LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libreoffice/vcl/unx/gtk/gdi - salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 2055 0.0 %
Date: 2012-12-27 Functions: 0 97 0.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : 
      21             : #include "vcl/svapp.hxx"
      22             : 
      23             : #include "unx/gtk/gtkframe.hxx"
      24             : #include "unx/gtk/gtkdata.hxx"
      25             : #include "unx/gtk/gtkinst.hxx"
      26             : #include "unx/gtk/gtkgdi.hxx"
      27             : 
      28             : #include "unx/saldata.hxx"
      29             : #include "unx/saldisp.hxx"
      30             : 
      31             : #include <cstdio>
      32             : #include <cmath>
      33             : #include <vector>
      34             : #include <algorithm>
      35             : #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
      36             : 
      37             : #include "vcl/vclenum.hxx"
      38             : #include "vcl/fontmanager.hxx"
      39             : #include <vcl/decoview.hxx>
      40             : 
      41             : typedef struct _cairo_font_options cairo_font_options_t;
      42             : const char* const tabPrelitDataName="libreoffice-tab-is-prelit";
      43             : 
      44             : // initialize statics
      45             : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::bThemeChanged = sal_True;
      46             : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::bNeedPixmapPaint = sal_False;
      47             : 
      48           0 : GtkSalGraphics::GtkSalGraphics( GtkSalFrame *pFrame, GtkWidget *pWindow )
      49             :     : X11SalGraphics(),
      50             :       m_pWindow( pWindow ),
      51           0 :       m_aClipRegion( REGION_NULL )
      52             : {
      53             :     Init( pFrame, GDK_WINDOW_XID( widget_get_window( pWindow ) ),
      54             :           SalX11Screen( gdk_x11_screen_get_screen_number(
      55           0 :                                 gtk_widget_get_screen( pWindow ) ) ) );
      56           0 : }
      57             : 
      58           0 : GtkSalGraphics::~GtkSalGraphics()
      59             : {
      60           0 : }
      61             : 
      62             : using ::rtl::OUString;
      63             : 
      64             : /*************************************
      65             :  * Cached native widget objects
      66             :  *************************************/
      67             : class NWPixmapCacheList;
      68             : class NWPixmapCache;
      69             : struct NWFWidgetData
      70             : {
      71             :     GtkWidget *  gCacheWindow;
      72             :     GtkWidget *  gDumbContainer;
      73             : 
      74             :     GtkWidget *  gBtnWidget;
      75             :     GtkWidget *  gRadioWidget;
      76             :     GtkWidget *  gRadioWidgetSibling;
      77             :     GtkWidget *  gCheckWidget;
      78             :     GtkWidget *  gScrollHorizWidget;
      79             :     GtkWidget *  gScrollVertWidget;
      80             :     GtkWidget *  gArrowWidget;
      81             :     GtkWidget *  gDropdownWidget;
      82             :     GtkWidget *  gEditBoxWidget;
      83             :     GtkWidget *  gSpinButtonWidget;
      84             :     GtkWidget *  gNotebookWidget;
      85             :     GtkWidget *  gOptionMenuWidget;
      86             :     GtkWidget *  gComboWidget;
      87             :     GtkWidget *  gScrolledWindowWidget;
      88             :     GtkWidget *  gToolbarWidget;
      89             :     GtkWidget *  gToolbarButtonWidget;
      90             :     GtkWidget *  gHandleBoxWidget;
      91             :     GtkWidget *  gMenubarWidget;
      92             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuItemMenubarWidget;
      93             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuWidget;
      94             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuItemMenuWidget;
      95             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget;
      96             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget;
      97             :     GtkWidget *  gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget;
      98             :     GtkWidget *  gImageMenuItem;
      99             :     GtkWidget *  gTooltipPopup;
     100             :     GtkWidget *  gProgressBar;
     101             :     GtkWidget *  gTreeView;
     102             :     GtkWidget *  gHScale;
     103             :     GtkWidget *  gVScale;
     104             :     GtkWidget *  gSeparator;
     105             :     GtkWidget *  gDialog;
     106             :     GtkWidget *  gFrame;
     107             : 
     108             :     NWPixmapCacheList* gNWPixmapCacheList;
     109             :     NWPixmapCache* gCacheTabItems;
     110             :     NWPixmapCache* gCacheTabPages;
     111             : 
     112           0 :     NWFWidgetData() :
     113             :         gCacheWindow( NULL ),
     114             :         gDumbContainer( NULL ),
     115             :         gBtnWidget( NULL ),
     116             :         gRadioWidget( NULL ),
     117             :         gRadioWidgetSibling( NULL ),
     118             :         gCheckWidget( NULL ),
     119             :         gScrollHorizWidget( NULL ),
     120             :         gScrollVertWidget( NULL ),
     121             :         gArrowWidget( NULL ),
     122             :         gDropdownWidget( NULL ),
     123             :         gEditBoxWidget( NULL ),
     124             :         gSpinButtonWidget( NULL ),
     125             :         gNotebookWidget( NULL ),
     126             :         gOptionMenuWidget( NULL ),
     127             :         gComboWidget( NULL ),
     128             :         gScrolledWindowWidget( NULL ),
     129             :         gToolbarWidget( NULL ),
     130             :         gToolbarButtonWidget( NULL ),
     131             :         gHandleBoxWidget( NULL ),
     132             :         gMenubarWidget( NULL ),
     133             :         gMenuItemMenubarWidget( NULL ),
     134             :         gMenuWidget( NULL ),
     135             :         gMenuItemMenuWidget( NULL ),
     136             :         gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget( NULL ),
     137             :         gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget( NULL ),
     138             :         gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget( NULL ),
     139             :         gImageMenuItem( NULL ),
     140             :         gTooltipPopup( NULL ),
     141             :         gProgressBar( NULL ),
     142             :         gTreeView( NULL ),
     143             :         gHScale( NULL ),
     144             :         gVScale( NULL ),
     145             :         gSeparator( NULL ),
     146             :         gDialog( NULL ),
     147             :         gFrame( NULL ),
     148             :         gNWPixmapCacheList( NULL ),
     149             :         gCacheTabItems( NULL ),
     150           0 :         gCacheTabPages( NULL )
     151           0 :     {}
     152             : };
     153             : 
     154             : // Keep a hash table of Widgets->default flags so that we can
     155             : // easily and quickly reset each to a default state before using
     156             : // them
     157           0 : static boost::unordered_map<long, guint>    gWidgetDefaultFlags;
     158           0 : class WidgetDataVector : public std::vector<NWFWidgetData>
     159             : {
     160             : public:
     161           0 :     WidgetDataVector(size_t nElems = 0) : std::vector<NWFWidgetData>( nElems ) {}
     162           0 :     NWFWidgetData &operator [](size_t i) { return at(i); }
     163           0 :     NWFWidgetData &operator [](const SalX11Screen &s) { return at(s.getXScreen()); }
     164             : };
     165           0 : static WidgetDataVector gWidgetData;
     166             : 
     167             : static const GtkBorder aDefDefBorder        = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
     168             : 
     169             : // Some GTK defaults
     170             : #define MIN_ARROW_SIZE                    11
     171             : #define BTN_CHILD_SPACING                1
     172             : #define MIN_SPIN_ARROW_WIDTH                6
     173             : 
     174             : 
     175             : static void NWEnsureGTKRadio             ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     176             : static void NWEnsureGTKButton            ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     177             : static void NWEnsureGTKCheck             ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     178             : static void NWEnsureGTKScrollbars        ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     179             : static void NWEnsureGTKArrow             ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     180             : static void NWEnsureGTKEditBox           ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     181             : static void NWEnsureGTKSpinButton        ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     182             : static void NWEnsureGTKNotebook          ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     183             : static void NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu        ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     184             : static void NWEnsureGTKCombo             ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     185             : static void NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow    ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     186             : static void NWEnsureGTKToolbar           ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     187             : static void NWEnsureGTKMenubar           ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     188             : static void NWEnsureGTKMenu              ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     189             : static void NWEnsureGTKTooltip           ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     190             : static void NWEnsureGTKDialog            ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     191             : static void NWEnsureGTKFrame             ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     192             : static void NWEnsureGTKProgressBar       ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     193             : static void NWEnsureGTKTreeView          ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     194             : static void NWEnsureGTKSlider            ( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     195             : 
     196             : static void NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( ControlState nVCLState, GtkStateType* nGTKState, GtkShadowType* nGTKShadow );
     197             : static void NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( GtkWidget* widget, SalX11Screen nScreen );
     198             : static void NWSetWidgetState( GtkWidget* widget, ControlState nState, GtkStateType nGtkState );
     199             : 
     200             : static void NWCalcArrowRect( const Rectangle& rButton, Rectangle& rArrow );
     201             : 
     202             : /*
     203             :  * Individual helper functions
     204             :  *
     205             :  */
     206             : 
     207             : //---
     208             : static Rectangle NWGetButtonArea( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     209             :                                 const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     210             : 
     211             : //---
     212             : static Rectangle NWGetEditBoxPixmapRect( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     213             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     214             : 
     215             : static void NWPaintOneEditBox( SalX11Screen nScreen, GdkDrawable * gdkDrawable, GdkRectangle *gdkRect,
     216             :                                ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aEditBoxRect,
     217             :                                ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
     218             :                                const OUString& rCaption );
     219             : 
     220             : //---
     221             : static Rectangle NWGetSpinButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     222             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     223             : 
     224             : static void NWPaintOneSpinButton( SalX11Screen nScreen, GdkPixmap * pixmap, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect,
     225             :                             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
     226             :                             const OUString& rCaption );
     227             : //---
     228             : static Rectangle NWGetComboBoxButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     229             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     230             : 
     231             : //---
     232             : static Rectangle NWGetListBoxButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     233             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     234             : 
     235             : static Rectangle NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
     236             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption );
     237             : 
     238             : static Rectangle NWGetToolbarRect( SalX11Screen nScreen,
     239             :                                    ControlType nType,
     240             :                                    ControlPart nPart,
     241             :                                    Rectangle aAreaRect,
     242             :                                    ControlState nState,
     243             :                                    const ImplControlValue& aValue,
     244             :                                    const OUString& rCaption );
     245             : 
     246             : static int getFrameWidth(GtkWidget* widget);
     247             : //---
     248             : 
     249             : static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(    SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect );
     250             : //---
     251             : 
     252             : /*********************************************************
     253             :  * PixmapCache
     254             :  *********************************************************/
     255             : 
     256             : // as some native widget drawing operations are pretty slow
     257             : // with certain themes (eg tabpages)
     258             : // this cache can be used to cache the corresponding pixmap
     259             : // see NWPaintGTKTabItem
     260             : 
     261             : class NWPixmapCacheData
     262             : {
     263             : public:
     264             :     ControlType m_nType;
     265             :     ControlState m_nState;
     266             :     Rectangle   m_pixmapRect;
     267             :     GdkPixmap*  m_pixmap;
     268             : 
     269           0 :     NWPixmapCacheData() : m_nType(0), m_nState(0), m_pixmap(0) {}
     270           0 :     ~NWPixmapCacheData()
     271           0 :         { SetPixmap( NULL ); };
     272             :     void SetPixmap( GdkPixmap* pPixmap );
     273             : };
     274             : 
     275             : class NWPixmapCache
     276             : {
     277             :     int m_size;
     278             :     int m_idx;
     279             :     int m_screen;
     280             :     NWPixmapCacheData* pData;
     281             : public:
     282             :     NWPixmapCache( SalX11Screen nScreen );
     283             :     ~NWPixmapCache();
     284             : 
     285           0 :     void SetSize( int n)
     286           0 :         { delete [] pData; m_idx = 0; m_size = n; pData = new NWPixmapCacheData[m_size]; }
     287           0 :     int GetSize() const { return m_size; }
     288             : 
     289             :     sal_Bool Find( ControlType aType, ControlState aState, const Rectangle& r_pixmapRect, GdkPixmap** pPixmap );
     290             :     void Fill( ControlType aType, ControlState aState, const Rectangle& r_pixmapRect, GdkPixmap* pPixmap );
     291             : 
     292             :     void ThemeChanged();
     293             : };
     294             : 
     295           0 : class NWPixmapCacheList
     296             : {
     297             : public:
     298             :     ::std::vector< NWPixmapCache* > mCaches;
     299             : 
     300             :     void AddCache( NWPixmapCache *pCache );
     301             :     void RemoveCache( NWPixmapCache *pCache );
     302             :     void ThemeChanged();
     303             : };
     304             : 
     305             : // --- implementation ---
     306             : 
     307           0 : void NWPixmapCacheData::SetPixmap( GdkPixmap* pPixmap )
     308             : {
     309           0 :     if( m_pixmap )
     310           0 :         g_object_unref( m_pixmap );
     311             : 
     312           0 :     m_pixmap = pPixmap;
     313             : 
     314           0 :     if( m_pixmap )
     315           0 :         g_object_ref( m_pixmap );
     316           0 : }
     317             : 
     318             : 
     319           0 : NWPixmapCache::NWPixmapCache( SalX11Screen nScreen )
     320             : {
     321           0 :     m_idx = 0;
     322           0 :     m_size = 0;
     323           0 :     m_screen = nScreen.getXScreen();
     324           0 :     pData = NULL;
     325           0 :     if( gWidgetData[m_screen].gNWPixmapCacheList )
     326           0 :         gWidgetData[m_screen].gNWPixmapCacheList->AddCache(this);
     327           0 : }
     328           0 : NWPixmapCache::~NWPixmapCache()
     329             : {
     330           0 :     if( gWidgetData[m_screen].gNWPixmapCacheList )
     331           0 :         gWidgetData[m_screen].gNWPixmapCacheList->RemoveCache(this);
     332           0 :     delete[] pData;
     333           0 : }
     334           0 : void NWPixmapCache::ThemeChanged()
     335             : {
     336             :     // throw away cached pixmaps
     337             :     int i;
     338           0 :     for(i=0; i<m_size; i++)
     339           0 :         pData[i].SetPixmap( NULL );
     340           0 : }
     341             : 
     342           0 : sal_Bool  NWPixmapCache::Find( ControlType aType, ControlState aState, const Rectangle& r_pixmapRect, GdkPixmap** pPixmap )
     343             : {
     344           0 :     aState &= ~CTRL_CACHING_ALLOWED; // mask clipping flag
     345             :     int i;
     346           0 :     for(i=0; i<m_size; i++)
     347             :     {
     348           0 :         if( pData[i].m_nType == aType &&
     349           0 :             pData[i].m_nState == aState &&
     350           0 :             pData[i].m_pixmapRect.GetWidth() == r_pixmapRect.GetWidth() &&
     351           0 :             pData[i].m_pixmapRect.GetHeight() == r_pixmapRect.GetHeight() &&
     352           0 :             pData[i].m_pixmap != NULL )
     353             :         {
     354           0 :             *pPixmap = pData[i].m_pixmap;
     355           0 :             return sal_True;
     356             :         }
     357             :     }
     358           0 :     return sal_False;
     359             : }
     360             : 
     361           0 : void NWPixmapCache::Fill( ControlType aType, ControlState aState, const Rectangle& r_pixmapRect, GdkPixmap* pPixmap )
     362             : {
     363           0 :     if( !(aState & CTRL_CACHING_ALLOWED) )
     364           0 :         return;
     365             : 
     366           0 :     aState &= ~CTRL_CACHING_ALLOWED; // mask clipping flag
     367           0 :     m_idx = (m_idx+1) % m_size; // just wrap
     368           0 :     pData[m_idx].m_nType = aType;
     369           0 :     pData[m_idx].m_nState = aState;
     370           0 :     pData[m_idx].m_pixmapRect = r_pixmapRect;
     371           0 :     pData[m_idx].SetPixmap( pPixmap );
     372             : }
     373             : 
     374             : 
     375           0 : void NWPixmapCacheList::AddCache( NWPixmapCache* pCache )
     376             : {
     377           0 :     mCaches.push_back( pCache );
     378           0 : }
     379           0 : void NWPixmapCacheList::RemoveCache( NWPixmapCache* pCache )
     380             : {
     381           0 :     ::std::vector< NWPixmapCache* >::iterator p;
     382           0 :     p = ::std::find( mCaches.begin(), mCaches.end(), pCache );
     383           0 :     if( p != mCaches.end() )
     384           0 :         mCaches.erase( p );
     385           0 : }
     386           0 : void NWPixmapCacheList::ThemeChanged( )
     387             : {
     388           0 :     ::std::vector< NWPixmapCache* >::iterator p = mCaches.begin();
     389           0 :     while( p != mCaches.end() )
     390             :     {
     391           0 :         (*p)->ThemeChanged();
     392           0 :         ++p;
     393             :     }
     394           0 : }
     395             : 
     396             : 
     397             : /*********************************************************
     398             :  * Make border manipulation easier
     399             :  *********************************************************/
     400           0 : inline void NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( GtkBorder& aDst, const GtkBorder * pSrc )
     401             : {
     402           0 :     aDst.left        = pSrc->left;
     403           0 :        = pSrc->top;
     404           0 :     aDst.right    = pSrc->right;
     405           0 :     aDst.bottom    = pSrc->bottom;
     406           0 : }
     407             : 
     408             : 
     409             : /*********************************************************
     410             :  * Initialize GTK and local stuff
     411             :  *********************************************************/
     412           0 : void GtkData::initNWF( void )
     413             : {
     414           0 :     ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
     415             : 
     416             :     // draw no border for popup menus (NWF draws its own)
     417           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbFlatMenu = true;
     418             : 
     419             :     // draw separate buttons for toolbox dropdown items
     420           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbToolboxDropDownSeparate = true;
     421             : 
     422             :     // draw toolbars in separate lines
     423           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbDockingAreaSeparateTB = true;
     424             : 
     425             :     // open first menu on F10
     426           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbOpenMenuOnF10 = true;
     427             : 
     428             :     // omit GetNativeControl while painting (see brdwin.cxx)
     429           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbCanDrawWidgetAnySize = true;
     430             : 
     431           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mbDDListBoxNoTextArea = true;
     432             : 
     433           0 :     int nScreens = GetGtkSalData()->GetGtkDisplay()->GetXScreenCount();
     434           0 :     gWidgetData = WidgetDataVector( nScreens );
     435           0 :     for( int i = 0; i < nScreens; i++ )
     436           0 :         gWidgetData[i].gNWPixmapCacheList = new NWPixmapCacheList;
     437             : 
     438             :     // small extra border around menu items
     439           0 :     NWEnsureGTKMenu( SalX11Screen( 0 ) );
     440           0 :     gint horizontal_padding = 1;
     441           0 :     gint vertical_padding = 1;
     442           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[0].gMenuWidget,
     443             :             "horizontal-padding", &horizontal_padding,
     444           0 :             (char *)NULL);
     445           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[0].gMenuWidget,
     446             :             "vertical-padding", &vertical_padding,
     447           0 :             (char *)NULL);
     448           0 :     gint xthickness = gWidgetData[0].gMenuWidget->style->xthickness;
     449           0 :     gint ythickness = gWidgetData[0].gMenuWidget->style->ythickness;
     450           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mnMenuFormatBorderX = xthickness + horizontal_padding;
     451           0 :     pSVData->maNWFData.mnMenuFormatBorderY = ythickness + vertical_padding;
     452             : 
     453           0 :     if( SalGetDesktopEnvironment() == "KDE" )
     454             :     {
     455             :         // #i97196# ensure a widget exists and the style engine was loaded
     456           0 :         NWEnsureGTKButton( SalX11Screen( 0 ) );
     457           0 :         if( g_type_from_name( "QtEngineStyle" ) )
     458             :         {
     459             :             // KDE 3.3 invented a bug in the qt<->gtk theme engine
     460             :             // that makes direct rendering impossible: they totally
     461             :             // ignore the clip rectangle passed to the paint methods
     462           0 :             GtkSalGraphics::bNeedPixmapPaint = true;
     463             :         }
     464             :     }
     465           0 :     static const char* pEnv = getenv( "SAL_GTK_USE_PIXMAPPAINT" );
     466           0 :     if( pEnv && *pEnv )
     467           0 :         GtkSalGraphics::bNeedPixmapPaint = true;
     468             : 
     469             :     #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
     470             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "GtkPlugin: using %s NWF\n",
     471             :              GtkSalGraphics::bNeedPixmapPaint ? "offscreen" : "direct" );
     472             :     #endif
     473           0 : }
     474             : 
     475             : 
     476             : /*********************************************************
     477             :  * Release GTK and local stuff
     478             :  *********************************************************/
     479           0 : void GtkData::deInitNWF( void )
     480             : {
     481           0 :     for( unsigned int i = 0; i < gWidgetData.size(); i++ )
     482             :     {
     483             :         // free up global widgets
     484             :         // gtk_widget_destroy will in turn destroy the child hierarchy
     485             :         // so only destroy disjunct hierachies
     486           0 :         if( gWidgetData[i].gCacheWindow )
     487           0 :             gtk_widget_destroy( gWidgetData[i].gCacheWindow );
     488           0 :         if( gWidgetData[i].gMenuWidget )
     489           0 :             gtk_widget_destroy( gWidgetData[i].gMenuWidget );
     490           0 :         if( gWidgetData[i].gTooltipPopup )
     491           0 :             gtk_widget_destroy( gWidgetData[i].gTooltipPopup );
     492           0 :         if( gWidgetData[i].gDialog )
     493           0 :             gtk_widget_destroy( gWidgetData[i].gDialog );
     494           0 :         delete gWidgetData[i].gCacheTabPages;
     495           0 :         gWidgetData[i].gCacheTabPages = NULL;
     496           0 :         delete gWidgetData[i].gCacheTabItems;
     497           0 :         gWidgetData[i].gCacheTabItems = NULL;
     498           0 :         delete gWidgetData[i].gNWPixmapCacheList;
     499           0 :         gWidgetData[i].gNWPixmapCacheList = NULL;
     500             :     }
     501           0 : }
     502             : 
     503             : 
     504             : /**********************************************************
     505             :  * track clip region
     506             :  **********************************************************/
     507           0 : void GtkSalGraphics::ResetClipRegion()
     508             : {
     509           0 :     m_aClipRegion.SetNull();
     510           0 :     X11SalGraphics::ResetClipRegion();
     511           0 : }
     512             : 
     513           0 : bool GtkSalGraphics::setClipRegion( const Region& i_rClip )
     514             : {
     515           0 :     m_aClipRegion = i_rClip;
     516           0 :     bool bRet = X11SalGraphics::setClipRegion( m_aClipRegion );
     517           0 :     if( m_aClipRegion.IsEmpty() )
     518           0 :         m_aClipRegion.SetNull();
     519           0 :     return bRet;
     520             : }
     521             : 
     522           0 : void GtkSalGraphics::copyBits( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry,
     523             :                                SalGraphics* pSrcGraphics )
     524             : {
     525           0 :     GtkSalFrame* pFrame = GetGtkFrame();
     526           0 :     XLIB_Window aWin = None;
     527           0 :     if( pFrame && m_pWindow )
     528             :     {
     529             :         /* #i64117# some themes set the background pixmap VERY frequently */
     530           0 :         GdkWindow* pWin = GTK_WIDGET(m_pWindow)->window;
     531           0 :         if( pWin )
     532             :         {
     533           0 :             aWin = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(pWin);
     534           0 :             if( aWin != None )
     535           0 :                 XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( pFrame->getDisplay()->GetDisplay(),
     536             :                                             aWin,
     537           0 :                                             None );
     538             :         }
     539             :     }
     540           0 :     X11SalGraphics::copyBits( pPosAry, pSrcGraphics );
     541           0 :     if( pFrame && pFrame->getBackgroundPixmap() != None )
     542           0 :         XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( pFrame->getDisplay()->GetDisplay(),
     543             :                                     aWin,
     544           0 :                                     pFrame->getBackgroundPixmap() );
     545           0 : }
     546             : 
     547             : /*
     548             :  * IsNativeControlSupported()
     549             :  *
     550             :  *  Returns sal_True if the platform supports native
     551             :  *  drawing of the control defined by nPart
     552             :  */
     553           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
     554             : {
     555           0 :     switch(nType)
     556             :     {
     557             :         case CTRL_PUSHBUTTON:
     558             :         case CTRL_RADIOBUTTON:
     559             :         case CTRL_CHECKBOX:
     560             :         case CTRL_TOOLTIP:
     561             :         case CTRL_PROGRESS:
     562             :         case CTRL_LISTNODE:
     563             :         case CTRL_LISTNET:
     564           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
     565           0 :                 return true;
     566           0 :             break;
     567             : 
     568             :         case CTRL_SCROLLBAR:
     569           0 :             if(nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ || nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT ||
     570             :                nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL       || nPart==HAS_THREE_BUTTONS)
     571           0 :                 return true;
     572           0 :             break;
     573             : 
     574             :         case CTRL_EDITBOX:
     575             :         case CTRL_MULTILINE_EDITBOX:
     576             :         case CTRL_COMBOBOX:
     577           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)
     578           0 :                 return true;
     579           0 :             break;
     580             : 
     581             :         case CTRL_SPINBOX:
     582           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS || nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)
     583           0 :                 return true;
     584           0 :             break;
     585             : 
     586             :         case CTRL_SPINBUTTONS:
     587           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS)
     588           0 :                 return true;
     589           0 :             break;
     590             : 
     591             :         case CTRL_FRAME:
     592             :         case CTRL_WINDOW_BACKGROUND:
     593           0 :             return true;
     594             : 
     595             :         case CTRL_TAB_ITEM:
     596             :         case CTRL_TAB_PANE:
     597             :         case CTRL_TAB_BODY:
     598           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==PART_TABS_DRAW_RTL)
     599           0 :                 return true;
     600           0 :             break;
     601             : 
     602             :         case CTRL_LISTBOX:
     603           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==PART_WINDOW || nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)
     604           0 :                 return true;
     605           0 :             break;
     606             : 
     607             :         case CTRL_TOOLBAR:
     608           0 :             if( nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL
     609             :                 ||  nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ
     610             :                 ||  nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT
     611             :                 ||  nPart==PART_THUMB_HORZ
     612             :                 ||  nPart==PART_THUMB_VERT
     613             :                 ||  nPart==PART_BUTTON
     614             :                 ||  nPart==PART_SEPARATOR_HORZ
     615             :                 ||  nPart==PART_SEPARATOR_VERT
     616             :                 )
     617           0 :                 return true;
     618           0 :             break;
     619             : 
     620             :         case CTRL_MENUBAR:
     621           0 :             if(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL || nPart==PART_MENU_ITEM)
     622           0 :                 return true;
     623           0 :             break;
     624             : 
     625             :         case CTRL_MENU_POPUP:
     626           0 :             if (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL
     627             :                 ||  nPart==PART_MENU_ITEM
     628             :                 ||  nPart==PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK
     629             :                 ||  nPart==PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK
     630             :                 ||  nPart==PART_MENU_SEPARATOR
     631             :                 ||  nPart==PART_MENU_SUBMENU_ARROW
     632             :             )
     633           0 :                 return true;
     634           0 :             break;
     635             : 
     636             :         case CTRL_SLIDER:
     637           0 :             if(nPart == PART_TRACK_HORZ_AREA || nPart == PART_TRACK_VERT_AREA)
     638           0 :                 return true;
     639           0 :             break;
     640             : 
     641             :         case CTRL_FIXEDLINE:
     642           0 :             if(nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_VERT || nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_HORZ)
     643           0 :                 return true;
     644           0 :             break;
     645             : 
     646             :         case CTRL_LISTHEADER:
     647           0 :             if(nPart == PART_BUTTON || nPart == PART_ARROW)
     648           0 :                 return true;
     649           0 :             break;
     650             :     }
     651             : 
     652           0 :     return false;
     653             : }
     654             : 
     655             : 
     656             : /*
     657             :  * HitTestNativeControl()
     658             :  *
     659             :  *  bIsInside is set to sal_True if aPos is contained within the
     660             :  *  given part of the control, whose bounding region is
     661             :  *  given by rControlRegion (in VCL frame coordinates).
     662             :  *
     663             :  *  returns whether bIsInside was really set.
     664             :  */
     665           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType        nType,
     666             :                                 ControlPart        nPart,
     667             :                                 const Rectangle&        rControlRegion,
     668             :                                 const Point&        aPos,
     669             :                                 sal_Bool&            rIsInside )
     670             : {
     671           0 :     if ( ( nType == CTRL_SCROLLBAR ) &&
     672             :          ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) ||
     673             :            ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN ) ||
     674             :            ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_LEFT ) ||
     675             :            ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_RIGHT ) ) )
     676             :     {
     677           0 :         NWEnsureGTKScrollbars( m_nXScreen );
     678             : 
     679             :         // Grab some button style attributes
     680             :         gboolean has_forward;
     681             :         gboolean has_forward2;
     682             :         gboolean has_backward;
     683             :         gboolean has_backward2;
     684             : 
     685           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollHorizWidget,
     686             :                               "has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
     687             :                               "has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
     688             :                               "has-backward-stepper", &has_backward,
     689             :                               "has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2,
     690           0 :                               (char *)NULL );
     691           0 :         Rectangle aForward;
     692           0 :         Rectangle aBackward;
     693             : 
     694           0 :         rIsInside = sal_False;
     695             : 
     696           0 :         ControlPart nCounterPart = 0;
     697           0 :         if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP )
     698           0 :             nCounterPart = PART_BUTTON_DOWN;
     699           0 :         else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
     700           0 :             nCounterPart = PART_BUTTON_UP;
     701           0 :         else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_LEFT )
     702           0 :             nCounterPart = PART_BUTTON_RIGHT;
     703           0 :         else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_RIGHT )
     704           0 :             nCounterPart = PART_BUTTON_LEFT;
     705             : 
     706           0 :         aBackward = NWGetScrollButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nPart, rControlRegion );
     707           0 :         aForward = NWGetScrollButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nCounterPart, rControlRegion );
     708             : 
     709           0 :         if ( has_backward && has_forward2 )
     710             :         {
     711           0 :             Size aSize( aBackward.GetSize() );
     712           0 :             if ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) || ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN ) )
     713           0 :                 aSize.setHeight( aBackward.GetHeight() / 2 );
     714             :             else
     715           0 :                 aSize.setWidth( aBackward.GetWidth() / 2 );
     716           0 :             aBackward.SetSize( aSize );
     717             : 
     718           0 :             if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
     719           0 :                 aBackward.Move( 0, aBackward.GetHeight() / 2 );
     720           0 :             else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_RIGHT )
     721           0 :                 aBackward.Move( aBackward.GetWidth() / 2, 0 );
     722             :         }
     723             : 
     724           0 :         if ( has_backward2 && has_forward )
     725             :         {
     726           0 :             Size aSize( aForward.GetSize() );
     727           0 :             if ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) || ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN ) )
     728           0 :                 aSize.setHeight( aForward.GetHeight() / 2 );
     729             :             else
     730           0 :                 aSize.setWidth( aForward.GetWidth() / 2 );
     731           0 :             aForward.SetSize( aSize );
     732             : 
     733           0 :             if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
     734           0 :                 aForward.Move( 0, aForward.GetHeight() / 2 );
     735           0 :             else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_RIGHT )
     736           0 :                 aForward.Move( aForward.GetWidth() / 2, 0 );
     737             :         }
     738             : 
     739           0 :         if ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) || ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_LEFT ) )
     740             :         {
     741           0 :             if ( has_backward )
     742           0 :                 rIsInside |= aBackward.IsInside( aPos );
     743           0 :             if ( has_backward2 )
     744           0 :                 rIsInside |= aForward.IsInside( aPos );
     745             :         }
     746             :         else
     747             :         {
     748           0 :             if ( has_forward )
     749           0 :                 rIsInside |= aBackward.IsInside( aPos );
     750           0 :             if ( has_forward2 )
     751           0 :                 rIsInside |= aForward.IsInside( aPos );
     752             :         }
     753           0 :         return ( sal_True );
     754             :     }
     755             : 
     756           0 :     if( IsNativeControlSupported(nType, nPart) )
     757             :     {
     758           0 :         rIsInside = rControlRegion.IsInside( aPos );
     759           0 :         return( sal_True );
     760             :     }
     761             :     else
     762             :     {
     763           0 :         return( sal_False );
     764             :     }
     765             : }
     766             : 
     767             : 
     768             : /*
     769             :  * DrawNativeControl()
     770             :  *
     771             :  *  Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
     772             :  *
     773             :  *  rControlRegion:    The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
     774             :  *  aValue:          An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
     775             :  *  rCaption:      A caption or title string (like button text etc)
     776             :  */
     777           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(    ControlType nType,
     778             :                             ControlPart nPart,
     779             :                             const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
     780             :                             ControlState nState,
     781             :                             const ImplControlValue& aValue,
     782             :                             const OUString& rCaption )
     783             : {
     784           0 :     sal_Bool            returnVal = sal_False;
     785             :     // get a GC with current clipping region set
     786           0 :     GetFontGC();
     787             : 
     788             :     // theme changed ?
     789           0 :     if( GtkSalGraphics::bThemeChanged )
     790             :     {
     791             :         // invalidate caches
     792           0 :         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < gWidgetData.size(); i++ )
     793           0 :             if( gWidgetData[i].gNWPixmapCacheList )
     794           0 :                 gWidgetData[i].gNWPixmapCacheList->ThemeChanged();
     795           0 :         GtkSalGraphics::bThemeChanged = sal_False;
     796             :     }
     797             : 
     798           0 :     Rectangle aCtrlRect( rControlRegion );
     799           0 :     Region aClipRegion( m_aClipRegion );
     800           0 :     if( aClipRegion.IsNull() )
     801           0 :         aClipRegion = aCtrlRect;
     802             : 
     803           0 :     clipList aClip;
     804           0 :     GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( GetGdkWindow() );
     805           0 :     GdkPixmap* pixmap = NULL;
     806           0 :     Rectangle aPixmapRect;
     807           0 :     if( ( bNeedPixmapPaint )
     808             :         && nType != CTRL_SCROLLBAR
     809             :         && nType != CTRL_SPINBOX
     810             :         && nType != CTRL_TAB_ITEM
     811             :         && nType != CTRL_TAB_PANE
     812             :         && nType != CTRL_PROGRESS
     813           0 :         && ! (nType == CTRL_TOOLBAR && (nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ || nPart == PART_THUMB_VERT) )
     814             :         )
     815             :     {
     816             :         // make pixmap a little larger since some themes draw decoration
     817             :         // outside the rectangle, see e.g. checkbox
     818           0 :         aPixmapRect = Rectangle( Point( aCtrlRect.Left()-1, aCtrlRect.Top()-1 ),
     819           0 :                                  Size( aCtrlRect.GetWidth()+2, aCtrlRect.GetHeight()+2) );
     820           0 :         pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( aPixmapRect );
     821           0 :         if( ! pixmap )
     822           0 :             return sal_False;
     823           0 :         gdkDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap );
     824           0 :         aCtrlRect = Rectangle( Point(1,1), aCtrlRect.GetSize() );
     825           0 :         aClip.push_back( aCtrlRect );
     826             :     }
     827             :     else
     828             :     {
     829           0 :         RegionHandle aHdl = aClipRegion.BeginEnumRects();
     830           0 :         Rectangle aPaintRect;
     831           0 :         while( aClipRegion.GetNextEnumRect( aHdl, aPaintRect ) )
     832             :         {
     833           0 :             aPaintRect = aCtrlRect.GetIntersection( aPaintRect );
     834           0 :             if( aPaintRect.IsEmpty() )
     835           0 :                 continue;
     836           0 :             aClip.push_back( aPaintRect );
     837             :         }
     838           0 :         aClipRegion.EndEnumRects( aHdl );
     839             :     }
     840             : 
     841           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_PUSHBUTTON) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     842             :     {
     843           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKButton( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     844             :     }
     845           0 :     else if ( (nType==CTRL_RADIOBUTTON) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     846             :     {
     847           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKRadio( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     848             :     }
     849           0 :     else if ( (nType==CTRL_CHECKBOX) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     850             :     {
     851           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKCheck( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     852             :     }
     853           0 :     else if ( (nType==CTRL_SCROLLBAR) && ((nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ) || (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)) )
     854             :     {
     855           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKScrollbar( nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     856             :     }
     857           0 :     else if ( ((nType==CTRL_EDITBOX) && ((nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)) )
     858             :         || ((nType==CTRL_SPINBOX) && (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE))
     859             :     || ((nType==CTRL_COMBOBOX) && (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE))
     860             :     || ((nType==CTRL_LISTBOX) && (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)) )
     861             :     {
     862           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKEditBox( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     863             :     }
     864           0 :     else if ( ((nType==CTRL_MULTILINE_EDITBOX) && ((nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)) ) )
     865             :     {
     866           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKEditBox( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     867             :     }
     868           0 :     else if ( ((nType==CTRL_SPINBOX) || (nType==CTRL_SPINBUTTONS))
     869             :         && ((nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) || (nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS)) )
     870             :     {
     871           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKSpinBox( nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     872             :     }
     873           0 :     else if ( (nType == CTRL_COMBOBOX) &&
     874             :         ( (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
     875             :         ||(nPart==PART_BUTTON_DOWN)
     876             :         ) )
     877             :     {
     878           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKComboBox( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     879             :     }
     880           0 :     else if ( (nType==CTRL_TAB_ITEM) || (nType==CTRL_TAB_PANE) || (nType==CTRL_TAB_BODY) )
     881             :     {
     882           0 :         if ( nType == CTRL_TAB_BODY )
     883           0 :             returnVal = sal_True;
     884             :         else
     885           0 :             returnVal = NWPaintGTKTabItem( nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption);
     886             :     }
     887           0 :     else if ( (nType==CTRL_LISTBOX) && ((nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) || (nPart==PART_WINDOW)) )
     888             :     {
     889           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKListBox( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     890             :     }
     891           0 :     else if ( nType== CTRL_TOOLBAR )
     892             :     {
     893           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKToolbar( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     894             :     }
     895           0 :     else if ( nType== CTRL_MENUBAR )
     896             :     {
     897           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKMenubar( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     898             :     }
     899           0 :     else if(    (nType == CTRL_MENU_POPUP)
     900             :         && (  (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
     901             :     || (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM)
     902             :     || (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK)
     903             :     || (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK)
     904             :     || (nPart == PART_MENU_SEPARATOR)
     905             :     || (nPart == PART_MENU_SUBMENU_ARROW)
     906             :     )
     907             :     )
     908             :     {
     909           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKPopupMenu( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     910             :     }
     911           0 :     else if( (nType == CTRL_TOOLTIP) && (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     912             :     {
     913           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKTooltip( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     914             :     }
     915           0 :     else if( (nType == CTRL_PROGRESS) && (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     916             :     {
     917           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKProgress( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     918             :     }
     919           0 :     else if( (nType == CTRL_LISTNODE) && (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     920             :     {
     921           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKListNode( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     922             :     }
     923           0 :     else if( (nType == CTRL_LISTNET) && (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
     924             :     {
     925             :         // don't actually draw anything; gtk treeviews do not draw lines
     926           0 :         returnVal = TRUE;
     927             :     }
     928           0 :     else if( nType == CTRL_SLIDER )
     929             :     {
     930           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKSlider( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     931             :     }
     932           0 :     else if( nType == CTRL_WINDOW_BACKGROUND )
     933             :     {
     934           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKWindowBackground( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     935             :     }
     936           0 :     else if( nType == CTRL_FIXEDLINE )
     937             :     {
     938           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKFixedLine( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     939             :     }
     940           0 :     else if(nType==CTRL_FRAME)
     941             :     {
     942           0 :         returnVal = NWPaintGTKFrame( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption);
     943             :     }
     944           0 :     else if(nType==CTRL_LISTHEADER)
     945             :     {
     946           0 :         if(nPart == PART_BUTTON)
     947           0 :             returnVal = NWPaintGTKListHeader( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     948           0 :         else if(nPart == PART_ARROW)
     949           0 :             returnVal = NWPaintGTKArrow( gdkDrawable, nType, nPart, aCtrlRect, aClip, nState, aValue, rCaption );
     950             :     }
     951             : 
     952           0 :     if( pixmap )
     953             :     {
     954           0 :         returnVal = NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, aPixmapRect ) && returnVal;
     955           0 :         g_object_unref( pixmap );
     956             :     }
     957             : 
     958           0 :     return( returnVal );
     959             : }
     960             : 
     961             : /*
     962             :  * GetNativeControlRegion()
     963             :  *
     964             :  *  If the return value is sal_True, rNativeBoundingRegion
     965             :  *  contains the true bounding region covered by the control
     966             :  *  including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
     967             :  *  within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
     968             :  *  the borders of the control.
     969             :  *
     970             :  *  rControlRegion:    The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
     971             :  *  aValue:        An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
     972             :  *  rCaption:        A caption or title string (like button text etc)
     973             :  */
     974           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion(  ControlType nType,
     975             :                                 ControlPart nPart,
     976             :                                 const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
     977             :                                 ControlState nState,
     978             :                                 const ImplControlValue& aValue,
     979             :                                 const OUString& rCaption,
     980             :                                 Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion,
     981             :                                 Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion )
     982             : {
     983           0 :     sal_Bool returnVal = sal_False;
     984             : 
     985           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_PUSHBUTTON) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
     986           0 :         && (rControlRegion.GetWidth() > 16)
     987           0 :     && (rControlRegion.GetHeight() > 16) )
     988             :     {
     989             :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetButtonArea( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRegion,
     990           0 :         nState, aValue, rCaption );
     991           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rControlRegion;
     992             : 
     993           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
     994             :     }
     995           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_COMBOBOX) && ((nPart==PART_BUTTON_DOWN) || (nPart==PART_SUB_EDIT)) )
     996             :     {
     997             :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetComboBoxButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRegion, nState,
     998           0 :         aValue, rCaption );
     999           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1000             : 
    1001           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1002             :     }
    1003           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_SPINBOX) && ((nPart==PART_BUTTON_UP) || (nPart==PART_BUTTON_DOWN) || (nPart==PART_SUB_EDIT)) )
    1004             :     {
    1005             : 
    1006             :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetSpinButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRegion, nState,
    1007           0 :         aValue, rCaption );
    1008           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1009             : 
    1010           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1011             :     }
    1012           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_LISTBOX) && ((nPart==PART_BUTTON_DOWN) || (nPart==PART_SUB_EDIT)) )
    1013             :     {
    1014             :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetListBoxButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRegion, nState,
    1015           0 :         aValue, rCaption );
    1016           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1017             : 
    1018           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1019             :     }
    1020           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_TOOLBAR) &&
    1021             :         ((nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ)    ||
    1022             :         (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)    ||
    1023             :         (nPart==PART_THUMB_HORZ)            ||
    1024             :         (nPart==PART_THUMB_VERT)            ||
    1025             :         (nPart==PART_BUTTON)
    1026             :         ))
    1027             :     {
    1028           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetToolbarRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRegion, nState, aValue, rCaption );
    1029           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1030           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1031             :     }
    1032           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_SCROLLBAR) && ((nPart==PART_BUTTON_LEFT) || (nPart==PART_BUTTON_RIGHT) ||
    1033             :         (nPart==PART_BUTTON_UP) || (nPart==PART_BUTTON_DOWN)  ) )
    1034             :     {
    1035           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = NWGetScrollButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nPart, rControlRegion );
    1036           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1037             : 
    1038             :         //See fdo#33523, possibly makes sense to do this test for all return values
    1039           0 :         if (!rNativeContentRegion.GetWidth())
    1040           0 :             rNativeContentRegion.Right() = rNativeContentRegion.Left() + 1;
    1041           0 :         if (!rNativeContentRegion.GetHeight())
    1042           0 :             rNativeContentRegion.Bottom() = rNativeContentRegion.Top() + 1;
    1043           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1044             :     }
    1045           0 :     if( (nType == CTRL_MENUBAR) && (nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) )
    1046             :     {
    1047           0 :         NWEnsureGTKMenubar( m_nXScreen );
    1048             :         GtkRequisition aReq;
    1049           0 :         gtk_widget_size_request( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget, &aReq );
    1050           0 :         Rectangle aMenuBarRect = rControlRegion;
    1051             :         aMenuBarRect = Rectangle( aMenuBarRect.TopLeft(),
    1052           0 :                                   Size( aMenuBarRect.GetWidth(), aReq.height+1 ) );
    1053           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = aMenuBarRect;
    1054           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1055           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1056             :     }
    1057           0 :     if( nType == CTRL_MENU_POPUP )
    1058             :     {
    1059           0 :         if( (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK) ||
    1060             :             (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK) )
    1061             :         {
    1062           0 :             NWEnsureGTKMenu( m_nXScreen );
    1063             : 
    1064           0 :             gint indicator_size = 0;
    1065             :             GtkWidget* pWidget = (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK) ?
    1066           0 :                 gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget : gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget;
    1067             :             gtk_widget_style_get( pWidget,
    1068             :                                   "indicator_size", &indicator_size,
    1069           0 :                                   (char *)NULL );
    1070           0 :             rNativeBoundingRegion = rControlRegion;
    1071             :             Rectangle aIndicatorRect( Point( 0,
    1072           0 :                                              (rControlRegion.GetHeight()-indicator_size)/2),
    1073           0 :                                       Size( indicator_size, indicator_size ) );
    1074           0 :             rNativeContentRegion = aIndicatorRect;
    1075           0 :             returnVal = sal_True;
    1076             :         }
    1077           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_SUBMENU_ARROW )
    1078             :         {
    1079           0 :             GtkWidget* widget = gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget;
    1080             :             GtkWidget* child;
    1081             :             PangoContext *context;
    1082             :             PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
    1083             :             gint arrow_size;
    1084             :             gint arrow_extent;
    1085             :             guint horizontal_padding;
    1086           0 :             gfloat arrow_scaling = 0.4; // Default for early GTK versions
    1087             : 
    1088             :             gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
    1089             :                                   "horizontal-padding", &horizontal_padding,
    1090           0 :                                   NULL );
    1091             : 
    1092             :             // Use arrow-scaling property if available (2.15+), avoid warning otherwise
    1093           0 :             if ( gtk_widget_class_find_style_property( GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS( widget ),
    1094           0 :                                                        "arrow-scaling" ) )
    1095             :             {
    1096             :                 gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
    1097             :                                       "arrow-scaling", &arrow_scaling,
    1098           0 :                                       NULL );
    1099             :             }
    1100             : 
    1101           0 :             child = GTK_BIN( widget )->child;
    1102             : 
    1103           0 :             context = gtk_widget_get_pango_context( child );
    1104             :             metrics = pango_context_get_metrics( context,
    1105             :                                                  child->style->font_desc,
    1106           0 :                                                  pango_context_get_language( context ) );
    1107             : 
    1108           0 :             arrow_size = ( PANGO_PIXELS( pango_font_metrics_get_ascent( metrics ) +
    1109           0 :                                          pango_font_metrics_get_descent( metrics ) ));
    1110             : 
    1111           0 :             pango_font_metrics_unref( metrics );
    1112             : 
    1113           0 :             arrow_extent = static_cast<gint>(arrow_size * arrow_scaling);
    1114             : 
    1115             :             rNativeContentRegion = Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ),
    1116           0 :                                               Size( arrow_extent, arrow_extent ));
    1117             :             rNativeBoundingRegion = Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ),
    1118           0 :                                                Size( arrow_extent + horizontal_padding, arrow_extent ));
    1119           0 :             returnVal = sal_True;
    1120             :         }
    1121             :     }
    1122           0 :     if( (nType == CTRL_RADIOBUTTON || nType == CTRL_CHECKBOX) )
    1123             :     {
    1124           0 :         NWEnsureGTKRadio( m_nXScreen );
    1125           0 :         NWEnsureGTKCheck( m_nXScreen );
    1126           0 :         GtkWidget* widget = (nType == CTRL_RADIOBUTTON) ? gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget : gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget;
    1127             :         gint indicator_size, indicator_spacing, focusPad, focusWidth;
    1128             :         gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
    1129             :                               "indicator_size", &indicator_size,
    1130             :                               "indicator_spacing", &indicator_spacing,
    1131             :                               "focus-line-width", &focusWidth,
    1132             :                               "focus-padding", &focusPad,
    1133           0 :                               (char *)NULL);
    1134           0 :         indicator_size += 2*indicator_spacing + 2*(focusWidth + focusWidth);
    1135           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = rControlRegion;
    1136             :         Rectangle aIndicatorRect( Point( 0,
    1137           0 :                                          (rControlRegion.GetHeight()-indicator_size)/2),
    1138           0 :                                   Size( indicator_size, indicator_size ) );
    1139           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = aIndicatorRect;
    1140           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1141             :     }
    1142           0 :     if( (nType == CTRL_EDITBOX || nType == CTRL_SPINBOX) && nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL )
    1143             :     {
    1144           0 :         NWEnsureGTKEditBox( m_nXScreen );
    1145           0 :         GtkWidget* widget = gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gEditBoxWidget;
    1146             :         GtkRequisition aReq;
    1147           0 :         gtk_widget_size_request( widget, &aReq );
    1148           0 :         Rectangle aEditRect = rControlRegion;
    1149           0 :         long nHeight = (aEditRect.GetHeight() > aReq.height) ? aEditRect.GetHeight() : aReq.height;
    1150             :         aEditRect = Rectangle( aEditRect.TopLeft(),
    1151           0 :                                Size( aEditRect.GetWidth(), nHeight ) );
    1152           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = aEditRect;
    1153           0 :         rNativeContentRegion = rNativeBoundingRegion;
    1154           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1155             :     }
    1156           0 :     if( (nType == CTRL_SLIDER) && (nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ || nPart == PART_THUMB_VERT) )
    1157             :     {
    1158           0 :         NWEnsureGTKSlider( m_nXScreen );
    1159           0 :         GtkWidget* widget = (nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ) ? gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHScale : gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gVScale;
    1160           0 :         gint slider_length = 10;
    1161           0 :         gint slider_width = 10;
    1162             :         gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
    1163             :                               "slider-width", &slider_width,
    1164             :                               "slider-length", &slider_length,
    1165           0 :                               (char *)NULL);
    1166           0 :         Rectangle aRect( rControlRegion );
    1167           0 :         if( nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ )
    1168             :         {
    1169           0 :             aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + slider_length - 1;
    1170           0 :             aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top() + slider_width - 1;
    1171             :         }
    1172             :         else
    1173             :         {
    1174           0 :             aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top() + slider_length - 1;
    1175           0 :             aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + slider_width - 1;
    1176             :         }
    1177           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = rNativeContentRegion = aRect;
    1178           0 :         returnVal = sal_True;
    1179             :     }
    1180           0 :     if( nType == CTRL_FRAME && nPart == PART_BORDER )
    1181             :     {
    1182           0 :         int frameWidth = getFrameWidth(m_pWindow);
    1183           0 :         rNativeBoundingRegion = rControlRegion;
    1184           0 :         sal_uInt16 nStyle = aValue.getNumericVal();
    1185           0 :         int x1=rControlRegion.Left();
    1186           0 :         int y1=rControlRegion.Top();
    1187           0 :         int x2=rControlRegion.Right();
    1188           0 :         int y2=rControlRegion.Bottom();
    1189             : 
    1190           0 :         if( nStyle & FRAME_DRAW_NODRAW )
    1191             :         {
    1192             :             rNativeContentRegion = Rectangle(x1+frameWidth,
    1193             :                                              y1+frameWidth,
    1194             :                                              x2-frameWidth,
    1195           0 :                                              y2-frameWidth);
    1196             :         }
    1197             :         else
    1198           0 :             rNativeContentRegion = rControlRegion;
    1199           0 :         returnVal=true;
    1200             :     }
    1201             : 
    1202           0 :     return( returnVal );
    1203             : }
    1204             : 
    1205             : /************************************************************************
    1206             :  * Individual control drawing functions
    1207             :  ************************************************************************/
    1208           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKArrow(
    1209             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1210             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    1211             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1212             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1213             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    1214             :             const OUString& )
    1215             : {
    1216           0 :     GtkArrowType arrowType(aValue.getNumericVal()&1?GTK_ARROW_DOWN:GTK_ARROW_UP);
    1217           0 :     GtkStateType stateType(nState&CTRL_STATE_PRESSED?GTK_STATE_ACTIVE:GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
    1218             : 
    1219             :     GdkRectangle clipRect;
    1220           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1221             :     {
    1222           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1223           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1224           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1225           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1226             : 
    1227             :         gtk_paint_arrow(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,stateType,GTK_SHADOW_NONE,&clipRect,
    1228             :                 m_pWindow,"arrow",arrowType,true,
    1229           0 :                 rControlRectangle.Left(),
    1230           0 :                 rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1231           0 :                 rControlRectangle.GetWidth(),
    1232           0 :                 rControlRectangle.GetHeight());
    1233             :     }
    1234           0 :     return true;
    1235             : }
    1236             : 
    1237           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListHeader(
    1238             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1239             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    1240             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1241             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1242             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
    1243             :             const OUString& )
    1244             : {
    1245             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    1246             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    1247           0 :     NWEnsureGTKTreeView( m_nXScreen );
    1248           0 :     GtkWidget* &treeview(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTreeView);
    1249           0 :     GtkTreeViewColumn* column=gtk_tree_view_get_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview),0);
    1250           0 :     GtkWidget* button=gtk_tree_view_column_get_widget(column);
    1251           0 :     while(button && !GTK_IS_BUTTON(button))
    1252           0 :         button=gtk_widget_get_parent(button);
    1253           0 :     if(!button)
    1254             :         // Shouldn't ever happen
    1255           0 :         return false;
    1256           0 :     gtk_widget_realize(button);
    1257           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1258           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( button, nState, stateType );
    1259             : 
    1260             :     GdkRectangle clipRect;
    1261           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1262             :     {
    1263           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1264           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1265           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1266           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1267             : 
    1268             :         gtk_paint_box(button->style,gdkDrawable,stateType,shadowType,&clipRect,
    1269             :                 button,"button",
    1270           0 :                 rControlRectangle.Left()-1,
    1271           0 :                 rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1272           0 :                 rControlRectangle.GetWidth()+1,
    1273           0 :                 rControlRectangle.GetHeight());
    1274             :     }
    1275           0 :     return true;
    1276             : }
    1277             : 
    1278           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKFixedLine(
    1279             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1280             :             ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    1281             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1282             :             const clipList&,
    1283             :             ControlState, const ImplControlValue&,
    1284             :             const OUString& )
    1285             : {
    1286           0 :     if(nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_HORZ)
    1287           0 :         gtk_paint_hline(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,NULL,m_pWindow,"hseparator",rControlRectangle.Left(),rControlRectangle.Right(),rControlRectangle.Top());
    1288             :     else
    1289           0 :         gtk_paint_vline(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,NULL,m_pWindow,"vseparator",rControlRectangle.Top(),rControlRectangle.Bottom(),rControlRectangle.Left());
    1290             : 
    1291           0 :     return true;
    1292             : }
    1293             : 
    1294           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKFrame(
    1295             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1296             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    1297             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1298             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1299             :             ControlState /* nState */, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    1300             :             const OUString& )
    1301             : {
    1302             :     GdkRectangle clipRect;
    1303           0 :     int frameWidth=getFrameWidth(m_pWindow);
    1304           0 :     GtkShadowType shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    1305           0 :     sal_uInt16 nStyle = aValue.getNumericVal();
    1306           0 :     if( nStyle & FRAME_DRAW_IN )
    1307           0 :         shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    1308           0 :     if( nStyle & FRAME_DRAW_OUT )
    1309           0 :         shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    1310             : 
    1311           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1312             :     {
    1313           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1314           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1315           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1316           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1317             : 
    1318             :         // Draw background first
    1319             : 
    1320             :         // Top
    1321             :         gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_OUT,&clipRect,
    1322             :                          m_pWindow,"base",
    1323           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Left(),
    1324           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1325           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetWidth(),
    1326           0 :                          frameWidth);
    1327             :         // Bottom
    1328             :         gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_OUT,&clipRect,
    1329             :                          m_pWindow,"base",
    1330           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Left(),
    1331           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Top()+rControlRectangle.GetHeight()-frameWidth,
    1332           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetWidth(),
    1333           0 :                          frameWidth);
    1334             :         // Left
    1335             :         gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_OUT,&clipRect,
    1336             :                          m_pWindow,"base",
    1337           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Left(),
    1338           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1339             :                          2*frameWidth,
    1340           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetHeight());
    1341             :         // Right
    1342             :         gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_OUT,&clipRect,
    1343             :                          m_pWindow,"base",
    1344           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Left()+rControlRectangle.GetWidth()-frameWidth,
    1345           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1346             :                          2*frameWidth,
    1347           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetHeight());
    1348             : 
    1349             :         // Now render the frame
    1350             :         gtk_paint_shadow(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,shadowType,&clipRect,
    1351             :                          m_pWindow,"base",
    1352           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Left(),
    1353           0 :                          rControlRectangle.Top(),
    1354           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetWidth(),
    1355           0 :                          rControlRectangle.GetHeight());
    1356             :     }
    1357             : 
    1358           0 :     return sal_True;
    1359             : }
    1360             : 
    1361           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKWindowBackground(
    1362             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1363             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    1364             :             const Rectangle& /* rControlRectangle */,
    1365             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1366             :             ControlState /* nState */, const ImplControlValue&,
    1367             :             const OUString& )
    1368             : {
    1369             :     int w,h;
    1370           0 :     gtk_window_get_size(GTK_WINDOW(m_pWindow),&w,&h);
    1371             :     GdkRectangle clipRect;
    1372           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1373             :     {
    1374           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1375           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1376           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1377           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1378             : 
    1379           0 :         gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,gdkDrawable,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_NONE,&clipRect,m_pWindow,"base",0,0,w,h);
    1380             :     }
    1381             : 
    1382           0 :     return sal_True;
    1383             : }
    1384             : 
    1385           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKButtonReal(
    1386             :             GtkWidget* button,
    1387             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1388             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    1389             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1390             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1391             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
    1392             :             const OUString& )
    1393             : {
    1394             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    1395             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    1396             :     gboolean        interiorFocus;
    1397             :     gint            focusWidth;
    1398             :     gint            focusPad;
    1399           0 :     sal_Bool            bDrawFocus = sal_True;
    1400             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    1401             :     GtkBorder        aDefBorder;
    1402             :     GtkBorder*        pBorder;
    1403             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    1404             : 
    1405           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    1406           0 :     NWEnsureGTKToolbar( m_nXScreen );
    1407             : 
    1408             :     // Flat toolbutton has a bit bigger variety of states than normal buttons, so handle it differently
    1409           0 :     if(GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button))
    1410             :     {
    1411           0 :        if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button)))
    1412           0 :            shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    1413             :        else
    1414           0 :            shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    1415             : 
    1416           0 :        if(nState & CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER)
    1417           0 :            stateType=GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
    1418             :        else
    1419           0 :            stateType=GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
    1420             : 
    1421           0 :        if(nState & CTRL_STATE_PRESSED)
    1422             :        {
    1423           0 :            stateType=GTK_STATE_ACTIVE;
    1424           0 :            shadowType=GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    1425             :        }
    1426             :     }
    1427             :     else
    1428             :     {
    1429           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1430           0 :         NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget, nState, stateType );
    1431             :     }
    1432             : 
    1433           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    1434           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    1435           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    1436           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    1437             : 
    1438           0 :     gint internal_padding = 0;
    1439           0 :     if(GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM(button))
    1440             :     {
    1441           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget),
    1442             :                 "internal-padding", &internal_padding,
    1443           0 :                 NULL);
    1444           0 :         x += internal_padding/2;
    1445           0 :         w -= internal_padding;
    1446           0 :         stateType = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
    1447             :     }
    1448             : 
    1449             :     // Grab some button style attributes
    1450           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget,    "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
    1451             :                                 "focus-padding",     &focusPad,
    1452             :                                  "interior_focus",    &interiorFocus,
    1453           0 :                                 (char *)NULL );
    1454           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget,
    1455             :                                 "default_border",    &pBorder,
    1456           0 :                                 (char *)NULL );
    1457             : 
    1458             :     // Make sure the border values exist, otherwise use some defaults
    1459           0 :     if ( pBorder )
    1460             :     {
    1461           0 :         NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( aDefBorder, pBorder );
    1462           0 :         gtk_border_free( pBorder );
    1463             :     }
    1464           0 :     else NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( aDefBorder, &aDefDefBorder );
    1465             : 
    1466             :     // If the button is too small, don't ever draw focus or grab more space
    1467           0 :     if ( (w < 16) || (h < 16) )
    1468           0 :         bDrawFocus = sal_False;
    1469             : 
    1470           0 :     gint xi = x, yi = y, wi = w, hi = h;
    1471           0 :     if ( (nState & CTRL_STATE_DEFAULT) && bDrawFocus )
    1472             :     {
    1473           0 :         xi += aDefBorder.left;
    1474           0 :         yi +=;
    1475           0 :         wi -= aDefBorder.left + aDefBorder.right;
    1476           0 :         hi -= + aDefBorder.bottom;
    1477             :     }
    1478             : 
    1479           0 :     if ( !interiorFocus && bDrawFocus )
    1480             :     {
    1481           0 :         xi += focusWidth + focusPad;
    1482           0 :         yi += focusWidth + focusPad;
    1483           0 :         wi -= 2 * (focusWidth + focusPad);
    1484           0 :         hi -= 2 * (focusWidth + focusPad);
    1485             :     }
    1486           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it)
    1487             :     {
    1488           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1489           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1490           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1491           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1492             : 
    1493             :         // Buttons must paint opaque since some themes have alpha-channel enabled buttons
    1494           0 :         if(button == gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget)
    1495             :         {
    1496           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    1497           0 :                                 &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget, "toolbar", x, y, w, h );
    1498             :         }
    1499             :         else
    1500             :         {
    1501             :             gtk_paint_box( m_pWindow->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    1502           0 :                                 &clipRect, m_pWindow, "base", x, y, w, h );
    1503             :         }
    1504             : 
    1505           0 :         if ( GTK_IS_BUTTON(button) )
    1506             :         {
    1507           0 :             if ( (nState & CTRL_STATE_DEFAULT) )
    1508             :                 gtk_paint_box( button->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
    1509           0 :                                &clipRect, button, "buttondefault", x, y, w, h );
    1510             : 
    1511             :             /* don't draw "button", because it can be a tool_button, and
    1512             :              * it causes some weird things, so, the default button is
    1513             :              * just fine */
    1514             :             gtk_paint_box( button->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1515           0 :                            &clipRect, button, "button", xi, yi, wi, hi );
    1516             :         }
    1517             :     }
    1518             : 
    1519           0 :     return( sal_True );
    1520             : }
    1521             : 
    1522           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKButton(
    1523             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1524             :             ControlType type, ControlPart part,
    1525             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1526             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    1527             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& value,
    1528             :             const OUString& string)
    1529             : {
    1530             :         return NWPaintGTKButtonReal(
    1531           0 :             gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget,
    1532             :             gdkDrawable,
    1533             :             type, part,
    1534             :             rControlRectangle,
    1535             :             rClipList,
    1536             :             nState, value,
    1537           0 :             string );
    1538             : }
    1539             : 
    1540           0 : static Rectangle NWGetButtonArea( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    1541             :                                   ControlType, ControlPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
    1542             :                                   const ImplControlValue&, const OUString& )
    1543             : {
    1544             :     gboolean        interiorFocus;
    1545             :     gint            focusWidth;
    1546             :     gint            focusPad;
    1547             :     GtkBorder        aDefBorder;
    1548             :     GtkBorder *    pBorder;
    1549           0 :     sal_Bool            bDrawFocus = sal_True;
    1550           0 :     Rectangle        aRect;
    1551             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    1552             : 
    1553           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( nScreen );
    1554           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gBtnWidget,
    1555             :                                 "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
    1556             :                                 "focus-padding",     &focusPad,
    1557             :                                  "interior_focus",    &interiorFocus,
    1558             :                                 "default_border",    &pBorder,
    1559           0 :                                 (char *)NULL );
    1560             : 
    1561             :     // Make sure the border values exist, otherwise use some defaults
    1562           0 :     if ( pBorder )
    1563             :     {
    1564           0 :         NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( aDefBorder, pBorder );
    1565           0 :         gtk_border_free( pBorder );
    1566             :     }
    1567           0 :     else NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( aDefBorder, &aDefDefBorder );
    1568             : 
    1569           0 :     x = aAreaRect.Left();
    1570           0 :     y = aAreaRect.Top();
    1571           0 :     w = aAreaRect.GetWidth();
    1572           0 :     h = aAreaRect.GetHeight();
    1573             : 
    1574             :     // If the button is too small, don't ever draw focus or grab more space
    1575           0 :     if ( (w < 16) || (h < 16) )
    1576           0 :         bDrawFocus = sal_False;
    1577             : 
    1578           0 :     if ( (nState & CTRL_STATE_DEFAULT) && bDrawFocus )
    1579             :     {
    1580           0 :         x -= aDefBorder.left;
    1581           0 :         y -=;
    1582           0 :         w += aDefBorder.left + aDefBorder.right;
    1583           0 :         h += + aDefBorder.bottom;
    1584             :     }
    1585             : 
    1586           0 :     aRect = Rectangle( Point( x, y ), Size( w, h ) );
    1587             : 
    1588           0 :     return( aRect );
    1589             : }
    1590             : 
    1591             : //-------------------------------------
    1592             : 
    1593           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKRadio( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1594             :                                       ControlType, ControlPart,
    1595             :                                       const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1596             :                                       const clipList& rClipList,
    1597             :                                       ControlState nState,
    1598             :                                       const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    1599             :                                       const OUString& )
    1600             : {
    1601             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    1602             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    1603           0 :     sal_Bool            isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal()==BUTTONVALUE_ON);
    1604             :     gint            x, y;
    1605             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    1606             : 
    1607           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    1608           0 :     NWEnsureGTKRadio( m_nXScreen );
    1609           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1610             : 
    1611             :     gint indicator_size;
    1612           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget, "indicator_size", &indicator_size, (char *)NULL);
    1613             : 
    1614           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left() + (rControlRectangle.GetWidth()-indicator_size)/2;
    1615           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top() + (rControlRectangle.GetHeight()-indicator_size)/2;
    1616             : 
    1617             :     // Set the shadow based on if checked or not so we get a freakin checkmark.
    1618           0 :     shadowType = isChecked ? GTK_SHADOW_IN : GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    1619           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget, nState, stateType );
    1620           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidgetSibling, nState, stateType );
    1621             : 
    1622             :     // GTK enforces radio groups, so that if we don't have 2 buttons in the group,
    1623             :     // the single button will always be active.  So we have to have 2 buttons.
    1624             : 
    1625             :     // #i59666# set the members directly where we should use
    1626             :     // gtk_toggle_button_set_active. reason: there are animated themes
    1627             :     // which are in active state only after a while leading to painting
    1628             :     // intermediate states between active/inactive. Let's hope that
    1629             :     // GtkToggleButtone stays binary compatible.
    1630           0 :     if (!isChecked)
    1631           0 :         GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidgetSibling)->active = sal_True;
    1632           0 :     GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget)->active = isChecked;
    1633             : 
    1634           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1635             :     {
    1636           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1637           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1638           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1639           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1640             : 
    1641           0 :         gtk_paint_option( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1642           0 :                           &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gRadioWidget, "radiobutton",
    1643           0 :                           x, y, indicator_size, indicator_size );
    1644             :     }
    1645             : 
    1646           0 :     return( sal_True );
    1647             : }
    1648             : 
    1649             : //-------------------------------------
    1650             : 
    1651           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKCheck( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    1652             :                                       ControlType, ControlPart,
    1653             :                                       const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1654             :                                       const clipList& rClipList,
    1655             :                                       ControlState nState,
    1656             :                                       const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    1657             :                                       const OUString& )
    1658             : {
    1659             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    1660             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    1661           0 :     bool            isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_ON);
    1662           0 :     bool            isInconsistent = (aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_MIXED);
    1663             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    1664             :     gint            x,y;
    1665             : 
    1666           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    1667           0 :     NWEnsureGTKCheck( m_nXScreen );
    1668           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1669             : 
    1670             :     gint indicator_size;
    1671           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget, "indicator_size", &indicator_size, (char *)NULL);
    1672             : 
    1673           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left() + (rControlRectangle.GetWidth()-indicator_size)/2;
    1674           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top() + (rControlRectangle.GetHeight()-indicator_size)/2;
    1675             : 
    1676             :     // Set the shadow based on if checked or not so we get a checkmark.
    1677           0 :     shadowType = isChecked ? GTK_SHADOW_IN : isInconsistent ? GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN : GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    1678           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget, nState, stateType );
    1679           0 :     GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget)->active = isChecked;
    1680             : 
    1681           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    1682             :     {
    1683           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    1684           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    1685           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    1686           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    1687             : 
    1688           0 :         gtk_paint_check( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1689           0 :                          &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gCheckWidget, "checkbutton",
    1690           0 :                          x, y, indicator_size, indicator_size );
    1691             :     }
    1692             : 
    1693           0 :     return( sal_True );
    1694             : }
    1695             : 
    1696             : //-------------------------------------
    1697           0 : static void NWCalcArrowRect( const Rectangle& rButton, Rectangle& rArrow )
    1698             : {
    1699             :     // Size the arrow appropriately
    1700           0 :     Size aSize( rButton.GetWidth()/2, rButton.GetHeight()/2 );
    1701           0 :     rArrow.SetSize( aSize );
    1702             : 
    1703             :     rArrow.SetPos( Point(
    1704           0 :         rButton.Left() + ( rButton.GetWidth()  - rArrow.GetWidth()  ) / 2,
    1705           0 :         rButton.Top() + ( rButton.GetHeight() - rArrow.GetHeight() ) / 2
    1706           0 :         ) );
    1707           0 : }
    1708             : 
    1709           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    1710             :                                           const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    1711             :                                           const clipList&,
    1712             :                                           ControlState nState,
    1713             :                                           const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    1714             :                                           const OUString& )
    1715             : {
    1716             :     OSL_ASSERT( aValue.getType() == CTRL_SCROLLBAR );
    1717           0 :     const ScrollbarValue* pScrollbarVal = static_cast<const ScrollbarValue *>(&aValue);
    1718           0 :     GdkPixmap*      pixmap = NULL;
    1719           0 :     Rectangle        pixmapRect, scrollbarRect;
    1720             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    1721             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    1722             :     GtkScrollbar *    scrollbarWidget;
    1723             :     GtkStyle *    style;
    1724           0 :     GtkAdjustment* scrollbarValues = NULL;
    1725             :     GtkOrientation    scrollbarOrientation;
    1726           0 :     Rectangle        thumbRect = pScrollbarVal->maThumbRect;
    1727           0 :     Rectangle        button11BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // backward
    1728           0 :     Rectangle        button22BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // forward
    1729           0 :     Rectangle        button12BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // secondary forward
    1730           0 :     Rectangle        button21BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // secondary backward
    1731             :     GtkArrowType    button1Type;                                        // backward
    1732             :     GtkArrowType    button2Type;                                        // forward
    1733           0 :     gchar *        scrollbarTagH = (gchar *) "hscrollbar";
    1734           0 :     gchar *        scrollbarTagV = (gchar *) "vscrollbar";
    1735           0 :     gchar *        scrollbarTag = NULL;
    1736           0 :     Rectangle        arrowRect;
    1737           0 :     gint            slider_width = 0;
    1738           0 :     gint            stepper_size = 0;
    1739           0 :     gint            stepper_spacing = 0;
    1740           0 :     gint            trough_border = 0;
    1741           0 :     gint            min_slider_length = 0;
    1742           0 :     gint            vShim = 0;
    1743           0 :     gint            hShim = 0;
    1744             :     gint            x,y,w,h;
    1745             : 
    1746             :     // make controlvalue rectangles relative to area
    1747           0 :     thumbRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
    1748           0 :     button11BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
    1749           0 :     button22BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
    1750           0 :     button12BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
    1751           0 :     button21BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
    1752             : 
    1753           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    1754           0 :     NWEnsureGTKScrollbars( m_nXScreen );
    1755           0 :     NWEnsureGTKArrow( m_nXScreen );
    1756             : 
    1757             :     // Find the overall bounding rect of the control
    1758           0 :     pixmapRect = rControlRectangle;
    1759           0 :     scrollbarRect = pixmapRect;
    1760             : 
    1761           0 :     if ( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() <= 1) || (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() <= 1) )
    1762           0 :         return( sal_True );
    1763             : 
    1764             :     // Grab some button style attributes
    1765           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollHorizWidget,
    1766             :                                       "slider_width", &slider_width,
    1767             :                                       "stepper_size", &stepper_size,
    1768             :                                       "trough_border", &trough_border,
    1769             :                                       "stepper_spacing", &stepper_spacing,
    1770           0 :                                       "min_slider_length", &min_slider_length, (char *)NULL );
    1771             :     gboolean has_forward;
    1772             :     gboolean has_forward2;
    1773             :     gboolean has_backward;
    1774             :     gboolean has_backward2;
    1775             : 
    1776           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollHorizWidget, "has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
    1777             :                                       "has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
    1778             :                                       "has-backward-stepper", &has_backward,
    1779           0 :                                          "has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2, (char *)NULL );
    1780           0 :     gint magic = trough_border ? 1 : 0;
    1781           0 :     gint nFirst = 0;
    1782             : 
    1783           0 :     if ( has_backward )  nFirst  += 1;
    1784           0 :     if ( has_forward2 )  nFirst  += 1;
    1785             : 
    1786           0 :     if ( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ )
    1787             :     {
    1788           0 :         unsigned int sliderHeight = slider_width + (trough_border * 2);
    1789           0 :         vShim = (pixmapRect.GetHeight() - sliderHeight) / 2;
    1790           0 :         bool bRTLSwap = button11BoundRect.Left() > button22BoundRect.Left();
    1791             : 
    1792           0 :         scrollbarRect.Move( 0, vShim );
    1793           0 :         scrollbarRect.SetSize( Size( scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), sliderHeight ) );
    1794             : 
    1795           0 :         scrollbarWidget = GTK_SCROLLBAR( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollHorizWidget );
    1796           0 :         scrollbarOrientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
    1797           0 :         scrollbarTag = scrollbarTagH;
    1798           0 :         button1Type = bRTLSwap? GTK_ARROW_RIGHT: GTK_ARROW_LEFT;
    1799           0 :         button2Type = bRTLSwap? GTK_ARROW_LEFT: GTK_ARROW_RIGHT;
    1800             : 
    1801           0 :         if ( has_backward )
    1802             :         {
    1803             :             button12BoundRect.Move( stepper_size - trough_border,
    1804           0 :                                     (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1805             :         }
    1806             : 
    1807           0 :         button11BoundRect.Move( trough_border, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1808           0 :         button11BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
    1809           0 :         button12BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
    1810             : 
    1811           0 :         if ( has_backward2 )
    1812             :         {
    1813           0 :             button22BoundRect.Move( stepper_size+(trough_border+1)/2, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1814           0 :             button21BoundRect.Move( (trough_border+1)/2, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1815             :         }
    1816             :         else
    1817             :         {
    1818           0 :             button22BoundRect.Move( (trough_border+1)/2, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1819             :         }
    1820             : 
    1821           0 :         button21BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
    1822           0 :         button22BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
    1823             : 
    1824           0 :         thumbRect.Bottom() = thumbRect.Top() + slider_width - 1;
    1825             :         // Make sure the thumb is at least the default width (so we don't get tiny thumbs),
    1826             :         // but if the VCL gives us a size smaller than the theme's default thumb size,
    1827             :         // honor the VCL size
    1828           0 :         thumbRect.Right() += magic;
    1829             :         // Center vertically in the track
    1830           0 :         thumbRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
    1831             :     }
    1832             :     else
    1833             :     {
    1834           0 :         unsigned int sliderWidth = slider_width + (trough_border * 2);
    1835           0 :         hShim = (pixmapRect.GetWidth() - sliderWidth) / 2;
    1836             : 
    1837           0 :         scrollbarRect.Move( hShim, 0 );
    1838           0 :         scrollbarRect.SetSize( Size( sliderWidth, scrollbarRect.GetHeight() ) );
    1839             : 
    1840           0 :         scrollbarWidget = GTK_SCROLLBAR( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollVertWidget );
    1841           0 :         scrollbarOrientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL;
    1842           0 :         scrollbarTag = scrollbarTagV;
    1843           0 :         button1Type = GTK_ARROW_UP;
    1844           0 :         button2Type = GTK_ARROW_DOWN;
    1845             : 
    1846           0 :         if ( has_backward )
    1847             :         {
    1848           0 :             button12BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2,
    1849           0 :                                     stepper_size + trough_border );
    1850             :         }
    1851           0 :         button11BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, trough_border );
    1852           0 :         button11BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
    1853           0 :         button12BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
    1854             : 
    1855           0 :         if ( has_backward2 )
    1856             :         {
    1857           0 :             button22BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, stepper_size+(trough_border+1)/2 );
    1858           0 :             button21BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, (trough_border+1)/2 );
    1859             :         }
    1860             :         else
    1861             :         {
    1862           0 :             button22BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, (trough_border+1)/2 );
    1863             :         }
    1864             : 
    1865           0 :         button21BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
    1866           0 :         button22BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
    1867             : 
    1868           0 :         thumbRect.Right() = thumbRect.Left() + slider_width - 1;
    1869             : 
    1870           0 :         thumbRect.Bottom() += magic;
    1871             :         // Center horizontally in the track
    1872           0 :         thumbRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, 0 );
    1873             :     }
    1874             : 
    1875           0 :     sal_Bool has_slider = ( thumbRect.GetWidth() > 0 && thumbRect.GetHeight() > 0 );
    1876             : 
    1877           0 :     scrollbarValues = gtk_range_get_adjustment( GTK_RANGE(scrollbarWidget) );
    1878           0 :     if ( scrollbarValues == NULL )
    1879           0 :         scrollbarValues = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) );
    1880           0 :     if ( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ )
    1881             :     {
    1882           0 :         scrollbarValues->lower = pScrollbarVal->mnMin;
    1883           0 :         scrollbarValues->upper = pScrollbarVal->mnMax;
    1884           0 :         scrollbarValues->value = pScrollbarVal->mnCur;
    1885           0 :         scrollbarValues->page_size = scrollbarRect.GetWidth() / 2;
    1886             :     }
    1887             :     else
    1888             :     {
    1889           0 :         scrollbarValues->lower = pScrollbarVal->mnMin;
    1890           0 :         scrollbarValues->upper = pScrollbarVal->mnMax;
    1891           0 :         scrollbarValues->value = pScrollbarVal->mnCur;
    1892           0 :         scrollbarValues->page_size = scrollbarRect.GetHeight() / 2;
    1893             :     }
    1894           0 :     gtk_adjustment_changed( scrollbarValues );
    1895             : 
    1896             :     // as multiple paints are required for the scrollbar
    1897             :     // painting them directly to the window flickers
    1898           0 :     pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( pixmapRect );
    1899           0 :     if( ! pixmap )
    1900           0 :         return sal_False;
    1901           0 :     x = y = 0;
    1902             : 
    1903           0 :     w = pixmapRect.GetWidth();
    1904           0 :     h = pixmapRect.GetHeight();
    1905             : 
    1906           0 :     GdkDrawable* const &gdkDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap );
    1907           0 :     GdkRectangle* gdkRect = NULL;
    1908             : 
    1909           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1910           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), nState, stateType );
    1911           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget, nState, stateType );
    1912           0 :     style = GTK_WIDGET( scrollbarWidget )->style;
    1913             : 
    1914             :     gtk_style_apply_default_background( m_pWindow->style, gdkDrawable, TRUE,
    1915             :                                         GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkRect,
    1916           0 :                                         x, y, w, h );
    1917             : 
    1918             :     // ----------------- TROUGH
    1919             :     // Pass coordinates of draw rect: window(0,0) -> widget(bottom-right) (coords relative to widget)
    1920             :     gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style, gdkDrawable,
    1921             :                         GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE, gdkRect,
    1922           0 :                         m_pWindow, "base", x-pixmapRect.Left(),y-pixmapRect.Top(),x+pixmapRect.Right(),y+pixmapRect.Bottom());
    1923             : 
    1924             :     gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
    1925           0 :                    gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "trough",
    1926             :                    x, y,
    1927           0 :                    scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
    1928             : 
    1929           0 :     if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_FOCUSED )
    1930             :     {
    1931             :         gtk_paint_focus( style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE,
    1932           0 :                          gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "trough",
    1933             :                          x, y,
    1934           0 :                          scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
    1935             :     }
    1936             : 
    1937             :     // ----------------- THUMB
    1938           0 :     if ( has_slider )
    1939             :     {
    1940           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnThumbState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1941             :         gtk_paint_slider( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    1942           0 :                         gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "slider",
    1943           0 :                         x+hShim+thumbRect.Left(), y+vShim+thumbRect.Top(),
    1944           0 :                         thumbRect.GetWidth(), thumbRect.GetHeight(), scrollbarOrientation );
    1945             :     }
    1946             : 
    1947             :     // Some engines require allocation, e.g. Clearlooks uses it to identify
    1948             :     // positions of the buttons, whereupon the first and the last button will
    1949             :     // have rounded corners.
    1950           0 :     GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget)->allocation.x = x;
    1951           0 :     GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget)->allocation.y = y;
    1952           0 :     GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget)->allocation.width = w;
    1953           0 :     GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget)->allocation.height = h;
    1954             : 
    1955             :     bool backwardButtonInsensitive =
    1956           0 :         pScrollbarVal->mnCur == pScrollbarVal->mnMin;
    1957             :     bool forwardButtonInsensitive = pScrollbarVal->mnMax == 0 ||
    1958           0 :         pScrollbarVal->mnCur + pScrollbarVal->mnVisibleSize >= pScrollbarVal->mnMax;
    1959             : 
    1960             :     // ----------------- BUTTON 1 //
    1961           0 :     if ( has_backward )
    1962             :     {
    1963           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1964           0 :         if ( backwardButtonInsensitive )
    1965           0 :             stateType = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    1966             :         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1967           0 :                        gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag,
    1968           0 :                        x+hShim+button11BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button11BoundRect.Top(),
    1969           0 :                        button11BoundRect.GetWidth(), button11BoundRect.GetHeight() );
    1970             :         // ----------------- ARROW 1
    1971           0 :         NWCalcArrowRect( button11BoundRect, arrowRect );
    1972             :         gtk_paint_arrow( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1973           0 :                          gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag, button1Type, sal_True,
    1974           0 :                          x+hShim+arrowRect.Left(), y+vShim+arrowRect.Top(),
    1975           0 :                          arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    1976             :     }
    1977           0 :     if ( has_forward2 )
    1978             :     {
    1979           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1980           0 :         if ( forwardButtonInsensitive )
    1981           0 :             stateType = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    1982             :         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1983           0 :                        gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag,
    1984           0 :                        x+hShim+button12BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button12BoundRect.Top(),
    1985           0 :                        button12BoundRect.GetWidth(), button12BoundRect.GetHeight() );
    1986             :         // ----------------- ARROW 1
    1987           0 :         NWCalcArrowRect( button12BoundRect, arrowRect );
    1988             :         gtk_paint_arrow( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    1989           0 :                          gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag, button2Type, sal_True,
    1990           0 :                          x+hShim+arrowRect.Left(), y+vShim+arrowRect.Top(),
    1991           0 :                          arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    1992             :     }
    1993             :     // ----------------- BUTTON 2
    1994           0 :     if ( has_backward2 )
    1995             :     {
    1996           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State, &stateType, &shadowType );
    1997           0 :         if ( backwardButtonInsensitive )
    1998           0 :             stateType = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    1999             :         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, gdkRect,
    2000           0 :                        GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag,
    2001           0 :                        x+hShim+button21BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button21BoundRect.Top(),
    2002           0 :                        button21BoundRect.GetWidth(), button21BoundRect.GetHeight() );
    2003             :         // ----------------- ARROW 2
    2004           0 :         NWCalcArrowRect( button21BoundRect, arrowRect );
    2005             :         gtk_paint_arrow( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    2006           0 :                          gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag, button1Type, sal_True,
    2007           0 :                          x+hShim+arrowRect.Left(), y+vShim+arrowRect.Top(),
    2008           0 :                          arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    2009             :     }
    2010           0 :     if ( has_forward )
    2011             :     {
    2012           0 :         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2013           0 :         if ( forwardButtonInsensitive )
    2014           0 :             stateType = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    2015             :         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, gdkRect,
    2016           0 :                        GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag,
    2017           0 :                        x+hShim+button22BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button22BoundRect.Top(),
    2018           0 :                        button22BoundRect.GetWidth(), button22BoundRect.GetHeight() );
    2019             :         // ----------------- ARROW 2
    2020           0 :         NWCalcArrowRect( button22BoundRect, arrowRect );
    2021             :         gtk_paint_arrow( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    2022           0 :                          gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), scrollbarTag, button2Type, sal_True,
    2023           0 :                          x+hShim+arrowRect.Left(), y+vShim+arrowRect.Top(),
    2024           0 :                          arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    2025             :     }
    2026             : 
    2027           0 :     if( !NWRenderPixmapToScreen(pixmap, pixmapRect) )
    2028             :     {
    2029           0 :         g_object_unref( pixmap );
    2030           0 :         return( sal_False );
    2031             :     }
    2032           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    2033             : 
    2034           0 :     return( sal_True );
    2035             : }
    2036             : 
    2037             : //---
    2038             : 
    2039           0 : static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(    SalX11Screen nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect )
    2040             : {
    2041             :     gint slider_width;
    2042             :     gint stepper_size;
    2043             :     gint stepper_spacing;
    2044             :     gint trough_border;
    2045             : 
    2046           0 :     NWEnsureGTKScrollbars( nScreen );
    2047             : 
    2048             :     // Grab some button style attributes
    2049           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollHorizWidget,
    2050             :                                       "slider-width", &slider_width,
    2051             :                                       "stepper-size", &stepper_size,
    2052             :                                       "trough-border", &trough_border,
    2053           0 :                                          "stepper-spacing", &stepper_spacing, (char *)NULL );
    2054             : 
    2055             :     gboolean has_forward;
    2056             :     gboolean has_forward2;
    2057             :     gboolean has_backward;
    2058             :     gboolean has_backward2;
    2059             : 
    2060           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollHorizWidget,
    2061             :                                       "has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
    2062             :                                       "has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
    2063             :                                       "has-backward-stepper", &has_backward,
    2064           0 :                                          "has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2, (char *)NULL );
    2065             :     gint       buttonWidth;
    2066             :     gint       buttonHeight;
    2067           0 :     Rectangle  buttonRect;
    2068             : 
    2069           0 :     gint nFirst = 0;
    2070           0 :     gint nSecond = 0;
    2071             : 
    2072           0 :     if ( has_forward )   nSecond += 1;
    2073           0 :     if ( has_forward2 )  nFirst  += 1;
    2074           0 :     if ( has_backward )  nFirst  += 1;
    2075           0 :     if ( has_backward2 ) nSecond += 1;
    2076             : 
    2077           0 :     if ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) || ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN ) )
    2078             :     {
    2079           0 :         buttonWidth = slider_width + 2 * trough_border;
    2080           0 :         buttonHeight = stepper_size + trough_border + stepper_spacing;
    2081             :     }
    2082             :     else
    2083             :     {
    2084           0 :         buttonWidth = stepper_size + trough_border + stepper_spacing;
    2085           0 :         buttonHeight = slider_width + 2 * trough_border;
    2086             :     }
    2087             : 
    2088           0 :     if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP )
    2089             :     {
    2090           0 :         buttonHeight *= nFirst;
    2091           0 :         buttonHeight -= 1;
    2092           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() );
    2093           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() );
    2094             :     }
    2095           0 :     else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_LEFT )
    2096             :     {
    2097           0 :         buttonWidth *= nFirst;
    2098           0 :         buttonWidth -= 1;
    2099           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() );
    2100           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() );
    2101             :     }
    2102           0 :     else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
    2103             :     {
    2104           0 :         buttonHeight *= nSecond;
    2105           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() );
    2106           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() + aAreaRect.GetHeight() - buttonHeight );
    2107             :     }
    2108           0 :     else if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_RIGHT )
    2109             :     {
    2110           0 :         buttonWidth *= nSecond;
    2111           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() + aAreaRect.GetWidth() - buttonWidth );
    2112           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() );
    2113             :     }
    2114             : 
    2115           0 :     buttonRect.SetSize( Size( buttonWidth, buttonHeight ) );
    2116             : 
    2117           0 :     return( buttonRect );
    2118             : }
    2119             : 
    2120             : //-------------------------------------
    2121             : 
    2122           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKEditBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    2123             :                                         ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
    2124             :                                         const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2125             :                                         const clipList& rClipList,
    2126             :                                         ControlState nState,
    2127             :                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2128             :                                         const OUString& rCaption )
    2129             : {
    2130           0 :     Rectangle        pixmapRect;
    2131             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    2132             : 
    2133             :     // Find the overall bounding rect of the buttons's drawing area,
    2134             :     // plus its actual draw rect excluding adornment
    2135             :     pixmapRect = NWGetEditBoxPixmapRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRectangle,
    2136           0 :                                          nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2137           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    2138             :     {
    2139           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    2140           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    2141           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    2142           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    2143             : 
    2144           0 :         NWPaintOneEditBox( m_nXScreen, gdkDrawable, &clipRect, nType, nPart, pixmapRect, nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2145             :     }
    2146             : 
    2147           0 :     return( sal_True );
    2148             : }
    2149             : 
    2150             : 
    2151             : /* Take interior/exterior focus into account and return
    2152             :  * the bounding rectangle of the edit box including
    2153             :  * any focus requirements.
    2154             :  */
    2155           0 : static Rectangle NWGetEditBoxPixmapRect(SalX11Screen nScreen,
    2156             :                                         ControlType,
    2157             :                                         ControlPart,
    2158             :                                         Rectangle aAreaRect,
    2159             :                                         ControlState,
    2160             :                                         const ImplControlValue&,
    2161             :                                         const OUString& )
    2162             : {
    2163           0 :     Rectangle        pixmapRect = aAreaRect;
    2164             :     gboolean        interiorFocus;
    2165             :     gint            focusWidth;
    2166             : 
    2167           0 :     NWEnsureGTKEditBox( nScreen );
    2168             : 
    2169             :     // Grab some entry style attributes
    2170           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget,
    2171             :                                     "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
    2172           0 :                                      "interior-focus",    &interiorFocus, (char *)NULL );
    2173             : 
    2174           0 :     if ( !interiorFocus )
    2175             :     {
    2176           0 :         pixmapRect.Move( -(focusWidth), -(focusWidth) );
    2177           0 :         pixmapRect.SetSize( Size( pixmapRect.GetWidth() + (2*(focusWidth)),
    2178           0 :                                   pixmapRect.GetHeight() + (2*(focusWidth)) ) );
    2179             :     }
    2180             : 
    2181           0 :     return( pixmapRect );
    2182             : }
    2183             : 
    2184             : 
    2185             : /* Paint a GTK Entry widget into the specified GdkPixmap.
    2186             :  * All coordinates should be local to the Pixmap, NOT
    2187             :  * screen/window coordinates.
    2188             :  */
    2189           0 : static void NWPaintOneEditBox(    SalX11Screen nScreen,
    2190             :                                 GdkDrawable * gdkDrawable,
    2191             :                                 GdkRectangle *    gdkRect,
    2192             :                                 ControlType            nType,
    2193             :                                 ControlPart,
    2194             :                                 Rectangle                aEditBoxRect,
    2195             :                                 ControlState            nState,
    2196             :                                 const ImplControlValue&,
    2197             :                                 const OUString& )
    2198             : {
    2199             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    2200             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    2201             :     GtkWidget      *widget;
    2202             : 
    2203           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( nScreen );
    2204           0 :     NWEnsureGTKEditBox( nScreen );
    2205           0 :     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( nScreen );
    2206           0 :     NWEnsureGTKCombo( nScreen );
    2207           0 :     NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow( nScreen );
    2208           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2209             : 
    2210           0 :     switch ( nType )
    2211             :     {
    2212             :         case CTRL_SPINBOX:
    2213           0 :             widget = gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget;
    2214           0 :             break;
    2215             : 
    2216             :         case CTRL_MULTILINE_EDITBOX:
    2217           0 :             widget = gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget;
    2218           0 :             break;
    2219             :         case CTRL_COMBOBOX:
    2220           0 :             widget = GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget)->entry;
    2221           0 :             break;
    2222             : 
    2223             :         default:
    2224           0 :             widget = gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget;
    2225           0 :             break;
    2226             :     }
    2227             : 
    2228           0 :     if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT )
    2229           0 :         stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
    2230             : 
    2231           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( widget, nState, stateType );
    2232             : 
    2233           0 :     gint xborder = widget->style->xthickness;
    2234           0 :     gint yborder = widget->style->ythickness;
    2235             :     gint bInteriorFocus, nFocusLineWidth;
    2236             :     gtk_widget_style_get( widget,
    2237             :         "interior-focus",   &bInteriorFocus,
    2238             :         "focus-line-width", &nFocusLineWidth,
    2239           0 :         (char *)NULL);
    2240           0 :     if ( !bInteriorFocus )
    2241             :     {
    2242           0 :         xborder += nFocusLineWidth;
    2243           0 :         yborder += nFocusLineWidth;
    2244             :     }
    2245             : 
    2246             :     gtk_paint_flat_box( widget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    2247             :                         gdkRect, widget, "entry_bg",
    2248           0 :                         aEditBoxRect.Left() + xborder, aEditBoxRect.Top() + yborder,
    2249           0 :                         aEditBoxRect.GetWidth() - 2*xborder, aEditBoxRect.GetHeight() - 2*yborder );
    2250             :     gtk_paint_shadow( widget->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN,
    2251             :                       gdkRect, widget, "entry",
    2252           0 :                       aEditBoxRect.Left(), aEditBoxRect.Top(),
    2253           0 :                       aEditBoxRect.GetWidth(), aEditBoxRect.GetHeight() );
    2254             : 
    2255           0 : }
    2256             : 
    2257             : 
    2258             : 
    2259             : //-------------------------------------
    2260             : 
    2261           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSpinBox( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
    2262             :                                         const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2263             :                                         const clipList&,
    2264             :                                         ControlState nState,
    2265             :                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2266             :                                         const OUString& rCaption )
    2267             : {
    2268             :     GdkPixmap    *        pixmap;
    2269           0 :     Rectangle            pixmapRect;
    2270             :     GtkStateType        stateType;
    2271             :     GtkShadowType        shadowType;
    2272           0 :     const SpinbuttonValue *    pSpinVal = (aValue.getType() == CTRL_SPINBUTTONS) ? static_cast<const SpinbuttonValue *>(&aValue) : NULL;
    2273           0 :     Rectangle            upBtnRect;
    2274           0 :     ControlPart        upBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_UP;
    2275           0 :     ControlState        upBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
    2276           0 :     Rectangle            downBtnRect;
    2277           0 :     ControlPart        downBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_DOWN;
    2278           0 :     ControlState        downBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
    2279             : 
    2280           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    2281           0 :     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( m_nXScreen );
    2282           0 :     NWEnsureGTKArrow( m_nXScreen );
    2283             : 
    2284           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2285             : 
    2286           0 :     if ( pSpinVal )
    2287             :     {
    2288           0 :         upBtnPart = pSpinVal->mnUpperPart;
    2289           0 :         upBtnState = pSpinVal->mnUpperState;
    2290             : 
    2291           0 :         downBtnPart = pSpinVal->mnLowerPart;
    2292           0 :         downBtnState = pSpinVal->mnLowerState;
    2293             :     }
    2294             : 
    2295             :     // CTRL_SPINBUTTONS pass their area in pSpinVal, not in rControlRectangle
    2296           0 :     if ( nType == CTRL_SPINBUTTONS )
    2297             :     {
    2298           0 :         if ( !pSpinVal )
    2299             :         {
    2300           0 :             std::fprintf( stderr, "Tried to draw CTRL_SPINBUTTONS, but the SpinButtons data structure didn't exist!\n" );
    2301           0 :             return( false );
    2302             :         }
    2303           0 :         pixmapRect = pSpinVal->maUpperRect;
    2304           0 :         pixmapRect.Union( pSpinVal->maLowerRect );
    2305             :     }
    2306             :     else
    2307           0 :         pixmapRect = rControlRectangle;
    2308             : 
    2309             : 
    2310           0 :     pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( pixmapRect );
    2311           0 :     if ( !pixmap )
    2312           0 :         return( sal_False );
    2313             : 
    2314             :     // First render background
    2315             :     gtk_paint_flat_box(m_pWindow->style,pixmap,GTK_STATE_NORMAL,GTK_SHADOW_NONE,NULL,m_pWindow,"base",
    2316           0 :             -pixmapRect.Left(),
    2317           0 :             -pixmapRect.Top(),
    2318           0 :             pixmapRect.Right(),
    2319           0 :             pixmapRect.Bottom() );
    2320             : 
    2321           0 :     upBtnRect = NWGetSpinButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, upBtnPart, pixmapRect, upBtnState, aValue, rCaption );
    2322           0 :     downBtnRect = NWGetSpinButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, downBtnPart, pixmapRect, downBtnState, aValue, rCaption );
    2323             : 
    2324           0 :     if ( (nType==CTRL_SPINBOX) && (nPart!=PART_ALL_BUTTONS) )
    2325             :     {
    2326             :         // Draw an edit field for SpinBoxes and ComboBoxes
    2327           0 :         Rectangle aEditBoxRect( pixmapRect );
    2328           0 :         aEditBoxRect.SetSize( Size( pixmapRect.GetWidth() - upBtnRect.GetWidth(), aEditBoxRect.GetHeight() ) );
    2329           0 :         if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    2330           0 :             aEditBoxRect.setX( upBtnRect.GetWidth() );
    2331             :         else
    2332           0 :             aEditBoxRect.setX( 0 );
    2333           0 :         aEditBoxRect.setY( 0 );
    2334             : 
    2335           0 :         NWPaintOneEditBox( m_nXScreen, pixmap, NULL, nType, nPart, aEditBoxRect, nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2336             :     }
    2337             : 
    2338           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSpinButtonWidget, nState, stateType );
    2339           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSpinButtonWidget, "shadow_type", &shadowType, (char *)NULL );
    2340             : 
    2341           0 :     if ( shadowType != GTK_SHADOW_NONE )
    2342             :     {
    2343           0 :         Rectangle        shadowRect( upBtnRect );
    2344             : 
    2345           0 :         shadowRect.Union( downBtnRect );
    2346           0 :         gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style, pixmap, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, shadowType, NULL,
    2347           0 :             gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSpinButtonWidget, "spinbutton",
    2348           0 :             (shadowRect.Left() - pixmapRect.Left()), (shadowRect.Top() - pixmapRect.Top()),
    2349           0 :             shadowRect.GetWidth(), shadowRect.GetHeight() );
    2350             :     }
    2351             : 
    2352           0 :     NWPaintOneSpinButton( m_nXScreen, pixmap, nType, upBtnPart, pixmapRect, upBtnState, aValue, rCaption );
    2353           0 :     NWPaintOneSpinButton( m_nXScreen, pixmap, nType, downBtnPart, pixmapRect, downBtnState, aValue, rCaption );
    2354             : 
    2355           0 :     if( !NWRenderPixmapToScreen(pixmap, pixmapRect) )
    2356             :     {
    2357           0 :         g_object_unref( pixmap );
    2358           0 :         return( sal_False );
    2359             :     }
    2360             : 
    2361           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    2362           0 :     return( sal_True );
    2363             : }
    2364             : 
    2365             : //---
    2366             : 
    2367           0 : static Rectangle NWGetSpinButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    2368             :                                       ControlType,
    2369             :                                       ControlPart            nPart,
    2370             :                                       Rectangle             aAreaRect,
    2371             :                                       ControlState,
    2372             :                                       const ImplControlValue&,
    2373             :                                       const OUString& )
    2374             : {
    2375             :     gint            buttonSize;
    2376           0 :     Rectangle        buttonRect;
    2377             : 
    2378           0 :     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( nScreen );
    2379             : 
    2380           0 :     buttonSize = MAX( PANGO_PIXELS( pango_font_description_get_size(GTK_WIDGET(gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget)->style->font_desc) ),
    2381           0 :                    MIN_SPIN_ARROW_WIDTH );
    2382           0 :     buttonSize -= buttonSize % 2 - 1; /* force odd */
    2383           0 :     buttonRect.SetSize( Size( buttonSize + 2 * gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style->xthickness,
    2384           0 :                               buttonRect.GetHeight() ) );
    2385           0 :     if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    2386           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() );
    2387             :     else
    2388           0 :         buttonRect.setX( aAreaRect.Left() + (aAreaRect.GetWidth() - buttonRect.GetWidth()) );
    2389           0 :     if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP )
    2390             :     {
    2391           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() );
    2392           0 :         buttonRect.Bottom() = buttonRect.Top() + (aAreaRect.GetHeight() / 2);
    2393             :     }
    2394           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
    2395             :     {
    2396           0 :         buttonRect.setY( aAreaRect.Top() + (aAreaRect.GetHeight() / 2) );
    2397           0 :         buttonRect.Bottom() = aAreaRect.Bottom(); // cover area completely
    2398             :     }
    2399             :     else
    2400             :     {
    2401           0 :         if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() ) {
    2402           0 :             buttonRect.Left()   = buttonRect.Right()+1;
    2403           0 :             buttonRect.Right()  = aAreaRect.Right();
    2404             :         } else {
    2405           0 :             buttonRect.Right()  = buttonRect.Left()-1;
    2406           0 :             buttonRect.Left()   = aAreaRect.Left();
    2407             :         }
    2408           0 :         buttonRect.Top()    = aAreaRect.Top();
    2409           0 :         buttonRect.Bottom() = aAreaRect.Bottom();
    2410             :     }
    2411             : 
    2412           0 :     return( buttonRect );
    2413             : }
    2414             : 
    2415             : //---
    2416             : 
    2417           0 : static void NWPaintOneSpinButton( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    2418             :                                   GdkPixmap*            pixmap,
    2419             :                                   ControlType            nType,
    2420             :                                   ControlPart            nPart,
    2421             :                                   Rectangle                aAreaRect,
    2422             :                                   ControlState            nState,
    2423             :                                   const ImplControlValue&    aValue,
    2424             :                                   const OUString&                rCaption )
    2425             : {
    2426           0 :     Rectangle            buttonRect;
    2427             :     GtkStateType        stateType;
    2428             :     GtkShadowType        shadowType;
    2429           0 :     Rectangle            arrowRect;
    2430             :     gint                arrowSize;
    2431             : 
    2432           0 :     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( nScreen );
    2433           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2434             : 
    2435           0 :     buttonRect = NWGetSpinButtonRect( nScreen, nType, nPart, aAreaRect, nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2436             : 
    2437           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget, nState, stateType );
    2438           0 :     gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style, pixmap, stateType, shadowType, NULL, gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget,
    2439             :             (nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP) ? "spinbutton_up" : "spinbutton_down",
    2440           0 :             (buttonRect.Left() - aAreaRect.Left()), (buttonRect.Top() - aAreaRect.Top()),
    2441           0 :             buttonRect.GetWidth(), buttonRect.GetHeight() );
    2442             : 
    2443           0 :     arrowSize = (buttonRect.GetWidth() - (2 * gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style->xthickness)) - 4;
    2444           0 :     arrowSize -= arrowSize % 2 - 1; /* force odd */
    2445           0 :     arrowRect.SetSize( Size( arrowSize, arrowSize ) );
    2446           0 :     arrowRect.setX( buttonRect.Left() + (buttonRect.GetWidth() - arrowRect.GetWidth()) / 2 );
    2447           0 :     if ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP )
    2448           0 :         arrowRect.setY( buttonRect.Top() + (buttonRect.GetHeight() - arrowRect.GetHeight()) / 2 + 1);
    2449             :     else
    2450           0 :         arrowRect.setY( buttonRect.Top() + (buttonRect.GetHeight() - arrowRect.GetHeight()) / 2 - 1);
    2451             : 
    2452           0 :     gtk_paint_arrow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style, pixmap, stateType, GTK_SHADOW_OUT, NULL, gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget,
    2453             :             "spinbutton", (nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP) ? GTK_ARROW_UP : GTK_ARROW_DOWN, sal_True,
    2454           0 :             (arrowRect.Left() - aAreaRect.Left()), (arrowRect.Top() - aAreaRect.Top()),
    2455           0 :             arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    2456           0 : }
    2457             : 
    2458             : 
    2459             : //-------------------------------------
    2460             : 
    2461           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKComboBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    2462             :                                          ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
    2463             :                                          const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2464             :                                          const clipList& rClipList,
    2465             :                                          ControlState nState,
    2466             :                                          const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2467             :                                          const OUString& rCaption )
    2468             : {
    2469           0 :     Rectangle        pixmapRect;
    2470           0 :     Rectangle        buttonRect;
    2471             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    2472             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    2473           0 :     Rectangle        arrowRect;
    2474             :     gint            x,y;
    2475             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    2476             : 
    2477           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    2478           0 :     NWEnsureGTKArrow( m_nXScreen );
    2479           0 :     NWEnsureGTKCombo( m_nXScreen );
    2480           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2481             : 
    2482             :     // Find the overall bounding rect of the buttons's drawing area,
    2483             :     // plus its actual draw rect excluding adornment
    2484           0 :     pixmapRect = rControlRectangle;
    2485           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    2486           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    2487             : 
    2488           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget, nState, stateType );
    2489           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gComboWidget, nState, stateType );
    2490           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gArrowWidget, nState, stateType );
    2491             : 
    2492           0 :     buttonRect = NWGetComboBoxButtonRect( m_nXScreen, nType, PART_BUTTON_DOWN, pixmapRect, nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2493           0 :     if( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
    2494           0 :         buttonRect.Left() += 1;
    2495             : 
    2496           0 :     Rectangle        aEditBoxRect( pixmapRect );
    2497           0 :     aEditBoxRect.SetSize( Size( pixmapRect.GetWidth() - buttonRect.GetWidth(), aEditBoxRect.GetHeight() ) );
    2498           0 :     if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    2499           0 :         aEditBoxRect.SetPos( Point( x + buttonRect.GetWidth() , y ) );
    2500             : 
    2501             :     #define ARROW_EXTENT        0.7
    2502             :     arrowRect.SetSize( Size( (gint)(MIN_ARROW_SIZE * ARROW_EXTENT),
    2503           0 :                              (gint)(MIN_ARROW_SIZE * ARROW_EXTENT) ) );
    2504           0 :     arrowRect.SetPos( Point( buttonRect.Left() + (gint)((buttonRect.GetWidth() - arrowRect.GetWidth()) / 2),
    2505           0 :                              buttonRect.Top() + (gint)((buttonRect.GetHeight() - arrowRect.GetHeight()) / 2) ) );
    2506             : 
    2507           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    2508             :     {
    2509           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    2510           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    2511           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    2512           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    2513             : 
    2514           0 :         if( nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL )
    2515             :             NWPaintOneEditBox( m_nXScreen, gdkDrawable, &clipRect, nType, nPart, aEditBoxRect,
    2516           0 :                                nState, aValue, rCaption );
    2517             : 
    2518             :         // Buttons must paint opaque since some themes have alpha-channel enabled buttons
    2519             :         gtk_paint_flat_box( m_pWindow->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    2520             :                             &clipRect, m_pWindow, "base",
    2521           0 :                             x+(buttonRect.Left() - pixmapRect.Left()),
    2522           0 :                             y+(buttonRect.Top() - pixmapRect.Top()),
    2523           0 :                             buttonRect.GetWidth(), buttonRect.GetHeight() );
    2524           0 :         gtk_paint_box( GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gComboWidget)->button->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    2525           0 :                        &clipRect, GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gComboWidget)->button, "button",
    2526           0 :                        x+(buttonRect.Left() - pixmapRect.Left()),
    2527           0 :                        y+(buttonRect.Top() - pixmapRect.Top()),
    2528           0 :                        buttonRect.GetWidth(), buttonRect.GetHeight() );
    2529             : 
    2530           0 :         gtk_paint_arrow( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gArrowWidget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
    2531           0 :                          &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gArrowWidget, "arrow", GTK_ARROW_DOWN, sal_True,
    2532           0 :                          x+(arrowRect.Left() - pixmapRect.Left()), y+(arrowRect.Top() - pixmapRect.Top()),
    2533           0 :                          arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight() );
    2534             :     }
    2535             : 
    2536           0 :     return( sal_True );
    2537             : }
    2538             : 
    2539             : //----
    2540             : 
    2541           0 : static Rectangle NWGetComboBoxButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    2542             :                                           ControlType,
    2543             :                                           ControlPart nPart,
    2544             :                                           Rectangle                aAreaRect,
    2545             :                                           ControlState,
    2546             :                                           const ImplControlValue&,
    2547             :                                           const OUString& )
    2548             : {
    2549           0 :     Rectangle    aButtonRect;
    2550             :     gint        nArrowWidth;
    2551             :     gint        nButtonWidth;
    2552             :     gint        nFocusWidth;
    2553             :     gint        nFocusPad;
    2554             : 
    2555           0 :     NWEnsureGTKArrow( nScreen );
    2556             : 
    2557             :     // Grab some button style attributes
    2558           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget,
    2559             :                                       "focus-line-width",    &nFocusWidth,
    2560           0 :                                     "focus-padding",     &nFocusPad, (char *)NULL );
    2561             : 
    2562           0 :     nArrowWidth = MIN_ARROW_SIZE + (GTK_MISC(gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget)->xpad * 2);
    2563             :     nButtonWidth = nArrowWidth +
    2564           0 :                    ((BTN_CHILD_SPACING + gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget->style->xthickness) * 2)
    2565           0 :                    + (2 * (nFocusWidth+nFocusPad));
    2566           0 :     if( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
    2567             :     {
    2568           0 :         aButtonRect.SetSize( Size( nButtonWidth, aAreaRect.GetHeight() ) );
    2569           0 :         if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    2570           0 :             aButtonRect.SetPos( Point( aAreaRect.Left(), aAreaRect.Top() ) );
    2571             :         else
    2572           0 :             aButtonRect.SetPos( Point( aAreaRect.Left() + aAreaRect.GetWidth() - nButtonWidth,
    2573           0 :                                        aAreaRect.Top() ) );
    2574             :     }
    2575           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_SUB_EDIT )
    2576             :     {
    2577           0 :         NWEnsureGTKCombo( nScreen );
    2578             : 
    2579           0 :         gint adjust_x = GTK_CONTAINER(gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget)->border_width +
    2580             :                         nFocusWidth +
    2581           0 :                         nFocusPad;
    2582           0 :         gint adjust_y = adjust_x + gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget->style->ythickness;
    2583           0 :         adjust_x     += gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget->style->xthickness;
    2584           0 :         aButtonRect.SetSize( Size( aAreaRect.GetWidth() - nButtonWidth - 2 * adjust_x,
    2585           0 :                                    aAreaRect.GetHeight() - 2 * adjust_y ) );
    2586           0 :         Point aEditPos = aAreaRect.TopLeft();
    2587           0 :         aEditPos.X() += adjust_x;
    2588           0 :         aEditPos.Y() += adjust_y;
    2589           0 :         if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    2590           0 :             aEditPos.X() += nButtonWidth;
    2591           0 :         aButtonRect.SetPos( aEditPos );
    2592             :     }
    2593             : 
    2594           0 :     return( aButtonRect );
    2595             : }
    2596             : 
    2597             : //-------------------------------------
    2598             : 
    2599             : 
    2600             : 
    2601           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKTabItem( ControlType nType, ControlPart,
    2602             :                                         const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2603             :                                         const clipList&,
    2604             :                                         ControlState nState,
    2605             :                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2606             :                                         const OUString& )
    2607             : {
    2608             :     OSL_ASSERT( nType != CTRL_TAB_ITEM || aValue.getType() == CTRL_TAB_ITEM );
    2609             :     GdkPixmap *    pixmap;
    2610           0 :     Rectangle        pixmapRect;
    2611           0 :     Rectangle        tabRect;
    2612             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    2613             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    2614           0 :     if( ! gWidgetData[ m_nXScreen ].gCacheTabItems )
    2615             :     {
    2616           0 :         gWidgetData[ m_nXScreen ].gCacheTabItems = new NWPixmapCache( m_nXScreen );
    2617           0 :         gWidgetData[ m_nXScreen ].gCacheTabPages = new NWPixmapCache( m_nXScreen );
    2618             :     }
    2619           0 :     NWPixmapCache& aCacheItems = *gWidgetData[ m_nXScreen ].gCacheTabItems;
    2620           0 :     NWPixmapCache& aCachePage = *gWidgetData[ m_nXScreen ].gCacheTabPages;
    2621             : 
    2622           0 :     if( !aCacheItems.GetSize() )
    2623           0 :         aCacheItems.SetSize( 20 );
    2624           0 :     if( !aCachePage.GetSize() )
    2625           0 :         aCachePage.SetSize( 1 );
    2626             : 
    2627           0 :     if ( (nType == CTRL_TAB_ITEM) && (aValue.getType() != CTRL_TAB_ITEM) )
    2628             :     {
    2629           0 :         return( false );
    2630             :     }
    2631             : 
    2632           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    2633           0 :     NWEnsureGTKNotebook( m_nXScreen );
    2634           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2635             : 
    2636             :     // Find the overall bounding rect of the buttons's drawing area,
    2637             :     // plus its actual draw rect excluding adornment
    2638           0 :     pixmapRect = rControlRectangle;
    2639           0 :     if ( nType == CTRL_TAB_ITEM )
    2640             :     {
    2641           0 :         const TabitemValue *    pTabitemValue = static_cast<const TabitemValue *>(&aValue);
    2642           0 :         if ( !pTabitemValue->isFirst() )
    2643             :         {
    2644             :             // GTK+ tabs overlap on the right edge (the top tab obscures the
    2645             :             // left edge of the tab right "below" it, so adjust the rectangle
    2646             :             // to draw tabs slightly large so the overlap happens
    2647           0 :             pixmapRect.Move( -2, 0 );
    2648           0 :             pixmapRect.SetSize( Size( pixmapRect.GetWidth() + 2, pixmapRect.GetHeight() ) );
    2649             :         }
    2650           0 :         if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_SELECTED )
    2651             :         {
    2652             :             // In GTK+, the selected tab is 2px taller than all other tabs
    2653           0 :             pixmapRect.Move( 0, -2 );
    2654           0 :             pixmapRect.Bottom() += 2;
    2655           0 :             tabRect = pixmapRect;
    2656             :             // Only draw over 1 pixel of the tab pane that this tab is drawn on top of.
    2657           0 :             tabRect.Bottom() -= 1;
    2658             :         }
    2659             :         else
    2660           0 :             tabRect = pixmapRect;
    2661             : 
    2662             :         // Allow the tab to draw a right border if needed
    2663           0 :         tabRect.Right() -= 1;
    2664             : 
    2665             :         // avoid degenerate cases which might lead to crashes
    2666           0 :         if( tabRect.GetWidth() <= 1 || tabRect.GetHeight() <= 1 )
    2667           0 :             return false;
    2668             :     }
    2669             : 
    2670           0 :     if( nType == CTRL_TAB_ITEM )
    2671             :     {
    2672           0 :         if( aCacheItems.Find( nType, nState, pixmapRect, &pixmap ) )
    2673           0 :             return NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, pixmapRect );
    2674             :     }
    2675             :     else
    2676             :     {
    2677           0 :         if( aCachePage.Find( nType, nState, pixmapRect, &pixmap ) )
    2678           0 :             return NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, pixmapRect );
    2679             :     }
    2680             : 
    2681           0 :     pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new( NULL, pixmapRect.GetWidth(), pixmapRect.GetHeight(),
    2682           0 :                              GetGenericData()->GetSalDisplay()->GetVisual( m_nXScreen ).GetDepth() );
    2683             :     GdkRectangle paintRect;
    2684           0 :     paintRect.x = paintRect.y = 0;
    2685           0 :     paintRect.width = pixmapRect.GetWidth();
    2686           0 :     paintRect.height = pixmapRect.GetHeight();
    2687             : 
    2688             :     gtk_paint_flat_box( m_pWindow->style, pixmap, GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    2689             :                         GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &paintRect, m_pWindow, "base",
    2690           0 :                         -rControlRectangle.Left(),
    2691           0 :                         -rControlRectangle.Top(),
    2692           0 :                         pixmapRect.GetWidth()+rControlRectangle.Left(),
    2693           0 :                         pixmapRect.GetHeight()+rControlRectangle.Top());
    2694             : 
    2695           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget, nState, stateType );
    2696             : 
    2697           0 :     switch( nType )
    2698             :     {
    2699             :         case CTRL_TAB_BODY:
    2700           0 :             break;
    2701             : 
    2702             :         case CTRL_TAB_PANE:
    2703           0 :             gtk_paint_box_gap( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget->style, pixmap, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_OUT, NULL, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget,
    2704           0 :                 (char *)"notebook", 0, 0, pixmapRect.GetWidth(), pixmapRect.GetHeight(), GTK_POS_TOP, 0, 0 );
    2705           0 :             break;
    2706             : 
    2707             :         case CTRL_TAB_ITEM:
    2708             :         {
    2709           0 :             stateType = ( nState & CTRL_STATE_SELECTED ) ? GTK_STATE_NORMAL : GTK_STATE_ACTIVE;
    2710             : 
    2711             :             // First draw the background
    2712           0 :             gtk_paint_flat_box(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget->style, pixmap,
    2713             :                                    GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE, NULL, m_pWindow, "base",
    2714           0 :                                    -rControlRectangle.Left(),
    2715           0 :                                    -rControlRectangle.Top(),
    2716           0 :                                    pixmapRect.GetWidth()+rControlRectangle.Left(),
    2717           0 :                                    pixmapRect.GetHeight()+rControlRectangle.Top());
    2718             : 
    2719             :             // Now the tab itself
    2720           0 :             if( nState & CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER )
    2721           0 :                 g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(pixmap),tabPrelitDataName,(gpointer)TRUE);
    2722             : 
    2723           0 :             gtk_paint_extension( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget->style, pixmap, stateType, GTK_SHADOW_OUT, NULL, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gNotebookWidget,
    2724           0 :                 (char *)"tab", (tabRect.Left() - pixmapRect.Left()), (tabRect.Top() - pixmapRect.Top()),
    2725           0 :                 tabRect.GetWidth(), tabRect.GetHeight(), GTK_POS_BOTTOM );
    2726             : 
    2727           0 :             g_object_steal_data(G_OBJECT(pixmap),tabPrelitDataName);
    2728             : 
    2729           0 :             if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_SELECTED )
    2730             :             {
    2731             :                 gtk_paint_flat_box( m_pWindow->style, pixmap, stateType, GTK_SHADOW_NONE, NULL, m_pWindow,
    2732           0 :                     "base", 0, (pixmapRect.GetHeight() - 1), pixmapRect.GetWidth(), 1 );
    2733             :             }
    2734           0 :             break;
    2735             :         }
    2736             : 
    2737             :         default:
    2738           0 :             break;
    2739             :     }
    2740             : 
    2741             :     // cache data
    2742           0 :     if( nType == CTRL_TAB_ITEM )
    2743           0 :         aCacheItems.Fill( nType, nState, pixmapRect, pixmap );
    2744             :     else
    2745           0 :         aCachePage.Fill( nType, nState, pixmapRect, pixmap );
    2746             : 
    2747           0 :     sal_Bool bSuccess = NWRenderPixmapToScreen(pixmap, pixmapRect);
    2748           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    2749           0 :     return bSuccess;
    2750             : }
    2751             : 
    2752             : //-------------------------------------
    2753             : 
    2754           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    2755             :                                         ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
    2756             :                                         const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2757             :                                         const clipList& rClipList,
    2758             :                                         ControlState nState,
    2759             :                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2760             :                                         const OUString& rCaption )
    2761             : {
    2762           0 :     Rectangle        aIndicatorRect;
    2763             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    2764             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    2765             :     gint            bInteriorFocus;
    2766             :     gint            nFocusLineWidth;
    2767             :     gint            nFocusPadding;
    2768             :     gint            x,y,w,h;
    2769             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    2770             : 
    2771           0 :     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nXScreen );
    2772           0 :     NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( m_nXScreen );
    2773           0 :     NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow( m_nXScreen );
    2774           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2775             : 
    2776             :     // set up references to correct drawable and cliprect
    2777           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gBtnWidget, nState, stateType );
    2778           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget, nState, stateType );
    2779           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget, nState, stateType );
    2780             : 
    2781           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    2782           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    2783           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    2784           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    2785             : 
    2786           0 :     if ( nPart != PART_WINDOW )
    2787             :     {
    2788           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
    2789             :             "interior_focus",    &bInteriorFocus,
    2790             :             "focus_line_width",    &nFocusLineWidth,
    2791             :             "focus_padding",    &nFocusPadding,
    2792           0 :             (char *)NULL);
    2793             :     }
    2794             : 
    2795           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    2796             :     {
    2797           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    2798           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    2799           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    2800           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    2801             : 
    2802           0 :         if ( nPart != PART_WINDOW )
    2803             :         {
    2804             :             // Listboxes must paint opaque since some themes have alpha-channel enabled bodies
    2805             :             gtk_paint_flat_box( m_pWindow->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    2806           0 :                                 &clipRect, m_pWindow, "base", x, y, w, h);
    2807           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, &clipRect,
    2808           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget, "optionmenu",
    2809           0 :                            x, y, w, h);
    2810             :             aIndicatorRect = NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( m_nXScreen, nType, nPart, rControlRectangle, nState,
    2811           0 :                                                         aValue, rCaption );
    2812           0 :             gtk_paint_tab( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget->style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, &clipRect,
    2813           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gOptionMenuWidget, "optionmenutab",
    2814           0 :                            aIndicatorRect.Left(), aIndicatorRect.Top(),
    2815           0 :                            aIndicatorRect.GetWidth(), aIndicatorRect.GetHeight() );
    2816             :         }
    2817             :         else
    2818             :         {
    2819           0 :             shadowType = GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    2820             : 
    2821           0 :             gtk_paint_shadow( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget->style, gdkDrawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, shadowType,
    2822           0 :                 &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget, "scrolled_window",
    2823           0 :                 x, y, w, h );
    2824             :         }
    2825             :     }
    2826             : 
    2827           0 :     return( sal_True );
    2828             : }
    2829             : 
    2830           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKToolbar(
    2831             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    2832             :             ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    2833             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    2834             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    2835             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
    2836             :             const OUString& string)
    2837             : {
    2838             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    2839             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    2840             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    2841           0 :     gint            g_x=0, g_y=0, g_w=10, g_h=10;
    2842           0 :     GtkWidget*      pButtonWidget = gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget;
    2843             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    2844             : 
    2845           0 :     NWEnsureGTKToolbar( m_nXScreen );
    2846           0 :     if( nPart == PART_BUTTON ) // toolbar buttons cannot focus in gtk
    2847           0 :         nState &= ~CTRL_STATE_FOCUSED;
    2848           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    2849             : 
    2850           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    2851           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    2852           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    2853           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    2854             : 
    2855             :     // handle toolbar
    2856           0 :     if( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ || nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT )
    2857             :     {
    2858           0 :         NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget, nState, stateType );
    2859             : 
    2860           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    2861           0 :         if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    2862           0 :             GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    2863             : 
    2864           0 :         if( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ )
    2865           0 :             gtk_toolbar_set_orientation( GTK_TOOLBAR(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    2866             :         else
    2867           0 :             gtk_toolbar_set_orientation( GTK_TOOLBAR(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget), GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    2868             :     }
    2869             :     // handle grip
    2870           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ || nPart == PART_THUMB_VERT )
    2871             :     {
    2872           0 :         NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget, nState, stateType );
    2873             : 
    2874           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    2875           0 :         if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    2876           0 :             GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    2877             : 
    2878           0 :         gtk_handle_box_set_shadow_type( GTK_HANDLE_BOX(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget), shadowType );
    2879             : 
    2880             :         // evaluate grip rect
    2881           0 :         if( aValue.getType() == CTRL_TOOLBAR )
    2882             :         {
    2883           0 :             const ToolbarValue* pVal = static_cast<const ToolbarValue*>(&aValue);
    2884           0 :             g_x = pVal->maGripRect.Left();
    2885           0 :             g_y = pVal->maGripRect.Top();
    2886           0 :             g_w = pVal->maGripRect.GetWidth();
    2887           0 :             g_h = pVal->maGripRect.GetHeight();
    2888           0 :         }
    2889             :     }
    2890             :     // handle button
    2891           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_BUTTON )
    2892             :     {
    2893             :         bool bPaintButton = (nState & CTRL_STATE_PRESSED)
    2894           0 :             || (nState & CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER);
    2895           0 :         if( aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_ON )
    2896             :         {
    2897           0 :             gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(pButtonWidget),TRUE);
    2898           0 :             bPaintButton = true;
    2899             :         }
    2900             :         else
    2901           0 :             gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(pButtonWidget),FALSE);
    2902             : 
    2903           0 :         NWSetWidgetState( pButtonWidget, nState, stateType );
    2904           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( pButtonWidget );
    2905           0 :         if(bPaintButton)
    2906           0 :             NWPaintGTKButtonReal(pButtonWidget, gdkDrawable, 0, 0, rControlRectangle, rClipList, nState, aValue, string);
    2907             :     }
    2908             : 
    2909           0 :     if( nPart != PART_BUTTON )
    2910             :     {
    2911           0 :         for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    2912             :         {
    2913           0 :             clipRect.x = it->Left();
    2914           0 :             clipRect.y = it->Top();
    2915           0 :             clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    2916           0 :             clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    2917             : 
    2918             :             // draw toolbar
    2919           0 :             if( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ || nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT )
    2920             :             {
    2921           0 :                 gtk_paint_flat_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget->style,
    2922             :                                     gdkDrawable,
    2923             :                                     (GtkStateType)GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    2924             :                                     GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    2925             :                                     &clipRect,
    2926           0 :                                     gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget,
    2927             :                                     "base",
    2928           0 :                                     x, y, w, h );
    2929           0 :                 gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget->style,
    2930             :                                gdkDrawable,
    2931             :                                stateType,
    2932             :                                shadowType,
    2933             :                                &clipRect,
    2934           0 :                                gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gToolbarWidget,
    2935             :                                "toolbar",
    2936           0 :                                x, y, w, h );
    2937             :             }
    2938             :             // draw grip
    2939           0 :             else if( nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ || nPart == PART_THUMB_VERT )
    2940             :             {
    2941           0 :                 gtk_paint_handle( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget->style,
    2942             :                                   gdkDrawable,
    2943             :                                   GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    2944             :                                   GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    2945             :                                   &clipRect,
    2946           0 :                                   gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHandleBoxWidget,
    2947             :                                   "handlebox",
    2948             :                                   g_x, g_y, g_w, g_h,
    2949             :                                   nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ ?
    2950             :                                   GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL :
    2951             :                                   GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
    2952           0 :                                   );
    2953             :             }
    2954           0 :             else if( nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_HORZ || nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_VERT )
    2955             :             {
    2956           0 :                 const double shim = 0.2;
    2957             : 
    2958             : #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,10,0)
    2959           0 :                 gint separator_height, separator_width, wide_separators = 0;
    2960             : 
    2961           0 :                 gtk_widget_style_get (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator,
    2962             :                                       "wide-separators",  &wide_separators,
    2963             :                                       "separator-width",  &separator_width,
    2964             :                                       "separator-height", &separator_height,
    2965           0 :                                       NULL);
    2966             : 
    2967           0 :                 if (wide_separators)
    2968             :                 {
    2969           0 :                     if (nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_VERT)
    2970           0 :                         gtk_paint_box (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator->style, gdkDrawable,
    2971             :                                        GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT,
    2972           0 :                                        &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator, "vseparator",
    2973             :                                        x + (w - separator_width) / 2, y + h * shim,
    2974           0 :                                        separator_width, h * (1 - 2*shim));
    2975             :                     else
    2976           0 :                         gtk_paint_box (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator->style, gdkDrawable,
    2977             :                                        GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT,
    2978           0 :                                        &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator, "hseparator",
    2979             :                                        x + w * shim, y + (h - separator_width) / 2,
    2980           0 :                                        w * (1 - 2*shim), separator_width);
    2981             :                 }
    2982             :                 else
    2983             : #endif
    2984             :                 {
    2985           0 :                     if (nPart == PART_SEPARATOR_VERT)
    2986           0 :                         gtk_paint_vline (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator->style, gdkDrawable,
    2987             :                                          GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    2988           0 :                                          &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator, "vseparator",
    2989           0 :                                          y + h * shim, y + h * (1 - shim), x + w/2 - 1);
    2990             :                     else
    2991           0 :                         gtk_paint_hline (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator->style, gdkDrawable,
    2992             :                                          GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    2993           0 :                                          &clipRect, gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gSeparator, "hseparator",
    2994           0 :                                          x + w * shim, x + w * (1 - shim), y + h/2 - 1);
    2995             :                 }
    2996             :             }
    2997             :         }
    2998             :     }
    2999             : 
    3000           0 :     return( sal_True );
    3001             : }
    3002             : 
    3003             : //----
    3004             : 
    3005           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKMenubar(
    3006             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    3007             :             ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    3008             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3009             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    3010             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
    3011             :             const OUString& )
    3012             : {
    3013             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    3014             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    3015           0 :     GtkShadowType   selected_shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    3016             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    3017             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    3018             : 
    3019           0 :     NWEnsureGTKMenubar( m_nXScreen );
    3020           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    3021             : 
    3022           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    3023           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    3024           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    3025           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    3026             : 
    3027           0 :     if( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM )
    3028             :     {
    3029           0 :         if( nState & (CTRL_STATE_SELECTED|CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER) )
    3030             :         {
    3031           0 :             gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget,
    3032             :                                   "selected_shadow_type", &selected_shadow_type,
    3033           0 :                                   (char *)NULL);
    3034             :         }
    3035             :     }
    3036             : 
    3037           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    3038             :     {
    3039           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    3040           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    3041           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    3042           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    3043             : 
    3044             :         // handle Menubar
    3045           0 :         if( nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL )
    3046             :         {
    3047           0 :             NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget, nState, stateType );
    3048             : 
    3049           0 :             GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    3050           0 :             if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    3051           0 :                 GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    3052             : 
    3053             :             // for translucent menubar styles paint background first
    3054           0 :             gtk_paint_flat_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget->style,
    3055             :                                 gdkDrawable,
    3056             :                                 GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3057             :                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    3058             :                                 &clipRect,
    3059           0 :                                 GTK_WIDGET(m_pWindow),
    3060             :                                 "base",
    3061           0 :                                 x, y, w, h );
    3062           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget->style,
    3063             :                            gdkDrawable,
    3064             :                            stateType,
    3065             :                            shadowType,
    3066             :                            &clipRect,
    3067           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget,
    3068             :                            "menubar",
    3069           0 :                            x, y, w, h );
    3070             :         }
    3071             : 
    3072           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM )
    3073             :         {
    3074           0 :             if( nState & (CTRL_STATE_SELECTED|CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER) )
    3075             :             {
    3076           0 :                 gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget->style,
    3077             :                                gdkDrawable,
    3078             :                                GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT,
    3079             :                                selected_shadow_type,
    3080             :                                &clipRect,
    3081           0 :                                gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget,
    3082             :                                "menuitem",
    3083           0 :                                x, y, w, h);
    3084             :             }
    3085             :         }
    3086             :     }
    3087             : 
    3088           0 :     return( sal_True );
    3089             : }
    3090             : 
    3091           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKPopupMenu(
    3092             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    3093             :             ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    3094             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3095             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    3096             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
    3097             :             const OUString& )
    3098             : {
    3099             :     // #i50745# gtk does not draw disabled menu entries (and crux theme
    3100             :     // even crashes) in very old (Fedora Core 4 vintage) gtk's
    3101           0 :     if (gtk_major_version <= 2 && gtk_minor_version <= 8 &&
    3102           0 :         nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM && ! (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) )
    3103           0 :         return sal_True;
    3104             : 
    3105             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    3106             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    3107           0 :     GtkShadowType   selected_shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    3108             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    3109             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    3110             : 
    3111           0 :     NWEnsureGTKMenu( m_nXScreen );
    3112           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    3113             : 
    3114           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    3115           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    3116           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    3117           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    3118             : 
    3119           0 :     if( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM &&
    3120             :         ( nState & (CTRL_STATE_SELECTED|CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER) ) )
    3121             :     {
    3122           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3123             :                               "selected_shadow_type", &selected_shadow_type,
    3124           0 :                               (char *)NULL);
    3125             :     }
    3126             : 
    3127           0 :     NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget, nState, stateType );
    3128             : 
    3129           0 :     GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    3130           0 :     if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    3131           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    3132             : 
    3133           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    3134             :     {
    3135           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    3136           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    3137           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    3138           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    3139             : 
    3140           0 :         if( nPart == PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL )
    3141             :         {
    3142             :             // for translucent menubar styles paint background first
    3143           0 :             gtk_paint_flat_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget->style,
    3144             :                                 gdkDrawable,
    3145             :                                 GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3146             :                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    3147             :                                 &clipRect,
    3148           0 :                                 GTK_WIDGET(m_pWindow),
    3149             :                                 "base",
    3150           0 :                                 x, y, w, h );
    3151           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget->style,
    3152             :                            gdkDrawable,
    3153             :                            GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3154             :                            GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3155             :                            &clipRect,
    3156           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget,
    3157             :                            "menu",
    3158           0 :                            x, y, w, h );
    3159             :         }
    3160           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM )
    3161             :         {
    3162           0 :             if( nState & (CTRL_STATE_SELECTED|CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER) )
    3163             :             {
    3164           0 :                 if( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    3165           0 :                 gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget->style,
    3166             :                                gdkDrawable,
    3167             :                                GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT,
    3168             :                                selected_shadow_type,
    3169             :                                &clipRect,
    3170           0 :                                gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3171             :                                "menuitem",
    3172           0 :                                x, y, w, h);
    3173             :             }
    3174             :         }
    3175           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK || nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_RADIO_MARK )
    3176             :         {
    3177             :             GtkWidget* pWidget = (nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK) ?
    3178           0 :                                  gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget :
    3179           0 :                                  gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget;
    3180             : 
    3181             :             GtkStateType nStateType;
    3182             :             GtkShadowType nShadowType;
    3183           0 :             NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &nStateType, &nShadowType );
    3184             : 
    3185           0 :             if ( (nState & CTRL_STATE_SELECTED) && (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) )
    3186           0 :                 nStateType = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
    3187             : 
    3188           0 :             NWSetWidgetState( pWidget, nState, nStateType );
    3189             : 
    3190           0 :             if ( nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_MARK )
    3191             :             {
    3192             :                 gtk_paint_check( pWidget->style,
    3193             :                                  gdkDrawable,
    3194             :                                  nStateType,
    3195             :                                  nShadowType,
    3196             :                                  &clipRect,
    3197           0 :                                  gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3198             :                                  "check",
    3199           0 :                                  x, y, w, h );
    3200             :             }
    3201             :             else
    3202             :             {
    3203             :                 gtk_paint_option( pWidget->style,
    3204             :                                   gdkDrawable,
    3205             :                                   nStateType,
    3206             :                                   nShadowType,
    3207             :                                   &clipRect,
    3208           0 :                                   gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3209             :                                   "option",
    3210           0 :                                   x, y, w, h );
    3211           0 :             }
    3212             :         }
    3213           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_SEPARATOR )
    3214             :         {
    3215           0 :             gtk_paint_hline( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget->style,
    3216             :                              gdkDrawable,
    3217             :                              GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3218             :                              &clipRect,
    3219           0 :                              gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget,
    3220             :                              "menuitem",
    3221           0 :                              x, x + w, y + h / 2);
    3222             :         }
    3223           0 :         else if( nPart == PART_MENU_SUBMENU_ARROW )
    3224             :         {
    3225             :             GtkStateType nStateType;
    3226             :             GtkShadowType nShadowType;
    3227           0 :             NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &nStateType, &nShadowType );
    3228             : 
    3229           0 :             if ( (nState & CTRL_STATE_SELECTED) && (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) )
    3230           0 :                 nStateType = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
    3231             : 
    3232           0 :             NWSetWidgetState( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3233           0 :                               nState, nStateType );
    3234             : 
    3235             :             GtkArrowType eArrow;
    3236           0 :             if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    3237           0 :                 eArrow = GTK_ARROW_LEFT;
    3238             :             else
    3239           0 :                 eArrow = GTK_ARROW_RIGHT;
    3240             : 
    3241           0 :             gtk_paint_arrow( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget->style,
    3242             :                              gdkDrawable,
    3243             :                              nStateType,
    3244             :                              nShadowType,
    3245             :                              &clipRect,
    3246           0 :                              gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget,
    3247             :                              "menuitem",
    3248             :                              eArrow, TRUE,
    3249           0 :                              x, y, w, h);
    3250             :         }
    3251             :     }
    3252             : 
    3253           0 :     return( sal_True );
    3254             : }
    3255             : 
    3256           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKTooltip(
    3257             :             GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
    3258             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    3259             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3260             :             const clipList& rClipList,
    3261             :             ControlState, const ImplControlValue&,
    3262             :             const OUString& )
    3263             : {
    3264           0 :     NWEnsureGTKTooltip( m_nXScreen );
    3265             : 
    3266             :     gint            x, y, w, h;
    3267             :     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
    3268             : 
    3269           0 :     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
    3270           0 :     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
    3271           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    3272           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    3273             : 
    3274           0 :     for( clipList::const_iterator it = rClipList.begin(); it != rClipList.end(); ++it )
    3275             :     {
    3276           0 :         clipRect.x = it->Left();
    3277           0 :         clipRect.y = it->Top();
    3278           0 :         clipRect.width = it->GetWidth();
    3279           0 :         clipRect.height = it->GetHeight();
    3280             : 
    3281           0 :         gtk_paint_flat_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTooltipPopup->style,
    3282             :                             gdkDrawable,
    3283             :                             GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3284             :                             GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3285             :                             &clipRect,
    3286           0 :                             gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTooltipPopup,
    3287             :                             "tooltip",
    3288           0 :                             x, y, w, h );
    3289             :     }
    3290             : 
    3291           0 :     return( sal_True );
    3292             : }
    3293             : 
    3294           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListNode(
    3295             :             GdkDrawable*,
    3296             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    3297             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3298             :             const clipList&,
    3299             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& rValue,
    3300             :             const OUString& )
    3301             : {
    3302           0 :     NWEnsureGTKTreeView( m_nXScreen );
    3303             : 
    3304           0 :     Rectangle aRect( rControlRectangle );
    3305           0 :     aRect.Left() -= 2;
    3306           0 :     aRect.Right() += 2;
    3307           0 :     aRect.Top() -= 2;
    3308           0 :     aRect.Bottom() += 2;
    3309             :     gint            w, h;
    3310           0 :     w = aRect.GetWidth();
    3311           0 :     h = aRect.GetHeight();
    3312             : 
    3313             :     GtkStateType    stateType;
    3314             :     GtkShadowType    shadowType;
    3315           0 :     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
    3316             : 
    3317           0 :     ButtonValue aButtonValue = rValue.getTristateVal();
    3318           0 :     GtkExpanderStyle eStyle = GTK_EXPANDER_EXPANDED;
    3319             : 
    3320           0 :     switch( aButtonValue )
    3321             :     {
    3322           0 :         case BUTTONVALUE_ON: eStyle = GTK_EXPANDER_EXPANDED;break;
    3323           0 :         case BUTTONVALUE_OFF: eStyle = GTK_EXPANDER_COLLAPSED; break;
    3324             :         default:
    3325           0 :             break;
    3326             :     }
    3327             : 
    3328           0 :     GdkPixmap* pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( aRect );
    3329           0 :     if( ! pixmap )
    3330           0 :         return sal_False;
    3331             : 
    3332           0 :     GdkDrawable* const &pixDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap );
    3333           0 :     gtk_paint_expander( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTreeView->style,
    3334             :                         pixDrawable,
    3335             :                         stateType,
    3336             :                         NULL,
    3337           0 :                         gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTreeView,
    3338             :                         "treeview",
    3339             :                         w/2, h/2,
    3340           0 :                         eStyle );
    3341             : 
    3342           0 :     sal_Bool bRet = NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, aRect );
    3343           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    3344             : 
    3345           0 :     return bRet;
    3346             : }
    3347             : 
    3348           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKProgress(
    3349             :             GdkDrawable*,
    3350             :             ControlType, ControlPart,
    3351             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3352             :             const clipList&,
    3353             :             ControlState, const ImplControlValue& rValue,
    3354             :             const OUString& )
    3355             : {
    3356           0 :     NWEnsureGTKProgressBar( m_nXScreen );
    3357             : 
    3358             :     gint            w, h;
    3359           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    3360           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    3361             : 
    3362           0 :     long nProgressWidth = rValue.getNumericVal();
    3363             : 
    3364           0 :     GdkPixmap* pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( w, h ) ) );
    3365           0 :     if( ! pixmap )
    3366           0 :         return sal_False;
    3367             : 
    3368           0 :     GdkDrawable* const &pixDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap );
    3369             : 
    3370             :     // paint background
    3371           0 :     gtk_paint_flat_box(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar->style, pixDrawable,
    3372             :                            GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE, NULL, m_pWindow, "base",
    3373           0 :                            -rControlRectangle.Left(),-rControlRectangle.Top(),
    3374           0 :                            rControlRectangle.Left()+w,rControlRectangle.Top()+h);
    3375             : 
    3376           0 :     gtk_paint_flat_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar->style,
    3377             :                         pixDrawable,
    3378             :                         GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
    3379             :                         GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
    3380             :                         NULL,
    3381           0 :                         gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar,
    3382             :                         "trough",
    3383           0 :                         0, 0, w, h );
    3384           0 :     if( nProgressWidth > 0 )
    3385             :     {
    3386             :         // paint progress
    3387           0 :         if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    3388             :         {
    3389           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar->style,
    3390             :                            pixDrawable,
    3391             :                            GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3392             :                            NULL,
    3393           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar,
    3394             :                            "bar",
    3395             :                            w-nProgressWidth, 0, nProgressWidth, h
    3396           0 :                            );
    3397             :         }
    3398             :         else
    3399             :         {
    3400           0 :             gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar->style,
    3401             :                            pixDrawable,
    3402             :                            GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3403             :                            NULL,
    3404           0 :                            gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gProgressBar,
    3405             :                            "bar",
    3406             :                            0, 0, nProgressWidth, h
    3407           0 :                            );
    3408             :         }
    3409             :     }
    3410             : 
    3411           0 :     sal_Bool bRet = NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, rControlRectangle );
    3412           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    3413             : 
    3414           0 :     return bRet;
    3415             : }
    3416             : 
    3417           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSlider(
    3418             :             GdkDrawable*,
    3419             :             ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
    3420             :             const Rectangle& rControlRectangle,
    3421             :             const clipList&,
    3422             :             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& rValue,
    3423             :             const OUString& )
    3424             : {
    3425             :     OSL_ASSERT( rValue.getType() == CTRL_SLIDER );
    3426           0 :     NWEnsureGTKSlider( m_nXScreen );
    3427             : 
    3428             :     gint            w, h;
    3429           0 :     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
    3430           0 :     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
    3431             : 
    3432           0 :     const SliderValue* pVal = static_cast<const SliderValue*>(&rValue);
    3433             : 
    3434           0 :     GdkPixmap* pixmap = NWGetPixmapFromScreen( rControlRectangle );
    3435           0 :     if( ! pixmap )
    3436           0 :         return sal_False;
    3437             : 
    3438           0 :     GdkDrawable* const &pixDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap );
    3439             :     GtkWidget* pWidget = (nPart == PART_TRACK_HORZ_AREA)
    3440           0 :                          ? GTK_WIDGET(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gHScale)
    3441           0 :                          : GTK_WIDGET(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gVScale);
    3442           0 :     const gchar* pDetail = (nPart == PART_TRACK_HORZ_AREA) ? "hscale" : "vscale";
    3443           0 :     GtkOrientation eOri = (nPart == PART_TRACK_HORZ_AREA) ? GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL : GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL;
    3444           0 :     gint slider_width = 10;
    3445           0 :     gint slider_length = 10;
    3446           0 :     gint trough_border = 0;
    3447             :     gtk_widget_style_get( pWidget,
    3448             :                           "slider-width", &slider_width,
    3449             :                           "slider-length", &slider_length,
    3450             :                           "trough-border", &trough_border,
    3451           0 :                           NULL);
    3452             : 
    3453           0 :     GtkStateType eState = (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) ? GTK_STATE_NORMAL : GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    3454           0 :     if( nPart == PART_TRACK_HORZ_AREA )
    3455             :     {
    3456             :         gtk_paint_box( pWidget->style,
    3457             :                        pixDrawable,
    3458             :                        eState,
    3459             :                        GTK_SHADOW_IN,
    3460             :                        NULL,
    3461             :                        pWidget,
    3462             :                        "trough",
    3463           0 :                        0, (h-slider_width-2*trough_border)/2, w, slider_width + 2*trough_border);
    3464           0 :         gint x = (w - slider_length + 1) * (pVal->mnCur - pVal->mnMin) / (pVal->mnMax - pVal->mnMin);
    3465             :         gtk_paint_slider( pWidget->style,
    3466             :                           pixDrawable,
    3467             :                           eState,
    3468             :                           GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3469             :                           NULL,
    3470             :                           pWidget,
    3471             :                           pDetail,
    3472             :                           x, (h-slider_width)/2,
    3473             :                           slider_length, slider_width,
    3474           0 :                           eOri );
    3475             :     }
    3476             :     else
    3477             :     {
    3478             :         gtk_paint_box( pWidget->style,
    3479             :                        pixDrawable,
    3480             :                        eState,
    3481             :                        GTK_SHADOW_IN,
    3482             :                        NULL,
    3483             :                        pWidget,
    3484             :                        "trough",
    3485           0 :                        (w-slider_width-2*trough_border)/2, 0, slider_width + 2*trough_border, h);
    3486           0 :         gint y = (h - slider_length + 1) * (pVal->mnCur - pVal->mnMin) / (pVal->mnMax - pVal->mnMin);
    3487             :         gtk_paint_slider( pWidget->style,
    3488             :                           pixDrawable,
    3489             :                           eState,
    3490             :                           GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
    3491             :                           NULL,
    3492             :                           pWidget,
    3493             :                           pDetail,
    3494             :                           (w-slider_width)/2, y,
    3495             :                           slider_width, slider_length,
    3496           0 :                           eOri );
    3497             :     }
    3498             : 
    3499             : 
    3500           0 :     sal_Bool bRet = NWRenderPixmapToScreen( pixmap, rControlRectangle );
    3501           0 :     g_object_unref( pixmap );
    3502             : 
    3503           0 :     return bRet;
    3504             : }
    3505             : 
    3506             : //----
    3507             : 
    3508           0 : static int getFrameWidth(GtkWidget* widget)
    3509             : {
    3510           0 :     return widget->style->xthickness;
    3511             : }
    3512             : 
    3513           0 : static Rectangle NWGetListBoxButtonRect( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    3514             :                                          ControlType,
    3515             :                                          ControlPart    nPart,
    3516             :                                          Rectangle      aAreaRect,
    3517             :                                          ControlState,
    3518             :                                          const ImplControlValue&,
    3519             :                                          const OUString& )
    3520             : {
    3521           0 :     Rectangle       aPartRect;
    3522           0 :     GtkRequisition *pIndicatorSize = NULL;
    3523           0 :     GtkBorder      *pIndicatorSpacing = NULL;
    3524           0 :     gint            width = 13;    // GTK+ default
    3525           0 :     gint            right = 5;    // GTK+ default
    3526           0 :     gint            nButtonAreaWidth = 0;
    3527           0 :     gint            xthickness = 0;
    3528             : 
    3529           0 :     NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( nScreen );
    3530             : 
    3531           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
    3532             :             "indicator_size",    &pIndicatorSize,
    3533           0 :             "indicator_spacing",&pIndicatorSpacing, (char *)NULL);
    3534             : 
    3535           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSize )
    3536           0 :         width = pIndicatorSize->width;
    3537             : 
    3538           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSpacing )
    3539           0 :         right = pIndicatorSpacing->right;
    3540             : 
    3541           0 :     Size aPartSize( 0, aAreaRect.GetHeight() );
    3542           0 :     Point aPartPos ( 0, aAreaRect.Top() );
    3543             : 
    3544           0 :     xthickness = gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget->style->xthickness;
    3545           0 :     nButtonAreaWidth = width + right + (xthickness * 2);
    3546           0 :     switch( nPart )
    3547             :     {
    3548             :         case PART_BUTTON_DOWN:
    3549           0 :             aPartSize.Width() = nButtonAreaWidth;
    3550           0 :             aPartPos.X() = aAreaRect.Left() + aAreaRect.GetWidth() - aPartSize.Width();
    3551           0 :             break;
    3552             : 
    3553             :         case PART_SUB_EDIT:
    3554           0 :             aPartSize.Width() = aAreaRect.GetWidth() - nButtonAreaWidth - xthickness;
    3555           0 :             if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    3556           0 :                 aPartPos.X() = aAreaRect.Left() + nButtonAreaWidth;
    3557             :             else
    3558           0 :                 aPartPos.X() = aAreaRect.Left() + xthickness;
    3559           0 :             break;
    3560             : 
    3561             :         default:
    3562           0 :             aPartSize.Width() = aAreaRect.GetWidth();
    3563           0 :             aPartPos.X() = aAreaRect.Left();
    3564           0 :             break;
    3565             :     }
    3566           0 :     aPartRect = Rectangle( aPartPos, aPartSize );
    3567             : 
    3568           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSize )
    3569           0 :         gtk_requisition_free( pIndicatorSize );
    3570           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSpacing )
    3571           0 :         gtk_border_free( pIndicatorSpacing );
    3572             : 
    3573           0 :     return( aPartRect );
    3574             : }
    3575             : 
    3576             : //----
    3577             : 
    3578           0 : static Rectangle NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( SalX11Screen nScreen,
    3579             :                                             ControlType,
    3580             :                                             ControlPart,
    3581             :                                             Rectangle                aAreaRect,
    3582             :                                             ControlState,
    3583             :                                             const ImplControlValue&,
    3584             :                                             const OUString& )
    3585             : {
    3586           0 :     Rectangle       aIndicatorRect;
    3587           0 :     GtkRequisition *pIndicatorSize = NULL;
    3588           0 :     GtkBorder      *pIndicatorSpacing = NULL;
    3589           0 :     gint            width = 13;    // GTK+ default
    3590           0 :     gint            height = 13;    // GTK+ default
    3591           0 :     gint            right = 5;    // GTK+ default
    3592             :     gint            x;
    3593             : 
    3594           0 :     NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( nScreen );
    3595             : 
    3596           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
    3597             :             "indicator_size",    &pIndicatorSize,
    3598           0 :             "indicator_spacing",&pIndicatorSpacing, (char *)NULL);
    3599             : 
    3600           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSize )
    3601             :     {
    3602           0 :         width = pIndicatorSize->width;
    3603           0 :         height = pIndicatorSize->height;
    3604             :     }
    3605             : 
    3606           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSpacing )
    3607           0 :         right = pIndicatorSpacing->right;
    3608             : 
    3609           0 :     aIndicatorRect.SetSize( Size( width, height ) );
    3610           0 :     if( Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL() )
    3611           0 :         x = aAreaRect.Left() + right;
    3612             :     else
    3613           0 :         x = aAreaRect.Left() + aAreaRect.GetWidth() - width - right - gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget->style->xthickness;
    3614           0 :     aIndicatorRect.SetPos( Point( x, aAreaRect.Top() + ((aAreaRect.GetHeight() - height) / 2) ) );
    3615             : 
    3616             :     // If height is odd, move the indicator down 1 pixel
    3617           0 :     if ( aIndicatorRect.GetHeight() % 2 )
    3618           0 :         aIndicatorRect.Move( 0, 1 );
    3619             : 
    3620           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSize )
    3621           0 :         gtk_requisition_free( pIndicatorSize );
    3622           0 :     if ( pIndicatorSpacing )
    3623           0 :         gtk_border_free( pIndicatorSpacing );
    3624             : 
    3625           0 :     return( aIndicatorRect );
    3626             : }
    3627             : 
    3628           0 : static Rectangle NWGetToolbarRect(  SalX11Screen nScreen,
    3629             :                                     ControlType,
    3630             :                                     ControlPart                nPart,
    3631             :                                     Rectangle                aAreaRect,
    3632             :                                     ControlState,
    3633             :                                     const ImplControlValue&,
    3634             :                                     const OUString& )
    3635             : {
    3636           0 :     Rectangle aRet;
    3637             : 
    3638           0 :     if( nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ ||
    3639             :         nPart == PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT )
    3640           0 :         aRet = aAreaRect;
    3641           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_THUMB_HORZ )
    3642           0 :         aRet = Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( aAreaRect.GetWidth(), 10 ) );
    3643           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_THUMB_VERT )
    3644           0 :         aRet = Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( 10, aAreaRect.GetHeight() ) );
    3645           0 :     else if( nPart == PART_BUTTON )
    3646             :     {
    3647           0 :         aRet = aAreaRect;
    3648             : 
    3649           0 :         NWEnsureGTKToolbar( nScreen );
    3650             : 
    3651             :         gint nMinWidth =
    3652           0 :             2*gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget->style->xthickness
    3653             :             + 1 // CHILD_SPACING constant, found in gtk_button.c
    3654           0 :             + 3*gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget->style->xthickness; // Murphy factor
    3655             :         gint nMinHeight =
    3656           0 :             2*gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget->style->ythickness
    3657             :             + 1 // CHILD_SPACING constant, found in gtk_button.c
    3658           0 :             + 3*gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget->style->ythickness; // Murphy factor
    3659             : 
    3660           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget );
    3661           0 :         if( aAreaRect.GetWidth() < nMinWidth )
    3662           0 :             aRet.Right() = aRet.Left() + nMinWidth;
    3663           0 :         if( aAreaRect.GetHeight() < nMinHeight  )
    3664           0 :             aRet.Bottom() = aRet.Top() + nMinHeight;
    3665             :     }
    3666             : 
    3667           0 :     return aRet;
    3668             : }
    3669             : 
    3670             : /************************************************************************
    3671             :  * helper for GtkSalFrame
    3672             :  ************************************************************************/
    3673           0 : static inline Color getColor( const GdkColor& rCol )
    3674             : {
    3675           0 :     return Color( >> 8, >> 8, >> 8 );
    3676             : }
    3677             : 
    3678             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
    3679             : 
    3680             : void printColor( const char* name, const GdkColor& rCol )
    3681             : {
    3682             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "   %s = 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x\n",
    3683             :              name,
    3684             :     >> 8, >> 8, >> 8 );
    3685             : }
    3686             : 
    3687             : void printStyleColors( GtkStyle* pStyle )
    3688             : {
    3689             :     static const char* pStates[] = { "NORMAL", "ACTIVE", "PRELIGHT", "SELECTED", "INSENSITIVE" };
    3690             : 
    3691             :     for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
    3692             :     {
    3693             :         std::fprintf( stderr, "state %s colors:\n", pStates[i] );
    3694             :         printColor( "bg     ", pStyle->bg[i] );
    3695             :         printColor( "fg     ", pStyle->fg[i] );
    3696             :         printColor( "light  ", pStyle->light[i] );
    3697             :         printColor( "dark   ", pStyle->dark[i] );
    3698             :         printColor( "mid    ", pStyle->mid[i] );
    3699             :         printColor( "text   ", pStyle->text[i] );
    3700             :         printColor( "base   ", pStyle->base[i] );
    3701             :         printColor( "text_aa", pStyle->text_aa[i] );
    3702             :     }
    3703             : }
    3704             : #endif
    3705             : 
    3706           0 : void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
    3707             : {
    3708           0 :     GdkScreen* pScreen = gtk_widget_get_screen( m_pWindow );
    3709           0 :     gtk_widget_ensure_style( m_pWindow );
    3710           0 :     GtkStyle* pStyle = gtk_widget_get_style( m_pWindow );
    3711           0 :     GtkSettings* pSettings = gtk_widget_get_settings( m_pWindow );
    3712           0 :     StyleSettings aStyleSet = rSettings.GetStyleSettings();
    3713             : 
    3714           0 :     guint latest_fontconfig_timestamp = 0;
    3715             :     static guint our_fontconfig_timestamp = 0;
    3716           0 :     g_object_get( pSettings, "gtk-fontconfig-timestamp", &latest_fontconfig_timestamp, (char *)NULL );
    3717           0 :     if (latest_fontconfig_timestamp != our_fontconfig_timestamp)
    3718             :     {
    3719           0 :         bool bFirstTime = our_fontconfig_timestamp == 0;
    3720           0 :         our_fontconfig_timestamp = latest_fontconfig_timestamp;
    3721           0 :         if (!bFirstTime)
    3722           0 :             psp::PrintFontManager::get().initialize();
    3723             :     }
    3724             : 
    3725             :     // get the widgets in place
    3726           0 :     NWEnsureGTKMenu( m_nXScreen );
    3727           0 :     NWEnsureGTKMenubar( m_nXScreen );
    3728           0 :     NWEnsureGTKScrollbars( m_nXScreen );
    3729           0 :     NWEnsureGTKEditBox( m_nXScreen );
    3730           0 :     NWEnsureGTKTooltip( m_nXScreen );
    3731           0 :     NWEnsureGTKDialog( m_nXScreen );
    3732           0 :     NWEnsureGTKFrame( m_nXScreen );
    3733             : 
    3734             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2
    3735             :     printStyleColors( pStyle );
    3736             : #endif
    3737             : 
    3738             :     // text colors
    3739           0 :     Color aTextColor = getColor( pStyle->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3740           0 :     aStyleSet.SetDialogTextColor( aTextColor );
    3741           0 :     aStyleSet.SetWindowTextColor( aTextColor );
    3742           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFieldTextColor( aTextColor );
    3743           0 :     aTextColor = getColor( pStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3744           0 :     aStyleSet.SetButtonTextColor( aTextColor );
    3745           0 :     aStyleSet.SetRadioCheckTextColor( aTextColor );
    3746           0 :     aStyleSet.SetGroupTextColor( aTextColor );
    3747           0 :     aStyleSet.SetLabelTextColor( aTextColor );
    3748           0 :     aStyleSet.SetInfoTextColor( aTextColor );
    3749             : 
    3750             :     // Tooltip colors
    3751           0 :     GtkStyle* pTooltipStyle = gtk_widget_get_style( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gTooltipPopup );
    3752           0 :     aTextColor = getColor( pTooltipStyle->fg[ GTK_STATE_NORMAL ] );
    3753           0 :     aStyleSet.SetHelpTextColor( aTextColor );
    3754             : 
    3755           0 :     DialogStyle aDialogStyle(aStyleSet.GetDialogStyle());
    3756           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get (gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gDialog,
    3757             :         "content-area-border", &aDialogStyle.content_area_border,
    3758             :         "content-area-spacing", &aDialogStyle.content_area_spacing,
    3759             :         "button-spacing", &aDialogStyle.button_spacing,
    3760             :         "action-area-border", &aDialogStyle.action_area_border,
    3761           0 :         NULL);
    3762           0 :     aStyleSet.SetDialogStyle(aDialogStyle);
    3763             : 
    3764           0 :     FrameStyle aFrameStyle(aStyleSet.GetFrameStyle());
    3765             :     aFrameStyle.left = aFrameStyle.right =
    3766           0 :         gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gFrame->style->xthickness;
    3767             : = aFrameStyle.bottom =
    3768           0 :         gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gFrame->style->ythickness;
    3769           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFrameStyle(aFrameStyle);
    3770             : 
    3771             :     // mouse over text colors
    3772           0 :     aTextColor = getColor( pStyle->fg[ GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT ] );
    3773           0 :     aStyleSet.SetButtonRolloverTextColor( aTextColor );
    3774           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFieldRolloverTextColor( aTextColor );
    3775             : 
    3776             :     // background colors
    3777           0 :     Color aBackColor = getColor( pStyle->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3778           0 :     Color aBackFieldColor = getColor( pStyle->base[ GTK_STATE_NORMAL ] );
    3779           0 :     aStyleSet.Set3DColors( aBackColor );
    3780           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFaceColor( aBackColor );
    3781           0 :     aStyleSet.SetDialogColor( aBackColor );
    3782           0 :     aStyleSet.SetWorkspaceColor( aBackColor );
    3783           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFieldColor( aBackFieldColor );
    3784           0 :     aStyleSet.SetWindowColor( aBackFieldColor );
    3785           0 :     aStyleSet.SetCheckedColorSpecialCase( );
    3786             : 
    3787             :     // highlighting colors
    3788           0 :     Color aHighlightColor = getColor( pStyle->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] );
    3789           0 :     Color aHighlightTextColor = getColor( pStyle->text[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] );
    3790           0 :     aStyleSet.SetHighlightColor( aHighlightColor );
    3791           0 :     aStyleSet.SetHighlightTextColor( aHighlightTextColor );
    3792             : 
    3793           0 :     if( ! gtk_check_version( 2, 10, 0 ) ) // link colors came in with 2.10, avoid an assertion
    3794             :     {
    3795             :         // hyperlink colors
    3796           0 :         GdkColor *link_color = NULL;
    3797           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get (m_pWindow, "link-color", &link_color, NULL);
    3798           0 :         if (link_color)
    3799             :         {
    3800           0 :             aStyleSet.SetLinkColor(getColor(*link_color));
    3801           0 :             gdk_color_free (link_color);
    3802           0 :             link_color = NULL;
    3803             :         }
    3804           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get (m_pWindow, "visited-link-color", &link_color, NULL);
    3805           0 :         if (link_color)
    3806             :         {
    3807           0 :             aStyleSet.SetVisitedLinkColor(getColor(*link_color));
    3808           0 :             gdk_color_free (link_color);
    3809             :         }
    3810             :     }
    3811             : 
    3812             :     // Tab colors
    3813           0 :     aStyleSet.SetActiveTabColor( aBackFieldColor ); // same as the window color.
    3814           0 :     Color aSelectedBackColor = getColor( pStyle->bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] );
    3815           0 :     aStyleSet.SetInactiveTabColor( aSelectedBackColor );
    3816             : 
    3817             :     // menu disabled entries handling
    3818           0 :     aStyleSet.SetSkipDisabledInMenus( sal_True );
    3819           0 :     aStyleSet.SetAcceleratorsInContextMenus( sal_False );
    3820             :     // menu colors
    3821           0 :     GtkStyle* pMenuStyle = gtk_widget_get_style( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuWidget );
    3822           0 :     GtkStyle* pMenuItemStyle = gtk_rc_get_style( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget );
    3823           0 :     GtkStyle* pMenubarStyle = gtk_rc_get_style( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenubarWidget );
    3824           0 :     GtkStyle* pMenuTextStyle = gtk_rc_get_style( gtk_bin_get_child( GTK_BIN(gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget) ) );
    3825             : 
    3826           0 :     aBackColor = getColor( pMenubarStyle->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3827           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuBarColor( aBackColor );
    3828           0 :     aBackColor = getColor( pMenuStyle->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3829           0 :     aTextColor = getColor( pMenuTextStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3830           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuColor( aBackColor );
    3831           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuTextColor( aTextColor );
    3832             : 
    3833           0 :     aTextColor = getColor( pMenubarStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] );
    3834           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuBarTextColor( aTextColor );
    3835             : 
    3836             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
    3837             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "==\n" );
    3838             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "MenuColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetMenuColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetMenuColor().GetLuminance() );
    3839             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "MenuTextColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetMenuTextColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetMenuTextColor().GetLuminance() );
    3840             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "MenuBarColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetMenuBarColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetMenuBarColor().GetLuminance() );
    3841             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "MenuBarTextColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetMenuBarTextColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetMenuBarTextColor().GetLuminance() );
    3842             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "LightColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetLightColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetLightColor().GetLuminance() );
    3843             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "ShadowColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetShadowColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetShadowColor().GetLuminance() );
    3844             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "DarkShadowColor = %x (%d)\n", (int)aStyleSet.GetDarkShadowColor().GetColor(), aStyleSet.GetDarkShadowColor().GetLuminance() );
    3845             : #endif
    3846             : 
    3847             :     // Awful hack for menu separators in the Sonar and similar themes.
    3848             :     // If the menu color is not too dark, and the menu text color is lighter,
    3849             :     // make the "light" color lighter than the menu color and the "shadow"
    3850             :     // color darker than it.
    3851           0 :     if ( aStyleSet.GetMenuColor().GetLuminance() >= 32 &&
    3852           0 :      aStyleSet.GetMenuColor().GetLuminance() <= aStyleSet.GetMenuTextColor().GetLuminance() )
    3853             :     {
    3854           0 :       Color temp = aStyleSet.GetMenuColor();
    3855           0 :       temp.IncreaseLuminance( 8 );
    3856           0 :       aStyleSet.SetLightColor( temp );
    3857           0 :       temp = aStyleSet.GetMenuColor();
    3858           0 :       temp.DecreaseLuminance( 16 );
    3859           0 :       aStyleSet.SetShadowColor( temp );
    3860             :     }
    3861             : 
    3862           0 :     aHighlightColor = getColor( pMenuItemStyle->bg[ GTK_STATE_SELECTED ] );
    3863           0 :     aHighlightTextColor = getColor( pMenuTextStyle->fg[ GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT ] );
    3864           0 :     if( aHighlightColor == aHighlightTextColor )
    3865           0 :         aHighlightTextColor = (aHighlightColor.GetLuminance() < 128) ? Color( COL_WHITE ) : Color( COL_BLACK );
    3866           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuHighlightColor( aHighlightColor );
    3867           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuHighlightTextColor( aHighlightTextColor );
    3868             : 
    3869             :     // UI font
    3870           0 :     OString    aFamily        = pango_font_description_get_family( pStyle->font_desc );
    3871           0 :     int nPangoHeight    = pango_font_description_get_size( pStyle->font_desc );
    3872           0 :     PangoStyle    eStyle    = pango_font_description_get_style( pStyle->font_desc );
    3873           0 :     PangoWeight    eWeight    = pango_font_description_get_weight( pStyle->font_desc );
    3874           0 :     PangoStretch eStretch = pango_font_description_get_stretch( pStyle->font_desc );
    3875             : 
    3876           0 :     psp::FastPrintFontInfo aInfo;
    3877             :     // set family name
    3878           0 :     aInfo.m_aFamilyName = OStringToOUString( aFamily, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
    3879             :     // set italic
    3880           0 :     switch( eStyle )
    3881             :     {
    3882           0 :         case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NONE;break;
    3883           0 :         case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NORMAL;break;
    3884           0 :         case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_OBLIQUE;break;
    3885             :     }
    3886             :     // set weight
    3887           0 :     if( eWeight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT )
    3888           0 :         aInfo.m_eWeight = WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT;
    3889           0 :     else if( eWeight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT )
    3890           0 :         aInfo.m_eWeight = WEIGHT_LIGHT;
    3891           0 :     else if( eWeight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL )
    3892           0 :         aInfo.m_eWeight = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
    3893           0 :     else if( eWeight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD )
    3894           0 :         aInfo.m_eWeight = WEIGHT_BOLD;
    3895             :     else
    3896           0 :         aInfo.m_eWeight = WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD;
    3897             :     // set width
    3898           0 :     switch( eStretch )
    3899             :     {
    3900           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED;break;
    3901           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED;break;
    3902           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED:        aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_CONDENSED;break;
    3903           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED;break;
    3904           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL:            aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;break;
    3905           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED;break;
    3906           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED:        aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXPANDED;break;
    3907           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED;break;
    3908           0 :         case PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED;break;
    3909             :     }
    3910             : 
    3911             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
    3912             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "font name BEFORE system match: \"%s\"\n", aFamily.getStr() );
    3913             : #endif
    3914             : 
    3915             :     // match font to e.g. resolve "Sans"
    3916           0 :     psp::PrintFontManager::get().matchFont( aInfo, rSettings.GetUILanguageTag().getLocale() );
    3917             : 
    3918             : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
    3919             :     std::fprintf( stderr, "font match %s, name AFTER: \"%s\"\n",
    3920             :              aInfo.m_nID != 0 ? "succeeded" : "failed",
    3921             :              OUStringToOString( aInfo.m_aFamilyName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ).getStr() );
    3922             : #endif
    3923             : 
    3924           0 :     sal_Int32 nDispDPIY = GetDisplay()->GetResolution().B();
    3925           0 :     int nPointHeight = 0;
    3926             :     static gboolean(*pAbso)(const PangoFontDescription*) =
    3927           0 :         (gboolean(*)(const PangoFontDescription*))osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol( GetSalData()->m_pPlugin, "pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute" );
    3928             : 
    3929           0 :     if( pAbso && pAbso( pStyle->font_desc ) )
    3930           0 :         nPointHeight = (nPangoHeight * 72 + nDispDPIY*PANGO_SCALE/2) / (nDispDPIY * PANGO_SCALE);
    3931             :     else
    3932           0 :         nPointHeight = nPangoHeight/PANGO_SCALE;
    3933             : 
    3934           0 :     Font aFont( aInfo.m_aFamilyName, Size( 0, nPointHeight ) );
    3935           0 :     if( aInfo.m_eWeight != WEIGHT_DONTKNOW )
    3936           0 :         aFont.SetWeight( aInfo.m_eWeight );
    3937           0 :     if( aInfo.m_eWidth != WIDTH_DONTKNOW )
    3938           0 :         aFont.SetWidthType( aInfo.m_eWidth );
    3939           0 :     if( aInfo.m_eItalic != ITALIC_DONTKNOW )
    3940           0 :         aFont.SetItalic( aInfo.m_eItalic );
    3941           0 :     if( aInfo.m_ePitch != PITCH_DONTKNOW )
    3942           0 :         aFont.SetPitch( aInfo.m_ePitch );
    3943             : 
    3944           0 :     aStyleSet.SetAppFont( aFont );
    3945           0 :     aStyleSet.SetHelpFont( aFont );
    3946           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMenuFont( aFont );
    3947           0 :     aStyleSet.SetToolFont( aFont );
    3948           0 :     aStyleSet.SetLabelFont( aFont );
    3949           0 :     aStyleSet.SetInfoFont( aFont );
    3950           0 :     aStyleSet.SetRadioCheckFont( aFont );
    3951           0 :     aStyleSet.SetPushButtonFont( aFont );
    3952           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFieldFont( aFont );
    3953           0 :     aStyleSet.SetIconFont( aFont );
    3954           0 :     aStyleSet.SetGroupFont( aFont );
    3955             : 
    3956           0 :     aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
    3957           0 :     aStyleSet.SetTitleFont( aFont );
    3958           0 :     aStyleSet.SetFloatTitleFont( aFont );
    3959             : 
    3960             :     // get cursor blink time
    3961           0 :     gboolean blink = false;
    3962             : 
    3963           0 :     g_object_get( pSettings, "gtk-cursor-blink", &blink, (char *)NULL );
    3964           0 :     if( blink )
    3965             :     {
    3966           0 :         gint blink_time = STYLE_CURSOR_NOBLINKTIME;
    3967           0 :         g_object_get( pSettings, "gtk-cursor-blink-time", &blink_time, (char *)NULL );
    3968             :         // set the blink_time if there is a setting and it is reasonable
    3969             :         // else leave the default value
    3970           0 :         if( blink_time > 100 && blink_time != gint(STYLE_CURSOR_NOBLINKTIME) )
    3971           0 :             aStyleSet.SetCursorBlinkTime( blink_time/2 );
    3972             :     }
    3973             :     else
    3974           0 :         aStyleSet.SetCursorBlinkTime( STYLE_CURSOR_NOBLINKTIME );
    3975             : 
    3976           0 :     MouseSettings aMouseSettings = rSettings.GetMouseSettings();
    3977             :     int iDoubleClickTime, iDoubleClickDistance, iDragThreshold, iMenuPopupDelay;
    3978             :     g_object_get( pSettings,
    3979             :                   "gtk-double-click-time", &iDoubleClickTime,
    3980             :                   "gtk-double-click-distance", &iDoubleClickDistance,
    3981             :                   "gtk-dnd-drag-threshold", &iDragThreshold,
    3982             :                   "gtk-menu-popup-delay", &iMenuPopupDelay,
    3983           0 :                   (char *)NULL );
    3984           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetDoubleClickTime( iDoubleClickTime );
    3985           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetDoubleClickWidth( iDoubleClickDistance );
    3986           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetDoubleClickHeight( iDoubleClickDistance );
    3987           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetStartDragWidth( iDragThreshold );
    3988           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetStartDragHeight( iDragThreshold );
    3989           0 :     aMouseSettings.SetMenuDelay( iMenuPopupDelay );
    3990           0 :     rSettings.SetMouseSettings( aMouseSettings );
    3991             : 
    3992           0 :     gboolean showmenuicons = true, primarybuttonwarps = false;
    3993             :     g_object_get( pSettings,
    3994             :         "gtk-menu-images", &showmenuicons,
    3995           0 :         (char *)NULL );
    3996           0 :     if( g_object_class_find_property(
    3997           0 :             G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(pSettings), "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider") )
    3998             :     {
    3999             :         g_object_get( pSettings,
    4000             :             "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider", &primarybuttonwarps,
    4001           0 :             (char *)NULL );
    4002             :     }
    4003           0 :     aStyleSet.SetPreferredUseImagesInMenus(showmenuicons);
    4004           0 :     aStyleSet.SetPrimaryButtonWarpsSlider(primarybuttonwarps);
    4005             : 
    4006             :     // set scrollbar settings
    4007           0 :     gint slider_width = 14;
    4008           0 :     gint trough_border = 1;
    4009           0 :     gint min_slider_length = 21;
    4010             : 
    4011             :     // Grab some button style attributes
    4012           0 :     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nXScreen].gScrollHorizWidget,
    4013             :                           "slider-width", &slider_width,
    4014             :                           "trough-border", &trough_border,
    4015             :                           "min-slider-length", &min_slider_length,
    4016           0 :                           (char *)NULL );
    4017           0 :     gint magic = trough_border ? 1 : 0;
    4018           0 :     aStyleSet.SetScrollBarSize( slider_width + 2*trough_border );
    4019           0 :     aStyleSet.SetMinThumbSize( min_slider_length - magic );
    4020             : 
    4021             :     // preferred icon style
    4022           0 :     gchar* pIconThemeName = NULL;
    4023           0 :     g_object_get( pSettings, "gtk-icon-theme-name", &pIconThemeName, (char *)NULL );
    4024           0 :     aStyleSet.SetPreferredSymbolsStyleName( OUString::createFromAscii( pIconThemeName ) );
    4025           0 :     g_free( pIconThemeName );
    4026             : 
    4027           0 :     aStyleSet.SetToolbarIconSize( STYLE_TOOLBAR_ICONSIZE_LARGE );
    4028             : 
    4029             : #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
    4030             :     static cairo_font_options_t* (*gdk_screen_get_font_options)(GdkScreen*) =
    4031             :         (cairo_font_options_t*(*)(GdkScreen*))osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol( GetSalData()->m_pPlugin, "gdk_screen_get_font_options" );
    4032             :     if( gdk_screen_get_font_options != NULL )
    4033             :     {
    4034             :         const cairo_font_options_t* pNewOptions = gdk_screen_get_font_options( pScreen );
    4035             :         aStyleSet.SetCairoFontOptions( pNewOptions );
    4036             :     }
    4037             : #else
    4038           0 :     const cairo_font_options_t* pNewOptions = gdk_screen_get_font_options( pScreen );
    4039           0 :     aStyleSet.SetCairoFontOptions( pNewOptions );
    4040             : #endif
    4041             : 
    4042             :     // finally update the collected settings
    4043           0 :     rSettings.SetStyleSettings( aStyleSet );
    4044           0 : }
    4045             : 
    4046             : 
    4047             : /************************************************************************
    4048             :  * Create a GdkPixmap filled with the contents of an area of an Xlib window
    4049             :  ************************************************************************/
    4050             : 
    4051           0 : GdkPixmap* GtkSalGraphics::NWGetPixmapFromScreen( Rectangle srcRect )
    4052             : {
    4053             :     // Create a new pixmap to hold the composite of the window background and the control
    4054           0 :     GdkPixmap * pPixmap        = gdk_pixmap_new( GDK_DRAWABLE(GetGdkWindow()), srcRect.GetWidth(), srcRect.GetHeight(), -1 );
    4055           0 :     GdkGC *     pPixmapGC      = gdk_gc_new( pPixmap );
    4056             : 
    4057           0 :     if( !pPixmap || !pPixmapGC )
    4058             :     {
    4059           0 :         if ( pPixmap )
    4060           0 :             g_object_unref( pPixmap );
    4061           0 :         if ( pPixmapGC )
    4062           0 :             g_object_unref( pPixmapGC );
    4063           0 :         std::fprintf( stderr, "salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx: could not get valid pixmap from screen\n" );
    4064           0 :         return( NULL );
    4065             :     }
    4066             : 
    4067             :     // Copy the background of the screen into a composite pixmap
    4068             :     CopyScreenArea( GetXDisplay(),
    4069           0 :                     GetDrawable(), GetScreenNumber(), GetVisual().GetDepth(),
    4070             :                     gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid(pPixmap),
    4071           0 :                     SalX11Screen( gdk_screen_get_number( gdk_drawable_get_screen( GDK_DRAWABLE(pPixmap) ) ) ),
    4072           0 :                     gdk_drawable_get_depth( GDK_DRAWABLE( pPixmap ) ),
    4073             :                     gdk_x11_gc_get_xgc(pPixmapGC),
    4074           0 :                     srcRect.Left(), srcRect.Top(), srcRect.GetWidth(), srcRect.GetHeight(), 0, 0 );
    4075             : 
    4076           0 :     g_object_unref( pPixmapGC );
    4077           0 :     return( pPixmap );
    4078             : }
    4079             : 
    4080             : 
    4081             : 
    4082             : 
    4083             : /************************************************************************
    4084             :  * Copy an alpha pixmap to screen using a gc with clipping
    4085             :  ************************************************************************/
    4086             : 
    4087           0 : sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWRenderPixmapToScreen( GdkPixmap* pPixmap, Rectangle dstRect )
    4088             : {
    4089             :     // The GC can't be null, otherwise we'd have no clip region
    4090           0 :     GC aFontGC = GetFontGC();
    4091           0 :     if( aFontGC == NULL )
    4092             :     {
    4093           0 :         std::fprintf(stderr, "salnativewidgets.cxx: no valid GC\n" );
    4094           0 :         return( sal_False );
    4095             :     }
    4096             : 
    4097           0 :     if ( !pPixmap )
    4098           0 :         return( sal_False );
    4099             : 
    4100             :     // Copy the background of the screen into a composite pixmap
    4101             :     CopyScreenArea( GetXDisplay(),
    4102             :                     GDK_DRAWABLE_XID(pPixmap),
    4103           0 :                     SalX11Screen( gdk_screen_get_number( gdk_drawable_get_screen( GDK_DRAWABLE(pPixmap) ) ) ),
    4104           0 :                     gdk_drawable_get_depth( GDK_DRAWABLE(pPixmap) ),
    4105           0 :                     GetDrawable(), m_nXScreen, GetVisual().GetDepth(),
    4106             :                     aFontGC,
    4107           0 :                     0, 0, dstRect.GetWidth(), dstRect.GetHeight(), dstRect.Left(), dstRect.Top() );
    4108             : 
    4109           0 :     return( sal_True );
    4110             : }
    4111             : 
    4112             : 
    4113             : /************************************************************************
    4114             :  * State conversion
    4115             :  ************************************************************************/
    4116           0 : static void NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( ControlState nVCLState,
    4117             :             GtkStateType* nGTKState, GtkShadowType* nGTKShadow )
    4118             : {
    4119           0 :     *nGTKShadow = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    4120           0 :     *nGTKState = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
    4121             : 
    4122           0 :     if ( nVCLState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    4123             :     {
    4124           0 :         if ( nVCLState & CTRL_STATE_PRESSED )
    4125             :         {
    4126           0 :             *nGTKState = GTK_STATE_ACTIVE;
    4127           0 :             *nGTKShadow = GTK_SHADOW_IN;
    4128             :         }
    4129           0 :         else if ( nVCLState & CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER )
    4130             :         {
    4131           0 :             *nGTKState = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
    4132           0 :             *nGTKShadow = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    4133             :         }
    4134             :         else
    4135             :         {
    4136           0 :             *nGTKState = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
    4137           0 :             *nGTKShadow = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
    4138             :         }
    4139             :     }
    4140           0 : }
    4141             : 
    4142             : /************************************************************************
    4143             :  * Set widget flags
    4144             :  ************************************************************************/
    4145           0 : static void NWSetWidgetState( GtkWidget* widget, ControlState nState, GtkStateType nGtkState )
    4146             : {
    4147             :     // Set to default state, then build up from there
    4148           0 :     GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_HAS_DEFAULT );
    4149           0 :     GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS );
    4150           0 :     GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    4151           0 :     GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( widget, gWidgetDefaultFlags[(long)widget] );
    4152             : 
    4153           0 :     if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_DEFAULT )
    4154           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_HAS_DEFAULT );
    4155           0 :     if ( !GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget) && (nState & CTRL_STATE_FOCUSED) )
    4156           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS );
    4157           0 :     if ( nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED )
    4158           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS( widget, GTK_SENSITIVE );
    4159           0 :     gtk_widget_set_state( widget, nGtkState );
    4160           0 : }
    4161             : 
    4162             : /************************************************************************
    4163             :  * Widget ensure functions - make sure cached objects are valid
    4164             :  ************************************************************************/
    4165             : 
    4166             : //-------------------------------------
    4167             : 
    4168           0 : static void NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( GtkWidget* widget, SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4169             : {
    4170           0 :     NWFWidgetData& rData = gWidgetData[nScreen];
    4171           0 :     if ( !rData.gCacheWindow || !rData.gDumbContainer )
    4172             :     {
    4173           0 :         if ( !rData.gCacheWindow )
    4174             :         {
    4175           0 :             rData.gCacheWindow = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL );
    4176             :             GdkScreen* pScreen = gdk_display_get_screen( gdk_display_get_default(),
    4177           0 :                                                          nScreen.getXScreen() );
    4178           0 :             if( pScreen )
    4179           0 :                 gtk_window_set_screen( GTK_WINDOW(rData.gCacheWindow), pScreen );
    4180             :         }
    4181           0 :         if ( !rData.gDumbContainer )
    4182           0 :             rData.gDumbContainer = gtk_fixed_new();
    4183           0 :         gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(rData.gCacheWindow), rData.gDumbContainer );
    4184           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( rData.gDumbContainer );
    4185           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( rData.gCacheWindow );
    4186             :     }
    4187             : 
    4188           0 :     gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(rData.gDumbContainer), widget );
    4189           0 :     gtk_widget_realize( widget );
    4190           0 :     gtk_widget_ensure_style( widget );
    4191             : 
    4192             :     // Store widget's default flags
    4193           0 :     gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)widget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( widget );
    4194           0 : }
    4195             : 
    4196             : //-------------------------------------
    4197             : 
    4198           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKButton( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4199             : {
    4200           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gBtnWidget )
    4201             :     {
    4202           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gBtnWidget = gtk_button_new_with_label( "" );
    4203           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gBtnWidget, nScreen );
    4204             :     }
    4205           0 : }
    4206             : 
    4207             : //-------------------------------------
    4208             : 
    4209           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKRadio( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4210             : {
    4211           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidget || !gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidgetSibling )
    4212             :     {
    4213           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidget = gtk_radio_button_new( NULL );
    4214           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidgetSibling = gtk_radio_button_new_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidget) );
    4215           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidget, nScreen );
    4216           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gRadioWidgetSibling, nScreen );
    4217             :     }
    4218           0 : }
    4219             : 
    4220             : //-------------------------------------
    4221             : 
    4222           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKCheck( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4223             : {
    4224           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gCheckWidget )
    4225             :     {
    4226           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gCheckWidget = gtk_check_button_new();
    4227           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gCheckWidget, nScreen );
    4228             :     }
    4229           0 : }
    4230             : 
    4231             : //-------------------------------------
    4232             : 
    4233           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKScrollbars( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4234             : {
    4235           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollHorizWidget )
    4236             :     {
    4237           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollHorizWidget = gtk_hscrollbar_new( NULL );
    4238           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollHorizWidget, nScreen );
    4239             :     }
    4240             : 
    4241           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollVertWidget )
    4242             :     {
    4243           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollVertWidget = gtk_vscrollbar_new( NULL );
    4244           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrollVertWidget, nScreen );
    4245             :     }
    4246           0 : }
    4247             : 
    4248             : //-------------------------------------
    4249             : 
    4250           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKArrow( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4251             : {
    4252           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget || !gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget )
    4253             :     {
    4254           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget = gtk_toggle_button_new();
    4255           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget, nScreen );
    4256           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget = gtk_arrow_new( GTK_ARROW_DOWN, GTK_SHADOW_OUT );
    4257           0 :         gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget), gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget );
    4258           0 :         gtk_widget_set_rc_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget );
    4259           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget );
    4260             :     }
    4261           0 : }
    4262             : 
    4263             : //-------------------------------------
    4264             : 
    4265           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKEditBox( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4266             : {
    4267           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget )
    4268             :     {
    4269           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget = gtk_entry_new();
    4270           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget, nScreen );
    4271             :     }
    4272           0 : }
    4273             : 
    4274             : //-------------------------------------
    4275             : 
    4276           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4277             : {
    4278           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget )
    4279             :     {
    4280           0 :         GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0) );
    4281           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget = gtk_spin_button_new( adj, 1, 2 );
    4282             : 
    4283             :         //Setting non-editable means it doesn't blink, so there's no timeouts
    4284             :         //running around to nobble us
    4285           0 :         gtk_editable_set_editable(GTK_EDITABLE(gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget), false);
    4286             : 
    4287           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget, nScreen );
    4288             :     }
    4289           0 : }
    4290             : 
    4291             : //-------------------------------------
    4292             : 
    4293           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKNotebook( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4294             : {
    4295           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gNotebookWidget )
    4296             :     {
    4297           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gNotebookWidget = gtk_notebook_new();
    4298           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gNotebookWidget, nScreen );
    4299             :     }
    4300           0 : }
    4301             : 
    4302             : //-------------------------------------
    4303             : 
    4304           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4305             : {
    4306           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget )
    4307             :     {
    4308           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget = gtk_option_menu_new();
    4309           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget, nScreen );
    4310             :     }
    4311           0 : }
    4312             : 
    4313             : //-------------------------------------
    4314             : 
    4315           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKCombo( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4316             : {
    4317           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget )
    4318             :     {
    4319           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget = gtk_combo_new();
    4320             : 
    4321             :         // #i59129# Setting non-editable means it doesn't blink, so
    4322             :         // there are no timeouts running around to nobble us
    4323           0 :         gtk_editable_set_editable(GTK_EDITABLE(GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget)->entry), false);
    4324             : 
    4325           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget, nScreen );
    4326             :         // Must realize the ComboBox's children, since GTK
    4327             :         // does not do this for us in GtkCombo::gtk_widget_realize()
    4328           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget)->button );
    4329           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( GTK_COMBO(gWidgetData[nScreen].gComboWidget)->entry );
    4330             :     }
    4331           0 : }
    4332             : 
    4333             : //-------------------------------------
    4334             : 
    4335           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4336             : {
    4337           0 :     if ( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget )
    4338             :     {
    4339           0 :         GtkAdjustment *hadj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) );
    4340           0 :         GtkAdjustment *vadj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) );
    4341             : 
    4342           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget = gtk_scrolled_window_new( hadj, vadj );
    4343           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gScrolledWindowWidget, nScreen );
    4344             :     }
    4345           0 : }
    4346             : 
    4347             : //-------------------------------------
    4348             : 
    4349           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKToolbar( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4350             : {
    4351           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarWidget )
    4352             :     {
    4353           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarWidget = gtk_toolbar_new();
    4354           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarWidget, nScreen );
    4355           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_toggle_button_new());
    4356           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gSeparator = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_separator_tool_item_new());
    4357           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gSeparator, nScreen );
    4358             : 
    4359           0 :         GtkReliefStyle aRelief = GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL;
    4360           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarWidget );
    4361           0 :         gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarWidget,
    4362             :                               "button_relief", &aRelief,
    4363           0 :                               (char *)NULL);
    4364             : 
    4365           0 :         gtk_button_set_relief( GTK_BUTTON(gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget), aRelief );
    4366           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget, GTK_CAN_FOCUS );
    4367           0 :         GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT );
    4368           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget, nScreen );
    4369             : 
    4370             :     }
    4371           0 :     if( ! gWidgetData[nScreen].gHandleBoxWidget )
    4372             :     {
    4373           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gHandleBoxWidget = gtk_handle_box_new();
    4374           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gHandleBoxWidget, nScreen );
    4375             :     }
    4376           0 : }
    4377             : 
    4378             : //-------------------------------------
    4379             : 
    4380           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKMenubar( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4381             : {
    4382           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenubarWidget )
    4383             :     {
    4384           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenubarWidget = gtk_menu_bar_new();
    4385           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( "b" );
    4386           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenubarWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget );
    4387           0 :         gtk_widget_show( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget );
    4388           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenubarWidget, nScreen );
    4389           0 :         gtk_widget_show( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenubarWidget );
    4390             : 
    4391             :         // do what NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow does except adding to def container
    4392           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget );
    4393           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget );
    4394             : 
    4395           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenubarWidget );
    4396             :     }
    4397           0 : }
    4398             : 
    4399           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKMenu( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4400             : {
    4401           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget )
    4402             :     {
    4403           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget                  = gtk_menu_new();
    4404           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget          = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( "b" );
    4405           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget     = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label( "b" );
    4406           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget     = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label( NULL, "b" );
    4407           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget = gtk_menu_item_new();
    4408           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem               = gtk_image_menu_item_new();
    4409             : 
    4410           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget );
    4411           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget );
    4412           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget );
    4413           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget );
    4414           0 :         gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ), gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem );
    4415             : 
    4416             :         // do what NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow does except adding to def container
    4417           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget );
    4418           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget );
    4419             : 
    4420           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget );
    4421           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget );
    4422             : 
    4423           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget );
    4424           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget );
    4425             : 
    4426           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget );
    4427           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget );
    4428             : 
    4429           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget );
    4430           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget );
    4431             : 
    4432           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem );
    4433           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem );
    4434             : 
    4435           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuWidget );
    4436           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemMenuWidget );
    4437           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemCheckMenuWidget );
    4438           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemRadioMenuWidget );
    4439           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gMenuItemSeparatorMenuWidget );
    4440           0 :         gWidgetDefaultFlags[ (long)gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem ] = GTK_WIDGET_FLAGS( gWidgetData[nScreen].gImageMenuItem );
    4441             :     }
    4442           0 : }
    4443             : 
    4444           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKTooltip( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4445             : {
    4446           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup )
    4447             :     {
    4448           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
    4449             :         GdkScreen* pScreen = gdk_display_get_screen( gdk_display_get_default(),
    4450           0 :                                                      nScreen.getXScreen() );
    4451           0 :         if( pScreen )
    4452           0 :             gtk_window_set_screen( GTK_WINDOW(gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup), pScreen );
    4453           0 :         gtk_widget_set_name( gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup, "gtk-tooltips");
    4454           0 :         gtk_widget_realize( gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup );
    4455           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style( gWidgetData[nScreen].gTooltipPopup );
    4456             :     }
    4457           0 : }
    4458             : 
    4459           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKDialog( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4460             : {
    4461           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gDialog )
    4462             :     {
    4463           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gDialog = gtk_dialog_new();
    4464             :         GdkScreen* pScreen = gdk_display_get_screen( gdk_display_get_default(),
    4465           0 :                                                      nScreen.getXScreen() );
    4466           0 :         if( pScreen )
    4467           0 :             gtk_window_set_screen( GTK_WINDOW(gWidgetData[nScreen].gDialog), pScreen );
    4468           0 :         gtk_widget_realize(gWidgetData[nScreen].gDialog);
    4469           0 :         gtk_widget_ensure_style(gWidgetData[nScreen].gDialog);
    4470             :     }
    4471           0 : }
    4472             : 
    4473           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKFrame( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4474             : {
    4475           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gFrame )
    4476             :     {
    4477           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gFrame = gtk_frame_new(NULL);
    4478           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gFrame, nScreen );
    4479             :     }
    4480           0 : }
    4481             : 
    4482           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKProgressBar( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4483             : {
    4484           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gProgressBar )
    4485             :     {
    4486           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gProgressBar = gtk_progress_bar_new ();
    4487           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gProgressBar, nScreen );
    4488             :     }
    4489           0 : }
    4490             : 
    4491           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKTreeView( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4492             : {
    4493           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gTreeView )
    4494             :     {
    4495           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gTreeView = gtk_tree_view_new ();
    4496             : 
    4497             :         // Columns will be used for tree header rendering
    4498           0 :         GtkCellRenderer* renderer=gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
    4499           0 :         GtkTreeViewColumn* column=gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("",renderer,"text",0,NULL);
    4500           0 :         gtk_tree_view_column_set_widget(column,gtk_label_new(""));
    4501           0 :         gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gWidgetData[nScreen].gTreeView), column);
    4502             : 
    4503             :         // Add one more column so that some engines like clearlooks did render separators between columns
    4504           0 :         column=gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("",renderer,"text",0,NULL);
    4505           0 :         gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gWidgetData[nScreen].gTreeView), column);
    4506             : 
    4507           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gTreeView, nScreen );
    4508             :     }
    4509           0 : }
    4510             : 
    4511           0 : static void NWEnsureGTKSlider( SalX11Screen nScreen )
    4512             : {
    4513           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gHScale )
    4514             :     {
    4515           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gHScale = gtk_hscale_new_with_range(0, 10, 1);
    4516           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gHScale, nScreen );
    4517             :     }
    4518           0 :     if( !gWidgetData[nScreen].gVScale )
    4519             :     {
    4520           0 :         gWidgetData[nScreen].gVScale = gtk_vscale_new_with_range(0, 10, 1);
    4521           0 :         NWAddWidgetToCacheWindow( gWidgetData[nScreen].gVScale, nScreen );
    4522             :     }
    4523           0 : }
    4524             : 
    4525             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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