LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - include/formula - tokenarray.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 44 53 83.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 31 35 88.6 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef INCLUDED_FORMULA_TOKENARRAY_HXX
      21             : #define INCLUDED_FORMULA_TOKENARRAY_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/sheet/FormulaToken.hpp>
      24             : #include <formula/token.hxx>
      25             : #include <formula/ExternalReferenceHelper.hxx>
      26             : #include <limits.h>
      27             : 
      28             : #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
      29             : 
      30             : namespace svl {
      31             : 
      32             : class SharedString;
      33             : class SharedStringPool;
      34             : 
      35             : }
      36             : 
      37             : namespace formula
      38             : {
      39             : 
      40             : // RecalcMode access only via TokenArray SetRecalcMode / IsRecalcMode...
      41             : 
      42             : typedef sal_uInt8 ScRecalcMode;
      43             : // Only one of the exclusive bits can be set,
      44             : // handled by TokenArray SetRecalcMode... methods
      45             : #define RECALCMODE_NORMAL       0x01    // exclusive
      46             : #define RECALCMODE_ALWAYS       0x02    // exclusive, always
      47             : #define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD       0x04    // exclusive, always after load
      48             : #define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE  0x08    // exclusive, once after load
      49             : #define RECALCMODE_FORCED       0x10    // combined, also if cell isn't visible
      50             : #define RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE    0x20    // combined, if reference was moved
      51             : #define RECALCMODE_EMASK        0x0F    // mask of exclusive bits
      52             : // If new bits are to be defined, AddRecalcMode has to be adjusted!
      53             : 
      54             : class FormulaMissingContext;
      55             : 
      56             : class FORMULA_DLLPUBLIC MissingConvention
      57             : {
      58             :     bool    mbODFF;     /// TRUE: ODFF, FALSE: PODF
      59             : public:
      60        1564 :     explicit    MissingConvention( bool bODFF ) : mbODFF(bODFF) {}
      61             :     // Implementation and usage only in token.cxx
      62             :     inline  bool    isRewriteNeeded( OpCode eOp ) const;
      63          12 :     inline  bool    isODFF() const { return mbODFF; }
      64             : };
      65             : 
      66             : class FORMULA_DLLPUBLIC FormulaTokenArray
      67             : {
      68             :     friend class FormulaCompiler;
      69             :     friend class FormulaTokenIterator;
      70             :     friend class FormulaMissingContext;
      71             : 
      72             : protected:
      73             :     FormulaToken**  pCode;                  // Token code array
      74             :     FormulaToken**  pRPN;                   // RPN array
      75             :     sal_uInt16          nLen;                   // Length of token array
      76             :     sal_uInt16          nRPN;                   // Length of RPN array
      77             :     sal_uInt16          nIndex;                 // Current step index
      78             :     sal_uInt16          nError;                 // Error code
      79             :     short           nRefs;                  // Count of cell references
      80             :     ScRecalcMode    nMode;                  // Flags to indicate when to recalc this code
      81             :     bool            bHyperLink;             // If HYPERLINK() occurs in the formula.
      82             : 
      83             : protected:
      84             :     void                    Assign( const FormulaTokenArray& );
      85             :     void                    Assign( sal_uInt16 nCode, FormulaToken **pTokens );
      86             : 
      87             :     /// Also used by the compiler. The token MUST had been allocated with new!
      88             :     FormulaToken*           Add( FormulaToken* );
      89        1502 :     inline  void            SetCombinedBitsRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits )
      90        1502 :                                 { nMode |= (nBits & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK); }
      91         306 :     inline  ScRecalcMode    GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() const
      92         306 :                                 { return nMode & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK; }
      93             :                             /** Exclusive bits already set in nMode are
      94             :                                 zero'ed, nBits may contain combined bits, but
      95             :                                 only one exclusive bit may be set! */
      96         306 :     inline  void            SetMaskedRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits )
      97         306 :                                 { nMode = GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() | nBits; }
      98             : 
      99             : public:
     100             :     FormulaTokenArray();
     101             :     /// Assignment with references to FormulaToken entries (not copied!)
     102             :     FormulaTokenArray( const FormulaTokenArray& );
     103             :     virtual ~FormulaTokenArray();
     104             :     FormulaTokenArray* Clone() const;    /// True copy!
     105             : 
     106             :     void Clear();
     107             :     void DelRPN();
     108        6506 :     FormulaToken* First() { nIndex = 0; return Next(); }
     109             :     FormulaToken* Next();
     110             :     FormulaToken* FirstNoSpaces() { nIndex = 0; return NextNoSpaces(); }
     111             :     FormulaToken* NextNoSpaces();
     112             :     FormulaToken* GetNextName();
     113             :     FormulaToken* GetNextReference();
     114             :     FormulaToken* GetNextReferenceRPN();
     115             :     FormulaToken* GetNextReferenceOrName();
     116             :     FormulaToken* GetNextColRowName();
     117             :     /// Peek at nIdx-1 if not out of bounds, decrements nIdx if successful. Returns NULL if not.
     118             :     FormulaToken* PeekPrev( sal_uInt16 & nIdx );
     119             :     FormulaToken* PeekNext();
     120             :     FormulaToken* PeekPrevNoSpaces();    /// Only after Reset/First/Next/Last/Prev!
     121             :     FormulaToken* PeekNextNoSpaces();    /// Only after Reset/First/Next/Last/Prev!
     122         452 :     FormulaToken* FirstRPN() { nIndex = 0; return NextRPN(); }
     123             :     FormulaToken* NextRPN();
     124           0 :     FormulaToken* LastRPN() { nIndex = nRPN; return PrevRPN(); }
     125             :     FormulaToken* PrevRPN();
     126             : 
     127             :     bool HasReferences() const;
     128             : 
     129             :     bool    HasExternalRef() const;
     130             :     bool    HasOpCode( OpCode ) const;
     131             :     bool    HasOpCodeRPN( OpCode ) const;
     132             :     /// Token of type svIndex or opcode ocColRowName
     133             :     bool    HasNameOrColRowName() const;
     134             : 
     135             :     /**
     136             :      * Check if the token array contains any of specified opcode tokens.
     137             :      *
     138             :      * @param rOpCodes collection of opcodes to check against.
     139             :      *
     140             :      * @return true if the token array contains at least one of the specified
     141             :      *         opcode tokens, false otherwise.
     142             :      */
     143             :     bool HasOpCodes( const boost::unordered_set<OpCode>& rOpCodes ) const;
     144             : 
     145        6932 :     FormulaToken** GetArray() const  { return pCode; }
     146       18956 :     FormulaToken** GetCode()  const  { return pRPN; }
     147       58002 :     sal_uInt16    GetLen() const     { return nLen; }
     148      200859 :     sal_uInt16    GetCodeLen() const { return nRPN; }
     149       60824 :     void      Reset()            { nIndex = 0; }
     150      421508 :     sal_uInt16    GetCodeError() const      { return nError; }
     151        2310 :     void      SetCodeError( sal_uInt16 n )  { nError = n; }
     152             :     short     GetRefs()  const { return nRefs;  }
     153         268 :     void      IncrementRefs() { ++nRefs; }
     154        1712 :     void      SetHyperLink( bool bVal ) { bHyperLink = bVal; }
     155         484 :     bool      IsHyperLink() const       { return bHyperLink; }
     156             : 
     157         814 :     inline  ScRecalcMode    GetRecalcMode() const { return nMode; }
     158             :                             /** Bits aren't set directly but validated and
     159             :                                 maybe handled according to priority if more
     160             :                                 than one exclusive bit was set. */
     161             :             void            AddRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits );
     162             : 
     163       67572 :     inline  void            ClearRecalcMode() { nMode = RECALCMODE_NORMAL; }
     164           2 :     inline  void            SetExclusiveRecalcModeNormal()
     165           2 :                                 { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_NORMAL ); }
     166          58 :     inline  void            SetExclusiveRecalcModeAlways()
     167          58 :                                 { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ALWAYS ); }
     168         246 :     inline  void            SetExclusiveRecalcModeOnLoad()
     169         246 :                                 { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD ); }
     170           0 :     inline  void            SetExclusiveRecalcModeOnLoadOnce()
     171           0 :                                 { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE ); }
     172           0 :     inline  void            SetRecalcModeForced()
     173           0 :                                 { nMode |= RECALCMODE_FORCED; }
     174             :     inline  void            ClearRecalcModeForced()
     175             :                                 { nMode &= ~RECALCMODE_FORCED; }
     176         192 :     inline  void            SetRecalcModeOnRefMove()
     177         192 :                                 { nMode |= RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE; }
     178             :     inline  void            ClearRecalcModeOnRefMove()
     179             :                                 { nMode &= ~RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE; }
     180        8246 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeNormal() const
     181        8246 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_NORMAL) != 0; }
     182      144213 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeAlways() const
     183      144213 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ALWAYS) != 0; }
     184        1674 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeOnLoad() const
     185        1674 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD) != 0; }
     186        1460 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeOnLoadOnce() const
     187        1460 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE) != 0; }
     188       90813 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeForced() const
     189       90813 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_FORCED) != 0; }
     190        1126 :     inline  bool            IsRecalcModeOnRefMove() const
     191        1126 :                                 { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE) != 0; }
     192             : 
     193             :                             /** Get OpCode of the most outer function */
     194             :     inline OpCode           GetOuterFuncOpCode();
     195             : 
     196             :                             /** Operators +,-,*,/,^,&,=,<>,<,>,<=,>=
     197             :                                 with DoubleRef in Formula? */
     198             :     bool                    HasMatrixDoubleRefOps();
     199             : 
     200             :     virtual FormulaToken* AddOpCode(OpCode e);
     201             : 
     202             :     /** Adds the single token to array.
     203             :         Derived classes must overload it when they want to support derived classes from FormulaToken.
     204             :         @return true        when an error occurs
     205             :     */
     206             :     virtual bool AddFormulaToken(
     207             :         const css::sheet::FormulaToken& rToken, svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool,
     208             :         ExternalReferenceHelper* pExtRef );
     209             : 
     210             :     /** fill the array with the tokens from the sequence.
     211             :         It calls AddFormulaToken for each token in the list.
     212             :         @param  _aSequence  the token to add
     213             :         @return true        when an error occurs
     214             :     */
     215             :     bool Fill(
     216             :         const css::uno::Sequence<css::sheet::FormulaToken>& rSequence,
     217             :         svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool, ExternalReferenceHelper* pExtRef );
     218             : 
     219             :     /**
     220             :      * Do some checking based on the individual tokens. For now, we use this
     221             :      * only to check whether we can vectorize the token array.
     222             :      */
     223             :     virtual void CheckToken( const FormulaToken& t );
     224             : 
     225             :     FormulaToken* AddToken( const FormulaToken& );
     226             :     FormulaToken* AddString( const svl::SharedString& rStr );
     227             :     FormulaToken* AddDouble( double fVal );
     228             :     FormulaToken* AddExternal( const sal_Unicode* pStr );
     229             :     /** Xcl import may play dirty tricks with OpCode!=ocExternal.
     230             :         Others don't use! */
     231             :     FormulaToken* AddExternal( const OUString& rStr, OpCode eOp = ocExternal );
     232             :     FormulaToken* AddBad( const OUString& rStr );          /// ocBad with OUString
     233             :     FormulaToken* AddStringXML( const OUString& rStr );    /// ocStringXML with OUString, temporary during import
     234             : 
     235             :     virtual FormulaToken* MergeArray( );
     236             : 
     237             :     /// Assignment with references to FormulaToken entries (not copied!)
     238             :     FormulaTokenArray& operator=( const FormulaTokenArray& );
     239             : 
     240             :     /** Determines if this formula needs any changes to convert it to something
     241             :         previous versions of OOo could consume (Plain Old Formula). */
     242             :             bool                NeedsPofRewrite(const MissingConvention & rConv);
     243             : 
     244             :     /** Rewrites to Plain Old Formula, substituting missing parameters. The
     245             :         FormulaTokenArray* returned is new'ed. */
     246             :             FormulaTokenArray*  RewriteMissingToPof(const MissingConvention & rConv);
     247             : 
     248             :     /** Determines if this formula may be followed by a reference. */
     249             :             bool                MayReferenceFollow();
     250             : };
     251             : 
     252           0 : inline OpCode FormulaTokenArray::GetOuterFuncOpCode()
     253             : {
     254           0 :     if ( pRPN && nRPN )
     255           0 :         return pRPN[nRPN-1]->GetOpCode();
     256           0 :     return ocNone;
     257             : }
     258             : 
     259             : class FORMULA_DLLPUBLIC FormulaTokenIterator
     260             : {
     261             :     struct Item
     262             :     {
     263             :     public:
     264             :         const FormulaTokenArray* pArr;
     265             :         short nPC;
     266             :         short nStop;
     267             : 
     268             :         Item(const FormulaTokenArray* arr, short pc, short stop);
     269             :     };
     270             : 
     271             :     std::vector<Item> *maStack;
     272             : 
     273             : public:
     274             :     FormulaTokenIterator( const FormulaTokenArray& );
     275             :    ~FormulaTokenIterator();
     276             :     void    Reset();
     277             :     const   FormulaToken* Next();
     278             :     const   FormulaToken* PeekNextOperator();
     279             :     bool    IsEndOfPath() const;    /// if a jump or subroutine path is done
     280           8 :     bool    HasStacked() const { return maStack->size() > 1; }
     281           2 :     short   GetPC() const { return maStack->back().nPC; }
     282             : 
     283             :     /** Jump or subroutine call.
     284             :         Program counter values will be incremented before code is executed =>
     285             :         positions are to be passed with -1 offset.
     286             :         @param nStart
     287             :             Start on code at position nStart+1 (yes, pass with offset -1)
     288             :         @param nNext
     289             :             After subroutine continue with instruction at position nNext+1
     290             :         @param nStop
     291             :             Stop before reaching code at position nStop. If not specified the
     292             :             default is to either run the entire code, or to stop if an ocSep or
     293             :             ocClose is encountered, which are only present in ocIf or ocChose
     294             :             jumps.
     295             :       */
     296             :     void Jump( short nStart, short nNext, short nStop = SHRT_MAX );
     297             :     void Push( const FormulaTokenArray* );
     298             :     void Pop();
     299             : 
     300             : private:
     301             :     const FormulaToken* GetNonEndOfPathToken( short nIdx ) const;
     302             : };
     303             : } // formula
     304             : 
     305             : #endif // INCLUDED_FORMULA_TOKENARRAY_HXX
     306             : 
     307             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10