LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sd/source/ui/view - frmview.cxx (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: commit 10e77ab3ff6f4314137acd6e2702a6e5c1ce1fae Lines: 465 516 90.1 %
Date: 2014-11-03 Functions: 17 19 89.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
       2             : /*
       3             :  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       6             :  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       7             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       8             :  *
       9             :  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
      10             :  *
      11             :  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      12             :  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
      13             :  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
      14             :  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
      15             :  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
      16             :  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      17             :  *   the License at .
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include "FrameView.hxx"
      21             : 
      22             : #include <svx/svxids.hrc>
      23             : #include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.hpp>
      24             : #include <com/sun/star/drawing/framework/ResourceId.hpp>
      25             : #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
      26             : #include "unokywds.hxx"
      27             : #include <vcl/settings.hxx>
      28             : 
      29             : #include <vector>
      30             : #include "ViewShell.hxx"
      31             : #include "drawdoc.hxx"
      32             : #include "DrawDocShell.hxx"
      33             : #include "optsitem.hxx"
      34             : #include "ViewShellBase.hxx"
      35             : #include "DrawViewShell.hxx"
      36             : #include "OutlineViewShell.hxx"
      37             : #include "sdmod.hxx"
      38             : #include "sdresid.hxx"
      39             : #include "pres.hxx"
      40             : #include "glob.hrc"
      41             : #include "sdiocmpt.hxx"
      42             : #include "framework/FrameworkHelper.hxx"
      43             : #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
      44             : #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
      45             : 
      46             : using namespace ::com::sun::star;
      47             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
      48             : using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
      49             : using namespace ::std;
      50             : 
      51             : namespace sd {
      52             : 
      53         384 : FrameView::FrameView(SdDrawDocument* pDrawDoc, FrameView* pFrameView /* = NULK */)
      54             :   : SdrView(pDrawDoc, (OutputDevice*) NULL),
      55             :     mnRefCount(0),
      56             :     mnPresViewShellId(SID_VIEWSHELL0),
      57             :     mnSlotId(SID_OBJECT_SELECT),
      58         384 :     mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes(false)
      59             : {
      60         384 :     EndListening(*pDrawDoc);
      61             : 
      62         384 :     EnableExtendedKeyInputDispatcher(false);
      63         384 :     EnableExtendedMouseEventDispatcher(false);
      64         384 :     EnableExtendedCommandEventDispatcher(false);
      65             : 
      66         384 :     SetGridFront( false );
      67         384 :     SetHlplFront( false );
      68         384 :     SetOConSnap( false );
      69         384 :     SetFrameDragSingles( true );
      70         384 :     SetSlidesPerRow(4);
      71             : 
      72         384 :     if( NULL == pFrameView )
      73             :     {
      74         384 :         DrawDocShell* pDocShell = pDrawDoc->GetDocSh();
      75             : 
      76         384 :         if ( pDocShell )
      77             :         {
      78             :             // document is loaded, is there a FrameView?
      79         384 :             sal_uLong nSdViewShellCount = 0;
      80         384 :             ViewShellBase* pBase = NULL;
      81         384 :             SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = NULL;
      82         384 :             SfxViewFrame* pSfxViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(pDocShell);
      83             : 
      84         894 :             while (pSfxViewFrame)
      85             :             {
      86             :                 // Count the FrameViews and remember the type of the main
      87             :                 // view shell.
      88         126 :                 pSfxViewSh = pSfxViewFrame->GetViewShell();
      89         126 :                 pBase = PTR_CAST(ViewShellBase, pSfxViewSh );
      90             : 
      91         126 :                 if (pBase != NULL)
      92             :                 {
      93         126 :                     nSdViewShellCount++;
      94             : 
      95         126 :                     OUString sViewURL;
      96             :                     Reference<drawing::framework::XView> xView (
      97             :                         framework::FrameworkHelper::Instance(*pBase)->GetView(
      98             :                             drawing::framework::ResourceId::create(
      99             :                                 ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(),
     100         252 :                                 framework::FrameworkHelper::msCenterPaneURL)));
     101         126 :                     if (
     102         126 :                         sViewURL = xView->getResourceId()->getResourceURL();
     103             : 
     104         126 :                     switch (framework::FrameworkHelper::GetViewId(sViewURL))
     105             :                     {
     106             :                         default:
     107             : //                        case ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS:
     108             : //                        case ViewShell::ST_NOTES:
     109             : //                        case ViewShell::ST_HANDOUT:
     110         126 :                             mnPresViewShellId = SID_VIEWSHELL0;
     111         126 :                             break;
     112             : 
     113             :                         case ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER:
     114           0 :                             mnPresViewShellId = SID_VIEWSHELL1;
     115           0 :                             break;
     116             : 
     117             :                         case ViewShell::ST_OUTLINE:
     118           0 :                             mnPresViewShellId = SID_VIEWSHELL2;
     119           0 :                             break;
     120         126 :                     }
     121             :                 }
     122             : 
     123         126 :                 pSfxViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext(*pSfxViewFrame, pDocShell);
     124             :             }
     125             : 
     126         384 :             SdDrawDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDoc();
     127         384 :             pFrameView = pDoc->GetFrameView(nSdViewShellCount);
     128             :         }
     129             :     }
     130             : 
     131         384 :     if (pFrameView)
     132             :     {
     133             :         // initialize FrameView with the FrameView of the DocShell
     134           2 :         SetRuler( pFrameView->HasRuler() );
     135           2 :         SetGridCoarse( pFrameView->GetGridCoarse() );
     136           2 :         SetGridFine( pFrameView->GetGridFine() );
     137           2 :         SetSnapGridWidth(pFrameView->GetSnapGridWidthX(), pFrameView->GetSnapGridWidthY());
     138           2 :         SetGridVisible( pFrameView->IsGridVisible() );
     139           2 :         SetGridFront( pFrameView->IsGridFront() );
     140           2 :         SetSnapAngle( pFrameView->GetSnapAngle() );
     141           2 :         SetGridSnap( pFrameView->IsGridSnap() );
     142           2 :         SetBordSnap( pFrameView->IsBordSnap() );
     143           2 :         SetHlplSnap( pFrameView->IsHlplSnap() );
     144           2 :         SetOFrmSnap( pFrameView->IsOFrmSnap() );
     145           2 :         SetOPntSnap( pFrameView->IsOPntSnap() );
     146           2 :         SetOConSnap( pFrameView->IsOConSnap() );
     147           2 :         SetHlplVisible( pFrameView->IsHlplVisible() );
     148           2 :         SetDragStripes( pFrameView->IsDragStripes() );
     149           2 :         SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible( pFrameView->IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible() );
     150           2 :         SetFrameDragSingles( pFrameView->IsFrameDragSingles() );
     151           2 :         SetSnapMagneticPixel( pFrameView->GetSnapMagneticPixel() );
     152           2 :         SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pFrameView->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() );
     153           2 :         SetMoveOnlyDragging( pFrameView->IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
     154           2 :         SetCrookNoContortion( pFrameView->IsCrookNoContortion() );
     155           2 :         SetSlantButShear( pFrameView->IsSlantButShear() );
     156           2 :         SetNoDragXorPolys( pFrameView->IsNoDragXorPolys() );
     157           2 :         SetAngleSnapEnabled( pFrameView->IsAngleSnapEnabled() );
     158           2 :         SetBigOrtho( pFrameView->IsBigOrtho() );
     159           2 :         SetOrtho( pFrameView->IsOrtho() );
     160           2 :         SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( pFrameView->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() );
     161           2 :         SetEliminatePolyPoints( pFrameView->IsEliminatePolyPoints() );
     162           2 :         SetDesignMode( pFrameView->IsDesignMode() );
     163             : 
     164           2 :         SetSolidDragging( pFrameView->IsSolidDragging() );
     165             : 
     166           2 :         maVisibleLayers = pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers();
     167           2 :         maPrintableLayers = pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers();
     168           2 :         maLockedLayers = pFrameView->GetLockedLayers();
     169           2 :         maStandardHelpLines = pFrameView->GetStandardHelpLines();
     170           2 :         maNotesHelpLines = pFrameView->GetNotesHelpLines();
     171           2 :         maHandoutHelpLines = pFrameView->GetHandoutHelpLines();
     172           2 :         SetActiveLayer( pFrameView->GetActiveLayer() );
     173           2 :         mbNoColors = pFrameView->IsNoColors();
     174           2 :         mbNoAttribs = pFrameView->IsNoAttribs() ;
     175           2 :         maVisArea = pFrameView->GetVisArea();
     176           2 :         mePageKind = pFrameView->GetPageKind();
     177           2 :         mePageKindOnLoad = pFrameView->GetPageKindOnLoad();
     178           2 :         mnSelectedPage = pFrameView->GetSelectedPage();
     179           2 :         mnSelectedPageOnLoad = pFrameView->GetSelectedPageOnLoad();
     180           2 :         meStandardEditMode = pFrameView->GetViewShEditMode(PK_STANDARD);
     181           2 :         meNotesEditMode = pFrameView->GetViewShEditMode(PK_NOTES);
     182           2 :         meHandoutEditMode = pFrameView->GetViewShEditMode(PK_HANDOUT);
     183           2 :         SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(pFrameView->GetViewShEditModeOnLoad());
     184           2 :         mbLayerMode = pFrameView->IsLayerMode();
     185           2 :         mbQuickEdit = pFrameView->IsQuickEdit();
     186             : 
     187             :         // #i26631#
     188           2 :         SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pFrameView->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() );
     189             : 
     190           2 :         SetDragWithCopy( pFrameView->IsDragWithCopy() );
     191           2 :         mbDoubleClickTextEdit = pFrameView->IsDoubleClickTextEdit();
     192           2 :         mbClickChangeRotation = pFrameView->IsClickChangeRotation();
     193           2 :         mnSlidesPerRow = pFrameView->GetSlidesPerRow();
     194           2 :         mnDrawMode = pFrameView->GetDrawMode();
     195           2 :         mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes = pFrameView->IsNavigatorShowingAllShapes();
     196           2 :         SetPreviousViewShellType (pFrameView->GetPreviousViewShellType());
     197           2 :         SetViewShellTypeOnLoad (pFrameView->GetViewShellTypeOnLoad());
     198             :     }
     199             :     else
     200             :     {
     201             :         // initialize FrameView with the application data
     202         382 :         maVisibleLayers.SetAll();
     203         382 :         maPrintableLayers.SetAll();
     204         382 :         SetGridCoarse( Size( 1000, 1000 ) );
     205         382 :         SetSnapGridWidth(Fraction(1000, 1), Fraction(1000, 1));
     206         382 :         SetActiveLayer( SD_RESSTR(STR_LAYER_LAYOUT) );
     207         382 :         mbNoColors = true;
     208         382 :         mbNoAttribs = false;
     209         382 :         maVisArea = Rectangle( Point(), Size(0, 0) );
     210         382 :         mePageKind = PK_STANDARD;
     211         382 :         mePageKindOnLoad = PK_STANDARD;
     212         382 :         mnSelectedPage = 0;
     213         382 :         mnSelectedPageOnLoad = 0;
     214         382 :         meStandardEditMode = EM_PAGE;
     215         382 :         meNotesEditMode = EM_PAGE;
     216         382 :         meHandoutEditMode = EM_MASTERPAGE;
     217         382 :         SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(EM_PAGE);
     218         382 :         mbLayerMode = false;
     219         382 :         SetEliminatePolyPoints(false);
     220         382 :         mbDoubleClickTextEdit = false;
     221         382 :         mbClickChangeRotation = false;
     222         382 :         mnSlidesPerRow = 4;
     223             : 
     224             :         {
     225         382 :             bool bUseContrast = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode();
     226         382 :             mnDrawMode = bUseContrast ? OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR;
     227             :         }
     228         382 :         mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes = false;
     229         382 :         SetPreviousViewShellType (ViewShell::ST_NONE);
     230         382 :         SetViewShellTypeOnLoad (ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS);
     231             : 
     232             :         // get default for design mode
     233         382 :         bool bInitDesignMode = pDrawDoc->GetOpenInDesignMode();
     234         382 :         if( pDrawDoc->OpenInDesignModeIsDefaulted() )
     235             :         {
     236         382 :             bInitDesignMode = true;
     237             :         }
     238             : 
     239         382 :         SfxObjectShell* pObjShell = pDrawDoc->GetObjectShell();
     240         382 :         if( pObjShell && pObjShell->IsReadOnly() )
     241           0 :             bInitDesignMode = false;
     242         382 :         SetDesignMode( bInitDesignMode );
     243             : 
     244         382 :         Update( SD_MOD()->GetSdOptions(pDrawDoc->GetDocumentType()) );
     245             :     }
     246             : 
     247         384 : }
     248             : 
     249         768 : FrameView::~FrameView()
     250             : {
     251         768 : }
     252             : 
     253         550 : void FrameView::Connect()
     254             : {
     255         550 :     mnRefCount++;
     256         550 : }
     257             : 
     258         550 : void FrameView::Disconnect()
     259             : {
     260         550 :     if (mnRefCount > 0)
     261             :     {
     262         550 :         mnRefCount--;
     263             :     }
     264             : 
     265         550 :     if (mnRefCount == 0)
     266             :     {
     267         338 :         delete this;
     268             :     }
     269         550 : }
     270             : 
     271             : /**
     272             :  * Update with data from the specified SdOptions
     273             :  */
     274         382 : void FrameView::Update(SdOptions* pOptions)
     275             : {
     276         382 :     if (pOptions)
     277             :     {
     278         382 :         mbRuler = pOptions->IsRulerVisible();
     279         382 :         SetGridVisible( pOptions->IsGridVisible() );
     280         382 :         SetSnapAngle( pOptions->GetAngle() );
     281         382 :         SetGridSnap( pOptions->IsUseGridSnap() );
     282         382 :         SetBordSnap( pOptions->IsSnapBorder()  );
     283         382 :         SetHlplSnap( pOptions->IsSnapHelplines() );
     284         382 :         SetOFrmSnap( pOptions->IsSnapFrame() );
     285         382 :         SetOPntSnap( pOptions->IsSnapPoints() );
     286         382 :         SetHlplVisible( pOptions->IsHelplines() );
     287         382 :         SetDragStripes( pOptions->IsDragStripes() );
     288         382 :         SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible( pOptions->IsHandlesBezier() );
     289         382 :         SetSnapMagneticPixel( pOptions->GetSnapArea() );
     290         382 :         SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pOptions->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() );
     291         382 :         SetMoveOnlyDragging( pOptions->IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
     292         382 :         SetSlantButShear( pOptions->IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
     293         382 :         SetNoDragXorPolys ( !pOptions->IsMoveOutline() );
     294         382 :         SetCrookNoContortion( pOptions->IsCrookNoContortion() );
     295         382 :         SetAngleSnapEnabled( pOptions->IsRotate() );
     296         382 :         SetBigOrtho( pOptions->IsBigOrtho() );
     297         382 :         SetOrtho( pOptions->IsOrtho() );
     298         382 :         SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( pOptions->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() );
     299         382 :         GetModel()->SetPickThroughTransparentTextFrames( pOptions->IsPickThrough() );
     300             : 
     301         382 :         SetSolidDragging( pOptions->IsSolidDragging() );
     302             : 
     303         382 :         SetGridCoarse( Size( pOptions->GetFldDrawX(), pOptions->GetFldDrawY() ) );
     304         382 :         SetGridFine( Size( pOptions->GetFldDivisionX(), pOptions->GetFldDivisionY() ) );
     305         382 :         Fraction aFractX(pOptions->GetFldDrawX(), pOptions->GetFldDrawX() / ( pOptions->GetFldDivisionX() ? pOptions->GetFldDivisionX() : 1 ));
     306         382 :         Fraction aFractY(pOptions->GetFldDrawY(), pOptions->GetFldDrawY() / ( pOptions->GetFldDivisionY() ? pOptions->GetFldDivisionY() : 1 ));
     307         382 :         SetSnapGridWidth(aFractX, aFractY);
     308         382 :         SetQuickEdit(pOptions->IsQuickEdit());
     309             : 
     310             :         // #i26631#
     311         382 :         SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pOptions->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() );
     312             : 
     313         382 :         SetDragWithCopy(pOptions->IsDragWithCopy());
     314         382 :         SetDoubleClickTextEdit( pOptions->IsDoubleClickTextEdit() );
     315         382 :         SetClickChangeRotation( pOptions->IsClickChangeRotation() );
     316             :     }
     317         382 : }
     318             : 
     319             : /**
     320             :  * Set EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode
     321             :  */
     322        1426 : void FrameView::SetViewShEditMode(EditMode eMode, PageKind eKind)
     323             : {
     324        1426 :     if (eKind == PK_STANDARD)
     325             :     {
     326        1370 :         meStandardEditMode = eMode;
     327             :     }
     328          56 :     else if (eKind == PK_NOTES)
     329             :     {
     330          28 :         meNotesEditMode = eMode;
     331             :     }
     332          28 :     else if (eKind == PK_HANDOUT)
     333             :     {
     334          28 :         meHandoutEditMode = eMode;
     335             :     }
     336        1426 : }
     337             : 
     338             : /**
     339             :  * Return EditMode (Page or MasterPage) of working mode
     340             :  */
     341        1640 : EditMode FrameView::GetViewShEditMode(PageKind eKind)
     342             : {
     343        1640 :     EditMode eMode = EM_PAGE;
     344             : 
     345        1640 :     if (eKind == PK_STANDARD)
     346             :     {
     347        1196 :         eMode = meStandardEditMode;
     348             :     }
     349         444 :     else if (eKind == PK_NOTES)
     350             :     {
     351         222 :         eMode = meNotesEditMode;
     352             :     }
     353         222 :     else if (eKind == PK_HANDOUT)
     354             :     {
     355         222 :         eMode = meHandoutEditMode;
     356             :     }
     357             : 
     358        1640 :     return (eMode);
     359             : }
     360             : 
     361         624 : void FrameView::SetViewShEditModeOnLoad (EditMode eMode)
     362             : {
     363         624 :     meEditModeOnLoad = eMode;
     364         624 : }
     365             : 
     366           0 : static OUString createHelpLinesString( const SdrHelpLineList& rHelpLines )
     367             : {
     368           0 :     OUStringBuffer aLines;
     369             : 
     370           0 :     const sal_uInt16 nCount = rHelpLines.GetCount();
     371           0 :     for( sal_uInt16 nHlpLine = 0; nHlpLine < nCount; nHlpLine++ )
     372             :     {
     373           0 :         const SdrHelpLine& rHelpLine = rHelpLines[nHlpLine];
     374           0 :         const Point& rPos = rHelpLine.GetPos();
     375             : 
     376           0 :         switch( rHelpLine.GetKind() )
     377             :         {
     378             :             case SDRHELPLINE_POINT:
     379           0 :                 aLines.append( 'P' );
     380           0 :                 aLines.append( (sal_Int32)rPos.X() );
     381           0 :                 aLines.append( ',' );
     382           0 :                 aLines.append( (sal_Int32)rPos.Y() );
     383           0 :                 break;
     384             :             case SDRHELPLINE_VERTICAL:
     385           0 :                 aLines.append( 'V' );
     386           0 :                 aLines.append( (sal_Int32)rPos.X() );
     387           0 :                 break;
     388             :             case SDRHELPLINE_HORIZONTAL:
     389           0 :                 aLines.append( 'H' );
     390           0 :                 aLines.append( (sal_Int32)rPos.Y() );
     391           0 :                 break;
     392             :             default:
     393             :                 OSL_FAIL( "Unsupported helpline Kind!" );
     394             :         }
     395             :     }
     396             : 
     397           0 :     return aLines.makeStringAndClear();
     398             : }
     399             : 
     400             : #define addValue( n, v ) push_back( std::pair< OUString, Any >( OUString( n ), v ) )
     401         220 : void FrameView::WriteUserDataSequence ( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rValues, bool )
     402             : {
     403         220 :     std::vector< std::pair< OUString, Any > > aUserData;
     404             : 
     405         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridIsVisible, makeAny( IsGridVisible() ) );
     406         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridIsFront, makeAny( IsGridFront() ) );
     407         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsSnapToGrid, makeAny( IsGridSnap() ) );
     408         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsSnapToPageMargins, makeAny( IsBordSnap() ) );
     409         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsSnapToSnapLines, makeAny( IsHlplSnap() ) );
     410         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectFrame, makeAny( IsOFrmSnap() ) );
     411         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectPoints, makeAny( IsOPntSnap() ) );
     412             : 
     413         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible, makeAny( IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible() ) );
     414         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsFrameDragSingles, makeAny( IsFrameDragSingles() ) );
     415             : 
     416         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_EliminatePolyPointLimitAngle, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() ) );
     417         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsEliminatePolyPoints, makeAny( IsEliminatePolyPoints() ) );
     418             : 
     419         440 :     Any aAny;
     420         220 :     GetVisibleLayers().QueryValue( aAny );
     421         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_VisibleLayers, aAny );
     422             : 
     423         220 :     GetPrintableLayers().QueryValue( aAny );
     424         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_PrintableLayers, aAny );
     425             : 
     426         220 :     GetLockedLayers().QueryValue( aAny );
     427         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_LockedLayers, aAny );
     428             : 
     429         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_NoAttribs, makeAny( IsNoAttribs() ) );
     430         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_NoColors, makeAny( IsNoColors() ) );
     431             : 
     432         220 :     if( GetStandardHelpLines().GetCount() )
     433           0 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SnapLinesDrawing, makeAny( createHelpLinesString( GetStandardHelpLines() ) ) );
     434             : 
     435         220 :     if( GetNotesHelpLines().GetCount() )
     436           0 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SnapLinesNotes, makeAny( createHelpLinesString( GetNotesHelpLines() ) ) );
     437             : 
     438         220 :     if( GetHandoutHelpLines().GetCount() )
     439           0 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SnapLinesHandout, makeAny( createHelpLinesString( GetHandoutHelpLines() ) ) );
     440             : 
     441         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_RulerIsVisible, makeAny( HasRuler() ) );
     442         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_PageKind, makeAny( (sal_Int16)GetPageKind() ) );
     443         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SelectedPage, makeAny( (sal_Int16)GetSelectedPage() ) );
     444         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsLayerMode, makeAny( IsLayerMode() ) );
     445             : 
     446         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsDoubleClickTextEdit,  makeAny( IsDoubleClickTextEdit() ) );
     447         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsClickChangeRotation, makeAny( IsClickChangeRotation() ) );
     448             : 
     449         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SlidesPerRow, makeAny( (sal_Int16)GetSlidesPerRow() ) );
     450         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_EditModeStandard, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetViewShEditMode( PK_STANDARD ) ) );
     451         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_EditModeNotes, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetViewShEditMode( PK_NOTES ) ) );
     452         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_EditModeHandout, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetViewShEditMode( PK_HANDOUT ) ) );
     453             : 
     454             :     {
     455         220 :         const Rectangle aVisArea = GetVisArea();
     456             : 
     457         220 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_VisibleAreaTop, makeAny( (sal_Int32)aVisArea.Top() ) );
     458         220 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_VisibleAreaLeft, makeAny( (sal_Int32)aVisArea.Left() ) );
     459         220 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_VisibleAreaWidth, makeAny( (sal_Int32)aVisArea.GetWidth() ) );
     460         220 :         aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_VisibleAreaHeight, makeAny( (sal_Int32)aVisArea.GetHeight() ) );
     461             :     }
     462             : 
     463         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridCoarseWidth, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetGridCoarse().Width() ) );
     464         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridCoarseHeight, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetGridCoarse().Height() ) );
     465         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridFineWidth, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetGridFine().Width() ) );
     466         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridFineHeight, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetGridFine().Height() ) );
     467         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXNumerator, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetSnapGridWidthX().GetNumerator() ) );
     468         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXDenominator, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetSnapGridWidthX().GetDenominator() ) );
     469         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYNumerator, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetSnapGridWidthY().GetNumerator() ) );
     470         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYDenominator, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetSnapGridWidthY().GetDenominator() ) );
     471         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_IsAngleSnapEnabled, makeAny( IsAngleSnapEnabled() ) );
     472         220 :     aUserData.addValue( sUNO_View_SnapAngle, makeAny( (sal_Int32)GetSnapAngle() ) );
     473             : 
     474         220 :     const sal_Int32 nOldLength = rValues.getLength();
     475         220 :     rValues.realloc( nOldLength + aUserData.size() );
     476             : 
     477         220 :     PropertyValue* pValue = &(rValues.getArray()[nOldLength]);
     478             : 
     479         220 :     std::vector< std::pair< OUString, Any > >::iterator aIter( aUserData.begin() );
     480        9020 :     for( ; aIter != aUserData.end(); ++aIter, ++pValue )
     481             :     {
     482        8800 :         pValue->Name = (*aIter).first;
     483        8800 :         pValue->Value = (*aIter).second;
     484         220 :     }
     485         220 : }
     486             : #undef addValue
     487             : 
     488           2 : static void createHelpLinesFromString( const OUString& rLines, SdrHelpLineList& rHelpLines )
     489             : {
     490           2 :     const sal_Unicode * pStr = rLines.getStr();
     491           2 :     SdrHelpLine aNewHelpLine;
     492           2 :     OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
     493             : 
     494           2 :     while( *pStr )
     495             :     {
     496          18 :         Point aPoint;
     497             : 
     498          18 :         switch( *pStr )
     499             :         {
     500             :         case (sal_Unicode)'P':
     501           0 :             aNewHelpLine.SetKind( SDRHELPLINE_POINT );
     502           0 :             break;
     503             :         case (sal_Unicode)'V':
     504           8 :             aNewHelpLine.SetKind( SDRHELPLINE_VERTICAL );
     505           8 :             break;
     506             :         case (sal_Unicode)'H':
     507          10 :             aNewHelpLine.SetKind( SDRHELPLINE_HORIZONTAL );
     508          10 :             break;
     509             :         default:
     510             :             OSL_FAIL( "syntax error in snap lines settings string" );
     511           0 :             return;
     512             :         }
     513             : 
     514          18 :         pStr++;
     515             : 
     516         112 :         while( (*pStr >= '0' && *pStr <= '9') || (*pStr == '+') || (*pStr == '-') )
     517             :         {
     518          76 :             sBuffer.append( *pStr++ );
     519             :         }
     520             : 
     521          18 :         sal_Int32 nValue = sBuffer.makeStringAndClear().toInt32();
     522             : 
     523          18 :         if( aNewHelpLine.GetKind() == SDRHELPLINE_HORIZONTAL )
     524             :         {
     525          10 :             aPoint.Y() = nValue;
     526             :         }
     527             :         else
     528             :         {
     529           8 :             aPoint.X() = nValue;
     530             : 
     531           8 :             if( aNewHelpLine.GetKind() == SDRHELPLINE_POINT )
     532             :             {
     533           0 :                 if( *pStr++ != ',' )
     534           0 :                     return;
     535             : 
     536           0 :                 while( (*pStr >= '0' && *pStr <= '9') || (*pStr == '+') || (*pStr == '-')  )
     537             :                 {
     538           0 :                     sBuffer.append( *pStr++ );
     539             :                 }
     540             : 
     541           0 :                 aPoint.Y() = sBuffer.makeStringAndClear().toInt32();
     542             : 
     543             :             }
     544             :         }
     545             : 
     546          18 :         aNewHelpLine.SetPos( aPoint );
     547          18 :         rHelpLines.Insert( aNewHelpLine );
     548           2 :     }
     549             : }
     550             : 
     551         240 : void FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence ( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rSequence, bool )
     552             : {
     553         240 :     const sal_Int32 nLength = rSequence.getLength();
     554         240 :     if (nLength)
     555             :     {
     556         240 :         SdDrawDocument* pDrawDocument = dynamic_cast<SdDrawDocument*>(GetModel());
     557         240 :         const bool bImpress = pDrawDocument && pDrawDocument->GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS;
     558             : 
     559         240 :         bool bBool = false;
     560         240 :         sal_Int32 nInt32 = 0;
     561         240 :         sal_Int16 nInt16 = 0;
     562         240 :         OUString aString;
     563             : 
     564         240 :         sal_Int32 aSnapGridWidthXNum = GetSnapGridWidthX().GetNumerator();
     565         240 :         sal_Int32 aSnapGridWidthXDom = GetSnapGridWidthX().GetDenominator();
     566             : 
     567         240 :         sal_Int32 aSnapGridWidthYNum = GetSnapGridWidthY().GetNumerator();
     568         240 :         sal_Int32 aSnapGridWidthYDom = GetSnapGridWidthY().GetDenominator();
     569             : 
     570         240 :         const com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue *pValue = rSequence.getConstArray();
     571       10322 :         for (sal_Int16 i = 0 ; i < nLength; i++, pValue++ )
     572             :         {
     573       10082 :             if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_ViewId )
     574             :             {
     575             :             }
     576        9844 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SnapLinesDrawing )
     577             :             {
     578           2 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= aString )
     579             :                 {
     580           2 :                     SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines;
     581           2 :                     createHelpLinesFromString( aString, aHelpLines );
     582           2 :                     SetStandardHelpLines( aHelpLines );
     583             :                 }
     584             :             }
     585        9842 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SnapLinesNotes )
     586             :             {
     587           0 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= aString )
     588             :                 {
     589           0 :                     SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines;
     590           0 :                     createHelpLinesFromString( aString, aHelpLines );
     591           0 :                     SetNotesHelpLines( aHelpLines );
     592             :                 }
     593             :             }
     594        9842 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SnapLinesHandout )
     595             :             {
     596           0 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= aString )
     597             :                 {
     598           0 :                     SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines;
     599           0 :                     createHelpLinesFromString( aString, aHelpLines );
     600           0 :                     SetHandoutHelpLines( aHelpLines );
     601             :                 }
     602             :             }
     603        9842 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_RulerIsVisible )
     604             :             {
     605         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     606             :                 {
     607         240 :                     SetRuler( bBool );
     608             :                 }
     609             :             }
     610        9602 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_PageKind )
     611             :             {
     612         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt16 )
     613             :                 {
     614         240 :                     SdDrawDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( GetModel() );
     615         240 :                     if( pDoc && pDoc->GetDocSh() && ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == pDoc->GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() ) )
     616          28 :                         SetPageKind( (PageKind)nInt16 );
     617             : 
     618         240 :                     SetPageKindOnLoad( (PageKind)nInt16 );
     619             :                 }
     620             :             }
     621        9362 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SelectedPage )
     622             :             {
     623         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt16 )
     624             :                 {
     625         240 :                     SdDrawDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( GetModel() );
     626         240 :                     if( pDoc && pDoc->GetDocSh() && ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == pDoc->GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() ) )
     627          28 :                         SetSelectedPage( (sal_uInt16)nInt16 );
     628             : 
     629         240 :                     SetSelectedPageOnLoad( (sal_uInt16)nInt16 );
     630             :                 }
     631             :             }
     632        9122 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsLayerMode )
     633             :             {
     634         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     635             :                 {
     636         240 :                     SetLayerMode( bBool );
     637             :                 }
     638             :             }
     639        8882 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsDoubleClickTextEdit )
     640             :             {
     641         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     642             :                 {
     643         240 :                     SetDoubleClickTextEdit( bBool );
     644             :                 }
     645             :             }
     646        8642 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsClickChangeRotation )
     647             :             {
     648         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     649             :                 {
     650         240 :                     SetClickChangeRotation( bBool );
     651             :                 }
     652             :             }
     653        8402 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SlidesPerRow )
     654             :             {
     655         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt16 )
     656             :                 {
     657         240 :                     SetSlidesPerRow( (sal_uInt16)nInt16 );
     658             :                 }
     659             :             }
     660        8162 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_EditModeStandard )
     661             :             {
     662         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     663             :                 {
     664         240 :                     SdDrawDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( GetModel() );
     665         240 :                     if( pDoc && pDoc->GetDocSh() && ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == pDoc->GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() ) )
     666          28 :                         SetViewShEditMode( (EditMode)nInt32, PK_STANDARD );
     667             :                 }
     668             :             }
     669        7922 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_EditModeNotes )
     670             :             {
     671         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     672             :                 {
     673         240 :                     SdDrawDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( GetModel() );
     674         240 :                     if( pDoc && pDoc->GetDocSh() && ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == pDoc->GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() ) )
     675          28 :                         SetViewShEditMode( (EditMode)nInt32, PK_NOTES );
     676             :                 }
     677             :             }
     678        7682 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_EditModeHandout )
     679             :             {
     680         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     681             :                 {
     682         240 :                     SdDrawDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( GetModel() );
     683         240 :                     if( pDoc && pDoc->GetDocSh() && ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == pDoc->GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() ) )
     684          28 :                         SetViewShEditMode( (EditMode)nInt32, PK_HANDOUT );
     685             :                 }
     686             :             }
     687        7442 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_VisibleAreaTop )
     688             :             {
     689         240 :                 sal_Int32 nTop = 0;
     690         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nTop )
     691             :                 {
     692         240 :                     Rectangle aVisArea( GetVisArea() );
     693         240 :                     aVisArea.Bottom() += nTop - aVisArea.Top();
     694         240 :                     aVisArea.Top() = nTop;
     695         240 :                     SetVisArea( aVisArea );
     696             :                 }
     697             :             }
     698        7202 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_VisibleAreaLeft )
     699             :             {
     700         240 :                 sal_Int32 nLeft = 0;
     701         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nLeft )
     702             :                 {
     703         240 :                     Rectangle aVisArea( GetVisArea() );
     704         240 :                     aVisArea.Right() += nLeft - aVisArea.Left();
     705         240 :                     aVisArea.Left() = nLeft;
     706         240 :                     SetVisArea( aVisArea );
     707             :                 }
     708             :             }
     709        6962 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_VisibleAreaWidth )
     710             :             {
     711         240 :                 sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
     712         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nWidth )
     713             :                 {
     714         240 :                     Rectangle aVisArea( GetVisArea() );
     715         240 :                     aVisArea.Right() = aVisArea.Left() + nWidth - 1;
     716         240 :                     SetVisArea( aVisArea );
     717             :                 }
     718             :             }
     719        6722 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_VisibleAreaHeight )
     720             :             {
     721         240 :                 sal_Int32 nHeight = 0;
     722         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nHeight )
     723             :                 {
     724         240 :                     Rectangle aVisArea( GetVisArea() );
     725         240 :                     aVisArea.Bottom() = nHeight + aVisArea.Top() - 1;
     726         240 :                     SetVisArea( aVisArea );
     727             :                 }
     728             :             }
     729             : 
     730        6482 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridIsVisible )
     731             :             {
     732         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     733             :                 {
     734         240 :                     SetGridVisible( bBool );
     735             :                 }
     736             :             }
     737             : 
     738        6242 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsSnapToGrid )
     739             :             {
     740         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     741             :                 {
     742         240 :                     SetGridSnap( bBool );
     743             :                 }
     744             :             }
     745        6002 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridIsFront )
     746             :             {
     747         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     748             :                 {
     749         240 :                     SetGridFront( bBool );
     750             :                 }
     751             :             }
     752        5762 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsSnapToPageMargins )
     753             :             {
     754         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     755             :                 {
     756         240 :                     SetBordSnap( bBool );
     757             :                 }
     758             :             }
     759        5522 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsSnapToSnapLines )
     760             :             {
     761         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     762             :                 {
     763         240 :                     SetHlplSnap( bBool );
     764             :                 }
     765             :             }
     766        5282 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectFrame )
     767             :             {
     768         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     769             :                 {
     770         240 :                     SetOFrmSnap( bBool );
     771             :                 }
     772             :             }
     773        5042 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsSnapToObjectPoints )
     774             :             {
     775         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     776             :                 {
     777         240 :                     SetOPntSnap( bBool );
     778             :                 }
     779             :             }
     780        4802 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible )
     781             :             {
     782         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     783             :                 {
     784         240 :                     SetPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible( bBool );
     785             :                 }
     786             :             }
     787        4562 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsFrameDragSingles )
     788             :             {
     789         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     790             :                 {
     791         240 :                     SetFrameDragSingles( bBool );
     792             :                 }
     793             :             }
     794        4322 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_EliminatePolyPointLimitAngle )
     795             :             {
     796         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     797             :                 {
     798         240 :                     SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( nInt32 );
     799             :                 }
     800             :             }
     801        4082 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsEliminatePolyPoints )
     802             :             {
     803         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     804             :                 {
     805         240 :                     SetEliminatePolyPoints( bBool );
     806             :                 }
     807             :             }
     808        3842 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_ActiveLayer )
     809             :             {
     810           0 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= aString )
     811             :                 {
     812           0 :                     SetActiveLayer( aString );
     813             :                 }
     814             :             }
     815        3842 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_NoAttribs )
     816             :             {
     817         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     818             :                 {
     819         240 :                     SetNoAttribs( bBool );
     820             :                 }
     821             :             }
     822        3602 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_NoColors )
     823             :             {
     824         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     825             :                 {
     826         240 :                     SetNoColors( bBool );
     827             :                 }
     828             :             }
     829        3362 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridCoarseWidth )
     830             :             {
     831         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     832             :                 {
     833         240 :                     const Size aCoarse( nInt32, GetGridCoarse().Height() );
     834         240 :                     SetGridCoarse( aCoarse );
     835             :                 }
     836             :             }
     837        3122 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridCoarseHeight )
     838             :             {
     839         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     840             :                 {
     841         240 :                     const Size aCoarse( GetGridCoarse().Width(), nInt32 );
     842         240 :                     SetGridCoarse( aCoarse );
     843             :                 }
     844             :             }
     845        2882 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridFineWidth )
     846             :             {
     847         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     848             :                 {
     849         240 :                     const Size aCoarse( nInt32, GetGridFine().Height() );
     850         240 :                     SetGridFine( aCoarse );
     851             :                 }
     852             :             }
     853        2642 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridFineHeight )
     854             :             {
     855         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     856             :                 {
     857         240 :                     const Size aCoarse( GetGridFine().Width(), nInt32 );
     858         240 :                     SetGridFine( aCoarse );
     859             :                 }
     860             :             }
     861        2402 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_IsAngleSnapEnabled )
     862             :             {
     863         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= bBool )
     864             :                 {
     865         240 :                     SetAngleSnapEnabled( bBool );
     866             :                 }
     867             :             }
     868        2162 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_SnapAngle )
     869             :             {
     870         240 :                 if( pValue->Value >>= nInt32 )
     871             :                 {
     872         240 :                     SetSnapAngle( nInt32 );
     873             :                 }
     874             :             }
     875        1922 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXNumerator )
     876             :             {
     877         240 :                 pValue->Value >>= aSnapGridWidthXNum;
     878             :             }
     879        1682 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthXDenominator )
     880             :             {
     881         240 :                 pValue->Value >>= aSnapGridWidthXDom;
     882             :             }
     883        1442 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYNumerator )
     884             :             {
     885         240 :                 pValue->Value >>= aSnapGridWidthYNum;
     886             :             }
     887        1202 :             else if ( pValue->Name == sUNO_View_GridSnapWidthYDenominator )
     888             :             {
     889         240 :                 pValue->Value >>= aSnapGridWidthYDom;
     890             :             }
     891         962 :             else if (!bImpress && pValue->Name == sUNO_View_VisibleLayers  )
     892             :             {
     893         160 :                 SetOfByte aSetOfBytes;
     894         160 :                 aSetOfBytes.PutValue( pValue->Value );
     895         160 :                 SetVisibleLayers( aSetOfBytes );
     896             :             }
     897         802 :             else if (!bImpress && pValue->Name == sUNO_View_PrintableLayers )
     898             :             {
     899         160 :                 SetOfByte aSetOfBytes;
     900         160 :                 aSetOfBytes.PutValue( pValue->Value );
     901         160 :                 SetPrintableLayers( aSetOfBytes );
     902             :             }
     903         642 :             else if (!bImpress && pValue->Name == sUNO_View_LockedLayers )
     904             :             {
     905         160 :                 SetOfByte aSetOfBytes;
     906         160 :                 aSetOfBytes.PutValue( pValue->Value );
     907         160 :                 SetLockedLayers( aSetOfBytes );
     908             :             }
     909             :         }
     910             : 
     911         240 :         switch (GetPageKindOnLoad())
     912             :         {
     913         240 :             case PK_STANDARD: SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(meStandardEditMode); break;
     914           0 :             case PK_NOTES: SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(meNotesEditMode); break;
     915           0 :             case PK_HANDOUT: SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(meHandoutEditMode); break;
     916           0 :             default: SetViewShEditModeOnLoad(EM_PAGE); break;
     917             :         }
     918             : 
     919         240 :         const Fraction aSnapGridWidthX( aSnapGridWidthXNum, aSnapGridWidthXDom );
     920         240 :         const Fraction aSnapGridWidthY( aSnapGridWidthYNum, aSnapGridWidthYDom );
     921             : 
     922         240 :         SetSnapGridWidth( aSnapGridWidthX, aSnapGridWidthY );
     923             :     }
     924         240 : }
     925             : 
     926         384 : void FrameView::SetPreviousViewShellType (ViewShell::ShellType eType)
     927             : {
     928         384 :     mePreviousViewShellType = eType;
     929         384 : }
     930             : 
     931         596 : void FrameView::SetViewShellTypeOnLoad (ViewShell::ShellType eType)
     932             : {
     933         596 :     meViewShellTypeOnLoad = eType;
     934         596 : }
     935             : 
     936        2785 : void FrameView::SetSelectedPage(sal_uInt16 nPage)
     937             : {
     938        2785 :     mnSelectedPage = nPage;
     939        2785 : }
     940             : 
     941           0 : void FrameView::SetIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes (const bool bIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes)
     942             : {
     943           0 :     mbIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes = bIsNavigatorShowingAllShapes;
     944           0 : }
     945             : 
     946         114 : } // end of namespace sd
     947             : 
     948             : /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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