LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/test/source/diff - diff.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 85 134 63.4 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 12 16 75.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
       4             :  *
       5             :  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
       6             :  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
       7             :  * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
       8             :  * the License at
       9             :  *
      10             :  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
      11             :  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
      12             :  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
      13             :  * License.
      14             :  *
      15             :  * Major Contributor(s):
      16             :  * Copyright (C) 2012 Markus Mohrhard <> (initial developer)
      17             :  *
      18             :  * All Rights Reserved.
      19             :  *
      20             :  * For minor contributions see the git repository.
      21             :  *
      22             :  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
      23             :  * either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
      24             :  * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
      25             :  * in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
      26             :  * instead of those above.
      27             :  */
      28             : 
      29             : #define USE_CPPUNIT 1
      30             : 
      31             : #include "test/xmldiff.hxx"
      32             : 
      33             : #include <libxml/xpath.h>
      34             : #include <libxml/parser.h>
      35             : #include <libxml/tree.h>
      36             : #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
      37             : 
      38             : #include <set>
      39             : #include <cstring>
      40             : #include <sstream>
      41             : #include <cmath>
      42             : #include <cassert>
      43             : 
      44             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
      45             : #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
      46             : #endif
      47             : 
      48             : #include <rtl/math.hxx>
      49             : 
      50             : 
      51             : struct tolerance
      52             : {
      53        5461 :     ~tolerance()
      54             :     {
      55        5461 :         xmlFree(elementName);
      56        5461 :         xmlFree(attribName);
      57        5461 :     }
      58             : 
      59        5461 :     tolerance()
      60             :     {
      61        5461 :         elementName = NULL;
      62        5461 :         attribName = NULL;
      63        5461 :     }
      64             : 
      65           0 :     tolerance(const tolerance& tol)
      66             :     {
      67           0 :         elementName = xmlStrdup(tol.elementName);
      68           0 :         attribName = xmlStrdup(tol.attribName);
      69           0 :         relative = tol.relative;
      70           0 :         value = tol.value;
      71           0 :     }
      72             : 
      73             :     xmlChar* elementName;
      74             :     xmlChar* attribName;
      75             :     bool relative;
      76             :     double value;
      77             :     bool operator==(const tolerance& rTol) const { return xmlStrEqual(elementName, rTol.elementName) && xmlStrEqual(attribName, rTol.attribName); }
      78           0 :     bool operator<(const tolerance& rTol) const
      79             :     {
      80           0 :         int cmp = xmlStrcmp(elementName, rTol.elementName);
      81           0 :         if(cmp == 0)
      82             :         {
      83           0 :             cmp = xmlStrcmp(attribName, rTol.attribName);
      84             :         }
      85             : 
      86           0 :         if(cmp>=0)
      87           0 :             return false;
      88             :         else
      89           0 :             return true;
      90             :     }
      91             : };
      92             : 
      93             : class XMLDiff
      94             : {
      95             : public:
      96             :     XMLDiff(const char* pFileName, const char* pContent, int size, const char* pToleranceFileName);
      97             :     ~XMLDiff();
      98             : 
      99             :     bool compare();
     100             : private:
     101             :     typedef std::set<tolerance> ToleranceContainer;
     102             : 
     103             :     void loadToleranceFile(xmlDocPtr xmlTolerance);
     104             :     bool compareAttributes(xmlNodePtr node1, xmlNodePtr node2);
     105             :     bool compareElements(xmlNodePtr node1, xmlNodePtr node2);
     106             : 
     107             :     ToleranceContainer toleranceContainer;
     108             :     xmlDocPtr xmlFile1;
     109             :     xmlDocPtr xmlFile2;
     110             : };
     111             : 
     112             : 
     113             : 
     114             : 
     115           9 : XMLDiff::XMLDiff( const char* pFileName, const char* pContent, int size, const char* pToleranceFile)
     116             : {
     117           9 :     xmlFile1 = xmlParseFile(pFileName);
     118           9 :     xmlFile2 = xmlParseMemory(pContent, size);
     119             : 
     120           9 :     xmlDocPtr xmlToleranceFile = xmlParseFile(pToleranceFile);
     121           9 :     loadToleranceFile(xmlToleranceFile);
     122           9 :     xmlFreeDoc(xmlToleranceFile);
     123           9 : }
     124             : 
     125          18 : XMLDiff::~XMLDiff()
     126             : {
     127           9 :     xmlFreeDoc(xmlFile1);
     128           9 :     xmlFreeDoc(xmlFile2);
     129           9 : }
     130             : 
     131             : namespace {
     132             : 
     133           0 : void readAttributesForTolerance(xmlNodePtr node, tolerance& tol)
     134             : {
     135           0 :     xmlChar* elementName = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("elementName"));
     136           0 :     tol.elementName = elementName;
     137             : 
     138           0 :     xmlChar* attribName = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("attribName"));
     139           0 :     tol.attribName = attribName;
     140             : 
     141           0 :     xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("value"));
     142           0 :     double val = xmlXPathCastStringToNumber(value);
     143           0 :     xmlFree(value);
     144           0 :     tol.value = val;
     145             : 
     146           0 :     xmlChar* relative = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("relative"));
     147           0 :     bool rel = false;
     148           0 :     if(xmlStrEqual(relative, BAD_CAST("true")))
     149           0 :         rel = true;
     150           0 :     xmlFree(relative);
     151           0 :     tol.relative = rel;
     152           0 : }
     153             : 
     154             : }
     155             : 
     156           9 : void XMLDiff::loadToleranceFile(xmlDocPtr xmlToleranceFile)
     157             : {
     158           9 :     xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlToleranceFile);
     159             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     160           9 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not find correct tolerance file", xmlStrEqual( root->name, BAD_CAST("tolerances") ));
     161             : #else
     162             :     if(!xmlStrEqual( root->name, BAD_CAST("tolerances") ))
     163             :     {
     164             :         assert(false);
     165             :         return;
     166             :     }
     167             : #endif
     168           9 :     xmlNodePtr child = NULL;
     169          18 :     for (child = root->children; child != NULL; child = child->next)
     170             :     {
     171             :         // assume a valid xml file
     172           9 :         if(child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
     173           9 :             continue;
     174             : 
     175             :         assert(xmlStrEqual(child->name, BAD_CAST("tolerance")));
     176             : 
     177           0 :         tolerance tol;
     178           0 :         readAttributesForTolerance(child, tol);
     179           0 :         toleranceContainer.insert(tol);
     180           0 :     }
     181           9 : }
     182             : 
     183           9 : bool XMLDiff::compare()
     184             : {
     185           9 :     xmlNode* root1 = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlFile1);
     186           9 :     xmlNode* root2 = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlFile2);
     187             : 
     188             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     189           9 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(root1);
     190           9 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(root2);
     191           9 :     std::stringstream stringStream("Expected: ");
     192           9 :     stringStream << (char*)root1->name << "\nFound: " << (char*) root2->name;
     193           9 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(stringStream.str(), xmlStrEqual(root1->name, root2->name));
     194             : #else
     195             :     if (!root1 || !root2)
     196             :         return false;
     197             :     if(!xmlStrEqual(root1->name, root2->name))
     198             :         return false;
     199             : #endif
     200           9 :     return compareElements(root1, root2);
     201             : }
     202             : 
     203             : namespace {
     204             : 
     205        3822 : bool checkForEmptyChildren(xmlNodePtr node)
     206             : {
     207        3822 :     if(!node)
     208        3822 :         return true;
     209             : 
     210           0 :     for(; node != NULL; node = node->next)
     211             :     {
     212           0 :         if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
     213           0 :             return false;
     214             :     }
     215           0 :     return true;
     216             : }
     217             : 
     218             : }
     219             : 
     220        1911 : bool XMLDiff::compareElements(xmlNode* node1, xmlNode* node2)
     221             : {
     222             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     223        1911 :     std::stringstream stringStream("Expected: ");
     224        1911 :     stringStream << (xmlChar*) node1->name << "\nFound: " << node2->name;
     225        1911 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(stringStream.str(), xmlStrEqual( node1->name, node2->name ));
     226             : #else
     227             :     if (!xmlStrEqual( node1->name, node2->name ))
     228             :         return false;
     229             : #endif
     230             : 
     231             :     //compare attributes
     232        1911 :     bool sameAttribs = compareAttributes(node1, node2);
     233             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     234        1911 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(sameAttribs);
     235             : #else
     236             :     if (!sameAttribs)
     237             :         return false;
     238             : #endif
     239             : 
     240             :     // compare children
     241        1911 :     xmlNode* child2 = NULL;
     242        1911 :     xmlNode* child1 = NULL;
     243        5989 :     for(child1 = node1->children, child2 = node2->children; child1 != NULL && child2 != NULL; child1 = child1->next, child2 = child2->next)
     244             :     {
     245        4078 :         if (child1->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
     246             :         {
     247        1902 :             bool bCompare = compareElements(child1, child2);
     248        1902 :             if(!bCompare)
     249             :             {
     250           0 :                 return false;
     251             :             }
     252             :         }
     253             :     }
     254             : 
     255             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     256        1911 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(checkForEmptyChildren(child1));
     257        1911 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(checkForEmptyChildren(child2));
     258             : #else
     259             :     if(!checkForEmptyChildren(child1) || !checkForEmptyChildren(child2))
     260             :         return false;
     261             : #endif
     262             : 
     263        1911 :     return true;
     264             : }
     265             : 
     266             : namespace {
     267             : 
     268           0 : bool compareValuesWithTolerance(double val1, double val2, double tolerance, bool relative)
     269             : {
     270           0 :     if(relative)
     271             :     {
     272           0 :         return (val1/tolerance) <= val2 && val2 <= (val1*tolerance);
     273             :     }
     274             :     else
     275             :     {
     276           0 :         return (val1 - tolerance) <= val2 && val2 <= (val1 + tolerance);
     277             :     }
     278             : }
     279             : 
     280             : }
     281             : 
     282        1911 : bool XMLDiff::compareAttributes(xmlNodePtr node1, xmlNodePtr node2)
     283             : {
     284        1911 :     xmlAttrPtr attr1 = NULL;
     285        1911 :     xmlAttrPtr attr2 = NULL;
     286        9976 :     for(attr1 = node1->properties, attr2 = node2->properties; attr1 != NULL && attr2 != NULL; attr1 = attr1->next, attr2 = attr2->next)
     287             :     {
     288             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     289        8065 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xmlStrEqual( attr1->name, attr2->name ));
     290             : #else
     291             :         if (!xmlStrEqual( attr1->name, attr2->name ))
     292             :             return false;
     293             : #endif
     294             : 
     295        8065 :         xmlChar* val1 = xmlGetProp(node1, attr1->name);
     296        8065 :         xmlChar* val2 = xmlGetProp(node2, attr2->name);
     297             : 
     298        8065 :         double dVal1 = xmlXPathCastStringToNumber(val1);
     299        8065 :         double dVal2 = xmlXPathCastStringToNumber(val2);
     300             : 
     301        8065 :         if(!rtl::math::isNan(dVal1) || !rtl::math::isNan(dVal2))
     302             :         {
     303             :             //compare by value and respect tolerance
     304        5461 :             tolerance tol;
     305        5461 :             tol.elementName = xmlStrdup(node1->name);
     306        5461 :             tol.attribName = xmlStrdup(attr1->name);
     307        5461 :             ToleranceContainer::iterator itr = toleranceContainer.find( tol );
     308        5461 :             bool useTolerance = false;
     309        5461 :             if (itr != toleranceContainer.end())
     310             :             {
     311           0 :                 useTolerance = true;
     312             :             }
     313             : 
     314        5461 :             if (useTolerance)
     315             :             {
     316           0 :                 bool valInTolerance = compareValuesWithTolerance(dVal1, dVal2, itr->value, itr->relative);
     317             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     318           0 :                 std::stringstream stringStream("Expected Value: ");
     319           0 :                 stringStream << dVal1 << "; Found Value: " << dVal2 << "; Tolerance: " << itr->value;
     320           0 :                 stringStream << "; Relative: " << itr->relative;
     321           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(stringStream.str(), valInTolerance);
     322             : #else
     323             :                 if (!valInTolerance)
     324             :                     return false;
     325             : #endif
     326             :             }
     327             :             else
     328             :             {
     329             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     330       10922 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL_MESSAGE(
     331             :                     reinterpret_cast< char const * >(attr1->name), dVal1, dVal2,
     332        5461 :                     1e-08);
     333             : #else
     334             :                 if (dVal1 != dVal2)
     335             :                     return false;
     336             : #endif
     337        5461 :             }
     338             :         }
     339             :         else
     340             :         {
     341             : 
     342             : #if USE_CPPUNIT
     343        2604 :             std::stringstream stringStream("Expected: ");
     344        2604 :             stringStream << (char*)val1 << "\nFound: " << (char*)val2;
     345        2604 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(stringStream.str(), xmlStrEqual(val1, val2));
     346             : #else
     347             :             if(!xmlStrEqual( val1, val2 ))
     348             :                 return false;
     349             : #endif
     350             :         }
     351             : 
     352        8065 :         xmlFree(val1);
     353        8065 :         xmlFree(val2);
     354             :     }
     355             : 
     356             :     // unequal number of attributes
     357             : #if CPPUNIT_ASSERT
     358             :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!attr1);
     359             :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!attr2);
     360             : #else
     361        1911 :     if (attr1 || attr2)
     362           0 :         return false;
     363             : #endif
     364             : 
     365        1911 :     return true;
     366             : }
     367             : 
     368             : 
     369             : bool
     370           9 : doXMLDiff(char const*const pFileName, char const*const pContent, int const size,
     371             :           char const*const pToleranceFileName)
     372             : {
     373           9 :     XMLDiff aDiff(pFileName, pContent, size, pToleranceFileName);
     374           9 :     return;
     375          96 : }
     376             : 
     377             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10