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1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
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19 :
22 :
23 : #include <svtools/svtdllapi.h>
24 : #include <svtools/wizardmachine.hxx>
25 :
26 :
27 : namespace svt
28 : {
29 :
30 :
31 : struct RoadmapWizardImpl;
32 : class RoadmapWizard;
33 :
34 0 : struct RoadmapWizardTypes
35 : {
36 : public:
37 : typedef sal_Int16 PathId;
38 : typedef ::std::vector< WizardTypes::WizardState > WizardPath;
39 : typedef TabPage* (* RoadmapPageFactory)( RoadmapWizard& );
40 : };
41 :
42 :
43 : //= RoadmapWizard
44 :
45 : /** is - no, not a wizard for a roadmap, but the base class for wizards
46 : <em>supporting</em> a roadmap.
47 :
48 : The basic new concept introduced is a <em>path</em>:<br/>
49 : A <em>path</em> is a sequence of states, which are to be executed in a linear order.
50 : Elements in the path can be skipped, depending on choices the user makes.
51 :
52 : In the most simple wizards, you will have only one path consisting of <code>n</code> elements,
53 : which are to be visited successively.
54 :
55 : In a slightly more complex wizard, you will have one linear path, were certain
56 : steps might be skipped due to user input. For instance, the user may decide to not specify
57 : certain aspects of the to-be-created object (e.g. by unchecking a check box),
58 : and the wizard then will simply disable the step which corresponds to this step.
59 :
60 : In a yet more advanced wizards, you will have several paths of length <code>n1</code> and
61 : <code>n2</code>, which share at least the first <code>k</code> states (where <code>k</code>
62 : is at least 1), and an arbitrary number of other states.
63 : */
64 : class SVT_DLLPUBLIC RoadmapWizard : public OWizardMachine, public RoadmapWizardTypes
65 : {
66 : private:
67 : RoadmapWizardImpl* m_pImpl;
68 :
69 : public:
70 : RoadmapWizard(
71 : vcl::Window* _pParent,
72 : const WinBits i_nStyle,
73 : sal_uInt32 _nButtonFlags = WZB_NEXT | WZB_PREVIOUS | WZB_FINISH | WZB_CANCEL | WZB_HELP
74 : );
75 : RoadmapWizard(
76 : vcl::Window* _pParent,
77 : sal_uInt32 _nButtonFlags = WZB_NEXT | WZB_PREVIOUS | WZB_FINISH | WZB_CANCEL | WZB_HELP
78 : );
79 : virtual ~RoadmapWizard( );
80 :
81 : void SetRoadmapHelpId( const OString& _rId );
82 :
83 : void SetRoadmapInteractive( bool _bInteractive );
84 :
85 : // returns whether a given state is enabled
86 : bool isStateEnabled( WizardState _nState ) const;
87 :
88 : // WizardDialog overridables
89 : virtual bool canAdvance() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
90 : virtual void updateTravelUI() SAL_OVERRIDE;
91 :
92 : protected:
93 : /** declares a valid path in the wizard
94 :
95 : The very first path which is declared is automatically activated.
96 :
97 : Note that all paths which are declared must have the very first state in
98 : common. Also note that due to a restriction of the very base class (WizardDialog),
99 : this common first state must be 0.
100 :
101 : You cannot declare new paths once the wizard started, so it's recommended that
102 : you do all declarations within your derivee's constructor.
103 :
104 : @see activatePath
105 :
106 : @param _nId
107 : the unique id you wish to give this path. This id can later on be used
108 : to refer to the path which you just declared
109 :
110 : @param _nFirstState
111 : the first state in this path. Must not be WZS_INVALID_STATE.<br/>
112 : Declare an arbitrary number of states after this one, and terminate the sequence
113 : with a WZS_INVALID_STATE.
114 : */
115 : void declarePath( PathId _nPathId, WizardState _nFirstState, ... );
116 : void declarePath( PathId _nPathId, const WizardPath& _lWizardStates);
117 :
118 : /** provides basic information about a state
119 :
120 : The given display name is used in the default implementation of getStateDisplayName,
121 : and the given factory is used in the default implementation of createPage.
122 : */
123 : void describeState( WizardState _nState, const OUString& _rStateDisplayName, RoadmapPageFactory _pPageFactory );
124 :
125 : /** activates a path which has previously been declared with <member>declarePath</member>
126 :
127 : You can only activate paths which share the first <code>k</code> states with the path
128 : which is previously active (if any), where <code>k</code> is the index of the
129 : current state within the current path.
130 :
131 : <example>
132 : Say you have paths, <code>(0,1,2,5)</code> and <code>(0,1,4,5)</code>. This means that after
133 : step <code>1</code>, you either continue with state <code>2</code> or state <code>4</code>,
134 : and after this, you finish in state <code>5</code>.<br/>
135 : Now if the first path is active, and your current state is <code>1</code>, then you can
136 : easily switch to the second path, since both paths start with <code>(0,1)</code>.<br/>
137 : However, if your current state is <code>2</code>, then you can not switch to the second
138 : path anymore.
139 : </example>
140 :
141 : @param _nPathId
142 : the id of the path. The path must have been declared (under this id) with
143 : <member>declarePath</member> before it can be activated.
144 :
145 : @param _bDecideForIt
146 : If <TRUE/>, the path will be completely activated, even if it is a conflicting path
147 : (i.e. there is another path which shares the first <code>k</code> states with
148 : the to-be-activated path.)<br/>
149 : If <FALSE/>, then the new path is checked for conflicts with other paths. If such
150 : conflicts exists, the path is not completely activated, but only up to the point
151 : where it does <em>not</em> conflict.<br/>
152 : With the paths in the example above, if you activate the second path (when both are
153 : already declared), then only steps <code>0</code> and <code>1</code> are activated,
154 : since they are common to both paths.
155 : */
156 : void activatePath( PathId _nPathId, bool _bDecideForIt = false );
157 :
158 : /** determine the next state to travel from the given one
159 :
160 : This method (which is declared in OWizardMachine and overwritten here)
161 : ensures that traveling happens along the active path.
162 :
163 : @see activatePath
164 : */
165 : virtual WizardState determineNextState( WizardState _nCurrentState ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
166 :
167 : /** en- or disables a state
168 :
169 : In the wizard's roadmap, states to travel to can be freely chosen. To prevent
170 : users from selecting a state which is currently not available, you can declare this
171 : state as being disabled.
172 :
173 : A situation where you need this may be when you have a checkbox which, when checked
174 : by the user, enables a page with additional settings. As long as this checkbox is
175 : not checked, the respective state would be disabled.
176 :
177 : Note that in theory, you can declare multiple paths, instead of disabling states.
178 : For instance, if you have a path where one state can be potentially disabled, then
179 : you could declare a second path, which does not contain this state. However, the
180 : disadvantage is that then, not the complete path would be visible in the roadmap,
181 : but only all steps up to the point where the both paths diverge.<br/>
182 : Another disadvantage is that the number of needed paths grows exponentially with
183 : the number of states which can be potentially disabled.
184 :
185 : @see declarePath
186 : */
187 : void enableState( WizardState _nState, bool _bEnable = true );
188 :
189 : /** returns true if and only if the given state is known in at least one declared path
190 : */
191 : bool knowsState( WizardState _nState ) const;
192 :
193 : // OWizardMachine overriables
194 : virtual void enterState( WizardState _nState ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
195 :
196 : /** returns a human readable name for a given state
197 :
198 : There is a default implementation for this method, which returns the display name
199 : as given in a call to describeState. If there is no description for the given state,
200 : this is worth an assertion in a non-product build, and then an empty string is
201 : returned.
202 : */
203 : virtual OUString getStateDisplayName( WizardState _nState ) const;
204 :
205 : /** creates a page for a given state
206 :
207 : This member is inherited from OWizardMachine, and default-implemented in this class
208 : for all states which have been described using describeState.
209 : */
210 : virtual TabPage* createPage( WizardState _nState ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
211 :
212 : /** asks for a new label of the wizard page
213 :
214 : */
215 : void updateRoadmapItemLabel( WizardState _nState );
216 :
217 : private:
218 : DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( OnRoadmapItemSelected, void* );
219 :
220 : /** updates the roadmap control to show the given path, as far as possible
221 : (modulo conflicts with other paths)
222 : */
223 : SVT_DLLPRIVATE void implUpdateRoadmap( );
224 :
225 : private:
226 : SVT_DLLPRIVATE void impl_construct();
227 : };
228 :
229 :
230 : } // namespace svt
231 :
232 :
234 :
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