LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sc/source/core/data - postit.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 348 400 87.0 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 47 50 94.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include "postit.hxx"
      21             : 
      22             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      23             : #include <unotools/useroptions.hxx>
      24             : #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
      25             : #include <svx/svdocapt.hxx>
      26             : #include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
      27             : #include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
      28             : #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
      29             : 
      30             : #include "scitems.hxx"
      31             : #include <svx/xlnstit.hxx>
      32             : #include <svx/xlnstwit.hxx>
      33             : #include <svx/xlnstcit.hxx>
      34             : #include <svx/sxcecitm.hxx>
      35             : #include <svx/xflclit.hxx>
      36             : #include <svx/sdshitm.hxx>
      37             : #include <svx/sdsxyitm.hxx>
      38             : #include <tools/gen.hxx>
      39             : 
      40             : #include "table.hxx"
      41             : #include "document.hxx"
      42             : #include "docpool.hxx"
      43             : #include "patattr.hxx"
      44             : #include "formulacell.hxx"
      45             : #include "drwlayer.hxx"
      46             : #include "userdat.hxx"
      47             : #include "detfunc.hxx"
      48             : 
      49             : #include <utility>
      50             : 
      51             : using namespace com::sun::star;
      52             : 
      53             : namespace {
      54             : 
      55             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH             =  2900;    /// Default width of note caption textbox.
      56             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_MAXWIDTH_TEMP     = 12000;    /// Maximum width of temporary note caption textbox.
      57             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_HEIGHT            =  1800;    /// Default height of note caption textbox.
      58             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST          =   600;    /// Default distance of note captions to border of anchor cell.
      59             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_OFFSET_Y          = -1500;    /// Default Y offset of note captions to top border of anchor cell.
      60             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_OFFSET_X          =  1500;    /// Default X offset of note captions to left border of anchor cell.
      61             : const long SC_NOTECAPTION_BORDERDIST_TEMP   =   100;    /// Distance of temporary note captions to visible sheet area.
      62             : 
      63             : /** Static helper functions for caption objects. */
      64             : class ScCaptionUtil
      65             : {
      66             : public:
      67             :     /** Moves the caption object to the correct layer according to passed visibility. */
      68             :     static void         SetCaptionLayer( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown );
      69             :     /** Sets basic caption settings required for note caption objects. */
      70             :     static void         SetBasicCaptionSettings( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown );
      71             :     /** Stores the cell position of the note in the user data area of the caption. */
      72             :     static void         SetCaptionUserData( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, const ScAddress& rPos );
      73             :     /** Sets all default formatting attributes to the caption object. */
      74             :     static void         SetDefaultItems( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, ScDocument& rDoc );
      75             :     /** Updates caption item set according to the passed item set while removing shadow items. */
      76             :     static void         SetCaptionItems( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, const SfxItemSet& rItemSet );
      77             : };
      78             : 
      79          96 : void ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown )
      80             : {
      81          96 :     SdrLayerID nLayer = bShown ? SC_LAYER_INTERN : SC_LAYER_HIDDEN;
      82          96 :     if( nLayer != rCaption.GetLayer() )
      83          96 :         rCaption.SetLayer( nLayer );
      84          96 : }
      85             : 
      86          92 : void ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown )
      87             : {
      88          92 :     SetCaptionLayer( rCaption, bShown );
      89          92 :     rCaption.SetFixedTail();
      90          92 :     rCaption.SetSpecialTextBoxShadow();
      91          92 : }
      92             : 
      93          92 : void ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, const ScAddress& rPos )
      94             : {
      95             :     // pass true to ScDrawLayer::GetObjData() to create the object data entry
      96          92 :     ScDrawObjData* pObjData = ScDrawLayer::GetObjData( &rCaption, true );
      97             :     OSL_ENSURE( pObjData, "ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData - missing drawing object user data" );
      98          92 :     pObjData->maStart = rPos;
      99          92 :     pObjData->meType = ScDrawObjData::CellNote;
     100          92 : }
     101             : 
     102          78 : void ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, ScDocument& rDoc )
     103             : {
     104          78 :     SfxItemSet aItemSet = rCaption.GetMergedItemSet();
     105             : 
     106             :     // caption tail arrow
     107         156 :     ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aTriangle;
     108          78 :     aTriangle.append( ::basegfx::B2DPoint( 10.0,  0.0 ) );
     109          78 :     aTriangle.append( ::basegfx::B2DPoint(  0.0, 30.0 ) );
     110          78 :     aTriangle.append( ::basegfx::B2DPoint( 20.0, 30.0 ) );
     111          78 :     aTriangle.setClosed( true );
     112             :     /*  Line ends are now created with an empty name. The
     113             :         checkForUniqueItem() method then finds a unique name for the item's
     114             :         value. */
     115          78 :     aItemSet.Put( XLineStartItem( OUString(), ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( aTriangle ) ) );
     116          78 :     aItemSet.Put( XLineStartWidthItem( 200 ) );
     117          78 :     aItemSet.Put( XLineStartCenterItem( false ) );
     118          78 :     aItemSet.Put( XFillStyleItem( drawing::FillStyle_SOLID ) );
     119          78 :     aItemSet.Put( XFillColorItem( OUString(), ScDetectiveFunc::GetCommentColor() ) );
     120          78 :     aItemSet.Put( SdrCaptionEscDirItem( SDRCAPT_ESCBESTFIT ) );
     121             : 
     122             :     // shadow
     123             :     /*  SdrShadowItem has sal_False, instead the shadow is set for the
     124             :         rectangle only with SetSpecialTextBoxShadow() when the object is
     125             :         created (item must be set to adjust objects from older files). */
     126          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrShadowItem( false ) );
     127          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrShadowXDistItem( 100 ) );
     128          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrShadowYDistItem( 100 ) );
     129             : 
     130             :     // text attributes
     131          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextLeftDistItem( 100 ) );
     132          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextRightDistItem( 100 ) );
     133          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextUpperDistItem( 100 ) );
     134          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextLowerDistItem( 100 ) );
     135          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem( false ) );
     136          78 :     aItemSet.Put( makeSdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem( true ) );
     137             :     // use the default cell style to be able to modify the caption font
     138          78 :     const ScPatternAttr& rDefPattern = static_cast< const ScPatternAttr& >( rDoc.GetPool()->GetDefaultItem( ATTR_PATTERN ) );
     139          78 :     rDefPattern.FillEditItemSet( &aItemSet );
     140             : 
     141         156 :     rCaption.SetMergedItemSet( aItemSet );
     142          78 : }
     143             : 
     144          18 : void ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionItems( SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, const SfxItemSet& rItemSet )
     145             : {
     146             :     // copy all items
     147          18 :     rCaption.SetMergedItemSet( rItemSet );
     148             :     // reset shadow items
     149          18 :     rCaption.SetMergedItem( makeSdrShadowItem( false ) );
     150          18 :     rCaption.SetMergedItem( makeSdrShadowXDistItem( 100 ) );
     151          18 :     rCaption.SetMergedItem( makeSdrShadowYDistItem( 100 ) );
     152          18 :     rCaption.SetSpecialTextBoxShadow();
     153          18 : }
     154             : 
     155             : /** Helper for creation and manipulation of caption drawing objects independent
     156             :     from cell annotations. */
     157             : class ScCaptionCreator
     158             : {
     159             : public:
     160             :     /** Create a new caption. The caption will not be inserted into the document. */
     161             :     explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShown, bool bTailFront );
     162             :     /** Manipulate an existing caption. */
     163             :     explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj& rCaption );
     164             : 
     165             :     /** Returns the drawing layer page of the sheet contained in maPos. */
     166             :     SdrPage*            GetDrawPage();
     167             :     /** Returns the caption drawing object. */
     168          86 :     inline SdrCaptionObj* GetCaption() { return mpCaption; }
     169             : 
     170             :     /** Moves the caption inside the passed rectangle. Uses page area if 0 is passed. */
     171             :     void                FitCaptionToRect( const Rectangle* pVisRect = 0 );
     172             :     /** Places the caption inside the passed rectangle, tries to keep the cell rectangle uncovered. Uses page area if 0 is passed. */
     173             :     void                AutoPlaceCaption( const Rectangle* pVisRect = 0 );
     174             :     /** Updates caption tail and textbox according to current cell position. Uses page area if 0 is passed. */
     175             :     void                UpdateCaptionPos( const Rectangle* pVisRect = 0 );
     176             : 
     177             : protected:
     178             :     /** Helper constructor for derived classes. */
     179             :     explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos );
     180             : 
     181             :     /** Calculates the caption tail position according to current cell position. */
     182             :     Point               CalcTailPos( bool bTailFront );
     183             :     /** Implements creation of the caption object. The caption will not be inserted into the document. */
     184             :     void                CreateCaption( bool bShown, bool bTailFront );
     185             : 
     186             : private:
     187             :     /** Initializes all members. */
     188             :     void                Initialize();
     189             :     /** Returns the passed rectangle if existing, page rectangle otherwise. */
     190         158 :     inline const Rectangle& GetVisRect( const Rectangle* pVisRect ) const { return pVisRect ? *pVisRect : maPageRect; }
     191             : 
     192             : private:
     193             :     ScDocument&         mrDoc;
     194             :     ScAddress           maPos;
     195             :     SdrCaptionObj*      mpCaption;
     196             :     Rectangle           maPageRect;
     197             :     Rectangle           maCellRect;
     198             :     bool                mbNegPage;
     199             : };
     200             : 
     201           0 : ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShown, bool bTailFront ) :
     202             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     203             :     maPos( rPos ),
     204           0 :     mpCaption( 0 )
     205             : {
     206           0 :     Initialize();
     207           0 :     CreateCaption( bShown, bTailFront );
     208           0 : }
     209             : 
     210          30 : ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj& rCaption ) :
     211             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     212             :     maPos( rPos ),
     213          30 :     mpCaption( &rCaption )
     214             : {
     215          30 :     Initialize();
     216          30 : }
     217             : 
     218         144 : ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos ) :
     219             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     220             :     maPos( rPos ),
     221         144 :     mpCaption( 0 )
     222             : {
     223         144 :     Initialize();
     224         144 : }
     225             : 
     226         324 : SdrPage* ScCaptionCreator::GetDrawPage()
     227             : {
     228         324 :     ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer();
     229         324 :     return pDrawLayer ? pDrawLayer->GetPage( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( maPos.Tab() ) ) : 0;
     230             : }
     231             : 
     232          88 : void ScCaptionCreator::FitCaptionToRect( const Rectangle* pVisRect )
     233             : {
     234          88 :     const Rectangle& rVisRect = GetVisRect( pVisRect );
     235             : 
     236             :     // tail position
     237          88 :     Point aTailPos = mpCaption->GetTailPos();
     238          88 :     aTailPos.X() = ::std::max( ::std::min( aTailPos.X(), rVisRect.Right() ), rVisRect.Left() );
     239          88 :     aTailPos.Y() = ::std::max( ::std::min( aTailPos.Y(), rVisRect.Bottom() ), rVisRect.Top() );
     240          88 :     mpCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
     241             : 
     242             :     // caption rectangle
     243          88 :     Rectangle aCaptRect = mpCaption->GetLogicRect();
     244          88 :     Point aCaptPos = aCaptRect.TopLeft();
     245             :     // move textbox inside right border of visible area
     246          88 :     aCaptPos.X() = ::std::min< long >( aCaptPos.X(), rVisRect.Right() - aCaptRect.GetWidth() );
     247             :     // move textbox inside left border of visible area (this may move it outside on right side again)
     248          88 :     aCaptPos.X() = ::std::max< long >( aCaptPos.X(), rVisRect.Left() );
     249             :     // move textbox inside bottom border of visible area
     250          88 :     aCaptPos.Y() = ::std::min< long >( aCaptPos.Y(), rVisRect.Bottom() - aCaptRect.GetHeight() );
     251             :     // move textbox inside top border of visible area (this may move it outside on bottom side again)
     252          88 :     aCaptPos.Y() = ::std::max< long >( aCaptPos.Y(), rVisRect.Top() );
     253             :     // update caption
     254          88 :     aCaptRect.SetPos( aCaptPos );
     255          88 :     mpCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     256          88 : }
     257             : 
     258          70 : void ScCaptionCreator::AutoPlaceCaption( const Rectangle* pVisRect )
     259             : {
     260          70 :     const Rectangle& rVisRect = GetVisRect( pVisRect );
     261             : 
     262             :     // caption rectangle
     263          70 :     Rectangle aCaptRect = mpCaption->GetLogicRect();
     264          70 :     long nWidth = aCaptRect.GetWidth();
     265          70 :     long nHeight = aCaptRect.GetHeight();
     266             : 
     267             :     // n***Space contains available space between border of visible area and cell
     268          70 :     long nLeftSpace = maCellRect.Left() - rVisRect.Left() + 1;
     269          70 :     long nRightSpace = rVisRect.Right() - maCellRect.Right() + 1;
     270          70 :     long nTopSpace = maCellRect.Top() - rVisRect.Top() + 1;
     271          70 :     long nBottomSpace = rVisRect.Bottom() - maCellRect.Bottom() + 1;
     272             : 
     273             :     // nNeeded*** contains textbox dimensions plus needed distances to cell or border of visible area
     274          70 :     long nNeededSpaceX = nWidth + SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST;
     275          70 :     long nNeededSpaceY = nHeight + SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST;
     276             : 
     277             :     // bFitsWidth*** == true means width of textbox fits into horizontal free space of visible area
     278          70 :     bool bFitsWidthLeft = nNeededSpaceX <= nLeftSpace;      // text box width fits into the width left of cell
     279          70 :     bool bFitsWidthRight = nNeededSpaceX <= nRightSpace;    // text box width fits into the width right of cell
     280          70 :     bool bFitsWidth = nWidth <= rVisRect.GetWidth();        // text box width fits into width of visible area
     281             : 
     282             :     // bFitsHeight*** == true means height of textbox fits into vertical free space of visible area
     283          70 :     bool bFitsHeightTop = nNeededSpaceY <= nTopSpace;       // text box height fits into the height above cell
     284          70 :     bool bFitsHeightBottom = nNeededSpaceY <= nBottomSpace; // text box height fits into the height below cell
     285          70 :     bool bFitsHeight = nHeight <= rVisRect.GetHeight();     // text box height fits into height of visible area
     286             : 
     287             :     // bFits*** == true means the textbox fits completely into free space of visible area
     288          70 :     bool bFitsLeft = bFitsWidthLeft && bFitsHeight;
     289          70 :     bool bFitsRight = bFitsWidthRight && bFitsHeight;
     290          70 :     bool bFitsTop = bFitsWidth && bFitsHeightTop;
     291          70 :     bool bFitsBottom = bFitsWidth && bFitsHeightBottom;
     292             : 
     293          70 :     Point aCaptPos;
     294             :     // use left/right placement if possible, or if top/bottom placement not possible
     295          70 :     if( bFitsLeft || bFitsRight || (!bFitsTop && !bFitsBottom) )
     296             :     {
     297             :         // prefer left in RTL sheet and right in LTR sheets
     298          70 :         bool bPreferLeft = bFitsLeft && (mbNegPage || !bFitsRight);
     299          70 :         bool bPreferRight = bFitsRight && (!mbNegPage || !bFitsLeft);
     300             :         // move to left, if left is preferred, or if neither left nor right fit and there is more space to the left
     301          70 :         if( bPreferLeft || (!bPreferRight && (nLeftSpace > nRightSpace)) )
     302           0 :             aCaptPos.X() = maCellRect.Left() - SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST - nWidth;
     303             :         else // to right
     304          70 :             aCaptPos.X() = maCellRect.Right() + SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST;
     305             :         // Y position according to top cell border
     306          70 :         aCaptPos.Y() = maCellRect.Top() + SC_NOTECAPTION_OFFSET_Y;
     307             :     }
     308             :     else    // top or bottom placement
     309             :     {
     310             :         // X position
     311           0 :         aCaptPos.X() = maCellRect.Left() + SC_NOTECAPTION_OFFSET_X;
     312             :         // top placement, if possible
     313           0 :         if( bFitsTop )
     314           0 :             aCaptPos.Y() = maCellRect.Top() - SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST - nHeight;
     315             :         else    // bottom placement
     316           0 :             aCaptPos.Y() = maCellRect.Bottom() + SC_NOTECAPTION_CELLDIST;
     317             :     }
     318             : 
     319             :     // update textbox position in note caption object
     320          70 :     aCaptRect.SetPos( aCaptPos );
     321          70 :     mpCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     322          70 :     FitCaptionToRect( pVisRect );
     323          70 : }
     324             : 
     325          24 : void ScCaptionCreator::UpdateCaptionPos( const Rectangle* pVisRect )
     326             : {
     327          24 :     ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer();
     328             : 
     329             :     // update caption position
     330          24 :     const Point& rOldTailPos = mpCaption->GetTailPos();
     331          24 :     Point aTailPos = CalcTailPos( false );
     332          24 :     if( rOldTailPos != aTailPos )
     333             :     {
     334             :         // create drawing undo action
     335           2 :         if( pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
     336           0 :             pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoGeoObj( *mpCaption ) );
     337             :         // calculate new caption rectangle (#i98141# handle LTR<->RTL switch correctly)
     338           2 :         Rectangle aCaptRect = mpCaption->GetLogicRect();
     339           2 :         long nDiffX = (rOldTailPos.X() >= 0) ? (aCaptRect.Left() - rOldTailPos.X()) : (rOldTailPos.X() - aCaptRect.Right());
     340           2 :         if( mbNegPage ) nDiffX = -nDiffX - aCaptRect.GetWidth();
     341           2 :         long nDiffY = aCaptRect.Top() - rOldTailPos.Y();
     342           2 :         aCaptRect.SetPos( aTailPos + Point( nDiffX, nDiffY ) );
     343             :         // set new tail position and caption rectangle
     344           2 :         mpCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
     345           2 :         mpCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     346             :         // fit caption into draw page
     347           2 :         FitCaptionToRect( pVisRect );
     348             :     }
     349             : 
     350             :     // update cell position in caption user data
     351          24 :     ScDrawObjData* pCaptData = ScDrawLayer::GetNoteCaptionData( mpCaption, maPos.Tab() );
     352          24 :     if( pCaptData && (maPos != pCaptData->maStart) )
     353             :     {
     354             :         // create drawing undo action
     355           2 :         if( pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
     356           0 :             pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new ScUndoObjData( mpCaption, pCaptData->maStart, pCaptData->maEnd, maPos, pCaptData->maEnd ) );
     357             :         // set new position
     358           2 :         pCaptData->maStart = maPos;
     359             :     }
     360          24 : }
     361             : 
     362         116 : Point ScCaptionCreator::CalcTailPos( bool bTailFront )
     363             : {
     364             :     // tail position
     365         116 :     bool bTailLeft = bTailFront != mbNegPage;
     366         116 :     Point aTailPos = bTailLeft ? maCellRect.TopLeft() : maCellRect.TopRight();
     367             :     // move caption point 1/10 mm inside cell
     368         116 :     if( bTailLeft ) aTailPos.X() += 10; else aTailPos.X() -= 10;
     369         116 :     aTailPos.Y() += 10;
     370         116 :     return aTailPos;
     371             : }
     372             : 
     373          86 : void ScCaptionCreator::CreateCaption( bool bShown, bool bTailFront )
     374             : {
     375             :     // create the caption drawing object
     376          86 :     Rectangle aTextRect( Point( 0 , 0 ), Size( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH, SC_NOTECAPTION_HEIGHT ) );
     377          86 :     Point aTailPos = CalcTailPos( bTailFront );
     378          86 :     mpCaption = new SdrCaptionObj( aTextRect, aTailPos );
     379             :     // basic caption settings
     380          86 :     ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( *mpCaption, bShown );
     381          86 : }
     382             : 
     383         174 : void ScCaptionCreator::Initialize()
     384             : {
     385         174 :     maCellRect = ScDrawLayer::GetCellRect( mrDoc, maPos, true );
     386         174 :     mbNegPage = mrDoc.IsNegativePage( maPos.Tab() );
     387         174 :     if( SdrPage* pDrawPage = GetDrawPage() )
     388             :     {
     389         116 :         maPageRect = Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), pDrawPage->GetSize() );
     390             :         /*  #i98141# SdrPage::GetSize() returns negative width in RTL mode.
     391             :             The call to Rectangle::Adjust() orders left/right coordinate
     392             :             accordingly. */
     393         116 :         maPageRect.Justify();
     394             :     }
     395         174 : }
     396             : 
     397             : /** Helper for creation of permanent caption drawing objects for cell notes. */
     398             : class ScNoteCaptionCreator : public ScCaptionCreator
     399             : {
     400             : public:
     401             :     /** Create a new caption object and inserts it into the document. */
     402             :     explicit            ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScNoteData& rNoteData );
     403             :     /** Manipulate an existing caption. */
     404             :     explicit            ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown );
     405             : };
     406             : 
     407         144 : ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScNoteData& rNoteData ) :
     408         144 :     ScCaptionCreator( rDoc, rPos )  // use helper c'tor that does not create the caption yet
     409             : {
     410         144 :     SdrPage* pDrawPage = GetDrawPage();
     411             :     OSL_ENSURE( pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - no drawing page" );
     412         144 :     if( pDrawPage )
     413             :     {
     414             :         // create the caption drawing object
     415          86 :         CreateCaption( rNoteData.mbShown, false );
     416          86 :         rNoteData.mpCaption = GetCaption();
     417             :         OSL_ENSURE( rNoteData.mpCaption, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - missing caption object" );
     418          86 :         if( rNoteData.mpCaption )
     419             :         {
     420             :             // store note position in user data of caption object
     421          86 :             ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( *rNoteData.mpCaption, rPos );
     422             :             // insert object into draw page
     423          86 :             pDrawPage->InsertObject( rNoteData.mpCaption );
     424             :         }
     425             :     }
     426         144 : }
     427             : 
     428           6 : ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown ) :
     429           6 :     ScCaptionCreator( rDoc, rPos, rCaption )
     430             : {
     431           6 :     SdrPage* pDrawPage = GetDrawPage();
     432             :     OSL_ENSURE( pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - no drawing page" );
     433             :     OSL_ENSURE( rCaption.GetPage() == pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - wrong drawing page in caption" );
     434           6 :     if( pDrawPage && (rCaption.GetPage() == pDrawPage) )
     435             :     {
     436             :         // store note position in user data of caption object
     437           6 :         ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( rCaption, rPos );
     438             :         // basic caption settings
     439           6 :         ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( rCaption, bShown );
     440             :         // set correct tail position
     441           6 :         rCaption.SetTailPos( CalcTailPos( false ) );
     442             :     }
     443           6 : }
     444             : 
     445             : } // namespace
     446             : 
     447          70 : struct ScCaptionInitData
     448             : {
     449             :     typedef ::std::unique_ptr< SfxItemSet >           SfxItemSetPtr;
     450             :     typedef ::std::unique_ptr< OutlinerParaObject >   OutlinerParaObjPtr;
     451             : 
     452             :     SfxItemSetPtr       mxItemSet;          /// Caption object formatting.
     453             :     OutlinerParaObjPtr  mxOutlinerObj;      /// Text object with all text portion formatting.
     454             :     OUString     maSimpleText;       /// Simple text without formatting.
     455             :     Point               maCaptionOffset;    /// Caption position relative to cell corner.
     456             :     Size                maCaptionSize;      /// Size of the caption object.
     457             :     bool                mbDefaultPosSize;   /// True = use default position and size for caption.
     458             : 
     459             :     explicit            ScCaptionInitData();
     460             : };
     461             : 
     462          70 : ScCaptionInitData::ScCaptionInitData() :
     463          70 :     mbDefaultPosSize( true )
     464             : {
     465          70 : }
     466             : 
     467         190 : ScNoteData::ScNoteData( bool bShown ) :
     468             :     mpCaption( 0 ),
     469         190 :     mbShown( bShown )
     470             : {
     471         190 : }
     472             : 
     473         422 : ScNoteData::~ScNoteData()
     474             : {
     475         422 : }
     476             : 
     477          54 : ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShown ) :
     478             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     479          54 :     maNoteData( bShown )
     480             : {
     481          54 :     AutoStamp();
     482          54 :     CreateCaption( rPos );
     483          54 : }
     484             : 
     485          52 : ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt& rNote ) :
     486             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     487          52 :     maNoteData( rNote.maNoteData )
     488             : {
     489          52 :     maNoteData.mpCaption = 0;
     490          52 :     CreateCaption( rPos, rNote.maNoteData.mpCaption );
     491          52 : }
     492             : 
     493         134 : ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScNoteData& rNoteData, bool bAlwaysCreateCaption ) :
     494             :     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     495         134 :     maNoteData( rNoteData )
     496             : {
     497         134 :     if( bAlwaysCreateCaption || maNoteData.mbShown )
     498          46 :         CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     499         134 : }
     500             : 
     501         468 : ScPostIt::~ScPostIt()
     502             : {
     503         234 :     RemoveCaption();
     504         234 : }
     505             : 
     506         110 : ScPostIt* ScPostIt::Clone( const ScAddress& rOwnPos, ScDocument& rDestDoc, const ScAddress& rDestPos, bool bCloneCaption ) const
     507             : {
     508         110 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rOwnPos );
     509         110 :     return bCloneCaption ? new ScPostIt( rDestDoc, rDestPos, *this ) : new ScPostIt( rDestDoc, rDestPos, maNoteData, false );
     510             : }
     511             : 
     512          32 : void ScPostIt::SetDate( const OUString& rDate )
     513             : {
     514          32 :     maNoteData.maDate = rDate;
     515          32 : }
     516             : 
     517          44 : void ScPostIt::SetAuthor( const OUString& rAuthor )
     518             : {
     519          44 :     maNoteData.maAuthor = rAuthor;
     520          44 : }
     521             : 
     522         130 : void ScPostIt::AutoStamp()
     523             : {
     524         130 :     maNoteData.maDate = ScGlobal::pLocaleData->getDate( Date( Date::SYSTEM ) );
     525         130 :     maNoteData.maAuthor = SvtUserOptions().GetID();
     526         130 : }
     527             : 
     528          90 : const OutlinerParaObject* ScPostIt::GetOutlinerObject() const
     529             : {
     530          90 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     531          30 :         return maNoteData.mpCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject();
     532          60 :     if( maNoteData.mxInitData.get() )
     533          20 :         return maNoteData.mxInitData->mxOutlinerObj.get();
     534          40 :     return 0;
     535             : }
     536             : 
     537          90 : const EditTextObject* ScPostIt::GetEditTextObject() const
     538             : {
     539          90 :     const OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = GetOutlinerObject();
     540          90 :     return pOPO ? &pOPO->GetTextObject() : 0;
     541             : }
     542             : 
     543          76 : OUString ScPostIt::GetText() const
     544             : {
     545          76 :     if( const EditTextObject* pEditObj = GetEditTextObject() )
     546             :     {
     547          32 :         OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
     548          64 :         for( sal_Int32 nPara = 0, nParaCount = pEditObj->GetParagraphCount(); nPara < nParaCount; ++nPara )
     549             :         {
     550          32 :             if( nPara > 0 )
     551           0 :                 aBuffer.append( '\n' );
     552          32 :             aBuffer.append( pEditObj->GetText( nPara ) );
     553             :         }
     554          32 :         return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
     555             :     }
     556          44 :     if( maNoteData.mxInitData.get() )
     557           4 :         return maNoteData.mxInitData->maSimpleText;
     558          40 :     return OUString();
     559             : }
     560             : 
     561          46 : void ScPostIt::SetText( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rText )
     562             : {
     563          46 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     564          46 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     565          12 :         maNoteData.mpCaption->SetText( rText );
     566          46 : }
     567             : 
     568          28 : SdrCaptionObj* ScPostIt::GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
     569             : {
     570          28 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     571          28 :     return maNoteData.mpCaption;
     572             : }
     573             : 
     574          20 : void ScPostIt::ForgetCaption()
     575             : {
     576             :     /*  This function is used in undo actions to give up the responsibility for
     577             :         the caption object which is handled by separate drawing undo actions. */
     578          20 :     maNoteData.mpCaption = 0;
     579          20 :     maNoteData.mxInitData.reset();
     580          20 : }
     581             : 
     582           4 : void ScPostIt::ShowCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow )
     583             : {
     584           4 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     585             :     // no separate drawing undo needed, handled completely inside ScUndoShowHideNote
     586           4 :     maNoteData.mbShown = bShow;
     587           4 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     588           4 :         ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.mpCaption, bShow );
     589           4 : }
     590             : 
     591           0 : void ScPostIt::ShowCaptionTemp( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow )
     592             : {
     593           0 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     594           0 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     595           0 :         ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.mpCaption, maNoteData.mbShown || bShow );
     596           0 : }
     597             : 
     598          30 : void ScPostIt::UpdateCaptionPos( const ScAddress& rPos )
     599             : {
     600          30 :     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     601          30 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     602             :     {
     603          24 :         ScCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, *maNoteData.mpCaption );
     604          24 :         aCreator.UpdateCaptionPos();
     605             :     }
     606          30 : }
     607             : 
     608             : // private --------------------------------------------------------------------
     609             : 
     610         264 : void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
     611             : {
     612             :     OSL_ENSURE( maNoteData.mpCaption || maNoteData.mxInitData.get(), "ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData - need caption object or initial caption data" );
     613         264 :     if( maNoteData.mxInitData.get() )
     614             :     {
     615             :         /*  This function is called from ScPostIt::Clone() when copying cells
     616             :             to the clipboard/undo document, and when copying cells from the
     617             :             clipboard/undo document. The former should always be called first,
     618             :             so if called in an clipboard/undo document, the caption should have
     619             :             been created already. */
     620             :         OSL_ENSURE( !mrDoc.IsUndo() && !mrDoc.IsClipboard(), "ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData - note caption should not be created in undo/clip documents" );
     621             : 
     622             :         /*  #i104915# Never try to create notes in Undo document, leads to
     623             :             crash due to missing document members (e.g. row height array). */
     624          52 :         if( !maNoteData.mpCaption && !mrDoc.IsUndo() )
     625             :         {
     626             :             // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor creates the caption and inserts it into the document and maNoteData
     627          52 :             ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData );
     628          52 :             if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     629             :             {
     630          52 :                 ScCaptionInitData& rInitData = *maNoteData.mxInitData;
     631             : 
     632             :                 // transfer ownership of outliner object to caption, or set simple text
     633             :                 OSL_ENSURE( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.get() || !rInitData.maSimpleText.isEmpty(),
     634             :                     "ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData - need either outliner para object or simple text" );
     635          52 :                 if( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.get() )
     636          18 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.release() );
     637             :                 else
     638          34 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->SetText( rInitData.maSimpleText );
     639             : 
     640             :                 // copy all items or set default items; reset shadow items
     641          52 :                 ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.mpCaption, mrDoc );
     642          52 :                 if( rInitData.mxItemSet.get() )
     643          18 :                     ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionItems( *maNoteData.mpCaption, *rInitData.mxItemSet );
     644             : 
     645             :                 // set position and size of the caption object
     646          52 :                 if( rInitData.mbDefaultPosSize )
     647             :                 {
     648             :                     // set other items and fit caption size to text
     649          44 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMinFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH ) );
     650          44 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMaxFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_MAXWIDTH_TEMP ) );
     651          44 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight();
     652          44 :                     aCreator.AutoPlaceCaption();
     653             :                 }
     654             :                 else
     655             :                 {
     656           8 :                     Rectangle aCellRect = ScDrawLayer::GetCellRect( mrDoc, rPos, true );
     657           8 :                     bool bNegPage = mrDoc.IsNegativePage( rPos.Tab() );
     658           8 :                     long nPosX = bNegPage ? (aCellRect.Left() - rInitData.maCaptionOffset.X()) : (aCellRect.Right() + rInitData.maCaptionOffset.X());
     659           8 :                     long nPosY = aCellRect.Top() + rInitData.maCaptionOffset.Y();
     660           8 :                     Rectangle aCaptRect( Point( nPosX, nPosY ), rInitData.maCaptionSize );
     661           8 :                     maNoteData.mpCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     662           8 :                     aCreator.FitCaptionToRect();
     663             :                 }
     664             :             }
     665             :         }
     666             :         // forget the initial caption data struct
     667          52 :         maNoteData.mxInitData.reset();
     668             :     }
     669         264 : }
     670             : 
     671         106 : void ScPostIt::CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption )
     672             : {
     673             :     OSL_ENSURE( !maNoteData.mpCaption, "ScPostIt::CreateCaption - unexpected caption object found" );
     674         106 :     maNoteData.mpCaption = 0;
     675             : 
     676             :     /*  #i104915# Never try to create notes in Undo document, leads to
     677             :         crash due to missing document members (e.g. row height array). */
     678             :     OSL_ENSURE( !mrDoc.IsUndo(), "ScPostIt::CreateCaption - note caption should not be created in undo documents" );
     679         106 :     if( mrDoc.IsUndo() )
     680         120 :         return;
     681             : 
     682             :     // drawing layer may be missing, if a note is copied into a clipboard document
     683          92 :     if( mrDoc.IsClipboard() )
     684           6 :         mrDoc.InitDrawLayer();
     685             : 
     686             :     // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor creates the caption and inserts it into the document and maNoteData
     687          92 :     ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData );
     688          92 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption )
     689             :     {
     690             :         // clone settings of passed caption
     691          34 :         if( pCaption )
     692             :         {
     693             :             // copy edit text object (object must be inserted into page already)
     694           8 :             if( OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
     695           8 :                 maNoteData.mpCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( new OutlinerParaObject( *pOPO ) );
     696             :             // copy formatting items (after text has been copied to apply font formatting)
     697           8 :             maNoteData.mpCaption->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( pCaption->GetMergedItemSet() );
     698             :             // move textbox position relative to new cell, copy textbox size
     699           8 :             Rectangle aCaptRect = pCaption->GetLogicRect();
     700           8 :             Point aDist = maNoteData.mpCaption->GetTailPos() - pCaption->GetTailPos();
     701           8 :             aCaptRect.Move( aDist.X(), aDist.Y() );
     702           8 :             maNoteData.mpCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     703           8 :             aCreator.FitCaptionToRect();
     704             :         }
     705             :         else
     706             :         {
     707             :             // set default formatting and default position
     708          26 :             ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.mpCaption, mrDoc );
     709          26 :             aCreator.AutoPlaceCaption();
     710             :         }
     711             : 
     712             :         // create undo action
     713          34 :         if( ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer() )
     714          34 :             if( pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
     715           0 :                 pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoNewObj( *maNoteData.mpCaption ) );
     716             :     }
     717             : }
     718             : 
     719         234 : void ScPostIt::RemoveCaption()
     720             : {
     721             : 
     722             :     /*  Remove caption object only, if this note is its owner (e.g. notes in
     723             :         undo documents refer to captions in original document, do not remove
     724             :         them from drawing layer here). */
     725         234 :     ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer();
     726         234 :     if( maNoteData.mpCaption && (pDrawLayer == maNoteData.mpCaption->GetModel()) )
     727             :     {
     728             :         OSL_ENSURE( pDrawLayer, "ScPostIt::RemoveCaption - object without drawing layer" );
     729          84 :         SdrPage* pDrawPage = maNoteData.mpCaption->GetPage();
     730             :         OSL_ENSURE( pDrawPage, "ScPostIt::RemoveCaption - object without drawing page" );
     731          84 :         if( pDrawPage )
     732             :         {
     733          84 :             pDrawPage->RecalcObjOrdNums();
     734             :             // create drawing undo action (before removing the object to have valid draw page in undo action)
     735          84 :             bool bRecording = ( pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording() );
     736          84 :             if( bRecording )
     737           6 :                 pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoDelObj( *maNoteData.mpCaption ) );
     738             :             // remove the object from the drawing page, delete if undo is disabled
     739          84 :             SdrObject* pObj = pDrawPage->RemoveObject( maNoteData.mpCaption->GetOrdNum() );
     740          84 :             if( !bRecording )
     741          78 :                 SdrObject::Free( pObj );
     742             :         }
     743             :     }
     744         234 :     maNoteData.mpCaption = 0;
     745         234 : }
     746             : 
     747           0 : SdrCaptionObj* ScNoteUtil::CreateTempCaption(
     748             :         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrPage& rDrawPage,
     749             :         const OUString& rUserText, const Rectangle& rVisRect, bool bTailFront )
     750             : {
     751           0 :     OUStringBuffer aBuffer( rUserText );
     752             :     // add plain text of invisible (!) cell note (no formatting etc.)
