Line data Source code
1 : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 : /*
3 : * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 : *
5 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 : * file, You can obtain one at
8 : *
9 : * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 : *
11 : * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 : * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 : * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 : * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 : * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 : * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 : * the License at .
18 : */
19 :
22 :
23 : #include "ViewShell.hxx"
24 : #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
25 : #include "pres.hxx"
26 :
27 : class SdDrawDocument;
28 : class SdOptions;
29 :
30 : namespace sd {
31 :
32 : /**
33 : * View for MDIFrame
34 : */
35 : class SD_DLLPUBLIC FrameView
36 : : public SdrView
37 : {
38 : public:
39 : FrameView(SdDrawDocument* pDrawDoc, FrameView* pFrameView = NULL );
40 : FrameView(const FrameView& rFrameView);
41 : virtual ~FrameView();
42 :
43 : void Connect();
44 : void Disconnect();
45 :
46 : void Update(SdOptions* pOptions);
47 :
48 1334 : void SetStandardHelpLines(const SdrHelpLineList& rHelpLines)
49 1334 : { maStandardHelpLines = rHelpLines; }
50 992 : const SdrHelpLineList& GetStandardHelpLines() { return maStandardHelpLines; }
51 0 : void SetNotesHelpLines(const SdrHelpLineList& rHelpLines)
52 0 : { maNotesHelpLines = rHelpLines; }
53 222 : const SdrHelpLineList& GetNotesHelpLines() { return maNotesHelpLines; }
54 0 : void SetHandoutHelpLines(const SdrHelpLineList& rHelpLines)
55 0 : { maHandoutHelpLines = rHelpLines; }
56 222 : const SdrHelpLineList& GetHandoutHelpLines() { return maHandoutHelpLines; }
57 :
58 168 : void SetVisibleLayers(const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers)
59 168 : { maVisibleLayers = rVisibleLayers; }
60 2316 : const SetOfByte& GetVisibleLayers() { return maVisibleLayers; }
61 :
62 168 : void SetLockedLayers(const SetOfByte& rLockedLayers)
63 168 : { maLockedLayers = rLockedLayers; }
64 2316 : const SetOfByte& GetLockedLayers() { return maLockedLayers; }
65 :
66 168 : void SetPrintableLayers(const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers)
67 168 : { maPrintableLayers = rPrintableLayers; }
68 2316 : const SetOfByte& GetPrintableLayers() { return maPrintableLayers; }
69 :
70 1566 : void SetRuler(const bool bRulerOn)
71 1566 : { mbRuler = bRulerOn; }
72 1144 : bool HasRuler() const { return mbRuler; }
73 :
74 240 : void SetNoColors(const bool bNoCol)
75 240 : { mbNoColors = bNoCol; }
76 222 : bool IsNoColors() const { return mbNoColors; }
77 :
78 240 : void SetNoAttribs(const bool bNoAttr)
79 240 : { mbNoAttribs = bNoAttr; }
80 222 : bool IsNoAttribs() const { return mbNoAttribs; }
81 :
82 2284 : void SetVisArea(const Rectangle& rVisArea)
83 2284 : { maVisArea = rVisArea; }
84 1182 : const Rectangle GetVisArea() { return maVisArea; }
85 :
86 258 : void SetPageKind(PageKind eKind) { mePageKind = eKind; }
87 434 : PageKind GetPageKind() const { return mePageKind; }
88 :
89 : /** is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the
90 : page kind that was selected while last saving this document */
91 240 : void SetPageKindOnLoad(PageKind eKind) { mePageKindOnLoad = eKind; }
92 :
93 : /** can be used to get the page kind that was selected on last save of this document */
94 242 : PageKind GetPageKindOnLoad() const { return mePageKindOnLoad; }
95 :
96 : void SetSelectedPage (sal_uInt16 nPage);
97 984 : sal_uInt16 GetSelectedPage () const { return mnSelectedPage;}
98 :
99 : /** is used in FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence() only to store the
100 : page that was selected while last saving this document */
101 240 : void SetSelectedPageOnLoad (sal_uInt16 nPage) { mnSelectedPageOnLoad = nPage; }
102 :
103 : /** can be used to get the page that was selected on last save of this document */
104 2 : sal_uInt16 GetSelectedPageOnLoad () const { return mnSelectedPageOnLoad; }
105 :
106 : void SetViewShEditMode(EditMode eMode, PageKind eKind);
107 : EditMode GetViewShEditMode (PageKind eKind);
108 :
109 : /** Remember the edit mode of the main view shell at the time when the
110 : document is loaded.
111 : */
112 : void SetViewShEditModeOnLoad (const EditMode eMode);
113 :
114 : /** Return the value of the edit mode as it was when the document was
115 : loaded.
116 : */
117 2 : EditMode GetViewShEditModeOnLoad (void) const { return meEditModeOnLoad;}
118 :
119 1564 : void SetLayerMode(bool bMode)
120 1564 : { mbLayerMode = bMode; }
121 984 : bool IsLayerMode() const { return mbLayerMode; }
122 :
123 1706 : void SetQuickEdit(bool bQEdit)
124 1706 : { mbQuickEdit = bQEdit; }
125 764 : bool IsQuickEdit() const { return mbQuickEdit; }
126 :
127 622 : void SetDoubleClickTextEdit( bool bOn = true ) { mbDoubleClickTextEdit = bOn; }
128 241 : bool IsDoubleClickTextEdit() const { return mbDoubleClickTextEdit; }
129 :
130 622 : void SetClickChangeRotation( bool bOn = true ) { mbClickChangeRotation = bOn; }
131 241 : bool IsClickChangeRotation() const { return mbClickChangeRotation; }
132 :
133 : /** Remember the type of the view shell that was (or soon will be)
134 : previously associated with this frame view.
135 : @param eType
136 : The type of the previous view shell or ViewShell::ST_NONE to
137 : indicate that there is no previous view shell.
138 : */
139 : void SetPreviousViewShellType (ViewShell::ShellType eType);
140 :
141 : /** Return the type of the view shell previously associated with this
142 : frame view.
143 : */
144 2 : ViewShell::ShellType GetPreviousViewShellType (void) const { return mePreviousViewShellType;}
145 :
146 : /** Remember the type of the view shell at the time when the document is
147 : loaded or, rather, when the ViewShellBase is constructed.
148 : */
149 : void SetViewShellTypeOnLoad (ViewShell::ShellType eType);
150 :
151 2 : ViewShell::ShellType GetViewShellTypeOnLoad (void) const { return meViewShellTypeOnLoad;}
152 :
153 0 : void SetPresentationViewShellId(sal_uInt16 nId)
154 0 : { mnPresViewShellId = nId; }
155 0 : sal_uInt16 GetPresentationViewShellId() const { return mnPresViewShellId; }
156 :
157 0 : void SetSlotId(sal_uInt16 nId) { mnSlotId = nId; }
158 : sal_uInt16 GetSlotId() const { return mnSlotId; }
159 :
160 1002 : void SetSlidesPerRow(sal_uInt16 nSlides) { mnSlidesPerRow = nSlides; }
161 474 : sal_uInt16 GetSlidesPerRow() const { return mnSlidesPerRow; }
162 :
163 4 : void SetDrawMode(sal_uLong nNewDrawMode) { mnDrawMode = nNewDrawMode; };
164 2718 : sal_uLong GetDrawMode() const { return mnDrawMode; };
165 :
166 : void SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes (const bool bIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes);
167 10 : bool IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes (void) const { return mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes;}
168 :
169 : virtual void WriteUserDataSequence ( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, bool bBrowse = false );
170 : virtual void ReadUserDataSequence ( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, bool bBrowse = false );
171 :
172 : private:
173 : sal_uInt16 mnRefCount;
174 : bool mbRuler;
175 : SetOfByte maVisibleLayers;
176 : SetOfByte maLockedLayers;
177 : SetOfByte maPrintableLayers;
178 : SdrHelpLineList maStandardHelpLines;
179 : SdrHelpLineList maNotesHelpLines;
180 : SdrHelpLineList maHandoutHelpLines;
181 : bool mbNoColors; ///< structuring mode
182 : bool mbNoAttribs; ///< structuring mode
183 : Rectangle maVisArea; ///< visible area
184 : PageKind mePageKind; ///< kind of page (standard, notes, handout)
185 : sal_uInt16 mnSelectedPage;
186 : PageKind mePageKindOnLoad;
187 : sal_uInt16 mnSelectedPageOnLoad;
188 : EditMode meStandardEditMode; ///< edit mode in drawing mode (Page/MasterPage)
189 : EditMode meNotesEditMode; ///< edit mode in notes mode (Page/MasterPage)
190 : EditMode meHandoutEditMode; ///< edit mode in handout mode (Page/MasterPage)
191 : EditMode meEditModeOnLoad;
192 : bool mbLayerMode; ///< layer on/off
193 : bool mbQuickEdit; ///< QuickEdit on/off
194 : bool mbDoubleClickTextEdit; ///< text mode after double click
195 : bool mbClickChangeRotation; ///< single click switches between selection/rotation mode
196 : sal_uInt16 mnPresViewShellId; ///< ViewShell from which the presentation was started
197 : sal_uInt16 mnSlotId; ///< SlotId, which was initial mentioned
198 : sal_uInt16 mnSlidesPerRow; ///< slides per row on the slide-desk
199 : sal_uLong mnDrawMode; ///< draw mode for the normal window
200 : /** Remember whether the navigator shows all shapes (<TRUE/>) or only
201 : the names ones (<FALSE/>). Not persistent.
202 : */
203 : bool mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes;
204 :
205 : /** The type of the previous view shell. The (default) value
206 : ViewShell::ST_NONE indicates that there was no previous view shell.
207 : Note that this value is used only temporarily and is not saved or
208 : restored.
209 : */
210 : ViewShell::ShellType mePreviousViewShellType;
211 :
212 : ViewShell::ShellType meViewShellTypeOnLoad;
213 : };
214 :
215 : } // end of namespace sd
216 :
217 : #endif
218 :
219 : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */