Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
22 :
23 : #include <set>
24 : #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
25 : #include <functional>
26 : #include <svl/broadcast.hxx>
27 :
28 : #include "global.hxx"
29 : #include "brdcst.hxx"
30 :
31 : namespace sc {
32 :
33 158 : struct AreaListener
34 : {
35 : ScRange maArea;
36 : SvtListener* mpListener;
37 : };
38 :
39 : }
40 :
41 : /**
42 : Used in a Unique Associative Container.
43 : */
44 :
45 7162 : class ScBroadcastArea
46 : {
47 : private:
48 : ScBroadcastArea* pUpdateChainNext;
49 : SvtBroadcaster aBroadcaster;
50 : ScRange aRange;
51 : sal_uLong nRefCount;
52 : bool bInUpdateChain;
53 :
54 : public:
55 7162 : ScBroadcastArea( const ScRange& rRange )
56 : : pUpdateChainNext( NULL ), aRange( rRange ),
57 7162 : nRefCount( 0 ), bInUpdateChain( false ) {}
58 21996 : inline SvtBroadcaster& GetBroadcaster() { return aBroadcaster; }
59 : inline const SvtBroadcaster& GetBroadcaster() const { return aBroadcaster; }
60 20750 : inline void UpdateRange( const ScRange& rNewRange )
61 20750 : { aRange = rNewRange; }
62 32820 : inline const ScRange& GetRange() const { return aRange; }
63 : inline const ScAddress& GetStart() const { return aRange.aStart; }
64 : inline const ScAddress& GetEnd() const { return aRange.aEnd; }
65 6792 : inline void IncRef() { ++nRefCount; }
66 6792 : inline sal_uLong DecRef() { return nRefCount ? --nRefCount : 0; }
67 730 : inline sal_uLong GetRef() { return nRefCount; }
68 180 : inline ScBroadcastArea* GetUpdateChainNext() const { return pUpdateChainNext; }
69 90 : inline void SetUpdateChainNext( ScBroadcastArea* p ) { pUpdateChainNext = p; }
70 116 : inline bool IsInUpdateChain() const { return bInUpdateChain; }
71 180 : inline void SetInUpdateChain( bool b ) { bInUpdateChain = b; }
72 :
73 : /** Equalness of this or range. */
74 : inline bool operator==( const ScBroadcastArea & rArea ) const;
75 : };
76 :
77 15778 : inline bool ScBroadcastArea::operator==( const ScBroadcastArea & rArea ) const
78 : {
79 15778 : return aRange == rArea.aRange;
80 : }
81 :
82 : struct ScBroadcastAreaEntry
83 : {
84 : ScBroadcastArea* mpArea;
85 : mutable bool mbErasure; ///< TRUE if marked for erasure in this set
86 :
87 27454 : ScBroadcastAreaEntry( ScBroadcastArea* p ) : mpArea( p), mbErasure( false) {}
88 : };
89 :
90 : struct ScBroadcastAreaHash
91 : {
92 27454 : size_t operator()( const ScBroadcastAreaEntry& rEntry ) const
93 : {
94 27454 : return rEntry.mpArea->GetRange().hashArea();
95 : }
96 : };
97 :
98 : struct ScBroadcastAreaEqual
99 : {
100 15778 : bool operator()( const ScBroadcastAreaEntry& rEntry1, const ScBroadcastAreaEntry& rEntry2) const
101 : {
102 15778 : return *rEntry1.mpArea == *rEntry2.mpArea;
103 : }
104 : };
105 :
106 : typedef ::boost::unordered_set< ScBroadcastAreaEntry, ScBroadcastAreaHash, ScBroadcastAreaEqual > ScBroadcastAreas;
107 :
108 : struct ScBroadcastAreaBulkHash
109 : {
110 742 : size_t operator()( const ScBroadcastArea* p ) const
111 : {
112 742 : return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(p);
113 : }
114 : };
115 :
116 : struct ScBroadcastAreaBulkEqual
117 : {
118 378 : bool operator()( const ScBroadcastArea* p1, const ScBroadcastArea* p2) const
119 : {
120 378 : return p1 == p2;
121 : }
122 : };
123 :
124 : typedef ::boost::unordered_set< const ScBroadcastArea*, ScBroadcastAreaBulkHash,
125 : ScBroadcastAreaBulkEqual > ScBroadcastAreasBulk;
126 :
127 : class ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine;
128 :
129 : /// Collection of BroadcastAreas
130 : class ScBroadcastAreaSlot
131 : {
132 : private:
133 : ScBroadcastAreas aBroadcastAreaTbl;
134 : mutable ScBroadcastArea aTmpSeekBroadcastArea; // for FindBroadcastArea()
135 : ScDocument* pDoc;
136 : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine* pBASM;
137 : bool mbInBroadcastIteration;
138 :
139 : ScBroadcastAreas::const_iterator FindBroadcastArea( const ScRange& rRange ) const;
140 :
141 : /**
142 : More hypothetical (memory would probably be doomed anyway) check
143 : whether there would be an overflow when adding an area, setting the
144 : proper state if so.
