LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lotuswordpro/source/filter - lwpobjstrm.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit c8344322a7af75b84dd3ca8f78b05543a976dfd5 Lines: 139 159 87.4 %
Date: 2015-06-13 12:38:46 Functions: 20 21 95.2 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*************************************************************************
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
       5             :  *  either of the following licenses
       6             :  *
       7             :  *         - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
       8             :  *         - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
       9             :  *
      10             :  *  Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
      11             :  *
      12             :  *  GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
      13             :  *  =============================================
      14             :  *  Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      15             :  *  901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
      16             :  *
      17             :  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      18             :  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      19             :  *  License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      20             :  *
      21             :  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      22             :  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      24             :  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
      25             :  *
      26             :  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      27             :  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
      28             :  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
      29             :  *  MA  02111-1307  USA
      30             :  *
      31             :  *
      32             :  *  Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
      33             :  *  =================================================
      34             :  *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
      35             :  *  Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
      36             :  *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
      37             :  *  License at
      38             :  *
      39             :  *  Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
      43             :  *  See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
      44             :  *  obligations concerning the Software.
      45             :  *
      46             :  *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation
      47             :  *
      48             :  *  Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation
      49             :  *
      50             :  *  All Rights Reserved.
      51             :  *
      52             :  *  Contributor(s): _______________________________________
      53             :  *
      54             :  *
      55             :  ************************************************************************/
      56             : /*************************************************************************
      57             :  * Change History
      58             :  Jan 2005           Created
      59             :  ************************************************************************/
      60             : 
      61             : #include "lwpobjstrm.hxx"
      62             : #include "lwptools.hxx"
      63             : #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
      64             : 
      65             : /**
      66             :  * @descr  ctor() from LwpSvStream
      67             :  */
      68         932 : LwpObjectStream::LwpObjectStream(LwpSvStream *pStrm, bool isCompressed, sal_uInt16 size)
      69             :     :m_pContentBuf(NULL), m_nBufSize(size), m_nReadPos(0),
      70         932 :     m_pStrm(pStrm), m_bCompressed(isCompressed)
      71             : {
      72             :     assert(size<IO_BUFFERSIZE);
      73         932 :     ReadStream();
      74         931 : }
      75             : /**
      76             :  * @descr  read object data from stream
      77             :  */
      78         932 : void LwpObjectStream::ReadStream()
      79             : {
      80         932 :     if(m_nBufSize == 0)
      81             :     {
      82           0 :         m_pContentBuf = NULL;
      83             :     }
      84             :     else
      85             :     {
      86         932 :         Read2Buffer();
      87             :     }
      88         931 : }
      89             : /**
      90             :  * @descr  read object data from stream to buffer
      91             :  */
      92         932 : void LwpObjectStream::Read2Buffer()
      93             : {
      94         932 :     if( m_pContentBuf )
      95             :     {
      96           0 :         ReleaseBuffer();
      97             :     }
      98             : 
      99         932 :     m_nReadPos = 0;
     100             : 
     101         932 :     if( m_bCompressed )
     102             :     {
     103         925 :         boost::scoped_array<sal_uInt8> xCompressBuf(new sal_uInt8[m_nBufSize]);
     104             : 
     105         925 :         sal_uInt8* pCompressBuffer = xCompressBuf.get();
     106         925 :         memset(pCompressBuffer, 0, m_nBufSize);
     107         925 :         m_pStrm->Read(pCompressBuffer, m_nBufSize);
     108             : 
     109             :         sal_uInt8 pTempDst[IO_BUFFERSIZE];
     110         925 :         m_nBufSize = DecompressBuffer(pTempDst, pCompressBuffer, m_nBufSize);
     111             :         assert( m_nBufSize < IO_BUFFERSIZE);
     112             : 
     113         924 :         m_pContentBuf = AllocBuffer(m_nBufSize);
     114         925 :         memcpy(m_pContentBuf, pTempDst, m_nBufSize);
     115             :         //delete [] pTempDst;
     116             : 
     117             :     }
     118             :     else
     119             :     {
     120           7 :         m_pContentBuf = AllocBuffer(m_nBufSize);
     121           7 :         m_pStrm->Read(m_pContentBuf, m_nBufSize);
     122             :     }
     123         931 : }
     124             : /**
     125             :  * @descr  alloc size of buffer
     126             :  */
     127         931 : sal_uInt8* LwpObjectStream::AllocBuffer(sal_uInt16 size)
     128             : {
     129         931 :     if(size<=100)
     130             :     {
     131         608 :         return m_SmallBuffer;
     132             :     }
     133             :     else
     134             :     {
     135         323 :         return new sal_uInt8[size];
     136             :     }
     137             : }
     138             : /**
     139             :  * @descr  signal complete to release object buffer
     140             :  */
     141         911 : void LwpObjectStream::ReadComplete()
     142             : {
     143         911 :     ReleaseBuffer();
     144         911 : }
     145             : 
     146         931 : LwpObjectStream::~LwpObjectStream()
     147             : {
     148         931 :     ReleaseBuffer();
     149         931 : }
     150             : /**
     151             :  * @descr  release object buffer
     152             :  */
     153        1842 : void LwpObjectStream::ReleaseBuffer()
     154             : {
     155             : 
     156        1842 :     if(m_nBufSize>100)
     157             :     {
     158         630 :         if(m_pContentBuf)
     159             :         {
     160         323 :             delete [] m_pContentBuf;
     161         323 :             m_pContentBuf = NULL;
     162             :         }
     163             :     }
     164        1842 : }
     165             : /**
     166             :  * @descr  read len bytes from object stream to buffer
     167             :  */
     168       62734 : sal_uInt16 LwpObjectStream::QuickRead(void* buf, sal_uInt16 len)
     169             : {
     170       62734 :     memset(buf, 0, len);
     171       62734 :     if( len > m_nBufSize - m_nReadPos )
     172             :     {
     173             :         assert(false);
     174           0 :         len = m_nBufSize - m_nReadPos;
     175             :     }
     176       62734 :     if( m_pContentBuf && len)
     177             :     {
     178       62734 :         memcpy(buf, m_pContentBuf+m_nReadPos, len);
     179       62734 :         m_nReadPos += len;
     180             :     }
     181       62734 :     return len;
     182             : }
     183             : /**
     184             :  * @descr  SeekRel pos in object stream/buffer
     185             :  */
     186         400 : void LwpObjectStream::SeekRel(sal_uInt16 pos)
     187             : {
     188         400 :     if( pos > m_nBufSize - m_nReadPos)
     189           0 :         pos = m_nBufSize - m_nReadPos;
     190         400 :     m_nReadPos +=pos;
     191         400 : }
     192             : /**
     193             :  * @descr  Seek to pos in object buffer/buffer
     194             :  */
     195         903 : bool LwpObjectStream::Seek( sal_uInt16 pos)
     196             : {
     197         903 :     if (pos < m_nBufSize)
     198             :     {
     199         903 :         m_nReadPos = pos;
     200         903 :         return true;
     201             :     }
     202           0 :     return false;
     203             : }
     204             : 
     205             : /**
     206             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_Bool
     207             :  */
     208         759 : bool LwpObjectStream::QuickReadBool(bool *pFailure)
     209             : {
     210         759 :     SVBT16 aValue = {0};
     211         759 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     212         759 :     if (pFailure)
