LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - include/svx - svdmrkv.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 33 56 58.9 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 33 56 58.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef INCLUDED_SVX_SVDMRKV_HXX
      21             : #define INCLUDED_SVX_SVDMRKV_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : #include <svx/svdmark.hxx>
      24             : #include <svx/svdhdl.hxx>
      25             : #include <svx/svdsnpv.hxx>
      26             : #include <svx/svdtypes.hxx>
      27             : #include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
      28             : 
      29             : 
      30             : // The following is not yet implemented, or just particially:
      31             : #define SDRSEARCH_DEEP         0x0001 /* recursive into group objects */
      32             : #define SDRSEARCH_ALSOONMASTER 0x0002 /* MasterPages are also scanned */
      33             : #define SDRSEARCH_WHOLEPAGE    0x0004 /* Not just the ObjList of PageView */
      34             : #define SDRSEARCH_TESTMARKABLE 0x0008 /* just markable Objekte/Punkte/Handles/... */
      35             : #define SDRSEARCH_TESTMACRO    0x0010 /* Just objects with macro */
      36             : #define SDRSEARCH_TESTTEXTEDIT 0x0020 /* Just TextEdit-enabed objects */
      37             : #define SDRSEARCH_WITHTEXT     0x0040 /* Just objects with text */
      38             : #define SDRSEARCH_TESTTEXTAREA 0x0080 /* The textarea of objects with text  (TextEditHit) */
      39             : #define SDRSEARCH_BACKWARD     0x0100 /* Backwards search */
      40             : #define SDRSEARCH_NEXT         0x0200 /* Search starts behind the transfered object/point/... */
      41             : #define SDRSEARCH_MARKED       0x0400 /* Just marked objects/points/... */
      42             : #define SDRSEARCH_PASS2BOUND   0x0800 /* In case of empty search results, then 2nd. try with BoundRectHit */
      43             : #define SDRSEARCH_PASS3NEAREST 0x1000 /* In case of empty search results, then new 3rd. Try with NearestBoundRectHit */
      44             : #define SDRSEARCH_BEFOREMARK   0x2000 /* if one marked one found, ignore all behind that */
      45             : 
      49             : 
      50             : // SDRSEARCHPASS_... is return parameter value at PickObj().
      51             : #define SDRSEARCHPASS_DIRECT       0x0000 /* Object is hit by 'direct hit' */
      52             : #define SDRSEARCHPASS_INACTIVELIST 0x0001 /* Obj is on the page, but not in the AktGroup (at WHOLEPAGE) */
      53             : #define SDRSEARCHPASS_MASTERPAGE   0x0002 /* Object was found on the MasterPage */
      54             : #define SDRSEARCHPASS_BOUND        0x0010 /* Object found, butjust after Bound-Check gefunden   */
      55             : #define SDRSEARCHPASS_NEAREST      0x0020 /* Object found, but just after Nearest-Check */
      56             : 
      57             : enum SdrHitKind {SDRHIT_NONE,      // No hit
      58             :                  SDRHIT_OBJECT,    // Hit
      59             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDRECT, // Hit at BoundRect
      60             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDTL,   // Hit at BoundRect TopLeft
      61             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDTC,   // Hit at BoundRect TopCenter
      62             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDTR,   // Hit at BoundRect TopRight
      63             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDCL,   // Hit at BoundRect CenterLeft
      64             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDCR,   // Hit at BoundRect CenterRight
      65             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDBL,   // Hit at BoundRect BottomLeft
      66             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDBC,   // Hit at BoundRect BottomCenter
      67             :                  SDRHIT_BOUNDBR,/*,*/ // Hit at BoundRect BottomRight
      68             :                  /*SDRHIT_REFPOINT*/ // Reference point (Rotation axis, axis of reflextion) hit
      69             :                  SDRHIT_HANDLE,          // Marking handle
      70             :                  SDRHIT_HELPLINE,        // Reference line
      71             :                  SDRHIT_GLUEPOINT,       // Glue point
      72             :                  SDRHIT_TEXTEDIT,        // Open OutlinerView was hit
      73             :                  SDRHIT_TEXTEDITOBJ,     // Object for SdrBeginTextEdit (Textbereich)
      74             :                  SDRHIT_URLFIELD,        // Field im TextObj was hit (while it is currently not edited)
      75             :                  SDRHIT_MACRO,           // Object for BegMacroObj
      76             :                  SDRHIT_MARKEDOBJECT,    // Marked object (e.g. for dragging)
      77             :                  SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT, // non-marked Object (e.g. for marking)
      78             :                  SDRHIT_CELL};          // hit on a cell inside a table shape (outside of the cells text area)
      79             : 
      80             : enum SdrViewEditMode {SDREDITMODE_EDIT,           // Also known as arrow or pointer mode
      81             :                       SDREDITMODE_CREATE,         // Tool for object creation
      82             :                       SDREDITMODE_GLUEPOINTEDIT}; // Glue point editing mode
      83             : 
      84             : #define IMPSDR_MARKOBJDESCRIPTION    0x0000
      85             : #define IMPSDR_POINTSDESCRIPTION     0x0001
      86             : #define IMPSDR_GLUEPOINTSDESCRIPTION 0x0002
      87             : 
      88             : 
      89             : class ImplMarkingOverlay;
      90             : 
      91             : class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrMarkView : public SdrSnapView
      92             : {
      93             :     friend class                SdrPageView;
      94             : 
      95             :     // #114409#-3 Migrate selections
      96             :     ImplMarkingOverlay*                                 mpMarkObjOverlay;
      97             :     ImplMarkingOverlay*                                 mpMarkPointsOverlay;
      98             :     ImplMarkingOverlay*                                 mpMarkGluePointsOverlay;
      99             : 
     100             : protected:
     101             :     SdrObject*                  pMarkedObj;       // If not just one object ( i.e. More than one object ) is marked.
     102             :     SdrPageView*                pMarkedPV;        // If all marked obects are situated on the same PageView.
     103             : 
     104             :     Point                       aRef1;            // Persistent - Rotation center / axis of reflection
     105             :     Point                       aRef2;            // Persistent
     106             :     Point                       aLastCrookCenter; // Persistent
     107             :     SdrHdlList                  aHdl;
     108             :     sdr::ViewSelection*         mpSdrViewSelection;
     109             : 
     110             :     Rectangle                   aMarkedObjRect;
     111             :     Rectangle                   aMarkedObjRectNoOffset;
     112             :     Rectangle                   aMarkedPointsRect;
     113             :     Rectangle                   aMarkedGluePointsRect;
     114             : 
     115             :     sal_uInt16                      nFrameHandlesLimit;
     116             :     sal_uIntPtr                 mnInsPointNum;      // Number of the InsPoint
     117             :     sal_uIntPtr                     nMarkableObjCount;
     118             : 
     119             :     SdrDragMode                 eDragMode;        // Persistent
     120             :     SdrViewEditMode             eEditMode;      // Persistent
     121             :     SdrViewEditMode             eEditMode0;     // Persistent
     122             : 
     123             :     //HMHbool                       bHdlShown : 1;
     124             :     bool                        bRefHdlShownOnly : 1; // Axis of reflextion during dragging (ni)
     125             :     bool                        bDesignMode : 1;      // DesignMode for SdrUnoObj
     126             :     bool                        bForceFrameHandles : 1; // Persistent - FrameDrag auch bei Einzelobjekten
     127             :     bool                        bPlusHdlAlways : 1;   // Persistent
     128             :     bool                        bMarkHdlWhenTextEdit : 1; // Persistent, default=FALSE
     129             :     bool                        bInsPolyPoint : 1;     // at this time InsPolyPointDragging
     130             :     bool                        bMarkedObjRectDirty : 1;
     131             :     bool                        bMrkPntDirty : 1;
     132             :     bool                        bMarkedPointsRectsDirty : 1;
     133             :     bool                        bMarkableObjCountDirty : 1;
     134             : 
     135             :     // flag to completely disable handles at the view
     136             :     bool                        mbMarkHandlesHidden : 1;
     137             : 
     138             : private:
     139             :     SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpClearVars();
     140             :     SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpSetPointsRects() const;
     141             :     void UndirtyMrkPnt() const;
     142             : 
     143             : protected:
     144             :     virtual void Notify(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     145             :     virtual void ModelHasChanged() SAL_OVERRIDE; // Is called by the PaintView
     146             :     virtual void SetMarkHandles();                                           // aHdl - fill (List of handles)
     147             :     virtual void SetMarkRects();                                             // Rects at the PageViews
     148             :     virtual void CheckMarked();                                              // Scan MarkList after Del and Lock Layer ...
     149             :     virtual void AddDragModeHdl(SdrDragMode eMode);
     150             :     virtual bool MouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, vcl::Window* pWin) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     151             : 
     152             :     // add custom handles (used by other apps, e.g. AnchorPos)
     153             :     virtual void AddCustomHdl();
     154             : 
     155             :     void ForceRefToMarked();
     156       10788 :     void ForceUndirtyMrkPnt() const                                       { if (bMrkPntDirty) UndirtyMrkPnt(); }
     157             : 
     158             :     //HMHvoid ImpShowMarkHdl(bool bNoRefHdl);
     159             :     virtual SdrObject* CheckSingleSdrObjectHit(const Point& rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObject* pObj, SdrPageView* pPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions, const SetOfByte* pMVisLay) const;
     160             :     virtual SdrObject* CheckSingleSdrObjectHit(const Point& rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObjList* pOL, SdrPageView* pPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions, const SetOfByte* pMVisLay, SdrObject*& rpRootObj) const;
     161             :     virtual SdrObject* CheckSingleSdrObjectHit(const Point& rPnt, sal_uInt16 nTol, SdrObjList* pOL, SdrPageView* pPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions, const SetOfByte* pMVisLay, SdrObject*& rpRootObj,const SdrMarkList * pMarkList) const;
     162             :     bool ImpIsFrameHandles() const;
     163             :     void ImpTakeDescriptionStr(sal_uInt16 nStrCacheID, OUString& rStr, sal_uInt16 nVal=0, sal_uInt16 nOpt=0) const;
     164             : 
     165             :     // Generates a string including degrees symbol, from an angel specification in 1/100deg
     166             :     bool ImpMarkPoint(SdrHdl* pHdl, SdrMark* pMark, bool bUnmark);
     167             :     virtual bool MarkPoints(const Rectangle* pRect, bool bUnmark);
     168             :     bool MarkGluePoints(const Rectangle* pRect, bool bUnmark);
     169             : 
     170             :     void SetMoveOutside(bool bOn);
     171             : 
     172             : protected:
     173             :     // #i71538# make constructors of SdrView sub-components protected to avoid incomplete incarnations which may get casted to SdrView
     174             :     SdrMarkView(SdrModel* pModel1, OutputDevice* pOut = 0L);
     175             :     virtual ~SdrMarkView();
     176             : 
     177             : public:
     178             :     virtual bool IsAction() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     179             :     virtual void MovAction(const Point& rPnt) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     180             :     virtual void EndAction() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     181             :     virtual void BckAction() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     182             :     virtual void BrkAction() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     183             :     virtual void TakeActionRect(Rectangle& rRect) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
     184             : 
     185             :     virtual void ClearPageView() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     186             :     virtual void HideSdrPage() SAL_OVERRIDE;
     187             :     virtual bool IsObjMarkable(SdrObject* pObj, SdrPageView* pPV) const;
     188             : 
     189             :     // Returns sal_True if objects, points or glue points are selected by drawing a frame
     190             :     // (as long as the frame is drawn).
     191           0 :     bool IsMarking() const { return IsMarkObj() || IsMarkPoints() || IsMarkGluePoints(); }
     192             : 
     193             :     // Marking objects by drawing of a selection frame
     194             :     bool BegMarkObj(const Point& rPnt, bool bUnmark = false);
     195             :     void MovMarkObj(const Point& rPnt);
     196             :     bool EndMarkObj();
     197             :     void BrkMarkObj();
     198       45007 :     bool IsMarkObj() const { return (0L != mpMarkObjOverlay); }
     199             : 
     201             :     // Move==Resize
     202             :     // The interface might maybe be changed in the future because of Ortho-Drag
     203             :     void SetDragMode(SdrDragMode eMode);
     204        1312 :     SdrDragMode GetDragMode() const { return eDragMode; }
     205             :     bool ChkDragMode(SdrDragMode eMode) const;
     206             :     void SetFrameHandles(bool bOn);
     207        7503 :     bool IsFrameHandles() const { return bForceFrameHandles; }
     208             : 
     209             :     sal_uIntPtr GetMarkableObjCount() const;
     210             : 
     211             :     // Limit. Exceeding the limit causes an implicite switch to FrameHandles. default=50.
     212             :     void SetFrameHandlesLimit(sal_uInt16 nAnz) { nFrameHandlesLimit=nAnz; }
     213             :     sal_uInt16 GetFrameHandlesLimit() const { return nFrameHandlesLimit; }
     214             : 
     215             :     void SetEditMode(SdrViewEditMode eMode);
     216           0 :     SdrViewEditMode GetEditMode() const { return eEditMode; }
     217             : 
     218           0 :     void SetEditMode(bool bOn=true) { SetEditMode(bOn?SDREDITMODE_EDIT:SDREDITMODE_CREATE); }
     219         550 :     bool IsEditMode() const { return eEditMode==SDREDITMODE_EDIT; }
     220           0 :     void SetCreateMode(bool bOn=true) { SetEditMode(bOn?SDREDITMODE_CREATE:SDREDITMODE_EDIT); }
     221        1542 :     bool IsCreateMode() const { return eEditMode==SDREDITMODE_CREATE; }
     222           0 :     void SetGluePointEditMode(bool bOn=true) { SetEditMode(bOn?SDREDITMODE_GLUEPOINTEDIT:eEditMode0); }
     223        3829 :     bool IsGluePointEditMode() const { return eEditMode==SDREDITMODE_GLUEPOINTEDIT; }
     224             : 
     225             :     void SetDesignMode(bool bOn = true);
     226       44585 :     bool IsDesignMode() const { return bDesignMode; }
     227             : 
     228        8238 :     void SetFrameDragSingles(bool bOn=true) { SetFrameHandles(bOn); }
     229        7503 :     bool IsFrameDragSingles() const { return IsFrameHandles(); }
     230             : 
     231             :     bool HasMarkableObj() const;
     232             : 
     233             : 
     234             : // migrate selections
     235             : 
     236             : protected:
     237             :     // all available changing methods
     238       33409 :     SdrMarkList& GetMarkedObjectListWriteAccess() { return mpSdrViewSelection->GetMarkedObjectListWriteAccess(); }
     239        8078 :     void SetEdgesOfMarkedNodesDirty() { mpSdrViewSelection->SetEdgesOfMarkedNodesDirty(); }
     240             : 
     241             : public:
     242             :     // all available const methods for read access to selection
     243     1031251 :     const SdrMarkList& GetMarkedObjectList() const { return mpSdrViewSelection->GetMarkedObjectList(); }
     244             :     // returns SAL_MAX_SIZE if not found
     245          30 :     size_t TryToFindMarkedObject(const SdrObject* pObj) const { return GetMarkedObjectList().FindObject(pObj); }
     246         474 :     SdrPageView* GetSdrPageViewOfMarkedByIndex(size_t nNum) const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(nNum)->GetPageView(); }
     247        8967 :     SdrMark* GetSdrMarkByIndex(size_t nNum) const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(nNum); }
     248        1476 :     SdrObject* GetMarkedObjectByIndex(size_t nNum) const { return (GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(nNum))->GetMarkedSdrObj(); }
     249      336263 :     size_t GetMarkedObjectCount() const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount(); }
     250       18149 :     void SortMarkedObjects() const { GetMarkedObjectList().ForceSort(); }
     251       26364 :     bool AreObjectsMarked() const { return 0 != GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount(); }
     252          80 :     OUString GetDescriptionOfMarkedObjects() const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkDescription(); }
     253           0 :     OUString GetDescriptionOfMarkedPoints() const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetPointMarkDescription(); }
     254           0 :     OUString GetDescriptionOfMarkedGluePoints() const { return GetMarkedObjectList().GetGluePointMarkDescription(); }
     255       74506 :     bool GetBoundRectFromMarkedObjects(SdrPageView* pPageView, Rectangle& rRect) const { return GetMarkedObjectList().TakeBoundRect(pPageView, rRect); }
     256       74506 :     bool GetSnapRectFromMarkedObjects(SdrPageView* pPageView, Rectangle& rRect) const { return GetMarkedObjectList().TakeSnapRect(pPageView, rRect); }
     257             : 
     258             :     // Get a list of all those links which are connected to marked nodes,
     259             :     // but which are not marked themselves.
     260           0 :     const SdrMarkList& GetEdgesOfMarkedNodes() const { return mpSdrViewSelection->GetEdgesOfMarkedNodes(); }
     261         104 :     const SdrMarkList& GetMarkedEdgesOfMarkedNodes() const { return mpSdrViewSelection->GetMarkedEdgesOfMarkedNodes(); }
     262         104 :     const std::vector<SdrObject*>& GetTransitiveHullOfMarkedObjects() const { return mpSdrViewSelection->GetAllMarkedObjects(); }
     263             : 
     264             : 
     265             : 
     266             :     // mechanism to complete disable handles at the view. Handles will be hidden and deleted
     267             :     // when set, no new ones created, no interaction allowed. Handles will be recreated and shown
     268             :     // when reset. Default is false.
     269             :     void hideMarkHandles();
     270             :     void showMarkHandles();
     271      190144 :     bool areMarkHandlesHidden() const { return mbMarkHandlesHidden; }
     272             : 
     273           0 :     bool IsMarkedHit(const Point& rPnt, short nTol=-2) const { return IsMarkedObjHit(rPnt,nTol); }
     274             :     bool IsMarkedObjHit(const Point& rPnt, short nTol=-2) const;
     275             : 
     276             :     // Pick: Supported options for nOptions are SEARCH_NEXT, SEARCH_BACKWARD (ni)
     277             :     SdrHdl* PickHandle(const Point& rPnt, sal_uIntPtr nOptions=0, SdrHdl* pHdl0=NULL) const;
     278             : 
     279             :     // Pick: Supported options for nOptions are:
     282             :     // SDRSEARCH_WHOLEPAGE
     283             :     bool PickObj(const Point& rPnt, short nTol, SdrObject*& rpObj, SdrPageView*& rpPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions, SdrObject** ppRootObj, sal_uInt16* pnPassNum=NULL) const;
     284             :     bool PickObj(const Point& rPnt, short nTol, SdrObject*& rpObj, SdrPageView*& rpPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions=0) const;
     285             :     bool MarkObj(const Point& rPnt, short nTol=-2, bool bToggle=false, bool bDeep=false);
     286             : 
     287             :     // Pick: Supported options for nOptions are SDRSEARCH_PASS2BOUND und SDRSEARCH_PASS3NEAREST
     288             :     bool PickMarkedObj(const Point& rPnt, SdrObject*& rpObj, SdrPageView*& rpPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions=0) const;
     289             : 
     290             :     // Selects the most upper of the marked objects (O1) and scans from there
     291             :     // towards bottom direction, selecting the first non-marked object (O2).
     292             :     // In case of success the marking of O1 is deleted, a marking is created at
     293             :     // O2 and TRUE is returned. With the parameter bPrev=sal_True the scan
     294             :     // direction is turned to the other direction.
     295             :     bool MarkNextObj(bool bPrev=false);
     296             : 
     297             :     // Selects the most upper of the marked objects which is hit by rPnt/nTol
     298             :     // and scans from there to bottom direction, selecting the first non-marked
     299             :     // object (O2). In case of success the marking of O1 is deleted, a marking
     300             :     // is created at O2 and sal_True is returned. With the parameter
     301             :     // bPrev=sal_True the scan direction is turned to the other direction.
     302             :     bool MarkNextObj(const Point& rPnt, short nTol=-2, bool bPrev=false);
     303             : 
     304             :     // Mark all objects within a rectangular area
     305             :     // Just objects are marked which are inclosed completely
     306             :     bool MarkObj(const Rectangle& rRect, bool bUnmark=false);
     307             :     void MarkObj(SdrObject* pObj, SdrPageView* pPV, bool bUnmark=false, bool bImpNoSetMarkHdl=false);
     308             :     void MarkAllObj(SdrPageView* pPV=NULL); // pPage=NULL => all displayed pages
     309             :     void UnmarkAllObj(SdrPageView* pPV=NULL); // pPage=NULL => all displayed pages
     310             : 
     311             :     // This function is time-consuming intensive, as the MarkList has to be scanned.
     312             :     bool IsObjMarked(SdrObject* pObj) const;
     313             :     // void MarkAll(SdrPageView* pPV=NULL) { MarkAllObj(pPV); } -> replace with inline
     314           0 :     void UnMarkAll(SdrPageView* pPV=NULL) { UnmarkAllObj(pPV); }
     315             : 
     316             :     // Request/set the size of the marking handles. Declaration in Pixel.
     317             :     // The value is meant to be the edge length ( link length ).
     318             :     // Pair values are round up to impair values: 3->3, 4->5, 5->5, 6->7, 7->7, ...
     319             :     // Default value is 7, minimum value is 3 Pixels.
     320             :     sal_uInt16 GetMarkHdlSizePixel() const;
     321             :     void SetMarkHdlSizePixel(sal_uInt16 nSiz);
     322             : 
     323             :     virtual bool HasMarkablePoints() const;
     324             :     virtual sal_uIntPtr GetMarkablePointCount() const;
     325             :     virtual bool HasMarkedPoints() const;
     326             :     virtual sal_uIntPtr GetMarkedPointCount() const;
     327             : 
     328             :     // There might be points which can't be marked:
     329             :     virtual bool IsPointMarkable(const SdrHdl& rHdl) const;
     330             :     virtual bool MarkPoint(SdrHdl& rHdl, bool bUnmark=false);
     331             : 
     332             :     /** should only be used from outside svx for special ui elements */
     333             :     bool MarkPointHelper(SdrHdl* pHdl, SdrMark* pMark, bool bUnmark);
     334             : 
     335             :     // Mark all points within this rectangular alle Punkte (View coordinates)
     336           0 :     bool MarkPoints(const Rectangle& rRect, bool bUnmark=false) { return MarkPoints(&rRect,bUnmark); }
     337           0 :     bool UnmarkPoint(SdrHdl& rHdl) { return MarkPoint(rHdl,true); }
     338             :     bool UnMarkPoint(SdrHdl& rHdl) { return MarkPoint(rHdl,true); }
     339           0 :     bool IsPointMarked(const SdrHdl& rHdl) const { ForceUndirtyMrkPnt(); return rHdl.IsSelected(); }
     340           0 :     bool MarkAllPoints() { return MarkPoints(NULL,false); }
     341         212 :     bool UnmarkAllPoints() { return MarkPoints(NULL,true); }
     342             :     bool UnMarkAllPoints() { return MarkPoints(NULL,true); }
     343             : 
     344             :     // Selects the first marked point (P1) which is hit by rPnt
     345             :     // and from there it searches the first non-marked point(P2).
     346             :     // In case of success the marking of
     347             :     // P1 is deleted, a mark is set at P2 and sal_True is returned.
     348             :     // With the parameter bPrev=sal_True the scan direction is turned to the other direction.
     349             :     bool MarkNextPoint(const Point& rPnt, bool bPrev=false);
     350             : 
     351             :     // Search for the number of the suitable handle. In case of empty search result,
     352             :     // SAL_MAX_SIZE is returned.
     353           0 :     size_t GetHdlNum(SdrHdl* pHdl) const { return aHdl.GetHdlNum(pHdl); }
     354           0 :     SdrHdl* GetHdl(size_t nHdlNum)  const { return aHdl.GetHdl(nHdlNum); }
     355         214 :     const SdrHdlList& GetHdlList() const { return aHdl; }
     356             : 
     357             :     // Draw a selection frame for marking of points.
     358             :     // This routine will just be started in case that HasMarkablePoints() returns sal_True.
     359             :     bool BegMarkPoints(const Point& rPnt, bool bUnmark = false);
     360             :     void MovMarkPoints(const Point& rPnt);
     361             :     bool EndMarkPoints();
     362             :     void BrkMarkPoints();
     363       45007 :     bool IsMarkPoints() const { return (0L != mpMarkPointsOverlay); }
     364             : 
     365             :     // Select that additional handles are displayed permanently.
     366             :     void SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible(bool bOn);
     367        3070 :     bool IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible() const { return bPlusHdlAlways; }
     368             : 
     369             :     // Are Handles visible during TextEdit (in double size)?
     370             :     // Persistent, default=FALSE
     371         568 :     void SetMarkHdlWhenTextEdit(bool bOn) { bMarkHdlWhenTextEdit=bOn; }
     372             :     bool IsMarkHdlWhenTextEdit() const { return bMarkHdlWhenTextEdit; }
     373             : 
     374             :     bool HasMarkableGluePoints() const;
     375             :     bool HasMarkedGluePoints() const;
     376             : 
     377             :     // A gluepoint is clearly identified by the SdrObject
     378             :     // (to which it belongs) as well as by a sal_uInt16 nId (as each SdrObject may consist of
     379             :     // several glue points. Here at the View there is an additional
     380             :     // SdrPageView, which should be defined correctly always.
     381             :     // Alternatively a gluepoint may be characterized by a SdrHdl.
     382             :     // In this case the SdrHdl instance consists of all required informations.
     383             :     // And in this case, the glue point are always is marked by enforcment
     384             :     // (Handlers are just situated at marked gluepoints )
     385             :     // Attention: With each change of the glue point status the handle list is re-calculated.
     386             :     // All previously saved SdrHdl* became invalid by this, the same with the point IDs!
     387             :     // Pick: Supported options for nOptions are SEARCH_NEXT, SEARCH_BACKWARD
     388             :     bool PickGluePoint(const Point& rPnt, SdrObject*& rpObj, sal_uInt16& rnId, SdrPageView*& rpPV, sal_uIntPtr nOptions=0) const;
     389             :     bool MarkGluePoint(const SdrObject* pObj, sal_uInt16 nId, const SdrPageView* pPV, bool bUnmark=false);
     390           0 :     bool UnmarkGluePoint(const SdrObject* pObj, sal_uInt16 nId, const SdrPageView* pPV) { return MarkGluePoint(pObj,nId,pPV,true); }
     391             :     bool IsGluePointMarked(const SdrObject* pObj, sal_uInt16 nId) const;
     392             : 
     393             :     // Get the Hdl (handle) of a marked GluePoint. Non-marked
     394             :     // GluePoints don`t have handles
     395             :     SdrHdl* GetGluePointHdl(const SdrObject* pObj, sal_uInt16 nId) const;
     396             :     bool IsGluePoint(const SdrHdl& rHdl) const { return rHdl.GetKind()==HDL_GLUE; }
     397             : 
     398             :     // Mark all points within this rectangular (View coordinates)
     399             :     bool MarkGluePoints(const Rectangle& rRect) { return MarkGluePoints(&rRect,false); }
     400             :     bool UnmarkGluePoints(const Rectangle& rRect) { return MarkGluePoints(&rRect,true); }
     401           0 :     bool MarkAllGluePoints() { return MarkGluePoints(NULL,false); }
     402           0 :     bool UnmarkAllGluePoints() { return MarkGluePoints(NULL,true); }
     403             : 
     404             :     // Selects the first marked point (P1) which is hit by rPnt
     405             :     // and from there it searches the first non-marked point(P2).
     406             :     // In case of success the marking of
     407             :     // P1 is deleted, a mark is set at P2 and sal_True is returned.
     408             :     // With the parameter bPrev=sal_True the scan direction is turned to the other direction.
     409             :     bool MarkNextGluePoint(const Point& rPnt, bool bPrev=false);
     410             : 
     411             :     // Draw a selection frame for glue point marking.
     412             :     // This routine will just be started in case that HasMarkablePoints() returns sal_True.
     413             :     // The GlueEditMode sal_True is disregarded.
     414             :     // bool BegMarkGluePoints(const Point& rPnt, OutputDevice* pOut);
     415             :     bool BegMarkGluePoints(const Point& rPnt, bool bUnmark = false);
     416             :     void MovMarkGluePoints(const Point& rPnt);
     417             :     bool EndMarkGluePoints();
     418             :     void BrkMarkGluePoints();
     419       45007 :     bool IsMarkGluePoints() const { return (0L != mpMarkGluePointsOverlay); }
     420             : 
     421             :     // bRestraintPaint=sal_False causes the handles not to be drawn immediately.
     422             :     // AdjustMarkHdl is just called in case of changes; usually this causes an Invalidate
     423             :     // At the end of a redraw the handles are drawn automatically.
     424             :     // The purpose is to avoid unnecessary flickering. -> This does not yet work, that's why sal_True!
     425             :     void AdjustMarkHdl(); //HMHBOOL bRestraintPaint=sal_True);
     426             : 
     427             :     const Rectangle& GetMarkedObjRect() const; // SnapRects of Objects, without line width
     428             :     Rectangle GetMarkedObjBoundRect() const;   // incl. line width, overlapping rags, ...
     429             :     const Rectangle& GetMarkedPointsRect() const;     // Enclosing rectangle of all marked points
     430             :     const Rectangle& GetMarkedGluePointsRect() const; // Enclosing rectangle of all marked glue points
     431          59 :     const Rectangle& GetAllMarkedRect() const { return GetMarkedObjRect(); }
     432           0 :     Rectangle GetAllMarkedBoundRect() const { return GetMarkedObjBoundRect(); }
     433             :     const Rectangle& GetAllMarkedPointsRect() const  { return GetMarkedPointsRect(); }
     434             :     Point GetGridOffset() const;
     435             : 
     436             :     // Will be always called, if the list of marked objects might be changed.
     437             :     // If you overload this method (as programmer), be sure that you call the
     438             :     // methods of the base class!
     439             :     virtual void MarkListHasChanged();
     440             : 
     441             :     // Entering (Editing) of a maybe marked object group. If there are several
     442             :     // object groups marked, the most upper group is selected. After that
     443             :     // all member objects of the group are directly accessable. All other
     444             :     // objects may not be processed in the meantime (until the next
     445             :     // LeaveGroup()). With markings which overlaps pages, every page is processed
     446             :     // separately. The method returns sal_True, if at least one group was entered.
     447             :     bool EnterMarkedGroup();
     448             : 
     449             :     // Get the center point of the last Crook-Dragging. Den kann man
     450             :     // bei einem anschliessenden Rotate sinnvoll als Drehmittelpunkt setzen.
     451             :     const Point& GetLastCrookCenter() const { return aLastCrookCenter; }
     452             : 
     453             :     // Is set by DragView automatically when finishing a Crook-Drag.
     454           0 :     void SetLastCrookCenter(const Point& rPt) { aLastCrookCenter=rPt; }
     455             : 
     456             :     // Rotation center point and start point of the axis of reflextion, respecively
     457           0 :     const Point& GetRef1() const { return aRef1; }
     458             :     void SetRef1(const Point& rPt);
     459             : 
     460             :     // End point of the axis of reflextion
     461           0 :     const Point& GetRef2() const { return aRef1; }
     462             :     void SetRef2(const Point& rPt);
     463             :     void UnmarkObj(SdrObject* pObj);
     464             : };
     465             : 
     466             : 
     467             : 
     468             : // - Hit tolarances:
     469             : //   It have to be declared in logical coordinates. So please translate the
     470             : //   wanted pixel value with PixelToLogic in Logical values.
     471             : //   Taking as example a logical value of 100:
     472             : //   - For a horizontal hairline (Object with height 0), the generated data is +/-100, i.e.
     473             : //     a vertical area of 200 logical units is sensitive.
     474             : //   - For a polygon, a rectangular of the size (200,200) is generated and a
     475             : //     touch test between Poly and this Rect is processed.
     476             : //   - Obects which respond SdrObject::HasEdit()==TRUE ( e.g. a text frame ),
     477             : //     are specially treated: An additional sensitive area with a width of
     478             : //     2*Tol (200 units for this example) is created around the object.
     479             : //     When an object is directly hit, the Edit method is called.
     480             : //     In opposite, a hit in the surrounding sensitive area enables Dragging.
     481             : 
     482             : 
     483             : 
     484             : #endif // INCLUDED_SVX_SVDMRKV_HXX
     485             : 
     486             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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