145 :
146 : @return true if a HardRecalcState is effective and area is not to be
147 : added.
148 : */
149 : bool CheckHardRecalcStateCondition() const;
150 :
151 : /** Finally erase all areas pushed as to-be-erased. */
152 : void FinallyEraseAreas();
153 :
154 5894 : bool isMarkedErased( const ScBroadcastAreas::iterator& rIter )
155 : {
156 5894 : return (*rIter).mbErasure;
157 : }
158 :
159 : public:
160 : ScBroadcastAreaSlot( ScDocument* pDoc,
161 : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine* pBASM );
162 : ~ScBroadcastAreaSlot();
163 : const ScBroadcastAreas& GetBroadcastAreas() const
164 : { return aBroadcastAreaTbl; }
165 :
166 : /**
167 : Only here new ScBroadcastArea objects are created, prevention of dupes.
168 :
169 : @param rpArea
170 : If NULL, a new ScBroadcastArea is created and assigned ton the
171 : reference if a matching area wasn't found. If a matching area was
172 : found, that is assigned. In any case, the SvtListener is added to
173 : the broadcaster.
174 :
175 : If not NULL then no listeners are startet, only the area is
176 : inserted and the reference count incremented. Effectively the same
177 : as InsertListeningArea(), so use that instead.
178 :
179 : @return
180 : true if rpArea passed was NULL and ScBroadcastArea is newly
181 : created.
182 : */
183 : bool StartListeningArea( const ScRange& rRange,
184 : SvtListener* pListener,
185 : ScBroadcastArea*& rpArea );
186 :
187 : /**
188 : Insert a ScBroadcastArea obtained via StartListeningArea() to
189 : subsequent slots.
190 : */
191 : void InsertListeningArea( ScBroadcastArea* pArea );
192 :
193 : void EndListeningArea( const ScRange& rRange,
194 : SvtListener* pListener,
195 : ScBroadcastArea*& rpArea );
196 : bool AreaBroadcast( const ScHint& rHint );
197 : /// @return true if at least one broadcast occurred.
198 : bool AreaBroadcastInRange( const ScRange& rRange,
199 : const ScHint& rHint );
200 : void DelBroadcastAreasInRange( const ScRange& rRange );
201 : void UpdateRemove( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
202 : const ScRange& rRange,
203 : SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz );
204 : void UpdateRemoveArea( ScBroadcastArea* pArea );
205 : void UpdateInsert( ScBroadcastArea* pArea );
206 :
207 3052 : bool IsInBroadcastIteration() const { return mbInBroadcastIteration; }
208 :
209 : /** Erase an area from set and delete it if last reference, or if
210 : mbInBroadcastIteration is set push it to the vector of to-be-erased
211 : areas instead.
212 :
213 : Meant to be used internally and from ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine only.
214 : */
215 : void EraseArea( ScBroadcastAreas::iterator& rIter );
216 :
217 : void GetAllListeners(
218 : const ScRange& rRange, std::vector<sc::AreaListener>& rListeners, sc::AreaOverlapType eType );
219 : };
220 :
221 : /**
222 : BroadcastAreaSlots and their management, once per document.
223 : */
224 :
225 : class ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
226 : {
227 : private:
228 :
229 : /**
230 : Slot offset arrangement of columns and rows, once per sheet.
