Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
21 :
22 : #include <sal/types.h>
23 :
24 : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
25 : #include <tools/color.hxx>
26 :
27 : #include <vcl/dllapi.h>
28 : #include <vcl/vclenum.hxx>
29 : #include <vcl/font.hxx>
30 : #include <vcl/graphictools.hxx>
31 : #include <vcl/outdevstate.hxx>
32 :
33 : #include <com/sun/star/io/XOutputStream.hpp>
34 : #include <com/sun/star/beans/XMaterialHolder.hpp>
35 : #include <com/sun/star/security/XCertificate.hpp>
36 : #include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
37 :
38 : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
39 :
40 : #include <list>
41 : #include <vector>
42 : #include <set>
43 :
44 : namespace vcl { class Font; }
45 : class Point;
46 : class OutputDevice;
47 : class GDIMetaFile;
48 : class MapMode;
49 : class Polygon;
50 : class LineInfo;
51 : namespace tools { class PolyPolygon; }
52 : class Bitmap;
53 : class BitmapEx;
54 : class Image;
55 : class Gradient;
56 : class Hatch;
57 : class Wallpaper;
58 :
59 : namespace vcl
60 : {
61 :
62 : class PDFExtOutDevData;
63 : class PDFWriterImpl;
64 :
65 0 : struct PDFNote
66 : {
67 : OUString Title; // optional title for the popup containing the note
68 : OUString Contents; // contents of the note
69 : };
70 :
71 0 : class VCL_DLLPUBLIC PDFOutputStream
72 : {
73 : public:
74 : virtual ~PDFOutputStream();
75 : virtual void write( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >& xStream ) = 0;
76 : };
77 :
78 : class VCL_DLLPUBLIC PDFWriter
79 : {
80 : boost::scoped_ptr<PDFWriterImpl> pImplementation;
81 : public:
82 : // extended line info
83 : enum CapType { capButt, capRound, capSquare };
84 : enum JoinType { joinMiter, joinRound, joinBevel };
85 0 : struct ExtLineInfo
86 : {
87 : double m_fLineWidth;
88 : double m_fTransparency;
89 : CapType m_eCap;
90 : JoinType m_eJoin;
91 : double m_fMiterLimit;
92 : std::vector< double > m_aDashArray;
93 :
94 0 : ExtLineInfo() : m_fLineWidth( 0.0 ),
95 : m_fTransparency( 0.0 ),
96 : m_eCap( capButt ),
97 : m_eJoin( joinMiter ),
98 0 : m_fMiterLimit( 10.0 )
99 0 : {}
100 : };
101 :
102 : enum Orientation { Portrait, Landscape, Seascape, Inherit };
103 :
104 : // in case the below enum is added PDF_1_6 PDF_1_7, please add them just after PDF_1_5
105 : enum PDFVersion { PDF_1_2, PDF_1_3, PDF_1_4, PDF_1_5, PDF_A_1 };//i59651, PDF/A-1b & -1a, only -1b implemented for now
106 : // for the meaning of DestAreaType please look at PDF Reference Manual
107 : // version 1.4 section 8.2.1, page 475
108 : enum DestAreaType { XYZ, Fit, FitHorizontal, FitVertical,
109 : FitRectangle, FitPageBoundingBox, FitPageBoundingBoxHorizontal,
110 : FitPageBoundingBoxVertical
111 : };
112 :
113 : // for a definition of structural element types please refer to
114 : // PDF Reference, 3rd ed. section 9.7.4
115 : enum StructElement
116 : {
117 : // special element to place outside the structure hierarchy
118 : NonStructElement,
119 : // Grouping elements
120 : Document, Part, Article, Section, Division, BlockQuote,
121 : Caption, TOC, TOCI, Index,
122 :
123 : // block level elements
124 : Paragraph, Heading, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6,
125 : List, ListItem, LILabel, LIBody,
126 : Table, TableRow, TableHeader, TableData,
127 :
128 : // inline level elements
129 : Span, Quote, Note, Reference, BibEntry, Code, Link,
130 :
131 : // illustration elements
132 : Figure, Formula, Form
133 : };
134 :
135 : enum StructAttribute
136 : {
137 : Placement, WritingMode, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, StartIndent, EndIndent,
138 : TextIndent, TextAlign, Width, Height, BlockAlign, InlineAlign,
139 : LineHeight, BaselineShift, TextDecorationType, ListNumbering,
140 : RowSpan, ColSpan,
141 :
142 : // link destination is an artificial attribute that sets
143 : // the link annotation ID of a Link element
144 : // further note: since structure attributes can only be
145 : // set during content creation, but links can be
146 : // created after the fact, it is possible to set
147 : // an arbitrary id as structure attribute here. In this
148 : // case the arbitrary id has to be passed again when the
149 : // actual link annotation is created via SetLinkPropertyID
150 : LinkAnnotation,
151 : // Language currently sets a LanguageType (see i18nlangtag/lang.h)
152 : // which will be internally changed to a corresponding locale
153 : Language
154 : };
155 :
156 : enum StructAttributeValue
157 : {
158 : Invalid,
159 : NONE,
160 : // Placement
161 : Block, Inline, Before, After, Start, End,
162 : // WritingMode
163 : LrTb, RlTb, TbRl,
164 : // TextAlign
165 : Center, Justify,
166 : // Width, Height,
167 : Auto,
168 : // BlockAlign
169 : Middle,
170 : // LineHeight
171 : Normal,
172 : // TextDecorationType
173 : Underline, Overline, LineThrough,
174 : // ListNumbering
175 : Disc, Circle, Square, Decimal, UpperRoman, LowerRoman, UpperAlpha, LowerAlpha
176 : };
177 :
178 : enum PageTransition
179 : {
180 : Regular,
181 : SplitHorizontalInward, SplitHorizontalOutward,
182 : SplitVerticalInward, SplitVerticalOutward,
183 : BlindsHorizontal, BlindsVertical,
184 : BoxInward, BoxOutward,
185 : WipeLeftToRight, WipeBottomToTop, WipeRightToLeft, WipeTopToBottom,
186 : Dissolve,
187 : GlitterLeftToRight, GlitterTopToBottom, GlitterTopLeftToBottomRight
188 : };
189 :
190 : enum WidgetType
191 : {
192 : PushButton, RadioButton, CheckBox, Edit, ListBox, ComboBox, Hierarchy,
193 : Signature
194 : };
195 :
196 : enum WidgetState
197 : {
198 : // PushButton, RadioButton, CheckBox; Down means selected for
199 : // RadioButton and CheckBox
200 : Up, Down
201 : };
202 :
203 : enum ErrorCode
204 : {
205 : // transparent object occurred and was draw opaque because
206 : // PDF/A does not allow transparency
207 : Warning_Transparency_Omitted_PDFA,
208 :
209 : // transparent object occurred but is only supported since
210 : // PDF 1.4
211 : Warning_Transparency_Omitted_PDF13,
212 :
213 : // a form action was exported that is not suitable for PDF/A
214 : // the action was skipped
215 : Warning_FormAction_Omitted_PDFA,
216 :
217 : // transparent objects were converted to a bitmap in order
218 : // to removetransparencies from the output
219 : Warning_Transparency_Converted
220 : };
221 :
222 : struct VCL_DLLPUBLIC AnyWidget
223 : {
224 : protected:
225 : WidgetType Type; // primitive RTTI
226 : public:
227 : OUString Name; // a distinct name to identify the control
228 : OUString Description;// descriptive text for the contro (e.g. for tool tip)
229 : OUString Text; // user text to appear on the control
230 : sal_uInt16 TextStyle; // style flags
231 : bool ReadOnly;
232 : Rectangle Location; // describes the area filled by the control
233 : bool Border; // true: widget should have a border, false: no border
234 : Color BorderColor;// COL_TRANSPARENT and Border=true means get color from application settings
235 : bool Background; // true: widget shall draw its background, false: no background
236 : Color BackgroundColor; // COL_TRANSPARENT and Background=true means get color from application settings
237 : vcl::Font TextFont; // an empty font will be replaced by the
238 : // appropriate font from the user settings
239 : Color TextColor; // COL_TRANSPARENT will be replaced by the appropriate color from application settings
240 : sal_Int32 TabOrder; // lowest number is first in tab order
241 :
242 : /* style flags for text are those for OutputDevice::DrawText
243 : allowed values are:
247 :
248 : if TextStyle is 0, then each control will fill in default values
249 : */
250 :
251 : // note: the Name member comprises the field name of the resulting
252 : // PDF field names need to be globally unique. Therefore if any
253 : // Widget with an already used name is created, the name will be
254 : // made unique by adding an underscore ('_') and an ascending number
255 : // to the name.
256 :
257 0 : AnyWidget( WidgetType eType ) :
258 : Type( eType ),
259 : TextStyle( 0 ),
260 : ReadOnly( false ),
261 : Border( false ),
262 : BorderColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
263 : Background( false ),
264 : BackgroundColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
265 : TextColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
266 0 : TabOrder( -1 )
267 0 : {}
268 : virtual ~AnyWidget();
269 :
270 0 : WidgetType getType() const { return Type; }
271 :
272 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const = 0;
273 :
274 : protected:
275 : // note that this equals the default compiler-generated copy-ctor, but we want to have it
276 : // protected, to only allow sub classes to access it
277 0 : AnyWidget( const AnyWidget& rSource )
278 : :Type( rSource.Type )
279 : ,Name( rSource.Name )
280 : ,Description( rSource.Description )
281 : ,Text( rSource.Text )
282 : ,TextStyle( rSource.TextStyle )
283 : ,ReadOnly( rSource.ReadOnly )
284 : ,Location( rSource.Location )
285 : ,Border( rSource.Border )
286 : ,BorderColor( rSource.BorderColor )
287 : ,Background( rSource.Background )
288 : ,BackgroundColor( rSource.BackgroundColor )
289 : ,TextFont( rSource.TextFont )
290 : ,TextColor( rSource.TextColor )
291 0 : ,TabOrder( rSource.TabOrder )
292 : {
293 0 : }
294 : AnyWidget& operator=( const AnyWidget& ); // never implemented
295 : };
296 :
297 0 : struct PushButtonWidget : public AnyWidget
298 : {
299 : /* If Dest is set to a valid link destination,
300 : Then pressing the button will act as a goto
301 : action within the document.
302 :
303 : Else:
304 : An empty URL means this button will reset the form.
305 :
306 : If URL is not empty and Submit is set, then the URL
307 : contained will be set as the URL to submit the
308 : form to. In this case the submit method will be
309 : either GET if SubmitGet is true or POST if
310 : SubmitGet is false.
311 :
312 : If URL is not empty and Submit is clear, then
313 : the URL contained will be interpreted as a
314 : hyperlink to be executed on pushing the button.
315 :
316 : There will be no error checking or any kind of
317 : conversion done to the URL parameter execept this:
318 : it will be output as 7bit Ascii. The URL
319 : will appear literally in the PDF file produced
320 : */
321 : sal_Int32 Dest;
322 : OUString URL;
323 : bool Submit;
324 : bool SubmitGet;
325 :
326 0 : PushButtonWidget()
327 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::PushButton ),
328 0 : Dest( -1 ), Submit( false ), SubmitGet( false )
329 0 : {}
330 :
331 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
332 : {
333 0 : return new PushButtonWidget( *this );
334 : }
335 : };
336 :
337 0 : struct CheckBoxWidget : public AnyWidget
338 : {
339 : bool Checked;
340 : bool ButtonIsLeft;
341 :
342 0 : CheckBoxWidget()
343 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::CheckBox ),
344 : Checked( false ),
345 0 : ButtonIsLeft( true )
346 0 : {}
347 :
348 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
349 : {
350 0 : return new CheckBoxWidget( *this );
351 : }
352 : };
353 :
354 0 : struct RadioButtonWidget : public AnyWidget
355 : {
356 : bool Selected;
357 : sal_Int32 RadioGroup;
358 : bool ButtonIsLeft;
359 : OUString OnValue; // the value of the radio button if it is selected
360 :
361 0 : RadioButtonWidget()
362 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::RadioButton ),
363 : Selected( false ),
364 : RadioGroup( 0 ),
365 0 : ButtonIsLeft( true )
366 0 : {}
367 :
368 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
369 : {
370 0 : return new RadioButtonWidget( *this );
371 : }
372 : // radio buttons having the same RadioGroup id comprise one
373 : // logical radio button group, that is at most one of the RadioButtons
374 : // in a group can be checked at any time
375 : //
376 : // note: a PDF radio button field consists of a named field
377 : // containing unnamed checkbox child fields. The name of the
378 : // radio button field is taken from the first RadioButtonWidget created
379 : // in the group
380 : };
381 :
382 0 : struct EditWidget : public AnyWidget
383 : {
384 : bool MultiLine; // whether multiple lines are allowed
385 : bool Password; // visible echo off
386 : bool FileSelect; // field is a file selector
387 : sal_Int32 MaxLen; // maximum field length in characters, 0 means unlimited
388 :
389 0 : EditWidget()
390 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::Edit ),
391 : MultiLine( false ),
392 : Password( false ),
393 : FileSelect( false ),
394 0 : MaxLen( 0 )
395 0 : {}
396 :
397 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
398 : {
399 0 : return new EditWidget( *this );
400 : }
401 : };
402 :
403 0 : struct ListBoxWidget : public AnyWidget
404 : {
405 : bool DropDown;
406 : bool Sort;
407 : bool MultiSelect;
408 : std::vector<OUString> Entries;
409 : std::vector<sal_Int32> SelectedEntries;
410 : // if MultiSelect is false only the first entry of SelectedEntries
411 : // will be taken into account. the same is implicit for PDF < 1.4
412 : // since multiselect is a 1.4+ feature
413 :
414 0 : ListBoxWidget()
415 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::ListBox ),
416 : DropDown( false ),
417 : Sort( false ),
418 0 : MultiSelect( false )
419 0 : {}
420 :
421 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
422 : {
423 0 : return new ListBoxWidget( *this );
424 : }
425 : };
426 :
427 : // note: PDF only supports dropdown comboboxes
428 0 : struct ComboBoxWidget : public AnyWidget
429 : {
430 : bool Sort;
431 : std::vector<OUString> Entries;
432 : // set the current value in AnyWidget::Text
433 :
434 0 : ComboBoxWidget()
435 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::ComboBox ),
436 0 : Sort( false )
437 0 : {}
438 :
439 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
440 : {
441 0 : return new ComboBoxWidget( *this );
442 : }
443 : };
444 :
445 0 : struct SignatureWidget: public AnyWidget
446 : {
447 : // Use Sig prefix for members to avoid conflict with
448 : // the Location member of the AnyWidget which spcifies the coordinates
449 : // of the signature
450 :
451 : OUString SigLocation;
452 : OUString SigReason;
453 : OUString SigContactInfo;
454 : bool SigHidden;
455 :
456 0 : SignatureWidget()
457 : : AnyWidget( vcl::PDFWriter::Signature ),
458 0 : SigHidden( true )
459 0 : {}
460 :
461 0 : virtual AnyWidget* Clone() const SAL_OVERRIDE
462 : {
463 0 : return new SignatureWidget( *this );
464 : }
465 : };
466 :
467 : enum ExportDataFormat { HTML, XML, FDF, PDF };
468 : // see 3.6.1 of PDF 1.4 ref for details, used for 8.1 PDF v 1.4 ref also
469 : // These emuns are treated as integer while reading/writing to configuration
470 : enum PDFViewerPageMode
471 : {
472 : ModeDefault,
473 : UseOutlines,
474 : UseThumbs
475 : };
476 : // These emuns are treated as integer while reading/writing to configuration
477 : enum PDFViewerAction
478 : {
479 : ActionDefault,
480 : FitInWindow,
481 : FitWidth,
482 : FitVisible,
483 : ActionZoom
484 : };
485 : // These enums are treated as integer while reading/writing to configuration
486 : enum PDFPageLayout
487 : {
488 : DefaultLayout,
489 : SinglePage,
490 : Continuous,
491 : ContinuousFacing
492 : };
493 :
494 : // These emuns are treated as integer while reading/writing to configuration
495 : //what default action to generate in a PDF hyperlink to external document/site
496 : enum PDFLinkDefaultAction
497 : {
498 : URIAction,
499 : URIActionDestination,
500 : LaunchAction
501 : };
502 :
503 : /*
504 : The following structure describes the permissions used in PDF security
505 : */
506 0 : struct PDFEncryptionProperties
507 : {
508 :
509 : bool Security128bit; // true to select 128 bit encryption, false for 40 bit
510 : //for both 40 and 128 bit security, see 3.5.2 PDF v 1.4 table 3.15, v 1.5 and v 1.6 table 3.20.
511 : bool CanPrintTheDocument;
512 : bool CanModifyTheContent;
513 : bool CanCopyOrExtract;
514 : bool CanAddOrModify;
515 : //for revision 3 (bit 128 security) only
516 : bool CanFillInteractive;
517 : bool CanExtractForAccessibility;
518 : bool CanAssemble;
519 : bool CanPrintFull;
520 :
521 : // encryption will only happen if EncryptionKey is not empty
522 : // EncryptionKey is actually a construct out of OValue, UValue and DocumentIdentifier
523 : // if these do not match, behavior is undefined, most likely an invalid PDF will be produced
524 : // OValue, UValue, EncryptionKey and DocumentIdentifier can be computed from
525 : // PDFDocInfo, Owner password and User password used the InitEncryption method which
526 : // implements the algorithms described in the PDF reference chapter 3.5: Encryption
527 : std::vector<sal_uInt8> OValue;
528 : std::vector<sal_uInt8> UValue;
529 : std::vector<sal_uInt8> EncryptionKey;
530 : std::vector<sal_uInt8> DocumentIdentifier;
531 :
532 : //permission default set for 128 bit, accessibility only
533 0 : PDFEncryptionProperties() :
534 : Security128bit ( true ),
535 : CanPrintTheDocument ( false ),
536 : CanModifyTheContent ( false ),
537 : CanCopyOrExtract ( false ),
538 : CanAddOrModify ( false ),
539 : CanFillInteractive ( false ),
540 : CanExtractForAccessibility ( true ),
541 : CanAssemble ( false ),
542 0 : CanPrintFull ( false )
543 0 : {}
544 :
545 :
546 0 : bool Encrypt() const
547 0 : { return ! OValue.empty() && ! UValue.empty() && ! DocumentIdentifier.empty(); }
548 : };
549 :
550 0 : struct PDFDocInfo
551 : {
552 : OUString Title; // document title
553 : OUString Author; // document author
554 : OUString Subject; // subject
555 : OUString Keywords; // keywords
556 : OUString Creator; // application that created the original document
557 : OUString Producer; // OpenOffice
558 : };
559 :
560 : enum ColorMode
561 : {
562 : DrawColor, DrawGreyscale
563 : };
564 :
565 0 : struct PDFWriterContext
566 : {
567 : /* must be a valid file: URL usable by osl */
568 : OUString URL;
569 : /* the URL of the document being exported, used for relative links*/
570 : OUString BaseURL;
571 : /*if relative to file system should be formed*/
572 : bool RelFsys;//i56629, i49415?, i64585?
573 : /*the action to set the PDF hyperlink to*/
574 : PDFWriter::PDFLinkDefaultAction DefaultLinkAction;
575 : //convert the .od? target file type in a link to a .pdf type
576 : //this is examined before doing anything else
577 : bool ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget;
578 : //when the file type is .pdf, force the GoToR action
579 : bool ForcePDFAction;
580 :
581 : /* decides the PDF language level to be produced */
582 : PDFVersion Version;
583 : /* valid for PDF >= 1.4
584 : causes the MarkInfo entry in the document catalog to be set
585 : */
586 : bool Tagged;
587 : /* determines in which format a form
588 : will be submitted.
589 : */
590 : PDFWriter::ExportDataFormat SubmitFormat;
591 : bool AllowDuplicateFieldNames;
592 : bool FieldsUseSystemFonts;
593 : /* the following data members are used to customize the PDF viewer
594 : preferences
595 : */
596 : /* see 3.6.1 PDF v 1.4 ref*/
597 : PDFWriter::PDFViewerPageMode PDFDocumentMode;
598 : PDFWriter::PDFViewerAction PDFDocumentAction;
599 : // in percent, valid only if PDFDocumentAction == ActionZoom
600 : sal_Int32 Zoom;
601 :
602 : /* see 8.6 PDF v 1.4 ref
603 : specifies whether to hide the viewer tool
604 : bars when the document is active.
605 : */
606 : bool HideViewerToolbar;
607 : bool HideViewerMenubar;
608 : bool HideViewerWindowControls;
609 : bool FitWindow;
610 : bool OpenInFullScreenMode;
611 : bool CenterWindow;
612 : bool DisplayPDFDocumentTitle;
613 : PDFPageLayout PageLayout;
614 : bool FirstPageLeft;
615 : // initially visible page in viewer (starting with 0 for first page)
616 : sal_Int32 InitialPage;
617 : sal_Int32 OpenBookmarkLevels; // -1 means all levels
618 :
619 : PDFWriter::PDFEncryptionProperties Encryption;
620 : PDFWriter::PDFDocInfo DocumentInfo;
621 :
622 : bool SignPDF;
623 : OUString SignLocation;
624 : OUString SignPassword;
625 : OUString SignReason;
626 : OUString SignContact;
627 : com::sun::star::lang::Locale DocumentLocale; // defines the document default language
628 : sal_uInt32 DPIx, DPIy; // how to handle MapMode( MAP_PIXEL )
629 : // 0 here specifies a default handling
630 : PDFWriter::ColorMode ColorMode;
631 : com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::security::XCertificate> SignCertificate;
632 :
633 0 : PDFWriterContext() :
634 : RelFsys( false ), //i56629, i49415?, i64585?
635 : DefaultLinkAction( PDFWriter::URIAction ),
636 : ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget( false ),
637 : ForcePDFAction( false ),
638 : Version( PDFWriter::PDF_1_4 ),
639 : Tagged( false ),
640 : SubmitFormat( PDFWriter::FDF ),
641 : AllowDuplicateFieldNames( false ),
642 : FieldsUseSystemFonts( true ),
643 : PDFDocumentMode( PDFWriter::ModeDefault ),
644 : PDFDocumentAction( PDFWriter::ActionDefault ),
645 : Zoom( 100 ),
646 : HideViewerToolbar( false ),
647 : HideViewerMenubar( false ),
648 : HideViewerWindowControls( false ),
649 : FitWindow( false ),
650 : OpenInFullScreenMode( false ),
651 : CenterWindow( false ),
652 : DisplayPDFDocumentTitle( true ),
653 : PageLayout( PDFWriter::DefaultLayout ),
654 : FirstPageLeft( false ),
655 : InitialPage( 1 ),
656 : OpenBookmarkLevels( -1 ),
657 : Encryption(),
658 : SignPDF( false ),
659 : DPIx( 0 ),
660 : DPIy( 0 ),
661 : ColorMode( PDFWriter::DrawColor ),
662 0 : SignCertificate( 0 )
663 0 : {}
664 : };
665 :
666 : PDFWriter( const PDFWriterContext& rContext, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XMaterialHolder >& );
667 : ~PDFWriter();
668 :
669 : /** Returns an OutputDevice for formatting
670 : This Output device is guaranteed to use the same
671 : font metrics as the resulting PDF file.
672 :
673 : @returns
674 : the reference output device
675 : */
676 : OutputDevice* GetReferenceDevice();
677 :
678 : /** Creates a new page to fill
679 : If width and height are not set the page size
680 : is inherited from the page tree
681 : other effects:
682 : resets the graphics state: MapMode, Font
683 : Colors and other state information MUST
684 : be set again or are undefined.
685 :
686 : @returns
687 : returns the page id of the new page
688 : */
689 : sal_Int32 NewPage( sal_Int32 nPageWidth = 0, sal_Int32 nPageHeight = 0, Orientation eOrientation = Inherit );
690 : /** Play a metafile like an outputdevice would do
691 : */
692 : struct PlayMetafileContext
693 : {
694 : int m_nMaxImageResolution;
695 : bool m_bOnlyLosslessCompression;
696 : int m_nJPEGQuality;
697 : bool m_bTransparenciesWereRemoved;
698 :
699 0 : PlayMetafileContext()
700 : : m_nMaxImageResolution( 0 )
701 : , m_bOnlyLosslessCompression( false )
702 : , m_nJPEGQuality( 90 )
703 0 : , m_bTransparenciesWereRemoved( false )
704 0 : {}
705 :
706 : };
707 : void PlayMetafile( const GDIMetaFile&, const PlayMetafileContext&, vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pDevDat = NULL );
708 :
709 : /* sets the document locale originally passed with the context to a new value
710 : * only affects the output if used before calling Emit.
711 : */
712 : void SetDocumentLocale( const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rDocLocale );
713 :
714 : /* finishes the file */
715 : bool Emit();
716 :
717 : /*
718 : * Get a list of errors that occurred during processing
719 : * this should enable the producer to give feedback about
720 : * any anomalies that might have occurred
721 : */
722 : std::set< ErrorCode > GetErrors();
723 :
724 : static com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XMaterialHolder >
725 : InitEncryption( const OUString& i_rOwnerPassword,
726 : const OUString& i_rUserPassword,
727 : bool b128Bit
728 : );
729 :
730 : /* functions for graphics state */
731 : /* flag values: see vcl/outdev.hxx */
732 : void Push( PushFlags nFlags = PushFlags::ALL );
733 : void Pop();
734 :
735 : void SetClipRegion();
736 : void SetClipRegion( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rRegion );
737 : void MoveClipRegion( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove );
738 : void IntersectClipRegion( const Rectangle& rRect );
739 : void IntersectClipRegion( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rRegion );
740 :
741 : void SetLayoutMode( ComplexTextLayoutMode nMode );
742 : void SetDigitLanguage( LanguageType eLang );
743 :
744 : void SetLineColor( const Color& rColor );
745 0 : void SetLineColor() { SetLineColor( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); }
746 :
747 : void SetFillColor( const Color& rColor );
748 0 : void SetFillColor() { SetFillColor( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); }
749 :
750 : void SetFont( const vcl::Font& rNewFont );
751 : void SetTextColor( const Color& rColor );
752 : void SetTextFillColor();
753 : void SetTextFillColor( const Color& rColor );
754 :
755 : void SetTextLineColor();
756 : void SetTextLineColor( const Color& rColor );
757 : void SetOverlineColor();
758 : void SetOverlineColor( const Color& rColor );
759 : void SetTextAlign( ::TextAlign eAlign );
760 :
761 : void SetMapMode( const MapMode& rNewMapMode );
762 :
763 :
764 : /* actual drawing functions */
765 : void DrawText( const Point& rPos, const OUString& rText );
766 :
767 : void DrawTextLine( const Point& rPos, long nWidth,
768 : FontStrikeout eStrikeout,
769 : FontUnderline eUnderline,
770 : FontUnderline eOverline,
771 : bool bUnderlineAbove = false );
772 : void DrawTextArray( const Point& rStartPt, const OUString& rStr,
773 : const long* pDXAry,
774 : sal_Int32 nIndex,
775 : sal_Int32 nLen );
776 : void DrawStretchText( const Point& rStartPt, sal_uLong nWidth,
777 : const OUString& rStr,
778 : sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nLen );
779 : void DrawText( const Rectangle& rRect,
780 : const OUString& rStr, sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0 );
781 :
782 : void DrawPixel( const Point& rPt, const Color& rColor );
783 0 : void DrawPixel( const Point& rPt )
784 0 : { DrawPixel( rPt, Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); }
785 :
786 : void DrawLine( const Point& rStartPt, const Point& rEndPt );
787 : void DrawLine( const Point& rStartPt, const Point& rEndPt,
788 : const LineInfo& rLineInfo );
789 : void DrawPolyLine( const Polygon& rPoly );
790 : void DrawPolyLine( const Polygon& rPoly,
791 : const LineInfo& rLineInfo );
792 : void DrawPolyLine( const Polygon& rPoly, const ExtLineInfo& rInfo );
793 : void DrawPolygon( const Polygon& rPoly );
794 : void DrawPolyPolygon( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly );
795 : void DrawRect( const Rectangle& rRect );
796 : void DrawRect( const Rectangle& rRect,
797 : sal_uLong nHorzRount, sal_uLong nVertRound );
798 : void DrawEllipse( const Rectangle& rRect );
799 : void DrawArc( const Rectangle& rRect,
800 : const Point& rStartPt, const Point& rEndPt );
801 : void DrawPie( const Rectangle& rRect,
802 : const Point& rStartPt, const Point& rEndPt );
803 : void DrawChord( const Rectangle& rRect,
804 : const Point& rStartPt, const Point& rEndPt );
805 :
806 : void DrawBitmap( const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
807 : const Bitmap& rBitmap );
808 :
809 : void DrawBitmapEx( const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
810 : const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx );
811 :
812 : void DrawGradient( const Rectangle& rRect, const Gradient& rGradient );
813 : void DrawGradient( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient );
814 :
815 : void DrawHatch( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Hatch& rHatch );
816 :
817 : void DrawWallpaper( const Rectangle& rRect, const Wallpaper& rWallpaper );
818 : void DrawTransparent( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
819 : sal_uInt16 nTransparencePercent );
820 :
821 : /** Start a transparency group
822 :
823 : Drawing operations can be grouped together to acquire a common transparency
824 : behaviour; after calling BeginTransparencyGroup all drawing
825 : operations will be grouped together into a transparent object.
826 :
827 : The transparency behaviour is set with ond of the EndTransparencyGroup
828 : calls and can be either a constant transparency factor or a transparent
829 : soft mask in form of an 8 bit gray scale bitmap.
830 :
831 : It is permissible to nest transparency group.
832 :
833 : Transparency groups MUST NOT span multiple pages
834 :
835 : Transparency is a feature introduced in PDF1.4, so transparency group
836 : will be ignored if the produced PDF has a lower version. The drawing
837 : operations will be emitted normally.
838 : */
839 : void BeginTransparencyGroup();
840 :
841 : /** End a transparency group with constant transparency factor
842 :
843 : This ends a transparency group and inserts it on the current page. The
844 : coordinates of the group result out of the grouped drawing operations.
845 :
846 : @param rBoundRect
847 : The bounding rectangle of the group
848 :
849 : @param nTransparencePercent
850 : The transparency factor
851 : */
852 : void EndTransparencyGroup( const Rectangle& rBoundRect, sal_uInt16 nTransparencePercent );
853 :
854 : /** Insert a JPG encoded image (optionally with mask)
855 :
856 : @param rJPGData
857 : a Stream containing the encoded image
858 :
859 : @param bIsTrueColor
860 : true: jpeg is 24 bit true color, false: jpeg is 8 bit greyscale
861 :
862 : @param rSrcSizePixel
863 : size in pixel of the image
864 :
865 : @param rTargetArea
866 : where to put the image
867 :
868 : @param rMask
869 : optional mask; if not empty it must have
870 : the same pixel size as the image and
871 : be either 1 bit black&white or 8 bit grey
872 : */
873 : void DrawJPGBitmap( SvStream& rJPGData, bool bIsTrueColor, const Size& rSrcSizePixel, const Rectangle& rTargetArea, const Bitmap& rMask );
874 :
875 : /** Create a new named destination to be used in a link from another PDF document
876 :
877 : @param sDestName
878 : the name (label) of the bookmark, to be used to jump to
879 :
880 : @param rRect
881 : target rectangle on page to be displayed if dest is jumped to
882 :
883 : @param nPageNr
884 : number of page the dest is on (as returned by NewPage)
885 : or -1 in which case the current page is used
886 :
887 : @param eType
888 : what dest type to use
889 :
890 : @returns
891 : the destination id (to be used in SetLinkDest) or
892 : -1 if page id does not exist
893 : */
894 : sal_Int32 CreateNamedDest( const OUString& sDestName, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1, DestAreaType eType = XYZ );
895 : /** Create a new destination to be used in a link
896 :
897 : @param rRect
898 : target rectangle on page to be displayed if dest is jumped to
899 :
900 : @param nPageNr
901 : number of page the dest is on (as returned by NewPage)
902 : or -1 in which case the current page is used
903 :
904 : @param eType
905 : what dest type to use
906 :
907 : @returns
908 : the destination id (to be used in SetLinkDest) or
909 : -1 if page id does not exist
910 : */
911 : sal_Int32 CreateDest( const Rectangle& rRect, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1, DestAreaType eType = XYZ );
912 : /** Create a new link on a page
913 :
914 : @param rRect
915 : active rectangle of the link (that is the area that has to be
916 : hit to activate the link)
917 :
918 : @param nPageNr
919 : number of page the link is on (as returned by NewPage)
920 : or -1 in which case the current page is used
921 :
922 : @returns
923 : the link id (to be used in SetLinkDest, SetLinkURL) or
924 : -1 if page id does not exist
925 : */
926 : sal_Int32 CreateLink( const Rectangle& rRect, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1 );
927 :
928 : /** creates a destination which is not intended to be referred to by a link, but by a public destination Id.
929 :
930 : Form widgets, for instance, might refer to a destination, without ever actually creating a source link to
931 : point to this destination. In such cases, a public destination Id will be assigned to the form widget,
932 : and later on, the concrete destination data for this public Id will be registered using RegisterDestReference.
933 :
934 : @param nDestId
935 : destination ID
936 :
937 : @param rRect
938 : target rectangle on page to be displayed if dest is jumped to
939 :
940 : @param nPageNr
941 : number of page the dest is on (as returned by NewPage)
942 : or -1 in which case the current page is used
943 :
944 : @param eType
945 : what dest type to use
946 :
947 : @returns
948 : the internal destination Id.
949 : */
950 : sal_Int32 RegisterDestReference( sal_Int32 nDestId, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1, DestAreaType eType = XYZ );
951 :
952 :
953 : /** Set the destination for a link
954 : will change a URL type link to a dest link if necessary
955 :
956 : @param nLinkId
957 : the link to be changed
958 :
959 : @param nDestId
960 : the dest the link shall point to
961 : @returns
962 : 0 for success
963 : -1 in case the link id does not exist
964 : -2 in case the dest id does not exist
965 : */
966 : sal_Int32 SetLinkDest( sal_Int32 nLinkId, sal_Int32 nDestId );
967 : /** Set the URL for a link
968 : will change a dest type link to an URL type link if necessary
969 : @param nLinkId
970 : the link to be changed
971 :
972 : @param rURL
973 : the URL the link shall point to.
974 : The URL will be parsed (and corrected) by the
975 : service; the result will then appear literally in the PDF file produced
976 :
977 : @returns
978 : 0 for success
979 : -1 in case the link id does not exist
980 : */
981 : sal_Int32 SetLinkURL( sal_Int32 nLinkId, const OUString& rURL );
982 : /** Resolve link in logical structure
983 :
984 : If a link is created after the corresponding visual appearance was drawn
985 : it is not possible to set the link id as a property attribute to the
986 : link structure item that should be created in tagged PDF around the
987 : visual appearance of a link.
988 :
989 : For this reason an arbitrary id can be given to
990 : SetStructureAttributeNumerical at the time the text for
991 : the link is drawn. To resolve this arbitrary id again when the actual
992 : link annotation is created use SetLinkPropertyID. When Emit
993 : finally gets called all LinkAnnotation type structure attributes
994 : will be replaced with the correct link id.
995 :
996 : CAUTION: this technique must be used either for all or none of the links
997 : in a document since the link id space and arbitrary property id space
998 : could overlap and it would be impossible to resolve whether a Link
999 : structure attribute value was arbitrary or already a real id.
1000 :
1001 : @param nLinkId
1002 : the link to be mapped
1003 :
1004 : @param nPropertyID
1005 : the arbitrary id set in a Link structure element to address
1006 : the link with real id nLinkId
1007 : */
1008 : void SetLinkPropertyID( sal_Int32 nLinkId, sal_Int32 nPropertyID );
1009 : /** Create a new outline item
1010 :
1011 : @param nParent
1012 : declares the parent of the new item in the outline hierarchy.
1013 : An invalid value will result in a new toplevel item.
1014 :
1015 : @param rText
1016 : sets the title text of the item
1017 :
1018 : @param nDestID
1019 : declares which Dest (created with CreateDest) the outline item
1020 : will point to
1021 :
1022 : @returns
1023 : the outline item id of the new item
1024 : */
1025 : sal_Int32 CreateOutlineItem( sal_Int32 nParent = 0, const OUString& rText = OUString(), sal_Int32 nDestID = -1 );
1026 :
1027 : /** Set an outline item's parent
1028 :
1029 : @param nItem
1030 : specififies which item should be reparented.
1031 :
1032 : @param nNewParent
1033 : specifies which outline item will be the item's new parent.
1034 : Use 0 for reparenting to top level.
1035 :
1036 : @returns
1037 : -1 if the item does not exist
1038 : -2 if the new parent does not exist, item will be reparented to top level.
1039 : */
1040 : sal_Int32 SetOutlineItemParent( sal_Int32 nItem, sal_Int32 nNewParent );
1041 :
1042 : /** Set an outline item's title text
1043 :
1044 : @param nItem
1045 : specififies which item should get a new text
1046 :
1047 : @param rText
1048 : sets the title text of the item
1049 :
1050 : @returns
1051 : 0 if the item exists and the text was changed
1052 : -1 if the item does not exist
1053 : */
1054 : sal_Int32 SetOutlineItemText( sal_Int32 nItem, const OUString& rText );
1055 :
1056 : /** Set an outline item's destination
1057 :
1058 : @param nItem
1059 : specififies which item should get a new dest
1060 :
1061 : @param nDestID
1062 : specifies the item's new destination
1063 :
1064 : @returns
1065 : -1 if the item does not exist
1066 : -2 if the new dest does not exist, dest will remain unchanged
1067 : */
1068 : sal_Int32 SetOutlineItemDest( sal_Int32 nItem, sal_Int32 nDestID );
1069 :
1070 : /** Create a new note on a page
1071 :
1072 : @param rRect
1073 : active rectangle of the note (that is the area that has to be
1074 : hit to popup the annotation)
1075 :
1076 : @param rNote
1077 : specifies the contents of the note
1078 :
1079 : @param nPageNr
1080 : number of page the note is on (as returned by NewPage)
1081 : or -1 in which case the current page is used
1082 : */
1083 : void CreateNote( const Rectangle& rRect, const PDFNote& rNote, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1 );
1084 :
1085 : /** begin a new logical structure element
1086 :
1087 : BeginStructureElement/EndStructureElement calls build the logical structure
1088 : of the PDF - the basis for tagged PDF. Structural elements are implemented
1089 : using marked content tags. Each structural element can contain sub elements
1090 : (e.g. a section can contain a heading and a paragraph). The structure hierarchy
1091 : is build automatically from the Begin/EndStructureElement calls.
1092 :
1093 : A structural element need not be contained on one page; e.g. paragraphs often
1094 : run from one page to the next. In this case the corresponding EndStructureElement
1095 : must be called while drawing the next page.
1096 :
1097 : BeginStructureElement and EndStructureElement must be called only after
1098 : PDFWriter::NewPage has been called and before PDFWriter::Emit gets called. The
1099 : current page number is an implicit context parameter for Begin/EndStructureElement.
1100 :
1101 : For pagination artifacts that are not part of the logical structure
1102 : of the document (like header, footer or page number) the special
1103 : StructElement NonStructElement exists. To place content
1104 : outside of the struture tree simply call
1105 : BeginStructureElement( NonStructElement ) then draw your
1106 : content and then call EndStructureElement(). All children
1107 : of a NonStructElement will not be part of the structure.
1108 : Nonetheless if you add a child structural element to a
1109 : NonStructElement you will still have to call
1110 : EndStructureElement for it. Best think of the structure
1111 : tree as a stack.
1112 :
1113 : Note: there is always one structural element in existence without having
1114 : called BeginStructureElement; this is the root of the structure
1115 : tree (called StructTreeRoot). The StructTreeRoot has always the id 0.
1116 :
1117 : @param eType
1118 : denotes what kind of element to begin (e.g. a heading or paragraph)
1119 :
1120 : @param rAlias
1121 : the specified alias will be used as structure tag. Also an entry in the PDF's
1122 : role map will be created mapping alias to regular structure type.
1123 :
1124 : @returns
1125 : the new structure element's id for use in SetCurrentStructureElement
1126 : */
1127 : sal_Int32 BeginStructureElement( enum StructElement eType, const OUString& rAlias = OUString() );
1128 : /** end the current logical structure element
1129 :
1130 : Close the current structure element. The current element's
1131 : parent becomes the current structure element again.
1132 :
1133 : @see BeginStructureElement
1134 : */
1135 : void EndStructureElement();
1136 : /** set the current structure element
1137 :
1138 : For different purposes it may be useful to paint a structure element's
1139 : content discontinously. In that case an already existing structure element
1140 : can be appended to by using SetCurrentStructureElement. The
1141 : refenrenced structure element becomes the current structure element with
1142 : all consequences: all following structure elements are appended as children
1143 : of the current element.
1144 :
1145 : @param nElement
1146 : the id of the new current structure element
1147 :
1148 : @returns
1149 : True if the current structure element could be set successfully
1150 : False if the current structure element could not be changed
1151 : (e.g. if the passed element id is invalid)
1152 : */
1153 : bool SetCurrentStructureElement( sal_Int32 nElement );
1154 :
1155 : /** set a structure attribute on the current structural element
1156 :
1157 : SetStructureAttribute sets an attribute of the current structural element to a
1158 : new value. A consistency check is performed before actually setting the value;
1159 : if the check fails, the function returns False and the attribute remains
1160 : unchanged.
1161 :
1162 : @param eAttr
1163 : denotes what attribute to change
1164 :
1165 : @param eVal
1166 : the value to set the attribute to
1167 :
1168 : @returns
1169 : True if the value was valid and the change has been performed,
1170 : False if the attribute or value was invalid; attribute remains unchanged
1171 : */
1172 : bool SetStructureAttribute( enum StructAttribute eAttr, enum StructAttributeValue eVal );
1173 : /** set a structure attribute on the current structural element
1174 :
1175 : SetStructureAttributeNumerical sets an attribute of the current structural element
1176 : to a new numerical value. A consistency check is performed before actually setting
1177 : the value; if the check fails, the function returns False and the attribute
1178 : remains unchanged.
1179 :
1180 : @param eAttr
1181 : denotes what attribute to change
1182 :
1183 : @param nValue
1184 : the value to set the attribute to
1185 :
1186 : @returns
1187 : True if the value was valid and the change has been performed,
1188 : False if the attribute or value was invalid; attribute remains unchanged
1189 : */
1190 : bool SetStructureAttributeNumerical( enum StructAttribute eAttr, sal_Int32 nValue );
1191 : /** set the bounding box of a structural element
1192 :
1193 : SetStructureBoundingBox sets the BBox attribute to a new value. Since the BBox
1194 : attribute can only be applied to Table, Figure,
1195 : Form and Formula elements, a call of this function
1196 : for other element types will be ignored and the BBox attribute not be set.
1197 :
1198 : @param rRect
1199 : the new bounding box for the structural element
1200 : */
1201 : void SetStructureBoundingBox( const Rectangle& rRect );
1202 :
1203 : /** set the ActualText attribute of a structural element
1204 :
1205 : ActualText contains the Unicode text without layout artifacts that is shown by
1206 : a structural element. For example if a line is ended prematurely with a break in
1207 : a word and continued on the next line (e.g. "happen-<newline>stance") the
1208 : corresponding ActualText would contain the unbroken line (e.g. "happenstance").
1209 :
1210 : @param rText
1211 : contains the complete logical text the structural element displays.
1212 : */
1213 : void SetActualText( const OUString& rText );
1214 :
1215 : /** set the Alt attribute of a strutural element
1216 :
1217 : Alt is s replacement text describing the contents of a structural element. This
1218 : is mainly used by accessibility applications; e.g. a screen reader would read
1219 : the Alt replacement text for an image to a visually impaired user.
1220 :
1221 : @param rText
1222 : contains the replacement text for the structural element
1223 : */
1224 : void SetAlternateText( const OUString& rText );
1225 :
1226 : /** Sets the time in seconds a page will appear before the next
1227 : page is shown automatically
1228 :
1229 : @param nSeconds
1230 : time in seconds the current page will be shown; pass 0 for manual advancement
1231 :
1232 : @param nPageNr
1233 : the page number to apply the autoadvance time to; -1 denotes the current page
1234 : */
1235 : void SetAutoAdvanceTime( sal_uInt32 nSeconds, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1 );
1236 :
1237 : /** Sets the transitional effect to be applied when the current page gets shown.
1238 :
1239 : @param eType
1240 : the kind of effect to be used; use Regular to disable transitional effects
1241 : for this page
1242 :
1243 : @param nMilliSec
1244 : the duration of the transitional effect in milliseconds;
1245 : set 0 to disable transitional effects
1246 :
1247 : @param nPageNr
1248 : the page number to apply the effect to; -1 denotes the current page
1249 : */
1250 : void SetPageTransition( PageTransition eType, sal_uInt32 nMilliSec, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1 );
1251 :
1252 : /** create a new form control
1253 :
1254 : This function creates a new form control in the PDF and sets its various
1255 : properties. Do not pass an actual AnyWidget as rControlType
1256 : will be cast to the type described by the type member.
1257 :
1258 : @param rControlType
1259 : a descendant of AnyWidget determing the control's properties
1260 :
1261 : @param nPageNr
1262 : the page number to apply the effect to; -1 denotes the current page
1263 :
1264 : @returns
1265 : the new control's id for reference purposes
1266 : */
1267 : sal_Int32 CreateControl( const AnyWidget& rControlType, sal_Int32 nPageNr = -1 );
1268 :
1269 : /** Inserts an additional stream to the PDF file
1270 :
1271 : This function adds an arbitrary stream to the produced PDF file. May be called
1272 : any time before Emit(). The stream will be written during
1273 : Emit by calling the PDFOutputStream Object's write
1274 : method. After the call the PDFOutputStream will be deleted.
1275 :
1276 : All additional streams and their mimetypes will be entered into an array
1277 : in the trailer dictionary.
1278 :
1279 : @param rMimeType
1280 : the mimetype of the stream
1281 :
1282 : @param pStream
1283 : the interface to the additional stream
1284 :
1285 : @param bCompress
1286 : specifies whether the stream should be flate encoded by PDFWriter or not
1287 : */
1288 : void AddStream( const OUString& rMimeType, PDFOutputStream* pStream, bool bCompress );
1289 :
1290 : };
1291 :
1292 : }
1293 :
1295 :
1296 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */