Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
21 :
22 : #include <vcl/window.hxx>
23 : #include <vcl/timer.hxx>
24 : #include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>
25 : #include <tools/rtti.hxx>
26 : #include <svtools/transfer.hxx>
27 :
28 : #include "callbacks.hxx"
29 : #include "TableConnectionData.hxx"
30 : #include "TableWindowData.hxx"
31 :
32 : #include <map>
33 : #include <vector>
34 :
35 : struct AcceptDropEvent;
36 : struct ExecuteDropEvent;
37 : class SfxUndoAction;
38 :
39 : namespace dbaui
40 : {
41 : class OTableConnection;
42 : class OTableWindow;
43 : struct OJoinExchangeData;
44 : class OJoinDesignView;
45 : class OTableWindowData;
46 : class OJoinDesignViewAccess;
47 :
48 : // this class conatins only the scrollbars to avoid that
49 : // the tablewindows clip the scrollbars
50 : class OJoinTableView;
51 : class OScrollWindowHelper : public vcl::Window
52 : {
53 : ScrollBar m_aHScrollBar;
54 : ScrollBar m_aVScrollBar;
55 : vcl::Window* m_pCornerWindow;
56 : OJoinTableView* m_pTableView;
57 :
58 : protected:
59 : virtual void Resize() SAL_OVERRIDE;
60 :
61 : public:
62 : OScrollWindowHelper( vcl::Window* pParent);
63 : virtual ~OScrollWindowHelper();
64 :
65 : void setTableView(OJoinTableView* _pTableView);
66 :
67 : void resetRange(const Point& _aSize);
68 :
69 : // own methods
70 0 : ScrollBar& GetHScrollBar() { return m_aHScrollBar; }
71 0 : ScrollBar& GetVScrollBar() { return m_aVScrollBar; }
72 : };
73 :
74 :
75 : class OJoinTableView : public vcl::Window,
76 : public IDragTransferableListener,
77 : public DropTargetHelper
78 : {
79 : friend class OJoinMoveTabWinUndoAct;
80 :
81 : public:
82 : typedef std::map<OUString, OTableWindow*> OTableWindowMap;
83 :
84 : private:
85 : OTableWindowMap m_aTableMap;
86 : ::std::vector<OTableConnection*> m_vTableConnection;
87 :
88 : Timer m_aDragScrollTimer;
89 : Rectangle m_aDragRect;
90 : Rectangle m_aSizingRect;
91 : Point m_aDragOffset;
92 : Point m_aScrollOffset;
93 : Point m_ptPrevDraggingPos;
94 : Size m_aOutputSize;
95 :
96 :
97 : OTableWindow* m_pDragWin;
98 : OTableWindow* m_pSizingWin;
99 : OTableConnection* m_pSelectedConn;
100 :
101 :
102 : bool m_bTrackingInitiallyMoved;
103 :
104 : DECL_LINK(OnDragScrollTimer, void*);
105 :
106 : protected:
107 : OTableWindow* m_pLastFocusTabWin;
108 : OJoinDesignView* m_pView;
109 : OJoinDesignViewAccess* m_pAccessible;
110 :
111 : public:
112 : OJoinTableView( vcl::Window* pParent, OJoinDesignView* pView );
113 : virtual ~OJoinTableView();
114 :
115 : // window override
116 : virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
117 : virtual void GetFocus() SAL_OVERRIDE;
118 : virtual void LoseFocus() SAL_OVERRIDE;
119 : virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
120 : // Accessibility
121 : virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible() SAL_OVERRIDE;
122 :
123 : // own methods
124 0 : ScrollBar& GetHScrollBar() { return static_cast<OScrollWindowHelper*>(GetParent())->GetHScrollBar(); }
125 0 : ScrollBar& GetVScrollBar() { return static_cast<OScrollWindowHelper*>(GetParent())->GetVScrollBar(); }
126 : DECL_LINK( ScrollHdl, ScrollBar* );
127 :
128 : void DrawConnections( const Rectangle& rRect );
129 : void InvalidateConnections();
130 :
131 : void BeginChildMove( OTableWindow* pTabWin, const Point& rMousePos );
132 : void BeginChildSizing( OTableWindow* pTabWin, const Pointer& rPointer );
133 :
134 : void NotifyTitleClicked( OTableWindow* pTabWin, const Point rMousePos );
135 :
136 : virtual void AddTabWin(const OUString& _rComposedName, const OUString& rWinName, bool bNewTable = false);
137 : virtual void RemoveTabWin( OTableWindow* pTabWin );
138 :
139 : // hide all TabWins (does NOT delete them; they are put in an UNDO action)
140 : virtual void HideTabWins();
141 :
142 : virtual void AddConnection(const OJoinExchangeData& jxdSource, const OJoinExchangeData& jxdDest) = 0;
143 :
144 : /** RemoveConnection allows to remove connections from join table view
145 :
146 : it implies that the same as addConnection
147 :
148 : @param _pConnection the connection which should be removed
149 : @param _bDelete when true then the connection will be deleted
150 :
151 : @return an iterator to next valid connection, so it can be used in any loop
152 : */
153 : virtual bool RemoveConnection(OTableConnection* _pConnection,bool _bDelete);
154 :
155 : /** allows to add new connections to join table view
156 :
157 : it implies an invalidation of the features ID_BROWSER_ADDTABLE and
158 : SID_RELATION_ADD_RELATION also the modified flag will be set to true
159 :
160 : @param _pConnection the connection which should be added
161 : @param _bAddData when true then the data should also be appended
162 : */
163 : void addConnection(OTableConnection* _pConnection,bool _bAddData = true);
164 :
165 : bool ScrollPane( long nDelta, bool bHoriz, bool bPaintScrollBars );
166 : sal_uLong GetTabWinCount();
167 0 : Point GetScrollOffset() const { return m_aScrollOffset; }
168 :
169 0 : OJoinDesignView* getDesignView() const { return m_pView; }
170 : OTableWindow* GetTabWindow( const OUString& rName );
171 :
172 0 : OTableConnection* GetSelectedConn() { return m_pSelectedConn; }
173 : /** @note NULL is explicitly allowed (then no-op) */
174 : void DeselectConn(OTableConnection* pConn);
175 : void SelectConn(OTableConnection* pConn);
176 :
177 0 : OTableWindowMap& GetTabWinMap() { return m_aTableMap; }
178 : const OTableWindowMap& GetTabWinMap() const { return m_aTableMap; }
179 :
180 : /** gives a read only access to the connection vector
181 : */
182 0 : const ::std::vector<OTableConnection*>& getTableConnections() const { return m_vTableConnection; }
183 :
184 : bool ExistsAConn(const OTableWindow* pFromWin) const;
185 :
186 : /** search for all connections of a table
187 :
188 : @param _pFromWin the table for which connections should be found
189 : @return an iterator which can be used to travel all connections of the table
190 : */
191 : ::std::vector<OTableConnection*>::const_iterator getTableConnections(const OTableWindow* _pFromWin) const;
192 :
193 : /** how many connection belongs to single table
194 :
195 : @param _pFromWin the table for which connections should be found
196 : @return the count of connections which belongs to this table
197 : */
198 : sal_Int32 getConnectionCount(const OTableWindow* _pFromWin) const;
199 :
200 : OTableConnection* GetTabConn(const OTableWindow* pLhs,const OTableWindow* pRhs,bool _bSupressCrossOrNaturalJoin = false,const OTableConnection* _rpFirstAfter = NULL) const;
201 :
202 : /** clear the window map and connection vector without destroying it
203 :
204 : that means that the data of the windows and connection will be
205 : untouched
206 : */
207 : void clearLayoutInformation();
208 :
209 : /** set the focus to that tab win which most recently had it
210 : (or to the first available one) **/
211 : void GrabTabWinFocus();
212 :
213 : /** take all WinData and ConnData from the document and create the
214 : corresponding Wins and Conns */
215 0 : virtual void ReSync() { }
216 :
217 : /** Hart deletion
218 :
219 : That means that all Conns and Wins are deleted from their respective
220 : lists and the corresponding Datas removed from the document */
221 : virtual void ClearAll();
222 :
223 : /** @note used by AddTabDlg to see if more tables can be added */
224 : virtual bool IsAddAllowed();
225 : virtual bool PreNotify(NotifyEvent& rNEvt) SAL_OVERRIDE;
226 :
227 : // DnD stuff
228 : virtual void StartDrag( sal_Int8 nAction, const Point& rPosPixel );
229 : virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
230 : virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
231 :
232 : /** @note can be used for special ui handling after d&d */
233 : virtual void lookForUiActivities();
234 :
235 : /** Hook that is called after moving/resizing TabWins
236 :
237 : The position is 'virtual': the container has a virtual area of
238 : which only a part - changeable by scroll bar - is visible.
239 : Therefore: ptOldPosition is always positive, even if it represents
240 : a point with a negative physical ordinate above the visible area
241 :
242 : @note The standard implementation just passes the new data to the
243 : Wins
244 : */
245 : virtual void TabWinMoved(OTableWindow* ptWhich, const Point& ptOldPosition);
246 :
247 : virtual void TabWinSized(OTableWindow* ptWhich, const Point& ptOldPosition, const Size& szOldSize);
248 :
249 : void modified();
250 :
251 : /** check if the given window is visible.
252 :
253 : @param _rPoint The Point to check
254 : @param _rSize The Size to be check as well
255 : @return true if the area is visible, false otherwise
256 : */
257 : bool isMovementAllowed(const Point& _rPoint,const Size& _rSize);
258 :
259 0 : Size getRealOutputSize() const { return m_aOutputSize; }
260 :
261 : virtual void EnsureVisible(const OTableWindow* _pWin);
262 : virtual void EnsureVisible(const Point& _rPoint,const Size& _rSize);
263 :
264 : TTableWindowData::value_type createTableWindowData(const OUString& _rComposedName
265 : ,const OUString& _sTableName
266 : ,const OUString& _rWinName);
267 :
268 : protected:
269 : virtual void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
270 : virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
271 : virtual void Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
272 : virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
273 : virtual void ConnDoubleClicked( OTableConnection* pConnection );
274 : virtual void SetDefaultTabWinPosSize( OTableWindow* pTabWin );
275 : virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
276 :
277 : virtual void Resize() SAL_OVERRIDE;
278 :
279 : virtual void dragFinished( ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
280 : /// @note here the physical position (that can be changed while
281 : /// resizing) is used, as no scrolling can take place while resizing
282 : virtual void Command(const CommandEvent& rEvt) SAL_OVERRIDE;
283 :
284 : virtual OTableWindowData* CreateImpl(const OUString& _rComposedName
285 : ,const OUString& _sTableName
286 : ,const OUString& _rWinName);
287 :
288 : /** factory method to create table windows
289 :
290 : @param _pData The data corresponding to the window.
291 : @return The new TableWindow
292 : */
293 : virtual OTableWindow* createWindow(const TTableWindowData::value_type& _pData) = 0;
294 :
295 : /** determines whether the classes Init method should accept a query
296 : name, or only table names */
297 : virtual bool allowQueries() const;
298 :
299 : /** called when init fails at the tablewindowdata because the m_xTable
300 : object could not provide columns, but no exception was thrown.
301 : Expected to throw. */
302 : virtual void onNoColumns_throw();
303 :
304 : virtual bool supressCrossNaturalJoin(const TTableConnectionData::value_type& _pData) const;
305 :
306 : private:
307 : void InitColors();
308 : bool ScrollWhileDragging();
309 :
310 : /** opens the context menu to delate a connection
311 : @param _aPos the position where the popup menu should appear
312 : @param _pSelConnection the connection which should be deleted
313 : */
314 : void executePopup(const Point& _aPos,OTableConnection* _pSelConnection);
315 :
316 : /** invalidates this window without children and set the controller
317 : modified
318 : @param _pAction a possible undo action to add at the controller
319 : */
320 : void invalidateAndModify(SfxUndoAction *_pAction=NULL);
321 :
322 : private:
323 : using Window::Scroll;
324 : };
325 : }
326 : #endif
327 :
328 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */