Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 :
21 : #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
22 : #include <vcl/dialog.hxx>
23 : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
24 : #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
25 : #include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
26 : #include <vcl/gdimtf.hxx>
27 : #include <vcl/settings.hxx>
28 :
29 : #include <editeng/adjustitem.hxx>
30 : #include <editeng/tstpitem.hxx>
31 : #include <editeng/lspcitem.hxx>
32 : #include <editeng/flditem.hxx>
33 : #include <impedit.hxx>
34 : #include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
35 : #include <editeng/editview.hxx>
36 : #include <editeng/txtrange.hxx>
37 : #include <editeng/charsetcoloritem.hxx>
38 : #include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
39 : #include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
40 : #include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
41 : #include <editeng/kernitem.hxx>
42 : #include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
43 : #include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
44 : #include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
45 : #include <editeng/wghtitem.hxx>
46 : #include <editeng/postitem.hxx>
47 : #include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
48 : #include <editeng/scriptspaceitem.hxx>
49 : #include <editeng/charscaleitem.hxx>
50 : #include <editeng/numitem.hxx>
51 : #include <editeng/justifyitem.hxx>
52 :
53 : #include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
54 : #include <svl/ctloptions.hxx>
55 :
56 : #include <editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx>
57 :
58 : #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
59 :
60 : #include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
61 :
62 : #include <set>
63 : #include <math.h>
64 : #include <vcl/metric.hxx>
65 : #include <com/sun/star/i18n/BreakIterator.hpp>
66 : #include <com/sun/star/i18n/ScriptType.hpp>
67 : #include <com/sun/star/i18n/InputSequenceChecker.hpp>
68 : #include <com/sun/star/text/CharacterCompressionType.hpp>
69 : #include <vcl/pdfextoutdevdata.hxx>
70 : #include <i18nlangtag/mslangid.hxx>
71 :
72 : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
73 : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
74 : #include <comphelper/string.hxx>
75 : #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
76 :
77 : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
78 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
79 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
80 : using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;
81 :
82 : #define CH_HYPH '-'
83 :
84 : #define RESDIFF 10
85 :
86 : #define WRONG_SHOW_MIN 5
87 :
88 : struct TabInfo
89 : {
90 : bool bValid;
91 :
92 : SvxTabStop aTabStop;
93 : sal_Int32 nCharPos;
94 : sal_Int32 nTabPortion;
95 : long nStartPosX;
96 : long nTabPos;
97 :
98 144052 : TabInfo()
99 : : bValid(false)
100 : , nCharPos(0)
101 : , nTabPortion(0)
102 : , nStartPosX(0)
103 144052 : , nTabPos(0)
104 144052 : { }
105 :
106 : };
107 :
108 0 : Point Rotate( const Point& rPoint, short nOrientation, const Point& rOrigin )
109 : {
110 0 : double nRealOrientation = nOrientation*F_PI1800;
111 0 : double nCos = cos( nRealOrientation );
112 0 : double nSin = sin( nRealOrientation );
113 :
114 0 : Point aRotatedPos;
115 0 : Point aTranslatedPos( rPoint );
116 :
117 : // Translation
118 0 : aTranslatedPos -= rOrigin;
119 :
120 : // Rotation...
121 0 : aRotatedPos.X() = (long) ( nCos*aTranslatedPos.X() + nSin*aTranslatedPos.Y() );
122 0 : aRotatedPos.Y() = (long) - ( nSin*aTranslatedPos.X() - nCos*aTranslatedPos.Y() );
123 0 : aTranslatedPos = aRotatedPos;
124 :
125 : // Translation...
126 0 : aTranslatedPos += rOrigin;
127 0 : return aTranslatedPos;
128 : }
129 :
130 0 : sal_uInt8 GetCharTypeForCompression( sal_Unicode cChar )
131 : {
132 0 : switch ( cChar )
133 : {
134 : case 0x3008: case 0x300A: case 0x300C: case 0x300E:
135 : case 0x3010: case 0x3014: case 0x3016: case 0x3018:
136 : case 0x301A: case 0x301D:
137 : {
139 : }
140 : case 0x3001: case 0x3002: case 0x3009: case 0x300B:
141 : case 0x300D: case 0x300F: case 0x3011: case 0x3015:
142 : case 0x3017: case 0x3019: case 0x301B: case 0x301E:
143 : case 0x301F:
144 : {
146 : }
147 : default:
148 : {
149 0 : return ( ( 0x3040 <= cChar ) && ( 0x3100 > cChar ) ) ? CHAR_KANA : CHAR_NORMAL;
150 : }
151 : }
152 : }
153 :
154 149 : static void lcl_DrawRedLines( OutputDevice* pOutDev,
155 : long nFontHeight,
156 : const Point& rPnt,
157 : size_t nIndex,
158 : size_t nMaxEnd,
159 : const long* pDXArray,
160 : WrongList* pWrongs,
161 : short nOrientation,
162 : const Point& rOrigin,
163 : bool bVertical,
164 : bool bIsRightToLeft )
165 : {
166 : // But only if font is not too small ...
167 149 : long nHght = pOutDev->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, nFontHeight ) ).Height();
168 149 : if( WRONG_SHOW_MIN < nHght )
169 : {
170 149 : size_t nEnd, nStart = nIndex;
171 149 : bool bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong( nStart, nEnd );
172 449 : while ( bWrong )
173 : {
174 151 : if ( nStart >= nMaxEnd )
175 0 : break;
176 :
177 151 : if ( nStart < nIndex ) // Corrected
178 0 : nStart = nIndex;
179 151 : if ( nEnd > nMaxEnd )
180 0 : nEnd = nMaxEnd;
181 151 : Point aPnt1( rPnt );
182 151 : if ( bVertical )
183 : {
184 : // VCL doesn't know that the text is vertical, and is manipulating
185 : // the positions a little bit in y direction...
186 0 : long nOnePixel = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( Size( 0, 1 ) ).Height();
187 0 : long nCorrect = 2*nOnePixel;
188 0 : aPnt1.Y() -= nCorrect;
189 0 : aPnt1.X() -= nCorrect;
190 : }
191 151 : if ( nStart > nIndex )
192 : {
193 2 : if ( !bVertical )
194 : {
195 : // since for RTL portions rPnt is on the visual right end of the portion
196 : // (i.e. at the start of the first RTL char) we need to subtract the offset
197 : // for RTL portions...
198 2 : aPnt1.X() += (bIsRightToLeft ? -1 : 1) * pDXArray[ nStart - nIndex - 1 ];
199 : }
200 : else
201 0 : aPnt1.Y() += pDXArray[ nStart - nIndex - 1 ];
202 : }
203 151 : Point aPnt2( rPnt );
204 : DBG_ASSERT( nEnd > nIndex, "RedLine: aPnt2?" );
205 151 : if ( !bVertical )
206 : {
207 : // since for RTL portions rPnt is on the visual right end of the portion
208 : // (i.e. at the start of the first RTL char) we need to subtract the offset
209 : // for RTL portions...
210 151 : aPnt2.X() += (bIsRightToLeft ? -1 : 1) * pDXArray[ nEnd - nIndex - 1 ];
211 : }
212 : else
213 0 : aPnt2.Y() += pDXArray[ nEnd - nIndex - 1 ];
214 151 : if ( nOrientation )
215 : {
216 0 : aPnt1 = Rotate( aPnt1, nOrientation, rOrigin );
217 0 : aPnt2 = Rotate( aPnt2, nOrientation, rOrigin );
218 : }
219 :
220 151 : pOutDev->DrawWaveLine( aPnt1, aPnt2 );
221 :
222 151 : nStart = nEnd+1;
223 151 : if ( nEnd < nMaxEnd )
224 2 : bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong( nStart, nEnd );
225 : else
226 149 : bWrong = false;
227 : }
228 : }
229 149 : }
230 :
231 705 : static Point lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( Point rPos, Point rOrigin, double nSin, double nCos )
232 : {
233 705 : Point aRotatedPos;
234 : // Translation...
235 705 : Point aTranslatedPos( rPos);
236 705 : aTranslatedPos -= rOrigin;
237 :
238 705 : aRotatedPos.X() = (long) ( nCos*aTranslatedPos.X() + nSin*aTranslatedPos.Y() );
239 705 : aRotatedPos.Y() = (long) - ( nSin*aTranslatedPos.X() - nCos*aTranslatedPos.Y() );
240 705 : aTranslatedPos = aRotatedPos;
241 : // Translation...
242 705 : aTranslatedPos += rOrigin;
243 :
244 705 : return aTranslatedPos;
245 : }
246 :
247 0 : static bool lcl_IsLigature( sal_Unicode cCh, sal_Unicode cNextCh ) // For Kashidas from sw/source/core/text/porlay.txt
248 : {
249 : // Lam + Alef
250 0 : return ( 0x644 == cCh && 0x627 == cNextCh ) ||
251 : // Beh + Reh
252 0 : ( 0x628 == cCh && 0x631 == cNextCh );
253 : }
254 :
255 0 : static bool lcl_ConnectToPrev( sal_Unicode cCh, sal_Unicode cPrevCh ) // For Kashidas from sw/source/core/text/porlay.txt
256 : {
257 : // Alef, Dal, Thal, Reh, Zain, and Waw do not connect to the left
258 0 : bool bRet = 0x627 != cPrevCh && 0x62F != cPrevCh && 0x630 != cPrevCh &&
259 0 : 0x631 != cPrevCh && 0x632 != cPrevCh && 0x648 != cPrevCh;
260 :
261 : // check for ligatures cPrevChar + cChar
262 0 : if ( bRet )
263 0 : bRet = ! lcl_IsLigature( cPrevCh, cCh );
264 :
265 0 : return bRet;
266 : }
267 :
268 :
269 :
270 : // class ImpEditEngine
271 :
272 1702528 : void ImpEditEngine::UpdateViews( EditView* pCurView )
273 : {
274 1702528 : if ( !GetUpdateMode() || IsFormatting() || aInvalidRect.IsEmpty() )
275 3029233 : return;
276 :
277 : DBG_ASSERT( IsFormatted(), "UpdateViews: Doc not formatted!" );
278 :
279 376692 : for (size_t nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.size(); ++nView)
280 : {
281 869 : EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView];
282 869 : pView->HideCursor();
283 :
284 869 : Rectangle aClipRect( aInvalidRect );
285 869 : Rectangle aVisArea( pView->GetVisArea() );
286 869 : aClipRect.Intersection( aVisArea );
287 :
288 869 : if ( !aClipRect.IsEmpty() )
289 : {
290 : // convert to window coordinates ....
291 856 : aClipRect = pView->pImpEditView->GetWindowPos( aClipRect );
292 :
293 : // For tiled rendering, we have to always go via Invalidate().
294 856 : if ( pView == pCurView && !pView->isTiledRendering())
295 513 : Paint( pView->pImpEditView, aClipRect, 0, true );
296 : else
297 343 : pView->GetWindow()->Invalidate( aClipRect );
298 : }
299 : }
300 :
301 375823 : if ( pCurView )
302 : {
303 529 : bool bGotoCursor = pCurView->pImpEditView->DoAutoScroll();
304 529 : pCurView->ShowCursor( bGotoCursor );
305 : }
306 :
307 375823 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle();
308 375823 : CallStatusHdl();
309 : }
310 :
311 736 : IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(ImpEditEngine, OnlineSpellHdl, Timer *, void)
312 : {
313 368 : if ( !Application::AnyInput( VclInputFlags::KEYBOARD ) && GetUpdateMode() && IsFormatted() )
314 2 : DoOnlineSpelling();
315 : else
316 366 : aOnlineSpellTimer.Start();
317 368 : }
318 :
319 0 : IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(ImpEditEngine, IdleFormatHdl, Idle *, void)
320 : {
321 0 : aIdleFormatter.ResetRestarts();
322 :
323 : // #i97146# check if that view is still available
324 : // else probably the idle format timer fired while we're already
325 : // downing
326 0 : EditView* pView = aIdleFormatter.GetView();
327 0 : for (size_t nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.size(); ++nView)
328 : {
329 0 : if( aEditViews[nView] == pView )
330 : {
331 0 : FormatAndUpdate( pView );
332 0 : break;
333 : }
334 : }
335 0 : }
336 :
337 2943 : void ImpEditEngine::CheckIdleFormatter()
338 : {
339 2943 : aIdleFormatter.ForceTimeout();
340 : // If not idle, but still not formatted:
341 2943 : if ( !IsFormatted() )
342 52 : FormatDoc();
343 2943 : }
344 :
345 172129 : void ImpEditEngine::FormatFullDoc()
346 : {
347 344345 : for ( sal_Int32 nPortion = 0; nPortion < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPortion++ )
348 172216 : GetParaPortions()[nPortion]->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, GetParaPortions()[nPortion]->GetNode()->Len() );
349 172129 : FormatDoc();
350 172129 : }
351 :
352 1706048 : void ImpEditEngine::FormatDoc()
353 : {
354 1706048 : if (!GetUpdateMode() || IsFormatting())
355 3011074 : return;
356 :
357 401022 : EnterBlockNotifications();
358 :
359 401022 : bIsFormatting = true;
360 :
361 : // Then I can also start the spell-timer ...
362 401022 : if ( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() )
363 69681 : StartOnlineSpellTimer();
364 :
365 401022 : long nY = 0;
366 401022 : bool bGrow = false;
367 :
368 401022 : vcl::Font aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() );
369 :
370 : // Here already, so that not always in CreateLines...
371 401022 : bool bMapChanged = ImpCheckRefMapMode();
372 :
373 401022 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle(); // make empty
374 815488 : for ( sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ )
375 : {
376 414466 : ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions()[nPara];
377 414466 : if ( pParaPortion->MustRepaint() || ( pParaPortion->IsInvalid() && pParaPortion->IsVisible() ) )
378 : {
379 : // No formatting should be necessary for MustRepaint()!
380 772846 : if ( ( pParaPortion->MustRepaint() && !pParaPortion->IsInvalid() )
381 772846 : || CreateLines( nPara, nY ) )
382 : {
383 325367 : if ( !bGrow && GetTextRanger() )
384 : {
385 : // For a change in height all below must be reformatted ...
386 0 : for ( sal_Int32 n = nPara+1; n < GetParaPortions().Count(); n++ )
387 : {
388 0 : ParaPortion* pPP = GetParaPortions()[n];
389 0 : pPP->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pPP->GetNode()->Len() );
390 0 : pPP->GetLines().Reset();
391 : }
392 : }
393 325367 : bGrow = true;
394 325367 : if ( IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() )
395 325367 : GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphHeightChanged( nPara );
396 325367 : pParaPortion->SetMustRepaint( false );
397 : }
398 :
399 : // InvalidRect set only once...
400 386423 : if ( aInvalidRect.IsEmpty() )
401 : {
402 : // For Paperwidth 0 (AutoPageSize) it would otherwise be Empty()...
403 375861 : long nWidth = std::max( (long)1, ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() ) );
404 375861 : Range aInvRange( GetInvalidYOffsets( pParaPortion ) );
405 375861 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle( Point( 0, nY+aInvRange.Min() ),
406 751722 : Size( nWidth, aInvRange.Len() ) );
407 : }
408 : else
409 : {
410 10562 : aInvalidRect.Bottom() = nY + pParaPortion->GetHeight();
411 : }
412 : }
413 28043 : else if ( bGrow )
414 : {
415 43 : aInvalidRect.Bottom() = nY + pParaPortion->GetHeight();
416 : }
417 414466 : nY += pParaPortion->GetHeight();
418 : }
419 :
420 : // One can also get into the formatting through UpdateMode ON=>OFF=>ON...
421 : // enable optimization first after Vobis delivery ...
422 : {
423 : sal_uInt32 nNewHeightNTP;
424 401022 : sal_uInt32 nNewHeight = CalcTextHeight( &nNewHeightNTP );
425 401022 : long nDiff = nNewHeight - nCurTextHeight;
426 401022 : if ( nDiff )
427 315311 : aStatus.GetStatusWord() |= !IsVertical() ? EditStatusFlags::TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED : EditStatusFlags::TEXTWIDTHCHANGED;
428 401022 : if ( nNewHeight < nCurTextHeight )
429 : {
430 816 : aInvalidRect.Bottom() = (long)std::max( nNewHeight, nCurTextHeight );
431 816 : if ( aInvalidRect.IsEmpty() )
432 : {
433 0 : aInvalidRect.Top() = 0;
434 : // Left and Right are not evaluated, are however set due to IsEmpty.
435 0 : aInvalidRect.Left() = 0;
436 0 : aInvalidRect.Right() = !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height();
437 : }
438 : }
439 :
440 401022 : nCurTextHeight = nNewHeight;
441 401022 : nCurTextHeightNTP = nNewHeightNTP;
442 :
443 401022 : if ( aStatus.AutoPageSize() )
444 35005 : CheckAutoPageSize();
445 366017 : else if ( nDiff )
446 : {
447 281647 : for (size_t nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.size(); ++nView)
448 : {
449 217 : EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView];
450 217 : ImpEditView* pImpView = pView->pImpEditView;
451 217 : if ( pImpView->DoAutoHeight() )
452 : {
453 0 : Size aSz( pImpView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth(), nCurTextHeight );
454 0 : if ( aSz.Height() > aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height() )
455 0 : aSz.Height() = aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height();
456 0 : else if ( aSz.Height() < aMinAutoPaperSize.Height() )
457 0 : aSz.Height() = aMinAutoPaperSize.Height();
458 : pImpView->ResetOutputArea( Rectangle(
459 0 : pImpView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft(), aSz ) );
460 : }
461 : }
462 : }
463 : }
464 :
465 401022 : if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() )
466 0 : GetRefDevice()->SetFont( aOldFont );
467 401022 : bIsFormatting = false;
468 401022 : bFormatted = true;
469 :
470 401022 : if ( bMapChanged )
471 38 : GetRefDevice()->Pop();
472 :
473 401022 : CallStatusHdl(); // If Modified...
474 :
475 401022 : LeaveBlockNotifications();
476 : }
477 :
478 545074 : bool ImpEditEngine::ImpCheckRefMapMode()
479 : {
480 545074 : bool bChange = false;
481 :
482 545074 : if ( aStatus.DoFormat100() )
483 : {
484 540074 : MapMode aMapMode( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode() );
485 540074 : if ( aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator() != aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator() )
486 38 : bChange = true;
487 540036 : else if ( aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator() != aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator() )
488 0 : bChange = true;
489 :
490 540074 : if ( bChange )
491 : {
492 38 : Fraction Scale1( 1, 1 );
493 38 : aMapMode.SetScaleX( Scale1 );
494 38 : aMapMode.SetScaleY( Scale1 );
495 38 : GetRefDevice()->Push();
496 38 : GetRefDevice()->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
497 540074 : }
498 : }
499 :
500 545074 : return bChange;
501 : }
502 :
503 35005 : void ImpEditEngine::CheckAutoPageSize()
504 : {
505 35005 : Size aPrevPaperSize( GetPaperSize() );
506 35005 : if ( GetStatus().AutoPageWidth() )
507 35005 : aPaperSize.Width() = !IsVertical() ? CalcTextWidth( true ) : GetTextHeight();
508 35005 : if ( GetStatus().AutoPageHeight() )
509 35005 : aPaperSize.Height() = !IsVertical() ? GetTextHeight() : CalcTextWidth( true );
510 :
511 35005 : SetValidPaperSize( aPaperSize ); // consider Min, Max
512 :
513 35005 : if ( aPaperSize != aPrevPaperSize )
514 : {
515 103160 : if ( ( !IsVertical() && ( aPaperSize.Width() != aPrevPaperSize.Width() ) )
516 43000 : || ( IsVertical() && ( aPaperSize.Height() != aPrevPaperSize.Height() ) ) )
517 : {
518 : // If ahead is centered / right or tabs ...
519 25780 : aStatus.GetStatusWord() |= !IsVertical() ? EditStatusFlags::TEXTWIDTHCHANGED : EditStatusFlags::TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED;
520 51824 : for ( sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ )
521 : {
522 : // Only paragraphs which are not aligned to the left need to be
523 : // reformatted, the height can not be changed here anymore.
524 26044 : ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions()[nPara];
525 26044 : ContentNode* pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
526 26044 : SvxAdjust eJustification = GetJustification( nPara );
527 26044 : if ( eJustification != SVX_ADJUST_LEFT )
528 : {
529 1037 : pParaPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pNode->Len() );
530 1037 : CreateLines( nPara, 0 ); // 0: For AutoPageSize no TextRange!
531 : }
532 : }
533 : }
534 :
535 34388 : Size aInvSize = aPaperSize;
536 34388 : if ( aPaperSize.Width() < aPrevPaperSize.Width() )
537 0 : aInvSize.Width() = aPrevPaperSize.Width();
538 34388 : if ( aPaperSize.Height() < aPrevPaperSize.Height() )
539 13594 : aInvSize.Height() = aPrevPaperSize.Height();
540 :
541 34388 : Size aSz( aInvSize );
542 34388 : if ( IsVertical() )
543 : {
544 4 : aSz.Width() = aInvSize.Height();
545 4 : aSz.Height() = aInvSize.Width();
546 : }
547 34388 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle( Point(), aSz );
548 :
549 :
550 34388 : for (size_t nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.size(); ++nView)
551 : {
552 0 : EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView];
553 0 : pView->pImpEditView->RecalcOutputArea();
554 : }
555 : }
556 35005 : }
557 :
558 7893 : static sal_Int32 ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( const sal_Int32 nFontHeight )
559 : {
560 7893 : return ( nFontHeight * 12 ) / 10; // + 20%
561 : }
562 :
563 387460 : bool ImpEditEngine::CreateLines( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt32 nStartPosY )
564 : {
565 387460 : ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions()[nPara];
566 :
567 : // sal_Bool: Changes in the height of paragraph Yes / No - sal_True/sal_False
568 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetNode(), "Portion without Node in CreateLines" );
569 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->IsVisible(), "Invisible paragraphs not formatted!" );
570 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->IsInvalid(), "CreateLines: Portion not invalid!" );
571 :
572 387460 : bool bProcessingEmptyLine = ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 );
573 387460 : bool bEmptyNodeWithPolygon = ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 ) && GetTextRanger();
574 :
575 :
576 : // Fast special treatment for empty paragraphs ...
577 :
578 387460 : if ( ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 ) && !GetTextRanger() )
579 : {
580 : // fast special treatment ...
581 243408 : if ( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() )
582 59716 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Reset();
583 243408 : if ( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count() )
584 59716 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Reset();
585 243408 : CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( pParaPortion, nStartPosY );
586 243408 : return FinishCreateLines( pParaPortion );
587 : }
588 :
589 :
590 : // Initialization ......
591 :
592 :
593 : // Always format for 100%:
594 144052 : bool bMapChanged = ImpCheckRefMapMode();
595 :
596 144052 : if ( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count() == 0 )
597 : {
598 138742 : EditLine* pL = new EditLine;
599 138742 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Append(pL);
600 : }
601 :
602 :
603 : // Get Paragraph attributes ......
604 :
605 144052 : ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
606 :
607 144052 : bool bRightToLeftPara = IsRightToLeft( nPara );
608 :
609 144052 : SvxAdjust eJustification = GetJustification( nPara );
610 144052 : bool bHyphenatePara = static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_HYPHENATE )).GetValue();
611 144052 : sal_Int32 nSpaceBefore = 0;
612 144052 : sal_Int32 nMinLabelWidth = 0;
613 144052 : sal_Int32 nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth = GetSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth( pNode, &nSpaceBefore, &nMinLabelWidth );
614 144052 : const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRItem = GetLRSpaceItem( pNode );
615 144052 : const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = static_cast<const SvxLineSpacingItem&>( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL ) );
616 144052 : const bool bScriptSpace = static_cast<const SvxScriptSpaceItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_ASIANCJKSPACING )).GetValue();
617 :
618 144052 : const short nInvalidDiff = pParaPortion->GetInvalidDiff();
619 144052 : const sal_Int32 nInvalidStart = pParaPortion->GetInvalidPosStart();
620 144052 : const sal_Int32 nInvalidEnd = nInvalidStart + std::abs( nInvalidDiff );
621 :
622 144052 : bool bQuickFormat = false;
623 144052 : if ( !bEmptyNodeWithPolygon && !HasScriptType( nPara, i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX ) )
624 : {
625 144673 : if ( ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() ) && ( nInvalidDiff > 0 ) &&
626 621 : ( pNode->GetString().indexOf( CH_FEATURE, nInvalidStart ) > nInvalidEnd ) )
627 : {
628 0 : bQuickFormat = true;
629 : }
630 144052 : else if ( ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() ) && ( nInvalidDiff < 0 ) )
631 : {
632 : // check if delete over the portion boundaries was done ...
633 3 : sal_Int32 nStart = nInvalidStart; // DOUBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
634 3 : sal_Int32 nEnd = nStart - nInvalidDiff; // negative
635 3 : bQuickFormat = true;
636 3 : sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
637 3 : sal_Int32 nPortions = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count();
638 6 : for ( sal_Int32 nTP = 0; nTP < nPortions; nTP++ )
639 : {
640 : // There must be no start / end in the deleted area.
641 3 : TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nTP ];
642 3 : nPos = nPos + pTP->GetLen();
643 3 : if ( ( nPos > nStart ) && ( nPos < nEnd ) )
644 : {
645 0 : bQuickFormat = false;
646 0 : break;
647 : }
648 : }
649 : }
650 : }
651 :
652 : // SW disables TEXT_LAYOUT_COMPLEX_DISABLED, so maybe I have to enable it...
653 :
654 : // Saving both layout mode and language (since I'm potentially changing both)
655 144052 : GetRefDevice()->Push( PushFlags::TEXTLAYOUTMODE|PushFlags::TEXTLANGUAGE );
656 :
657 144052 : ImplInitLayoutMode( GetRefDevice(), nPara, -1 );
658 :
659 144052 : sal_Int32 nRealInvalidStart = nInvalidStart;
660 :
661 144052 : if ( bEmptyNodeWithPolygon )
662 : {
663 0 : TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 );
664 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Reset();
665 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Append(pDummyPortion);
666 : }
667 144052 : else if ( bQuickFormat )
668 : {
669 : // faster Method:
670 3 : RecalcTextPortion( pParaPortion, nInvalidStart, nInvalidDiff );
671 : }
672 : else // nRealInvalidStart can be before InvalidStart, since Portions were deleted....
673 : {
674 144049 : CreateTextPortions( pParaPortion, nRealInvalidStart );
675 : }
676 :
677 :
678 :
679 : // Search for line with InvalidPos, start one line before
680 : // Flag the line => do not remove it !
681 :
682 :
683 144052 : sal_Int32 nLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-1;
684 284791 : for ( sal_Int32 nL = 0; nL <= nLine; nL++ )
685 : {
686 144052 : EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines()[nL];
687 144052 : if ( pLine->GetEnd() > nRealInvalidStart ) // not nInvalidStart!
688 : {
689 3313 : nLine = nL;
690 3313 : break;
691 : }
692 140739 : pLine->SetValid();
693 : }
694 : // Begin one line before...
695 : // If it is typed at the end, the line in front cannot change.
696 144052 : if ( nLine && ( !pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() || ( nInvalidEnd < pNode->Len() ) || ( nInvalidDiff <= 0 ) ) )
697 0 : nLine--;
698 :
699 144052 : EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines()[nLine];
700 :
701 144052 : static Rectangle aZeroArea = Rectangle( Point(), Point() );
702 144052 : Rectangle aBulletArea( aZeroArea );
703 144052 : if ( !nLine )
704 : {
705 144052 : aBulletArea = GetEditEnginePtr()->GetBulletArea( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) );
706 144052 : if ( aBulletArea.Right() > 0 )
707 2131 : pParaPortion->SetBulletX( (sal_uInt16) GetXValue( aBulletArea.Right() ) );
708 : else
709 141921 : pParaPortion->SetBulletX( 0 ); // if Bullet is set incorrectly
710 : }
711 :
712 :
713 : // Reformat all lines from here ...
714 :
715 144052 : sal_Int32 nDelFromLine = -1;
716 144052 : bool bLineBreak = false;
717 :
718 144052 : sal_Int32 nIndex = pLine->GetStart();
719 144052 : EditLine aSaveLine( *pLine );
720 288104 : SvxFont aTmpFont( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() );
721 :
722 144052 : bool bCalcCharPositions = true;
723 288104 : boost::scoped_array<long> pBuf(new long[ pNode->Len() ]);
724 :
725 144052 : bool bSameLineAgain = false; // For TextRanger, if the height changes.
726 144052 : TabInfo aCurrentTab;
727 :
728 144052 : bool bForceOneRun = bEmptyNodeWithPolygon;
729 144052 : bool bCompressedChars = false;
730 :
731 512810 : while ( ( nIndex < pNode->Len() ) || bForceOneRun )
732 : {
733 224710 : bForceOneRun = false;
734 :
735 224710 : bool bEOL = false;
736 224710 : bool bEOC = false;
737 224710 : sal_Int32 nPortionStart = 0;
738 224710 : sal_Int32 nPortionEnd = 0;
739 :
740 224710 : long nStartX = GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTextLeft() + nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth );
741 224710 : if ( nIndex == 0 )
742 : {
743 144052 : long nFI = GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTextFirstLineOfst() );
744 144052 : nStartX += nFI;
745 :
746 144052 : if ( !nLine && ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX ) )
747 : {
748 358 : nStartX = pParaPortion->GetBulletX();
749 : }
750 : }
751 :
752 : long nMaxLineWidth;
753 224710 : if ( !IsVertical() )
754 224695 : nMaxLineWidth = aStatus.AutoPageWidth() ? aMaxAutoPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Width();
755 : else
756 15 : nMaxLineWidth = aStatus.AutoPageHeight() ? aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height() : aPaperSize.Height();
757 :
758 224710 : nMaxLineWidth -= GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() );
759 224710 : nMaxLineWidth -= nStartX;
760 :
761 : // If PaperSize == long_max, one cannot take away any negative
762 : // first line indent. (Overflow)
763 224710 : if ( ( nMaxLineWidth < 0 ) && ( nStartX < 0 ) )
764 0 : nMaxLineWidth = ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() ) - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() );
765 :
766 : // If still less than 0, it may be just the right edge.
767 224710 : if ( nMaxLineWidth <= 0 )
768 34 : nMaxLineWidth = 1;
769 :
770 : // Problem:
771 : // Since formatting starts a line _before_ the invalid position,
772 : // the positions unfortunately have to be redefined ...
773 : // Solution:
774 : // The line before can only become longer, not smaller
775 : // => ...
776 224710 : if ( bCalcCharPositions )
777 224710 : pLine->GetCharPosArray().clear();
778 :
779 224710 : sal_Int32 nTmpPos = nIndex;
780 224710 : sal_Int32 nTmpPortion = pLine->GetStartPortion();
781 224710 : long nTmpWidth = 0;
782 224710 : long nXWidth = nMaxLineWidth;
783 224710 : if ( nXWidth <= nTmpWidth ) // while has to be looped once
784 0 : nXWidth = nTmpWidth+1;
785 :
786 224710 : LongDqPtr pTextRanges = 0;
787 224710 : long nTextExtraYOffset = 0;
788 224710 : long nTextXOffset = 0;
789 224710 : long nTextLineHeight = 0;
790 224710 : if ( GetTextRanger() )
791 : {
792 0 : GetTextRanger()->SetVertical( IsVertical() );
793 :
794 0 : long nTextY = nStartPosY + GetEditCursor( pParaPortion, pLine->GetStart() ).Top();
795 0 : if ( !bSameLineAgain )
796 : {
797 0 : SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont );
798 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
799 0 : ImplInitDigitMode(GetRefDevice(), aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
800 :
801 0 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() )
802 0 : nTextLineHeight = ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( aTmpFont.GetHeight() );
803 : else
804 0 : nTextLineHeight = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( GetRefDevice(), OUString() ).Height();
805 : // Metrics can be greater
806 0 : FormatterFontMetric aTempFormatterMetrics;
807 0 : RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aTempFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont );
808 0 : sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aTempFormatterMetrics.GetHeight();
809 0 : if ( nLineHeight > nTextLineHeight )
810 0 : nTextLineHeight = nLineHeight;
811 : }
812 : else
813 0 : nTextLineHeight = pLine->GetHeight();
814 :
815 0 : nXWidth = 0;
816 0 : while ( !nXWidth )
817 : {
818 0 : long nYOff = nTextY + nTextExtraYOffset;
819 0 : long nYDiff = nTextLineHeight;
820 0 : if ( IsVertical() )
821 : {
822 0 : long nMaxPolygonX = GetTextRanger()->GetBoundRect().Right();
823 0 : nYOff = nMaxPolygonX-nYOff;
824 0 : nYDiff = -nTextLineHeight;
825 : }
826 0 : pTextRanges = GetTextRanger()->GetTextRanges( Range( nYOff, nYOff + nYDiff ) );
827 : DBG_ASSERT( pTextRanges, "GetTextRanges?!" );
828 0 : long nMaxRangeWidth = 0;
829 : // Use the widest range ...
830 : // The widest range could be a bit confusing, so normally it
831 : // is the first one. Best with gaps.
832 : assert(pTextRanges->size() % 2 == 0 && "textranges are always in pairs");
833 0 : if (!pTextRanges->empty())
834 : {
835 0 : long nA = pTextRanges->at(0);
836 0 : long nB = pTextRanges->at(1);
837 : DBG_ASSERT( nA <= nB, "TextRange distorted?" );
838 0 : long nW = nB - nA;
839 0 : if ( nW > nMaxRangeWidth )
840 : {
841 0 : nMaxRangeWidth = nW;
842 0 : nTextXOffset = nA;
843 : }
844 : }
845 0 : nXWidth = nMaxRangeWidth;
846 0 : if ( nXWidth )
847 0 : nMaxLineWidth = nXWidth - nStartX - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() );
848 : else
849 : {
850 : // Try further down in the polygon.
851 : // Below the polygon use the Paper Width.
852 0 : nTextExtraYOffset += std::max( (long)(nTextLineHeight / 10), (long)1 );
853 0 : if ( ( nTextY + nTextExtraYOffset ) > GetTextRanger()->GetBoundRect().Bottom() )
854 : {
855 0 : nXWidth = !IsVertical() ? GetPaperSize().Width() : GetPaperSize().Height();
856 0 : if ( !nXWidth ) // AutoPaperSize
857 0 : nXWidth = 0x7FFFFFFF;
858 : }
859 : }
860 : }
861 : }
862 :
863 : // search for Portion that no longer fits in line ....
864 224710 : TextPortion* pPortion = 0;
865 224710 : bool bBrokenLine = false;
866 224710 : bLineBreak = false;
867 224710 : const EditCharAttrib* pNextFeature = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature( pLine->GetStart() );
868 680778 : while ( ( nTmpWidth < nXWidth ) && !bEOL && ( nTmpPortion < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) )
869 : {
870 231358 : nPortionStart = nTmpPos;
871 231358 : pPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nTmpPortion];
872 231358 : if ( pPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::HYPHENATOR )
873 : {
874 : // Throw away a Portion, if necessary correct the one before,
875 : // if the Hyph portion has swallowed a character ...
876 0 : sal_Int32 nTmpLen = pPortion->GetLen();
877 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nTmpPortion );
878 0 : if (nTmpPortion && nTmpLen)
879 : {
880 0 : nTmpPortion--;
881 0 : TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nTmpPortion];
882 : DBG_ASSERT( pPrev->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "Portion?!" );
883 0 : nTmpWidth -= pPrev->GetSize().Width();
884 0 : nTmpPos = nTmpPos - pPrev->GetLen();
885 0 : pPrev->SetLen(pPrev->GetLen() + nTmpLen);
886 0 : pPrev->GetSize().Width() = (-1);
887 : }
888 :
889 : DBG_ASSERT( nTmpPortion < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "No more Portions left!" );
890 0 : pPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nTmpPortion];
891 : }
892 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetKind() != PortionKind::HYPHENATOR, "CreateLines: Hyphenator-Portion!" );
893 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetLen() || bProcessingEmptyLine, "Empty Portion in CreateLines ?!" );
894 : (void)bProcessingEmptyLine;
895 231358 : if ( pNextFeature && ( pNextFeature->GetStart() == nTmpPos ) )
896 : {
897 7323 : sal_uInt16 nWhich = pNextFeature->GetItem()->Which();
898 7323 : switch ( nWhich )
899 : {
900 : case EE_FEATURE_TAB:
901 : {
902 12 : long nOldTmpWidth = nTmpWidth;
903 :
904 : // Search for Tab-Pos...
905 12 : long nCurPos = nTmpWidth+nStartX;
906 : // consider scaling
907 12 : if ( aStatus.DoStretch() && ( nStretchX != 100 ) )
908 0 : nCurPos = nCurPos*100/std::max(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nStretchX), static_cast<sal_Int32>(1));
909 :
910 12 : short nAllSpaceBeforeText = static_cast< short >(rLRItem.GetTextLeft()/* + rLRItem.GetTextLeft()*/ + nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth);
911 12 : aCurrentTab.aTabStop = pNode->GetContentAttribs().FindTabStop( nCurPos - nAllSpaceBeforeText /*rLRItem.GetTextLeft()*/, aEditDoc.GetDefTab() );
912 12 : aCurrentTab.nTabPos = GetXValue( (long) ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetTabPos() + nAllSpaceBeforeText /*rLRItem.GetTextLeft()*/ ) );
913 12 : aCurrentTab.bValid = false;
914 :
915 : // Switch direction in R2L para...
916 12 : if ( bRightToLeftPara )
917 : {
918 0 : if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT )
919 0 : aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() = SVX_TAB_ADJUST_LEFT;
920 0 : else if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_LEFT )
921 0 : aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() = SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT;
922 : }
923 :
924 36 : if ( ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT ) ||
925 24 : ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_CENTER ) ||
926 12 : ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DECIMAL ) )
927 : {
928 : // For LEFT / DEFAULT this tab is not considered.
929 0 : aCurrentTab.bValid = true;
930 0 : aCurrentTab.nStartPosX = nTmpWidth;
931 0 : aCurrentTab.nCharPos = nTmpPos;
932 0 : aCurrentTab.nTabPortion = nTmpPortion;
933 : }
934 :
935 12 : pPortion->GetKind() = PortionKind::TAB;
936 12 : pPortion->SetExtraValue( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetFill() );
937 12 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - (nTmpWidth+nStartX);
938 :
939 : // Height needed...
940 12 : SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont );
941 12 : pPortion->GetSize().Height() = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), OUString(), 0, 0, NULL ).Height();
942 :
943 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetSize().Width() >= 0, "Tab incorrectly calculated!" );
944 :
945 12 : nTmpWidth = aCurrentTab.nTabPos-nStartX;
946 :
947 : // If this is the first token on the line,
948 : // and nTmpWidth > aPaperSize.Width, => infinite loop!
949 12 : if ( ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth ) && ( nTmpPortion == pLine->GetStartPortion() ) )
950 : {
951 : // What now?
952 : // make the tab fitting
953 0 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() = nXWidth-nOldTmpWidth;
954 0 : nTmpWidth = nXWidth-1;
955 0 : bEOL = true;
956 0 : bBrokenLine = true;
957 : }
958 12 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
959 12 : size_t nPos = nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart();
960 12 : rArray.insert(rArray.begin()+nPos, pPortion->GetSize().Width());
961 12 : bCompressedChars = false;
962 : }
963 12 : break;
965 : {
966 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "?!" );
967 120 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() = 0;
968 120 : bEOL = true;
969 120 : bLineBreak = true;
970 120 : pPortion->GetKind() = PortionKind::LINEBREAK;
971 120 : bCompressedChars = false;
972 120 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
973 120 : size_t nPos = nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart();
974 120 : rArray.insert(rArray.begin()+nPos, pPortion->GetSize().Width());
975 : }
976 120 : break;
977 : case EE_FEATURE_FIELD:
978 : {
979 7191 : SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont );
980 7191 : sal_Unicode cChar = 0; // later: NBS?
981 7191 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
982 7191 : ImplInitDigitMode(GetRefDevice(), aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
983 :
984 7191 : OUString aFieldValue = cChar ? OUString(cChar) : static_cast<const EditCharAttribField*>(pNextFeature)->GetFieldValue();
985 7191 : if ( bCalcCharPositions || !pPortion->HasValidSize() )
986 : {
987 7191 : pPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), aFieldValue, 0, aFieldValue.getLength(), 0 );
988 : // So no scrolling for oversized fields
989 7191 : if ( pPortion->GetSize().Width() > nXWidth )
990 : {
991 0 : sal_Int32 nWidthOrg = pPortion->GetSize().Width();
992 0 : sal_Int32 nChars = aFieldValue.getLength();
993 0 : sal_Int32 nApproxWC = nXWidth / ( nWidthOrg / nChars );
994 0 : ExtraPortionInfo *pExtraInfo= pPortion->GetExtraInfos();
995 0 : if( !nApproxWC ) nApproxWC++;
996 0 : if( pExtraInfo == NULL )
997 : {
998 0 : pExtraInfo = new ExtraPortionInfo();
999 0 : pExtraInfo->nOrgWidth = nXWidth;
1000 0 : pPortion->SetExtraInfos( pExtraInfo );
1001 : }
1002 : else
1003 : {
1004 0 : pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.clear();
1005 : }
1006 :
1007 0 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() = nXWidth;
1008 :
1009 0 : while( nChars > 0 )
1010 : {
1011 0 : pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.push_back( aFieldValue.getLength() - nChars );
1012 0 : nChars -= nApproxWC;
1013 : }
1014 : }
1015 : }
1016 7191 : nTmpWidth += pPortion->GetSize().Width();
1017 7191 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
1018 7191 : size_t nPos = nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart();
1019 7191 : rArray.insert(rArray.begin()+nPos, pPortion->GetSize().Width());
1020 7191 : pPortion->GetKind() = cChar ? PortionKind::TEXT : PortionKind::FIELD;
1021 : // If this is the first token on the line,
1022 : // and nTmpWidth > aPaperSize.Width, => infinite loop!
1023 7191 : if ( ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth ) && ( nTmpPortion == pLine->GetStartPortion() ) )
1024 : {
1025 0 : nTmpWidth = nXWidth-1;
1026 0 : bEOL = true;
1027 0 : bBrokenLine = true;
1028 : }
1029 : // Compression in Fields????
1030 : // I think this could be a little bit difficult and is not very useful
1031 7191 : bCompressedChars = false;
1032 : }
1033 7191 : break;
1034 : default: OSL_FAIL( "What feature?" );
1035 : }
1036 7323 : pNextFeature = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature( pNextFeature->GetStart() + 1 );
1037 : }
1038 : else
1039 : {
1040 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetLen() || bProcessingEmptyLine, "Empty Portion - Extra Space?!" );
1041 : (void)bProcessingEmptyLine;
1042 224035 : SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont );
1043 224035 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
1044 224035 : ImplInitDigitMode(GetRefDevice(), aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
1045 :
1046 224035 : if ( bCalcCharPositions || !pPortion->HasValidSize() )
1047 : {
1048 224035 : pPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), pParaPortion->GetNode()->GetString(), nTmpPos, pPortion->GetLen(), pBuf.get() );
1049 :
1050 : // #i9050# Do Kerning also behind portions...
1051 224035 : if ( ( aTmpFont.GetFixKerning() > 0 ) && ( ( nTmpPos + pPortion->GetLen() ) < pNode->Len() ) )
1052 0 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() += aTmpFont.GetFixKerning();
1053 224035 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() )
1054 1963 : pPortion->GetSize().Height() = ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( aTmpFont.GetHeight() );
1055 : }
1056 224035 : if ( bCalcCharPositions )
1057 : {
1058 224035 : sal_Int32 nLen = pPortion->GetLen();
1059 : // The array is generally flattened at the beginning
1060 : // => Always simply quick inserts.
1061 224035 : size_t nPos = nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart();
1062 224035 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
1063 224035 : rArray.insert(rArray.begin()+nPos, pBuf.get(), pBuf.get()+nLen);
1064 : }
1065 :
1066 : // And now check for Compression:
1067 224035 : if ( pPortion->GetLen() && GetAsianCompressionMode() )
1068 : {
1069 0 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
1070 0 : long* pDXArray = &rArray[0] + nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart();
1071 : bCompressedChars |= ImplCalcAsianCompression(
1072 0 : pNode, pPortion, nTmpPos, pDXArray, 10000, false);
1073 : }
1074 :
1075 224035 : nTmpWidth += pPortion->GetSize().Width();
1076 :
1077 224035 : pPortion->SetRightToLeft( GetRightToLeft( nPara, nTmpPos+1 ) );
1078 :
1079 224035 : sal_Int32 _nPortionEnd = nTmpPos + pPortion->GetLen();
1080 224035 : if( bScriptSpace && ( _nPortionEnd < pNode->Len() ) && ( nTmpWidth < nXWidth ) && IsScriptChange( EditPaM( pNode, _nPortionEnd ) ) )
1081 : {
1082 840 : bool bAllow = false;
1083 840 : sal_uInt16 nScriptTypeLeft = GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, _nPortionEnd ) );
1084 840 : sal_uInt16 nScriptTypeRight = GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, _nPortionEnd+1 ) );
1085 840 : if ( ( nScriptTypeLeft == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN ) || ( nScriptTypeRight == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN ) )
1086 0 : bAllow = true;
1087 :
1088 : // No spacing within L2R/R2L nesting
1089 840 : if ( bAllow )
1090 : {
1091 0 : long nExtraSpace = pPortion->GetSize().Height()/5;
1092 0 : nExtraSpace = GetXValue( nExtraSpace );
1093 0 : pPortion->GetSize().Width() += nExtraSpace;
1094 0 : nTmpWidth += nExtraSpace;
1095 : }
1096 : }
1097 : }
1098 :
1099 231358 : if ( aCurrentTab.bValid && ( nTmpPortion != aCurrentTab.nTabPortion ) )
1100 : {
1101 0 : long nWidthAfterTab = 0;
1102 0 : for ( sal_Int32 n = aCurrentTab.nTabPortion+1; n <= nTmpPortion; n++ )
1103 : {
1104 0 : const TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[n];
1105 0 : nWidthAfterTab += pTP->GetSize().Width();
1106 : }
1107 0 : long nW = nWidthAfterTab; // Length before tab position
1108 0 : if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT )
1109 : {
1110 : }
1111 0 : else if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_CENTER )
1112 : {
1113 0 : nW = nWidthAfterTab/2;
1114 : }
1115 0 : else if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DECIMAL )
1116 : {
1117 : OUString aText = GetSelected( EditSelection( EditPaM( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos ),
1118 0 : EditPaM( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos + pPortion->GetLen() ) ) );
1119 0 : sal_Int32 nDecPos = aText.indexOf( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetDecimal() );
1120 0 : if ( nDecPos != -1 )
1121 : {
1122 0 : nW -= pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nTmpPortion]->GetSize().Width();
1123 0 : nW += aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), pParaPortion->GetNode()->GetString(), nTmpPos, nDecPos, NULL ).Width();
1124 0 : aCurrentTab.bValid = false;
1125 0 : }
1126 : }
1127 : else
1128 : {
1129 : OSL_FAIL( "CreateLines: Tab not handled!" );
1130 : }
1131 0 : long nMaxW = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - aCurrentTab.nStartPosX - nStartX;
1132 0 : if ( nW >= nMaxW )
1133 : {
1134 0 : nW = nMaxW;
1135 0 : aCurrentTab.bValid = false;
1136 : }
1137 0 : TextPortion* const pTabPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[aCurrentTab.nTabPortion];
1138 0 : pTabPortion->GetSize().Width() = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - aCurrentTab.nStartPosX - nW - nStartX;
1139 0 : nTmpWidth = aCurrentTab.nStartPosX + pTabPortion->GetSize().Width() + nWidthAfterTab;
1140 : }
1141 :
1142 231358 : nTmpPos = nTmpPos + pPortion->GetLen();
1143 231358 : nPortionEnd = nTmpPos;
1144 231358 : nTmpPortion++;
1145 231358 : if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() )
1146 0 : bEOL = true;
1147 : }
1148 :
1149 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "no portion!?" );
1150 :
1151 224710 : aCurrentTab.bValid = false;
1152 :
1153 : // this was possibly a portion too far:
1154 224710 : bool bFixedEnd = false;
1155 224710 : if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() )
1156 : {
1157 : // State before Portion (apart from nTmpWidth):
1158 0 : nPortionEnd = nTmpPos;
1159 0 : nTmpPos -= pPortion ? pPortion->GetLen() : 0;
1160 0 : nPortionStart = nTmpPos;
1161 0 : nTmpPortion--;
1162 :
1163 0 : bEOL = true;
1164 0 : bEOC = false;
1165 :
1166 : // And now just one character:
1167 0 : nTmpPos++;
1168 0 : nTmpPortion++;
1169 0 : nPortionEnd = nTmpPortion;
1170 : // one Non-Feature-Portion has to be wrapped
1171 0 : if ( pPortion && pPortion->GetLen() > 1 )
1172 : {
1173 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "Len>1, but no TextPortion?" );
1174 0 : nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width();
1175 0 : sal_Int32 nP = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nTmpPos, pLine );
1176 0 : const TextPortion* p = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nP];
1177 : DBG_ASSERT( p, "Portion ?!" );
1178 0 : nTmpWidth += p->GetSize().Width();
1179 : }
1180 : }
1181 224710 : else if ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth )
1182 : {
1183 101924 : nPortionEnd = nTmpPos;
1184 101924 : nTmpPos -= pPortion ? pPortion->GetLen() : 0;
1185 101924 : nPortionStart = nTmpPos;
1186 101924 : nTmpPortion--;
1187 101924 : bEOL = false;
1188 101924 : bEOC = false;
1189 101924 : if( pPortion ) switch ( pPortion->GetKind() )
1190 : {
1191 : case PortionKind::TEXT:
1192 : {
1193 101922 : nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width();
1194 : }
1195 101922 : break;
1196 : case PortionKind::FIELD:
1197 : case PortionKind::TAB:
1198 : {
1199 2 : nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width();
1200 2 : bEOL = true;
1201 2 : bFixedEnd = true;
1202 : }
1203 2 : break;
1204 : default:
1205 : {
1206 : // A feature is not wrapped:
1207 : DBG_ASSERT( ( pPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::LINEBREAK ), "What Feature ?" );
1208 0 : bEOL = true;
1209 0 : bFixedEnd = true;
1210 : }
1211 : }
1212 : }
1213 : else
1214 : {
1215 122786 : bEOL = true;
1216 122786 : bEOC = true;
1217 122786 : pLine->SetEnd( nPortionEnd );
1218 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "No TextPortions?" );
1219 122786 : pLine->SetEndPortion( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() - 1 );
1220 : }
1221 :
1222 224710 : if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() )
1223 : {
1224 0 : pLine->SetEnd( nPortionEnd );
1225 0 : pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 );
1226 : }
1227 224710 : else if ( bFixedEnd )
1228 : {
1229 2 : pLine->SetEnd( nPortionStart );
1230 2 : pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 );
1231 : }
1232 224708 : else if ( bLineBreak || bBrokenLine )
1233 : {
1234 120 : pLine->SetEnd( nPortionStart+1 );
1235 120 : pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 );
1236 120 : bEOC = false; // was set above, maybe change the sequence of the if's?
1237 : }
1238 224588 : else if ( !bEOL )
1239 : {
1240 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion && ((nPortionEnd-nPortionStart) == pPortion->GetLen()), "However, another portion?!" );
1241 101922 : long nRemainingWidth = nMaxLineWidth - nTmpWidth;
1242 101922 : bool bCanHyphenate = ( aTmpFont.GetCharSet() != RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL );
1243 101922 : if ( bCompressedChars && pPortion && ( pPortion->GetLen() > 1 ) && pPortion->GetExtraInfos() && pPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed )
1244 : {
1245 : // I need the manipulated DXArray for determining the break position...
1246 0 : long* pDXArray = NULL;
1247 0 : if (!pLine->GetCharPosArray().empty())
1248 : {
1249 0 : pDXArray = &pLine->GetCharPosArray()[0] + (nPortionStart - pLine->GetStart());
1250 : }
1251 : ImplCalcAsianCompression(
1252 0 : pNode, pPortion, nPortionStart, pDXArray, 10000, true);
1253 : }
1254 101922 : if( pPortion )
1255 : ImpBreakLine( pParaPortion, pLine, pPortion, nPortionStart,
1256 101922 : nRemainingWidth, bCanHyphenate && bHyphenatePara );
1257 : }
1258 :
1259 :
1260 : // Line finished => adjust
1261 :
1262 :
1263 : // CalcTextSize should be replaced by a continuous registering!
1264 224710 : Size aTextSize = pLine->CalcTextSize( *pParaPortion );
1265 :
1266 224710 : if ( aTextSize.Height() == 0 )
1267 : {
1268 37 : SeekCursor( pNode, pLine->GetStart()+1, aTmpFont );
1269 37 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev );
1270 37 : ImplInitDigitMode(pRefDev, aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
1271 :
1272 37 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() )
1273 0 : aTextSize.Height() = ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( aTmpFont.GetHeight() );
1274 : else
1275 37 : aTextSize.Height() = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pRefDev, OUString() ).Height();
1276 37 : pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)aTextSize.Height() );
1277 : }
1278 :
1279 : // The font metrics can not be calculated continuously, if the font is
1280 : // set anyway, because a large font only after wrapping suddenly ends
1281 : // up in the next line => Font metrics too big.
1282 224710 : FormatterFontMetric aFormatterMetrics;
1283 224710 : sal_Int32 nTPos = pLine->GetStart();
1284 456048 : for ( sal_Int32 nP = pLine->GetStartPortion(); nP <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); nP++ )
1285 : {
1286 231338 : const TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nP];
1287 : // problem with hard font height attribute, when everything but the line break has this attribute
1288 231338 : if ( pTP->GetKind() != PortionKind::LINEBREAK )
1289 : {
1290 231218 : SeekCursor( pNode, nTPos+1, aTmpFont );
1291 231218 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
1292 231218 : ImplInitDigitMode(GetRefDevice(), aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
1293 231218 : RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont );
1294 : }
1295 231338 : nTPos = nTPos + pTP->GetLen();
1296 : }
1297 224710 : sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aFormatterMetrics.GetHeight();
1298 224710 : if ( nLineHeight > pLine->GetHeight() )
1299 13385 : pLine->SetHeight( nLineHeight );
1300 224710 : pLine->SetMaxAscent( aFormatterMetrics.nMaxAscent );
1301 :
1302 224710 : bSameLineAgain = false;
1303 224710 : if ( GetTextRanger() && ( pLine->GetHeight() > nTextLineHeight ) )
1304 : {
1305 : // put down with the other size!
1306 0 : bSameLineAgain = true;
1307 : }
1308 :
1309 :
1310 224710 : if ( !bSameLineAgain && !aStatus.IsOutliner() )
1311 : {
1312 224710 : if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_MIN )
1313 : {
1314 1692 : sal_uInt16 nMinHeight = GetYValue( rLSItem.GetLineHeight() );
1315 1692 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pLine->GetHeight();
1316 1692 : if ( nTxtHeight < nMinHeight )
1317 : {
1318 : // The Ascent has to be adjusted for the difference:
1319 12 : long nDiff = nMinHeight - nTxtHeight;
1320 12 : pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff) );
1321 12 : pLine->SetHeight( nMinHeight, nTxtHeight );
1322 : }
1323 : }
1324 223018 : else if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_FIX )
1325 : {
1326 0 : sal_uInt16 nFixHeight = GetYValue( rLSItem.GetLineHeight() );
1327 0 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pLine->GetHeight();
1328 0 : pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() + ( nFixHeight - nTxtHeight ) ) );
1329 0 : pLine->SetHeight( nFixHeight, nTxtHeight );
1330 : }
1331 223018 : else if ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_PROP )
1332 : {
1333 7377 : if ( nPara || pLine->GetStartPortion() ) // Not the very first line
1334 : {
1335 : // There are documents with PropLineSpace 0, why?
1336 : // (cmc: re above question :-) such documents can be seen by importing a .ppt
1337 1755 : if ( rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace() && ( rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace() != 100 ) )
1338 : {
1339 1731 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pLine->GetHeight();
1340 1731 : sal_Int32 nH = nTxtHeight;
1341 1731 : nH *= rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace();
1342 1731 : nH /= 100;
1343 : // The Ascent has to be adjusted for the difference:
1344 1731 : long nDiff = pLine->GetHeight() - nH;
1345 1731 : if ( nDiff > pLine->GetMaxAscent() )
1346 0 : nDiff = pLine->GetMaxAscent();
1347 1731 : pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() - nDiff) );
1348 1731 : pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nH, nTxtHeight );
1349 : }
1350 : }
1351 : }
1352 : }
1353 :
1354 449422 : if ( ( !IsVertical() && aStatus.AutoPageWidth() ) ||
1355 201683 : ( IsVertical() && aStatus.AutoPageHeight() ) )
1356 : {
1357 : // If the row fits within the current paper width, then this width
1358 : // has to be used for the Alignment. If it does not fit or if it
1359 : // will change the paper width, it will be formatted again for
1360 : // Justification! = LEFT anyway.
1361 46088 : long nMaxLineWidthFix = ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() )
1362 46088 : - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ) - nStartX;
1363 23044 : if ( aTextSize.Width() < nMaxLineWidthFix )
1364 9090 : nMaxLineWidth = nMaxLineWidthFix;
1365 : }
1366 :
1367 224710 : if ( bCompressedChars )
1368 : {
1369 0 : long nRemainingWidth = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width();
1370 0 : if ( nRemainingWidth > 0 )
1371 : {
1372 0 : ImplExpandCompressedPortions( pLine, pParaPortion, nRemainingWidth );
1373 0 : aTextSize = pLine->CalcTextSize( *pParaPortion );
1374 : }
1375 : }
1376 :
1377 224710 : if ( pLine->IsHangingPunctuation() )
1378 : {
1379 : // Width from HangingPunctuation was set to 0 in ImpBreakLine,
1380 : // check for rel width now, maybe create compression...
1381 0 : long n = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width();
1382 0 : TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[pLine->GetEndPortion()];
1383 0 : sal_Int32 nPosInArray = pLine->GetEnd()-1-pLine->GetStart();
1384 0 : long nNewValue = ( nPosInArray ? pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPosInArray-1 ] : 0 ) + n;
1385 0 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPosInArray ] = nNewValue;
1386 0 : pTP->GetSize().Width() += n;
1387 : }
1388 :
1389 224710 : pLine->SetTextWidth( aTextSize.Width() );
1390 224710 : switch ( eJustification )
1391 : {
1392 : case SVX_ADJUST_CENTER:
1393 : {
1394 24766 : long n = ( nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width() ) / 2;
1395 24766 : n += nStartX; // Indentation is kept.
1396 24766 : pLine->SetStartPosX( n );
1397 : }
1398 24766 : break;
1399 : case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT:
1400 : {
1401 : // For automatically wrapped lines, which has a blank at the end
1402 : // the blank must not be displayed!
1403 2353 : long n = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width();
1404 2353 : n += nStartX; // Indentation is kept.
1405 2353 : pLine->SetStartPosX( n );
1406 : }
1407 2353 : break;
1408 : case SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK:
1409 : {
1410 1105 : bool bDistLastLine = (GetJustifyMethod(nPara) == SVX_JUSTIFY_METHOD_DISTRIBUTE);
1411 1105 : long nRemainingSpace = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width();
1412 1105 : pLine->SetStartPosX( nStartX );
1413 1105 : if ( nRemainingSpace > 0 && (!bEOC || bDistLastLine) )
1414 596 : ImpAdjustBlocks( pParaPortion, pLine, nRemainingSpace );
1415 : }
1416 1105 : break;
1417 : default:
1418 : {
1419 196486 : pLine->SetStartPosX( nStartX ); // FI, LI
1420 : }
1421 196486 : break;
1422 : }
1423 :
1424 :
1425 : // Check whether the line must be re-issued ...
1426 :
1427 224710 : pLine->SetInvalid();
1428 :
1429 : // If a portion was wrapped there may be far too many positions in
1430 : // CharPosArray:
1431 224710 : if ( bCalcCharPositions )
1432 : {
1433 224710 : EditLine::CharPosArrayType& rArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray();
1434 224710 : size_t nLen = pLine->GetLen();
1435 224710 : if (rArray.size() > nLen)
1436 80239 : rArray.erase(rArray.begin()+nLen, rArray.end());
1437 : }
1438 :
1439 224710 : if ( GetTextRanger() )
1440 : {
1441 0 : if ( nTextXOffset )
1442 0 : pLine->SetStartPosX( pLine->GetStartPosX() + nTextXOffset );
1443 0 : if ( nTextExtraYOffset )
1444 : {
1445 0 : pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16) ( pLine->GetHeight() + nTextExtraYOffset ), 0, pLine->GetHeight() );
1446 0 : pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16) ( pLine->GetMaxAscent() + nTextExtraYOffset ) );
1447 : }
1448 : }
1449 :
1450 : // for <0 think over !
1451 224710 : if ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() )
1452 : {
1453 : // Change through simple Text changes ...
1454 : // Do mot cancel formatting since Portions possibly have to be split
1455 : // again! If at some point cancelable, then validate the following
1456 : // line! But if applicable, mark as valid, so there is less output...
1457 644 : if ( pLine->GetEnd() < nInvalidStart )
1458 : {
1459 0 : if ( *pLine == aSaveLine )
1460 : {
1461 0 : pLine->SetValid();
1462 : }
1463 : }
1464 : else
1465 : {
1466 644 : sal_Int32 nStart = pLine->GetStart();
1467 644 : sal_Int32 nEnd = pLine->GetEnd();
1468 :
1469 644 : if ( nStart > nInvalidEnd )
1470 : {
1471 0 : if ( ( ( nStart-nInvalidDiff ) == aSaveLine.GetStart() ) &&
1472 0 : ( ( nEnd-nInvalidDiff ) == aSaveLine.GetEnd() ) )
1473 : {
1474 0 : pLine->SetValid();
1475 0 : if ( bCalcCharPositions && bQuickFormat )
1476 : {
1477 0 : bCalcCharPositions = false;
1478 0 : bLineBreak = false;
1479 0 : pParaPortion->CorrectValuesBehindLastFormattedLine( nLine );
1480 4 : break;
1481 : }
1482 : }
1483 : }
1484 644 : else if ( bCalcCharPositions && bQuickFormat && ( nEnd > nInvalidEnd) )
1485 : {
1486 : // If the invalid line ends so that the next begins on the
1487 : // 'same' passage as before, i.e. not wrapped differently,
1488 : // then the text width does not have to be determined anew:
1489 2 : if ( nEnd == ( aSaveLine.GetEnd() + nInvalidDiff ) )
1490 : {
1491 2 : bCalcCharPositions = false;
1492 2 : bLineBreak = false;
1493 2 : pParaPortion->CorrectValuesBehindLastFormattedLine( nLine );
1494 2 : break;
1495 : }
1496 : }
1497 : }
1498 : }
1499 :
1500 224708 : if ( !bSameLineAgain )
1501 : {
1502 224708 : nIndex = pLine->GetEnd(); // next line start = last line end
1503 : // as nEnd points to the last character!
1504 :
1505 224708 : sal_Int32 nEndPortion = pLine->GetEndPortion();
1506 :
1507 : // Next line or maybe a new line....
1508 224708 : pLine = 0;
1509 224708 : if ( nLine < pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-1 )
1510 134 : pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines()[++nLine];
1511 224708 : if ( pLine && ( nIndex >= pNode->Len() ) )
1512 : {
1513 2 : nDelFromLine = nLine;
1514 2 : break;
1515 : }
1516 224706 : if ( !pLine )
1517 : {
1518 224574 : if ( nIndex < pNode->Len() )
1519 : {
1520 80526 : pLine = new EditLine;
1521 80526 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert(++nLine, pLine);
1522 : }
1523 144048 : else if ( nIndex && bLineBreak && GetTextRanger() )
1524 : {
1525 : // normally CreateAndInsertEmptyLine would be called, but I want to use
1526 : // CreateLines, so I need Polygon code only here...
1527 0 : TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 );
1528 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Append(pDummyPortion);
1529 0 : pLine = new EditLine;
1530 0 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert(++nLine, pLine);
1531 0 : bForceOneRun = true;
1532 0 : bProcessingEmptyLine = true;
1533 : }
1534 : }
1535 224706 : if ( pLine )
1536 : {
1537 80658 : aSaveLine = *pLine;
1538 80658 : pLine->SetStart( nIndex );
1539 80658 : pLine->SetEnd( nIndex );
1540 80658 : pLine->SetStartPortion( nEndPortion+1 );
1541 80658 : pLine->SetEndPortion( nEndPortion+1 );
1542 : }
1543 : }
1544 : } // while ( Index < Len )
1545 :
1546 144052 : if ( nDelFromLine >= 0 )
1547 2 : pParaPortion->GetLines().DeleteFromLine( nDelFromLine );
1548 :
1549 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count(), "No line after CreateLines!" );
1550 :
1551 144052 : if ( bLineBreak )
1552 9 : CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( pParaPortion, nStartPosY );
1553 :
1554 144052 : pBuf.reset();
1555 :
1556 144052 : bool bHeightChanged = FinishCreateLines( pParaPortion );
1557 :
1558 144052 : if ( bMapChanged )
1559 0 : GetRefDevice()->Pop();
1560 :
1561 144052 : GetRefDevice()->Pop();
1562 :
1563 288104 : return bHeightChanged;
1564 : }
1565 :
1566 243417 : void ImpEditEngine::CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_uInt32 )
1567 : {
1568 : DBG_ASSERT( !GetTextRanger(), "Don't use CreateAndInsertEmptyLine with a polygon!" );
1569 :
1570 243417 : EditLine* pTmpLine = new EditLine;
1571 243417 : pTmpLine->SetStart( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() );
1572 243417 : pTmpLine->SetEnd( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() );
1573 243417 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Append(pTmpLine);
1574 :
1575 243417 : bool bLineBreak = pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() > 0;
1576 243417 : sal_Int32 nSpaceBefore = 0;
1577 243417 : sal_Int32 nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth = GetSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth( pParaPortion->GetNode(), &nSpaceBefore );
1578 243417 : const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRItem = GetLRSpaceItem( pParaPortion->GetNode() );
1579 243417 : const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = static_cast<const SvxLineSpacingItem&>(pParaPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL ));
1580 243417 : short nStartX = GetXValue( (short)(rLRItem.GetTextLeft() + rLRItem.GetTextFirstLineOfst() + nSpaceBefore));
1581 :
1582 243417 : Rectangle aBulletArea = Rectangle( Point(), Point() );
1583 243417 : if ( bLineBreak )
1584 : {
1585 9 : nStartX = (short)GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTextLeft() + rLRItem.GetTextFirstLineOfst() + nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth );
1586 : }
1587 : else
1588 : {
1589 243408 : aBulletArea = GetEditEnginePtr()->GetBulletArea( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) );
1590 243408 : if ( aBulletArea.Right() > 0 )
1591 121 : pParaPortion->SetBulletX( (sal_uInt16) GetXValue( aBulletArea.Right() ) );
1592 : else
1593 243287 : pParaPortion->SetBulletX( 0 ); // If Bullet set incorrectly.
1594 243408 : if ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX )
1595 : {
1596 217 : nStartX = (short)GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTextLeft() + rLRItem.GetTextFirstLineOfst() + nSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth );
1597 217 : if ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX )
1598 96 : nStartX = pParaPortion->GetBulletX();
1599 : }
1600 : }
1601 :
1602 243417 : SvxFont aTmpFont;
1603 243417 : SeekCursor( pParaPortion->GetNode(), bLineBreak ? pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() : 0, aTmpFont );
1604 243417 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev );
1605 :
1606 243417 : TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 );
1607 243417 : pDummyPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pRefDev, OUString() );
1608 243417 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() )
1609 1969 : pDummyPortion->GetSize().Height() = ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( aTmpFont.GetHeight() );
1610 243417 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Append(pDummyPortion);
1611 243417 : FormatterFontMetric aFormatterMetrics;
1612 243417 : RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont );
1613 243417 : pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( aFormatterMetrics.nMaxAscent );
1614 243417 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16) pDummyPortion->GetSize().Height() );
1615 243417 : sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aFormatterMetrics.GetHeight();
1616 243417 : if ( nLineHeight > pTmpLine->GetHeight() )
1617 6617 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( nLineHeight );
1618 :
1619 243417 : if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() )
1620 : {
1621 243417 : sal_Int32 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion );
1622 243417 : SvxAdjust eJustification = GetJustification( nPara );
1623 243417 : long nMaxLineWidth = !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height();
1624 243417 : nMaxLineWidth -= GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() );
1625 243417 : long nTextXOffset = 0;
1626 243417 : if ( nMaxLineWidth < 0 )
1627 0 : nMaxLineWidth = 1;
1628 243417 : if ( eJustification == SVX_ADJUST_CENTER )
1629 879 : nStartX = sal::static_int_cast< short >(nMaxLineWidth / 2);
1630 242538 : else if ( eJustification == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT )
1631 175 : nStartX = sal::static_int_cast< short >(nMaxLineWidth);
1632 :
1633 243417 : nStartX = sal::static_int_cast< short >(nStartX + nTextXOffset);
1634 : }
1635 :
1636 243417 : pTmpLine->SetStartPosX( nStartX );
1637 :
1638 243417 : if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() )
1639 : {
1640 243417 : if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_MIN )
1641 : {
1642 124 : sal_uInt16 nMinHeight = rLSItem.GetLineHeight();
1643 124 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pTmpLine->GetHeight();
1644 124 : if ( nTxtHeight < nMinHeight )
1645 : {
1646 : // The Ascent has to be adjusted for the difference:
1647 0 : long nDiff = nMinHeight - nTxtHeight;
1648 0 : pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff) );
1649 0 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( nMinHeight, nTxtHeight );
1650 : }
1651 : }
1652 243293 : else if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_FIX )
1653 : {
1654 0 : sal_uInt16 nFixHeight = rLSItem.GetLineHeight();
1655 0 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pTmpLine->GetHeight();
1656 :
1657 0 : pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() + ( nFixHeight - nTxtHeight ) ) );
1658 0 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( nFixHeight, nTxtHeight );
1659 : }
1660 243293 : else if ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_PROP )
1661 : {
1662 6702 : sal_Int32 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion );
1663 6702 : if ( nPara || pTmpLine->GetStartPortion() ) // Not the very first line
1664 : {
1665 : // There are documents with PropLineSpace 0, why?
1666 : // (cmc: re above question :-) such documents can be seen by importing a .ppt
1667 680 : if ( rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace() && ( rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace() != 100 ) )
1668 : {
1669 680 : sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pTmpLine->GetHeight();
1670 680 : sal_Int32 nH = nTxtHeight;
1671 680 : nH *= rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace();
1672 680 : nH /= 100;
1673 : // The Ascent has to be adjusted for the difference:
1674 680 : long nDiff = pTmpLine->GetHeight() - nH;
1675 680 : if ( nDiff > pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() )
1676 0 : nDiff = pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent();
1677 680 : pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() - nDiff) );
1678 680 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nH, nTxtHeight );
1679 : }
1680 : }
1681 : }
1682 : }
1683 :
1684 243417 : if ( !bLineBreak )
1685 : {
1686 243408 : long nMinHeight = aBulletArea.GetHeight();
1687 243408 : if ( nMinHeight > (long)pTmpLine->GetHeight() )
1688 : {
1689 0 : long nDiff = nMinHeight - (long)pTmpLine->GetHeight();
1690 : // distribute nDiff upwards and downwards
1691 0 : pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff/2) );
1692 0 : pTmpLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nMinHeight );
1693 : }
1694 : }
1695 : else
1696 : {
1697 : // -2: The new one is already inserted.
1698 : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1699 : EditLine* pLastLine = pParaPortion->GetLines()[pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-2];
1700 : DBG_ASSERT( pLastLine, "soft wrap no line?!" );
1701 : DBG_ASSERT( pLastLine->GetEnd() == pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len(), "different anyway?" );
1702 : #endif
1703 9 : sal_Int32 nPos = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() - 1 ;
1704 9 : pTmpLine->SetStartPortion( nPos );
1705 9 : pTmpLine->SetEndPortion( nPos );
1706 243417 : }
1707 243417 : }
1708 :
1709 387460 : bool ImpEditEngine::FinishCreateLines( ParaPortion* pParaPortion )
1710 : {
1711 : // CalcCharPositions( pParaPortion );
1712 387460 : pParaPortion->SetValid();
1713 387460 : long nOldHeight = pParaPortion->GetHeight();
1714 387460 : CalcHeight( pParaPortion );
1715 :
1716 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "FinishCreateLines: No Text-Portion?" );
1717 387460 : bool bRet = ( pParaPortion->GetHeight() != nOldHeight );
1718 387460 : return bRet;
1719 : }
1720 :
1721 101922 : void ImpEditEngine::ImpBreakLine( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, EditLine* pLine, TextPortion* pPortion, sal_Int32 nPortionStart, long nRemainingWidth, bool bCanHyphenate )
1722 : {
1723 101922 : ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
1724 :
1725 101922 : sal_Int32 nBreakInLine = nPortionStart - pLine->GetStart();
1726 101922 : sal_Int32 nMax = nBreakInLine + pPortion->GetLen();
1727 255783 : while ( ( nBreakInLine < nMax ) && ( pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nBreakInLine] < nRemainingWidth ) )
1728 51939 : nBreakInLine++;
1729 :
1730 101922 : sal_Int32 nMaxBreakPos = nBreakInLine + pLine->GetStart();
1731 101922 : sal_Int32 nBreakPos = SAL_MAX_INT32;
1732 :
1733 101922 : bool bCompressBlank = false;
1734 101922 : bool bHyphenated = false;
1735 101922 : bool bHangingPunctuation = false;
1736 101922 : sal_Unicode cAlternateReplChar = 0;
1737 101922 : sal_Unicode cAlternateExtraChar = 0;
1738 101922 : bool bAltFullLeft = false;
1739 101922 : bool bAltFullRight = false;
1740 101922 : sal_uInt32 nAltDelChar = 0;
1741 :
1742 101922 : if ( ( nMaxBreakPos < ( nMax + pLine->GetStart() ) ) && ( pNode->GetChar( nMaxBreakPos ) == ' ' ) )
1743 : {
1744 : // Break behind the blank, blank will be compressed...
1745 12376 : nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos + 1;
1746 12376 : bCompressBlank = true;
1747 : }
1748 : else
1749 : {
1750 89546 : sal_Int32 nMinBreakPos = pLine->GetStart();
1751 89546 : const CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
1752 240591 : for (size_t nAttr = rAttrs.size(); nAttr; )
1753 : {
1754 61502 : const EditCharAttrib& rAttr = rAttrs[--nAttr];
1755 61502 : if (rAttr.IsFeature() && rAttr.GetEnd() > nMinBreakPos && rAttr.GetEnd() <= nMaxBreakPos)
1756 : {
1757 3 : nMinBreakPos = rAttr.GetEnd();
1758 3 : break;
1759 : }
1760 : }
1761 : assert(nMinBreakPos <= nMaxBreakPos);
1762 :
1763 89546 : lang::Locale aLocale = GetLocale( EditPaM( pNode, nMaxBreakPos ) );
1764 :
1765 179092 : Reference < i18n::XBreakIterator > _xBI( ImplGetBreakIterator() );
1766 : const bool bAllowPunctuationOutsideMargin = static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(
1767 89546 : pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_HANGINGPUNCTUATION )).GetValue();
1768 :
1769 89546 : if (nMinBreakPos == nMaxBreakPos)
1770 : {
1771 81316 : nBreakPos = nMinBreakPos;
1772 : }
1773 : else
1774 : {
1775 8230 : Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph;
1776 8230 : if ( bCanHyphenate )
1777 3974 : xHyph = GetHyphenator();
1778 16460 : i18n::LineBreakHyphenationOptions aHyphOptions( xHyph, Sequence< PropertyValue >(), 1 );
1779 16460 : i18n::LineBreakUserOptions aUserOptions;
1780 :
1781 8230 : const i18n::ForbiddenCharacters* pForbidden = GetForbiddenCharsTable()->GetForbiddenCharacters( LanguageTag::convertToLanguageType( aLocale ), true );
1782 8230 : aUserOptions.forbiddenBeginCharacters = pForbidden->beginLine;
1783 8230 : aUserOptions.forbiddenEndCharacters = pForbidden->endLine;
1784 8230 : aUserOptions.applyForbiddenRules = static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_FORBIDDENRULES )).GetValue();
1785 8230 : aUserOptions.allowPunctuationOutsideMargin = bAllowPunctuationOutsideMargin;
1786 8230 : aUserOptions.allowHyphenateEnglish = sal_False;
1787 :
1788 8230 : i18n::LineBreakResults aLBR = _xBI->getLineBreak(
1789 16460 : pNode->GetString(), nMaxBreakPos, aLocale, nMinBreakPos, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions );
1790 8230 : nBreakPos = aLBR.breakIndex;
1791 :
1792 : // BUG in I18N - under special condition (break behind field, #87327#) breakIndex is < nMinBreakPos
1793 8230 : if ( nBreakPos < nMinBreakPos )
1794 : {
1795 4286 : nBreakPos = nMinBreakPos;
1796 : }
1797 3944 : else if ( ( nBreakPos > nMaxBreakPos ) && !aUserOptions.allowPunctuationOutsideMargin )
1798 : {
1799 : OSL_FAIL( "I18N: XBreakIterator::getLineBreak returns position > Max" );
1800 0 : nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos;
1801 : }
1802 :
1803 : // nBreakPos can never be outside the portion, even not with hangig punctuation
1804 8230 : if ( nBreakPos > nMaxBreakPos )
1805 8230 : nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos;
1806 : }
1807 :
1808 : // BUG in I18N - the japanese dot is in the next line!
1809 : // !!! Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1810 89546 : if ( (nBreakPos + ( bAllowPunctuationOutsideMargin ? 0 : 1 ) ) <= nMaxBreakPos )
1811 : {
1812 7854 : sal_Unicode cFirstInNextLine = ( (nBreakPos+1) < pNode->Len() ) ? pNode->GetChar( nBreakPos ) : 0;
1813 7854 : if ( cFirstInNextLine == 12290 )
1814 0 : nBreakPos++;
1815 : }
1816 :
1817 89546 : bHangingPunctuation = nBreakPos > nMaxBreakPos;
1818 89546 : pLine->SetHangingPunctuation( bHangingPunctuation );
1819 :
1820 : // Whether a separator or not, push the word after the separator through
1821 : // hyphenation ... NMaxBreakPos is the last character that fits into
1822 : // the line, nBreakPos is the beginning of the word.
1823 : // There is a problem if the Doc is so narrow that a word is broken
1824 : // into more than two lines ...
1825 89546 : if ( !bHangingPunctuation && bCanHyphenate && GetHyphenator().is() )
1826 : {
1827 83787 : i18n::Boundary aBoundary = _xBI->getWordBoundary(
1828 83787 : pNode->GetString(), nBreakPos, GetLocale( EditPaM( pNode, nBreakPos ) ), ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, true);
1829 83787 : sal_Int32 nWordStart = nBreakPos;
1830 83787 : sal_Int32 nWordEnd = aBoundary.endPos;
1831 : DBG_ASSERT( nWordEnd > nWordStart, "ImpBreakLine: Start >= End?" );
1832 :
1833 83787 : sal_Int32 nWordLen = nWordEnd - nWordStart;
1834 83787 : if ( ( nWordEnd >= nMaxBreakPos ) && ( nWordLen > 3 ) )
1835 : {
1836 : // May happen, because getLineBreak may differ from getWordBoudary with DICTIONARY_WORD
1837 21769 : OUString aWord = pNode->GetString().copy(nWordStart, nWordLen);
1838 21769 : sal_Int32 nMinTrail = nWordEnd-nMaxBreakPos+1; //+1: Before the dickey letter
1839 43538 : Reference< XHyphenatedWord > xHyphWord;
1840 21769 : if (
1841 21769 : xHyphWord = xHyphenator->hyphenate( aWord, aLocale, aWord.getLength() - nMinTrail, Sequence< PropertyValue >() );
1842 21769 : if (
1843 : {
1844 8 : bool bAlternate = xHyphWord->isAlternativeSpelling();
1845 8 : sal_Int32 _nWordLen = 1 + xHyphWord->getHyphenPos();
1846 :
1847 8 : if ( ( _nWordLen >= 2 ) && ( (nWordStart+_nWordLen) >= (pLine->GetStart() + 2 ) ) )
1848 : {
1849 8 : if ( !bAlternate )
1850 : {
1851 8 : bHyphenated = true;
1852 8 : nBreakPos = nWordStart + _nWordLen;
1853 : }
1854 : else
1855 : {
1856 : // TODO: handle all alternative hyphenations (see hyphen-1.2.8/tests/unicode.*)
1857 0 : OUString aAlt( xHyphWord->getHyphenatedWord() );
1858 0 : OUString aWord2(aWord);
1859 0 : OUString aAltLeft(aAlt.copy(0, _nWordLen));
1860 0 : OUString aAltRight(aAlt.copy(_nWordLen));
1861 0 : bAltFullLeft = aWord2.startsWith(aAltLeft);
1862 0 : bAltFullRight = aWord2.endsWith(aAltRight);
1863 0 : nAltDelChar = aWord2.getLength() - aAlt.getLength() + static_cast<int>(!bAltFullLeft) + static_cast<int>(!bAltFullRight);
1864 :
1865 : // NOTE: improved for other cases, see fdo#63711
1866 :
1867 : // We expect[ed] the two cases:
1868 : // 1) packen becomes pak-ken
1869 : // 2) Schiffahrt becomes Schiff-fahrt
1870 : // In case 1, a character has to be replaced
1871 : // in case 2 a character is added.
1872 : // The identification is complicated by long
1873 : // compound words because the Hyphenator separates
1874 : // all position of the word. [This is not true for libhyphen.]
1875 : // "Schiffahrtsbrennesseln" -> "Schifffahrtsbrennnesseln"
1876 : // We can thus actually not directly connect the index of the
1877 : // AlternativeWord to aWord. The whole issue will be simplified
1878 : // by a function in the Hyphenator as soon as AMA builds this in...
1879 0 : sal_Int32 nAltStart = _nWordLen - 1;
1880 0 : sal_Int32 nTxtStart = nAltStart - (aAlt.getLength() - aWord.getLength());
1881 0 : sal_Int32 nTxtEnd = nTxtStart;
1882 0 : sal_Int32 nAltEnd = nAltStart;
1883 :
1884 : // The regions between the nStart and nEnd is the
1885 : // difference between alternative and original string.
1886 0 : while( nTxtEnd < aWord.getLength() && nAltEnd < aAlt.getLength() &&
1887 0 : aWord[nTxtEnd] != aAlt[nAltEnd] )
1888 : {
1889 0 : ++nTxtEnd;
1890 0 : ++nAltEnd;
1891 : }
1892 :
1893 : // If a character is added, then we notice it now:
1894 0 : if( nAltEnd > nTxtEnd && nAltStart == nAltEnd &&
1895 0 : aWord[ nTxtEnd ] == aAlt[nAltEnd] )
1896 : {
1897 0 : ++nAltEnd;
1898 0 : ++nTxtStart;
1899 0 : ++nTxtEnd;
1900 : }
1901 :
1902 : DBG_ASSERT( ( nAltEnd - nAltStart ) == 1, "Alternate: Wrong assumption!" );
1903 :
1904 0 : if ( nTxtEnd > nTxtStart )
1905 0 : cAlternateReplChar = aAlt[nAltStart];
1906 : else
1907 0 : cAlternateExtraChar = aAlt[nAltStart];
1908 :
1909 0 : bHyphenated = true;
1910 0 : nBreakPos = nWordStart + nTxtStart;
1911 0 : if ( cAlternateReplChar || aAlt.getLength() < aWord2.getLength() || !bAltFullRight) // also for "oma-tje", "re-eel"
1912 0 : nBreakPos++;
1913 : }
1914 : }
1915 21769 : }
1916 : }
1917 : }
1918 :
1919 89546 : if ( nBreakPos <= pLine->GetStart() )
1920 : {
1921 : // No separator in line => Chop!
1922 88400 : nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos;
1923 : // I18N nextCharacters !
1924 88400 : if ( nBreakPos <= pLine->GetStart() )
1925 81316 : nBreakPos = pLine->GetStart() + 1; // Otherwise infinite loop!
1926 89546 : }
1927 : }
1928 :
1929 : // the dickey portion is the end portion
1930 101922 : pLine->SetEnd( nBreakPos );
1931 :
1932 101922 : sal_Int32 nEndPortion = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nBreakPos, pLine );
1933 :
1934 101922 : if ( !bCompressBlank && !bHangingPunctuation )
1935 : {
1936 : // When justification is not SVX_ADJUST_LEFT, it's important to compress
1937 : // the trailing space even if there is enough room for the space...
1938 : // Don't check for SVX_ADJUST_LEFT, doesn't matter to compress in this case too...
1939 : DBG_ASSERT( nBreakPos > pLine->GetStart(), "ImpBreakLines - BreakPos not expected!" );
1940 89546 : if ( pNode->GetChar( nBreakPos-1 ) == ' ' )
1941 1125 : bCompressBlank = true;
1942 : }
1943 :
1944 101922 : if ( bCompressBlank || bHangingPunctuation )
1945 : {
1946 13501 : TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nEndPortion];
1947 : DBG_ASSERT( pTP->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "BlankRubber: No TextPortion!" );
1948 : DBG_ASSERT( nBreakPos > pLine->GetStart(), "SplitTextPortion at the beginning of the line?" );
1949 13501 : sal_Int32 nPosInArray = nBreakPos - 1 - pLine->GetStart();
1950 13501 : pTP->GetSize().Width() = ( nPosInArray && ( pTP->GetLen() > 1 ) ) ? pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPosInArray-1 ] : 0;
1951 13501 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPosInArray ] = pTP->GetSize().Width();
1952 : }
1953 88421 : else if ( bHyphenated )
1954 : {
1955 : // A portion for inserting the separator ...
1956 8 : TextPortion* pHyphPortion = new TextPortion( 0 );
1957 8 : pHyphPortion->GetKind() = PortionKind::HYPHENATOR;
1958 8 : OUString aHyphText(CH_HYPH);
1959 8 : if ( (cAlternateReplChar || cAlternateExtraChar) && bAltFullRight ) // alternation after the break doesn't supported
1960 : {
1961 0 : TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nEndPortion];
1962 : DBG_ASSERT( pPrev && pPrev->GetLen(), "Hyphenate: Prev portion?!" );
1963 0 : pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() - nAltDelChar );
1964 0 : pHyphPortion->SetLen( nAltDelChar );
1965 0 : if (cAlternateReplChar && !bAltFullLeft) pHyphPortion->SetExtraValue( cAlternateReplChar );
1966 : // Correct width of the portion above:
1967 0 : pPrev->GetSize().Width() =
1968 0 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nBreakPos-1 - pLine->GetStart() - nAltDelChar ];
1969 : }
1970 :
1971 : // Determine the width of the Hyph-Portion:
1972 16 : SvxFont aFont;
1973 8 : SeekCursor( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nBreakPos, aFont );
1974 8 : aFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
1975 8 : pHyphPortion->GetSize().Height() = GetRefDevice()->GetTextHeight();
1976 8 : pHyphPortion->GetSize().Width() = GetRefDevice()->GetTextWidth( aHyphText );
1977 :
1978 16 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert(++nEndPortion, pHyphPortion);
1979 : }
1980 101922 : pLine->SetEndPortion( nEndPortion );
1981 101922 : }
1982 :
1983 596 : void ImpEditEngine::ImpAdjustBlocks( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, EditLine* pLine, long nRemainingSpace )
1984 : {
1985 : DBG_ASSERT( nRemainingSpace > 0, "AdjustBlocks: Somewhat too little..." );
1986 : DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "AdjustBlocks: Line ?!" );
1987 596 : if ( ( nRemainingSpace < 0 ) || pLine->IsEmpty() )
1988 460 : return ;
1989 :
1990 596 : const sal_Int32 nFirstChar = pLine->GetStart();
1991 596 : const sal_Int32 nLastChar = pLine->GetEnd() -1; // Last points behind
1992 596 : ContentNode* pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
1993 :
1994 : DBG_ASSERT( nLastChar < pNode->Len(), "AdjustBlocks: Out of range!" );
1995 :
1996 : // Search blanks or Kashidas...
1997 596 : std::vector<sal_Int32> aPositions;
1998 596 : sal_uInt16 nLastScript = i18n::ScriptType::LATIN;
1999 4191 : for ( sal_Int32 nChar = nFirstChar; nChar <= nLastChar; nChar++ )
2000 : {
2001 3595 : EditPaM aPaM( pNode, nChar+1 );
2002 3595 : LanguageType eLang = GetLanguage(aPaM);
2003 3595 : sal_uInt16 nScript = GetI18NScriptType(aPaM);
2004 3595 : if ( MsLangId::getPrimaryLanguage( eLang) == LANGUAGE_ARABIC_PRIMARY_ONLY )
2005 : // Arabic script is handled later.
2006 0 : continue;
2007 :
2008 3595 : if ( pNode->GetChar(nChar) == ' ' )
2009 : {
2010 : // Normal latin script.
2011 523 : aPositions.push_back( nChar );
2012 : }
2013 3072 : else if (nChar > nFirstChar)
2014 : {
2015 2477 : if (nLastScript == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN)
2016 : {
2017 : // Set break position between this and the last character if
2018 : // the last character is asian script.
2019 0 : aPositions.push_back( nChar-1 );
2020 : }
2021 2477 : else if (nScript == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN)
2022 : {
2023 : // Set break position between a latin script and asian script.
2024 0 : aPositions.push_back( nChar-1 );
2025 : }
2026 : }
2027 :
2028 3595 : nLastScript = nScript;
2029 : }
2030 :
2031 : // Kashidas ?
2032 596 : ImpFindKashidas( pNode, nFirstChar, nLastChar, aPositions );
2033 :
2034 596 : if ( aPositions.empty() )
2035 460 : return;
2036 :
2037 : // If the last character is a blank, it is rejected!
2038 : // The width must be distributed to the blockers in front...
2039 : // But not if it is the only one.
2040 446 : if ( ( pNode->GetChar( nLastChar ) == ' ' ) && ( aPositions.size() > 1 ) &&
2041 250 : ( MsLangId::getPrimaryLanguage( GetLanguage( EditPaM( pNode, nLastChar ) ) ) != LANGUAGE_ARABIC_PRIMARY_ONLY ) )
2042 : {
2043 38 : aPositions.pop_back();
2044 : sal_Int32 nPortionStart, nPortion;
2045 38 : nPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().FindPortion( nLastChar+1, nPortionStart );
2046 38 : TextPortion* pLastPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
2047 38 : long nRealWidth = pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar];
2048 38 : long nBlankWidth = nRealWidth;
2049 38 : if ( nLastChar > nPortionStart )
2050 38 : nBlankWidth -= pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar-1];
2051 : // Possibly the blank has already been deducted in ImpBreakLine:
2052 38 : if ( nRealWidth == pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() )
2053 : {
2054 : // For the last character the portion must stop behind the blank
2055 : // => Simplify correction:
2056 : DBG_ASSERT( ( nPortionStart + pLastPortion->GetLen() ) == ( nLastChar+1 ), "Blank actually not at the end of the portion!?");
2057 38 : pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() -= nBlankWidth;
2058 38 : nRemainingSpace += nBlankWidth;
2059 : }
2060 38 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar] -= nBlankWidth;
2061 : }
2062 :
2063 136 : size_t nGaps = aPositions.size();
2064 136 : const long nMore4Everyone = nRemainingSpace / nGaps;
2065 136 : long nSomeExtraSpace = nRemainingSpace - nMore4Everyone*nGaps;
2066 :
2067 : DBG_ASSERT( nSomeExtraSpace < (long)nGaps, "AdjustBlocks: ExtraSpace too large" );
2068 : DBG_ASSERT( nSomeExtraSpace >= 0, "AdjustBlocks: ExtraSpace < 0 " );
2069 :
2070 : // Correct the positions in the Array and the portion widths:
2071 : // Last character won't be considered ...
2072 621 : for ( std::vector<sal_Int32>::const_iterator it(aPositions.begin()); it != aPositions.end(); ++it )
2073 : {
2074 485 : sal_Int32 nChar = *it;
2075 485 : if ( nChar < nLastChar )
2076 : {
2077 : sal_Int32 nPortionStart, nPortion;
2078 387 : nPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().FindPortion( nChar, nPortionStart, true );
2079 387 : TextPortion* pLastPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
2080 :
2081 : // The width of the portion:
2082 387 : pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() += nMore4Everyone;
2083 387 : if ( nSomeExtraSpace )
2084 171 : pLastPortion->GetSize().Width()++;
2085 :
2086 : // Correct positions in array
2087 : // Even for kashidas just change positions, VCL will then draw the kashida automatically
2088 387 : sal_Int32 nPortionEnd = nPortionStart + pLastPortion->GetLen();
2089 13167 : for ( sal_Int32 _n = nChar; _n < nPortionEnd; _n++ )
2090 : {
2091 12780 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[_n-nFirstChar] += nMore4Everyone;
2092 12780 : if ( nSomeExtraSpace )
2093 7833 : pLine->GetCharPosArray()[_n-nFirstChar]++;
2094 : }
2095 :
2096 387 : if ( nSomeExtraSpace )
2097 171 : nSomeExtraSpace--;
2098 : }
2099 : }
2100 :
2101 : // Now the text width contains the extra width...
2102 136 : pLine->SetTextWidth( pLine->GetTextWidth() + nRemainingSpace );
2103 : }
2104 :
2105 596 : void ImpEditEngine::ImpFindKashidas( ContentNode* pNode, sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd, std::vector<sal_Int32>& rArray )
2106 : {
2107 : // the search has to be performed on a per word base
2108 :
2109 596 : EditSelection aWordSel( EditPaM( pNode, nStart ) );
2110 596 : aWordSel = SelectWord( aWordSel, ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD );
2111 596 : if ( aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() < nStart )
2112 442 : aWordSel.Min().SetIndex( nStart );
2113 :
2114 2165 : while ( ( aWordSel.Min().GetNode() == pNode ) && ( aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() < nEnd ) )
2115 : {
2116 973 : const sal_Int32 nSavPos = aWordSel.Max().GetIndex();
2117 973 : if ( aWordSel.Max().GetIndex() > nEnd )
2118 460 : aWordSel.Max().SetIndex( nEnd );
2119 :
2120 973 : OUString aWord = GetSelected( aWordSel );
2121 :
2122 : // restore selection for proper iteration at the end of the function
2123 973 : aWordSel.Max().SetIndex( nSavPos );
2124 :
2125 973 : sal_Int32 nIdx = 0;
2126 973 : sal_Int32 nKashidaPos = -1;
2127 : sal_Unicode cCh;
2128 973 : sal_Unicode cPrevCh = 0;
2129 :
2130 4528 : while ( nIdx < aWord.getLength() )
2131 : {
2132 2582 : cCh = aWord[ nIdx ];
2133 :
2134 : // 1. Priority:
2135 : // after user inserted kashida
2136 2582 : if ( 0x640 == cCh )
2137 : {
2138 0 : nKashidaPos = aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() + nIdx;
2139 0 : break;
2140 : }
2141 :
2142 : // 2. Priority:
2143 : // after a Seen or Sad
2144 2582 : if ( nIdx + 1 < aWord.getLength() &&
2145 1609 : ( 0x633 == cCh || 0x635 == cCh ) )
2146 : {
2147 0 : nKashidaPos = aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() + nIdx;
2148 0 : break;
2149 : }
2150 :
2151 : // 3. Priority:
2152 : // before final form of the Marbuta, Hah, Dal
2153 : // 4. Priority:
2154 : // before final form of Alef, Lam or Kaf
2155 2582 : if ( nIdx && nIdx + 1 == aWord.getLength() &&
2156 413 : ( 0x629 == cCh || 0x62D == cCh || 0x62F == cCh ||
2157 413 : 0x627 == cCh || 0x644 == cCh || 0x643 == cCh ) )
2158 : {
2159 : DBG_ASSERT( 0 != cPrevCh, "No previous character" );
2160 :
2161 : // check if character is connectable to previous character,
2162 0 : if ( lcl_ConnectToPrev( cCh, cPrevCh ) )
2163 : {
2164 0 : nKashidaPos = aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() + nIdx - 1;
2165 0 : break;
2166 : }
2167 : }
2168 :
2169 : // 5. Priority:
2170 : // before media Bah
2171 2582 : if ( nIdx && nIdx + 1 < aWord.getLength() && 0x628 == cCh )
2172 : {
2173 : DBG_ASSERT( 0 != cPrevCh, "No previous character" );
2174 :
2175 : // check if next character is Reh, Yeh or Alef Maksura
2176 0 : sal_Unicode cNextCh = aWord[ nIdx + 1 ];
2177 :
2178 0 : if ( 0x631 == cNextCh || 0x64A == cNextCh ||
2179 : 0x649 == cNextCh )
2180 : {
2181 : // check if character is connectable to previous character,
2182 0 : if ( lcl_ConnectToPrev( cCh, cPrevCh ) )
2183 0 : nKashidaPos = aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() + nIdx - 1;
2184 : }
2185 : }
2186 :
2187 : // 6. Priority:
2188 : // other connecting possibilities
2189 4191 : if ( nIdx && nIdx + 1 == aWord.getLength() &&
2190 2582 : 0x60C <= cCh && 0x6FE >= cCh )
2191 : {
2192 : DBG_ASSERT( 0 != cPrevCh, "No previous character" );
2193 :
2194 : // check if character is connectable to previous character,
2195 0 : if ( lcl_ConnectToPrev( cCh, cPrevCh ) )
2196 : {
2197 : // only choose this position if we did not find
2198 : // a better one:
2199 0 : if ( nKashidaPos<0 )
2200 0 : nKashidaPos = aWordSel.Min().GetIndex() + nIdx - 1;
2201 0 : break;
2202 : }
2203 : }
2204 :
2205 : // Do not consider Fathatan, Dammatan, Kasratan, Fatha,
2206 : // Damma, Kasra, Shadda and Sukun when checking if
2207 : // a character can be connected to previous character.
2208 2582 : if ( cCh < 0x64B || cCh > 0x652 )
2209 2582 : cPrevCh = cCh;
2210 :
2211 2582 : ++nIdx;
2212 : } // end of current word
2213 :
2214 973 : if ( nKashidaPos>=0 )
2215 0 : rArray.push_back( nKashidaPos );
2216 :
2217 973 : aWordSel = WordRight( aWordSel.Max(), ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD );
2218 973 : aWordSel = SelectWord( aWordSel, ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD );
2219 973 : }
2220 596 : }
2221 :
2222 101922 : sal_Int32 ImpEditEngine::SplitTextPortion( ParaPortion* pPortion, sal_Int32 nPos, EditLine* pCurLine )
2223 : {
2224 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "SplitTextPortion: Which ?" );
2225 :
2226 : // The portion at nPos is split, if there is not a transition at nPos anyway
2227 101922 : if ( nPos == 0 )
2228 0 : return 0;
2229 :
2230 : sal_Int32 nSplitPortion;
2231 101922 : sal_Int32 nTmpPos = 0;
2232 101922 : TextPortion* pTextPortion = NULL;
2233 101922 : sal_Int32 nPortions = pPortion->GetTextPortions().Count();
2234 463839 : for ( nSplitPortion = 0; nSplitPortion < nPortions; nSplitPortion++ )
2235 : {
2236 463839 : TextPortion* pTP = pPortion->GetTextPortions()[nSplitPortion];
2237 463839 : nTmpPos = nTmpPos + pTP->GetLen();
2238 463839 : if ( nTmpPos >= nPos )
2239 : {
2240 101922 : if ( nTmpPos == nPos ) // then nothing needs to be split
2241 : {
2242 21703 : return nSplitPortion;
2243 : }
2244 80219 : pTextPortion = pTP;
2245 80219 : break;
2246 : }
2247 : }
2248 :
2249 : DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion, "Position outside the area!" );
2250 :
2251 80219 : if (!pTextPortion)
2252 0 : return 0;
2253 :
2254 : DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "SplitTextPortion: No TextPortion!" );
2255 :
2256 80219 : sal_Int32 nOverlapp = nTmpPos - nPos;
2257 80219 : pTextPortion->SetLen( pTextPortion->GetLen() - nOverlapp );
2258 80219 : TextPortion* pNewPortion = new TextPortion( nOverlapp );
2259 80219 : pPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert(nSplitPortion+1, pNewPortion);
2260 : // Set sizes
2261 80219 : if ( pCurLine )
2262 : {
2263 : // No new GetTextSize, instead use values from the Array:
2264 : DBG_ASSERT( nPos > pCurLine->GetStart(), "SplitTextPortion at the beginning of the line?" );
2265 80219 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = pCurLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPos-pCurLine->GetStart()-1 ];
2266 :
2267 80219 : if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos() && pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed )
2268 : {
2269 : // We need the original size from the portion
2270 0 : sal_Int32 nTxtPortionStart = pPortion->GetTextPortions().GetStartPos( nSplitPortion );
2271 0 : SvxFont aTmpFont( pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() );
2272 0 : SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), nTxtPortionStart+1, aTmpFont );
2273 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
2274 0 : GetRefDevice()->Push( PushFlags::TEXTLANGUAGE );
2275 0 : ImplInitDigitMode(GetRefDevice(), aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
2276 0 : Size aSz = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), pPortion->GetNode()->GetString(), nTxtPortionStart, pTextPortion->GetLen(), NULL );
2277 0 : GetRefDevice()->Pop();
2278 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth = aSz.Width();
2279 : }
2280 : }
2281 : else
2282 0 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = (-1);
2283 :
2284 80219 : return nSplitPortion;
2285 : }
2286 :
2287 144049 : void ImpEditEngine::CreateTextPortions( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_Int32& rStart )
2288 : {
2289 144049 : sal_Int32 nStartPos = rStart;
2290 144049 : ContentNode* pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
2291 : DBG_ASSERT( pNode->Len(), "CreateTextPortions should not be used for empty paragraphs!" );
2292 :
2293 144049 : ::std::set< sal_Int32 > aPositions;
2294 144049 : aPositions.insert( 0 );
2295 :
2296 144049 : sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0;
2297 144049 : EditCharAttrib* pAttrib = GetAttrib( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(), nAttr );
2298 417662 : while ( pAttrib )
2299 : {
2300 : // Insert Start and End into the Array...
2301 : // The Insert method does not allow for duplicate values....
2302 129564 : aPositions.insert( pAttrib->GetStart() );
2303 129564 : aPositions.insert( pAttrib->GetEnd() );
2304 129564 : nAttr++;
2305 129564 : pAttrib = GetAttrib( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(), nAttr );
2306 : }
2307 144049 : aPositions.insert( pNode->Len() );
2308 :
2309 144049 : if ( pParaPortion->aScriptInfos.empty() )
2310 0 : InitScriptTypes( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) );
2311 :
2312 144049 : const ScriptTypePosInfos& rTypes = pParaPortion->aScriptInfos;
2313 289896 : for ( size_t nT = 0; nT < rTypes.size(); nT++ )
2314 145847 : aPositions.insert( rTypes[nT].nStartPos );
2315 :
2316 144049 : const WritingDirectionInfos& rWritingDirections = pParaPortion->aWritingDirectionInfos;
2317 288098 : for ( size_t nD = 0; nD < rWritingDirections.size(); nD++ )
2318 144049 : aPositions.insert( rWritingDirections[nD].nStartPos );
2319 :
2320 144049 : if ( mpIMEInfos && mpIMEInfos->nLen && mpIMEInfos->pAttribs && ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetNode() == pNode ) )
2321 : {
2322 0 : sal_uInt16 nLastAttr = 0xFFFF;
2323 0 : for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < mpIMEInfos->nLen; n++ )
2324 : {
2325 0 : if ( mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[n] != nLastAttr )
2326 : {
2327 0 : aPositions.insert( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + n );
2328 0 : nLastAttr = mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[n];
2329 : }
2330 : }
2331 0 : aPositions.insert( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + mpIMEInfos->nLen );
2332 : }
2333 :
2334 : // From ... Delete:
2335 : // Unfortunately, the number of text portions does not have to match
2336 : // aPositions.Count(), since there might be line breaks...
2337 144049 : sal_Int32 nPortionStart = 0;
2338 144049 : sal_Int32 nInvPortion = 0;
2339 : sal_Int32 nP;
2340 144059 : for ( nP = 0; nP < (sal_Int32)pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); nP++ )
2341 : {
2342 5317 : const TextPortion* pTmpPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nP];
2343 5317 : nPortionStart = nPortionStart + pTmpPortion->GetLen();
2344 5317 : if ( nPortionStart >= nStartPos )
2345 : {
2346 5307 : nPortionStart = nPortionStart - pTmpPortion->GetLen();
2347 5307 : rStart = nPortionStart;
2348 5307 : nInvPortion = nP;
2349 5307 : break;
2350 : }
2351 : }
2352 : DBG_ASSERT( nP < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() || !pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Nothing to delete: CreateTextPortions" );
2353 144049 : if ( nInvPortion && ( nPortionStart+pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nInvPortion]->GetLen() > nStartPos ) )
2354 : {
2355 : // prefer one in front ...
2356 : // But only if it was in the middle of the portion of, otherwise it
2357 : // might be the only one in the row in front!
2358 0 : nInvPortion--;
2359 0 : nPortionStart = nPortionStart - pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nInvPortion]->GetLen();
2360 : }
2361 144049 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().DeleteFromPortion( nInvPortion );
2362 :
2363 : // A portion may also have been formed by a line break:
2364 144049 : aPositions.insert( nPortionStart );
2365 :
2366 144049 : ::std::set< sal_Int32 >::iterator nInvPos = aPositions.find( nPortionStart );
2367 : DBG_ASSERT( (nInvPos != aPositions.end()), "InvPos ?!" );
2368 :
2369 144049 : ::std::set< sal_Int32 >::iterator i = nInvPos;
2370 144049 : ++i;
2371 439196 : while ( i != aPositions.end() )
2372 : {
2373 151098 : TextPortion* pNew = new TextPortion( (*i++) - *nInvPos++ );
2374 151098 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Append(pNew);
2375 : }
2376 :
2377 144049 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "No Portions?!" );
2378 : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
2379 : OSL_ENSURE( ParaPortion::DbgCheckTextPortions(*pParaPortion), "Portion is broken?" );
2380 : #endif
2381 144049 : }
2382 :
2383 3 : void ImpEditEngine::RecalcTextPortion( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_Int32 nStartPos, sal_Int32 nNewChars )
2384 : {
2385 : DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "No Portions!" );
2386 : DBG_ASSERT( nNewChars, "RecalcTextPortion with Diff == 0" );
2387 :
2388 3 : ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode();
2389 3 : if ( nNewChars > 0 )
2390 : {
2391 : // If an Attribute begins/ends at nStartPos, then a new portion starts
2392 : // otherwise the portion is extended at nStartPos.
2393 0 : if ( pNode->GetCharAttribs().HasBoundingAttrib( nStartPos ) || IsScriptChange( EditPaM( pNode, nStartPos ) ) )
2394 : {
2395 0 : sal_Int32 nNewPortionPos = 0;
2396 0 : if ( nStartPos )
2397 0 : nNewPortionPos = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nStartPos ) + 1;
2398 :
2399 : // A blank portion may be here, if the paragraph was empty,
2400 : // or if a line was created by a hard line break.
2401 0 : if ( ( nNewPortionPos < (sal_Int32)pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) &&
2402 0 : !pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nNewPortionPos]->GetLen() )
2403 : {
2404 0 : TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nNewPortionPos];
2405 : DBG_ASSERT( pTP->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "the empty portion was no TextPortion!" );
2406 0 : pTP->SetLen( pTP->GetLen() + nNewChars );
2407 : }
2408 : else
2409 : {
2410 0 : TextPortion* pNewPortion = new TextPortion( nNewChars );
2411 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert(nNewPortionPos, pNewPortion);
2412 : }
2413 : }
2414 : else
2415 : {
2416 : sal_Int32 nPortionStart;
2417 0 : const sal_Int32 nTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().
2418 0 : FindPortion( nStartPos, nPortionStart );
2419 0 : TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nTP ];
2420 : DBG_ASSERT( pTP, "RecalcTextPortion: Portion not found" );
2421 0 : pTP->SetLen( pTP->GetLen() + nNewChars );
2422 0 : pTP->GetSize().Width() = (-1);
2423 : }
2424 : }
2425 : else
2426 : {
2427 : // Shrink or remove portion if necessary.
2428 : // Before calling this method it must be ensured that no portions were
2429 : // in the deleted area!
2430 :
2431 : // There must be no portions extending into the area or portions starting in
2432 : // the area, so it must be:
2433 : // nStartPos <= nPos <= nStartPos - nNewChars(neg.)
2434 3 : sal_Int32 nPortion = 0;
2435 3 : sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
2436 3 : sal_Int32 nEnd = nStartPos-nNewChars;
2437 3 : sal_Int32 nPortions = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count();
2438 3 : TextPortion* pTP = 0;
2439 3 : for ( nPortion = 0; nPortion < nPortions; nPortion++ )
2440 : {
2441 3 : pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
2442 3 : if ( ( nPos+pTP->GetLen() ) > nStartPos )
2443 : {
2444 : DBG_ASSERT( nPos <= nStartPos, "Wrong Start!" );
2445 : DBG_ASSERT( nPos+pTP->GetLen() >= nEnd, "Wrong End!" );
2446 3 : break;
2447 : }
2448 0 : nPos = nPos + pTP->GetLen();
2449 : }
2450 : DBG_ASSERT( pTP, "RecalcTextPortion: Portion not found" );
2451 3 : if ( ( nPos == nStartPos ) && ( (nPos+pTP->GetLen()) == nEnd ) )
2452 : {
2453 : // Remove portion;
2454 0 : PortionKind nType = pTP->GetKind();
2455 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nPortion );
2456 0 : if ( nType == PortionKind::LINEBREAK )
2457 : {
2458 0 : TextPortion* pNext = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
2459 0 : if ( pNext && !pNext->GetLen() )
2460 : {
2461 : // Remove dummy portion
2462 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nPortion );
2463 : }
2464 : }
2465 : }
2466 : else
2467 : {
2468 : DBG_ASSERT( pTP->GetLen() > (-nNewChars), "Portion too small to shrink! ");
2469 3 : pTP->SetLen( pTP->GetLen() + nNewChars );
2470 : }
2471 :
2472 3 : sal_Int32 nPortionCount = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count();
2473 : assert( nPortionCount );
2474 3 : if (nPortionCount)
2475 : {
2476 : // No HYPHENATOR portion is allowed to get stuck right at the end...
2477 3 : sal_Int32 nLastPortion = nPortionCount - 1;
2478 3 : pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nLastPortion];
2479 3 : if ( pTP->GetKind() == PortionKind::HYPHENATOR )
2480 : {
2481 : // Discard portion; if possible, correct the ones before,
2482 : // if the Hyphenator portion has swallowed one character...
2483 0 : if ( nLastPortion && pTP->GetLen() )
2484 : {
2485 0 : TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nLastPortion - 1];
2486 : DBG_ASSERT( pPrev->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT, "Portion?!" );
2487 0 : pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() + pTP->GetLen() );
2488 0 : pPrev->GetSize().Width() = (-1);
2489 : }
2490 0 : pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nLastPortion );
2491 : }
2492 : }
2493 : }
2494 : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
2495 : OSL_ENSURE( ParaPortion::DbgCheckTextPortions(*pParaPortion), "Portions are broken?" );
2496 : #endif
2497 3 : }
2498 :
2499 429767 : void ImpEditEngine::SetTextRanger( TextRanger* pRanger )
2500 : {
2501 429767 : if ( pTextRanger != pRanger )
2502 : {
2503 0 : delete pTextRanger;
2504 0 : pTextRanger = pRanger;
2505 :
2506 0 : for ( sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ )
2507 : {
2508 0 : ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions()[nPara];
2509 0 : pParaPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() );
2510 0 : pParaPortion->GetLines().Reset();
2511 : }
2512 :
2513 0 : FormatFullDoc();
2514 0 : UpdateViews( GetActiveView() );
2515 0 : if ( GetUpdateMode() && GetActiveView() )
2516 0 : pActiveView->ShowCursor(false, false);
2517 : }
2518 429767 : }
2519 :
2520 230197 : void ImpEditEngine::SetVertical( bool bVertical )
2521 : {
2522 230197 : if ( IsVertical() != bVertical )
2523 : {
2524 4 : GetEditDoc().SetVertical( bVertical );
2525 4 : bool bUseCharAttribs = bool(aStatus.GetControlWord() & EEControlBits::USECHARATTRIBS);
2526 4 : GetEditDoc().CreateDefFont( bUseCharAttribs );
2527 4 : if ( IsFormatted() )
2528 : {
2529 0 : FormatFullDoc();
2530 0 : UpdateViews( GetActiveView() );
2531 : }
2532 : }
2533 230197 : }
2534 :
2535 123334 : void ImpEditEngine::SetFixedCellHeight( bool bUseFixedCellHeight )
2536 : {
2537 123334 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() != bUseFixedCellHeight )
2538 : {
2539 49 : GetEditDoc().SetFixedCellHeight( bUseFixedCellHeight );
2540 49 : if ( IsFormatted() )
2541 : {
2542 41 : FormatFullDoc();
2543 41 : UpdateViews( GetActiveView() );
2544 : }
2545 : }
2546 123334 : }
2547 :
2548 734493 : void ImpEditEngine::SeekCursor( ContentNode* pNode, sal_Int32 nPos, SvxFont& rFont, OutputDevice* pOut, sal_uInt16 nIgnoreWhich )
2549 : {
2550 : // It was planned, SeekCursor( nStartPos, nEndPos, ... ), so that it would
2551 : // only be searched anew at the StartPosition.
2552 : // Problem: There would be two lists to consider/handle:
2553 : // OrderedByStart,OrderedByEnd.
2554 :
2555 734493 : if ( nPos > pNode->Len() )
2556 3838 : nPos = pNode->Len();
2557 :
2558 734493 : rFont = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont();
2559 :
2560 : /*
2561 : * Set attributes for script types Asian and Complex
2562 : */
2563 734493 : short nScriptTypeI18N = GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, nPos ) );
2564 734493 : SvtScriptType nScriptType = SvtLanguageOptions::FromI18NToSvtScriptType(nScriptTypeI18N);
2565 734493 : if ( ( nScriptTypeI18N == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN ) || ( nScriptTypeI18N == i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX ) )
2566 : {
2567 0 : const SvxFontItem& rFontItem = static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_FONTINFO, nScriptType ) ));
2568 0 : rFont.SetName( rFontItem.GetFamilyName() );
2569 0 : rFont.SetFamily( rFontItem.GetFamily() );
2570 0 : rFont.SetPitch( rFontItem.GetPitch() );
2571 0 : rFont.SetCharSet( rFontItem.GetCharSet() );
2572 0 : Size aSz( rFont.GetSize() );
2573 0 : aSz.Height() = static_cast<const SvxFontHeightItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT, nScriptType ) ) ).GetHeight();
2574 0 : rFont.SetSize( aSz );
2575 0 : rFont.SetWeight( static_cast<const SvxWeightItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_WEIGHT, nScriptType ))).GetWeight() );
2576 0 : rFont.SetItalic( static_cast<const SvxPostureItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_ITALIC, nScriptType ))).GetPosture() );
2577 0 : rFont.SetLanguage( static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE, nScriptType ))).GetLanguage() );
2578 : }
2579 :
2580 734493 : sal_uInt16 nRelWidth = static_cast<const SvxCharScaleWidthItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH)).GetValue();
2581 :
2582 : /*
2583 : * Set output device's line and overline colors
2584 : */
2585 734493 : if ( pOut )
2586 : {
2587 25661 : const SvxUnderlineItem& rTextLineColor = static_cast<const SvxUnderlineItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE ));
2588 25661 : if ( rTextLineColor.GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT )
2589 2515 : pOut->SetTextLineColor( rTextLineColor.GetColor() );
2590 : else
2591 23146 : pOut->SetTextLineColor();
2592 : }
2593 :
2594 734493 : if ( pOut )
2595 : {
2596 25661 : const SvxOverlineItem& rOverlineColor = static_cast<const SvxOverlineItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_OVERLINE ));
2597 25661 : if ( rOverlineColor.GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT )
2598 2235 : pOut->SetOverlineColor( rOverlineColor.GetColor() );
2599 : else
2600 23426 : pOut->SetOverlineColor();
2601 : }
2602 :
2603 734493 : const SvxLanguageItem* pCJKLanguageItem = NULL;
2604 :
2605 : /*
2606 : * Scan through char attributes of pNode
2607 : */
2608 734493 : if ( aStatus.UseCharAttribs() )
2609 : {
2610 734493 : CharAttribList::AttribsType& rAttribs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
2611 734493 : size_t nAttr = 0;
2612 734493 : EditCharAttrib* pAttrib = GetAttrib(rAttribs, nAttr);
2613 2006551 : while ( pAttrib && ( pAttrib->GetStart() <= nPos ) )
2614 : {
2615 : // when seeking, ignore attributes which start there! Empty attributes
2616 : // are considered (used) as these are just set. But do not use empty
2617 : // attributes: When just set and empty => no effect on font
2618 : // In a blank paragraph, set characters take effect immediately.
2619 1594134 : if ( ( pAttrib->Which() != nIgnoreWhich ) &&
2620 1026927 : ( ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() < nPos ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() >= nPos ) )
2621 65173 : || ( !pNode->Len() ) ) )
2622 : {
2623 : DBG_ASSERT( ( pAttrib->Which() >= EE_CHAR_START ) && ( pAttrib->Which() <= EE_FEATURE_END ), "Invalid Attribute in Seek() " );
2624 519004 : if ( IsScriptItemValid( pAttrib->Which(), nScriptTypeI18N ) )
2625 : {
2626 345507 : pAttrib->SetFont( rFont, pOut );
2627 : // #i1550# hard color attrib should win over text color from field
2628 345507 : if ( pAttrib->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD )
2629 : {
2630 16039 : EditCharAttrib* pColorAttr = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindAttrib( EE_CHAR_COLOR, nPos );
2631 16039 : if ( pColorAttr )
2632 427 : pColorAttr->SetFont( rFont, pOut );
2633 : }
2634 : }
2635 519004 : if ( pAttrib->Which() == EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH )
2636 8236 : nRelWidth = static_cast<const SvxCharScaleWidthItem*>(pAttrib->GetItem())->GetValue();
2637 519004 : if ( pAttrib->Which() == EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK )
2638 10141 : pCJKLanguageItem = static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem*>( pAttrib->GetItem() );
2639 : }
2640 537565 : pAttrib = GetAttrib( rAttribs, ++nAttr );
2641 : }
2642 : }
2643 :
2644 734493 : if ( !pCJKLanguageItem )
2645 724352 : pCJKLanguageItem = static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem*>( &pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK ) );
2646 :
2647 734493 : rFont.SetCJKContextLanguage( pCJKLanguageItem->GetLanguage() );
2648 :
2649 734493 : if ( (rFont.GetKerning() != FontKerning::NONE) && IsKernAsianPunctuation() && ( nScriptTypeI18N == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN ) )
2650 0 : rFont.SetKerning( rFont.GetKerning() | FontKerning::Asian );
2651 :
2652 734493 : if ( aStatus.DoNotUseColors() )
2653 : {
2654 0 : rFont.SetColor( /* rColorItem.GetValue() */ COL_BLACK );
2655 : }
2656 :
2657 734493 : if ( aStatus.DoStretch() || ( nRelWidth != 100 ) )
2658 : {
2659 : // For the current Output device, because otherwise if RefDev=Printer its looks
2660 : // ugly on the screen!
2661 10995 : OutputDevice* pDev = pOut ? pOut : GetRefDevice();
2662 10995 : rFont.SetPhysFont( pDev );
2663 10995 : FontMetric aMetric( pDev->GetFontMetric() );
2664 :
2665 : // Set the font as we want it to look like & reset the Propr attribute
2666 : // so that it is not counted twice.
2667 10995 : Size aRealSz( aMetric.GetSize() );
2668 10995 : rFont.SetPropr( 100 );
2669 :
2670 10995 : if ( aStatus.DoStretch() )
2671 : {
2672 1503 : if ( nStretchY != 100 )
2673 : {
2674 0 : aRealSz.Height() *= nStretchY;
2675 0 : aRealSz.Height() /= 100;
2676 : }
2677 1503 : if ( nStretchX != 100 )
2678 : {
2679 0 : if ( nStretchX == nStretchY &&
2680 : nRelWidth == 100 )
2681 : {
2682 0 : aRealSz.Width() = 0;
2683 : }
2684 : else
2685 : {
2686 0 : aRealSz.Width() *= nStretchX;
2687 0 : aRealSz.Width() /= 100;
2688 :
2689 : // Also the Kerning: (long due to handle Interim results)
2690 0 : long nKerning = rFont.GetFixKerning();
2691 : /*
2692 : The consideration was: If negative kerning, but StretchX = 200
2693 : => Do not double the kerning, thus pull the letters closer together
2694 : ---------------------------
2695 : Kern StretchX =>Kern
2696 : ---------------------------
2697 : >0 <100 < (Proportional)
2698 : <0 <100 < (Proportional)
2699 : >0 >100 > (Proportional)
2700 : <0 >100 < (The amount, thus disproportional)
2701 : */
2702 0 : if ( ( nKerning < 0 ) && ( nStretchX > 100 ) )
2703 : {
2704 : // disproportional
2705 0 : nKerning *= 100;
2706 0 : nKerning /= nStretchX;
2707 : }
2708 0 : else if ( nKerning )
2709 : {
2710 : // Proportional
2711 0 : nKerning *= nStretchX;
2712 0 : nKerning /= 100;
2713 : }
2714 0 : rFont.SetFixKerning( (short)nKerning );
2715 : }
2716 : }
2717 : }
2718 10995 : if ( nRelWidth != 100 )
2719 : {
2720 9492 : aRealSz.Width() *= nRelWidth;
2721 9492 : aRealSz.Width() /= 100;
2722 : }
2723 10995 : rFont.SetSize( aRealSz );
2724 : // Font is not restored ...
2725 : }
2726 :
2727 734493 : if ( ( ( rFont.GetColor() == COL_AUTO ) || ( IsForceAutoColor() ) ) && pOut )
2728 : {
2729 : // #i75566# Do not use AutoColor when printing OR Pdf export
2730 15426 : const bool bPrinting(OUTDEV_PRINTER == pOut->GetOutDevType());
2731 15426 : const bool bPDFExporting(0 != pOut->GetPDFWriter());
2732 :
2733 15426 : if ( IsAutoColorEnabled() && !bPrinting && !bPDFExporting)
2734 : {
2735 : // Never use WindowTextColor on the printer
2736 15426 : rFont.SetColor( GetAutoColor() );
2737 : }
2738 : else
2739 : {
2740 0 : if ( ( GetBackgroundColor() != COL_AUTO ) && GetBackgroundColor().IsDark() )
2741 0 : rFont.SetColor( COL_WHITE );
2742 : else
2743 0 : rFont.SetColor( COL_BLACK );
2744 : }
2745 : }
2746 :
2747 734493 : if ( mpIMEInfos && mpIMEInfos->pAttribs && ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetNode() == pNode ) &&
2748 734493 : ( nPos > mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() ) && ( nPos <= ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + mpIMEInfos->nLen ) ) )
2749 : {
2750 0 : sal_uInt16 nAttr = mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[ nPos - mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() - 1 ];
2752 0 : rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_SINGLE );
2753 0 : else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_BOLDUNDERLINE )
2754 0 : rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_BOLD );
2756 0 : rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED );
2758 0 : rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED );
2759 0 : else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_REDTEXT )
2760 0 : rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
2761 0 : else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_HALFTONETEXT )
2762 0 : rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) );
2764 : {
2765 0 : const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
2766 0 : rFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() );
2767 0 : rFont.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
2768 0 : rFont.SetTransparent( false );
2769 : }
2770 0 : else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_GRAYWAVELINE )
2771 : {
2772 0 : rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_WAVE );
2773 0 : if( pOut )
2774 0 : pOut->SetTextLineColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) );
2775 : }
2776 : }
2777 734493 : }
2778 :
2779 474635 : void ImpEditEngine::RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( FormatterFontMetric& rCurMetrics, SvxFont& rFont )
2780 : {
2781 : // for line height at high / low first without Propr!
2782 474635 : sal_uInt16 nPropr = rFont.GetPropr();
2783 : DBG_ASSERT( ( nPropr == 100 ) || rFont.GetEscapement(), "Propr without Escape?!" );
2784 474635 : if ( nPropr != 100 )
2785 : {
2786 65 : rFont.SetPropr( 100 );
2787 65 : rFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev );
2788 : }
2789 : sal_uInt16 nAscent, nDescent;
2790 :
2791 474635 : FontMetric aMetric( pRefDev->GetFontMetric() );
2792 474635 : nAscent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetAscent();
2793 474635 : if ( IsAddExtLeading() )
2794 : nAscent = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(
2795 15574 : nAscent + aMetric.GetExtLeading() );
2796 474635 : nDescent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetDescent();
2797 :
2798 474635 : if ( IsFixedCellHeight() )
2799 : {
2800 3961 : nAscent = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( rFont.GetHeight() );
2801 3961 : nDescent= sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( ImplCalculateFontIndependentLineSpacing( rFont.GetHeight() ) - nAscent );
2802 : }
2803 : else
2804 : {
2805 470674 : sal_uInt16 nIntLeading = ( aMetric.GetIntLeading() > 0 ) ? (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetIntLeading() : 0;
2806 : // Fonts without leading cause problems
2807 470674 : if ( ( nIntLeading == 0 ) && ( pRefDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) )
2808 : {
2809 : // Lets see what Leading one gets on the screen
2810 0 : VclPtr<VirtualDevice> pVDev = GetVirtualDevice( pRefDev->GetMapMode(), pRefDev->GetDrawMode() );
2811 0 : rFont.SetPhysFont( pVDev );
2812 0 : aMetric = pVDev->GetFontMetric();
2813 :
2814 : // This is so that the Leading does not count itself out again,
2815 : // if the whole line has the font, nTmpLeading.
2816 0 : nAscent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetAscent();
2817 0 : nDescent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetDescent();
2818 : }
2819 : }
2820 474635 : if ( nAscent > rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent )
2821 468138 : rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent = nAscent;
2822 474635 : if ( nDescent > rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent )
2823 468112 : rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent= nDescent;
2824 : // Special treatment of high/low:
2825 474635 : if ( rFont.GetEscapement() )
2826 : {
2827 : // Now in consideration of Escape/Propr
2828 : // possibly enlarge Ascent or Descent
2829 4505 : short nDiff = (short)(rFont.GetSize().Height()*rFont.GetEscapement()/100L);
2830 4505 : if ( rFont.GetEscapement() > 0 )
2831 : {
2832 4441 : nAscent = (sal_uInt16) (((long)nAscent)*nPropr/100 + nDiff);
2833 4441 : if ( nAscent > rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent )
2834 4440 : rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent = nAscent;
2835 : }
2836 : else // has to be < 0
2837 : {
2838 64 : nDescent = (sal_uInt16) (((long)nDescent)*nPropr/100 - nDiff);
2839 64 : if ( nDescent > rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent )
2840 61 : rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent= nDescent;
2841 : }
2842 474635 : }
2843 474635 : }
2844 :
2845 19948 : void ImpEditEngine::Paint( OutputDevice* pOutDev, Rectangle aClipRect, Point aStartPos, bool bStripOnly, short nOrientation )
2846 : {
2847 19948 : if ( !GetUpdateMode() && !bStripOnly )
2848 0 : return;
2849 :
2850 19948 : if ( !IsFormatted() )
2851 0 : FormatDoc();
2852 :
2853 19948 : long nFirstVisXPos = - pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
2854 19948 : long nFirstVisYPos = - pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetOrigin().Y();
2855 :
2856 19948 : const EditLine* pLine = NULL;
2857 19948 : Point aTmpPos;
2858 19948 : Point aRedLineTmpPos;
2859 : DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().Count(), "No ParaPortion?!" );
2860 19948 : SvxFont aTmpFont( GetParaPortions()[0]->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() );
2861 39896 : vcl::Font aOldFont( pOutDev->GetFont() );
2862 19948 : vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pPDFExtOutDevData = PTR_CAST( vcl::PDFExtOutDevData, pOutDev->GetExtOutDevData() );
2863 :
2864 : // In the case of rotated text is aStartPos considered TopLeft because
2865 : // other information is missing, and since the whole object is shown anyway
2866 : // un-scrolled.
2867 : // The rectangle is infinite.
2868 19948 : Point aOrigin( aStartPos );
2869 19948 : double nCos = 0.0, nSin = 0.0;
2870 19948 : if ( nOrientation )
2871 : {
2872 394 : double nRealOrientation = nOrientation*F_PI1800;
2873 394 : nCos = cos( nRealOrientation );
2874 394 : nSin = sin( nRealOrientation );
2875 : }
2876 :
2877 : // #110496# Added some more optional metafile comments. This
2878 : // change: factored out some duplicated code.
2879 19948 : GDIMetaFile* pMtf = pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile();
2880 19948 : const bool bMetafileValid( pMtf != NULL );
2881 :
2882 19948 : long nVertLineSpacing = CalcVertLineSpacing(aStartPos);
2883 :
2884 :
2885 : // Over all the paragraphs ...
2886 :
2887 41160 : for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < GetParaPortions().Count(); n++ )
2888 : {
2889 22315 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions()[n];
2890 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "NULL-Pointer in TokenList in Paint" );
2891 : // if when typing idle formatting, asynchronous Paint.
2892 : // Invisible Portions may be invalid.
2893 22315 : if ( pPortion->IsVisible() && pPortion->IsInvalid() )
2894 0 : return;
2895 :
2896 22315 : if ( pPDFExtOutDevData )
2897 0 : pPDFExtOutDevData->BeginStructureElement( vcl::PDFWriter::Paragraph );
2898 :
2899 22315 : long nParaHeight = pPortion->GetHeight();
2900 22315 : sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
2901 66945 : if ( pPortion->IsVisible() && (
2902 44630 : ( !IsVertical() && ( ( aStartPos.Y() + nParaHeight ) > aClipRect.Top() ) ) ||
2903 4 : ( IsVertical() && ( ( aStartPos.X() - nParaHeight ) < aClipRect.Right() ) ) ) )
2904 :
2905 : {
2906 :
2907 : // Over the lines of the paragraph ...
2908 :
2909 22315 : sal_Int32 nLines = pPortion->GetLines().Count();
2910 22315 : sal_Int32 nLastLine = nLines-1;
2911 :
2912 : // #108052#
2913 22315 : bool bEndOfParagraphWritten(false);
2914 :
2915 22315 : if ( !IsVertical() )
2916 22313 : aStartPos.Y() += pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset();
2917 : else
2918 2 : aStartPos.X() -= pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset();
2919 :
2920 22315 : Point aParaStart( aStartPos );
2921 :
2922 22315 : const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = static_cast<const SvxLineSpacingItem&>(pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL ));
2923 22315 : sal_uInt16 nSBL = ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_FIX )
2924 22315 : ? GetYValue( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpace() ) : 0;
2925 22315 : bool bPaintBullet (false);
2926 :
2927 46768 : for ( sal_Int32 nLine = 0; nLine < nLines; nLine++ )
2928 : {
2929 25556 : pLine = pPortion->GetLines()[nLine];
2930 25556 : nIndex = pLine->GetStart();
2931 : DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "NULL-Pointer in the line iterator in UpdateViews" );
2932 25556 : aTmpPos = aStartPos;
2933 25556 : if ( !IsVertical() )
2934 : {
2935 25554 : aTmpPos.X() += pLine->GetStartPosX();
2936 25554 : aTmpPos.Y() += pLine->GetMaxAscent();
2937 25554 : aStartPos.Y() += pLine->GetHeight();
2938 25554 : if (nLine != nLastLine)
2939 3247 : aStartPos.Y() += nVertLineSpacing;
2940 : }
2941 : else
2942 : {
2943 2 : aTmpPos.Y() += pLine->GetStartPosX();
2944 2 : aTmpPos.X() -= pLine->GetMaxAscent();
2945 2 : aStartPos.X() -= pLine->GetHeight();
2946 2 : if (nLine != nLastLine)
2947 0 : aStartPos.X() -= nVertLineSpacing;
2948 : }
2949 :
2950 76666 : if ( ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() > aClipRect.Top() ) )
2951 25558 : || ( IsVertical() && aStartPos.X() < aClipRect.Right() ) )
2952 : {
2953 25556 : bPaintBullet = false;
2954 :
2955 : // Why not just also call when stripping portions? This will give the correct values
2956 : // and needs no position corrections in OutlinerEditEng::DrawingText which tries to call
2957 : // PaintBullet correctly; exactly what GetEditEnginePtr()->PaintingFirstLine
2958 : // does, too. No change for not-layouting (painting).
2959 25556 : if(0 == nLine) // && !bStripOnly)
2960 : {
2961 22315 : GetEditEnginePtr()->PaintingFirstLine( n, aParaStart, aTmpPos.Y(), aOrigin, nOrientation, pOutDev );
2962 :
2963 : // Remember whether a bullet was painted.
2964 : const SfxBoolItem& rBulletState = static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(
2965 22315 : pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib(n, EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE));
2966 22315 : bPaintBullet = rBulletState.GetValue();
2967 : }
2968 :
2969 :
2970 : // Over the Portions of the line ...
2971 :
2972 25556 : bool bParsingFields = false;
2973 25556 : ::std::vector< sal_Int32 >::iterator itSubLines;
2974 :
2975 51242 : for ( sal_Int32 nPortion = pLine->GetStartPortion(); nPortion <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); nPortion++ )
2976 : {
2977 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Line without Textportion in Paint!" );
2978 25756 : const TextPortion* pTextPortion = pPortion->GetTextPortions()[nPortion];
2979 : DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion, "NULL-Pointer in Portion iterator in UpdateViews" );
2980 :
2981 25756 : long nPortionXOffset = GetPortionXOffset( pPortion, pLine, nPortion );
2982 25756 : if ( !IsVertical() )
2983 : {
2984 25754 : aTmpPos.X() = aStartPos.X() + nPortionXOffset;
2985 25754 : if ( aTmpPos.X() > aClipRect.Right() )
2986 70 : break; // No further output in line necessary
2987 : }
2988 : else
2989 : {
2990 2 : aTmpPos.Y() = aStartPos.Y() + nPortionXOffset;
2991 2 : if ( aTmpPos.Y() > aClipRect.Bottom() )
2992 0 : break; // No further output in line necessary
2993 : }
2994 :
2995 25686 : switch ( pTextPortion->GetKind() )
2996 : {
2997 : case PortionKind::TEXT:
2998 : case PortionKind::FIELD:
2999 : case PortionKind::HYPHENATOR:
3000 : {
3001 25661 : SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), nIndex+1, aTmpFont, pOutDev );
3002 :
3003 25661 : bool bDrawFrame = false;
3004 :
3005 104313 : if ( ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::FIELD ) && !aTmpFont.IsTransparent() &&
3006 77012 : ( GetBackgroundColor() != COL_AUTO ) && GetBackgroundColor().IsDark() &&
3007 4 : ( IsAutoColorEnabled() && ( pOutDev->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER ) ) )
3008 : {
3009 2 : aTmpFont.SetTransparent( true );
3010 2 : pOutDev->SetFillColor();
3011 2 : pOutDev->SetLineColor( GetAutoColor() );
3012 2 : bDrawFrame = true;
3013 : }
3014 :
3015 : #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2
3016 : if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR )
3017 : {
3018 : aTmpFont.SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY );
3019 : aTmpFont.SetTransparent( sal_False );
3020 : }
3021 : if ( pTextPortion->GetRightToLeft() )
3022 : {
3023 : aTmpFont.SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY );
3024 : aTmpFont.SetTransparent( sal_False );
3025 : }
3026 : else if ( GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pPortion->GetNode(), nIndex+1 ) ) == i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX )
3027 : {
3028 : aTmpFont.SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTCYAN );
3029 : aTmpFont.SetTransparent( sal_False );
3030 : }
3031 : #endif
3032 25661 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3033 :
3034 : // #114278# Saving both layout mode and language (since I'm
3035 : // potentially changing both)
3036 25661 : pOutDev->Push( PushFlags::TEXTLAYOUTMODE|PushFlags::TEXTLANGUAGE );
3037 25661 : ImplInitLayoutMode( pOutDev, n, nIndex );
3038 25661 : ImplInitDigitMode(pOutDev, aTmpFont.GetLanguage());
3039 :
3040 25661 : OUString aText;
3041 25661 : sal_Int32 nTextStart = 0;
3042 25661 : sal_Int32 nTextLen = 0;
3043 25661 : const long* pDXArray = 0;
3044 51322 : boost::scoped_array<long> pTmpDXArray;
3045 :
3046 25661 : if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT )
3047 : {
3048 24002 : aText = pPortion->GetNode()->GetString();
3049 24002 : nTextStart = nIndex;
3050 24002 : nTextLen = pTextPortion->GetLen();
3051 24002 : if (!pLine->GetCharPosArray().empty())
3052 22246 : pDXArray = &pLine->GetCharPosArray()[0]+( nIndex-pLine->GetStart() );
3053 :
3054 : // Paint control characters (#i55716#)
3055 24002 : if ( aStatus.MarkFields() )
3056 : {
3057 : sal_Int32 nTmpIdx;
3058 2478 : const sal_Int32 nTmpEnd = nTextStart + pTextPortion->GetLen();
3059 :
3060 14995 : for ( nTmpIdx = nTextStart; nTmpIdx <= nTmpEnd ; ++nTmpIdx )
3061 : {
3062 22933 : const sal_Unicode cChar = ( nTmpIdx != aText.getLength() && ( nTmpIdx != nTextStart || 0 == nTextStart ) ) ?
3063 : aText[nTmpIdx] :
3064 22563 : 0;
3065 :
3066 12517 : if ( 0x200B == cChar || 0x2060 == cChar )
3067 : {
3068 0 : const OUString aBlank( ' ' );
3069 0 : long nHalfBlankWidth = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( pOutDev, aBlank, 0, 1, 0 ).Width() / 2;
3070 :
3071 : const long nAdvanceX = ( nTmpIdx == nTmpEnd ?
3072 0 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() :
3073 0 : pDXArray[ nTmpIdx - nTextStart ] ) - nHalfBlankWidth;
3074 0 : const long nAdvanceY = -pLine->GetMaxAscent();
3075 :
3076 0 : Point aTopLeftRectPos( aTmpPos );
3077 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3078 : {
3079 0 : aTopLeftRectPos.X() += nAdvanceX;
3080 0 : aTopLeftRectPos.Y() += nAdvanceY;
3081 : }
3082 : else
3083 : {
3084 0 : aTopLeftRectPos.Y() += nAdvanceX;
3085 0 : aTopLeftRectPos.X() -= nAdvanceY;
3086 : }
3087 :
3088 0 : Point aBottomRightRectPos( aTopLeftRectPos );
3089 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3090 : {
3091 0 : aBottomRightRectPos.X() += 2 * nHalfBlankWidth;
3092 0 : aBottomRightRectPos.Y() += pLine->GetHeight();
3093 : }
3094 : else
3095 : {
3096 0 : aBottomRightRectPos.X() -= pLine->GetHeight();
3097 0 : aBottomRightRectPos.Y() += 2 * nHalfBlankWidth;
3098 : }
3099 :
3100 0 : pOutDev->Push( PushFlags::FILLCOLOR );
3101 0 : pOutDev->Push( PushFlags::LINECOLOR );
3102 0 : pOutDev->SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY );
3103 0 : pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY );
3104 :
3105 0 : const Rectangle aBackRect( aTopLeftRectPos, aBottomRightRectPos );
3106 0 : pOutDev->DrawRect( aBackRect );
3107 :
3108 0 : pOutDev->Pop();
3109 0 : pOutDev->Pop();
3110 :
3111 0 : if ( 0x200B == cChar )
3112 : {
3113 0 : const OUString aSlash( '/' );
3114 0 : const short nOldEscapement = aTmpFont.GetEscapement();
3115 0 : const sal_uInt8 nOldPropr = aTmpFont.GetPropr();
3116 :
3117 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( -20 );
3118 0 : aTmpFont.SetPropr( 25 );
3119 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3120 :
3121 0 : const Size aSlashSize = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( pOutDev, aSlash, 0, 1, 0 );
3122 0 : Point aSlashPos( aTmpPos );
3123 0 : const long nAddX = nHalfBlankWidth - aSlashSize.Width() / 2;
3124 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3125 : {
3126 0 : aSlashPos.X() = aTopLeftRectPos.X() + nAddX;
3127 : }
3128 : else
3129 : {
3130 0 : aSlashPos.Y() = aTopLeftRectPos.Y() + nAddX;
3131 : }
3132 :
3133 0 : aTmpFont.QuickDrawText( pOutDev, aSlashPos, aSlash, 0, 1, 0 );
3134 :
3135 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( nOldEscapement );
3136 0 : aTmpFont.SetPropr( nOldPropr );
3137 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3138 0 : }
3139 : }
3140 : }
3141 : }
3142 : }
3143 1659 : else if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::FIELD )
3144 : {
3145 1659 : const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature(nIndex);
3146 : DBG_ASSERT( pAttr, "Field not found");
3147 : DBG_ASSERT( pAttr && pAttr->GetItem()->ISA( SvxFieldItem ), "Field of the wrong type! ");
3148 1659 : aText = static_cast<const EditCharAttribField*>(pAttr)->GetFieldValue();
3149 1659 : nTextStart = 0;
3150 1659 : nTextLen = aText.getLength();
3151 1659 : ExtraPortionInfo *pExtraInfo = pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos();
3152 : // Do not split the Fields into different lines while editing
3153 1659 : if( bStripOnly && !bParsingFields && pExtraInfo && pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.size() )
3154 : {
3155 0 : bParsingFields = true;
3156 0 : itSubLines = pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.begin();
3157 : }
3158 1659 : if( bParsingFields )
3159 : {
3160 0 : if( itSubLines != pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.begin() )
3161 : {
3162 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3163 : {
3164 0 : aStartPos.Y() += pLine->GetMaxAscent();
3165 0 : aTmpPos.Y() += pLine->GetHeight();
3166 : }
3167 : else
3168 : {
3169 0 : aTmpPos.X() -= pLine->GetMaxAscent();
3170 0 : aStartPos.X() -= pLine->GetHeight();
3171 : }
3172 : }
3173 0 : ::std::vector< sal_Int32 >::iterator curIt = itSubLines;
3174 0 : ++itSubLines;
3175 0 : if( itSubLines != pExtraInfo->lineBreaksList.end() )
3176 : {
3177 0 : nTextStart = *curIt;
3178 0 : nTextLen = *itSubLines - nTextStart;
3179 : }
3180 : else
3181 : {
3182 0 : nTextStart = *curIt;
3183 0 : nTextLen = nTextLen - nTextStart;
3184 0 : bParsingFields = false;
3185 : }
3186 : }
3187 :
3188 1659 : pTmpDXArray.reset(new long[ aText.getLength() ]);
3189 1659 : pDXArray = pTmpDXArray.get();
3190 1659 : vcl::Font _aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() );
3191 1659 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
3192 1659 : aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), aText, nTextStart, nTextLen, pTmpDXArray.get() );
3193 1659 : if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() )
3194 0 : GetRefDevice()->SetFont( _aOldFont );
3195 :
3196 : // add a meta file comment if we record to a metafile
3197 1659 : if( bMetafileValid )
3198 : {
3199 0 : const SvxFieldItem* pFieldItem = dynamic_cast<const SvxFieldItem*>(pAttr->GetItem());
3200 0 : if( pFieldItem )
3201 : {
3202 0 : const SvxFieldData* pFieldData = pFieldItem->GetField();
3203 0 : if( pFieldData )
3204 0 : pMtf->AddAction( pFieldData->createBeginComment() );
3205 : }
3206 1659 : }
3207 :
3208 : }
3209 0 : else if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::HYPHENATOR )
3210 : {
3211 0 : if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() )
3212 0 : aText = OUString(pTextPortion->GetExtraValue());
3213 0 : aText += OUString(CH_HYPH);
3214 0 : nTextStart = 0;
3215 0 : nTextLen = aText.getLength();
3216 :
3217 : // crash when accessing 0 pointer in pDXArray
3218 0 : pTmpDXArray.reset(new long[ aText.getLength() ]);
3219 0 : pDXArray = pTmpDXArray.get();
3220 0 : vcl::Font _aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() );
3221 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() );
3222 0 : aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), aText, 0, aText.getLength(), pTmpDXArray.get() );
3223 0 : if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() )
3224 0 : GetRefDevice()->SetFont( _aOldFont );
3225 : }
3226 :
3227 25661 : long nTxtWidth = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width();
3228 :
3229 25661 : Point aOutPos( aTmpPos );
3230 25661 : aRedLineTmpPos = aTmpPos;
3231 : // In RTL portions spell markup pos should be at the start of the
3232 : // first chara as well. That is on the right end of the portion
3233 25661 : if (pTextPortion->IsRightToLeft())
3234 0 : aRedLineTmpPos.X() += pTextPortion->GetSize().Width();
3235 :
3236 25661 : if ( bStripOnly )
3237 : {
3238 22848 : EEngineData::WrongSpellVector aWrongSpellVector;
3239 :
3240 22848 : if(GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() && pTextPortion->GetLen())
3241 : {
3242 6535 : WrongList* pWrongs = pPortion->GetNode()->GetWrongList();
3243 :
3244 6535 : if(pWrongs && !pWrongs->empty())
3245 : {
3246 0 : size_t nStart = nIndex, nEnd = 0;
3247 0 : bool bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong(nStart, nEnd);
3248 0 : const size_t nMaxEnd(nIndex + pTextPortion->GetLen());
3249 :
3250 0 : while(bWrong)
3251 : {
3252 0 : if(nStart >= nMaxEnd)
3253 : {
3254 0 : break;
3255 : }
3256 :
3257 0 : if(nStart < (size_t)nIndex)
3258 : {
3259 0 : nStart = nIndex;
3260 : }
3261 :
3262 0 : if(nEnd > nMaxEnd)
3263 : {
3264 0 : nEnd = nMaxEnd;
3265 : }
3266 :
3267 : // add to vector
3268 0 : aWrongSpellVector.push_back(EEngineData::WrongSpellClass(nStart, nEnd));
3269 :
3270 : // goto next index
3271 0 : nStart = nEnd + 1;
3272 :
3273 0 : if(nEnd < nMaxEnd)
3274 : {
3275 0 : bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong(nStart, nEnd);
3276 : }
3277 : else
3278 : {
3279 0 : bWrong = false;
3280 : }
3281 : }
3282 : }
3283 : }
3284 :
3285 22848 : const SvxFieldData* pFieldData = 0;
3286 :
3287 22848 : if(PortionKind::FIELD == pTextPortion->GetKind())
3288 : {
3289 1612 : const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature(nIndex);
3290 1612 : const SvxFieldItem* pFieldItem = dynamic_cast<const SvxFieldItem*>(pAttr->GetItem());
3291 :
3292 1612 : if(pFieldItem)
3293 : {
3294 1612 : pFieldData = pFieldItem->GetField();
3295 : }
3296 : }
3297 :
3298 : // support for EOC, EOW, EOS TEXT comments. To support that,
3299 : // the locale is needed. With the locale and a XBreakIterator it is
3300 : // possible to re-create the text marking info on primitive level
3301 45696 : const lang::Locale aLocale(GetLocale(EditPaM(pPortion->GetNode(), nIndex + 1)));
3302 :
3303 : // create EOL and EOP bools
3304 22848 : const bool bEndOfLine(nPortion == pLine->GetEndPortion());
3305 22848 : const bool bEndOfParagraph(bEndOfLine && nLine + 1 == nLines);
3306 :
3307 : // get Overline color (from ((const SvxOverlineItem*)GetItem())->GetColor() in
3308 : // consequence, but also already set at pOutDev)
3309 22848 : const Color aOverlineColor(pOutDev->GetOverlineColor());
3310 :
3311 : // get TextLine color (from ((const SvxUnderlineItem*)GetItem())->GetColor() in
3312 : // consequence, but also already set at pOutDev)
3313 22848 : const Color aTextLineColor(pOutDev->GetTextLineColor());
3314 :
3315 : // Unicode code points conversion according to ctl text numeral setting
3316 45696 : aText = convertDigits(aText, nTextStart, nTextLen,
3317 45696 : ImplCalcDigitLang(aTmpFont.GetLanguage()));
3318 :
3319 : // StripPortions() data callback
3320 22848 : GetEditEnginePtr()->DrawingText( aOutPos, aText, nTextStart, nTextLen, pDXArray,
3321 22848 : aTmpFont, n, nIndex, pTextPortion->GetRightToLeft(),
3322 22848 : aWrongSpellVector.size() ? &aWrongSpellVector : 0,
3323 : pFieldData,
3324 : bEndOfLine, bEndOfParagraph, false, // support for EOL/EOP TEXT comments
3325 : &aLocale,
3326 : aOverlineColor,
3327 68544 : aTextLineColor);
3328 :
3329 : // #108052# remember that EOP is written already for this ParaPortion
3330 22848 : if(bEndOfParagraph)
3331 : {
3332 19827 : bEndOfParagraphWritten = true;
3333 22848 : }
3334 : }
3335 : else
3336 : {
3337 2813 : short nEsc = aTmpFont.GetEscapement();
3338 2813 : if ( nOrientation )
3339 : {
3340 : // In case of high/low do it yourself:
3341 705 : if ( aTmpFont.GetEscapement() )
3342 : {
3343 0 : long nDiff = aTmpFont.GetSize().Height() * aTmpFont.GetEscapement() / 100L;
3344 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3345 0 : aOutPos.Y() -= nDiff;
3346 : else
3347 0 : aOutPos.X() += nDiff;
3348 0 : aRedLineTmpPos = aOutPos;
3349 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 );
3350 : }
3351 :
3352 705 : aOutPos = lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( aOutPos, aOrigin, nSin, nCos );
3353 705 : aTmpFont.SetOrientation( aTmpFont.GetOrientation()+nOrientation );
3354 705 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3355 :
3356 : }
3357 :
3358 : // Take only what begins in the visible range:
3359 : // Important, because of a bug in some graphic cards
3360 : // when transparent font, output when negative
3361 4921 : if ( nOrientation || ( !IsVertical() && ( ( aTmpPos.X() + nTxtWidth ) >= nFirstVisXPos ) )
3362 2813 : || ( IsVertical() && ( ( aTmpPos.Y() + nTxtWidth ) >= nFirstVisYPos ) ) )
3363 : {
3364 2813 : if ( nEsc && ( ( aTmpFont.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) ) )
3365 : {
3366 : // Paint the high/low without underline,
3367 : // Display the Underline on the
3368 : // base line of the original font height ...
3369 : // But only if there was something underlined before!
3370 147 : bool bSpecialUnderline = false;
3371 147 : EditCharAttrib* pPrev = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindAttrib( EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT, nIndex );
3372 147 : if ( pPrev )
3373 : {
3374 147 : SvxFont aDummy;
3375 : // Underscore in front?
