LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/sw/source/ui/app - swmodule.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 165 187 88.2 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 12 18 66.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <hintids.hxx>
      21             : #include <swerror.h>
      22             : #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
      23             : #include <vcl/graph.hxx>
      24             : #include <svx/galbrws.hxx>
      25             : #include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
      26             : #include <svtools/ehdl.hxx>
      27             : #include <svx/fntszctl.hxx>
      28             : #include <svx/fntctl.hxx>
      29             : #include <svx/SmartTagCtl.hxx>
      30             : #include <svx/pszctrl.hxx>
      31             : #include <svx/insctrl.hxx>
      32             : #include <svx/selctrl.hxx>
      33             : #include <svx/linectrl.hxx>
      34             : #include <svx/tbxctl.hxx>            // at the moment wrong include-protection!
      35             : #include <svx/fillctrl.hxx>
      36             : #include <svx/tbcontrl.hxx>
      37             : #include <svx/verttexttbxctrl.hxx>
      38             : #include <svx/formatpaintbrushctrl.hxx>
      39             : #include <svx/contdlg.hxx>
      40             : #include <svx/layctrl.hxx>
      41             : #include <svx/fontwork.hxx>
      42             : #include <SwSpellDialogChildWindow.hxx>
      43             : #include <svx/tbxalign.hxx>
      44             : #include <svx/grafctrl.hxx>
      45             : #include <svx/tbxcolor.hxx>
      46             : #include <svx/clipboardctl.hxx>
      47             : #include <svx/lboxctrl.hxx>
      48             : #include <svx/tbxcustomshapes.hxx>
      49             : #include <svx/imapdlg.hxx>
      50             : #include <svx/srchdlg.hxx>
      51             : #include <svx/hyperdlg.hxx>
      52             : #include <svx/extrusioncolorcontrol.hxx>
      53             : #include <svx/fontworkgallery.hxx>
      54             : #include <svx/modctrl.hxx>
      55             : #include <com/sun/star/scanner/XScannerManager2.hpp>
      56             : #include <com/sun/star/container/XSet.hpp>
      57             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      58             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      59             : #include <swmodule.hxx>
      60             : #include <swevent.hxx>
      61             : #include <swacorr.hxx>
      62             : #include <cmdid.h>
      63             : #include <dobjfac.hxx>
      64             : #include <init.hxx>
      65             : #include <pview.hxx>
      66             : #include <wview.hxx>
      67             : #include <wdocsh.hxx>
      68             : #include <globdoc.hxx>
      69             : #include <srcview.hxx>
      70             : #include <glshell.hxx>
      71             : #include <tabsh.hxx>
      72             : #include <listsh.hxx>
      73             : #include <grfsh.hxx>
      74             : #include <mediash.hxx>
      75             : #include <olesh.hxx>
      76             : #include <drawsh.hxx>
      77             : #include <wformsh.hxx>
      78             : #include <drwtxtsh.hxx>
      79             : #include <beziersh.hxx>
      80             : #include <wtextsh.hxx>
      81             : #include <wfrmsh.hxx>
      82             : #include <drformsh.hxx>
      83             : #include <wgrfsh.hxx>
      84             : #include <wolesh.hxx>
      85             : #include <wlistsh.hxx>
      86             : #include <wtabsh.hxx>
      87             : #include <navipi.hxx>
      88             : #include <chartins.hxx>
      89             : #include <inputwin.hxx>
      90             : #include <usrpref.hxx>
      91             : #include <uinums.hxx>
      92             : #include <prtopt.hxx>
      93             : #include <bookctrl.hxx>
      94             : #include <tmplctrl.hxx>
      95             : #include <viewlayoutctrl.hxx>
      96             : #include <svx/zoomsliderctrl.hxx>
      97             : #include <tblctrl.hxx>
      98             : #include <zoomctrl.hxx>
      99             : #include <wordcountctrl.hxx>
     100             : #include <workctrl.hxx>
     101             : #include <tbxanchr.hxx>
     102             : #include <fldwrap.hxx>
     103             : #include <redlndlg.hxx>
     104             : #include <syncbtn.hxx>
     105             : #include <mailmergechildwindow.hxx>
     106             : #include <modcfg.hxx>
     107             : #include <fontcfg.hxx>
     108             : #include <sfx2/taskpane.hxx>
     109             : #include <sfx2/evntconf.hxx>
     110             : #include <sfx2/appuno.hxx>
     111             : #include <swatrset.hxx>
     112             : #include <idxmrk.hxx>
     113             : #include <wordcountdialog.hxx>
     114             : #include <dlelstnr.hxx>
     115             : #include <barcfg.hxx>
     116             : #include <svx/rubydialog.hxx>
     117             : #include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
     118             : 
     119             : #include <editeng/acorrcfg.hxx>
     120             : #include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx>
     121             : 
     122             : #include <avmedia/mediaplayer.hxx>
     123             : #include <avmedia/mediatoolbox.hxx>
     124             : 
     125             : #include <annotsh.hxx>
     126             : #include <navsh.hxx>
     127             : 
     128             : #include <app.hrc>
     129             : #include <svx/xmlsecctrl.hxx>
     130             : ResMgr *pSwResMgr = 0;
     131             : sal_Bool     bNoInterrupt     = sal_False;
     132             : 
     133             : #include <sfx2/app.hxx>
     134             : 
     135             : #include <svx/svxerr.hxx>
     136             : 
     137             : #include <unomid.h>
     138             : 
     139             : #include "swdllimpl.hxx"
     140             : 
     141             : using namespace com::sun::star;
     142             : 
     143             : 
     144        1782 : TYPEINIT1( SwModule, SfxModule );
     145             : 
     146             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
     147             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
     148             : 
     149          10 : SwModule::SwModule( SfxObjectFactory* pWebFact,
     150             :                     SfxObjectFactory* pFact,
     151             :                     SfxObjectFactory* pGlobalFact )
     152             :     : SfxModule( SfxApplication::CreateResManager( "sw" ), sal_False, pWebFact,
     153             :                      pFact, pGlobalFact, NULL ),
     154             :     pModuleConfig(0),
     155             :     pUsrPref(0),
     156             :     pWebUsrPref(0),
     157             :     pPrtOpt(0),
     158             :     pWebPrtOpt(0),
     159             :     pChapterNumRules(0),
     160             :     pStdFontConfig(0),
     161             :     pNavigationConfig(0),
     162             :     pToolbarConfig(0),
     163             :     pWebToolbarConfig(0),
     164             :     pDBConfig(0),
     165             :     pColorConfig(0),
     166             :     pAccessibilityOptions(0),
     167             :     pCTLOptions(0),
     168             :     pUserOptions(0),
     169             :     pAttrPool(0),
     170             :     pView(0),
     171             :     bAuthorInitialised(sal_False),
     172             :     bEmbeddedLoadSave( sal_False ),
     173             :     pDragDrop( 0 ),
     174          10 :     pXSelection( 0 )
     175             : {
     176          10 :     SetName( rtl::OUString("StarWriter") );
     177          10 :     pSwResMgr = GetResMgr();
     178          10 :     SvxErrorHandler::ensure();
     179             :     pErrorHdl = new SfxErrorHandler( RID_SW_ERRHDL,
     180             :                                      ERRCODE_AREA_SW,
     181             :                                      ERRCODE_AREA_SW_END,
     182          10 :                                      pSwResMgr );
     183             : 
     184          10 :     pModuleConfig = new SwModuleOptions;
     185             : 
     186             :     // We need them anyways
     187          10 :     pToolbarConfig = new SwToolbarConfigItem( sal_False );
     188          10 :     pWebToolbarConfig = new SwToolbarConfigItem( sal_True );
     189             : 
     190          10 :     pStdFontConfig = new SwStdFontConfig;
     191             : 
     192          10 :     pAuthorNames = new std::vector<String>;    // All Redlining-Authors
     193             : 
     194             :     // replace SvxAutocorrect with SwAutocorrect
     195          10 :     SvxAutoCorrCfg& rACfg = SvxAutoCorrCfg::Get();
     196          10 :     const SvxAutoCorrect* pOld = rACfg.GetAutoCorrect();
     197          10 :     rACfg.SetAutoCorrect(new SwAutoCorrect( *pOld ));
     198             : 
     199          10 :     StartListening( *SFX_APP() );
     200             : 
     201             :     // OD 14.02.2003 #107424# - init color configuration
     202             :     // member <pColorConfig> is created and the color configuration is applied
     203             :     // at the view options.
     204          10 :     GetColorConfig();
     205          10 : }
     206             : uno::Reference< scanner::XScannerManager2 >
     207           0 : SwModule::GetScannerManager()
     208             : {
     209           0 :     if (!
     210             :     {
     211             :         uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr (
     212           0 :             comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
     213           0 :         if( )
     214             :         {
     215             :             m_xScannerManager =
     216             :                 uno::Reference< scanner::XScannerManager2 >(
     217           0 :                     xMgr->createInstance(
     218             :                         rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(
     219           0 :                             "")) ),
     220           0 :                     uno::UNO_QUERY );
     221           0 :         }
     222             :     }
     223           0 :     return m_xScannerManager;
     224             : }
     225             : 
     226           0 : uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLanguageGuessing > SwModule::GetLanguageGuesser()
     227             : {
     228           0 :     if (!
     229             :     {
     230           0 :         uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr ( comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
     231           0 :         if (
     232             :         {
     233             :             m_xLanguageGuesser = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLanguageGuessing >(
     234           0 :                     xMgr->createInstance(
     235           0 :                         rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(""))),
     236           0 :                         uno::UNO_QUERY );
     237           0 :         }
     238             :     }
     239           0 :     return m_xLanguageGuesser;
     240             : }
     241             : 
     242           0 : SwModule::~SwModule()
     243             : {
     244           0 :     delete pErrorHdl;
     245           0 :     EndListening( *SFX_APP() );
     246           0 : }
     247             : 
     248           7 : void SwModule::CreateLngSvcEvtListener()
     249             : {
     250           7 :     if (!
     251           7 :         xLngSvcEvtListener = new SwLinguServiceEventListener;
     252           7 : }
     253             : 
     254          10 : void SwDLL::RegisterFactories()
     255             : {
     256             :     // These Id's must not be changed. Through these Id's the View (resume Documentview)
     257             :     // is created by Sfx.
     258          10 :     if ( SvtModuleOptions().IsWriter() )
     259           8 :         SwView::RegisterFactory         ( 2 );
     260             : 
     261          10 :     SwWebView::RegisterFactory        ( 5 );
     262             : 
     263          10 :     if ( SvtModuleOptions().IsWriter() )
     264             :     {
     265           8 :         SwSrcView::RegisterFactory      ( 6 );
     266           8 :         SwPagePreView::RegisterFactory  ( 7 );
     267             :     }
     268          10 : }
     269             : 
     270          10 : void SwDLL::RegisterInterfaces()
     271             : {
     272          10 :     SwModule* pMod = SW_MOD();
     273          10 :     SwModule::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     274          10 :     SwDocShell::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     275          10 :     SwWebDocShell::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     276          10 :     SwGlosDocShell::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     277          10 :     SwWebGlosDocShell::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     278          10 :     SwView::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     279          10 :     SwWebView::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     280          10 :     SwPagePreView::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     281          10 :     SwSrcView::RegisterInterface( pMod );
     282             : 
     283             : 
     284          10 :     SwBaseShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     285          10 :     SwTextShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     286          10 :     SwTableShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     287          10 :     SwListShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     288          10 :     SwFrameShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     289          10 :     SwDrawBaseShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     290          10 :     SwDrawShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     291          10 :     SwDrawFormShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     292          10 :     SwDrawTextShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     293          10 :     SwBezierShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     294          10 :     SwGrfShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     295          10 :     SwOleShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     296          10 :     SwNavigationShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     297          10 :     SwWebTextShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     298          10 :     SwWebFrameShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     299          10 :     SwWebGrfShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     300          10 :     SwWebListShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     301          10 :     SwWebTableShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     302          10 :     SwWebDrawFormShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     303          10 :     SwWebOleShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     304          10 :     SwMediaShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     305          10 :     SwAnnotationShell::RegisterInterface(pMod);
     306          10 : }
     307             : 
     308          10 : void SwDLL::RegisterControls()
     309             : {
     310          10 :     SwModule* pMod = SW_MOD();
     311          10 :     SvxTbxCtlDraw::RegisterControl(SID_INSERT_DRAW, pMod );
     312          10 :     SvxTbxCtlAlign::RegisterControl(SID_OBJECT_ALIGN, pMod );
     313          10 :     SwTbxAnchor::RegisterControl(FN_TOOL_ANCHOR, pMod );
     314          10 :     SwTbxInsertCtrl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_CTRL, pMod );
     315          10 :     SwTbxInsertCtrl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_OBJ_CTRL, pMod );
     316          10 :     SwTbxAutoTextCtrl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_FIELD_CTRL, pMod );
     317          10 :     SwTbxAutoTextCtrl::RegisterControl(FN_GLOSSARY_DLG, pMod );
     318             : 
     319          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_BASIC, pMod );
     320          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_SYMBOL, pMod );
     321          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_ARROW, pMod );
     322          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_FLOWCHART, pMod );
     323          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_CALLOUT, pMod );
     324          10 :     SvxTbxCtlCustomShapes::RegisterControl( SID_DRAWTBX_CS_STAR, pMod );
     325             : 
     326          10 :     svx::ExtrusionColorControl::RegisterControl( SID_EXTRUSION_3D_COLOR, pMod );
     327          10 :     svx::FontWorkShapeTypeControl::RegisterControl( SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE_TYPE, pMod );
     328             : 
     329          10 :     SvxClipBoardControl::RegisterControl(SID_PASTE, pMod );
     330          10 :     SvxUndoRedoControl::RegisterControl(SID_UNDO, pMod );
     331          10 :     SvxUndoRedoControl::RegisterControl(SID_REDO, pMod );
     332          10 :     svx::FormatPaintBrushToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_FORMATPAINTBRUSH, pMod );
     333             : 
     334          10 :     SvxFillToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_FILL_STYLE, pMod );
     335          10 :     SvxLineStyleToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_LINE_STYLE, pMod );
     336          10 :     SvxLineWidthToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_LINE_WIDTH, pMod );
     337          10 :     SvxLineColorToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_LINE_COLOR, pMod );
     338          10 :     SvxLineEndToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_LINEEND_STYLE, pMod );
     339             : 
     340          10 :     SvxFontNameToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONT, pMod );
     341          10 :     SvxFontColorToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_COLOR, pMod );
     342          10 :     SvxColorExtToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_COLOR2, pMod );
     343          10 :     SvxColorExtToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_COLOR_BACKGROUND, pMod );
     344          10 :     SvxStyleToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_STYLE_APPLY, pMod );
     345          10 :     SvxColorExtToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_BACKGROUND_COLOR, pMod );
     346          10 :     SvxFrameToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_BORDER, pMod );
     347          10 :     SvxFrameLineStyleToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE, pMod );
     348          10 :     SvxColorExtToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_FRAME_LINECOLOR, pMod );
     349             : 
     350          10 :     SvxColumnsToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_FRAME_INTERACT, pMod );
     351          10 :     SvxColumnsToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_FRAME, pMod );
     352          10 :     SvxColumnsToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_REGION, pMod );
     353          10 :     SvxTableToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(FN_INSERT_TABLE, pMod );
     354          10 :     SvxTableToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(FN_SHOW_MULTIPLE_PAGES, pMod );
     355             : 
     356          10 :     SvxFontMenuControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONT, pMod );
     357          10 :     SvxFontSizeMenuControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT, pMod );
     358             : 
     359          10 :     SwZoomControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_ZOOM, pMod );
     360          10 :     SwPreviewZoomControl::RegisterControl(FN_PREVIEW_ZOOM, pMod);
     361          10 :     SvxPosSizeStatusBarControl::RegisterControl(0, pMod );
     362          10 :     SvxInsertStatusBarControl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_INSERT, pMod );
     363          10 :     SvxSelectionModeControl::RegisterControl(FN_STAT_SELMODE, pMod );
     364          10 :     XmlSecStatusBarControl::RegisterControl( SID_SIGNATURE, pMod );
     365          10 :     SwWordCountStatusBarControl::RegisterControl(FN_STAT_WORDCOUNT, pMod);
     366             : 
     367          10 :     SwBookmarkControl::RegisterControl(FN_STAT_PAGE, pMod );
     368          10 :     SwTemplateControl::RegisterControl(FN_STAT_TEMPLATE, pMod );
     369          10 :     SwViewLayoutControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_VIEWLAYOUT, pMod );
     370          10 :     SvxModifyControl::RegisterControl( SID_DOC_MODIFIED, pMod );
     371          10 :     SvxZoomSliderControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_ZOOMSLIDER, pMod );
     372             : 
     373          10 :     SwTableOptimizeCtrl::RegisterControl(FN_OPTIMIZE_TABLE, pMod);
     374             : 
     375          10 :     SvxIMapDlgChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     376          10 :     SvxSearchDialogWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     377          10 :     SvxHlinkDlgWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     378          10 :     SvxFontWorkChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     379          10 :     SwFldDlgWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     380          10 :     SwFldDataOnlyDlgWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     381          10 :     SvxContourDlgChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     382          10 :     SwNavigationChild::RegisterChildWindowContext( pMod );
     383          10 :     SwInputChild::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod, SFX_CHILDWIN_FORCEDOCK );
     384          10 :     SwRedlineAcceptChild::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     385          10 :     SwSyncChildWin::RegisterChildWindow( sal_True, pMod );
     386          10 :     SwMailMergeChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     387          10 :     SwInsertIdxMarkWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     388          10 :     SwInsertAuthMarkWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     389          10 :     SwWordCountWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     390          10 :     SvxRubyChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod);
     391          10 :     SwSpellDialogChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow(sal_False, pMod);
     392             : 
     393          10 :     SvxGrafRedToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_RED, pMod );
     394          10 :     SvxGrafGreenToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_GREEN, pMod );
     395          10 :     SvxGrafBlueToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_BLUE, pMod );
     396          10 :     SvxGrafLuminanceToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_LUMINANCE, pMod );
     397          10 :     SvxGrafContrastToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_CONTRAST, pMod );
     398          10 :     SvxGrafGammaToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_GAMMA, pMod );
     399          10 :     SvxGrafTransparenceToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_TRANSPARENCE, pMod );
     400          10 :     SvxGrafModeToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_ATTR_GRAF_MODE, pMod );
     401          10 :     SvxGrafFilterToolBoxControl::RegisterControl( SID_GRFFILTER, pMod );
     402          10 :     SvxVertTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_TEXTDIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, pMod);
     403          10 :     SvxVertTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_TEXTDIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM, pMod);
     404          10 :     SvxVertTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_DRAW_CAPTION_VERTICAL, pMod);
     405          10 :     SvxVertTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_DRAW_TEXT_VERTICAL, pMod);
     406             : 
     407          10 :     SvxCTLTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_PARA_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, pMod);
     408          10 :     SvxCTLTextTbxCtrl::RegisterControl(SID_ATTR_PARA_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, pMod);
     409             : 
     410          10 :     GalleryChildWindow::RegisterChildWindow(0, pMod);
     411             : 
     412          10 :     ::avmedia::MediaToolBoxControl::RegisterControl(SID_AVMEDIA_TOOLBOX, pMod);
     413          10 :     ::avmedia::MediaPlayer::RegisterChildWindow(0, pMod);
     414             : 
     415          10 :     SvxSmartTagsControl::RegisterControl(SID_OPEN_SMARTTAGMENU, pMod);
     416          10 :     ::sfx2::TaskPaneWrapper::RegisterChildWindow( sal_False, pMod );
     417          10 : }
     418             : 
     419             : 
     420             : 
     421             : /*************************************************************************
     422             : |*
     423             : |* Load Module (only dummy for linking of the DLL)
     424             : |*
     425             : \************************************************************************/
     426             : 
     427          10 : void    SwModule::InitAttrPool()
     428             : {
     429             :     OSL_ENSURE(!pAttrPool, "Pool already exists!");
     430          10 :     pAttrPool = new SwAttrPool(0);
     431          10 :     SetPool(pAttrPool);
     432          10 : }
     433             : 
     434          10 : void    SwModule::RemoveAttrPool()
     435             : {
     436          10 :     SetPool(0);
     437          10 :     SfxItemPool::Free(pAttrPool);
     438          40 : }
     439             : 
     440             : 
     441             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10