     753           0 :     SdrCaptionObj* pNoteCaption = 0;
     754           0 :     const ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote( rPos );
     755           0 :     if( pNote && !pNote->IsCaptionShown() )
     756             :     {
     757           0 :         if( !aBuffer.isEmpty() )
     758           0 :             aBuffer.append( "\n--------\n" ).append( pNote->GetText() );
     759           0 :         pNoteCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( rPos );
     760             :     }
     761             : 
     762             :     // create a caption if any text exists
     763           0 :     if( !pNoteCaption && aBuffer.isEmpty() )
     764           0 :         return 0;
     765             : 
     766             :     // prepare visible rectangle (add default distance to all borders)
     767             :     Rectangle aVisRect(
     768           0 :         rVisRect.Left() + SC_NOTECAPTION_BORDERDIST_TEMP,
     769           0 :         rVisRect.Top() + SC_NOTECAPTION_BORDERDIST_TEMP,
     770           0 :         rVisRect.Right() - SC_NOTECAPTION_BORDERDIST_TEMP,
     771           0 :         rVisRect.Bottom() - SC_NOTECAPTION_BORDERDIST_TEMP );
     772             : 
     773             :     // create the caption object
     774           0 :     ScCaptionCreator aCreator( rDoc, rPos, true, bTailFront );
     775           0 :     SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = aCreator.GetCaption();
     776             : 
     777             :     // insert caption into page (needed to set caption text)
     778           0 :     rDrawPage.InsertObject( pCaption );
     779             : 
     780             :     // clone the edit text object, unless user text is present, then set this text
     781           0 :     if( pNoteCaption && rUserText.isEmpty() )
     782             :     {
     783           0 :         if( OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pNoteCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
     784           0 :             pCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( new OutlinerParaObject( *pOPO ) );
     785             :         // set formatting (must be done after setting text) and resize the box to fit the text
     786           0 :         pCaption->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( pNoteCaption->GetMergedItemSet() );
     787           0 :         Rectangle aCaptRect( pCaption->GetLogicRect().TopLeft(), pNoteCaption->GetLogicRect().GetSize() );
     788           0 :         pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     789             :     }
     790             :     else
     791             :     {
     792             :         // if pNoteCaption is null, then aBuffer contains some text
     793           0 :         pCaption->SetText( aBuffer.makeStringAndClear() );
     794           0 :         ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *pCaption, rDoc );
     795             :         // adjust caption size to text size
     796           0 :         long nMaxWidth = ::std::min< long >( aVisRect.GetWidth() * 2 / 3, SC_NOTECAPTION_MAXWIDTH_TEMP );
     797           0 :         pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem( true ) );
     798           0 :         pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMinFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH ) );
     799           0 :         pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMaxFrameWidthItem( nMaxWidth ) );
     800           0 :         pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem( true ) );
     801           0 :         pCaption->AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight();
     802             :     }
     803             : 
     804             :     // move caption into visible area
     805           0 :     aCreator.AutoPlaceCaption( &aVisRect );
     806           0 :     return pCaption;
     807             : }
     808             : 
     809           6 : ScPostIt* ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromCaption(
     810             :         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj& rCaption, bool bShown )
     811             : {
     812           6 :     ScNoteData aNoteData( bShown );
     813           6 :     aNoteData.mpCaption = &rCaption;
     814           6 :     ScPostIt* pNote = new ScPostIt( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData, false );
     815           6 :     pNote->AutoStamp();
     816             : 
     817           6 :     rDoc.SetNote(rPos, pNote);
     818             : 
     819             :     // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor updates the caption object to be part of a note
     820           6 :     ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( rDoc, rPos, rCaption, bShown );
     821             : 
     822           6 :     return pNote;
     823             : }
     824             : 
     825          34 : ScPostIt* ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromObjectData(
     826             :         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SfxItemSet* pItemSet,
     827             :         OutlinerParaObject* pOutlinerObj, const Rectangle& rCaptionRect,
     828             :         bool bShown, bool bAlwaysCreateCaption )
     829             : {
     830             :     OSL_ENSURE( pItemSet && pOutlinerObj, "ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromObjectData - item set and outliner object expected" );
     831          34 :     ScNoteData aNoteData( bShown );
     832          34 :     aNoteData.mxInitData.reset( new ScCaptionInitData );
     833          34 :     ScCaptionInitData& rInitData = *aNoteData.mxInitData;
     834          34 :     rInitData.mxItemSet.reset( pItemSet );
     835          34 :     rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.reset( pOutlinerObj );
     836             : 
     837             :     // convert absolute caption position to relative position
     838          34 :     rInitData.mbDefaultPosSize = rCaptionRect.IsEmpty();
     839          34 :     if( !rInitData.mbDefaultPosSize )
     840             :     {
     841          22 :         Rectangle aCellRect = ScDrawLayer::GetCellRect( rDoc, rPos, true );
     842          22 :         bool bNegPage = rDoc.IsNegativePage( rPos.Tab() );
     843          22 :         rInitData.maCaptionOffset.X() = bNegPage ? (aCellRect.Left() - rCaptionRect.Right()) : (rCaptionRect.Left() - aCellRect.Right());
     844          22 :         rInitData.maCaptionOffset.Y() = rCaptionRect.Top() - aCellRect.Top();
     845          22 :         rInitData.maCaptionSize = rCaptionRect.GetSize();
     846             :     }
     847             : 
     848             :     /*  Create the note and insert it into the document. If the note is
     849             :         visible, the caption object will be created automatically. */
     850          34 :     ScPostIt* pNote = new ScPostIt( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData, bAlwaysCreateCaption );
     851          34 :     pNote->AutoStamp();
     852             : 
     853          34 :     rDoc.SetNote(rPos, pNote);
     854             : 
     855          34 :     return pNote;
     856             : }
     857             : 
     858          36 : ScPostIt* ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromString(
     859             :         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rNoteText,
     860             :         bool bShown, bool bAlwaysCreateCaption )
     861             : {
     862          36 :     ScPostIt* pNote = 0;
     863          36 :     if( !rNoteText.isEmpty() )
     864             :     {
     865          36 :         ScNoteData aNoteData( bShown );
     866          36 :         aNoteData.mxInitData.reset( new ScCaptionInitData );
     867          36 :         ScCaptionInitData& rInitData = *aNoteData.mxInitData;
     868          36 :         rInitData.maSimpleText = rNoteText;
     869          36 :         rInitData.mbDefaultPosSize = true;
     870             : 
     871             :         /*  Create the note and insert it into the document. If the note is
     872             :             visible, the caption object will be created automatically. */
     873          36 :         pNote = new ScPostIt( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData, bAlwaysCreateCaption );
     874          36 :         pNote->AutoStamp();
     875             :         //insert takes ownership
     876          36 :         rDoc.SetNote(rPos, pNote);
     877             :     }
     878          36 :     return pNote;
     879             : }
     880             : 
     881             : namespace sc {
     882             : 
     883          68 : NoteEntry::NoteEntry( const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt* pNote ) :
     884          68 :     maPos(rPos), mpNote(pNote) {}
     885             : 
     886         228 : }
     887             : 
     888             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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