3376 147 : if ( pPrev->GetStart() )
3377 : {
3378 0 : SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), pPrev->GetStart(), aDummy );
3379 0 : if ( aDummy.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE )
3380 0 : bSpecialUnderline = true;
3381 : }
3382 147 : if ( !bSpecialUnderline && ( pPrev->GetEnd() < pPortion->GetNode()->Len() ) )
3383 : {
3384 0 : SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), pPrev->GetEnd()+1, aDummy );
3385 0 : if ( aDummy.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE )
3386 0 : bSpecialUnderline = true;
3387 147 : }
3388 : }
3389 147 : if ( bSpecialUnderline )
3390 : {
3391 0 : Size aSz = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pOutDev, aText, nTextStart, nTextLen );
3392 0 : sal_uInt8 nProp = aTmpFont.GetPropr();
3393 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 );
3394 0 : aTmpFont.SetPropr( 100 );
3395 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3396 0 : OUStringBuffer aBlanks;
3397 0 : comphelper::string::padToLength( aBlanks, (sal_Int32) nTextLen, ' ' );
3398 0 : Point aUnderlinePos( aOutPos );
3399 0 : if ( nOrientation )
3400 0 : aUnderlinePos = lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( aTmpPos, aOrigin, nSin, nCos );
3401 0 : pOutDev->DrawStretchText( aUnderlinePos, aSz.Width(), aBlanks.makeStringAndClear(), 0, nTextLen );
3402 :
3403 0 : aTmpFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE );
3404 0 : if ( !nOrientation )
3405 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( nEsc );
3406 0 : aTmpFont.SetPropr( nProp );
3407 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3408 : }
3409 : }
3410 2813 : Point aRealOutPos( aOutPos );
3411 5626 : if ( ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT )
3412 2766 : && pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos() && pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed
3413 2813 : && pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bFirstCharIsRightPunktuation )
3414 : {
3415 0 : aRealOutPos.X() += pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nPortionOffsetX;
3416 : }
3417 :
3418 : // RTL portions with (#i37132#)
3419 : // compressed blank should not paint this blank:
3420 5626 : if ( pTextPortion->IsRightToLeft() && nTextLen >= 2 &&
3421 0 : pDXArray[ nTextLen - 1 ] ==
3422 2813 : pDXArray[ nTextLen - 2 ] &&
3423 0 : ' ' == aText[nTextStart + nTextLen - 1] )
3424 0 : --nTextLen;
3425 :
3426 : // output directly
3427 2813 : aTmpFont.QuickDrawText( pOutDev, aRealOutPos, aText, nTextStart, nTextLen, pDXArray );
3428 :
3429 2813 : if ( bDrawFrame )
3430 : {
3431 2 : Point aTopLeft( aTmpPos );
3432 2 : aTopLeft.Y() -= pLine->GetMaxAscent();
3433 2 : if ( nOrientation )
3434 0 : aTopLeft = lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( aTopLeft, aOrigin, nSin, nCos );
3435 2 : Rectangle aRect( aTopLeft, pTextPortion->GetSize() );
3436 2 : pOutDev->DrawRect( aRect );
3437 : }
3438 :
3439 : // PDF export:
3440 2813 : if ( pPDFExtOutDevData )
3441 : {
3442 0 : if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::FIELD )
3443 : {
3444 0 : const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature(nIndex);
3445 0 : const SvxFieldItem* pFieldItem = dynamic_cast<const SvxFieldItem*>(pAttr->GetItem());
3446 0 : if( pFieldItem )
3447 : {
3448 0 : const SvxFieldData* pFieldData = pFieldItem->GetField();
3449 0 : if ( pFieldData->ISA( SvxURLField ) )
3450 : {
3451 0 : Point aTopLeft( aTmpPos );
3452 0 : aTopLeft.Y() -= pLine->GetMaxAscent();
3453 :
3454 0 : Rectangle aRect( aTopLeft, pTextPortion->GetSize() );
3455 0 : vcl::PDFExtOutDevBookmarkEntry aBookmark;
3456 0 : aBookmark.nLinkId = pPDFExtOutDevData->CreateLink( aRect );
3457 0 : aBookmark.aBookmark = static_cast<const SvxURLField*>(pFieldData)->GetURL();
3458 0 : std::vector< vcl::PDFExtOutDevBookmarkEntry >& rBookmarks = pPDFExtOutDevData->GetBookmarks();
3459 0 : rBookmarks.push_back( aBookmark );
3460 : }
3461 : }
3462 : }
3463 : }
3464 : }
3465 :
3466 2813 : const WrongList* const pWrongList = pPortion->GetNode()->GetWrongList();
3467 2813 : if ( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() && pWrongList && !pWrongList->empty() && pTextPortion->GetLen() )
3468 : {
3469 : {//#105750# adjust LinePos for superscript or subscript text
3470 149 : short _nEsc = aTmpFont.GetEscapement();
3471 149 : if( _nEsc )
3472 : {
3473 146 : long nShift = ((_nEsc*long(aTmpFont.GetSize().Height()))/ 100L);
3474 146 : if( !IsVertical() )
3475 146 : aRedLineTmpPos.Y() -= nShift;
3476 : else
3477 0 : aRedLineTmpPos.X() += nShift;
3478 : }
3479 : }
3480 149 : Color aOldColor( pOutDev->GetLineColor() );
3481 149 : pOutDev->SetLineColor( Color( GetColorConfig().GetColorValue( svtools::SPELL ).nColor ) );
3482 149 : lcl_DrawRedLines( pOutDev, aTmpFont.GetSize().Height(), aRedLineTmpPos, (size_t)nIndex, (size_t)nIndex + pTextPortion->GetLen(), pDXArray, pPortion->GetNode()->GetWrongList(), nOrientation, aOrigin, IsVertical(), pTextPortion->IsRightToLeft() );
3483 149 : pOutDev->SetLineColor( aOldColor );
3484 : }
3485 : }
3486 :
3487 25661 : pOutDev->Pop();
3488 :
3489 25661 : pTmpDXArray.reset();
3490 :
3491 25661 : if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PortionKind::FIELD )
3492 : {
3493 1659 : const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature(nIndex);
3494 : DBG_ASSERT( pAttr, "Field not found" );
3495 : DBG_ASSERT( pAttr && pAttr->GetItem()->ISA( SvxFieldItem ), "Wrong type of field!" );
3496 :
3497 : // add a meta file comment if we record to a metafile
3498 1659 : if( bMetafileValid )
3499 : {
3500 0 : const SvxFieldItem* pFieldItem = dynamic_cast<const SvxFieldItem*>(pAttr->GetItem());
3501 :
3502 0 : if( pFieldItem )
3503 : {
3504 0 : const SvxFieldData* pFieldData = pFieldItem->GetField();
3505 0 : if( pFieldData )
3506 0 : pMtf->AddAction( SvxFieldData::createEndComment() );
3507 : }
3508 : }
3509 :
3510 25661 : }
3511 :
3512 : }
3513 25661 : break;
3514 : case PortionKind::TAB:
3515 : {
3516 0 : if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() && ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() != ' ' ) )
3517 : {
3518 0 : SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), nIndex+1, aTmpFont, pOutDev );
3519 0 : aTmpFont.SetTransparent( false );
3520 0 : aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 );
3521 0 : aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev );
3522 : long nCharWidth = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( pOutDev,
3523 0 : OUString(pTextPortion->GetExtraValue()), 0, 1, NULL ).Width();
3524 0 : sal_Int32 nChars = 2;
3525 0 : if( nCharWidth )
3526 0 : nChars = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() / nCharWidth;
3527 0 : if ( nChars < 2 )
3528 0 : nChars = 2; // is compressed by DrawStretchText.
3529 0 : else if ( nChars == 2 )
3530 0 : nChars = 3; // looks better
3531 :
3532 0 : OUStringBuffer aBuf;
3533 0 : comphelper::string::padToLength(aBuf, nChars, pTextPortion->GetExtraValue());
3534 0 : OUString aText(aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
3535 0 : aTmpFont.QuickDrawText( pOutDev, aTmpPos, aText, 0, aText.getLength(), NULL );
3536 0 : pOutDev->DrawStretchText( aTmpPos, pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(), aText );
3537 :
3538 0 : if ( bStripOnly )
3539 : {
3540 : // create EOL and EOP bools
3541 0 : const bool bEndOfLine(nPortion == pLine->GetEndPortion());
3542 0 : const bool bEndOfParagraph(bEndOfLine && nLine + 1 == nLines);
3543 :
3544 0 : const Color aOverlineColor(pOutDev->GetOverlineColor());
3545 0 : const Color aTextLineColor(pOutDev->GetTextLineColor());
3546 :
3547 : // StripPortions() data callback
3548 0 : GetEditEnginePtr()->DrawingTab( aTmpPos,
3549 0 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(),
3550 0 : OUString(pTextPortion->GetExtraValue()),
3551 0 : aTmpFont, n, nIndex, pTextPortion->GetRightToLeft(),
3552 : bEndOfLine, bEndOfParagraph,
3553 0 : aOverlineColor, aTextLineColor);
3554 0 : }
3555 : }
3556 0 : else if ( bStripOnly )
3557 : {
3558 : // #i108052# When stripping, a callback for _empty_ paragraphs is also needed.
3559 : // This was optimized away (by not rendering the space-only tab portion), so do
3560 : // it manually here.
3561 0 : const bool bEndOfLine(nPortion == pLine->GetEndPortion());
3562 0 : const bool bEndOfParagraph(bEndOfLine && nLine + 1 == nLines);
3563 :
3564 0 : const Color aOverlineColor(pOutDev->GetOverlineColor());
3565 0 : const Color aTextLineColor(pOutDev->GetTextLineColor());
3566 :
3567 0 : GetEditEnginePtr()->DrawingText(
3568 : aTmpPos, OUString(), 0, 0, 0,
3569 : aTmpFont, n, nIndex, 0,
3570 : 0,
3571 : 0,
3572 : bEndOfLine, bEndOfParagraph, false,
3573 : 0,
3574 : aOverlineColor,
3575 0 : aTextLineColor);
3576 : }
3577 : }
3578 0 : break;
3579 25 : case PortionKind::LINEBREAK: break;
3580 : }
3581 25686 : if( bParsingFields )
3582 0 : nPortion--;
3583 : else
3584 25686 : nIndex = nIndex + pTextPortion->GetLen();
3585 :
3586 : }
3587 : }
3588 :
3589 25556 : if ( ( nLine != nLastLine ) && !aStatus.IsOutliner() )
3590 : {
3591 3247 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3592 3247 : aStartPos.Y() += nSBL;
3593 : else
3594 0 : aStartPos.X() -= nSBL;
3595 : }
3596 :
3597 : // no more visible actions?
3598 25556 : if ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() >= aClipRect.Bottom() ) )
3599 1103 : break;
3600 24453 : else if ( IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.X() <= aClipRect.Left() ) )
3601 0 : break;
3602 : }
3603 :
3604 22315 : if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() )
3605 : {
3606 22315 : const SvxULSpaceItem& rULItem = static_cast<const SvxULSpaceItem&>(pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_ULSPACE ));
3607 22315 : long nUL = GetYValue( rULItem.GetLower() );
3608 22315 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3609 22313 : aStartPos.Y() += nUL;
3610 : else
3611 2 : aStartPos.X() -= nUL;
3612 : }
3613 :
3614 : // #108052# Safer way for #i108052# and #i118881#: If for the current ParaPortion
3615 : // EOP is not written, do it now. This will be safer than before. It has shown
3616 : // that the reason for #i108052# was fixed/removed again, so this is a try to fix
3617 : // the number of paragraphs (and counting empty ones) now independent from the
3618 : // changes in EditEngine behaviour.
3619 22315 : if(!bEndOfParagraphWritten && !bPaintBullet && bStripOnly)
3620 : {
3621 0 : const Color aOverlineColor(pOutDev->GetOverlineColor());
3622 0 : const Color aTextLineColor(pOutDev->GetTextLineColor());
3623 :
3624 0 : GetEditEnginePtr()->DrawingText(
3625 : aTmpPos, OUString(), 0, 0, 0,
3626 : aTmpFont, n, nIndex, 0,
3627 : 0,
3628 : 0,
3629 : false, true, false, // support for EOL/EOP TEXT comments
3630 : 0,
3631 : aOverlineColor,
3632 0 : aTextLineColor);
3633 : }
3634 : }
3635 : else
3636 : {
3637 0 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3638 0 : aStartPos.Y() += nParaHeight;
3639 : else
3640 0 : aStartPos.X() -= nParaHeight;
3641 : }
3642 :
3643 22315 : if ( pPDFExtOutDevData )
3644 0 : pPDFExtOutDevData->EndStructureElement();
3645 :
3646 : // no more visible actions?
3647 22315 : if ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() > aClipRect.Bottom() ) )
3648 1103 : break;
3649 21212 : if ( IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.X() < aClipRect.Left() ) )
3650 0 : break;
3651 : }
3652 19948 : if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() )
3653 19948 : pOutDev->SetFont( aOldFont );
3654 : }
3655 :
3656 1121 : void ImpEditEngine::Paint( ImpEditView* pView, const Rectangle& rRect, OutputDevice* pTargetDevice, bool bUseVirtDev )
3657 : {
3658 : DBG_ASSERT( pView, "No View - No Paint!" );
3659 :
3660 1121 : if ( !GetUpdateMode() || IsInUndo() )
3661 0 : return;
3662 :
3663 : // Intersection of paint area and output area.
3664 1121 : Rectangle aClipRect( pView->GetOutputArea() );
3665 1121 : aClipRect.Intersection( rRect );
3666 :
3667 1121 : OutputDevice* pTarget = pTargetDevice ? pTargetDevice : pView->GetWindow();
3668 :
3669 1121 : if ( bUseVirtDev )
3670 : {
3671 513 : Rectangle aClipRecPixel( pTarget->LogicToPixel( aClipRect ) );
3672 513 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3673 : {
3674 : // etwas mehr, falls abgerundet!
3675 513 : aClipRecPixel.Right() += 1;
3676 513 : aClipRecPixel.Bottom() += 1;
3677 : }
3678 : else
3679 : {
3680 0 : aClipRecPixel.Left() -= 1;
3681 0 : aClipRecPixel.Bottom() += 1;
3682 : }
3683 :
3684 : // If aClipRecPixel > XXXX, then invalidate?!
3685 :
3686 513 : VirtualDevice* pVDev = GetVirtualDevice( pTarget->GetMapMode(), pTarget->GetDrawMode() );
3687 513 : pVDev->SetDigitLanguage( GetRefDevice()->GetDigitLanguage() );
3688 :
3689 : /*
3690 : * Set the appropriate background color according
3691 : * to text criteria
3692 : */
3693 : {
3694 :
3695 513 : Color aBackgroundColor( pView->GetBackgroundColor() );
3696 : // #i47161# Check if text is visible on background
3697 513 : SvxFont aTmpFont;
3698 513 : ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( 0 );
3699 513 : SeekCursor( pNode, 1, aTmpFont );
3700 :
3701 :
3702 513 : Color aFontColor( aTmpFont.GetColor() );
3703 513 : if( (aFontColor == COL_AUTO) || IsForceAutoColor() )
3704 270 : aFontColor = GetAutoColor();
3705 :
3706 : // #i69346# check for reverse color of input method attribute
3707 513 : if( mpIMEInfos && (mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetNode() == pNode &&
3708 : mpIMEInfos->pAttribs))
3709 : {
3710 0 : sal_uInt16 nAttr = mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[ 0 ];
3712 : {
3713 0 : const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
3714 0 : aFontColor = rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ;
3715 : }
3716 : }
3717 :
3718 513 : sal_uInt8 nColorDiff = aFontColor.GetColorError( aBackgroundColor );
3719 513 : if( nColorDiff < 8 )
3720 0 : aBackgroundColor = aFontColor.IsDark() ? COL_WHITE : COL_BLACK;
3721 :
3722 513 : pVDev->SetBackground( aBackgroundColor );
3723 : }
3724 :
3725 513 : bool bVDevValid = true;
3726 513 : Size aOutSz( pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
3727 701 : if ( ( aOutSz.Width() < aClipRecPixel.GetWidth() ) ||
3728 188 : ( aOutSz.Height() < aClipRecPixel.GetHeight() ) )
3729 : {
3730 325 : bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aClipRecPixel.GetSize() );
3731 : }
3732 : else
3733 : {
3734 : // The VirtDev can become very big during a Resize =>
3735 : // eventually make it smaller!
3736 376 : if ( ( aOutSz.Height() > ( aClipRecPixel.GetHeight() + RESDIFF ) ) ||
3737 188 : ( aOutSz.Width() > ( aClipRecPixel.GetWidth() + RESDIFF ) ) )
3738 : {
3739 0 : bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aClipRecPixel.GetSize() );
3740 : }
3741 : else
3742 : {
3743 188 : pVDev->Erase();
3744 : }
3745 : }
3746 : DBG_ASSERT( bVDevValid, "VDef could not be enlarged!" );
3747 513 : if ( !bVDevValid )
3748 : {
3749 0 : Paint( pView, rRect, 0, false /* ohne VDev */ );
3750 0 : return;
3751 : }
3752 :
3753 : // PaintRect for VDev not with aligned size,
3754 : // Otherwise, the line below must also be printed out:
3755 513 : Rectangle aTmpRect( Point( 0, 0 ), aClipRect.GetSize() );
3756 :
3757 513 : aClipRect = pTarget->PixelToLogic( aClipRecPixel );
3758 513 : Point aStartPos;
3759 513 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3760 : {
3761 513 : aStartPos = aClipRect.TopLeft();
3762 513 : aStartPos = pView->GetDocPos( aStartPos );
3763 513 : aStartPos.X() *= (-1);
3764 513 : aStartPos.Y() *= (-1);
3765 : }
3766 : else
3767 : {
3768 0 : aStartPos = aClipRect.TopRight();
3769 0 : Point aDocPos( pView->GetDocPos( aStartPos ) );
3770 0 : aStartPos.X() = aClipRect.GetSize().Width() + aDocPos.Y();
3771 0 : aStartPos.Y() = -aDocPos.X();
3772 : }
3773 :
3774 513 : Paint( pVDev, aTmpRect, aStartPos );
3775 :
3776 513 : bool bClipRegion = false;
3777 513 : vcl::Region aOldRegion;
3778 1026 : MapMode aOldMapMode;
3779 513 : if ( GetTextRanger() )
3780 : {
3781 : // Some problems here with push/pop, why?!
3782 : // pTarget->Push( PushFlags::CLIPREGION|PushFlags::MAPMODE );
3783 0 : bClipRegion = pTarget->IsClipRegion();
3784 0 : aOldRegion = pTarget->GetClipRegion();
3785 : // How do I get the polygon to the right place??
3786 : // The polygon is based on the view, not the Window
3787 : // => reset origin...
3788 0 : aOldMapMode = pTarget->GetMapMode();
3789 0 : Point aOrigin = aOldMapMode.GetOrigin();
3790 0 : Point aViewPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft();
3791 0 : aOrigin.Move( aViewPos.X(), aViewPos.Y() );
3792 0 : aClipRect.Move( -aViewPos.X(), -aViewPos.Y() );
3793 0 : MapMode aNewMapMode( aOldMapMode );
3794 0 : aNewMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
3795 0 : pTarget->SetMapMode( aNewMapMode );
3796 0 : pTarget->SetClipRegion( vcl::Region( GetTextRanger()->GetPolyPolygon() ) );
3797 : }
3798 :
3799 : pTarget->DrawOutDev( aClipRect.TopLeft(), aClipRect.GetSize(),
3800 513 : Point(0,0), aClipRect.GetSize(), *pVDev );
3801 :
3802 513 : if ( GetTextRanger() )
3803 : {
3804 : // pTarget->Pop();
3805 0 : if ( bClipRegion )
3806 0 : pTarget->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion );
3807 : else
3808 0 : pTarget->SetClipRegion();
3809 0 : pTarget->SetMapMode( aOldMapMode );
3810 : }
3811 :
3812 1026 : pView->DrawSelection(pView->GetEditSelection(), 0, pTarget);
3813 : }
3814 : else
3815 : {
3816 608 : Point aStartPos;
3817 608 : if ( !IsVertical() )
3818 : {
3819 608 : aStartPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft();
3820 608 : aStartPos.X() -= pView->GetVisDocLeft();
3821 608 : aStartPos.Y() -= pView->GetVisDocTop();
3822 : }
3823 : else
3824 : {
3825 0 : aStartPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopRight();
3826 0 : aStartPos.X() += pView->GetVisDocTop();
3827 0 : aStartPos.Y() -= pView->GetVisDocLeft();
3828 : }
3829 :
3830 : // If Doc-width < Output Area,Width and not wrapped fields,
3831 : // the fields usually protrude if > line.
3832 : // (Not at the top, since there the Doc-width from formatting is already
3833 : // there)
3834 608 : if ( !IsVertical() && ( pView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth() > GetPaperSize().Width() ) )
3835 : {
3836 0 : long nMaxX = pView->GetOutputArea().Left() + GetPaperSize().Width();
3837 0 : if ( aClipRect.Left() > nMaxX )
3838 0 : return;
3839 0 : if ( aClipRect.Right() > nMaxX )
3840 0 : aClipRect.Right() = nMaxX;
3841 : }
3842 :
3843 608 : bool bClipRegion = pTarget->IsClipRegion();
3844 608 : vcl::Region aOldRegion = pTarget->GetClipRegion();
3845 608 : pTarget->IntersectClipRegion( aClipRect );
3846 :
3847 608 : Paint( pTarget, aClipRect, aStartPos );
3848 :
3849 608 : if ( bClipRegion )
3850 0 : pTarget->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion );
3851 : else
3852 608 : pTarget->SetClipRegion();
3853 :
3854 608 : pView->DrawSelection(pView->GetEditSelection(), 0, pTarget);
3855 : }
3856 : }
3857 :
3858 0 : void ImpEditEngine::InsertContent( ContentNode* pNode, sal_Int32 nPos )
3859 : {
3860 : DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "NULL-Pointer in InsertContent! " );
3861 : DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "InsertContent only for Undo()!" );
3862 0 : ParaPortion* pNew = new ParaPortion( pNode );
3863 0 : GetParaPortions().Insert(nPos, pNew);
3864 0 : aEditDoc.Insert(nPos, pNode);
3865 0 : if ( IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() )
3866 0 : GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphInserted( nPos );
3867 0 : }
3868 :
3869 0 : EditPaM ImpEditEngine::SplitContent( sal_Int32 nNode, sal_Int32 nSepPos )
3870 : {
3871 0 : ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nNode );
3872 : DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "Invalid Node in SplitContent" );
3873 : DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "SplitContent only for Undo()!" );
3874 : DBG_ASSERT( nSepPos <= pNode->Len(), "Index out of range: SplitContent" );
3875 0 : EditPaM aPaM( pNode, nSepPos );
3876 0 : return ImpInsertParaBreak( aPaM );
3877 : }
3878 :
3879 0 : EditPaM ImpEditEngine::ConnectContents( sal_Int32 nLeftNode, bool bBackward )
3880 : {
3881 0 : ContentNode* pLeftNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nLeftNode );
3882 0 : ContentNode* pRightNode = aEditDoc.GetObject( nLeftNode+1 );
3883 : DBG_ASSERT( pLeftNode, "Invalid left node in ConnectContents ");
3884 : DBG_ASSERT( pRightNode, "Invalid right node in ConnectContents ");
3885 : DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "ConnectContent only for Undo()!" );
3886 0 : return ImpConnectParagraphs( pLeftNode, pRightNode, bBackward );
3887 : }
3888 :
3889 3027423 : void ImpEditEngine::SetUpdateMode( bool bUp, EditView* pCurView, bool bForceUpdate )
3890 : {
3891 3027423 : bool bChanged = ( GetUpdateMode() != bUp );
3892 :
3893 : // When switching from sal_True to sal_False, all selections were visible,
3894 : // => paint over
3895 : // the other hand, were all invisible => paint
3896 : // If !bFormatted, e.g. after SetText, then if UpdateMode=sal_True
3897 : // formatting is not needed immediately, probably because more text is coming.
3898 : // At latest it is formatted at a Paint/CalcTextWidth.
3899 3027423 : bUpdate = bUp;
3900 3027423 : if ( bUpdate && ( bChanged || bForceUpdate ) )
3901 358414 : FormatAndUpdate( pCurView );
3902 3027423 : }
3903 :
3904 0 : void ImpEditEngine::ShowParagraph( sal_Int32 nParagraph, bool bShow )
3905 : {
3906 0 : ParaPortion* pPPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nParagraph );
3907 : DBG_ASSERT( pPPortion, "ShowParagraph: Paragraph does not exist! ");
3908 0 : if ( pPPortion && ( pPPortion->IsVisible() != bShow ) )
3909 : {
3910 0 : pPPortion->SetVisible( bShow );
3911 :
3912 0 : if ( !bShow )
3913 : {
3914 : // Mark as deleted, so that no selection will end or begin at
3915 : // this paragraph...
3916 0 : DeletedNodeInfo* pDelInfo = new DeletedNodeInfo( pPPortion->GetNode(), nParagraph );
3917 0 : aDeletedNodes.push_back(pDelInfo);
3918 0 : UpdateSelections();
3919 : // The region below will not be invalidated if UpdateMode = sal_False!
3920 : // If anyway, then save as sal_False before SetVisible !
3921 : }
3922 :
3923 0 : if ( bShow && ( pPPortion->IsInvalid() || !pPPortion->nHeight ) )
3924 : {
3925 0 : if ( !GetTextRanger() )
3926 : {
3927 0 : if ( pPPortion->IsInvalid() )
3928 : {
3929 0 : vcl::Font aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() );
3930 0 : CreateLines( nParagraph, 0 ); // 0: No TextRanger
3931 0 : if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() )
3932 0 : GetRefDevice()->SetFont( aOldFont );
3933 : }
3934 : else
3935 : {
3936 0 : CalcHeight( pPPortion );
3937 : }
3938 0 : nCurTextHeight += pPPortion->GetHeight();
3939 : }
3940 : else
3941 : {
3942 0 : nCurTextHeight = 0x7fffffff;
3943 : }
3944 : }
3945 :
3946 0 : pPPortion->SetMustRepaint( true );
3947 0 : if ( GetUpdateMode() && !IsInUndo() && !GetTextRanger() )
3948 : {
3949 0 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle( Point( 0, GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pPPortion ) ),
3950 0 : Point( GetPaperSize().Width(), nCurTextHeight ) );
3951 0 : UpdateViews( GetActiveView() );
3952 : }
3953 : }
3954 0 : }
3955 :
3956 0 : EditSelection ImpEditEngine::MoveParagraphs( Range aOldPositions, sal_Int32 nNewPos, EditView* pCurView )
3957 : {
3958 : DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().Count() != 0, "No paragraphs found: MoveParagraphs" );
3959 0 : if ( GetParaPortions().Count() == 0 )
3960 0 : return EditSelection();
3961 0 : aOldPositions.Justify();
3962 :
3963 0 : EditSelection aSel( ImpMoveParagraphs( aOldPositions, nNewPos ) );
3964 :
3965 0 : if ( nNewPos >= GetParaPortions().Count() )
3966 0 : nNewPos = GetParaPortions().Count() - 1;
3967 :
3968 : // Where the paragraph was inserted it has to be properly redrawn:
3969 : // Where the paragraph was removed it has to be properly redrawn:
3970 : // ( and correspondingly in between as well...)
3971 0 : if ( pCurView && GetUpdateMode() )
3972 : {
3973 : // in this case one can redraw directly without invalidating the
3974 : // Portions
3975 0 : sal_Int32 nFirstPortion = std::min( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aOldPositions.Min()), nNewPos );
3976 0 : sal_Int32 nLastPortion = std::max( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aOldPositions.Max()), nNewPos );
3977 :
3978 0 : ParaPortion* pUpperPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nFirstPortion );
3979 0 : ParaPortion* pLowerPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( nLastPortion );
3980 :
3981 0 : aInvalidRect = Rectangle(); // make empty
3982 0 : aInvalidRect.Left() = 0;
3983 0 : aInvalidRect.Right() = aPaperSize.Width();
3984 0 : aInvalidRect.Top() = GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pUpperPortion );
3985 0 : aInvalidRect.Bottom() = GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pLowerPortion ) + pLowerPortion->GetHeight();
3986 :
3987 0 : UpdateViews( pCurView );
3988 : }
3989 : else
3990 : {
3991 : // redraw from the upper invalid position
3992 0 : sal_Int32 nFirstInvPara = std::min( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aOldPositions.Min()), nNewPos );
3993 0 : InvalidateFromParagraph( nFirstInvPara );
3994 : }
3995 0 : return aSel;
3996 : }
3997 :
3998 0 : void ImpEditEngine::InvalidateFromParagraph( sal_Int32 nFirstInvPara )
3999 : {
4000 : // The following paragraphs are not invalidated, since ResetHeight()
4001 : // => size change => all the following are re-issued anyway.
4002 : ParaPortion* pTmpPortion;
4003 0 : if ( nFirstInvPara != 0 )
4004 : {
4005 0 : pTmpPortion = GetParaPortions()[nFirstInvPara-1];
4006 0 : pTmpPortion->MarkInvalid( pTmpPortion->GetNode()->Len(), 0 );
4007 : }
4008 : else
4009 : {
4010 0 : pTmpPortion = GetParaPortions()[0];
4011 0 : pTmpPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pTmpPortion->GetNode()->Len() );
4012 : }
4013 0 : pTmpPortion->ResetHeight();
4014 0 : }
4015 :
4016 0 : IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(ImpEditEngine, StatusTimerHdl, Timer *, void)
4017 : {
4018 0 : CallStatusHdl();
4019 0 : }
4020 :
4021 776854 : void ImpEditEngine::CallStatusHdl()
4022 : {
4023 776854 : if ( aStatusHdlLink.IsSet() && bool(aStatus.GetStatusWord()) )
4024 : {
4025 : // The Status has to be reset before the Call,
4026 : // since other Flags might be set in the handler...
4027 1073 : EditStatus aTmpStatus( aStatus );
4028 1073 : aStatus.Clear();
4029 1073 : aStatusHdlLink.Call( &aTmpStatus );
4030 1073 : aStatusTimer.Stop(); // If called by hand ...
4031 : }
4032 776854 : }
4033 :
4034 0 : ContentNode* ImpEditEngine::GetPrevVisNode( ContentNode* pCurNode )
4035 : {
4036 0 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = FindParaPortion( pCurNode );
4037 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "GetPrevVisibleNode: No matching portion!" );
4038 0 : pPortion = GetPrevVisPortion( pPortion );
4039 0 : if ( pPortion )
4040 0 : return pPortion->GetNode();
4041 0 : return 0;
4042 : }
4043 :
4044 0 : ContentNode* ImpEditEngine::GetNextVisNode( ContentNode* pCurNode )
4045 : {
4046 0 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = FindParaPortion( pCurNode );
4047 : DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "GetNextVisibleNode: No matching portion!" );
4048 0 : pPortion = GetNextVisPortion( pPortion );
4049 0 : if ( pPortion )
4050 0 : return pPortion->GetNode();
4051 0 : return 0;
4052 : }
4053 :
4054 0 : const ParaPortion* ImpEditEngine::GetPrevVisPortion( const ParaPortion* pCurPortion ) const
4055 : {
4056 0 : sal_Int32 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pCurPortion );
4057 : DBG_ASSERT( nPara < GetParaPortions().Count() , "Portion not found: GetPrevVisPortion" );
4058 0 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = nPara ? GetParaPortions()[--nPara] : 0;
4059 0 : while ( pPortion && !pPortion->IsVisible() )
4060 0 : pPortion = nPara ? GetParaPortions()[--nPara] : 0;
4061 :
4062 0 : return pPortion;
4063 : }
4064 :
4065 0 : const ParaPortion* ImpEditEngine::GetNextVisPortion( const ParaPortion* pCurPortion ) const
4066 : {
4067 0 : sal_Int32 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pCurPortion );
4068 : DBG_ASSERT( nPara < GetParaPortions().Count() , "Portion not found: GetPrevVisNode" );
4069 0 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( ++nPara );
4070 0 : while ( pPortion && !pPortion->IsVisible() )
4071 0 : pPortion = GetParaPortions().SafeGetObject( ++nPara );
4072 :
4073 0 : return pPortion;
4074 : }
4075 :
4076 19948 : long ImpEditEngine::CalcVertLineSpacing(Point& rStartPos) const
4077 : {
4078 19948 : long nTotalOccupiedHeight = 0;
4079 19948 : sal_Int32 nTotalLineCount = 0;
4080 19948 : const ParaPortionList& rParaPortions = GetParaPortions();
4081 19948 : sal_Int32 nParaCount = rParaPortions.Count();
4082 :
4083 19948 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nParaCount; ++i)
4084 : {
4085 19948 : if (GetVerJustification(i) != SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_BLOCK)
4086 : // All paragraphs must have the block justification set.
4087 19948 : return 0;
4088 :
4089 0 : const ParaPortion* pPortion = rParaPortions[i];
4090 0 : nTotalOccupiedHeight += pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset();
4091 :
4092 0 : const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = static_cast<const SvxLineSpacingItem&>(pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem(EE_PARA_SBL));
4093 0 : sal_uInt16 nSBL = ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_FIX )
4094 0 : ? GetYValue( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpace() ) : 0;
4095 :
4096 0 : const SvxULSpaceItem& rULItem = static_cast<const SvxULSpaceItem&>(pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem(EE_PARA_ULSPACE));
4097 0 : long nUL = GetYValue( rULItem.GetLower() );
4098 :
4099 0 : const EditLineList& rLines = pPortion->GetLines();
4100 0 : sal_Int32 nLineCount = rLines.Count();
4101 0 : nTotalLineCount += nLineCount;
4102 0 : for (sal_Int32 j = 0; j < nLineCount; ++j)
4103 : {
4104 0 : const EditLine* pLine = rLines[j];
4105 0 : nTotalOccupiedHeight += pLine->GetHeight();
4106 0 : if (j < nLineCount-1)
4107 0 : nTotalOccupiedHeight += nSBL;
4108 0 : nTotalOccupiedHeight += nUL;
4109 : }
4110 : }
4111 :
4112 0 : long nTotalSpace = IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height();
4113 0 : nTotalSpace -= nTotalOccupiedHeight;
4114 0 : if (nTotalSpace <= 0 || nTotalLineCount <= 1)
4115 0 : return 0;
4116 :
4117 0 : if (IsVertical())
4118 : // Shift the text to the right for the asian layout mode.
4119 0 : rStartPos.X() += nTotalSpace;
4120 :
4121 0 : return nTotalSpace / (nTotalLineCount-1);
4122 : }
4123 :
4124 2344 : EditPaM ImpEditEngine::InsertParagraph( sal_Int32 nPara )
4125 : {
4126 2344 : EditPaM aPaM;
4127 2344 : if ( nPara != 0 )
4128 : {
4129 2344 : ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( nPara-1 );
4130 2344 : if ( !pNode )
4131 0 : pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( GetEditDoc().Count() - 1 );
4132 : assert(pNode && "Not a single paragraph in InsertParagraph ?");
4133 2344 : aPaM = EditPaM( pNode, pNode->Len() );
4134 : }
4135 : else
4136 : {
4137 0 : ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( 0 );
4138 0 : aPaM = EditPaM( pNode, 0 );
4139 : }
4140 :
4141 2344 : return ImpInsertParaBreak( aPaM );
4142 : }
4143 :
4144 30549 : EditSelection* ImpEditEngine::SelectParagraph( sal_Int32 nPara )
4145 : {
4146 30549 : EditSelection* pSel = 0;
4147 30549 : ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( nPara );
4148 : DBG_ASSERTWARNING( pNode, "Paragraph does not exist: SelectParagraph" );
4149 30549 : if ( pNode )
4150 30549 : pSel = new EditSelection( EditPaM( pNode, 0 ), EditPaM( pNode, pNode->Len() ) );
4151 :
4152 30549 : return pSel;
4153 : }
4154 :
4155 1530393 : void ImpEditEngine::FormatAndUpdate( EditView* pCurView )
4156 : {
4157 1530393 : if ( bDowning )
4158 1530393 : return ;
4159 :
4160 1530393 : if ( IsInUndo() )
4161 0 : IdleFormatAndUpdate( pCurView );
4162 : else
4163 : {
4164 1530393 : FormatDoc();
4165 1530393 : UpdateViews( pCurView );
4166 : }
4167 : }
4168 :
4169 0 : void ImpEditEngine::SetFlatMode( bool bFlat )
4170 : {
4171 0 : if ( bFlat != aStatus.UseCharAttribs() )
4172 0 : return;
4173 :
4174 0 : if ( !bFlat )
4175 0 : aStatus.TurnOnFlags( EEControlBits::USECHARATTRIBS );
4176 : else
4177 0 : aStatus.TurnOffFlags( EEControlBits::USECHARATTRIBS );
4178 :
4179 0 : aEditDoc.CreateDefFont( !bFlat );
4180 :
4181 0 : FormatFullDoc();
4182 0 : UpdateViews( nullptr);
4183 0 : if ( pActiveView )
4184 0 : pActiveView->ShowCursor();
4185 : }
4186 :
4187 429841 : void ImpEditEngine::SetCharStretching( sal_uInt16 nX, sal_uInt16 nY )
4188 : {
4189 429841 : bool bChanged(false);
4190 429841 : if ( !IsVertical() )
4191 : {
4192 429815 : bChanged = nStretchX!=nX || nStretchY!=nY;
4193 429815 : nStretchX = nX;
4194 429815 : nStretchY = nY;
4195 : }
4196 : else
4197 : {
4198 26 : bChanged = nStretchX!=nY || nStretchY!=nX;
4199 26 : nStretchX = nY;
4200 26 : nStretchY = nX;
4201 : }
4202 :
4203 429841 : if (bChanged && aStatus.DoStretch())
4204 : {
4205 0 : FormatFullDoc();
4206 : // (potentially) need everything redrawn
4207 0 : aInvalidRect=Rectangle(0,0,1000000,1000000);
4208 0 : UpdateViews( GetActiveView() );
4209 : }
4210 429841 : }
4211 :
4212 489203 : const SvxNumberFormat* ImpEditEngine::GetNumberFormat( const ContentNode *pNode ) const
4213 : {
4214 489203 : const SvxNumberFormat *pRes = 0;
4215 :
4216 489203 : if (pNode)
4217 : {
4218 : // get index of paragraph
4219 489203 : sal_Int32 nPara = GetEditDoc().GetPos( pNode );
4220 : DBG_ASSERT( nPara < EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND, "node not found in array" );
4221 489203 : if (nPara < EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND)
4222 : {
4223 : // the called function may be overridden by an OutlinerEditEng
4224 : // object to provide
4225 : // access to the SvxNumberFormat of the Outliner.
4226 : // The EditEngine implementation will just return 0.
4227 489203 : pRes = pEditEngine->GetNumberFormat( nPara );
4228 : }
4229 : }
4230 :
4231 489203 : return pRes;
4232 : }
4233 :
4234 489203 : sal_Int32 ImpEditEngine::GetSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth(
4235 : const ContentNode *pNode,
4236 : sal_Int32 *pnSpaceBefore, sal_Int32 *pnMinLabelWidth ) const
4237 : {
4238 : // nSpaceBefore matches the ODF attribute text:space-before
4239 : // nMinLabelWidth matches the ODF attribute text:min-label-width
4240 :
4241 489203 : const SvxNumberFormat *pNumFmt = GetNumberFormat( pNode );
4242 :
4243 : // if no number format was found we have no Outliner or the numbering level
4244 : // within the Outliner is -1 which means no number format should be applied.
4245 : // Thus the default values to be returned are 0.
4246 489203 : sal_Int32 nSpaceBefore = 0;
4247 489203 : sal_Int32 nMinLabelWidth = 0;
4248 :
4249 489203 : if (pNumFmt)
4250 : {
4251 5468 : nMinLabelWidth = -pNumFmt->GetFirstLineOffset();
4252 5468 : nSpaceBefore = pNumFmt->GetAbsLSpace() - nMinLabelWidth;
4253 : DBG_ASSERT( nMinLabelWidth >= 0, "ImpEditEngine::GetSpaceBeforeAndMinLabelWidth: min-label-width < 0 encountered" );
4254 : }
4255 489203 : if (pnSpaceBefore)
4256 387469 : *pnSpaceBefore = nSpaceBefore;
4257 489203 : if (pnMinLabelWidth)
4258 144052 : *pnMinLabelWidth = nMinLabelWidth;
4259 :
4260 489203 : return nSpaceBefore + nMinLabelWidth;
4261 : }
4262 :
4263 489203 : const SvxLRSpaceItem& ImpEditEngine::GetLRSpaceItem( ContentNode* pNode )
4264 : {
4265 489203 : return static_cast<const SvxLRSpaceItem&>(pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( aStatus.IsOutliner() ? EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE : EE_PARA_LRSPACE ));
4266 : }
4267 :
4268 : // select a representative text language for the digit type according to the
4269 : // text numeral setting:
4270 787618 : LanguageType ImpEditEngine::ImplCalcDigitLang(LanguageType eCurLang) const
4271 : {
4272 : // #114278# Also setting up digit language from Svt options
4273 : // (cannot reliably inherit the outdev's setting)
4274 787618 : if( !pCTLOptions )
4275 5449 : pCTLOptions = new SvtCTLOptions;
4276 :
4277 787618 : LanguageType eLang = eCurLang;
4278 787618 : const SvtCTLOptions::TextNumerals nCTLTextNumerals = pCTLOptions->GetCTLTextNumerals();
4279 :
4280 787618 : if ( SvtCTLOptions::NUMERALS_HINDI == nCTLTextNumerals )
4282 787618 : else if ( SvtCTLOptions::NUMERALS_ARABIC == nCTLTextNumerals )
4283 787618 : eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
4284 0 : else if ( SvtCTLOptions::NUMERALS_SYSTEM == nCTLTextNumerals )
4285 0 : eLang = (LanguageType) Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();
4286 :
4287 787618 : return eLang;
4288 : }
4289 :
4290 22848 : OUString ImpEditEngine::convertDigits(const OUString &rString, sal_Int32 nStt, sal_Int32 nLen, LanguageType eDigitLang)
4291 : {
4292 22848 : OUStringBuffer aBuf(rString);
4293 170731 : for (sal_Int32 nIdx = nStt, nEnd = nStt + nLen; nIdx < nEnd; ++nIdx)
4294 : {
4295 147883 : sal_Unicode cChar = aBuf[nIdx];
4296 147883 : if (cChar >= '0' && cChar <= '9')
4297 21150 : aBuf[nIdx] = GetLocalizedChar(cChar, eDigitLang);
4298 : }
4299 22848 : return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
4300 : }
4301 :
4302 : // Either sets the digit mode at the output device
4303 764770 : void ImpEditEngine::ImplInitDigitMode(OutputDevice* pOutDev, LanguageType eCurLang)
4304 : {
4305 : assert(pOutDev); //persumably there isn't any case where pOutDev should be NULL ?
4306 764770 : if (pOutDev)
4307 764770 : pOutDev->SetDigitLanguage(ImplCalcDigitLang(eCurLang));
4308 764770 : }
4309 :
4310 276344 : void ImpEditEngine::ImplInitLayoutMode( OutputDevice* pOutDev, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex )
4311 : {
4312 276344 : bool bCTL = false;
4313 276344 : bool bR2L = false;
4314 276344 : if ( nIndex == -1 )
4315 : {
4316 250683 : bCTL = HasScriptType( nPara, i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX );
4317 250683 : bR2L = IsRightToLeft( nPara );
4318 : }
4319 : else
4320 : {
4321 25661 : ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().GetObject( nPara );
4322 25661 : short nScriptType = GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, nIndex+1 ) );
4323 25661 : bCTL = nScriptType == i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX;
4324 : // this change was discussed in issue 37190
4325 25661 : bR2L = (GetRightToLeft( nPara, nIndex + 1) % 2) != 0;
4326 : // it also works for issue 55927
4327 : }
4328 :
4329 276344 : ComplexTextLayoutMode nLayoutMode = pOutDev->GetLayoutMode();
4330 :
4331 : // We always use the left position for DrawText()
4332 276344 : nLayoutMode &= ~(TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL);
4333 :
4334 276344 : if ( !bCTL && !bR2L)
4335 : {
4336 : // No CTL/Bidi checking necessary
4338 : }
4339 : else
4340 : {
4341 : // CTL/Bidi checking necessary
4342 : // Don't use BIDI_STRONG, VCL must do some checks.
4344 :
4345 1131 : if ( bR2L )
4347 : }
4348 :
4349 276344 : pOutDev->SetLayoutMode( nLayoutMode );
4350 :
4351 : // #114278# Also setting up digit language from Svt options
4352 : // (cannot reliably inherit the outdev's setting)
4353 276344 : LanguageType eLang = (LanguageType) Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();
4354 276344 : ImplInitDigitMode( pOutDev, eLang );
4355 276344 : }
4356 :
4357 363278 : Reference < i18n::XBreakIterator > ImpEditEngine::ImplGetBreakIterator() const
4358 : {
4359 363278 : if ( ! )
4360 : {
4361 22045 : Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
4362 22045 : xBI = i18n::BreakIterator::create( xContext );
4363 : }
4364 363278 : return xBI;
4365 : }
4366 :
4367 0 : Reference < i18n::XExtendedInputSequenceChecker > ImpEditEngine::ImplGetInputSequenceChecker() const
4368 : {
4369 0 : if ( ! )
4370 : {
4371 0 : Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
4372 0 : xISC = i18n::InputSequenceChecker::create( xContext );
4373 : }
4374 0 : return xISC;
4375 : }
4376 :
4377 19060 : Color ImpEditEngine::GetAutoColor() const
4378 : {
4379 19060 : Color aColor = const_cast<ImpEditEngine*>(this)->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor;
4380 :
4381 19060 : if ( GetBackgroundColor() != COL_AUTO )
4382 : {
4383 6064 : if ( GetBackgroundColor().IsDark() && aColor.IsDark() )
4384 11 : aColor = COL_WHITE;
4385 6053 : else if ( GetBackgroundColor().IsBright() && aColor.IsBright() )
4386 0 : aColor = COL_BLACK;
4387 : }
4388 :
4389 19060 : return aColor;
4390 : }
4391 :
4392 :
4393 0 : bool ImpEditEngine::ImplCalcAsianCompression(ContentNode* pNode,
4394 : TextPortion* pTextPortion, sal_Int32 nStartPos,
4395 : long* pDXArray, sal_uInt16 n100thPercentFromMax,
4396 : bool bManipulateDXArray)
4397 : {
4398 : DBG_ASSERT( GetAsianCompressionMode(), "ImplCalcAsianCompression - Why?" );
4399 : DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion->GetLen(), "ImplCalcAsianCompression - Empty Portion?" );
4400 :
4401 : // Percent is 1/100 Percent...
4402 0 : if ( n100thPercentFromMax == 10000 )
4403 0 : pTextPortion->SetExtraInfos( NULL );
4404 :
4405 0 : bool bCompressed = false;
4406 :
4407 0 : if ( GetI18NScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, nStartPos+1 ) ) == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN )
4408 : {
4409 0 : long nNewPortionWidth = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width();
4410 0 : sal_Int32 nPortionLen = pTextPortion->GetLen();
4411 0 : for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nPortionLen; n++ )
4412 : {
4413 0 : sal_uInt8 nType = GetCharTypeForCompression( pNode->GetChar( n+nStartPos ) );
4414 :
4415 0 : bool bCompressPunctuation = ( nType == CHAR_PUNCTUATIONLEFT ) || ( nType == CHAR_PUNCTUATIONRIGHT );
4416 0 : bool bCompressKana = ( nType == CHAR_KANA ) && ( GetAsianCompressionMode() == text::CharacterCompressionType::PUNCTUATION_AND_KANA );
4417 :
4418 : // create Extra infos only if needed...
4419 0 : if ( bCompressPunctuation || bCompressKana )
4420 : {
4421 0 : if ( !pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos() )
4422 : {
4423 0 : ExtraPortionInfo* pExtraInfos = new ExtraPortionInfo;
4424 0 : pTextPortion->SetExtraInfos( pExtraInfos );
4425 0 : pExtraInfos->nOrgWidth = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width();
4426 0 : pExtraInfos->nAsianCompressionTypes = CHAR_NORMAL;
4427 : }
4428 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nMaxCompression100thPercent = n100thPercentFromMax;
4429 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nAsianCompressionTypes |= nType;
4430 :
4431 : long nOldCharWidth;
4432 0 : if ( (n+1) < nPortionLen )
4433 : {
4434 0 : nOldCharWidth = pDXArray[n];
4435 : }
4436 : else
4437 : {
4438 0 : if ( bManipulateDXArray )
4439 0 : nOldCharWidth = nNewPortionWidth - pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nPortionOffsetX;
4440 : else
4441 0 : nOldCharWidth = pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth;
4442 : }
4443 0 : nOldCharWidth -= ( n ? pDXArray[n-1] : 0 );
4444 :
4445 0 : long nCompress = 0;
4446 :
4447 0 : if ( bCompressPunctuation )
4448 : {
4449 0 : nCompress = nOldCharWidth / 2;
4450 : }
4451 : else // Kana
4452 : {
4453 0 : nCompress = nOldCharWidth / 10;
4454 : }
4455 :
4456 0 : if ( n100thPercentFromMax != 10000 )
4457 : {
4458 0 : nCompress *= n100thPercentFromMax;
4459 0 : nCompress /= 10000;
4460 : }
4461 :
4462 0 : if ( nCompress )
4463 : {
4464 0 : bCompressed = true;
4465 0 : nNewPortionWidth -= nCompress;
4466 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed = true;
4467 :
4468 :
4469 : // Special handling for rightpunctuation: For the 'compression' we must
4470 : // start the output before the normal char position....
4471 0 : if ( bManipulateDXArray && ( pTextPortion->GetLen() > 1 ) )
4472 : {
4473 0 : if ( !pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->pOrgDXArray )
4474 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->SaveOrgDXArray( pDXArray, pTextPortion->GetLen()-1 );
4475 :
4476 0 : if ( nType == CHAR_PUNCTUATIONRIGHT )
4477 : {
4478 : // If it's the first char, I must handle it in Paint()...
4479 0 : if ( n )
4480 : {
4481 : // -1: No entry for the last character
4482 0 : for ( sal_Int32 i = n-1; i < (nPortionLen-1); i++ )
4483 0 : pDXArray[i] -= nCompress;
4484 : }
4485 : else
4486 : {
4487 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->bFirstCharIsRightPunktuation = true;
4488 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nPortionOffsetX = -nCompress;
4489 : }
4490 : }
4491 : else
4492 : {
4493 : // -1: No entry for the last character
4494 0 : for ( sal_Int32 i = n; i < (nPortionLen-1); i++ )
4495 0 : pDXArray[i] -= nCompress;
4496 : }
4497 : }
4498 : }
4499 : }
4500 : }
4501 :
4502 0 : if ( bCompressed && ( n100thPercentFromMax == 10000 ) )
4503 0 : pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nWidthFullCompression = nNewPortionWidth;
4504 :
4505 0 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = nNewPortionWidth;
4506 :
4507 0 : if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos() && ( n100thPercentFromMax != 10000 ) )
4508 : {
4509 : // Maybe rounding errors in nNewPortionWidth, assure that width not bigger than expected
4510 0 : long nShrink = pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth - pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nWidthFullCompression;
4511 0 : nShrink *= n100thPercentFromMax;
4512 0 : nShrink /= 10000;
4513 0 : long nNewWidth = pTextPortion->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth - nShrink;
4514 0 : if ( nNewWidth < pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() )
4515 0 : pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = nNewWidth;
4516 : }
4517 : }
4518 0 : return bCompressed;
4519 : }
4520 :
4521 :
4522 0 : void ImpEditEngine::ImplExpandCompressedPortions( EditLine* pLine, ParaPortion* pParaPortion, long nRemainingWidth )
4523 : {
4524 0 : bool bFoundCompressedPortion = false;
4525 0 : long nCompressed = 0;
4526 0 : std::vector<TextPortion*> aCompressedPortions;
4527 :
4528 0 : sal_Int32 nPortion = pLine->GetEndPortion();
4529 0 : TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
4530 0 : while ( pTP && ( pTP->GetKind() == PortionKind::TEXT ) )
4531 : {
4532 0 : if ( pTP->GetExtraInfos() && pTP->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed )
4533 : {
4534 0 : bFoundCompressedPortion = true;
4535 0 : nCompressed += pTP->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth - pTP->GetSize().Width();
4536 0 : aCompressedPortions.push_back(pTP);
4537 : }
4538 0 : pTP = ( nPortion > pLine->GetStartPortion() ) ? pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ --nPortion ] : NULL;
4539 : }
4540 :
4541 0 : if ( bFoundCompressedPortion )
4542 : {
4543 0 : long nCompressPercent = 0;
4544 0 : if ( nCompressed > nRemainingWidth )
4545 : {
4546 0 : nCompressPercent = nCompressed - nRemainingWidth;
4547 : DBG_ASSERT( nCompressPercent < 200000, "ImplExpandCompressedPortions - Overflow!" );
4548 0 : nCompressPercent *= 10000;
4549 0 : nCompressPercent /= nCompressed;
4550 : }
4551 :
4552 0 : for (size_t i = 0, n = aCompressedPortions.size(); i < n; ++i)
4553 : {
4554 0 : pTP = aCompressedPortions[i];
4555 0 : pTP->GetExtraInfos()->bCompressed = false;
4556 0 : pTP->GetSize().Width() = pTP->GetExtraInfos()->nOrgWidth;
4557 0 : if ( nCompressPercent )
4558 : {
4559 0 : sal_Int32 nTxtPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetPos( pTP );
4560 0 : sal_Int32 nTxtPortionStart = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetStartPos( nTxtPortion );
4561 : DBG_ASSERT( nTxtPortionStart >= pLine->GetStart(), "Portion doesn't belong to the line!!!" );
4562 0 : long* pDXArray = NULL;
4563 0 : if (!pLine->GetCharPosArray().empty())
4564 : {
4565 0 : pDXArray = &pLine->GetCharPosArray()[0]+( nTxtPortionStart-pLine->GetStart() );
4566 0 : if ( pTP->GetExtraInfos()->pOrgDXArray )
4567 0 : memcpy( pDXArray, pTP->GetExtraInfos()->pOrgDXArray, (pTP->GetLen()-1)*sizeof(sal_Int32) );
4568 : }
4569 0 : ImplCalcAsianCompression( pParaPortion->GetNode(), pTP, nTxtPortionStart, pDXArray, (sal_uInt16)nCompressPercent, true );
4570 : }
4571 : }
4572 0 : }
4573 0 : }
4574 :
4575 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */