Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
20 : #include "ConnectionPage.hxx"
21 : #include "DbAdminImpl.hxx"
22 : #include "DriverSettings.hxx"
23 : #include "adminpages.hxx"
24 : #include "dbadmin.hxx"
25 : #include "dbu_dlg.hrc"
26 : #include <svl/stritem.hxx>
27 : #include <svl/eitem.hxx>
28 : #include <svl/intitem.hxx>
29 : #include "dbustrings.hrc"
30 : #include "dsitems.hxx"
31 : #include "dsnItem.hxx"
32 : #include "localresaccess.hxx"
33 : #include "optionalboolitem.hxx"
34 : #include "propertysetitem.hxx"
35 : #include "stringlistitem.hxx"
36 :
37 : #include <unotools/confignode.hxx>
38 : #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
39 :
40 : namespace dbaui
41 : {
42 : using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
43 : using namespace com::sun::star::sdbc;
44 : using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
45 : using namespace com::sun::star::util;
46 : using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
47 : using namespace com::sun::star::container;
48 :
49 : // ODbAdminDialog
50 0 : ODbAdminDialog::ODbAdminDialog(vcl::Window* _pParent
51 : , SfxItemSet* _pItems
52 : , const Reference< XComponentContext >& _rxContext)
53 : : SfxTabDialog(_pParent, "AdminDialog",
54 : "dbaccess/ui/admindialog.ui", _pItems)
55 : , m_bApplied(false)
56 0 : , m_bUIEnabled(true)
57 : {
58 0 : m_pImpl.reset(new ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper(_rxContext,this,this));
59 :
60 : // add the initial tab page
61 0 : m_nMainPageID = AddTabPage("advanced", OConnectionTabPage::Create, NULL);
62 :
63 : // remove the reset button - it's meaning is much too ambiguous in this dialog
64 0 : RemoveResetButton();
65 0 : }
66 :
67 0 : ODbAdminDialog::~ODbAdminDialog()
68 : {
69 0 : SetInputSet(NULL);
70 0 : DELETEZ(pExampleSet);
71 :
72 0 : }
73 :
74 0 : short ODbAdminDialog::Ok()
75 : {
76 0 : SfxTabDialog::Ok();
77 0 : disabledUI();
78 0 : return ( AR_LEAVE_MODIFIED == implApplyChanges() ) ? RET_OK : RET_CANCEL;
79 : // TODO : AR_ERROR is not handled correctly, we always close the dialog here
80 : }
81 :
82 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::PageCreated(sal_uInt16 _nId, SfxTabPage& _rPage)
83 : {
84 : // register ourself as modified listener
85 0 : static_cast<OGenericAdministrationPage&>(_rPage).SetServiceFactory( getORB() );
86 0 : static_cast<OGenericAdministrationPage&>(_rPage).SetAdminDialog(this,this);
87 :
88 0 : vcl::Window *pWin = GetViewWindow();
89 0 : if(pWin)
90 0 : pWin->Invalidate();
91 :
92 0 : SfxTabDialog::PageCreated(_nId, _rPage);
93 0 : }
94 :
95 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::addDetailPage(sal_uInt16 _nPageId, sal_uInt16 _nTextId, CreateTabPage _pCreateFunc)
96 : {
97 0 : AddTabPage(_nPageId, OUString(ModuleRes(_nTextId)), _pCreateFunc, NULL);
98 0 : m_aCurrentDetailPages.push(_nPageId);
99 0 : }
100 :
101 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::impl_selectDataSource(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _aDataSourceName)
102 : {
103 0 : m_pImpl->setDataSourceOrName(_aDataSourceName);
104 0 : Reference< XPropertySet > xDatasource = m_pImpl->getCurrentDataSource();
105 0 : impl_resetPages( xDatasource );
106 :
107 0 : const DbuTypeCollectionItem* pCollectionItem = PTR_CAST(DbuTypeCollectionItem, getOutputSet()->GetItem(DSID_TYPECOLLECTION));
108 0 : ::dbaccess::ODsnTypeCollection* pCollection = pCollectionItem->getCollection();
109 0 : ::dbaccess::DATASOURCE_TYPE eType = pCollection->determineType(getDatasourceType(*getOutputSet()));
110 :
111 : // and insert the new ones
112 0 : switch ( eType )
113 : {
114 : case ::dbaccess::DST_DBASE:
115 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_DBASE, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateDbase);
116 0 : break;
117 :
118 : case ::dbaccess::DST_ADO:
119 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_ADO, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateAdo);
120 0 : break;
121 :
122 : case ::dbaccess::DST_FLAT:
123 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_TEXT, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateText);
124 0 : break;
125 :
126 : case ::dbaccess::DST_ODBC:
127 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_ODBC, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateODBC);
128 0 : break;
129 :
130 : case ::dbaccess::DST_MYSQL_ODBC:
131 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_MYSQL_ODBC, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateMySQLODBC);
132 0 : break;
133 :
134 : case ::dbaccess::DST_MYSQL_JDBC:
135 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_MYSQL_JDBC, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateMySQLJDBC);
136 0 : break;
137 :
138 : case ::dbaccess::DST_ORACLE_JDBC:
139 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_ORACLE_JDBC, STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED, ODriversSettings::CreateOracleJDBC);
140 0 : break;
141 :
142 : case ::dbaccess::DST_LDAP:
143 0 : addDetailPage(PAGE_LDAP,STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED,ODriversSettings::CreateLDAP);
144 0 : break;
145 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE1: /// first user defined driver
146 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE2:
147 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE3:
148 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE4:
149 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE5:
150 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE6:
151 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE7:
152 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE8:
153 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE9:
154 : case ::dbaccess::DST_USERDEFINE10:
155 : {
156 0 : OUString aTitle(ModuleRes(STR_PAGETITLE_ADVANCED));
157 0 : AddTabPage(PAGE_USERDRIVER, aTitle, ODriversSettings::CreateUser, 0, false, 1);
158 0 : m_aCurrentDetailPages.push(PAGE_USERDRIVER);
159 : }
160 0 : break;
161 : default:
162 0 : break;
163 0 : }
164 0 : }
165 :
166 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::impl_resetPages(const Reference< XPropertySet >& _rxDatasource)
167 : {
168 : // the selection is valid if and only if we have a datasource now
169 0 : GetInputSetImpl()->Put(SfxBoolItem(DSID_INVALID_SELECTION, !;
170 : // (sal_False tells the tab pages to disable and reset all their controls, which is different
171 : // from "just set them to readonly")
172 :
173 : // reset the pages
174 :
175 : // prevent flicker
176 0 : SetUpdateMode(false);
177 :
178 : // remove all items which relate to indirect properties from the input set
179 : // (without this, the following may happen: select an arbitrary data source where some indirect properties
180 : // are set. Select another data source of the same type, where the indirect props are not set (yet). Then,
181 : // the indirect property values of the first ds are shown in the second ds ...)
182 0 : const ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper::MapInt2String& rMap = m_pImpl->getIndirectProperties();
183 0 : for ( ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper::MapInt2String::const_iterator aIndirect = rMap.begin();
184 0 : aIndirect != rMap.end();
185 : ++aIndirect
186 : )
187 0 : GetInputSetImpl()->ClearItem( (sal_uInt16)aIndirect->first );
188 :
189 : // extract all relevant data from the property set of the data source
190 0 : m_pImpl->translateProperties(_rxDatasource, *GetInputSetImpl());
191 :
192 : // propagate this set as our new input set and reset the example set
193 0 : SetInputSet(GetInputSetImpl());
194 0 : delete pExampleSet;
195 0 : pExampleSet = new SfxItemSet(*GetInputSetImpl());
196 :
197 : // special case: MySQL Native does not have the generic "advanced" page
198 :
199 0 : const DbuTypeCollectionItem* pCollectionItem = PTR_CAST(DbuTypeCollectionItem, getOutputSet()->GetItem(DSID_TYPECOLLECTION));
200 0 : ::dbaccess::ODsnTypeCollection* pCollection = pCollectionItem->getCollection();
201 0 : if ( pCollection->determineType(getDatasourceType( *pExampleSet )) == ::dbaccess::DST_MYSQL_NATIVE )
202 : {
203 0 : AddTabPage( PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE, OUString( ModuleRes( STR_PAGETITLE_CONNECTION ) ), ODriversSettings::CreateMySQLNATIVE, NULL );
204 0 : RemoveTabPage("advanced");
205 0 : m_nMainPageID = PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE;
206 : }
207 :
208 0 : ShowPage( m_nMainPageID );
209 0 : SfxTabPage* pConnectionPage = GetTabPage( m_nMainPageID );
210 0 : if ( pConnectionPage )
211 0 : pConnectionPage->Reset(GetInputSetImpl());
212 : // if this is NULL, the page has not been created yet, which means we're called before the
213 : // dialog was displayed (probably from inside the ctor)
214 :
215 0 : SetUpdateMode(true);
216 0 : }
217 :
218 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::setTitle(const OUString& _sTitle)
219 : {
220 0 : SetText(_sTitle);
221 0 : }
222 :
223 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::enableConfirmSettings( bool _bEnable )
224 : {
225 : (void)_bEnable;
226 0 : }
227 :
228 0 : bool ODbAdminDialog::saveDatasource()
229 : {
230 0 : return PrepareLeaveCurrentPage();
231 : }
232 :
233 0 : ODbAdminDialog::ApplyResult ODbAdminDialog::implApplyChanges()
234 : {
235 0 : if (!PrepareLeaveCurrentPage())
236 : { // the page did not allow us to leave
237 0 : return AR_KEEP;
238 : }
239 :
240 0 : if ( !m_pImpl->saveChanges(*pExampleSet) )
241 0 : return AR_KEEP;
242 :
243 0 : if ( isUIEnabled() )
244 0 : ShowPage(GetCurPageId());
245 : // This does the usual ActivatePage, so the pages can save their current status.
246 : // This way, next time they're asked what has changed since now and here, they really
247 : // can compare with the status they have _now_ (not the one they had before this apply call).
248 :
249 0 : m_bApplied = true;
250 :
251 0 : return AR_LEAVE_MODIFIED;
252 : }
253 :
254 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::selectDataSource(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _aDataSourceName)
255 : {
256 0 : impl_selectDataSource(_aDataSourceName);
257 0 : }
258 :
259 0 : const SfxItemSet* ODbAdminDialog::getOutputSet() const
260 : {
261 0 : return GetExampleSet();
262 : }
263 :
264 0 : SfxItemSet* ODbAdminDialog::getWriteOutputSet()
265 : {
266 0 : return pExampleSet;
267 : }
268 :
269 0 : ::std::pair< Reference<XConnection>,sal_Bool> ODbAdminDialog::createConnection()
270 : {
271 0 : return m_pImpl->createConnection();
272 : }
273 :
274 0 : Reference< XComponentContext > ODbAdminDialog::getORB() const
275 : {
276 0 : return m_pImpl->getORB();
277 : }
278 :
279 0 : Reference< XDriver > ODbAdminDialog::getDriver()
280 : {
281 0 : return m_pImpl->getDriver();
282 : }
283 :
284 0 : OUString ODbAdminDialog::getDatasourceType(const SfxItemSet& _rSet) const
285 : {
286 0 : return dbaui::ODbDataSourceAdministrationHelper::getDatasourceType(_rSet);
287 : }
288 :
289 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::clearPassword()
290 : {
291 0 : m_pImpl->clearPassword();
292 0 : }
293 :
294 6 : SfxItemSet* ODbAdminDialog::createItemSet(SfxItemSet*& _rpSet, SfxItemPool*& _rpPool, SfxPoolItem**& _rppDefaults, ::dbaccess::ODsnTypeCollection* _pTypeCollection)
295 : {
296 : // just to be sure ....
297 6 : _rpSet = NULL;
298 6 : _rpPool = NULL;
299 6 : _rppDefaults = NULL;
300 :
301 6 : const OUString sFilterAll( "%", 1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
302 : // create and initialize the defaults
303 6 : _rppDefaults = new SfxPoolItem*[DSID_LAST_ITEM_ID - DSID_FIRST_ITEM_ID + 1];
304 6 : SfxPoolItem** pCounter = _rppDefaults; // want to modify this without affecting the out param _rppDefaults
305 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_NAME, OUString());
306 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_ORIGINALNAME, OUString());
307 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONNECTURL, OUString());
308 6 : *pCounter++ = new OStringListItem(DSID_TABLEFILTER, Sequence< OUString >(&sFilterAll, 1));
309 6 : *pCounter++ = new DbuTypeCollectionItem(DSID_TYPECOLLECTION, _pTypeCollection);
310 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_INVALID_SELECTION, false);
311 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_READONLY, false);
312 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_USER, OUString());
313 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_PASSWORD, OUString());
314 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_ADDITIONALOPTIONS, OUString());
315 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CHARSET, OUString());
316 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_PASSWORDREQUIRED, false);
317 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SHOWDELETEDROWS, false);
318 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ALLOWLONGTABLENAMES, false);
319 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_JDBCDRIVERCLASS, OUString());
320 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_FIELDDELIMITER, OUString(','));
321 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_TEXTDELIMITER, OUString('"'));
322 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DECIMALDELIMITER, OUString('.'));
323 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_THOUSANDSDELIMITER, OUString());
324 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_TEXTFILEEXTENSION, OUString("txt"));
325 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_TEXTFILEHEADER, true);
326 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_PARAMETERNAMESUBST, false);
327 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_PORTNUMBER, 8100);
328 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SUPPRESSVERSIONCL, false);
329 6 : *pCounter++ = new OPropertySetItem(DSID_DATASOURCE_UNO);
330 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CONN_SHUTSERVICE, false);
331 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_DATAINC, 20);
332 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_CACHESIZE, 20);
333 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_CTRLUSER, OUString());
334 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_CTRLPWD, OUString());
335 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_USECATALOG, false);
336 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_HOSTNAME, OUString());
337 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_LDAP_BASEDN, OUString());
338 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_LDAP_PORTNUMBER, 389);
339 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_LDAP_ROWCOUNT, 100);
340 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SQL92CHECK, false);
341 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE, OUString());
342 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_AUTORETRIEVEVALUE, OUString());
343 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_AUTORETRIEVEENABLED, false);
344 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_APPEND_TABLE_ALIAS, false);
345 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_MYSQL_PORTNUMBER, 3306);
346 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_IGNOREDRIVER_PRIV, true);
347 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_BOOLEANCOMPARISON, 0);
348 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_ORACLE_PORTNUMBER, 1521);
349 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ENABLEOUTERJOIN, true);
350 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CATALOG, true);
351 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SCHEMA, true);
352 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_INDEXAPPENDIX, true);
353 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CONN_LDAP_USESSL, false);
354 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DOCUMENT_URL, OUString());
355 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_DOSLINEENDS, false);
356 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DATABASENAME, OUString());
357 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_AS_BEFORE_CORRNAME, true);
358 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CHECK_REQUIRED_FIELDS, true);
359 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_IGNORECURRENCY, false);
360 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_SOCKET, OUString());
361 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ESCAPE_DATETIME, true);
362 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_NAMED_PIPE, OUString());
363 6 : *pCounter++ = new OptionalBoolItem( DSID_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT );
364 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_MAX_ROW_SCAN, 100);
365 6 : *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem( DSID_RESPECTRESULTSETTYPE,false );
366 :
367 : // create the pool
368 : static SfxItemInfo const aItemInfos[DSID_LAST_ITEM_ID - DSID_FIRST_ITEM_ID + 1] =
369 : {
370 : {0,0},
371 : {0,0},
372 : {0,0},
373 : {0,0},
374 : {0,0},
375 : {0,0},
376 : {0,0},
377 : {0,0},
378 : {0,0},
379 : {0,0},
380 : {0,0},
381 : {0,0},
382 : {0,0},
383 : {0,0},
384 : {0,0},
385 : {0,0},
386 : {0,0},
387 : {0,0},
388 : {0,0},
389 : {0,0},
390 : {0,0},
391 : {0,0},
392 : {0,0},
393 : {0,0},
394 : {0,0},
395 : {0,0},
396 : {0,0},
397 : {0,0},
398 : {0,0},
399 : {0,0},
400 : {0,0},
401 : {0,0},
402 : {0,0},
403 : {0,0},
404 : {0,0},
405 : {0,0},
406 : {0,0},
407 : {0,0},
408 : {0,0},
409 : {0,0},
410 : {0,0},
411 : {0,0},
412 : {0,0},
413 : {0,0},
414 : {0,0},
415 : {0,0},
416 : {0,0},
417 : {0,0},
418 : {0,0},
419 : {0,0},
420 : {0,0},
421 : {0,0},
422 : {0,0},
423 : {0,0},
424 : {0,0},
425 : {0,0},
426 : {0,0},
427 : {0,0},
428 : {0,0},
429 : {0,0},
430 : {0,0}
431 : };
432 :
433 : OSL_ENSURE(sizeof(aItemInfos)/sizeof(aItemInfos[0]) == DSID_LAST_ITEM_ID,"Invalid Ids!");
434 : _rpPool = new SfxItemPool(OUString("DSAItemPool"), DSID_FIRST_ITEM_ID, DSID_LAST_ITEM_ID,
435 6 : aItemInfos, _rppDefaults);
436 6 : _rpPool->FreezeIdRanges();
437 :
438 : // and, finally, the set
439 6 : _rpSet = new SfxItemSet(*_rpPool, true);
440 :
441 6 : return _rpSet;
442 : }
443 :
444 0 : void ODbAdminDialog::destroyItemSet(SfxItemSet*& _rpSet, SfxItemPool*& _rpPool, SfxPoolItem**& _rppDefaults)
445 : {
446 : // _first_ delete the set (referring the pool)
447 0 : if (_rpSet)
448 : {
449 0 : delete _rpSet;
450 0 : _rpSet = NULL;
451 : }
452 :
453 : // delete the pool
454 0 : if (_rpPool)
455 : {
456 0 : _rpPool->ReleaseDefaults(true);
457 : // the "true" means delete the items, too
458 0 : SfxItemPool::Free(_rpPool);
459 0 : _rpPool = NULL;
460 : }
461 :
462 : // reset the defaults ptr
463 0 : _rppDefaults = NULL;
464 : // no need to explicitly delete the defaults, this has been done by the ReleaseDefaults
465 0 : }
466 :
467 72 : } // namespace dbaui
468 :
469 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */