId;
139 :
140 : public:
141 : /// add parameter <eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode>
142 : SwNumRule( const String& rNm,
143 : const SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode eDefaultNumberFormatPositionAndSpaceMode,
144 : SwNumRuleType = NUM_RULE,
145 : sal_Bool bAutoFlg = sal_True );
146 :
147 : SwNumRule( const SwNumRule& );
148 : ~SwNumRule();
149 :
150 : SwNumRule& operator=( const SwNumRule& );
151 : sal_Bool operator==( const SwNumRule& ) const;
152 29 : sal_Bool operator!=( const SwNumRule& r ) const { return !(*this == r); }
153 :
154 : const SwNumFmt* GetNumFmt( sal_uInt16 i ) const;
155 : const SwNumFmt& Get( sal_uInt16 i ) const;
156 :
157 3 : sal_Bool IsHidden( ) const { return bHidden; }
158 8 : void SetHidden( sal_Bool bValue ) { bHidden = bValue; }
159 :
160 : void Set( sal_uInt16 i, const SwNumFmt* );
161 : void Set( sal_uInt16 i, const SwNumFmt& );
162 : String MakeNumString( const SwNodeNum&, sal_Bool bInclStrings = sal_True,
163 : sal_Bool bOnlyArabic = sal_False ) const;
164 : /** - add optional parameter <_nRestrictToThisLevel> in order to
165 : restrict returned string to this level. */
166 : String MakeNumString( const SwNumberTree::tNumberVector & rNumVector,
167 : const sal_Bool bInclStrings = sal_True,
168 : const sal_Bool bOnlyArabic = sal_False,
169 : const unsigned int _nRestrictToThisLevel = MAXLEVEL,
170 : Extremities* pExtremities = 0 ) const;
171 : String MakeRefNumString( const SwNodeNum& rNodeNum,
172 : const bool bInclSuperiorNumLabels = false,
173 : const sal_uInt8 nRestrictInclToThisLevel = 0 ) const;
174 :
175 : /**
176 :
177 : @return list of associated text nodes
178 : */
179 : void GetTxtNodeList( SwNumRule::tTxtNodeList& rTxtNodeList ) const;
180 : SwNumRule::tTxtNodeList::size_type GetTxtNodeListSize() const;
181 :
182 : void AddTxtNode( SwTxtNode& rTxtNode );
183 : void RemoveTxtNode( SwTxtNode& rTxtNode );
184 :
185 : SwNumRule::tParagraphStyleList::size_type GetParagraphStyleListSize() const;
186 : void AddParagraphStyle( SwTxtFmtColl& rTxtFmtColl );
187 : void RemoveParagraphStyle( SwTxtFmtColl& rTxtFmtColl );
188 :
189 591 : inline void SetDefaultListId( const String sDefaultListId )
190 : {
191 591 : msDefaultListId = sDefaultListId;
192 591 : }
193 3467 : inline String GetDefaultListId() const
194 : {
195 3467 : return msDefaultListId;
196 : }
197 : /**
198 : Register this rule in a "name->numrule" map.
199 :
200 : @param pNumRuleMap map to register in
201 : */
202 : void SetNumRuleMap(
203 : boost::unordered_map<String, SwNumRule *, StringHash>* pNumRuleMap );
204 :
205 1059 : static char* GetOutlineRuleName() { return pDefOutlineName; }
206 :
207 : static sal_uInt16 GetNumIndent( sal_uInt8 nLvl );
208 : static sal_uInt16 GetBullIndent( sal_uInt8 nLvl );
209 :
210 0 : SwNumRuleType GetRuleType() const { return eRuleType; }
211 364 : void SetRuleType( SwNumRuleType eNew ) { eRuleType = eNew;
212 364 : bInvalidRuleFlag = sal_True; }
213 :
214 : /** A kind of copy-constructor to make sure the num formats are
215 : attached to the correctCharFormats of a document!!
216 : (Copies the NumFormats and returns itself). */
217 : SwNumRule& CopyNumRule( SwDoc*, const SwNumRule& );
218 :
219 : /** Tests whether the CharFormats are from the given doc
220 : and copies them if appropriate. */
221 : void CheckCharFmts( SwDoc* pDoc );
222 :
223 20343 : const String& GetName() const { return sName; }
224 :
225 : void SetName( const String& rNm,
226 : IDocumentListsAccess& rDocListAccess );
227 :
228 226 : sal_Bool IsAutoRule() const { return bAutoRuleFlag; }
229 672 : void SetAutoRule( sal_Bool bFlag ) { bAutoRuleFlag = bFlag; }
230 :
231 3283 : sal_Bool IsInvalidRule() const { return bInvalidRuleFlag; }
232 : void SetInvalidRule( sal_Bool bFlag );
233 :
234 5512 : sal_Bool IsContinusNum() const { return bContinusNum; }
235 413 : void SetContinusNum( sal_Bool bFlag ) { bContinusNum = bFlag; }
236 :
237 0 : sal_Bool IsAbsSpaces() const { return bAbsSpaces; }
238 0 : void SetAbsSpaces( sal_Bool bFlag ) { bAbsSpaces = bFlag; }
239 :
240 2959 : sal_Bool IsOutlineRule() const { return eRuleType == OUTLINE_RULE; }
241 :
242 : bool IsCountPhantoms() const;
243 : void SetCountPhantoms(bool bCountPhantoms);
244 :
245 : /// Query and set PoolFormat IDs.
246 1311 : sal_uInt16 GetPoolFmtId() const { return nPoolFmtId; }
247 2 : void SetPoolFmtId( sal_uInt16 nId ) { nPoolFmtId = nId; }
248 :
249 : /// Query and set Help-IDs for document styles.
250 1308 : sal_uInt16 GetPoolHelpId() const { return nPoolHelpId; }
251 0 : void SetPoolHelpId( sal_uInt16 nId ) { nPoolHelpId = nId; }
252 1308 : sal_uInt8 GetPoolHlpFileId() const { return nPoolHlpFileId; }
253 0 : void SetPoolHlpFileId( sal_uInt8 nId ) { nPoolHlpFileId = nId; }
254 :
255 : void SetSvxRule(const SvxNumRule&, SwDoc* pDoc);
256 : SvxNumRule MakeSvxNumRule() const;
257 :
258 : /// change indent of all list levels by given difference
259 : void ChangeIndent( const short nDiff );
260 : /// set indent of certain list level to given value
261 : void SetIndent( const short nNewIndent,
262 : const sal_uInt16 nListLevel );
263 : /** set indent of first list level to given value and change other list level's
264 : indents accordingly */
265 : void SetIndentOfFirstListLevelAndChangeOthers( const short nNewIndent );
266 :
267 : void Validate();
268 : };
269 :
270 : /// namespace for static functions and methods for numbering and bullets
271 : namespace numfunc
272 : {
273 : /** retrieve font family name used for the default bullet list characters
274 :
275 : @author OD
276 : */
277 : const String& GetDefBulletFontname();
278 :
279 : /** determine if default bullet font is user defined
280 :
281 : The default bullet font is user defined, if it is given in the user configuration
282 :
283 : @author OD
284 : */
285 : bool IsDefBulletFontUserDefined();
286 :
287 : /** retrieve font used for the default bullet list characters
288 :
289 : @author OD
290 : */
291 : SW_DLLPUBLIC const Font& GetDefBulletFont();
292 :
293 : /** retrieve unicode of character used for the default bullet list for the given list level
294 :
295 : @author OD
296 : */
297 : sal_Unicode GetBulletChar( sal_uInt8 nLevel );
298 :
299 : /** configuration, if at first position of the first list item the <TAB>-key
300 : increased the indent of the complete list or only demotes this list item.
301 : The same for <SHIFT-TAB>-key at the same position for decreasing the
302 : indent of the complete list or only promotes this list item.
303 :
304 : @author OD
305 : */
306 : sal_Bool ChangeIndentOnTabAtFirstPosOfFirstListItem();
307 :
308 : /**
309 : @author OD
310 : */
311 : SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumPositionAndSpaceMode GetDefaultPositionAndSpaceMode();
312 : }
313 :
314 : #endif // _NUMRULE_HXX
315 :
316 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */