Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
21 :
22 : #include "global.hxx"
23 : #include "dpnumgroupinfo.hxx"
24 : #include "calcmacros.hxx"
25 : #include <tools/date.hxx>
26 :
27 : #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
28 : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
29 : #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
30 : #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
31 : #include <mdds/flat_segment_tree.hpp>
32 :
33 : #include <vector>
34 : #include <set>
35 :
36 : struct ScQueryParam;
37 : class ScDPObject;
38 : class ScDPItemData;
39 : struct ScDPNumGroupInfo;
40 :
41 : /**
42 : * This class represents the cached data part of the datapilot cache table
43 : * implementation.
44 : */
45 : class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScDPCache : boost::noncopyable
46 : {
47 : typedef boost::unordered_set<OUString, OUStringHash> StringSetType;
48 :
49 : public:
50 : typedef std::vector<ScDPItemData> ItemsType;
51 : typedef std::set<ScDPObject*> ObjectSetType;
52 : typedef std::vector<OUString> LabelsType;
53 : typedef std::vector<SCROW> IndexArrayType;
54 :
55 36 : struct GroupItems : boost::noncopyable
56 : {
57 : ItemsType maItems;
58 : ScDPNumGroupInfo maInfo;
59 : sal_Int32 mnGroupType;
60 :
61 : GroupItems();
62 : GroupItems(const ScDPNumGroupInfo& rInfo, sal_Int32 nGroupType);
63 : };
64 :
65 410 : struct Field : boost::noncopyable
66 : {
67 : /**
68 : * Optional items for grouped field.
69 : */
70 : boost::scoped_ptr<GroupItems> mpGroup;
71 :
72 : /**
73 : * Unique values in the field, stored in ascending order.
74 : */
75 : ItemsType maItems;
76 :
77 : /**
78 : * Original source data represented as indices to the unique value
79 : * list. The order of the data is as they appear in the original
80 : * data source.
81 : */
82 : IndexArrayType maData;
83 :
84 : sal_uLong mnNumFormat;
85 :
86 : Field();
87 : };
88 :
89 : /**
90 : * Interface for connecting to database source. Column index is 0-based.
91 : */
92 0 : class DBConnector
93 : {
94 : public:
95 : virtual long getColumnCount() const = 0;
96 : virtual OUString getColumnLabel(long nCol) const = 0;
97 : virtual bool first() = 0;
98 : virtual bool next() = 0;
99 : virtual void finish() = 0;
100 : virtual void getValue(long nCol, ScDPItemData& rData, short& rNumType) const = 0;
101 0 : virtual ~DBConnector() {}
102 : };
103 :
104 : private:
105 :
106 : ScDocument* mpDoc;
107 : long mnColumnCount;
108 :
109 : /**
110 : * All pivot table objects that references this cache.
111 : */
112 : mutable ObjectSetType maRefObjects;
113 :
114 : typedef boost::ptr_vector<Field> FieldsType;
115 : typedef boost::ptr_vector<GroupItems> GroupFieldsType;
116 :
117 : FieldsType maFields;
118 : GroupFieldsType maGroupFields;
119 : mutable StringSetType maStringPool;
120 :
121 : LabelsType maLabelNames; // Stores dimension names and the data layout dimension name at position 0.
122 : mdds::flat_segment_tree<SCROW, bool> maEmptyRows;
123 : SCROW mnDataSize;
124 : SCROW mnRowCount;
125 :
126 : bool mbDisposing;
127 :
128 : public:
129 : const OUString* InternString(const OUString& rStr) const;
130 : void AddReference(ScDPObject* pObj) const;
131 : void RemoveReference(ScDPObject* pObj) const;
132 : const ObjectSetType& GetAllReferences() const;
133 :
134 : SCROW GetIdByItemData(long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rItem) const;
135 : OUString GetFormattedString(long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rItem) const;
136 : long AppendGroupField();
137 : void ResetGroupItems(long nDim, const ScDPNumGroupInfo& rNumInfo, sal_Int32 nGroupType);
138 : SCROW SetGroupItem(long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rData);
139 : void GetGroupDimMemberIds(long nDim, std::vector<SCROW>& rIds) const;
140 : void ClearGroupFields();
141 : const ScDPNumGroupInfo* GetNumGroupInfo(long nDim) const;
142 :
143 : /**
144 : * Return a group type identifier. The values correspond with
145 : * com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy constant values.
146 : *
147 : * @param nDim 0-based dimension index.
148 : *
149 : * @return group type identifier, or 0 on failure.
150 : */
151 : sal_Int32 GetGroupType(long nDim) const;
152 :
153 : SCCOL GetDimensionIndex(const OUString& sName) const;
154 : sal_uLong GetNumberFormat( long nDim ) const;
155 : bool IsDateDimension( long nDim ) const ;
156 : long GetDimMemberCount(long nDim) const;
157 : SCROW GetOrder( long nDim, SCROW nIndex ) const;
158 :
159 : const IndexArrayType* GetFieldIndexArray( size_t nDim ) const;
160 : const ItemsType& GetDimMemberValues( SCCOL nDim ) const;
161 : bool InitFromDoc(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScRange& rRange);
162 : bool InitFromDataBase(DBConnector& rDB);
163 :
164 : /**
165 : * Row count is the number of records plus any trailing empty rows in case
166 : * the source data is sheet and contains trailing empty rows.
167 : */
168 : SCROW GetRowCount() const;
169 :
170 : /**
171 : * Data size is the number of records without any trailing empty rows for
172 : * sheet source data. For any other source type, this should equal the
173 : * row count.
174 : */
175 : SCROW GetDataSize() const;
176 : SCROW GetItemDataId( sal_uInt16 nDim, SCROW nRow, bool bRepeatIfEmpty ) const;
177 : OUString GetDimensionName(LabelsType::size_type nDim) const;
178 : bool IsRowEmpty(SCROW nRow) const;
179 : bool ValidQuery(SCROW nRow, const ScQueryParam& rQueryParam) const;
180 :
181 : ScDocument* GetDoc() const;
182 : long GetColumnCount() const;
183 :
184 : const ScDPItemData* GetItemDataById( long nDim, SCROW nId ) const;
185 :
186 : size_t GetFieldCount() const;
187 : size_t GetGroupFieldCount() const;
188 :
189 : ScDPCache(ScDocument* pDoc);
190 : ~ScDPCache();
191 :
193 : void Dump() const;
194 : #endif
195 :
196 : private:
197 : void PostInit();
198 : void Clear();
199 : void AddLabel(const OUString& rLabel);
200 : const GroupItems* GetGroupItems(long nDim) const;
201 : };
202 :
203 : #endif
204 :
205 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */