LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/sw/source/ui/dbui - mmlayoutpage.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 391 0.0 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 0 18 0.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <swtypes.hxx>
      21             : #include <mmlayoutpage.hxx>
      22             : #include <mailmergewizard.hxx>
      23             : #include <mmconfigitem.hxx>
      24             : #include <mailmergehelper.hxx>
      25             : #include <unotools.hxx>
      26             : #include <comphelper/string.hxx>
      27             : #include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
      28             : #include <uitool.hxx>
      29             : #include <svx/dlgutil.hxx>
      30             : #include <view.hxx>
      31             : #include <swundo.hxx>
      32             : #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
      33             : #include <svl/stritem.hxx>
      34             : #include <sfx2/docfilt.hxx>
      35             : #include <com/sun/star/text/XParagraphCursor.hpp>
      36             : #include <com/sun/star/view/XViewSettingsSupplier.hpp>
      37             : #include <com/sun/star/view/DocumentZoomType.hpp>
      38             : #include <fldmgr.hxx>
      39             : #include <fldbas.hxx>
      40             : #include <poolfmt.hxx>
      41             : #include <unotxdoc.hxx>
      42             : #include <docsh.hxx>
      43             : #include <doc.hxx>
      44             : #include <wrtsh.hxx>
      45             : #include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
      46             : #include <pagedesc.hxx>
      47             : #include <fmtanchr.hxx>
      48             : #include <fmtornt.hxx>
      49             : #include <fmtfsize.hxx>
      50             : #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
      51             : #include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
      52             : #include <shellio.hxx>
      53             : #include <osl/file.hxx>
      54             : #include <unoprnms.hxx>
      55             : 
      56             : #include <mmlayoutpage.hrc>
      57             : #include <dbui.hrc>
      58             : #include <unomid.h>
      59             : 
      60             : using namespace osl;
      61             : using namespace svt;
      62             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      63             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      64             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
      65             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
      66             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
      67             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::view;
      68             : 
      69             : #define DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE (MM50*5)  // 2,5 cm
      70             : #define DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE  (MM50*11) // 5,5 cm
      71             : #define GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE (MM50*25) //12,5 cm
      72             : #define DEFAULT_ADDRESS_WIDTH  (MM50*15)// 7,5 cm
      73             : #define DEFAULT_ADDRESS_HEIGHT (MM50*7) // 3,5cm
      74             : 
      75           0 : SwMailMergeLayoutPage::SwMailMergeLayoutPage( SwMailMergeWizard* _pParent) :
      76             :     svt::OWizardPage( _pParent, SW_RES(DLG_MM_LAYOUT_PAGE)),
      77             : #ifdef MSC
      78             : #pragma warning (disable : 4355)
      79             : #endif
      80             :     m_aHeaderFI( this, SW_RES(         FI_HEADER             )),
      81             :     m_aPositionFL( this, SW_RES(       FL_POSITION           )),
      82             :     m_aAlignToBodyCB( this, SW_RES(      CB_ALIGN              )),
      83             :     m_aLeftFT( this, SW_RES(           FT_LEFT               )),
      84             :     m_aLeftMF( this, SW_RES(           MF_LEFT               )),
      85             :     m_aTopFT( this, SW_RES(            FT_TOP                )),
      86             :     m_aTopMF( this, SW_RES(            MF_TOP                )),
      87             :     m_aGreetingLineFL( this, SW_RES(   FL_GREETINGLINE       )),
      88             :     m_aUpFT( this, SW_RES(             FT_UP                 )),
      89             :     m_aUpPB( this, SW_RES(             MF_UP                 )),
      90             :     m_aDownFT( this, SW_RES(           FT_DOWN               )),
      91             :     m_aDownPB( this, SW_RES(           PB_DOWN               )),
      92             :     m_aExampleContainerWIN( this, SW_RES(  WIN_EXAMPLECONTAINER      )),
      93             :     m_aExampleWIN( this, 0 ),
      94             :     m_aZoomFT( this, SW_RES(           FT_ZOOM               )),
      95             :     m_aZoomLB( this, SW_RES(           LB_ZOOM               )),
      96             : #ifdef MSC
      97             : #pragma warning (default : 4355)
      98             : #endif
      99             :     m_pExampleFrame(0),
     100             :     m_pExampleWrtShell(0),
     101             :     m_pAddressBlockFormat(0),
     102             :     m_bIsGreetingInserted(false),
     103           0 :     m_pWizard(_pParent)
     104             : {
     105           0 :     FreeResource();
     106           0 :     m_aExampleWIN.SetPosSizePixel(m_aExampleContainerWIN.GetPosPixel(),
     107           0 :                                 m_aExampleContainerWIN.GetSizePixel());
     108             : 
     109             : 
     110             :     const SfxFilter *pSfxFlt = SwIoSystem::GetFilterOfFormat(
     111             :             rtl::OUString( FILTER_XML ),
     112           0 :             SwDocShell::Factory().GetFilterContainer() );
     113             :     //save the current document into a temporary file
     114             :     {
     115             :         //temp file needs it's own block
     116             :         //creating with extension is not supported by a static method :-(
     117           0 :         String sLeading;
