LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - package/source/manifest - ManifestImport.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 184 209 88.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 18 20 90.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <ManifestImport.hxx>
      21             : #include <ManifestDefines.hxx>
      22             : #include <sax/tools/converter.hxx>
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XAttributeList.hpp>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/xml/crypto/DigestID.hpp>
      25             : #include <com/sun/star/xml/crypto/CipherID.hpp>
      26             : #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
      27             : 
      28             : using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
      29             : using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
      30             : using namespace com::sun::star;
      31             : using namespace std;
      32             : 
      33        1388 : ManifestImport::ManifestImport( vector < Sequence < PropertyValue > > & rNewManVector )
      34             : : bIgnoreEncryptData    ( false )
      35             : , nDerivedKeySize( 0 )
      36             : , rManVector ( rNewManVector )
      37             : 
      38             : , sFileEntryElement     ( ELEMENT_FILE_ENTRY )
      39             : , sManifestElement      ( ELEMENT_MANIFEST )
      40             : , sEncryptionDataElement( ELEMENT_ENCRYPTION_DATA )
      41             : , sAlgorithmElement ( ELEMENT_ALGORITHM )
      42             : , sStartKeyAlgElement   ( ELEMENT_START_KEY_GENERATION )
      43             : , sKeyDerivationElement( ELEMENT_KEY_DERIVATION )
      44             : 
      45             : , sCdataAttribute               ( ATTRIBUTE_CDATA )
      46             : , sMediaTypeAttribute           ( ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA_TYPE )
      47             : , sVersionAttribute             ( ATTRIBUTE_VERSION )
      48             : , sFullPathAttribute            ( ATTRIBUTE_FULL_PATH )
      49             : , sSizeAttribute                ( ATTRIBUTE_SIZE )
      50             : , sSaltAttribute                ( ATTRIBUTE_SALT )
      51             : , sInitialisationVectorAttribute ( ATTRIBUTE_INITIALISATION_VECTOR )
      52             : , sIterationCountAttribute      ( ATTRIBUTE_ITERATION_COUNT )
      53             : , sKeySizeAttribute             ( ATTRIBUTE_KEY_SIZE )
      54             : , sAlgorithmNameAttribute       ( ATTRIBUTE_ALGORITHM_NAME )
      55             : , sStartKeyAlgNameAttribute     ( ATTRIBUTE_START_KEY_GENERATION_NAME )
      56             : , sKeyDerivationNameAttribute   ( ATTRIBUTE_KEY_DERIVATION_NAME )
      57             : , sChecksumAttribute            ( ATTRIBUTE_CHECKSUM )
      58             : , sChecksumTypeAttribute        ( ATTRIBUTE_CHECKSUM_TYPE )
      59             : 
      60             : , sFullPathProperty             ( "FullPath" )
      61             : , sMediaTypeProperty            ( "MediaType" )
      62             : , sVersionProperty              ( "Version" )
      63             : , sIterationCountProperty       ( "IterationCount" )
      64             : , sDerivedKeySizeProperty       ( "DerivedKeySize" )
      65             : , sSaltProperty                 ( "Salt" )
      66             : , sInitialisationVectorProperty ( "InitialisationVector" )
      67             : , sSizeProperty                 ( "Size" )
      68             : , sDigestProperty               ( "Digest" )
      69             : , sEncryptionAlgProperty        ( "EncryptionAlgorithm" )
      70             : , sStartKeyAlgProperty          ( "StartKeyAlgorithm" )
      71             : , sDigestAlgProperty            ( "DigestAlgorithm" )
      72             : 
      73             : , sWhiteSpace                   ( " " )
      74             : 
      75             : , sSHA256_URL                   ( SHA256_URL )
      76             : , sSHA1_Name                    ( SHA1_NAME )
      77             : , sSHA1_URL                     ( SHA1_URL )
      78             : 
      79             : , sSHA256_1k_URL                ( SHA256_1K_URL )
      80             : , sSHA1_1k_Name                 ( SHA1_1K_NAME )
      81             : , sSHA1_1k_URL                  ( SHA1_1K_URL )
      82             : 
      83             : , sBlowfish_Name                ( BLOWFISH_NAME )
      84             : , sBlowfish_URL                 ( BLOWFISH_URL )
      85             : , sAES128_URL                   ( AES128_URL )
      86             : , sAES192_URL                   ( AES192_URL )
      87             : , sAES256_URL                   ( AES256_URL )
      88             : 
      89             : , sPBKDF2_Name                  ( PBKDF2_NAME )
      90        1388 : , sPBKDF2_URL                   ( PBKDF2_URL )
      91             : {
      92        1388 :     aStack.reserve( 10 );
      93        1388 : }
      94             : 
      95        2776 : ManifestImport::~ManifestImport ( void )
      96             : {
      97        2776 : }
      98             : 
      99        1388 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::startDocument(  )
     100             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     101             : {
     102        1388 : }
     103             : 
     104        1388 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::endDocument(  )
     105             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     106             : {
     107        1388 : }
     108             : 
     109       13222 : void ManifestImport::doFileEntry(StringHashMap &rConvertedAttribs)
     110             :         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     111             : {
     112       13222 :     aSequence.resize(PKG_SIZE_ENCR_MNFST);
     113             : 
     114       13222 :     aSequence[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Name = sFullPathProperty;
     115       13222 :     aSequence[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Value <<= rConvertedAttribs[sFullPathAttribute];
     116       13222 :     aSequence[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Name = sMediaTypeProperty;
     117       13222 :     aSequence[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Value <<= rConvertedAttribs[sMediaTypeAttribute];
     118             : 
     119       13222 :     OUString sVersion = rConvertedAttribs[sVersionAttribute];
     120       13222 :     if ( sVersion.getLength() )
     121             :     {
     122        1104 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Name = sVersionProperty;
     123        1104 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Value <<= sVersion;
     124             :     }
     125             : 
     126       26444 :     OUString sSize = rConvertedAttribs[sSizeAttribute];
     127       13222 :     if ( sSize.getLength() )
     128             :     {
     129          50 :         sal_Int64 nSize = sSize.toInt64();
     130          50 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Name = sSizeProperty;
     131          50 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Value <<= nSize;
     132       13222 :     }
     133       13222 : }
     134             : 
     135          50 : void ManifestImport::doEncryptionData(StringHashMap &rConvertedAttribs)
     136             :         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     137             : {
     138             :     // If this element exists, then this stream is encrypted and we need
     139             :     // to import the initialisation vector, salt and iteration count used
     140          50 :     nDerivedKeySize = 0;
     141          50 :     OUString aString = rConvertedAttribs[sChecksumTypeAttribute];
     142          50 :     if ( !bIgnoreEncryptData )
     143             :     {
     144          50 :         if ( aString.equals( sSHA1_1k_Name ) || aString.equals( sSHA1_1k_URL ) )
     145             :         {
     146          10 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty;
     147          10 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::DigestID::SHA1_1K;
     148             :         }
     149          40 :         else if ( aString.equals( sSHA256_1k_URL ) )
     150             :         {
     151          40 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty;
     152          40 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::DigestID::SHA256_1K;
     153             :         }
     154             :         else
     155           0 :             bIgnoreEncryptData = true;
     156             : 
     157          50 :         if ( !bIgnoreEncryptData )
     158             :         {
     159          50 :             aString = rConvertedAttribs[sChecksumAttribute];
     160          50 :             uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aDecodeBuffer;
     161          50 :             ::sax::Converter::decodeBase64(aDecodeBuffer, aString);
     162          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Name = sDigestProperty;
     163          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Value <<= aDecodeBuffer;
     164             :         }
     165          50 :     }
     166          50 : }
     167             : 
     168          50 : void ManifestImport::doAlgorithm(StringHashMap &rConvertedAttribs)
     169             :         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     170             : {
     171          50 :     if ( !bIgnoreEncryptData )
     172             :     {
     173          50 :         OUString aString = rConvertedAttribs[sAlgorithmNameAttribute];
     174          50 :         if ( aString.equals( sBlowfish_Name ) || aString.equals( sBlowfish_URL ) )
     175             :         {
     176          10 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
     177          10 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::CipherID::BLOWFISH_CFB_8;
     178             :         }
     179          40 :         else if ( aString.equals( sAES256_URL ) )
     180             :         {
     181          40 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
     182          40 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::CipherID::AES_CBC_W3C_PADDING;
     183             :             OSL_ENSURE( !nDerivedKeySize || nDerivedKeySize == 32, "Unexpected derived key length!" );
     184          40 :             nDerivedKeySize = 32;
     185             :         }
     186           0 :         else if ( aString.equals( sAES192_URL ) )
     187             :         {
     188           0 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
     189           0 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::CipherID::AES_CBC_W3C_PADDING;
     190             :             OSL_ENSURE( !nDerivedKeySize || nDerivedKeySize == 24, "Unexpected derived key length!" );
     191           0 :             nDerivedKeySize = 24;
     192             :         }
     193           0 :         else if ( aString.equals( sAES128_URL ) )
     194             :         {
     195           0 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
     196           0 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::CipherID::AES_CBC_W3C_PADDING;
     197             :             OSL_ENSURE( !nDerivedKeySize || nDerivedKeySize == 16, "Unexpected derived key length!" );
     198           0 :             nDerivedKeySize = 16;
     199             :         }
     200             :         else
     201           0 :             bIgnoreEncryptData = true;
     202             : 
     203          50 :         if ( !bIgnoreEncryptData )
     204             :         {
     205          50 :             aString = rConvertedAttribs[sInitialisationVectorAttribute];
     206          50 :             uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aDecodeBuffer;
     207          50 :             ::sax::Converter::decodeBase64(aDecodeBuffer, aString);
     208          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Name = sInitialisationVectorProperty;
     209          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Value <<= aDecodeBuffer;
     210          50 :         }
     211             :     }
     212          50 : }
     213             : 
     214          50 : void ManifestImport::doKeyDerivation(StringHashMap &rConvertedAttribs)
     215             :         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     216             : {
     217          50 :     if ( !bIgnoreEncryptData )
     218             :     {
     219          50 :         OUString aString = rConvertedAttribs[sKeyDerivationNameAttribute];
     220          50 :         if ( aString.equals( sPBKDF2_Name ) || aString.equals( sPBKDF2_URL ) )
     221             :         {
     222          50 :             aString = rConvertedAttribs[sSaltAttribute];
     223          50 :             uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aDecodeBuffer;
     224          50 :             ::sax::Converter::decodeBase64(aDecodeBuffer, aString);
     225          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Name = sSaltProperty;
     226          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Value <<= aDecodeBuffer;
     227             : 
     228          50 :             aString = rConvertedAttribs[sIterationCountAttribute];
     229          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Name = sIterationCountProperty;
     230          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Value <<= aString.toInt32();
     231             : 
     232          50 :             aString = rConvertedAttribs[sKeySizeAttribute];
     233          50 :             if ( aString.getLength() )
     234             :             {
     235          40 :                 sal_Int32 nKey = aString.toInt32();
     236             :                 OSL_ENSURE( !nDerivedKeySize || nKey == nDerivedKeySize , "Provided derived key length differs from the expected one!" );
     237          40 :                 nDerivedKeySize = nKey;
     238             :             }
     239          10 :             else if ( !nDerivedKeySize )
     240           0 :                 nDerivedKeySize = 16;
     241          10 :             else if ( nDerivedKeySize != 16 )
     242             :                 OSL_ENSURE( false, "Default derived key length differs from the expected one!" );
     243             : 
     244          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Name = sDerivedKeySizeProperty;
     245          50 :             aSequence[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Value <<= nDerivedKeySize;
     246             :         }
     247             :         else
     248           0 :             bIgnoreEncryptData = true;
     249             :     }
     250          50 : }
     251             : 
     252          40 : void ManifestImport::doStartKeyAlg(StringHashMap &rConvertedAttribs)
     253             :         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
     254             : {
     255          40 :     OUString aString = rConvertedAttribs[sStartKeyAlgNameAttribute];
     256          40 :     if ( aString.equals( sSHA256_URL ) )
     257             :     {
     258          30 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty;
     259          30 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::DigestID::SHA256;
     260             :     }
     261          10 :     else if ( aString.equals( sSHA1_Name ) || aString.equals( sSHA1_URL ) )
     262             :     {
     263          10 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty;
     264          10 :         aSequence[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xml::crypto::DigestID::SHA1;
     265             :     }
     266             :     else
     267           0 :         bIgnoreEncryptData = true;
     268          40 : }
     269             : 
     270       14800 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::startElement( const OUString& aName, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList >& xAttribs )
     271             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     272             : {
     273       14800 :     StringHashMap aConvertedAttribs;
     274       29600 :     OUString aConvertedName = PushNameAndNamespaces( aName, xAttribs, aConvertedAttribs );
     275             : 
     276       14800 :     size_t nLevel = aStack.size();
     277             : 
     278             :     assert(nLevel >= 1);
     279             : 
     280       14800 :     switch (nLevel)
     281             :     {
     282             :         case 1:
     283             :         {
     284        1388 :             if (!aConvertedName.equalsAscii(ELEMENT_MANIFEST)) //manifest:manifest
     285           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     286        1388 :             break;
     287             :         }
     288             :         case 2:
     289             :         {
     290       13222 :             if (aConvertedName == sFileEntryElement) //manifest:file-entry
     291       13222 :                 doFileEntry(aConvertedAttribs);
     292             :             else
     293           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     294       13222 :             break;
     295             :         }
     296             :         case 3:
     297             :         {
     298          50 :             ManifestStack::reverse_iterator aIter = aStack.rbegin();
     299          50 :             ++aIter;
     300             : 
     301          50 :             if (!aIter->m_bValid)
     302           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     303          50 :             else if (aConvertedName.equals(sEncryptionDataElement))   //manifest:encryption-data
     304          50 :                 doEncryptionData(aConvertedAttribs);
     305             :             else
     306           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     307          50 :             break;
     308             :         }
     309             :         case 4:
     310             :         {
     311         140 :             ManifestStack::reverse_iterator aIter = aStack.rbegin();
     312         140 :             ++aIter;
     313             : 
     314         140 :             if (!aIter->m_bValid)
     315           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     316         140 :             else if (aConvertedName.equals(sAlgorithmElement))   //manifest:algorithm,
     317          50 :                 doAlgorithm(aConvertedAttribs);
     318          90 :             else if (aConvertedName.equals(sKeyDerivationElement)) //manifest:key-derivation,
     319          50 :                 doKeyDerivation(aConvertedAttribs);
     320          40 :             else if (aConvertedName.equals(sStartKeyAlgElement))   //manifest:start-key-generation
     321          40 :                 doStartKeyAlg(aConvertedAttribs);
     322             :             else
     323           0 :                 aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     324         140 :             break;
     325             :         }
     326             :         default:
     327           0 :             aStack.back().m_bValid = false;
     328           0 :             break;
     329       14800 :     }
     330       14800 : }
     331             : 
     332             : namespace
     333             : {
     334      158664 :     bool isEmpty(const com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue &rProp)
     335             :     {
     336      158664 :         return rProp.Name.isEmpty();
     337             :     }
     338             : }
     339             : 
     340       14800 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::endElement( const OUString& aName )
     341             :     throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     342             : {
     343       14800 :     OUString aConvertedName = ConvertName( aName );
     344       14800 :     if ( !aStack.empty() && aStack.rbegin()->m_aConvertedName.equals( aConvertedName ) )
     345             :     {
     346       14800 :         if ( aConvertedName.equals( sFileEntryElement ) && aStack.back().m_bValid )
     347             :         {
     348       13222 :             com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue aEmpty;
     349             :             aSequence.erase(std::remove_if(aSequence.begin(), aSequence.end(),
     350       13222 :                 isEmpty), aSequence.end());
     351             : 
     352       13222 :             bIgnoreEncryptData = false;
     353       13222 :             rManVector.push_back ( aSequence.getAsConstList() );
     354             : 
     355       13222 :             aSequence.clear();
     356             :         }
     357             : 
     358       14800 :         aStack.pop_back();
     359       14800 :     }
     360       14800 : }
     361             : 
     362       28246 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::characters( const OUString& /*aChars*/ )
     363             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     364             : {
     365       28246 : }
     366             : 
     367           0 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::ignorableWhitespace( const OUString& /*aWhitespaces*/ )
     368             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     369             : {
     370           0 : }
     371             : 
     372           0 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::processingInstruction( const OUString& /*aTarget*/, const OUString& /*aData*/ )
     373             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     374             : {
     375           0 : }
     376             : 
     377        1388 : void SAL_CALL ManifestImport::setDocumentLocator( const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XLocator >& /*xLocator*/ )
     378             :         throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception )
     379             : {
     380        1388 : }
     381             : 
     382       14800 : OUString ManifestImport::PushNameAndNamespaces( const OUString& aName, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList >& xAttribs, StringHashMap& o_aConvertedAttribs )
     383             : {
     384       14800 :     StringHashMap aNamespaces;
     385       29600 :     ::std::vector< ::std::pair< OUString, OUString > > aAttribsStrs;
     386             : 
     387       14800 :     if ( )
     388             :     {
     389       14800 :         sal_Int16 nAttrCount = ? xAttribs->getLength() : 0;
     390       14800 :         aAttribsStrs.reserve( nAttrCount );
     391             : 
     392       45128 :         for( sal_Int16 nInd = 0; nInd < nAttrCount; nInd++ )
     393             :         {
     394       30328 :             OUString aAttrName = xAttribs->getNameByIndex( nInd );
     395       60656 :             OUString aAttrValue = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( nInd );
     396       60656 :             if ( aAttrName.getLength() >= 5
     397       30328 :               && aAttrName.startsWith("xmlns")
     398       31564 :               && ( aAttrName.getLength() == 5 || aAttrName[5] == ':' ) )
     399             :             {
     400             :                 // this is a namespace declaration
     401        1236 :                 OUString aNsName( ( aAttrName.getLength() == 5 ) ? OUString() : aAttrName.copy( 6 ) );
     402        1236 :                 aNamespaces[aNsName] = aAttrValue;
     403             :             }
     404             :             else
     405             :             {
     406             :                 // this is no namespace declaration
     407       29092 :                 aAttribsStrs.push_back( pair< OUString, OUString >( aAttrName, aAttrValue ) );
     408             :             }
     409       30328 :         }
     410             :     }
     411             : 
     412       14800 :     OUString aConvertedName = ConvertNameWithNamespace( aName, aNamespaces );
     413       14800 :     if ( !aConvertedName.getLength() )
     414       13564 :         aConvertedName = ConvertName( aName );
     415             : 
     416       14800 :     aStack.push_back( ManifestScopeEntry( aConvertedName, aNamespaces ) );
     417             : 
     418       43892 :     for ( sal_uInt16 nInd = 0; nInd < aAttribsStrs.size(); nInd++ )
     419             :     {
     420             :         // convert the attribute names on filling
     421       29092 :         o_aConvertedAttribs[ConvertName( aAttribsStrs[nInd].first )] = aAttribsStrs[nInd].second;
     422             :     }
     423             : 
     424       29600 :     return aConvertedName;
     425             : }
     426             : 
     427       69464 : OUString ManifestImport::ConvertNameWithNamespace( const OUString& aName, const StringHashMap& aNamespaces )
     428             : {
     429       69464 :     OUString aNsAlias;
     430      138928 :     OUString aPureName = aName;
     431             : 
     432       69464 :     sal_Int32 nInd = aName.indexOf( ( sal_Unicode )':' );
     433       69464 :     if ( nInd != -1 && nInd < aName.getLength() )
     434             :     {
     435       69464 :         aNsAlias = aName.copy( 0, nInd );
     436       69464 :         aPureName = aName.copy( nInd + 1 );
     437             :     }
     438             : 
     439       69464 :     OUString aResult;
     440             : 
     441       69464 :     StringHashMap::const_iterator aIter = aNamespaces.find( aNsAlias );
     442      208392 :     if ( aIter != aNamespaces.end()
     443      208392 :       && ( aIter->second == MANIFEST_NAMESPACE || aIter->second == MANIFEST_OASIS_NAMESPACE ) )
     444             :     {
     445             :         // no check for manifest.xml consistency currently since the old versions have supported inconsistent documents as well
     446       55900 :         aResult = MANIFEST_NSPREFIX;
     447       55900 :         aResult += aPureName;
     448             :     }
     449             : 
     450      138928 :     return aResult;
     451             : }
     452             : 
     453       57456 : OUString ManifestImport::ConvertName( const OUString& aName )
     454             : {
     455       57456 :     OUString aConvertedName;
     456      157740 :     for ( ManifestStack::reverse_iterator aIter = aStack.rbegin(); !aConvertedName.getLength() && aIter != aStack.rend(); ++aIter )
     457             :     {
     458      100284 :         if ( !aIter->m_aNamespaces.empty() )
     459       54664 :             aConvertedName = ConvertNameWithNamespace( aName, aIter->m_aNamespaces );
     460             :     }
     461             : 
     462       57456 :     if ( !aConvertedName.getLength() )
     463        2792 :         aConvertedName = aName;
     464             : 
     465       57456 :     return aConvertedName;
     466             : }
     467             : 
     468             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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