     213           0 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     214         759 :     return static_cast<bool>(SVBT16ToShort(aValue));
     215             : }
     216             : /**
     217             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_uInt32
     218             :  */
     219        7378 : sal_uInt32 LwpObjectStream::QuickReaduInt32(bool *pFailure)
     220             : {
     221        7378 :     SVBT32 aValue = {0};
     222        7378 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     223        7378 :     if (pFailure)
     224         666 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     225        7378 :     return SVBT32ToUInt32(aValue);
     226             : }
     227             : /**
     228             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_uInt32
     229             :  */
     230       21944 : sal_uInt16 LwpObjectStream::QuickReaduInt16(bool *pFailure)
     231             : {
     232       21944 :     SVBT16 aValue = {0};
     233       21944 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     234       21944 :     if (pFailure)
     235         469 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     236       21944 :     return SVBT16ToShort(aValue);
     237             : }
     238             : /**
     239             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_Int32
     240             :  */
     241        1941 : sal_Int32 LwpObjectStream::QuickReadInt32(bool *pFailure)
     242             : {
     243        1941 :     SVBT32 aValue = {0};
     244        1941 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     245        1941 :     if (pFailure)
     246           0 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     247        1941 :     return static_cast<sal_Int32>(SVBT32ToUInt32(aValue));
     248             : }
     249             : /**
     250             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_Int16
     251             :  */
     252          58 : sal_Int16 LwpObjectStream::QuickReadInt16(bool *pFailure)
     253             : {
     254          58 :     SVBT16 aValue = {0};
     255          58 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     256          58 :     if (pFailure)
     257           0 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     258             : 
     259          58 :     return static_cast<sal_Int16>(SVBT16ToShort(aValue));
     260             : }
     261             : /**
     262             :  * @descr  Quick read sal_uInt8
     263             :  */
     264       29774 : sal_uInt8 LwpObjectStream::QuickReaduInt8(bool *pFailure)
     265             : {
     266       29774 :     sal_uInt8 aValue = 0;
     267       29774 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(&aValue, sizeof(aValue));
     268       29774 :     if (pFailure)
     269        2209 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(aValue));
     270       29774 :     return aValue;
     271             : }
     272             : /**
     273             :  * @descr  Quick read double
     274             :  */
     275           0 : double LwpObjectStream::QuickReadDouble(bool *pFailure)
     276             : {
     277             :     union
     278             :     {
     279             :         double d;
     280             :         sal_uInt8 c[8];
     281             :     } s;
     282           0 :     memset(s.c, 0, sizeof(s.c));
     283           0 :     sal_uInt16 nRead = QuickRead(s.c, sizeof(s.c));
     284           0 :     if (pFailure)
     285           0 :         *pFailure = (nRead != sizeof(s.c));
     286             : #if defined(OSL_BIGENDIAN)
     287             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
     288             :         std::swap(s.c[i], s.c[7-i]);
     289             : #endif
     290           0 :     return s.d;
     291             : }
     292             : /**
     293             :  * @descr  skip extra bytes
     294             :  */
     295        3764 : void LwpObjectStream::SkipExtra()
     296             : {
     297        3764 :     sal_uInt16 extra = QuickReaduInt16();
     298        7541 :     while (extra != 0)
     299          13 :         extra = QuickReaduInt16();
     300        3764 : }
     301             : /**
     302             :  * @descr  check if extra bytes
     303             :  */
     304         514 : sal_uInt16 LwpObjectStream::CheckExtra()
     305             : {
     306         514 :     return QuickReaduInt16();
     307             : }
     308             : /**
     309             :  * @descr  decompress data buffer from pSrc to pDst
     310             :  *        Refer to the CAmiPro40File::DecompressObject(~) in LWP
     311             :  */
     312         925 : sal_uInt16 LwpObjectStream::DecompressBuffer(sal_uInt8* pDst, sal_uInt8* pSrc, sal_uInt16 Size)
     313             : {
     314             :     sal_uInt16 Cnt;
     315         925 :     sal_uInt32 DstSize = 0;
     316             : 
     317       22441 :     while (Size)
     318             :     {
     319       20592 :         switch (*pSrc & 0xC0)
     320             :         {
     321             :             case 0x00:
     322             :                 // 1 - 64 bytes of 0
     323             :                 // Code 00zzzzzz
     324             :                 // where zzzzzz is the count - 1 of compressed 0 bytes
     325             : 
     326        2121 :                 Cnt = (*pSrc++ & 0x3F) + 1;
     327        2121 :                 if (DstSize+Cnt >= IO_BUFFERSIZE)
     328           0 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     329        2121 :                 memset(pDst, 0, Cnt);
     330        2121 :                 pDst += Cnt;
     331        2121 :                 DstSize += Cnt;
     332        2121 :                 Size--;
     333        2121 :                 break;
     334             : 
     335             :             case 0x40:
     336             :                 // 1 - 8 zeros followed by 1 - 8 non-zero
     337             :                 // Code 01zzznnn binary
     338             :                 // where zzz is the count - 1 of compressed zero bytes
     339             :                 // and nnn is the count - 1 of following non-zero bytes
     340             : 
     341       15726 :                 Cnt = ((*pSrc & 0x38) >> 3) + 1;
     342       15726 :                 if (DstSize+Cnt >= IO_BUFFERSIZE)
     343           0 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     344       15726 :                 memset(pDst, 0, Cnt);
     345       15726 :                 pDst += Cnt;
     346       15726 :                 DstSize += Cnt;
     347       15726 :                 Cnt = (*pSrc++ & 0x07) + 1;
     348       15726 :                 if (Size < Cnt + 1)
     349           1 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     350       15725 :                 Size -= Cnt + 1;
     351       15725 :                 if (DstSize+Cnt >= IO_BUFFERSIZE)
     352           0 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     353       15725 :                 memcpy(pDst, pSrc, Cnt);
     354       15725 :                 pDst += Cnt;
     355       15725 :                 DstSize += Cnt;
     356       15725 :                 pSrc += Cnt;
     357       15725 :                 break;
     358             : 
     359             :             case 0x80:
     360             :                 // 1 0 followed by 1 - 64 bytes of non-zero
     361             :                 // Code 0x80 (or 0x40 if 8 or less non-zero)
     362             :                 // Code 10nnnnnn binary
     363             :                 // where nnnnnn is the count - 1 of following non-zero bytes
     364             : 
     365         553 :                 *pDst++ = 0;
     366         553 :                 DstSize++;
     367             :                 // fall through into next case!
     368             : 
     369             :             case 0xC0:
     370             :                 // 1 - 64 bytes of non-zero
     371             :                 // Code = 11nnnnnn binary
     372             :                 // nnnnnn is the count less 1 of following non-zero bytes
     373             : 
     374        2745 :                 Cnt = (*pSrc++ & 0x3F) + 1;
     375        2745 :                 if (Size < Cnt + 1)
     376           0 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     377        2745 :                 Size -= Cnt + 1;
     378        2745 :                 if (DstSize+Cnt >= IO_BUFFERSIZE)
     379           0 :                     throw BadDecompress();
     380        2745 :                 memcpy(pDst, pSrc, Cnt);
     381        2745 :                 pDst += Cnt;
     382        2745 :                 DstSize += Cnt;
     383        2745 :                 pSrc += Cnt;
     384        2745 :                 break;
     385             :         }
     386             :         assert(DstSize < IO_BUFFERSIZE);
     387       20591 :         if (DstSize >= IO_BUFFERSIZE)
     388           0 :             throw BadDecompress();
     389             : 
     390             :     }
     391         924 :     return static_cast<sal_uInt16>(DstSize);
     392             : }
     393             : /**
     394             :  * @descr  quick read string with 1252
     395             :  */
     396          24 : OUString LwpObjectStream::QuickReadStringPtr()
     397             : {
     398             :     sal_uInt16 diskSize;
     399             : 
     400          24 :     diskSize = QuickReaduInt16();
     401          24 :     QuickReaduInt16(); //len
     402             : 
     403          24 :     OUString str;
     404          24 :     rtl_TextEncoding rEncode =  RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
     405          24 :     LwpTools::QuickReadUnicode(this, str, diskSize-sizeof(diskSize), rEncode);
     406          24 :     return str;
     407             : }
     408             : 
     409             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.11