     118           0 :         String sExt(comphelper::string::stripStart(pSfxFlt->GetDefaultExtension(), '*'));
     119           0 :         utl::TempFile aTempFile( sLeading, &sExt );
     120           0 :         m_sExampleURL = aTempFile.GetURL();
     121           0 :         aTempFile.EnableKillingFile();
     122             :     }
     123           0 :     SwView* pView = m_pWizard->GetSwView();
     124           0 :     uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues(1);
     125           0 :     beans::PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray();
     126           0 :     pValues[0].Name = "FilterName";
     127           0 :     pValues[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString(pSfxFlt->GetFilterName());
     128             : 
     129           0 :     uno::Reference< frame::XStorable > xStore( pView->GetDocShell()->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
     130           0 :     xStore->storeToURL( m_sExampleURL, aValues   );
     131             : 
     132           0 :     Link aLink(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, PreviewLoadedHdl_Impl));
     133             :     m_pExampleFrame = new SwOneExampleFrame( m_aExampleWIN,
     134           0 :                                     EX_SHOW_DEFAULT_PAGE, &aLink, &m_sExampleURL );
     135             : 
     136           0 :     m_aExampleWIN.Show( sal_False );
     137           0 :     m_aExampleContainerWIN.Show(sal_True);
     138             : 
     139           0 :     m_aLeftMF.SetValue(m_aLeftMF.Normalize(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE), FUNIT_TWIP);
     140           0 :     m_aTopMF.SetValue(m_aTopMF.Normalize(DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE), FUNIT_TWIP);
     141             : 
     142           0 :     m_aZoomLB.InsertEntry(rtl::OUString("50 %"), 1);
     143           0 :     m_aZoomLB.InsertEntry(rtl::OUString("75 %"), 2);
     144           0 :     m_aZoomLB.InsertEntry(rtl::OUString("100 %"), 3);
     145           0 :     m_aZoomLB.SelectEntryPos(0); //page size
     146           0 :     m_aZoomLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ZoomHdl_Impl));
     147             : 
     148           0 :     Link aFrameHdl = LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ChangeAddressHdl_Impl);
     149           0 :     m_aLeftMF.SetUpHdl(aFrameHdl);
     150           0 :     m_aLeftMF.SetDownHdl(aFrameHdl);
     151           0 :     m_aLeftMF.SetLoseFocusHdl(aFrameHdl);
     152           0 :     m_aTopMF.SetUpHdl(aFrameHdl);
     153           0 :     m_aTopMF.SetDownHdl(aFrameHdl);
     154           0 :     m_aTopMF.SetLoseFocusHdl(aFrameHdl);
     155             : 
     156           0 :     FieldUnit eFieldUnit = ::GetDfltMetric(sal_False);
     157           0 :     ::SetFieldUnit( m_aLeftMF, eFieldUnit );
     158           0 :     ::SetFieldUnit( m_aTopMF, eFieldUnit );
     159             : 
     160           0 :     Link aUpDownHdl = LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, GreetingsHdl_Impl );
     161           0 :     m_aUpPB.SetClickHdl(aUpDownHdl);
     162           0 :     m_aDownPB.SetClickHdl(aUpDownHdl);
     163           0 :     m_aAlignToBodyCB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwMailMergeLayoutPage, AlignToTextHdl_Impl));
     164           0 :     m_aAlignToBodyCB.Check();
     165           0 : }
     166             : 
     167           0 : SwMailMergeLayoutPage::~SwMailMergeLayoutPage()
     168             : {
     169           0 :     delete m_pExampleFrame;
     170           0 :     File::remove( m_sExampleURL );
     171             : 
     172           0 : }
     173             : 
     174           0 : void SwMailMergeLayoutPage::ActivatePage()
     175             : {
     176           0 :     SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem();
     177           0 :     sal_Bool bGreetingLine = rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(sal_False) && !rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted();
     178           0 :     sal_Bool bAddressBlock = rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() && !rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted();
     179             : 
     180           0 :     m_aPositionFL.Enable(bAddressBlock);
     181           0 :     m_aLeftFT.Enable(bAddressBlock);
     182           0 :     m_aTopFT.Enable(bAddressBlock);
     183           0 :     m_aLeftMF.Enable(bAddressBlock);
     184           0 :     m_aTopMF.Enable(bAddressBlock);
     185           0 :     AlignToTextHdl_Impl( &m_aAlignToBodyCB );
     186             : 
     187           0 :     m_aGreetingLineFL.Enable(bGreetingLine);
     188           0 :     m_aUpPB.Enable(bGreetingLine);
     189           0 :     m_aDownPB.Enable(bGreetingLine);
     190           0 :     m_aUpFT.Enable(bGreetingLine);
     191           0 :     m_aDownFT.Enable(bGreetingLine);
     192             : 
     193             :     //check if greeting and/or address frame have to be inserted/removed
     194           0 :     if(m_pExampleWrtShell) // initially there's nothing to check
     195             :     {
     196           0 :         if(!rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted() &&
     197             :                 m_bIsGreetingInserted != (0 != bGreetingLine) )
     198             :         {
     199           0 :             if( m_bIsGreetingInserted )
     200             :             {
     201           0 :                 m_pExampleWrtShell->DelFullPara();
     202           0 :                 m_bIsGreetingInserted = false;
     203             :             }
     204             :             else
     205             :             {
     206           0 :                 InsertGreeting(*m_pExampleWrtShell, m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(), true);
     207           0 :                 m_bIsGreetingInserted = true;
     208             :             }
     209             :         }
     210           0 :         if(!rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted() &&
     211           0 :                 rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() != ( 0 != m_pAddressBlockFormat ))
     212             :         {
     213           0 :             if( m_pAddressBlockFormat )
     214             :             {
     215           0 :                 m_pExampleWrtShell->Push();
     216           0 :                 m_pExampleWrtShell->GotoFly( m_pAddressBlockFormat->GetName() );
     217           0 :                 m_pExampleWrtShell->DelRight();
     218           0 :                 m_pAddressBlockFormat = 0;
     219           0 :                 m_pExampleWrtShell->Pop(sal_False);
     220             :             }
     221             :             else
     222             :             {
     223           0 :                 long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_aLeftMF.Denormalize(m_aLeftMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     224           0 :                 long nTop  = static_cast< long >(m_aTopMF.Denormalize(m_aTopMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     225             :                 m_pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame(
     226           0 :                         *m_pExampleWrtShell, m_pWizard->GetConfigItem(),
     227             :                         Point(nLeft, nTop),
     228           0 :                         m_aAlignToBodyCB.IsChecked(), true);
     229             :             }
     230             :         }
     231             : 
     232             :     }
     233           0 : }
     234             : 
     235           0 : sal_Bool SwMailMergeLayoutPage::commitPage( ::svt::WizardTypes::CommitPageReason _eReason )
     236             : {
     237             :     //now insert the frame and the greeting
     238           0 :     SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem();
     239           0 :     if(::svt::WizardTypes::eTravelForward == _eReason)
     240             :     {
     241           0 :         long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_aLeftMF.Denormalize(m_aLeftMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     242           0 :         long nTop  = static_cast< long >(m_aTopMF.Denormalize(m_aTopMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     243             :         InsertAddressAndGreeting(
     244             :                     m_pWizard->GetSwView(),
     245             :                     rConfigItem,
     246             :                     Point(nLeft, nTop),
     247           0 :                     m_aAlignToBodyCB.IsChecked());
     248             :     }
     249           0 :     return sal_True;
     250             : }
     251             : 
     252           0 : SwFrmFmt*  SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertAddressAndGreeting(SwView* pView,
     253             :         SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem,
     254             :         const Point& rAddressPosition,
     255             :         bool bAlignToBody)
     256             : {
     257           0 :     SwFrmFmt* pAddressBlockFormat = 0;
     258           0 :     pView->GetWrtShell().StartUndo(UNDO_INSERT);
     259           0 :     if(rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock() && !rConfigItem.IsAddressInserted())
     260             :     {
     261             :         //insert the frame
     262           0 :         Point aAddressPosition(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE);
     263           0 :         if(rAddressPosition.X() > 0 && rAddressPosition.Y() > 0)
     264           0 :             aAddressPosition = rAddressPosition;
     265           0 :         pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame( pView->GetWrtShell(),
     266             :                                         rConfigItem,
     267           0 :                                         aAddressPosition, bAlignToBody, false);
     268           0 :         rConfigItem.SetAddressInserted(pAddressBlockFormat->GetName());
     269             :     }
     270             :     //now the greeting
     271           0 :     if(rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(sal_False) && !rConfigItem.IsGreetingInserted())
     272             :     {
     273           0 :         InsertGreeting( pView->GetWrtShell(), rConfigItem, false);
     274           0 :         rConfigItem.SetGreetingInserted();
     275             :     }
     276           0 :     pView->GetWrtShell().EndUndo(UNDO_INSERT);
     277           0 :     return pAddressBlockFormat;
     278             : }
     279             : 
     280           0 : SwFrmFmt* SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertAddressFrame(
     281             :         SwWrtShell& rShell,
     282             :         SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem,
     283             :         const Point& rDestination,
     284             :         bool bAlignLeft,
     285             :         bool bExample)
     286             : {
     287             :     // insert the address block and the greeting line
     288           0 :     SfxItemSet aSet(rShell.GetAttrPool(), RES_ANCHOR, RES_ANCHOR,
     289             :                         RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_VERT_ORIENT,
     290             :                         RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT,
     291             :                         RES_BOX, RES_BOX,
     292             :                         RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE,
     293             :                         RES_SURROUND, RES_SURROUND,
     294           0 :                         0 );
     295           0 :     aSet.Put(SwFmtAnchor(FLY_AT_PAGE, 1));
     296           0 :     if(bAlignLeft)
     297           0 :         aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA ));
     298             :     else
     299           0 :         aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( rDestination.X(), text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME ));
     300           0 :     aSet.Put(SwFmtVertOrient( rDestination.Y(), text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME ));
     301           0 :     aSet.Put(SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, DEFAULT_ADDRESS_WIDTH, DEFAULT_ADDRESS_HEIGHT ));
     302             :     // the example gets a border around the frame, the real document doesn't get one
     303           0 :     if(!bExample)
     304           0 :         aSet.Put(SvxBoxItem( RES_BOX ));
     305           0 :     aSet.Put(SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE ));
     306             : 
     307           0 :     rShell.NewFlyFrm(aSet, sal_True );
     308           0 :     SwFrmFmt* pRet = rShell.GetFlyFrmFmt();
     309             :     OSL_ENSURE( pRet, "Fly not inserted" );
     310             : 
     311           0 :     rShell.UnSelectFrm();
     312           0 :     const Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aBlocks = rConfigItem.GetAddressBlocks();
     313           0 :     if(bExample)
     314             :     {
     315           0 :         rShell.Insert(aBlocks[0]);
     316             :     }
     317             :     else
     318             :     {
     319             :         //the placeholders should be replaced by the appropriate fields
     320           0 :         SwFldMgr aFldMgr(&rShell);
     321             :         //create a database string source.command.commandtype.column
     322           0 :         const SwDBData& rData = rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData();
     323           0 :         String sDBName(rData.sDataSource);
     324           0 :         sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     325           0 :         sDBName += String(rData.sCommand);
     326           0 :         sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     327           0 :         String sDatabaseConditionPrefix(sDBName);
     328           0 :         sDatabaseConditionPrefix.SearchAndReplaceAll(DB_DELIM, '.');
     329           0 :         sDBName += String::CreateFromInt32(rData.nCommandType);
     330           0 :         sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     331             : 
     332             :         // if only the country is in an address line the
     333             :         // paragraph has to be hidden depending on the
     334             :         // IsIncludeCountry()/GetExcludeCountry() settings
     335             : 
     336           0 :         sal_Bool bIncludeCountry = rConfigItem.IsIncludeCountry();
     337           0 :         sal_Bool bHideEmptyParagraphs = rConfigItem.IsHideEmptyParagraphs();
     338           0 :         const ::rtl::OUString rExcludeCountry = rConfigItem.GetExcludeCountry();
     339           0 :         bool bSpecialReplacementForCountry = (!bIncludeCountry || !rExcludeCountry.isEmpty());
     340             : 
     341           0 :         const ResStringArray& rHeaders = rConfigItem.GetDefaultAddressHeaders();
     342           0 :         String sCountryColumn = rHeaders.GetString(MM_PART_COUNTRY);
     343             :         Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aAssignment =
     344           0 :                         rConfigItem.GetColumnAssignment( rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData() );
     345           0 :         const ::rtl::OUString* pAssignment = aAssignment.getConstArray();
     346           0 :         if(aAssignment.getLength() > MM_PART_COUNTRY && !aAssignment[MM_PART_COUNTRY].isEmpty())
     347           0 :             sCountryColumn = aAssignment[MM_PART_COUNTRY];
     348             :         //
     349           0 :         String sHideParagraphsExpression;
     350           0 :         SwAddressIterator aIter(aBlocks[0]);
     351           0 :         while(aIter.HasMore())
     352             :         {
     353           0 :             SwMergeAddressItem aItem = aIter.Next();
     354           0 :             if(aItem.bIsColumn)
     355             :             {
     356           0 :                 String sConvertedColumn = aItem.sText;
     357           0 :                 for(sal_uInt16 nColumn = 0;
     358           0 :                         nColumn < rHeaders.Count() && nColumn < aAssignment.getLength();
     359             :                                                                                     ++nColumn)
     360             :                 {
     361           0 :                     if (rHeaders.GetString(nColumn).equals(aItem.sText) &&
     362           0 :                         !pAssignment[nColumn].isEmpty())
     363             :                     {
     364           0 :                         sConvertedColumn = pAssignment[nColumn];
     365           0 :                         break;
     366             :                     }
     367             :                 }
     368           0 :                 String sDB(sDBName);
     369           0 :                 sDB += sConvertedColumn;
     370             : 
     371           0 :                 if(sHideParagraphsExpression.Len())
     372           0 :                    sHideParagraphsExpression.AppendAscii(" AND ");
     373           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression += '!';
     374           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression += '[';
     375           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression += sDatabaseConditionPrefix;
     376           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression += sConvertedColumn;
     377           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression += ']';
     378             : 
     379           0 :                 if( bSpecialReplacementForCountry && sCountryColumn == sConvertedColumn )
     380             :                 {
     381             :                     // now insert a hidden paragraph field
     382           0 :                     String sExpression;
     383           0 :                     if( !rExcludeCountry.isEmpty() )
     384             :                     {
     385           0 :                         sExpression = sDatabaseConditionPrefix;
     386           0 :                         sExpression.Insert('[', 0);
     387           0 :                         sExpression += sCountryColumn;
     388           0 :                         sExpression.AppendAscii("]");
     389             : 
     390           0 :                         String sCondition(sExpression);
     391           0 :                         sCondition.AppendAscii(" != \"");
     392           0 :                         sCondition += String(rExcludeCountry);
     393           0 :                         sCondition += '\"';
     394             : 
     395           0 :                         SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_CONDTXTFLD, 0, sCondition, sExpression, 0, &rShell );
     396           0 :                         aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     397             :                     }
     398             :                     else
     399             :                     {
     400           0 :                         SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sExpression, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     401           0 :                         aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     402           0 :                     }
     403             :                 }
     404             :                 else
     405             :                 {
     406           0 :                     SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_DBFLD, 0, sDB, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     407           0 :                     aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     408           0 :                 }
     409             :             }
     410           0 :             else if(!aItem.bIsReturn)
     411             :             {
     412           0 :                 rShell.Insert(aItem.sText);
     413             :             }
     414             :             else
     415             :             {
     416           0 :                 if(bHideEmptyParagraphs)
     417             :                 {
     418           0 :                     SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sHideParagraphsExpression, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     419           0 :                     aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     420             :                 }
     421           0 :                 sHideParagraphsExpression.Erase();
     422             :                 //now add a new paragraph
     423           0 :                 rShell.SplitNode();
     424             :             }
     425           0 :         }
     426           0 :         if(bHideEmptyParagraphs && sHideParagraphsExpression.Len())
     427             :         {
     428           0 :             SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sHideParagraphsExpression, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     429           0 :             aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     430           0 :         }
     431             :     }
     432           0 :     return pRet;
     433             : }
     434             : 
     435           0 : void SwMailMergeLayoutPage::InsertGreeting(SwWrtShell& rShell, SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem, bool bExample)
     436             : {
     437             :     //set the cursor to the desired position - if no text content is here then
     438             :     //new paragraphs are inserted
     439           0 :     const SwRect& rPageRect = rShell.GetAnyCurRect(RECT_PAGE);
     440           0 :     const Point aGreetingPos( DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE + rPageRect.Left(), GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE );
     441             : 
     442           0 :     const sal_Bool bRet = rShell.SetShadowCrsrPos( aGreetingPos, FILL_SPACE );
     443             : 
     444           0 :     if(!bRet)
     445             :     {
     446             :         //there's already text at the desired position
     447             :         //go to start of the doc, directly!
     448           0 :         rShell.SttEndDoc(sal_True);
     449             :         //and go by paragraph until the position is reached
     450           0 :         long nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top();
     451           0 :         while(nYPos < GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE)
     452             :         {
     453           0 :             if(!rShell.FwdPara())
     454           0 :                 break;
     455           0 :             nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top();
     456             :         }
     457             :         //text needs to be appended
     458           0 :         while(nYPos < GREETING_TOP_DISTANCE)
     459             :         {
     460           0 :             if(!rShell.AppendTxtNode())
     461           0 :                 break;
     462           0 :             nYPos = rShell.GetCharRect().Top();
     463             :         }
     464             :     }
     465             :     else
     466             :     {
     467             :         //we may end up inside of a paragraph if the left margin is not at DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE
     468           0 :         rShell.MovePara(GetfnParaCurr(), GetfnParaStart());
     469             :     }
     470           0 :     bool bSplitNode = rShell.GetText().Len() > 0;
     471           0 :     sal_Int32 nMoves = rConfigItem.GetGreetingMoves();
     472           0 :     if( !bExample && 0 != nMoves )
     473             :     {
     474           0 :         if(nMoves < 0)
     475             :         {
     476           0 :             rShell.MoveParagraph( nMoves );
     477             :         }
     478             :         else
     479           0 :             while(nMoves)
     480             :             {
     481           0 :                 bool bMoved = rShell.MoveParagraph( 1 );
     482           0 :                 if(!bMoved)
     483             :                 {
     484             :                     //insert a new paragraph before the greeting line
     485           0 :                     rShell.SplitNode();
     486             :                 }
     487           0 :                 --nMoves;
     488             :             }
     489             :     }
     490             :     //now insert the greeting text - if we have any?
     491           0 :     const sal_Bool bIndividual = rConfigItem.IsIndividualGreeting(sal_False);
     492           0 :     String sGreeting;
     493           0 :     if(bIndividual)
     494             :     {
     495             :         //lock expression fields - prevents hiding of the paragraph to insert into
     496           0 :         rShell.LockExpFlds();
     497           0 :         if(bExample)
     498             :         {
     499           0 :             for(sal_Int8 eGender = SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE;
     500             :                 eGender <= SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL; ++eGender)
     501             :             {
     502             :                 Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aEntries =
     503           0 :                             rConfigItem.GetGreetings((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender);
     504           0 :                 sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender);
     505           0 :                 if( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength())
     506             :                 {
     507           0 :                     sGreeting = aEntries[nCurrent];
     508           0 :                     rShell.Insert(sGreeting);
     509             :                     break;
     510             :                 }
     511           0 :             }
     512             :         }
     513             :         else
     514             :         {
     515           0 :             SwFldMgr aFldMgr(&rShell);
     516             :             //three paragraphs, each with an appropriate hidden paragraph field
     517             :             //are to be inserted
     518             : 
     519             :             //name of the gender column
     520           0 :             String sGenderColumn = rConfigItem.GetAssignedColumn(MM_PART_GENDER);
     521           0 :             String sNameColumn = rConfigItem.GetAssignedColumn(MM_PART_LASTNAME);
     522             : 
     523           0 :             const ::rtl::OUString& rFemaleGenderValue = rConfigItem.GetFemaleGenderValue();
     524           0 :             sal_Bool bHideEmptyParagraphs = rConfigItem.IsHideEmptyParagraphs();
     525           0 :             const SwDBData& rData = rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData();
     526           0 :             String sConditionBase(rData.sDataSource);
     527           0 :             sConditionBase += '.';
     528           0 :             sConditionBase += String(rData.sCommand);
     529           0 :             sConditionBase += '.';
     530             :             //split the name column from here
     531           0 :             String sNameColumnBase(sConditionBase);
     532             : 
     533           0 :             sConditionBase += String(sGenderColumn);
     534           0 :             sConditionBase += ']';
     535           0 :             sConditionBase.Insert('[', 0);
     536             : 
     537           0 :             sNameColumnBase += String(sNameColumn);
     538           0 :             sNameColumnBase += ']';
     539           0 :             sNameColumnBase.Insert('[', 0);
     540             : 
     541           0 :             String sDBName(rData.sDataSource);
     542           0 :             sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     543           0 :             sDBName += String(rData.sCommand);
     544           0 :             sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     545           0 :             sDBName += String::CreateFromInt32(rData.nCommandType);
     546           0 :             sDBName += DB_DELIM;
     547             : 
     548             : //          Female:  [database.sGenderColumn] != "rFemaleGenderValue" && [database.NameColumn]
     549             : //          Male:    [database.sGenderColumn] == "rFemaleGenderValue" && [database.rGenderColumn]
     550             : //          Neutral: [database.sNameColumn]
     551             :             OSL_ENSURE(sGenderColumn.Len() && !rFemaleGenderValue.isEmpty(),
     552             :                     "gender settings not available - how to form the condition?");
     553             :             //column used as lastname
     554           0 :             for(sal_Int8 eGender = SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE;
     555             :                 eGender <= SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL; ++eGender)
     556             :             {
     557           0 :                 Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aEntries = rConfigItem.GetGreetings((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender);
     558           0 :                 sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting((SwMailMergeConfigItem::Gender)eGender);
     559           0 :                 if( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength())
     560             :                 {
     561           0 :                     sGreeting = aEntries[nCurrent];
     562           0 :                     String sCondition(sConditionBase);
     563           0 :                     String sHideParagraphsExpression;
     564           0 :                     switch(eGender)
     565             :                     {
     566             :                         case  SwMailMergeConfigItem::FEMALE:
     567           0 :                             sCondition.AppendAscii(" != \"");
     568           0 :                             sCondition += String(rFemaleGenderValue);
     569           0 :                             sCondition.AppendAscii("\" OR NOT ");
     570           0 :                             sCondition += String(sNameColumnBase);
     571             : 
     572           0 :                             sHideParagraphsExpression += '!';
     573           0 :                             sHideParagraphsExpression += sNameColumnBase;
     574           0 :                         break;
     575             :                         case  SwMailMergeConfigItem::MALE:
     576           0 :                             sCondition.AppendAscii(" == \"");
     577           0 :                             sCondition += String(rFemaleGenderValue);
     578           0 :                             sCondition.AppendAscii("\" OR NOT ");
     579           0 :                             sCondition += String(sNameColumnBase);
     580           0 :                         break;
     581             :                         case  SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL:
     582           0 :                             sCondition = sNameColumnBase;
     583           0 :                         break;
     584             :                     }
     585             : 
     586           0 :                     if(bHideEmptyParagraphs && sHideParagraphsExpression.Len())
     587             :                     {
     588           0 :                         String sComplete( sCondition );
     589           0 :                         sComplete.Insert('(', 0);
     590           0 :                         sComplete.AppendAscii( ") OR (");
     591           0 :                         sComplete += sHideParagraphsExpression;
     592           0 :                         sComplete += ')';
     593           0 :                         SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sComplete, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     594           0 :                         aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     595             :                     }
     596             :                     else
     597             :                     {
     598           0 :                         SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, 0, sCondition, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     599           0 :                         aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     600             :                     }
     601             :                     //now the text has to be inserted
     602           0 :                     const ResStringArray& rHeaders = rConfigItem.GetDefaultAddressHeaders();
     603             :                     Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aAssignment =
     604           0 :                                     rConfigItem.GetColumnAssignment( rConfigItem.GetCurrentDBData() );
     605           0 :                     const ::rtl::OUString* pAssignment = aAssignment.getConstArray();
     606           0 :                     SwAddressIterator aIter(sGreeting);
     607           0 :                     while(aIter.HasMore())
     608             :                     {
     609           0 :                         SwMergeAddressItem aItem = aIter.Next();
     610           0 :                         if(aItem.bIsColumn)
     611             :                         {
     612           0 :                             String sDB(sDBName);
     613           0 :                             String sConvertedColumn = aItem.sText;
     614           0 :                             for(sal_uInt16 nColumn = 0;
     615           0 :                                     nColumn < rHeaders.Count() && nColumn < aAssignment.getLength();
     616             :                                                                                                 ++nColumn)
     617             :                             {
     618           0 :                                 if (rHeaders.GetString(nColumn).equals(aItem.sText) &&
     619           0 :                                     !pAssignment[nColumn].isEmpty())
     620             :                                 {
     621           0 :                                     sConvertedColumn = pAssignment[nColumn];
     622           0 :                                     break;
     623             :                                 }
     624             :                             }
     625           0 :                             sDB += sConvertedColumn;
     626           0 :                             SwInsertFld_Data aData(TYP_DBFLD, 0, sDB, aEmptyStr, 0, &rShell );
     627           0 :                             aFldMgr.InsertFld( aData );
     628             :                         }
     629             :                         else
     630             :                         {
     631           0 :                             rShell.Insert(aItem.sText);
     632             :                         }
     633           0 :                     }
     634             :                     //now add a new paragraph
     635           0 :                     rShell.SplitNode();
     636             :                 }
     637           0 :             }
     638             : 
     639             :         }
     640           0 :         rShell.UnlockExpFlds();
     641             :     }
     642             :     else
     643             :     {
     644           0 :         Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aEntries = rConfigItem.GetGreetings(SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL);
     645           0 :         sal_Int32 nCurrent = rConfigItem.GetCurrentGreeting(SwMailMergeConfigItem::NEUTRAL);
     646           0 :         if( nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < aEntries.getLength())
     647           0 :             sGreeting = aEntries[nCurrent];
     648           0 :         rShell.Insert(sGreeting);
     649             :     }
     650             :     // now insert a new paragraph here if necessary
     651           0 :     if(bSplitNode)
     652             :     {
     653           0 :         rShell.Push();
     654           0 :         rShell.SplitNode();
     655           0 :         rShell.Pop(sal_False);
     656             :     }
     657             :     //put the cursor to the start of the paragraph
     658           0 :     rShell.SttPara();
     659             : 
     660           0 :     OSL_ENSURE(0 == rShell.GetTableFmt(), "What to do with a table here?");
     661           0 : }
     662             : 
     663           0 : IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, PreviewLoadedHdl_Impl)
     664             : {
     665           0 :     m_aExampleWIN.Show( sal_True );
     666           0 :     m_aExampleContainerWIN.Show(sal_False);
     667             : 
     668           0 :     Reference< XModel > & xModel = m_pExampleFrame->GetModel();
     669             :     //now the ViewOptions should be set properly
     670           0 :     Reference< XViewSettingsSupplier >  xSettings(xModel->getCurrentController(), UNO_QUERY);
     671           0 :     m_xViewProperties = xSettings->getViewSettings();
     672           0 :     Reference< XUnoTunnel > xDocTunnel(xModel, UNO_QUERY);
     673           0 :     SwXTextDocument* pXDoc = reinterpret_cast<SwXTextDocument*>(xDocTunnel->getSomething(SwXTextDocument::getUnoTunnelId()));
     674           0 :     SwDocShell* pDocShell = pXDoc->GetDocShell();
     675           0 :     m_pExampleWrtShell = pDocShell->GetWrtShell();
     676             :     OSL_ENSURE(m_pExampleWrtShell, "No SwWrtShell found!");
     677           0 :     if(!m_pExampleWrtShell)
     678           0 :         return 0;
     679             : 
     680           0 :     SwMailMergeConfigItem& rConfigItem = m_pWizard->GetConfigItem();
     681           0 :     if(rConfigItem.IsAddressBlock())
     682             :     {
     683             :         m_pAddressBlockFormat = InsertAddressFrame(
     684             :                 *m_pExampleWrtShell, rConfigItem,
     685             :                 Point(DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE, DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE),
     686           0 :                 m_aAlignToBodyCB.IsChecked(), true);
     687             :     }
     688           0 :     if(rConfigItem.IsGreetingLine(sal_False))
     689             :     {
     690           0 :         InsertGreeting(*m_pExampleWrtShell, rConfigItem, true);
     691           0 :         m_bIsGreetingInserted = true;
     692             :     }
     693             : 
     694           0 :     Any aZoom;
     695           0 :     aZoom <<= (sal_Int16)DocumentZoomType::ENTIRE_PAGE;
     696           0 :     m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_TYPE)), aZoom);
     697             : 
     698             :     const SwFmtFrmSize& rPageSize = m_pExampleWrtShell->GetPageDesc(
     699           0 :                                      m_pExampleWrtShell->GetCurPageDesc()).GetMaster().GetFrmSize();
     700           0 :     m_aLeftMF.SetMax(rPageSize.GetWidth() - DEFAULT_LEFT_DISTANCE);
     701           0 :     m_aTopMF.SetMax(rPageSize.GetHeight() - DEFAULT_TOP_DISTANCE);
     702           0 :     return 0;
     703             : }
     704             : 
     705           0 : IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ZoomHdl_Impl, ListBox*, pBox)
     706             : {
     707           0 :     if(m_pExampleWrtShell)
     708             :     {
     709           0 :         sal_Int16 eType = DocumentZoomType::BY_VALUE;
     710           0 :         short nZoom = 50;
     711           0 :         switch(pBox->GetSelectEntryPos())
     712             :         {
     713           0 :             case 0 : eType = DocumentZoomType::ENTIRE_PAGE; break;
     714           0 :             case 1 : nZoom = 50; break;
     715           0 :             case 2 : nZoom = 75; break;
     716           0 :             case 3 : nZoom = 100; break;
     717             :         }
     718           0 :         Any aZoom;
     719           0 :         aZoom <<= eType;
     720           0 :         m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_TYPE)), aZoom);
     721           0 :         aZoom <<= nZoom;
     722           0 :         m_xViewProperties->setPropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_ZOOM_VALUE)), aZoom);
     723             : 
     724             :     }
     725           0 :     return 0;
     726             : }
     727             : 
     728           0 : IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, ChangeAddressHdl_Impl)
     729             : {
     730           0 :     if(m_pExampleWrtShell && m_pAddressBlockFormat)
     731             :     {
     732           0 :         long nLeft = static_cast< long >(m_aLeftMF.Denormalize(m_aLeftMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     733           0 :         long nTop  = static_cast< long >(m_aTopMF.Denormalize(m_aTopMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)));
     734             : 
     735           0 :         SfxItemSet aSet(m_pExampleWrtShell->GetAttrPool(), RES_ANCHOR, RES_ANCHOR,
     736             :                             RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_VERT_ORIENT,
     737             :                             RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT,
     738           0 :                             0 );
     739           0 :         if(m_aAlignToBodyCB.IsChecked())
     740           0 :             aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA ));
     741             :         else
     742           0 :             aSet.Put(SwFmtHoriOrient( nLeft, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME ));
     743           0 :         aSet.Put(SwFmtVertOrient( nTop, text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME ));
     744           0 :         m_pExampleWrtShell->GetDoc()->SetFlyFrmAttr( *m_pAddressBlockFormat, aSet );
     745             :     }
     746           0 :     return 0;
     747             : }
     748             : 
     749           0 : IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, GreetingsHdl_Impl, PushButton*, pButton)
     750             : {
     751           0 :     bool bDown = pButton == &m_aDownPB;
     752           0 :     bool bMoved = m_pExampleWrtShell->MoveParagraph( bDown ? 1 : -1 );
     753           0 :     if (bMoved || bDown)
     754           0 :         m_pWizard->GetConfigItem().MoveGreeting(bDown ? 1 : -1 );
     755           0 :     if(!bMoved && bDown)
     756             :     {
     757             :         //insert a new paragraph before the greeting line
     758           0 :         m_pExampleWrtShell->SplitNode();
     759             :     }
     760             : 
     761           0 :     return 0;
     762             : }
     763             : 
     764           0 : IMPL_LINK(SwMailMergeLayoutPage, AlignToTextHdl_Impl, CheckBox*, pBox)
     765             : {
     766           0 :     sal_Bool bCheck = pBox->IsChecked() && pBox->IsEnabled();
     767           0 :     m_aLeftFT.Enable(!bCheck);
     768           0 :     m_aLeftMF.Enable(!bCheck);
     769           0 :     ChangeAddressHdl_Impl( 0 );
     770           0 :     return 0;
     771             : }
     772             : 
     773             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10