LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - include/editeng - svxacorr.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 9 41 22.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 5 30 16.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef INCLUDED_EDITENG_SVXACORR_HXX
      21             : #define INCLUDED_EDITENG_SVXACORR_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp>
      24             : 
      25             : #include <o3tl/sorted_vector.hxx>
      26             : #include <sot/storage.hxx>
      27             : #include <tools/rtti.hxx>
      28             : #include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
      29             : #include <tools/time.hxx>
      30             : #include <tools/date.hxx>
      31             : #include <editeng/swafopt.hxx>
      32             : #include <editeng/editengdllapi.h>
      33             : 
      34             : #include <map>
      35             : #include <set>
      36             : #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
      37             : #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
      38             : 
      39             : class CharClass;
      40             : class SfxPoolItem;
      41             : class SvxAutoCorrect;
      42             : class SfxObjectShell;
      43             : namespace vcl { class Window; }
      44             : 
      45             : struct CompareSvStringsISortDtor
      46             : {
      47           0 :     bool operator()( OUString const& lhs, OUString const& rhs ) const
      48             :     {
      49           0 :         return lhs.compareToIgnoreAsciiCase( rhs ) < 0;
      50             :     }
      51             : };
      52             : 
      53           0 : class SvStringsISortDtor
      54             :     : public o3tl::sorted_vector<OUString, CompareSvStringsISortDtor>
      55             : {
      56             : };
      57             : 
      58             : // Auto correct flags
      59             : const long CptlSttSntnc     = 0x00000001;   // Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence
      60             : const long CptlSttWrd       = 0x00000002;   // not two Capital letters at the beginning of a word
      61             : const long AddNonBrkSpace   = 0x00000004;   // Add non breaking space before :;?!%
      62             : const long ChgOrdinalNumber = 0x00000008;   // Ordinal-Number 1st, 2nd,..
      63             : const long ChgToEnEmDash    = 0x00000010;   // - -> Endash/Emdash
      64             : const long ChgWeightUnderl  = 0x00000020;   // * -> Bold, _ -> Underscore
      65             : const long SetINetAttr      = 0x00000040;   // Set INetAttribut
      66             : const long Autocorrect      = 0x00000080;   // Call AutoCorrect
      67             : const long ChgQuotes        = 0x00000100;   // replace double quotes
      68             : const long SaveWordCplSttLst= 0x00000200;   // Save Auto correction of Capital letter at beginning of sentence.
      69             : const long SaveWordWrdSttLst= 0x00000400;   // Save Auto correction of 2 Capital letter at beginning of word.
      70             : const long IgnoreDoubleSpace= 0x00000800;   // Ignore 2 Spaces
      71             : const long ChgSglQuotes     = 0x00001000;   // Replace simple quotes
      72             : const long CorrectCapsLock  = 0x00002000;   // Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key
      73             : 
      74             : const long ChgWordLstLoad   = 0x20000000;   // Replacement list loaded
      75             : const long CplSttLstLoad    = 0x40000000;   // Exception list for Capital letters Start loaded
      76             : const long WrdSttLstLoad    = 0x80000000;   // Exception list for Word Start loaded
      77             : 
      78             : // TODO: handle unicodes > U+FFFF and check users of this class
      79             : 
      80             : // only a mapping class
      81             : class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC SvxAutoCorrDoc
      82             : {
      83             : public:
      84           6 :     SvxAutoCorrDoc() {}
      85             :     virtual ~SvxAutoCorrDoc();
      86             : 
      87             :     virtual bool Delete( sal_Int32 nStt, sal_Int32 nEnd ) = 0;
      88             :     virtual bool Insert( sal_Int32 nPos, const OUString& rTxt ) = 0;
      89             :     virtual bool Replace( sal_Int32 nPos, const OUString& rTxt ) = 0;
      90             :     virtual bool ReplaceRange( sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nLen, const OUString& rTxt ) = 0;
      91             : 
      92             :     virtual bool SetAttr( sal_Int32 nStt, sal_Int32 nEnd, sal_uInt16 nSlotId,
      93             :                             SfxPoolItem& ) = 0;
      94             : 
      95             :     virtual bool SetINetAttr( sal_Int32 nStt, sal_Int32 nEnd, const OUString& rURL ) = 0;
      96             : 
      97             :     // Return the text of a previous paragraph.
      98             :     // If no paragraph exits or just an empty one, then return an empty string.
      99             :     // The flag indicates:
     100             :     //      TRUE: before the normal insertion position (TRUE)
     101             :     //      FALSE: in which the corrected word was inserted.
     102             :     //             (Does not to have to be the same paragraph !!!!)
     103             :     virtual OUString const* GetPrevPara(bool bAtNormalPos) = 0;
     104             : 
     105             :     virtual bool ChgAutoCorrWord( sal_Int32& rSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     106             :                                   SvxAutoCorrect& rACorrect,
     107             :                                   OUString* pPara ) = 0;
     108             :     // Is called after the change of the signs by the functions
     109             :     //  - FnCptlSttWrd
     110             :     //  - FnCptlSttSntnc
     111             :     // As an option, the words can then be inserted into the exception lists.
     112             :     virtual void SaveCpltSttWord( sal_uLong nFlag, sal_Int32 nPos,
     113             :                                     const OUString& rExceptWord,
     114             :                                     sal_Unicode cChar );
     115             : 
     116             :     // which language at the position?
     117             :     virtual LanguageType GetLanguage( sal_Int32 nPos, bool bPrevPara = false ) const;
     118             : };
     119             : 
     120             : 
     121           0 : class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC SvxAutocorrWord
     122             : {
     123             :     OUString sShort, sLong;
     124             :     bool bIsTxtOnly;                // Is pure ASCII - Text
     125             : public:
     126           0 :     SvxAutocorrWord( const OUString& rS, const OUString& rL, bool bFlag = true )
     127           0 :         : sShort( rS ), sLong( rL ), bIsTxtOnly( bFlag )
     128           0 :     {}
     129             : 
     130           0 :     const OUString& GetShort() const                  { return sShort; }
     131           0 :     const OUString& GetLong() const                   { return sLong; }
     132           0 :     bool IsTextOnly() const                           { return bIsTxtOnly; }
     133             : };
     134             : 
     135             : struct CompareSvxAutocorrWordList
     136             : {
     137             :   bool operator()( SvxAutocorrWord* const& lhs, SvxAutocorrWord* const& rhs ) const;
     138             : };
     139             : 
     140             : typedef std::set<SvxAutocorrWord*, CompareSvxAutocorrWordList> SvxAutocorrWordList_Set;
     141             : typedef ::boost::unordered_map< OUString, SvxAutocorrWord *,
     142             :                                 OUStringHash >          SvxAutocorrWordList_Hash;
     143             : 
     144           0 : class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC SvxAutocorrWordList
     145             : {
     146             :     // only one of these contains the data
     147             :     mutable SvxAutocorrWordList_Set  maSet;
     148             :     mutable SvxAutocorrWordList_Hash maHash; // key is 'Short'
     149             : 
     150             :     const SvxAutocorrWord* WordMatches(const SvxAutocorrWord *pFnd,
     151             :                                        const OUString &rTxt,
     152             :                                        sal_Int32 &rStt,
     153             :                                        sal_Int32 nEndPos) const;
     154             : public:
     155             :                            // free any objects still in the set
     156             :                            ~SvxAutocorrWordList();
     157             :     void                   DeleteAndDestroyAll();
     158             :     bool                   Insert(SvxAutocorrWord *pWord) const;
     159             :     SvxAutocorrWord*       FindAndRemove(SvxAutocorrWord *pWord);
     160             :     void                   LoadEntry(const OUString& sWrong, const OUString& sRight, bool bOnlyTxt);
     161             :     bool                   empty() const;
     162             : 
     163             :     typedef std::vector<SvxAutocorrWord *> Content;
     164             :     Content                getSortedContent() const;
     165             : 
     166             :     const SvxAutocorrWord* SearchWordsInList(const OUString& rTxt, sal_Int32& rStt, sal_Int32 nEndPos) const;
     167             : };
     168             : 
     169             : class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists
     170             : {
     171             :     OUString sShareAutoCorrFile, sUserAutoCorrFile;
     172             :     // If the AutoCorr file is newer
     173             :     Date aModifiedDate;
     174             :     tools::Time aModifiedTime, aLastCheckTime;
     175             : 
     176             :     SvStringsISortDtor*     pCplStt_ExcptLst;
     177             :     SvStringsISortDtor*     pWrdStt_ExcptLst;
     178             :     SvxAutocorrWordList*    pAutocorr_List;
     179             :     SvxAutoCorrect&         rAutoCorrect;
     180             : 
     181             :     long nFlags;
     182             : 
     183             :     bool IsFileChanged_Imp();
     184             :     void LoadXMLExceptList_Imp( SvStringsISortDtor*& rpLst,
     185             :                                 const sal_Char* pStrmName,
     186             :                                 SotStorageRef& rStg);
     187             :     void SaveExceptList_Imp( const SvStringsISortDtor& rLst,
     188             :                                 const sal_Char* pStrmName,
     189             :                                 SotStorageRef& rStg,
     190             :                                 bool bConvert = false);
     191             : 
     192             :     bool MakeBlocklist_Imp( SotStorage& rStg );
     193             :     void RemoveStream_Imp( const OUString& rName );
     194             :     void MakeUserStorage_Impl();
     195             : 
     196             : public:
     197             :     SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists( SvxAutoCorrect& rParent,
     198             :             const OUString& rShareAutoCorrectFile,
     199             :             const OUString& rUserAutoCorrectFile);
     200             :     ~SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists();
     201             : 
     202             :     // Load, Set, Get - the replacement list
     203             :     SvxAutocorrWordList* LoadAutocorrWordList();
     204             :     void SetAutocorrWordList( SvxAutocorrWordList* pList );
     205             :     const SvxAutocorrWordList* GetAutocorrWordList();
     206             : 
     207             :     // Load, Set, Get - the exception list for Capital letter at the
     208             :     // beginning of a sentence
     209             :     SvStringsISortDtor* LoadCplSttExceptList();
     210             :     void SaveCplSttExceptList();
     211             :     void SetCplSttExceptList( SvStringsISortDtor* pList );
     212             :     SvStringsISortDtor* GetCplSttExceptList();
     213             :     bool AddToCplSttExceptList(const OUString& rNew);
     214             : 
     215             :     // Load, Set, Get the exception list for 2 Capital letters at the
     216             :     // beginning of a word.
     217             :     SvStringsISortDtor* LoadWrdSttExceptList();
     218             :     void SaveWrdSttExceptList();
     219             :     void SetWrdSttExceptList( SvStringsISortDtor* pList );
     220             :     SvStringsISortDtor* GetWrdSttExceptList();
     221             :     bool AddToWrdSttExceptList(const OUString& rNew);
     222             : 
     223             :     // Save word substitutions:
     224             :     //      Store these directly in the storage. The word list is updated
     225             :     //      accordingly!
     226             :     //  - pure Text
     227             :     bool PutText( const OUString& rShort, const OUString& rLong );
     228             :     //  - Text with attribution (only the SWG - SWG format!)
     229             :     bool PutText( const OUString& rShort, SfxObjectShell& );
     230             :     //  - Deleting an entry
     231             :     bool DeleteText( const OUString& rShort );
     232             :     //  - Make combined changes in one pass
     233             :     bool MakeCombinedChanges( std::vector<SvxAutocorrWord>& aNewEntries, std::vector<SvxAutocorrWord>& aDeleteEntries );
     234             : };
     235             : 
     236             : class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC SvxAutoCorrect
     237             : {
     238             :     friend class SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists;
     239             : 
     240             :     OUString sShareAutoCorrFile, sUserAutoCorrFile;
     241             : 
     242             :     SvxSwAutoFmtFlags aSwFlags;     // StarWriter AutoFormat Flags
     243             : 
     244             :     // all languages in a table
     245             :     boost::ptr_map<LanguageTag, SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists>* pLangTable;
     246             :     std::map<LanguageTag, long> aLastFileTable;
     247             :     CharClass* pCharClass;
     248             : 
     249             :     bool bRunNext;
     250             : 
     251             :     LanguageType eCharClassLang;
     252             : 
     253             :     long nFlags;
     254             :     sal_Unicode cStartDQuote, cEndDQuote, cStartSQuote, cEndSQuote,
     255             :                 cEmDash, cEnDash;
     256             : 
     257             : 
     258             :     // private methods
     259             :     SvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists& _GetLanguageList( LanguageType eLang );
     260             : 
     261             :     void _GetCharClass( LanguageType eLang );
     262             : 
     263             : protected:
     264             :     //  - Text with attribution (only the SWG - SWG format!)
     265             :     //      rShort is the stream name - encrypted!
     266             :     virtual bool PutText( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& rStg,
     267             :                               const OUString& rFileName, const OUString& rShort, SfxObjectShell&, OUString& );
     268             : 
     269             :     // required language in the table add if possible only when the file exists
     270             :     bool    CreateLanguageFile(const LanguageTag& rLanguageTag, bool bNewFile = true);
     271             :     //  - Return the replacement text (only for SWG format, all others can be
     272             :     //      taken from the word list!)
     273             :     //      rShort is the stream name - encrypted!
     274             : public:
     275             : 
     276             :     sal_Unicode GetQuote( sal_Unicode cInsChar, bool bSttQuote,
     277             :                             LanguageType eLang ) const;
     278             :     virtual bool GetLongText( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& rStg,
     279             :                               const OUString& rShort, OUString& rLong );
     280             : 
     281             :     TYPEINFO();
     282             : 
     283             :     SvxAutoCorrect( const OUString& rShareAutocorrFile,
     284             :                     const OUString& rUserAutocorrFile );
     285             :     SvxAutoCorrect( const SvxAutoCorrect& );
     286             :     virtual ~SvxAutoCorrect();
     287             : 
     288             :     // Execute an AutoCorrect.
     289             :     // Returns what has been executed, according to the above flags
     290             :     // FIXME: this has the horrible flaw that the rTxt must be a reference
     291             :     // to the actual SwTxtNode/EditNode string because it inserts the character
     292             :     // in rDoc and expects that to side-effect rTxt
     293             :     sal_uLong DoAutoCorrect( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, const OUString& rTxt,
     294             :                            sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Unicode cInsChar, bool bInsert, vcl::Window* pFrameWin = NULL );
     295             : 
     296             :     // Return for the autotext expansion the previous word,
     297             :     // AutoCorrect - corresponding algorithm
     298             :     bool GetPrevAutoCorrWord( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, const OUString& rTxt,
     299             :                                 sal_Int32 nPos, OUString& rWord ) const;
     300             : 
     301             :     // Search for or or the words in the replacement table.
     302             :     // rText - check in this text the words of the list
     303             :     // rStt - the detected starting position
     304             :     // nEnd - to check position - as of this item forward
     305             :     // rLang - Input: in which language is searched
     306             :     //         Output: in which "language list" was it found
     307             :     const SvxAutocorrWord* SearchWordsInList( const OUString& rTxt,
     308             :                                     sal_Int32& rStt, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     309             :                                     SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc,
     310             :                                     LanguageTag& rLang );
     311             : 
     312             :     // Query/Set the Character for the Quote substitution
     313           0 :     sal_Unicode GetStartSingleQuote() const         { return cStartSQuote; }
     314           0 :     sal_Unicode GetEndSingleQuote() const           { return cEndSQuote; }
     315           0 :     sal_Unicode GetStartDoubleQuote() const         { return cStartDQuote; }
     316           0 :     sal_Unicode GetEndDoubleQuote() const           { return cEndDQuote; }
     317             : 
     318           0 :     void SetStartSingleQuote( const sal_Unicode cStart )    { cStartSQuote = cStart; }
     319           0 :     void SetEndSingleQuote( const sal_Unicode cEnd )        { cEndSQuote = cEnd; }
     320           0 :     void SetStartDoubleQuote( const sal_Unicode cStart )    { cStartDQuote = cStart; }
     321           0 :     void SetEndDoubleQuote( const sal_Unicode cEnd )        { cEndDQuote = cEnd; }
     322             : 
     323             :     OUString GetQuote( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, sal_Int32 nInsPos,
     324             :                     sal_Unicode cInsChar, bool bSttQuote );
     325             :     void InsertQuote( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, sal_Int32 nInsPos,
     326             :                     sal_Unicode cInsChar, bool bSttQuote, bool bIns );
     327             : 
     328             :     // Query/Set the name of the AutoCorrect file
     329             :     // the default is "autocorr.dat"
     330             :     OUString GetAutoCorrFileName( const LanguageTag& rLanguageTag /* = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM */ ,
     331             :                                 bool bNewFile = false,
     332             :                                 bool bTstUserExist = false,
     333             :                                 bool bUnlocalized = false ) const;
     334             : 
     335             :     // Query/Set the current settings of AutoCorrect
     336         176 :     long GetFlags() const                       { return nFlags; }
     337        2671 :     inline SvxSwAutoFmtFlags&   GetSwFlags()    { return aSwFlags;}
     338          52 :     bool IsAutoCorrFlag( long nFlag ) const
     339          52 :                                 { return nFlags & nFlag ? sal_True : sal_False; }
     340             :     void SetAutoCorrFlag( long nFlag, bool bOn = true );
     341             : 
     342             :     // Load, Set, Get - the replacement list
     343           0 :     SvxAutocorrWordList* LoadAutocorrWordList(
     344             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     345           0 :         { return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).LoadAutocorrWordList(); }
     346             :     const SvxAutocorrWordList* GetAutocorrWordList(
     347             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     348             :         { return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).GetAutocorrWordList(); }
     349             : 
     350             :     // Save word substitutions:
     351             :     //      Save these directly in the storage. The word list is updated
     352             :     //      accordingly!
     353             :     //  - pure Text
     354             :     bool PutText( const OUString& rShort, const OUString& rLong, LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     355             :     //  - Text with attribution (only in the SWG - SWG format!)
     356           0 :     bool PutText( const OUString& rShort, SfxObjectShell& rShell,
     357             :                  LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     358           0 :         { return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).PutText(rShort, rShell ); }
     359             : 
     360             :     bool MakeCombinedChanges( std::vector<SvxAutocorrWord>& aNewEntries,
     361             :                                   std::vector<SvxAutocorrWord>& aDeleteEntries,
     362             :                                   LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     363             : 
     364             :     // Load, Set, Get - the exception list for capital letters at the
     365             :     // beginning of a sentence
     366             :     void SaveCplSttExceptList( LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     367           0 :     SvStringsISortDtor* LoadCplSttExceptList(
     368             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM)
     369           0 :         {   return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).LoadCplSttExceptList(); }
     370           0 :     const SvStringsISortDtor* GetCplSttExceptList(
     371             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     372           0 :         {   return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).GetCplSttExceptList(); }
     373             : 
     374             :     // Adds a single word. The list will be immediately written to the file!
     375             :     bool AddCplSttException( const OUString& rNew,
     376             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     377             : 
     378             :     // Load, Set, Get the exception list for 2 Capital letters at the
     379             :     // beginning of a word.
     380             :     void SaveWrdSttExceptList( LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     381           0 :     SvStringsISortDtor* LoadWrdSttExceptList(
     382             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     383           0 :         {   return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).LoadWrdSttExceptList(); }
     384           0 :     const SvStringsISortDtor* GetWrdSttExceptList(
     385             :                                     LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
     386           0 :         {   return _GetLanguageList( eLang ).GetWrdSttExceptList(); }
     387             :     // Adds a single word. The list will be immediately written to the file!
     388             :     bool AddWrtSttException( const OUString& rNew, LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
     389             : 
     390             :     // Search through the Languages for the entry
     391             :     bool FindInWrdSttExceptList( LanguageType eLang, const OUString& sWord );
     392             :     bool FindInCplSttExceptList( LanguageType eLang, const OUString& sWord,
     393             :                                     bool bAbbreviation = false);
     394             : 
     395             :     // Methods for the auto-correction
     396             :     bool FnCptlSttWrd( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     397             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     398             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     399             :     bool FnChgOrdinalNumber( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     400             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     401             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     402             :     bool FnChgToEnEmDash( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     403             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     404             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     405             :     bool FnAddNonBrkSpace( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     406             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     407             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     408             :     bool FnSetINetAttr( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     409             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     410             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     411             :     bool FnChgWeightUnderl( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     412             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     413             :                                 LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     414             :     bool FnCptlSttSntnc( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&, bool bNormalPos,
     415             :                                 sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     416             :                                 LanguageType eLang  = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
     417             :     bool FnCorrectCapsLock( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const OUString&,
     418             :                             sal_Int32 nSttPos, sal_Int32 nEndPos,
     419             :                             LanguageType eLang  = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
     420             : 
     421           0 :     bool                HasRunNext() { return bRunNext; }
     422             : 
     423             :     static long         GetDefaultFlags();
     424             : 
     425             : // returns sal_True for characters where the function
     426             : // 'SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect' should be called.
     427             : // (used to avoid occasional 'collisions' with (Thai) input-sequence-checking)
     428             :     static bool     IsAutoCorrectChar( sal_Unicode cChar );
     429             : 
     430             :     bool NeedsHardspaceAutocorr( sal_Unicode cChar );
     431             : 
     432          26 :     CharClass& GetCharClass( LanguageType eLang )
     433             :     {
     434          26 :         if( !pCharClass || eLang != eCharClassLang )
     435           4 :             _GetCharClass( eLang );
     436          26 :         return *pCharClass;
     437             :     }
     438             : };
     439             : 
     440             : #endif
     441             : 
     442             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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