231 :
232 : +---+---+
233 : | 0 | 3 |
234 : +---+---+
235 : | 1 | 4 |
236 : +---+---+
237 : | 2 | 5 |
238 : +---+---+
239 : */
240 :
241 : class TableSlots
242 : {
243 : public:
244 : TableSlots();
245 : ~TableSlots();
246 20966 : inline ScBroadcastAreaSlot** getSlots() { return ppSlots; }
247 :
248 : /**
249 : Obtain slot pointer, no check on validity! It is assumed that
250 : all calls are made with the results of ComputeSlotOffset(),
251 : ComputeAreaPoints() and ComputeNextSlot()
252 : */
253 9856 : inline ScBroadcastAreaSlot* getAreaSlot( SCSIZE nOff ) { return *(ppSlots + nOff); }
254 :
255 : private:
256 : ScBroadcastAreaSlot** ppSlots;
257 :
258 : // prevent usage
259 : TableSlots( const TableSlots& );
260 : TableSlots& operator=( const TableSlots& );
261 : };
262 :
263 : typedef ::std::map< SCTAB, TableSlots* > TableSlotsMap;
264 :
265 : typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< ScBroadcastAreaSlot*, ScBroadcastAreas::iterator > > AreasToBeErased;
266 :
267 : private:
268 : ScBroadcastAreasBulk aBulkBroadcastAreas;
269 : TableSlotsMap aTableSlotsMap;
270 : AreasToBeErased maAreasToBeErased;
271 : SvtBroadcaster *pBCAlways; // for the RC_ALWAYS special range
272 : ScDocument *pDoc;
273 : ScBroadcastArea *pUpdateChain;
274 : ScBroadcastArea *pEOUpdateChain;
275 : sal_uLong nInBulkBroadcast;
276 :
277 : inline SCSIZE ComputeSlotOffset( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;
278 : void ComputeAreaPoints( const ScRange& rRange,
279 : SCSIZE& nStart, SCSIZE& nEnd,
280 : SCSIZE& nRowBreak ) const;
281 :
282 : public:
283 : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine( ScDocument* pDoc );
284 : ~ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine();
285 : void StartListeningArea( const ScRange& rRange,
286 : SvtListener* pListener );
287 : void EndListeningArea( const ScRange& rRange,
288 : SvtListener* pListener );
289 : bool AreaBroadcast( const ScHint& rHint ) const;
290 : // return: at least one broadcast occurred
291 : bool AreaBroadcastInRange( const ScRange& rRange, const ScHint& rHint ) const;
292 : void DelBroadcastAreasInRange( const ScRange& rRange );
293 : void UpdateBroadcastAreas( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
294 : const ScRange& rRange,
295 : SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz );
296 : void EnterBulkBroadcast();
297 : void LeaveBulkBroadcast();
298 : bool InsertBulkArea( const ScBroadcastArea* p );
299 : /// @return: how many removed
300 : size_t RemoveBulkArea( const ScBroadcastArea* p );
301 : inline ScBroadcastArea* GetUpdateChain() const { return pUpdateChain; }
302 90 : inline void SetUpdateChain( ScBroadcastArea* p ) { pUpdateChain = p; }
303 90 : inline ScBroadcastArea* GetEOUpdateChain() const { return pEOUpdateChain; }
304 90 : inline void SetEOUpdateChain( ScBroadcastArea* p ) { pEOUpdateChain = p; }
305 848 : inline bool IsInBulkBroadcast() const { return nInBulkBroadcast > 0; }
306 :
307 : // only for ScBroadcastAreaSlot
308 : void PushAreaToBeErased( ScBroadcastAreaSlot* pSlot,
309 : ScBroadcastAreas::iterator& rIter );
310 : // only for ScBroadcastAreaSlot
311 : void FinallyEraseAreas( ScBroadcastAreaSlot* pSlot );
312 :
313 : std::vector<sc::AreaListener> GetAllListeners(
314 : const ScRange& rRange, sc::AreaOverlapType eType );
315 : };
316 :
317 : class ScBulkBroadcast
318 : {
319 : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine* pBASM;
320 : public:
321 104390 : explicit ScBulkBroadcast( ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine* p ) : pBASM(p)
322 : {
323 104390 : if (pBASM)
324 104262 : pBASM->EnterBulkBroadcast();
325 104390 : }
326 104390 : ~ScBulkBroadcast()
327 : {
328 104390 : if (pBASM)
329 104262 : pBASM->LeaveBulkBroadcast();
330 104390 : }
331 : void LeaveBulkBroadcast()
332 : {
333 : if (pBASM)
334 : {
335 : pBASM->LeaveBulkBroadcast();
336 : pBASM = NULL;
337 : }
338 : }
339 : };
340 :
341 : #endif
342 :
343 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */