LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/sw/inc - swatrset.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 7 7 100.0 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 9 9 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : #ifndef _SWATRSET_HXX
      20             : #define _SWATRSET_HXX
      21             : #include <tools/solar.h>
      22             : #include <tools/mempool.hxx>
      23             : #include <svl/itemset.hxx>
      24             : #include <svl/itempool.hxx>
      25             : #include <swdllapi.h>
      26             : 
      27             : class SwModify;
      28             : class SwDoc;
      29             : class OutputDevice;
      30             : class IDocumentSettingAccess;
      31             : class SfxBoolItem;
      32             : class SvxPostureItem;
      33             : class SvxWeightItem;
      34             : class SvxShadowedItem;
      35             : class SvxAutoKernItem;
      36             : class SvxWordLineModeItem;
      37             : class SvxContourItem;
      38             : class SvxKerningItem;
      39             : class SvxUnderlineItem;
      40             : class SvxOverlineItem;
      41             : class SvxCrossedOutItem;
      42             : class SvxFontHeightItem;
      43             : class SvxPropSizeItem;
      44             : class SvxFontItem;
      45             : class SvxColorItem;
      46             : class SvxCharSetColorItem;
      47             : class SvxLanguageItem;
      48             : class SvxEscapementItem;
      49             : class SvxCaseMapItem;
      50             : class SvxNoHyphenItem;
      51             : class SvxBlinkItem;
      52             : class SvxEmphasisMarkItem;
      53             : class SvxTwoLinesItem;
      54             : class SvxCharScaleWidthItem;
      55             : class SvxCharRotateItem;
      56             : class SvxCharReliefItem;
      57             : class SvxCharHiddenItem;
      58             : 
      59             : // Frame attributes
      60             : class SwFmtFillOrder;
      61             : class SwFmtFrmSize;
      62             : class SvxPaperBinItem;
      63             : class SvxLRSpaceItem;
      64             : class SvxULSpaceItem;
      65             : class SwFmtCntnt;
      66             : class SwFmtHeader;
      67             : class SwFmtFooter;
      68             : class SvxPrintItem;
      69             : class SvxOpaqueItem;
      70             : class SvxProtectItem;
      71             : class SwFmtSurround;
      72             : class SwFmtVertOrient;
      73             : class SwFmtHoriOrient;
      74             : class SwFmtAnchor;
      75             : class SvxBoxItem;
      76             : class SvxBrushItem;
      77             : class SvxShadowItem;
      78             : class SwFmtPageDesc;
      79             : class SvxFmtBreakItem;
      80             : class SwFmtCol;
      81             : class SvxMacroItem;
      82             : class SvxFmtKeepItem;
      83             : class SwFmtURL;
      84             : class SwFmtLineNumber;
      85             : class SwFmtEditInReadonly;
      86             : class SwFmtLayoutSplit;
      87             : class SwFmtRowSplit;
      88             : class SwFmtChain;
      89             : class SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd;
      90             : class SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd;
      91             : class SwFmtNoBalancedColumns;
      92             : class SvxFrameDirectionItem;
      93             : class SwTextGridItem;
      94             : class SwHeaderAndFooterEatSpacingItem;
      95             : class SwFmtFollowTextFlow;
      96             : class SwFmtWrapInfluenceOnObjPos;
      97             : 
      98             : // Graphic attributes
      99             : class SwMirrorGrf;
     100             : class SwCropGrf;
     101             : class SwRotationGrf;
     102             : class SwLuminanceGrf;
     103             : class SwContrastGrf;
     104             : class SwChannelRGrf;
     105             : class SwChannelGGrf;
     106             : class SwChannelBGrf;
     107             : class SwGammaGrf;
     108             : class SwInvertGrf;
     109             : class SwTransparencyGrf;
     110             : class SwDrawModeGrf;
     111             : 
     112             : // Paragraph attributes
     113             : class SvxLineSpacingItem;
     114             : class SvxAdjustItem;
     115             : class SvxFmtSplitItem;
     116             : class SwRegisterItem;
     117             : class SwNumRuleItem;
     118             : class SvxWidowsItem;
     119             : class SvxOrphansItem;
     120             : class SvxTabStopItem;
     121             : class SvxHyphenZoneItem;
     122             : class SwFmtDrop;
     123             : class SvxScriptSpaceItem;
     124             : class SvxHangingPunctuationItem;
     125             : class SvxForbiddenRuleItem;
     126             : class SvxParaVertAlignItem;
     127             : class SvxParaGridItem;
     128             : class SwParaConnectBorderItem;
     129             : 
     130             : // TableBox attributes
     131             : class SwTblBoxNumFormat;
     132             : class SwTblBoxFormula;
     133             : class SwTblBoxValue;
     134             : 
     135             : class SwAttrPool : public SfxItemPool
     136             : {
     137             :     friend void _InitCore();            // For creating/deleting of version maps.
     138             :     friend void _FinitCore();
     139             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap1;
     140             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap2;
     141             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap3;
     142             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap4;
     143             :     // due to extension of attribute set a new version
     144             :     // map for binary filter is necessary (version map 5).
     145             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap5;
     146             :     static sal_uInt16* pVersionMap6;
     147             : 
     148             :     SwDoc* pDoc;
     149             : 
     150             : public:
     151             :     SwAttrPool( SwDoc* pDoc );
     152             : protected:
     153             :     virtual ~SwAttrPool();
     154             : public:
     155             : 
     156       73150 :           SwDoc* GetDoc()           { return pDoc; }
     157             :     const SwDoc* GetDoc() const     { return pDoc; }
     158             : 
     159             :     static sal_uInt16* GetVersionMap1() { return pVersionMap1; }
     160             :     static sal_uInt16* GetVersionMap2() { return pVersionMap2; }
     161             :     static sal_uInt16* GetVersionMap3() { return pVersionMap3; }
     162             :     static sal_uInt16* GetVersionMap6() { return pVersionMap4; }
     163             : };
     164             : 
     165             : 
     166      288175 : class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwAttrSet : public SfxItemSet
     167             : {
     168             :     // Pointer for Modify-System
     169             :     SwAttrSet *pOldSet, *pNewSet;
     170             : 
     171             :     // Notification-Callback
     172             :     virtual void Changed( const SfxPoolItem& rOld, const SfxPoolItem& rNew );
     173             : 
     174       73696 :     void PutChgd( const SfxPoolItem& rI ) { SfxItemSet::PutDirect( rI ); }
     175             : public:
     176             :     SwAttrSet( SwAttrPool&, sal_uInt16 nWhich1, sal_uInt16 nWhich2 );
     177             :     SwAttrSet( SwAttrPool&, const sal_uInt16* nWhichPairTable );
     178             :     SwAttrSet( const SwAttrSet& );
     179             : 
     180             :     virtual SfxItemSet* Clone(sal_Bool bItems = sal_True, SfxItemPool *pToPool = 0) const;
     181             : 
     182             :     int Put_BC( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr, SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew );
     183             :     int Put_BC( const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew );
     184             : 
     185             :     // Delete an item or a range.
     186             :     sal_uInt16 ClearItem_BC( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew );
     187             :     sal_uInt16 ClearItem_BC( sal_uInt16 nWhich1, sal_uInt16 nWhich2,
     188             :                         SwAttrSet* pOld = 0, SwAttrSet* pNew = 0 );
     189             : 
     190             :     int Intersect_BC( const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew );
     191             : 
     192             :     void GetPresentation( SfxItemPresentation ePres,
     193             :         SfxMapUnit eCoreMetric, SfxMapUnit ePresMetric, String &rText ) const;
     194             : 
     195      203973 :     SwAttrPool* GetPool() const { return (SwAttrPool*)SfxItemSet::GetPool(); }
     196             : 
     197             :     // Copy attributes, if necessary across documents.
     198             :     void CopyToModify( SwModify& rMod ) const;
     199             : 
     200             :     // Special treatment for some attributes.
     201             :     // Set Modify-pointer (the old pDefinedIn) at the following attributes:
     202             :     //  - SwFmtDropCaps
     203             :     //  - SwFmtPageDesc
     204             :     // (Is called at insert in formats/nodes.)
     205             :     // Second version is for the SwAttrSet handles of SwCntntNode.
     206             :     bool SetModifyAtAttr( const SwModify* pModify );
     207             : 
     208             :     // Document is set at SwAttrPool. Therefore it is always accessible.
     209       18270 :     const SwDoc *GetDoc() const { return GetPool()->GetDoc(); }
     210       43845 :           SwDoc *GetDoc()       { return GetPool()->GetDoc(); }
     211             : 
     212             :     // Get methods: bool indicates whether to search only in Set (sal_False)
     213             :     // or also in parents. If nothing is found then default attribute is returned.
     214             :     // Character attributes. Implementation in charatr.hxx.
     215             :     inline const SvxPostureItem           &GetPosture( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     216             :     inline const SvxWeightItem          &GetWeight( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     217             :     inline const SvxShadowedItem        &GetShadowed( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     218             :     inline const SvxAutoKernItem        &GetAutoKern( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     219             :     inline const SvxWordLineModeItem    &GetWordLineMode( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     220             :     inline const SvxContourItem         &GetContour( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     221             :     inline const SvxKerningItem         &GetKerning( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     222             :     inline const SvxUnderlineItem       &GetUnderline( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     223             :     inline const SvxOverlineItem        &GetOverline( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     224             :     inline const SvxCrossedOutItem      &GetCrossedOut( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     225             :     inline const SvxFontHeightItem        &GetSize( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     226             :     inline const SvxPropSizeItem        &GetPropSize( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     227             :     inline const SvxFontItem            &GetFont( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     228             :     inline const SvxColorItem           &GetColor( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     229             :     inline const SvxCharSetColorItem    &GetCharSetColor( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     230             :     inline const SvxLanguageItem        &GetLanguage( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     231             :     inline const SvxEscapementItem      &GetEscapement( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     232             :     inline const SvxCaseMapItem         &GetCaseMap( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     233             :     inline const SvxNoHyphenItem      &GetNoHyphenHere( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     234             :     inline const SvxBlinkItem         &GetBlink( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     235             :     inline const SvxBrushItem         &GetChrBackground( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     236             :     inline const SvxFontItem          &GetCJKFont( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     237             :     inline const SvxFontHeightItem    &GetCJKSize( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     238             :     inline const SvxLanguageItem      &GetCJKLanguage( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     239             :     inline const SvxPostureItem       &GetCJKPosture( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     240             :     inline const SvxWeightItem        &GetCJKWeight( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     241             :     inline const SvxFontItem          &GetCTLFont( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     242             :     inline const SvxFontHeightItem    &GetCTLSize( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     243             :     inline const SvxLanguageItem      &GetCTLLanguage( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     244             :     inline const SvxPostureItem       &GetCTLPosture( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     245             :     inline const SvxWeightItem        &GetCTLWeight( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     246             :     inline const SfxBoolItem              &GetWritingDirection( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     247             :     inline const SvxEmphasisMarkItem  &GetEmphasisMark( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     248             :     inline const SvxTwoLinesItem      &Get2Lines( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     249             :     inline const SvxCharScaleWidthItem    &GetCharScaleW( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     250             :     inline const SvxCharRotateItem        &GetCharRotate( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     251             :     inline const SvxCharReliefItem        &GetCharRelief( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     252             :     inline const SvxCharHiddenItem      &GetCharHidden( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     253             : 
     254             :     // Frame attributes. Implementation in frmatr.hxx.
     255             :     inline const SwFmtFillOrder       &GetFillOrder( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     256             :     inline const SwFmtFrmSize             &GetFrmSize( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     257             :     inline const SvxPaperBinItem      &GetPaperBin( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     258             :     inline const SvxLRSpaceItem           &GetLRSpace( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     259             :     inline const SvxULSpaceItem           &GetULSpace( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     260             :     inline const SwFmtCntnt           &GetCntnt( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     261             :     inline const SwFmtHeader          &GetHeader( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     262             :     inline const SwFmtFooter          &GetFooter( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     263             :     inline const SvxPrintItem             &GetPrint( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     264             :     inline const SvxOpaqueItem            &GetOpaque( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     265             :     inline const SvxProtectItem           &GetProtect( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     266             :     inline const SwFmtSurround            &GetSurround( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     267             :     inline const SwFmtVertOrient      &GetVertOrient( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     268             :     inline const SwFmtHoriOrient      &GetHoriOrient( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     269             :     inline const SwFmtAnchor          &GetAnchor( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     270             :     inline const SvxBoxItem               &GetBox( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     271             :     inline const SvxFmtKeepItem         &GetKeep( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     272             :     inline const SvxBrushItem           &GetBackground( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     273             :     inline const SvxShadowItem            &GetShadow( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     274             :     inline const SwFmtPageDesc            &GetPageDesc( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     275             :     inline const SvxFmtBreakItem      &GetBreak( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     276             :     inline const SwFmtCol                 &GetCol( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     277             :     inline const SvxMacroItem             &GetMacro( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     278             :     inline const SwFmtURL             &GetURL( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     279             :     inline const SwFmtEditInReadonly  &GetEditInReadonly( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     280             :     inline const SwFmtLayoutSplit     &GetLayoutSplit( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     281             :     inline const SwFmtRowSplit          &GetRowSplit( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     282             :     inline const SwFmtChain             &GetChain( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     283             :     inline const SwFmtLineNumber      &GetLineNumber( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     284             :     inline const SwFmtFtnAtTxtEnd     &GetFtnAtTxtEnd( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     285             :     inline const SwFmtEndAtTxtEnd     &GetEndAtTxtEnd( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     286             :     inline const SwFmtNoBalancedColumns &GetBalancedColumns( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     287             :     inline const SvxFrameDirectionItem    &GetFrmDir( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     288             :     inline const SwTextGridItem         &GetTextGrid( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     289             :     inline const SwHeaderAndFooterEatSpacingItem &GetHeaderAndFooterEatSpacing( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     290             :     inline const SwFmtFollowTextFlow    &GetFollowTextFlow(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     291             :     inline const SwFmtWrapInfluenceOnObjPos& GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     292             : 
     293             :     // Graphic attributes   - implementation in grfatr.hxx
     294             :     inline const SwMirrorGrf            &GetMirrorGrf( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     295             :     inline const SwCropGrf            &GetCropGrf( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     296             :     inline const SwRotationGrf            &GetRotationGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     297             :     inline const SwLuminanceGrf       &GetLuminanceGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     298             :     inline const SwContrastGrf            &GetContrastGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     299             :     inline const SwChannelRGrf            &GetChannelRGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     300             :     inline const SwChannelGGrf            &GetChannelGGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     301             :     inline const SwChannelBGrf            &GetChannelBGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     302             :     inline const SwGammaGrf           &GetGammaGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     303             :     inline const SwInvertGrf          &GetInvertGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     304             :     inline const SwTransparencyGrf        &GetTransparencyGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     305             :     inline const SwDrawModeGrf            &GetDrawModeGrf(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     306             : 
     307             :     // Paragraph attributes - implementation in paratr.hxx
     308             :     inline const SvxLineSpacingItem       &GetLineSpacing( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     309             :     inline const SvxAdjustItem            &GetAdjust( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     310             :     inline const SvxFmtSplitItem      &GetSplit( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     311             :     inline const SwRegisterItem           &GetRegister( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     312             :     inline const SwNumRuleItem            &GetNumRule( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     313             :     inline const SvxWidowsItem            &GetWidows( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     314             :     inline const SvxOrphansItem           &GetOrphans( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     315             :     inline const SvxTabStopItem           &GetTabStops( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     316             :     inline const SvxHyphenZoneItem        &GetHyphenZone( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     317             :     inline const SwFmtDrop                &GetDrop( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     318             :     inline const SvxScriptSpaceItem       &GetScriptSpace(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     319             :     inline const SvxHangingPunctuationItem &GetHangingPunctuation(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     320             :     inline const SvxForbiddenRuleItem     &GetForbiddenRule(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     321             :     inline const SvxParaVertAlignItem &GetParaVertAlign(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     322             :     inline const SvxParaGridItem        &GetParaGrid(sal_Bool = sal_True) const;
     323             :     inline const SwParaConnectBorderItem &GetParaConnectBorder(sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     324             : 
     325             :     // Tablebox attributes  - implementation in cellatr.hxx
     326             :     inline  const SwTblBoxNumFormat       &GetTblBoxNumFmt( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     327             :     inline  const SwTblBoxFormula     &GetTblBoxFormula( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     328             :     inline  const SwTblBoxValue           &GetTblBoxValue( sal_Bool = sal_True ) const;
     329             : 
     330      117514 :     DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL(SwAttrSet)
     331             : };
     332             : 
     333             : //Helper for filters to find true lineheight of a font
     334             : SW_DLLPUBLIC long AttrSetToLineHeight( const IDocumentSettingAccess& rIDocumentSettingAccess,
     335             :                           const SwAttrSet &rSet,
     336             :                           const OutputDevice &rOut, sal_Int16 nScript);
     337             : #endif
     338             : 
     339             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10