Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : */
9 :
10 : #include <drawinglayer/XShapeDumper.hxx>
11 : #include "EnhancedShapeDumper.hxx"
12 : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
13 : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShape.hpp>
14 : #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
15 : #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
16 : #include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp>
17 : #include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
18 : #include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
19 : #include <iostream>
20 : #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
21 :
22 : #define DEBUG_DUMPER 0
23 :
24 : using namespace com::sun::star;
25 : //class XShapeDumper
26 :
27 18 : XShapeDumper::XShapeDumper()
28 : {
29 :
30 18 : }
31 :
32 : namespace {
33 :
35 :
36 : // auxiliary functions
37 : void dumpGradientProperty(com::sun::star::awt::Gradient aGradient, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
38 : void dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aPolyPolygonBezierCoords, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
39 : void dumpPointSequenceSequence(const com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aPointSequenceSequence, uno::Sequence<uno::Sequence<drawing::PolygonFlags> >*, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
40 : void dumpPropertyValueAsElement(const beans::PropertyValue& rPropertyValue, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
41 :
42 : // FillProperties.idl
43 : void dumpFillStyleAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
44 : void dumpFillColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
45 : void dumpFillTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
46 : void dumpFillTransparenceGradientNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sTranspGradName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
47 : void dumpFillTransparenceGradientAsElement(com::sun::star::awt::Gradient aTranspGrad, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
48 : void dumpFillGradientNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sGradName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
49 : void dumpFillGradientAsElement(com::sun::star::awt::Gradient aGradient, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
50 : void dumpFillHatchAsElement(com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch aHatch, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
51 : void dumpFillBackgroundAsAttribute(bool bBackground, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
52 : void dumpFillBitmapAsElement(com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::awt::XBitmap> xBitmap, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
53 : void dumpFillBitmapURLAsAttribute(const OUString& sBitmapURL, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
54 : void dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
55 : void dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
56 : void dumpFillBitmapOffsetXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
57 : void dumpFillBitmapOffsetYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
58 : void dumpFillBitmapRectanglePointAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::RectanglePoint eBitmapRectanglePoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
59 : void dumpFillBitmapLogicalSizeAsAttribute(bool bBitmapLogicalSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
60 : void dumpFillBitmapSizeXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
61 : void dumpFillBitmapSizeYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
62 : void dumpFillBitmapModeAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
63 : void dumpFillBitmapStretchAsAttribute(bool bBitmapStretch, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
64 : void dumpFillBitmapTileAsAttribute(bool bBitmapTile, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
65 :
66 : // LineProperties.idl
67 : void dumpLineStyleAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
68 : void dumpLineDashAsElement(com::sun::star::drawing::LineDash aLineDash, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
69 : void dumpLineDashNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineDashName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
70 : void dumpLineColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
71 : void dumpLineTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
72 : void dumpLineWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
73 : void dumpLineJointAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint eLineJoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
74 : void dumpLineStartNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineStartName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
75 : void dumpLineEndNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineEndName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
76 : void dumpLineStartAsElement(com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineStart, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
77 : void dumpLineEndAsElement(com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineEnd, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
78 : void dumpLineStartCenterAsAttribute(bool bLineStartCenter, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
79 : void dumpLineStartWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineStartWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
80 : void dumpLineEndCenterAsAttribute(bool bLineEndCenter, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
81 : void dumpLineEndWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineEndWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
82 :
83 : // PolyPolygonDescriptor.idl
84 : void dumpPolygonKindAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::PolygonKind ePolygonKind, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
85 : void dumpPolyPolygonAsElement(const com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aPolyPolygon, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
86 : void dumpGeometryAsElement(const com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aGeometry, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
87 :
88 : // CharacterProperties.idl
89 : void dumpCharHeightAsAttribute(float fHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
90 : void dumpCharColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
91 :
92 : // TextProperties.idl
93 : void dumpIsNumberingAsAttribute(bool bIsNumbering, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
94 : void dumpTextAutoGrowHeightAsAttribute(bool bTextAutoGrowHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
95 : void dumpTextAutoGrowWidthAsAttribute(bool bTextAutoGrowWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
96 : void dumpTextContourFrameAsAttribute(bool bTextContourFrame, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
97 : void dumpTextFitToSizeAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::TextFitToSizeType eTextFitToSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
98 : void dumpTextHorizontalAdjustAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eTextHorizontalAdjust, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
99 : void dumpTextVerticalAdjustAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::TextVerticalAdjust eTextVerticalAdjust, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
100 : void dumpTextLeftDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextLeftDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
101 : void dumpTextRightDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextRightDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
102 : void dumpTextUpperDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextUpperDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
103 : void dumpTextLowerDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextLowerDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
104 : void dumpTextMaximumFrameHeightAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
105 : void dumpTextMaximumFrameWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
106 : void dumpTextMinimumFrameHeightAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
107 : void dumpTextMinimumFrameWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
108 : void dumpTextAnimationAmountAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationAmount, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
109 : void dumpTextAnimationCountAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationCount, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
110 : void dumpTextAnimationDelayAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationDelay, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
111 : void dumpTextAnimationDirectionAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::TextAnimationDirection eTextAnimationDirection, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
112 : void dumpTextAnimationKindAsAttribute(com::sun::star::drawing::TextAnimationKind eTextAnimationKind, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
113 : void dumpTextAnimationStartInsideAsAttribute(bool bTextAnimationStartInside, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
114 : void dumpTextAnimationStopInsideAsAttribute(bool bTextAnimationStopInside, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
115 : void dumpTextWritingModeAsAttribute(com::sun::star::text::WritingMode eWritingMode, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
116 :
117 : // ShadowProperties.idl
118 : void dumpShadowAsAttribute(bool bShadow, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
119 : void dumpShadowColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
120 : void dumpShadowTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
121 : void dumpShadowXDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowXDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
122 : void dumpShadowYDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowYDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
123 :
124 : //Shape.idl
125 : void dumpZOrderAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aZOrder, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
126 : void dumpLayerIDAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLayerID, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
127 : void dumpLayerNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLayerName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
128 : void dumpVisibleAsAttribute(bool bVisible, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
129 : void dumpPrintableAsAttribute(bool bPrintable, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
130 : void dumpMoveProtectAsAttribute(bool bMoveProtect, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
131 : void dumpNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
132 : void dumpSizeProtectAsAttribute(bool bSizeProtect, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
133 : void dumpHomogenMatrixLine3(com::sun::star::drawing::HomogenMatrixLine3 aLine, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
134 : void dumpTransformationAsElement(com::sun::star::drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aTransformation, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
135 : void dumpNavigationOrderAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aNavigationOrder, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
136 : void dumpHyperlinkAsAttribute(const OUString& sHyperlink, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
137 : void dumpInteropGrabBagAsElement(const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue>& aInteropGrabBag, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
138 :
139 : // CustomShape.idl
140 : void dumpCustomShapeEngineAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeEngine, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
141 : void dumpCustomShapeDataAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeData, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
142 : void dumpCustomShapeGeometryAsElement(const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue>& aCustomShapeGeometry, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
143 : void dumpCustomShapeReplacementURLAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeReplacementURL, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
144 :
145 : // XShape.idl
146 : void dumpPositionAsAttribute(const com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
147 : void dumpSizeAsAttribute(const com::sun::star::awt::Size& rSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
148 :
149 : // the rest
150 : void dumpShapeDescriptorAsAttribute( com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::drawing::XShapeDescriptor > xDescr, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter );
151 : void dumpXShape(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > xShape, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties);
152 : void dumpXShapes( com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes > xShapes, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties );
153 : void dumpTextPropertiesService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
154 : void dumpFillPropertiesService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
155 : void dumpLinePropertiesService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
156 : void dumpShadowPropertiesService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
157 : void dumpPolyPolygonDescriptorService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
158 : void dumpShapeService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties);
159 : void dumpPolyPolygonBezierDescriptorService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
160 : void dumpCustomShapeService(com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter);
161 :
162 :
163 628 : int writeCallback(void* pContext, const char* sBuffer, int nLen)
164 : {
165 628 : OStringBuffer* pBuffer = static_cast<OStringBuffer*>(pContext);
166 628 : pBuffer->append(sBuffer);
167 628 : return nLen;
168 : }
169 :
170 36 : int closeCallback(void* )
171 : {
172 36 : return 0;
173 : }
174 :
175 : bool m_bNameDumped;
176 :
177 :
178 : // ---------- FillProperties.idl ----------
179 :
180 500 : void dumpFillStyleAsAttribute(drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
181 : {
182 500 : switch(eFillStyle)
183 : {
184 : case drawing::FillStyle_NONE:
185 156 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillStyle"), "%s", "NONE");
186 156 : break;
187 : case drawing::FillStyle_SOLID:
188 112 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillStyle"), "%s", "SOLID");
189 112 : break;
190 : case drawing::FillStyle_GRADIENT:
191 122 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillStyle"), "%s", "GRADIENT");
192 122 : break;
193 : case drawing::FillStyle_HATCH:
194 110 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillStyle"), "%s", "HATCH");
195 110 : break;
196 : case drawing::FillStyle_BITMAP:
197 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillStyle"), "%s", "BITMAP");
198 0 : break;
199 : default:
200 0 : break;
201 : }
202 500 : }
203 :
204 500 : void dumpFillColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
205 : {
206 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aColor);
207 500 : }
208 :
209 500 : void dumpFillTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
210 : {
211 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillTransparence"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTransparence);
212 500 : }
213 :
214 500 : void dumpFillTransparenceGradientNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sTranspGradName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
215 : {
216 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillTransparenceGradientName"), "%s",
217 500 : OUStringToOString(sTranspGradName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
218 500 : }
219 :
220 : //because there's more awt::Gradient properties to dump
221 1000 : void dumpGradientProperty(awt::Gradient aGradient, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
222 : {
223 1000 : switch(aGradient.Style) //enum GradientStyle
224 : {
225 : case awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR:
226 994 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "LINEAR");
227 994 : break;
228 : case awt::GradientStyle_AXIAL:
229 2 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "AXIAL");
230 2 : break;
231 : case awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL:
232 2 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "RADIAL");
233 2 : break;
234 : case awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL:
235 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "ELLIPTICAL");
236 0 : break;
237 : case awt::GradientStyle_SQUARE:
238 2 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "SQUARE");
239 2 : break;
240 : case awt::GradientStyle_RECT:
241 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "RECT");
242 0 : break;
243 : default:
244 0 : break;
245 : }
246 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("startColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aGradient.StartColor);
247 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("endColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aGradient.EndColor);
248 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("angle"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.Angle);
249 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("border"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.Border);
250 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("xOffset"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.XOffset);
251 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("yOffset"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.YOffset);
252 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("startIntensity"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.StartIntensity);
253 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("endIntensity"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.EndIntensity);
254 1000 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("stepCount"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aGradient.StepCount);
255 1000 : }
256 :
257 500 : void dumpFillTransparenceGradientAsElement(awt::Gradient aTranspGrad, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
258 : {
259 500 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "FillTransparenceGradient" ));
260 500 : dumpGradientProperty(aTranspGrad, xmlWriter);
261 500 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
262 500 : }
263 :
264 1500 : void dumpFillGradientNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sGradName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
265 : {
266 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillGradientName"), "%s",
267 1500 : OUStringToOString(sGradName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
268 1500 : }
269 :
270 500 : void dumpFillGradientAsElement(awt::Gradient aGradient, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
271 : {
272 500 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "FillGradient" ));
273 500 : dumpGradientProperty(aGradient, xmlWriter);
274 500 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
275 500 : }
276 :
277 500 : void dumpFillHatchAsElement(drawing::Hatch aHatch, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
278 : {
279 500 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "FillHatch" ));
280 500 : switch(aHatch.Style)
281 : {
282 : case drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE:
283 444 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "SINGLE");
284 444 : break;
285 : case drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE:
286 38 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "DOUBLE");
287 38 : break;
288 : case drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE:
289 18 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "TRIPLE");
290 18 : break;
291 : default:
292 0 : break;
293 : }
294 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("color"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aHatch.Color);
295 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("distance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aHatch.Distance);
296 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("angle"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aHatch.Angle);
297 500 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
298 500 : }
299 :
300 500 : void dumpFillBackgroundAsAttribute(bool bBackground, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
301 : {
302 500 : if(bBackground)
303 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBackground"), "%s", "true");
304 : else
305 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBackground"), "%s", "false");
306 500 : }
307 :
308 500 : void dumpFillBitmapAsElement(uno::Reference<awt::XBitmap> xBitmap, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
309 : {
310 500 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "FillBitmap" ));
311 500 : if (
312 : {
313 486 : awt::Size const aSize = xBitmap->getSize();
314 486 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("width"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aSize.Width);
315 486 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("height"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aSize.Height);
316 : }
317 500 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
318 500 : }
319 :
320 500 : void dumpFillBitmapURLAsAttribute(const OUString& sBitmapURL, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
321 : {
322 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapURL"), "%s",
323 500 : OUStringToOString(sBitmapURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
324 500 : }
325 :
326 500 : void dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
327 : {
328 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapPositionOffsetX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapPositionOffsetX);
329 500 : }
330 :
331 500 : void dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
332 : {
333 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapPositionOffsetY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapPositionOffsetY);
334 500 : }
335 :
336 500 : void dumpFillBitmapOffsetXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
337 : {
338 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapOffsetX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapOffsetX);
339 500 : }
340 :
341 500 : void dumpFillBitmapOffsetYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
342 : {
343 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapOffsetY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapOffsetY);
344 500 : }
345 :
346 500 : void dumpFillBitmapRectanglePointAsAttribute(drawing::RectanglePoint eBitmapRectanglePoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
347 : {
348 500 : switch(eBitmapRectanglePoint)
349 : {
350 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_LEFT_TOP:
351 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "LEFT_TOP");
352 0 : break;
353 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_TOP:
354 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "MIDDLE_TOP");
355 0 : break;
356 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_RIGHT_TOP:
357 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "RIGHT_TOP");
358 0 : break;
359 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_LEFT_MIDDLE:
360 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "LEFT_MIDDLE");
361 0 : break;
362 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_MIDDLE:
363 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "MIDDLE_MIDDLE");
364 500 : break;
365 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_RIGHT_MIDDLE:
366 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "RIGHT_MIDDLE");
367 0 : break;
368 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_LEFT_BOTTOM:
369 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "LEFT_BOTTOM");
370 0 : break;
371 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_BOTTOM:
372 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "MIDDLE_BOTTOM");
373 0 : break;
374 : case drawing::RectanglePoint_RIGHT_BOTTOM:
375 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapRectanglePoint"), "%s", "RIGHT_BOTTOM");
376 0 : break;
377 : default:
378 0 : break;
379 : }
380 500 : }
381 :
382 500 : void dumpFillBitmapLogicalSizeAsAttribute(bool bBitmapLogicalSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
383 : {
384 500 : if(bBitmapLogicalSize)
385 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapLogicalSize"), "%s", "true");
386 : else
387 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapLogicalSize"), "%s", "false");
388 500 : }
389 :
390 500 : void dumpFillBitmapSizeXAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeX, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
391 : {
392 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapSizeX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapSizeX);
393 500 : }
394 :
395 500 : void dumpFillBitmapSizeYAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeY, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
396 : {
397 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapSizeY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aBitmapSizeY);
398 500 : }
399 :
400 500 : void dumpFillBitmapModeAsAttribute(drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
401 : {
402 500 : switch(eBitmapMode)
403 : {
404 : case drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT:
405 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapMode"), "%s", "REPEAT");
406 500 : break;
407 : case drawing::BitmapMode_STRETCH:
408 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapMode"), "%s", "STRETCH");
409 0 : break;
410 : case drawing::BitmapMode_NO_REPEAT:
411 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapMode"), "%s", "NO_REPEAT");
412 0 : break;
413 : default:
414 0 : break;
415 : }
416 500 : }
417 :
418 500 : void dumpFillBitmapStretchAsAttribute(bool bBitmapStretch, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
419 : {
420 500 : if(bBitmapStretch)
421 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapStretch"), "%s", "true");
422 : else
423 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapStretch"), "%s", "false");
424 500 : }
425 :
426 500 : void dumpFillBitmapTileAsAttribute(bool bBitmapTile, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
427 : {
428 500 : if(bBitmapTile)
429 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapTile"), "%s", "true");
430 : else
431 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fillBitmapTile"), "%s", "false");
432 500 : }
433 :
434 :
435 : // ---------- LineProperties.idl ----------
436 :
437 :
438 508 : void dumpLineStyleAsAttribute(drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
439 : {
440 508 : switch(eLineStyle)
441 : {
442 : case drawing::LineStyle_NONE:
443 132 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStyle"), "%s", "NONE");
444 132 : break;
445 : case drawing::LineStyle_SOLID:
446 376 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStyle"), "%s", "SOLID");
447 376 : break;
448 : case drawing::LineStyle_DASH:
449 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStyle"), "%s", "DASH");
450 0 : break;
451 : default:
452 0 : break;
453 : }
454 508 : }
455 :
456 508 : void dumpLineDashAsElement(drawing::LineDash aLineDash, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
457 : {
458 508 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "LineDash" ));
459 508 : switch(aLineDash.Style)
460 : {
461 : case drawing::DashStyle_RECT:
462 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "RECT");
463 508 : break;
464 : case drawing::DashStyle_ROUND:
465 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "ROUND");
466 0 : break;
467 : case drawing::DashStyle_RECTRELATIVE:
468 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "RECTRELATIVE");
469 0 : break;
470 : case drawing::DashStyle_ROUNDRELATIVE:
471 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("style"), "%s", "ROUNDRELATIVE");
472 0 : break;
473 : default:
474 0 : break;
475 : }
476 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("dots"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aLineDash.Dots);
477 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("dotLen"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aLineDash.DotLen);
478 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("dashes"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aLineDash.Dashes);
479 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("dashLen"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aLineDash.DashLen);
480 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("distance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, (sal_Int32) aLineDash.Distance);
481 508 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
482 508 : }
483 :
484 508 : void dumpLineDashNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineDashName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
485 : {
486 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineDashName"), "%s",
487 508 : OUStringToOString(sLineDashName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
488 508 : }
489 :
490 508 : void dumpLineColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
491 : {
492 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aLineColor);
493 508 : }
494 :
495 508 : void dumpLineTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
496 : {
497 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineTransparence"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aLineTransparence);
498 508 : }
499 :
500 508 : void dumpLineWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
501 : {
502 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineWidth"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aLineWidth);
503 508 : }
504 :
505 508 : void dumpLineJointAsAttribute(drawing::LineJoint eLineJoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
506 : {
507 508 : switch(eLineJoint)
508 : {
509 : case drawing::LineJoint_NONE:
510 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineJoint"), "%s", "NONE");
511 0 : break;
512 : case drawing::LineJoint_MIDDLE:
513 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineJoint"), "%s", "MIDDLE");
514 0 : break;
515 : case drawing::LineJoint_BEVEL:
516 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineJoint"), "%s", "BEVEL");
517 0 : break;
518 : case drawing::LineJoint_MITER:
519 108 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineJoint"), "%s", "MITER");
520 108 : break;
521 : case drawing::LineJoint_ROUND:
522 400 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineJoint"), "%s", "ROUND");
523 400 : break;
524 : default:
525 0 : break;
526 : }
527 508 : }
528 :
529 508 : void dumpLineStartNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineStartName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
530 : {
531 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStartName"), "%s",
532 508 : OUStringToOString(sLineStartName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
533 508 : }
534 :
535 508 : void dumpLineEndNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLineEndName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
536 : {
537 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineEndName"), "%s",
538 508 : OUStringToOString(sLineEndName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
539 508 : }
540 :
541 1032 : void dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aPolyPolygonBezierCoords, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
542 : {
543 1032 : dumpPointSequenceSequence(aPolyPolygonBezierCoords.Coordinates, &aPolyPolygonBezierCoords.Flags, xmlWriter);
544 1032 : }
545 :
546 508 : void dumpLineStartAsElement(drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineStart, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
547 : {
548 508 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "LineStart" ));
549 508 : dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(aLineStart, xmlWriter);
550 508 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
551 508 : }
552 :
553 508 : void dumpLineEndAsElement(drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineEnd, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
554 : {
555 508 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "LineEnd" ));
556 508 : dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(aLineEnd, xmlWriter);
557 508 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
558 508 : }
559 :
560 508 : void dumpLineStartCenterAsAttribute(bool bLineStartCenter, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
561 : {
562 508 : if(bLineStartCenter)
563 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStartCenter"), "%s", "true");
564 : else
565 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStartCenter"), "%s", "false");
566 508 : }
567 :
568 508 : void dumpLineStartWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineStartWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
569 : {
570 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineStartWidth"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aLineStartWidth);
571 508 : }
572 :
573 508 : void dumpLineEndCenterAsAttribute(bool bLineEndCenter, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
574 : {
575 508 : if(bLineEndCenter)
576 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineEndCenter"), "%s", "true");
577 : else
578 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineEndCenter"), "%s", "false");
579 508 : }
580 :
581 508 : void dumpLineEndWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLineEndWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
582 : {
583 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("lineEndWidth"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aLineEndWidth);
584 508 : }
585 :
586 :
587 : // ---------- PolyPolygonDescriptor.idl ----------
588 :
589 :
590 22 : void dumpPolygonKindAsAttribute(drawing::PolygonKind ePolygonKind, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
591 : {
592 22 : switch(ePolygonKind)
593 : {
594 : case drawing::PolygonKind_LINE:
595 6 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "LINE");
596 6 : break;
597 : case drawing::PolygonKind_POLY:
598 6 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "POLY");
599 6 : break;
600 : case drawing::PolygonKind_PLIN:
601 2 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "PLIN");
602 2 : break;
603 : case drawing::PolygonKind_PATHLINE:
604 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "PATHLINE");
605 4 : break;
606 : case drawing::PolygonKind_PATHFILL:
607 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "PATHFILL");
608 4 : break;
609 : case drawing::PolygonKind_FREELINE:
610 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "FREELINE");
611 0 : break;
612 : case drawing::PolygonKind_FREEFILL:
613 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "FREEFILL");
614 0 : break;
615 : case drawing::PolygonKind_PATHPOLY:
616 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "PATHPOLY");
617 0 : break;
618 : case drawing::PolygonKind_PATHPLIN:
619 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonKind"), "%s", "PATHPLIN");
620 0 : break;
621 : default:
622 0 : break;
623 : }
624 22 : }
625 :
626 1060 : void dumpPointSequenceSequence(const drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aPointSequenceSequence, uno::Sequence<uno::Sequence< drawing::PolygonFlags > >* pFlags, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
627 : {
628 : // LibreOffice proudly presents - The Sequenception
629 1060 : uno::Sequence<uno::Sequence< awt::Point > > pointSequenceSequence = aPointSequenceSequence;
630 1060 : sal_Int32 nPointsSequence = pointSequenceSequence.getLength();
631 :
632 1114 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nPointsSequence; ++i)
633 : {
634 54 : uno::Sequence< awt::Point > pointSequence = pointSequenceSequence[i];
635 54 : sal_Int32 nPoints = pointSequence.getLength();
636 :
637 108 : uno::Sequence< drawing::PolygonFlags> flagsSequence;
638 54 : if(pFlags)
639 26 : flagsSequence = (*pFlags)[i];
640 :
641 54 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "pointSequence" ));
642 :
643 1106 : for(sal_Int32 j = 0; j < nPoints; ++j)
644 : {
645 1052 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "point" ));
646 1052 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("positionX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, pointSequence[j].X);
647 1052 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("positionY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, pointSequence[j].Y);
648 :
649 1052 : if(pFlags)
650 : {
651 856 : switch(flagsSequence[j])
652 : {
653 : case drawing::PolygonFlags_NORMAL:
654 316 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonFlags"), "%s", "NORMAL");
655 316 : break;
656 : case drawing::PolygonFlags_SMOOTH:
657 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonFlags"), "%s", "SMOOTH");
658 4 : break;
659 : case drawing::PolygonFlags_CONTROL:
660 504 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonFlags"), "%s", "CONTROL");
661 504 : break;
662 : case drawing::PolygonFlags_SYMMETRIC:
663 32 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("polygonFlags"), "%s", "SYMMETRIC");
664 32 : break;
665 : default:
666 0 : break;
667 : }
668 : }
669 :
670 1052 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
671 : }
672 54 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
673 1114 : }
674 1060 : }
675 :
676 14 : void dumpPolyPolygonAsElement(const drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aPolyPolygon, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
677 : {
678 14 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "PolyPolygon" ));
679 14 : dumpPointSequenceSequence(aPolyPolygon, NULL, xmlWriter);
680 14 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
681 14 : }
682 :
683 14 : void dumpGeometryAsElement(const drawing::PointSequenceSequence& aGeometry, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
684 : {
685 14 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "Geometry" ));
686 14 : dumpPointSequenceSequence(aGeometry, NULL, xmlWriter);
687 14 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
688 14 : }
689 :
690 : // CharacterProperties.idl
691 512 : void dumpCharHeightAsAttribute(float fHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
692 : {
693 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fontHeight"), "%f", fHeight );
694 512 : }
695 :
696 512 : void dumpCharColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
697 : {
698 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("fontColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aColor);
699 512 : }
700 :
701 :
702 : // ---------- TextProperties.idl ----------
703 :
704 :
705 0 : void dumpIsNumberingAsAttribute(bool bIsNumbering, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
706 : {
707 0 : if(bIsNumbering)
708 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("isNumbering"), "%s", "true");
709 : else
710 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("isNumbering"), "%s", "false");
711 0 : }
712 :
713 512 : void dumpTextAutoGrowHeightAsAttribute(bool bTextAutoGrowHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
714 : {
715 512 : if(bTextAutoGrowHeight)
716 36 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAutoGrowHeight"), "%s", "true");
717 : else
718 476 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAutoGrowHeight"), "%s", "false");
719 512 : }
720 :
721 512 : void dumpTextAutoGrowWidthAsAttribute(bool bTextAutoGrowWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
722 : {
723 512 : if(bTextAutoGrowWidth)
724 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAutoGrowWidth"), "%s", "true");
725 : else
726 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAutoGrowWidth"), "%s", "false");
727 512 : }
728 :
729 512 : void dumpTextContourFrameAsAttribute(bool bTextContourFrame, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
730 : {
731 512 : if(bTextContourFrame)
732 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textContourFrame"), "%s", "true");
733 : else
734 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textContourFrame"), "%s", "false");
735 512 : }
736 :
737 512 : void dumpTextFitToSizeAsAttribute(drawing::TextFitToSizeType eTextFitToSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
738 : {
739 512 : switch(eTextFitToSize)
740 : {
741 : case drawing::TextFitToSizeType_NONE:
742 508 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textFitToSize"), "%s", "NONE");
743 508 : break;
744 : case drawing::TextFitToSizeType_PROPORTIONAL:
745 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textFitToSize"), "%s", "PROPORTIONAL");
746 0 : break;
747 : case drawing::TextFitToSizeType_ALLLINES:
748 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textFitToSize"), "%s", "ALLLINES");
749 0 : break;
750 : case drawing::TextFitToSizeType_AUTOFIT:
751 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textFitToSize"), "%s", "AUTOFIT");
752 4 : break;
753 : default:
754 0 : break;
755 : }
756 512 : }
757 :
758 512 : void dumpTextHorizontalAdjustAsAttribute(drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eTextHorizontalAdjust, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
759 : {
760 512 : switch(eTextHorizontalAdjust)
761 : {
762 : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT:
763 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textHorizontalAdjust"), "%s", "LEFT");
764 4 : break;
765 : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER:
766 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textHorizontalAdjust"), "%s", "CENTER");
767 4 : break;
768 : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT:
769 4 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textHorizontalAdjust"), "%s", "RIGHT");
770 4 : break;
771 : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_BLOCK:
772 500 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textHorizontalAdjust"), "%s", "BLOCK");
773 500 : break;
774 : default:
775 0 : break;
776 : }
777 512 : }
778 :
779 512 : void dumpTextVerticalAdjustAsAttribute(drawing::TextVerticalAdjust eTextVerticalAdjust, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
780 : {
781 512 : switch(eTextVerticalAdjust)
782 : {
783 : case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_TOP:
784 132 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textVerticalAdjust"), "%s", "TOP");
785 132 : break;
786 : case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER:
787 380 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textVerticalAdjust"), "%s", "CENTER");
788 380 : break;
789 : case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_BOTTOM:
790 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textVerticalAdjust"), "%s", "BOTTOM");
791 0 : break;
792 : case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_BLOCK:
793 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textVerticalAdjust"), "%s", "BLOCK");
794 0 : break;
795 : default:
796 0 : break;
797 : }
798 512 : }
799 :
800 512 : void dumpTextLeftDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextLeftDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
801 : {
802 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textLeftDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextLeftDistance);
803 512 : }
804 :
805 512 : void dumpTextRightDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextRightDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
806 : {
807 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textRightDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextRightDistance);
808 512 : }
809 :
810 512 : void dumpTextUpperDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextUpperDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
811 : {
812 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textUpperDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextUpperDistance);
813 512 : }
814 :
815 512 : void dumpTextLowerDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextLowerDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
816 : {
817 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textLowerDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextLowerDistance);
818 512 : }
819 :
820 512 : void dumpTextMaximumFrameHeightAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
821 : {
822 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textMaximumFrameHeight"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextMaximumFrameHeight);
823 512 : }
824 :
825 512 : void dumpTextMaximumFrameWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
826 : {
827 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textMaximumFrameWidth"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextMaximumFrameWidth);
828 512 : }
829 :
830 512 : void dumpTextMinimumFrameHeightAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameHeight, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
831 : {
832 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textMinimumFrameHeight"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextMinimumFrameHeight);
833 512 : }
834 :
835 512 : void dumpTextMinimumFrameWidthAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameWidth, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
836 : {
837 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textMinimumFrameWidth"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextMinimumFrameWidth);
838 512 : }
839 :
840 512 : void dumpTextAnimationAmountAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationAmount, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
841 : {
842 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationAmount"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextAnimationAmount);
843 512 : }
844 :
845 512 : void dumpTextAnimationCountAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationCount, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
846 : {
847 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationCount"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextAnimationCount);
848 512 : }
849 :
850 512 : void dumpTextAnimationDelayAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aTextAnimationDelay, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
851 : {
852 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationDelay"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aTextAnimationDelay);
853 512 : }
854 :
855 512 : void dumpTextAnimationDirectionAsAttribute(drawing::TextAnimationDirection eTextAnimationDirection, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
856 : {
857 512 : switch(eTextAnimationDirection)
858 : {
859 : case drawing::TextAnimationDirection_LEFT:
860 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationDirection"), "%s", "LEFT");
861 512 : break;
862 : case drawing::TextAnimationDirection_RIGHT:
863 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationDirection"), "%s", "RIGHT");
864 0 : break;
865 : case drawing::TextAnimationDirection_UP:
866 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationDirection"), "%s", "UP");
867 0 : break;
868 : case drawing::TextAnimationDirection_DOWN:
869 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationDirection"), "%s", "DOWN");
870 0 : break;
871 : default:
872 0 : break;
873 : }
874 512 : }
875 :
876 512 : void dumpTextAnimationKindAsAttribute(drawing::TextAnimationKind eTextAnimationKind, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
877 : {
878 512 : switch(eTextAnimationKind)
879 : {
880 : case drawing::TextAnimationKind_NONE:
881 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationKind"), "%s", "NONE");
882 512 : break;
883 : case drawing::TextAnimationKind_BLINK:
884 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationKind"), "%s", "BLINK");
885 0 : break;
886 : case drawing::TextAnimationKind_SCROLL:
887 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationKind"), "%s", "SCROLL");
888 0 : break;
889 : case drawing::TextAnimationKind_ALTERNATE:
890 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationKind"), "%s", "ALTERNATE");
891 0 : break;
892 : case drawing::TextAnimationKind_SLIDE:
893 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationKind"), "%s", "SLIDE");
894 0 : break;
895 : default:
896 0 : break;
897 : }
898 512 : }
899 :
900 512 : void dumpTextAnimationStartInsideAsAttribute(bool bTextAnimationStartInside, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
901 : {
902 512 : if(bTextAnimationStartInside)
903 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationStartInside"), "%s", "true");
904 : else
905 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationStartInside"), "%s", "false");
906 512 : }
907 :
908 512 : void dumpTextAnimationStopInsideAsAttribute(bool bTextAnimationStopInside, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
909 : {
910 512 : if(bTextAnimationStopInside)
911 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationStopInside"), "%s", "true");
912 : else
913 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textAnimationStopInside"), "%s", "false");
914 512 : }
915 :
916 512 : void dumpTextWritingModeAsAttribute(text::WritingMode eTextWritingMode, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
917 : {
918 512 : switch(eTextWritingMode)
919 : {
920 : case text::WritingMode_LR_TB:
921 512 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textWritingMode"), "%s", "LR_TB");
922 512 : break;
923 : case text::WritingMode_RL_TB:
924 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textWritingMode"), "%s", "RL_TB");
925 0 : break;
926 : case text::WritingMode_TB_RL:
927 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("textWritingMode"), "%s", "TB_RL");
928 0 : break;
929 : default:
930 0 : break;
931 : }
932 512 : }
933 :
934 :
935 : // ---------- ShadowProperties.idl ----------
936 :
937 :
938 40 : void dumpShadowAsAttribute(bool bShadow, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
939 : {
940 40 : if(bShadow)
941 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadow"), "%s", "true");
942 : else
943 40 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadow"), "%s", "false");
944 40 : }
945 :
946 40 : void dumpShadowColorAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowColor, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
947 : {
948 40 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadowColor"), "%06x", (unsigned int) aShadowColor);
949 40 : }
950 :
951 40 : void dumpShadowTransparenceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowTransparence, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
952 : {
953 40 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadowTransparence"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aShadowTransparence);
954 40 : }
955 :
956 40 : void dumpShadowXDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowXDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
957 : {
958 40 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadowXDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aShadowXDistance);
959 40 : }
960 :
961 40 : void dumpShadowYDistanceAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aShadowYDistance, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
962 : {
963 40 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("shadowYDistance"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aShadowYDistance);
964 40 : }
965 :
966 :
967 : // ---------- Shape.idl ----------
968 :
969 :
970 518 : void dumpZOrderAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aZOrder, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
971 : {
972 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("zOrder"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aZOrder);
973 518 : }
974 :
975 518 : void dumpLayerIDAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aLayerID, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
976 : {
977 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("layerID"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aLayerID);
978 518 : }
979 :
980 518 : void dumpLayerNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sLayerName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
981 : {
982 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("layerName"), "%s",
983 518 : OUStringToOString(sLayerName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
984 518 : }
985 :
986 518 : void dumpVisibleAsAttribute(bool bVisible, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
987 : {
988 518 : if(bVisible)
989 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("visible"), "%s", "true");
990 : else
991 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("visible"), "%s", "false");
992 518 : }
993 :
994 518 : void dumpPrintableAsAttribute(bool bPrintable, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
995 : {
996 518 : if(bPrintable)
997 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("printable"), "%s", "true");
998 : else
999 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("printable"), "%s", "false");
1000 518 : }
1001 :
1002 518 : void dumpMoveProtectAsAttribute(bool bMoveProtect, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1003 : {
1004 518 : if(bMoveProtect)
1005 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("moveProtect"), "%s", "true");
1006 : else
1007 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("moveProtect"), "%s", "false");
1008 518 : }
1009 :
1010 518 : void dumpNameAsAttribute(const OUString& sName, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1011 : {
1012 518 : if(!sName.isEmpty() && !m_bNameDumped)
1013 : {
1014 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("name"), "%s", OUStringToOString(sName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1015 0 : m_bNameDumped = true;
1016 : }
1017 518 : }
1018 :
1019 518 : void dumpSizeProtectAsAttribute(bool bSizeProtect, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1020 : {
1021 518 : if(bSizeProtect)
1022 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("sizeProtect"), "%s", "true");
1023 : else
1024 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("sizeProtect"), "%s", "false");
1025 518 : }
1026 :
1027 1554 : void dumpHomogenMatrixLine3(drawing::HomogenMatrixLine3 aHomogenMatrixLine3, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1028 : {
1029 1554 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("column1"), "%f", aHomogenMatrixLine3.Column1);
1030 1554 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("column2"), "%f", aHomogenMatrixLine3.Column2);
1031 1554 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("column3"), "%f", aHomogenMatrixLine3.Column3);
1032 1554 : }
1033 :
1034 518 : void dumpTransformationAsElement(drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aTransformation, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1035 : {
1036 518 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "Transformation" ));
1037 : {
1038 518 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "Line1" ));
1039 518 : dumpHomogenMatrixLine3(aTransformation.Line1, xmlWriter);
1040 518 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1041 518 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "Line2" ));
1042 518 : dumpHomogenMatrixLine3(aTransformation.Line2, xmlWriter);
1043 518 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1044 518 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "Line3" ));
1045 518 : dumpHomogenMatrixLine3(aTransformation.Line3, xmlWriter);
1046 518 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1047 : }
1048 518 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1049 518 : }
1050 :
1051 518 : void dumpNavigationOrderAsAttribute(sal_Int32 aNavigationOrder, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1052 : {
1053 518 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("navigationOrder"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, aNavigationOrder);
1054 518 : }
1055 :
1056 0 : void dumpHyperlinkAsAttribute(const OUString& sHyperlink, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1057 : {
1058 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("hyperlink"), "%s",
1059 0 : OUStringToOString(sHyperlink, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1060 0 : }
1061 :
1062 0 : void dumpInteropGrabBagAsElement(const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue>& aInteropGrabBag, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1063 : {
1064 0 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "InteropGrabBag" ));
1065 :
1066 0 : sal_Int32 nLength = aInteropGrabBag.getLength();
1067 0 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
1068 0 : dumpPropertyValueAsElement(aInteropGrabBag[i], xmlWriter);
1069 :
1070 0 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1071 0 : }
1072 :
1073 :
1074 : // ---------- XShape.idl ----------
1075 :
1076 :
1077 522 : void dumpPositionAsAttribute(const awt::Point& rPoint, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1078 : {
1079 522 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("positionX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, rPoint.X);
1080 522 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("positionY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, rPoint.Y);
1081 522 : }
1082 :
1083 522 : void dumpSizeAsAttribute(const awt::Size& rSize, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1084 : {
1085 522 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("sizeX"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, rSize.Width);
1086 522 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("sizeY"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, rSize.Height);
1087 522 : }
1088 :
1089 522 : void dumpShapeDescriptorAsAttribute( uno::Reference< drawing::XShapeDescriptor > xDescr, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter )
1090 : {
1091 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("type"), "%s",
1092 522 : OUStringToOString(xDescr->getShapeType(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1093 522 : }
1094 :
1095 :
1096 : // ---------- CustomShape.idl ----------
1097 :
1098 :
1099 472 : void dumpCustomShapeEngineAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeEngine, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1100 : {
1101 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("customShapeEngine"), "%s",
1102 472 : OUStringToOString(sCustomShapeEngine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1103 472 : }
1104 :
1105 472 : void dumpCustomShapeDataAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeData, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1106 : {
1107 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("customShapeData"), "%s",
1108 472 : OUStringToOString(sCustomShapeData, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1109 472 : }
1110 :
1111 5466 : void dumpPropertyValueAsElement(const beans::PropertyValue& rPropertyValue, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1112 : {
1113 5466 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "PropertyValue" ));
1114 :
1115 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("name"), "%s",
1116 5466 : OUStringToOString(rPropertyValue.Name, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1117 :
1118 5466 : uno::Any aAny = rPropertyValue.Value;
1119 10932 : OUString sValue;
1120 : float fValue;
1121 : sal_Int32 nValue;
1122 : bool bValue;
1123 5466 : awt::Rectangle aRectangleValue;
1124 10932 : uno::Sequence< drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue> aAdjustmentValues;
1125 10932 : uno::Sequence< drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair > aCoordinates;
1126 10932 : uno::Sequence< drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegment > aSegments;
1127 10932 : uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aPropSeq;
1128 5466 : if(aAny >>= sValue)
1129 : {
1130 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("value"), "%s",
1131 472 : OUStringToOString(sValue, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1132 : }
1133 4994 : else if(aAny >>= nValue)
1134 : {
1135 306 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("value"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, nValue);
1136 : }
1137 4688 : else if(aAny >>= fValue)
1138 : {
1139 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("value"), "%f", fValue);
1140 : }
1141 4688 : else if(aAny >>= bValue)
1142 : {
1143 944 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("value"), "%s", (bValue? "true": "false"));
1144 : }
1145 3744 : else if(rPropertyValue.Name == "ViewBox" && (aAny >>= aRectangleValue))
1146 : {
1147 470 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1148 470 : enhancedDumper.dumpViewBoxAsElement(aRectangleValue);
1149 : }
1150 3274 : else if(rPropertyValue.Name == "AdjustmentValues" && (aAny >>= aAdjustmentValues))
1151 : {
1152 472 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1153 472 : enhancedDumper.dumpAdjustmentValuesAsElement(aAdjustmentValues);
1154 : }
1155 2802 : else if(rPropertyValue.Name == "Coordinates" && (aAny >>= aCoordinates))
1156 : {
1157 472 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1158 472 : enhancedDumper.dumpCoordinatesAsElement(aCoordinates);
1159 : }
1160 2330 : else if(rPropertyValue.Name == "Segments" && (aAny >>= aSegments))
1161 : {
1162 472 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1163 472 : enhancedDumper.dumpSegmentsAsElement(aSegments);
1164 : }
1165 1858 : else if(aAny >>= aPropSeq)
1166 : {
1167 916 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( OUStringToOString(rPropertyValue.Name, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() ));
1168 :
1169 916 : sal_Int32 i = 0, nCount = aPropSeq.getLength();
1170 2460 : for ( ; i < nCount; i++ )
1171 1544 : dumpPropertyValueAsElement(aPropSeq[ i ], xmlWriter);
1172 :
1173 916 : xmlTextWriterEndElement(xmlWriter);
1174 : }
1175 :
1176 : // TODO: Add here dumping of XDocument for future OOX Smart-Art
1177 : // properties.
1178 :
1179 : // TODO more, if necessary
1180 :
1181 5466 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("handle"), "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, rPropertyValue.Handle);
1182 :
1183 5466 : switch(rPropertyValue.State)
1184 : {
1185 : case beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE:
1186 5466 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("propertyState"), "%s", "DIRECT_VALUE");
1187 5466 : break;
1188 : case beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE:
1189 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("propertyState"), "%s", "DEFAULT_VALUE");
1190 0 : break;
1191 : case beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE:
1192 0 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("propertyState"), "%s", "AMBIGUOUS_VALUE");
1193 0 : break;
1194 : default:
1195 0 : break;
1196 : }
1197 10932 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1198 5466 : }
1199 :
1200 472 : void dumpCustomShapeGeometryAsElement(const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue>& aCustomShapeGeometry, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1201 : {
1202 472 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "CustomShapeGeometry" ));
1203 :
1204 472 : sal_Int32 nLength = aCustomShapeGeometry.getLength();
1205 4394 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
1206 3922 : dumpPropertyValueAsElement(aCustomShapeGeometry[i], xmlWriter);
1207 :
1208 472 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1209 472 : }
1210 :
1211 0 : void dumpCustomShapeReplacementURLAsAttribute(const OUString& sCustomShapeReplacementURL, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1212 : {
1213 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("customShapeReplacementURL"), "%s",
1214 0 : OUStringToOString(sCustomShapeReplacementURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1215 0 : }
1216 :
1217 : // methods dumping whole services
1218 :
1219 512 : void dumpTextPropertiesService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1220 : {
1221 512 : uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo> xInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
1222 512 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("CharHeight"))
1223 : {
1224 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CharHeight");
1225 : float fHeight;
1226 512 : if(anotherAny >>= fHeight)
1227 512 : dumpCharHeightAsAttribute(fHeight, xmlWriter);
1228 : }
1229 512 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("CharColor"))
1230 : {
1231 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CharColor");
1232 512 : sal_Int32 aColor = sal_Int32();
1233 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aColor)
1234 512 : dumpCharColorAsAttribute(aColor, xmlWriter);
1235 : }
1236 : // TODO - more properties from CharacterProperties.idl (similar to above)
1237 :
1238 512 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("IsNumbering"))
1239 : {
1240 0 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("IsNumbering");
1241 : bool bIsNumbering;
1242 0 : if(anotherAny >>= bIsNumbering)
1243 0 : dumpIsNumberingAsAttribute(bIsNumbering, xmlWriter);
1244 : }
1245 : {
1246 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAutoGrowHeight");
1247 : bool bTextAutoGrowHeight;
1248 512 : if(anotherAny >>= bTextAutoGrowHeight)
1249 512 : dumpTextAutoGrowHeightAsAttribute(bTextAutoGrowHeight, xmlWriter);
1250 : }
1251 : {
1252 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAutoGrowWidth");
1253 : bool bTextAutoGrowWidth;
1254 512 : if(anotherAny >>= bTextAutoGrowWidth)
1255 512 : dumpTextAutoGrowWidthAsAttribute(bTextAutoGrowWidth, xmlWriter);
1256 : }
1257 : {
1258 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextContourFrame");
1259 : bool bTextContourFrame;
1260 512 : if(anotherAny >>= bTextContourFrame)
1261 512 : dumpTextContourFrameAsAttribute(bTextContourFrame, xmlWriter);
1262 : }
1263 : {
1264 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextFitToSize");
1265 : drawing::TextFitToSizeType eTextFitToSize;
1266 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextFitToSize)
1267 512 : dumpTextFitToSizeAsAttribute(eTextFitToSize, xmlWriter);
1268 : }
1269 : {
1270 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextHorizontalAdjust");
1271 : drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eTextHorizontalAdjust;
1272 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextHorizontalAdjust)
1273 512 : dumpTextHorizontalAdjustAsAttribute(eTextHorizontalAdjust, xmlWriter);
1274 : }
1275 : {
1276 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextVerticalAdjust");
1277 : drawing::TextVerticalAdjust eTextVerticalAdjust;
1278 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextVerticalAdjust)
1279 512 : dumpTextVerticalAdjustAsAttribute(eTextVerticalAdjust, xmlWriter);
1280 : }
1281 : {
1282 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextLeftDistance");
1283 512 : sal_Int32 aTextLeftDistance = sal_Int32();
1284 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextLeftDistance)
1285 512 : dumpTextLeftDistanceAsAttribute(aTextLeftDistance, xmlWriter);
1286 : }
1287 : {
1288 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextRightDistance");
1289 512 : sal_Int32 aTextRightDistance = sal_Int32();
1290 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextRightDistance)
1291 512 : dumpTextRightDistanceAsAttribute(aTextRightDistance, xmlWriter);
1292 : }
1293 : {
1294 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextUpperDistance");
1295 512 : sal_Int32 aTextUpperDistance = sal_Int32();
1296 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextUpperDistance)
1297 512 : dumpTextUpperDistanceAsAttribute(aTextUpperDistance, xmlWriter);
1298 : }
1299 : {
1300 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextLowerDistance");
1301 512 : sal_Int32 aTextLowerDistance = sal_Int32();
1302 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextLowerDistance)
1303 512 : dumpTextLowerDistanceAsAttribute(aTextLowerDistance, xmlWriter);
1304 : }
1305 : {
1306 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextMaximumFrameHeight");
1307 512 : sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameHeight = sal_Int32();
1308 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextMaximumFrameHeight)
1309 512 : dumpTextMaximumFrameHeightAsAttribute(aTextMaximumFrameHeight, xmlWriter);
1310 : }
1311 : {
1312 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextMaximumFrameWidth");
1313 512 : sal_Int32 aTextMaximumFrameWidth = sal_Int32();
1314 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextMaximumFrameWidth)
1315 512 : dumpTextMaximumFrameWidthAsAttribute(aTextMaximumFrameWidth, xmlWriter);
1316 : }
1317 : {
1318 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextMinimumFrameHeight");
1319 512 : sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameHeight = sal_Int32();
1320 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextMinimumFrameHeight)
1321 512 : dumpTextMinimumFrameHeightAsAttribute(aTextMinimumFrameHeight, xmlWriter);
1322 : }
1323 : {
1324 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextMinimumFrameWidth");
1325 512 : sal_Int32 aTextMinimumFrameWidth = sal_Int32();
1326 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextMinimumFrameWidth)
1327 512 : dumpTextMinimumFrameWidthAsAttribute(aTextMinimumFrameWidth, xmlWriter);
1328 : }
1329 : {
1330 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationAmount");
1331 512 : sal_Int32 aTextAnimationAmount = sal_Int32();
1332 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextAnimationAmount)
1333 512 : dumpTextAnimationAmountAsAttribute(aTextAnimationAmount, xmlWriter);
1334 : }
1335 : {
1336 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationCount");
1337 512 : sal_Int32 aTextAnimationCount = sal_Int32();
1338 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextAnimationCount)
1339 512 : dumpTextAnimationCountAsAttribute(aTextAnimationCount, xmlWriter);
1340 : }
1341 : {
1342 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationDelay");
1343 512 : sal_Int32 aTextAnimationDelay = sal_Int32();
1344 512 : if(anotherAny >>= aTextAnimationDelay)
1345 512 : dumpTextAnimationDelayAsAttribute(aTextAnimationDelay, xmlWriter);
1346 : }
1347 : {
1348 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationDirection");
1349 : drawing::TextAnimationDirection eTextAnimationDirection;
1350 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextAnimationDirection)
1351 512 : dumpTextAnimationDirectionAsAttribute(eTextAnimationDirection, xmlWriter);
1352 : }
1353 : {
1354 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationKind");
1355 : drawing::TextAnimationKind eTextAnimationKind;
1356 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextAnimationKind)
1357 512 : dumpTextAnimationKindAsAttribute(eTextAnimationKind, xmlWriter);
1358 : }
1359 : {
1360 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationStartInside");
1361 : bool bTextAnimationStartInside;
1362 512 : if(anotherAny >>= bTextAnimationStartInside)
1363 512 : dumpTextAnimationStartInsideAsAttribute(bTextAnimationStartInside, xmlWriter);
1364 : }
1365 : {
1366 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAnimationStopInside");
1367 : bool bTextAnimationStopInside;
1368 512 : if(anotherAny >>= bTextAnimationStopInside)
1369 512 : dumpTextAnimationStopInsideAsAttribute(bTextAnimationStopInside, xmlWriter);
1370 : }
1371 : {
1372 512 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextWritingMode");
1373 : text::WritingMode eTextWritingMode;
1374 512 : if(anotherAny >>= eTextWritingMode)
1375 512 : dumpTextWritingModeAsAttribute(eTextWritingMode, xmlWriter);
1376 512 : }
1377 512 : }
1378 :
1379 500 : void dumpFillPropertiesService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1380 : {
1381 : {
1382 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillStyle");
1383 : drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle;
1384 500 : if(anotherAny >>= eFillStyle)
1385 500 : dumpFillStyleAsAttribute(eFillStyle, xmlWriter);
1386 : }
1387 : {
1388 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillColor");
1389 500 : sal_Int32 aColor = sal_Int32();
1390 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aColor)
1391 500 : dumpFillColorAsAttribute(aColor, xmlWriter);
1392 : }
1393 : {
1394 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillTransparence");
1395 500 : sal_Int32 aTransparence = sal_Int32();
1396 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aTransparence)
1397 500 : dumpFillTransparenceAsAttribute(aTransparence, xmlWriter);
1398 : }
1399 : {
1400 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillTransparenceGradientName");
1401 1000 : OUString sTranspGradName;
1402 500 : if(anotherAny >>= sTranspGradName)
1403 1000 : dumpFillTransparenceGradientNameAsAttribute(sTranspGradName, xmlWriter);
1404 : }
1405 : {
1406 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillTransparenceGradient");
1407 500 : awt::Gradient aTranspGrad;
1408 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aTranspGrad)
1409 500 : dumpFillTransparenceGradientAsElement(aTranspGrad, xmlWriter);
1410 : }
1411 : {
1412 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillGradientName");
1413 1000 : OUString sGradName;
1414 500 : if(anotherAny >>= sGradName)
1415 1000 : dumpFillGradientNameAsAttribute(sGradName, xmlWriter);
1416 : }
1417 : {
1418 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillGradient");
1419 500 : awt::Gradient aGradient;
1420 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aGradient)
1421 500 : dumpFillGradientAsElement(aGradient, xmlWriter);
1422 : }
1423 : {
1424 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillHatchName");
1425 1000 : OUString sHatchName;
1426 500 : if(anotherAny >>= sHatchName)
1427 1000 : dumpFillGradientNameAsAttribute(sHatchName, xmlWriter);
1428 : }
1429 : {
1430 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillHatch");
1431 500 : drawing::Hatch aHatch;
1432 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aHatch)
1433 500 : dumpFillHatchAsElement(aHatch, xmlWriter);
1434 : }
1435 : {
1436 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBackground");
1437 : bool bFillBackground;
1438 500 : if(anotherAny >>= bFillBackground)
1439 500 : dumpFillBackgroundAsAttribute(bFillBackground, xmlWriter);
1440 : }
1441 : {
1442 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapName");
1443 1000 : OUString sBitmapName;
1444 500 : if(anotherAny >>= sBitmapName)
1445 1000 : dumpFillGradientNameAsAttribute(sBitmapName, xmlWriter);
1446 : }
1447 : {
1448 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmap");
1449 1000 : uno::Reference<awt::XBitmap> xBitmap;
1450 500 : if(anotherAny >>= xBitmap)
1451 1000 : dumpFillBitmapAsElement(xBitmap, xmlWriter);
1452 : }
1453 : {
1454 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapURL");
1455 1000 : OUString sBitmapURL;
1456 500 : if(anotherAny >>= sBitmapURL)
1457 1000 : dumpFillBitmapURLAsAttribute(sBitmapURL, xmlWriter);
1458 : }
1459 : {
1460 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapPositionOffsetX");
1461 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetX = sal_Int32();
1462 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapPositionOffsetX)
1463 500 : dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetXAsAttribute(aBitmapPositionOffsetX, xmlWriter);
1464 : }
1465 : {
1466 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapPositionOffsetY");
1467 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapPositionOffsetY = sal_Int32();
1468 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapPositionOffsetY)
1469 500 : dumpFillBitmapPositionOffsetYAsAttribute(aBitmapPositionOffsetY, xmlWriter);
1470 : }
1471 : {
1472 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapOffsetX");
1473 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetX = sal_Int32();
1474 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapOffsetX)
1475 500 : dumpFillBitmapOffsetXAsAttribute(aBitmapOffsetX, xmlWriter);
1476 : }
1477 : {
1478 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapOffsetY");
1479 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapOffsetY = sal_Int32();
1480 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapOffsetY)
1481 500 : dumpFillBitmapOffsetYAsAttribute(aBitmapOffsetY, xmlWriter);
1482 : }
1483 : {
1484 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapRectanglePoint");
1485 : drawing::RectanglePoint eBitmapRectanglePoint;
1486 500 : if(anotherAny >>= eBitmapRectanglePoint)
1487 500 : dumpFillBitmapRectanglePointAsAttribute(eBitmapRectanglePoint, xmlWriter);
1488 : }
1489 : {
1490 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapLogicalSize");
1491 : bool bBitmapLogicalSize;
1492 500 : if(anotherAny >>= bBitmapLogicalSize)
1493 500 : dumpFillBitmapLogicalSizeAsAttribute(bBitmapLogicalSize, xmlWriter);
1494 : }
1495 : {
1496 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapSizeX");
1497 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeX = sal_Int32();
1498 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapSizeX)
1499 500 : dumpFillBitmapSizeXAsAttribute(aBitmapSizeX, xmlWriter);
1500 : }
1501 : {
1502 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapSizeY");
1503 500 : sal_Int32 aBitmapSizeY = sal_Int32();
1504 500 : if(anotherAny >>= aBitmapSizeY)
1505 500 : dumpFillBitmapSizeYAsAttribute(aBitmapSizeY, xmlWriter);
1506 : }
1507 : {
1508 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapMode");
1509 : drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode;
1510 500 : if(anotherAny >>= eBitmapMode)
1511 500 : dumpFillBitmapModeAsAttribute(eBitmapMode, xmlWriter);
1512 : }
1513 : {
1514 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapStretch");
1515 : bool bBitmapStretch;
1516 500 : if(anotherAny >>= bBitmapStretch)
1517 500 : dumpFillBitmapStretchAsAttribute(bBitmapStretch, xmlWriter);
1518 : }
1519 : {
1520 500 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillBitmapTile");
1521 : bool bBitmapTile;
1522 500 : if(anotherAny >>= bBitmapTile)
1523 500 : dumpFillBitmapTileAsAttribute(bBitmapTile, xmlWriter);
1524 : }
1525 500 : }
1526 :
1527 508 : void dumpLinePropertiesService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1528 : {
1529 : {
1530 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineStyle");
1531 : drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle;
1532 508 : if(anotherAny >>= eLineStyle)
1533 508 : dumpLineStyleAsAttribute(eLineStyle, xmlWriter);
1534 : }
1535 : {
1536 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineDash");
1537 508 : drawing::LineDash aLineDash;
1538 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineDash)
1539 508 : dumpLineDashAsElement(aLineDash, xmlWriter);
1540 : }
1541 : {
1542 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineDashName");
1543 1016 : OUString sLineDashName;
1544 508 : if(anotherAny >>= sLineDashName)
1545 1016 : dumpLineDashNameAsAttribute(sLineDashName, xmlWriter);
1546 : }
1547 : {
1548 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineColor");
1549 508 : sal_Int32 aLineColor = sal_Int32();
1550 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineColor)
1551 508 : dumpLineColorAsAttribute(aLineColor, xmlWriter);
1552 : }
1553 : {
1554 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineTransparence");
1555 508 : sal_Int32 aLineTransparence = sal_Int32();
1556 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineTransparence)
1557 508 : dumpLineTransparenceAsAttribute(aLineTransparence, xmlWriter);
1558 : }
1559 : {
1560 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineWidth");
1561 508 : sal_Int32 aLineWidth = sal_Int32();
1562 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineWidth)
1563 508 : dumpLineWidthAsAttribute(aLineWidth, xmlWriter);
1564 : }
1565 : {
1566 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineJoint");
1567 : drawing::LineJoint eLineJoint;
1568 508 : if(anotherAny >>= eLineJoint)
1569 508 : dumpLineJointAsAttribute(eLineJoint, xmlWriter);
1570 : }
1571 : {
1572 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineStartName");
1573 1016 : OUString sLineStartName;
1574 508 : if(anotherAny >>= sLineStartName)
1575 1016 : dumpLineStartNameAsAttribute(sLineStartName, xmlWriter);
1576 : }
1577 : {
1578 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineEndName");
1579 1016 : OUString sLineEndName;
1580 508 : if(anotherAny >>= sLineEndName)
1581 1016 : dumpLineEndNameAsAttribute(sLineEndName, xmlWriter);
1582 : }
1583 : {
1584 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineStart");
1585 1016 : drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineStart;
1586 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineStart)
1587 1016 : dumpLineStartAsElement(aLineStart, xmlWriter);
1588 : }
1589 : {
1590 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineEnd");
1591 1016 : drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aLineEnd;
1592 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineEnd)
1593 1016 : dumpLineEndAsElement(aLineEnd, xmlWriter);
1594 : }
1595 : {
1596 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineStartCenter");
1597 : bool bLineStartCenter;
1598 508 : if(anotherAny >>= bLineStartCenter)
1599 508 : dumpLineStartCenterAsAttribute(bLineStartCenter, xmlWriter);
1600 : }
1601 : {
1602 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineStartWidth");
1603 508 : sal_Int32 aLineStartWidth = sal_Int32();
1604 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineStartWidth)
1605 508 : dumpLineStartWidthAsAttribute(aLineStartWidth, xmlWriter);
1606 : }
1607 : {
1608 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineEndCenter");
1609 : bool bLineEndCenter;
1610 508 : if(anotherAny >>= bLineEndCenter)
1611 508 : dumpLineEndCenterAsAttribute(bLineEndCenter, xmlWriter);
1612 : }
1613 : {
1614 508 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LineEndWidth");
1615 508 : sal_Int32 aLineEndWidth = sal_Int32();
1616 508 : if(anotherAny >>= aLineEndWidth)
1617 508 : dumpLineEndWidthAsAttribute(aLineEndWidth, xmlWriter);
1618 : }
1619 508 : }
1620 :
1621 40 : void dumpShadowPropertiesService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1622 : {
1623 : {
1624 40 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Shadow");
1625 : bool bShadow;
1626 40 : if(anotherAny >>= bShadow)
1627 40 : dumpShadowAsAttribute(bShadow, xmlWriter);
1628 : }
1629 : {
1630 40 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ShadowColor");
1631 40 : sal_Int32 aShadowColor = sal_Int32();
1632 40 : if(anotherAny >>= aShadowColor)
1633 40 : dumpShadowColorAsAttribute(aShadowColor, xmlWriter);
1634 : }
1635 : {
1636 40 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ShadowTransparence");
1637 40 : sal_Int32 aShadowTransparence = sal_Int32();
1638 40 : if(anotherAny >>= aShadowTransparence)
1639 40 : dumpShadowTransparenceAsAttribute(aShadowTransparence, xmlWriter);
1640 : }
1641 : {
1642 40 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ShadowXDistance");
1643 40 : sal_Int32 aShadowXDistance = sal_Int32();
1644 40 : if(anotherAny >>= aShadowXDistance)
1645 40 : dumpShadowXDistanceAsAttribute(aShadowXDistance, xmlWriter);
1646 : }
1647 : {
1648 40 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ShadowYDistance");
1649 40 : sal_Int32 aShadowYDistance = sal_Int32();
1650 40 : if(anotherAny >>= aShadowYDistance)
1651 40 : dumpShadowYDistanceAsAttribute(aShadowYDistance, xmlWriter);
1652 : }
1653 40 : }
1654 :
1655 14 : void dumpPolyPolygonDescriptorService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1656 : {
1657 : {
1658 14 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("PolygonKind");
1659 : drawing::PolygonKind ePolygonKind;
1660 14 : if(anotherAny >>= ePolygonKind)
1661 14 : dumpPolygonKindAsAttribute(ePolygonKind, xmlWriter);
1662 : }
1663 : {
1664 14 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("PolyPolygon");
1665 28 : drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPolyPolygon;
1666 14 : if(anotherAny >>= aPolyPolygon)
1667 28 : dumpPolyPolygonAsElement(aPolyPolygon, xmlWriter);
1668 : }
1669 : {
1670 14 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Geometry");
1671 28 : drawing::PointSequenceSequence aGeometry;
1672 14 : if(anotherAny >>= aGeometry)
1673 28 : dumpGeometryAsElement(aGeometry, xmlWriter);
1674 : }
1675 14 : }
1676 :
1677 518 : void dumpShapeService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties)
1678 : {
1679 518 : uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo> xInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
1680 : {
1681 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ZOrder");
1682 518 : sal_Int32 aZOrder = sal_Int32();
1683 518 : if(anotherAny >>= aZOrder)
1684 518 : dumpZOrderAsAttribute(aZOrder, xmlWriter);
1685 : }
1686 : {
1687 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayerID");
1688 518 : sal_Int32 aLayerID = sal_Int32();
1689 518 : if(anotherAny >>= aLayerID)
1690 518 : dumpLayerIDAsAttribute(aLayerID, xmlWriter);
1691 : }
1692 : {
1693 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayerName");
1694 1036 : OUString sLayerName;
1695 518 : if(anotherAny >>= sLayerName)
1696 1036 : dumpLayerNameAsAttribute(sLayerName, xmlWriter);
1697 : }
1698 : {
1699 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Visible");
1700 : bool bVisible;
1701 518 : if(anotherAny >>= bVisible)
1702 518 : dumpVisibleAsAttribute(bVisible, xmlWriter);
1703 : }
1704 : {
1705 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Printable");
1706 : bool bPrintable;
1707 518 : if(anotherAny >>= bPrintable)
1708 518 : dumpPrintableAsAttribute(bPrintable, xmlWriter);
1709 : }
1710 : {
1711 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("MoveProtect");
1712 : bool bMoveProtect;
1713 518 : if(anotherAny >>= bMoveProtect)
1714 518 : dumpMoveProtectAsAttribute(bMoveProtect, xmlWriter);
1715 : }
1716 : {
1717 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Name");
1718 1036 : OUString sName;
1719 518 : if(anotherAny >>= sName)
1720 1036 : dumpNameAsAttribute(sName, xmlWriter);
1721 : }
1722 : {
1723 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("SizeProtect");
1724 : bool bSizeProtect;
1725 518 : if(anotherAny >>= bSizeProtect)
1726 518 : dumpSizeProtectAsAttribute(bSizeProtect, xmlWriter);
1727 : }
1728 : {
1729 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Transformation");
1730 518 : drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aTransformation;
1731 518 : if(anotherAny >>= aTransformation)
1732 518 : dumpTransformationAsElement(aTransformation, xmlWriter);
1733 : }
1734 : {
1735 518 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("NavigationOrder");
1736 518 : sal_Int32 aNavigationOrder = sal_Int32();
1737 518 : if(anotherAny >>= aNavigationOrder)
1738 518 : dumpNavigationOrderAsAttribute(aNavigationOrder, xmlWriter);
1739 : }
1740 518 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("Hyperlink"))
1741 : {
1742 0 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Hyperlink");
1743 0 : OUString sHyperlink;
1744 0 : if(anotherAny >>= sHyperlink)
1745 0 : dumpHyperlinkAsAttribute(sHyperlink, xmlWriter);
1746 : }
1747 518 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("InteropGrabBag") && bDumpInteropProperties)
1748 : {
1749 0 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("InteropGrabBag");
1750 0 : uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue> aInteropGrabBag;
1751 0 : if(anotherAny >>= aInteropGrabBag)
1752 0 : dumpInteropGrabBagAsElement(aInteropGrabBag, xmlWriter);
1753 518 : }
1754 518 : }
1755 :
1756 8 : void dumpPolyPolygonBezierDescriptorService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1757 : {
1758 : {
1759 8 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("PolygonKind");
1760 : drawing::PolygonKind ePolygonKind;
1761 8 : if(anotherAny >>= ePolygonKind)
1762 8 : dumpPolygonKindAsAttribute(ePolygonKind, xmlWriter);
1763 : }
1764 : {
1765 8 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("PolyPolygonBezier");
1766 16 : drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aPolyPolygonBezier;
1767 8 : if(anotherAny >>= aPolyPolygonBezier)
1768 16 : dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(aPolyPolygonBezier, xmlWriter);
1769 : }
1770 : {
1771 8 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Geometry");
1772 16 : drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords aGeometry;
1773 8 : if(anotherAny >>= aGeometry)
1774 16 : dumpPolyPolygonBezierCoords(aGeometry, xmlWriter);
1775 : }
1776 8 : }
1777 :
1778 472 : void dumpCustomShapeService(uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter)
1779 : {
1780 472 : uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo> xInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
1781 : {
1782 472 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CustomShapeEngine");
1783 944 : OUString sCustomShapeEngine;
1784 472 : if(anotherAny >>= sCustomShapeEngine)
1785 944 : dumpCustomShapeEngineAsAttribute(sCustomShapeEngine, xmlWriter);
1786 : }
1787 : {
1788 472 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CustomShapeData");
1789 944 : OUString sCustomShapeData;
1790 472 : if(anotherAny >>= sCustomShapeData)
1791 944 : dumpCustomShapeDataAsAttribute(sCustomShapeData, xmlWriter);
1792 : }
1793 : {
1794 472 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CustomShapeGeometry");
1795 944 : uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue> aCustomShapeGeometry;
1796 472 : if(anotherAny >>= aCustomShapeGeometry)
1797 944 : dumpCustomShapeGeometryAsElement(aCustomShapeGeometry, xmlWriter);
1798 : }
1799 472 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("CustomShapeReplacementURL"))
1800 : {
1801 0 : uno::Any anotherAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("CustomShapeReplacementURL");
1802 0 : OUString sCustomShapeReplacementURL;
1803 0 : if(anotherAny >>= sCustomShapeReplacementURL)
1804 0 : dumpCustomShapeReplacementURLAsAttribute(sCustomShapeReplacementURL, xmlWriter);
1805 472 : }
1806 472 : }
1807 :
1808 522 : void dumpXShape(uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties)
1809 : {
1810 522 : xmlTextWriterStartElement( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "XShape" ) );
1811 522 : uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
1812 1044 : uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
1813 1044 : OUString aName;
1814 522 : m_bNameDumped = false;
1815 :
1816 522 : dumpPositionAsAttribute(xShape->getPosition(), xmlWriter);
1817 522 : dumpSizeAsAttribute(xShape->getSize(), xmlWriter);
1818 1044 : uno::Reference< drawing::XShapeDescriptor > xDescr(xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
1819 522 : dumpShapeDescriptorAsAttribute(xDescr, xmlWriter);
1820 :
1821 : // uno::Sequence<beans::Property> aProperties = xPropSetInfo->getProperties();
1822 :
1823 1044 : uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xServiceInfo( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
1824 :
1825 1044 : uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo> xInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
1826 522 : if(xInfo->hasPropertyByName("Name"))
1827 : {
1828 522 : uno::Any aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("Name");
1829 522 : if (aAny >>= aName)
1830 : {
1831 522 : if (!aName.isEmpty())
1832 : {
1833 136 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("name"), "%s", OUStringToOString(aName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1834 136 : m_bNameDumped = true;
1835 : }
1836 522 : }
1837 : }
1838 :
1839 : try
1840 : {
1841 522 : if (xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1842 : {
1843 512 : uno::Reference< text::XText > xText(xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
1844 1024 : OUString aText = xText->getString();
1845 512 : if(!aText.isEmpty())
1846 628 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST("text"), "%s", OUStringToOString(aText, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1847 : }
1848 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1849 512 : dumpTextPropertiesService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1850 :
1851 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1852 : {
1853 6 : uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes(xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
1854 6 : dumpXShapes(xShapes, xmlWriter, bDumpInteropProperties);
1855 : }
1856 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1857 500 : dumpFillPropertiesService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1858 :
1859 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1860 508 : dumpLinePropertiesService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1861 :
1862 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1863 14 : dumpPolyPolygonDescriptorService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1864 :
1865 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1866 40 : dumpShadowPropertiesService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1867 :
1868 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1869 518 : dumpShapeService(xPropSet, xmlWriter, bDumpInteropProperties);
1870 :
1871 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1872 8 : dumpPolyPolygonBezierDescriptorService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1873 :
1874 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1875 472 : dumpCustomShapeService(xPropSet, xmlWriter);
1876 :
1877 : // EnhancedShapeDumper used
1878 :
1879 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1880 : {
1881 0 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1882 0 : enhancedDumper.dumpEnhancedCustomShapeExtrusionService(xPropSet);
1883 : }
1884 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1885 : {
1886 0 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1887 0 : enhancedDumper.dumpEnhancedCustomShapeGeometryService(xPropSet);
1888 : }
1889 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1890 : {
1891 0 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1892 0 : enhancedDumper.dumpEnhancedCustomShapeHandleService(xPropSet);
1893 : }
1894 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1895 : {
1896 0 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1897 0 : enhancedDumper.dumpEnhancedCustomShapePathService(xPropSet);
1898 : }
1899 522 : if(xServiceInfo->supportsService(""))
1900 : {
1901 0 : EnhancedShapeDumper enhancedDumper(xmlWriter);
1902 0 : enhancedDumper.dumpEnhancedCustomShapeTextPathService(xPropSet);
1903 : }
1904 : } // end of the 'try' block
1905 0 : catch (const beans::UnknownPropertyException& e)
1906 : {
1907 0 : std::cout << "Exception caught in XShapeDumper.cxx: " << e.Message << std::endl;
1908 : }
1909 :
1910 : #if DEBUG_DUMPER
1911 : uno::Sequence< OUString > aServiceNames = xServiceInfo->getSupportedServiceNames();
1912 : sal_Int32 nServices = aServiceNames.getLength();
1913 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nServices; ++i)
1914 : {
1915 : xmlTextWriterStartElement(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "ServiceName" ));
1916 : xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "name" ), "%s", OUStringToOString(aServiceNames[i], RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
1917 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1918 : }
1919 : #endif
1920 :
1921 1044 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1922 522 : }
1923 :
1924 42 : void dumpXShapes( uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes, xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter, bool bDumpInteropProperties )
1925 : {
1926 42 : xmlTextWriterStartElement( xmlWriter, BAD_CAST( "XShapes" ) );
1927 42 : uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xIA( xShapes, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
1928 42 : sal_Int32 nLength = xIA->getCount();
1929 564 : for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
1930 : {
1931 522 : uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( xIA->getByIndex( i ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
1932 522 : dumpXShape( xShape, xmlWriter, bDumpInteropProperties );
1933 522 : }
1934 :
1935 42 : xmlTextWriterEndElement( xmlWriter );
1936 42 : }
1937 : } //end of namespace
1938 :
1939 36 : OUString XShapeDumper::dump(uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> xPageShapes, bool bDumpInteropProperties)
1940 : {
1941 36 : OStringBuffer aString;
1942 36 : xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutBuffer = xmlOutputBufferCreateIO( writeCallback, closeCallback, &aString, NULL );
1943 36 : xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter = xmlNewTextWriter( xmlOutBuffer );
1944 36 : xmlTextWriterSetIndent( xmlWriter, 1 );
1945 :
1946 36 : xmlTextWriterStartDocument( xmlWriter, NULL, NULL, NULL );
1947 :
1948 : try
1949 : {
1950 36 : dumpXShapes( xPageShapes, xmlWriter, bDumpInteropProperties );
1951 : }
1952 0 : catch (const beans::UnknownPropertyException& e)
1953 : {
1954 0 : std::cout << "Exception caught in XShapeDumper: " << e.Message << std::endl;
1955 : }
1956 :
1957 36 : xmlTextWriterEndDocument( xmlWriter );
1958 36 : xmlFreeTextWriter( xmlWriter );
1959 :
1960 36 : return OStringToOUString(aString.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
1961 : }
1962 :
1963 0 : OUString XShapeDumper::dump(uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xPageShapes, bool bDumpInteropProperties)
1964 : {
1965 0 : OStringBuffer aString;
1966 0 : xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutBuffer = xmlOutputBufferCreateIO( writeCallback, closeCallback, &aString, NULL );
1967 0 : xmlTextWriterPtr xmlWriter = xmlNewTextWriter( xmlOutBuffer );
1968 0 : xmlTextWriterSetIndent( xmlWriter, 1 );
1969 :
1970 0 : xmlTextWriterStartDocument( xmlWriter, NULL, NULL, NULL );
1971 :
1972 : try
1973 : {
1974 0 : dumpXShape( xPageShapes, xmlWriter, bDumpInteropProperties );
1975 : }
1976 0 : catch (const beans::UnknownPropertyException& e)
1977 : {
1978 0 : std::cout << "Exception caught in XShapeDumper: " << e.Message << std::endl;
1979 : }
1980 :
1981 0 : xmlTextWriterEndDocument( xmlWriter );
1982 0 : xmlFreeTextWriter( xmlWriter );
1983 :
1984 0 : return OStringToOUString(aString.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
1985 1143 : }
1986 :
1987 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */