LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - idl/inc - bastype.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 36 43 83.7 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 34 40 85.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef INCLUDED_IDL_INC_BASTYPE_HXX
      21             : #define INCLUDED_IDL_INC_BASTYPE_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : 
      24             : #include <sal/types.h>
      25             : #include <tools/globname.hxx>
      26             : #include <tools/stream.hxx>
      27             : 
      28             : class SvStringHashEntry;
      29             : class SvIdlDataBase;
      30             : class SvTokenStream;
      31             : 
      32             : class Svint
      33             : {
      34             :     int     nVal;
      35             :     bool    bSet;
      36             : public:
      37             :                 Svint() { nVal = 0; bSet = false; }
      38             :                 Svint( int n ) : nVal( n ), bSet( true ) {}
      39       19116 :                 Svint( int n, bool bSetP ) : nVal( n ), bSet( bSetP ) {}
      40           0 :     Svint    &  operator = ( int n ) { nVal = n; bSet = true; return *this; }
      41             : 
      42           0 :     operator    int ()const { return nVal; }
      43           0 :     bool        IsSet() const { return bSet; }
      44             : };
      45             : 
      46             : 
      47             : class SvBOOL
      48             : {
      49             :     bool  nVal:1,
      50             :           bSet:1;
      51             : public:
      52      447622 :                 SvBOOL() { bSet = nVal = false; }
      53             :                 SvBOOL( bool n ) : nVal( n ), bSet( true ) {}
      54      160264 :                 SvBOOL( bool n, bool bSetP ) : nVal( n ), bSet( bSetP ) {}
      55      213908 :     SvBOOL &    operator = ( bool n ) { nVal = n; bSet = true; return *this; }
      56             : 
      57      214245 :     operator    bool() const { return nVal; }
      58             : #ifdef STC
      59             :     operator    int() const { return nVal; }
      60             : #endif
      61             :     bool        Is() const { return nVal; }
      62      351948 :     bool        IsSet() const { return bSet; }
      63             : 
      64             :     friend SvStream& WriteSvBOOL(SvStream &, const SvBOOL &);
      65             :     friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &, SvBOOL &);
      66             : 
      67             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvStringHashEntry * pName, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
      68             : };
      69             : 
      70             : 
      71      166499 : class SvIdentifier
      72             : {
      73             : private:
      74             :     OString m_aStr;
      75             : public:
      76      165380 :     SvIdentifier()
      77      165380 :     {
      78      165380 :     }
      79       37302 :     void setString(const OString& rStr)
      80             :     {
      81       37302 :         m_aStr = rStr;
      82       37302 :     }
      83    12259330 :     const OString& getString() const
      84             :     {
      85    12259330 :         return m_aStr;
      86             :     }
      87             : 
      88     9324173 :     bool IsSet() const
      89             :     {
      90     9324173 :         return !m_aStr.isEmpty();
      91             :     }
      92             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvStringHashEntry * pName, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
      93             : };
      94             : 
      95             : 
      96       52415 : class SvNumberIdentifier : public SvIdentifier
      97             : {
      98             :     sal_uInt32  nValue;
      99             :     // must not be used
     100             :     bool    ReadSvIdl( SvStringHashEntry * pName, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     101             : public:
     102       52112 :                 SvNumberIdentifier() : nValue( 0 ) {};
     103     9324173 :     bool        IsSet() const
     104             :                 {
     105     9324173 :                     return SvIdentifier::IsSet() || nValue != 0;
     106             :                 }
     107      943963 :     sal_uInt32      GetValue() const { return nValue; }
     108           5 :     void        SetValue( sal_uInt32 nVal ) { nValue = nVal; }
     109             : 
     110             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvIdlDataBase &, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     111             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvIdlDataBase &, SvStringHashEntry * pName,
     112             :                            SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     113             : };
     114             : 
     115             : 
     116      146216 : class SvString
     117             : {
     118             : private:
     119             :     OString m_aStr;
     120             : public:
     121      145400 :     SvString() {}
     122       21174 :     void setString(const OString& rStr)
     123             :     {
     124       21174 :         m_aStr = rStr;
     125       21174 :     }
     126     6143115 :     const OString& getString() const
     127             :     {
     128     6143115 :         return m_aStr;
     129             :     }
     130           0 :     bool IsSet() const
     131             :     {
     132           0 :         return !m_aStr.isEmpty();
     133             :     }
     134             :     friend SvStream& WriteSvString(SvStream &, const SvString &);
     135             :     friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &, SvString &);
     136             : 
     137             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvStringHashEntry * pName, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     138             : };
     139             : 
     140             : 
     141       30225 : class SvHelpText : public SvString
     142             : {
     143             : public:
     144       30089 :                 SvHelpText() {}
     145             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvIdlDataBase &, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     146             : };
     147             : 
     148             : 
     149       60314 : class SvHelpContext : public SvNumberIdentifier
     150             : {
     151             : };
     152             : 
     153        6380 : class SvUUId : public SvGlobalName
     154             : {
     155             : public:
     156        6380 :                 SvUUId() {}
     157             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvIdlDataBase &, SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     158             : };
     159             : 
     160             : 
     161             : class SvVersion
     162             : {
     163             :     sal_uInt16  nMajorVersion;
     164             :     sal_uInt16  nMinorVersion;
     165             : public:
     166        6380 :                 SvVersion() : nMajorVersion( 1 ), nMinorVersion( 0 ) {}
     167             :     bool        operator == ( const SvVersion & r )
     168             :                 {
     169             :                     return (r.nMajorVersion == nMajorVersion)
     170             :                              && (r.nMinorVersion == nMinorVersion);
     171             :                 }
     172             :     bool        operator != ( const SvVersion & r )
     173             :                 {
     174             :                     return !(*this == r);
     175             :                 }
     176             : 
     177           0 :     sal_uInt16      GetMajorVersion() const { return nMajorVersion; }
     178           0 :     sal_uInt16      GetMinorVersion() const { return nMinorVersion; }
     179             : 
     180             :     friend SvStream& WriteSvVersion(SvStream &, const SvVersion &);
     181             :     friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &, SvVersion &);
     182             :     bool        ReadSvIdl( SvTokenStream & rInStm );
     183             : };
     184             : 
     185             : 
     186             : #endif // INCLUDED_IDL_INC_BASTYPE_HXX
     187             : 
     188             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10