Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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18 : */
19 : #include "conditionalexpression.hxx"
20 :
21 :
22 : namespace rptui
23 : {
24 :
25 : // = ConditionalExpression
26 :
27 :
28 0 : ConditionalExpression::ConditionalExpression( const sal_Char* _pAsciiPattern )
29 0 : :m_sPattern( OUString::createFromAscii( _pAsciiPattern ) )
30 : {
31 0 : }
32 :
33 :
34 0 : OUString ConditionalExpression::assembleExpression( const OUString& _rFieldDataSource, const OUString& _rLHS, const OUString& _rRHS ) const
35 : {
36 0 : OUString sExpression( m_sPattern );
37 :
38 0 : sal_Int32 nPatternIndex = sExpression.indexOf( '$' );
39 0 : while ( nPatternIndex > -1 )
40 : {
41 0 : const OUString* pReplace = NULL;
42 0 : switch ( sExpression[ nPatternIndex + 1 ] )
43 : {
44 0 : case '$': pReplace = &_rFieldDataSource; break;
45 0 : case '1': pReplace = &_rLHS; break;
46 0 : case '2': pReplace = &_rRHS; break;
47 0 : default: break;
48 : }
49 :
50 0 : if ( pReplace == NULL )
51 : {
52 : OSL_FAIL( "ConditionalExpression::assembleExpression: illegal pattern!" );
53 0 : break;
54 : }
55 :
56 0 : sExpression = sExpression.replaceAt( nPatternIndex, 2, *pReplace );
57 0 : nPatternIndex = sExpression.indexOf( '$', nPatternIndex + pReplace->getLength() + 1 );
58 : }
59 0 : return sExpression;
60 : }
61 :
62 :
63 0 : bool ConditionalExpression::matchExpression( const OUString& _rExpression, const OUString& _rFieldDataSource, OUString& _out_rLHS, OUString& _out_rRHS ) const
64 : {
65 : (void)_rExpression;
66 : (void)_rFieldDataSource;
67 : (void)_out_rLHS;
68 : (void)_out_rRHS;
69 :
70 : // if we had regular expression, the matching would be pretty easy ...
71 : // just replace $1 and $2 in the pattern with (.*), and then get them with \1 resp. \2.
72 : // Unfortunately, we don't have such a regexp engine ...
73 :
74 : // Okay, let's start with replacing all $$ in our pattern with the actual field data source
75 0 : OUString sMatchExpression( m_sPattern );
76 0 : const OUString sFieldDataPattern( "$$" );
77 0 : sal_Int32 nIndex( sMatchExpression.indexOf( sFieldDataPattern ) );
78 0 : while ( nIndex != -1 )
79 : {
80 0 : sMatchExpression = sMatchExpression.replaceAt( nIndex, sFieldDataPattern.getLength(), _rFieldDataSource );
81 0 : nIndex = sMatchExpression.indexOf( sFieldDataPattern, nIndex + _rFieldDataSource.getLength() );
82 : }
83 :
84 0 : const OUString sLHSPattern( "$1" );
85 0 : const OUString sRHSPattern( "$2" );
86 0 : sal_Int32 nLHSIndex( sMatchExpression.indexOf( sLHSPattern ) );
87 0 : sal_Int32 nRHSIndex( sMatchExpression.indexOf( sRHSPattern ) );
88 :
89 : // now we should have at most one occurrence of $1 and $2, resp.
90 : OSL_ENSURE( sMatchExpression.indexOf( sLHSPattern, nLHSIndex + 1 ) == -1,
91 : "ConditionalExpression::matchExpression: unsupported pattern (more than one LHS occurrence)!" );
92 : OSL_ENSURE( sMatchExpression.indexOf( sRHSPattern, nRHSIndex + 1 ) == -1,
93 : "ConditionalExpression::matchExpression: unsupported pattern (more than one RHS occurrence)!" );
94 : // Also, an LHS must be present, and precede the RHS (if present)
95 : OSL_ENSURE( ( nLHSIndex != -1 ) && ( ( nLHSIndex < nRHSIndex ) || ( nRHSIndex == -1 ) ),
96 : "ConditionalExpression::matchExpression: no LHS, or an RHS preceeding the LHS - this is not supported!" );
97 :
98 : // up to the occurrence of the LHS (which must exist, see above), the two expressions
99 : // must be identical
100 0 : if ( _rExpression.getLength() < nLHSIndex )
101 0 : return false;
102 0 : const OUString sExprPart1( _rExpression.copy( 0, nLHSIndex ) );
103 0 : const OUString sMatchExprPart1( sMatchExpression.copy( 0, nLHSIndex ) );
104 0 : if ( sExprPart1 != sMatchExprPart1 )
105 : // the left-most expression parts do not match
106 0 : return false;
107 :
108 : // after the occurrence of the RHS (or the LHS, if there is no RHS), the two expressions
109 : // must be identical, too
110 0 : bool bHaveRHS( nRHSIndex != -1 );
111 0 : sal_Int32 nRightMostIndex( bHaveRHS ? nRHSIndex : nLHSIndex );
112 0 : const OUString sMatchExprPart3( sMatchExpression.copy( nRightMostIndex + 2 ) );
113 0 : if ( _rExpression.getLength() < sMatchExprPart3.getLength() )
114 : // the expression is not even long enough to hold the right-most part of the match expression
115 0 : return false;
116 0 : const OUString sExprPart3( _rExpression.copy( _rExpression.getLength() - sMatchExprPart3.getLength() ) );
117 0 : if ( sExprPart3 != sMatchExprPart3 )
118 : // the right-most expression parts do not match
119 0 : return false;
120 :
121 : // if we don't have an RHS, we're done
122 0 : if ( !bHaveRHS )
123 : {
124 0 : _out_rLHS = _rExpression.copy( sExprPart1.getLength(), _rExpression.getLength() - sExprPart1.getLength() - sExprPart3.getLength() );
125 0 : return true;
126 : }
127 :
128 : // strip the match expression by its right-most and left-most part, and by the placeholders $1 and $2
129 0 : sal_Int32 nMatchExprPart2Start( nLHSIndex + sLHSPattern.getLength() );
130 : OUString sMatchExprPart2 = sMatchExpression.copy(
131 : nMatchExprPart2Start,
132 0 : sMatchExpression.getLength() - nMatchExprPart2Start - sMatchExprPart3.getLength() - 2
133 0 : );
134 : // strip the expression by its left-most and right-most part
135 : const OUString sExpression( _rExpression.copy(
136 : sExprPart1.getLength(),
137 0 : _rExpression.getLength() - sExprPart1.getLength() - sExprPart3.getLength()
138 0 : ) );
139 :
140 0 : sal_Int32 nPart2Index = sExpression.indexOf( sMatchExprPart2 );
141 0 : if ( nPart2Index == -1 )
142 : // the "middle" part of the match expression does not exist in the expression at all
143 0 : return false;
144 :
145 : OSL_ENSURE( sExpression.indexOf( sMatchExprPart2, nPart2Index + 1 ) == -1,
146 : "ConditionalExpression::matchExpression: ambiguous matching!" );
147 : // if this fires, then we're lost: The middle part exists two times in the expression,
148 : // so we cannot reliably determine what's the LHS and what's the RHS.
149 : // Well, the whole mechanism is flawed, anyway:
150 : // Encoding the field content in the conditional expression will break as soon
151 : // as somebody
152 : // - assigns a Data Field to a control
153 : // - creates a conditional format expression for the control
154 : // - assigns another Data Field to the control
155 : // - opens the Conditional Format Dialog, again
156 : // Here, at the latest, you can see that we need another mechanism, anyway, which does not
157 : // rely on those strange expression building/matching
158 :
159 0 : _out_rLHS = sExpression.copy( 0, nPart2Index );
160 0 : _out_rRHS = sExpression.copy( nPart2Index + sMatchExprPart2.getLength() );
161 :
162 0 : return true;
163 : }
164 :
165 :
166 : // = ConditionalExpressionFactory
167 :
168 :
169 0 : size_t ConditionalExpressionFactory::getKnownConditionalExpressions( ConditionalExpressions& _out_rCondExp )
170 : {
171 0 : ConditionalExpressions aEmpty;
172 0 : _out_rCondExp.swap( aEmpty );
173 :
174 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eBetween ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "AND( ( $$ ) >= ( $1 ); ( $$ ) <= ( $2 ) )" ) );
175 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eNotBetween ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "NOT( AND( ( $$ ) >= ( $1 ); ( $$ ) <= ( $2 ) ) )" ) );
176 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eEqualTo ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) = ( $1 )" ) );
177 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eNotEqualTo ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) <> ( $1 )" ) );
178 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eGreaterThan ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) > ( $1 )" ) );
179 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eLessThan ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) < ( $1 )" ) );
180 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eGreaterOrEqual ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) >= ( $1 )" ) );
181 0 : _out_rCondExp[ eLessOrEqual ] = PConditionalExpression( new ConditionalExpression( "( $$ ) <= ( $1 )" ) );
182 :
183 0 : return _out_rCondExp.size();
184 : }
185 :
186 : } // namespace rptui
187 :
188 :
189 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */