LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sw/source/core/inc - txtfrm.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit c8344322a7af75b84dd3ca8f78b05543a976dfd5 Lines: 114 123 92.7 %
Date: 2015-06-13 12:38:46 Functions: 61 64 95.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : #ifndef INCLUDED_SW_SOURCE_CORE_INC_TXTFRM_HXX
      20             : #define INCLUDED_SW_SOURCE_CORE_INC_TXTFRM_HXX
      21             : 
      22             : #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
      23             : #include <tools/mempool.hxx>
      24             : #include "cntfrm.hxx"
      25             : #include "ndtxt.hxx"
      26             : 
      27             : class SwCharRange;
      28             : class SwTextNode;
      29             : class SwTextFormatter;
      30             : class SwTextFormatInfo;
      31             : class SwParaPortion;
      32             : class WidowsAndOrphans;
      33             : class SwBodyFrm;
      34             : class SwTextFootnote;
      35             : class SwInterHyphInfo;      // Hyphenate()
      36             : class SwCache;
      37             : class SwBorderAttrs;
      38             : class SwFrameFormat;
      39             : class OutputDevice;
      40             : class SwTestFormat;
      41             : struct SwCrsrMoveState;
      42             : struct SwFillData;
      43             : class SwPortionHandler;
      44             : class SwScriptInfo;
      45             : class SwViewOption;
      46             : class SwWrongList;
      47             : 
      48             : #define NON_PRINTING_CHARACTER_COLOR RGB_COLORDATA(0x26, 0x8b, 0xd2)
      49             : 
      50             : /// Represents the visualization of a paragraph.
      51             : class SwTextFrm: public SwContentFrm
      52             : {
      53             :     friend class SwTextIter;
      54             :     friend class SwTestFormat;
      55             :     friend class WidowsAndOrphans;
      56             :     friend class TextFrmLockGuard; // May Lock()/Unlock()
      57             :     friend bool sw_ChangeOffset( SwTextFrm* pFrm, sal_Int32 nNew );
      58             : 
      59             :     static SwCache *pTextCache;  // Pointer to the Line Cache
      60             :     static long nMinPrtLine;    // This Line must not be underrun when printing
      61             :                                 // Hack for table cells stretching multiple pages
      62             : 
      63             :     sal_uLong  nAllLines        :24; // Line count for the Paint (including nThisLines)
      64             :     sal_uLong  nThisLines       :8; // Count of Lines of the Frame
      65             : 
      66             :     // The x position for flys anchored at this paragraph.
      67             :     // These values are calculated in SwTextFrm::CalcBaseOfstForFly()
      68             :     SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfst;
      69             :     // The x position for wrap-through flys anchored at this paragraph.
      70             :     SwTwips mnFlyAnchorOfstNoWrap;
      71             :     SwTwips mnFootnoteLine;
      72             :     // OD 2004-03-17 #i11860# - re-factoring of #i11859#
      73             :     // member for height of last line (value needed for proportional line spacing)
      74             :     SwTwips mnHeightOfLastLine;
      75             :     // member for the additional first line offset, which is caused by the list
      76             :     // label alignment for list level position and space mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT.
      77             :     // This additional first line offset is used for the text formatting.
      78             :     // It is NOT used for the determination of printing area.
      79             :     SwTwips mnAdditionalFirstLineOffset;
      80             : 
      81             :     sal_Int32 nOfst; // Is the offset in the Content (character count)
      82             : 
      83             :     sal_uInt16 nCacheIdx; // Index into the cache, USHRT_MAX if there's definitely no fitting object in the cache
      84             : 
      85             :     // Separates the Master and creates a Follow or adjusts the data in the Follow
      86             :     void _AdjustFollow( SwTextFormatter &rLine, const sal_Int32 nOffset,
      87             :                                const sal_Int32 nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode );
      88             :     inline void AdjustFollow( SwTextFormatter &rLine, const sal_Int32 nOffset,
      89             :                               const sal_Int32 nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode );
      90             : 
      91             :     // Iterates all Lines and sets the line spacing using the attribute
      92             :     void CalcLineSpace();
      93             : 
      94             :     // Only called in Format
      95             :     void AdjustFrm( const SwTwips nChgHeight, bool bHasToFit = false );
      96             : 
      97             :     // Evaluates the Preps in Format()
      98             :     bool CalcPreps();
      99             :     void PrepWidows( const sal_uInt16 nNeed, bool bNotify = true );
     100             :     void _InvalidateRange( const SwCharRange &, const long = 0);
     101             :     inline void InvalidateRange( const SwCharRange &, const long = 0);
     102             : 
     103             :     // WidowsAndOrphans, AdjustFrm, AdjustFollow
     104             :     void FormatAdjust( SwTextFormatter &rLine, WidowsAndOrphans &rFrmBreak,
     105             :                        const sal_Int32 nStrLen, const bool bDummy );
     106             : 
     107             :     bool bLocked        : 1;        // In the Format?
     108             :     bool bWidow         : 1;        // Are we a Widow?
     109             :     bool bJustWidow     : 1;        // Did we just request to be a Widow?
     110             :     bool bEmpty         : 1;        // Are we an empty paragraph?
     111             :     bool bInFootnoteConnect  : 1;        // Is in Connect at the moment
     112             :     bool bFootnote           : 1;        // Has at least one footnote
     113             :     bool bRepaint       : 1;        // TextFrm: Repaint is ready to be fetched
     114             :     bool bBlinkPor      : 1;        // Contains Blink Portions
     115             :     bool bFieldFollow   : 1;        // Start with Field rest of the Master
     116             :     bool bHasAnimation  : 1;        // Contains animated SwGrfNumPortion
     117             :     bool bIsSwapped     : 1;        // during text formatting we swap the
     118             :                                     // width and height for vertical formatting
     119             :     // OD 14.03.2003 #i11760# - flag to control, if follow is formatted in
     120             :     // method <CalcFollow(..)>.
     121             :     // E.g., avoid formatting of follow, if method <SwLayoutFrm::FormatWidthCols(..)>
     122             :     // is running.
     123             :     bool mbFollowFormatAllowed : 1;
     124             : 
     125             :     void ResetPreps();
     126       74101 :     inline void Lock() { bLocked = true; }
     127       73517 :     inline void Unlock() { bLocked = false; }
     128       16065 :     inline void SetWidow( const bool bNew ) { bWidow = bNew; }
     129          17 :     inline void SetJustWidow( const bool bNew ) { bJustWidow = bNew; }
     130       67352 :     inline void SetEmpty( const bool bNew ) { bEmpty = bNew; }
     131        1142 :     inline void SetFieldFollow( const bool bNew ) { bFieldFollow = bNew; }
     132             : 
     133             :     bool IsIdxInside( const sal_Int32 nPos, const sal_Int32 nLen ) const;
     134             : 
     135             :     // Changes the Frame or not (cf. FlyCnt)
     136             :     bool _GetCrsrOfst(SwPosition *pPos, const Point &rPoint,
     137             :                       const bool bChgFrm, SwCrsrMoveState* = 0 ) const;
     138             :     void FillCrsrPos( SwFillData &rFill ) const;
     139             : 
     140             :     // Format exactly one Line
     141             :     bool FormatLine( SwTextFormatter &rLine, const bool bPrev );
     142             : 
     143             :     // In order to safe stack space, we split this method:
     144             :     // _Format calls _Format with parameters
     145             :     void _Format( SwParaPortion *pPara );
     146             :     void _Format( SwTextFormatter &rLine, SwTextFormatInfo &rInf,
     147             :                   const bool bAdjust = false );
     148             :     void FormatOnceMore( SwTextFormatter &rLine, SwTextFormatInfo &rInf );
     149             : 
     150             :     // Formats the Follow and ensures disposing on orphans
     151             :     bool CalcFollow(  const sal_Int32 nTextOfst );
     152             : 
     153             :     // Corrects the position from which we need to format
     154             :     static sal_Int32 FindBrk(const OUString &rText, const sal_Int32 nStart,
     155             :                                        const sal_Int32 nEnd);
     156             : 
     157             :     // inline branch
     158             :     SwTwips _GetFootnoteFrmHeight() const;
     159             : 
     160             :     // Outsourced to CalcPreps
     161             :     bool CalcPrepFootnoteAdjust();
     162             : 
     163             :     // For Footnote and WidOrp: Forced validation
     164             :     void ValidateFrm();
     165             :     void ValidateBodyFrm();
     166             : 
     167             :     bool _GetDropRect( SwRect &rRect ) const;
     168             : 
     169             :     void SetPara( SwParaPortion *pNew, bool bDelete = true );
     170             : 
     171             :     bool _IsFootnoteNumFrm() const;
     172             : 
     173             :     // Refresh formatting information
     174             :     bool FormatQuick( bool bForceQuickFormat );
     175             : 
     176             :     // Opt: Format empty paragraphs
     177             :     bool FormatEmpty();
     178             :     SwTwips EmptyHeight() const;
     179             : 
     180             :     // Opt: Paint empty paragraphs
     181             :     bool PaintEmpty( const SwRect &, bool bCheck ) const;
     182             : 
     183             :     void ChgThisLines(); // Must always be called if the Line count could have changed
     184             : 
     185             :     // required for 'new' relative anchor position
     186             :     void CalcBaseOfstForFly();
     187             : 
     188             :     /** method to determine height of last line, needed for proportional line spacing
     189             : 
     190             :         OD 2004-03-17 #i11860#
     191             :         OD 2005-05-20 #i47162# - introduce new optional parameter <_bUseFont>
     192             :         in order to force the usage of the former algorithm to determine the
     193             :         height of the last line, which uses the font.
     194             : 
     195             :         @param _bUseFont
     196             :         optional input parameter - boolean indicating, if the font has to be
     197             :         used to determine the height of the last line. default value: false
     198             :     */
     199             :     void _CalcHeightOfLastLine( const bool _bUseFont = false );
     200             : 
     201             :     // ST2
     202             :     SwWrongList* _SmartTagScan ( const OUString& aTextToScan, SwWrongList *pSmartTagList,
     203             :                                  sal_Int32 nBegin,sal_Int32 nEnd,
     204             :                                  sal_Int32 nInsertPos, sal_Int32 nActPos,
     205             :                                  sal_Int32 &nChgStart, sal_Int32 &nChgEnd,
     206             :                                  sal_Int32 &nInvStart, sal_Int32 &nInvEnd);
     207             : 
     208             :     virtual void DestroyImpl() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     209             :     virtual ~SwTextFrm();
     210             : 
     211             : protected:
     212             :     virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     213             : 
     214             : public:
     215             : 
     216             :     com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop >  GetTabStopInfo( SwTwips CurrentPos ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     217             : 
     218             :     /**
     219             :      * This is public, as it needs to be called by some methods in order to save the Prepare
     220             :      * USE WITH CAUTION!
     221             :      */
     222             :     void Init();
     223             : 
     224             :     /// Is called by FormatSpelling()
     225             :     SwRect _AutoSpell( const SwContentNode*, sal_Int32 );
     226             : 
     227             :     /// Is called by FormatSpelling()
     228             :     SwRect SmartTagScan( SwContentNode* , sal_Int32 );
     229             : 
     230             :     /// Is called by CollectAutoCmplWords()
     231             :     void CollectAutoCmplWrds( SwContentNode* , sal_Int32 );
     232             : 
     233             :     /**
     234             :      * Returns the screen position of rPos. The values are relative to the upper
     235             :      * left position of the page frame.
     236             :      * Additional information can be obtained by passing an SwCrsrMoveState object.
     237             :      * Returns false if rPos > number of character is string
     238             :      */
     239             :     virtual bool GetCharRect( SwRect& rRect, const SwPosition& rPos,
     240             :                                 SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS = 0 ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     241             : 
     242             :     /// A slimmer version of GetCharRect for autopositioning Frames
     243             :     bool GetAutoPos( SwRect &, const SwPosition& ) const;
     244             : 
     245             :     /**
     246             :      * Determine top of line for given position in the text frame
     247             :      *
     248             :      * OD 11.11.2003 #i22341#
     249             :      * Assumption: given position exists in the text frame or in a follow of it
     250             :      * OD 2004-02-02 - adjustment
     251             :      * Top of first paragraph line is the top of the paragraph.
     252             :      * OD 2004-03-18 #i11860# - Consider upper space amount considered for
     253             :      * previous frame and the page grid.
     254             :      *
     255             :      * @param _onTopOfLine
     256             :      * output parameter - top of line, if the given position is found in the
     257             :      * text frame.
     258             :      *
     259             :      * @param _rPos
     260             :      * input parameter - reference to the position in the text frame
     261             :      *
     262             :      * @return boolean indicating, if the top of line for the given position
     263             :      * has been determined or not.
     264             :      */
     265             :     bool GetTopOfLine( SwTwips& _onTopOfLine,
     266             :                        const SwPosition& _rPos ) const;
     267             : 
     268             :     virtual bool FillSelection( SwSelectionList& rList, const SwRect& rRect ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     269             : 
     270             :     /**
     271             :      * In nOffset returns the offset of the char within the set
     272             :      * text buffer, which is closest to the position provided by
     273             :      * aPoint within the layout's SSize.
     274             :      *
     275             :      * @returns false if the SPoint is outside of the SSize else
     276             :      *          returns true
     277             :      */
     278             :     virtual bool GetCrsrOfst( SwPosition *, Point&,
     279             :                                   SwCrsrMoveState* = 0, bool bTestBackground = false ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     280             : 
     281             :     /**
     282             :      * Makes sure that the Frame is not switched (e.g. switched for a
     283             :      * character-bound Frame)
     284             :      */
     285           0 :     inline bool GetKeyCrsrOfst(SwPosition *pPos, const Point &rPoint ) const
     286           0 :             { return _GetCrsrOfst( pPos, rPoint, false ); }
     287             : 
     288             :     void   PaintExtraData( const SwRect & rRect ) const; /// Page number etc.
     289             :     SwRect Paint();
     290             :     virtual void Paint( SwRect const&,
     291             :                         SwPrintData const*const pPrintData = NULL ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     292             :     virtual bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem & ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     293             : 
     294             :     /**
     295             :      * Layout oriented cursor travelling:
     296             :      * Left border, right border, previous Line, following Line,
     297             :      * same horizontal position
     298             :      */
     299             :     virtual bool LeftMargin(SwPaM *) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     300             :     virtual bool RightMargin(SwPaM *, bool bAPI = false) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     301             : 
     302             :     virtual bool UnitUp(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
     303             :                             bool bSetInReadOnly = false ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     304             :     virtual bool UnitDown(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
     305             :                             bool bSetInReadOnly = false ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     306             :     bool _UnitUp(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
     307             :                             bool bSetInReadOnly = false ) const;
     308             :     bool _UnitDown(SwPaM *, const SwTwips nOffset = 0,
     309             :                             bool bSetInReadOnly = false ) const;
     310             : 
     311             :     /**
     312             :      * Prepares the cursor position for a visual cursor move (BiDi).
     313             :      * The behaviour is different for insert and overwrite cursors
     314             :      */
     315             :     void PrepareVisualMove( sal_Int32& nPos, sal_uInt8& nCrsrLevel,
     316             :                             bool& bRight, bool bInsertCrsr );
     317             : 
     318             :     /// Methods to manage the FollowFrame
     319             :     SwContentFrm *SplitFrm( const sal_Int32 nTextPos );
     320             :     SwContentFrm *JoinFrm();
     321      553678 :     inline sal_Int32  GetOfst() const { return nOfst; }
     322             :            void        _SetOfst( const sal_Int32 nNewOfst );
     323             :     inline void        SetOfst ( const sal_Int32 nNewOfst );
     324        4699 :     inline void        ManipOfst ( const sal_Int32 nNewOfst ){ nOfst = nNewOfst; }
     325             :            SwTextFrm   *GetFrmAtPos ( const SwPosition &rPos);
     326             :     inline const SwTextFrm *GetFrmAtPos ( const SwPosition &rPos) const;
     327             :     SwTextFrm&   GetFrmAtOfst( const sal_Int32 nOfst );
     328             :     /// If there's a Follow and we don't contain text ourselves
     329       58113 :     inline bool IsEmptyMaster() const
     330       58113 :         { return GetFollow() && !GetFollow()->GetOfst(); }
     331             : 
     332             :     /// Returns the text portion we want to edit (for inline see underneath)
     333             :     const OUString& GetText() const;
     334    51751074 :     inline SwTextNode *GetTextNode()
     335    51751074 :         { return static_cast< SwTextNode* >( SwContentFrm::GetNode()); }
     336     2926439 :     inline const SwTextNode *GetTextNode() const
     337     2926439 :         { return static_cast< const SwTextNode* >( SwContentFrm::GetNode()); }
     338             : 
     339             :     SwTextFrm(SwTextNode * const, SwFrm* );
     340             : 
     341             :     /**
     342             :      * SwContentFrm: the shortcut for the Frames
     343             :      * If the void* casts wrongly, it's its own fault!
     344             :      * The void* must be checked for 0 in any case!
     345             :      *
     346             :      * return true if the Portion associated with this SwTxtFrm was
     347             :      * potentially destroyed and replaced by Prepare
     348             :      */
     349             :     virtual bool Prepare( const PrepareHint ePrep = PREP_CLEAR,
     350             :                           const void *pVoid = 0, bool bNotify = true ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     351             : 
     352             :     /**
     353             :      * nMaxHeight is the required height
     354             :      * bSplit indicates, that the paragraph has to be split
     355             :      * bTst indicates, that we are currently doing a test formatting
     356             :      */
     357             :     virtual bool WouldFit( SwTwips &nMaxHeight, bool &bSplit, bool bTst ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     358             : 
     359             :     /**
     360             :      * The WouldFit equivalent for temporarily rewired TextFrames
     361             :      * nMaxHeight returns the required size here too and bSplit
     362             :      * determines whether the paragraph needs to be split.
     363             :      * We pass the potential predecessor for the distance calculation
     364             :      */
     365             :     bool TestFormat( const SwFrm* pPrv, SwTwips &nMaxHeight, bool &bSplit );
     366             : 
     367             :     /**
     368             :      * We format a Line for interactive hyphenation
     369             :      * @return found
     370             :      */
     371             :     bool Hyphenate( SwInterHyphInfo &rInf );
     372             : 
     373             :     /// Test grow
     374             :     inline SwTwips GrowTst( const SwTwips nGrow );
     375             : 
     376             :     SwParaPortion *GetPara();
     377             :     inline const SwParaPortion *GetPara() const;
     378             :     inline bool HasPara() const;
     379             :     bool _HasPara() const;
     380             : 
     381             :     // If there are any hanging punctuation portions in the margin
     382             :     // the offset will be returned.
     383             :     SwTwips HangingMargin() const;
     384             : 
     385             :     // RTTI
     386             :     TYPEINFO_OVERRIDE();
     387       73128 :     DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL(SwTextFrm)
     388             : 
     389             :     // Locking
     390      505205 :     inline bool IsLocked()      const { return bLocked;     }
     391             : 
     392       47673 :     inline bool IsWidow()       const { return bWidow;      }
     393          76 :     inline bool IsJustWidow()   const { return bJustWidow;  }
     394      374657 :     inline bool IsEmpty()       const { return bEmpty;      }
     395      111524 :     inline bool HasFootnote()        const { return bFootnote;        }
     396         514 :     inline bool IsInFootnoteConnect()const { return bInFootnoteConnect;}
     397        2546 :     inline bool IsFieldFollow() const { return bFieldFollow;}
     398             : 
     399             :     inline void SetRepaint() const;
     400             :     inline void ResetRepaint() const;
     401        6292 :     inline bool HasRepaint() const { return bRepaint; }
     402             :     inline void SetBlinkPor() const;
     403             :     inline void ResetBlinkPor() const;
     404       18377 :     inline bool HasBlinkPor() const { return bBlinkPor; }
     405           0 :     inline void SetAnimation() const
     406           0 :         { const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->bHasAnimation = true; }
     407        2982 :     inline bool HasAnimation() const { return bHasAnimation; }
     408             : 
     409      826461 :     inline bool IsSwapped() const { return bIsSwapped; }
     410             : 
     411             :     /// Does the Frm have a local footnote (in this Frm or Follow)?
     412             : #ifdef DBG_UTIL
     413             :     void CalcFootnoteFlag( sal_Int32 nStop = COMPLETE_STRING ); //For testing SplitFrm
     414             : #else
     415             :     void CalcFootnoteFlag();
     416             : #endif
     417             : 
     418             :     /// Hidden
     419             :     bool IsHiddenNow() const;       // bHidden && pOut == pPrt
     420             :     void HideHidden();              // Remove appendage if Hidden
     421             :     void HideFootnotes( sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd );
     422             : 
     423             :     /**
     424             :      * Hides respectively shows objects, which are anchored at paragraph,
     425             :      * at/as a character of the paragraph, corresponding to the paragraph and
     426             :      * paragraph portion visibility.
     427             :      */
     428             :     void HideAndShowObjects();
     429             : 
     430             :     /// Footnote
     431             :     void RemoveFootnote( const sal_Int32 nStart = 0,
     432             :                     const sal_Int32 nLen = COMPLETE_STRING );
     433             :     inline SwTwips GetFootnoteFrmHeight() const;
     434             :     SwTextFrm *FindFootnoteRef( const SwTextFootnote *pFootnote );
     435             :     inline const SwTextFrm *FindFootnoteRef( const SwTextFootnote *pFootnote ) const
     436             :     { return const_cast<SwTextFrm *>(this)->FindFootnoteRef( pFootnote ); }
     437             :     void ConnectFootnote( SwTextFootnote *pFootnote, const SwTwips nDeadLine );
     438             : 
     439             :     /**
     440             :      * If we're a Footnote that grows towards its reference ...
     441             :      * public, because it's needed by SwContentFrm::MakeAll
     442             :      */
     443             :     SwTwips GetFootnoteLine( const SwTextFootnote *pFootnote ) const;
     444             : 
     445             :     /**
     446             :      * Returns the left and the right margin document coordinates
     447             :      * (taking the paragraph attributes into account)
     448             :      */
     449             :     inline SwTwips GetLeftMargin() const;
     450             :     inline SwTwips GetRightMargin() const;
     451             : 
     452             :     virtual void Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = 0 ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     453             :     virtual void CheckDirection( bool bVert ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     454             : 
     455             :     /// Returns the sum of line height in pLine
     456             :     sal_uInt16 GetParHeight() const;
     457             : 
     458             :     /// Returns the remaining height
     459             :     inline SwTwips GetRstHeight() const;
     460             : 
     461             :     inline       SwTextFrm *GetFollow();
     462             :     inline const SwTextFrm *GetFollow() const;
     463             : 
     464             :     /// Find the page number of ErgoSum and QuoVadis
     465             :     SwTextFrm *FindQuoVadisFrm();
     466             : 
     467             :     /**
     468             :      * Makes up for formatting if the Idle Handler has struck
     469             :      *
     470             :      * #i29062# GetFormatted() can trigger a full formatting
     471             :      * of the paragraph, causing other layout frames to become invalid. This
     472             :      * has to be avoided during painting. Therefore we need to pass the
     473             :      * information that we are currently in the paint process.
     474             :      */
     475             :     SwTextFrm* GetFormatted( bool bForceQuickFormat = false );
     476             : 
     477             :     /// Will be moved soon
     478         564 :     inline void SetFootnote( const bool bNew ) { bFootnote = bNew; }
     479             : 
     480             :     /// Respect the Follows
     481             :     inline bool IsInside( const sal_Int32 nPos ) const;
     482             : 
     483             :     const SwBodyFrm   *FindBodyFrm()   const;
     484             : 
     485             :     /// DropCaps and selections
     486        1145 :     inline bool GetDropRect( SwRect &rRect ) const
     487        1145 :     { return HasPara() && _GetDropRect( rRect ); }
     488             : 
     489    54835036 :     static SwCache *GetTextCache() { return pTextCache; }
     490          59 :     static void     SetTextCache( SwCache *pNew ) { pTextCache = pNew; }
     491             : 
     492       13816 :     static long GetMinPrtLine() { return nMinPrtLine; }
     493             :     static void SetMinPrtLine( long nNew ) { nMinPrtLine = nNew; }
     494             : 
     495     2180500 :     inline sal_uInt16 GetCacheIdx() const { return nCacheIdx; }
     496       41711 :     inline void   SetCacheIdx( const sal_uInt16 nNew ) { nCacheIdx = nNew; }
     497             : 
     498             :     /// Removes the Line information from the Cache
     499             :     void ClearPara();
     500             : 
     501             :     /// Am I a FootnoteFrm, with a number at the start of the paragraph?
     502       57296 :     inline bool IsFootnoteNumFrm() const
     503       57296 :     { return IsInFootnote() && !GetIndPrev() && _IsFootnoteNumFrm(); }
     504             : 
     505             :     /**
     506             :      * Simulates a formatting as if there were not right margin or Flys or other
     507             :      * obstacles and returns the width
     508             :      */
     509             :     SwTwips CalcFitToContent();
     510             : 
     511             :     /**
     512             :      * Simulate format for a list item paragraph, whose list level attributes
     513             :      * are in LABEL_ALIGNMENT mode, in order to determine additional first
     514             :      * line offset for the real text formatting due to the value of label
     515             :      * adjustment attribute of the list level.
     516             :      */
     517             :     void CalcAdditionalFirstLineOffset();
     518             : 
     519      168603 :     inline SwTwips GetAdditionalFirstLineOffset() const
     520             :     {
     521      168603 :         return mnAdditionalFirstLineOffset;
     522             :     }
     523             : 
     524             :     /**
     525             :      * Returns the additional line spacing for the next paragraph
     526             :      * @param _bNoPropLineSpacing: control, whether the value of a
     527             :      *        proportional line spacing is returned or not
     528             :      */
     529             :     long GetLineSpace( const bool _bNoPropLineSpacing = false ) const;
     530             : 
     531             :     /// Returns the first line height
     532             :     sal_uInt16 FirstLineHeight() const;
     533             : 
     534             :     /// Rewires FlyInCntFrm, if nEnd > Index >= nStart
     535             :     void MoveFlyInCnt( SwTextFrm *pNew, sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd );
     536             : 
     537             :     /// Calculates the position of FlyInCntFrms
     538             :     sal_Int32 CalcFlyPos( SwFrameFormat* pSearch );
     539             : 
     540             :     /// Determines the start position and step size of the register
     541             :     bool FillRegister( SwTwips& rRegStart, sal_uInt16& rRegDiff );
     542             : 
     543             :     /// Determines the line count
     544             :     sal_uInt16 GetLineCount( sal_Int32 nPos );
     545             : 
     546             :     /// For displaying the line numbers
     547       83939 :     sal_uLong GetAllLines()  const { return nAllLines; }
     548       26137 :     sal_uLong GetThisLines() const { return nThisLines;}
     549             :     void RecalcAllLines();
     550             : 
     551             :     /// Stops the animations within numberings
     552             :     void StopAnimation( OutputDevice *pOut );
     553             : 
     554             :     /// Visit all portions for Accessibility
     555             :     void VisitPortions( SwPortionHandler& rPH ) const;
     556             : 
     557             :     /// Returns the script info stored at the paraportion
     558             :     const SwScriptInfo* GetScriptInfo() const;
     559             : 
     560             :     /// Swaps width and height of the text frame
     561             :     void SwapWidthAndHeight();
     562             : 
     563             :     /**
     564             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
     565             :      * horizontal to vertical layout
     566             :      */
     567             :     void SwitchHorizontalToVertical( SwRect& rRect ) const;
     568             : 
     569             :     /**
     570             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
     571             :      * horizontal to vertical layout
     572             :      */
     573             :     void SwitchHorizontalToVertical( Point& rPoint ) const;
     574             : 
     575             :     /**
     576             :      * Calculates the a limit value when switching from
     577             :      * horizontal to vertical layout
     578             :      */
     579             :     long SwitchHorizontalToVertical( long nLimit ) const;
     580             : 
     581             :     /**
     582             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
     583             :      * vertical to horizontal layout
     584             :      */
     585             :     void SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( SwRect& rRect ) const;
     586             : 
     587             :     /**
     588             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
     589             :      * vertical to horizontal layout
     590             :      */
     591             :     void SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( Point& rPoint ) const;
     592             : 
     593             :     /**
     594             :      * Calculates the a limit value when switching from
     595             :      * vertical to horizontal layout
     596             :      */
     597             :     long SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( long nLimit ) const;
     598             : 
     599             :     /**
     600             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
     601             :      * LTR to RTL layout
     602             :      */
     603             :     void SwitchLTRtoRTL( SwRect& rRect ) const;
     604             : 
     605             :     /**
     606             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
     607             :      * LTR to RTL layout
     608             :      */
     609             :     void SwitchLTRtoRTL( Point& rPoint ) const;
     610             : 
     611             :     /**
     612             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a rectangle when switching from
     613             :      * RTL to LTR layout
     614             :      */
     615          36 :     inline void SwitchRTLtoLTR( SwRect& rRect ) const { SwitchLTRtoRTL( rRect ); }
     616             : 
     617             :     /**
     618             :      * Calculates the coordinates of a point when switching from
     619             :      * RTL to LTR layout
     620             :      */
     621           0 :     inline void SwitchRTLtoLTR( Point& rPoint ) const { SwitchLTRtoRTL( rPoint ); };
     622             : 
     623        1875 :     inline bool FollowFormatAllowed() const
     624             :     {
     625        1875 :         return mbFollowFormatAllowed;
     626             :     }
     627             : 
     628        6501 :     inline void AllowFollowFormat()
     629             :     {
     630        6501 :         mbFollowFormatAllowed = true;
     631        6501 :     }
     632             : 
     633         994 :     inline void ForbidFollowFormat()
     634             :     {
     635         994 :         mbFollowFormatAllowed = false;
     636         994 :     }
     637             : 
     638      282832 :     SwTwips GetBaseOfstForFly( bool bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame ) const
     639             :     {
     640             :         return ( bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame ?
     641             :                  mnFlyAnchorOfst :
     642      282832 :                  mnFlyAnchorOfstNoWrap );
     643             :     }
     644             : 
     645       29037 :     inline SwTwips GetHeightOfLastLine() const
     646             :     {
     647       29037 :         return mnHeightOfLastLine;
     648             :     }
     649             : 
     650             :     static void repaintTextFrames( const SwTextNode& rNode );
     651             : 
     652             :     virtual void dumpAsXmlAttributes(xmlTextWriterPtr writer) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     653             : };
     654             : 
     655             : //use this to protect a SwTextFrm for a given scope from getting merged with
     656             : //its neighbour and thus deleted
     657             : class TextFrmLockGuard
     658             : {
     659             : private:
     660             :     SwTextFrm *m_pTextFrm;
     661             :     bool m_bOldLocked;
     662             : public:
     663             :     //Lock pFrm for the lifetime of the Cut/Paste call, etc. to avoid
     664             :     //SwTextFrm::_AdjustFollow removing the pFrm we're trying to Make
     665       74101 :     TextFrmLockGuard(SwFrm* pFrm)
     666             :     {
     667       74101 :         m_pTextFrm = pFrm->IsTextFrm() ? static_cast<SwTextFrm*>(pFrm) : 0;
     668       74101 :         if (m_pTextFrm)
     669             :         {
     670       74101 :             m_bOldLocked = m_pTextFrm->IsLocked();
     671       74101 :             m_pTextFrm->Lock();
     672             :         }
     673             :         else
     674             :         {
     675           0 :             m_bOldLocked = false;
     676             :         }
     677       74101 :     }
     678             : 
     679       74101 :     ~TextFrmLockGuard()
     680             :     {
     681       74101 :         if (m_pTextFrm && !m_bOldLocked)
     682       73517 :             m_pTextFrm->Unlock();
     683       74101 :     }
     684             : };
     685             : 
     686      148395 : inline const SwParaPortion *SwTextFrm::GetPara() const
     687             : {
     688      148395 :     return const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->GetPara();
     689             : }
     690             : 
     691      599633 : inline bool SwTextFrm::HasPara() const
     692             : {
     693      599633 :     return nCacheIdx!=USHRT_MAX && _HasPara();
     694             : }
     695             : 
     696             : /// 9104: Frm().Height() - Prt().Height(), see widorp.cxx and 7455, 6114, 7908
     697             : inline SwTwips SwTextFrm::GetRstHeight() const
     698             : {
     699             :     return !GetUpper() ? 0 : static_cast<const SwFrm*>(GetUpper())->Frm().Top()
     700             :                            + static_cast<const SwFrm*>(GetUpper())->Prt().Top()
     701             :                            + static_cast<const SwFrm*>(GetUpper())->Prt().Height()
     702             :                            - Frm().Top() - (Frm().Height() - Prt().Height());
     703             : }
     704             : 
     705             : inline SwTwips SwTextFrm::GetLeftMargin() const
     706             : {
     707             :     return Frm().Left() + Prt().Left();
     708             : }
     709             : inline SwTwips SwTextFrm::GetRightMargin() const
     710             : {
     711             :     return Frm().Left() + Prt().Left() + Prt().Width();
     712             : }
     713        6389 : inline SwTwips SwTextFrm::GrowTst( const SwTwips nGrow )
     714             : {
     715        6389 :     return Grow( nGrow, true );
     716             : }
     717             : 
     718          11 : inline bool SwTextFrm::IsInside( const sal_Int32 nPos ) const
     719             : {
     720          11 :     bool bRet = true;
     721          11 :     if( nPos < GetOfst() )
     722           0 :         bRet = false;
     723             :     else
     724             :     {
     725          11 :         const SwTextFrm *pFoll = GetFollow();
     726          11 :         if( pFoll && nPos >= pFoll->GetOfst() )
     727           0 :             bRet = false;
     728             :     }
     729          11 :     return bRet;
     730             : }
     731             : 
     732         392 : inline SwTwips SwTextFrm::GetFootnoteFrmHeight() const
     733             : {
     734         392 :     if(  !IsFollow() && IsInFootnote() && HasPara() )
     735         392 :         return _GetFootnoteFrmHeight();
     736             :     else
     737           0 :         return 0;
     738             : }
     739             : 
     740       82954 : inline const SwTextFrm *SwTextFrm::GetFollow() const
     741             : {
     742       82954 :     return static_cast<const SwTextFrm*>(SwContentFrm::GetFollow());
     743             : }
     744      614385 : inline SwTextFrm *SwTextFrm::GetFollow()
     745             : {
     746      614385 :     return static_cast<SwTextFrm*>(SwContentFrm::GetFollow());
     747             : }
     748             : 
     749             : inline const SwTextFrm *SwTextFrm::GetFrmAtPos( const SwPosition &rPos) const
     750             : {
     751             :     return const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->GetFrmAtPos( rPos );
     752             : }
     753             : 
     754             : inline void SwTextFrm::AdjustFollow( SwTextFormatter &rLine,
     755             :     const sal_Int32 nOffset, const sal_Int32 nStrEnd, const sal_uInt8 nMode )
     756             : {
     757             :     if ( HasFollow() )
     758             :         _AdjustFollow( rLine, nOffset, nStrEnd, nMode );
     759             : }
     760             : 
     761          26 : inline void SwTextFrm::SetOfst( const sal_Int32 nNewOfst )
     762             : {
     763          26 :     if ( nOfst != nNewOfst )
     764          26 :         _SetOfst( nNewOfst );
     765          26 : }
     766             : 
     767       46435 : inline void SwTextFrm::SetRepaint() const
     768             : {
     769       46435 :     const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->bRepaint = true;
     770       46435 : }
     771       28664 : inline void SwTextFrm::ResetRepaint() const
     772             : {
     773       28664 :     const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->bRepaint = false;
     774       28664 : }
     775             : 
     776          54 : inline void SwTextFrm::SetBlinkPor() const
     777             : {
     778          54 :     const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->bBlinkPor = true;
     779          54 : }
     780       15371 : inline void SwTextFrm::ResetBlinkPor() const
     781             : {
     782       15371 :     const_cast<SwTextFrm*>(this)->bBlinkPor = false;
     783       15371 : }
     784             : 
     785             : class TemporarySwap {
     786             : protected:
     787      826427 :     explicit TemporarySwap(SwTextFrm * frame, bool swap):
     788      826427 :         frame_(frame), undo_(false)
     789             :     {
     790      826427 :         if (frame_->IsVertical() && swap) {
     791          28 :             undo_ = true;
     792          28 :             frame_->SwapWidthAndHeight();
     793             :         }
     794      826427 :     }
     795             : 
     796      826427 :     ~TemporarySwap() {
     797      826427 :         if (undo_) {
     798          28 :             frame_->SwapWidthAndHeight();
     799             :         }
     800      826427 :     }
     801             : 
     802             : private:
     803             :     TemporarySwap(TemporarySwap &) = delete;
     804             :     void operator =(TemporarySwap &) = delete;
     805             : 
     806             :     SwTextFrm * frame_;
     807             :     bool undo_;
     808             : };
     809             : 
     810      752640 : class SWAP_IF_SWAPPED: private TemporarySwap {
     811             : public:
     812      752640 :     explicit SWAP_IF_SWAPPED(SwTextFrm * frame):
     813      752640 :         TemporarySwap(frame, frame->IsSwapped()) {}
     814             : };
     815             : 
     816       73787 : class SWAP_IF_NOT_SWAPPED: private TemporarySwap {
     817             : public:
     818       73787 :     explicit SWAP_IF_NOT_SWAPPED(SwTextFrm * frame):
     819       73787 :         TemporarySwap(frame, !frame->IsSwapped()) {}
     820             : };
     821             : 
     822             : /**
     823             :  * Helper class which can be used instead of the macros if a function
     824             :  * has too many returns
     825             :  */
     826             : class SwFrmSwapper
     827             : {
     828             :     const SwTextFrm* pFrm;
     829             :     bool bUndo;
     830             : public:
     831             :     SwFrmSwapper( const SwTextFrm* pFrm, bool bSwapIfNotSwapped );
     832             :     ~SwFrmSwapper();
     833             : };
     834             : 
     835             : class SwLayoutModeModifier
     836             : {
     837             :     const OutputDevice& rOut;
     838             :     ComplexTextLayoutMode nOldLayoutMode;
     839             : public:
     840             :     SwLayoutModeModifier( const OutputDevice& rOutp );
     841             :     ~SwLayoutModeModifier();
     842             :     void Modify( bool bChgToRTL );
     843             :     void SetAuto();
     844             : };
     845             : 
     846             : class SwDigitModeModifier
     847             : {
     848             :     const OutputDevice& rOut;
     849             :     LanguageType nOldLanguageType;
     850             : public:
     851             :     SwDigitModeModifier( const OutputDevice& rOutp, LanguageType eCurLang );
     852             :     ~SwDigitModeModifier();
     853             : };
     854             : 
     855             : #endif
     856             : 
     857             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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