Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : */
9 :
12 :
13 : #include <mdds/flat_segment_tree.hpp>
14 : #include <vector>
15 :
16 : namespace sc {
17 :
18 : template<typename _Key, typename _Span>
19 3294682 : void buildSpan(
20 : std::vector<_Span>& rSpans,
21 : typename mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool>::const_iterator it,
22 : typename mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool>::const_iterator itEnd, const _Key* pStart )
23 : {
24 3294682 : _Key nLastPos = it->first;
25 3294682 : bool bLastVal = it->second;
26 6611983 : for (++it; it != itEnd; ++it)
27 : {
28 3317301 : _Key nThisPos = it->first;
29 3317301 : bool bThisVal = it->second;
30 :
31 3317301 : if (bLastVal)
32 : {
33 14975 : _Key nIndex1 = nLastPos;
34 14975 : _Key nIndex2 = nThisPos-1;
35 :
36 14975 : if (!pStart || *pStart < nIndex1)
37 14975 : rSpans.push_back(_Span(nIndex1, nIndex2));
38 0 : else if (*pStart <= nIndex2)
39 0 : rSpans.push_back(_Span(*pStart, nIndex2));
40 : }
41 :
42 3317301 : nLastPos = nThisPos;
43 3317301 : bLastVal = bThisVal;
44 : }
45 3294682 : }
46 :
47 : template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _Span>
48 2214 : void buildSpanWithValue(
49 : std::vector<_Span>& rSpans,
50 : typename mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,_Val>::const_iterator it,
51 : typename mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,_Val>::const_iterator itEnd, const _Key* pStart )
52 : {
53 2214 : _Key nLastPos = it->first;
54 2214 : _Val nLastVal = it->second;
55 4436 : for (++it; it != itEnd; ++it)
56 : {
57 2222 : _Key nThisPos = it->first;
58 2222 : _Val nThisVal = it->second;
59 :
60 2222 : if (nLastVal)
61 : {
62 6 : _Key nIndex1 = nLastPos;
63 6 : _Key nIndex2 = nThisPos-1;
64 :
65 6 : if (!pStart || *pStart < nIndex1)
66 6 : rSpans.push_back(_Span(nIndex1, nIndex2, nLastVal));
67 0 : else if (*pStart <= nIndex2)
68 0 : rSpans.push_back(_Span(*pStart, nIndex2, nLastVal));
69 : }
70 :
71 2222 : nLastPos = nThisPos;
72 2222 : nLastVal = nThisVal;
73 : }
74 2214 : }
75 :
76 : /**
77 : * Convert a flat_segment_tree structure whose value type is boolean, into
78 : * an array of ranges that corresponds with the segments that have a 'true'
79 : * value.
80 : */
81 : template<typename _Key, typename _Span>
82 3294682 : std::vector<_Span> toSpanArray( const mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool>& rTree )
83 : {
84 : typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool> FstType;
85 :
86 3294682 : std::vector<_Span> aSpans;
87 :
88 3294682 : typename FstType::const_iterator it = rTree.begin(), itEnd = rTree.end();
89 3294682 : buildSpan<_Key,_Span>(aSpans, it, itEnd, NULL);
90 3294682 : return aSpans;
91 : }
92 :
93 : /**
94 : * Convert a flat_segment_tree structure into an array of ranges with
95 : * values. Only those ranges whose value is evaluated to be true will be
96 : * included. The value type must be something that supports bool operator.
97 : * The span type must support a constructor that takes a start key, an end
98 : * key and a value in this order.
99 : */
100 : template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _Span>
101 2214 : std::vector<_Span> toSpanArrayWithValue( const mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,_Val>& rTree )
102 : {
103 : typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,_Val> FstType;
104 :
105 2214 : std::vector<_Span> aSpans;
106 :
107 2214 : typename FstType::const_iterator it = rTree.begin(), itEnd = rTree.end();
108 2214 : buildSpanWithValue<_Key,_Val,_Span>(aSpans, it, itEnd, NULL);
109 2214 : return aSpans;
110 : }
111 :
112 : template<typename _Key, typename _Span>
113 0 : std::vector<_Span> toSpanArray( const mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool>& rTree, _Key nStartPos )
114 : {
115 : typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<_Key,bool> FstType;
116 :
117 0 : std::vector<_Span> aSpans;
118 0 : if (!rTree.is_tree_valid())
119 0 : return aSpans;
120 :
121 0 : bool bThisVal = false;
122 : std::pair<typename FstType::const_iterator, bool> r =
123 0 : rTree.search_tree(nStartPos, bThisVal);
124 :
125 0 : if (!r.second)
126 : // Tree search failed.
127 0 : return aSpans;
128 :
129 0 : typename FstType::const_iterator it = r.first, itEnd = rTree.end();
130 0 : buildSpan<_Key,_Span>(aSpans, it, itEnd, &nStartPos);
131 0 : return aSpans;
132 : }
133 :
134 : }
135 :
136 : #endif
137 :
138 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */