LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sal/qa/osl/file - osl_File.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 648 2590 25.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 135 559 24.2 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : // include files
      21             : 
      22             : #include <sal/types.h>
      23             : #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
      24             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      25             : 
      26             : #include "osl/thread.h"
      27             : 
      28             : #include <osl/file.hxx>
      29             : #include <osl_File_Const.h>
      30             : 
      31             : #include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
      32             : #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
      33             : #include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>
      34             : 
      35             : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
      36             : 
      37             : #ifdef WNT
      38             : #include <windows.h>
      39             : #endif
      40             : 
      41             : using namespace osl;
      42             : 
      43             : using ::rtl::OUString;
      44             : using ::rtl::OUStringToOString;
      45             : using ::rtl::OString;
      46             : using ::rtl::OStringToOUString;
      47             : 
      48             : // helper functions
      49             : 
      50             : /** detailed wrong message.
      51             : */
      52           2 : inline ::rtl::OString errorToString( const ::osl::FileBase::RC _nError )
      53             : {
      54           2 :     ::rtl::OString sResult;
      55           2 :     switch ( _nError ) {
      56             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_None:
      57           0 :             sResult = "Success";
      58           0 :             break;
      59             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_PERM:
      60           0 :             sResult = "Operation not permitted";
      61           0 :             break;
      62             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT:
      63           0 :             sResult = "No such file or directory";
      64           0 :             break;
      65             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST:
      66           0 :             sResult = "Already Exist";
      67           0 :             break;
      68             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES:
      69           0 :             sResult = "Permission denied";
      70           0 :             break;
      71             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL:
      72           0 :             sResult = "The format of the parameters was not valid";
      73           0 :             break;
      74             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR:
      75           0 :             sResult = "Not a directory";
      76           0 :             break;
      77             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR:
      78           0 :             sResult = "Is a directory";
      79           0 :             break;
      80             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_BADF:
      81           0 :             sResult = "Bad file";
      82           0 :             break;
      83             :         case ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTEMPTY:
      84           2 :             sResult = "The directory is not empty";
      85           2 :             break;
      86             :         default:
      87           0 :             sResult = "Unknown Error";
      88           0 :             break;
      89             :     }
      90           2 :     return sResult;
      91             : }
      92             : 
      93           2 : rtl::OString errorToStr( ::osl::FileBase::RC const& nError)
      94             : {
      95           2 :     rtl::OString suBuf;
      96           2 :     suBuf += "The returned error is: " ;
      97           2 :     suBuf += errorToString(nError);
      98           2 :     suBuf += "!\n";
      99           2 :     return suBuf;
     100             : }
     101             : 
     102             : /** compare two TimeValue, unit is "ms", since Windows time precision is better than UNX.
     103             : */
     104             : /* FIXME: the above assertion is bogus */
     105             : 
     106             : #if ( defined UNX )                      //precision of time in Windows is better than UNX
     107             : #   define delta 2000                    //time precision, 2000ms
     108             : #else
     109             : #   define delta 1800                    //time precision, 1.8s
     110             : #endif
     111             : 
     112           0 : inline bool t_compareTime( TimeValue *m_aEndTime,  TimeValue *m_aStartTime, sal_Int32 nDelta)
     113             : {
     114             :     // sal_uInt64 uTimeValue;
     115             :     // sal_Int64 iTimeValue;
     116             : 
     117             :     // iTimeValue = t_abs64(( tv1->Seconds - tv2->Seconds) * 1000000000 + tv1->Nanosec - tv2->Nanosec);
     118             :     // uTimeValue = ( iTimeValue / 1000000 );
     119             : 
     120           0 :     sal_Int32 nDeltaSeconds = m_aEndTime->Seconds - m_aStartTime->Seconds;
     121           0 :     sal_Int32 nDeltaNanoSec = sal_Int32(m_aEndTime->Nanosec) - sal_Int32(m_aStartTime->Nanosec);
     122           0 :     if (nDeltaNanoSec < 0)
     123             :     {
     124           0 :         nDeltaNanoSec = 1000000000 + nDeltaNanoSec;
     125           0 :         nDeltaSeconds--;
     126             :     }
     127             : 
     128           0 :     sal_Int32 nDeltaMilliSec = (nDeltaSeconds * 1000) + (nDeltaNanoSec / 1000000);
     129           0 :     return ( nDeltaMilliSec < nDelta );
     130             : }
     131             : 
     132             : /** compare two OUString file name.
     133             : */
     134          20 : inline bool compareFileName( const ::rtl::OUString & ustr1, const ::rtl::OUString & ustr2 )
     135             : {
     136             :     bool bOk;
     137             : //on Windows, the separator is '\', so here change to '/', then compare
     138             : #if defined (WNT )
     139             :     ::rtl::OUString ustr1new,ustr2new;
     140             :     sal_Unicode reverseSlash = (sal_Unicode)'\\';
     141             : 
     142             :     if (ustr1.lastIndexOf(reverseSlash) != -1)
     143             :         ustr1new = ustr1.replace(reverseSlash,(sal_Unicode)'/');
     144             :     else
     145             :         ustr1new = ustr1;
     146             :     if (ustr2.lastIndexOf(reverseSlash) != -1)
     147             :         ustr2new = ustr2.replace(reverseSlash,(sal_Unicode)'/');
     148             :     else
     149             :         ustr2new = ustr2;
     150             :     bOk = ustr1new.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( ustr2new )  ;
     151             : #else
     152          20 :     bOk = ustr1.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( ustr2 );
     153             : #endif
     154          20 :     return bOk;
     155             : }
     156             : 
     157             : /** simple version to judge if a file name or directory name is a URL or a system path, just to see if it
     158             :     is start with "file:///";.
     159             : */
     160         310 : inline bool isURL( const ::rtl::OUString& pathname )
     161             : {
     162         310 :     return pathname.startsWith( aPreURL );
     163             : }
     164             : 
     165             : /** concat two part to form a URL or system path, add PATH_SEPARATOR between them if necessary, add "file:///" to beginning if necessary.
     166             : */
     167          96 : inline void concatURL( ::rtl::OUString & pathname1, const ::rtl::OUString & pathname2 )
     168             : {
     169             :     //check if pathname1 is full qualified URL;
     170          96 :     if ( !isURL( pathname1 ) )
     171             :     {
     172           0 :         ::rtl::OUString     aPathName   = pathname1.copy( 0 );
     173           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( pathname1, aPathName ); //convert if not full qualified URL
     174           0 :         pathname1   = aPathName.copy( 0 );
     175             :     }
     176             : 
     177             :     //check if '/' is in the end of pathname1 or at the begin of pathname2;
     178          96 :     if ( !pathname1.endsWith( aSlashURL ) && !pathname2.startsWith( aSlashURL ) )
     179          96 :         pathname1 += aSlashURL;
     180          96 :     pathname1 += pathname2;
     181          96 : }
     182             : 
     183             : /** create a temp test file using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path.
     184             : */
     185          68 : inline void createTestFile( const ::rtl::OUString& filename )
     186             : {
     187          68 :     ::rtl::OUString     aPathURL   = filename.copy( 0 );
     188             :     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     189             : 
     190          68 :     if ( !isURL( filename ) )
     191           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( filename, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
     192             : 
     193         136 :     File aFile(aPathURL);
     194          68 :     nError = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
     195             :     //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In createTestFile Function: creation ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST ) );
     196          68 :     if ( ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None != nError ) && ( nError != ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST ))
     197             :     {
     198           0 :         printf("createTestFile failed!\n");
     199             :     }
     200         136 :     aFile.close();
     201             : 
     202          68 : }
     203             : 
     204             : /** create a temp test file using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path in a base directory.
     205             : */
     206          48 : inline void createTestFile( const ::rtl::OUString& basename, const ::rtl::OUString& filename )
     207             : {
     208          48 :     ::rtl::OUString aBaseURL = basename.copy( 0 );
     209             : 
     210          48 :     concatURL( aBaseURL, filename );
     211          48 :     createTestFile( aBaseURL );
     212          48 : }
     213             : 
     214             : /** detete a temp test file using OUString name.
     215             : */
     216          68 : inline void deleteTestFile( const ::rtl::OUString& filename )
     217             : {
     218             :     // LLA: printf("deleteTestFile\n");
     219          68 :     ::rtl::OUString     aPathURL   = filename.copy( 0 );
     220             :     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     221             : 
     222          68 :     if ( !isURL( filename ) )
     223           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( filename, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
     224             : 
     225          68 :     nError = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aPathURL, osl_File_Attribute_GrpWrite| osl_File_Attribute_OwnWrite| osl_File_Attribute_OthWrite ); // if readonly, make writtenable.
     226          68 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In deleteTestFile Function: set writtenable ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError ) );
     227             : 
     228          68 :     nError = ::osl::File::remove( aPathURL );
     229          68 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In deleteTestFile Function: remove ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT ) );
     230          68 : }
     231             : 
     232             : /** delete a temp test file using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path in a base directory.
     233             : */
     234          48 : inline void deleteTestFile( const ::rtl::OUString& basename, const ::rtl::OUString& filename )
     235             : {
     236          48 :     ::rtl::OUString     aBaseURL   = basename.copy( 0 );
     237             : 
     238          48 :     concatURL( aBaseURL, filename );
     239          48 :     deleteTestFile( aBaseURL );
     240          48 : }
     241             : 
     242             : /** create a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path.
     243             : */
     244          38 : inline void createTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString& dirname )
     245             : {
     246          38 :     ::rtl::OUString     aPathURL   = dirname.copy( 0 );
     247             :     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     248             : 
     249          38 :     if ( !isURL( dirname ) )
     250           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( dirname, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
     251          38 :     nError = ::osl::Directory::create( aPathURL );
     252             :     //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In createTestDirectory Function: creation: ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST ) );
     253          38 :     if ( ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None != nError ) && ( nError != ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST ))
     254           0 :       printf("createTestDirectory failed!\n");
     255          38 : }
     256             : 
     257             : /** create a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path in a base directory.
     258             : */
     259           0 : inline void createTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString& basename, const ::rtl::OUString& dirname )
     260             : {
     261           0 :     ::rtl::OUString     aBaseURL   = basename.copy( 0 );
     262             : 
     263           0 :     concatURL( aBaseURL, dirname );
     264           0 :     createTestDirectory( aBaseURL );
     265           0 : }
     266             : 
     267             : /** delete a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path.
     268             : */
     269          40 : inline void deleteTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString& dirname )
     270             : {
     271          40 :     ::rtl::OUString     aPathURL   = dirname.copy( 0 );
     272             :     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     273          40 :     if ( !isURL( dirname ) )
     274           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( dirname, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
     275             : 
     276          80 :     ::osl::Directory testDir( aPathURL );
     277          40 :     if ( testDir.isOpen() )
     278           0 :         testDir.close();  //close if still open.
     279             : 
     280          40 :     nError = ::osl::Directory::remove( aPathURL );
     281             : 
     282          80 :     rtl::OString strError ("In deleteTestDirectory function: remove Directory ");
     283          40 :     strError += ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aPathURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     284          80 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( strError.getStr(), ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT ) );
     285          40 : }
     286             : 
     287             : /** delete a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path in a base directory.
     288             : */
     289           0 : inline void deleteTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString& basename, const ::rtl::OUString& dirname )
     290             : {
     291           0 :     ::rtl::OUString     aBaseURL   = basename.copy( 0 );
     292             : 
     293           0 :     concatURL( aBaseURL, dirname );
     294           0 :     deleteTestDirectory( aBaseURL );
     295           0 : }
     296             : 
     297             : /** Check for the file and directory access right.
     298             : */
     299             : typedef enum {
     300             :     osl_Check_Mode_Exist,
     301             :     osl_Check_Mode_OpenAccess,
     302             :     osl_Check_Mode_ReadAccess,
     303             :     osl_Check_Mode_WriteAccess
     304             : } oslCheckMode;
     305             : 
     306             : //check if the file exist
     307           2 : inline bool ifFileExist( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
     308             : {
     309           2 :     ::osl::File testFile( str );
     310           2 :     return ( osl::FileBase::E_None == osl_File_OpenFlag_Read ) );
     311             : }
     312             : 
     313             : //check if the file can be written
     314           0 : inline bool ifFileCanWrite( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
     315             : {
     316           0 :     bool  bCheckResult = false;
     317             :     //on Windows, the file has no write right, but can be written
     318             : #ifdef WNT
     319             :     ::rtl::OUString  aUStr  = str.copy( 0 );
     320             :     if ( isURL( str ) )
     321             :         ::osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( str, aUStr );
     322             : 
     323             :     ::rtl::OString aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     324             :     const char *path = aString.getStr();
     325             :     if (( _access( path, 2 ) ) != -1 )
     326             :          bCheckResult = sal_True;
     327             :      //on UNX, just test if open success with osl_File_OpenFlag_Write
     328             : #else
     329           0 :     ::osl::File testFile( str );
     330           0 :     bCheckResult = (osl::FileBase::E_None == osl_File_OpenFlag_Write ));
     331             : #endif
     332           0 :     return bCheckResult;
     333             : }
     334             : 
     335           0 : inline bool checkDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString & str, oslCheckMode nCheckMode )
     336             : {
     337           0 :     rtl::OUString   aUString;
     338           0 :     DirectoryItem   rItem;
     339             :     FileBase::RC    rc;
     340           0 :     bool        bCheckResult= false;
     341             : 
     342           0 :     Directory aDir( str );
     343           0 :     rc =;
     344             : 
     345           0 :     if ( ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT != rc ) && ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES != rc ) ){
     346             : 
     347           0 :         switch ( nCheckMode ) {
     348             :             case osl_Check_Mode_Exist:
     349           0 :                 if ( rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_None )
     350           0 :                     bCheckResult = true;
     351           0 :                 break;
     352             :             case osl_Check_Mode_OpenAccess:
     353           0 :                 if ( rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_None )
     354           0 :                     bCheckResult = true;
     355           0 :                 break;
     356             :             case osl_Check_Mode_ReadAccess:
     357             :                 //rc = pDir->getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
     358           0 :                 rc = aDir.getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
     359           0 :                 if ( ( rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_None ) || ( rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT ) )
     360           0 :                     bCheckResult = true;
     361             :                 else
     362           0 :                     bCheckResult = false;
     363           0 :                 break;
     364             :             case osl_Check_Mode_WriteAccess:
     365           0 :                 ( ( aUString += str ) += aSlashURL ) += aTmpName2;
     366             :                 //if ( ( rc = pDir->create( aUString ) ) == ::osl::FileBase::E_None )
     367           0 :                 if ( ( rc = Directory::create( aUString ) ) == ::osl::FileBase::E_None )
     368             :                 {
     369           0 :                     bCheckResult = true;
     370             :                     //rc = pDir->remove( aUString );
     371           0 :                     rc = Directory::remove( aUString );
     372           0 :                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_None );
     373             :                 }
     374             :                 else
     375           0 :                     bCheckResult = false;
     376           0 :                 break;
     377             : 
     378             :             default:
     379           0 :                 bCheckResult = false;
     380             :         }// switch
     381             : 
     382           0 :         rc = aDir.close();
     383           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rc == FileBase::E_None );
     384             : 
     385             :     }//if
     386             : 
     387           0 :     return bCheckResult;
     388             : }
     389             : 
     390             : /** construct error message
     391             : */
     392           0 : inline ::rtl::OString outputError( const ::rtl::OString & returnVal, const ::rtl::OString & rightVal, const sal_Char * msg = "")
     393             : {
     394           0 :     ::rtl::OString aString;
     395           0 :     if ( returnVal.equals( rightVal ) )
     396           0 :         return aString;
     397           0 :     aString += msg;
     398           0 :     aString += ": the returned value is '";
     399           0 :     aString += returnVal;
     400           0 :     aString += "', but the value should be '";
     401           0 :     aString += rightVal;
     402           0 :     aString += "'.";
     403           0 :     return aString;
     404             : }
     405             : 
     406             : /** Change file mode, two version in UNIX and Windows;.
     407             : */
     408             : #if ( defined UNX )         //chmod() method is differ in Windows
     409           0 : inline void changeFileMode( ::rtl::OUString & filepath, sal_Int32 mode )
     410             : {
     411           0 :     rtl::OString    aString;
     412           0 :     rtl::OUString   aUStr  = filepath.copy( 0 );
     413             : 
     414           0 :     if ( isURL( filepath ) )
     415           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( filepath, aUStr );
     416           0 :     aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     417           0 :     int ret = chmod( aString.getStr(), mode );
     418           0 :     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
     419           0 : }
     420             : #else                                          //Windows version
     421             : inline void changeFileMode( ::rtl::OUString & filepath, sal_Int32 mode )
     422             : {
     423             :     (void)filepath;
     424             :     (void)mode;
     425             :     printf("this method is not implemented yet");
     426             : }
     427             : #endif
     428             : 
     429             : inline ::rtl::OUString getCurrentPID( void );
     430             : 
     431             : // Beginning of the test cases for FileBase class
     432             : 
     433             : namespace osl_FileBase
     434             : {
     435             : 
     436             :     // testing the method
     437             :     // static inline RC getAbsoluteFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrBaseDirectoryURL,
     438             :     //                                      const ::rtl::OUString& ustrRelativeFileURL,
     439             :     //                                      ::rtl::OUString& ustrAbsoluteFileURL )
     440             : 
     441           0 :     class getAbsoluteFileURL:public CppUnit::TestFixture
     442             :     {
     443             :         public:
     444             : 
     445             :             void check_getAbsoluteFileURL( rtl::OUString const& _suBaseURL,  rtl::OString const& _sRelativeURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OUString const& _suAssumeResultStr );
     446             : 
     447             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_1();
     448             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_2();
     449             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_3();
     450             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_4();
     451             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_5();
     452             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_6();
     453             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_7();
     454             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_001_8();
     455             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_002();
     456             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_003();
     457             :       void getAbsoluteFileURL_004();
     458             : 
     459           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getAbsoluteFileURL );
     460           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_1 );
     461           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_2 );
     462           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_3 );
     463           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_4 );
     464           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_5 );
     465           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_6 );
     466           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_7 );
     467           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_001_8 );
     468           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_002 );
     469           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_003 );
     470           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST( getAbsoluteFileURL_004 );
     471           0 :       CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
     472             : 
     473             :         }; //class getAbsoluteFileURL
     474             : 
     475           0 :     void getAbsoluteFileURL::check_getAbsoluteFileURL( rtl::OUString const& _suBaseURL,  rtl::OString const& _sRelativeURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OUString const& _suAssumeResultStr )
     476             :     {
     477           0 :         rtl::OUString suRelativeURL = rtl::OStringToOUString(_sRelativeURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     478           0 :         rtl::OString sBaseURL = rtl::OUStringToOString(_suBaseURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     479           0 :         rtl::OUString suResultURL;
     480           0 :         osl::FileBase::RC nError = FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL( _suBaseURL,  suRelativeURL, suResultURL );
     481           0 :         rtl::OString sResultURL = rtl::OUStringToOString( suResultURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     482           0 :         rtl::OString sError = errorToString(nError);
     483           0 :         printf("getAbsoluteFileURL('%s','%s') deliver absolute URL: '%s', error '%s'\n", sBaseURL.getStr(), _sRelativeURL.getStr(),sResultURL.getStr(), sError.getStr() );
     484           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Assumption is wrong: error number is wrong", nError == _nAssumeError );
     485           0 :         if ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_None )
     486             :         {
     487           0 :             bool bStrAreEqual = _suAssumeResultStr.equals( suResultURL );
     488           0 :                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Assumption is wrong: ResultURL is not equal to expected URL ", bStrAreEqual );
     489           0 :                 }
     490           0 :     }
     491             : 
     492           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_1()
     493             :   {
     494           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/relative/file1") );
     495           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "relative/file1",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     496           0 :   }
     497           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_2()
     498             :   {
     499           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/relative/file2") );
     500           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "relative/./file2",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     501           0 :   }
     502           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_3()
     503             :   {
     504           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/file3") );
     505           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "relative/../file3",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     506           0 :   }
     507           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_4()
     508             :   {
     509           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/file4") );
     510           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "././relative/../file4",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     511           0 :   }
     512           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_5()
     513             :   {
     514           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume;
     515             : #if ( defined UNX )
     516           0 :     suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/relative/") );
     517             : #else
     518             :     suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/relative") );
     519             : #endif
     520           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "././relative/.",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     521           0 :   }
     522           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_6()
     523             :   {
     524           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/.relative") );
     525           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "./.relative",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     526           0 :   }
     527           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_7()
     528             :   {
     529           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume;
     530             : #if (defined UNX )
     531           0 :     suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/.a/") );
     532             : #else //windows
     533             :     suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/.a") );
     534             : #endif
     535           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "./.a/mydir/..",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     536           0 :   }
     537           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_001_8()
     538             :   {
     539           0 :     rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/tmp/ok") );
     540             : #if ( defined UNX )
     541           0 :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "tmp//ok",::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     542             : #else
     543             :     check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, "tmp//ok",::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, suAssume );
     544             : #endif
     545           0 :   }
     546           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_002()
     547             :   {
     548             : #if ( defined UNX )     //Link is not defined in Windows
     549           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUStr_LnkFileSys( aTempDirectorySys ), aUStr_SrcFileSys( aTempDirectorySys );
     550           0 :         ( ( aUStr_LnkFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/link.file");
     551           0 :         ( ( aUStr_SrcFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/");
     552             : 
     553           0 :                 rtl::OString strLinkFileName, strSrcFileName;
     554           0 :                 strLinkFileName = OUStringToOString( aUStr_LnkFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     555           0 :                 strSrcFileName =  OUStringToOString( aUStr_SrcFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     556             : 
     557           0 :         createTestFile( aCanURL1 );
     558           0 :                 sal_Int32 fd = symlink( strSrcFileName.getStr(), strLinkFileName.getStr() );
     559           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd == 0 );
     560           0 :         rtl::OString sLnkURL = OUStringToOString( aLnkURL1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     561           0 :             rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( rtl::OUString("/") );
     562           0 :         check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, sLnkURL, ::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     563           0 :         deleteTestFile( aCanURL1 );
     564           0 :                 fd = remove( strLinkFileName.getStr() );
     565           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd == 0 );
     566             : #endif
     567           0 :   }
     568             :   //please see line# 930
     569           0 :   void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_003()
     570             :   {
     571           0 :   }
     572           0 :     void getAbsoluteFileURL::getAbsoluteFileURL_004()
     573             :     {
     574             :         //create two level directories under $Temp/PID/
     575           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUStrUpBase = aUserDirectoryURL + ::rtl::OUString("/test1");
     576           0 :         createTestDirectory( aUStrUpBase );
     577           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUStrBase = aUserDirectoryURL + ::rtl::OUString("/test1/dir1");
     578           0 :         createTestDirectory( aUStrBase );
     579             : 
     580           0 :         ::rtl::OUString suAssume = aUserDirectoryURL.concat( ::rtl::OUString("/mytestfile") );
     581           0 :         check_getAbsoluteFileURL( aUStrBase, "../../mytestfile" , ::osl::FileBase::E_None, suAssume );
     582           0 :         deleteTestDirectory( aUStrBase );
     583           0 :         deleteTestDirectory( aUStrUpBase );
     584           0 :     }
     585             : 
     586             :     // testing two methods:
     587             :     // static inline RC getSystemPathFromFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL,
     588             :     //                ::rtl::OUString& ustrSystemPath )
     589             :         // static RC getFileURLFromSystemPath( const ::rtl::OUString & ustrSystemPath,
     590             :         //                                ::rtl::OUString & ustrFileURL );
     591             : 
     592           0 :     class SystemPath_FileURL:public CppUnit::TestFixture
     593             :     {
     594             :         //::osl::FileBase aFileBase;
     595             :         // ::rtl::OUString aUStr;
     596             :         // ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     597             : 
     598             :       //void check_getSystemPathFromFileURL(rtl::OString const& _sURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sAssumeResultStr);
     599             :       void check_SystemPath_FileURL(rtl::OString const& _sSource, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sAssumeResultStr, bool bDirection = true );
     600             :       void checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(rtl::OString const& _sURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sWNTAssumeResultString );
     601             :       void checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(rtl::OString const& _sURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sUnixAssumeResultString );
     602             :       void checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(rtl::OString const& _sSysPath, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sWNTAssumeResultString);
     603             :       void checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(rtl::OString const& _sSysPath, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sUnixAssumeResultString);
     604             : 
     605             :     public:
     606             :         // test code.
     607             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_1();
     608             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_2();
     609             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_21();
     610             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_22();
     611             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_3();
     612             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_31();
     613             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_4();
     614             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_41();
     615             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_5();
     616             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_51();
     617             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_52();
     618             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_53();
     619             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_6();
     620             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_61();
     621             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_7();
     622             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_71();
     623             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_8();
     624             :             void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_81();
     625             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_9();
     626             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_91();
     627             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_92();
     628             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_004();
     629             :         void getSystemPathFromFileURL_005();
     630             : 
     631             :       //test case fot getFileURLFromSystemPath
     632             :             void getFileURLFromSystemPath_001();
     633             :             void getFileURLFromSystemPath_002();
     634             :             void getFileURLFromSystemPath_003();
     635             :             void getFileURLFromSystemPath_004();
     636             :         void getFileURLFromSystemPath_005();
     637             : 
     638           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( SystemPath_FileURL );
     639           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_1 );
     640           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_2 );
     641           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_21 );
     642           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_22 );
     643           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_3 );
     644           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_31 );
     645           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_4 );
     646           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_41 );
     647           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_5 );
     648           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_51 );
     649           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_52 );
     650           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_53 );
     651           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_6 );
     652           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_61 );
     653           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_7 );
     654           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_71 );
     655           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_8 );
     656           0 :             CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_81 );
     657           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_9 );
     658           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_91 );
     659           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_92 );
     660           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_004 );
     661           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getSystemPathFromFileURL_005 );
     662           0 :             CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURLFromSystemPath_001 );
     663           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURLFromSystemPath_002 );
     664           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURLFromSystemPath_003 );
     665           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURLFromSystemPath_004 );
     666           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURLFromSystemPath_005 );
     667           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
     668             :     };// class SystemPath_FileURL
     669             : 
     670             :     // if bDirection==sal_True, check getSystemPathFromFileURL
     671             :     // if bDirection==sal_False, check getFileURLFromSystemPath
     672           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::check_SystemPath_FileURL(rtl::OString const& _sSource, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sAssumeResultStr, bool bDirection)
     673             :     {
     674             :         // PRE: URL as String
     675           0 :         rtl::OUString suSource;
     676           0 :         rtl::OUString suStr;
     677           0 :         suSource = rtl::OStringToOUString(_sSource, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     678             :     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
     679           0 :     if ( bDirection )
     680           0 :       nError = osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( suSource, suStr );
     681             :     else
     682           0 :       nError = osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( suSource, suStr );
     683             : 
     684             :         // if the given string is gt length 0,
     685             :         // we check also this string
     686           0 :         rtl::OString sStr = rtl::OUStringToOString(suStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     687           0 :         rtl::OString sError = errorToString(nError);
     688           0 :     if ( bDirection )
     689           0 :       printf("getSystemPathFromFileURL('%s') deliver system path: '%s', error '%s'\n", _sSource.getStr(), sStr.getStr(), sError.getStr() );
     690             :     else
     691           0 :       printf("getFileURLFromSystemPath('%s') deliver File URL: '%s', error '%s'\n", _sSource.getStr(), sStr.getStr(), sError.getStr() );
     692             : 
     693             :         // rtl::OUString suStrEncode = rtl::Uri::encode(suStr, rtl_UriCharClassUnoParamValue, rtl_UriEncodeKeepEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     694             :         // sStr = rtl::OUStringToOString(suStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
     695             :         // printf("UTF8: %s\n", sStr.getStr() );
     696             : 
     697           0 :         if (!_sAssumeResultStr.isEmpty())
     698             :         {
     699           0 :             bool bStrAreEqual = _sAssumeResultStr.equals(sStr);
     700           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Assumption is wrong",
     701           0 :                                     nError == _nAssumeError && bStrAreEqual );
     702             :         }
     703             :         else
     704             :         {
     705           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Assumption is wrong", nError == _nAssumeError );
     706           0 :         }
     707           0 :     }
     708           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(rtl::OString const& _sURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sWNTAssumeResultString)
     709             :     {
     710             : #if ( defined WNT )
     711             :         check_SystemPath_FileURL(_sURL, _nAssumeError, _sWNTAssumeResultString);
     712             : #else
     713             :         (void)_sURL;
     714             :         (void)_nAssumeError;
     715             :         (void)_sWNTAssumeResultString;
     716             : #endif
     717           0 :     }
     718             : 
     719           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(rtl::OString const& _sURL, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sUnixAssumeResultString)
     720             :     {
     721             : #if ( defined UNX )
     722           0 :         check_SystemPath_FileURL(_sURL, _nAssumeError, _sUnixAssumeResultString);
     723             : #else
     724             :         (void)_sURL;
     725             :         (void)_nAssumeError;
     726             :         (void)_sUnixAssumeResultString;
     727             : #endif
     728           0 :     }
     729             : 
     730           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(rtl::OString const& _sSysPath, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sWNTAssumeResultString)
     731             :     {
     732             : #if ( defined WNT )
     733             :         check_SystemPath_FileURL(_sSysPath, _nAssumeError, _sWNTAssumeResultString, sal_False );
     734             : #else
     735             :         (void)_sSysPath;
     736             :         (void)_nAssumeError;
     737             :         (void)_sWNTAssumeResultString;
     738             : #endif
     739           0 :     }
     740             : 
     741           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(rtl::OString const& _sSysPath, ::osl::FileBase::RC _nAssumeError, rtl::OString const& _sUnixAssumeResultString)
     742             :     {
     743             : #if ( defined UNX )
     744           0 :         check_SystemPath_FileURL(_sSysPath, _nAssumeError, _sUnixAssumeResultString, false );
     745             : #else
     746             :         (void)_sSysPath;
     747             :         (void)_nAssumeError;
     748             :         (void)_sUnixAssumeResultString;
     749             : #endif
     750           0 :     }
     751             : 
     752             :     /** LLA: Test for getSystemPathFromFileURL()
     753             :         this test is splitted into 2 different OS tests,
     754             :         the first function checkUNXBehaviour... runs only on Unix based Systems,
     755             :         the second only on windows based systems
     756             :         the first parameter are a file URL where we want to get the system path of,
     757             :         the second parameter is the assumed error of the osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL() function,
     758             :         the third parameter is the assumed result string, the string will only test, if its length is greater 0
     759             :     */
     760             : 
     761           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_1()
     762             :     {
     763           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("");
     764           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     765           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     766           0 :     }
     767             : 
     768           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_2()
     769             :     {
     770           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("/");
     771           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     772           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "\\");
     773           0 :     }
     774           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_21()
     775             :     {
     776             :       //        rtl::OString sURL("%2f");
     777           0 :       rtl::OString sURL("%2F");
     778           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/"); // LLA: this is may be a BUG
     779           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     780           0 :     }
     781           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_22()
     782             :     {
     783           0 :       rtl::OString sURL("file:///tmp%2Fmydir");
     784           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     785           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     786           0 :     }
     787           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_3()
     788             :     {
     789           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("a");
     790           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "a");
     791           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "a");
     792           0 :     }
     793           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_31()
     794             :     {
     795           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("tmpname");
     796           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "tmpname");
     797           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "tmpname");
     798           0 :     }
     799           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_4()
     800             :     {
     801           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file://");
     802           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "");
     803           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     804           0 :     }
     805           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_41()
     806             :     {
     807           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file://localhost/tmp");
     808           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "");
     809           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     810           0 :     }
     811           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_5()
     812             :     {
     813           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///tmp");
     814           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/tmp");
     815           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     816           0 :     }
     817           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_51()
     818             :     {
     819           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file://c:/tmp");
     820           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:/tmp"); // LLA: this is may be a BUG
     821           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     822           0 :     }
     823           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_52()
     824             :     {
     825           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///c:/tmp");
     826           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/c:/tmp");
     827           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:\\tmp");
     828           0 :     }
     829           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_53()
     830             :     {
     831             : // LLA: is this a legal file path?
     832           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///c|/tmp");
     833           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/c|/tmp");
     834           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:\\tmp");
     835           0 :     }
     836           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_6()
     837             :     {
     838           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///tmp/first");
     839           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/tmp/first");
     840           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     841           0 :     }
     842           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_61()
     843             :     {
     844           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///c:/tmp/first");
     845           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/c:/tmp/first");
     846           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:\\tmp\\first");
     847           0 :     }
     848           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_7()
     849             :     {
     850           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///tmp/../second");
     851           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/tmp/../second"); // LLA: may be a BUG
     852           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     853           0 :     }
     854           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_71()
     855             :     {
     856           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///c:/tmp/../second");
     857           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/c:/tmp/../second");
     858           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:\\tmp\\..\\second");
     859           0 :     }
     860           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_8()
     861             :     {
     862           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("../tmp");
     863           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "../tmp");
     864           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "..\\tmp");
     865           0 :     }
     866           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_81()
     867             :     {
     868           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file://~/tmp");
     869             :     char* home_path;
     870           0 :     home_path = getenv("HOME");
     871           0 :     rtl::OString expResult(home_path);
     872           0 :     expResult += "/tmp";
     873           0 :     checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, expResult );
     874             :     //  checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "\\tmp");
     875           0 :     }
     876           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_9()
     877             :     {
     878           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///tmp/first%20second");
     879           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/tmp/first second");
     880           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     881           0 :     }
     882           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_91()
     883             :     {
     884           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("file:///c:/tmp/first%20second");
     885           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "/c:/tmp/first second");
     886           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:\\tmp\\first second");
     887           0 :     }
     888             : 
     889           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_001_92()
     890             :     {
     891           0 :         rtl::OString sURL("ca@#;+.,$///");
     892           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_None, "");
     893           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getSystemPathFromFileURL(sURL, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     894           0 :     }
     895             : 
     896             :         //normal legal case
     897           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_004()
     898             :         {
     899           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUStr;
     900           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUNormalURL( aTmpName6 );
     901           0 :         ::rtl::OUString aUResultURL ( aSysPath4 );
     902           0 :         ::osl::FileBase::RC nError = osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aUNormalURL, aUStr );
     903             : 
     904           0 :             bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUResultURL );
     905             : 
     906           0 :             ::rtl::OString sError("test for getSystemPathFromFileURL(' ");
     907           0 :             sError += ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUNormalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     908           0 :             sError += " ') function:use an absolute file URL, ";
     909           0 :             sError += outputError(::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ),
     910           0 :                                 ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUResultURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ));
     911             : 
     912           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(sError.getStr(), ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) && bOk );
     913             : 
     914           0 :         }
     915             : 
     916             :         //CJK characters case
     917           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getSystemPathFromFileURL_005()
     918             :         {
     919           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr;
     920           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName10 );
     921           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aUNormalURL( aTmpName10 );
     922           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aUResultURL ( aSysPath5 );
     923             : 
     924           0 :             ::osl::FileBase::RC nError = osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aUNormalURL, aUStr );
     925             : 
     926           0 :             bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUResultURL );
     927             : 
     928           0 :             ::rtl::OString sError("test for getSystemPathFromFileURL(' ");
     929           0 :             sError += ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUNormalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
     930           0 :             sError += " ') function:use a CJK coded absolute URL, ";
     931           0 :             sError += outputError(::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ),
     932           0 :                                 ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUResultURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ));
     933           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName10 );
     934             : 
     935           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( sError.getStr(), ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) && bOk );
     936           0 :         }
     937             : 
     938           0 :      void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_001()
     939             :      {
     940           0 :         rtl::OString sSysPath("~/tmp");
     941             :         char* home_path;
     942           0 :         home_path = getenv("HOME");
     943           0 :         rtl::OString expResult(home_path);
     944           0 :         expResult = "file://"+ expResult + "/tmp";
     945           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_None, expResult );
     946           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_None, "~/tmp");
     947           0 :      }
     948           0 :      void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_002()
     949             :      {
     950           0 :         rtl::OString sSysPath("c:/tmp");
     951           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_None, "c:/tmp");
     952           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_None, "file:///c:/tmp");
     953           0 :      }
     954           0 :      void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_003()
     955             :      {
     956           0 :         rtl::OString sSysPath("file:///temp");
     957           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     958           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     959           0 :      }
     960           0 :     void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_004()
     961             :      {
     962           0 :         rtl::OString sSysPath("//tmp//first start");
     963           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_None, "file:///tmp/first%20start");
     964           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     965           0 :      }
     966           0 :      void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_005()
     967             :      {
     968           0 :         rtl::OString sSysPath("");
     969           0 :         checkUNXBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     970           0 :         checkWNTBehaviour_getFileURLFromSystemPath(sSysPath, osl::FileBase::E_INVAL, "");
     971           0 :      }
     972             :          // start with "~user", not impletment
     973             :     //      void SystemPath_FileURL::getFileURLFromSystemPath_006()
     974             : 
     975             :     // testing the method
     976             :     // static inline RC searchFileURL(  const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileName,
     977             :     //                                  const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSearchPath,
     978             :     //                                  ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
     979             : 
     980           0 :     class searchFileURL:public CppUnit::TestFixture
     981             :     {
     982             :         //::osl::FileBase aFileBase;
     983             :         ::rtl::OUString aUStr;
     984             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1, nError2, nError3,nError4;
     985             : 
     986             :         public:
     987             : 
     988           0 :         searchFileURL()
     989             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
     990             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
     991             :             , nError3(FileBase::E_None)
     992           0 :             , nError4(FileBase::E_None) {}
     993             :         // test code.
     994           0 :         void searchFileURL_001()
     995             :         {
     996             :             /* search file is passed by system filename */
     997           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aTmpName1, aUserDirectorySys, aUStr );
     998             :             /* search file is passed by full qualified file URL */
     999           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aCanURL1, aUserDirectorySys, aUStr );
    1000             :             /* search file is passed by relative file path */
    1001           0 :             nError3 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aRelURL4, aUserDirectorySys, aUStr );
    1002             : 
    1003           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: system filename/URL filename/relative path, system directory, searched files that is not exist, but it reply invalid error, did not pass in (W32) ",
    1004             :                                      ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) &&
    1005             :                                      ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError2 ) &&
    1006           0 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError3 ));
    1007           0 :         }
    1008             : 
    1009           0 :          void searchFileURL_002()
    1010             :         {
    1011             :             /* search file is passed by system filename */
    1012           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aTempDirectorySys, aRootSys, aUStr );
    1013           0 :             bool bOk1 = compareFileName( aUStr, aTempDirectoryURL );
    1014             :             /* search file is passed by full qualified file URL */
    1015           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aTempDirectoryURL, aRootSys, aUStr );
    1016           0 :             bool bOk2 = compareFileName( aUStr, aTempDirectoryURL );
    1017             :             /* search file is passed by relative file path */
    1018           0 :             nError3 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aRelURL5, aRootSys, aUStr );
    1019           0 :             bool bOk3 = compareFileName( aUStr, aTempDirectoryURL );
    1020             :             /* search file is passed by an exist file */
    1021           0 :             createTestFile( aCanURL1 );
    1022           0 :             nError4 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aCanURL4, aUserDirectorySys, aUStr );
    1023           0 :             bool bOk4 = compareFileName( aUStr, aCanURL1 );
    1024           0 :             deleteTestFile( aCanURL1 );
    1025             : 
    1026           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: system filename/URL filename/relative path, system directory, searched file already exist.",
    1027             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    1028             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    1029             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError3 ) &&
    1030             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError4 ) &&
    1031           0 :                                     bOk1 && bOk2 && bOk3 && bOk4 );
    1032           0 :         }
    1033             : 
    1034           0 :         void searchFileURL_003()
    1035             :         {
    1036           0 :             OSLTEST_DECLARE( SystemPathList,  TEST_PLATFORM_ROOT ":" TEST_PLATFORM_ROOT TEST_PLATFORM_TEMP ":" TEST_PLATFORM_ROOT "system/path" );
    1037           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, aSystemPathList, aUStr );
    1038           0 :             bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUserDirectoryURL );
    1039           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: search directory is a list of system paths",
    1040             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    1041           0 :                                     bOk );
    1042           0 :         }
    1043             : 
    1044           0 :         void searchFileURL_004()
    1045             :         {
    1047           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, aSystemPathList, aUStr );
    1048           0 :             bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUserDirectoryURL );
    1049           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: search directory is a list of system paths",
    1050             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    1051           0 :                                     bOk );
    1052           0 :         }
    1053             : 
    1054           0 :         void searchFileURL_005()
    1055             :         {
    1056           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, aNullURL, aUStr );
    1057           0 :             bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUserDirectoryURL );
    1058           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: search directory is NULL",
    1059             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    1060           0 :                                     bOk );
    1061           0 :         }
    1062             : 
    1063           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( searchFileURL );
    1064           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( searchFileURL_001 );
    1065           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( searchFileURL_002 );
    1066           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( searchFileURL_003 );
    1067           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( searchFileURL_004 );
    1068           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( searchFileURL_005 );
    1069           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1070             :     };// class searchFileURL
    1071             : 
    1072             :     // testing the method
    1073             :     // static inline RC getTempDirURL( ::rtl::OUString& ustrTempDirURL )
    1074             : 
    1075           0 :     class getTempDirURL:public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1076             :     {
    1077             :         //::osl::FileBase aFileBase;
    1078             :         ::rtl::OUString aUStr;
    1079             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
    1080             : 
    1081             :         public:
    1082           0 :         getTempDirURL() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1083             :         // initialization
    1084           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1085             :         {
    1086           0 :              nError = FileBase::getTempDirURL( aUStr );
    1087           0 :         }
    1088             : 
    1089           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1090             :         {
    1091           0 :         }
    1092             : 
    1093             :         // test code.
    1094           0 :         void getTempDirURL_001()
    1095             :         {
    1096             : 
    1097           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getTempDirURL function: excution",
    1098           0 :                                      ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) );
    1099           0 :         }
    1100             : 
    1101           0 :         void getTempDirURL_002()
    1102             :         {
    1103           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getTempDirURL function: test for open and write access rights",
    1104             :                                     checkDirectory( aUStr, osl_Check_Mode_OpenAccess ) &&
    1105             :                                     checkDirectory( aUStr, osl_Check_Mode_ReadAccess ) &&
    1106           0 :                                     checkDirectory( aUStr,osl_Check_Mode_WriteAccess ) );
    1107           0 :         }
    1108             : 
    1109           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getTempDirURL );
    1110           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getTempDirURL_001 );
    1111           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getTempDirURL_002 );
    1112           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1113             :     };// class getTempDirURL
    1114             : 
    1115             :     //  testing the method
    1116             :     //  static inline RC createTempFile( ::rtl::OUString* pustrDirectoryURL,
    1117             :     //                                   oslFileHandle* pHandle,
    1118             :     //                                   ::rtl::OUString* pustrTempFileURL)
    1119             : 
    1120           0 :     class createTempFile:public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1121             :     {
    1122             :         //::osl::FileBase aFileBase;
    1123             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1, nError2;
    1124             :         bool bOK;
    1125             : 
    1126             :         oslFileHandle   *pHandle;
    1127             :         ::rtl::OUString *pUStr_DirURL;
    1128             :         ::rtl::OUString *pUStr_FileURL;
    1129             : 
    1130             :     public:
    1131           0 :         createTempFile()
    1132             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    1133             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
    1134             :             , bOK(false)
    1135             :             , pHandle(NULL)
    1136             :             , pUStr_DirURL(NULL)
    1137           0 :             , pUStr_FileURL(NULL)
    1138             :         {
    1139           0 :         }
    1140             : 
    1141             :         // initialization
    1142           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1143             :         {
    1144           0 :             pHandle = new oslFileHandle();
    1145           0 :             pUStr_DirURL = new ::rtl::OUString( aUserDirectoryURL );
    1146           0 :             pUStr_FileURL = new ::rtl::OUString();
    1147             :             //*pUStr_DirURL = aUserDirectoryURL;                /// create temp file in /tmp/PID or c:\temp\PID.*/
    1148           0 :         }
    1149             : 
    1150           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1151             :         {
    1152           0 :             delete pUStr_DirURL;
    1153           0 :             delete pUStr_FileURL;
    1154           0 :             delete pHandle;
    1155           0 :         }
    1156             : 
    1157             :         // test code.
    1158           0 :         void createTempFile_001()
    1159             :         {
    1160           0 :             nError1 = FileBase::createTempFile( pUStr_DirURL, pHandle, pUStr_FileURL );
    1161           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1162           0 :             nError2 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    1163           0 :             if ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 )  {
    1164           0 :                 osl_closeFile( *pHandle );
    1165           0 :                 deleteTestFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1166             :             }
    1167             : 
    1168           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for createTempFile function: create temp file and test the existence",
    1169           0 :                                      ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && ( pHandle != NULL ) &&   ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST== nError2 )   );
    1170           0 :         }
    1171             : 
    1172           0 :         void createTempFile_002()
    1173             :         {
    1174           0 :             bOK = false;
    1175           0 :             nError1 = FileBase::createTempFile( pUStr_DirURL, pHandle, pUStr_FileURL );
    1176           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1177           0 :             nError2 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    1178             : 
    1179           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "createTempFile function: create a temp file, but it does not exist",
    1180             :                 ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && ( pHandle != NULL ) &&
    1181           0 :                 ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 ) );
    1182             : 
    1183             :             //check file if have the write permission
    1184           0 :             if ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 )  {
    1185           0 :                 bOK = ifFileCanWrite( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1186           0 :                 osl_closeFile( *pHandle );
    1187           0 :                 deleteTestFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1188             :             }
    1189             : 
    1190           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open and write access rights, in (W32), it did not have write access right, but it should be writtenable.",
    1191           0 :                                      bOK );
    1192           0 :         }
    1193             : 
    1194           0 :         void createTempFile_003()
    1195             :         {
    1196           0 :             nError1 = FileBase::createTempFile( pUStr_DirURL, pHandle, 0 );
    1197             :             //the temp file will be removed when return from createTempFile
    1198           0 :             bOK = (pHandle != NULL && nError1 == osl::FileBase::E_None);
    1199           0 :             if ( bOK )
    1200           0 :                 osl_closeFile( *pHandle );
    1201             : 
    1202           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for createTempFile function: set pUStrFileURL to 0 to let it remove the file after call.",
    1203           0 :                                 ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && bOK );
    1204           0 :         }
    1205           0 :         void createTempFile_004()
    1206             :         {
    1207           0 :             nError1 = FileBase::createTempFile( pUStr_DirURL, 0, pUStr_FileURL );
    1208           0 :             bOK = ( pUStr_FileURL != 0);
    1209           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bOK);
    1210           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1211           0 :             nError2 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    1212           0 :             deleteTestFile( *pUStr_FileURL );
    1213           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "createTempFile function: create a temp file, but it does not exist",
    1214           0 :                 ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 ) && bOK );
    1215             : 
    1216           0 :         }
    1217             : 
    1218           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( createTempFile );
    1219           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( createTempFile_001 );
    1220           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( createTempFile_002 );
    1221           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( createTempFile_003 );
    1222           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( createTempFile_004 );
    1223           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1224             :     };// class createTempFile
    1225             : 
    1226           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL, "osl_FileBase" );
    1227           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::SystemPath_FileURL, "osl_FileBase" );
    1228             :   //        CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath, "osl_FileBase" );
    1229           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::searchFileURL, "osl_FileBase" );
    1230           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::getTempDirURL, "osl_FileBase" );
    1231           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileBase::createTempFile, "osl_FileBase" );
    1232             : }// namespace osl_FileBase
    1233             : 
    1234             : namespace osl_FileStatus
    1235             : {
    1236             : 
    1237             :     //  testing the method
    1238             :     //  FileStatus( sal_uInt32 nMask ): _nMask( nMask )
    1239             : 
    1240           0 :     class  ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1241             :     {
    1242             :         ::rtl::OUString         aUStr;
    1243             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    1244             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1245             : 
    1246             :         public:
    1247           0 :         ctors() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1248             :         // initialization
    1249           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1250             :         {
    1251             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    1252           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1253           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    1254             : 
    1255           0 :             Directory pDir( aTmpName3 );
    1256           0 :             nError1 =;
    1257           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1258           0 :             nError1 = pDir.getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
    1259           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1260           0 :             pDir.close();
    1261             :             /*
    1262             :             Directory aDir( aTmpName3 );
    1263             :             nError1 =;
    1264             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1265             :             nError1 = aDir.getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
    1266             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1267             :             aDir.close();
    1268             :             */
    1269           0 :         }
    1270             : 
    1271           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1272             :         {
    1273             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    1274           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    1275           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1276           0 :         }
    1277             : 
    1278             :         // test code.
    1279           0 :         void ctors_001()
    1280             :         {
    1281           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_All );
    1282           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1283           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1284           0 :             aUStr = rFileStatus.getFileName();
    1285             : 
    1286           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: mask all and see the file name",
    1287           0 :                                     compareFileName( aUStr, aTmpName2)  );
    1288           0 :         }
    1289             : 
    1290           0 :         void ctors_002()
    1291             :         {
    1292           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( 0 );
    1293           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1294           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1295           0 :             aUStr = rFileStatus.getFileName();
    1296             : 
    1297           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: mask is empty",
    1298           0 :                                     compareFileName( aUStr, aNullURL)  );
    1299           0 :         }
    1300             : 
    1301           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( ctors );
    1302           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_001 );
    1303           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_002 );
    1304           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1305             :     };// class ctors
    1306             : 
    1307             :     //  testing the method
    1308             :     //  inline sal_Bool isValid( sal_uInt32 nMask ) const
    1309             : 
    1310           0 :     class  isValid : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1311             :     {
    1312             :         ::osl::Directory        *pDir;
    1313             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem_file, rItem_link;
    1314             : 
    1315             :         public:
    1316           0 :         isValid()
    1317           0 :             : pDir(NULL)
    1318             :         {
    1319           0 :         }
    1320             : 
    1321             :         // initialization
    1322           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1323             :         {
    1324             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    1325           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1326           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    1327             : 
    1328           0 :             pDir = new Directory( aTmpName3 );
    1329           0 :                     ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = pDir->open();
    1330           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1331           0 :             nError1 = pDir->getNextItem( rItem_file, 1 );
    1332           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1333           0 :         }
    1334             : 
    1335           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1336             :         {
    1337           0 :             ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = pDir->close();
    1338           0 :             delete pDir;
    1339           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr(nError1).getStr(), ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1340             : 
    1341             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    1342           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    1343           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1344           0 :         }
    1345             : 
    1346             :         // test code.
    1347           0 :         void isValid_001()
    1348             :         {
    1349           0 :             sal_uInt32 mask = 0;
    1350           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( mask );
    1351           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = rItem_file.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1352           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1353           0 :             bool bOk = rFileStatus.isValid( mask );
    1354             : 
    1355           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isValid function: no fields specified",
    1356           0 :                                     bOk );
    1357           0 :         }
    1358             : 
    1359           0 :         void check_FileStatus(::osl::FileStatus const& _aStatus)
    1360             :             {
    1361           0 :                 rtl::OString sStat;
    1362           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type))
    1363             :                 {
    1364           0 :                     sStat += "type ";
    1365             :                 }
    1366           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes))
    1367             :                 {
    1368           0 :                     sStat += "attributes ";
    1369             :                 }
    1370           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime))
    1371             :                 {
    1372           0 :                     sStat += "ctime ";
    1373             :                 }
    1374           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime))
    1375             :                 {
    1376           0 :                     sStat += "atime ";
    1377             :                 }
    1378           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime))
    1379             :                 {
    1380           0 :                     sStat += "mtime ";
    1381             :                 }
    1382           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize))
    1383             :                 {
    1384           0 :                     sStat += "filesize ";
    1385             :                 }
    1386           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName))
    1387             :                 {
    1388           0 :                     sStat += "filename ";
    1389             :                 }
    1390           0 :                 if (_aStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL))
    1391             :                 {
    1392           0 :                     sStat += "fileurl ";
    1393             :                 }
    1394           0 :                 printf("mask: %s\n", sStat.getStr());
    1395           0 :             }
    1396             : 
    1397           0 :         void isValid_002()
    1398             :         {
    1399           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    1400             :             sal_uInt32 mask_file = ( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type | osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes |
    1401             :                                    osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime | osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime |
    1402             :                                    osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime   | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize   |
    1403           0 :                                    osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName     | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL) ;
    1404           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( mask_file );
    1405           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem_file );
    1406           0 :             nError1 = rItem_file.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1407             : 
    1408           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr(nError1).getStr(), ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1409             : 
    1410             : // LLA: this is wrong, we never should try to check on all masks
    1411             : //      only on one.
    1412             : //      Second, it's not a bug, if a value is not valid, it's an unhandled feature.
    1413             : 
    1414             : //      sal_Bool bOk = rFileStatus.isValid( mask_file );
    1415             : 
    1416           0 :                 check_FileStatus(rFileStatus);
    1417           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    1418             : 
    1419             :                 // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isValid function: regular file mask fields test, #osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime# should be valid field for regular file, but feedback is invalid",
    1420             :                 //                      ( sal_True == bOk ) );
    1421           0 :         }
    1422             : 
    1423             :         //Link is not defined in Windows, and on Linux, we can not get the directory item of the link file
    1424             :         // LLA: we have to differ to filesystems, normal filesystems support links (EXT2, ...)
    1425             :         //      castrated filesystems don't (FAT, FAT32)
    1426             :         //      Windows NT NTFS support links, but the windows api don't :-(
    1427             : 
    1428           0 :         void isValid_003()
    1429             :         {
    1430             : #if defined ( UNX )
    1431             :             // ::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
    1432             :             sal_Int32 fd;
    1433             : 
    1434           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr_LnkFileSys( aTempDirectorySys ), aUStr_SrcFileSys( aTempDirectorySys );
    1435           0 :             ( ( aUStr_LnkFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/tmpdir/link.file");
    1436           0 :             ( ( aUStr_SrcFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/tmpdir/tmpname");
    1437             : 
    1438           0 :                 rtl::OString strLinkFileName;
    1439           0 :                 rtl::OString strSrcFileName;
    1440           0 :                 strLinkFileName = OUStringToOString( aUStr_LnkFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    1441           0 :                 strSrcFileName = OUStringToOString( aUStr_SrcFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    1442             : 
    1443             :             //create a link file and link it to file "/tmp/PID/tmpdir/tmpname"
    1444           0 :                 fd = symlink( strSrcFileName.getStr(), strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    1445           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd == 0 );
    1446             : 
    1447             :             // testDirectory is "/tmp/PID/tmpdir/"
    1448           0 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1449           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 =;
    1450           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileName ("link.file");
    1451           0 :             bool bOk = false;
    1452             :             while (true) {
    1453           0 :                 nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem_link, 4 );
    1454           0 :                 if (::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1) {
    1455           0 :                     sal_uInt32 mask_link = osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName | osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL;
    1456           0 :                     ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( mask_link );
    1457           0 :                     rItem_link.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1458           0 :                     if ( compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aFileName) )
    1459             :                     {
    1460             :                         //printf("find the link file");
    1461           0 :                         if ( rFileStatus.isValid( osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL ) )
    1462             :                         {
    1463           0 :                             bOk = true;
    1464           0 :                             break;
    1465             :                         }
    1466           0 :                     }
    1467             :                 }
    1468             :                 else
    1469           0 :                     break;
    1470             :             };
    1471             : 
    1472           0 :             fd = remove( strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    1473           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd == 0 );
    1474             : 
    1475           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("test for isValid function: link file, check for LinkTargetURL",
    1476           0 :                                    bOk);
    1477             : #endif
    1478           0 :         }
    1479             : 
    1480           0 :         void isValid_004()
    1481             :         {
    1482           0 :             sal_uInt32 mask_file_all = osl_FileStatus_Mask_All;
    1483           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus_all( mask_file_all );
    1484           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = rItem_file.getFileStatus( rFileStatus_all );
    1485           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1486             : 
    1487           0 :                 check_FileStatus(rFileStatus_all);
    1488             : // LLA: this is wrong
    1489             : //          sal_Bool bOk1 = rFileStatus_all.isValid( mask_file_all );
    1490             : 
    1491           0 :             sal_uInt32 mask_file_val = osl_FileStatus_Mask_Validate;
    1492           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus_val( mask_file_val );
    1493           0 :             nError1 = rItem_file.getFileStatus( rFileStatus_val );
    1494           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1495             :                 // sal_Bool bOk2 = rFileStatus_val.isValid( mask_file_val );
    1496             : 
    1497           0 :                 check_FileStatus(rFileStatus_val);
    1498             :                 // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isValid function: check for Mask_All and Validate, really not sure what validate used for and how to use it, help me.  did not pass (W32)(UNX).",
    1499             :                 //                      ( sal_False == bOk1 ) && ( sal_True == bOk2 )  );
    1500           0 :         }
    1501             : 
    1502           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( isValid );
    1503           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isValid_001 );
    1504           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isValid_002 );
    1505           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isValid_003 );
    1506           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isValid_004 );
    1507           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1508             :     };// class ctors
    1509             : 
    1510             :     //  testing the method
    1511             :     //  inline Type getFileType() const
    1512             : 
    1513           0 :     class  getFileType : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1514             :     {
    1515             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    1516             : 
    1517             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    m_aItem_1, m_aItem_2, m_aVolumeItem, m_aFifoItem;
    1518             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    m_aLinkItem, m_aSocketItem, m_aSpecialItem;
    1519             : 
    1520             :         public:
    1521           0 :         getFileType() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1522             :         // initialization
    1523           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1524             :         {
    1525             :             // create a tempfile: $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    1526             :             //        a tempdirectory: $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpdir.
    1527             :             //        use $ROOT/staroffice as volume ---> use dev/fd as volume.
    1528             :             // and get their directory item.
    1529           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1530           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2 );
    1531           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3, aTmpName1 );
    1532             : 
    1533           0 :             boost::scoped_ptr<Directory> pDir( new Directory( aTmpName3 ) );
    1534           0 :             nError1 = pDir->open();
    1535           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("open aTmpName3 failed!", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1536             :             //getNextItem can not assure which item retrieved
    1537           0 :                     nError1 = pDir->getNextItem( m_aItem_1, 1 );
    1538           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("get first item failed!", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1539             : 
    1540           0 :                     nError1 = pDir->getNextItem( m_aItem_2 );
    1541           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("get second item failed!", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1542           0 :             pDir->close();
    1543             :             //mindy: failed on my RH9,so removed temporaly
    1544             :             //nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aVolURL2, m_aVolumeItem );
    1545             :             //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("get volume item failed!", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1546             : 
    1547           0 :         }
    1548             : 
    1549           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1550             :         {
    1551             :             // remove all in $TEMP/tmpdir.
    1552           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3, aTmpName1 );
    1553           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2 );
    1554           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    1555           0 :         }
    1556             : 
    1557             :         // test code.
    1558           0 :         void getFileType_001()
    1559             :         {
    1560           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    1561           0 :             nError1 = m_aItem_1.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1562           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("getFileStatus failed", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1563             : 
    1564           0 :             check_FileType(rFileStatus);
    1565           0 :         }
    1566             : 
    1567           0 :         void check_FileType(osl::FileStatus const& _rFileStatus )
    1568             :         {
    1569           0 :             bool bOK = false;
    1570           0 :                 if ( _rFileStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName))
    1571             :                 {
    1572           0 :                     rtl::OUString suFilename = _rFileStatus.getFileName();
    1573             : 
    1574           0 :                     if ( _rFileStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type))
    1575             :                     {
    1576           0 :                         osl::FileStatus::Type eType = _rFileStatus.getFileType();
    1577             : 
    1578           0 :                         if ( compareFileName( suFilename, aTmpName2) )
    1579             :                         {
    1580             :                             // regular
    1581           0 :                             bOK = ( eType == osl::FileStatus::Regular );
    1582             :                         }
    1583           0 :                         if ( compareFileName( suFilename, aTmpName1) )
    1584             :                         {
    1585             :                             // directory
    1586           0 :                             bOK = ( eType == ::osl::FileStatus::Directory );
    1587             :                         }
    1588             : 
    1589           0 :                         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileType function: ",
    1590           0 :                                      bOK );
    1591           0 :         }
    1592             :                 }
    1593             :                 // LLA: it's not a bug, if a FileStatus not exist, so no else
    1594           0 :             }
    1595             : 
    1596           0 :         void getFileType_002()
    1597             :         {
    1598           0 :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type | osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    1599           0 :                 nError1 = m_aItem_2.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1600             : 
    1601           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1602           0 :                 check_FileType(rFileStatus);
    1603           0 :         }
    1604             : 
    1605           0 :         void getFileType_003()
    1606             :         {
    1607           0 :         }
    1608             : 
    1609           0 :         void getFileType_007()
    1610             :         {
    1611             : #if defined ( SOLARIS ) //Special file is differ in Windows
    1612             :                 nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL2, m_aSpecialItem );
    1613             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1614             : 
    1615             :             //check for File type
    1616             :              ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type );
    1617             :             nError1 = m_aSpecialItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1618             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    1619             : 
    1620             :             if (rFileStatus.isValid(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type))
    1621             :             {
    1622             :                 osl::FileStatus::Type eType = rFileStatus.getFileType();
    1623             : 
    1624             :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileType function: Special, Solaris version ",
    1625             :                                         ( eType == ::osl::FileStatus::Special ) );
    1626             :             }
    1627             : #endif
    1628           0 :         }
    1629             : 
    1630           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFileType );
    1631           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileType_001 );
    1632           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileType_002 );
    1633           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileType_003 );
    1634           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileType_007 );
    1635           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1636             :     };// class getFileType
    1637             : 
    1638             :     //  testing the method
    1639             :     //  inline sal_uInt64 getAttributes() const
    1640             : 
    1641           0 :     class  getAttributes : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1642             :     {
    1643             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL, aTypeURL_Hid;
    1644             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1645             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem, rItem_hidden;
    1646             : 
    1647             :         public:
    1648           0 :         getAttributes() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1649             :         // initialization
    1650           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1651             :         {
    1652           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1653           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    1654           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1655           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1656           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1657             : 
    1658           0 :             aTypeURL_Hid = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1659           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL_Hid, aHidURL1 );
    1660           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL_Hid );
    1661           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL_Hid, rItem_hidden );
    1662           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1663           0 :         }
    1664             : 
    1665           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1666             :         {
    1667           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1668           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL_Hid );
    1669           0 :         }
    1670             : 
    1671             :         // test code.
    1672             : #if ( defined UNX )
    1673             : //windows only 3 file attributes: normal, readonly, hidden
    1674           0 :         void getAttributes_001()
    1675             :         {
    1676           0 :             changeFileMode( aTypeURL, S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH );
    1677             : 
    1678           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    1679           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1680           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1681             : 
    1682           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: ReadOnly, GrpRead, OwnRead, OthRead( UNX version ) ",
    1683             :                                     ( osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly | osl_File_Attribute_GrpRead | osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead | osl_File_Attribute_OthRead ) ==
    1684           0 :                                     rFileStatus.getAttributes() );
    1685           0 :         }
    1686             : #else                                    //Windows version
    1687             :         void getAttributes_001()
    1688             :         {
    1689             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: ReadOnly, GrpRead, OwnRead, OthRead( Windows version )",
    1690             :                                      1 == 1 );
    1691             :         }
    1692             : #endif
    1693             : 
    1694           0 :         void getAttributes_002()
    1695             :         {
    1696             : #if ( defined UNX )
    1697           0 :             changeFileMode( aTypeURL, S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH );
    1698             : 
    1699           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    1700           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1701           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1702             : 
    1703           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: Executable, GrpExe, OwnExe, OthExe, the result is Readonly, Executable, GrpExe, OwnExe, OthExe, it partly not pass( Solaris version )",
    1704             :                                     ( osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly | osl_File_Attribute_Executable | osl_File_Attribute_GrpExe | osl_File_Attribute_OwnExe | osl_File_Attribute_OthExe ) ==
    1705           0 :                                     rFileStatus.getAttributes() );
    1706             : #endif
    1707           0 :         }
    1708             : 
    1709             : #if ( defined UNX )
    1710           0 :         void getAttributes_003()
    1711             :         {
    1712           0 :             changeFileMode( aTypeURL, S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH );
    1713             : 
    1714           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    1715           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1716           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1717             : 
    1718           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: GrpWrite, OwnWrite, OthWrite( Solaris version )",
    1719             :                                     ( osl_File_Attribute_GrpWrite | osl_File_Attribute_OwnWrite | osl_File_Attribute_OthWrite ) ==
    1720           0 :                                     rFileStatus.getAttributes() );
    1721           0 :         }
    1722             : #else                                    //Windows version
    1723             :         void getAttributes_003()
    1724             :         {
    1725             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: GrpWrite, OwnWrite, OthWrite( Windows version )",
    1726             :                                      1 == 1 );
    1727             :         }
    1728             : #endif
    1729             : 
    1730             : #if ( defined UNX )                     //hidden file definition may different in Windows
    1731           0 :         void getAttributes_004()
    1732             :         {
    1733           0 :             sal_Int32 test_Attributes = osl_File_Attribute_Hidden;
    1734           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    1735           0 :             nError = rItem_hidden.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1736           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1737           0 :             test_Attributes &= rFileStatus.getAttributes();
    1738             : 
    1739           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAttributes function: Hidden files( Solaris version )",
    1740           0 :                                     test_Attributes == osl_File_Attribute_Hidden );
    1741           0 :         }
    1742             : #else                                    //Windows version
    1743             :         void getAttributes_004()
    1744             :         {
    1745             :             ::rtl::OUString aUserHiddenFileURL ("file:///c:/AUTOEXEC.BAT");
    1746             :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aUserHiddenFileURL, rItem_hidden );
    1747             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("get item fail", nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1748             :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    1749             :             nError = rItem_hidden.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1750             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1751             : 
    1752             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Hidden files(Windows version), please check if hidden file c:/AUTOEXEC.BAT exists ",
    1753             :                                     (rFileStatus.getAttributes() & osl_File_Attribute_Hidden)!= 0 );
    1754             :         }
    1755             : #endif
    1756             : 
    1757           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getAttributes );
    1758           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAttributes_001 );
    1759           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAttributes_002 );
    1760           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAttributes_003 );
    1761           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAttributes_004 );
    1762           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1763             :     };// class getAttributes
    1764             : 
    1765             :     //  testing the method
    1766             :     //  inline TimeValue getAccessTime() const
    1767             : 
    1768           0 :     class  getAccessTime : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1769             :     {
    1770             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL;
    1771             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1772             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1773             : 
    1774             :         public:
    1775           0 :         getAccessTime() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1776             :         // initialization
    1777           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1778             :         {
    1779           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1780           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    1781           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1782           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1783           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1784             : 
    1785           0 :         }
    1786             : 
    1787           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1788             :         {
    1789           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1790           0 :         }
    1791             : 
    1792             :         // test code.
    1793           0 :         void getAccessTime_001()
    1794             :         {
    1795           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_current = NULL;
    1796           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_current = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    1797           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_access = NULL;
    1798           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_access = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    1799             : 
    1800           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime );
    1801           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1802           0 :             bool bOk = osl_getSystemTime( pTV_current );
    1803           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bOk && nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1804             : 
    1805           0 :             *pTV_access = rFileStatus.getAccessTime();
    1806             : 
    1807           0 :             bool bOK = t_compareTime( pTV_access, pTV_current, delta );
    1808           0 :             free( pTV_current );
    1809           0 :             free( pTV_access );
    1810             : 
    1811           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getAccessTime function: This test turns out that UNX pricision is no more than 1 sec, don't know how to test this function, in Windows test, it lost hour min sec, only have date time. ",
    1812           0 :                                     bOK );
    1813           0 :         }
    1814             : 
    1815           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getAccessTime );
    1816           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getAccessTime_001 );
    1817           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1818             :     };// class getAccessTime
    1819             : 
    1820             :     //  testing the method
    1821             :     //  inline TimeValue getModifyTime() const
    1822             : 
    1823           0 :     class  getModifyTime : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1824             :     {
    1825             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL;
    1826             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1827             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1828             : 
    1829             :         public:
    1830           0 :         getModifyTime() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1831             : 
    1832             :         // test code.
    1833           0 :         void getModifyTime_001()
    1834             :         {
    1835           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_current = NULL;
    1836           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_current = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    1837             : 
    1838             :             //create file
    1839           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1840           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    1841           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1842             : 
    1843             :             //get current time
    1844           0 :             bool bOk = osl_getSystemTime( pTV_current );
    1845           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bOk );
    1846             : 
    1847             :             //get instance item and filestatus
    1848           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1849           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1850           0 :             ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime );
    1851           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1852           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1853             : 
    1854             :             //get modify time
    1855           0 :             TimeValue* pTV_modify = NULL;
    1856           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_modify = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    1857           0 :             *pTV_modify = rFileStatus.getModifyTime();
    1858             : 
    1859           0 :             bool bOK = t_compareTime( pTV_modify, pTV_current, delta );
    1860             :             //delete file
    1861           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1862           0 :             free( pTV_current );
    1863           0 :             free( pTV_modify );
    1864             : 
    1865           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getModifyTime function: This test turns out that UNX pricision is no more than 1 sec, don't know how to improve this function.  ",
    1866           0 :                                     bOK );
    1867           0 :         }
    1868             : 
    1869           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getModifyTime );
    1870           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getModifyTime_001 );
    1871           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1872             :     };// class getModifyTime
    1873             : 
    1874             :     //  testing the method
    1875             :     //  inline sal_uInt64 getFileSize() const
    1876             : 
    1877           0 :     class  getFileSize : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1878             :     {
    1879             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL;
    1880             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1881             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1882             : 
    1883             :         public:
    1884             : 
    1885           0 :         getFileSize() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1886             : 
    1887             :         // initialization
    1888           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1889             :         {
    1890           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1891           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    1892           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1893           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1894           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1895           0 :         }
    1896             : 
    1897           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1898             :         {
    1899           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1900           0 :         }
    1901             : 
    1902             :         // test code.
    1903           0 :         void getFileSize_001()
    1904             :         {
    1905           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize );
    1906           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1907           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1908             : 
    1909           0 :             sal_uInt64 uFileSize = rFileStatus.getFileSize();
    1910             : 
    1911           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileSize function: empty file ",
    1912           0 :                                     0 == uFileSize );
    1913           0 :         }
    1914             : 
    1915           0 :         void getFileSize_002()
    1916             :         {
    1917           0 :             ::osl::File testfile( aTypeURL );
    1918           0 :             nError = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Read );
    1919           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError );
    1920           0 :             nError = testfile.setSize( TEST_FILE_SIZE );
    1921           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError );
    1922             : 
    1923           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1924           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1925           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize );
    1926           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1927           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1928           0 :             sal_uInt64 uFileSize = rFileStatus.getFileSize();
    1929             : 
    1930           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileSize function: file with size of TEST_FILE_SIZE, did not pass in (W32). ",
    1931           0 :                                     TEST_FILE_SIZE == uFileSize );
    1932           0 :         }
    1933           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFileSize );
    1934           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileSize_001 );
    1935           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileSize_002 );
    1936           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1937             :     };// class getFileSize
    1938             : 
    1939             :     //  testing the method
    1940             :     //  inline ::rtl::OUString getFileName() const
    1941             : 
    1942           0 :     class  getFileName : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1943             :     {
    1944             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL;
    1945             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1946             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1947             : 
    1948             :         public:
    1949           0 :         getFileName() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1950             :         // initialization
    1951           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1952             :         {
    1953           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    1954           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    1955           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1956           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTypeURL, rItem );
    1957           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1958           0 :         }
    1959             : 
    1960           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1961             :         {
    1962           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    1963           0 :         }
    1964             : 
    1965             :         // test code.
    1966           0 :         void getFileName_001()
    1967             :         {
    1968           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    1969           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    1970           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    1971             : 
    1972           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileName = rFileStatus.getFileName();
    1973             : 
    1974           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileName function: name compare with specify",
    1975           0 :                                     compareFileName( aFileName, aTmpName2 ) );
    1976           0 :         }
    1977             : 
    1978           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFileName );
    1979           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileName_001 );
    1980           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    1981             :     };// class getFileName
    1982             : 
    1983             :     //  testing the method
    1984             :     //  inline ::rtl::OUString getFileURL() const
    1985             : 
    1986           0 :     class  getFileURL : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    1987             :     {
    1988             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    1989             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    1990             : 
    1991             :         public:
    1992           0 :         getFileURL() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    1993             : 
    1994             :         // initialization
    1995           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    1996             :         {
    1997           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    1998           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    1999           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    2000           0 :         }
    2001             : 
    2002           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2003             :         {
    2004           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    2005           0 :         }
    2006             : 
    2007             :         // test code.
    2008           0 :         void getFileURL_001()
    2009             :         {
    2010           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL );
    2011           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    2012           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError == FileBase::E_None );
    2013             : 
    2014           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileURL = rFileStatus.getFileURL();
    2015             : 
    2016           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileURL function: ",
    2017           0 :                                     compareFileName( aFileURL, aTmpName6 ) );
    2018           0 :         }
    2019             : 
    2020           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFileURL );
    2021           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileURL_001 );
    2022           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2023             :     };// class getFileURL
    2024             : 
    2025             :     //  testing the method
    2026             :     //  inline ::rtl::OUString getLinkTargetURL() const
    2027             : 
    2028           0 :     class  getLinkTargetURL : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2029             :     {
    2030             :         ::rtl::OUString         aTypeURL;
    2031             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError;
    2032             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    2033             : 
    2034             :         public:
    2035             : 
    2036           0 :         getLinkTargetURL() :nError(FileBase::E_None) {}
    2037             :         // test code.
    2038             :         // initialization
    2039           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2040             :         {
    2041           0 :             aTypeURL = aUserDirectoryURL.copy( 0 );
    2042           0 :             concatURL( aTypeURL, aTmpName2 );
    2043           0 :             createTestFile( aTypeURL );
    2044           0 :         }
    2045             : 
    2046           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2047             :         {
    2048           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTypeURL );
    2049           0 :         }
    2050             : 
    2051             : #if ( defined UNX )            //Link file is not define in Windows
    2052           0 :         void getLinkTargetURL_001()
    2053             :         {
    2054             :             //create a link file;
    2055           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr_LnkFileSys( aTempDirectorySys ), aUStr_SrcFileSys( aTempDirectorySys );
    2056           0 :             ( ( aUStr_LnkFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/link.file");
    2057           0 :             ( ( aUStr_SrcFileSys += aSlashURL ) += getCurrentPID() ) += ::rtl::OUString("/tmpname");
    2058             : 
    2059           0 :                 rtl::OString strLinkFileName, strSrcFileName;
    2060           0 :                 strLinkFileName = OUStringToOString( aUStr_LnkFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    2061           0 :                 strSrcFileName  = OUStringToOString( aUStr_SrcFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    2062             : 
    2063             :             sal_Int32 fd;
    2064           0 :                 fd = symlink( strSrcFileName.getStr(), strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    2065           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "in creating link file",  fd == 0 );
    2066             : 
    2067             :             //get linkTarget URL
    2068           0 :             nError = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aLnkURL1, rItem );
    2069           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "in getting link file item", nError == FileBase::E_None );
    2070             : 
    2071           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL );
    2072           0 :             nError = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    2073           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "in getting link file status", nError == FileBase::E_None );
    2074           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileURL = rFileStatus.getLinkTargetURL();
    2075             : 
    2076             :             //remove link file
    2077           0 :                 fd = remove( strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    2078           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "in deleting link file",  fd == 0 );
    2079             : 
    2080           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getLinkTargetURL function: Solaris version, creat a file, and a link file link to it, get its LinkTargetURL and compare",
    2081           0 :                                     compareFileName( aFileURL, aTypeURL ) );
    2082           0 :         }
    2083             : #else
    2084             :         void getLinkTargetURL_001()
    2085             :         {
    2086             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getLinkTargetURL function: Windows version, not tested",
    2087             :                                     1 );
    2088             :         }
    2089             : #endif
    2090             : 
    2091           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getLinkTargetURL );
    2092           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getLinkTargetURL_001 );
    2093           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2094             :     };// class getLinkTargetURL
    2095             : 
    2096           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::ctors, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2097           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::isValid, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2098           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getFileType, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2099           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getAttributes, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2100           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getAccessTime, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2101           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getModifyTime, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2102           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getFileSize, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2103           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getFileName, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2104           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getFileURL, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2105           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_FileStatus::getLinkTargetURL, "osl_FileStatus" );
    2106             : }// namespace osl_FileStatus
    2107             : 
    2108             : // Beginning of the test cases for File class
    2109             : 
    2110             : namespace osl_File
    2111             : {
    2112             : 
    2113             :     //  testing the method
    2114             :     //  File( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
    2115             : 
    2116           0 :     class  ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2117             :     {
    2118             :         // ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    2119             : 
    2120             :         public:
    2121             :         // initialization
    2122           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2123             :         {
    2124             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2125           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2126           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2127           0 :         }
    2128             : 
    2129           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2130             :         {
    2131             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2132           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2133           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2134           0 :         }
    2135             : 
    2136             :         // test code.
    2137           0 :         void ctors_001()
    2138             :         {
    2139           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2140             : 
    2141           0 :             ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2142           0 :             ::osl::FileBase::RC nError2 = testFile.close();
    2143           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: initialize a File and test its open and close",
    2144           0 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) );
    2145           0 :         }
    2146             : 
    2147           0 :         void ctors_002()
    2148             :         {
    2149           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName5 );
    2150           0 :             sal_Char buffer[30] = "Test for File constructor";
    2151             :             sal_uInt64 nCount;
    2152             : 
    2153           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2154           0 :                 ::osl::FileBase::RC nError2 = testFile.write( buffer, 30, nCount );
    2155           0 :             testFile.close();
    2156             : 
    2157           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: test relative file URL, this test show that relative file URL is also acceptable",
    2158           0 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) && ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 )  );
    2159           0 :         }
    2160             : 
    2161           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( ctors );
    2162           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_001 );
    2163           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_002 );
    2164           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2165             :     };// class ctors
    2166             : 
    2167             :     //  testing the method
    2168             :     //  inline RC open( sal_uInt32 uFlags )
    2169             : 
    2170           0 :     class  open : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2171             :     {
    2172             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2, nError3;
    2173             : 
    2174             :         public:
    2175           0 :         open()
    2176             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2177             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
    2178           0 :             , nError3(FileBase::E_None) {}
    2179             :         // initialization
    2180           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2181             :         {
    2182             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2183           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2184           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2185           0 :         }
    2186             : 
    2187           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2188             :         {
    2189             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2190           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2191           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2192           0 :         }
    2193             : 
    2194             :         // test code.
    2195           0 :         void open_001()
    2196             :         {
    2197           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2198             : 
    2199           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2200           0 :             nError2 = testFile.close();
    2201           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("close error", ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    2202             : 
    2203           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a regular file",
    2204           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2205           0 :         }
    2206             : 
    2207           0 :         void open_002()
    2208             :         {
    2209           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName3 );
    2210             : 
    2211           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read );
    2212             : 
    2213           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a directory",
    2214           0 :                                      ( File::E_INVAL == nError1 ) || ( File::E_ACCES == nError1 ) );
    2215           0 :         }
    2216             : 
    2217           0 :         void open_003()
    2218             :         {
    2219           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aCanURL1 );
    2220             : 
    2221           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2222             : 
    2223           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a non-exist file",
    2224           0 :                                      File::E_NOENT == nError1 );
    2225           0 :         }
    2226             : 
    2227           0 :         void open_004()
    2228             :         {
    2229           0 :             ::rtl::OUString  aTestFile( aRootURL );
    2230           0 :             concatURL( aTestFile, aTmpName2 );
    2231           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTestFile );
    2232             : 
    2233           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    2234           0 :             bool bOK = ( File::E_ACCES == nError1 );
    2235             : #if defined (WNT )
    2236             :             bOK = sal_True;  /// in Windows, you can create file in c:/ any way.
    2237             :             testFile.close();
    2238             :             deleteTestFile( aTestFile);
    2239             : #endif
    2240             : 
    2241           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: create an illegal file",
    2242           0 :                                     bOK );
    2243           0 :         }
    2244             : 
    2245           0 :         void open_005()
    2246             :         {
    2247           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2248             : 
    2249           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    2250             : 
    2251           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: create an exist file",
    2252           0 :                                      File::E_EXIST == nError1 );
    2253           0 :         }
    2254             : 
    2255           0 :         void open_006()
    2256             :         {
    2257           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aCanURL1 );
    2258           0 :             sal_Char buffer_write[30] = "Test for File open";
    2259             :             sal_Char buffer_read[30];
    2260             :             sal_uInt64 nCount_write, nCount_read;
    2261             : 
    2262           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    2263           0 :             nError2 = testFile.write( buffer_write, 30, nCount_write );
    2264           0 :              ::osl::FileBase::RC nError4 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 0 );
    2265           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError4 );
    2266           0 :             nError3 = buffer_read, 10, nCount_read );
    2267             : 
    2268           0 :              ::osl::FileBase::RC nError5 = testFile.close();
    2269           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError5 );
    2270           0 :             ::osl::FileBase::RC nError6 = osl::File::remove( aCanURL1 );
    2271           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError6 );
    2272             : 
    2273           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: test for osl_File_OpenFlag_Read, osl_File_OpenFlag_Write and osl_File_OpenFlag_Create",
    2274             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    2275             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    2276             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError3 ) &&
    2277             :                                     ( 30 == nCount_write ) &&
    2278           0 :                                     ( 10 == nCount_read ) );
    2279           0 :         }
    2280             : 
    2281           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( open );
    2282           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_001 );
    2283           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_002 );
    2284           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_003 );
    2285           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_004 );
    2286           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_005 );
    2287           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_006 );
    2288           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2289             :     };// class open
    2290             : 
    2291             :     //  testing the method
    2292             :     //  inline RC close()
    2293             : 
    2294           0 :     class  close : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2295             :     {
    2296             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2, nError3;
    2297             : 
    2298             :         public:
    2299           0 :         close()
    2300             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2301             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
    2302           0 :             , nError3(FileBase::E_None) {}
    2303             :         // initialization
    2304           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2305             :         {
    2306             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2307           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2308           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2309           0 :         }
    2310             : 
    2311           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2312             :         {
    2313             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2314           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2315           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2316           0 :         }
    2317             : 
    2318             :         // test code.
    2319           0 :         void close_001()
    2320             :         {
    2321           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2322             : 
    2323           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2324           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2325             : 
    2326           0 :             nError2 = testFile.close();
    2327             : 
    2328           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for close function: close a regular file",
    2329           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    2330           0 :         }
    2331             : 
    2332           0 :         void close_002()
    2333             :         {
    2334           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2335             : 
    2336           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2337           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2338             : 
    2339           0 :             nError2 = testFile.close();
    2340             : 
    2341           0 :              nError3 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 0 );
    2342             : 
    2343           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for close function: manipulate a file after it has been closed",
    2344             :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    2345           0 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None != nError3 ) );
    2346           0 :         }
    2347             : 
    2348           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( close );
    2349           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( close_001 );
    2350           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( close_002 );
    2351           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2352             :     };// class close
    2353             : 
    2354             :     //  testing the method
    2355             :     //  inline RC setPos( sal_uInt32 uHow, sal_Int64 uPos )
    2356             : 
    2357           0 :     class  setPos : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2358             :     {
    2359             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    2360             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write, nCount_read;
    2361             : 
    2362             :         public:
    2363           0 :         setPos()
    2364             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2365             :             , nCount_write(0)
    2366           0 :             , nCount_read(0)
    2367             :         {
    2368           0 :         }
    2369             : 
    2370             :         // initialization
    2371           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2372             :         {
    2373             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2374           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2375           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2376             : 
    2377             :             //write chars into the file.
    2378           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2379             : 
    2380           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2381           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2382           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    2383           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2384           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2385           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2386           0 :         }
    2387             : 
    2388           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2389             :         {
    2390             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2391           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2392           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2393           0 :         }
    2394             : 
    2395             :         // test code.
    2396           0 :         void setPos_001()
    2397             :         {
    2398           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2399             :             sal_Char buffer_read[2];
    2400             : 
    2401           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2402           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2403           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 26 );
    2404           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2405           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 1, nCount_read );
    2406           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2407           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2408           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2409             : 
    2410           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setPos function: test for osl_Pos_Absolut, set the position to 26, test if the 26th char in file is correct",
    2411           0 :                                      buffer_read[0] == pBuffer_Char[26] );
    2412           0 :         }
    2413             : 
    2414           0 :         void setPos_002()
    2415             :         {
    2416           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2417             :             sal_Char buffer_read[2];
    2418             : 
    2419           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2420           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2421           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ) - 2 );
    2422           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2423           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Current, 0);
    2424           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2425           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 1, nCount_read );
    2426           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2427           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2428           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2429             : 
    2430           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setPos function: test for osl_Pos_Current, set the position to end, test if the ( end -1 ) char in file is correct",
    2431           0 :                                      buffer_read[0] == pBuffer_Char[sizeof( pBuffer_Char ) - 2] );
    2432           0 :         }
    2433             : 
    2434           0 :         void setPos_003()
    2435             :         {
    2436           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2437             :             sal_Char buffer_read[2];
    2438             : 
    2439           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2440           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2441             :             //the file size is smaller than 100
    2442           0 :             nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End,  -100 );
    2443           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "should return error", ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 );
    2444             : 
    2445           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, -53 );
    2446           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2447           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 1, nCount_read );
    2448           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2449           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2450           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2451             : 
    2452           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setPos function: test for osl_Pos_End, set the position to end, test if the first char in file is correct",
    2453           0 :                                      buffer_read[0] == pBuffer_Char[0] );
    2454           0 :         }
    2455             : 
    2456           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( setPos );
    2457           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setPos_001 );
    2458           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setPos_002 );
    2459           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setPos_003 );
    2460           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2461             :     };// class setPos
    2462             : 
    2463             :     //  testing the method
    2464             :     //  inline RC getPos( sal_uInt64& uPos )
    2465             : 
    2466           0 :     class  getPos : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2467             :     {
    2468             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2469             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    2470             : 
    2471             :         public:
    2472           0 :         getPos()
    2473             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2474           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    2475             :         {
    2476           0 :         }
    2477             : 
    2478             :         // initialization
    2479           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2480             :         {
    2481             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2482           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2483           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2484             : 
    2485             :             //write chars into the file.
    2486           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2487             : 
    2488           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2489           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2490           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    2491           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2492           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2493           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2494           0 :         }
    2495             : 
    2496           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2497             :         {
    2498             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2499           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2500           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2501           0 :         }
    2502             : 
    2503             :         // test code.
    2504           0 :         void getPos_001()
    2505             :         {
    2506           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2507             :             sal_uInt64 nFilePointer;
    2508             : 
    2509           0 :             nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2510           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 );
    2511             : 
    2512           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2513           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2514             : 
    2515           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 26 );
    2516           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2517           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2518           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2519             : 
    2520           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2521           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2522             : 
    2523           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getPos function: set the position to 26, get position and check if it is right",
    2524           0 :                                      26 == nFilePointer );
    2525           0 :         }
    2526             : 
    2527           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getPos );
    2528           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getPos_001 );
    2529           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2530             :     };// class getPos
    2531             : 
    2532             :     //  testing the method
    2533             :     //  inline RC isEndOfFile( sal_Bool *pIsEOF )
    2534             : 
    2535           0 :     class  isEndOfFile : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2536             :     {
    2537             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2538             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    2539             : 
    2540             :         public:
    2541           0 :         isEndOfFile()
    2542             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2543           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    2544             :         {
    2545           0 :         }
    2546             : 
    2547             :         // initialization
    2548           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2549             :         {
    2550             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2551           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2552           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2553             : 
    2554             :             //write chars into the file.
    2555           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2556             : 
    2557           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2558           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2559           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    2560           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2561           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2562           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2563           0 :         }
    2564             : 
    2565           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2566             :         {
    2567             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2568           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2569           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2570           0 :         }
    2571             : 
    2572             :         // test code.
    2573           0 :         void isEndOfFile_001()
    2574             :         {
    2575           0 :             ::osl::File   testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2576           0 :             sal_Bool      bEOF  = sal_False;
    2577           0 :             sal_Bool      *pEOF = &bEOF;
    2578             : 
    2579           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2580           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2581             : 
    2582           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, 0 );
    2583           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2584           0 :             nError1 = testFile.isEndOfFile( pEOF );
    2585           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2586             : 
    2587           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2588           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2589             : 
    2590           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isEndOfFile function: set the position to end, check if reach end",
    2591           0 :                                      sal_True == *pEOF );
    2592           0 :         }
    2593             : 
    2594           0 :         void isEndOfFile_002()
    2595             :         {
    2596           0 :              ::osl::File   testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2597           0 :             sal_Bool      bEOF  = sal_False;
    2598           0 :             sal_Bool      *pEOF = &bEOF;
    2599           0 :             sal_uInt64    nFilePointer = 0;
    2600             : 
    2601           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2602           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2603             : 
    2604           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 0 );
    2605           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2606           0 :             *pEOF = sal_False;
    2607           0 :              while ( !( *pEOF ) )
    2608             :             {
    2609           0 :                 nError1 = testFile.isEndOfFile( pEOF );
    2610           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2611           0 :                 nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Current, 1 );
    2612           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2613             :             }
    2614           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2615           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2616             : 
    2617           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2618           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2619             : 
    2620           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isEndOfFile function: use isEndOfFile to move pointer step by step",
    2621           0 :                                       sizeof( pBuffer_Char ) + 1 == nFilePointer  );
    2622           0 :         }
    2623           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( isEndOfFile );
    2624           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isEndOfFile_001 );
    2625           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isEndOfFile_002 );
    2626           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2627             :     };// class isEndOfFile
    2628             : 
    2629             :     //  testing the method
    2630             :     //  inline RC setSize( sal_uInt64 uSize )
    2631             : 
    2632           0 :     class  setSize : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2633             :     {
    2634             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2635             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    2636             : 
    2637             :         public:
    2638           0 :         setSize()
    2639             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2640           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    2641             :         {
    2642           0 :         }
    2643             : 
    2644             :         // initialization
    2645           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2646             :         {
    2647             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2648           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2649           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2650             : 
    2651             :             //write chars into the file.
    2652           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2653             : 
    2654           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2655           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2656           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    2657           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2658           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2659           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2660           0 :         }
    2661             : 
    2662           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2663             :         {
    2664             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2665           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2666           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2667           0 :         }
    2668             : 
    2669             :         // test code.
    2670           0 :         void setSize_001()
    2671             :         {
    2672           0 :             ::osl::File   testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2673             :             // sal_Bool      bEOF  = sal_False;
    2674             :             // sal_Bool      *pEOF = &bEOF;
    2675             :             sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    2676             : 
    2677           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2678           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2679             : 
    2680             :             //enlarge the file to size of 100;
    2681           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setSize( 100 );
    2682           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2683             : 
    2684             :             //get the file size;
    2685           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, 0 );
    2686           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2687           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2688           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2689             : 
    2690           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2691           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2692             : 
    2693           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setSize function: enlarge the file ",
    2694           0 :                                      100 == nFilePointer );
    2695           0 :         }
    2696             : 
    2697           0 :         void setSize_002()
    2698             :         {
    2699           0 :             ::osl::File   testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2700             :             // sal_Bool      bEOF  = sal_False;
    2701             :             // sal_Bool      *pEOF = &bEOF;
    2702             :             sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    2703             : 
    2704           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2705           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2706             : 
    2707             :             //enlarge the file to size of 100;
    2708           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setSize( 10 );
    2709           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2710             : 
    2711             :             //get the file size;
    2712           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, 0 );
    2713           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2714           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2715           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2716             : 
    2717           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2718           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2719             : 
    2720           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setSize function: truncate the file ",
    2721           0 :                                      10 == nFilePointer );
    2722           0 :         }
    2723             : 
    2724           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( setSize );
    2725           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setSize_001 );
    2726           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setSize_002 );
    2727           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2728             :     };// class setSize
    2729             : 
    2730             :     //  testing the method
    2731             :     //  inline RC read( void *pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesRequested, sal_uInt64& rBytesRead )
    2732             : 
    2733           0 :     class  read : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2734             :     {
    2735             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2736             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write, nCount_read;
    2737             : 
    2738             :         public:
    2739           0 :         read()
    2740             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2741             :             , nCount_write(0)
    2742           0 :             , nCount_read(0)
    2743             :         {
    2744           0 :         }
    2745             :         // initialization
    2746           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2747             :         {
    2748             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2749           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2750           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2751             : 
    2752             :             //write chars into the file.
    2753           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2754             : 
    2755           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2756           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2757           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    2758           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2759           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2760           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2761           0 :         }
    2762             : 
    2763           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2764             :         {
    2765             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2766           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2767           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2768           0 :         }
    2769             : 
    2770             :         // test code.
    2771           0 :         void read_001()
    2772             :         {
    2773           0 :             ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2774             :             sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    2775             :             sal_Char       buffer_read[10];
    2776             : 
    2777           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2778           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2779             : 
    2780           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 10, nCount_read );
    2781           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2782           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2783           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2784             : 
    2785           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2786           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2787             : 
    2788           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for read function: read whole content in the file to a buffer",
    2789           0 :                                      ( 10 == nFilePointer ) && ( 0 == strncmp( buffer_read, pBuffer_Char, 10 ) ) );
    2790           0 :         }
    2791             : 
    2792           0 :         void read_002()
    2793             :         {
    2794           0 :             ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2795             :             sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    2796             :             sal_Char       buffer_read[26];
    2797             : 
    2798           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2799           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2800             : 
    2801           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 26 );
    2802           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2803           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 26, nCount_read );
    2804           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2805           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2806           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2807             : 
    2808           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2809           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2810             : 
    2811           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for read function: read from a special position in the file",
    2812           0 :                                      ( 52 == nFilePointer ) && ( 26 == nCount_read ) && ( 0 == strncmp( buffer_read, &pBuffer_Char[26], 26 ) ) );
    2813           0 :         }
    2814             : 
    2815           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( read );
    2816           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( read_001 );
    2817           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( read_002 );
    2818           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2819             :     };// class read
    2820             : 
    2821             :     //  testing the method
    2822             :     //  inline RC write(const void *pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesToWrite, sal_uInt64& rBytesWritten)
    2823             : 
    2824           0 :     class  write : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2825             :     {
    2826             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2827             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write, nCount_read;
    2828             : 
    2829             :         public:
    2830           0 :         write()
    2831             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2832             :             , nCount_write(0)
    2833           0 :             , nCount_read(0)
    2834             :         {
    2835           0 :         }
    2836             : 
    2837             :         // initialization
    2838           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2839             :         {
    2840             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    2841           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    2842           0 :         }
    2843             : 
    2844           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2845             :         {
    2846             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    2847           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    2848           0 :         }
    2849             : 
    2850             :         // test code.
    2851           0 :         void write_001()
    2852             :         {
    2853           0 :             ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName6 );
    2854             :             sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    2855             :             sal_Char       buffer_read[10];
    2856             : 
    2857           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2858           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2859             : 
    2860             :             //write chars into the file.
    2861           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, 10, nCount_write );
    2862           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2863             :             //get the current pointer;
    2864           0 :              nError1 = testFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    2865           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2866             :             //reset pointer to the beginning;
    2867           0 :              nError1 = testFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, 0 );
    2868           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2869           0 :             nError1 = buffer_read, 10, nCount_read );
    2870           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2871             : 
    2872           0 :             nError1 = testFile.close();
    2873           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2874             : 
    2875           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for write function: read whole content in the file to a buffer. Note, buffer size can not smaller than the read size",
    2876             :                                      ( 10 == nFilePointer ) &&
    2877             :                                     ( 0 == strncmp( buffer_read, pBuffer_Char, 10 ) ) &&
    2878           0 :                                     ( 10 == nCount_write ) );
    2879           0 :         }
    2880             : 
    2881           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( write );
    2882           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( write_001 );
    2883           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2884             :     };// class write
    2885             : 
    2886             :     //  testing the method
    2887             :     //  inline RC readLine( ::rtl::ByteSequence& aSeq )
    2888             : 
    2889           0 :     class  readLine : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2890             :     {
    2891             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2892             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    2893             :         ::rtl::ByteSequence      aSequence;
    2894             : 
    2895             :         public:
    2896           0 :         readLine()
    2897             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2898           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    2899             :         {
    2900           0 :         }
    2901             :         // initialization
    2902           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2903             :         {
    2904             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    2905           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    2906             : 
    2907             :             //write some strings into the file.
    2908           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName6 );
    2909             :             sal_Char ppStrSeq[3][27]  =  { "abcde\n",
    2910             :                                         "1234567890\n",
    2911             :                                         "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    2912           0 :                                       };
    2913             : 
    2914           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2915           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2916             : 
    2917           0 :             for ( int nCount = 0; nCount < 3; nCount++ )
    2918             :             {
    2919           0 :                 nError1 = testFile.write( ppStrSeq[nCount], strlen( ppStrSeq[nCount] ), nCount_write );
    2920           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2921             :             }
    2922             : 
    2923           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    2924           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2925           0 :         }
    2926             : 
    2927           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2928             :         {
    2929             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    2930           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    2931           0 :         }
    2932             : 
    2933             :         // test code.
    2934           0 :         void readLine_001()
    2935             :         {
    2936           0 :              ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName6 );
    2937             : 
    2938           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2939           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2940           0 :             nError1 = testFile.readLine( aSequence );
    2941           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2942           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for readLine function: read the first line of the file.",
    2943             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    2944           0 :                                     ( 0 == strncmp( ( const char * )aSequence.getArray(), pBuffer_Char, 5 ) ) );
    2945           0 :         }
    2946             : 
    2947           0 :         void readLine_002()
    2948             :         {
    2949           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName6 );
    2950           0 :             sal_Bool bEOF  = sal_False;
    2951           0 :             sal_Bool *pEOF = &bEOF;
    2952             : 
    2953           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2954           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2955           0 :             for ( int nCount = 0; nCount < 3; nCount++ )
    2956             :             {
    2957           0 :                 nError1 = testFile.readLine( aSequence );
    2958           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2959             :             }
    2960           0 :              nError1 = testFile.isEndOfFile( pEOF );
    2961           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    2962             : 
    2963           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for readLine function: read three lines of the file and check the file pointer moving.",
    2964             :                                      *pEOF &&
    2965           0 :                                     ( 0 == strncmp( ( const char * )aSequence.getArray(), &pBuffer_Char[26], 26 ) ) );
    2966           0 :         }
    2967           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( readLine );
    2968           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( readLine_001 );
    2969           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( readLine_002 );
    2970           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    2971             :     };// class readLine
    2972             : 
    2973             :     //  testing the method
    2974             :     //  inline static RC copy( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSourceFileURL, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDestFileURL )
    2975             : 
    2976           0 :     class  copy : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    2977             :     {
    2978             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1;
    2979             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    2980             : 
    2981             :         public:
    2982           0 :         copy()
    2983             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    2984           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    2985             :         {
    2986           0 :         }
    2987             : 
    2988             :         // initialization
    2989           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    2990             :         {
    2991             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    2992           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    2993           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    2994             : 
    2995             :             //write chars into the file.
    2996           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    2997             : 
    2998           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    2999           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3000           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    3001           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3002           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    3003           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3004           0 :         }
    3005             : 
    3006           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3007             :         {
    3008             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3009           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3010           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3011           0 :         }
    3012             : 
    3013             :         // test code.
    3014           0 :         void copy_001()
    3015             :         {
    3016           0 :              ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName6 );
    3017             : 
    3018             :             //copy $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpname.
    3019           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName4, aTmpName6 );
    3020           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3021             :             //check
    3022           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    3023           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3024             : 
    3025           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: copy file to upper directory",
    3026           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError1 );
    3027           0 :         }
    3028             : 
    3029           0 :         void copy_002()
    3030             :         {
    3031             :             //copy $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpdir.
    3032           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName4, aTmpName3 );
    3033             : 
    3034           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: use directory as destination",
    3035           0 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR == nError1 ) ||( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 )  );
    3036           0 :         }
    3037             : 
    3038           0 :         void copy_003()
    3039             :         {
    3040             :             //copy $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $ROOT/tmpname.
    3041           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName4, aTmpName7 );
    3042             : #if defined (WNT )
    3043             :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES;  /// for Windows, c:/ is writtenable any way.
    3044             :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName7);
    3045             : #endif
    3046           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: copy to an illigal place",
    3047           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 );
    3048           0 :         }
    3049             : 
    3050           0 :         void copy_004()
    3051             :         {
    3052             :             //copy $TEMP/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3053           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName6, aTmpName4 );
    3054             : 
    3055           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: copy a not exist file",
    3056           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 );
    3057           0 :         }
    3058             : 
    3059           0 :         void copy_005()
    3060             :         {
    3061             :             //copy $TEMP/tmpname to $TEMP/system.path using system path.
    3062           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName6, aSysPath1 );
    3063             : 
    3064           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: copy a file using system file path",
    3065           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 );
    3066           0 :         }
    3067           0 :       void copy_006()
    3068             :       {
    3069           0 :         createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3070           0 :         File tmpFile( aTmpName6 );
    3071           0 :         FileBase::RC err = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Read );
    3072             :         (void)err;
    3073           0 :         tmpFile.setSize( 200 );
    3074           0 :         tmpFile.close();
    3075             :         //copy to new path
    3076           0 :         nError1 = ::osl::File::copy( aTmpName6, aTmpName4 );
    3077           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3078             : 
    3079             :         //check if is the new file
    3080           0 :         File newFile( aTmpName4 );
    3081           0 : osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Read );
    3082           0 :         nError1 = newFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, 0 );
    3083           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3084             :         sal_uInt64     nFilePointer;
    3085           0 :         nError1 = newFile.getPos( nFilePointer );
    3086           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3087           0 :         newFile.close();
    3088           0 :         deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3089           0 :         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy function: the dest file exist",
    3090           0 :                     nFilePointer == 200 );
    3091           0 :       }
    3092             : 
    3093           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( copy );
    3094           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_001 );
    3095           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_002 );
    3096           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_003 );
    3097           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_004 );
    3098           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_005 );
    3099           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_006 );
    3100           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3101             :     };// class copy
    3102             : 
    3103             :     //  testing the method
    3104             :     //  inline static RC move( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrSourceFileURL, const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDestFileURL )
    3105             : 
    3106           0 :     class  move : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3107             :     {
    3108             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1, nError2;
    3109             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    3110             : 
    3111             :         public:
    3112           0 :         move()
    3113             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    3114             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
    3115           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    3116             :         {
    3117           0 :         }
    3118             : 
    3119             :         // initialization
    3120           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3121             :         {
    3122             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3123           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3124           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3125             : 
    3126             :             //write chars into the file.
    3127           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    3128             : 
    3129           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    3130           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3131           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    3132           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3133           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    3134           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3135           0 :         }
    3136             : 
    3137           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3138             :         {
    3139             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3140           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3141           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3142           0 :         }
    3143             : 
    3144             :         // test code.
    3145           0 :         void move_001()
    3146             :         {
    3147             :             //rename $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $TEMP/
    3148           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName4, aCanURL1 );
    3149           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3150             :             //check
    3151           0 :              ::osl::File    testFile( aCanURL1 );
    3152           0 :             nError2 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    3153           0 :             deleteTestFile( aCanURL1 );
    3154             : 
    3155           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: rename file to another directory",
    3156           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 );
    3157           0 :         }
    3158             : 
    3159           0 :         void move_002()
    3160             :         {
    3161             :             //move $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpdir.
    3162           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName4, aTmpName3 );
    3163             :             //returned ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES on WNT
    3164           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: use directory as destination",
    3165           0 :                  ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 || ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR == nError1 ) ||( ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError1 )  );
    3166           0 :         }
    3167             : 
    3168           0 :         void move_003()
    3169             :         {
    3170             :             //move $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $ROOT/tmpname.
    3171           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName4, aTmpName7 );
    3172             : #if defined (WNT )
    3173             :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES;  /// for Windows, c:/ is writtenable any way.
    3174             :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName7);
    3175             : #endif
    3176             : 
    3177           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: move to an illigal place",
    3178           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 );
    3179           0 :         }
    3180             : 
    3181           0 :         void move_004()
    3182             :         {
    3183             :             //move $TEMP/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3184           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName6, aTmpName4 );
    3185             : 
    3186           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: move a not exist file",
    3187           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 );
    3188           0 :         }
    3189             : 
    3190           0 :         void move_005()
    3191             :         {
    3192             :             //move $TEMP/tmpname to $TEMP/system.path using system path.
    3193           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName6, aSysPath1 );
    3194             : 
    3195           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: move a file using system file",
    3196           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 );
    3197           0 :         }
    3198             : 
    3199           0 :         void move_006()
    3200             :         {
    3201             :             //move directory $TEMP/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3202           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName6 );
    3203           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName6, aTmpName4 );
    3204             :             //move file $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname to $TEMP/tmpname
    3205           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName4, aTmpName6 );
    3206           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName6 );
    3207             : #if defined ( WNT )
    3208             :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName4 );// in Windows, it can be moved!!!!! this is only for not influence the following test.
    3209             :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3210             :             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR;
    3211             :             nError2 = ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR;
    3212             : #endif
    3213           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: move a directory to an exist file with same name, did not pass in (W32)",
    3214           0 :                                      ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR == nError1 && ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR == nError2 );
    3215           0 :         }
    3216             : 
    3217           0 :         void move_007()
    3218             :         {
    3219             :             //create directory $TEMP/tmpname.
    3220           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName6 );
    3221             :             //move directory $TEMP/tmpdir to $TEMP/tmpname/tmpdir
    3222           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::move( aTmpName3, aTmpName8 );
    3223             :             //check
    3224           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::Directory::create( aTmpName8 );
    3225           0 :             ::osl::File::move( aTmpName8, aTmpName3 );
    3226           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName6 );
    3227             : 
    3228           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for move function: move a directory to an exist file with same name",
    3229             :                                      (::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    3230           0 :                                     (::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError2 ) );
    3231           0 :         }
    3232             :       //bugid# 115420, after the bug fix, add the case
    3233           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( move );
    3234           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_001 );
    3235           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_002 );
    3236           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_003 );
    3237           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_004 );
    3238           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_005 );
    3239           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_006 );
    3240           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( move_007 );
    3241           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3242             :     };// class move
    3243             : 
    3244             :     //  testing the method
    3245             :     //  inline static RC remove( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL )
    3246             : 
    3247           0 :     class  remove : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3248             :     {
    3249             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1, nError2;
    3250             :         sal_uInt64 nCount_write;
    3251             : 
    3252             :         public:
    3253           0 :         remove()
    3254             :             : nError1(FileBase::E_None)
    3255             :             , nError2(FileBase::E_None)
    3256           0 :             , nCount_write(0)
    3257             :         {
    3258           0 :         }
    3259             : 
    3260             :         // initialization
    3261           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3262             :         {
    3263             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3264           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3265           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3266             : 
    3267             :             //write chars into the file.
    3268           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName4 );
    3269             : 
    3270           0 :             nError1 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write );
    3271           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3272           0 :             nError1 = testFile.write( pBuffer_Char, sizeof( pBuffer_Char ), nCount_write );
    3273           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3274           0 :              nError1 = testFile.close();
    3275           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3276           0 :         }
    3277             : 
    3278           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3279             :         {
    3280             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3281           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3282           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3283           0 :         }
    3284             : 
    3285             :         // test code.
    3286           0 :         void remove_001()
    3287             :         {
    3288             :             //remove $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3289           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::remove( aTmpName4 );
    3290             :             //check
    3291           0 :              ::osl::File    testFile( aTmpName4 );
    3292           0 :             nError2 = osl_File_OpenFlag_Create );
    3293             : 
    3294           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: remove a file",
    3295             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    3296           0 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST != nError2 ) );
    3297           0 :         }
    3298             : 
    3299           0 :         void remove_002()
    3300             :         {
    3301             :             //remove $TEMP/tmpname.
    3302           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::remove( aTmpName6 );
    3303             : 
    3304           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: remove a file not exist",
    3305           0 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    3306           0 :         }
    3307             : 
    3308           0 :         void remove_003()
    3309             :         {
    3310             :             //remove $TEMP/system/path.
    3311           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::remove( aSysPath2 );
    3312             : 
    3313           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: removing a file not using full qualified URL",
    3314           0 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    3315           0 :         }
    3316             : 
    3317           0 :         void remove_004()
    3318             :         {
    3319             :             //remove $TEMP/tmpdir.
    3320           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::remove( aTmpName3 );
    3321             : 
    3322           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: remove a directory",
    3323           0 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ISDIR == nError1 ) || ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 ));
    3324           0 :         }
    3325             : 
    3326           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( remove );
    3327           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_001 );
    3328           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_002 );
    3329           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_003 );
    3330           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_004 );
    3331           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3332             :     };// class remove
    3333             : 
    3334             :     //  testing the method
    3335             :     //  inline static RC setAttributes( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL, sal_uInt64 uAttributes )
    3336             : 
    3337           0 :     class  setAttributes : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3338             :     {
    3339             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC      nError1, nError2;
    3340             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem, rItem_hidden;
    3341             : 
    3342             :         public:
    3343           0 :         setAttributes() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3344             :         // initialization
    3345           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3346             :         {
    3347             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3348           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3349           0 :         }
    3350             : 
    3351           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3352             :         {
    3353             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3354           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3355           0 :         }
    3356             : 
    3357             :         // test code.
    3358           0 :         void setAttributes_001()
    3359             :         {
    3360             :         //on windows, only can set 2 attributes: osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly,  osl_File_Attribute_Hidden
    3361             : #ifdef UNX
    3362             :             //set the file to readonly
    3363           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aTmpName6, osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly | osl_File_Attribute_GrpRead | osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead | osl_File_Attribute_OthRead );
    3364           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3365           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3366           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3367             :             //get the file attributes
    3368           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    3369           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3370           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3371             : 
    3372           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setAttributes function: set file attributes and get it to verify.",
    3373             :                                     ( osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly | osl_File_Attribute_GrpRead | osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead | osl_File_Attribute_OthRead ) ==
    3374           0 :                                     rFileStatus.getAttributes() );
    3375             : #else
    3376             :             //please see GetFileAttributes
    3377             :             nError2 = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aTmpName6, osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly );
    3378             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3379             :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3380             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3381             :             //get the file attributes
    3382             :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    3383             :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3384             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3385             :             //here the file has 2 Attributes: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
    3386             :             // but FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL is valid only if used alone, so this is maybe a bug
    3387             :             /*::rtl::OString aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aTmpName6, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    3388             :             DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( aString.getStr() );
    3389             :             if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
    3390             :                 printf("has normal attribute");
    3391             :             if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
    3392             :                 printf("has readonly attribute");
    3393             :             */
    3394             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setAttributes function: set file attributes READONLY and get it to verify.",
    3395             :                                     (osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly & rFileStatus.getAttributes()) != 0  );
    3396             : #endif
    3397           0 :     }
    3398           0 :         void setAttributes_002()
    3399             :         {
    3400             :         //on UNX, can not set hidden attribute to file, rename file can set the attribute
    3401             : #ifdef WNT
    3402             :             //set the file to hidden
    3403             :             nError2 = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aTmpName6, osl_File_Attribute_Hidden);
    3404             : 
    3405             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3406             :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3407             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3408             :             //get the file attributes
    3409             :               ::osl::FileStatus rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes );
    3410             :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3411             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3412             : 
    3413             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setAttributes function: set file attributes and get it to verify.",
    3414             :                                     (osl_File_Attribute_Hidden & rFileStatus.getAttributes()) != 0 );
    3415             : #endif
    3416           0 :         }
    3417             : 
    3418           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( setAttributes );
    3419           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setAttributes_001 );
    3420           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setAttributes_002 );
    3421           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3422             :     };// class setAttributes
    3423             : 
    3424             :     //  testing the method
    3425             :     //  inline static RC setTime(
    3426             :     //         const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL,
    3427             :     //         const TimeValue& rCreationTime,
    3428             :     //         const TimeValue& rLastAccessTime,
    3429             :     //         const TimeValue& rLastWriteTime )
    3430             : 
    3431           0 :     class  setTime : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3432             :     {
    3433             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3434             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    3435             : 
    3436             :         public:
    3437           0 :         setTime() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3438             :         // initialization
    3439           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3440             :         {
    3441             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3442           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3443           0 :         }
    3444             : 
    3445           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3446             :         {
    3447             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3448           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3449           0 :         }
    3450             : 
    3451             :         // test code.
    3452           0 :         void setTime_001()
    3453             :         {
    3454           0 :              TimeValue *pTV_current  = NULL;
    3455           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_current = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    3456           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_creation = NULL;
    3457           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_creation = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    3458           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_access   = NULL;
    3459           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_access = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    3460           0 :             TimeValue *pTV_modify   = NULL;
    3461           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( pTV_modify = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) ) ) != NULL );
    3462             : 
    3463             :             //get current time
    3464           0 :             bool bOk = osl_getSystemTime( pTV_current );
    3465           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bOk );
    3466             : 
    3467             :             //set the file time
    3468           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::File::setTime( aTmpName6, *pTV_current, *pTV_current, *pTV_current );
    3469           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr( nError2 ).getStr(), nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3470             : 
    3471             :              //get the file access time, creation time, modify time
    3472           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3473           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr( nError1 ).getStr(), nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3474             : 
    3475           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime );
    3476           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3477           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr( nError1 ).getStr(),nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3478           0 :             *pTV_access = rFileStatus.getAccessTime();
    3479             : 
    3480           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus1( osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime );
    3481           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus1 );
    3482           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr( nError1 ).getStr(), nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3483           0 :             *pTV_creation = rFileStatus1.getCreationTime();
    3484             : 
    3485           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus2( osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime );
    3486           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus2 );
    3487           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( errorToStr( nError1 ).getStr(), nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3488           0 :             *pTV_modify = rFileStatus2.getModifyTime();
    3489             : 
    3490           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setTime function: set access time then get it. time precision is still a problem for it cut off the nanosec.",
    3491           0 :                 t_compareTime( pTV_access, pTV_current, delta ) );
    3492             : #if defined ( WNT )
    3493             :             //Unfortunately there is no way to get the creation time of a file under Unix (its a Windows only feature).
    3494             :             //That means the flag osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime should be deprecated under Unix.
    3495             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setTime function: set creation time then get it. ",
    3496             :                 sal_True == t_compareTime( pTV_creation, pTV_current, delta ) ) ;
    3497             : #endif
    3498           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for setTime function: set modify time then get it. ",
    3499           0 :                 t_compareTime( pTV_modify, pTV_current, delta ) );
    3500           0 :             free( pTV_current );
    3501           0 :             free( pTV_creation );
    3502           0 :             free( pTV_access );
    3503           0 :             free( pTV_modify );
    3504           0 :         }
    3505             : 
    3506           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( setTime );
    3507           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( setTime_001 );
    3508           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3509             :     };// class setTime
    3510             : 
    3511             :     //  testing the method
    3512             :     //  inline static RC sync()
    3513             : 
    3514           0 :         class  sync : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3515             :     {
    3516             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3517             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    3518             : 
    3519             :         public:
    3520           0 :         sync() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3521             :         // initialization
    3522           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3523             :         {
    3524             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3525           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3526             : 
    3527           0 :         }
    3528             : 
    3529           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3530             :         {
    3531             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3532           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3533           0 :         }
    3534             : 
    3535             :         // test case: if The file is located on a read only file system.
    3536           0 :         void sync_001()
    3537             :         {
    3538             : #ifdef UNX
    3539           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3540           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3541             : 
    3542           0 :             File tmp_file( aTmpName6 );
    3543           0 :             FileBase::RC err = );
    3544             : 
    3545           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("File open failed", err == FileBase::E_None);
    3546             : 
    3547             :             char buffer[50000];
    3548           0 :             sal_uInt64 written = 0;
    3549           0 :             nError1 = tmp_file.write((void*)buffer, sizeof(buffer), written);
    3550           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("write failed!", nError1 == FileBase::E_None);
    3551             : 
    3552             :             //set the file to readonly
    3553           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aTmpName6, osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly | osl_File_Attribute_GrpRead | osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead | osl_File_Attribute_OthRead );
    3554           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3555             : 
    3556           0 :             nError2 = tmp_file.sync();
    3557             : 
    3558           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("can not sync to readonly file!", nError2 == FileBase::E_None);
    3559             : 
    3560           0 :             tmp_file.close();
    3561             : #endif
    3562           0 :         }
    3563             :       //test case:no enough space, how to create such case???see test_cpy_wrt_file.cxx::test_osl_writeFile
    3564             : 
    3565           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( sync );
    3566           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( sync_001 );
    3567           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3568             :     };// class setTime
    3569             : 
    3570           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::ctors, "osl_File" );
    3571           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::open, "osl_File" );
    3572           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::close, "osl_File" );
    3573           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::setPos, "osl_File" );
    3574           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::getPos, "osl_File" );
    3575           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::isEndOfFile, "osl_File" );
    3576           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::setSize, "osl_File" );
    3577           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::read, "osl_File" );
    3578           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::write, "osl_File" );
    3579           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::readLine, "osl_File" );
    3580           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::copy, "osl_File" );
    3581           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::move, "osl_File" );
    3582           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::remove, "osl_File" );
    3583           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::setAttributes, "osl_File" );
    3584           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::setTime, "osl_File" );
    3585           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_File::sync, "osl_File" );
    3586             : // FIXME: to enable these tests (when they work cross-platform) we need to add the below:
    3587             : //    CPPUNIT_REGISTRY_ADD_TO_DEFAULT( "osl_File" );
    3588             : 
    3589             : }// namespace osl_File
    3590             : 
    3591             : // Beginning of the test cases for DirectoryItem class
    3592             : 
    3593             : namespace osl_DirectoryItem
    3594             : {
    3595             : 
    3596             :     //  testing the method
    3597             :     //  DirectoryItem(): _pData( NULL )
    3598             : 
    3599           0 :     class  ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3600             :     {
    3601             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    3602             : 
    3603             :         public:
    3604           0 :         ctors() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3605             :         // initialization
    3606           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3607             :         {
    3608             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3609           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3610           0 :         }
    3611             : 
    3612           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3613             :         {
    3614             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3615           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3616           0 :         }
    3617             : 
    3618             :         // test code.
    3619           0 :         void ctors_001()
    3620             :         {
    3621           0 :             ::osl::File testFile( aTmpName6 );
    3622           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3623             : 
    3624             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3625           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3626           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3627             : 
    3628           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: initialize a new instance of DirectoryItem and get an item to check.",
    3629           0 :                                       ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1  );
    3630           0 :         }
    3631             : 
    3632           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( ctors );
    3633           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_001 );
    3634           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3635             :     };// class ctors
    3636             : 
    3637             :     //  testing the method
    3638             :     //  DirectoryItem( const DirectoryItem& rItem ): _pData( rItem._pData)
    3639             : 
    3640           0 :     class  copy_assin_Ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3641             :     {
    3642             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    3643             : 
    3644             :         public:
    3645           0 :         copy_assin_Ctors() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3646             :         // initialization
    3647           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3648             :         {
    3649             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3650           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3651           0 :         }
    3652             : 
    3653           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3654             :         {
    3655             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3656           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3657           0 :         }
    3658             : 
    3659             :         // test code.
    3660           0 :         void copy_assin_Ctors_001()
    3661             :         {
    3662           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3663             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3664           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3665           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3666             : 
    3667           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    copyItem( rItem ); //copy constructor
    3668           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3669           0 :             nError1 = copyItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3670           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3671             : 
    3672           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy_assin_Ctors function: use copy constructor to get an item and check filename.",
    3673           0 :                                     compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 ) );
    3674           0 :         }
    3675             : 
    3676           0 :         void copy_assin_Ctors_002()
    3677             :         {
    3678           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3679             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3680           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3681           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3682             : 
    3683           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    copyItem;
    3684           0 :             copyItem = rItem;               //assinment operator
    3685           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3686           0 :             nError1 = copyItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3687           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3688             : 
    3689           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for copy_assin_Ctors function: test assinment operator here since it is same as copy constructor in test way.",
    3690           0 :                                     compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 ) );
    3691           0 :         }
    3692             : 
    3693           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( copy_assin_Ctors );
    3694           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_assin_Ctors_001 );
    3695           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( copy_assin_Ctors_002 );
    3696           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3697             :     };// class copy_assin_Ctors
    3698             : 
    3699             :     //  testing the method
    3700             :     //  inline sal_Bool is()
    3701             : 
    3702           0 :     class  is : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3703             :     {
    3704             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    3705             : 
    3706             :         public:
    3707           0 :         is() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3708             :         // initialization
    3709           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3710             :         {
    3711             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3712           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3713           0 :         }
    3714             : 
    3715           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3716             :         {
    3717             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3718           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3719           0 :         }
    3720             : 
    3721             :         // test code.
    3722           0 :         void is_001()
    3723             :         {
    3724           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3725             : 
    3726           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for is function: use an uninitialized instance.",
    3727           0 :                                     ! );
    3728           0 :         }
    3729             : 
    3730           0 :         void is_002()
    3731             :         {
    3732           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3733             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3734           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3735           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3736             : 
    3737           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for is function: use an uninitialized instance.",
    3738           0 :                            );
    3739           0 :         }
    3740             : 
    3741           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( is );
    3742           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( is_001 );
    3743           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( is_002 );
    3744           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3745             :     };// class is
    3746             : 
    3747             :     //  testing the method
    3748             :     //  static inline RC get( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFileURL, DirectoryItem& rItem )
    3749             : 
    3750           0 :     class  get : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3751             :     {
    3752             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3753             : 
    3754             :         public:
    3755           0 :         get() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3756             :         // initialization
    3757           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3758             :         {
    3759             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3760           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3761           0 :         }
    3762             : 
    3763           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3764             :         {
    3765             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpname.
    3766           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    3767           0 :         }
    3768             : 
    3769             :         // test code.
    3770           0 :         void get_001()
    3771             :         {
    3772           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3773             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3774           0 :             nError2 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3775             : 
    3776             :             //check the file name
    3777           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3778           0 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3779           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nError1 == FileBase::E_None );
    3780             : 
    3781           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for get function: use copy constructor to get an item and check filename.",
    3782             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    3783           0 :                                     compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 ) );
    3784           0 :         }
    3785             : 
    3786           0 :         void get_002()
    3787             :         {
    3788           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    3789             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3790           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aSysPath1, rItem );
    3791             : 
    3792           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for get function: use a system name instead of a URL.",
    3793           0 :                                     FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 );
    3794           0 :         }
    3795             : 
    3796           0 :         void get_003()
    3797             :         {
    3798           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    3799             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3800           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName3, rItem );
    3801             : 
    3802           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for get function: use a non existed file URL.",
    3803           0 :                                     FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 );
    3804           0 :         }
    3805             : 
    3806           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( get );
    3807           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( get_001 );
    3808           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( get_002 );
    3809           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( get_003 );
    3810           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3811             :     };// class get
    3812             : 
    3813             :     //  testing the method
    3814             :     //  inline RC getFileStatus( FileStatus& rStatus )
    3815             : 
    3816           0 :     class  getFileStatus : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3817             :     {
    3818             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3819             : 
    3820             :         public:
    3821           0 :         getFileStatus() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3822             :         // initialization
    3823           0 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3824             :         {
    3825             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3826           0 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3827           0 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3828           0 :         }
    3829             : 
    3830           0 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3831             :         {
    3832             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3833           0 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3834           0 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3835           0 :         }
    3836             : 
    3837             :         // test code.
    3838           0 :         void getFileStatus_001()
    3839             :         {
    3840           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3841             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3842           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName4, rItem );
    3843           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3844             : 
    3845             :             //check the file name
    3846           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3847           0 :             nError2 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3848             : 
    3849           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileStatus function: get file status and check filename",
    3850             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    3851           0 :                                     compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 ) );
    3852           0 :         }
    3853             : 
    3854           0 :         void getFileStatus_002()
    3855             :         {
    3856           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3857             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3858           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName6, rItem );
    3859             : 
    3860             :             //check the file name
    3861           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3862           0 :             nError2 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3863             : 
    3864           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileStatus function: file not existed",
    3865           0 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError2 )  );
    3866           0 :         }
    3867             : 
    3868           0 :         void getFileStatus_003()
    3869             :         {
    3870           0 :             ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;  //constructor
    3871             :              //get the DirectoryItem.
    3872           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get( aTmpName3, rItem );
    3873           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3874             : 
    3875             :             //check the file name
    3876           0 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    3877           0 :             nError2 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    3878             : 
    3879           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getFileStatus function: get directory information",
    3880             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    3881           0 :                                     compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName1 ) );
    3882           0 :         }
    3883             : 
    3884           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFileStatus );
    3885           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileStatus_001 );
    3886           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileStatus_002 );
    3887           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getFileStatus_003 );
    3888           0 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3889             :     };// class getFileStatus
    3890             : 
    3891           2 :      CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_DirectoryItem::ctors, "osl_DirectoryItem" );
    3892           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_DirectoryItem::copy_assin_Ctors, "osl_DirectoryItem" );
    3893           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_DirectoryItem::is, "osl_DirectoryItem" );
    3894           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_DirectoryItem::get, "osl_DirectoryItem" );
    3895           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( osl_DirectoryItem::getFileStatus, "osl_DirectoryItem" );
    3896             : }// namespace osl_DirectoryItem
    3897             : 
    3898             : // Beginning of the test cases for Directory class
    3899             : 
    3900             : namespace osl_Directory
    3901             : {
    3902             : 
    3903             :     //  testing the method
    3904             :     //  Directory( const ::rtl::OUString& strPath ): _pData( 0 ), _aPath( strPath )
    3905             : 
    3906           8 :     class  ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3907             :     {
    3908             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3909             : 
    3910             :         public:
    3911           4 :         ctors() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3912             :         // initialization
    3913           4 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3914             :         {
    3915             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3916           4 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3917           4 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3918           4 :         }
    3919             : 
    3920           4 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3921             :         {
    3922             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3923           4 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3924           4 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3925             :             // LLA: t_print("tearDown done.\n");
    3926           4 :         }
    3927             : 
    3928             :         // test code.
    3929           2 :         void ctors_001()
    3930             :         {
    3931           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    3932             : 
    3933             :             //open a directory
    3934           2 :             nError1 =;
    3935           2 :              CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3936             :             //close a directory
    3937           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    3938           2 :              CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    3939             : 
    3940           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: create an instance and check open and close",
    3941             :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    3942           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) );
    3943           2 :         }
    3944             : 
    3945           2 :         void ctors_002()
    3946             :         {
    3947           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName9 ); //constructor
    3948             : 
    3949             :             //open a directory
    3950           2 :             nError1 =;
    3951           2 :              CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    3952             :             //close a directory
    3953           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    3954           2 :              CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    3955             : 
    3956           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for ctors function: relative URL, :-), it is also worked",
    3957             :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    3958           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) );
    3959           2 :         }
    3960             : 
    3961           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( ctors );
    3962           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_001 );
    3963           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_002 );
    3964           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    3965             :     };// class ctors
    3966             : 
    3967             :     //  testing the method
    3968             :     //  inline RC open()
    3969             : 
    3970          16 :     class  open : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    3971             :     {
    3972             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    3973             : 
    3974             :         public:
    3975           8 :         open() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    3976             :         // initialization
    3977           8 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3978             :         {
    3979             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3980           8 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3981           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3982           8 :         }
    3983             : 
    3984           8 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    3985             :         {
    3986             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    3987           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    3988           8 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    3989           8 :         }
    3990             : 
    3991             :         // test code.
    3992           2 :         void open_001()
    3993             :         {
    3994           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    3995             : 
    3996             :             //open a directory
    3997           2 :             nError1 =;
    3998             :             //check if directory is opened.
    3999           2 :             bool bOk = testDirectory.isOpen();
    4000             :             //close a directory
    4001           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4002             : 
    4003           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a directory and check for open",
    4004             :                                     bOk &&
    4005             :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    4006           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) );
    4007           2 :         }
    4008             : 
    4009           2 :         void open_002()
    4010             :         {
    4011           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName6 ); //constructor
    4012             : 
    4013             :             //open a directory
    4014           2 :             nError1 =;
    4015           2 :              if ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 )
    4016             :             {
    4017           0 :                 nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4018           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    4019             :             }
    4020             : 
    4021           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a file that is not existed",
    4022           4 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    4023           2 :         }
    4024             : 
    4025           2 :         void open_003()
    4026             :         {
    4027           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aUserDirectorySys ); //constructor
    4028             : 
    4029             :             //open a directory
    4030           2 :             nError1 =;
    4031           2 :              if ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 )
    4032             :             {
    4033           0 :                 nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4034           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    4035             :             }
    4036             : 
    4037           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: using system path",
    4038           4 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4039           2 :         }
    4040             : 
    4041           2 :         void open_004()
    4042             :         {
    4043           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName4 ); //constructor
    4044             : 
    4045             :             //open a directory
    4046           2 :             nError1 =;
    4047           2 :              if ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 )
    4048             :             {
    4049           0 :                 nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4050           0 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    4051             :             }
    4052             : 
    4053           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for open function: open a file instead of a directory",
    4054           4 :                                      ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR == nError1 ) || ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1 ) );
    4055           2 :         }
    4056             : 
    4057           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( open );
    4058           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_001 );
    4059           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_002 );
    4060           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_003 );
    4061           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( open_004 );
    4062           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4063             :     };// class open
    4064             : 
    4065             :     //  testing the method
    4066             :     //  inline sal_Bool isOpen() { return _pData != NULL; };
    4067             : 
    4068           8 :     class  isOpen : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4069             :     {
    4070             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4071             : 
    4072             :         public:
    4073           4 :         isOpen() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4074             :         // initialization
    4075           4 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4076             :         {
    4077             :             // create a tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    4078           4 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4079           4 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    4080           4 :         }
    4081             : 
    4082           4 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4083             :         {
    4084             :             // remove the tempfile in $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname.
    4085           4 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    4086           4 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4087           4 :         }
    4088             : 
    4089             :         // test code.
    4090           2 :         void isOpen_001()
    4091             :         {
    4092           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4093             : 
    4094             :             //open a directory
    4095           2 :             nError1 =;
    4096             :             //check if directory is opened.
    4097           2 :             bool bOk = testDirectory.isOpen();
    4098             :             //close a directory
    4099           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4100             : 
    4101           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isOpen function: open a directory and check for open",
    4102           4 :                                     bOk );
    4103           2 :         }
    4104             : 
    4105           2 :         void isOpen_002()
    4106             :         {
    4107           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4108             : 
    4109             :             //check if directory is opened.
    4110           2 :             bool bOk = testDirectory.isOpen();
    4111             : 
    4112           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isOpen function: do not open a directory and check for open",
    4113           4 :                                     !bOk );
    4114           2 :         }
    4115             : 
    4116           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( isOpen );
    4117           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isOpen_001 );
    4118           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( isOpen_002 );
    4119           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4120             :     };// class isOpen
    4121             : 
    4122             :     //  testing the method
    4123             :     //  inline RC close()
    4124             : 
    4125           8 :     class  close : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4126             :     {
    4127             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4128             : 
    4129             :         public:
    4130           4 :         close() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4131             :         // initialization
    4132           4 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4133             :         {
    4134             :             // create a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4135           4 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4136           4 :         }
    4137             : 
    4138           4 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4139             :         {
    4140             :             // remove a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4141           4 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4142           4 :         }
    4143             : 
    4144             :         // test code.
    4145           2 :         void close_001()
    4146             :         {
    4147           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4148             : 
    4149             :             //open a directory
    4150           2 :             nError1 =;
    4151             :             //close a directory
    4152           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.close();
    4153             :             //check if directory is opened.
    4154           2 :             bool bOk = testDirectory.isOpen();
    4155             : 
    4156           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isOpen function: close a directory and check for open",
    4157           4 :                                     !bOk );
    4158           2 :         }
    4159             : 
    4160           2 :         void close_002()
    4161             :         {
    4162           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4163             : 
    4164             :             //close a directory
    4165           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.close();
    4166             : 
    4167           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for isOpen function: close a not opened directory",
    4168           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_BADF == nError1 ) );
    4169           2 :         }
    4170             : 
    4171           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( close );
    4172           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( close_001 );
    4173           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( close_002 );
    4174           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4175             :     };// class close
    4176             : 
    4177             :     //  testing the method
    4178             :     //  inline RC reset()
    4179             : 
    4180          16 :     class  reset : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4181             :     {
    4182             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4183             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    4184             : 
    4185             :         public:
    4186           8 :         reset() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4187             :         // initialization
    4188           8 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4189             :         {
    4190             :             // create a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4191           8 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4192             :             // create three files : $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname, $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpdir, $TEMP/tmpdir/hiddenfile,
    4193           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2);
    4194           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName1);
    4195           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aHidURL1);
    4196           8 :         }
    4197             : 
    4198           8 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4199             :         {
    4200             :             // remove three files : $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname, $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpdir, $TEMP/tmpdir/hiddenfile,
    4201           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aHidURL1);
    4202           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName1);
    4203           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2);
    4204             :             // remove a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4205           8 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4206           8 :         }
    4207             : 
    4208             :         // test code.
    4209           2 :         void reset_001()
    4210             :         {
    4211           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4212             : 
    4213             :             //open a directory
    4214           2 :             nError1 =;
    4215           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4216             :             //get first Item
    4217           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 1 );
    4218           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4219             :             //check the file name of first Item
    4220           4 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatusFirst( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    4221           2 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatusFirst );
    4222             : 
    4223             :             //get second Item
    4224             :             //mindy: nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
    4225             :             //mindy: CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4226             : 
    4227             :             //reset enumeration
    4228           2 :             nError2 = testDirectory.reset();
    4229           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 );
    4230             :             //get reseted Item, if reset does not work, getNextItem() should return the second Item (aTmpName1)
    4231           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 0 );
    4232           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4233             : 
    4234             :             //check the file name again
    4235           4 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    4236           2 :             nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    4237             :             //close a directory
    4238           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.close();
    4239           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4240             : 
    4241             :             bool bOK1,bOK2,bOK3;
    4242           2 :             bOK1 = compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 );
    4243           2 :             bOK2 = compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aHidURL1 );
    4244           2 :             bOK3 = compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), rFileStatusFirst.getFileName() );
    4245           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for reset function: get two directory item, reset it, then get again, check the filename",
    4246             :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError2 ) &&
    4247           4 :                                     ( bOK1 || bOK2 || bOK3 ) );
    4248           2 :         }
    4249             : 
    4250           2 :         void reset_002()
    4251             :         {
    4252           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName6 ); //constructor
    4253             : 
    4254             :             //close a directory
    4255           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.reset();
    4256             : 
    4257           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for reset function: reset a non existed directory",
    4258           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    4259           2 :         }
    4260             : 
    4261           2 :         void reset_003()
    4262             :         {
    4263           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName4 ); //constructor
    4264             : 
    4265             :             //close a directory
    4266           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.reset();
    4267             : 
    4268           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for reset function: reset a file instead of a directory",
    4269           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR == nError1 ) || ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    4270           2 :         }
    4271             : 
    4272           2 :         void reset_004()
    4273             :         {
    4274           2 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aUserDirectorySys ); //constructor
    4275             : 
    4276             :             //close a directory
    4277           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.reset();
    4278             : 
    4279           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for reset function: use a system path",
    4280           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4281           2 :         }
    4282             : 
    4283           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( reset );
    4284           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( reset_001 );
    4285           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( reset_002 );
    4286           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( reset_003 );
    4287           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( reset_004 );
    4288           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4289             :     };// class reset
    4290             : 
    4291             :     //  testing the method
    4292             :     //  inline RC getNextItem( DirectoryItem& rItem, sal_uInt32 nHint = 0 )
    4293             : 
    4294          16 :     class  getNextItem : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4295             :     {
    4296             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4297             :         ::osl::DirectoryItem    rItem;
    4298             : 
    4299             :         public:
    4300           8 :         getNextItem() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4301             :         // initialization
    4302           8 :         void setUp() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4303             :         {
    4304             :             // create a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4305           8 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4306             :             // create three files : $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname, $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpdir, $TEMP/tmpdir/hiddenfile,
    4307           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2 );
    4308           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName1 );
    4309           8 :             createTestFile( aTmpName3, aHidURL1 );
    4310             : 
    4311           8 :         }
    4312             : 
    4313           8 :         void tearDown() SAL_OVERRIDE
    4314             :         {
    4315             :             // remove three files : $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpname, $TEMP/tmpdir/tmpdir, $TEMP/tmpdir/hiddenfile,
    4316           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aHidURL1 );
    4317           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName1 );
    4318           8 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName3, aTmpName2 );
    4319             :             // remove a tempdirectory : $TEMP/tmpdir.
    4320           8 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4321           8 :         }
    4322             : 
    4323             :         // test code.
    4324           2 :         void getNextItem_001()
    4325             :         {
    4326           2 :              ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4327             : 
    4328             :             //open a directory
    4329           2 :             nError1 =;
    4330           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4331             : 
    4332             :             //check the file name
    4333           2 :             bool            bOk1 = false;
    4334           2 :             bool bOk2 = false;
    4335           2 :             bool bOk3 = false;
    4336           4 :               ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
    4337           8 :             for ( int nCount = 0; nCount < 3; nCount++ )
    4338             :             {
    4339             :                 //get three Items
    4340           6 :                 nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 2 );
    4341           6 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4342           6 :                 nError1 = rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    4343           6 :                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4344             : 
    4345             :                 // a special order is not guaranteed. So any file may occur on any time.
    4346             :                 // But every file name should occur only once.
    4347           6 :                 if ( !bOk1 && compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName1 ) )
    4348             :                 {
    4349           2 :                     bOk1 = true;
    4350             :                 }
    4351             : 
    4352           6 :                 if ( !bOk2 && compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aTmpName2 ) )
    4353             :                 {
    4354           2 :                     bOk2 = true;
    4355             :                 }
    4356             : 
    4357           6 :                 if ( !bOk3 && compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aHidURL1 ) )
    4358             :                 {
    4359           2 :                     bOk3 = true;
    4360             :                 }
    4361             :            }
    4362             : 
    4363             :             //close a directory
    4364           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.close();
    4365           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4366             : 
    4367           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getNextItem function: retrieve three items and check their names.",
    4368           4 :                                     bOk1 && bOk2 && bOk3 );
    4369           2 :         }
    4370             : 
    4371           2 :         void getNextItem_002()
    4372             :         {
    4373           2 :              ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4374           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem );
    4375             : 
    4376           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getNextItem function: retrieve an item in a directory which is not opened, also test for nHint's default value.",
    4377           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4378           2 :         }
    4379             : 
    4380           2 :         void getNextItem_003()
    4381             :         {
    4382           2 :              ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 ); //constructor
    4383             : 
    4384             :             //open a directory
    4385           2 :             nError1 =;
    4386           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4387             : 
    4388          10 :             for ( int nCount = 0; nCount < 4; nCount++ )
    4389             :             {
    4390           8 :                 nError2 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 3 );
    4391             :             }
    4392             : 
    4393             :             //close a directory
    4394           2 :             nError1 = testDirectory.close();
    4395           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4396             : 
    4397           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getNextItem function: retrieve 4 times in a directory which contain only 3 files.",
    4398           4 :                                     ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError2 ) );
    4399           2 :         }
    4400             : 
    4401           2 :         void getNextItem_004()
    4402             :         {
    4403             :         //create a link file(can not on Windows), then check if getNextItem can get it.
    4404             : #ifdef UNX
    4405           2 :             bool bLnkOK = false;
    4406           2 :             bool bFoundOK = false;
    4407             : 
    4408           4 :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr_LnkFileSys( aTempDirectorySys ), aUStr_SrcFileSys( aTempDirectorySys );
    4409           2 :             ( aUStr_LnkFileSys += aSlashURL ) += ::rtl::OUString("/tmpdir/link.file");
    4410           2 :             ( aUStr_SrcFileSys += aSlashURL ) += ::rtl::OUString("/tmpdir/tmpname");
    4411             : 
    4412           4 :             ::rtl::OString strLinkFileName, strSrcFileName;
    4413           2 :             strLinkFileName = OUStringToOString( aUStr_LnkFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    4414           2 :             strSrcFileName  = OUStringToOString( aUStr_SrcFileSys, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
    4415             : 
    4416             :             // create a link file and link it to file "/tmp/PID/tmpdir/tmpname"
    4417           2 :             sal_Int32 fd = symlink( strSrcFileName.getStr(), strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    4418           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fd == 0 );
    4419           4 :             ::osl::Directory testDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4420             : 
    4421             :             //open a directory
    4422           2 :             nError1 =;
    4423           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4424           4 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileName ("link.file");
    4425             : 
    4426             :             while (true) {
    4427           2 :                 nError1 = testDirectory.getNextItem( rItem, 4 );
    4428           2 :                 if (::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1) {
    4429           2 :                     ::osl::FileStatus   rFileStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName | osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type );
    4430           2 :                     rItem.getFileStatus( rFileStatus );
    4431           2 :                     if ( compareFileName( rFileStatus.getFileName(), aFileName) )
    4432             :                     {
    4433           2 :                         bFoundOK = true;
    4434           2 :                         if ( FileStatus::Link == rFileStatus.getFileType())
    4435             :                         {
    4436           2 :                             bLnkOK = true;
    4437           2 :                             break;
    4438             :                         }
    4439           0 :                     }
    4440             :                 }
    4441             :                 else
    4442           0 :                     break;
    4443             :             };
    4444           2 :                 fd = std::remove( strLinkFileName.getStr() );
    4445           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "remove link file failed", fd == 0 );
    4446           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getNextItem function: check if can retrieve the link file name",
    4447           2 :                                     bFoundOK );
    4448           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getNextItem function: check if link file has file type link",
    4449           4 :                                     bLnkOK );
    4450             : #endif
    4451           2 :         }
    4452             : 
    4453           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getNextItem );
    4454           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getNextItem_001 );
    4455           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getNextItem_002 );
    4456           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getNextItem_003 );
    4457           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getNextItem_004 );
    4458           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4459             :     };// class getNextItem
    4460             : 
    4461             :     //  testing the method
    4462             :     //  inline static RC getVolumeInfo( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL, VolumeInfo& rInfo )
    4463             : 
    4464          40 :     class  getVolumeInfo : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4465             :     {
    4466             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1;
    4467             : 
    4468             :         public:
    4469             : 
    4470          20 :         getVolumeInfo() :nError1(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4471             :         // test code.
    4472          12 :         void checkValidMask(osl::VolumeInfo const& _aVolumeInfo, sal_Int32 _nMask)
    4473             :             {
    4474          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName)
    4475             :         {
    4476             :             //get file system name
    4477           0 :             ::rtl::OUString aFileSysName( aNullURL );
    4478           0 :                     aFileSysName = _aVolumeInfo.getFileSystemName();
    4479             : 
    4480           0 :                     bool bRes2 = compareFileName( aFileSysName, aNullURL );
    4481           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getVolumeInfo function: getVolumeInfo of root directory.",
    4482             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    4483           0 :                                     !bRes2 );
    4484             :                 }
    4485          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes)
    4486             :                 {
    4487           2 :                     bool b1 = _aVolumeInfo.getRemoteFlag();
    4488           2 :                     bool b2 = _aVolumeInfo.getRemoveableFlag();
    4489           2 :                     bool b3 = _aVolumeInfo.getCompactDiscFlag();
    4490           2 :                     bool b4 = _aVolumeInfo.getFloppyDiskFlag();
    4491           2 :                     bool b5 = _aVolumeInfo.getFixedDiskFlag();
    4492           2 :                     bool b6 = _aVolumeInfo.getRAMDiskFlag();
    4493             : 
    4494           2 :                     rtl::OString sAttr;
    4495           2 :                     if (b1) sAttr =  "Remote";
    4496           2 :                     if (b2) sAttr += " Removeable";
    4497           2 :                     if (b3) sAttr += " CDROM";
    4498           2 :                     if (b4) sAttr += " Floppy";
    4499           2 :                     if (b5) sAttr += " FixedDisk";
    4500           2 :                     if (b6) sAttr += " RAMDisk";
    4501             : 
    4502           2 :                     printf("Attributes: %s\n", sAttr.getStr() );
    4503             :                 }
    4504          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_TotalSpace)
    4505             :                 {
    4506             :                     // within Linux, df / * 1024 bytes is the result
    4507           2 :                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getTotalSpace();
    4508           2 :                     printf("Total space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
    4509             :                 }
    4510          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace)
    4511             :                 {
    4512           2 :                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getUsedSpace();
    4513           2 :                     printf(" Used space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
    4514             :                 }
    4515          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FreeSpace)
    4516             :                 {
    4517           2 :                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getFreeSpace();
    4518           2 :                     printf(" Free space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
    4519             :                 }
    4520          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength)
    4521             :                 {
    4522           2 :                     sal_uInt32 nLength = _aVolumeInfo.getMaxNameLength();
    4523           2 :                     printf("max name length: %" SAL_PRIuUINT32 "\n", nLength);
    4524             :                 }
    4525          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength)
    4526             :                 {
    4527           2 :                     sal_uInt32 nLength = _aVolumeInfo.getMaxPathLength();
    4528           2 :                     printf("max path length: %" SAL_PRIuUINT32 "\n", nLength);
    4529             :                 }
    4530          12 :                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemCaseHandling)
    4531             :                 {
    4532           0 :                     bool bIsCase = _aVolumeInfo.isCaseSensitiveFileSystem();
    4533           0 :                     printf("filesystem case sensitive: %s\n", bIsCase ? "yes" : "no");
    4534             :                 }
    4535          12 :             }
    4536             : 
    4537          16 :         void checkVolumeInfo(sal_Int32 _nMask)
    4538             :             {
    4539          16 :                 ::osl::VolumeInfo aVolumeInfo( _nMask );
    4540             :                 //call getVolumeInfo here
    4541          16 :                 nError1 = ::osl::Directory::getVolumeInfo( aVolURL1, aVolumeInfo );
    4542             :                 // LLA: IMHO it's not a bug, if VolumeInfo is not valid, it's a feature
    4543             :                 // LLA: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("mask is not valid", sal_True == aVolumeInfo.isValid( _nMask ) );
    4544          16 :                 if (aVolumeInfo.isValid( _nMask))
    4545             :                 {
    4546          12 :                     checkValidMask(aVolumeInfo, _nMask);
    4547          16 :                 }
    4548          16 :             }
    4549             : 
    4550           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_1()
    4551             :         {
    4552           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName;
    4553           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4554           2 :         }
    4555           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_2()
    4556             :         {
    4557           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes;
    4558           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4559           2 :         }
    4560           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_3()
    4561             :         {
    4562           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_TotalSpace;
    4563           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4564           2 :         }
    4565           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_4()
    4566             :         {
    4567           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace;
    4568           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4569           2 :         }
    4570           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_5()
    4571             :         {
    4572           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FreeSpace;
    4573           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4574           2 :         }
    4575           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_6()
    4576             :         {
    4577           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength;
    4578           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4579           2 :         }
    4580           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_7()
    4581             :         {
    4582           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength;
    4583           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4584           2 :         }
    4585           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_001_8()
    4586             :         {
    4587           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemCaseHandling;
    4588           2 :             checkVolumeInfo(mask);
    4589           2 :         }
    4590             : 
    4591           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_002()
    4592             :         {
    4593           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName;
    4594           2 :             ::osl::VolumeInfo aVolumeInfo( mask );
    4595             :             //call getVolumeInfo here
    4596             : 
    4597             :             // LLA: rtl::OUString aRootSysURL;
    4598             :             // LLA: nError1 = osl::File::getFileURLFromSystemPath(aRootSys, aRootSysURL);
    4599             :             // LLA:
    4600             :             // LLA: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "can't convert root path to file url",
    4601             :             // LLA:                         ( osl::FileBase::E_NONE == nError1 ) );
    4602             : 
    4603           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::getVolumeInfo( aRootSys, aVolumeInfo );
    4604             : 
    4605           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getVolumeInfo function: use system path as parameter.",
    4606           4 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4607           2 :         }
    4608             : 
    4609           2 :         void getVolumeInfo_003()
    4610             :         {
    4611           2 :             sal_Int32 mask = osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName;
    4612           2 :             ::osl::VolumeInfo aVolumeInfo( mask );
    4613             :             //call getVolumeInfo here
    4614           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::getVolumeInfo( aTmpName3, aVolumeInfo );
    4615             : 
    4616             : // LLA: in Windows, it reply no error, it did not pass in (W32).
    4617             : #if defined(UNX) && !defined(IOS)
    4618           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for getVolumeInfo function: non-existence test. ",
    4619           4 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    4620             : #endif
    4621           2 :         }
    4622             : 
    4623           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getVolumeInfo );
    4624           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_1 );
    4625           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_2 );
    4626           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_3 );
    4627           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_4 );
    4628           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_5 );
    4629           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_6 );
    4630           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_7 );
    4631           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_001_8 );
    4632           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_002 );
    4633           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( getVolumeInfo_003 );
    4634           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4635             :     };// class getVolumeInfo
    4636             : 
    4637             :     //  testing the method
    4638             :     //  inline static RC create( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL )
    4639             : 
    4640          12 :     class  create : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4641             :     {
    4642             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4643             : 
    4644             :         public:
    4645             : 
    4646             :         // test code.
    4647           6 :         create() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4648           2 :         void create_001()
    4649             :         {
    4650             :             //create directory in $TEMP/tmpdir
    4651           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create( aTmpName3 );
    4652             :             //check for existence
    4653           2 :             nError2 = ::osl::Directory::create( aTmpName3 );
    4654             :             //remove it
    4655           2 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4656             : 
    4657           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for create function: create a directory and check its existence.",
    4658             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    4659           2 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST== nError2 ) );
    4660           2 :         }
    4661             : 
    4662           2 :         void create_002()
    4663             :         {
    4664             : #if !defined (WNT) && !defined (MACOSX) && defined (SAL_UNX)
    4665           2 :             if (geteuid() == 0) //don't test if building as root
    4666           4 :                 return;
    4667             : 
    4668           0 :             rtl::OUString aTmpDir;
    4669           0 :             nError1 = FileBase::createTempFile(NULL, NULL, &aTmpDir);
    4670           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("temp File creation failed", osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1);
    4671             : 
    4672           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::File::remove(aTmpDir);
    4673           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("temp File removal failed", osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1);
    4674             : 
    4675           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create(aTmpDir);
    4676           0 :             ::rtl::OString sError("test for create function: create a directory '");
    4677           0 :             sError += ::rtl::OUStringToOString(aTmpDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
    4678           0 :             sError += "' and check its existence.";
    4679           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(sError.getStr(), osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1);
    4680           0 :             osl_setFileAttributes(aTmpDir.pData, 0); //no access allowed now
    4681             : 
    4682             :             //Shouldn't be possible now to create a dir underneath it
    4683           0 :             rtl::OUString aTmpSubLevel = aTmpDir + "/notallowedhere";
    4684           0 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create(aTmpSubLevel);
    4685             : 
    4686             :             //allow removal
    4687             :             osl_setFileAttributes(aTmpDir.pData,
    4688             :                 osl_File_Attribute_OwnRead |
    4689             :                 osl_File_Attribute_OwnWrite |
    4690           0 :                 osl_File_Attribute_OwnExe);
    4691           0 :             deleteTestDirectory(aTmpDir);
    4692           0 :             sError = ::rtl::OString("test for create function: create a directory under '");
    4693           0 :             sError += ::rtl::OUStringToOString(aTmpDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
    4694           0 :             sError += "' for access test.";
    4695           0 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(sError.getStr(), osl::FileBase::E_ACCES == nError1);
    4696             : #endif
    4697             :         }
    4698             : 
    4699           2 :         void create_003()
    4700             :         {
    4701             :             //create directory in /tmpname
    4702           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create( aSysPath1 );
    4703             : 
    4704           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for create function: create a directory using system path.",
    4705           2 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4706           2 :         }
    4707             : 
    4708           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( create );
    4709           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( create_001 );
    4710           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( create_002 );
    4711           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( create_003 );
    4712           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4713             :     };// class create
    4714             : 
    4715             :     //  testing the method
    4716             :     //  inline static RC remove( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrDirectoryURL )
    4717             : 
    4718          20 :     class  remove : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4719             :     {
    4720             :         ::osl::FileBase::RC     nError1, nError2;
    4721             : 
    4722             :         public:
    4723             : 
    4724          10 :         remove() :nError1(FileBase::E_None),nError2(FileBase::E_None) {}
    4725             :         // test code.
    4726           2 :         void remove_001()
    4727             :         {
    4728             :             //create directory in $TEMP/tmpdir
    4729           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create( aTmpName3 );
    4730           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4731             :             //remove it
    4732           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::remove( aTmpName3 );
    4733             :             //check for existence
    4734           2 :             ::osl::Directory rDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4735           2 :             nError2 =;
    4736             : 
    4737           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: remove a directory and check its existence.",
    4738             :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 ) &&
    4739           4 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError2 ) );
    4740           2 :         }
    4741             : 
    4742           2 :         void remove_002()
    4743             :         {
    4744             :             //create directory in $TEMP/tmpdir
    4745           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::create( aTmpName3 );
    4746           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError1 );
    4747             :             //try to remove it by system path
    4748           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::remove( aSysPath3 );
    4749             :              //check for existence
    4750           2 :             ::osl::Directory rDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4751           2 :             nError2 =;
    4752           2 :             if ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT != nError2 )
    4753           2 :                 ::osl::Directory::remove( aTmpName3 );
    4754             : 
    4755           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: remove a directory by its system path, and check its existence.",
    4756           4 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_INVAL == nError1 ) );
    4757           2 :         }
    4758             : 
    4759           2 :         void remove_003()
    4760             :         {
    4761             :             //try to remove a non-existed directory
    4762           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::remove( aTmpName6 );
    4763             : 
    4764           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: try to remove a non-existed directory.",
    4765           2 :                                     ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 ) );
    4766           2 :         }
    4767             : 
    4768           2 :         void remove_004()
    4769             :         {
    4770           2 :             createTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    4771           2 :             bool bExist = ifFileExist( aTmpName6 );
    4772             :             //try to remove file.
    4773           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::remove( aTmpName6 );
    4774           2 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    4775             : 
    4776           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for remove function: try to remove a file but not directory.",
    4777           2 :                                     bExist &&(( osl::FileBase::E_NOTDIR == nError1 ) || ( osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError1 )) );
    4778           2 :         }
    4779             : 
    4780           2 :         void remove_005()
    4781             :         {
    4782           2 :             createTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4783           2 :             createTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    4784           2 :             nError1 = ::osl::Directory::remove( aTmpName3 );
    4785           2 :             deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    4786           2 :             deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    4787           2 :             ::rtl::OString sError = "test for remove function: try to remove a directory that is not empty.";
    4788           2 :             sError += errorToStr( nError1 ).getStr();
    4789             : #if defined ( SOLARIS )
    4790             :             //on UNX, the implementation uses rmdir(), which EEXIST is thrown on Solaris when the directory is not empty, refer to: 'man -s 2 rmdir', while on linux, ENOTEMPTY is thrown.
    4791             :             //EEXIST The directory contains entries other than those for "." and "..".
    4792             :             printf("#Solaris test\n");
    4793             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( sError.getStr(), ( osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError1 ) );
    4794             : #else
    4795           2 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( sError.getStr(), ( osl::FileBase::E_NOTEMPTY == nError1 ) );
    4796             : #endif
    4797           2 :         }
    4798             : 
    4799           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( remove );
    4800           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_001 );
    4801           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_002 );
    4802           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_003 );
    4803           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_004 );
    4804           2 :         CPPUNIT_TEST( remove_005 );
    4805           4 :         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    4806             :     };// class remove
    4807             : 
    4808             :     // TEST Directory::createPath
    4809             : 
    4810             :     #ifdef WNT
    4811             :     #   define PATH_BUFFER_SIZE MAX_PATH
    4812             :     #else
    4813             :     #   define PATH_BUFFER_SIZE PATH_MAX
    4814             :     #endif
    4815             : 
    4816             : #define TEST_PATH_POSTFIX "hello/world"
    4817             : 
    4818           4 :     OUString get_test_path()
    4819             :     {
    4820           4 :         static OUString test_path;
    4821           4 :         if (test_path.isEmpty())
    4822             :         {
    4823           2 :             OUString tmp;
    4824           2 :             FileBase::RC rc = FileBase::getTempDirURL(tmp);
    4825             : 
    4826           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4827             :             (
    4828             :              "Getting the location of TMP dir failed",
    4829             :              rc == FileBase::E_None
    4830           2 :             );
    4831             : 
    4832           4 :             OUString system_path;
    4833           2 :             rc = FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(tmp, system_path);
    4834             : 
    4835           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4836             :             (
    4837             :              "Cannot convert the TMP dir to system path",
    4838             :              rc == FileBase::E_None
    4839           2 :             );
    4840             : 
    4841           4 :             OString tmp_x(rtl::OUStringToOString(system_path, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ));
    4842           2 :             if (tmp_x.lastIndexOf('/') != (tmp_x.getLength() - 1))
    4843           2 :                 tmp_x += rtl::OString('/');
    4844             : 
    4845             : #if !defined(WNT) && !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(AIX)
    4846             :             // FIXME would be nice to create unique dir even on Windows
    4847           2 :             tmp_x += rtl::OString("XXXXXX");
    4848           2 :             char *out = mkdtemp(const_cast<char*>(tmp_x.getStr()));
    4849             : 
    4850           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4851             :             (
    4852             :              "mkdtemp call failed",
    4853             :              out != NULL
    4854           2 :             );
    4855             : 
    4856           2 :             tmp_x += rtl::OString('/');
    4857             : #endif
    4858           2 :             tmp_x += rtl::OString(TEST_PATH_POSTFIX);
    4859             : 
    4860           2 :             rc = FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(rtl::OStringToOUString(tmp_x, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), test_path);
    4861             : 
    4862           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4863             :             (
    4864             :              "Cannot convert the system path back to an URL",
    4865             :              rc == FileBase::E_None
    4866           4 :             );
    4867             :         }
    4868           4 :         return test_path;
    4869             :     }
    4870             : 
    4871           8 :     void rm_test_path(const OUString& path)
    4872             :     {
    4873             :         sal_Unicode buffer[PATH_BUFFER_SIZE];
    4874           8 :         memcpy(buffer, path.getStr(), (path.getLength() + 1) * sizeof(sal_Unicode));
    4875             : 
    4876           8 :         sal_Int32 i = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar(buffer, '/');
    4877           8 :         if (i == path.getLength())
    4878           0 :             buffer[i] = 0;
    4879             : 
    4880           8 :         Directory::remove(buffer);
    4881             : 
    4882           8 :         i = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar(buffer, '/');
    4883             :         assert(i != -1);
    4884           8 :         if (i != -1)
    4885             :         {
    4886           8 :             buffer[i] = 0;
    4887           8 :             Directory::remove(buffer);
    4888             :         }
    4889           8 :     }
    4890             : 
    4891           4 :     class DirCreatedObserver : public DirectoryCreationObserver
    4892             :     {
    4893             :     public:
    4894           2 :         DirCreatedObserver() : i(0)
    4895             :         {
    4896           2 :         }
    4897             : 
    4898           4 :         virtual void DirectoryCreated(const rtl::OUString& /*aDirectoryUrl*/) SAL_OVERRIDE
    4899             :         {
    4900           4 :             i++;
    4901           4 :         };
    4902             : 
    4903           2 :         int number_of_dirs_created() const
    4904             :         {
    4905           2 :             return i;
    4906             :         }
    4907             : 
    4908             :     private:
    4909             :             int i;
    4910             :     };
    4911             : 
    4912          12 :     class createPath : public CppUnit::TestFixture
    4913             :     {
    4914             :     public:
    4915             : 
    4916           6 :         createPath()
    4917           6 :         {}
    4918             : 
    4919           2 :         void with_relative_path()
    4920             :         {
    4921           2 :             FileBase::RC rc = Directory::createPath( OUString(TEST_PATH_POSTFIX));
    4922             : 
    4923           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4924             :             (
    4925             :                 "osl_createDirectoryPath contract broken",
    4926             :                 rc == FileBase::E_INVAL
    4927           2 :             );
    4928           2 :         }
    4929             : 
    4930           2 :         void without_callback()
    4931             :         {
    4932           2 :             OUString tp_url = get_test_path();
    4933             : 
    4934           2 :             rm_test_path(tp_url);
    4935             : 
    4936           2 :             FileBase::RC rc = Directory::createPath(tp_url);
    4937             : 
    4938           2 :             rm_test_path(tp_url);
    4939             : 
    4940           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4941             :             (
    4942             :                 "osl_createDirectoryPath failed",
    4943             :                 rc == FileBase::E_None
    4944           4 :             );
    4945           2 :         }
    4946             : 
    4947           2 :         void with_callback()
    4948             :         {
    4949           2 :             OUString tp_url = get_test_path();
    4950             : 
    4951           2 :             rm_test_path(tp_url);
    4952             : 
    4953           2 :             DirCreatedObserver* observer = new DirCreatedObserver;
    4954           2 :             FileBase::RC rc = Directory::createPath(tp_url, observer);
    4955           2 :             int nDirs = observer->number_of_dirs_created();
    4956           2 :             delete observer;
    4957             : 
    4958           2 :             rm_test_path(tp_url);
    4959             : 
    4960           4 :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    4961             :             (
    4962             :                 "osl_createDirectoryPath failed",
    4963             :                 (rc == FileBase::E_None) && (nDirs > 0)
    4964           4 :             );
    4965             : 
    4966           2 :         }
    4967             : 
    4968             : #ifdef WNT
    4969             : 
    4970             :         const char* get_unused_drive_letter()
    4971             :         {
    4972             :             static const char m_aBuff[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    4973             : 
    4974             :             DWORD ld = GetLogicalDrives();
    4975             :             DWORD i = 4;
    4976             :             DWORD j = 2;
    4977             : 
    4978             :             while ((ld & i) && (i > 1))
    4979             :             { i = i << 1; j++; }
    4980             : 
    4981             :             if (i > 2)
    4982             :                 return m_aBuff + j;
    4983             : 
    4984             :             return NULL;
    4985             :         }
    4986             : 
    4987             :         void at_invalid_logical_drive()
    4988             :         {
    4989             :             const char* drv = get_unused_drive_letter();
    4990             :             char buff[PATH_BUFFER_SIZE];
    4991             :             memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
    4992             : 
    4993             :             strncpy(buff, drv, 1);
    4994             :             strcat(buff, ":\\");
    4995             :             strcat(buff, TEST_PATH_POSTFIX);
    4996             : 
    4997             :             OUString path = OUString::createFromAscii(buff);
    4998             :             OUString tp_url;
    4999             :             FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(path, tp_url);
    5000             : 
    5001             :             FileBase::RC rc = Directory::createPath(tp_url);
    5002             : 
    5003             :             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE
    5004             :             (
    5005             :                 "osl_createDirectoryPath doesn't fail on unused logical drive letters",
    5006             :                 rc != FileBase::E_None
    5007             :             );
    5008             :         }
    5009             : #endif /* WNT */
    5010             : 
    5011           4 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(createPath);
    5012           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(with_relative_path);
    5013           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(without_callback);
    5014           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST(with_callback);
    5015             : #ifdef WNT
    5016             :     CPPUNIT_TEST(at_invalid_logical_drive);
    5017             : #endif
    5018           4 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();
    5019             : 
    5020             :     }; // class createPath
    5021             : 
    5022           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::ctors );
    5023           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::open );
    5024           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::isOpen );
    5025           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::close );
    5026           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::reset );
    5027           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::getNextItem );
    5028           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::getVolumeInfo );
    5029           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::create );
    5030           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::remove );
    5031           2 :     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( osl_Directory::createPath );
    5032             : }// namespace osl_Directory
    5033             : 
    5034           2 : CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT();
    5035             : 
    5036             : /** get Current PID.
    5037             : */
    5038           0 : inline ::rtl::OUString getCurrentPID(  )
    5039             : {
    5040             :     //~ Get current PID and turn it into OUString;
    5041           0 :     int nPID = 0;
    5042             : #ifdef WNT
    5043             :     nPID = GetCurrentProcessId();
    5044             : #else
    5045           0 :     nPID = getpid();
    5046             : #endif
    5047           0 :     return ( OUString::number( nPID ) );
    5048             : }
    5049             : 
    5050             : //~ do some clean up work after all test completed.
    5051             : class GlobalObject
    5052             : {
    5053             :     public:
    5054           0 :     ~GlobalObject()
    5055             :     {
    5056             :         try
    5057             :         {
    5058             :             //~ special clean up task in Windows and Unix separately;
    5059             : #if ( defined UNX )
    5060             :             //~ some clean up task  for UNIX OS
    5061             :             ;
    5062             : #else
    5063             :             //~ some clean up task  for Windows OS
    5064             :             //~ check if some files are in the way, remove them if necessary.
    5065             :             if ( ifFileExist( aTmpName6 )  == sal_True )
    5066             :                 deleteTestFile( aTmpName6 );
    5067             :             if ( ifFileExist( aTmpName4 )  == sal_True )
    5068             :                 deleteTestFile( aTmpName4 );
    5069             :             if ( checkDirectory( aTmpName4, osl_Check_Mode_Exist )  == sal_True )
    5070             :                 deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName4 );
    5071             :             if ( ifFileExist( aTmpName3 )  == sal_True )
    5072             :                 deleteTestFile( aTmpName3 );
    5073             :             if ( checkDirectory( aTmpName3, osl_Check_Mode_Exist )  == sal_True )
    5074             :                 deleteTestDirectory( aTmpName3 );
    5075             : 
    5076             :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr( aUserDirectoryURL );
    5077             :             concatURL( aUStr, aHidURL1 );
    5078             :             if ( ifFileExist( aUStr )  == sal_True )
    5079             :                 deleteTestFile( aUStr );
    5080             : 
    5081             :             ::rtl::OUString aUStr1( aRootURL );
    5082             :             concatURL( aUStr1, aTmpName2 );
    5083             :             if ( ifFileExist( aUStr1 )  == sal_True )
    5084             :                 deleteTestFile( aUStr1 );
    5085             : #endif
    5086             :         }
    5087             :         catch (const CppUnit::Exception &e)
    5088             :         {
    5089             :             printf("Exception caught in GlobalObject dtor(). Exception message: '%s'. Source line: %d\n", e.what(), e.sourceLine().lineNumber());
    5090             :         }
    5091             :         catch (...)
    5092             :         {
    5093             :             printf("Exception caught (...) in GlobalObject dtor()\n");
    5094             :         }
    5095           0 :     }
    5096             : };
    5097             : 
    5098           6 : GlobalObject theGlobalObject;
    5099             : 
    5100             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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