LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sc/inc - formularesult.hxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 6 7 85.7 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef INCLUDED_SC_INC_FORMULARESULT_HXX
      21             : #define INCLUDED_SC_INC_FORMULARESULT_HXX
      22             : 
      23             : #include "token.hxx"
      24             : #include "scdllapi.h"
      25             : 
      26             : namespace sc {
      27             : 
      28        1328 : struct FormulaResultValue
      29             : {
      30             :     enum Type { Invalid, Value, String, Error };
      31             : 
      32             :     Type meType;
      33             : 
      34             :     double mfValue;
      35             :     svl::SharedString maString;
      36             :     sal_uInt16 mnError;
      37             : 
      38             :     FormulaResultValue();
      39             :     FormulaResultValue( double fValue );
      40             :     FormulaResultValue(const svl::SharedString& rStr );
      41             :     FormulaResultValue( sal_uInt16 nErr );
      42             : };
      43             : 
      44             : }
      45             : 
      46             : /** Store a variable formula cell result, balancing between runtime performance
      47             :     and memory consumption. */
      48             : class ScFormulaResult
      49             : {
      50             :     typedef unsigned char Multiline;
      51             :     static const Multiline MULTILINE_UNKNOWN = 0;
      52             :     static const Multiline MULTILINE_FALSE   = 1;
      53             :     static const Multiline MULTILINE_TRUE    = 2;
      54             : 
      55             :     // Clone token if the 16-bit only reference counter is nearing it's
      56             :     // capacity during fill or copy&paste, leaving 4k for temporary passing
      57             :     // around. (That should be enough for all times (TM) ;-)
      58             :     static const sal_uInt16 MAX_TOKENREF_COUNT = 0xf000;
      59       24211 :     static void IncrementTokenRef( const formula::FormulaToken* & rp )
      60             :     {
      61       24211 :         if (rp)
      62             :         {
      63       21623 :             if (rp->GetRef() >= MAX_TOKENREF_COUNT)
      64           0 :                 rp = rp->Clone();
      65       21623 :             rp->IncRef();
      66             :         }
      67       24211 :     }
      68             : 
      69             :     union
      70             :     {
      71             :         double          mfValue;    // double result direct for performance and memory consumption
      72             :         const formula::FormulaToken*  mpToken;    // if not, result token obtained from interpreter
      73             :     };
      74             :     sal_uInt16              mnError;    // error code
      75             :     bool                mbToken :1; // whether content of union is a token
      76             :     bool                mbEmpty :1; // empty cell result
      77             :     bool                mbEmptyDisplayedAsString :1;    // only if mbEmpty
      78             :     Multiline           meMultiline :2; // result is multiline
      79             : 
      80             :     /** Reset mnError, mbEmpty and mbEmptyDisplayedAsString to their defaults
      81             :         prior to assigning other types */
      82             :     void ResetToDefaults();
      83             : 
      84             :     /** If token is of formula::svError set error code and decrement RefCount.
      85             :         If token is of formula::svEmptyCell set mbEmpty and mbEmptyAsString and
      86             :         decrement RefCount.
      87             :         If token is of formula::svDouble set mfValue and decrement RefCount.
      88             :         Else assign token to mpToken. NULL is valid => svUnknown.
      89             :         Other member variables are set accordingly.
      90             :         @precondition: Token MUST had been IncRef'ed prior to this call!
      91             :         @precondition: An already existing different mpToken MUST had been
      92             :         DecRef'ed prior to this call, p will be assigned to mpToken if not
      93             :         resolved.
      94             :         ATTENTION! Token may get deleted in this call! */
      95             :     void ResolveToken( const formula::FormulaToken * p );
      96             : 
      97             : public:
      98             :     /** Effectively type svUnknown. */
      99             :     ScFormulaResult();
     100             : 
     101             :     ScFormulaResult( const ScFormulaResult & r );
     102             : 
     103             :     /** Same comments as for SetToken() apply! */
     104             :     explicit ScFormulaResult( const formula::FormulaToken* p );
     105             : 
     106             :     ~ScFormulaResult();
     107             : 
     108             :     /** Well, guess what ... */
     109             :     ScFormulaResult& operator=( const ScFormulaResult & r );
     110             : 
     111             :     /** Assignment as in operator=() but without return */
     112             :     void Assign( const ScFormulaResult & r );
     113             : 
     114             :     /** Sets a direct double if token type is formula::svDouble, or mbEmpty if
     115             :         formula::svEmptyCell, else token. If p is NULL, that is set as well, effectively
     116             :         resulting in GetType()==svUnknown. If the already existing result is
     117             :         ScMatrixFormulaCellToken, the upper left is set to token.
     118             : 
     119             :         ATTENTION! formula::FormulaToken had to be allocated using 'new' and if of type
     120             :         formula::svDouble and no RefCount was set may not be used after this call
     121             :         because it was deleted after decrement! */
     122             :     void SetToken( const formula::FormulaToken* p );
     123             : 
     124             :     /** May be NULL if SetToken() did so, also if type formula::svDouble or formula::svError! */
     125             :     formula::FormulaConstTokenRef GetToken() const;
     126             : 
     127             :     /** Return upper left token if formula::svMatrixCell, else return GetToken().
     128             :         May be NULL if SetToken() did so, also if type formula::svDouble or formula::svError! */
     129             :     formula::FormulaConstTokenRef GetCellResultToken() const;
     130             : 
     131             :     /** Return type of result, including formula::svError, formula::svEmptyCell, formula::svDouble and
     132             :         formula::svMatrixCell. */
     133             :     formula::StackVar GetType() const;
     134             : 
     135             :     /** If type is formula::svMatrixCell return the type of upper left element, else
     136             :         GetType() */
     137             :     formula::StackVar GetCellResultType() const;
     138             : 
     139             :     /** If type is formula::svEmptyCell (including matrix upper left) and should be
     140             :         displayed as empty string */
     141             :     bool IsEmptyDisplayedAsString() const;
     142             : 
     143             :     /** Test for cell result type formula::svDouble, including upper left if
     144             :         formula::svMatrixCell. Also included is formula::svError for legacy, because previously
     145             :         an error result was treated like a numeric value at some places in
     146             :         ScFormulaCell. Also included is formula::svEmptyCell as a reference to an empty
     147             :         cell usually is treated as numeric 0. Use GetCellResultType() for
     148             :         details instead. */
     149             :     bool IsValue() const;
     150             : 
     151             :     bool IsValueNoError() const;
     152             : 
     153             :     /** Determines whether or not the result is a string containing more than
     154             :         one paragraph */
     155             :     bool IsMultiline() const;
     156             : 
     157             :     bool GetErrorOrDouble( sal_uInt16& rErr, double& rVal ) const;
     158             :     sc::FormulaResultValue GetResult() const;
     159             : 
     160             :     /** Get error code if set or GetCellResultType() is formula::svError or svUnknown,
     161             :         else 0. */
     162             :     sal_uInt16 GetResultError() const;
     163             : 
     164             :     /** Set error code, don't touch token or double. */
     165             :     void SetResultError( sal_uInt16 nErr );
     166             : 
     167             :     /** Set direct double. Shouldn't be used externally except in
     168             :         ScFormulaCell for rounded CalcAsShown or SetErrCode() or
     169             :         SetResultDouble(), see there for condition. If
     170             :         ScMatrixFormulaCellToken the token isn't replaced but upper
     171             :         left result is modified instead, but only if it was of type
     172             :         formula::svDouble before or not set at all.
     173             :      */
     174             :     SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetDouble( double f );
     175             : 
     176             :     /** Return value if type formula::svDouble or formula::svHybridCell or formula::svMatrixCell and upper
     177             :         left formula::svDouble, else 0.0 */
     178             :     double GetDouble() const;
     179             : 
     180             :     /** Return string if type formula::svString or formula::svHybridCell or formula::svMatrixCell and
     181             :         upper left formula::svString, else empty string. */
     182             :     svl::SharedString GetString() const;
     183             : 
     184             :     /** Return matrix if type formula::svMatrixCell and ScMatrix present, else NULL. */
     185             :     ScConstMatrixRef GetMatrix() const;
     186             : 
     187             :     /** Return formula string if type formula::svHybridCell, else empty string. */
     188             :     const OUString& GetHybridFormula() const;
     189             : 
     190             :     /** Should only be used by import filters, best in the order
     191             :         SetHybridDouble(), SetHybridString(), or only SetHybridString() for
     192             :         formula string to be compiled later. */
     193             :     SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetHybridDouble( double f );
     194             : 
     195             :     /** Should only be used by import filters, best in the order
     196             :         SetHybridDouble(), SetHybridString()/SetHybridFormula(), or only
     197             :         SetHybridFormula() for formula string to be compiled later. */
     198             :     SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetHybridString( const svl::SharedString & rStr );
     199             : 
     200             :     /** Should only be used by import filters, best in the order
     201             :         SetHybridDouble(), SetHybridString()/SetHybridFormula(), or only
     202             :         SetHybridFormula() for formula string to be compiled later. */
     203             :     SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetHybridFormula( const OUString & rFormula );
     204             : 
     205             :     SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetMatrix( SCCOL nCols, SCROW nRows, const ScConstMatrixRef& pMat, formula::FormulaToken* pUL );
     206             : 
     207             :     /** Get the const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* if token is of that type, else
     208             :         NULL. */
     209             :     const ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* GetMatrixFormulaCellToken() const;
     210             : 
     211             :     /** Get the ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* if token is of that type, else NULL.
     212             :         Shouldn't be used externally except by ScFormulaCell::SetMatColsRows(). */
     213             :     ScMatrixFormulaCellToken* GetMatrixFormulaCellTokenNonConst();
     214             : };
     215             : 
     216             : #endif // INCLUDED_SC_INC_FORMULARESULT_HXX
     217             : 
     218             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.10