Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 : #ifndef _TBLSEL_HXX
20 : #define _TBLSEL_HXX
21 :
22 : #include <swtable.hxx>
23 : #include <swrect.hxx>
24 : #include "swdllapi.h"
25 :
26 : #include <deque>
27 : #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
28 : #include <o3tl/sorted_vector.hxx>
29 :
30 : class SwCrsrShell;
31 : class SwCursor;
32 : class SwTableCursor;
33 : class SwFrm;
34 : class SwTabFrm;
35 : class SwTableBox;
36 : class SwTableLine;
37 : class SwLayoutFrm;
38 : class SwPaM;
39 : class SwNode;
40 : class SwTable;
41 : class SwUndoTblMerge;
42 : class SwCellFrm;
43 :
44 : typedef ::std::deque< SwCellFrm* > SwCellFrms;
45 :
46 : struct CompareSwSelBoxes
47 : {
48 36 : bool operator()(SwTableBox* const& lhs, SwTableBox* const& rhs) const
49 : {
50 36 : return lhs->GetSttIdx() < rhs->GetSttIdx();
51 : }
52 : };
53 28 : class SwSelBoxes : public o3tl::sorted_vector<SwTableBox*, CompareSwSelBoxes> {};
54 :
55 : // Collects all boxes in table that are selected.
56 : // Selection gets extended in given direction according to enum-parameter.
57 : // Boxes are collected via the Layout; works correctly if tables are split.
58 : // (Cf. MakeSelUnions().)
59 : typedef sal_uInt16 SwTblSearchType;
60 : namespace nsSwTblSearchType
61 : {
62 : const SwTblSearchType TBLSEARCH_NONE = 0x1; // No extension.
63 : const SwTblSearchType TBLSEARCH_ROW = 0x2; // Extend to rows.
64 : const SwTblSearchType TBLSEARCH_COL = 0x3; // Extend to columns.
65 :
66 : // As flag to the other values!
67 : const SwTblSearchType TBLSEARCH_PROTECT = 0x8; // Collect protected boxes too.
68 : const SwTblSearchType TBLSEARCH_NO_UNION_CORRECT = 0x10; // Do not correct collected Union.
69 : }
70 :
71 : SW_DLLPUBLIC void GetTblSel( const SwCrsrShell& rShell, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
72 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
73 :
74 : void GetTblSel( const SwCursor& rCrsr, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
75 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
76 :
77 :
78 : // As before, but don't start from selection but from Start- EndFrms.
79 : void GetTblSel( const SwLayoutFrm* pStart, const SwLayoutFrm* pEnd,
80 : SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, SwCellFrms* pCells,
81 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
82 :
83 : // As before but directly via PaMs.
84 : void GetTblSelCrs( const SwCrsrShell& rShell, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
85 : void GetTblSelCrs( const SwTableCursor& rTblCrsr, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
86 :
87 : // Collect boxes relevant for auto sum.
88 : sal_Bool GetAutoSumSel( const SwCrsrShell&, SwCellFrms& );
89 :
90 : // Check if the SelBoxes contains protected Boxes.
91 : sal_Bool HasProtectedCells( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
92 :
93 : // Check if selection is balanced.
94 : sal_Bool ChkChartSel( const SwNode& rSttNd, const SwNode& rEndNd);
95 :
96 : // Check if cell is part of SSelection.
97 : // (Became a function, in order to make sure that GetTblSel() and MakeTblCrsr()
98 : // have always the same concept of the selection.
99 : sal_Bool IsFrmInTblSel( const SwRect& rUnion, const SwFrm* pCell );
100 :
101 : // Determine boxes to be merged.
102 : // In this process the rectangle gets "adapted" on the base of the layout,
103 : // i.e. boxes are added if some overlap at the sides.
104 : // Additionally a new box is created and filled with the relevant content.
105 : void GetMergeSel( const SwPaM& rPam, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
106 : SwTableBox** ppMergeBox, SwUndoTblMerge* pUndo = 0 );
107 :
108 : // Check if selected boxes allow for a valid merge.
109 : sal_uInt16 CheckMergeSel( const SwPaM& rPam );
110 : sal_uInt16 CheckMergeSel( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
111 :
112 : sal_Bool IsEmptyBox( const SwTableBox& rBox, SwPaM& rPam );
113 :
114 : // Check if Split or InsertCol lead to a box becoming smaller than MINLAY.
115 : sal_Bool CheckSplitCells( const SwCrsrShell& rShell, sal_uInt16 nDiv,
116 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
117 : sal_Bool CheckSplitCells( const SwCursor& rCrsr, sal_uInt16 nDiv,
118 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
119 :
120 : // For working on tab selection also for split tables.
121 : class SwSelUnion
122 : {
123 : SwRect aUnion; // The rectangle enclosing the selection.
124 : SwTabFrm *pTable; // The (Follow-)Table for the Union.
125 :
126 : public:
127 11 : SwSelUnion( const SwRect &rRect, SwTabFrm *pTab ) :
128 11 : aUnion( rRect ), pTable( pTab ) {}
129 :
130 : const SwRect& GetUnion() const { return aUnion; }
131 11 : SwRect& GetUnion() { return aUnion; }
132 : const SwTabFrm *GetTable() const { return pTable; }
133 11 : SwTabFrm *GetTable() { return pTable; }
134 : };
135 :
136 : // Determines tables affected by a table selection and union rectangles
137 : // of the selection (also for split tables)
138 : typedef boost::ptr_vector<SwSelUnion> SwSelUnions;
139 :
140 : // Gets the tables involved in a table selection and the union-rectangles of the selections
141 : // - also for split tables.
142 : // If a parameter is passed that != nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE
143 : // the selection is extended in the given direction.
144 : void MakeSelUnions( SwSelUnions&, const SwLayoutFrm *pStart,
145 : const SwLayoutFrm *pEnd,
146 : const SwTblSearchType = nsSwTblSearchType::TBLSEARCH_NONE );
147 :
148 :
149 :
150 : // These classes copy the current table selections (rBoxes) into a
151 : // separate structure while keeping the table structure.
152 :
153 : class _FndBox;
154 : class _FndLine;
155 :
156 : typedef boost::ptr_vector<_FndBox> _FndBoxes;
157 : typedef boost::ptr_vector<_FndLine> _FndLines;
158 :
159 0 : class _FndBox
160 : {
161 : SwTableBox* pBox;
162 : _FndLines aLines;
163 : _FndLine* pUpper;
164 :
165 : SwTableLine *pLineBefore; // For deleting/restoring the layout.
166 : SwTableLine *pLineBehind;
167 :
168 : public:
169 0 : _FndBox( SwTableBox* pB, _FndLine* pFL ) :
170 0 : pBox(pB), pUpper(pFL), pLineBefore( 0 ), pLineBehind( 0 ) {}
171 :
172 0 : const _FndLines& GetLines() const { return aLines; }
173 0 : _FndLines& GetLines() { return aLines; }
174 0 : const SwTableBox* GetBox() const { return pBox; }
175 0 : SwTableBox* GetBox() { return pBox; }
176 : const _FndLine* GetUpper() const { return pUpper; }
177 0 : _FndLine* GetUpper() { return pUpper; }
178 :
179 : void SetTableLines( const SwSelBoxes &rBoxes, const SwTable &rTable );
180 : void SetTableLines( const SwTable &rTable );
181 : void DelFrms ( SwTable &rTable );
182 : void MakeFrms( SwTable &rTable );
183 : void MakeNewFrms( SwTable &rTable, const sal_uInt16 nNumber,
184 : const sal_Bool bBehind );
185 : sal_Bool AreLinesToRestore( const SwTable &rTable ) const;
186 :
187 0 : void ClearLineBehind() { pLineBehind = 0; }
188 : };
189 :
190 :
191 0 : class _FndLine
192 : {
193 : SwTableLine* pLine;
194 : _FndBoxes aBoxes;
195 : _FndBox* pUpper;
196 : public:
197 0 : _FndLine(SwTableLine* pL, _FndBox* pFB=0) : pLine(pL), pUpper(pFB) {}
198 0 : const _FndBoxes& GetBoxes() const { return aBoxes; }
199 0 : _FndBoxes& GetBoxes() { return aBoxes; }
200 0 : const SwTableLine* GetLine() const { return pLine; }
201 0 : SwTableLine* GetLine() { return pLine; }
202 : const _FndBox* GetUpper() const { return pUpper; }
203 0 : _FndBox* GetUpper() { return pUpper; }
204 :
205 0 : void SetUpper( _FndBox* pUp ) { pUpper = pUp; }
206 : };
207 :
208 :
209 : struct _FndPara
210 : {
211 : const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes;
212 : _FndLine* pFndLine;
213 : _FndBox* pFndBox;
214 :
215 0 : _FndPara( const SwSelBoxes& rBxs, _FndBox* pFB )
216 0 : : rBoxes(rBxs), pFndLine(0), pFndBox(pFB) {}
217 0 : _FndPara( const _FndPara& rPara, _FndBox* pFB )
218 0 : : rBoxes(rPara.rBoxes), pFndLine(rPara.pFndLine), pFndBox(pFB) {}
219 0 : _FndPara( const _FndPara& rPara, _FndLine* pFL )
220 0 : : rBoxes(rPara.rBoxes), pFndLine(pFL), pFndBox(rPara.pFndBox) {}
221 : };
222 :
223 : SW_DLLPUBLIC void ForEach_FndLineCopyCol(SwTableLines& rLines, _FndPara* pFndPara );
224 :
225 :
226 :
227 : #endif // _TBLSEL_HXX
228 :
229 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */